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Determinants of Employee Participation in

Physical Activity
Critical Review of the Literature
by Thanee Kaewthummanukul, PhD, RN, and Kathleen C. Brown, PhD, RN

Research Abstract
The purpose of this article is to provide a review of research literature related to factors that influence employee partici-
pation in physical activity. Eleven published studies investigating physical activity in samples of adult employees were
included in this review. Across these studies, self-efficacy, or belief in personal ability to perform this health behavior,
was the best predictor of physical activity among employees. Perceived benefits of physical activity and perceived health
status were also found to influence participation in physical activity. Occupational health nurses could offer self-care
classes and intervention programs that assist employees in improving their perceptions of self-efficacy to perform physi-
cal activity. Additionally, occupational health nurses should continue to reinforce the benefits of physical activity in all
health promotion venues.

egular physical activity is an important compo- activity, much of the U.S. population remains sedentary
nent of a healthy lifestyle that improves not only (Marcus, King, Clark, Pinto, & Bock, 1996; Sallis & Owen,
physical but also psychological health (Sullum, 1999). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Clark, & King, 2000). Physical health benefits of regu- (2000) reported that only 15% of adults in 1997 engaged in
lar physical activity include increased muscle and bone the recommended type, duration, and intensity of physical
strength, decreased body fat, improved weight control, activity (occupational, lifestyle, and leisure-time activities)
and aerobic fitness (Volek, Vanheest, & Forsythe, 2005; and 40% of adults did not engage in leisure-time physi-
Vuori, 1998). Regular physical activity also enhances a cal activity. The 1990 National Health Interview Survey of
sense of well-being, reduces the risk of developing de- adult employees found that approximately half reported no
pression and anxiety, and improves mood (U.S. Depart- leisure-time physical activity and more than half reported
ment of Health and Human Services, 2000). Physical no strenuous physical activity during the workday (Centers
activity has been demonstrated to improve the health for Disease Control and Prevention, 2000).
status of individuals with diabetes, hypertension, con- Determinants of employee participation in physical
gestive heart failure, obesity, and depression (Brunet, activity have not been the focus of previous literature re-
Plotnikoff, Raine, & Courneya, 2005; Coats, 2005; Sal- views. Understanding the factors related to physical ac-
lis & Owen, 1999; Stewart et al., 2005). Physical activ- tivity (occupational, lifestyle, and leisure-time activity)
ity is defined as all movements involving large muscle among employees is essential to establishing effective
groups of the body; exercise is considered a subset of intervention programs. The design of intervention pro-
physical activity (Sallis & Owen, 1999). grams must be based on knowledge of factors that influ-
Despite the enormous benefits of regular physical ence employee adoption of physical activity.
This article provides a detailed review of the latest
About the Authors research literature related to factors that influence the lev-
Dr. Kaewthummanukul is Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai Uni-
versity, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Dr. Brown is Professor and Director, Oc-
el of employee participation in physical activity. Through
cupational Health Nursing, School of Nursing, University of Alabama at an analysis of studies and a discussion of implications for
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. occupational health research and practice, the review will

