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mee . ele Callection frasne woe > An Pome fe an todexed Ay Cotertion AL Bred oo. 4 hornegynecus lata eteienty. wi Limitations 4 Oajeck, axon eo PW Mamet ome feed. fo Site Fe, OHA we Cpeahd an dom This fe De Chana. of Creating 0 decomaig Ste aged of Com uqeTDeMent y ) Heng, €o Cee aBeays nap Gaspotsesy we Shard Kno she. Se. y ’: . & aduabte, cabfch may mot Possible Okay. » © Poray® Can hotd only Hemegenems chia etemenig. 22, Gone ype) yen 7 Shadentt] gS = pee Student Coed) = . Slo] = pew Shedenh ed: ~~ LU S00 = peo Gedenbt: ~~ 2 SU = nes Codemereyy % Cel Rotanpabiahle types 7 + Rena Gaston 2 Srequtted 4 Shudent. 317 Sik ce Gn suse, “tts postion by oth Cet “ype. cares oo] - aa" Obofece £1 a = Mei Okject(ssed - 2 2 Of] = Mew Shotentty;, a aC = mw Costmall: vo o® Roaays Concept not boil based on Some cletaShuclare, Heng. Srédymed. method Soppomt %S net ovsleble., fos, exeny wquirenent Goan pesiaser TT DeBporsibe fy comife. ot iy Page a we eps, ec > TS ReSolve The above Probleme Son people inbedowd Collecting | Conagt > Advantages >> Catiectins crte_arneys & ©) Collections ate Spewable ft faluhe. ten based oh 00% Seqotaement coe Con theaenke Od detente The Sete. ; ) @ Cottecting Gan hod belts Homegewars | Heterogeneous objects © Erreay Cotlecken class ts inplementhd based 0 Some clatastuctare!? a HerG. SeAdyined mmebied Soppoat & evelable fos Evens Sequierank: dis. dy Collecting s— > Pefermana pote dr ew Collechons ame pol SeCemmenked to use 1 THis 1S the Linitabion “dy Corkcleng. 3 : Fisch Gallechons > , RENE Hes _opmingt § Gotlehans : 9 Pooay | Cotietane(ae wt LL ~ 9 ——1) 2 Finrays ade f'xed Ste D Glleckng ape gpeccable “h nature ? > 2 Merneny point by vers ase Ja) ememorg patok eh vtee Giteehon’ > Greene not Setammended 056 | Conc Ts tightly @eGrrmended touse 2 ® Pesfosmana point =f vew aBeqys) 3 Pesfarerana peink ty vew Collecdions 5 > Cert ts ighy Seteminended FeUse.) —¥5 Tat SreCarumended -fo ue 2 % Feoays Gan bots ony howegerad D Chectans Can hold both Hoare. lato. etennig € Heberngerecus chads. 2 D thas po Ondesbttny hs for |9) undeniging D-s tS avihble for eseay) comuyt. Herta Sieaditined siatbod Colleskin Clone Wena, Deadyrred snethod Sovent Support not avaliable A aysiiote, ; we > PemYs Gn be Ueed -e Hold —> Golleciong Gan be oted to hold both poentlie § cbfeus tly chfeets. uk nek er prenlivees Cotte ction = satan: ' > A gowop dy fhdivtdsol obfecis as a Stogle, entity 1s cated Cece } Gaecen Frame conics : > Bk delineg — Seveovat Closer § Gnlewfatss cobitch Can be oSed 4o sepraent @ group ey objecle a8 a Single Eokity “Teeafnokeegte- Jawa tet Collector —ts Container Cottertion Famersaoik}—~ StL (Standand “Template Lebraay) Q-Key intesFacs dy Collection Pnme cork i © Covestion