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Michael E.

BSE 3-1

“Advantages/ Disadvantages of Early (22 and Earlier) or

Late ( 30 and above) Marriage"

Early marriage might mean taking a decision to settle down early in life. Advantage of early
marriage, A young mind is easier to adaptability and sustenance. As the mind grows old, it
tends to become more habituated to firmness in the decision making process, thus leaving far
less possibilities for the couples to compromise on situations. For women, an early marriage is
safer in terms of pregnancy. Early marriage gives more time for couples to pursue their career
comfortably and plan a child soon after. Late marriages often come with this conflict whether
their spouses should give more importance to their already established career or plan a family.
Also, falling in love early in life and deciding to marry is the biggest advantage in early marriages
because you get to choose your partner freely and decide whom to spend the rest of your life
with at your own pace.

If there is an advantages there is also an disadvantages of early marriage. Lack of

compromising abilities in either of the partners. Untimely pregnancy and its risks. Most women,
due to repeated miscarriages and abortions, become infertile. However, it is not the same for
all women. Education tends to take a back seat for couples planning to marry early as the focus
shifts to areas such as financial stability and family planning. In case of early marriages that are
arranged, sexual relations can be difficult.

Advantages of late marriage, Discovering the ‘self’ prior to taking nuptial vows is essential to
lead a happy and content married life. However, lots of people remain unaware of their own
identity before getting married. They simply fail to realize their own ideas of dream, success,
and happiness at younger age. Taking more time to get married can give them enough scopes
to understand what an ideal life is to them and how they want to spend rest of their life.
Human perspectives keep changing with age. As we get older, we learn to think differently and
develop better perspectives of everything. What we like during our teenage does not attract us
any more in our mid twenties. Everything we do in our mid twenties seem to be absolutely
crazy in our thirties. This change is extremely beneficial for the inner growth of an individual. It
helps him/her deal with marriage in an efficient way. Getting married in the middle age means
allowing the ‘self’ to grow and change in order to be prepared for the new life. Marriage comes
with tons of responsibilities, which need to be carried out with utmost love and dedication for
the rest of the life. The life after marriage often becomes routine-bound and it sometimes even
turn out to be quite boring. Contrarily, getting married a little later means experiencing
freedom and exploring the life for a longer time. It allows individuals to make decisions without
any sense of responsibility attached with those, which are great opportunities to enjoy the life
to the fullest. It is said that ‘maturity does not come with age, it comes with experience’. At the
same time, it is also true that we become more experienced as we age. Experience teaches us a
lot of things about life and helps us take decisions in a more mature way by keeping all our
expectations realistic. We develop a better idea of a relationship and have a good sense of what
we are looking for in a marital life. Hence, marrying later means getting wiser over time and
becoming capable enough to handle as well as prioritize marriage. Getting married in the
middle ages is a great idea also for building a financially secure future. After marriage, career
often becomes the secondary focus, which may lead to financial emergencies from time to
time. Smart people utilize the time before marriage by focusing on their future goals and
establishing their dream career. This helps them create a strong bank balance for a stable
future and ensure financial security for the rest of their life.

Disadvantages of late marriage, Whether before marriage or after marriage, self-dependence

is absolutely critical in today’s life. But a delayed marriage can turn self-dependence into too
much of a priority. Individuals, who are set in their own ways and have learnt to make use of
their own finances, consider it difficult to compromise or make adjustments in a relationship.
Typically, they find themselves not at all prepared for making adjustments that are necessary to
be in a family. With delayed marriage, the calling of parenthood becomes high. The more one
takes time to get married, the more it becomes prominent. Babies turn out to be the most
discussed topic everywhere in late marriages and individuals simply cannot ignore the rush for
having kids. The situation gets even worse when the fact that ‘old friends already have school
going kids’ gives an immediate weird feeling. Though not always, but in most of the cases the
zeal and excitement of the younger age fades away with age. As we grow up, we start thinking
and believing in a more mature way, which prevents us from going crazy like our young days. It
can lead to a boring marital life with limited enthusiasm and reduced sexual activities. Marriage
in the middle ages can make conceiving complicated and risky for individuals. Both men and
women can find it difficult to have healthy babies when they decide to take nuptial vows after a
certain age. According to experts, they are more likely to have kids with genetic problems
including Down ‘s Syndrome and it’s all about their own biological issues. Giving enough time to
each other is one of the most vital conditions of a successful marriage. However, it often
becomes hard for couples in a late marriage to spend quality time together as job and career
become more important to them. Too much focus on the professional life takes a toll on the
personal life, thereby putting the marriage at risk.

The right time for marriage is different for each person and unique to each situation.
Maturity levels and life experiences are varying factors; some people are ready for marriage at
18, and some are never prepared for it. Age doesn’t matter if you feel that you’re already, Then
go for it.

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