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BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, operates under a royal charter and is committed to
making IT good for society. BCS is a trusted, powerful and positive reference point for the IT
sector and is focused on driving positive change in the industry.

We do this by promoting Excellence, Leadership and Communities.

As BCS, we are the leading global awarding body for IT, tech and digital qualifications and
certifications. We use our expertise to create an international framework of excellence from
which all members of society can build their digital competency, capability and confidence.

We want to help everyone from those in education, at home or at work, to develop lifelong
digital, tech and IT skills. To do this, we identify skill gaps and risks in the industry and
provide training, consultancy and assessment services to meet those needs.

Our aim is to help people and organisations thrive in the digital world and use the driving
force of technology to their advantage. We aim to empower everyone to be ready for, and
optimise, their digital future.

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT is an Ofqual Approved Awarding Organisation, an

approved licensee of the Skills Funding Agency, and an ISTQB Approved Organisation.

BCS Learning & Development Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of BCS, The Chartered
Institute for IT.

Contact Details

To support providers throughout their application for accreditation we have a specialised


The Accreditation Team will assist you with enquires such as;

• New applications
• Registering and training staff
• Organisation and/or staff amendments
• Reaccreditation
The Accreditation Team can be contacted via email at: or
telephone: 01793 417745

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Key Operating Principles

To assist you in gaining and maintaining your accreditation status, here are some key
operating principles you must abide by.

A BCS Accredited Provider must:

• Behave in a way that reflects the BCS values and does not misrepresent BCS
• maintain an auditable record of provider activity
• ensure staff are trained and competent to perform their role
• keep BCS up to date with training / testing locations and staff details
• ensure candidates are registered with BCS before they take their first assessment
• ensure assessments are taken under the required test conditions
• maintain the security and the confidentiality of the assessment materials
• have appropriate internal quality assurance arrangements in place
• adhere to BCS policies and have associated provider-level policies including appeals
and complaints, access to assessment, quality assurance and equal opportunities

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
The Accreditation Process

To deliver any BCS qualifications, standard and certifications, your organisation

must be accredited with BCS.
This manual details our accreditation requirements to help you achieve your
accredited status as a BCS Accredited Provider.
The accreditation process is designed to ensure a high standard of training,
assessment and certification offered by BCS, the ECDL Foundation and

Where possible, if not

The Accreditation Result successful, BCS work with
BCS issue a contract for outcome communicated the provider to clarify the
signature additional evidence required
to achieve accreditation

BCS Accreditation Provider approved, certificate

BCS invoice the Application
Assessment is conducted using issued with branding
the information provided guidelines. training booked

A completed BCS
BCS issue an Accreditation Accredited BCS Training conducted,
Application Pack to provider Provider Application Form access to
once contract is signed and with evidence is returned to book learners on exams is
invoice paid BCS granted

Following an initial assessment BCS may require additional supportive policies or processes,
this will be dependent on the qualifications, standards or certifications that you are applying to
deliver and the results of our initial assessment. We will contact you to clarify what these
requirements may be.

Each of the processes highlighted above are expanded in the information provided in the
sections below.

*If you are applying for Professional Level Business Analysis and/or ISTQB/ASTQB
Software Testing certifications you will be required to submit your course materials
alongside your application form.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Applying to be Accredited with BCS

At the beginning of the Accreditation process you will be required to sign a contract/agreement
with BCS. This agreement outlines your responsibilities as an Accredited Provider offering BCS
qualifications and certifications. Following the successful signing of your agreement with BCS
you will be sent an Application Pack. The Application Pack contains the following:



Document Name

BCS Accredited Provider Application Form


BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual (this document)


BCS Brand Guidelines Y Y Y

IT User Approved Centre Operational Requirements Manual Y

Digital IT Apprenticeship Approved Centre Operational Requirements Manual


Exemplar of the BCS Approved Centre Agreement Y Y

You will need to complete the ‘BCS Accredited Provider Application Form’ which will
provide BCS with the information required to process your application. Your completed
form needs to be submitted electronically to
As part of the application process, a validation will be conducted by one of our
Accreditation Team or a BCS Auditor.

When applying, you must state what accreditation you are applying for:

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Education Apprenticeship Professional Certification
A full list of qualifications can A full list of standards can be A full list of certifications can be
be found here. found here. found here.
Qualifications include: Standards include: Certifications include:
• ECDL • Network Engineer • Business Analysis
• Solution Development
• ITQ • Software Developer and Architecture
• Digital Skills • Infrastructure • Information Security
Technician • Software Testing
• Higher Education
Exams • Cyber Security • IT Service Management
Technologist • Programme or Project
• Software Developer Management
• Software Tester
• Digital Marketer
• Data Analyst
• Unified Communications
• Cyber intrusion Analyst
• IT Technical Sales
• IS Business Analyst

If your organisation meets the requirements, you may apply to deliver all BCS
qualifications and certifications. If you are initially applying for one product set, you can
add another at any time throughout your accreditation. For more information on adding a
product set to your accreditation, please contact your Account Manager.

Application Fees

Initial Application Fee

You will need to provide a purchase order number with your completed application form to
cover your application fee.

