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Industrial Training Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the award of the degree of

Master of Technology


Industrial Engineering and Management


AJURAM K SALIM (Roll No.: M100462ME)


SHAJID P P (Roll No.: M100465ME)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

June 2011
Department of Mechanical Engineering
June 2011


This is to certify that the report entitled “TRAVANCORE TITANIUM PRODUCTS

LTD, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM” is a bonafide record of the Industrial training
(Roll No.:M100447ME), SHAJID P P (Roll No.:M100465ME), in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Technology in Industrial
Engineering and Management from National Institute of Technology Calicut.

Dr. R. Sridharan
Course Coordinator
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Place : NIT Calicut

Date : 16/06/2011

This is a report on In-Plant training at Travancore Titanium Products Ltd during 16th May
2011 to 16th June 2011 by the 2nd semester MTech Industrial Engineering & Management
students of National Institute of Technology, Calicut.

We take this opportunity to express our hearty thanks to the members of the organization
who helped us a lot during this period. We also sincerely thank our college and
management for arranging the in-plant training.




List of Tables i

List of Figures ii

1 Introduction 01
1.1 Company Profile 01
1.2 Historical Background 01
1.3 Products Produced 02

2 Organization Set-Up 06

3. Departmentation 09
3.1 Introduction 09
3.2 Production Department 10
3.3 Legal Department 12
3.4 Personnel Department 15
3.5 Commercial Department 21
3.6 Research and Development Department 22
3.7 Materials Department 26
3.8 Human Resource Development and Administration Dept 28
3.9 Engineering Department 29
3.10 Finance Department 32
3.11 Safety Department 36
3.12 Medical Department 38
3.13 Security Vigilance Department 39
3.14 Project Department 40
3.15 Marketing Department 42

4. Plant and Processes 44

4.1 Titanium Dioxide Plant 44
4.2 Sulphuric Acid Plant 54

5. Conclusion 68

Reference 69

1.1 Product Consumption Pattern 03

2.1 Executive Staff 06

3.1 Protective Equipments 37

4.1 Composition of illmenite 44

4.2 Temperature and conversions in each stage of the 4-pass convertor 66


2.1 Organization Chart 8

3.1 Production Department: Line of Authority 12

3.2 Legal and Personnel Department: Line of Authority 15

3.3 Commercial Department: Line of Authority 24

3.4 Research and Development Department: Line of Authority 25

3.5 Material Department: Line of Authority 27

3.6 HRD and Administration Department: Line of Authority 30

3.7 Finance Department: Line of Authority 35

3.8 Safety Department: Line of Authority 38

3.9 Medical Department: Line of Authority 39

3.10 Security Vigilance Department: Line of Authority 40

3.11 Project Department: Line of Authority 41

3.12 Marketing Department: Line of Authority 43

4.1 Production Process (Diagrammatic Presentation) 46

4.2 Flow Diagram of Titanium Dioxide Plant 51

4.3 Flow Diagram of Sulphuric Acid Plant 56

Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products




The Travancore Titanium Products Limited is the pioneering enterprise in India for producing
the pigment grade Titanium Dioxide. This product is produced from the minerals like
Ilmienite, Rutile etc. occurring in the beach sands of Chavara in Kollam district, Kerala
Manavalakurichi of Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu and Chatrapur in Orissa. The
Travancore Titanium Products Limited was incorporated on the 18th December 1946. It is
located at Kochuveli about 10km to the North West of Thiruvananthapuram City. The main
product of Travancore Titanium Products Limited is Titanium Dioxide.


Till 1925, the presence of Titanium Dioxide in the black sands of Kollam beaches was not
known. The coir products from Kollam to be exported frequently were dried on these
beaches. When such coir products were exported, some radioactive properties was noticed.
The Germans send a delegation to Kerala to conduct experiments with the black sand. They
found that the sand has some radioactive properties owing to the presence of Thorium. They
also found that the sand was rich in Titanium. This beach sand containing valuable Titanium
Dioxide was exported to Europe till 1946, when M/s Travancore Titanium Products Limited,
was incorporated with the sole objective of producing pigment grade Titanium Dioxide

When the British were ruling our country, they exported Ilmenite, which is the raw material
for producing Titanium Dioxide for British Titan Products, and imported their products to
India. Till 1946, the product was imported through the Imperial Chemical Industries,
Calcutta. T.T.P. Ltd was incorporated in 1946 and the unit was promoted by the princely
administration of Travancore, in technical collaboration with the British Titan Products Ltd,
U.K. The credit for launching this maiden venture goes to His Highness Shri.Chithira
Thirunal Balaramavarma Maharaja of Travancore and his Dewan Sir. C. P. Rameswamy Iyer.
Even though the Maharaja held 51% share capital the administrative control of the company
was with a managing agency called India Titan Products.

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

The production of Titanium dioxide commenced in the year 1951 and the initial capacity of
the plant was 5 tons per day. In 1960, the Government of Kerala took over the management
of the concern and the production capacity was raised to 10 tons per day. Along with this
expansion, the company commissioned its first sulphuric Acid Plant producing 50 tons of
acid per day for captive consumption.

In 1963, the capacity of the TiO2 plant was further increased to 18 tons per day and the
second sulphuric Acid plant of 50 tons per day capacity started production. Another major
expansion programme was completed in 1973, which augmented the capacity to 45 tons per
day. In 1976-78 under the chairmanship of Dr.Vaseer, a committee was formed to study the
production capacity of the plant. The committee estimated the production capacity as 15000
tons per months. A third acid plant with pollution control measures of 300 tons per day
production was also started in 1996 to meet the increased requirement of sulphuric acid.

At the beginning, Imperial Chemical Industrial was the sole selling agents for T.T.P. Ltd.
After sometimes, they stopped to function as the selling agents and T.T.P resorted to direct
marketing till 1979. In 1979, the government of Kerala appointed a sole selling agency
called the Kerala State Industrial Products Trading Corporation Limited (KSIPTC) to take
over the trading and marketing activity of the company.

The Travancore Titanium Production Ltd now has no major competitors within the country.
There are two private companies-one at Tuticorin (Kilburn Chemicals) and another at
Calcutta (Colmack Industries) which pose minute competition.


Travancore Titanium Products Ltd is one of the largest industries in India that produces
Titanium Dioxide (TiO2). In addition to Titanium Dioxide, the company is manufacturing
Pottassium Titanate, Sodium Titanate, low Phosphorus and Special grade Titanium Dioxide
in comparatively in small quantities.

Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is a white pigment and there are two grades of Titanium Dioxide.

 Rutile Grade
 Anatase Grade

These two grades of Titanium Dioxide are chemically the same but their physical properties

differ from each other. The company deals with the production of Titanium Dioxide, which

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

belongs to Anatase grade. The major raw material used for production is Ilmenite. The most
important commercial use of Ilmenite is the manufactures of Titanium Dioxide pigment.
Ilmenite is a compound of the oxides of iron, Titanium and traces of other elements. The
separation of Titanium Dioxide can be done through the sulphate route or chloride route. The
Travancore Titanium Product plant is based on the Sulphate Route.

Properties of Titanium Dioxide

Titanium Dioxide is of non-toxic nature having chemical stability. It possesses higher

refractive index and hence it is used to make paints. It is extremely heat resistant and this
enhances the capacity of the substance incorporated with Titanium Dioxide to with stand the
effect of the chemical environment and climatic conditions. It has got high pacifying power
ie, the power to change transparency. So it is used in plastics to make it opaque. Its
uniformity of composition enables it to mix with any material without losing its natural
properties. Hardness of the material provides good resistance to mechanical shock. It
possesses tinting strength ie, the particles are so minute that it occupies a larger surface area.

Table 1.1 Product Consumption Pattern

Paint 55%

Rubber 14%

Textile 11%

Paper 05%

Cosmetics 04%

Synthetic fibers 04%

Ceramic & Enamel Wares 03%

Printing Ink 02%

Linoleum 01%

Others 01%

Total 100%

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Indian Industries Where Titanium Dioxide Is Used As Raw Material

 Textiles Leo Rubber

CTM Textiles
Paragon Rubber
Rajkamal Processors
Relaxo Footwear
Sharda Textile Mills
 Paper
Bishen Dyeing,Printing & Weaving Mills Pudumjee Pulp & Paper

Bimal Dyeing, Printing & Weaving Mills Balakrishna Paper Mills

 Ink ITC - Tribeni Tissues

Kores (India) Ltd.
Sreevindhya Paper Mills
JBA Printing Ink Ltd.
Sreekrishna Paper Mills
Coates of India
Security Paper Mills, Goverment of India
Rainbow Ink & Varnishes
 Leather
 Cosmetics National Leather Cloth
Hindustan Lever Ltd.
 Paints
Colgate Palmolive Asian Paints (I) Ltd.

Godrej soaps Goodlass Nerolac Paints

Karnataka soaps & Detergents Beepee Coating

 Rubber Special Paints

Bata (India) Ltd.
Rajdoot Paints
Lakhani Footwear
Hem Paints
Madras Rubber Factory
Berger Paints
Elastrex Polymers
 Chemicals
Prestone Industries Camphor & Allied Products

Madhura Rubber Dr. Beck & Company

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Jay Industrial Chemicals Nuchem Plastics

The National Paints & Chemicals  Cellofine Paper

Travancore Rayons Limited
 Plastics
Hycount Plastics  Electronic Industries
Padinjarekkara Rubber & Plastics
Narmada Electronics
Sudhakar PVC
Gujarat Mulco Electronics
Sudhakar Plastics


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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products



Travancore Titanium Products is a public sector undertaking headed by the Managing

Director, Shri.P.H.Kuriyan was the Managing Director during my organizational study.

Board of Directors

 Chairman - (The Principle Secretary in Industries Department of Kerala Government.)