June 2006, vol. 54, no. 6 249

et al. and Boutelle et al. The study by Blue et al. (2001)
reported a concurrent validity of 0.64, with physical fit-
Applying Research to Practice ness criteria and test–retest reliability of 0.96 for strenuous
activity, 0.46 for moderate activity, 0.48 for light activity,
Although the benefits of physical activity are 0.74 for total energy expenditure, and 0.64 for the entire
generally known, questions remain about measure. Two other studies (Duffy, Rossow, & Hernandez,
how best to increase employee participa- 1996; Pender, Walker, Sechrist, & Frank-Stromborg, 1990)
tion in physical activity. Occupational health used the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (Walker, Se-
nurses are in an excellent position to motivate christ, & Pender, 1987) to measure exercise. This instru-
employees to adopt healthy lifestyles. Under- ment included a 5-item exercise subscale with a reported
standing factors that influence physical activity reliability of 0.86. Responses on a Likert scale ranged from
may give occupational health nurses direction 1 (“never”) to 4 (“routinely”).
in assessing employees’ beliefs about their ca- Another study (Desmond, Conrad, Montgomery, &
pacity to perform physical activity. In addition, Simon, 1993) used a 21-item index of work, leisure, and
occupational health nurses can use this infor- sports activity (Baecke, Burema, & Frijters, 1982). Items
mation to develop pilot programs and projects were answered on a 5-point scale of “never” to “always,”
promoting employee physical activity. and an overall physical activity score was calculated by
totaling the three scales. Test–retest reliability was 0.88
for the work scale, 0.81 for the sports scale, and 0.74 for
the leisure scale.
add new understanding about the factors that influence The Nurses’ Health Study Activity Questionnaire
employee participation in physical activity. (Wolf et al., 1994) was used to measure physical activ-
ity in a study by Piazza, Conrad, and Wilbur (2001). Fre-
Methods quency and duration of 8 vigorous activities and 4 sed-
Relevant articles from Medline and the Cumulative In- entary activities were reported for 1 week. METS were
dex to Nursing and Allied Health Literature were identified calculated for each activity multiplied by frequency then
using the key words “physical activity,” “exercise,” “em- summed, resulting in a total activity score of METS per
ployee,” “workers,” “working adult,” and “employed adult.” week. Construct validity was established by correlating
Articles meeting the following criteria were included: the Nurses’ Health Study Activity Questionnaire with
l Published in English between 1990 and 2002. self-report recall (0.79 to 0.83) and activity diaries (0.59
l Studies were descriptive. to 0.62). No reliability data were reported.
l Participants were adult employees. Burn, Naylor, and Page (1999) used a physical activ-
l Determinants, factors, or variables related to physical ity index consisting of 4 items with 5-point Likert scales.
activity or exercise participation were examined. The items measured walking for relaxation, exercise that
Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria. A summary causes exertion, participation in other sport or fitness ac-
of the sample, study design and procedures, instruments, tivities, and participation in active hobbies. A test–retest
theoretical framework, and major findings from each of reliability of 0.96 during a 2-week period was reported.
the 11 studies is provided in the Table. The studies varied Three studies (Burton & Turrell, 2000; Gebhardt &
by sample size, sample characteristics, cognitive–psy- Maes, 1998; Rabinowitz, Melamed, Weisberg, Tal, & Ri-
chosocial variables measured, and instruments used. In bak, 1992) used investigator-developed instruments to
addition, the studies used different definitions and mea- measure physical activity. Burton and Turrell (2000) asked
sures of physical activity (Table). Findings are discussed participants to report walking, moderate exercise, and vig-
according to the major categories of physical activity de- orous exercise in the past 2 weeks. A score was calculated
terminants, and factors associated with inconsistencies in by multiplying the number of sessions performed by the
study findings are identified. average time of each session by the intensity in METS
(3.5 = low; 5 = moderate; and 9 = highest or vigorous). The
Results instrument used in the study by Gebhardt and Maes (1998)
Physical Activity Measures measured respondent participation in leisure-time physical
Measures of physical activity varied in the 11 stud- activity. With an affirmative response, the respondent also
ies. Three studies (Biddle, Goudas, & Page, 1994; Blue, reported frequency and duration and was classified as a
Wilbur, & Marston-Scott, 2001; Boutelle, Murray, Jef- non-exerciser with no reported exercise, exercising for less
fery, Hennrikus, & Lando, 2000) used the Leisure Time than 20 minutes per session, or exercising for 20 minutes or
Exercise Questionnaire developed by Godin and Sheph- more at least 3 times per week. Rabinowitz et al. (1992) de-
ard (1985). In this questionnaire, respondents indicate veloped an instrument that required respondents to indicate
the number of times per week they engage in strenuous, on a 6-point scale their weekly exercise from “no leisure
moderate, or light activity. A total activity score is calcu- exercise” to “more than 2 hours per week.” No reliability
lated by multiplying strenuous responses by 9, moderate and validity assessments were reported on the instruments
responses by 5, and light responses by 3. The weightings developed by the investigators in the three studies.
correspond to metabolic equivalents (METS). No validity Eight of the studies used standardized instruments with
and reliability data were reported in the studies by Biddle adequate psychometric properties to measure physical ac-

250 AAOHN Journal

Studies of Factors Influencing Physical Activity Participation Among Employees
Sample Theoretical
Study Characteristics Study Design Instruments Framework Major Findings
Pender et al. N = 589: 318 men, 271 Descriptive, cross-sec- Demographics: age, gender, marital Health Promotion 31% of the variance in
(1990) women; full-time clerical, tional study; question- status, education, and income; six Model (Pender, HPLP was explained by

June 2006, vol. 54, no. 6

operations, and mana- naires completed cognitive–psychosocial variables: 1987) the importance of health,
gerial employees in the on-site at the study’s importance of health (Health Value perceived personal compe-
Midwest (enrolled in start and 3 months Survey), TR = 0.92; perceived tence, definition of health,
workplace health promo- after initial testing and control of health (internality, power- perceived health status,
tion programs); mean age enrollment in a health- ful others [externality], and chance perceived control of health,
= 38 years (SD = 10.1 promoting program [externality]), IC = 0.84 to 0.85; demographics, and behav-
years); 83% white; 65% perceived personal competence, ioral factors at initial test-
married; 35% to 37% with TR = 0.80 and IC = 0.78; definition ing; 25% of the variance in
family income of $20,000 of health (wellness and clinical), HPLP obtained 3 months
to $60,000; 83% attended TR = 0.84 and IC = 0.89 to 0.95; after testing was explained
and 50% completed col- perceived health status and be- by the initial measures of
lege havioral factors, TR, IC, and V not cognitive–perceptual and
reported; and HPLP (self-actualiza- modifying variables.
tion, health responsibility, exercise,
nutrition, interpersonal support, and
stress management subscales): to-
tal scale, TR = 0.93 and IC = 0.93;
subscales, TR = 0.81 to 0.91 and
IC = 0.68 to 0.89 (V not reported)
Rabinowitz et N = 46: 9 men, 37 women; Descriptive, correla- Four cognitive–psychosocial vari- Social Cognitive Pearson correlations
al. (1992) blue collar employees of a tional, cross-sectional ables: beliefs, exercise self-efficacy, Theory between engagement in
manufacturing plant; mean study; questionnaires health locus of control, and the life leisure-time exercise and
age = 34.6 years (range = completed on-site orientation test (TR, IC, and V not beliefs in the contribu-
17 to 54 years) reported); leisure-time exercise and tion of exercise activity to
dietary practices (TR, IC, and V not health and to a general
reported) feeling of well-being were
r = 0.34 and r = 0.45,
respectively; none of the
other predictor variables
correlated significantly
with leisure-time ex-

Studies of Factors Influencing Physical Activity Participation Among Employees (Continued)
Sample Theoretical
Study Characteristics Study Design Instruments Framework Major Findings
Desmond et al. N = 325; male employees Descriptive, cross-sec- Demographics: age, education, Health Promotion Approximately 30% of the
(1993) at a large Midwestern tional study; question- income, and job category; three Model (Pender, variance in overall physical
public utilities company; naires completed cognitive–perceptual factors: 1987) activity was explained by
mean age = 37.5 years on-site perceived health status (TR and IC job category and self-
(range = 20 to 62 years); not reported); physical self-efficacy efficacy; 56% of the
fewer than 1% with < 12 scale, IC = 0.61 to 0.84; and per- variance in occupational
years of education; 83% ceived barriers, IC = 0.66 to 0.85 (V activity was explained by
annual income > $40,000; not reported for any variable); three income and job cat-
70% physical job and 25% types of physical activity: work in- egory; 6% of the variance
management dex, leisure-time index, and sports in sports activity was
activity index, TR = 0.74 to 0.88 explained by perceived
health status; approxi-
mately 14% of the variance
in leisure-time activity was
explained by self-efficacy
and job category.