Accreditation Type

All providers will be required to apply for Organisation Accreditation plus the Accreditation

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Package fees exist for applications made for more than one type of accreditation or all three

Organisation Accreditation £500

Education package (both Apprenticeships and Education) £350
Education only £350
Apprenticeships only £350
BCS Professional Certifications only £350

Professional Level Business Analysis and ISTQB/ASTQB £750

Software Testing Professional Certifications courseware (per
accreditation (includes up to 4 trainers submitted with initial

Professional Level Business Analysis and ISTB/ASTQB Software Testing £40

Professional Certifications new trainer accreditation (per trainer)

For Apprenticeships and BCS Professional Certifications: at the point of application a

provider may wish to apply to deliver all standards and/or certifications. Approval to
deliver will be provided on the basis of evidence submitted. This initial accreditation
charge will be applied irrespective of the number of standards/certifications applied for in
the initial application. After this, providers may request to add additional BCS
standards/certifications. There will be no further charge for this but a contract addendum
will be required. However, any new Professional Level Business Analysis or
ISTQB/ASTQB professional certifications will each require the £750 courseware
accreditation fee, per certification.

Please be aware that the application fee does not guarantee accreditation. No refunds
on any application fees will be paid if accreditation is not granted. BCS will however,
work with providers to clarify the additional evidence required to gain accreditation. All
BCS requirements and standards must be met before accreditation will be granted.

Renewal Fees

An annual renewal fee of £500 is applicable plus a charge for the number of approved
satellite sites registered on application.
A satellite site is a location, linked to the lead site, where tests or assessments may take
place. All satellite sites must be registered with BCS.

If you are delivering Professional Level Business Analysis and/or ISTQB/ASTQB

Software Testing Certifications, you will also be required to pay an annual renewal fee of
£260 for your courseware accreditation. Please see Appendix 1 – Course Requirements
Manual for full details of this process.
To renew your accreditation, you will need to provide either a purchase order number or
a reference to be displayed on your invoice. Renewal fees must be paid within the terms
set out on the invoice. Non-payment may result in sanctions being applied which may
include suspension of services.

We will not offer refunds on renewal fees for providers that withdraw or close part way
through the re-accreditation period.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Supportive Documentation

As part of your application you will be required to provide documentation on your

policies and procedures. A list of the documents you will need to supply can be found

Exemplar policies and procedures are available from the Accreditation Team.


Document List by Accreditation

Affiliates A statement or procedure Y Y

Appeals Procedure Learners Appeal procedure. Y Y Y
If you are not accredited with another
Awarding Organisation, we may conduct an
Awarding Organisation Certificate onsite visit as part of our pre-accreditation Y Y
checks, as outlined in this document

Dated letter, invoice or other official

Awarding Organisation Other document from the Awarding Y Y
Awarding Organisation Prior Evaluations
Not older than 1 year Y Y
Detailing your communication procedure
and effectiveness of any BCP testing
Business Continuity Plan or Process Y Y
conducted, if certificate cannot be provided.

Candidate Feedback A statement or procedure Y Y

Candidate Joining Instructions A statement or procedure Y Y
Complaints Procedure Y Y Y
Contract between Employer,
Apprentice and Provider
Course Quality Systems and By certification/ standard - excludes
Materials licenced materials.
Data Protection A statement or procedure Y
You should ensure that there is an
environment which will allow access by
a disabled learner at every site where
you wish to offer training and
Disabled Persons Access assessment. For advice, you can Y
contact the government disability web Y Y
site which
contains information on the Disability
Discrimination Act.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017

Document List by Accreditation

Document Control Procedure Y Y

Employer and Public Liability
Insurance Certificate
Equality and Diversity Policy Y Y Y
Your organisation must meet the current
requirements for Health and Safety
Health and Safety at Work Legislation. For details please contact your Y Y Y
Health and Safety representative or the
Health and Safety Executive

Identification Checks A statement or procedure Y Y Y

Information Security Awareness Y Y
Information Security Policy or ISO 27001
Certificate Y Y

Initial Learner assessment policy Y Y

Internal Audit Procedure Y Y
Invigilator Recruitment & Induction A statement or procedure Y Y
Live Examination Papers A statement or procedure Y Y
details how malpractice and/or
maladministration is managed within the
Malpractice & Maladministration Policy
Centre. This links to the BCS Malpractice Y Y Y
and Maladministration Policy

Management Review Procedure Y Y

Management of Learning and
Of Apprenticeship Standards, only Y
A statement or procedure of how
Trainer/Tutor recruitment and trainers/tutors are recruited, how Y Y
Induction occupational competency is assessed and
the induction process
A statement or procedure of how training
Trainer/Tutor Quality quality is evaluated, by product type Y Y

Organisation Structure Chart If ISO 9001 Certificate is not available Y Y

Preventive Actions Procedure Y Y
Quality Assurance Procedure Y
Quality Management Systems If certificate is not available Y Y
Quality Management Systems
ISO9001 Certificate
Quality Manual If certificate is not available Y Y
Quality Policies & Objectives If certificate is not available Y Y
Reasonable Adjustments and Special
Reasonable Adjustments Policy Y Y Y
Considerations Policy

Record Control Procedure Y Y

Safe Guarding policy and practices Y Y

A statement or procedure
Staff Training Y Y

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Pre – Accreditation Check

On receipt of your application, we will check that all the required information and
supporting documentation has been provided and that the eligibility requirements are

To do this, BCS have a risk framework that all applications are assessed against. The
framework will look at a number of things including, governance, compliance, reputation,
product diversity and delivery model. We may also conduct a financial check of your

As part of the pre-accreditation checks a validation will be conducted by one of our

Accreditation Team or a BCS Auditor. This validation will be either an onsite visit or a
remote meeting via telephone or video conferencing.