Cet): FF coe caont to SepRdent a goaop dy Thdidon chjeelt 05 0 Singfe Entity thin tse choold &p fin Contechon. Th genemal Cottechion TnhasPaG fs Considered 08 Soot Zhherfata dy Goltection-Posme, wank — Cilection Fplerfale defing he most Comman smethods cohtth Gn be Oppitable fa any Collection Objeot: CCC Ue eevee deuce i o Be iécitin vs Cotteclions + > Gaeetion ts an Tbe, Cam be USed fo Depresent a gacop Ay Shdividuat objeck ag a Svgte Enkity. caheme a3, — Collections 1 0m OFlihyciags, pAeenk ty favayvil pacnage, to define Several Oblity methods Per Cenections a Lect Caotesface % 0 TE fs TR chs Thtemha + Gettin. ao > BP cae coant “ty eprint a gecup dy odividuns Obfecs coher > InSeshion omen fe Preserved § hbicates Ode allowed Then te sheold Go fos, Lise ° o CotiecHen (1) ei rs 5 ao 2 Lise GD 2 ish ie 3 Qa _——~ o vecnlkt oN o Aonlta Hed ( wh | yoy 4 eh st cles : an Lee ° ‘Shock (e) 1-2 J o oO 0 > Veoton Shack Classe ame Ne thyineaed ty V2 Vesson to Gat tnt? Vv Covlectian -Forosne usonk v , v i u at @ Set Ciniafaay'. —> BE ete chad SobeaPaa dy Cottectisn. 7 BP coe dant to aephetank a qpoop thdividoat Chjects cohen, * daseicabes « ome Dek allacel § thsehen Orden, %& nok Dok _poresenved kn We should & fox" Se. ; Caitection Cr) tay , , d SerG) bay , , a a HashSet Co) a ray . > Likes HashSetdeo 4 fay > a Sooted Set (rds. >» > F fs te chid inbxfa ty Set- a Seithasak > > TB ewe Cant tp Depresenk gpreup 5 ormue objeclf, acceding to 3 9 fome Beaking aodks than we Shand pF Soated et 3 © NavegatteSet Cay » Dak ts The chiid thlerfom cf SatedSel, to powifde Sevevay 9 Methnds fox. Navigalten pempases. O 5 kW totneduced fo Meversion. a Q we CollecHen (2) 2» Set (x) wr SomredSet NowigableSet(2) (6) Brebek ced Wen) © Queoe Ca) + ee Vee — Tt te the chid Thtexfan dF; Caliectton TTF om coank fo Depretent a group ty Inditdoad chpeis, peor tp Powoichs Wien we Skosld go fon Queve Collection (Z) te Voy Qoewe Patcotydowe — Bourg Meve + == ~~ * Pateonitu Biscay Qoece Vnited Biscay Qoeve Notes. © > atl The above Fnbesfas Ccaution, List, Sct, ScaredSek , nalpbleGek « Qoeex Ment fon, Depaetanig a gomp dy thaividual object, cy PSeeevueerveecsccurcwre uO 0 Q TE we cont to Qeprant th gewop whe okgele os keg.value Palas Thin 9 be should go for’ Mag. i ie) © Magne: i | > BP we Geonk to Supaesene a gooup ty object 08 key-value pais “hen wee shold gp vfer Map : > Both Key § value ome chjects ony. — Coplicate Kege_a80 nob allewed, Bot values Can be duplicated Map cr) ne f Dietonoay| Aisa Hashwinp , ) 13 © TdentityHathMap teak Hash May | » a ies ea” FV ebtale s | ia | ° > Hoved HochMap | Popeste o, / eu \ / ) Ne y \row Legacy cased » 2 Niles >=> Top ts Dot chiid Bhhafoo. ea Conection) + 5 aw Sooteamap a! 2 > 2P cae coank fo Sepmesene a group dy objets at Keyvelue