Biddle et al. N = 131: 63 men, 68 Descriptive, cross-sec- Seven cognitive–psychosocial Theory of Planned 32% and 38% of variance
(1994) women; full-time employ- tional study; ques- variables: intention, IC = 0.94; Behavior in strenuous physical ac-
ees on university campus; tionnaires using mail perceived control, IC = 0.81; self- tivity were explained by all
age and occupational survey efficacy, IC = 0.91; attitude, social seven cognitive–psycho-
group not reported norms, benefits, and barriers, TR social variables for women
and IC not reported (V not reported and men, respectively;
for any variable); and self-report intention and self-efficacy
physical activity: work activity, were the best predictors of
home, and free-time activities in strenuous physical activity
average week (TR, IC, and V not for women and intention
reported) and attitude for men; at-
titude, perceived control,
benefits, and self-efficacy
were the best predictors of
intention for women; atti-
tude was the best predic-
tor for men.

AAOHN Journal
Duffy et al. N = 397 full-time (91%) Descriptive, cross-sec- Demographics: age, education, mari- Not stated Participants who had high-
(1996) or part-time employed tional study; ques- tal status, annual household income, er levels of personal belief
Mexican American tionnaires using mail and occupational status; three cogni- in their competency, good
women (working outside survey tive–psychosocial variables: Multidi- to excellent current health,
the home); mean age = mensional Health Locus of Control and personal control of
36 years (range = 19 to 70 Scale–Form A, IC = 0.67 to 0.84; their health (regardless
years); 85% high school current health (health perception of age, education, marital

June 2006, vol. 54, no. 6

or more; 56.7% married; questionnaire), IC = 0.84; self-effica- status, income, or occu-
average annual income, cy, IC = 0.70 to 0.94 (all variables, V pation) were more likely
$29,000; 44% registered not reported); and HPLP (self-actual- to report regular practice
nurses or allied health ization, health responsibility, exercise, of all health promotion
workers nutrition, interpersonal support, and activities; participants who
stress management subscales): total had poor health, older
scale, IC = 0.94; subscales, IC = 0.76 age, less education, and a
to .0.91; V reported (factor analysis: belief that powerful others
six major components accounted for were in control of their
47.1% of the variance and one major health reported less fre-
factor, health-promoting lifestyle, was quent practice of regular
identified) exercise.
Gebhardt & N = 980; the care staff of Descriptive, cross-sec- Leisure-time exercise measured Health Belief Non-exercisers reported
Maes (1998) 7 nursing homes in the tional study; question- using frequency and duration of Model more activities in the
Netherlands; gender, age, naires completed exercise per week: activities outside home conflicted with
or other demographics not on-site of the home and in the home, social exercise (F2,977 = 6.22; p <
reported activities, and self-development .01); both non-exercisers
activities developed by investiga- and those who exercised
tors; personal goals within each of < 3 times a week as-
the domains of activities measured sumed that exercising at
using instrument developed by the norm would interfere
investigators (all variables, TR, IC, with more social activities
and V not reported) than those who already
exercised at the norm
(F2,977 = 9.45; p < .01);
non-exercisers expected
more activities to be
hindered by exercise at
the norm than those who
exercised at the norm
(F2,977 = 3.13; p < .05).

Studies of Factors Influencing Physical Activity Participation Among Employees (Continued)
Sample Theoretical
Study Characteristics Study Design Instruments Framework Major Findings
Burn et al. N = 709: 249 men, 460 Descriptive, cross-sec- Stage-of-exercise behavior scale, TR Transtheoretical Significant differences were
(1999) (65%) women; employ- tional study; question- = 0.78, V reported with a Seven-Day Model of Change found among stages of
ees from a government naires completed Recall Physical Activity Question- change for BMI, aerobic
office in Britain; mean age on-site naire; exercise self-efficacy, TR = exercise, dietary habits,
= 39 years (SD = 10.97 0.90; physical activity index, TR = exercise self-efficacy, and
years); mean BMI = 24.27 0.96; dietary habits (5-item standard stress when controlling
kg/m2 (SD = 3.69 kg/m2); instrument); smoking and alcohol for age; participants in the
adjusted means and SDs: use (single item); stress (anxiety and precontemplation stage re-
age (precontemplation = depression from Goldberg inventory) ported a significantly lower
45 ± 10 years, contem- (TR, IC, and V not reported); BMI; level of aerobic activity
plation = 41 ± 11 years, blood pressure (sphygmomanometer); than did those in the action
preparation = 39 ± 10 blood cholesterol (finger-prick test stage. Similarly, a signifi-
years, action = 34 ± 11 using a handheld Accutrend meter cant difference was found
years, maintenance = 38 ± [Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim, between the contemplation
11 years) Germany]); urine tested for the pres- and maintenance stages;
ence of sugar, blood, and protein with dietary habits and exercise
urine test strip self-efficacy differed signifi-
cantly across the stages.
Boutelle et al. N = 9,043: 4,136 men, Descriptive, cross-sec- Demographics: weight status (de- Not stated Both gender participants
(2000) 4,907 women; employees tional study; question- fined by BMI), age, education, job in the highest activity
in 24 worksites in the Min- naires completed category (professional, white collar, quartiles were more edu-
neapolis–St. Paul metro- on-site or blue collar), marital status, and cated and younger. Men
politan area; demograph- ethnicity; other health behaviors: with high levels of activ-
ics of men and women fat consumption (Block Fat ity were more likely to be
described by quartile of Screener), stress (Perceived unmarried; higher levels
leisure-time exercise Stress Scale), smoking behavior, of leisure-time exercise
daily alcohol use, seat belt use, were positively associ-
and health; leisure-time physical ated with seat belt use
exercise (Leisure Time Exercise and negatively related to
Questionnaire) (TR, IC, and V not smoking, dietary fat intake,
reported for any variable) reported stress, and obe-
sity; leisure-time exercise
was positively associated
with daily alcohol use for

