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Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Pangasinan, Region 1
Aguilar Catholic School
Aguilar, Pangasinan
SY 2019-2020





In complying for the given requirement to the Applied Research I educational subject.

Conferred by:
Group VI

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


The aim of the current research was to determine the relationship between the time
management skills and academic achievement success of the students. The payoff to
successful time management is getting more out of your life and your career. This is
accomplished by spending less time with your time robbers and more time on things that
really have value to you To gather data on how time management principles apply effectively
to the students of Aguilar Catholic School, in-depth surveys were conducted. Time
management is very important and it may actually affect individual's overall performance
and achievements. However, all of these are related by how individuals manage their time to
suit their daily living or to make it flow steadily with their routines. Conducive settings and
environment will surely promote positive outcomes to the students, besides having good
lectures given by their teachers. Nevertheless, students' time management can be considered
as one of the aspect that can move a student to be a good student. A good time management
is vital for students to shine. However, some of the students do not have a good time
management skills that has negatively affect their life and their academics. The usage of time
by students in higher education institutions is related to their daily routines and activities.
Students' time management can also affect stress level of students as they need to cope with
their tasks and their personal achievements. In this regard, the data was collected from the
students of Aguilar Catholic School, Grade 12 in the strand of Humss and Gas the Group 6.
To analyze that how do the students effectively managing their time for achieving their
academic standards to path of success. These interviews produced some interesting findings
about Time managers, as well as some innovative solutions. This article focuses on attaining
success by managing time.

What defines a person's life? What is time in every ones life? What do you mean by time
and management? Should time be managed? Why is effective time management important?
Is Time management key to success? How do you achieve success in life time management?
Why time is so important in our life? For who and when do people start managing their time
for their own successes? And lastly, Can time management be learned? These are the few in
so many questions each individual wants to think and be answer in their minds, in order for
them to attain the wisdom on the main question… “What is the purpose and essence of living
this life?” Answering those questions with the truth will lead us to the right knowledge and
wisdom, then it will leave freedom and happiness to every persons life with a good success.
But, In the contrary… What if a person doesn’t know the real meaning of time management:
The cornerstone and key to success?

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Personal life is the course of an individual's life, especially when viewed as the sum of
personal choices contributing to one's personal identity. ... In particular, what activities one
engages in during leisure-time defines a person's personal life. Time is the driving force of
life. Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control
of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and
productivity. Time helps us to make a good habit of organizing and structuring our daily
activities. Time plays a significant role in our lives. If we better understand the time value,
then it can gain experience and develop skills overtime. Time can also heal things whether
external wounds or feelings. Our whole life revolves around time. We should respect the time
and also understand the value of time because the time gone is never going to come back. It's
better to follow and respect time instead of regretting afterward. It is a Treasure and yet we
waste it foolishly. We waste it thoughtlessly in meaningless activities. If we take care of time,
other things we will take care of themselves automatically. We all grow in time, live in the
time and die in time. But great men and women of the world make the use of time in their
best possible way. They know how precious is time. Every minute is valuable for them and
so they take good care of it and so leave their footprints on the Sands of Time. They know
that “time and tide wait for none” and that “time once lost can never be recovered”. It is really
a delusion to think that we can waste time. On the contrary, time is wasting us. Time is all
powerful. It is destiny, it is history and civilization. Nothing is beyond time. People want
success, happiness, fame, etc., but only a few have these because they know the value of time.
They make the best use of it. Time is an opportunity. If it slips ones for our hand, it can never
be had again.
In conclusion for this introduction, Time is more precious than money. It is more
powerful than kings and princes. They come and go but time is forever. It is neither a
beginning nor an end. We recognize it as birth, growth, decay, and death. It can be spent using
fully or foolishly. Every person should know the value of time and so make maximum use of
it. One can follow the footsteps of a great man. We can see how did they use time, how did
they spend their life. And that will show us the path. What is important is the present. It is
foolishness to postpone work for tomorrow. It is equally stupid to repent for the lost past.
There is no tomorrow nor yesterday. It is always “today”. “Today” means hard work, labour,
sweat, and toil. It means the best use of time and opportunity. Life is very short. It has been
said that it is like a drop in the ocean. This drop should not be wasted. It should be turned
into a pearl by using it wisely and thoughtfully. When we say “A stitch in time saves nine”,
we mean the same thing. A work done in time is time earned. It is no use striking the iron
when it is cool, the right time is when it is red hot. Our activities should be well planned so
as to save time. There is no room for idleness and indecisions. Idlers are great Enemies of
mankind. Delays and inaction are the thieves of time. How important are small moments of
life is explained so well in the following lines, “Little drops of water, Little grains of sand,
Make the Mighty ocean, And the beauteous land And The Little Moments Humble though
they are, Make the Mighty age of eternity.” (Extracted from the poem of Julia Fletcher) to
sum it all, teenagers, especially students of Aguilar Catholic School must be aware that the
time management is the cornerstone and the key to success.

