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Migration of WinCC

projects from V4 to V7
SIMATIC WinCC Industry
Online Support
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SIMATIC WinCC Migration

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Table of contents
1 General information on migration.................................................................... 5
1.1 Terms ................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Compatibility ......................................................................................... 5
1.3 Scripts and in-house developments ..................................................... 5
1.4 WinCC options ..................................................................................... 5
1.5 Project backup...................................................................................... 6
1.6 WinCC database versions .................................................................... 6
1.7 Upgrade overview SIMATIC WinCC V3 to V7 ..................................... 7
1.8 Overview of migration steps ............................................................... 10
1.8.1 Migration from WinCC V4 to V5 ......................................................... 10
1.8.2 Migration from WinCC V5 to V6 ......................................................... 10
1.8.3 Migration from WinCC V6 to V7 ......................................................... 10
2 Adoption of project versions smaller than V4.02 SP3 after WinCC V5 ...... 11
2.1 Requirements /conditions ................................................................... 11
2.2 Required software/licenses ................................................................ 11
2.3 Preparatory activities .......................................................................... 11
2.4 Conversion details within SIMATIC WinCC V4 .................................. 12
3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC
V5.1.................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Requirements /conditions ................................................................... 14
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3.2 Required Software / Licenses ............................................................ 14

3.3 Migration process ............................................................................... 15
3.4 Migration Backup-Archive .................................................................. 20
3.5 Migration testing ................................................................................. 20
3.6 Project adaptations / system changes ............................................... 21
4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC
V6.0/V6.2 ........................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Requirements /conditions ................................................................... 22
4.2 Required software .............................................................................. 22
4.3 Preparatory activities .......................................................................... 22
4.4 License update ................................................................................... 24
4.5 Migration process ............................................................................... 25
4.6 Additional Steps after the migration ................................................... 27
4.7 Migration Backup-Archive .................................................................. 28
4.8 Migration testing ................................................................................. 28
4.9 Project adaptations / system changes ............................................... 29
4.9.1 Important differences in comparison to V5.1 ..................................... 29
4.9.2 Modifications with C functions ............................................................ 30
4.9.3 Important differences in comparison to V6.0 ..................................... 31
4.9.4 Communication channels ................................................................... 31
4.9.5 Upgrade within SIMATIC WinCC V6 (V6.0 → V6.2) .......................... 32
5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 ............................ 33
5.1 Requirements / notes ......................................................................... 33
5.2 Required software .............................................................................. 33
5.3 Preparatory activities .......................................................................... 34
5.4 License update ................................................................................... 35
5.5 Migration process ............................................................................... 36
5.6 Additional Steps after the migration ................................................... 40
5.7 Migration Backup-Archive .................................................................. 43
5.8 Migration testing ................................................................................. 43
5.9 Diagnostics of Migration ..................................................................... 45

SIMATIC WinCC Migration

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5.10 Project adaptations / system changes ............................................... 45
5.11 Upgrading within WinCC V7 (V7.0 > V7.2/ V7.3SE/ V7.4/V7.5) ........ 47
5.11.1 Requirements / notes ......................................................................... 47
5.11.2 WinCC V7.0 to WinCC V7.2 ............................................................... 48
5.11.3 WinCC V7.2 to WinCC V7.5 ............................................................... 48
5.12 Licensing WinCC V7.3 SE / WinCC V7.5........................................... 49
5.13 Important differences compared to previous versions ....................... 49
6 License Overview / Update Licenses............................................................. 51
6.1 Migration from WinCC V4 to V5 ......................................................... 51
6.2 Migration from WinCC V5 to V6 ......................................................... 51
6.3 Migration from WinCC V6 to V7 ......................................................... 52
7 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 53
7.1 Service and support ........................................................................... 53
7.2 Links and Literature ............................................................................ 55
7.3 Change documentation ...................................................................... 55
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SIMATIC WinCC Migration

Entry ID: 44029132, 1.3, 01/2019 4
1 General information on migration

1 General information on migration

1.1 Terms
During a migration a WinCC project will be ported from version X to version Y. The
configuration data and runtime data are transferred to the new version, even if the
new version has a different database. Starting with WinCC version V6, a project
migrator tool supports you here.

Conversions affect parts of a project. This happens, for example, when changing to
a new service pack. Here, for example, only the WinCC Runtime images or the
libraries have to be converted.

1.2 Compatibility
Please observe the compatibility of SIMATIC WinCC with the used operating
system incl. Service Pack, Step7 and other SIMATIC products.
An overview for the compatibility of SIMATIC WinCC V5, V6 and V7 can be found
under the following link.
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Note If you want to migrate a WinCC project from another time zone to a newer
SIMATIC WinCC version, it is absolutely necessary to set the time zone on the
migration computer to the time zone from which the project originates.
In WinCC, the UTC time is used in the databases. Errors may occur in the
calculation of this time if the time zone is set incorrectly.

1.3 Scripts and in-house developments

Scripts and in-house developments can increase and complicate the migration
effort. These cannot be taken into account in this description.

1.4 WinCC options

No options are considered in this migration description. If you are using options
such as Advanced User Administrator, WebNavigator, etc., please note the version
releases on the Service and Support pages.

SIMATIC WinCC Migration

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1 General information on migration

1.5 Project backup

Project backup via file compression
Create a backup of your WinCC project. If the WinCC project is not open, you can
use WinZip to pack the project and save it.
Create a backup after each migration step (version to version).

Note You can use the scheduler function of the "Windows Backup" to create a daily or
weekly backup of the WinCC project.
The backups can also be placed on external data carriers or network drives.
A log file is created for each backup.
The runtime data in the WinCC project folder "ArchiveManager" are also

1.6 WinCC database versions

Table 1-1
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WinCC version Database

<= V4.x Sybase Anywhere 4
V5.0 Sybase Anywhere 5
V5.1 Sybase Anywhere 7
V6.0 SQL Server 2000
V6.0 SP4 SQL Server 2000 SP4
V6.2 SQL Server 2005 SP1
V7.0 SQL Server 2005 SP1
V7.0 SP1 SQL Server 2005 SP2
V7.0 SP2 SQL Server 2005 SP3
V7.0 SP3 SQL Server 2005 SP4
V7.2 SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2
V7.3 SE SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2/SP3
V7.4 SQL Server 2014 SP1
V7.4 SP1 SQL Server 2014 SP2
V7.5 SQL Server 2016 SP2

SIMATIC WinCC Migration

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1 General information on migration

1.7 Upgrade overview SIMATIC WinCC V3 to V7

The following graphic shows which intermediate steps you have to take to migrate
WinCC projects from previous versions.

Note Experience has shown that some customer projects cannot be upgraded with
version leaps from their history. Here an upgrade from version to version is
useful, from V6 > V7.0 > V7.2 > V7.5

With the WinCC Migrator you have the possibility to upgrade projects from version
3.x to the current version v7.5. Due to software and compatibility some
intermediate steps are necessary. These can be found in the following table up to
version 7.5. The upgrade from V6 is shown again in detail in the following pictures.