The purpose of the validation is to ensure that the information provided on the
application form meets BCS requirements.

Accreditation Result

When your application, as set out above, is approved you will be sent a welcome pack.
This pack will include a letter confirming the dates of your accreditation, your Accredited
Provider certificate, logos to be used on your website and marketing materials relevant
for the qualifications/certifications that you are delivering.

If you are applying for Professional level Business Analysis and/or ISTQB/ASTQB
Software Testing Certifications, your accreditation will only be granted once your course
materials have been accredited as per Appendix 1, Course Requirements Manual.

Your BCS accreditation status will be awarded for a period of one year, subject to you
continuing to meet with all requirements and satisfactory audits.

If your application is not successful, the Accreditation Team will work with you, if
appropriate, to clarify the additional evidence that is required to meet the accreditation
requirements. If this is not appropriate, you must wait 6 months, after which you can
reapply to become accredited with BCS.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Staff Training

Before you can begin delivering BCS qualifications or certifications, your staff must complete
BCS training. The objective of the training is to ensure that all staff fully understand the
operational requirements they must follow for the qualifications or certifications they are
delivering. There is an Operational Requirements Manual for each qualification and
certification area to support this training.

If your application is successful you will receive information from the Accreditation Team on
how to access the training.

The training that is required to be completed is dependent on the product set you are
delivering. Details of the training that you and your staff need to complete will be sent to you
once you are accredited.

All formats of training can be completed online from within your organisation and should take
no longer than two hours.

We do offer a one2one training session that can be tailored for the requirements of your
organisation. For more information on this, including cost, please contact the Accreditation

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Staff Roles

All staff members who are involved in the management or invigilation of BCS qualifications
and certifications must be registered with us. You must meet the minimum staff requirements,
outlined in the table below, for the qualifications/certifications you are delivering, in order for
you to retain Accredited Provider status.

Staff members may be registered with us in one or more staff role as long as the quality
assurance requirements are met.

BCS will conduct quality assurance checks and request supporting evidence to demonstrate
compliance. The table sets out the staff requirements by type.

Please note:
Invigilators for ISTQB/ASTQB exams may not also be trainers.
Invigilators for Business Analysis Professional exams must be provided by BCS and not sourced
by the Accredited Provider.






Staff Requirements Details



They are not required to

be operating at senior
Main Contact Y Y Y Y Y
manager level within the
If different from Main
If the Centre Manager is
to be involved in the
Centre Manager delivery of assessments, Max 1 Max 1 Max 1 Max 1
such as invigilating
and/or marking, they
must be registered for
these roles separately
The invigilators are
required to oversee
assessments, ensuring
that they are completed
under assessment
Invigilators conditions. Min 2 Min 2 Min 2 Min 2 Min 2

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
An appropriate number
of tutors/trainers need to Min 2
Min 2 per
Tutors/Trainers be available for the per
standard/ qualification standard
being delivered
Assists with
administration tasks
within your organisation
Administrator such as purchasing Y Y Y
registration credits,
registering learners and
record keeping
Min 1
Internal Verifier Min 1 Min 1 per
Marker Min 1
Assessor Min 1
Business Coach Y

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Third-Party Relationships

BCS must be informed of any third-party relationships which come under the
following headings. You are responsible for ensuring that these organisations
abide by all requirements for delivering training and exams, and also for their

To inform BCS of any third-party relationships please contact the Accreditation


Where an organisation does not wish to apply for accreditation in its own right it may
offer BCS Professional Certifications as an affiliate of an Accredited Provider. In
these cases a formal agreement must exist between the Accredited Provider and the
Affiliate. Affiliates must only deliver training using the course materials and trainers
approved by the Accredited Provider and all exams must be booked by the
Accredited Provider on behalf of the affiliate.

Brokers / Resellers
A broker or reseller is a third party organisation which enters into a formal agreement
with an Accredited Provider to advertise, sell or schedule courses on behalf of the
Accredited Provider.

Training Providers
An Accredited Provider may use a third-party training provider to deliver the learning
of BCS qualification and certifications.
For example, a School may contract a training organisation to teach the content of a
BCS qualification/certification.

It is important for Accredited Providers to note that third-party training providers

cannot be involved in any aspect of live assessments.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Maintaining your Accreditation


As an Accredited Provider you will be periodically audited to ensure that our

requirements are being successfully met and that we remain compliant with our

Audits are undertaken in a number of ways; as a planned visit from one of our
Auditors or by telephone from an Auditor or a member of the Quality Assurance
team. Our approach will be risk based and will take into account your organisational
structure, output and history.

We also reserve the right to conduct unannounced audit visits and to contact your
learners for their feedback. Learners under the age of 18 will not be contacted
without prior consent.