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


Time Management
There is a titanic difference between secondary and higher education when it comes to
managing time and academic responsibilities. In secondary education, there was the kind of
learning that includes an explanation of everything. On the other hand, when students enter
university, they find out that what they learn is a lecture, that only includes superficial
information and the rest is their job to know about and explore further (Britton &Tessier,
2001). Time management is a skill that every student should not only know, but also apply.
A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a certain
task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time
management is extremely important, especially when it comes to university students
because it will boost their grades and enhance their productivity (Laurie &Hells ten, 2002).
However, most of the time students face problems like task aversion and uncertainty, so they
start to procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a result, students will not be
able to organize duties according to their priorities, so they get distracted easily, ending up
procrastinating. As we can see, time management is quite essential to any university
student, and it is one of the keys to higher academic achievements (Kelly, 2004).In the
relevant literature there are great number of academic studies focusing on the relation
between time management and academic achievements. The related literature showed that
the time management attitude and skill levels of university students and the effects of these
skills on their academic achievement. The research revealed that a majority student
possesses moderate level time management skills and only a significantly small portion has
high level time management skills (Yilmaz, Yoncalik & Bektas, 2006). The literature revealed
that the students’ time management skills affect their academic achievement at a significant
level and the skills are one of the predictors of academic performance. The relevant
literature suggested that students should start to acquire time management senses on their
own in their primary school years by reading materials on the issue or via the framework of
psychological counseling and guidance studies applied in schools and adopt effective time
management attitudes and techniques to determine how and where they spend their time
(Lisa & Robert, 2008).The various group of students who exploited time-saving proficiencies
notably had rich academic achievement. They accomplished those students who do not
use time saving techniques in their educational surrounding having significantly lower
academic as compared to results students who employ time management tactics Have
considerably higher achievement (Mercanlioglu, 2010). To calculate the cumulative time
spent working during a week, these objects were also added. Time management practices
have been proven to be some of the top indicators toward achieving a high level of
academic success and performance. They not only influences on the achievement but using
time management techniques also serve only one reason meaning that there are
multipurpose fulfilled by time management (Fazal,2012). Taking part in proceedings and
being engaged in other outside class activities, not inevitably a job, but being energetic in
institution also has a strong correlation to reaching high academic achievements. Various
studies showed that time management practices serve for many purposes not only for
challenging performance of the students. Time management practices show the way not only
to a high level of academic performance, but to good physical condition and lower levels of

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

stress. The foremost purpose of the present study was educational competency, using time
managing techniques, test pressure, and test proficiency (Faisal, Miqdadi, Mohamad 2014).
Academic competence scores were established to some extent improved in the current
sample indicating that students found course material/content encouraging and enjoying
their classes.