Table 1-2
WinCC current version Upgradeable to version
V3.x V4.02 SP3
V4.02 SP3 V5.0 SP2 or 5.1 SP2
V5.0 SP2 or 5.1 SP2 V6.0 SP1-4 or V6.2 SP2-3
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V6.0 SP1-4 or V6.2 SP2-3 V7.0 SP0- 3

V7.0 SP0-3 V7.2
V7.2 V7.5

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1 General information on migration

Figure 1-1, Upgrade from V6.x to V7.0

WinCC V6.0

WinCC V6.0 SP1

WinCC V6.0 SP2

WinCC V6.0 SP3

WinCC V6.0 SP4

WinCC V6.2

WinCC V6.2 SP2

WinCC V6.2 SP3

WinCC V7.0
WinCC V7.0 SP1
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WinCC V7.0 SP2

WinCC V7.0 SP3

Figure 1-2, Upgrade from V6.2 SP3 to V7.2/ V7.3/V7.4/V7.5

WinCC V6.2 SP3

WinCC V7.0

WinCC V7.0 SP1

WinCC V7.0 SP2

WinCC V7.0 SP3

WinCC V7.2

WinCC V7.3 SE

WinCC V7.4

WinCC V7.4 SP1

WinCC V7.5

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1 General information on migration

Figure 1-3, Upgrade within V7.x

WinCC V7.0

WinCC V7.0 SP1

WinCC V7.0 SP2

WinCC V7.0 SP3

WinCC V7.2

WinCC V7.3 SE

WinCC V7.4

WinCC V7.4 SP1

WinCC V7.5
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SIMATIC WinCC Migration

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1 General information on migration

1.8 Overview of migration steps

1.8.1 Migration from WinCC V4 to V5

1. Saving the SIMATIC WinCC V4 Project

2. Testing the SIMATIC WinCC V4 project
3. Software update
4. License update
5. Project migration
6. Migrate backup archive
7. Migration testing
8. Adjusting the project

1.8.2 Migration from WinCC V5 to V6

1. Saving the SIMATIC WinCC V5 Project

2. Software update
3. License update
4. Project migration
5. Migrate backup archive
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6. Migration testing
7. Adjusting the project

1.8.3 Migration from WinCC V6 to V7

1. Saving the SIMATIC WinCC V6 Project

2. Software update
3. License update
4. Project migration
5. Migration testing
6. Adjusting the project

Note Migrated projects need to be tested. The system operator himself is responsible
for proper functioning!

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2 Adoption of project versions smaller than V4.02 SP3 after WinCC V5

2 Adoption of project versions smaller than

V4.02 SP3 after WinCC V5
2.1 Requirements /conditions
The WinCC V3.x project must be migrated at least to V4.02 SP3/SP4.
Before upgrading to a newer version, it should be ensured for multi-user projects
that the computer on which the upgrade is performed is also registered as a server
in this project.
If this is not the case, the project can be opened with the same WinCC version
before the upgrade and the computer performing the upgrade can be entered as
the server.
If two or more users have been entered in the User Administrator under V3.1 which
differ only in upper and lower case, they must be deleted or renamed before
conversion to V4.x except for one.

2.2 Required software/licenses

Table 2-1
Product Order number Note
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WinCC V4.02 SP3 6AV6381-1AA04-0EX4 This package cannot be delivered. You

and the latest only need the WinCC V4.02 SP3
available version to migrate the WinCC V3.X
Update/Hotfix project to V4.02 SP3, the CD can be
sent to you via your Specialist support
if required.

Note The WinCC V3 licenses are still valid in SIMATIC WinCC V4.

2.3 Preparatory activities

If you have created a project with version 4.00, you must perform an image conversion.
The API of the Report Designer has been revised and contains, among other things,
considerably more functions. Users who have used this API in older WinCC versions must
recompile their application.
The database is converted with the program "WinCC Database Upgrade".
The image data is converted with the Graphics Designer.
If you use the Basic Process Control option in an existing project, the following steps are
necessary to convert the project:
• Using the Split Screen Wizard
• Using the Alarm Logging Wizard
• Converting the Global Library
• Converting the Project Library
• Converting Graphic Images
• Open Tag Logging and exit with Save
• Open Global Script and select "Options" in the menu.

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2 Adoption of project versions smaller than V4.02 SP3 after WinCC V5

• Compiling all functions
• Generate header anew
• Open Picture Tree Manager and exit with Save.
• Under the menu item "Options", "Recalculate collective display hierarchy completely
when saving" must be set.
WinCC system messages (without using the Basic Process Control option)
• Some new WinCC system messages were inserted and already existing system
messages were adapted in text and number.
• In order to receive these extensions/corrections in the system message window, the
system messages of existing projects must be re-imported.
• Proceed as follows:
• Start the Alarm Logging editor.
• Select "WinCC system messages..." from the "Tools" menu.
• In the "WinCC System Messages" dialog box activate "Create new system
messages, overwrite existing ones".
• Click the "Create" button.

2.4 Conversion details within SIMATIC WinCC V4

When switching to a new version or after installing a service pack, the projects
must be converted.
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Table 2-2
No. Procedure
1. Converting the "Global Library"
In the Control Center, open the context menu of the Graphics Designer and
activate the entry "Convert Global Library".
2. Converting the Project Library
Open the context menu of the Graphics Designer in the Control Center and
activate the entry "Convert project library".
3. Converting Graphic Images
In the Control Center, open the context menu of the Graphics Designer and
activate the entry "Convert images".
4. Split Screen Wizard
In the Control Center, open the context menu of the Split Screen Wizard in Base
Data and activate the "Open" entry.
5. Alarm Logging Wizard
In the Control Center, open the context menu of the Alarm Logging Wizard and
activate the "Open" entry.

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2 Adoption of project versions smaller than V4.02 SP3 after WinCC V5

No. Procedure
6. Converting the user archive
The conversion of the user archive is accomplished in two steps:
• Converting the archive structure
• Converting the runtime data

To convert the archive structure, proceed as follows:

• Start the "User Archive" editor in the Control Center.
• In the menu bar of the started editor, select "Project"/"Convert...".
• In the "Convert old archives" dialog box, select the user archive to be
converted and start the conversion with the "Convert" button.
• Exit the dialog window with the "Close" button after the conversion has been
• Save the converted archive structure.

To convert the runtime data, proceed as follows:

• In the menu bar of the started editor, select "Project"/"Convert...".
• In the "Convert old archives" dialog box, open the "Convert RT data" dialog
box with the "RT data..." button.
• Select the old and the new converted archive and start the conversion with
the "Convert" button.
• Close the "Convert RT data" dialog window with the "Close" button.
• Close the "Convert old archives" dialog window with the "Close" button.
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SIMATIC WinCC Migration

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3

according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1
3.1 Requirements /conditions
Examination of the WinCC V4 project
Before upgrading, check your project for any special characters used in the name
• Archives
• Archive tags
• Trends
• Trend window
• Columns
• Table windows
If necessary, you must remove the special characters from the names with WinCC
V4.02 in the Logging tag.

Link to online support
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When installing V5.1 SP2, please refer to the Installation Notes.

The released operating systems for SIMATIC WinCC V5.x can be found in the

Note Further information on permitted special characters can be found in the system
overview under "Configuring with WinCC" > "Not permitted characters".

3.2 Required Software / Licenses

Table 3-1
Product Order number Note
WinCC V5.1 SP2 6AV6381-1AA05-1CX4
and the latest

Note The SIMATIC WinCC V3 and V4 licenses are also valid in V5!

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

3.3 Migration process

Table 3-2
No. Procedure
1. Open the WinCC V4 project on your WinCC V5.1 SP2 system.
2. In the "Computer" editor, adjust the computer name.
• Open the properties dialog of the server computer.
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• Enter the name of your computer.

• Close the dialog.

• Close the WinCC Explorer and reopen the WinCC project.

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

No. Procedure
3. Converting the Global Library
• In WinCC Explorer, open the context menu of the Graphics Designer and activate
the entry "Convert Global Library".
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4. Converting the Project Library

• In WinCC Explorer, open the context menu of the Graphics Designer and activate
the entry "Convert project library".

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

No. Procedure
5. Converting images
• In WinCC Explorer, open the context menu of the Graphics Designer and activate
the entry "Convert Images".

• Confirm the message that the trend and alarm controls will be replaced.
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

• All images of the WinCC project will be converted to the new version.

6. The following restrictions apply when converting images:

• Images may only be converted if they do not contain "Undefined Objects". These
are image objects whose associated object server is not installed, e.g. unregistered
ActiveX controls.
• Images may only be converted if they do not contain grouped Alarm Logging and
Tag Logging application windows. Before converting, the group must be resolved
and the image must be saved.

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

No. Procedure
7. Converting User Archives
• Converting the archive structure:
• Start the editor "User Archive" in the WinCC Explorer.

• In the menu bar of the started editor, select "Project"/"Convert...".

© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

• In the "Convert old archives" dialog box, select the user archive to be converted and
start the conversion with the "Convert" button.

• Exit the dialog window with the "Close" button after the conversion has been
• Save the converted archive structure.