AAOHN Journal
Burton & Turrell N = 24,454: 55% men, Descriptive, cross-sec- Demographics: occupation (profes- Not stated Most participants were clas-
(2000) 45% women (Australian); tional study; secondary sional, white collar, or blue collar) sified as having insufficient
age range, 18 to 64 years; analysis of data col- and hours worked; confounding and activity (67.7%); the rate
blue collar: 18% women, lected during face-to- mediating variables: living arrange- of insufficient activity was
48% men; white collar: face interviews using ment, smoking status, BMI, self-re- higher for women than for
52% women, 16% men; questionnaires ported health, and age; leisure-time men; those in blue collar
professional: 30% women, physical activity: walking, moderate occupations were 71%

June 2006, vol. 54, no. 6

36% men; most worked > exercise, and vigorous exercise more likely to be classified
30 hours per week classified into groups: insufficiently as insufficiently active for
active and sufficiently active for health.
health (TR, IC, and V not reported
for any variable)
Piazza et al. N = 225; female AAOHN Descriptive, cross-sec- Demographics: age, employment Health Promotion Approximately 7% of the
(2001) members in a Midwest- tional study; ques- position, education, and income; two Model (Pender, variance in exercise was
ern state; mean age = tionnaires using mail cognitive–psychosocial variables: 1987) explained by age, self-ef-
47.7 years (range = 27 to survey physical self-efficacy, TR = 0.69 ficacy, and health locus of
71 years); 51.5% occu- to 0.85 and IC = 0.61 to 0.84; and control; age and self-
pational health nurses, perceived health locus of control efficacy had significant
18.4% nurse managers; (internal, powerful others, and negative and positive ef-
1.5% to 7.3% positions chance health locus of control), IC fects on exercise behavior,
such as staff nurses and = 0.67 to 0.77; exercise behavior respectively, but perceived
coordinators; most had measured using the NHS Activity health locus of control was
a family income of  Questionnaire, V (r = 0.59 to 0.83, not significant.
$40,000 NHS Activity Questionnaire and past
week recall as well as activity diary)
Blue et al. N = 468; 73% men; 98.7% Descriptive, cross-sec- Four cognitive–psychosocial Theory of Planned 61.7% of the variance of
(2001) full-time, employed in tional study; question- variables: indirect attitude, IC = Behavior intention was explained by
skilled craft, service, naires completed at 0.74, and direct attitude, IC = 0.90; attitude toward exercise
maintenance, storage, meeting or returned by indirect subjective norms, IC = and perceived behavioral
transportation, or custodial campus mail 0.77, and direct subjective norms, control; 51.3% of the vari-
services departments of a IC not reported; indirect perceived ance of exercise behavior
Midwestern state universi- control, IC = 0.86, and direct per- was explained by intention
ty; mean age = 44.1 years ceived control, IC = not reported; and perceived behavioral
(range = 20 to 69 years); and intention, TR, IC, and V not control; subjective norm
67.4% married; 94.7% reported; Leisure Time Exercise was not a significant
white; 90% had completed Questionnaire, TR = 0.46 to 0.94, V predictor of intention to
high school and 20% had = significant association with physi- exercise.
completed some college cal fitness criteria
TR = test–retest reliability; IC = internal consistency (alpha); V = validity; HPLP = health-promoting lifestyle profile; AAOHN = American Association of Occupational Health Nurses,
Inc.; NHS = Nurses’ Health Study; BMI = body mass index.