The audit will review:

• Management and Controls, staff management and quality assurance
• Data held by BCS about your organisation, sites and staff
• Adherence to BCS policies and procedures
• Qualifications and/or certifications being delivered now and in the future
• Training and assessment process and practices carried out
• Appropriate record keeping and information security
• Performance reviews per qualification/certification and trainer/tutor
• Course quality (including review of courseware and learning materials)

Following completion of the audit, the Main Contact and/or Centre Manager will be
provided with a report detailing the outcome and findings. The report will also include
any actions required to maintain your accreditation.

BCS reserve the right to suspend or withdraw accreditation from a Provider, in whole
or for specific qualifications and/or certifications if you are not meeting the
requirements set out in the Operational Requirements Manual or are in breach of

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Course Materials


For all qualifications and certifications that you are delivering, you should have one
complete set of course materials.
Typical course materials include:
• Session plan and/or timetable, cross referenced to the syllabus
• Slide deck
• Candidate hand-outs, including exercises and answers

You may choose to use other material as part of the course materials such as
glossaries, sample papers and answer keys written by your organisation, books,
pocket guides, pre- reading recommendations, apps, study aids or revision material.

You may be asked to submit your courseware for review as part your audit.

If you are delivering the Professional Level Business Analysis or the ISTQB/ASTQB
Software Testing certifications, your course materials must be approved by BCS
prior to accreditation being granted. This courseware will go through a
comprehensive review to ensure that it meets the requirements of the syllabus. If
during the review, it is identified that changes are required, we will provide a report
outlining the areas to be addressed. Depending on the nature of the changes, you
may need to resubmit the amended material or a full submission.

Accredited Providers may licence their course materials to other organisations which
may then apply for accreditation. Such organisations will be required to undergo the
entire accreditation process. There must be a formal agreement in place between the
licenser and licensee.

Full requirements of the courseware for these certifications are available in Appendix
1, Courseware Requirements Manual. These can also be used as a guide for
developing your own courseware even if your materials do not require assessment.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Advertising and Promotion

The use of the BCS logo or reference to BCS examinations by any organisation not
accredited through BCS is strictly prohibited and sanctions may be imposed if
Accredited Providers are in breach of this requirement. You cannot issue any
publicity claiming or implying accreditation until you have been approved by BCS.

Your accreditation may be withdrawn if you advertise courses for which you are not
accredited, do not comply with the IP requirements as laid out in the BCS Brand
Guidelines or you cannot deliver, for example, more courses advertised, than
accredited Trainers. We will monitor your website and your affiliates and brokers to
ensure they are compliant with the relevant IPR and advertising requirements.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Appendix 1 – Course Requirements Manual

The requirements set out in this appendix are mandatory to those providers that are
applying to accredit for the Professional Level Business Analysis or the
ISTQB/ASTQB Software Testing certifications, however we recommend that
providers use this manual as a guide for creating course materials for all
qualifications and/or certifications.

1.1 Mandatory Course Materials

We will undertake a comprehensive review of the training material to ensure that it

meets the requirements of the syllabus. Mandatory course materials are as follows.
Details about what these should include can be found in the Assessment Criteria
section of this document:
• Session plan and/or timetable, cross referenced to the syllabus
• Slide deck
• Candidate hand-outs, including exercises and answers

1.2 Additional Non - Mandatory Course Materials

You may choose to use other material as part of the course materials or for
commercial use, such as glossaries, sample papers and answer keys written by your
organisation, books, pocket guides, pre-reading recommendations, apps*, study aids
or revision material. If you use any of the above, you must submit details of them
with your course materials.

*If you wish to supplement the course materials with an app, or offer apps on a
commercial basis, they must be reviewed and accredited with the application.

1.3 Licensed Course Materials

Our accreditation model allows a Training Organisation to licence its own material to
another organisation who wishes to apply for accreditation with BCS.

As a licensor –
Once a set of course materials has been accredited, you may licence your approved
material to a third party who wishes to become accredited in their own right. Use of
accredited course materials does not amount to accreditation. The third party must
themselves apply for accreditation as an organisation and for each course that it
wishes to deliver as an accredited event; if they fail to do so, BCS will not recognise

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
them nor provide them with access to examinations. It is the licensor’s responsibility
to make this clear to any prospective licensee and notify them that they can’t make a
claim to accreditation nor use any BCS logos.

As a licensee –
Training Providers do not have to write their own course materials. You may choose
to enter into a licensing agreement with another Training Organisation to offer their
course materials to you on a formal basis.

BCS will need a signed copy of the licence agreement detailing the names of the
licensor and the licensee, and the terms and conditions of the agreement including
the effective start date and the effective end date. If the licence agreement is
terminated by either party, any accreditation offered by BCS to the organisation
using the licensed course materials will be withdrawn. We must be notified if the
terms and conditions of the licence agreement are amended in any way, and a
revised version of the agreement must be submitted to BCS. We may review the
accreditation offered, depending on the amendments made.

1.4 Delivery Methods

You may deliver the training course in a variety of ways such as traditional classroom
based training or e-learning. The requirements for accreditation will vary depending
on the delivery method. Multiple delivery formats can be submitted for assessment. If
you intend to deliver multiple formats, you will be required to pay for each different
course delivery and be subject to additional accreditation fees.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
2. Course Assessment

The course designer must plan an event that covers the topics in a way which will
enable the candidates to gain the requisite knowledge and skills to be able to a) pass
the associated examination and b) take the acquired knowledge and skills back to
the workplace.