Converting the runtime data

• In the menu bar of the started editor, select "Project"/"Convert...".
• In the "Convert old archives" dialog box, open the "Convert RT data" dialog box with
the "RT data..." button.
• Select the old and the new converted archive and start the conversion with the
"Convert" button.
• Close the "Convert RT data" dialog window with the "Close" button.
• Close the "Convert old archives" dialog window with the "Close" button.

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

No. Procedure
8. Display in Runtime
• If data of a correctly imported user archive is not displayed in Runtime, then the
configuration data must be linked again:
• Open the Graphics Designer.
• Reconnect the table controls to the user archive.
• Save the image.
9. User archives (before WinCC V4.02)
• The conversion of user archives created with WinCC older than V4.02 is not
possible if the archive and field names are longer than 20 characters at the same
• For problems related to converted user archives, it is recommended to create user
archives with WinCC version V5.1 SP2.
10. Persistence
• A persistence configured in the tag logging is not transferred during conversion. The
persistence must be newly configured in the converted project.
11. Split Screen Wizard
• In WinCC Explorer, open the context menu of the Split Screen Wizard in Base Data
and activate the "Open" entry.
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12. Alarm Logging Wizard

• In WinCC Explorer, open the context menu in Base Data of the Alarm Logging
Wizard and activate the "Open" entry.

SIMATIC WinCC Migration

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

No. Procedure
13. If you have used the Basic Process Control option in an existing project, the following
steps are necessary to convert the project:
• Using the Split Screen Wizard.
• Using the Alarm Logging Wizard.
• Converting the Global Library.
• Converting the Project Library.
• Converting Graphic Images.
• Open Tag Logging and exit with Save.
• Open Picture Tree Manager and exit with Save. Under the menu item "Options",
"Recalculate collective display hierarchy completely when saving" must be set.
14. If it is a multi-user project with multi-client connections, all packages on the servers
should be deleted, recreated and reloaded on the multi-clients.

3.4 Migration Backup-Archive

Steps and notes
Configuration data and runtime data can be transferred from WinCC V5.0 Service Pack 1
and Service Pack 2 to WinCC V5.1 SP2 without additional processing. WinCC
automatically upgrades the runtime data.
If direct access to the runtime data has been configured, please note the following points:
• Starting with WinCC V5.0 Service Pack 1, Sybase version 7.0.3 is used for the
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

runtime database.
• This has changed the name of the database tool "isql.exe". The new name is
• While WinCC is accessing a database, the parameter DSN=DataSourceName must
be used when calling dbisqlc.
• A call using a C program can look as follows:
ProgrammExecute (dbisqlc -q -b -c &quot; uid=dba; pwd=sql; dsn=CC_test_01-04-
18_14:41:11R&quot; select * from msarclong; output to c:\deldelde.txt)

3.5 Migration testing

No log files are created during migration/conversion. The migration can only be
checked in the configuration and runtime environment.

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3 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V4.02 SP3 according to SIMATIC WinCC V5.1

3.6 Project adaptations / system changes

OnBtn... functions (With ActiveX Controls Trend and Message Display)
The OnBtn... functions are no longer supported by WinCC and are only offered for
compatibility reasons. Only use the AXC_OnBtn... functions for new projects.

Global Diagnostics Control

The Global Script Diagnostic Control is no longer available as of WinCC V5.0
Service Pack 1. Use the Global Script application window instead.

Function key F12

The function key F12 must not be configured as a system-wide hotkey.
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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according

to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2
4.1 Requirements /conditions
When installing V6.2 SP2, please refer to the Installation Notes.
The released operating systems for SIMATIC WinCC V5.x can be found in the
Online Support:
Installation of the Sybase database of the SIMATC WinCC V5 version, for the
If you have previously been working with WinCC less than V5.0 SP2, you must first
migrate your project to WinCC V5.0 SP2 or WinCC V5.1.
In order to work with a project in WinCC V6.2, created in WinCC V5.0 Service Pack
2 or WinCC V5.1, the project data must first be correspondingly adapted through

Note You can only convert images and libraries from one WinCC version to the next
main versions. For example, if you want to convert images from WinCC V5.0
SP2 to V6.2, you must first convert the images to WinCC V5.1, then to WinCC
V6.0, and then to WinCC V6.2.
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WinCC V6.2 provides the Project Migrator for this purpose which automatically
migrates the project's configuration data, Runtime data and swapped data.

4.2 Required software

Table 4-1
Product Order number Note
WinCC V5.1 SP2 CD 6AV6381-1AA05-1CX4 to Sybase Database Installation
WinCC V6.2 SP3 https://eb.automation.sie Microsoft SQL Server (included with
and the latest WinCC V6.x)
MS Message Queuing Part of the operating system, must
be installed if necessary.
A detailed description for the
installation can be found in the
WinCC Information System
"Installing Microsoft Message

4.3 Preparatory activities

Sybase 7 must be installed on the migration computer. You can install
Sybase SQL Anywhere 7 later using the autorun program of the WinCC V6.2 DVD.
For this you need the installation CD for WinCC V5.0 Service Pack 2 or WinCC

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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

No. Procedure
1. Start the installation DVD of WinCC V6.2.
2. Select “SQL Anywhere Studio 7" from the "Other Software" menu. Follow the
instructions in the Sybase SQL Anywhere 7 setup.

3. Upon request, insert the installation CD for WinCC V5.0 SP2 or WinCC V5.1 into the
CD drive.
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4. If you have activated the autorun function in your operating system, the inserted CD
will be started. The started autorun program of WinCC V5 is not required for the
migration. Close the program with "Exit".
5. Click the "Repeat" button in Sybase Setup. Sybase SQL Anywhere 7 is installed.
6. Restart the computer.

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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

Note • "Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition" is not compliant with Sybase 7 of

STEP7/WinCC. Installation options "Console Client", "Standalone Client" and
"Standard Tools only" as well as the standard version "Norton Ghost" offered by
Symantec are not affected by this incompatibility.
• Sybase 7 is no longer needed after migration and can be uninstalled.

4.4 License update

The licensing of WinCC V6.2 differs from the previous versions. New RT or CS
licenses are required.

Note Licensing may be upgraded during the installation of WinCC V6.2 or

subsequently. Detailed information is available in the WinCC Information System
under the topic "Licensing".

You must upgrade the existing authorizations if you have received WinCC as
upgrade from V5.x to V6.2. The same is applicable to authorizations of
communication drivers and WinCC options.

Upgrade to WinCC V6
After an upgrade from WinCC V5 to WinCC V6 only one V6 license is available.
This license is not recognized by WinCC V5.
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

If WinCC V5 is used as an alternative to WinCC V6, the user is authorized to

create an image of WinCC V5, including its license. However, both WinCC versions
may only be used as an alternative to the other. Any concurrent use of WinCC V6
and WinCC V5 represents a violation of the license agreement.

New licenses
If you have configured more than 512 archive variables in your project, you will also
need a license for archive tags starting with WinCC V6.

Note If an upgrade license is used, the authorizations for WinCC V5.x are converted to
V6.2 licenses when upgrading to WinCC V6.2.

License upgrade
Upgrade the licenses in the Automation License Manager from version 5 to version
Table 4-2
No. Procedure
1. Insert the Powerpack License Key disk.
2. Start the Automation License Manager using the Start menu. In the navigation
window, select the drive where the license to be upgraded is located. Select this
license from the table.
3. Select menu instruction "License Key" > "Upgrade...". The upgrade process is
4. The upgrade process concludes with the transfer of the upgraded license to the
local drive.

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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

Available Update Packages

Table 4-3
Update Order number
RC Upgrade from V5.x to V6.2 6AV6 381-1AB06-2AX4
RT Upgrade from V5.x to V6.2 6AV6381-1AA06-2AX4

Note Update licenses for the options redundancy, user archive and server are
included in the update packages RC and RT.

4.5 Migration process

Note The migration of a project can only be started once. Only swapped data can be
migrated subsequently.