pelo 9 Ateerlieg ty Sore Suoting Coden “thin we Shoald go far Seale om Seovig Shoo be Gone Only based on Kage. bak pot based 2 °° OD Valves O ~ SletMap ts ched Trkafas 4 Map, o @)_NovigobleMap (35, 7 Be fe The cht ZoterPac hy SootdMap § clefine Seucena enti , ) , ) YY 5 2 3 Vou ) a —s ? Less @ Se & (7 = ~\ : ie i ay \ oe al Haman Nobis) et ms bly | Io 5 1-0 a a wa ; a 2 v0 y 3 1 e Mapa) Scores Mapa) we Lio huhetap id sa Navigable apy S pois) \ tow ‘Weetap lest ve _ Easier - Aooays: | { Epvemasstiey ] Comparable } | Grectars| jPhevatey | | Cornpmyaha | Gittoaten, J ESSN 3 9 Ente Cattectin fame Wook “he fatowng one Legacy characte © Envermanalion Cry @ DicHonamy Cay, 2} @) Veckn eo G3 Smack © Hashtable G PRopephes as clostes Caen Pre ng Cottection a) i- + BE we coank 4p Depresent a gree ty treividess objecds 08 o Strate ently then ce Shor gp Fen Couection. — Cotechion TlerPate defines ah, most Gomman methods cbt Can be Opplied —fos ony Calleckion objec: ~The ~fatloesiog fe Be ist *h metieds present fr Collection Itexfoce © bosleon ada (Object 0) ® beotean Odd ANCCoriechon ©) ® beolean Pemmove( Objet 0) ® bootan REMAN CCaretion © boolean etatoAn (Certetion 4 8 Se Ofee Excgt those poesent th € © void eter) D boolean fsEngyoo ® it geo ® beoieary cantoins (Object 0} ® boolean GotatnsAnCCoteckian ©) «® Object eI PA sea4 0) Wevnios, Theale C) Serv sees a Cece eeeuveovrevecys c aF @ Lise @ > Lik te dvd Riker fy Collection « | 2 SP eae taonk fy Shepaetent a. Gpeop th Thdviduar chjeets whae. Clpttate Objeds ase allowed & fisealion Coden f5 preserved “ifm cae Sheold fm List 4 |? Gosek Ooden in be pBesemed by. wean ob Trex 7 Ge Go cbfResncole dopitate hjects by using Tider ena, Trdeie place, 0» Very amportont Sele ty Li. > Uist thbesfaa cto Pines “the folowtag methods © boolean add(int fhdex » Objeck 0) © beotean adani(ot tides, Corectin ¢) ® Object Semove (nk tndex) @ Object Bekok toda) © Object See( Toe index , Object new) © Tok WdsOe(ebject 0) @ ws bost-TrdesOP(Objck o) © ListTreahe Leseterater ¢ FOX Corot solasuns. » & Lowa Mek Gor 8 ye wee eee wee BELL YL ee vO @) Veetorlist coe ve 9 Oy Senco: v ” c C) Array lice :- 7 The Underlying clotashauchire for Asoaulat is PResimble Adcuy os Groantie noag ~* Goshen Orden F4 poreserved , ~ dheaplieate Chfecls ome alowed Hetedogencess Chjects ame aliowed > Dull trsaiton 7g possible. _Goshuchs PD Araglist AL = ree Pooaylisec) ¢ > Geshe an Srp Aoemyli Object, cot defaurk tovbial Gpachy 10" — Oe AL esches {foun Gpathy Hen a pea BL object ait be Geaked with. New Gapacity = Cement Gapatihy x Bat Q) Aocray List Le new Ao list (ink “hincpeaity) > Geeta an Froply Posautist Object wot The Specified ioiVied pacity, @ Aooagl ist L= mew Aocaufist(ceechiry yy 7 Grobe on Brianne Asmalice objet Sr te Gun Coielinchy ' \ } ’ ? ) y ) y y 2 3 ) 9 ) 2 > ) J 2 2 2 2 7 2 ie, The Gorstuctea, 'S Pa, clandtg bla Cateckion objects jcocece wb Ge). tinpoak javasolile ¥ class Abenylet Demo 1 Notes. Din Brey Cateclon class 4oStaingey 1s ovenaditin “ly Sete S Content Upectly th “the “Fotlowsing —feemat Daag, cage, obgs ----J P'Sovem@Btenges agi) t Adonylist & = Ou Aooayliske)- add CHa"), ‘i Q- add (1033 . , G.add (%'); ) add Cro): i S-o-pin(ady La, A, nvill > eat ; Q- semave (a), ) Soplaca: LA yw, novi] 3 Gada Ca") Cate, has s A-odd(* pf} cayovens math 2 So-pin(ay; CA a, ron, A] \ y So pacosuc) je er ceerth; fC} - > 5 as adaAcay, Caso tune Aer “] > 2 d 2 2 2 o7 OScally we Gn Use Corechion -tp Slore & tansfea Objects to paovide oO Soppont: fo “this Geplivemant Every Coickey Class tenplemenly uv Seataltznbte F Clone ble Shears, W = GB uw > Poomal ist. F Vichon Classe pplements Raden Access _ terface , So take Ory Sender cleenk GX Can CLS Est Lode Speed Here if Cum Fiegenk opeaain 15 Beloiiebke Opeeahin iin bak Suitable lta Shuck 93, Aroagict. CAdfandage’) - > FE ovr Bequent Operation 1S Thseshon Be delebion, 6 hie. Byfddle then Adeoglich fs The capmesk cheite, becuse It Sequived i Sesvermr heft Opembing. (te oluaotage) ‘Cif ts Ooemlst & Mek Anoagl tet Neckoon ie Pewee ® no mathed f Gpdoatad | ©- Evry mehoa % Spnchsontsed ® moiliple threads Gn oceans © BE any potot only one Thieed [S alae Armas Sucthomeitly. fund | ty oheeate on ~Vechay Objeck ak Anoarlitk Cec 98 not tread! rine . ence ‘weckeon Object fs “Tied Safe. © “sad ade not Supt to (Dak tocoeases (acting tine. fy ionas (atts & Heod Pesfamene | ge pesformana fs Low bap vous @ Sisedad in bRvasion$ |] ahiroddad ip 0 vrsen | Here “Heng. th IS nen lacy ik is eqoey Couecuvebecs joe BD stow to get Srchoootied vessten of Assaylict 2 al ®_, By chy Gueciins class Syectmodlee Ye coe Can Gt Sypchoentaed vesston Poult Pottic stake Use Sanchoontaealist(Let 1) ah Asoagl tet © = mew Paaagliskey, List 2, = Gottections. synchonerealsst (2) ‘ ‘s \ SI to ited Neh - Sypchmentags — Soitaany we Go get Sypeheootied Yexsion oh Sek § Mop chjcets by Ong The. —folewstng Rathod, espe ckively ® public Stake See Synchoentzed Get (‘Sek 8) @ poblic aloe Map — Synchaurtaelfitap (Map m) Nolet > 2 oom fequent Opeation 8 Gneathon or chicton $m the middie They Proaglick te ook SeCommended. ty andle Ths Sequbement Wwe Should ge fa Linkedlist Cee ek eee eee vew DE c DLtokedlist © + oth Undealyig clatastrthwe ts clouble Linkedlist © Eoetion condes 1% porsemed. Mediate objeds ax. allowed - > Helens * ~? Dow Tnsation is peste 9 Emplammis eevaltninle { Clonable folenfaca but nat Randempccess - iblexfacs, P Bat Citable Roam Legount openchin theartion on deteton O56 Beles BG & Bet fr Tha rntddte , , > Glopenesk Chota A oom Leqsenk perabion