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Gender refers to the characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between,

masculinity and femininity (may include biological sex, sex-based social structures or
gender identity) (Beaumont et al., 2018).

Stigma and

Time and Priority


Health Professional
Gender Availability

This graph below represents the overwhelming statistics

that females across majority of the lifespan are more likely
to attend registered community health clinics between
2013-2014 in Victoria. Over 5000 more females were
noted to attend a registered clinic aged between 60-69.
Over 3000 more female registered clients were recorded
for the ages of 40-49 compared to male counterparts.
Almost double the registered health clients between the
age of 20-29 were females. Registered clients of age 80+
were just less than 1/3 greater in females than males
(Department of Health and Human Services, 2015).

“Overall, men in the lowest socioeconomic group have far higher rates of

avoidable mortality than men and women in all other socioeconomic

groups. Although men in the highest socioeconomic group fare better

than men in the lowest, they still have higher rates of avoidable mortality

than women in all socioeconomic groups” (Department of Health and

Human Services, 2015, pg. 10).

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