RSM 19925

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Tong Di

117 S Wilmoth Ave, Ames, IA 50014 ▏+1 515-520-5759 ▏

Energetic and honest college student working towards a bachelor degree in Computer
Engineering at Iowa State University. Aiming to use my knowledge of computer software and
hardware to obtain a summer 2020 internship at your company.

Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa) Expected graduation: May 2020
·Major: Computer Engineering
·GPA: 3.03
·Honor Student (2017 - 2018)
Beijing No.19 High School (Beijing, China)
·GPA: 3.6

Prometheus & Grafana container monitoring system development (NeuVector Inc.) 2019
·This entire development workflow works in Kubernetes & Docker environment,
including writing a Python exporter requesting container RESTful API to monitor
container data, creating a Prometheus instance to analyze the time serial data stream,
designing a Grafana dashboard to visual the data, and etc. The program was completed
and released as open-source at NeuVector’s Github site.

Stereolithography system development (Senior Design) 2019-2020
·Our senior design team was formed by both Electrical & Computer Engineering
students. My job in the team is to develop a Graphic User Interface (GUI) which can
allow users to load image to a projector and control the hardware drivers of the system.
Simulated driverless project (Embedded System) 2018
·This project works on a programmable mobile system composed of various sensors
built with TM4C123 microcontroller. My job was to code using C in the General-Purpose
Input/Output (GPIO) system to record data from multiple sensors and control the
behavior of the robot. The goal is to simulate a driverless robot which operate itself.
“Event Locator” web application project (Software Development) 2018
·This web application coded in React uses OpenStreetMap and Google Map API. Users
can register, log in, search address and post events. I worked on the frontend (UI) side
with my groupmates worked on the backend (Server) side.
“Snake game” project (Data Structures) 2017
·This game was coded in Java and it created a panel with walls, spaces, foods, and a
snake. The program focused on the changes in the status of the moving snake and its
surrounding blocks, using abstract, interfaces, and many other structures.

·Programing: Java, Python, C, YAML, VHDL, Verilog, Assembly, HTML, JavaScript, React.js.
·Tool: Kubernetes, Docker, Matlab, Microsoft Office, Adobe.
·Language: English, Chinese

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