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Our Lady of Fatima University 24.

Scene- single situation or unit of dialogue in a

2nd Quarter Reviewer 25. Plot- main events that make up the story.
26. Imagery- these are the word pictures
constructed using sensory language.
27. Figurative Language- the use of simile and
Definition of Terms: metaphor to create an interesting piece of
1. Autobiography- it is a written account on the creative nonfiction.
life of a person written by that person. 28. Point of View- this is the position or
2. Biography- it is a description of another perspective from which something is
person’s life. considered.
3. “Graphein”- to write 29. Theme- it refers to the central idea or
4. Literary Journalism- combines factual message of the story.
reporting with some of the narrative 30. Dialogue- it is the conversational passage or
techniques. written exchange of conversation towards a
5. Personal Narrative- prose that relates subject.
personal experiences usually told in first
person. Guidelines in Writing Creative
6. Blogs- film, book, or lecture about the places
visited or experienced.
7. Reflection Paper- explores personal thoughts,
Writing a Blog
feelings, and opinions about a topic.
a. Know your audience
8. True Narrative- it is a true story with plot
b. Start with a topic and working title
and action.
c. Write a captivating introduction
9. Blogs-it is a discussion or informational
d. Organize your content
website published on the World Wide Web.
e. Start writing
10. Testimonio- deals with the experiences of
human rights abuse.
Writing a Personal Narrative
11. Blogging- action of writing a blog about
a. Find your focus
personal opinions, activities, and experiences.
b. Write your first draft
12. Blogger- a personal who keeps a blog.
c. Proofread your final draft
13. Blog- a journal or diary that is on the internet.
14. Corporate blog- type of blog that can be
Writing a Memoir
private for business purposes.
15. Question blog- type of blog that answers
a. Write memoir, not autobiography
b. Diagram your life
16. Exposition- this is where the characters and
c. Don’t begin at the beginning
setting are introduced.
d. Use all your senses
17. Rising Action- this is where the conflicts start
e. Build your writing focus
to build.
18. Climax- known as the turning point of the
Writing a Biography
a. Select a person you are interested in
19. Falling Action- occurs after climax as things
b. Find out the basic facts of the person’s life
start to work out.
c. Think about what else you would like to
20. Denouement- known as the ending or resolution
know about the person
of the story.
d. Do additional research to find more
21. Narration- act of narrating or telling a story.
22. Character- person or other being in a
e. Write your biography
23. Setting- includes time and place where the
story occurs and develops.
Concepts in Creative Nonfiction  Personal narrative tells the true story that
happened to the person himself/herself. Choose
 In writing creative nonfiction, you don’t need to a story from his/her life to write about.
be overly objective if you’re telling your own,
personal story. However, nobody wants to read
 In writing a reflection paper, avoid dragging
someone else down. Describe the action, not
a highly biased biography.
the person.
 In writing creative nonfiction, conduct extensive
research. You can gather facts and information  True narrative can communicate main idea or a
from the library, interviews, and more. lesson learned. It recreates an experience
through time.
 Writers of creative nonfiction use elements of
fiction to write about factual. The subgenres in  in writing creative nonfiction, do not invent or
creative nonfiction are personal essay, memoir, change facts. You can always organize the
and etc. information.
 . In writing a blog, knowing your target audience
 Memoir is less formal and encompassing. On
not necessary. On the other hand, picking a
the other hand, autobiography is made up of
catchy title is required
detailed chronology and events.
 Autobiography is focused on facts as its
foundation. Memoir is less obsessed with
factual events.
 Memoir came from the French word memoire
meaning “memory”. It is narrative nonfiction
written in story form like fiction.
 Short biography tells the basic facts of
someone’s life and importance. Long biography
includes information with more detail.
 Literary journalism is a fact-driven that requires
research. It is completely similar from
“immersion journalism”.
 Creative nonfiction writings include the closing
which needs to leave the reader with the
important points; and the lead which needs to
persuade the readers by interesting fact,
quotation and anecdote.
 Personal narrative allows you to share your life
and feelings to the reader. It is a great way to
improve your writing skill.
 In writing a draft, reveal your main points in the
body and summarize your whole content in the
 A true narrative is a piece of writing that
recreates through time. It can be based on one
of our own experiences, either past or present.
 In blogs, posts are typically displayed in reverse
chronological order. With that said, most recent
post appears first, at the top of the web page.
 Testimonio gives awareness towards political
objectives and questions. It is a solemn
attestation of truth.
 In writing an autobiography, start by conducting
research on your own life. Include dates and
events to create a structure to build upon.

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