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Artifact #3, Field Observation, Classroom

Kristine Morales
EDU 201 – 2002
Professor Connie Christensen
Field Observation
Assignment #1: Observation

1. My first impression of the classroom environment was it's very small, packed, and just

like how imagined it, very child friendly. In my opinion, I felt like the classroom was

small because I'm bigger compared to the kids, but from the student's perspective, I'm

pretty sure it seems to them that the room is big and have a lot of room to work with. The

room also felt small and packed because there was a lot of things posted by the walls and

the board. There are lots of posters about their lesson/topic, rules, and many more. She

also had like small library are for her students which added to the packed feeling.

Overall, the classroom environment is something I've expected. I would also say that the

classroom has enough room for students and the teacher to work around with.

2. The class is mostly made up of boys than girls. There are 13 boys and 8 girls, if I counted

correctly. They are all equally segregated at each table. The student make-up is also very

diverse, they're well mixed. There were Americans (white/black), Mexicans, and Asians.

There are no ELL students. Mrs. Williams (cooperating teacher) told me that all of her

students' first language is English, but some of her students are bilingual. There are no

any physical challenges in the class. No students showed any signs of disability. Lastly,

there were no apparent attributes that are important to note. Everyone worked very well

with each other.

3. There are no class rules posted in the classroom, but I asked Mrs. Williams and she said

that the class rules were posted the first few weeks of the school year. She took down the

poster because she said that there are more important things to be posted by the walls.

She also informed me that even though the classroom rules poster was taken down, her

students and the students' parents know about the rules. She sent a letter to the parents

talking about the class rules, so the parents know what is expected from their


4. The teacher does enforce the rules in the classroom. I can tell that her students know her

rules because there's this one time where everyone was talking so loudly, while she was

lecturing about their math activity. She stopped talking, and that was a cue for her

students to know that she's just waiting for them to stop talking so she can go on with her

lecture. She said that she does a lot of bribery in her class. She rewards her students with

candies. Mrs. Williams has this poster board that is sectioned and colored. There are pins

around it, and the pins have the students' name. If they're doing badly that day, they get to

clip down from the board, and if they keep to continue doing bad decision in class and

they hit the bottom of the board, they get a letter sent home for their parents informing

them what their child did at school that day. That's is her consequence for her students,

but she also told me that, that's also one way to reward her students. If they're doing well

in class or at school, she tells her students to clip up. And if they hit the very top of the

board, the students get rewarded by giving those students treats or longer recess time.
Assignment #2: Classroom Layout
This is where all materials that they might need

Small library – Cabinet with books

is stored. It is locked for students’ safety.

they store the chairs after class.

Clip board and also an area where


Extra table

Teacher’s Desk

1. I wish I had a whole day to spend with the class, so I can really see how the workflow of

the class. However, during the time I was in the class observing them, I can tell that the

workflow of the room is well used. Every part of the room has its purpose. Even the

posters by the wall has its purpose. It's there for students' reference if they need any

refresher about the lesson or topic. It's also there for the teacher to refer on when she

needs it. The small library in her classroom is something that I think was such a good

idea. Even though students have the library to get books from, she still provides more

books for her students in her classroom.

2. In my opinion, the physical arrangement of the room is very well set up. Although, if

there's one thing I would change in the room, it would be how the teacher's desk is

placed. When you look at the picture above, the teacher's desk is at the right side facing
the board. If I were to re-arrange how it's set up, I would place it at the top right hand of

the room facing the whole class, so the teacher would see what is going on around the

classroom. I also feel like there's not a lot of extra space in the classroom, and I think it'd

be beneficial for the students because they would have a lot of space to move around.

Assignment #3: Instruction

1. There's no daily/weekly schedule posted, but there is this one schedule that teachers

follow. It is the students' specials. It is there music class, science class, P.E, and other

non-major subjects. It's a 7 day per week rotation not only in the classroom, but the

whole school. All major subject is covered the whole day such as Math, English, and

Reading. They spend about 45 minutes or so for each subject or lesson.

2. Instructions is delivered in whole groups. Before doing anything new in class, she make

sure that everyone got the previous things/materials are tucked away, and the new

materials are out for the new topic. She sums up everything before heading to a new one

because she wants to make sure that no one is being left behind. After, that's when she

starts talking or presenting about the new topic or lesson in the class.