ts Sieloitvat a SE © Lokedlge 2 = new Linnedbetcy » ? + Coeates an Emmy Lokedlést chjeck 2 ® Lintedlsse 2 = -0ey Lsoredlee(Ceuecten 5 . a wha ToleGinvats bho Collection objecbs 5 a Howat. Spattic wri: 2 ~ 2 CSeY oe Bn Yse Linwedtisk to Tplemenlt Shaces FQuus 5 “te Suppoak thie Sequeemenbs Lipkdlisk Class define The fileesivg 3 St Space ‘onl 9 9 oy © Notd odd Fisse (Object a) ® void addlask (obgct 0}; © Bbjeck sumove Frse cys ® Obfeck removeLasec); © Object get Fest oy - © object ger ~ fenpadt fava uk La; class Lintedl st deme t Po Sate (Sree argid Lrowedltse {= Dew Livealysto; ReassC" dung’), Gadde soy; Cad’ (real); aba aunye,ao.nut sgl, Ladd C* clumgat), cox veity tooge Zo nun duaga: (sis. so.oun-4ey) LSet Co," Sebtumere!} py Deeg, Ye al add Co vente ys BS es oS WE Sos Bows Dom.) {sremmavel age 69) u ned af Ceaddpirer CTeec*): 2 S-o-pin (J: » 4 POC Tene seria | Shrine, 30, Hott] > | a o uo 0 Sechencs :- a the Condesniying Aotoshucun %s Risweable aeeaq of Poushle oat . > Tsathion Orden 15 Psetenved wd Pchpliate object: ore adewed * > DON Thgewhin fs possible. = Hefergencous. Objects are allowed. > Tmploninks Seataltinble, Clomable G RandumAccess dnlerfacs > Bee . ¢ © ada Cos Todor, Object 0) u ® odbElement(Objeck obj) —_5 y Te Semove Zlemenit. or Olpjests f° SweroveCobece 6) sc @ Kemove C ferment Cobject 0) —3y ss re PEEVE Ce todex) ——9'L 7O MEME LemeMLALC ine Thdec) —s y [ © cteaye, _ se O@rremoveAltelemns() —su FT Dreboitoe edementg © Get Cine index) — aL ® clement Ae (int toda) —>¥ ® rest Etement Od: —3y © Last ClernentO}; —sv — Olfies seth ds © fmt Sizer; @ ink Copacthycy; #8 Coomeashan elements); Cece ce eve vue vr e bev soew se a €q'- inmpomle Java. Uhl *: Clots WDemot $v. CStoigges amp) 1 Verb V = new vetlo at), S.o-pin(vscapactiyca); foaciot tat; tez10 7 tat) } 1 Veadd Element( a); 4 S-o-pin(y. capacity C)): Ne addelement. Ca"), Se PIN Gy. copoetty 0) So -pin(y); s Of 10 to 2a U2, 3 us, ¢ +--- te, Al eo cbsraty wesiz Caf! ti pont v: gumovessteiment (A) J [1.2 5%4-56-7,8,10, A) Ve memmnEnenen Al 3) (i, 2,8,8,6,7,8,'4] Wren ANE lamactses ff 4 JOP CCoceeeeeeeburv er bese. ° Siacx cor Care) wa > 2b fs The chid clos dy Necker Conlatns ony One Gonstescton @® Shoes s = new Stace); Weeds OG) object poch (Object 9) To Inset an object th ‘tke Stacy ; GS Object poper , Te Semeve and elavns —hop + Stour © Ober Peeks: To Telur top ey the Shuck, ©) boolean, Empeyen) BE. (9) fat Search Cobject 0) fs Onotloble, Othesotse Sehwns -! TH Fmpent Java obi; Clak® Shaentemo Psy ra(Siaingld args) : Brace 5 = eis Sats ty + S: push); S push (a): S poshcte': 4 Sopa (EAE a, Sepak C8: Search © ayy 4 Ckheeceeusrveunues c eben rue when Static 1% Emphy Betuans The offeck ftom top 4 TH Shacn FTL Object ale iE SrscarhCO): 3 SiseatC) s 0 s Searches) -_, Fe | Me 4 Ze.pinCs.denrch C2)! 