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capital = 126

set_oob = "ENG_1936"
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
set_naval_oob = "ENG_1936_Naval"
else = {
set_naval_oob = "ENG_1936_Naval_Legacy"

load_oob = "ENG_Motorized"

set_research_slots = 4

set_stability = 0.6
set_war_support = 0.1

# Starting tech
set_technology = {
infantry_weapons = 1
infantry_weapons1 = 1
tech_support = 1
tech_engineers = 1
tech_recon = 1
motorised_infantry = 1
gw_artillery = 1
interwar_antiair = 1
gwtank = 1
basic_light_tank = 1
#improved_light_tank = 1 # PLACEHOLDER
#basic_heavy_tank = 1 # PLACEHOLDER
#basic_medium_tank = 1 # PLACEHOLDER
early_fighter = 1
cv_early_fighter = 1
cv_naval_bomber1 = 1
naval_bomber1 = 1
early_bomber = 1
CAS1 = 1

trench_warfare = 1

fleet_in_being = 1
electronic_mechanical_engineering = 1
radio = 1
radio_detection = 1
fuel_silos = 1
fuel_refining = 1
if = {
limit = {
not = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
set_technology = {
early_submarine = 1
early_destroyer = 1
basic_destroyer = 1
early_light_cruiser = 1
early_heavy_cruiser = 1
early_battleship = 1
early_battlecruiser = 1
early_carrier = 1
transport = 1
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
set_technology = {
basic_naval_mines = 1
submarine_mine_laying = 1
early_ship_hull_light = 1
basic_ship_hull_light = 1
early_ship_hull_submarine = 1
early_ship_hull_cruiser = 1
basic_ship_hull_cruiser = 1
early_ship_hull_heavy = 1
early_ship_hull_carrier = 1
basic_ship_hull_carrier = 1
basic_battery = 1
basic_light_battery = 1
basic_medium_battery = 1
basic_heavy_battery = 1
basic_torpedo = 1
sonar = 1
smoke_generator = 1
basic_depth_charges = 1
basic_secondary_battery = 1
basic_cruiser_armor_scheme = 1
basic_heavy_armor_scheme = 1
mtg_transport = 1
improved_secondary_battery = 1
basic_fire_control_system = 1
add_ideas = MTG_naval_treaty_adherent
set_global_flag = MTG_second_london_conference
set_global_flag = { flag = MTG_naval_treaty_signatories value = 5 }

set_variable = { var = eng_gateway_to_europe_influence value = 0 }

add_ideas = {

set_convoys = 800

if = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_dlc = "Together for Victory"
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
set_autonomy = {
target = MAL
autonomous_state = autonomy_integrated_puppet
set_autonomy = {
target = RAJ
autonomous_state = autonomy_colony
freedom_level = 0.35
set_autonomy = {
target = CAN
autonomous_state = autonomy_dominion
freedom_level = 0.4
set_autonomy = {
target = SAF
autonomous_state = autonomy_dominion
freedom_level = 0.4
set_autonomy = {
target = AST
autonomous_state = autonomy_dominion
freedom_level = 0.2
set_autonomy = {
target = NZL
autonomous_state = autonomy_dominion
freedom_level = 0.2
else = {
puppet = MAL
puppet = RAJ

if = {
limit = { has_dlc = "Together for Victory" }

add_to_tech_sharing_group = commonwealth_research

1939.1.1 = {

add_political_power = 1198

#adding ministers
add_ideas = {


create_country_leader = {
name = "Neville Chamberlain"
picture = ""
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = liberalism
traits = {
chamberlain_appeaser rearmer
remove_ideas = george_v #Dead

complete_national_focus = limited_rearmament_focus
complete_national_focus = air_defense_focus
complete_national_focus = radar_focus
complete_national_focus = shadow_scheme_focus
complete_national_focus = uk_empire_focus
complete_national_focus = uk_service_focus
complete_national_focus = uk_colonial_focus
complete_national_focus = uk_mediterranean_focus
complete_national_focus = uk_asia_focus
complete_national_focus = uk_commonwealth_focus