3. I really like my cooperating teacher teaching style because it's very simple, and her

students get her. What I mean by her students getting her is, her students know when it's

time to move on from the topic or onto something else. I noticed that she does a lot of

bribery in her class. It works most of the times, but I know that this could be unhealthy

for some students because the bright students in class can get a lot of treats, but how

about the slow learner students in the class? They would either feel low about themselves

because they don't get treats, or it could be the other way around and use this as a

motivation to do better in class so they can some treats.

4. There's no student that is impaired in Mrs. Williams classroom, but to enhance the

hearing, she makes sure that her students hears her loud and clear. With vision, I would

say students are placed in the classroom where they can see the things up by the board.

5. The students are engaged when the teacher presents a lesson to the class because every

time she starts a lesson, she makes sure that she got everyone's attention. I think that

works best to get every student engaged to the lesson because even way before a teacher

starts with the lesson, the teacher already got the students' hooked to the lesson.

6. There is one student that I noticed that was isolated from the class. His name is Adrian.

He was sitting close near the teacher's desk, and he was not in groups with his peers. I

saw him sitting by that table twice when I visited. I believe that Mrs. Williams transfers

him to that table when he gets out of hand, and when he becomes a distraction to the

class, or to the students that sits next to him. When he sits there, he's quiet, but he still

gets off track on what he's supposed to do.

7. Just like what I said previously, the teacher sums up the last lesson or topic that they were

on, and she makes sure that every student is prepared for the other activity that they're

about to tackle in class. I also witnessed once, she was ending one of their activity with a

story and questions. She asked her students questions that connects to the topic that they

were about to discuss.

8. List of attention getting commands:

− Finish what you are writing.

− Few more minutes before we do our next lesson.

− Listen up
− She stops talking when she's explaining something to the class and the students interrupt

her while she's speaking or when students talk while she's talking. This is a signal to them

that she's waiting for them to stop what they are doing, and be ready or to listen on what

she's about to say.

I think it works effectively because I can see that she gets her students' attention every time

she does these things or when she says these things. Her students know when to pay attention

when their teacher needs their attention.

9. The only behavior issue that the teacher have to deal with with her students is when her

students' is with their specials teachers. I would come with the whole class when they

move to their specials teacher's room, and during this time Mrs. Williams wouldn't be

around. This is when they usually get side track because they are with a different class.

So, the special teacher would give a report on how her class did during their specials, and

sometimes she would get a feedback that some of her students weren't listening or they

were talking. When they get back to their original classroom, and they got a bad feedback

from the specials teacher, she usually gathers her class for a discussion talking about their

behavior. She questions her students if their behavior was acceptable or not. This way she

knows that her students realizes that their actions weren't acceptable. By this time,

usually the whole class clips down from the colored board that I mentioned earlier.

10. There are some policies that help instructional time. For example, when the day/class is

about to end, she has this policy to call each group table to "pack and rack." This means

that this table is quiet and ready to go, so she would tell them to pack their backpack and

rack up their chairs together. This way, she gets her students to be quiet and organized

before leaving the classroom. This also motivates her students to be quiet at all times
because if the whole group table isn't quiet, they would be the last group to "pack and

rack," and they would also be the last people on the line to head out to their dots. I don't

see any policies that hinders instructional time. I see that all of her policies are all

beneficial to the whole class.

Assignment #4: Culture

Physical Characteristics

1. The school structure is just like any public elementary school in Las Vegas that I've

visited before. I only noticed some things that was different from other schools. One of

them is the school's animal/mascot. The school animal/mascot is usually in front of the

school, but it is not placed there. It is inside the school near the office. The only thing

that's outside is the flag pole which is really common. The school is fenced around which

is good because the students are safe. The right side of the school is where kindergarten

students is usually at. That's where they get picked up and dropped off by their parents.

They are usually separated from 1st graders to 5th graders because those kids are a lot

bigger and taller. Which, in my opinion, is a wonderful idea. The gates are also well

fenced. There are signs and symbol where students and parents can walk safely.

(Pedestrian) Landscaping and tress fits the school. It doesn't cover any nice view from the

school. The field, where the students' P.E. takes place is very child friendly. The only

problem that I noticed from the school is that the parking lot is very small. There's not

enough space for parents to park their cars, or any proper place for them to drop off their

kids or to pick them up.

2. The interior of the school is more student/ child friendly than the exterior of the school

because it has more friendly designs inside. The walls are consisted of students' work and art.