 Managing Director
 Director - (Additional Secretary in Finance Department of Kerala Government)
 Executive Director
 Director - (A Member of Legislative Assembly)
 Director – (A Special Secretary to Industries Departmental of Kerala Government)

Table 2.1 Executive Staff

Mangers 20
Dy. Managers 35
Other Executives 127
Supporting Staffs and workers 1337
Total 1519


State Bank of India

Registered Office

Travancore Titanium Product Ltd


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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products


Managing Director

General Manager Works Executive Director (C &A)

Finance Mgr Chief Legal
CP C.E M Commercial
SS &VO Controller (P&A) Mgr
Mgr (R&D) Manager

Commercial Materials Company
Mgr Finance Mgr Mgr Medical
Prod Dy Mgr Mgr Asst Mgr Officer
Mgr C.Es QC & TS Safety P.Mgr

Dy Dy
Mgr Comm Dy
Dy Materials
Dy Prod Exec Security Company P &A Mgrs
Dy Mgr F.Mgr Mgrs
& Plant Engg Officer Secretary

Asst Asst Asst Asst
Mgr Mgr
Asst Plant Asst Exec Asst Security
Asst Mgrs Mgr Mgr
Mgr Engg Officer

Personal Secretary Training Section Section S.O S.O S.O

Foremen Asst Engg Chemists To M.D Officer Officer Officer

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Decision Making Authority

The decision making authority in T.T.P Ltd. Vests with the Titanium Management Council
(TWC). The council has M.D. as the Chairman and all Department head as members. The
decisions taken by TMC are based on government policies.

The TMC meets on the first day of every month prepares, the activities for the next month
such as monthly production target, monthly sales target etc. as review of the previous
monthly meeting is also done.

Quality System Certification

ISO 9001-2000 Certificate


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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products




Departmentalization is the efficient and effective grouping of jobs into meaningful work units
to coordinate numerous jobs-all the expeditious accomplishment of the organisation‟s
objectives. This creates Flexibility, Adaptability and unit of action within the firm. The
various departments in T.T.P. are as follows:

 Production Department

 Financial Department

 Personnel Department

 Engineering Department

 Project Department

 Research & Development Department

 Security & Vigilance Department

 Safety Department

 Medical Department

 Material Department

 Legal Department

 Commercial Department

 Training Department

 Marketing Department

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products


The main product of Travancore Titanium Products Ltd is Titanium Dioxide pigment. So
considering the production, the production department becomes the vital department in TTP

The primary objective of TTP is to produce pigment grade Titanium dioxide as per the
capacity utilization target approved by the Management maintaining optimum quantity
standards of both Anatase and Rutile Grades. The total production capacity of the plan is 46
tons/day. The production department has co-ordination with all other departments. Chief
Production Manager heads the department. There are four sections in production department
namely Titanium Dioxide Section, sulphuric Acid Plant (SAP), Mangerial Information
System (MIS), Raw Materials and Packing Section (RM &PS) each headed by Production
Managers. By the MIS, the department makes the co-ordination with other departments
easier. The Titanium Dioxide Section has two ends, Black End and White End each headed
by Deputy Production Managers. The Production department is directly responsible for
maintaining optimum quantity. Standards of both Anatase and Rutile grades. Child
Production Manager is responsible for achieving this objective of TTP by integrating
directing and controlling the work of Titanium dioxide, production of sulphuric Acid etc.
Sulphuric Acid is also another product for which the raw material Sulphur is importing from
Chile and Argentina.

The production department of TTP has may important functions, which are as follows

 To prepare detailed production plan in consultation with General Manager (works)

which must be consistent with company‟s production objective.
 To prepare detailed raw material plans and ensure the incoming quality standards their
proper usage etc.
 Constantly evaluating alternate source of raw materials, direct trails of the same and
to help the management to firm up the sources.
 Integrate, direct and control efforts of production of Sulphuric Acid pigments,
dispatch raw materials etc. resulting in fulfillment of planned targets for production
and provide overall supervision of Titanium dioxide production.

 Receiving of raw materials and packaging of final products.


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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

 Integrating the department itself with Research and Development department for
identifying solutions to long-term problems.
 Carryout investigations and guide management on long term measures towards
achievements of the goals of expansion in the areas of production and quality.
 Integrate production efforts with maintenance to ensure implementation of production
and maintenance schedules and to avoid breakdowns by helping maintenance under
take jobs on time basic etc.

The Production Process

The main product of TTP Ltd is Titanium dioxide. The raw material used is ilmenite, which
is from IRE Chavara. The production process is as follows.

Ilmenite, a mixed oxide of Titanium, ferrous iron and ferric iron is grounded in ball mills to
fine power which is reached with sulphuric acid is specially designed digesters. There are
reinforced concrete tanks lined with lead and acid resistant bricks. The highly exothermic
reaction is completed by passing steam. The porous cake obtained as product is dissolved in
dilute sulphuric acid, thus Titanium goes into solution as Titanium oxy-sulphate. The ferric
iron present is reduced to ferrous iron completely. Using scrap iron the former interferes at
the succeeding stage of precipitation of hydrated Titanium by co-precipitation.

Reduced crude liquor is closed with setting agents and sent through large setting tanks to
remove the sludge consisting mainly of unreacting ilmenate and silica. The clear overflow
from settler is concentrated into a specified extends and then charged into precipitation tanks.
On boiling by injecting system the Titanium content gets precipitated as hydrated Titanium.

It is filtered over drum type rotary vacuum filters. Any ferric iron still present is reduced to
washable ferrous form by leaching the pulp with dilute sulphuric acid and Aluminum powder.
It is washed further and then treated with small quantities of certain chemicals, which help to
develop the pigmentary properties. The treated pulp is dewatered to 40% solids and then into
big kerosene filled rotary kilns. The moisture get removed first and then sulphuric acid
decomposes and the oxides of sulphur escapes out. At final stage of heating in kilns
crystalline properties gets carried to pendulum type mills and pulverized to very fine particles
of average size of 0.4 microns packed in 25kg bags and marketed.

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Another main product of TTP is sulphuric acid which is prepared by Double Contact process
using Vanadium pent oxide (V2O2) catalyst. In addition to these products the company is
also producing potassium tartarate and low phosphate of Titanium dioxide, which finds better
application in welding and including on a semi commercial.


Production Production Manager Production Manager Production

Manager Manager
Plant Monitoring Sulphuric Acid Plant Raw Materials

Dy. Dy. Dy. Dy. Dy.

Production Production Production Production Production

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

Asst. Manager


Figure 3.1 Production Department : Line Of Authority


The TTP‟s Legal Department is headed by the Chief Manager (Legal and Personnel). This

Department is responsible for representing the company in legal matters.


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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products


 Prevention and settlement of industrial dispute.

 Represent the company in the Court of Law.
 File cases against external parties.

The settlement of industrial disputes is done by two ways, namely

1. Voluntary Agreement
2. Statutory Procedures

Voluntary agreement includes code of discipline and workers participation in management.

Statutory procedure includes Works committee, conciliation officers, arbitration and

adjudication. The legal department has to conduct domestic enquiry when disputes arises and
also investigates on the violation of disciplinary levels.

Main Functions

The department is to render legal opinion/advice on matters referred from various other
departments of the company on subjects varying from recruitment and service matters to
contract and commercial transactions.

i. Recruitment

To the various categories of posts in Managerial Cadre and Subordinate Service, recruitment
is effected through PSC /Employment Exchange or by Direct notification, and under dying-

ii. Service Matters

Service matters ranging from eligibility of the candidate for promotion to a particular post,
deciding the merit, up gradation (in lieu of promotion) increments/anomaly etc may call for
legal advice/opinion.

iii. Conduct of Cases

A dispute of difference between the parties in any of the above matters such as

retirement/service matters, contract may lead to litigation at various venues such as Industrial

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Tribunal/Labor Court, Civil Courts, High Courts of Departmental Authorities such as sales
Tax/Transport Commissioner / Tribunals of Central Excise Commission/ Collector (Appeals),
Central Excise and Gold Control Appellate Tribunal (CEGAT). In case of purchase /Contract
disputes are also referred to arbitration.

iv. Disciplinary Proceeding

Being an establishment employing above 1300 employees (managerial and Subordinate

Service), naturally of discipline may come up most often. Having got the certified standing
orders, and the misconducts well defined therein, any act affecting discipline cannot but be
taken cognizance of disciplinary proceedings starts with issuance of charge sheet with details
of the alleged misconduct and calling for the delinquent‟s explanation which is if not found
satisfactory, domestic enquiry is ordered: this involves posting of the Enquiry officer and
presenting officer, culminating in the Enquiry report of the enquiry officer and award of
punishment, if found guilty, based on the enquiry report.

v. Commercial Transactions

In the course of business, the company was to enter in to agreement s/contacts with various
suppliers, customers and contractors for supply of material, servicing of equipment supplied,
executing of contract etc. throughout the country and even aboard at times.

Documents embodying these contracts have to be drafted/approved/ vetted by this Dept.

vi. Financial Matters

Mainly the financial matters referred for legal opinion relate to levy of charges as Excise duty
/MODVAT claims. Sales tax etc., on materials purchase/ sold by the company.

There being a bulk of status in the country governing industry/ labour in addition to the
ordinary enactments on civil matters, a legal issue may spring up in anything related to the
company any time, warranting involvement of Legal Department.

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Chief Manager Legal &


Manager P &A SO Officer SO legal

Sports SD

Dy. Dy. Manager Legal

Manager Coach/ section
(II) P & A
(I) P & A plyers staff

Asst, Section Section

Manager Officer Officer

Section Cant. Supt



Ctn. Staff

Figure 3.2 Legal and Personnel Department: Line of Authority


Human Recourse is the main asset of any organization. Therefore managing the human
resources is the most important functions of any organization. So it is essential for any
organization to fix a separate department for the management of human resources. TTP has
an efficient Personal Department, which is headed by Chief Manager (Legal & Personal).
This departmental is mainly responsible for personal functions of the company for resulting

in timely action for maintaining smooth industrial relations leading to employee‟s morale and

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

productivity. The personal department renders all personal and establishment services to all
personal and establishment services to all persons.

The primary objective of the personal department includes establishment of industrial

relations, welfare, salaries and wages, recruitment etc. the other objectives of the department

To provide leadership for management of industrial relations and employee‟s welfare

functions of the company.

 To provide basics for corporate strategies and policies for maintenance of industrial
peace and for workers motivation.
 For evolving system of prompt attention and redressal of employee‟s grievance and
prevention of the same.
 Administering the different committees for employee‟s participation.
 Evolve and update practices for checking incoming and outgoing of materials and
 Implementing the standing orders pertaining in the company.

The personal department has many important functions to do. The Staffing Functions of
personal department following activities.

1. Man power planning & identification

One of the major functions of this department is the planning of the required manpower and
identification of the vacancies present in the company. The number of employees required
for the company was planned by this department.