7h CGorsons '. esd Gansins BP wae coon t5 geb cbjerls one by one “for The Coitethion te Shoot ; Sp fie, Comson. > These are 3 types, 4, Cusco Availabe th fava. G Ebumenatior (1-00) ©S Resalon sd CY Litttenaloy (29 8 Eigessulat te eased TE tS a Cussem to Melstone Obfeck ope by one Pam the Cottectien , > PE ts apphtabe a, legacy clases - NEO Cocate Ehuamenahior egeck by Using etemenisc) Public Enumenalen elernenter) . Enamenhin @ = We clemenl8a) \vecketn object > Ehurmesabion arterPato define, the fatowing 2 Thetkeds @ pubic bookan hasMoneElermenecy ; ©) Poblle Obgect natElenenko; 6S eecoceeee eure eUueuvudeoev eee e een is Seecervreecvuceuvvwesvccusess. G Bip) i Senos Joya ui. ty Clogs Enumeration Demo 1 prSivim (stsanglt age) t Mecho VW = neg Vectoa0; for fink feo; f Enumenetion, Cancpe 18 agplteble only fee, Legacy Classe & hen TE is mot a Uliergal CuB%son, hens at Exumenalsn : = Gy uthg Enumention we Gn gee erly Rescltncess | We Cast Patfooy anc Bemeve, apeinbions, TS oven Come -thige Liwthelions SON People tnvsudied Thewatch 9 1-2 version ’ Leemalony ¢_ ; > We Go apply Tterah Cenapt —Feor ary Collector object: : TEAS & OrNessar Cumson 2 — hte Predabing we Gn Pasfosmn gemeve Opardien alte endl} : to Sead ‘Ofeaaten, > Gre Con Jet Ttemabom chic: by Stessahty Ay Coilechion fotesfas , Thpalor tra = C. ihemabat Any cattecion, object — Fhrah Polevfok cefoa AFotigcatny S Tnetbels Gi) Pobre. booleon — hoshtext c7: Gr) Poblic Obect Nate; @D Publ Void Hemavyel: Seeeoece bey ene ovues ivf SSF coco fava .OHlt; cioss HashSetDeme i Publ Stilte veg sea Sissgr args.) } HashSet bh = pero HashSebey, badd ¢'9%), h.add ce"); h.add Cn"): h-adac"z) Badd (nit); headd Cio) Sopinch.add Cz")): 1 false Se pots :/ tow, 0,8, ¢, 00,2] j oil. false. Leon ,6, 8c, 0,2 oe TO" theectton coder fe nal persed GP [sped HoshSek cess $e > LeokedHath&et fs the chid clas Ay HashSeb. BE KE Cracty Seine a3 HashSik exaph ~o ~Foutonaing cliffewnas,, sheet [Spiked Paahgeb Com coderyig 9.8 fs Hashtable. | 3 the cundesiying Dig #5 & Combtoaton tp ? #) Breen conan Ip on pro Hashtable & Lenked Mok : PS PincSebved oD . bs 7 ~ eee ee eee eee BELL LL. = Zp “the above Papen Fh we ome Seeplacing HashSet ‘oth AsomedtashSet ti ‘Fotowig 1 Th Ole BW [B.c.D, Z, Poll 10] se,fosentin omter F5 poctenved Nudes she Thain fropomtant applicdion area of LinwedHashSet 4 Lesned- Hashmap #§ Tmglernenting Cache applsabiong. soheme cloplicate ome Tok atlewed GP fnsention coke mod be Posesved - reget siferrmation ‘Slomed a cache . ) P Secandoryy , mene a —Harelet isis ) 2 a: hd = ; ~ Hts te chi Inksha de Set. y > Tue wank to sepoesent 0 grep ty Indivioat Objecks octnaig | to Some se Cai “Iban tae Gheoid Jo fom ScoeaSet > SeattSen aoleifos define “the ~fusouirg Sposifie method’ @ avert fro 7 bekoes “the husk element “fy Soted Seb. O Object Leak oy > aetusns Lash element ty Gated Seb v CH GeoteaSet eadSet(Olgeet obi) _ Schone Solalsek tabi cheswenks ove Fastin obj + 2 2 2 iP} i) Q Vv ° @ScohdSet LatiSet Cetyct otf) . 