tivity. Three studies used investigator-developed instruments for determining the role of personal goals and perceived
without reliability and validity assessments. The Leisure Time barriers to physical activity participation. The Health Be-
Exercise Questionnaire, developed by Godin and Shephard lief Model proposes that health behaviors are influenced
(1985), was the most frequently used measure, although it by the individual’s perceived susceptibility to developing
was used in only three of the studies. health problems, the perceived seriousness of the health
problems in relation to the individual’s quality of life, the
Theoretical Framework Contributing to Determinants individual’s belief in the benefits of the health behavior,
of Physical Activity and the individual’s perception of barriers to the behavior.
Eight of the studies identified a theory or model as an Rabinowitz et al. (1992) used Social Cognitive The-
organizing framework. The models or frameworks were ory (Bandura, 1977) to examine personal determinants
Pender’s Health Promotion Model (3 studies), Theory of of leisure-time exercise. The Social Cognitive Theory
Planned Behavior (2 studies), the Transtheoretical Model suggests that behavior change and maintenance of that
of Change (1 study), the Health Belief Model (1 study), behavior are a function of efficacy expectation or self-ef-
and Social Cognitive Theory (1 study). ficacy (i.e., individuals’ beliefs in their capability to per-
In three studies (Desmond et al., 1993; Pender et al., form certain behaviors) and outcome expectations (i.e.,
1990; Piazza et al., 2001), the Health Promotion Model individuals’ beliefs in the behavior–outcome relation-
(Pender, 1987) was specified as the theoretical framework. ship) (Bandura, 1977). Exercise self-efficacy was a major
The 1987 version of the Health Promotion Model identi- variable studied by Rabinowitz et al. (1992).
fied cognitive perceptual factors in the individual that, The models or theoretical frameworks used most fre-
when modified by situational, personal, and interpersonal quently in the studies were the Health Promotion Model
characteristics, result in participation in health-promoting and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Although different
behaviors, including physical activity. The reviewed stud- theoretical frameworks have been applied in the reviewed
ies based on the Health Promotion Model focused on dif- studies, no theory or model is sufficient to thoroughly
ferent variables selected from the model as determinants explain physical activity behavior. Further research is
of physical activity participation, including importance of needed to contribute to development of a comprehensive
health, perceived control over health, perceived self-effi- theory or model to predict physical activity behavior.
cacy, definition of health, perceived health status, behav-
ioral factors, and perceived barriers. However, revisions Determinants of Physical Activity
in the Health Promotion Model in 1996, after the 1987 Participation
version was tested and the results were analyzed, resulted Demographics
in the deletion of importance of health and perceived con- Several studies examined the association between the
trol over health (Pender, 1996). Definition of health and level of physical activity and demographics such as age
perceived health status were repositioned in the model (Boutelle et al., 2000; Burn et al., 1999; Burton & Turrell,
and included in a category of personal factors. 2000; Desmond et al., 1993; Duffy et al., 1996; Pender et al.,
Biddle et al. (1994) and Blue et al. (2001) used the 1990; Piazza et al., 2001), gender (Boutelle et al., 2000; Bur-
Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1988) as a theoreti- ton & Turrell, 2000; Pender et al., 1990), ethnicity (Boutelle
cal framework. The Theory of Planned Behavior propos- et al., 2000), marital status (Boutelle et al., 2000; Burton &
es that participation in physical activity is predicted by a Turrell, 2000; Duffy et al., 1996; Pender et al., 1990), in-
measure of intention to engage in physical activity that, come (Desmond et al., 1993; Duffy et al., 1996; Pender et
in turn, is predicted by attitudes toward physical activity, al., 1990), education (Boutelle et al., 2000; Desmond et al.,
social norms toward engaging in physical activity, and 1993; Duffy et al., 1996; Pender et al., 1990), hours worked
perceived behavior control (Blue, 1995). (Burton & Turrell, 2000), and job category (Boutelle et al.,
Burn et al. (1999) used the Transtheoretical Model 2000; Burton & Turrell, 2000; Duffy et al., 1996).
of Change (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997), which suggests Five of the seven studies that examined age as a pre-
that an individual’s current behavioral status is associated dictor variable found that the level of physical activity de-
with a personal intention to change or maintain behav- creased with age (Boutelle et al., 2000; Burn et al., 1999;
ioral patterns (Marcus et al., 1996). The Transtheoretical Burton & Turrell, 2000; Duffy et al., 1996; Piazza et al.,
Model of Change describes the following stages of moti- 2001). These studies included male and female workers,
vational readiness to adopt exercise or other behaviors: except the studies by Duffy et al. (1996) and Piazza et al.
l Precontemplation (not thinking about changing). (2001), which included only female workers. Burn et al.
l Contemplation (thinking about changing). (1999) examined the relationship between age and an in-
l Preparation (ready to change). dividual’s motivational readiness to adopt exercise among
l Action (actively engaged in change). British government office employees and found the stage
l Maintenance (sustaining change over time) (Marcus, of motivational readiness to exercise varied significantly
Rossi, Selby, Niaura, & Abrams, 1992). by age. Individuals who did not think about adopting exer-
Burn et al. (1999) explored the relationship between in- cise were more likely to be older, and those who actively
dividuals’ motivational readiness to adopt exercise and engaged in exercise tended to be younger compared with
coronary heart disease risk factors. those in other stages. Pender et al. (1990), however, re-
The Health Belief Model (Becker, 1974) was used by ported that adoption of a health-promoting lifestyle among
Gebhardt and Maes (1998) as an explanatory framework female workers increased with age. In contrast to the pre-

