Newsletter - 18 October 2019 PDF

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 13 18 October 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the thirteenth issue of  Petunias—look great in hanging
Blog baskets and containers
my newsletter Anita’s Garden for
Newsletter back issues 2019.
 Wildflowers—great for attract-
Facebook I hope you have all had a good week. ing bees to the garden

Instagram In this week’s editorial, I thought I  Sunflowers—a great way to at-

would write a bit about a subject that tract bees
Twitter is very close to my heart—flowers. As
most of you will have gathered by  Zinnias—a wonderful butterfly
Linkedin now, I’m not only a veggie gardener, attracting flower
Pinterest but our garden contains flowers and I
would like to think that they comple-
ment our veggies, fruit trees, herbs  Coreopsis—a very hardy peren-
and other plants in the garden. nial
Contact me
Why bother to grow flowers, you  Foxglove—a biennial more than
 Feedback might ask? Here are some of my top a perennial, adds height to the
reasons. back of borders
 Newsletter input
(tips, recipes, gar-  Flowers bring beauty to an oth-  Delphinium—adds height to the
den photos etc) erwise colourless garden back of flower beds
 To be added to my  They attract bees, butterflies Bulbs
mailing list and beneficial insects to the
garden  Dahlias—a tuber more than a bulb, dahlias will give you a daz-
 By bringing in bees, flowers aid zling display of flowers all sum-
with the pollination process mer long

Inside this issue:  Flowers act as companion  Gladioli—stagger planting to

plants and can act as a natural give you a dazzling display of
pest deterrent. Marigolds are flowers during summer
one such example
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2  Begonias—they look stunning in
Anita’s Garden  Some flowers complement edi- pots and hanging baskets. For
bles. For example, growing best results, keep them in a
borage near strawberries is sheltered area
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 said to being out their flavour
for the week  Hippeastrum—they make a
What flowers can you grow in your wonderful Christmas present
garden this summer? I’ve put togeth-
Tips for growing passion- 2 er a list of annuals, perennials and For tips on planting summer bulbs,
fruit bulbs. please read my blog post.

Annuals Thank you for your continued support.

How to grow zucchini 3
 Marigolds– a great companion Anita Kundu
plant for veggies as they repel
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 3

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Our first passionfruit of the
season! It took awhile to ripen but it final- Another patio Asiatic lily
ly did. The fruit we enjoyed eating
We harvested our first passion- can be seen below. Following the yellow Asiatic lily
fruit of the season off our vine at that flowered last week and ap-
the back of our house, which was peared in this column, another lily
grown from seed nearly two years has flowered, this time a white
ago. During the winter, we no- one.
ticed that our vine had a green
passionfruit on it (pictured below).

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Sow melons No one enjoys weeding the garden Copper and Copper Oxychloride to
but it’s a good idea to keep on top prevent such fungal diseases
Now is the perfect time to sow all of weeds around the garden so you
your favourite melons— can pop your plants straight in 5. Sow and plant spring on-
watermelon, rockmelon and honey- come Labour Weekend, without ions
dew melon. having to worry about weeds. For a continuous supply of spring
2. Spray garlic 4. Spray passionfruit onions, sow and plant at fortnight-
ly intervals. Spring onions are
Continue to spray garlic for rust. Passionfruit vines can develop fun- very easy to raise from seed or you
3. Keep on top of weeds gal diseases such as brown spot can pop in a punnet every few
due to Auckland’s humid condi- weeks. Awapuni sell them in a
tions, so spray them with Liquid bundle with plenty of plants.

Tips for growing passionfruit

 First of all, make sure that
plant from the garden centre  If your plant is small in win-
ter, you may need to protect
your area is suitable for  Passionfruit need support as it from the cold with a
growing passionfruit. They they creep and spread eve- cloche
fare well in a sub-tropical, rywhere so plant them
frost-free climate. Frost or against a fence or trellis  In spring, spray with liquid
snow during winter will kill copper and copper oxychlo-
the plant.  To get your plant off to a ride to prevent fungal dis-
strong start, mix in some eases such as brown spot
 You can start passionfruit compost, sheep pellets and
easily from seed or you can slow release fertiliser at the  Feed with granular or slow
purchase an established time of planting release fertiliser for big fruit
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 3 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow zucchini

In my humble opinion, every sum- 7. Remember not to plant your
mer garden should contain at least zucchini out too early. Per-
a couple of zucchini plants. Zuc- sonally, I prefer to wait un-
chini are nutritious, easy to grow til Labour Weekend, when
and are extremely versatile as night time temperatures
they can be added to so many dif- have increased as it can still
ferent dishes. Whether you choose be quite cool in the evenings
to grow them from seed or pur- in October
chase plants from your local gar-
den centre, I’m sure you’ll agree 8. Harvest zucchini regularly
that they make a terrific addition in order to encourage fur-
to the garden. ther flowering and fruiting.
Keep an eye on their growth
Growing zucchini from seed to avoid them turning into
Zucchini “Zephyr” marrows.
Zucchini are easy to grow from
seed. At this time of the year, it’s pellets and general garden fertiliz- 9. One of the biggest problems
best to sow seeds undercover as er prior to planting that you’ll probably have
they’re a heat-loving plant and if with zucchini is a glut on
3. Before planting, I like to your hands. There are
temperatures are too low, seed
soak each plant, whether many different ways they
won’t germinate. I recommend
raised from seed or pur- can be used, or you can
using a heat pad. With one, you
chased from the garden cen- share them with family,
shouldn’t have any trouble getting
tre, in some Seasol diluted friends, neighbours and col-
seed to germinate. I like using egg
in a bucket of water. This leagues. I’m sure that they
cartons to raise seeds in rather
minimizes transplant shock will be appreciated, as
than plastic punnets. Once plants
and ensures that plants get they’re usually quite expen-
develop two leaves, I usually pot
off to a strong start sive in the supermarket,
them into individual 10 cm pots.
4. I like to add a even in summer.
scoop of to- Ideas for using
There are so many different varie- mato fertiliz- “Zucchini are nutritious, zucchini
ties and colours of zucchini. I rec- er to each easy to grow and are
ommend planting a range so you plant’s hole extremely versatile as  Bread/loaf
don’t get tired of eating the same prior to they can be added to so
one! This year, I’m growing Aman- planting. Did many different dishes”  Cho co l a t e
da, Partenon and Solar Flare from yo u k no w cupcakes
Egmont Seeds. I’m also growing a that tomato
fertilizer can be used for so  Frittata
few different varieties from Fran-
chi seeds—Striato d’Italia, Fioren- much more than just toma-
 Zucchini blossoms stuffed
tino and Romanesco. I have grown toes? It’s suitable for any
with goat’s cheese, either
all of these varieties in the past, flowering and fruiting
fried or baked for a healthi-
with success so I thought they plant—zucchini, cucumbers,
er option
would be a safe bet in the garden pumpkins, squash, melons,
for this summer. I highly recom- strawberries and so much  Quiche
mend growing yellow zucchini, my more.
favourite being Solar Flare, be-  Parmigiana
5. Water well at the time of
cause they are so prolific.
planting and thereafter.  Lasagne
Tips for growing zucchini Try not to get too much wa-
ter on the leaves, which can  Stir fry
 For zucchini to do well, they be susceptible to powdery
need to be grown in full sun mildew  BBQed
(that is, at least six hours
6. Liquid feed weekly with a  Stuffed marrow with mince
per day)
water soluble plant food
 Prepare the ground well such as Thrive or a seaweed Have a great weekend
beforehand. I like to mix in tonic like Seasol
lots of compost, sheep Happy gardening!

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