give_guarantee = POL

set_oob = "ENG_1939"
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
set_naval_oob = "ENG_1939_Naval"
else = {
set_naval_oob = "ENG_1939_Naval_Legacy"

set_technology = {
fighter1 = 1
fighter2 = 1
heavy_fighter1 = 1
heavy_fighter2 = 1
CAS2 = 1
naval_bomber2 = 1
tactical_bomber1 = 1
tactical_bomber2 = 1
strategic_bomber1 = 1
cv_CAS1 = 1
cv_fighter1 = 1
improved_light_tank = 1
basic_medium_tank = 1
basic_heavy_tank = 1
interwar_artillery = 1
interwar_antitank = 1
infantry_weapons2 = 1
support_weapons = 1
support_weapons2 = 1

air_superiority = 1
home_defence = 1
naval_strike_tactics = 1

grand_battle_plan = 1

prepared_defense = 1
battlefleet_concentration = 1
subsidiary_carrier_role = 1
convoy_sailing = 1
convoy_escorts = 1
submarine_operations = 1

electronic_mechanical_engineering = 1
radio = 1
radio_detection = 1
decimetric_radar = 1
mechanical_computing = 1
computing_machine = 1
basic_encryption = 1
basic_decryption = 1

basic_machine_tools = 1
improved_machine_tools = 1
advanced_machine_tools = 1
synth_oil_experiments = 1
oil_processing = 1
fuel_refining2 = 1
construction1 = 1
construction2 = 1
construction3 = 1
dispersed_industry = 1
dispersed_industry2 = 1
dispersed_industry3 = 1
if = {
limit = {
not = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns"}
set_technology = {
basic_submarine = 1
improved_submarine = 1
improved_destroyer = 1
basic_light_cruiser = 1
improved_light_cruiser = 1
basic_battleship = 1
basic_carrier = 1
improved_carrier = 1
set_naval_oob = "ENG_1939_Naval_Legacy"
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
set_technology = {
basic_ship_hull_submarine = 1
improved_ship_hull_submarine = 1
improved_ship_hull_light = 1
improved_ship_hull_cruiser = 1
basic_ship_hull_heavy = 1

improved_ship_hull_carrier = 1
dp_secondary_battery = 1
improved_sonar = 1
set_naval_oob = "ENG_1939_Naval"
remove_ideas = MTG_naval_treaty_adherent
add_ideas = MTG_naval_treaty_adherent_reduced
clr_global_flag = MTG_second_london_conference
modify_global_flag = { flag = MTG_naval_treaty_signatories value = -2 }

set_convoys = 200

set_politics = {
ruling_party = democratic
last_election = "1935.11.14"
election_frequency = 48
elections_allowed = yes ##suspended through duration of war, which is handled
via event
set_popularities = { democratic = 97 fascism = 2
communism = 1

create_faction = Allies
add_to_faction = ENG
#add_to_faction = FRA
add_to_faction = CAN
add_to_faction = AST
add_to_faction = NZL
add_to_faction = SAF

give_military_access = RAJ
add_to_faction = RAJ # Must be after puppet
add_to_faction = MAL

#give_guarantee = CZE

# Order matters - here Chamberlain becomes starting leader

create_country_leader = {
name = "Winston Churchill"
picture = ""
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = conservatism
traits = {
#traits here need to also be added to events britain.9 and britain.10.
Don't ask why.

create_country_leader = {
name = "Stanley Baldwin"
picture = "gfx//leaders//ENG//"
expire = "1938.1.1"
ideology = liberalism
traits = {

#create_country_leader = {
# name = "Neville Chamberlain"
# picture = ""
# expire = "1965.1.1"
# ideology = liberalism
# traits = {
# }

create_country_leader = {
name = "Oswald Mosley"
picture = ""
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = fascism_ideology
traits = {

create_country_leader = {
name = "Harry Pollitt"
picture = ""
expire = "1965.1.1"
ideology = leninism
traits = {

