Handphone Is The Modern Lifestyle

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Handphone is the Modern Lifestyle

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The horoable board of jury and all fellow my friends and audience
How are you, guys? I’m sure you’re all in a good health. Before I start, have you
know me already? There is saying that if you don’t know the person, how can you
love that person? So, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Tia
Ramadhany and I’m from DIII Analis Kesehatan, 1st semester. Then, allow me to
tell you my speech today about Handphone.
Ladies and gentleman…
Who don’t know about handphone. Everyone knows what is handphone, right?
We certainly use handphone everyday, everytime, right? You carry your
handphone with you wherever you go. You have it on you at school, work, and
while out shopping and running. Sometimes people even carry their smartphones
into the bathroom, its not recomended Are you happy or afraid when you play
handphone? Definitely, you’re happy…. but here and now I will tell you how
important handphone for our health, so you can choose you are happy or not.
Audience, Handphone is a phone that can make and receive telephone calls and
it’s used to communication each other in any situation and conditions. In this era,
handphone have been used for all ages, such as children, teenager, adults, and
sometimes granfather and granmother. Handphone is really make someone forget
about everything, we become forget to work, study, pray, and socialized to other.
In 2019, The number of cellular users is predicted to increase to 265.3 Million
with an Annual Compound Growth Rate and smartphone users are expected to
increase to 140.4 million. Its so to internet usage will increase to 178.4 million
and for mobile internet users it is predicted to be 89.4 Million. So, what effect
from handphone? Have you ever think the effect? Or you know the effect but you
still play handphone too much? Here, the effects of handphone :
1. Forget the time ; like I say before, we become forget everything when we
have been played a handphone
2. Leck of rest time
3. Pain in the neck and wrist
4. Cancer cell growth
5. Cyber bullying
6. Radiation to the eyes
There are effects of handphone. So many effects from handphone. Are you happy
or not after hear the effects? Now, it’s solution for everybody to prevent effects
of handphone, don't play mobile too much , go out with friends, or you can also
do positive things by join the organization.
Ok, this is my speech I am sorry for any words and behave that unpleasing
your heart. Thank you very much for the occusion and your attention.
Wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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