2.1 Course Design

It is assumed you are working from the current syllabus which has been provided by
BCS and that the submitted course material has been written and subject to a
comprehensive review within your organisation. If it is evident during our review that
the submitted courseware stands well away from best practice standards, the review
will be terminated – you will be informed of the reason for the termination and how
much of the review has been completed. No refunds of accreditation fees will be
made. If you wish to resubmit the materials for review, a full fee will once again be

It is the responsibility of the course designer to build the course to meet the
requirements of the syllabus. BCS will provide a course syllabus which will usually

• Course objectives
• Course duration
• Intended audience
• Pre-requisite knowledge and experience requirements
• Course content broken down into a series of sections
• Compulsory reading
• Suggested additional reading
• Examination details

In designing the course modules, course designers/developers should ensure that:

• The content is accurate and error free

• The technical content is presented in such a way as to be comprehensible
to the learner
• Exercises / activities are an integral part of each module

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
2.2 Guided Learning / Contact Hours

All courses have a minimum or recommended number of contact hours defined in

the relevant syllabus. If you wish to deliver a variant of the minimum contacts hours,
you can apply for an ‘exception’ by emailing the Accreditation Team. BCS may
request further documentation to support your application depending on the nature of
the ‘exception’.

An example of an exception could be that you have a specific customer with a group
of experienced personnel for whom 18 hours contact time could be considered
excessive. BCS requires a (revised) timetable to be supplied and evidence of the
target audience’s competence and how the organisation shall monitor this.

Learning Hours:
The learning hours must exclude all breaks and any practice examinations. Lunch
breaks and breaks throughout the day must be built into the course. If you wish to
deliver a variant of the learning hours (either more hours or less) then you may apply
for approval by emailing the Accreditation Team. It is acceptable to cover material
which is not covered in the syllabus but candidates must be advised that this will not
be included in the examination.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
3. Assessment Criteria

Our subject matter experts (SMEs), or assessors, are experts in the subject area of
the certification you are applying for, they also have a high level of experience in
delivering training. They will assess the submitted course materials against the
following criteria keeping in mind the quality of the candidate experience and
ensuring the candidates will be adequately prepared to sit the exam.

3.1 General

The assessors will look at the course materials and review it for:

1) Presentation throughout
a) Pages must be numbered (this is useful for correlation against the trainer notes, also
assists in identifying issues and in resubmissions)

2) Syllabus coverage
a) Entire syllabus covered

3) Overall timing
a) Appropriate total contact hours
b) Appropriate contact time per topic

4) Modular design (i.e. Not just a stream of Powerpoint slides)

5) Objectives stated
a) At course level

6) Balance between theory and practical

7) Practical work / exercises

a) Relevance
b) Do they help consolidate/support what has been learned?

8) Quizzes/tests
a) Relevance
b) Do they adequately assess learning?

9) All materials
a) Clear
b) Readable
c) Conformance to trademark / IPR requirements
d) No copyright infringements
e) Non-discriminatory content
f) Technically accurate
BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
g) Technical terms defined
h) No spelling or grammatical errors
i) Current
j) Appropriate language and mix of text, graphics and illustration
k) Consistency in style and layout within and across the materials

10) Quality of the candidate material

a) Look and feel
b) Clarity of layout
c) Table of contents
d) Index
e) Is there space for annotation and note-taking?

11) Version control

a) For each document
b) Across the whole courseware set

3.2 Course Timetable

2.2 Professional Certifications
The course timetable does not need to be too detailed but should include:
• Session start and finish times
• Session content (high level)
• Details of break times and duration
• Details of out of hours work

A sample course timetable is shown below:

Day a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Evening

1 09:00 - 10:30 B 10:45 - 13:00 L 13:45 - 15:30 B 15:45 - 18:00 Mock

Course introduction r Strategy analysis u Investigation r Investigation examination
What is business analysis? e The business analysis n techniques e techniques questions
The competencies of a a process model c a Stakeholder analysis
business analyst k h k and management
coaching session
2 09:00 - 11:10 1 11:25 - 13:00 4 13:45 - 15:35 1 16:50 - 18:00 Mock
Review evening Assignment 5 Modelling business 5 Gathering the 5 Modelling examination
Modelling business systems processes requirements requirements questions
Documenting coaching session
and managing

3 09:00 - 10:50 m 11:05 - 13:00 m 14:00 - 14:45 m 15:00 - 17:00

Review evening Assignment i Making a business and i Tutor led i Revision and exam
Delivering the requirements n financial case –part 2 n revision n
Making a business and s Implementing business s s
financial case – part 1 change

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
3.3 Syllabus Matrix

A syllabus matrix can be a standalone document but may form part of the trainer
notes (session plans). It should clearly reference where each item in the syllabus is
covered in the training. BCS can supply a template for this if needed.

