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physical powers in preaching the Gospel both in the allow St.

Albert the Great to come to our assistance

cities and in the backwater stretches of the land. especially in the time of our needs and to ask these
At Nazareth He was never too tired to intentions (say you’re intentions). We ask the
come to the assistance of St. Joseph and the Blessed blessed Mother Mary to intercede on our behalf, in
Mother. During His Public Life He was never too not only bringing us closer to her Son Jesus, but also
fatigued to go out of His way to preach the truth or to take us to Jesus along with St. Albert the Great,
perform a miracle. He did not even disdain to steal the patron Saint of Students.
hours from His sleep in order to instruct a single May our knowledge that we work so hard
man, Nicodemus, in the great mysteries of the faith. to gain in our seminary bring us ever closer to Jesus,
And He left it as an inheritance to His followers that and may our knowledge be of service to building up
they must be up and doing during the hours of the the Kingdom of God. May all we do glorify God as
day for the night cometh when no man can work. we work toward a higher education. May St. Albert
He made it abundantly plain that the glory the Great help ease our anxiety as we study, prepare,
of man’s eternity would be conditioned by the and take our vocation with excellence. All this we
amount of consecrated labor performed in life. St. ask in Jesus name, Amen.
Albert realized well this universal law of labor. St. Albert the Great, pray for us!
There was never an idle moment in his life. Not only
Triduum in Honor of St. Albert the Great did he teach long hours in the classroom, not only CLOSING PRAYER
did he preach daily to the people, not only did he sit
FIRST DAY for hours at a time in the confessional but he O God who didst richly adorn St. Albert
St. Albert and Work deprived himself of sleep in order to compose that with Thy heavenly gifts and didst decorate him with
vast library of books which are the admiration of the all virtues, grant us, Thy servants, that we may
A man who believes that he has no work to ages and are even yet a storehouse of valuable follow in his footsteps, may persevere in Thy service
do in this world must necessarily lead an aimless, erudition and suggestive thought. until death and securely obtain an everlasting reward
pointless existence. He has no noble ambitions. He When traveling by foot as Provincial of his through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord. Amen.
has nothing to call forth his latent talents. There is no Order, Papal Legate to Poland and Russia and
zest in his life. There is nothing on which he can Preacher of the Crusade, he recited the psalms when
concentrate his powers. He is of all beings the most not actually engaged in spiritual conversation with
St. Albert and Suffering
pitiful and despised. No wonder that so many of the those who gladly joined with him. At the age of
idle rich, filled with ennui for their purposeless eighty he undertook the composition of a second
Man by nature involuntarily shrinks from
existence, commit suicide. Summa of theology in which he meant to gather up
suffering. He casts about on all sides for means and
Our Savior made it very plain that, as a his best thought for the benefit of coming
methods of avoiding or escaping it. If it overtake him
consequence of the sin of our first parents, every generations. His death was the result of a life of
he proves himself remarkably resourceful in finding
man must labor in the sweat of his own brow for an ceaseless consecration to the tasks of his state of life.
means of relief and easement. Our Divine Savior
honest, decent living and existence. He Himself gave preached the Gospel of the Cross. He did not shirk
the example of a laborious life not only at Nazareth PRAYER labor with all its fatigue, its monotony and its
where He worked in a carpenter shop but during the Heavenly Father, you made St. Albert the exhaustion. Though He might have redeemed the
three years of His Public Life when He spent His Great, by enabling him to combine human wisdom world without undergoing the Passion He did
and Divine Faith. We ask you heavenly Father to
embrace it eagerly not only to save us from our sins secret cell of his soul. For him to part with them
but also to show Himself a model for us in the time (PRAYER) would have been a trial beyond words had he not had
of affliction. (CLOSING PRAYER) the hope and assurance that death would not put
He did not complain during the Passion them beyond the pale of his love and help. If he had
nor seek any way to escape its rigors. He did not assisted them by his preaching and teaching in this
refuse to accept His Cross but gladly embraced it. He world then, surely, in the world to come he would
did not recoil from the bitterness of death but drank The Intercession of St. Albert minister to them by pleading for them before the
the chalice to the dregs. And He laid it down as a throne of heaven. It is not strange, therefore, that
fundamental principle that all who wish partnership Real lovers can never be persuaded that almost immediately after his death. Albert appeared
with Him must take up their Cross daily and follow death is the absolute end of all. It is only in glory to at least four persons who have since been
Him. He sent His Apostles to martyrdom. He those who have criminally wasted life or misprized it canonized by the Church.
condemns His saints to suffering. He invites His who look for final extinction. Death does not The power of his intercession was so great
followers to share in His own pains. His Gospel is a separate hearts forever but binds them more closely that, within a hundred years of his death, there was
gospel of hard sayings. together. It is for this reason that those who really question of enrolling him amongst the saints because
His religion is a school of penance and love, hope one day to be reunited in the land where of the many miracles he had wrought. Down to our
mortification. He assured His followers that only by separation is unknown. When Our Divine Savior was own days he has shown himself the friend of all
losing their life could they find it. A crossless about to depart from this world He promised His those who invoke him. If he was the kind and
Christian must ever fear that he will one day be a own that He would be of more assistance to them in compassionate father of souls during the days of his
crownless Christian. Gladly St. Albert submitted the eternal Session at the right hand of His heavenly earthly life then Albert has shown himself the friend
himself to the penitential laws of the Church. He Father than in His physical converse and communion of all those who call upon him for help. True friend
observed the fasts and abstinences and took upon with them. of Jesus and Mary in life he can obtain almost
himself penances of his own. As a Dominican he Because His love for the Apostles was so anything from them now that he is in their blessed
embraced the rigors of the rule and added to them great Our Savior inspired them with the hope that company in heaven.
incessant labor for the good of souls. Although a quite unseen He would be with them always until the
sufferer for years from chronic rheumatism he end of time, whispering in their ears words of (PRAYER)
crossed Europe in all directions on foot, even up to consolation and courage, of light and love. So
his eightieth year, for the sole purpose of making thoroughly convinced were the Apostles of the
known the kingdom of God. nearness of Jesus after His Ascension that,
Nowhere in all his works do we find the “rejoicing,” they went back to Jerusalem and
least reference to this chronic affliction from which immediately began the work of converting the world.
he suffered constantly. As Bishop of Ratisbon he And if they succeeded in doing one thing it was to
endured silently the opposition of those against convince their converts that, though unseen by
whose worldly ways he inveighed so vigorously. bodily eyes, Christ walked with men down the path
Because he was a man deeply acquainted with of life until that turn in the road where all earthly
suffering he compassionated those whose bodies substance should fall away and they see Him face to
were upon the rack, seeking always to make them face.
see in their afflictions a loving dispensation of During his lifetime St. Albert revealed an
Divine Providence bent on purifying their souls in uncommon capacity for friendship. Those with
the crucible of suffering. whom he came in contact were easily admitted to the

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