Table 4-4
No. Procedure
1. Check the following setting in Windows Explorer prior to the start of the Migrator
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

In the menu "Tools" > "Folder Options" > "View", in the area "Advanced Settings", the
check box for "Hide File Name Extensions for Known File Types" must not be
2. Open "Simatic" > "WinCC" > "Tools" > "Project Migrator" in the operating system Start
menu. Project Migrator opens with the "CCMigrator - Step 1 of 3" start window.

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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

No. Procedure
3. Select the project directory, in which the V5 project is located by clicking on the button.
The "Configuration data" check box is already activated in the "Select the desired data"
Select all data to be migrated. If available, you can also select the path of your backup
archives. These will then also be migrated to the new WinCC version.

4. Click on "Continue". The "CCMigrator - Step 3 of 3" window opens. The Project
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Migrator shows all components of the project that are migrated.

The Project Migrator indicates the estimated migration duration: "Estimated Migration
Duration: XX hour(s) XX minute(s)". This specification is only a rough guideline value.
The migration of a project may take several hours.

5. If migration was successfully completed, the Project Migrator sends the following
message: "Data was successfully migrated."
Click "OK" to close the dialog.

You can use the Project Migrator to migrate runtime data, configuration data and
Note outsourced runtime data individually!

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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

Errors During Migration

If the Migrator project terminates with an error, check the migration logfile.
Figure 4-1

4.6 Additional Steps after the migration

Additional adjustments
After migration, you still have to adapt certain settings in the project:
• Changing the computer name
• Adapting and Reconfiguring Process Tags
• Adapting multi-user projects (load packages, adapt user administration)
• Adapting Archiving
• Adapting the Time Base for Communication
• Adapting Project Documentation
• Adapting process controlled archive variables.

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Adapt the setting for "SIMATIC Logon" in the user administration as required.
• Enter the User Archives option in the startup list of the WinCC computer properties
The following standard print jobs and layouts can no longer be used in WinCC V6.2:
• @Report Alarm Logging RT Revolving archive (print job)
• @Report Alarm Logging RT Sequence archive (print job)
• @alrtfoa.RPL (layout)
• @alrtuma.RPL (layout)
Use the following print jobs and respective layouts instead:
• @Report Alarm Logging RT ShortTerm archive New (print job)
• @Report Alarm Logging RT Sequence archive New (print job)
• @CCAlgRtShortTermArchive.RPL (layout)
• @CCAlgRtSequenceArchive.RPL (layout)

The Windows DDE channel is contained in the scope of deliveries because it is

compatible with earlier WinCC versions. New connections, however, should be created via
the "OPC" channel.

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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

4.7 Migration Backup-Archive

Backup archives are migrated from the WinCC project Migrator to the new version.
To do this, enter the path in the migrator where the archived data is stored.
Figure 4-2
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Migration of dBASE III Archives

dBASE III archives can only be migrated if the ODBC driver "Microsoft Visual
FoxPro Driver" has been installed. This driver is missing if Windows XP SP1 has
been installed without additional Windows installation packages. The driver may be
found on the internet under URL:

Note During migration, the Runtime data and exported data are saved in a common

4.8 Migration testing

Steps for Migration testing

In the following cases, migration can lead to error messages or cancelation:

• Sybase 7 is not installed.

• The migration computer has too little memory space available.

• The project is not loaded on the migration computer.
• The project was created with a WinCC version below V5.0 SP2.
When a fault occurs, clear the fault in a copy of the migrated project. Then restart the
An error during the migration of a component does not interrupt the migration. The Project
Migrator writes an error message in a diagnostics file and processes the next components.

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When the migration has finished, the Project Migrator displays the message:
• "Migration has finished with errors.
See <Pfad>\CCMigrator.txt file for details."
Cancelation of Migration
• When the migration is canceled, migration can be restarted after clearing the fault. Do
not use the project containing the faulty migrated project, but a copy of the backup.
Diagnosis files of the Project Migrator
• CCMigrator.txt
• DTSPackages.log
• The diagnostic files are located in the project directory.
Diagnostics file for converting pictures
• When you convert images, WinCC logs error messages and warnings in a log file
• The file CONVERT.LOG can be found in the graphics directory "GraCS" of the current
WinCC project.

4.9 Project adaptations / system changes

4.9.1 Important differences in comparison to V5.1

Differences to V5.1
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WinCC V6.2 distinguishes itself by the following three features

• Microsoft database system SQL-Server 2005:
• WinCC manages runtime data and configuration data with the Microsoft SQL Server
• dBASE III is no longer supported for archiving.
Message system
• WinCC no longer differentiates between short-term and long-term archives. When an
archive is created, the user defines the period after which WinCC should create a new
archive file. Different views are provided for the display Runtime which are still referred
to as short-term archive and long-term archive, however. Both views in the WinCC
Alarm Control display 1,000 messages from the archive.
Cyclic archive/Sequence archive:
• WinCC no longer creates sequence archives, but only works with cyclic archives,
which are subdivided into several segments.
• The archives consist of several individual segments. F a segment has reached its
maximum size or maximum time span, a new segment will always be created. The
oldest individual segment is deleted only if the maximum number of all segments has
been exceeded.
Process value archive
• In Tag Logging, there are two types of archives: In the case of an archiving cycle of up
to one minute, the "Tag Logging Fast" archive is used. In the case of an archiving
cycle greater than minute, the "Tag Logging Slow" archive is used.
Swapping data:
• WinCC enables you to swap your data directly via the new WinCC database. The
Storage option is no longer necessary. As a result, the swapped-out data is available
as a database.
Access to clients and servers:
• WinCC offers the new system access rights "Remote activation" (1000) or "Configure
remote" (1001). This enables activation or configuration of a project on a computer
from any client. The new "View Only" authorization (1002) only allows the client to
monitor during Runtime.

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4 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V5.1 according to SIMATIC WinCC V6.0/V6.2

Differences to V5.1
• There is no additional license required for the option package Basic Process Control.
• The option package Video is omitted.

4.9.2 Modifications with C functions

The following C functions have been omitted in WinCC V6.2

Table 4-5
MSRTBackup MSRTEnumBackupList MSRTGetBackupSize
C functions
MSCSUpdateExeGeneric MSRTEnumArchivDays MSRTDialogReset
MSRTDialogInfotext MSRTDialogDiagnose MSRTDialogComment
C-API Alarm
Logging MSRTSetLanguage MSRTStartProt MSRTEndProt
functions MSRTEnumProtData MSRTGetProtTitle MSRTEnumMsgWin
MSRTGetMsgWinData MSRTGetFilterData MSRTCreateMsgWindow
Backup/Restore TLGBackup TLGRestore TLGEnumBackupEntries
functions of Tag
Logging TLGGetBackupSize
TLGCSConnect TLGCSConnectEx TLGCSDisConnect
TLGCloseProject TLGSaveProject TLGCreateTemplate
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

TLGCreateTemplateEx TLGDeleteTemplate TLGDrawCurvesInDC

C-API functions
of Tag Logging TLGInsertTemplateItem TLGDeleteTemplateItem
(only OCX) (only OCX)
(only OCX)

Functions of the DB.DLL (when using C-API access)

• Data types
• With regard to the DB.DLL functions, certain data types and their
representation change:
Data type in the Data type in Data type in Comments
DB.DLL Sybase 7 SQL server

DB_TYP_CHAR Char Char Identical

DB_TYP_INTEGER Integer Int Identical
DB_TYP_SHORT Smallint Smallint Identical
DB_TYP_DOUBLE Double Float Identical, but name changed.
DB_TYP_TIME Timestamp Datetime Data type is different.
In the millisecond range, the
times are rounded exactly to
.000, .003, 007 ... seconds.
DB_TYP_BINARY Binary Binary Identical

Functions with changed dynamic behavior

The dynamic behavior has changed in the case of the following DB.DLL functions:
• DBCreateDataBase
• DBCreateDataSource

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• DBStartEngine
• DBStopEngine

New functions
The following functions are new in WinCC V6.0 or higher:
• DBDataBaseAttach
• DBDataBaseDetach
• MldRegisterMsgEx
• MldUnRegisterMsg