2. Recruitment

Another important function of personal department is the recruitment of the right persons in
the right place at right time. It is time first process by which employment is provided to the
adequate manpower resources. It is the positive process of searching for prospective
employees and circulating them to apply for the jobs. The sources of recruitment can be
classified as:

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

a. Internal Sources

Internal sources include personal already on the payroll of an organization i.e. It present
employees. Another method in internal sources is by direct recruitment of employees.

b. External Sources

The term external sources indicate the source outside the enterprise. The main sources are by
PSC & Employment Exchange. The PSC conducts examination for the candidates according
to the PSC Act of 1970 for the Clerical, Typist & Grade V vacancies. The outside source

 New entrants to the labour force.

 The unemployed with wide range of skills.
 Retired experienced person.

Dying-in-harness scheme

The company appoints several persons by this scheme. If any employee dies before
retirement, then the company offers job for his children or any member of family according
to their qualification.

Sports Quota

The company has 3 seats in the Sports Quota. The company selects persons who participated
in national and state level in football and volleyball.

3. Selection

It is a process of choosing the right person among the applications. The various stages
involved in selection process are.

a. Security of applications received:

The applications received for a particular post are categorized as

 Applications having required educational qualifications and experience.

 Applicants who didn‟t have required qualifications are rejected.

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

b. Preliminary Interview

Usually at this stage unsuitable candidates are eliminated even though they have required
educational qualification.

c. Black Application Forms

Selected applications are given blank applications form to fill the individual bio-data of the

d. Written Test

This is conducted for getting additional information about the candidate. It includes
intelligence test, personality test, aptitude test etc.

e. Interview

Here, the basic idea is to find the overall suitability of the candidate for the job. It also
provides opportunity to give relevant information about the organization to the candidates.

f. Physical Examination

Physical examination is carried out ascertain the physical standards and

fitness of prospective candidate.

g. Final Selection

After the candidate has passed all the stages above mentioned, he has given an appointment
offer letter. Usually, candidates are appointed as probationary period for few months
ranging, from 6 months to one year. After successful completion of probationary period, he
is appointed on permanent basis.

h. Placement and Induction

Placement concerns with placing of employees at right place where they are required.
Induction deals with oriented the employee to the company and its surrounding. Usually the
induction-training period is 1 week.

National Institute of Technology Calicut

Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

4. Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal a systematic evaluation of present potential capabilities of personnel

by their superiors. It is the process of estimating or judging value status of a person. The
main objectives of performance appraisal are:

 To provide systematic judgement to back up salary increments, transfers etc.

 Means of telling the employees how he is doing or performing his work and
suggesting the needed changes in his behaviour
 It is used as a base for coaching and counseling the individual by his superior

5. Promotion

Advancement within an organization is ordinarily labeled as promotion, which involves a

change from one job to another that is better is terms of status and responsibility. Change to
higher job is accompanied by increases in pay and privileges. For every change for
promotion, 3 persons are considered. Basis for promotion in TTP are attendance service,
performance, seniority, test/interview etc.

6. Transfer

Transfer refers to shifting of a person from one job to another without reference to change in
responsibility or remuneration. In TTP, transfer is given for administrative staff only.

7. Retirement

Retirement means the situation when the employee being terminated service on reaching a
fixed age. The age of retirement of TTP is 60 years. At the time of retirement the employee
will provided with provided fund, gratuity etc., one golden ring is given to every retiring
person by Retire men‟s association TTP. 2 service awards were given to those workers who
completed 15 years at the time of retirement. One gift check was given to those who
completed 20 years. TRC and TLSS

There is a Recreation Club present in TTP known as Titanium Recreation Club (TRC) for
providing recreation facilities to the employees. TRC has family welfare committee.

There is a Co-operative Society in TTP known as Titanium Labour Sahakarana Sangam


(TLSS). They provide loans and chit funds for employees.

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Wages & Salary

TTP gave fair remuneration to its employee in order to increase their morale thus by
increasing the productivity. There is two types of pay scale present. One is for subordinate
service and other for officer service. The last but working day is the Salary day.

Incentives & Rewards

TTP also gives incentives and rewards to employees. The incentive like Dearness Allowance
Fringe Benefit are given to the employees. On festivals like Onam etc., the employee‟s get
performance cum motivation.

Industrial Relations

TTP marinating an excellent relationship with its employees and their Trade Unions. TTP has
3 recognized trade unions.

1. Titanium Government Labour Union (TGLU) of (CITU)

2. Titanium Products Labour Union (TPLU) of INTUC)
3. Titanium Employee Co-ordination Council (TECC) of AITUCSTUUTUC etc. trade
unions get reorganization on the basis of referendum.

Workers Participation

The further enhancement of industrial relation is done by encouraging workers and increasing
worker‟s participation in management. For this purpose TTP has formed various committees
like Works Committee Canteen Advisory Committee Departmental Promotion Committee
Medical Committee Benevolent Fund Committee Safety Committee etc., in the works
committee the members are selected representatives of workers and management. They met
once in a month.


There is an effective communication present in TTP with the Employees and Management.
There is upward and downward channel present. In TTP, suggestion boxes are present for
the suggestions of employees to the management. It helps tier communication very easy.

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products


TTP directly running and industrial canteen to cater the needs of the employees at subsidized
rates-functions under the control of personal department, works round the clock is headed by
canteen Superintendent. A flat rate system has been introduces and deduction is made from
salary/wages of the employees. It is the duty of the supervisor to check quality of foods. TTP
purchase vegetable and other through purchase section form Government agencies on
contract basis.


In TTP, the Purchasing department, Sales and contract department are came under one
department namely, Commercial Department. The job of this department is procurement of
all materials and services and sales of finished goods resulting in fulfillment of production
and sales objectives of the company. The common function of the commercial department is
to make dealings with KSIPTC.

Purchasing Section

Purchasing is the most important function of materials management as the moment an order
is placed for the purchase of materials, a substantial part of company‟s finance is committed
which affects cash flow position of the company. The main objective of purchasing
department is to see that the required quantities at the appropriate time and of reduced price.
The purchasing department concerned with purchase of all spares and materials except raw
materials for all department.

The main Objectives of the department include

 That financial and legal interest of the organization related to purchase activities are
safeguarded and that timely supply is guaranteed.
 The quantity of materials purchased should be tested and certified by a competent
officer from the department/stores.
 To develop good suppler relationship which will ensure the best terms of supply of


To serve as an Information Centre on the materials knowledge relating to price,

source of supply, mode of delivery etc.,

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

 To make continuous availability of materials so that there may be uninterrupted flow

of materials for production.
 To make purchase in reasonable quantities to keep investment in materials at

Activities and Procedure

a. User development gives the request to stores department and order Requisition is
sent to purchase department.
b. Vendors list is prepared and quotations are invited from seller.
c. Processing of these quotations/tenders
d. Purchase of pre-audit.
e. Tabulation sheet, vendors list etc, is sent to user.
f. Purchase post audit.
g. Cancellation of purchase order.
h. Settlement of suppliers bill.

Contract and Sales Section

Contract department is mainly concerned with the disposal of scrap items. They are usually
disposed off by giving contract to outside parties. TTP‟s scrap is mainly used for welding.
These are produced by Steel Industries Ltd. Kerala (SILK). TTP‟s sale of their products
usually through KSIPTC and therefore no Marketing section in TTP. There is no interaction
between TTP and customer. Order are coming through KSIPTC. All the formalities of the
sale are done through KSIPTC.


Research is an ongoing process. For the development of any organization, research is a prime
factor. So in any reputed organization, there is a special wing for research and development.
TTP also has a well-equipped and efficient R & D Manager subordinated by 3 Managers
concerned with Quality control and Pollution monitoring, Technical services, Research and
pilot plant respectively. The department was concerned with the research or study of new
processes or techniques for the company. By the findings of these departments, the company

was able to find long-term solution to certain problems of process and quality. The R & D

Manager was responsible for guiding, directing, initiating and executing all the jobs in the

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department. The ISI analysis of the products and raw materials also came under this
department. Research and Development activities are concerned with raw material
substitutions, usage norms, surface coating, development of titanium based products,
pollution control, effluent control advice on stage wise inspection and follow-up of titanium
dioxide production particularly Rutile grade.

They have recently started the production of Rutile based titanium dioxide and the capacity of
the plant is 15 tons/day. They are planning to import it to U.S.A. The credit of this
achievement goes to R & D department.

TTP gave prior importance to the quality of product. Their product was well known for its
quality. TTP has a well-established Quality Policy is as follows.

“To achieve customer satisfaction through conditions improvement of processes, production

and human resource and by providing effective customer service.”

The main Objectives of R & D department are:

 Render in process, stage wise testing and trouble-shooting service acting as a

necessary adjunct to production.
 Undertake development projects both for process and product improvement and
diversification to help General Manager and advice management on new process,
products and projects.
 Identifying the changing needs of customers through regular interactions.
 Maintaining quality at incoming in process and final product stages.
 Implementing and maintaining a quality management system.

The department has mainly some Functions which are.

 Taking samples at various stages starting from raw material till the end product.
 Analysing the samples, finding the variance in production.
 Studying the variance.
 Finding the process parameters like electricity revelation per minute (rpm).
 To improve the quality as well as quantity of products.
 Monitoring the plant performance and pollution.

 Maintaining quality at all stages of products.


 Providing service to customers.

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Chief Commercial Manager

Commercial Manager

Deputy Commercial Manager

Assistant Commercial Manager

Section Officer

Figure 3.3 Commercial Department: Line of Authority

Research & Development Department Includes 5 Divisions Namely;

1. Research and Pilot Plant

The pilot plant produces special grade of Titanium dioxide, sodium titanate and potassium
titanate that are used in welding electrodes as flux.

2. Process Quality Control

It is responsible for analysis of raw material, finished products and samples from different
products process stages etc.

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3. Technical Services

It is responsible for providing service to customers. They analysis the final packed product
for ISI grading and allow the same for the customers looking in for specific requirement and
attends to customer‟s queries and complaints.

4. Pollution Monitoring

It carries out the analysis of liquid effluent and also stacks emissions and reports the result to
the State Pollution Control Board. The Research group is responsible for optimizing products
quality and process specification, development of titanium based product on a bench scale
and further on a pilot plant scale.