The design of this research study is ‘quantitative’ thus, for the purpose, numerical data and
textual was mustered and questioned. Whereas, for the ‘field/numerical/quantitative data,
statistical tools like checking the 3 choices of columns were applied to analyze the same facts
and figures. Our Survey Approach, research methodology suggests that survey is the
accessible instrument for managers to gather primary facts and figures by using
questionnaire about the attitudes and perceptions of individuals. We think that
questionnaire approach is the best commonly used approach of observation in this research.
All the elements that we are studying and about which we are trying to draw conclusions is
the population of the students In this research paper, the population of interest consisted of
the students of Catholic School in Aguilar, Pangasinan. The Data Collection Methods we’re
All research certainly includes the use of our time management assessment questionnaires
sheet. by first extracting variables and their related attributes, a structured questionnaire
was prepared. The questionnaire To record the responses, a checking columns was used.
The tables and cross tabulation are the examples of descriptive statistics that display data so
that they are easier to understand and manipulate. To present the classification of the
respondents, according to their own attributes, cross tables have been used. The following
questionnaire table will be the exact assessment we will use to record each respondents data.

Time Management Questionnaires

This can serve as an instrument to track the progress of your time management skills. The
following questionnaire will give you an idea of your current time management proficiency.
Score the following questions using the following scale: 2 for '(Always," 1 for '"Sometimes,"
0 for "Never."

Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never

1. I do things in order of priority

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day

3. I always get assignments done on time

4. I feel I use my time effectively

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without

G. I force myself to make time for planning

7. I spend enough time planning

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency

10. i am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last

11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters

14. I spend enough time on academic matters

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my goals

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities or


Scoring the Assessment

Now that you have completed the survey, tally your score and use the following rubric to
assess your current time management skills.
45-50 points: You have excellent time management skills and should use this guide as a
30-44 points: You manage your time fairly well but should use this guide to increase your
0-30 points: Your time management skills should be improved but do not panic, following
the subsequent guidelines will assist you in improving your ability and further your
chances of success.

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never
1. I do things in order of priority 2 7 0

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 5 4 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 6 3 0

4. I feel I use my time effectively 2 4 4

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 2 7 1

6. I force myself to make time for planning 2 4 3

7. I spend enough time planning 3 5 1

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 4 3 1

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 4 4 1

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the 4 5 0

last minute
11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 6 3 0
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 4 5 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 7 6 0

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 4 4 0

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 2 6 2

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 4 5 0
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 7 1 2
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 3 5 1

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 2 6 1

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 2 5 2
or routines
Total of Grade 7’s Over all students: 150 92 0

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never
1. I do things in order of priority 5 3 1

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 0 9 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 4 5 0

4. I feel I use my time effectively 3 6 0

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 1 8 0

6. I force myself to make time for planning 1 6 2

7. I spend enough time planning 1 6 2

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 0 5 4

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 4 4 1

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the 1 8 0

last minute
11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 6 3 0
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 6 3 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 0 7 2

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 4 4 1

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 6 3 0

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 5 1 3
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 2 6 1
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 4 5 0

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 6 3 0

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 5 3 1
or routines
Total of Grade 8's Over all students: 128 98 0

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never
1. I do things in order of priority 2 5 0

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 3 3 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 1 5 0

4. I feel I use my time effectively 0 6 0

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 0 6 0

6. I force myself to make time for planning 3 3 0

7. I spend enough time planning 1 3 2

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 0 2 4

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 2 4 0

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the 0 5 1

last minute
11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 0 5 2
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 1 4 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 0 4 0

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 2 4 0

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 4 2 0

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 1 4 0
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 4 2 0
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 0 6 0

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 3 3 0

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 0 6 0
or routines
Total of Grade 9's Over all students: 54 80 0

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never
1. I do things in order of priority 2 4 0

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 4 2 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 0 5 1

4. I feel I use my time effectively 3 2 1

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 1 4 0

6. I force myself to make time for planning 3 1 2

7. I spend enough time planning 2 3 1

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 0 4 2

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 1 4 1

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the 2 4 0

last minute
11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 3 2 1
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 1 5 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 1 5 0

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 4 2 0

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 2 3 1

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 1 5 0
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 2 4 0
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 1 3 2