4.9.3 Important differences in comparison to V6.0

In WinCC V6.2 WinCC/Central Archive Server (WinCC CAS) is used to implement

the central archiving concept. WinCC Historian was used in WinCC V6.0.
• If you have used WinCC Historian in WinCC V6.0, then you can continue to
use the server after migration. The concept of WinCC V6.0 continues to be
supported by V6.2 after migration of projects.
• If you have not used the WinCC Historian in WinCC V6.0, but want to use a
central archive server starting with WinCC V6.2, use the WinCC CAS.
It is not possible to use compressed hard disks or disk drives.
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4.9.4 Communication channels

If channels are used in the migrated project which are no longer supplied with the
material supplied, the corresponding process tags are not displayed in the tag
management following the migration.
When the tag management is subsequently opened for the first time, a dialog
appears prompting the user to install the driver. The relevant recommendations are
explained in the Chapter "Differences Between predecessor versions and WinCC
The process tags can be reconfigured prior to the migration. Move the process
variables to another communication driver, e.g. OPC. However, you must adjust
the addressing for all moved process variables.
The process tags can be more efficiently reconfigured using the WinCC
Configuration Tool. The "Connections/Groups" sheet in the File Manager can be
used to create connections under a different communication driver. Use the "Tags"
sheet to readdress the process tags and adapt the properties.
The following channels are no longer supplied for WinCC V6.2:
• Allen Bradley DH DH+ DH485
• Allen Bradley Serial DF1
• Applicom Multi Protocol Interface
• Mitsubishi FX
• Modbus Protocol Suite
• Modbus Serial
• SIMATIC S5 PMC Ethernet
• SIMATIC S5 PMC Profibus

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Note OPC can be used, for example, as an alternative. Some channels are supported
as add-ons. Further information can be found in the section "Differences
between WinCC V5 and WinCC V6" in the WinCC Information System.

4.9.5 Upgrade within SIMATIC WinCC V6 (V6.0 → V6.2)

VBA code
Backup the "@GLOBAL.PDT" file before installing WinCC V6.2. The file contains
your global VBA extensions, for e.g. some menus. The file is replaced when you
install WinCC V6.2.

1. Navigate to the <WinCC installation directory\bin> and copy the file
"@GLOBAL.PDT " to another directory.
2. Install WinCC V6.2.
3. Copy the file "@GLOBAL.PDT" from your storage directory to
<WinCCInstallationsverzeichnis\Templates >
4. Migrate the WinCC project.
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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC

WinCC V7.5
5.1 Requirements / notes

Note In principle it is possible to upgrade directly to WinCC V7.5. We recommend an

intermediate step via WinCC V7.2. For upgrading to V7.3 SE and V7.5 please
refer to section 5.10.

The installation notes, when installing V7.5
The released operating systems for SIMATIC WinCC V7.x can be found in the online
support under the following link:
Pictures may only be converted when they do not contain "Unknown Objects".
"Unknown Objects" are picture objects whose associated object server is not
installed, e.g. unregistered ActiveX Controls.
Once images have been saved or converted with WinCC V7.5, it is no longer
possible to open the images with the previous version of WinCC.
Conversion of the pictures and libraries cannot be undone. A downwards
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

conversion of WinCC V7.5 images back into WinCC V6.x images is not possible.
If you select a picture that is not converted, it can lead to faulty WinCC operation.

5.2 Required software

Table 5-1
Product Order number Note
WinCC V7.5 https://eb.automation.sie
and the latest
available Update
Microsoft SQL Server Included in WinCC V7.5.
2016 SP2
MS Message Queuing Part of the operating system, must
be installed if necessary.
A detailed description for the
installation can be found in the
WinCC Information System
"Installing Microsoft Message

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5.3 Preparatory activities

Create a backup of your WinCC project.

C scripts and Unicode

The Microsoft C compiler used in WinCC is not Unicode capable. Therefore, while
C scripts can be saved in Unicode format, they are converted to Multibytecharacter
Strings (MBCS) during compilation.
For a list of affected features, visit the following Microsoft Web site.
To select the (variable) setting "Dynamic: To obtain "Project Settings", "English
(USA)" must be selected as the migration language in the Migrator project.
The central project language setting for C scripts (WinCC Explorer > Project
Names > Properties > Options > C scripts with language setting "Dynamic" in
Runtime:) can be set to "Always set WinCC Runtime Language".
Thus, the C scripts are sensitive to the selected runtime language. This allows C-
Scripts to correctly process texts from the text library.
If a language other than English (USA) is selected in the project migrator, all C
scripts/actions are migrated in the corresponding language. The latter can lead to
incompatibilities with the previous C script functionality.

Note Pay attention to conversion functions from strings to floating point numbers and
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

in the other direction. Also see FAQ

How can the truncation of decimal places be prevented when converting a string
to a floating point number?
As of V7.2, the previous scripts in which adjustments were made from decimal
point to decimal point (in accordance with the above-mentioned FAQ)only if the
runtime language is set to English (or countries with decimal point).
If you have selected the dynamic runtime language setting in V7.2, the
adjustment from the above FAQ is no longer necessary. However, this also
requires that the string is present in the country-specific representation (e.g. for
German runtime language strings with decimal point are expected, for English
runtime language with decimal point...).

Solution in WinCC V7.2 or V7.3 after project migration

To be able to process strings in C scripts in different languages, the language of
the C scripts can be changed dynamically at runtime.
You can use the functionality with the following steps.

• WinCC V7.2 Update 7 (With Update 7 the language settings for already
migrated C-Scripts can be changed.) or V7.2 Update 7 must be installed.
• WinCC runtime is finished.

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1. Close all images if open in Graphics Designer.

2. Open the "WinCC Explorer > Tools > Convert project data" and select
- "Images and Faceplates"
- "C and VB project functions and actions"
- "C and VB standard functions"
- and "Standard/Project Functions".
3. Select the language for the project(s) "English (USA)".
4. Press the "OK" button.

5.4 License update

The licensing before WinCC V6.0 SP3 differs from the previous versions. All
licenses must be upgraded to V7.5. New RT or CS licenses are required.
You can update the licensing when installing WinCC V7.5 or later.

Note If you use an upgrade license, when upgrading to WinCC V7.5, the
authorizations for WinCC (<= V6.0 SP2) are converted to V7.5 licenses.

If you have purchased a WinCC Upgrade Package V6.x, then upgrade your
licenses with the included Powerpack License Disk with Upgrade License. Your
existing licenses will be upgraded to WinCC V7.0 licenses.
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Table 5-2
Step Procedure
1. Insert the USB stick of WinCC in the USB port.
2. Start the Automation License Manager using the Start menu. In the navigation
window, select the drive where the license to be upgraded is located.
Select this license from the table.
3. Select menu instruction "License Key" > "Upgrade...". The upgrade process is
4. The upgrade process concludes with the transfer of the upgraded license to the
local drive.
5. V7 licenses can be used for V6.2 and V6.0 SP3/4.
• V7.0 archive licenses can only be used on V6.2.
• Archive licenses V6.2 can be used on V7.0.
6. Upgrades are available from:
• V6.0 SQL 2000 ➔ V7.0 SQL Server 2005 SP2
• V6.2 SQL 2005 SP1 ➔ V7.0 SQL Server 2005 SP2
• No direct upgrade V5 ➔ V7

Note SIMATIC Logon is included with WinCC V7.0 and higher.