5. Library

TTP has to Libraries, namely Technical Library and Titanium Recreation Club Library (TRC
library), which comes under the R & D department. Technical Library has books of all
subjects, which is under management control. TRC library has daily newspapers and
magazines, which is under a committee Chairman is a Management nominee. There are 7
members in the committee.






Figure 3.4 Research and Development Department: Line of Authority

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In TTP Ltd., even though the Materials section comes under the commercial department, it is
functioning independently.

In this company the investment in current assets constitutes a lion portion. Therefore a
separate stores department is maintained. The location and layout of the department is
carefully planned so that transportation charge can be minimized.

The Materials section has many important functions. They are as follows:

1. In Ward Materials

a. All the stores materials coming to the stores as per the different purchase orders made
by the purchase section are received.
b. The quantity and quality are checked and a receipt voucher is prepared.
c. After the inspection of materials, quantify is recorded in the Bin Card and Kardex as
per the location and code of each material.

2. Dispatch

a. As per the delivery orders received from the commercial department, the customers of
the various products sent their transporting vehicles through various transporters.
b. The invoice declaration and gate pass is prepared.
c. The materials produced daily is taken into stock and maintained in the register.

3. Inspection

The receipt vouchers are checked for the item and the quantity and the concerned intend of
the material is asked to inspect and certify. The inspector works in accordance to the
concerned intends while receipt of goods.

4. Issues of materials

The main function of this section is to issue the materials as per the issue voucher. This issue
is also recorded in Bin Card and Computer.

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5. Raw Materials

The raw materials received from various sources i.e., departmental and contractor are
recorded as per the weighbridge bills.

6. Inventory Control and Disposal

The material section should also concern with the inventory control. They should inform to
the concerned departments when the reorder level is reached.

In TTP the store stock is managed by using “KARDEX” system. In this system every stock
card has details regarding receipts issues and rejections and each card has a control code
number of materials received and the receipt entry of which is made in Kardex card against
respective code. Moreover each card mentions he entire specifications of the material.
Above all there is an order for each card item. From the card itself we can get ordering
quantity fixed on the basis of 5 yeas annual consumption. From the order card we can
ascertain details of order requisition date and order quantity.

Chief Comm. Manager

Materials Manager

Dy.Manager (Material)

Asst. Manager

Section offside

Figure 3.5 Material Department: Line of Authority


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The department is headed by the Chief Manager (HRD and Administration). The department
mainly concerns with the whole development of work force. For any organization, employees
are the hidden assets. Without these employees no company can work effective. For the
effective working, these employees and employers need development. This department is
mainly concerned with the worker‟s training and executive development. Human resource is
a complex one. So there is proper training for his working. This department of TTP functions
in very efficient manner in this case. This department aims at increasing the attitude, skill and
abilities of the workers to perform specific tasks. The training program provided at TTP
started functioning from 1980s.

Every training programme has a well-defined specific objective. The different Stages in
Training as follows.

1. Induction Programme

Induction programme is training with specific objectives. It aims at creating awareness to the
new comers about the organization and its products, different sections, rules and regulations
they have to follow etc.

2. Orientation

This is the second stage in training programme. After induction programme is carried out,
feedback is obtained after three months. This is orientation. This helps the trainers to learn
new methods, skills and techniques.

The training department of TTP mainly offers 4 main Training Programmes. They are,

1. Induction Programmes or Vestibule Training

This programme is meant to induct the selected candidates into the work environment. This
programme is designed to give them a general view of what the enterprises does, how it is
organized, what benefits it offers and what its general rules and regulations are. It can be

more elaborate in the case of supervisory and management employees. The duration of this
programme is 3-14 days.

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

2. In-House Training Programme

This programme is for improving behavior or the attitude of the employees. It is meant for all
levels of employees and worked, aimed at creating an awareness of the knowledge of
fundamentals. It is mainly for improving employee‟s attitude, motivation, co-ordination etc.
under this programme and industrial tour was conducted which was for 8 days. The number
of members for this four was 25 for visiting different types of industrial units and their
activities. The duration of this programme is 5-6 days.

3. Outside-Training

This programme is meant for particular category of employees or workers, conducted by the
Training Department under the authority of specialized expert from outside agency. This is
knowledge-based training. In this programme, an effort is made to expose participants to
concepts, theories, basis principles, pure and applied knowledge in any subject area. The
focus is essentially on transmission of knowledge.

4. Unit Level Class

This programme is come under worker‟s education scheme. In this programme, education is
given to the workers in order to create social awareness in tem. Education is given to workers
in areas like their working environment, democracy etc. There is separate syllabus for this
Scheme prepared by Govt. of India. The duration is three months.

In addition to these main training programmes, the Training department of TTP also conducts
programmes like.


One of the major departments in TTP is the Engineering Department, which is headed by
Chief Engineer. The Engineering Department is responsible for the installation of all factory
structures, plants, equipment and their proper maintenance and upkeep as well as optimum
production of titanium dioxide. The Department has four sections each headed by Deputy
Chief Engineers under the authority of Chief Engineer. The Chief Engineer Co-ordinates the
overall activities of all sections. TTP has a well efficient Engineering Department.

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Chief Manager HRD & Admn

Deputy Manager Asst.Manager

(SD) (Admn)

Asst. Manager
(T & PRO)

Training Officers


Figure 3.6 HRD and Administration Department: Line of Authority

The Engineering department performs various functions very smoothly. It has co-ordination
will other departments also. The Objectives of the Engineering Department includes.

 Planning, arranging and initiating preventive maintenance programmers and repair of

equipments and installations in the factory including vehicles.
 Ensuring proper upkeep maintenance and installation of estate.
 To advice the Management to take decision on all Engineering matters.
 To arrange planning of engineering equipments and stores materials required for the
 Preparation of technical specifications and assist the Commercial Department in
technical scrutiny of offers and arranging purchase and stock of materials.
 To keep liaison with Government Departments like KSEB, Electrical Inspectorate,
Factories and Boilers Inspectorate etc. for ensuring maximum co-operation and
assistance form these department for maintaining all engineering related activities.
 Preparation of plants.
 Preserve the working life of plants.

 To safeguard investments.

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 Maintaining safety and efficient working condition.

 To achieve minimum break downs.
 Inspection of jobs at successive stages of production.
 Ensure normal productivity.
 Ensure availability of machine, building etc.

The Engineering Department in TTP has four major subdivisions namely Electrical,
Mechanical, Instrumentation and Civil Sections. A brief description about each section is as

Electrical Section

One of the major sections of the Engineering Department is Electrical Section-which is

headed by Deputy Chief Engineer. This section under takes the activity of maintaining sub-
stations of 60/11 KV and 11/440KV power demand of the factory. The main function of this
department is the electrical maintenance of plant and organization. The maintenance of
different types of electrical equipments like switchgears, motor control center, power control
center and different types of motors etc. The areas like white section and black section of
plant, Generator substations and Sulphuric Acid Plant came under this section.

Electrical Workshop

The electrical section has well equipped workshop, which undertakes electrical works of the
company. The major functions include.

 Maintenance work of electrical equipments

 Inspection of electrical items.
 Undertaking electricity related works.
 Instrumentation work and telephone maintenance.

Mechanical Section

Another section of Engineering Department is the Mechanical section, which is headed by

three Deputy Chief Engineers. This section includes areas like Workshop and Plant
Technical Services, Titanium dioxide plant and Vehicles, SAP, Boiler & Utilities. Functions

of mechanical section includes maintenance of equipments, machines etc. Plant Technical


Service (PTS) carried out statutory work of company.

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 Repair
 Maintenance of Mechanical devices and equipments.
 Maintenance of spare parts.
 Installations and running of the related devices.

Instrumentation Section

Instrumentation department enhances maintenance of instruments, modification of works etc.

The areas like titanium dioxide plant, shift, acid plant, lab instruments, weigh bridge,
Attendance Management System are also come under this section. The section enhances
Titanium Plant service maintenance as well as that of acid plant. The function of this section
includes process parameters are done by this section. Daily charts and monthly charges are
present. This section conducts service contracts for checking weighing bridge. This section
also deals with punching system repair. The TTP has electronic punching machines, which
was filled by KELTORN. Attendance Management system is also another function of this

Civil Section

The civil section is one of the major sections of Engineering department. There are 16 labours
present in the section, which includes officers. They mainly undertake Plant maintenance
work. The section has co-ordination with stores and Commercial Department. The main
activity of civil section is construction and extension of building and also the maintenance of
carpentry works, plumbing works etc. There is a separate drawing branch for drawing the
outline of new projects in Civil Section.


Finance department is the lifeblood of the business. So in any organization the most
important department is the Finance Department. Without this department no company can
work smoothly. TTP also has an efficient department for Accounts and Finance headed by
Finance Controller. Finance Department is concerned with planning and controlling of the
firm‟s financial resources.

The important objectives of the finance department include.


 Preparation of corporate plans annual plans and budgets.

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 Financial planning cost control and ensuring uniform and correct observance of
financial disciplines of the company.
 Monitoring the progress of budget achievements.
 Providing accounting service to all levels ensuring updating of systems procedures for
the same.
 Advising management on funds utilization and its implementation.
 Vetting of all investment proposals, certain of new assets, new posts etc. from the
point of financial feasibility.
 Evolve an audit manual.

The finance department performs various functions very effectively. The Main functions of
this department include:

 To collect all sums due to the company in time as per sales, orders etc.
 To make timely payments to creditors, suppliers, contractors, employees, Government
statutory bodies, service provides etc.
 Timely dispersant of salary/wages/perks to employees as per agreement, MOU etc.
 To assist all types of audit work.
 To prepare MIS as required by management.
 To complete all Budget work.
 To manage cash properly to maintain proper liquidity.
 To assist all departments in providing financial administration of all transactions.
 To make proper entries in boos of accounts and extract reports like Trial Balance, P &
L A/c, Balance sheet on a time bound basis.

Significant Accounting Policies:

Every organization has its own accounting policies. TTP also has its own accounting
policies. The following by the company:

1. Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are started at cost of acquisition or construction less deprecation. All costs
relating to the acquisition and installation of fixed assets are capitalized. Assets and liability

are consistently being recorded at historical costs to the company and therefore they are not

adjusted to reflect the change in value in the purchasing power of money.

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2. Investment

All investment are valued at cost.

3. Inventories

a. Raw materials, materials in process and stores and spares are valued at the cost on
weighted average method.
b. Finished goods – Titanium dioxide is valued at cost.
c. Goods in transit are valued at cost.

