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Along with their commitment to be of service to the society, the Cabiao National high School
Alumni Association Inc., participated in the BRIGADA ESKWELA 2009 a project of DepEd which
provides assistance to Cabiao National high School. In support of their logistical requirments in
preparation of the school opening session. CNHS Alumni Association donated ten thousands pesos
P10,000.00 for the school/ shown in this picture is Pres. Anita A. Legazpi presenting the check to the
Principal Monica Mallari.

The Annual tree planting of the CNHSAA INC. last Sept. 16, 2010 Thursday at 8:30am was a
great success because of the participation of the ALUMNI Officers & members led by Pres. Anita
Alquiroz Legazpi together with the CNHS Faculty, Staff anf Students led by the new principal Dr. Nick
Ventura held at the CNHS campus. Mahogany & Narra seedlings were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Legazpi
who brought these seedlings for the yearly project of the Alumni. Annie Legazpi also personally donated
ten(10) yellow bell plants to be planted along the main avenue of the school.

Why do we plant trees?

It is everyone’s environmental responsabilities to plant trees to prevent flood, to beautify our
surrondings and to provide food, air oxygen. Benefits of tree planting to provide food and building
materials for furnitures and fixtures. Let’s help save our environment.

What is the Environment?

The environment is about life and the source of life: land, air and water (LAW).

Land – is the carpet of living matter that enables us to grow our food.
Air – is that delicate mixture of gasses that enables us to breathe.
Water – makes up 70% of the human body.
The trees & the forest are the lungs.
The land & the soil are the skin & flesh.
The rivers are the blood & the bloodstream of life.
Rules of three’s (3’s)
Generally: Without an air for three (3) minutes we die.
Without water for three (3) days we die.
Without food for thirty (30) days we die.
IV – Arellano

January 13, 2005

 Janette Abad
 Daisy Barcebal
 Jona Relucio
 Joan Colleen Martin
 Jaydee Rose Favila
 Gladys Mangilit
 Jayson Castro
 Errol Jon Martin
 Jovelle Santos
 Marie Ann Nicolas
 Aiza Castor
 Julie Ann Pablo
 Corina Garcia
 Glenn Mangilit

 Romel Galang
 Michael Roy Palma
 Jorden Bautista
 Mary Rose David
 Mirasol Santos
 Isaac Ventura
 Annie Rose Tiangce
 Marivic Galang
 Rizza Miranda
 Armina Zarah Vinuya
 Margie Mercado
 Lenny Miranda
 Gladys Garcia
 Bernadette Macatula
 Jenylyn Cabral
 Kristine Entila
 Jeny Ann Mendoza
 Jay Miranda

R. Angeles
Second Batch of Tree Planting

The Preparation for Tree Planting

On the Site Tree Planting

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