They also have posters that has students' pictures which I think it's really nice because if there are

parents that visits the school, they have a chance to see their child's work or their pictures. I also

remember seeing a wall that has all the teachers of the school and their individual pictures. The

theme color of the school is green because that's one of the school's color. Lastly, the entrance

security of the school is the front office. All the doors and gates of the school is locked, and the

only door open is the door to get to the office. I don't think this is entirely safe or the best way to

secure the school because anyone can jump of the fences. Although, I noticed that there are

officers that goes around the school.

Culture of the School

1. The school's mission statement, motto, and mascot can be seen on their school website


"The Iverson Elementary community creates excitement for learning by providing rich

educational experiences in a safe and positive environment. By meeting the needs and

developing the potential of all our students, we are preparing them to move confidently

into the future with courage, strength, and grace - like eagles."

The school's mascot is an eagle.

2. The relationship between the staff and visitor is really nice. It seems like everyone

knows everyone. The area of where the school is located is very close to a middle school

and a high school, so I'm guessing that some of the parents and staff have known each
other for a while because from their other older kids. Just in general, the staff gives out a

positive vibe to any visitor that comes to the school. I also noticed that students know

each faculty, if not, most of the faculty members. They are all very respective to one


3. Student-to-student interactions are also very easy to notice at the school. I have two

siblings of myself that goes to this school, and so far, they haven't talked about anything

bad that happened to them, meaning no bullying. Everyone gets along very well. Students

usually gather around the playground after school. In the mornings, students usually

gather or play around in front of the school before they open the gates for them. There's

also a lot of middle school students by the school after school hours to pick up their

younger siblings at this elementary school. I've never really been inside the school

lunchroom with students, but the lunchroom is just like a cafeteria for the students. They

really don't get to play in the lunchroom.

4. The school is organized in a way where it's very easy for rooms to find. It's labelled by

numbers. So, if you're looking for a room you enter to the main office (entrance) they

will give you the room number, and from there they will tell you direction on where to go

or what room number to go to. The library is by the center of the school, so it is very easy

to find. To sum it up, it'll be hard to get lost inside the school because everything is

organized simply. The school is not small, but it's not big either to be that lost inside

5. Between the main office and the cafeteria, the hallway, is where the trophies of the

school are seen. The school's athletic team is cooperating with Las Vegas High School

athletic department. Once in a while, the school does hold up ceremonies or assemblies.

One that I witnessed is their Halloween parade. The students and teachers were dressed
on their Halloween costumes. They walked around the school playground where the

students' parents are waiting for their kids to walk around. According to my cooperating

teacher, they've been doing this every year.

Culture of the Classroom

1. Mrs. Williams expects a lot from her students. She believes that her students can reach

their highest ability when it comes to her student's education. In her classroom, they have

this poster board and a cut off paper with all of her students' name. Next to it, is the goal

of the student or her goal for her student to reach after the school year. This poster relates

to their Reading Ranger levels at school. When a student read enough books, and pass the

quiz for each book they get to move up a level to the Reading Ranger board. So, at the

end of the school year, she wants her students to reach this goal.

2. I would say that there's equal participation in class. Not all of them raises their hand to

participate, but all of them get called at least once to participate in a lesson. She really

wants her students to be active in her classroom.

3. Student and teacher relationship in Mrs. Williams' class is very controlled. Her students

know when to be serious, when it's alright for them to talk to their classmates, etc.

Overall, they respect each other. The students give respect to their teacher, and the

teacher give respect to her students. It's a very mutual understanding.

Assignment #5: Cooperating Teacher Interview

1. Mrs. Williams was pre-med major, but this takes a lot of years to complete. So, she

looked for a faster degree to get and that is education. This is her primary reason on why

she wanted to become a teacher.

2. As a teacher, she said that the politics is the main challenge that she faces. She doesn't

like how the politics makes a big impact to education and how it changes a lot because of


3. Mrs. Williams said that the best part of being a teacher is the "aha!" Moments of her

students. It is when her students understand or finally understood the lesson/topic. The

big smiles and hugs that she gets from her students is also one of the best part of being a

teacher, in her opinion.

4. She determines where students sit in class according to their behavior. She wants to

spread he kids equally. She wants to place the students that get sidetrack quicker next to a

student that she knows that will lessen the distraction.

5. She doesn't really select members of any flexible groups. She wants to think that all of

her students are equal and all flexible when it comes to school work.

6. Mrs. Williams interact with parents everyday. It's either before or after school, or she also

uses the app "Remind", to connect with students' parents. She mainly interacts with

parents to develop relationship with them. She wants to let the parents know that their

child is safe with her, and she wants to inform them that they are a team when it comes to

children's' education.