4. Sales

Sales are exclusive for excise duty and sales tax.

5. Depreciation

Depreciation on fixed assets has been provided as per the rates prescribed in schedule XIV of
the Company‟s Act of 1956. Under written down value method depreciation on additions and
deletions of fixed assets is calculated on prorate basis.

6. Retirement Benefits

Gratuity liability is provided based on the company rules prevailing from time to time. The
gratuity fund created to the company has been approved by the income tax authorities. The
net asset of enable the fund to fully discharge the company‟s obligation in respect of gratuity,
payment to the employees etc. The liability to pay leave encashment accrues only when the
employees can encash unveiled leave during their period of service till the employee exercise
his rights. Hence it is not quantifiable and is accounted on cash basis.

7. Scraps

Accounting of scrap is done at time of sale. In finance department, there are several sections
such as salary/wages, provident fund, loans, over time work allowance darkness allowance
etc. Each section is handled by one or two persons.

Sections in Finance Department


There are several sections in the department of finance. They are:


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1. Bills Section

2. Loan Section

3. Stores Accounts

Here proper maintenance of stores accounts and proper balancing and recording of each and
every transaction is done.

4. Salary and Wages section:

Timely payment of benefits including salary and wages to the employees is under the charge
of this section.

Finance Controller

Finance Manager

Asst.Manager Dy.Finance Dy.Finance

Computer cell Manager (1) Dy.Finance
Manager (2)

Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst.

Section Asst. Manager
Manager Manager Manager
Officer Manager time Cash
Stores Salary/w
Computer (Bills) Office
Accounts ages

Officer (Bills
Section Section Section Section Section
Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer
Stores Tax/ time Salary/ Cash
Budget Officer wages

Section Officer Section Officer Loans

Final Accounts
& PF

Figure 3.7 Finance Department: Line of Authority

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5. Cash Section

Cash section is in charge of preparing cheques on receipt of vouchers, on receipt from bank
and they maintain a petty cash book for entering expense including during business hour,
which includes monthly salary and incentive payments and other payments.

6. Computer Cell

The Computer cell in TTP started functioning since 1994 with assistance from ER & DC.
Today almost all the departments of the company are computerized. Various sections of the
company are connected to Local Area Network (LAN).

7. Time Office

Time Office is for recording the attendance of the workers. This section is under the
authority of Finance Controller. The manual card punching is facilities in time office. The
electronic card punching system is on trial stage and facilities in office building entrance for
employees. Simultaneously the attendance registers were kept in each department.


Workers are the hidden assets of any organization. So TTP gives prior importance to the
safety of its employees. The safety department is concerned with this function. Safety
management is a statutory requirement in any organization and its objective is to ensure the
safety in the factory premises. This department has an advisory function, which gives advice
to different department such as Production Department, Engineering Department etc., and
also to top management on various safety matters. They also give advice to workers handling
hazardous equipment and chemicals. This department is mainly concerned with control of
accidents and losses occurred within the company. This department defects unsafe
conditions and actions and they report it to the top management.

The main Objectives of the department include

 To control accidents and losses.

 To detect and prevent work related accidents.
 To give instructions to work force about safe working methods & conditions.
 Providing and maintaining safety equipments and guards.

 To advice and assist the factory management for fulfillment of its statutory obligation.

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 Monitoring the potential health and safety problems and carrying safety inspections.
 To carry out the company‟s safety policy smoothly.

The company‟s Safety Policy should also set out the health and safety rules covering.

 Safe working health.

 Inspection of new equipments
 Testing of equipments
 Inspection of the working premises etc.

The various personal Protective Equipments that the company provided for the employees

Table 3.1 Protective Equipments

Helmet For head

Goggles For eyes
Mask For face
Respiratory Apparatus For Breathing
Gloves For Hand
Apron For Body
Safe Shoe For Foot

Above all these, the safety department has peculiar functions of its own which makes it an
important one. These Functions are the following.

 To direct unsafe conditions and actions in the working premises and report it to top
 To control the losses and accidents that occurred within the company.
 Give medical and other type of assistance in accidents.
 To provide preventive action, which include plant safety inspection, safety audit,
periodic training programme for accident prevention etc.
 To create safety awareness among the employees.
 To conduct investigation about the accidents that occurred.

 To analysis the accidents occurred in an year and calculate the severity rate.

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Safety Manager

Asst. Safety Manager


Section Officer

Figure 3.8 Safety Department: Line of Authority


In TTP Ltd, there is a Medical section. Even though it comes under the authority of Personal
department, it is functioning independently for providing better service to the employees.

The head of the section is a Medical Officer. Under him, there is one male nurse and four
nursing assistants. The Medical Officer and male nurse were working a general shift. The
employees working in areas hazardous to their health are subjected to annual biotexological
examination at Occupation Health Service Centre, BHEL and Trichy, Periodical medical
checkup for employees in Canteen, led burning, packing shed, acid plant and welding section
are conducted.

Ophthalmic checkup for the employees was organized in collaboration with ophthalmic
outpatient unit of General Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram. Supplementary vitamin foods were
being given to these employees. The medical allowance given to the employees is ¼ th of the
amount of sum of basic pay and D.A, which is paid once in 3 months.

There are two sections- Ayurvedic and Allopathic and each section has one Medical Officer
also. Each employee has a medical record book with him. The treatment and findings of the

Doctor is recorded in it with the date of consultation and the book is kept with the section.

The ambulance and driver is present for 24 hours service. One sick assistant is also present.

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Company Medical Officer

Male Nurse

Nursing Assistants

Figure 3.9 Medical Department: Line of Authority


The main objective of the Security and Vigilance Department is to ensure the smooth
functioning of all activities within the organization. The movement within the company
premises is controlled by this department including movement of men, material, vehicles etc.
This department is responsible for the issue of Identity Card, In pass and Out pass. Only
authorized people are entitled to enter into organization. This department is headed by a
Security Superintendent and Vigilance Officer and he is directly answerable to the Managing

Duties and Responsibilities

 It is responsible for the Safety & Security of all property.

 To safeguard the company‟s functions.
 To assist the police department during disputes and emergency situations.
 All the records, registers, file order etc. connected with the documentation work at the
main gate shall be kept in order and maintained properly.

Duties at Main Gate

It is the duty of the Security guard at the main gate to monitor all the movements of

personnel, material and vehicle either attached to the company or connected with company‟s

business or any other business.

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Duties at Main Office

The security guard posted at the Time Office regulates all the entry and exist of workers
during the stipulated shift timing. He should carry out cursory check on all outgoing

Managing Director

Security Superintend

Vigilance Officer

Figure 3.10 Security Vigilance Department: Line of Authority


The company takes projects on recently. So the importance of Project Department gains its
importance recently. This is a new department specially created for carry out the project
works successfully. Company identifies the scope of the project works recently. So it is
essential to fix a special department for this. The project department in TTP, Which is headed
by chief Project Manager, carry out the projects for the company. They also dealt with plant
modification and expansion. Under the authority of Chief Project Manager, three wings are
present civil, mechanical, and project wing. The project department undertakes the type of
works like.

Plant Modification and Expansion

Plant Modification and Expansion is very important concerned with the company. Company
gives prime importance to the modification of the plant. Project department is concerned

with this duty.


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New Projects

Company undertakes several new projects. Pollution is the main problem faced by the
company. So company needs a project for pollution controlling. So this project department
undertakes a new project for pollution controlling and other new projects.

Steps in project implementation

1. Feasibility Report

The project team in the unit will prepare the feasibility report, based on the existing as well as
predicted demand, economic viability, technical feasibility and other aspects of the projects
under evolution.

2. Submission and approval to Unit Head.

3. Design and details.
4. Procurement of equipments
5. Plant installation
6. Commissioning and trial running.

Chief Project Manager

Project Manager

Executive Engineer Executive

(Mech) Engineer Civil

Asst. Executive Asst. Executive Asst. Executive

Engineer (Mech) Engineer Engineer (Civil)

Figure 3.11 Project Department: Line of Authority


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The Marketing Department of Titanium mainly concentrate on sales.


No direct sale of Titanium Dioxide us done. Orders are collected through Kerala State
Industries Product Trading Corporation (KSIPTC). Since there is no separate marketing
division in Travancore Titanium Products Ltd., the government appointed KSIPTC to sell
their products on 1% commission basis.

Different sales in TTP Ltd

ISI grade Titanium Dioxide is mainly used in paint industries. General purpose Titanium
Dioxide is used in leather industries. Special grade Titanium Dioxide is used for welding

How to sale the product in Titanium?

 Domestic Sale
 Stockiest

Mode of Sale

 Purchase Order
o Scrutinizing purchase order
o Quantity requirement
o Quality requirement
o Price
o Mode of Transport
 Intent Raising name of purchaser
 Allocation of Material by R & D Department
 Invoice
 Dispatching Materials

If these conditions are satisfied then only the marketing department will start to work.

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Titanium will promote their product by four ways which are through

 Magazine and News papers

 Exhibition
 Television (Rarely)
 Internet

Chief Manager

Deputy Manager

Assistant Manager

Section Officer Section Officer


Figure 3.12 Marketing Department: Line of Authority 43


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Two main plants in Travancore Titanium Products are

1. Titanium Dioxide Plant
2. Sulphuric Acid Plant


Production of Titanium Dioxide

Titanium Dioxide is mainly produced from the raw material illmenite, which is a complex
compound of oxides of titanium and iron.
Table 4.1 Composition of illmenite.

Kollam Grade MK Grade

Titanium Dioxide 59-60% 53-54%
Ferrous Oxide(FeO) 09-10% 25_26%
Ferric Oxide(Fe2O3) 24-25% 15-16%
Oxides of other elements 05-08% 04-07%


The two main processes for the separation TiO2 from Ilmenite are
1. Sulphate process
2. Chloride process

TTP Ltd is using the sulphate process.

Raw Materials
The major raw materials used are
1. ilmenite
2. Sulphuric Acid
3. Scrap Iron
4. Glyceryl Mono Stearate

5. Aluminium Dust

6. Pottasium Sulphate(K2SO4)

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7. Mono Ammonium Phosphate

Process Description

The production of TiO2 from ilmenite requires a number of operations and some unit
processes. The various sections in the route for its production are

1. Grinding
2. Digestion
3. Clarification
4. Concentration
5. Precipitation
6. Post precipitation filtration
7. Pre precipitation filtration
8. Leaching
9. Post Leaching filtration
10. Treatment
11. De watering filtration
12. Calcination
13. Pulverization
14. Packing

Here TiO2 (Anatase) is the main product.