3.4 Candidate Handouts, Exercises and Answers

Candidate handouts are required to:

• Support the ‘in class’ learning
• Provide a tool which learners can use to review and recap material
• Be designed to support the needs of all learners
• Be structured in a modular format
• Include the exercise / activities and assessments, or make reference to
exercise / activities and assessments at the appropriate point within each

These may take the form of:

• Handout versions of the trainer slides and a technical reference manual /
supporting book
• A set of materials which contains both slide copies and supporting notes

Where a course leads to an open book examination you must either:

• Provide a manual as part of the course /examination
• Ensure the candidate knows where to obtain a copy

Exercises/activities are required to:

• Support the learner in consolidating course knowledge
• Check learning and comprehension especially before leaving a key topic
• Ensure that learning objectives have been achieved

The activities may take the form of:

• Group activities
• Role plays
• Quizzes
• Case studies

The assessor will be looking for technical accuracy and a variety of methods used
within the materials.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
3.5 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Accredited courses will often contain words, materials and diagrams taken directly
from the source publications. There are specific requirements and prescribed
forms of wording required in respect of the use of such material that are detailed
in the document entitled BCS Brand Guidelines, which will be sent to you. It is
your responsibility to ensure these guidelines are adhered to by yourselves and
any affiliates or brokers you partner with.

Written content and/or diagrams as examples must not be taken from copyrighted
material without the express permission of the copyright owner. Evidence of this
will need to be supplied to BCS as part of your application. Throughout course
materials trade mark words and symbols must be used correctly with the correct
trade mark acknowledgement statements present.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
4. Course Assessment Result

On receipt of your application BCS will check that all of the required information
has been provided and that the relevant eligibility requirements are met.

Our Service Level Agreements only begin when we are in receipt of all
documentation and the application fees are paid.

Activity SLA
New Provider with their own course 4 working weeks
New Provider with a licenced course 5 working days
Existing Provider with their own new course 4 working weeks
Existing Provider with a licenced course 5 working days

We will confirm to you directly that we have everything we need in order to begin
the formal assessment.

Each assessed item will be given an RA, R or O status to indicate how closely it
conforms to requirements.

Remedial action (RA) Recommendation (R) Observation (O)

Where an aspect of the Where the failing is less significant These are more trivial items, e.g.
submission fails to meet a or open to alternative solutions, typos, spelling mistakes or minor
mandatory requirement or is of the Training Organisations should inaccuracies, which the Training
a magnitude of inaccuracy, it seriously consider the advice Organisations should address in
will be flagged as a remedial given and either implement it or due course as part of continuing
action. The required action provide a satisfactory response / quality review.
identified must be completed by alternative solution.
the given date and evidence of The above action or response
its completion signed off by must be completed by the given
BCS or accreditation will be date and evidence of its
denied / withdrawn. completion signed off by BCS or
accreditation will be denied /

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Having reviewed the courseware against all of the criteria BCS will assign an
accreditation status. The Training Organisation will be informed of the outcome of
the review which may be:

1. Accreditation is approved – some observations as to recommended improvements may

have been made.
2. Accreditation is deferred – accreditation is withheld pending correction of one or more
identified remedial actions or recommendations. Correction and resubmission of the
materials should take place within the required timescales – typically 3 months.

You cannot be approved as an Accredited Provider until at least one course and
one trainer is also accredited. If Accreditation for the course or trainer is deferred
the whole application will be deferred. Application fees will be due again on the
3rd resubmission, if required.
All accreditation fees are non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the

Once accreditation is granted you will be sent a welcome pack which will include:
a letter confirming the dates of accreditation; your approved Accredited Provider
certificate; logos for use on your website and marketing material; and other
relevant documents. We will also add your contact details to the BCS website and
send you a login and instructions for eprofessional – our online exam booking

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
5. Maintaining your courseware accreditation

Accreditation for the course (once approved) lasts for the period of the contract.

Once a new/updated contract is in place you will be reminded to update your registered staff
and confirm if your course materials have changed. ‘Significant changes’ will need to be
resubmitted and the material may be sent to a subject matter expert for review.

Changes are deemed to be significant if more than 10 per cent of the course material has
changed or where there has been a change to the timetable, exercises or course materials
beyond cosmetic ones. Any changes need to be documented on the change log which should
then be submitted to us with the course materials. If you are in any doubt you should seek
guidance from the Accreditation Team.

There is an annual fee of £260 per certification to maintain your courseware accreditation.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
6. Samples

Sample Session Plan / Tutor Notes – Sample 1

Session No: 12
Normal Start Time: 09.30 Day 2
Duration: 150 Minutes (Including 15/20 minute break and exercise)
Session Title: Service Transition

Key Learning Points:

1. Understand the importance of transitioning services into the live
environment in a controlled manner
2. Understand how Change, Configuration and Release activities are
3. Understand the basic principles of these processes and the key

Specific Syllabus Items:

1. Explain the high level objectives, scope, basic concepts, process activities, key
metrics, roles and challenges for Change Management (ST 4.2,
2. State the objectives, basic concepts and roles for:
2.1. Service Asset and Configuration Management (SACM) (ST 4.3.1, 4.3.4,
2.2. Release and Deployment Management (ST 4.4.1, 4.4.4,,, Explain the Service V model (ST,
2.3. Service Knowledge Management System (SKMS) (ST, SO
2.4. Configuration Item (CI) (ST
2.5. Configuration Management System (ST, SO
2.6. Definitive Media Library (DML) (ST
2.7. Service Change (ST 4.2.2)
2.8. Change types (Normal, Standard and Emergency) (ST,,
2.9. Release Unit (ST
2.10. Seven R’s of Change Management (ST

Supporting material:
• Slides 81-120
• Pages 53-78 Official study aid
• Laminated card showing all processes
• Syndicate exercise 3 or 3a; suggested solution sheet
• Poster / flip showing lifecycle phases

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Session detail:
The first 5 slides cover the overall objectives, etc of the ST phase. It is useful to 10 mins
lightly reinforce the link from Strategy to Design to Transition by reference to the
poster / flip.