7. She said that she grades a lot on a daily and weekly basis. She grades every Sunday night,

and on Fridays, she does most of her testing and quizzing with her students.

8. It takes Mrs. Williams about 3 hours or so to create a lesson plan weekly. She also said

that it depends on how many paper works she has to do, but 3 hours is her minimum time

when it comes to creating lesson plans.

9. She makes sure that all of her student understands her instruction, and they are all

organize to maximize instructional time in her class.

10. Bribery is one of the reinforcements she uses that works successfully I her class, and this

is also the behavioral consequences seem to work the most. She also takes out a small

time of her students' computer time as their consequence, and she believes this works a

lot because her students like to use the computers.

11. Her and some specialist teachers (librarians & science teacher) makes sure that their

lesson connects (align) with one another, so that their students wouldn't be as confused on

what they are learning about. They try to connect their lesson very close.

12. Mrs. Williams said that she is usually evaluated by NEPF once a year because she's a

probational teacher.

13. She said that she doesn't know the consequence if her evaluation is not favorable because

this never happened to her.

14. Mrs. Williams said that what surprised her the most about this profession is that the

classes she took in college didn't really prepare her as a teacher now. She even said that

as a student teacher is very different when you have your own classroom as an actual


Assignment #6: Observing a student

I observed a student named Adrian. During the time I was observing him, he was sitting

to the table next to the teacher's desk, where I'm also sitting at. He was separated from his group

table, and I'm not entirely sure why because I got in the classroom and he was already sitting

They were doing their math activity when I got to the classroom. They were doing

addition and subtraction. They were being timed on how many questions/equations they can

answer under three minutes, and there are 100 questions for each side of the paper (addition &

subtraction). I witnessed that Adrian wasn't even trying to do the activity. He was just putting

zero as his answer to all of the equations. He did the same thing to the other 100 questions, and

after he "answered" all of the questions, he just started playing with his pencil.

Mrs. Williams was walking around the room looking at students' progress, and when she

finally reached Adrian, she looked at his paper and saw his answers. She made him erase his

answers, and told him that he needs to redo his work and try to answer them correctly. Then, he

erased his answers and tried doing the activity again. I noticed that the student wanted attention

from the teacher, and when he finally got the teacher's attention that's when he decided to do his

work. I believe that the student creates distraction to the class or to his peers because he wanted

attention from the teacher, but I think this is not a good thing because the teacher can't always be

next to him and provide the attention that he needs.

Assignment #7: Summary

My first field observation is honestly something to remember. I enjoyed every second of

it. It made me realize that I really do enjoy being around kids. Mrs. Williams' students were all

so nice and sweet towards me. I hope to have the same type of students when I become an actual

teacher, but I know that that's is kind of impossible because I will get different type of students.

I learned and realized a lot during my observation. One of them is that this profession is

no easy job. I have a lot of preparation to do for this profession. I learned that students can be

easy and difficult. They need a lot of attention, and as teachers, we need to provide that for them.
I also learned that every work that I do takes a lot of my time. At first, i thought there's a way

around on making lesson plans quickly, but according to my cooperating teacher, lesson plans

takes a lot of time as well as grading papers. Overall, I know there's no easy job out there, and I

just have to be prepared on anything that this profession throws at me along the way.

This observation prepared me to things that I have to face when I become a teacher. I

have now an idea on how lesson plan goes and how much time it'll take me to finish them. I

learned how to deal a certain way to certain type of students. I also have an idea on how a

classroom should flow, and I also got some ideas on how to transition on one topic to another. I

also learned how co-teachers works with each other for the better of the school and their

students. I believe that this is important because I will get new and better ideas to my future co-


To sum up everything, this observation really gave me a lot of ideas about this

profession. Not only, I learned from just observing the teacher and the students, but I also

learned something from my cooperating teacher. She gave me a lot of advice and things to look

at about teaching. One thing that I will specifically remember that she told me about being a

teacher is that I have to be really patient and passionate about this profession. Teaching is not an

easy job, and a lot of people look up to teachers which puts a lot more pressure to us to do better

with our jobs. She also told me to learn how to love this profession because if I don't love

teaching I'll just start to hate it, and I'll probably just quit to it. She told me some negative sides

of teaching which really concerned me, and now I am having second thoughts if I want to teach

elementary or secondary. One thing I'm sure about is that I will never quit on this profession. I

know and I will become a teacher one day and it won't matter if it's elementary or secondary.

Educating is my passion.

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