#create_country_leader = {
# name = "Rajani Palme Dutt"
# picture = ""
# expire = "1965.1.1"
# ideology = leninism
# traits = {
# }

create_field_marshal = {
name = "Alan Brooke" # Aristocrat
id = 997
picture = ""
traits = { defensive_doctrine trait_cautious career_officer }
skill = 5
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 5
planning_skill = 5
logistics_skill = 3

create_field_marshal = {
name = "Bernard Montgomery" # Aristocrat
id = 996
picture = ""
traits = { logistics_wizard offensive_doctrine media_personality
trait_cautious inflexible_strategist organizer }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 4
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 4

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Claude Auchinleck"
picture = ""
traits = { inflexible_strategist career_officer }
skill = 5
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 5
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 5

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Neil Ritchie"
picture = ""
traits = { inflexible_strategist armor_officer politically_connected }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 4
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Alan Cunningham"
picture = ""
traits = {}
skill = 4
attack_skill = 4
defense_skill = 1
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 4

create_corps_commander = {
name = "William Slim"
picture = ""
traits = { trickster war_hero }
skill = 5
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 3
planning_skill = 5
logistics_skill = 5

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Richard O'Connor"
id = 999
picture = ""
traits = { }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 4
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "William Platt"
picture = ""
traits = { }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "George Giffard"
picture = ""
traits = { career_officer }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Harold Alexander" # Aristocrat
id = 995
picture = ""
traits = { politically_connected }
skill = 5
attack_skill = 4
defense_skill = 4
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 5

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Jackie Smyth"
picture = ""
traits = { old_guard }
skill = 1
attack_skill = 1
defense_skill = 1
planning_skill = 1
logistics_skill = 1

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Thomas Jacomb Hutton"
picture = ""
traits = { old_guard }
skill = 2
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 2
logistics_skill = 1

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Arthur Percival"
picture = ""
traits = { trait_cautious }
skill = 2
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 2
logistics_skill = 1

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Merton Beckwith-Smith"
picture = ""
traits = { commando }
skill = 1
attack_skill = 1
defense_skill = 1
planning_skill = 1
logistics_skill = 1

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Henry Pownall"
picture = ""
traits = { trickster }
skill = 2
attack_skill = 1
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 2
logistics_skill = 2
create_corps_commander = {
name = "John Vereker Lord Gort" # Aristocrat
id = 994
picture = ""
traits = { politically_connected trait_cautious }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 3
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Henry Wilson"
picture = ""
traits = { old_guard politically_connected }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 4
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "William Gott"
picture = ""
traits = { armor_officer war_hero inflexible_strategist }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 3
planning_skill = 2
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Jock Campbell"
picture = ""
traits = { armor_officer }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 4
defense_skill = 3
planning_skill = 2
logistics_skill = 4

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Oliver Leese" # Aristocrat
id = 993
picture = ""
traits = { armor_officer harsh_leader politically_connected }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 4
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 4

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Miles Dempsey"
picture = ""
traits = { brilliant_strategist infantry_officer career_officer }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 4
planning_skill = 4
logistics_skill = 2

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Brian Horrocks"
picture = ""
traits = { armor_officer career_officer war_hero }
skill = 3

attack_skill = 1
defense_skill = 3
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 3

create_corps_commander = {
name = "Archibald Wavell" # Aristocrat
id = 998
picture = ""
traits = { career_officer }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 4
defense_skill = 2
planning_skill = 3
logistics_skill = 4

create_navy_leader = {
name = "James Fownes Somerville" # Aristocrat
id = 983
picture = ""
traits = { superior_tactician aviation_enthusiast navy_career_officer }
skill = 5
attack_skill = 4
defense_skill = 3
maneuvering_skill = 4
coordination_skill = 5