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 1 5 0

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 1 5 0
or routines
Total of Grade 10’s Over all students: 70 72 0

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never
1. I do things in order of priority 0 2 1

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 0 3 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 0 1 2

4. I feel I use my time effectively 0 2 1

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 0 3 0

6. I force myself to make time for planning 2 1 0

7. I spend enough time planning 1 1 1

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 1 0 2

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 1 1 1

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the 1 1 1

last minute
11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 1 1 1
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 1 2 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 1 2 0

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 0 3 0

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 1 1 1

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 1 1 1
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 3 0 0
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 0 3 0

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 1 2 0

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 0 3 0
or routines
Total of Grade 11’s Over all students: 30 32 0

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never
1. I do things in order of priority 2 1 0

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 1 2 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 0 3 0

4. I feel I use my time effectively 0 2 1

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 1 2 0

6. I force myself to make time for planning 1 2 0

7. I spend enough time planning 0 3 0

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 0 3 0

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 1 2 0

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the 0 3 0

last minute
11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 1 2 0
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 0 3 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 0 3 0

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 2 1 0

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 2 1 0

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 1 2 0
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 1 2 0
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 0 3 0

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 0 3 0

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 0 2 1
or routines
Total of Grade 12’s Over all students: 26 45 0

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success


This can serve as an instrument to track the progress of the 30 (3 students within each
Grade) students time management skills. The following questionnaire will give the
researcher of an idea of their current time management proficiency. The researcher scores
the following questions using their on answer by using the following scale: 2 for “Always”, 1
for “Sometimes”, and 0 for “Never”.

Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never

1. I do things in order of priority 11 19 1

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 12 18 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 11 18 5

4. I feel I use my time effectively 8 18 3

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 4 25 1

6. I force myself to make time for planning 9 14 7

7. I spend enough time planning 7 18 6

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 4 14 11

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 11 16 3

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last 7 22 1

11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 15 12 3
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 12 17 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 8 24 2

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 14 14 1

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 14 15 3

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 11 15 3
commitments such as classes and work hours

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 15 13 3

energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 8 19 3

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 12 16 1

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 8 18 3
or routines
Junior High School’s Total Score: 402 345 0
Scoring the Assessment: Now that you have completed the survey, we tally their score and
use the following rubric to assess your current time management skills per section.
81-120 points: They have excellent time management skills and should use this guide as a
41-80 points: They manage their time fairly well but should use this guide to increase their
0-40 points: Their time management skills should be improved but do not panic, following
the subsequent guidelines will assist them in improving their ability and further their
chances of success.

Respondents Score Rank

Grade 7
St. Pedro 99 points 1
St. Lucy 68 points 6
St. Lorenzo 68 points 6
Total: 235

Grade 8
St. Thomas 93 points 2
St. Cecilia 67 points 7
St. Joseph 56 points 10
Total: 216

Grade 9
BAMJ 75 points 3
St. Martin 61 points 9
Total: 136

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Grade 10
St. Therese 73 points 4
St. Peter 71 points 5
Total: 144

(highest score) – Question no. 17
(Lowest score) – Question no. 5, and 8
(highest score) - Question no. 5
(Lowest score) – Question no. 17
(highest score) - Question no. 8
(Lowest score) – Question no. 2 and 12

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success



This can serve as an instrument to track the progress of the 6 (3 students within each Grade)
students time management skills. The following questionnaire will give the researcher of an
idea of their current time management proficiency. The researcher scores the following
questions using their on answer by using the following scale: 2 for “Always”, 1 for
“Sometimes”, and 0 for “Never”.

Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never

1. I do things in order of priority 2 3 1

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 1 5 0

3. I always get assignments done on time 0 4 2

4. I feel I use my time effectively 0 4 2

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 1 5 0

6. I force myself to make time for planning 3 3 0

7. I spend enough time planning 1 4 1

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 1 3 2

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 2 3 1

10. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last 1 4 1

11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 1 4 1
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 2 4 0
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 1 5 0

14. I spend enough time on academic matters 2 4 0

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 3 2 1

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 2 3 1
commitments such as classes and work hours

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most 4 2 0

energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time 0 6 0

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 1 5 0

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 0 5 1
or routines
Senior High School’s Total Score: 54 77 0

Scoring the Assessment:

Now that we have completed the survey, We tally each score and use the following rubric to
assess their current time management skills through the highest Column score.
81-120 points: They have excellent time management skills and should use this guide as a
41-80 points: They manage their time fairly well but should use this guide to increase their
0-40 points: Their time management skills should be improved but do not panic, following
the subsequent guidelines will assist them in improving their ability and further their
chances of success.

Respondents Score Rank

Grade 11 62 points 8
Grade 12 71 points 5

(highest score) – Question no. 17
(Lowest score) – Question no. 3,4,5,18, and 20
(highest score) - Question no. 5,18 and 20
(Lowest score) – Question no. 17
(highest score) - Question no. 8
(Lowest score) – Question no. 12

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success



This can serve as an instrument to track the progress of the 36 (3 students within each
Grade) students time management skills. The following questionnaire will give the
researcher of an idea of their current time management proficiency. The researcher scores
the following questions using their on answer by using the following scale: 2 for “Always”, 1
for “Sometimes”, and 0 for “Never”.

Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never

I do things in order of priority 13 22 2

I accomplish what needs to be done during the day 13 23 0

I always get assignments done on time 11 24 7

I feel I use my time effectively 8 22 5

I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without 5 30 1

I force myself to make time for planning 12 17 7

I spend enough time planning 8 22 7

I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list 5 17 13

I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency 13 19 4

I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last 8 26 2

I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework 16 16 4
I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high 14 21 0
priority tasks
I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters 9 29 2

I spend enough time on academic matters 16 18 1

I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly 17 17 4

I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed 13 18 4
commitments such as classes and work hours
I try to do the most important tasks during my most 19 15 3
energetic periods of the day

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

I make constructive use of my commuting time 8 25 3

I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my 13 21 1

I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities 8 23 4
or routines
Aguilar Catholic School student’s Total Score: 878 422 0

Scoring the Assessment:

Now that we have completed the survey, We tally each score and use the following rubric to
assess their current time management skills through the highest Column score.
961-1440 points: The ACS student’s have excellent time management skills and should use
this guide as a reference.
481-960 points: The ACS student’s managed their time fairly well but should use this guide
to increase their skills.
480-0 points: The skills should be improved their time management but do not panic,
following the subsequent guidelines will assist them in improving their ability and further
their chances of success.
(highest score) – Question no. 17
(Lowest score) – Question no. 5, and 8
(highest score) - Question no. 5
(Lowest score) – Question no. 17
(highest score) - Question no. 8
(Lowest score) – Question no. 2 and 12

481-960 points: The ACS student’s managed their time FAIRLY WELL but should use this
guide to increase their skills.