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Table 5-3
Station Update Order number Description
SIMATIC WinCC RT Upgrade V7.3, from
V6.2 to V7.3, for SIMATIC WinCC
6AV6381-2AA07-3AX4 Runtime (RT)
Runtime (RT)
incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
Server Station
V6.2 →
V7.3 SIMATIC WinCC RC Upgrade V7.3, from
V6.2 to V7.3, for SIMATIC WinCC
Runtime & 6AV6381-2AB07-3AX4 Runtime & Configuration (RC)
(RC) incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
Client SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Client Upgrade
Client RT-
V6.2 → 6AV6381-2CA07-3AX4 from V6.2 to V7.3 for SIMATIC WinCC RT
V7.3 Version, Clients
V6.2 -> V7.3

Table 5-4
Station Update Order number Description
SIMATIC WinCC RT Upgrade V7.5, from
Upgrade V7.2/7.3 to V7.5, for SIMATIC WinCC
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

RT-Version, Runtime (RT)

V7.2/7.3 -> incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
V7.5 Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
Server Station
V7.2/7.3 →
V7.5 SIMATIC WinCC RC Upgrade V7.5, from
Upgrade V7.2/7.3 to V7.5, for SIMATIC WinCC
RC-Version, Runtime & Configuration (RC)
V7.2/7.3 -> incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
V7.5 Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
Client Client RT- SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Client Upgrade
V7.2/7.3 → Version, 6AV6381-2CA07-5AX3 from V7.2/7.3 to V7.5 for SIMATIC WinCC
V7.5 V7.2/7.3 -> RT Clients

5.5 Migration process

The migration of the project to WinCC V7.5 includes the configuration data and the
runtime data and the converting of the images and libraries. Converting the
pictures and libraries is mandatory.
The configuration data and runtime data of a project are automatically migrated
when opening the old project.
Pictures and libraries may be converted as follows:
Use the Project Migrator to perform the conversion in one step. Project Migrator will
automatically recognize the version of the source project and will deactivate certain
options for the conversion accordingly.

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Pictures and libraries may also be converted manually and individually by selecting
the following function in the pop-up menu of Graphics Designer in WinCC Explorer:
• Convert project library
• Convert global library
• Converting images

Notes • Only convert images and libraries if the runtime is not active.
• Implement the conversion for multi-user systems on the server.
• The conversion of pictures during migration may not be interrupted.
• Conversion of pictures and libraries will be canceled after 18 hours.
• If an error occurs during conversion of pictures and libraries using the Project
Migrator, the migration will not be interrupted. The Project Migrator writes an error
message in a diagnostics file and processes the next components. When the
migration is complete, the Project Migrator reports the error (see section 5.6).
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48Table 5-5
No. Procedure
1. Open "Siemens Automation > Simatic > WinCC > Tools > Project Migrator" in the
start menu of the operating system. Project Migrator opens with the "CCMigrator
- Step 1 of 2" start window.
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

2. Use the button to select the project directory in which the V6 project is located.
Select the *.mcp file.

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No. Procedure
3. Click the button "Migration". The Project Migrator starts the migration and checks
off all steps of the project, which have been migrated.
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The "CCMigrator - Step 2 of 2" window opens. Project Migrator displays the
migration steps. The Project Migrator indicates the estimated migration duration:
"Estimated Migration Duration: XX hour(s) XX minute(s)". This specification is
only a rough guideline value. The migration of a project may take several hours.

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No. Procedure
4. If migration was successfully completed, the Project Migrator sends the following
message: "Data was successfully migrated."
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

5. Click "Exit" to close the dialog.

5.6 Additional Steps after the migration

Possible additional steps (depending on the project)
Adapting the computer name
• If the migrated project was originally installed on another computer, the original
computer name is still specified. On opening the project for the first time on the new
computer, the following dialog appears:
• "The configured server is not available. Would you like to open the project with the
local computer as the server?"
• Select the "Start server locally". After opening the project, change the computer name
in the "Computer properties" dialog.
Adapting process-controlled archive variables
• If the "Compile OS" function is used, the assignment of the process controlled archive
tags changes. The name of process controlled archive tags is no longer defined
according to the raw data tag ID. The name of the raw data tag is used instead.
These tags must be converted in order to adapt the assignment, e.g. in Controls. For
this purpose, open the "Properties" dialog of the archive tag once and then close it
again without making any changes.
• If the "Compile OS" function is not used, the process controlled archive tags can
continue to be used in their original structure in WinCC V7.0.

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Possible additional steps (depending on the project)

Re-project process variables from channels that are no longer supplied.
• If you use channels in your project which are no longer contained within the scope of
delivery, the respective links to their process tags are not displayed in Tag
Management after the migration. When the tag management is opened for the first
time, a dialog appears containing the relevant information. You can install the
required driver and also use it under WinCC V7.5. The relevant recommendations are
explained in the Chapter "Differences Between Predecessor Versions and WinCC
Adjust the setting for "SIMATIC Logon" in User Administration.
• SIMATIC Logon is included with WinCC V7.0 and higher.
• If you migrated a project from a WinCC version prior to V6.0 SP3, in which SIMATIC
Logon was used, you must check the setting "with/without SIMATIC Logon" in the
user administrator and adapt it if necessary.
Making certain object properties dynamic with a global color scheme
• The object properties of the graphic objects that are permanently defined with
activated global color scheme, cannot be changed by being made dynamic. If you
give graphic objects of migrated projects in WinCC V7.5 a new design, the
dynamizations related to the appearance of the objects no longer have an effect as
• The "Global color scheme" object property is therefore set to "No" for the migration.
Only the newly inserted objects are applied with "Yes". If you do not want to connect
these objects with the color scheme from the global design, you can adapt the
property for the desired objects.
Restoring VBA extensions with the @GLOBAL.PDT file
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• The file "@GLOBAL.PDT" in the directory <WinCC installation directory>\Templates

contains your global VBA extensions, e.g. your own menus.
• If you install WinCC V7.0, the file "@GLOBAL.PDT" is automatically renamed to
"@GLOBAL.SAV" and replaced through a new file "@GLOBAL.PDT".
• First delete the new file "@GLOBAL.PDT" and again rename the "@GLOBAL.SAV"
for accessing your VBA extensions after installing the upgrade.
Multi-place Projects
• Reloading Packages on the Clients
• After migration of a multi-user project, create the packages on the server and
downloaded these to the clients. For more information, refer to "Configuration > Multi-
user systems > "Server configuration" or "Client configuration" in the WinCC
Information System.
Adapting User Administration
• If a project has been migrated with standard clients, the clients are assigned the
rights "1000" and "1001" during the migration. This enables the clients to remotely
enable and configure the project.
• If a client's authorization is changed to "1002" in User Administrator, this client can
only be used for monitoring.

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

Possible additional steps (depending on the project)

Enter the User Archives option in the start-up list of the WinCC computer
• As of WinCC V6.0 SP2, the User Archives option must be entered in the startup list in
WinCC computer properties instead of the "Additional Tasks/Applications" field.
• In order to accept these changes in your existing projects, open the User Archives
editor and save your data.
• Alternatively, you may update the startup list in WinCC Explorer in the "Computer
Properties" dialog using the "Startup" tab:
• In the field "Additional Tasks/Applications", delete the entry "CCUsrAcv.exe".
• Activate the entry "User Archives" in the "Start Sequence of WinCC Runtime" field.
Adapting Project Documentation
• As of version V7.0, WinCC provides new layouts. During migration, however, only the
layouts from the original project are transferred.
• The layouts from WinCC V6.x can also be used in the migrated project. Copy the
desired layouts from the directory "WinCC\Syslay" into the directory "<Project
Adjustments for Basic Process Control
• When you are working with Basic Process Control or with a PCS7 OS, run the OS
project editor after having completed migration of the project.
• In the OS project editor, specify to use the new message pictures and associated
layouts in the project. Activate the "Apply delivered state" check box on the "Basic
data" tab in the "Base pictures in project deviate from delivered state" area.
SIMATIC Shell - Customize Remote Communication
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• For remote maintenance/diagnosis tasks in distributed or multi-user systems, the

remote communication settings must be activated in WinCC V7.5.
• Open the SIMATIC Shell. These are listed in the Fileexplorer under the Computer
• In the window that opens, right-click on the SIMATIC Shell entry and select Settings
from the context menu.
• Activate the checkbox for "Remote communication" in the settings and assign a PSK
(pre-shared key) in the window that opens. This PSK is required for communication
with other devices in the Simatic network.
Project settings
• If you want to prevent the write access of other network partners to their project
directory after the migration it is necessary to activate this.
• To do this, right-click on your project in the Project Navigator and select "Properties"
from the context menu.
• In the Project Properties window that opens, select the "Options" tab.
• Here you activate the option "The project directory is only released for read access"
and close the window with a click on the "OK" button.
• Authorized participants can still view their project and copy it for local editing, but
cannot make any direct changes to your project.

