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General psychology

We tend to perceive lines or patterns that follow a smooth contour as being part of a
single unit.
f. Continuity

Closer objects tend to be partially in front of, or partially cover up, more distant
g. Superposition

_____________ in depth perception require both eyes to allow us to perceive depth.

g. Binocular Cues

Shirley, a sales representative, uses MapQuest to get driving directions to her client’s
office. She is using a(n)_______________to reach her destinations.
a. Algorithm

Categories by which the mind groups things, events, and characteristics are called_____.
d. Concepts

Someone who has difficulty exploring more than one possible solution to a problem is
c. Functional fixedness

The common criterion for determining mental retardation is ________.

b. an IQ below 70

The reproducibility of the test’s result is known as ______________.

c. Reliability

An example of concept is __________________.

a. A vegetable
Deductive reasoning starts at _________and goes to _____________.
b. The general; the specific

Critical thinking involves two mental habits such as _______and ______.

a. Mindfulness and open-mindedness

If mental age is the same as chrono;ogical age, the individual’s IQ is 100 or _________.
d. Average

_______ pertains to the ability to grapple with the big questions of human existence, such
as meaning of life and death, with special sensitivity to issues of spirituality.
c. Existentialist

Theory that views motivated behavior as directed toward the reduction of a

physiological need.
c. Drive-reduction theory

The body functions best at a specific level of arousal, which varies from one individual
to another
e. Optimum Level Theories

This theory taks about how an emotional reaction is a result of physiological reactions
to stimuli
d. James-Lange Theory

A classic research by Yerkes and Dodson which states that we function in accordance
to a certain level.
c. Optimal Arousal Model

This includes food, water and sleep.

c. Basic Physiological Needs

These are the needs for order, predictability, physical security, & freedom from fear.
e. Safety Needs

The needs for affiliation with friends, supportive family, group identification and
intimate relationship.
d. Belongingness & Love Needs

The needs for attention and recognition from others, & feelings of achievement,
competence, & mastery.
b. Esteem Needs

These pertain to development of one’s potential to the fullest extent.

d. Self-actualization needs

This involves anything that energizes or directs behavior.

d. Motives

These are states of cellular or bodily deficiency that compel drives; these are what your
body seeks.
a. Needs

These are the perceived states of tension that occur when our bodies are deficient in
some need and creating an urge to relieve the tension.
c. Drives

This refers to any external object or event that motivates behavior.

e. Drives

These are brief, acute changes in conscious experience and physiology that occur in
response to a personally meaningful situation.
d. Emotion

These processes involve changes in an individual’s relationship with other people,

changes in emotions, and changes in personality.
b. Socioemotional Processes
These processes involve changes in an individual’s biological nature.
d. Physical Processes

These processes pertain to changes in individual’s thought, intelligence, and language.

a. Cognitive Processes

At this stage (2 – 7 years), the child is capable of symbolic thought – however, this
thinking is still quite different from that of adults. It is often “illogical” in ways that
reveal the unique nature of preoperational cognition
a. Preoperational Stage

Most individuals have progressed to full adult cognition, including the ability to reason
using abstract concept
d. Formal Operational

It refers to the pattern of continuity and change in human capabilities that occurs
throughout the course of life, involving both growth and decline.
d. Development

This refers to the person’s observable characteristics which show the contributions of
both nature (genetic heritage) and nurture (environment).
d. Phenotypes

The following except for one are the changes during the adolescence period.
d. Increase in crystallized intelligence or individual’s accumulated information and
verbal skills

It occurs when a single sperm cell from the male merges with the female’s ovum (egg)
to produce a zygote – a single cell with 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23
from the father.
a. Conception

_________ is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts and emotions, and behaviors

that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world.
c. Personality

_________ emphasizes that personality is primarily unconscious or is beyond awareness,

thus enduring patterns that make up personality are largely unavailable to out
conscious awareness and they powerfully shape our behaviors.
d. Psychodynamic Perspective

_________ is a method of measuring personality characteristics that directly asks people

whether specific items describe their personality traits.
b. Objective Test

This is the most primitive defense mechanism, in which the ego simply refuses to
acknowledge anxiety- producing realities.
e. Denial

The emotional nature of stressful events is lessened at times by reducing it to cold logic
b. Intellectualization

It is the most powerful and pervasive defense mechanism. It pushes unacceptable id

impulses back into the unconscious mind.
e. Repression

This defense mechanism involves directing unacceptable impulses at a less threatening

a. Displacement

The person expresses an unconscious wish in a socially valued way, such as a boxer who
channeled his aggressive drive in the ring.
e. Sublimation

It consists of unconscious drives and is the individual’s reservoir of sexual energy. It

works for the pleasure principle.
e. Id
This is the Freudian structure of personality that deals with the demands of reality. It
abides by reality principle as it tries to bring the individual pleasure within the norms
of the society.
b. Ego

This is the harsh internal judge of our behavior. It is reflected in what we often call
conscience and evaluates the morality of our behavior.
a. Superego

These are tactics that the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.
e. Defense Mechanisms

He/She believed that the need for security, not for sex, is the prime motive of human
a. Karen Horney

He/She concluded that archetypes emerge in art, literature, religion and dreams.
e. Carl Jung

He/She is referred to as the father of American personality psychology.

a. Gordon Allport

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