1. Grinding

Ilmelite is brought to this section from godown using the belt conveyor. The purpose of
grinding is to reduce the size and hence to increase the surface area of the ore to achieve
maximum reaction efficiency. Here the equipment used for grinding is a ball mill.

The main sections of a milling are

1. Ball mill
2. Rotary classifier
3. Mill fan
4. Double cone classifier

5. Cyclone separator

6. Viscobeth

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7. Ductings
8. Dampers
9. Vent Pipe


The material is fed into the ball mill from silo using constant weight feeder. By the action of
the fan the ground product along with the air is sucked into rotary classifier, where the
coarser particles are sent back to the mill for regrinding. Then the air product mixture is
sucked into the double cone classifier, where the oversize is separated and sent back to the
mill. The air leaving the double cone classifier with the required size particles reaches the
cyclone separator where a whirling action prevails. The product is separated and sent into a
bunker through an air locked rotary valve connected at the bottom of the cyclone separator

By the action of the mill fan, air is discharged into the ball mill, at the same time air leaving
the cyclone separator is sucked by the fan. Air from atmosphere enters at certain regions of
the ductings, so suction increases over discharge which may imbalance the whole system. In
order to prevent this condition, extra air is removed through a vent pipe to the atmosphere.







Figure 4.1 PRODUCTION PROCESS (Diagrammatic Presentation)


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2. Digestion

Digestion is the second section in the manufacture of TiO2 pigment.

It consists of five stages.

1. Reaction
2. Baking
3. Dissolution
4. Reduction
5. Final Adjustment

Digestion is a Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) cylindrical vessel conical at the bottom. It
is first lined with lead and then a double layer of acid resisting bricks. The necessity of
having a RCC vessel is to withstand the pressure and vibrations that develop during the

The consistent unit to the digester are trident and service line, sturm box with the strainer
bottom „T‟, service „T‟, stand pipe and fume cupboard with exist stack. The three arms of the
trident are connected with compressor airline, water line and stream line, and the common
service line from the trident enters at the bottom of the digester through the service „T‟, and
bottom „T‟. The other lines entering through the top digester cover are the ground ilmenite,
weak liquor and cutting water inlet lines.


Fe2O+3H2SO4 Fe2S(O4)3+3H2O

TiO2+3H2SO4 TiSO4+H2O

FeOFe2O3. TiO2+5H2SO4 + Fe2 (SO4) + Fe2(SO4)3 + TiOSO4 + 5H2O

3. Clarification

The crude liquor is sent to a settler which is the equipment used for settling operation.
Reduced liquor contains unreacted ilmenite, residue due to scrap iron and finely divided
colloidal particles which are to be removed.

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Settling Operation

The settler is actually a thickener. This is as large fairly shallow tank with slow moving radial
rakes driven from a central shaft. Its bottom is conical. Dilute feed slurry flows from an
inclined trough or launder into the centre of the thickener. The feed flurry being more denser
than water tends to flow downward until it reaches a zone of equal density. Then it moves
radially outward at a constantly decreasing velocity and the flow gradually divides between
the downward moving suspension and the upward moving flow that is nearly free of solids.
Liquor moves radially at a constantly decreasing velocity allowing the solids to settle at the
bottom of the tank. Clear liquor is obtained as the overflow. The rake arms gently agitate the
sludge and move it to the centre of the tank, where it flows through a large opening to the
inlet of a sludge pump.

Here the feed is fed into the settler through a feed well, so that it will not spread at the top but
reaches the centre. The temperature inside the settler is minimum 600C. An organic flocculent
is used which causes agglomeration and hence faster settling of particles. Clear overflow is
obtained from the top through pipes connected around the settler. The rakes rotating at a
speed of 1/13 rpm gently agitate the sludge and move it to the centre of the tank.

The overflow from the settler contains TiOSO4 andFeSO4 in acid medium which is collected
into the SLS tanks from where it is pumped to the concentration feed tanks.

Weak Liquor Preparation

The sludge from the settler is withdrawn through the bottom valve and sent to the sludge
dilution tanks. After specified quantity is withdrawn it is diluted to the required specific
gravity and pumped to sludge settlers. Weak liquor overflow from the sludge settlers is
collected in weal liquor storage tanks.

4. Concentration

The overflow from the settler has a concentration of 140gpl. The purpose of the concentration
is to increase the concentration of the liquor by evaporating the water content and hence to
increase the content of solids in the liquor per litre.

There are 3 concentration units. The main parts of concentration unit are

1. Concentration feed tank

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2. Overhead tank
3. Preheater
4. Concentrator
5. Vapour separator
6. Discharge lute


The liquor from the concentration feed tank is fed to the overhead tank from where it is fed to
the preheater. Preheater is a shell and tube type Heat Exchanger. There are 22 tubes inside the
preheater. The tubes and shell are made of electrolytic copper. The liquor from the preheater
is fed to the bottom of the bottom of the concentrator. The concentrator has 32 tubes inside it
which works independently. The tube side is made of electrolytic copper and the shell side is
made of mild steel which has insulations to prevent heat loss. The shell side is fed with fed
with steam.

The liquor when passes through the tube side gets the water content reduced by evaporation.
The concentrated liquor and vapour are sent to the vapour separator. The liquor at the bottom
of the vapour separator is collected into the discharge lute. The vapour is sent to the

Since the preheater is used, the amount of steam that is to be used in the concentrator is
reduced and concentration is carried in less time with less expense and the once used steam
can be recycled.

5. Precipitation

Titanium Dioxide is separated from the concentrated liquor by precipitation. Precipitation is

effected through thermal hydrolysis. Maximum precipitation takes place at a temperature of
1100C. The tank is made up of mild steel which has a brick lining inside made up of acid and
heat resistant bricks which prevents heat loss and also protects mild steel. There is a rubber
lining outside. The concentrated liquor at a temperature of 900C is fed into the tank. Nuclei is
charged and kept for three hours. Steam is injected and cutting water is added. This brings
about precipitation by thermal hydrolysis. Temperature rises to about 1100C and the tank is
sealed with steam and is maintained for 3 hours. Then it is left there for about 21/2 hours of


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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

TiOSO4 + 2H2O -- TiO(OH)2 + H2SO4

Hydrated titanium dioxide is precipitated. Ferrous sulphate remains as such. It will not
precipitate. It is during the precipitation stage that the black liquor is changed to white one.


Here rotary drum filter is used. It is a continuous vacuum filter. Here is liquor is sucked
through a moving septum to deposit a cake of solids. The cake is moved of the filtering zone
washed, sucked dry and dislodged from the septum, which then reenters the slurry to pickup
another load of solids. Some part of the septum is in the filtering zone always, part is in the
washing zone and part is being relieved of solids, so that the discharge of both solids and
liquids from the filter is uninterrupted.

Working of Rotary Drum Filter

A horizontal drum with a slotted face turns at 1/3 rpm in an agitated slurry trough. A filter
medium such as canvas covers face of the drum which is partly submerged in liquid. Under
the slotted cylindrical face of the drum which is a second smaller drum with a solid surface.
Between the two drums are radial partitions dividing the annular space into separate
compartments each connected by an internal pipe to one hole in the rotating plate of the
rotary valve. Vacuum and air are already applied to each compartment as the drum rotates. A
strip of filter cloth covers the exposed face of each compartment to form a succession of

There are three zones for a rotary drum filter

1. Catch up zone
2. Wash up zone
3. Drying and releasing zone

The drum is kept in such a way that 1/3rd of the drum is immersed in the slurry trough. The
slurry is sucked up by the catch up zone. A vacuum is used to create the suction. Solids
remain on the surface of the filter cloth, and the liquid along with the dissolved impurities is
sucked into the tubes.

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At the top of the drum water is constantly sprayed which washes the pulp when it comes in
the washing zone. The water and the dissolved ferrous sulphate are sucked into the tubes. As
the drum rotates, when it comes down vacuum is released at some region and so slurry is

There are 16 tubes inside which are connected to a single tube lead which leads to a catch
pot. The fumes from the catch pot are sent to a water scrubber. The cleaned gas is sent to a
common line, which is connected to a vacuum pump. The catch pot and the scrubber are
water sealed.

For maximum removal of ferrous sulphate and other impurities the filtration is carried in four
1. Post Precipitation Filtration
2. Pre Leaching Filtration
3. Post Leaching Filtration
4. Dewatering Filtration

6. Post Precipitation Filtration

The precipitated liquor from the batch storage is sent to the filtration unit. There are four
numbers of post precipitation filters.

Length - 16 inch
Diameter – 08 inch

The pulp is diluted and is sent to the repulping tank. The repulped mass is sent to the
preleaching filters.

7. Pre Leaching Filtration

Four numbers of filters are available. The feed is from post precipitation filters and dorr
tanks. The purpose of filtration is to wash off ferrous sulphate and increase the TiO2 content
in pulp. The filtrate goes to the dorr tank.

Specification: Specific Gravity- 1.231.25


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8. Leaching

The purpose of leaching is to reduce the non-washable ferric sulphate to washable ferrous
sulphate. As the pulp passes through different filtration operations, some ferrous sulphate
may get converted to ferric sulphate due to aerial oxidation. Here Al dust is added along with
particular amount of sulphuric acid. This produces nascent hydrogen which is a good
reducing agent.

9. Post Leaching Filtration

The leached pulp is washed and filtered for the specific gravity 1.291.30 and an iron
content of 0.001gpl. Four numbers are available.

10. Treatment

In treatment section specific amount of potassium sulphate solution and mono ammonium
phosphate are added and K2SO4 is also added to improve the tone, texture, PH and quality.
Mono Ammonium Phosphate is added to impart antirutile properties. No. of treatment tank in
one stream is two.

11. Dewatering Filter

The pulp is again filtered to remove the water present. In the dewatering filter the vacuum is
adjusted in such a way that to get a solid of 37% in the pulp

12. Calcination

It is the process of slow heating of the pulp, which takes hours, to reach the other end of the
calciner. Calciner is a long inclined rotary kiln, cylindrical rotating at a speed of 1/17 rpm. Its
inclination is towards the furnace end. Two numbers of calciners are available here. They
have a capacity of 30 tons per day.