Slide 86 shows the scope of ST in terms of the Processes. Stress that not all 5 mins
processes are covered as part of this course. Draw out the fact that although some
processes are in the ST book and hence primarily covered in this session, some of
them span the lifecycle.

Slides 88-97 deal with Change Management 30 mins

• Before showing slides, draw from class why Change Mgmt is so important.
Capture details on flip. There are any number of useful anecdotes about the
results of poor Change Mgmt leading to major outages, financial and
reputational damage.
• Don’t get bogged down in details of the process, or the rights/wrongs of any
classification system, authorisation model, etc. Remember it’s a bird’s-eye view
and bring out the key terminology.
• Don’t go into too much detail about the CAB as the exercise is designed to
address this. Refer them to the pages in the study aid.
• An alternative to showing Slide 92 is to build the picture up on a flip chart or
• Stress that Emergency changes are exactly that. Distinguish from Urgency
(you may mention this was old terminology / the issues that arose from it.)

Slides 97-105 deal with Service Asset & Configuration Management 15 mins
• Avoid debates about CIs vs attributes or naming conventions. Stick to the
broad principles.

Slides 106-114 deal with Release & Deployment 15 mins

Slides 115-118 deal with Knowledge Management 5-10 mins

• Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom

Syndicate Exercise 3 (Slide 119) 30 mins

Keep the delegates in the same groups as previously. Read through the exercise
with them and allocate the specific roles you wish each group to play. Check they
are clear about requirements. As before, make sure that presentation is legible so
it can be mounted for reference.
This exercise is designed for syndicates. If you have been forced to run the event
with fewer than six delegates, use exercise 3a instead. Be aware that in this case
the total elapsed time is likely to be shorter than 50 mins.

Presentations and feedback 20 mins

Keep presentations to time. If other group(s) don’t ask questions, ensure you have
at least one. Always useful to ask WHY certain roles have been proposed as this
shows understanding.

Summary 5 mins
Recap key points Slide 120

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Hints and Tips:
Depending on the venue, it is usually best to break after completing Change
Mgmt, since this is the process majored on.

People often have issues with Change Mgmt as being bureaucratic and adding
overheads / delays. Stress that it is about being proactive and ENABLING the
RIGHT changes.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Session Plan / Tutor Notes – Sample 2

Course: Framework of frameworks

Objectives: On completion of this course delegates will be able to:
• Describe a variety of ways of engaging with customers at business or technological levels
• Perform requirements capturing using a range of methods
• Etc, etc

Session Plans
Start and end times are approximate only and provided as a guide. It is less important to be precise in each session, as long as the overall
programme is not affected. Where experience shows that certain topics can be compressed while others often need expanding, this is
included. However, each course is different in its dynamics and the facilitator should adjust as required.

Session No. Day Start End Topic Supporting Key Learning Points Detail Syllabus
Material Xref
1 1 0930 1000 Course Slides 1-8 Course structure/objectives Explain the course structure and rough agenda/timings N/a
Introduction Appraisal form Introductions Cover appropriate housekeeping details
Handouts Housekeeping Describe the delegate material
Get class to introduce themselves including THEIR
2 1 1000 1100 Introduction to Slides 9-19 What is xxxx 1.1
xxxx Why we need xxxx 1.2
6a 2 1100 1230 Requirements Slides 39-50 Understand different methods Briefly run through slides 39-43 (5 mins max) 4.2.5
capturing Exercise 6.1 of capturing requirements Set exercise 6.1 – atomic ideas, clustering, identifying, 4.2.6
Post-it pads Apply concept clustering prioritising, evaluating, choosing
Marker pens techniques Allow sensible amounts of time for each phase but
Flip chart Apply rating mechanisms don’t let too much time drag unproductively
Whiteboard Build a “house of quality” Break for lunch where it feels natural
6b 2 1330 1500 Requirements Complete exercise. Talk through slides 44-47
capturing (cont) (reinforcing what exercise covered) Use slides 48-50 to
generate discussions with group (allow 15-20 minutes
for this)
Appendix 2 – Trainer Requirements Manual

1. Overview

BCS requires that trainers meet a standard. Trainers wishing to teach courses
leading to BCS and third party certifications are required to demonstrate certain
levels of competence in the subject area of the course and in respect of their training

Accredited Providers are required to assess the competence of their own trainers
prior to allowing them to deliver training. Trainers should be assessed against, and
meet, the requirements laid out in Section 2. BCS will conduct an audit of the
Provider at least annually and the Provider will need to be able to demonstrate that
they have completed the appropriate checks and assessments in relation to these
trainers. BCS reserves the right to suspend or lapse individual trainers and/or
Provider accreditation if the assessment of trainers does not meet BCS

Where Providers engage trainers for ISTQB/ASTQB or Professional Level BA

certifications an application form must be submitted to BCS for assessment, please
see Section 3 for information about how to complete the form.