create_navy_leader = {
name = "Henry Harwood" # Aristocrat
id = 984
picture = ""
traits = { old_guard_navy bold }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 2
maneuvering_skill = 3
coordination_skill = 2

create_navy_leader = {
name = "Andrew Cunningham"
id = 985
picture = ""
traits = { blockade_runner superior_tactician navy_career_officer bold
skill = 5
attack_skill = 5
defense_skill = 4
maneuvering_skill = 3
coordination_skill = 4

create_navy_leader = {
name = "Bruce Fraser"
id = 986
picture = ""
traits = { aviation_enthusiast naval_lineage blockade_runner }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 2
maneuvering_skill = 4
coordination_skill = 4

create_navy_leader = {
name = "John Tovey" # Aristocrat
id = 987
picture = ""
traits = { gentlemanly naval_lineage superior_tactician }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 3
maneuvering_skill = 2
coordination_skill = 5

create_navy_leader = {
name = "Bernard Rawlings" # Aristocrat
id = 988
picture = ""
traits = { gentlemanly }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 2
maneuvering_skill = 3
coordination_skill = 2

create_navy_leader = {
name = "John Cunningham"
id = 989
picture = ""
traits = { navy_career_officer green_water_expert }
skill = 4
attack_skill = 2
defense_skill = 4
maneuvering_skill = 4
coordination_skill = 3
create_navy_leader = {
name = "Charles Forbes"
id = 990
picture = ""
traits = { gunnery_expert fly_swatter }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 2
maneuvering_skill = 2
coordination_skill = 3

create_navy_leader = {
name = "Algernon Willis"
id = 991
picture = ""
traits = { battleship_adherent spotter }
skill = 3
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 2
maneuvering_skill = 3
coordination_skill = 2

create_navy_leader = {
name = "Arthur Power"
id = 992
picture = ""
traits = { gunnery_expert }
skill = 2
attack_skill = 3
defense_skill = 1
maneuvering_skill = 1
coordination_skill = 2