256 AAOHN Journal

viously described studies, Desmond et al. (1993) reported attended or completed high school and college, so little
that age was not a statistically significant predictor of par- variation existed in education level.
ticipation in physical activity. The researchers suggested Only one study examined the association between hours
that one reason age failed to account for variance was that worked or time spent in paid employment and level of physi-
little variation in age existed among the study sample. In cal activity (Burton & Turrell, 2000). Working more hours
addition, the study sample included only male workers. was associated with insufficient physical activity among
Three studies examined the association between gen- men, but no association was found among women. A reason
der and level of physical activity among employees. Pender for this difference could be that women may be constrained
et al. (1990) found that gender influenced health-promot- by other time demands such as family caregiving activities.
ing behaviors including exercise, noting that women had a Mixed results have been reported about the relation-
greater incidence of desirable health behaviors than men. In ship between job category and leisure-time exercise. Des-
contrast, findings from two other studies suggested that men mond et al. (1993) found that job category (physical vs.
were slightly more active than women (Biddle et al., 1994; clerical or management) was a significant predictor of
Burton & Turrell, 2000). One reason for the difference in physical activity. Employees with more physical jobs par-
findings across these studies may be that Pender et al. (1990) ticipated in more leisure-time exercise than did those with
examined all health-promoting behaviors, whereas the other less physical jobs. This finding contradicts the results of
two studies focused only on exercise. two other studies (Boutelle et al., 2000; Burton & Tur-
Marital status was examined as a predictor of physical rell, 2000). Boutelle et al. (2000) reported that the highest
activity participation in four of the studies reviewed. Boutelle level of leisure-time exercise was found among profes-
et al. (2000) conducted their study with U.S. employees sionals or white collar workers who had less physical jobs
and found that men who performed strenuous leisure-time compared with blue collar workers. Similarly, Burton and
physical activity were likely to be unmarried. Burton and Turrell (2000) found that blue collar workers were more
Turrell’s (2000) study of employees in the six states and two likely than professionals to have insufficient activity. In
territories of Australia reported that the highest rate of insuf- contrast, Duffy et al. (1996) reported that job category
ficient leisure-time activity occurred among individuals with (professional vs. nonprofessional) was not related to ex-
dependent children. Having dependent children may result ercise participation. Reasons for the difference in findings
in less time to participate in leisure-time physical activity among these studies may be that the researchers used dif-
because of caregiving. Duffy et al. (1996) and Pender et al. ferent instruments and levels of measurement to analyze
(1990) found no relationship between marital status and lev- leisure-time exercise. In addition, Duffy et al. (1996) in-
el of health-promoting behaviors. Marital status may have cluded only female workers in their study, whereas other
less effect on physical activity participation than caring for studies included male and female workers.
dependent children. Only 7 of the 11 studies examined demographics.
Most of the studies reviewed described the ethnicity of General findings suggested that physical activity usu-
the sample, but only one study examined the association be- ally declined with age, women were more sedentary than
tween level of exercise and ethnicity (Boutelle et al., 2000). men, individuals with higher incomes and more educa-
These researchers found no clear relationship between eth- tion were more sedentary than those reporting lower in-
nicity and exercise in either men or women. This may be be- comes and less education, and blue collar workers were
cause approximately 94% of this study sample was white. more likely to have insufficient activity compared with
Three studies examined the association between income professionals or white collar workers.
and participation in physical activity. Desmond et al. (1993)
reported that workers with higher incomes tended to partici- Other Health Behaviors Related to Participation in
pate more in work-related physical activity, but not in sports Physical Activity
activity, leisure-time activity, or overall physical activity. Only three of the studies examined correlations be-
The researchers suggested that this relationship could have tween physical activity and other health risk behaviors
been because those with higher incomes may have accumu- (Boutelle et al., 2000; Burton & Turrell, 2000; Duffy et
lated more overtime work and thus had more opportunity al., 1996). Boutelle et al. (2000) demonstrated that higher
to participate in work-related physical activity and less op- levels of leisure-time exercise were positively associ-
portunity for leisure-time activity. Two other studies found ated with seat belt use and inversely related to smoking,
that income was not associated with participation in physical dietary fat intake, reported stress, and obesity. In addi-
activity (Duffy et al., 1996; Pender et al., 1990). tion, women with higher levels of leisure-time exercise
The association between education and level of lei- were more likely to use alcohol every day compared with
sure-time exercise was examined in four of the studies. women with lower levels of leisure-time exercise. This
Boutelle et al. (2000) found that both male and female finding might be due to the classification of alcohol use
participants who had more education engaged in more into daily and non-daily drinkers. With use of this clas-
leisure-time exercise. Duffy et al. (1996) found that the sification, it was not possible to compare those who had
positive association between education and regular ex- only one drink per day with those who drank more heav-
ercise existed only for women. However, Desmond et ily. Burton and Turrell (2000), in examining the associa-
al. (1993) and Pender et al. (1990) found no association tions between weight, smoking, and health status and lei-
between education and participation in physical activity. sure-time physical activity, found that rates of insufficient
Approximately 80% to 90% of the two study samples had activity were high not only among current smokers and