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

After collecting all the data’s from the respondents, the above table shows the
interpretation of Aguilar Catholic School student’s current Time Management Skills and
Proficiency. Time management is very important and it may actually affect individual's
overall performance and achievements. Students nowadays always commented that they do
not have enough time to complete all the tasks assigned to them. In addition, a school
environment's flexibility and freedom can derail students who have not mastered time
management skills. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the relationship between
the time management and academic achievement of the students. The factor analysis result
showed three main factors associated with time management which can be classified as time
planning, time attitudes and time wasting. The result also indicated that gender and races of
students show no significant differences in time management behaviors. While the study and
faculty of students reveal the significant differences in the time management behaviors.
Meanwhile, all the time management behaviors are significantly positively related to
academic achievement of students although the relationship is weak. Time planning is the
most significant correlated predictor. Based on the results, after tallying the answers We can
finally define results through analyzing it critically and analytically, it's all about revealing
what kind of time management skills and proficiency do the students have. Obviously, from
the table above it shows that the Aguilar Catholic School have more Junior High School
students rather than Senior High School Students and basically Seniors must be more skilled
in managing their time because they are older than the rest of the students, already matured
enough and grown up. Whereas Junior’s were youngish. But, It is a contradiction to what it
should be. The researchers computed and tallied every student's data sheet then leads the
researchers to conclude that Junior High School’s GRADE 7(ST.PEDRO)are more efficient in
effectively managing their time they got 99/120 points. In terms of always doing what's
essentially to befit improvements to their academic achievements. For it is marked that
pretty much of them put down ‘always’ by keeping up-to-date on their reading and
homework assignments. But, 30% of the questions answered by ‘sometimes’ and ‘never'.
For example they occasionally try to do the most important tasks during their most energetic
periods of the day and some responded ‘never' in accomplishing what needs to be done
during the day and they never prevent interruptions from distracting them from high
priority tasks. As an outcome, Junior High School’s Grade 7 have excellent time management
skills. While in the other hand, the GRADE 8 (ST. JOSEPH) got their time coped in fairly well
and ought to increase their skills to be further successful because they got 56 out of 120
points, uttermost of them prefer to answer ‘sometimes' and the highest checked was the
‘sometimes' column in the question number 5,18 and 20. Dictated that paramount of them
are tackling difficult tasks without procrastinating, they can also make constructive use of
their commuting time and they have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities
routines. And Few of them answered ‘always' While the rest replied ‘never’. It tends to
conclude that Junior High School (Grade7) students are more skilled in managing their time
in their academic lives. And the rest of the Junior’s and Senior High School students have a
time management proficiency.

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

That being the case here are… there are problems revealed in their time management that
many students find challenging with some school requirements and these are the Three
main problems of ACS students:

1. Managing workload
The amount of work you get at high school peaks and troughs. One moment you’re
gliding along without any concerns, the next you’re snowed under with essays,
assignments and projects to prepare for. Once you’ve got them it’s a question of
organizing your time so that everything gets done to a satisfactory standard.
‘Satisfactory’ is not nearly as popular with course tutors as ‘the best you can do’. But
it’s important to make the distinction between the two terms. If you give everything
your best, you’re chasing perfection... always a dangerous waste of time unless
applied only when it really needs to be, and a danger to your health. Aim for ‘good

2. Procrastination
When you know what to do, but you just can’t face the thought of doing it, you’ll
procrastinate. Alternatively, maybe you’re got ‘plenty of time’ to do it, so you leave it
until the last minute to do.

3. Getting distracted
Distractions are everywhere, and they’re never going to go away. You may not be able
to eliminate them, but you can avoid them if you know how to stay focused.

There are most common signs for poor time management (Poor punctuality,
Constantly late to appointments or to complete tasks, Rushing, Impatience, Poorly
defined goals, Procrastination, Poor performance, Lack of energy, Perfectionism.)

As stated above, it is critical to noticed that the majority of the ACS students are lacked
of time management aptitude and skills. Knowing that having a poor time
management can cause for many, time management is the weakness that holds back
their career and causes chaos with their daily life. Time management can be a
compounding weakness because it can amplify other issues. For example, it can make
a work-life balance problem even that much worse. Top of it were hinders you to be
a top student or a student with honors. It can cause fail grades, and a high chance of
unsuccessful life in the future. And it needs to be prevented by giving solution and
tips on how to manage their time effectively before it’s not too late.