### Ship Variants ###

#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "O/P/R Class"
# type = submarine_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 1
# sub_engine_upgrade = 1
# sub_stealth_upgrade = 1
# sub_torpedo_upgrade = 1
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "S Class"
# type = submarine_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
# sub_engine_upgrade = 2
# sub_stealth_upgrade =2
# sub_torpedo_upgrade = 2
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "A/B/C/D Class"
# type = destroyer_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_torpedo_upgrade = 1
# ship_engine_upgrade = 1
# ship_ASW_upgrade = 1
# ship_anti_air_upgrade = 1
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "Tribal Class"
# type = destroyer_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_torpedo_upgrade = 2
# ship_engine_upgrade = 2
# ship_ASW_upgrade = 2
# ship_anti_air_upgrade = 2
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "Emerald Class"
# type = light_cruiser_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 1
# ship_engine_upgrade = 1
# ship_gun_upgrade = 1
# ship_anti_air_upgrade = 1
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "Amphion Class"
# type = light_cruiser_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
# ship_engine_upgrade = 2
# ship_gun_upgrade = 2
# ship_anti_air_upgrade = 2
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "Edinburgh Class"
# type = light_cruiser_2
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
# ship_engine_upgrade = 3
# ship_gun_upgrade = 3
# ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "County Class"
# type = heavy_cruiser_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
# ship_engine_upgrade = 2
# ship_armor_upgrade = 2
# ship_gun_upgrade = 2
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "Admiral Class"
# type = battle_cruiser_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 1
# ship_engine_upgrade = 1
# ship_armor_upgrade = 1
# ship_gun_upgrade = 1
# }
#create_equipment_variant = {
# name = "Nelson Class"
# type = battleship_1
# upgrades = {
# ship_reliability_upgrade = 1
# ship_engine_upgrade = 1
# ship_armor_upgrade = 1
# ship_gun_upgrade = 1
# }
if = {
limit = { not = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" } }
### Variants ###
# Submarines #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "O/P/R Class"
type = submarine_1
parent_version = 0
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
sub_engine_upgrade = 2
sub_stealth_upgrade = 2
sub_torpedo_upgrade = 3
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "S Class"
type = submarine_1
parent_version = 1
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
sub_engine_upgrade = 0
sub_stealth_upgrade = 2
sub_torpedo_upgrade = 3
# Destroyers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "A/B/C/D Class"
type = destroyer_1
parent_version = 0
upgrades = {
ship_torpedo_upgrade = 1
destroyer_engine_upgrade = 3
ship_ASW_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 1
obsolete = yes
# Light Cruisers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Emerald Class"
type = light_cruiser_1
parent_version = 0
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
ship_engine_upgrade = 3
ship_gun_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Amphion Class"
type = light_cruiser_1
parent_version = 1
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
ship_engine_upgrade = 3
ship_gun_upgrade = 3
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
# Heavy Cruisers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "County Class"
type = heavy_cruiser_1
parent_version = 0
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 2
ship_engine_upgrade = 3
ship_armor_upgrade = 3
ship_gun_upgrade = 3
# Battlecruisers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Admiral Class"
type = battle_cruiser_1
parent_version = 0
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
ship_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_armor_upgrade = 3
ship_gun_upgrade = 2
# Battleships #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Nelson Class"
type = battleship_1
parent_version = 0
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
ship_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_armor_upgrade = 3
ship_gun_upgrade = 3
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Queen Elizabeth Class"
type = battleship_1
parent_version = 0
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 1
ship_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_armor_upgrade = 1
if = {
limit = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
### Variants ###
# Submarines #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "O/P/R Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_1
name_group = ENG_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_sub_1
fixed_ship_engine_slot = sub_ship_engine_1
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "S Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_1
name_group = ENG_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_sub_1
fixed_ship_engine_slot = sub_ship_engine_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_sub_1
# Destroyers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "A/B/C/D Class"
type = ship_hull_light_1
name_group = ENG_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = empty
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = ship_sonar_1
fixed_ship_engine_slot = light_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "E/F/G/H Class"
type = ship_hull_light_2
name_group = ENG_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = ship_sonar_1
fixed_ship_engine_slot = light_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "V/W Class"
type = ship_hull_light_1
name_group = ENG_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = light_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "S Class"
type = ship_hull_light_1
name_group = ENG_DD_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = empty
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = light_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_1
obsolete = yes
# Light Cruisers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "C-Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = ENG_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot = empty
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Danae Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = ENG_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Emerald Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = ENG_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_1
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Leander Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_2
name_group = ENG_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_2
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
front_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_2
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Adventure Class" # cruiser
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_1
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Town Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_2
name_group = ENG_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_2
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_2
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_secondaries_2
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_2
# Heavy Cruisers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "County Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = ENG_CA_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_medium_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_medium_battery_2
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "York Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = ENG_CA_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_medium_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Hawkins Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_1
name_group = ENG_CA_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_medium_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_0
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
obsolete = yes
# Battlecruisers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Renown Class"
type = ship_hull_heavy_1
name_group = ENG_BC_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bc_1
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_secondaries_1
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
obsolete = yes
# Battlecruisers #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Admiral Class"
type = ship_hull_heavy_1
name_group = ENG_BC_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bc_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_secondaries_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_heavy_battery_1

create_equipment_variant = {
name = "G3 Design"
type = ship_hull_heavy_1
name_group = ENG_BC_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bc_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_heavy_battery_2
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
# Battleships #
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Nelson Class"
type = ship_hull_heavy_1
name_group = ENG_BB_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bb_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_heavy_battery_2
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_2_custom_slot = empty
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Queen Elizabeth Class"
type = ship_hull_heavy_1
name_group = ENG_BB_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bb_1
front_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_secondaries_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_heavy_battery_1
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Revenge Class"
type = ship_hull_heavy_1
name_group = ENG_BB_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_1
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot = ship_fire_control_system_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_1
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bb_1
front_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_secondaries_1
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_heavy_battery_1
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Eagle Class"
type = ship_hull_carrier_conversion_bb
name_group = ENG_CV_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_deck_slot_1 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_deck_slot_2 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = empty
obsolete = yes

