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Experiment Presentation

Earlier this quarter, you were assigned ONE experiment to present. Instead of submitting a
formal lab report, you and your partners will be creating a 15-minute presentation on the
experiment. You will be expected to summarize and teach all parts of the experiment to the class.
In other words, you should be an expert on your assigned lab!
Here’s your chance to talk about science!
You must use an appropriate tool for your presentation (ex. PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides).
While you are expected to cover the same criteria expected from you in a lab report, think
beyond writing a lab report in slide form. Focus on how you want to present information and
remember to keep your audience engaged! You should incorporate images and videos that you
think would help explain the concepts of experiment.
Please refer to the rubric for guidelines on how you’ll be assessed on the presentation. If you are
unclear on what certain sections require, please reach out to me as soon as possible. The earlier I
hear from you; the more time you’ll have to prepare.

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