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

Possible additional steps (depending on the project)

Redundancy settings
• If you create a redundant project and migrate both projects, it is necessary to make
both known to each other.
• It is necessary that both computers can communicate with each other.
• To do this, open the redundancy settings by double-clicking on the term
"Redundancy" in the Project Navigator.
• Activate redundancy by checking the option "Activate redundancy".
• In the "Redundancy settings" in the "Computer local settings" area, set the network
adapters intended for communication.
• Set the "Dynamic" option in the "Redundancy settings" in the "Network address of
redundant partner" area if both partners are in the same network.
• In the "Redundancy settings" in the "Network address of redundant partner" area, set
the "Static" option if both partners are in different networks and enter the IP address
of the partner and the communication port.

5.7 Migration Backup-Archive

The backup archives do not have to be migrated during the migration from

5.8 Migration testing

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Steps for Migration testing

In the following cases, migration can lead to error messages or cancelation:
• The migration computer has too little memory space available.
• The project is not loaded on the migration computer.
• The project was created with a WinCC version earlier than V6.0.
When a fault occurs, clear the fault in a copy of the migrated project. Then restart the
An error during the migration of a component does not interrupt the migration. The Project
Migrator writes an error message in a diagnostics file and processes the next
components. When the migration has finished, the Project Migrator displays the message:
• "Migration has finished with errors.
See <Pfad>\CCMigrator.txt file for details."

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

When the migration is canceled, migration can be restarted after clearing the fault. Do not
use the project containing the faulty migrated project, but a copy of the backup.
The Project Migrator creates two diagnostics files:
• CCMigrator.txt
• DTSPackages.log
The diagnostics files are stored in the project directory of the migrated projects. The files
can be viewed in any text editor.

The "CCMigrator.txt" file contains general information: Project name, project type,
type of migrated data, start and end of migration. If the migration was successful,
the file contains the message: "Migration succeeded.".
If an error occurs during migration, the Project Migrator writes an error message in
the file. Details are provided in the "DTSPackages.log" file.

Diagnostics file for converting pictures

When you convert images, WinCC logs error messages and warnings in a log file
named CONVERT.LOG. The file CONVERT.LOG can be found in the graphics
directory "GraCS" of the current WinCC project.
The Project Migrator protocols the migration of the individual components in
"DTSPackages.log" file.
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The diagnostics file contains the following important entries:

Message text Meaning
Package name Migrated component
Package description Function of the migrated component
Execution started / Execution completed Time: start of migration / Time: end of
Package steps execution information Migration steps of a component, specifying
whether migration was successfully
"succeeded" = successful / "failed" = error
during migration
Error source / Error description Error source and description of the error
which occurred

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

5.9 Diagnostics of Migration

When a fault occurs, clear the fault in a copy of the migrated project. Then restart
the migration.

Errors During Migration

An error during the migration of a component does not interrupt the migration. The
Project Migrator writes an error message in a diagnostics file and processes the
next components.
Check the list of migrated components after migration. Double-click the list entries
that contain errors or warnings to view the error in a ".txt" file.

Migration after elimination of errors

You can migrate the individual components after having eliminated the respective
errors. The computer name and the name of the local computer must match.
Select "Tools > Convert project data" in WinCC Explorer. Select the components
that you want to migrate.

Diagnostics file
The Project Migrator saves the "MigratorLog.txt" diagnostics file to the directory of
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

the migrated project. You can view this file in any text editor.
The file contains the following general information:
• Project name
• Project type
• Type of migrated data
• Start and end of migration
If an error occurs during migration, the Project Migrator writes an error message in
the file.

5.10 Project adaptations / system changes

Changes in SIMATIC WinCC V7
With WinCC versions before V7.x, the project can no longer be opened. If pictures have
been converted with WinCC V7.0, opening the pictures with WinCC versions V6.x is no
longer possible.
WinCC V7.x differs from V6.0 by the following features:
• In WinCC V7.0 WinCC/Central Archive Server (WinCC CAS) is used to implement the
central archiving concept. As of WinCC V7.2, Process Historian is available for a
central archiving concept. WinCC Historian was used in WinCC V6.0.
• If you have used WinCC Historian in WinCC V6.0, then you can continue to use the
server after migration. The concept of WinCC V6.0 continues to be supported by V7.0
after migration of projects.
• If you have not used the WinCC Historian in WinCC V6.0, but want to use a central
archive server as of WinCC V7.0, use the SIMATIC Process Historian.
It is not possible to use compressed hard disks or disk drives.
The database is SQL Server 2016 SP2 instead of SQL Server 2000.
More standard print jobs and layouts used.
• New standard print jobs and layouts have been introduced for the new controls with
WinCC V7.0. You can continue to use the assigned standard print jobs and layouts

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

Changes in SIMATIC WinCC V7

for the controls previous to WinCC V7.0. Testing the SIMATIC WinCC V6 project
Communication channel:
• The Windows DDE channel is contained in the scope of deliveries because it is
compatible with earlier WinCC versions. New connections, however, should be
created via the "OPC" channel.
The "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet TF" channel, which you could use under Windows 2000 up to
WinCC V6.2, is no longer included in the scope of delivery for WinCC V7.0 or higher.
• Reconfigure this channel on the "Simatic S5 Ethernet Layer 4" channel.
• WinCC V7 provides the "Applicom Multi Protocol Suite" channel DLL upon request.
• New and not after the migration all previous layouts are stored in the subdirectory
"Language neutral" of the directory "Report Designer" in the WinCC Explorer.
The following standard print jobs and layouts can no longer be used as of WinCC V7.0:
• @Report Alarm Logging RT Revolving archive (print job)
• @Report Alarm Logging RT Sequence archive (print job)
• @alrtfoa.RPL (layout)
• @alrtuma.RPL (layout)
Use the following print jobs and respective layouts instead:
• @Report Alarm Logging RT ShortTerm archive New (print job)
• @Report Alarm Logging RT Sequence archive New (print job)
• @CCAlgRtShortTermArchive.RPL (layout)
• @CCAlgRtSequenceArchive.RPL (layout)
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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

5.11 Upgrading within WinCC V7 (V7.0 > V7.2/ V7.3SE/

Here the recommended upgrade with intermediate steps within WinCC V7 is listed,
because there was a change to Unicode in WinCC V7.2.

5.11.1 Requirements / notes

The installation notes, when installing V7.5
The released operating systems for SIMATIC WinCC V7.x can be found in the online
support under the following link:
How can the .NET Framework 3.5 be installed on SIMATIC IPCs under Windows 10 or
Windows Server 2012? (e.g. for WinCC TIA Portal, STEP 7 TIA Portal or WinCC V7):
Pictures may only be converted when they do not contain "Unknown Objects".
"Unknown Objects" are picture objects whose associated object server is not
installed, e.g. unregistered ActiveX Controls.
Once images have been saved or converted with WinCC V7.5, it is no longer
possible to open the images with the previous version of WinCC.
Conversion of the pictures and libraries cannot be undone. A downwards
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conversion of WinCC V7.5 images back into WinCC V6.x images is not possible.

Note Do not upgrade images and scripts from previous versions by opening and
saving them in the editors "Graphics Designer" and "Global Script", but convert
the project data beforehand.

