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Business Partnership Agreement

This PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT is made and entered between Jeju Business Agency and Angeles
City of the Philippines.

Whereas, both of the above PARTIES shall be referred of collectively as the PARTNERS, for the
purposes of the AGREEMENT.

Whereas, PARTNERS conclude the following agreements for exchange for their respective growth
and benefits by establishing a cooperation channel based on mutual trust and cooperation.

Article 1
Objective of the Agreement
The Agreement aims to promote and develop mutual growth between PARTNERS based on
friendly cooperation

Article 2
Contents of the Agreement
PARTNERS shall cooperate the following conditions to achieve Article 1 above:
1. Joint efforts to expand export and market development
2. Mutual cooperation to strengthen export competitiveness
3. Marketing cooperation for continuous sales promotion
4. Interaction between managers of two parties for smooth business progress
5. Efforts to identify cooperative projects to pursue the objective stated in the agreement

Article 3
Details for implementing Article 2 may be determined separately by mutual agreement

Article 4
Procedure of Implementing the Agreement
1. When proceeding the agreement, two parties shall provide information or cooperate to another
party and consult with each other if joint work is required
2. Two Parties shall select the person in charge necessary for business cooperation in order to
effectively proceed the partnership business
3. The expenses incurred for the agreement shall be negotiated by mutual agreement per
Article 5
The parties hereto agree to respect the confidential nature of information which they receive
during the term of this agreement and they undertake to keep such information strictly
confidential during the said term and after the termination

Article 6
Term of the Agreement
The term of the agreement shall be one year from the date of signing, and shall be effective in
force unless there is agreement between other Parties

Article 7
Effectivity of the Agreement
The agreement shall enter into force on the date of signing by representatives of each party and
prepare two copies of the agreement, and keep one copy each party for the purpose of certifying
the agreement and faithfully fulfilling their obligations. If one of the parties finds that they are not
able to accomplish the objectives of the agreement, they may notify to another party in writing of
the termination letter and the agreement shall be terminated immediately after the notice.

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