create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Hermes Class"
type = ship_hull_carrier_conversion_ca
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_deck_slot_1 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_deck_slot_2 = empty
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = empty
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Courageous Class"
type = ship_hull_carrier_conversion_bb
name_group = ENG_CV_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_deck_slot_1 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_deck_slot_2 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_1
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_deck_space
obsolete = yes
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Ark Royal Class"
type = ship_hull_carrier_1
name_group = ENG_CV_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_deck_slot_1 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_deck_slot_2 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = carrier_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = ship_secondaries_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_deck_space

1939.1.1 = {
if = {
limit = {
not = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Tribal Class"
type = destroyer_2
upgrades = {
ship_torpedo_upgrade = 2
destroyer_engine_upgrade = 2
ship_ASW_upgrade = 2
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 2
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Edinburgh Class"
type = light_cruiser_2
upgrades = {
ship_reliability_upgrade = 3
ship_engine_upgrade = 3
ship_gun_upgrade = 3
ship_anti_air_upgrade = 3
if = {
limit = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"

create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Illustrious Class"
type = ship_hull_carrier_2
name_group = ENG_CV_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_deck_slot_1 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_deck_slot_2 = ship_deck_space
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = carrier_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = dp_ship_secondaries
front_1_custom_slot = ship_deck_space
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_armor_carrier_deck
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Dido Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_2
parent_version = 1
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = dp_light_battery
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_1
front_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_2_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
rear_1_custom_slot = dp_light_battery
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Crown Colony Class"
type = ship_hull_cruiser_3
name_group = ENG_CL_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = cruiser_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_cruiser_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_2_custom_slot = dp_ship_secondaries
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_light_medium_battery_2
rear_2_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Tribal Class"
type = ship_hull_light_2
name_group = ENG_DD_HISTORICAL
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = ship_sonar_2
fixed_ship_engine_slot = light_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_light_battery_2
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_2
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "J/K/N Class"
type = ship_hull_light_3
name_group = ENG_DD_HISTORICAL
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_light_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = ship_sonar_2
fixed_ship_engine_slot = light_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_1
front_1_custom_slot = empty
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_torpedo_2
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_depth_charge_2
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "King George V Class"
type = ship_hull_heavy_2
name_group = ENG_BB_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_2
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = dp_ship_secondaries
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bb_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
mid_2_custom_slot = dp_ship_secondaries
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_heavy_battery_2
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Lion Class" # 1938 variant
type = ship_hull_heavy_2
name_group = ENG_BB_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_battery_slot = ship_heavy_battery_3
fixed_ship_anti_air_slot = ship_anti_air_1
fixed_ship_fire_control_system_slot =
fixed_ship_radar_slot = empty
fixed_ship_engine_slot = heavy_ship_engine_2
fixed_ship_secondaries_slot = dp_ship_secondaries
fixed_ship_armor_slot = ship_armor_bb_2
front_1_custom_slot = ship_anti_air_1
mid_1_custom_slot = ship_airplane_launcher_1
mid_2_custom_slot = dp_ship_secondaries
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_heavy_battery_3
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "T Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_2
name_group = ENG_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_sub_2
fixed_ship_engine_slot = sub_ship_engine_2
rear_1_custom_slot = empty
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "Grampus Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_2
name_group = ENG_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_sub_2
fixed_ship_engine_slot = sub_ship_engine_2
rear_1_custom_slot = ship_mine_layer_sub
create_equipment_variant = {
name = "U Class"
type = ship_hull_submarine_1
name_group = ENG_SS_HISTORICAL
parent_version = 0
modules = {
fixed_ship_torpedo_slot = ship_torpedo_sub_2
fixed_ship_engine_slot = sub_ship_engine_2
rear_1_custom_slot = empty

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