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Car A is traveling along a circular curve of 60

m radius at a constant speed of 54 km/h. When A
passes the position shown, car B is 30 m from the
60 m
intersection, traveling with a speed of 72 km/h
and accelerating at the rate of 1.5 m/s2. r
30 m q A
Determine the velocity and acceleration which A
appears to have when observed by an occupant of
B at this instant. Also determine r, q, 𝑟,ሶ 𝜃,ሶ 𝑟,ሷ and
𝜃ሷ for this instant.
A: 54 km/h (cst). B: 72 km/h and accelerating at the rate of 1.5 m/s2.


30o 30
60 m B o
60 m
B a +n
  b
30 m q A
vB r aA
b 
30 m
 q
aB 30o

2. Particles A and B both have a speed of 5 m/s along the directions indicated by
arrows. A moves in a curvilinear path defined by y=4–x2 and B moves along a
linear path along the x-axis. If the velocity of B is decreasing at a rate of 6 m/s
each second and the velocity of A is increasing at a rate of 4 m/s each second,
determine the velocity and acceleration of A with respect to B for the instant
3. Cylinder B has a downward velocity in meters per second given
by vB=t2/2+t3/6, where t is in seconds. Calculate the acceleration of
A when t =2 s.
Length of cable:

L  4 y A  2 yB
4 y A  2 y B  0
4 yA  2 yB  0
upward acceleration of A
aA   aB
2 3
t t t2
vB    aB t
2 6 2
For t=2 s
aB  2   4 m / s2
a A    2 m / s 2
4. Determine an expression for the velocity of the
cart A down the incline in terms of the upward
velocity of cylinder B.

Length of cable:
L x 2  h 2  2 y  cst
 1 2 xx
L  2 y  0
2 x2  h2
x  v A , v B   y
2 x2  h2
vA  vB
Rectilinear Motion
5. The rod of the fixed hydraulic cylinder is moving to the left with a speed of 100 mm/s
and this speed is momentarily increasing at a rate of 400 mm/s each second at the
instant when sA = 425 mm. Determine the tension in the cord at that instant. The mass of
slider B is 0.5 kg, the length of the cord is 1050 mm, and the effects of the radius and
friction of the small pulley at A are negligible. Find results for cases (a) negligible friction
at slider B and (b) mk = 0.4 at slider B. The action is in a vertical plane.
Curvilinear Motion
6. The 1 kg ball A, which slides in a slot in
the rotating arm OB, is kept in contact
with the stationary cam C by a spring. The y r=0.1(2+cos q) m
spring has a stiffness of 1000 N/m and is
unstretched when the arm OB is in
0.2 m A
position OP. If the arm rotates with the
constant angular velocity 𝜃ሶ =20 rad/s q
P Q x
(ccw), calculate the normal force N which
the cam exerts on A and also the force R C

exerted on A by the sides of the slot when

q=30o. All surfaces are smooth. The
0.1 m 0.3 m
problem occurs in vertical plane.
+q y r=0.1(2+cos q) m
R +r
0.2 m A
b q
N P x
q30o +n b?
+t  v
v q 0.1 m 0.3 m
   e
v  rer  rq q

r  0.12  cos 30   0.286 m

 
 sin q  1 m / s
r  0.1  q
 rq  0.286 20   5.732 m / s
vr   
v  1er  5.732eq
 1 
b  arctan   9.9
 5.732 
 
 
r  0.1qsin q  q 2 cos q   0.1 20 2 cos 30  34.64 m / s 2
0 
ar  34.64  0.286  20  149.04 m / s 2 aq  rq  2rq  2 120  40 m / s 2

Kinetics +q
mg The spring is unstretched when the arm OB is in position OP.
R +r r=0.1 m when the spring is unstretched.
r=0.286 m when q=30o.
N Fspring  kr  10000.286  0.1  186 N

F r  mar  mg sin 30  N cos 9.9  Fspring  mar

 19.81sin 30  N cos 9.9  186  1 149.04  N  42.132 N

 Fq  maq  mg cos 30  N sin 9.9  R  maq

 19.81 cos 30  42.132sin 9.9  R  1 40  R  38.748 N
Curvilinear Motion
7. The 2 kg collar is forced to move on the parabolic guide given by y=4x2, by an
attached spring with an unstretched length of 1.5 m and a stiffness of k=20 N/m. It is
known that when the collar passes the position x=1 m, its velocity is v=2 m/s.
Determine the reaction force acting on the collar from the guide and the total
acceleration of the collar.

y=4 – x2
Dimensions in “m”
m=2 kg

k=20 N/m
mg tan q 
 2 x  2  q  63.435o
dx x 1
q 3
tan b   b  46.975o
N q b   dy  2 
3/ 2

q Fsp 1    
+n 
  dx  

1   2 
2 3/ 2
 5.59 m
d2y 2
+t dx 2
Fsp  kl  20 2.8 2  32  1.5  52.07 N
 

 v2 22 2
1 F  man   N  mg cos q  Fsp sin q  b   man  n
a    0.7156 m / s 
 5.59
 
N  mg cos 63.435  52.07 sin 63.435  46.975  m
 an  N  7.411 N N
2 kg

2  F  mat t  mg sin q  Fsp cosq  b   mat at  v

at  g sin q  cosq  b   at  33.744 m / s 2

Total acceleration: a  an2  an2  33.752 m / s 2

8. Both of the 15-cm-radius wheels roll without slipping on the horizontal surface.
Knowing that the distance AD is 12.5 cm, the distance BE is 10 cm, that D has a velocity
of 30 cm/s to the right and acceleration of E is 60 cm/s2 to the left, determine the
angular velocity and angular acceleration of link AB, angular velocity and angular
acceleration of both wheels.

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