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Good time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which
leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your
stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success. Each benefit of time
management improves another aspect of your life. The aim of this study was to determine
the relationship between the time management and academic achievement of the Aguilar
Catholic School students. All in all, we found out that time management is highly related to
the academic performance of the Catholic students. That is, as our research study has shown
that successful students are good time managers. These results, however, can be generalized
to the students of the both Junior High School and Seniors. As a result of this it was
determined that student’s behavior in the category of time planning was at the highest level
and behavior in the category of time management was at the lowest level. The success of
students was above average. There was a significant and positive relation between time
planning, time management and academic performance of the students. There was a low and
positive relation between time consumers and academic achievement, there was a
meaningful and moderate relation between time management and academic achievement.
Time management scores of the student’s show the way to score of academic achievement
as concluded that students who scored poor in academic achievement gained significantly
lower in time management. There found an association found between time management
practices, academic achievements and stress reduction as the research study demonstrated
that an association exists between anxiety lessening, practices of time management and
higher academic success. Moreover, there is an association between time management
abilities and educational outcomes. Giving time to studies outside the class or at home have
some positive impacts on the studies and spending more time working have some negative
impacts on the outputs of students. In conclusion, time management is a very important skill
to be learned and to be mastered in order to have a better lifestyle. By managing well time,
you will no longer suffer from stress and your works/tasks will be done on time and with
great quality. We as a researcher encourages students to practice good time management so
they can study effectively and get the most out of their studies with some tip for effective
time management for Junior and Senior High School students:
 Eliminate distractions
Get rid of anything that distracts you and allows you to procrastinate from your work.
While you are studying or writing, turn off your phone’s ringtones and vibrations and
put it in a drawer where you won’t be tempted to answer calls and messages. Allow
yourself to check your phone only once per hour. Get off Facebook, Messenger,
YouTube and other distractions. Save them for when you are relaxing.
 Be focused at the task at hand
Have you ever been so focused and devoted to what you are doing that time seems to
have flown by? This mental state is called ‘flow’ – when you are completely immersed
and involved in an activity. Flow actually makes you feel energized and motivated and

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

increases enjoyment of the activity (not to mention being super-productive). To

achieve flow, find a challenge, develop your skills, eliminate distractions, set aside
enough time, set clear goals and focus completely on the task at hand.
 Use a calendar
A calendar is a great way to plan your day. It’ll be an easier way to schedule your
appointments and remember your obligations. It can also help you to study in blocks
and devote time to different subjects. Set up a calendar on your phone or computer
and ensure you stick to it. Factor in extra time in case an activity takes longer than
 Use a checklist
A checklist is a great way to ensure you stay on task, by listing your tasks and checking
them off one by one once completed. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment to
tick off tasks when completed.
 Get organized
Once you have your calendar and checklist set up, you should be well on your way to
being better organized. Being organized will save you a lot of time and allow you to
allocate and manage your time better. Set up simple systems, such as document filing.
 Schedule rewards
You need to treat yourself when you do the right thing. Take a few minutes out of
every hour to take a break and do something you enjoy, like go for a walk or watch
some TV. The break will also allow your brain to relax and be more productive when
you return. However, whatever you do, make sure you don’t overindulge until you
have completed your tasks.
 Get a good night’s sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential to make sure your body and mind is rested and fresh
for the next day. It can be hard to concentrate if you didn’t get 7 to 8 hours of sleep in
the night before. Pulling an all-nighter studying is less productive then consistent
study. Manage your time better by including sleep in the schedule.

The Group VI researchers hopes that with these tips, they can improve their time
management skills and get the most out of their time, whether it be studying, playing or
living. Having an effective and great Time Management will be a Cornerstone and Key to
Success of every students in the Aguilar Catholic School, The Junior High School and Senior
High School Students.

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Time Management Questionnaires

This can serve as an instrument to track the progress of your time management skills.

Time Management Assessment Questionnaire

Questions Always Sometimes Never

1. I do things in order of priority

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day

3. I always get assignments done on time

4. I feel I use my time effectively

5. I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without

G. I force myself to make time for planning

7. I spend enough time planning

8. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list

9. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency

10. i am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last

11. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework
12. I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high
priority tasks
13. I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters

14. I spend enough time on academic matters

15. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly

16. I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed
commitments such as classes and work hours
17. I try to do the most important tasks during my most
energetic periods of the day
18. I make constructive use of my commuting time

19. I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my goals

20. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities or


Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Group VI Research Paper.

Time Management: The Cornerstone and Key to Success

Group VI Research Paper.

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