Whether or not a trainer requires assessment by BCS it is the Providers

responsibility to ensure that all trainers are registered online via e-professional. To
log on, go to Unnecessary delays in exam bookings may
be incurred if details of required trainers are not both sent to by email and submitted via e-professional.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
Appendix 2trts
2. Trainer Requirements

Trainer requirements which are specific to each certification can be found in the
relevant syllabus. It is essential that Providers refer to the syllabus in addition to this

Trainers must meet the following requirements:

• Trainers must hold a candidate certificate for the certification they wish to deliver

• Training experience – Trainers must demonstrate a minimum of 10 days’ training experience

gained in the previous five years, or hold a ‘train the trainer’ qualification

Trainers must have experience of delivering in a classroom/group environment. Therefore, the

following do not constitute training experience:
o Delivering presentations at seminars / conferences
o Workshops
o Systems training
o 121 trainings
o Internal briefings

If a trainer has limited training experience, they are expected to gain the relevant experience
as an understudy with an approved trainer before delivering training on their own.

Trainers must be able to describe, when asked, the experience they have in managing,
running and delivering training courses.

• Practical experience - Trainers must demonstrate at least three years working/practical

experience in the subject area for each certification being applied for. This experience must
be detailed and quantifiable

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
3. Application Process (where applicable)

Trainers for ISTQB/ASTQB and Professional Level BA certifications must submit an

application for assessment by BCS before they will be approved and available to pick
in an exam booking on e-professional.

Providers must check that all requirements have been met and that the application
form has been completed fully before submitting to BCS.

Trainer requirements which are specific to each certification can be found in the
relevant syllabus. It is essential that Providers refer to the syllabus in addition to this

One application form per certification is required except if the application is for a
combination of ISTQB/ASTQB Software Testing Advanced Level certifications.

Trainers not already approved for the specific certification must complete all sections
of the form.
Trainers already approved for this certificate with another Accredited Provider must
complete sections 1, 2 & 5

Multiple applications for the same subject area (as above) may be submitted on the
same form but sections 2 & 4 must be completed for each certificate applied for.

3.1 Completing the Application Form

Guidance for trainers completing the application form:

Section 1 – Trainer details

Please complete every field in this section.

Section 2 – Certifications held

Indicate whether or not you are enclosing your candidate certificate for the certification you wish
to deliver. Please write details of any other certificates which you are enclosing.

Section 3 – Training experience

You must demonstrate a minimum of 10 days’ training experience gained in the previous five
years, or hold a ‘train the trainer’ qualification (a list of acceptable courses can be found later in
this section). Please include the course trainer name if you delivered the training under

Trainers must have experience in delivering in a classroom/group environment. Therefore. the

following do not constitute training experience and should not be included:
• Delivering presentations at seminars / conferences

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
• Workshops
• Systems training
• 121 trainings
• Internal briefings

If you have limited training experience, you will be expected to gain the relevant experience as
an understudy with an approved trainer before submitting your application to BCS.

Please use the box provided to explain, in your own words, the experience you have in
managing, running and delivering training courses.

Section 4 – Practical experience

You must provide a detailed description of at least three years’ working / practical experience
that you have gained for each certificate you are applying for. Bullet points, job titles or high level
generic references to your experiences are not enough; it must be sound and quantifiable

DO ensure that the evidence is structured in a way that assumes no understanding of the
knowledge and skills of the person’s job(s).
DO include clear dates when referring to a particular job. Include the dates of the jobs and the
details of the size of projects, budgets and staff involved.
DON’T assume that, if you have worked in a role for a period of time, the assessor will
automatically know that you have undertaken or acquired the requisite experience.

If you have limited practical / working experience, it is expected that you will gain the relevant
experience before you submit your application to BCS.

Section 5 – Trainer declaration

Ensure the trainer reads and signs the declaration.

Section 6 – Accredited Provider representative declaration

The form must be signed by someone authorised to do so within the Accredited Provider.

3.2 Recognised Trainer Qualifications

The following are acceptable training qualifications. If one of these qualifications is being used to
evidence training experience, please submit a copy of the certificate.
• CompTIA CTT+
• IAMCT Approved Technical Trainer (IAMCT ATT)
• Microsoft Certified Trainer Instructional Skills Certification (MCT-ISC)
• IPM (Institut für Personalberatung und Managemententwicklung)
• New Horizons Instructional Skills Certification
• Netcom Learning Instructional Skills Certification
• Global Knowledge Instructional Skills Certification
• Learning and Performance Institute Trainer Performance Monitoring and Assessment
• CEGOS Group

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
3.3 BCS Trainer Assessment

BCS will commit to making a decision within 2 working days if the application has
been completed fully, including both the trainer’s signature and the Provder
representative’s signature.

If additional information is required by BCS after the initial review, this will be
reviewed at no extra cost. However, if the second (revised) submission is still not
acceptable the applicant will need to submit a new application form and pay the
review fee again.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017
4. Trainer Performance

As part of audit and monitoring activities BCS will review trainer performance,
including but not limited to, the following:
• Exam results of candidates who have sat courses conducted by the trainer
• End of course feedback from candidates who have sat courses conducted by the trainer

If the required standards are not met, an action plan will be agreed between BCS and the
Provider to address the issues. Subsequently accreditation may be maintained or withdrawn.
BCS reserves the right to suspend or lapse individual trainers and/or Provider accreditation.

BCS Accreditation Requirements Manual – V2.3 – Oct 2017

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