June 2006, vol. 54, no. 6 257

obese individuals but also among workers in poor health. (1996) found that Mexican American women employed
Similarly, Mexican American women who were in poor outside the home who felt that they were in control of
health reported less frequent regular exercise than did their health reported more frequent regular exercise, and
other minority groups (Duffy et al., 1996). those who believed that powerful others were in control
Major findings from these studies suggested that of their health reported less frequent regular exercise.
decreased levels of physical activity were positively as- Similarly, Biddle et al. (1994), Pender et al. (1990), and
sociated with smoking, obesity, and poor health status. Blue et al. (2001) found that perceived control over ex-
Physical activity is a healthful alternative behavior asso- ercise participation was positively associated with ex-
ciated with lower rates of smoking, decreased body fat, ercise. Participants in the study by Pender et al. (1990)
and improved health status. Information concerning the were clerical, managerial, and operations employees en-
change process for these multiple behaviors is important rolled in workplace health promotion programs. Biddle
for establishing effective intervention programs. How- et al. (1994) conducted their study with employees on a
ever, only 3 of the 11 studies examined differences based university campus in southwest England, and Blue et al.
on these variables. Research is needed to examine the re- (2001) conducted their study with U.S. employees of a
lationships among these multiple behaviors. Midwestern university.
Pender et al. (1990) reported that practicing more
Levels of Motivational Readiness to Participate in health-promoting behaviors was positively related to the
Physical Activity perception that health was controlled by powerful oth-
The relationship between motivational readiness to ers. This contradicts findings by Duffy et al. (1996) and
adopt exercise and risk factors for coronary heart disease does not support the Health Belief Model’s proposition
was examined in only one study. Across the stages of exer- regarding the effect of perceived personal control on
cise adoption, significant differences among participants’ health (Pender, 1987). Pender suggested that perception
body mass index, physical activity, dietary habits, and stress of health as internally controlled, rather than controlled
were found after controlling for age as a covariate (Burn et by powerful others and luck or chance, is associated with
al., 1999). Participants in the precontemplation stage had more health-promoting lifestyles. One reason for the
significantly lower levels of physical activity than did those difference in findings suggested by Pender et al. (1990)
in the action stage. Precontemplators were defined as those might be because the study sample included employees
who did not adhere to exercise over time. The measure of enrolling in workplace health-promoting programs. Em-
physical activity allowed these participants to indicate even ployees who perceived they were externally controlled
rare participation in physical activity. Individuals who were (i.e., powerful others and luck or chance) might be likely
in the action and maintenance stages reported healthier di- to enroll in workplace health-promoting programs in
ets compared with those in the precontemplation, contem- which the collegial support of coworkers and profession-
plation, and preparation stages. However, walking activity als is readily available, whereas those who perceived they
did not differ significantly across the stages. were internally controlled might seek health-promoting
programs independently rather than in group settings.
Cognitive–Psychosocial Factors Perceived Benefits and Barriers. Only two studies as-
Perceived Self-Efficacy. Self-efficacy was positively re- sessed relationships between perceived benefits and bar-
lated to physical activity participation in six studies (Biddle riers and exercise participation. Rabinowitz et al. (1992)
et al., 1994; Desmond et al., 1993; Duffy et al., 1996; Pender and Biddle et al. (1994) reported that perception of bene-
et al., 1990; Piazza et al., 2001; Rabinowitz et al., 1992). fits was the best predictor of exercise. Belief in the contri-
Self-efficacy, similarly defined across the studies, usually bution of exercise to health as well as to a general feeling
referred to confidence, judgment, personal competence, of well-being was related to engagement in leisure-time
or belief in the ability to perform a given desired behavior. exercise (Rabinowitz et al., 1992). In contrast, perception
The study by Biddle et al. (1994) of university employees of barriers was not significantly associated with physical
found that self-efficacy was the best predictor of self-report- activity (Biddle et al., 1994; Desmond et al., 1993).
ed strenuous activity for women, but not men. Across the Perceived Health Status. Pender et al. (1990) and Des-
stages of exercise adoption, significant differences in self-ef- mond et al. (1993) found that perceived health status was as-
ficacy were also found (Burn et al., 1999). Individuals in the sociated with physical activity participation. Individuals who
precontemplation and contemplation stages reported lower perceived their health status to be good reported a higher fre-
levels of exercise self-efficacy than did those in the action quency of physical activity than did those who perceived their
and maintenance stages. health status to be poor. However, Desmond et al. (1993) mea-
Perceived Health Control. Six studies investigated sured overall physical activity as well as subtypes of physical
the relationship between health locus of control and activity including work activity, sports activity, and leisure-
physical activity participation. Piazza et al. (2001) found time activity. Workers who reported higher perceived health
no relationship between perceived health control and ex- status participated more in sports activity only, and health
ercise among a random sample of female members of the status was not a significant predictor of work activity, leisure-
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, time activity, or overall physical activity.
Inc., and Rabinowitz et al. (1992) found that perceived Attitude, Social Norms, and Intention. Biddle et
health control did not significantly influence exercise al. (1994) and Blue et al. (2001) examined associations
among Israeli blue collar workers. In contrast, Duffy et al. among attitude, social norms, and intention to exercise