The purpose of calciners is

1. To decompose hydrated titanium into TiO2
2. To remove residual acid.
3. To develop crystal unit.

The cake is dried in a calciner by burning it in the combustion chamber with kerosene as a
fuel. Kerosene is sprayed into the combustion chamber using a blower. There are two

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

calciners used. The dried up TiO2 is blown off into the combustion chamber in the form of
crystals by the aid of induced draught fans and thus providing draught in the chamber. The
TiO2 crystals is then passed through a cooler and passed onto the milling section. The
temperature at the firing end 1200oC, is measured by R-type thermocouple. The temperature
at the feed end 450oC is measured by S-type thermocouple. The temperature at the firing end
is controlled at 1200oC by manually controlling the flow of kerosene to the blower. The gas
produced is evacuated through the main dust which further splits into two with an ID fab
provided in each of the two sub dusts. These gases are taken through a cooling tower and an
electrostatic precipitator.

13. Pulverization

TiO2 obtained after cooling is in the form of granules. This is transferred using belt conveyors
to bucket elevator which in turn lifts the product and dumps into a silo having a capacity of
40 tons. The particle size is reduced in a Bradely Pulverizer Mill.

Bradely Pulverizer is a pendulum type mill which powders TiO2 to a very fine size of about
625 mesh. The pendulum rotates vertically with close tolerances to the casing of the mill. To
send the feed in required quantity and to prevent overloading and to increase milling
efficiency an auto feeder is provided.
The main accessories of milling are
1. Fan
2. Cyclone Separator
3. Viscobeth
The product coming out of the cyclone separator is sent into the packing bumker.

14. Packing

A weighing machine is kept below the bunker. TiO2 is filled into plastic sacks kept over the
weighing machine. 25 Kg is fed in each sack and sacks are tied. This is then sent into the


Sulphuric Acid is a main raw material for the production of Titanium Dioxide pigment in

Titanium Travancore Products Limited. During the expansion in 1965 a sulphuric acid plant
with 50 tons per day capacity was also started. In 1996 a new sulphric acid plant was

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Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

commissioned with Double contact double Absorption process with a capacity of 350 tons
per day.

1. Water Treatment Plant

Water treatment plant is a division of the sulphuric acid plant where the water(steam)
necessary for the production of the acid is generated. For steam production PHD water is


The main equipments used are

1. M.G. Filter (multi grade filter)
2. SAC unit (Strong Acid Cation unit )
3. DE gas sump
4. SBA unit
5. Mixed bed
6. D.M. Storage Tank

Multi Grade filter

This is used to remove clay or wood. It has sand or gravel unit on the top and mesh
arrangement on the bottom. The water at 2.5Kg/cm2 is given to the top of the filter. As it
passes through large layers of the filter the large impurities are removed and rate of flow is

SAC unit

This contains a Zeocarbon resin which produces hydrogen. Chlorides of Magnesium, calcium
etc. is removed in this unit. Oxides of carbon and sulphur is converted to carbonic acid and
sulphuric acid etc. water leaving from this section has a ph. of 2.5-4 and regeneration resins is
done using sulphuric acid.

De-Gaser sump

Water from SAC unit is sent here to remove the carbonic acid. Water is sprayed to sump from
top and air is supplied using a fan. The acid is converted to co2 and h2o and co2 is sent to


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SBA unit (Strong Base Anion Unit)

Water from the De-Gaser is sent here. In this section the acidity of water is removed. For that
resins having OH ions are used. Conductivity is 6.8-7.5. Regeneration of resins is done by

Mixed Bed

Water from the SBA unit has low acidity and high alkalinity is not best for steam production
and so the water is demineralized using a mixed bed.
It has two resins with the same principle of SBA and SAC units.

Demineralized Water Storage Tank

Water is demineralized and stored in a storage tank. The water for steam production is
obtained by using water treatment plant at a temperature of 33-350c.
The water is given to a boiler but the temperature has to be increased and so using a
desecrator the temperature of water is increased to 90-1000c.

2. Procedure for the Production of Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric acid is produced by double contact absorption process. Sulphur is the main raw
material. Sulphur is melted, filtered and then oxidized to SO2. SO2 is further oxidized to so3
by passing through a catalytic convertor having vanadium pentoxide v2o3 as catalyst. The
converted so3 is absorbed in concentrated sulphuric acid. Then the absorbed sulphuric acid is
converted to sulphuric acid.

Description of the main steps

The flow diagram of the DCDA process contains the following equipments
1. Melting pit
2. Burner
3. Convertor
4. Absorber
5. Scrubber
The raw material used for the large scale manufacture of sulphuric acid is sulphur. Sulphur is

a by-product of petroleum industry.


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1. Melting Pit

The sulphur obtained may contain impurities like Selenium, Tellurium, ash, mud etc. so
sulphur is to be purified to about100%. The purification is done by melting. When sulphur is
melted the impurities present in it remain in the molten sulphur itself. Sulphur has a melting
point of 1300c.

Sulphur is stored in a sulphur go down. With the help of an electrically operated crane it is
transferred to a silo. Ratted quantity is fed to the melting pit by using a belt conveyor. For
melting the sulphur steam coils are used. The high pressure steam melts the sulphur at a
temperature of 140-1500c and 6.27kg/cm2. The velocity of the molten sulphur is maintained
ina specified value so that the easy flow of sulphur is achieved. The specific gravity Of
molten sulphur is 1.8. The impurities in the sulphuric acid raises the temperature of sulphur
from 130-1500c. In order to neutralize the acid impurities, which are produced by the contact
of molten sulphur with atmospheric oxygen, sulphurous acid, hydrated lime is added at the
rate of 250gm/tons of sulphuric acid produced. The undissolved impurities are separated by
settling in the melting pit itself.

The overflow from the melting pit is collected in a dirty pit. From the dirty pit sulphur is
pumped to leaf filter . The leaf filter is in horizontal inclined position. The filterate from the
leaf filter are collected in a clean pit. The temperature of molten sulphur is maintained at a
value of 1300c and at a pressure of 2.5kg/cm2. If the temperature is below 1300c the pumping
of molten sulphur becomes difficult and above that temperature causes firing of molten

2. Burner

The molten sulphur reacted with compressed air gives sulphur di oxide gas. A furnace is used
for burning molten sulphur and compressed air. The furnace is a horizontal, cylindrical vessel
with two sulphur guns. The length of the furnace is 7m and diameter is 4m. The furnace is
made up of carbon steel, acid proof bricks and fire resistant bricks.


Molten Sulphur is pumped from a storage tank through heated lines and sprayed in to the

furnace using burners. Dry air from air drying tower is introduced into the furnace. The

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temperature of furnace is kept at about 950-10200c, otherwise leakage of sulphur takes place.
The conversion is exactly 10.5% by mole SO2

Waste Heat Boiler-1

Before the gases are fed to the first stage of the converter, they are adjusted to the minimum
temperature at which catalyst rapidly increases the speed of reaction, usually 425 to 4400c.
For that purpose a waste heat boiler has shell side and tube side. SO2 gas at a temperature of
10000c is passed through the tube side and water is passed through shell side. Thus by the
principle of heat transfer the temperature of SO2 gas is reduced to about 4350c and water gets
converted to steam.

But there is a chance for reduction the temperature below this value. So the outlet of the
waste heat boiler is given to a mixing chamber where mixing of SO2 from boiler and furnace
takes place. As a result the temperature of SO2 can be kept at 4350c.

3. Convertor

The chemical conversion of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide is designed to maximize the
conversion by taking into consideration that

1. Equilibrium is an inverse function of temperature and a direct function of the oxygen

to the sulphur dioxide ratio
2. Rate of reaction is a direct function of temperature.
3. Gas composition and amount of catalyst affect the rate of conversion and the kinetics
of the reaction.
4. Removal of sulphur dioxide formed allows more sulphur dioxide to be converted.
The commercialization of these basic conditions makes possible high overall conversion by
using a multipass convertor.

A four pass convertor is used for conversion in the sulphuric acid plant. It has 4 beds of ring
and start type materials coated with vanadium pentoxide catalyst for better conversion. The
conversion takes place in two stages.


Sulphur dioxide gas from the mixing chambers is given to the 1st layer of the 4 pass

convertor. The conversion reaction is 2SO2+O2->2SO3. This reaction is highly exothermic.

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Thus the temperature increases to 6000c. If this conversion stream is directly given to the 2nd
layer of the convertor then the catalytic bed may be spoiled. In order to avoid that condition
the outlet from the first layer is given to a super heater.

Super Heater

The gaseous stream from the first stage of the convertor is given to the tube side of the
superheater and stream is passed through the shell side. Then the temperature is reduced to
425oC. The outlet of the superheater is given to the second bed of the convertor where 28% of
conversion of SO2 to SO3 takes place. The conversion raises the temperature of gas to 520oC.
For cooling this gas before it is given to the third layer a hot heat exchanger is used.

Hot Heat Exchanger

The outlet from the 2nd layer of the catalytic convertor is given to the tube side of the hot heat
exchanger. Hot gas is passed through the shell side. Thus the temperature of SO3 gas reduces
to 430oC. The gas stream from the hot heat exchanger is given to the third layer of the
convertor. In the third layer 6% conversion of SO2 to SO3 takes place and the temperature
rises to 450oC. This completes the first stage of conversion of SO2 to SO3. For absorption of
converted SO3 its temperature should be reduced. Thus a heat exchanger and an economizer
are used.

Cold Heat Exchanger

The outlet from the third layer of the catalytic convertor is given to the tube side of the cold
heat exchanger and cold gas is passed through the shell side. Then the temperature of the SO 3
gas decreases to 330oC from 450oC.
For the further reduction of the temperature to 1800C an economizer is used. In the
economizer gas is flowing through the tube side and water is flowing through the shell side.
Thus the temperature is reduced to 180oC.

4. a. Inter-pass absorption tower

The SO3 gas from economizer-1 is absorbed in an interpass absorption tower. It is cylindrical
in shape and the gas is absorbed in 98.5% sulphuric acid. The acid is sprayed from the top of

the IPAT and gas is given through bottom. The temp of IPAT is 700c.

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In order to reduce the temperature of sulphuric acid before it is sprayed to IPAT and FAT a
plate cooler is used. Water is passed through the plates and acid is passed in between the
plates. Thus the transfer of heat takes place and as a result of this temperature of acid is
reduced and water become steam.