6 > Dwehens TH GooteuSet Whose elements ote gpafeston aeqotio obj “&) SootedGet Sobel (Object byt, cbeck bys) | 8 Pehans “The ZiofedSek obese elements ame = akg) bie < oleje 1D Coopatatin companion t > , Tr Sehuens Companion eject clescatbes uprn|ying Seog heboige » STP we used clePautk mature Sevtog otdere. “Hin Cae cat ge nail. loo © Free ¢y —s100 tes @ fast ©. sing fou © head See (im) 2 Lice , 101 , oa tet} © Wott Set (108) ~» frou, 107, 109 © 8X1 Got) 5 Ger 108s ma © Companctomt) —5 na) Notes. TR cfefautt rotusal Scoting oades —Es—ke no's és ASSe0sting emo he ciefolt Pabimal Sealing aoder Son Chasadtes § Siogs ooe.t Alphabeliat Chder CHicrionasny bated Codes) ~CCOCUeeeeen GOue ee EUG eS € “BeeSet &) be Onder ying, chatnchuckre ts Balontd Thee . > deplicate objects ane not aticwed > “EnBettion Coden fs pot porterserved. betuse Cbjeck, coer be (Wetted actomsiy to Some Senting corer Helerogeneav§ chfedls ade Mek ollowed- alfeswibe Goe_ caf! geb * ClessCast Escphtony & tot tnSeation 1S nok Posethle fret, ,—_—_ Seb. Censtouctong 2 = @) TheeSet b = new PeoStli: > Goenka, an Emphy Breedel objeck tober Scortéeg ooden defaotk saleral Soaring eter @> BeaSet € = new Bea8ek( Comparator co) > Coeakh an Empey tase obfeck hoe the Gearing Codex 43 Customtaad Sonting orden Spoctied by Compooaten object GO Teese = Mew TSeeSet (Cotteoten ¢) > “TéeeSet £ = new ThSeh((Sontester Ens Topo javaull.y - PeeSt Demo ps ¥™(Kistges og) } SCeeecevrevvvOvwcedocueus ) y ) “TeeSet E = Be THeeSok (1: me { E-add ("A"): b.add (“a'); badd Cg) badd cz), badd CLs Aeradd (new Doiegerto) ; Mec GlossGat bempiin #t-aded Cru fs spe So-pingy; LA,8 2,1, a] hut oepianc + - >— 9 0)~fon “He NON-Emply Fee Set Ff coe ae taging fo ‘Sat Nutt s 5 ECR get Nuit Potytes Exaptioncype) , Ie 36 Fonte. Sioply ThreaSel odd te Ret etinent Dull *hSection #8 aluoays 2 ceecdctceus Posefble . 2) Bok aly fheertng That ther, coe esti Get NoupoioteaEcsien (ripe) » Tape Janine utit &: CASS TheeSet Demo} P full, 9 we ame Toygieg to “nsext anges S$. vom CShavigt) aga) These b= new Teafetid; E-add Crew Shiny Bopfert a‘). E.add Crew Steurgloreace’)). add Chew Skaieg QotterC L): ad Ceo Goggote Cal), Wie Ce So-pincty " . BP we one Cepeniing on Chefoulk Culusmal Seating oder Compoling Objects hold be Hhmwgeneoos %| Computable olbercatse coe ol get Ciaran, CeCe + An check is Std -te be Gmponable ih the Coomeapenting class Yirplermenk Comparable Eotesfoa, 7 Sreeng class & all votappeay classes, leready simplernenls Compasol, Friafas. wher 05 Siacybuthin cloak tiplemenif Grmpadsble Tix. | Hena., fs the above “Baal exe Gok CleisCaat Exaption Compasatle Titesfa .