258 AAOHN Journal

and the relationships between those variables and perfor- ficacy (6 studies), perceived benefits (2 studies), perceived
mance of exercise. Blue et al. (2001) examined attitude health status (2 studies), and attitude and intention (2 stud-
with two subscales: an indirect attitude referred to beliefs ies) strongly influence the level of participation in physical
that exercise would lead to positive outcomes that were activity. Perceived health control was examined in 6 stud-
evaluated favorably, and a direct attitude referred to a fa- ies, but findings varied with positive associations in 4 of
vorable attitude about exercising. Measures for normative the studies. Other cognitive–psychosocial variables, such
beliefs were used as indirect and direct subjective norms. as personal goals and perceived wellness, were also pre-
An indirect subjective norm referred to beliefs that sig- dictors of participation in physical activity. However, few
nificant others think one should or should not perform studies examined these cognitive–psychosocial variables.
exercise. A direct subjective norm referred to a perception
of general social pressure leading to engage or not engage Combination of Factors
in exercise. Blue et al. (2001) reported intention was the The study of physical activity behavior is complex;
best predictor of performance of exercise. therefore, a set of demographic and cognitive–psychoso-
In contrast, Biddle et al. (1994) found that attitude, cial factors was assessed in most of the studies reviewed.
social norms, subjective norms, or intention to engage in Desmond et al. (1993) found that approximately 30% of
physical activity did not predict performance of physical the variance in overall physical activity and 14% of the
activity. When self-report of physical activity was ana- variance in leisure-time activity were explained by job
lyzed as strenuous exercise scores, the researchers found category and perceived self-efficacy. Approximately 56%
that intention and attitude had significant effects on self- of the variance in occupational activity was explained
report of strenuous exercise for men, but that only inten- by income and job category. Perceived health status ex-
tion had a significant effect for women. One reason for plained 6% of the variance in sports activity.
the difference in findings between these two studies may In the study by Piazza et al. (2001), only 7% of the
be due to the different instruments used for measuring at- variance in exercise behavior was explained by physi-
titude, subjective norms, and intention. cal self-efficacy, perceived health control, and age. Be-
Other Cognitive–Psychosocial Factors. Gebhardt and cause little variance in exercise was explained by these
Maes (1998) examined the relationship between exercise variables, the researchers suggested that other variables
behavior and competing personal goals among employees needed to be considered when attempting to understand
in seven nursing homes in the Netherlands. The investiga- exercise behavior in this population.
tors classified participants into three groups: non-exercis- Pender et al. (1990) found at initial testing, 31% of the
ers; those who exercised below the norm (exercising once variance in health-promoting behaviors was explained by
or twice per week or less than 20 minutes at a time); and definition of health, health status, perceived control of health,
those who exercised at the norm (exercising 3 times per personal competence, gender, age, and phase of exercise.
week or 20 minutes or more at a time). The findings sug- Three months after the initial testing and after enrollment in
gested that the three groups differed in the number of ac- a health-promoting program, 25% of the variance was ex-
tivities outside of the home, activities in the home, social plained by these variables. The significant variables, includ-
activities, and self-development activities. Non-exercisers ing definition of health (wellness), health status, perceived
reported more activities in the home that conflicted with control of health (powerful others and chance), personal
exercising. Both non-exercisers and those who exercised competence, gender, age, and phase of practice, were identi-
fewer than three times per week were more likely to as- cal between two time points, except for believing health to
sume that exercise would interfere with social activities. be internally controlled (perceived control of health).
Pender et al. (1990) examined definitions of health Biddle et al. (1994) found that 32% of the variance
and the importance of health related to all health-promot- in strenuous physical activity among women and 38%
ing behaviors including exercise. Two subscales—well- among men were explained by attitude, social norms,
ness (abilities to perform socially sanctioned roles and perceived control, barriers, benefits, and self-efficacy.
adjust to life situations and exuberant well-being) and For women, attitude, social norms, and perceived control,
clinical (absence of disease)—were used to measure variables within the Theory of Planned Behavior, added
definition of health. Importance of health referred to the little to the prediction of strenuous physical activity after
impact of valuing health on the frequency of health-pro- intention scores, with only self-efficacy an added impor-
moting behaviors such as happiness, self-respect, wis- tant variable. For men, only attitude added significantly
dom, and inner harmony. Pender et al. (1990) found that to the prediction model after intention. Blue et al. (2001)
perceived wellness was significantly associated with the reported that attitude and perceived behavioral control
level of participation in all health-promoting behaviors explained 61.7% of the variance of intention, but inten-
at both the beginning of their study (prior to enrollment tion and perceived behavioral control explained 51.3% of
in a health-promoting program) and 3 months after en- the variance in the performance of physical activity.
rollment in a health-promoting program. Importance of The review of the association among demographics,
health was not a significant determinant of health-pro- cognitive–psychosocial factors related to physical activ-
moting lifestyles. ity, and participation in physical activity suggests a modest
Nine (82%) of the 11 studies examined cognitive–psy- relationship. The variance in physical activity explained by
chosocial variables associated with physical activity par- these variables ranged from 7% to 62%. The differences in
ticipation. These studies indicated that perceived self-ef- variance in physical activity explained in these studies may

June 2006, vol. 54, no. 6 259

be due to differences in variables, sample size, and sample to individual beliefs and patterned responses influenced by
characteristics. Three to 11 variables were included in these cultural background (Giger & Davidhizar, 1995), research
studies. The studies included both male and female workers, is needed to examine determinants of physical activity in
with sample sizes ranging from 131 to 598. different settings and diverse cultural groups.
Five studies examined only leisure-time physical ac-
RESEARCH To Practice tivity, and four studies examined all physical activity in-
This review of the determinants of participation in cluding leisure-time, occupational, and lifestyle activities.
physical activity provides valuable information that can Two studies measured exercise behavior as a subscale of
be used to tailor effective workplace health promotion health-promoting lifestyles focusing on duration and fre-
programs. Self-efficacy was the best predictor of physical quency of exercise. Assessing physical activity patterns
activity participation among most of the studies reviewed. limited to leisure-time physical activity may underestimate
This finding is consistent with the review of determinants the number of individuals who meet the recommended
of physical activity by Sallis and Owens (1999). Interven- level of physical activity (Centers for Disease Control and
tion programs designed to enhance perception of physical Prevention, 2000). However, measurement of each type
self-efficacy or the belief that exercise programs can be ac- of physical activity, including occupational, lifestyle, lei-
complished should be considered by occupational health sure-time, and sports activity, is not always mutually ex-
nurses to promote physical activity among employees. clusive. For example, individuals could report walking in
Perceived benefits of physical activity was another the leisure-time activity scale and then again in the life-
strong predictor of physical activity participation, suggest- style scale. Therefore, future research on physical activity
ing that intervention programs should also help employees needs to conceptualize this variable in a multivariate way
understand the benefits of physical activity. Because physi- (occupational, lifestyle, leisure-time, and sports activity)
cal activity generally declined with age and women reported and define it clearly so that different types of physical ac-
less physical activity than men, programs should be designed tivity can be assessed. Regardless of the type of physical
specifically for older women. Thus, intervention programs activity, benefits of physical activity occur if adults accu-
should be tailored and individualized to address employees’ mulate 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical
perceptions of self-efficacy, benefits, and interests. activity on most days of the week, as recommended by the
Unlike the review by Sallis and Owens (1999), with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006) and the
limited evidence of an association between health con- American College of Sports Medicine (Pate et al., 1995).
trol and physical activity, the current review found some Occupational health nurses should maximize their unique
evidence of a positive association in four of the studies. opportunity to promote these recommendations for physi-
Occupational health nurses should promote the belief that cal activity among employees by testing interventions and
employees have personal control of their health. Classes conducting research on major variables such as exercise
on self-care and health promotion could emphasize this self-efficacy and benefits.
belief in personal control of health.
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