The unabsorbed SO3 gas from the interpass absorption tower is given to the 4th bed of the
catalytic convertor which is at a temperature of 4300c and 5.75% conversion of SO2 to SO3
takes place in the second stage and temperature is increased due to exothermic reaction.

It is similar to that of economizer-1 and having so3 gas in the tube side and water in the shell
side. Reduction of temperature takes place and the outlet from economizer-2 has a temp of
1800c. The outlet gas is absorbed in final absorption tower.

4. b. Final absorption tower

Second stage absorption of so3 gas is done in the final absorption tower. It is similar to IPAT
sulphuric acid at 98.5% concentration and reduced temperature is sprayed from the top of the
FAT and so3 gas from the economizer-2 is given to the bottom of FAT absorption of so3

The outlet of both the IPAT and FAT has the formula H2S2O7 (oleum)


The oleum is collected in acid pumping tank.

Acid pumping tank

The acid pumping tank having capacity of 150m3 and it is cylindrical in shape. In order to
maintain the concentration at 98.5% dilution water is constantly given to the acid pumping

There are six acid collecting tanks in acid plant. When the volume of sulpuric acid in the acid
pumping tank becomes greater than 150m3 it is transferred to the acid collecting tank steam is

a byproduct of acid collecting tank steam byproduct of acid plant.


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Air circuit

Air for sulphur burner is supplied by electric blower is used. During the starting of the acid
plant and power failure condition electric blower is used. All the other time, steam turbine
blower is used.

Air from the athmosphere is sucked through a filter for removing dust and compressed by
turbine driven air blower and it is given to air drying tower to remove entire atmospheric
oxygen. During is done with the help of sulphuric acid. The dry air given to the burner for
burning of molten sulphur.

5. Pollution Control (Scrubber Unit)

Gases from the final absorption tower contains SO2. SO3 atmospheric pollutant. Gasses from
the final absorption tower are taken to a packed scrubber. During normal operation the gasses
passes through dry scrubber. During start up or disturbed conditions caustic solution from the
solution tank is fed to the foot of the scrubber by gravity. SO2 from the gases is absorbed in
the circulating stream of caustic solution. Scrubbed gases are vented to atmosphere through a
26 meter tall chimney. The specified limit is 300ppm SO2, 100mg/Nm3 of SO3, as prescribed
by the pollution control standards.

Pre-commissioning of Plant

Before the plant is made ready for commissioning, it is necessary that individual sections of
the plant are checked and necessary test carried out on the equipment to ensure their smooth
functioning during commissioning and normal running of the plant.


The main step in pre-commissioning activities for first start is drying of bricks in sulphur
furnace, startup furnace and convertor. Drying of brickwork shall be carried out by wood
firing is sulphur furnace startup furnace and convertor.

Sulphur Circuit

1. For first startup clean all sulphur pits. Flush all the steam coils by steam to remove
any dirt and scale etc.

2. Fill sulphur melter with sulphur through the belt conveyor. Once substantial amount

of sulphur is added to melter, start steam in melter coils and check for proper

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operation of traps. Allow the sulphur to melt and gradually go on adding solid sulphur
till level of liquid sulphur is above the agitator level.
3. Now start the sulphur agitator, check the amperage of agitator motor, also check for
any vibration on sound and start feeding sulphur gradually and continuously at
maximum possible rate without any lump formation in sulphur pool.
4. Add lime accordingly to neutralize acidity. After sometime sulphur will overflow to
dirty sulphur pit.
5. At this time start steam flow through coils in dirty sulphur pit. When liquid sulphur
level comes to agitator level and check for smooth operation.
6. Open steam in dirty sulphur jacketed pipe and heat the same. Once sufficient amount
of liquid sulphur is filled in dirty pit, start sulphur pump to recirculate sulphur. Once
smoother operation of dirty sulphur pump is established transfer the sulphur to precoat
pit and fill the same.
7. Add filter aid and start the agitator in precoat pit. Now system is ready for precoat
operation of sulphur filter. Start steam in all jacketed pipes and in jackets of sulphur
8. For filling the sulphur filter, first start steam in jacket and ensure that all are well
heated. Ensure that lid flanges are tightened properly. Open the vent/overflow valve
and start precoat sulphur oump. Keep sulphur valve position in suitable open/close
position. Once sulphur starts overflowing close vent valve and allow the sulphur to
recirculate in precoat pit.
9. Once the precoat cycle is over filter cycle can be started. Adjust the valves so that low
from duty sulphur pump goes to filter and then to clean sulphur. If found in limits
continue the filtration cycle. In case of ash being excessively check for possibility of
improper precoat or damaged filter leaves.
10. Once the filtration cycle is over as indicated by reduced sulphur flow in filter outlet,
prepare to open and clean the sulphur filter.
11. Keep clean sulphur tank sufficiently full well before scheduled date of sulphur firing.
Take a trial of clean sulphur pump and circulate sulphur in all relevant pipelines.

Normal Operation
Sulphur Section

1. Check the ash content in sulphur once in a shift. Higher ash content may be due to

improper precoat or damage to the screen. Take the corrective action accordingly.

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2. Choking of filter as indicated by reducing in sulphur flow indicates filtration cycle. At

such time arrange for cleaning sulphur filter.
3. Analysis ash content and acidity of dirty sulohur feed to filter. This will ensure
corrosion free operation and help in anticipating filtration cycle.
4. Incase filter aid contains chlorides wash the same thoroughly before feeding to filler
to avoid corrosion

Gas circuit
1. Analyse SO2 at convertor inlet regularly. Plant is designed to operate at 10.5% SO2
convertor inlet.
2. Convertor 2nd bed inlet temperature can be controlled by operation of super heater
bypass valves.
3. Inlet temperature of 3rd pass is controlled by hot heat exchanged tube side bypass

Acid Circuit
1. Amperage of circulation pump should be noted regularly.
2. Acid samples should be analysed once a day check operation of analyser.
3. Level indicator readings should be checked frequently by manuel level measurement.
4. Observe flow of acid in tower distributor once a day through sight glasses.

Boiler circuit
1. Check boiler feed water sample and boiler blow down sample once a day. Any
abnormality observed it should be corrected immediately in water treatment, chemical
closing or blow down frequency.
2. Ensure that steam flow is deaerator is maintained and BFW is at a temperature of 100-
3. Safety valves should be checked regularly to ensure safety of high pressure
4. Level gauges should be drained and checked once a shift.
5. In no case boiler water level should be allowed to go below normal level
6. While operating boiler feed water pump, corresponding recirculation line valve
should be kept open.

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General Guidelines for Good Operation

1. Always have a spare sulphur gun for service

2. When plant is shutdown, leave steam flowing through the sulphur burner jacket. This
will serve as a coolant to protect the gun from the radiant heat until the furnace
refractory has cooled.
3. Repair any shell or duct leaks at the earliest opportunity and repair all insulation.
4. Avoid use if cold feed water to an operating boiler except in an emergency.
5. Never allow the boiler exit gas temperature to drop below 2750c.
6. Although convertor-operating conditions will vary with time and service, never allow
the catalyst temperature to exceed 6200c.
7. Elevate catalyst temperature slightly before a hot shutdown to facilitate startup.
8. Frequently check all thermocouples especially convertor thermo couples against a
9. Never attempt to operate plant without acid circulation on all three towers. If a pump
fails and cannot be restarted immediately shut the plant down.
10. Keep the spare acid pump in excellent condition and ready for quick start.
11. Verify the reading of conductivity meters once a day.
12. Try to keep acid plant circulating pumps running all the time, whether the plant is
operating or not, if it is necessary to stop circulation for maintenance reasons, check
the distribution section and clean if needed.
13. Establish and rigorously follow a procedure for collecting and recording data on plant
operations. These would include temperature and pressure profiles of systems.


In any shutdown, the first thing to turn off is the sulphur feed. For hot shutdowns, the blower
should be turned off immediately after the sulphur is turned off. For shutdowns, those are
expected to last more than 5-10 min; the acid cooling water should be turned off. Do not stop
the circulation of acid over the towers unless it is necessary to do so. When possible increase
catalyst temperature a few degrees before shutdown. These will simplify the subsequent start
up. Make sure that dilution water is cut off.

National Institute of Technology Calicut

Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

Table 4.2 Temperature and conversions in each stage of the 4-pass convertor

Location Temperature °C Equivalent conversion

Gas entering 1st pass 430

Gas leaving 1st pass 600
Rise in temperature 170 60%

Gas entering 2nd pass 430

Gas leaving 2nd pass 520
Rise in temperature 90 28%

Gas entering 3rd pass 430 6%

Gas leaving 3rd pass 450

Rise in temperature 20

Gas entering 4th pass 430

Gas leaving 4th pass 445
Rise in temperature 15 5.75%

TOTAL 99.75%

Shutting Down for a Prolonged Period

Before shutting down for a prolonged period allow the strength of the process acid run up to
0.1-0.2% above normal operating strength. This will serve as a buffer against the small
decreases in strength normally observed during a prolonged shutdown. Then stop dilution

Turnoff the sulphur feed, and reduces the dry airflow to about 50% of design. Cool all
catalyst leads with air to about 500c at a rate not greater in the boiler approaches atmospheric
temperature, the vent valve on the steam drum must be opened to prevent formation of

vacuum inside boiler. If the boiler is to be entered during shutdown, cool raw water may be

National Institute of Technology Calicut

Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products

used as feed water after all steam generation has stopped, and the circulation. A boiler should
not be drained until it is cooled throughout.


National Institute of Technology Calicut

Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products



The Travancore Titanium Products Ltd is a well reputed, profit making Indian Company with
an annual turnover of about 80 crores. The company is a boon to India, as its main product,
Titanium dioxide forms an essential ingredient of almost all items used in our day-to-day life.
T.T.P Ltd has monopoly over its products, TiO2. The major asset of this company is skilled
staff. Moreover the efficient management of the resources have helped them to overcome the
slump in the sales over the last few years.

Through this In-Plant training it was able to fulfill the objective of our study. Detailed study
on the processes was made possible by giving emphasis on the practical side of the theory.
All together it was a good experience to see the company and various processes carried out in
the plants and the various functions of the company.


National Institute of Technology Calicut

Industrial Training Report: Travancore Titanium Products









National Institute of Technology Calicut

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