Note WinCC user no longer needs to be a member of the user group

When you migrate projects created prior to WinCC V7.2, you remove the WinCC
users from this group.
In WinCC projects before V7.2 you will find the user group with the name

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

5.11.2 WinCC V7.0 to WinCC V7.2

Output versions
You can upgrade the following versions directly to WinCC V7.2
• WinCC V7.0
• WinCC V7.0 SP1
• WinCC V7.0 SP2
• WinCC V7.0 SP3

Target versions
WinCC V7.2

Required software
Table 5-6
Product Order number Note
WinCC V7.5 https://eb.automation.sie
and the latest
available Update
Microsoft SQL Server Included in WinCC V7.5.
2016 SP2
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MS Message Queuing Part of the operating system, must

be installed if necessary.
A detailed description for the
installation can be found in the
WinCC Information System
"Installing Microsoft Message

5.11.3 WinCC V7.2 to WinCC V7.5

Output versions
You can upgrade the following versions directly to WinCC V7.5
• WinCC V7.2
• WinCC V7.3 SE
• WinCC V7.4
• WinCC V7.4 SP1

Target versions
You can migrate a WinCC project on any computer on which you have installed
WinCC V7.5. The standard installation scope of WinCC V7.5 also includes the
WinCC Project Migrator.

Use Project Duplicator to copy the configuration data of the project to the migration
computer. For information on copying projects, refer to the "Working with projects"
> "Copying and duplicating projects" section in the WinCC Information System.

The code page settings of projects that you want to migrate in a single step must
be uniform.

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

5.12 Licensing WinCC V7.3 SE / WinCC V7.5

Up to version WinCC V7.3, the WinCC options and associated licenses are
downward compatible.
As of WinCC version 7.4, the following licenses are version-independent, countable
and no longer downward compatible to WinCC <=7.3:
• WinCC WebNavigator
• WinCC DataMonitor
• WinCC Industrial Data bridge

Note WinCC Archive licenses are version independent since WinCC V6.2, i.e. they
can also be used with a higher WinCC version.

5.13 Important differences compared to previous versions

With version V7.5, WinCC offers new and extended functions compared to the
previous version. You will find an overview of the new features in the delivery
release under the following link:
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Conversion to SQL Server 2016 SP2 in WinCC V7.5

As of WinCC V7.5, Microsoft SQL Server 2016 SP2 32-bit is used.
If you are working with migrated WinCC projects that were created with versions
before WinCC V6.2 SP2, see the notes under "To migrate SQL Server 2000

"Security by default" from V7.5

New installations and version upgrades from WinCC to V7.5 use the "Security by
default" paradigm.
This means:
• Remote communication is disabled.
• If remote communication is active, it is recommended to use a secure
• In various scenarios, the WinCC folders are only released for read access.
• WebUX and Cloud Connector support encrypted communication only

Industrial Data Bridge OPC UA DA Client from V7.5

The IDB supports OPC UA DA Server and Client as autonomous gateway.
The integrated IDB OPC UA DA client collects data from different OPC servers and
transfers the data to other IDB consumers or new OPC UA DA servers.

Dynamic Properties for SVG graphics from 7.5

The graphics library "Industry Graphics Library V2.0" integrated in WinCC offers
SVG graphics, which have been extended by dynamisable properties. This allows
you to change the size or color of the objects during the runtime.

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5 Migration SIMATIC WinCC V6.x to SIMATIC WinCC V7.5

WinCC channel "OPC UA": Changed project planning as of WinCC V7.4 SP1
As of WinCC V7.4 SP1, you completely configure the OPC UA channel in the
WinCC Configuration Studio. In tag management, the OPC UA connections are
created parallel to the OPC channel.
When you use OPC UA in a WinCC project that was created with WinCC prior to
V7.4, the connections and tags are automatically migrated with the project. Adhere
to the following sequence if you have exported WinCC OPC UA tags:
1. Import the exported WinCC OPC UA tags.
2. Migrate the WinCC project.

WinCC Configuration Studio as project planning interface as of WinCC V7.2

WinCC Configuration Studio provides a simple and efficient means of configuring
bulk data for WinCC projects. The WinCC Configuration Studio replaces the
previous procedure for the following editors:
• Tag Management
• Tag Logging
• Alarm Logging
• Text Library
• User Administrator
• Horn

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User Archive
WinCC Configuration Studio replaces the functionality of WinCC ConfigurationTool
and WinCC Archive ConfigurationTool.

Documentation of previous versions

Starting with WinCC V7, several WinCC controls have been replaced by new
WinCC controls. You can continue to use this control in migrated projects.
The documentation for the replaced WinCC controls can be found following the
description of the current WinCC controls.

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6 License Overview / Update Licenses

6 License Overview / Update Licenses

6.1 Migration from WinCC V4 to V5
No license update is necessary.

6.2 Migration from WinCC V5 to V6

Table 6-1
Update Package Order number
RC Upgrade from V5.x to V6.2 6AV6 381-1AB06-2AX4
RT Upgrade from V5.x to V6.2 6AV6381-1AA06-2AX4

Note Update licenses for the options redundancy, user archive and server are
included in the update packages RC and RT.
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6 License Overview / Update Licenses

6.3 Migration from WinCC V6 to V7

Table 6-2
Station Update Order number Description
SIMATIC WinCC RT Upgrade V7.3, from
V6.2 to V7.3, for SIMATIC WinCC
6AV6381-2AA07-3AX4 Runtime (RT)
Runtime (RT)
incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
Server Station
V6.2 →
V7.3 SIMATIC WinCC RC Upgrade V7.3, from
V6.2 to V7.3, for SIMATIC WinCC
Runtime & 6AV6381-2AB07-3AX4 Runtime & Configuration (RC)
(RC) incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Client Upgrade
Client from V6.2 to V7.3 for SIMATIC WinCC RT
V6.2 → Client Update 6AV6381-2CA07-3AK4 Clients
V7.3 incl. Drivers, User Archive, Connectivity
Pack, Connectivity Station
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Table 6-3
Station Update Order number Description
SIMATIC WinCC RT Upgrade V7.5, from
V7.2/7.3 to V7.5, for SIMATIC WinCC
Runtime (RT)
Runtime (RT) 6AV6381-2AA07-5AK3
incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
Server Station
V7.2/7.3 →
V7.5 SIMATIC WinCC RC Upgrade V7.5, from
V7.2/7.3 to V7.5, for SIMATIC WinCC
Runtime & Runtime & Configuration (RC)
Configuration 6AV6381-2AB07-5AK3
(RC) incl. Drivers, Server, Redundancy, User
Archive, Connectivity Pack, Connectivity
SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Client Upgrade
Client from V7.2/7.3 to V7.5 for SIMATIC WinCC
V7.2/7.3 → Client Update 6AV6381-2CA07-5AK3 RT Clients
V7.5 incl. Drivers, User Archive, Connectivity
Pack, Connectivity Station

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7 Appendix

7 Appendix
7.1 Service and support
Industry Online Support
Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Siemens Industry Online Support offers round the clock access to our entire
service and support know-how and portfolio.
The Industry Online Support is the central address for information about our
products, solutions and services.
Product information, manuals, downloads, FAQs, application examples and videos
– all information is accessible with just a few mouse clicks:

Technical Support
The Technical Support of Siemens Industry provides you fast and competent
support regarding all technical queries with numerous tailor-made offers
– ranging from basic support to individual support contracts. Please send queries
to Technical Support via Web form:
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SITRAIN – Training for Industry

We support you with our globally available training courses for industry with
practical experience, innovative learning methods and a concept that’s tailored to
the customer’s specific needs.
For more information on our offered trainings and courses, as well as their
locations and dates, refer to our web page:

Service offer
Our range of services includes the following:
• Plant data services
• Spare parts services
• Repair services
• On-site and maintenance services
• Retrofitting and modernization services
• Service programs and contracts
You can find detailed information on our range of services in the service catalog
web page:

Industry Online Support app

You will receive optimum support wherever you are with the "Siemens Industry
Online Support" app. The app is available for Apple iOS, Android and Windows

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7 Appendix

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7 Appendix

7.2 Links and Literature

Table 7-1
No. Subject area
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Link to the article page of the application example
\3\ Compatibility tool for automation and drive technology
\4\ WinCC Competence Center
\5\ Expert advice and personal contact person
\6\ How can the truncation of decimal places be prevented when converting a string to
a floating point number?
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7.3 Change documentation

Table 7-2
Version Date Change
V1.0 09/2010 First version
V1.1 01/2014 Expansion of V7.2
V1.2 07/2017 Expansion of V7.4 SP1
V1.3 01/2019 Expansion of V7.5

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