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PERTEMUAN KE-8 “Kelompok dan Dinamika Tim”


T. Hani Handoko, Ph.D.


NIM : 19/450164/SEK/00636




Gist, M. E., Locke, E. A., & Taylor, M. S. 1987. Organizational behavior: Group structure,
process, and effectiveness. Journal of Management, 13: 237-257.

Bagaimana caranya supaya efek negatif dari mixed gender tasked group dapat diatasi
dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang pada sebuah tim dan organisasi?

Guzzo, R., & Dickson, M. 1996. Teams in organizations: Recent research on performance
and effectiveness. Annual Review of Psychology, 47: 307-338.

“One study that related team effectiveness to composition and other potential design
variables was reported by Campion et al (1993). They studied 80 work groups in a
financial services firm and found broad evidence of relationships between effectiveness
and 19 design variables clustered into five categories: team job design (e.g. amount of
self-management in the team), interdependence among team members, composition
especially the heterogeneity of members), intragroup processes, and contextual factors
(e.g. managerial support). Campion et al found team size to be positively related to
effectiveness and found heterogeneity of members’ background and expertise to be
unrelated or negatively related to effectiveness, depending on the specific criterion

Bagaimana cara mengetahui dan mengukur manajemen diri di dalam tim? Kenapa
interdependensi antara anggota member yang menjadi variabel penentu efektivitas tim,
bukan dependensi?

Janssen, O., & Huang, X. 2008. Us and me: Team identification and individual
differentiation as complementary drivers of team members’ citizenship and
creative behaviors. Journal of Management, 34 (1): 69-88.

“Based on self-categorization theory (Turner et al., 1987), the social identity approach
initially assumed that social and personal identities related to each other in an
antagonistic way. According to this principle of functional antagonism, team
identification and individual differentiation would be mutually exclusive, in the sense
that strong team identification weakens individual differentiation, and that individuals
who see themselves as more different from other team members are less attached to the
team (Hornsey & Jetten, 2004).“


“We found that team identification and individual differentiation were not only mutually
independent dimensions, but also related to different work behaviors. This pattern of
results runs counter to the original social identity principle of functional antagonism,
which states that strong team identification weakens individual differentiation, and that
individuals who see themselves as more different from other team members are less
attached to the team (e.g., Brickson, 2000; Haslam et al., 2000; Turner, 1985).”

Kontradiksi yang terjadi antara teori dan hasil uji empiris tersebut apakah menunjukkan
bahwa teori/pendekatan “Social Indentity” tidak (selamanya) berlaku?

Lau, D. C., & Murnighan, J. K. 1998. Demographic diversity and faultlines: The
compositional dynamics of organizational groups. Academy of Management
Review, 23: 325-340.

“A third implication, not new, is that groups' early actions are critical in determining their
character and that the group development process, including the possibility of subgroup
formation, deserves tremendous attention and care.”

Kapankah yang dimaksud dengan “early” untuk tindakan awal dalam menentukan
karakter kelompok dan dalam proses perkembangan kelompok sehingga dimungkinkan
adanya pembentukan subgrup tersebut? Apa batas komposisi karekter kelompok yang
perlu diperhatikan oleh manajer untuk memaksimumkan produktivitas dan kreativitas
dan membatasi faktor yang menghambat kemajuan kelompok?

Gersick, C.J.G. 1988. Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group
development. Academy of Management Journal, 31: 9-41.

“The traditional paradigm portrays group development as a series of stages or activities

through which groups gradually and explicitly get ready to perform, and then perform,

their tasks. All groups are expected to follow the same historical path. Proponents of
existing models specify neither the mechanisms of change nor the role of a group's
environment. In contrast, the paradigm suggested by the current findings indicates that
groups develop through the sudden formation, maintenance, and sudden revision of a
framework for performance; the developmental process is a punctuated equilibrium. “

Apakah ada hal lain selain pengaruh lingkungan terhadap pengembangan kelompok yang
tidak dilibatkan dalam teori pengembangan kelompok tradisional sehingga kenyataannya
pada saat ini telah berbeda dari teori tersebut?

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