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Karnataka Government Secretariat,


Sl No 262
Circular Number RD 97 LGP 90

Date 05/31/90
Section Land Grants

Subject Acceptance of Photostat copies of documents-Instructions-Reg.

Body [97] RD 97 LGP 90 Dt. 31.5.90 (C)

Sub: Acceptance of Photostat copies of documents-Instructions-Reg.

It has come to the notice of Government, that the field level Officers coming under the
control of Revenue Department, like Stamps and Registration Department, Survey
Settlement and Land Records Department, Muzrai and wakf Department and other
departments are accepting photostat copies of documents presented by the private parties
and are taking important decisions, without verifying the originals to satisfy as to the
authenticity of the document. Subsequent investigation has revealed that most of the
documents were bogus and created by the parties. This practice is generally noticed in
registering the Revenue Sites round about Bangalore City. This has to be stopped forthwith
as otherwise parties would evade the legal provisions with impunity and also may result in
heavy loss of the revenue to Government.

It is, therefore, instructed that the photostat copies of the document is not a legal evidence
and should not be accepted in any proceedings unless parties produce simultaneously the
original thereof. The Officer accepting these documents satisfy himself after verifying the
original as to the authnenticity and put a certificate to that effect on the photostat copy of
the document. This procedure should be followed scruplously. Any lapse in following this
procedure will be viewed seriously and make officer responsible for the misdeed.

Above guidelines be kept in mind by all the concerned. This Circular is also available at the Revenue
Department Internet site
Additional Secretary to Government
Revenue Department (Land Reforms)

All Deputy Commissioners.
Foot Notes
For any suggestions / clarifications, please send mail to Mr. Rajeev Chawla (Additional

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