- TBs Jnkafoa poesent: to fovolang package | Gorketins ony coe ital, Sapam. Pobve fot CompamcToC object obj) Obj ComppomeTo Cobje ) z > Pietuans ve FE objl has ts Came befine obje > Sehens ave FFE objs banks Gm afte bp > elamns 0 TPE obgl & obj2 ame Stoay (duplicate) 2g. Mopont Jine-urstoes Class Te {pSemiagn mv S.o.ploC*a’scempwersC’2"))2 ff ve SopioC 2% Compa WH) if awe 5 J Sarplnc a’ Cempaaeli s'}) 7 9 ° i Ceeee ec be eres WEG Le ce v ‘a then wene are depending om defaat Palisa Seating coden Sotenally yma Calls Gor. Companelac "4 BaBed 06 -ItSe etumn-hgpe Tune Tdenlifen ae Location Ah thy Clement ih Seating onder. : obfa - Compade'Te (obgs) 5 ' we \ , which obferk Coenve one eS ting object i , toying to add ‘reaset , y y ~* raehuang ve TEP obit bes + Come before ohjz. |? Meluans ue rep Obj hea to Came OPten obpp . PP Sekems oo itp obj! & bya Oe eye =e “BeeSec tb = Tew ReeSeC); b. add (* 2} bennett); eh runes ee boda y); > “p'. Compare (ie); ve Eradd Ci}; 22 “ha Compan ere('o') ve. badd ("SOM Gmpacti Ce) = Ave “M". éompadete("2 J: 3 —ve Femcwa éompadeto ("2"), re D: compare (dt) => 0 Scorplntt); [9 ek, 2] CadeEnakebecaph on NB Punts Cmnpearcte(ro’) os RE xs wPE SCOULL Eee eee e Le UOEL 5 TP ce ame not Solfsfed coith default Mahima Sonling cater Paw @a tf he *atunet Booting olen pot otbeady Pruslable. hn Wwe Ge defire Gor Own Gushemiced Sontig by ustig Comparaten, a Se ce : # Comparable ment fon cefauit rahmal Somtiagoader 2 Compamaton ment —fon Cuthomized Sentiy codem. Coonponatan (3 9 = Comparator Fnhafas potent fh» fove-vll Package | Aine Te Paotstg mabe. 3 © Public Ink commpane(Obfeet ok, objeck alge)! sehusog ve TPE obj) haa to Grieg before Cb2 Seuss eve FER kf! Rak ty Gime ofbes Ct Deus oF obfl Gok? OMe equa Cdoplieted Obj = vohich Object ce ame —foushog 4o odd otje = Plready exiching object © Public bakean equate (Oger oj) Ceeuee ee eevnrvw ere GOSse > coher ever we ane Treplemenkig — Cempanaten Tolrfoce ComputBary Cre Shooid faoouide fimplernentakin fn Cempareca, J shod “Chasse finplentabion 4S phi, becouse ahead} cadloble fon Ou cat fri Objeck cas “threth Cohedlane eece s Get %s Child Jiterfoo. ds Callecion, 7 BP we coon to Depreank a groop dy chpets, whene pleats Ge Nok Allowed & frgetioy Oodem 7S Not PorSenved. Then we. Shovid p fn Set Coltechion G3 ‘a \ St Cr) eo i HoshSet Ce) SoateaSch C23 | ve i Liohed HashSeeed AavigobleSebCr) wy "i “hen Seb Co) be — Sek Gotha dont Gantt ng method we have 4a ce. oly Collection EolexPaGmettiod Oh agers. — athe Undenlyzng clotashuckire t Hashtable > Deplicate Objects ame net a\owed . > SP we ave “toying ~fo add doplitake abject’ we coonst to get my Ear Rwhalc> Simpl ovine Fao, hehe by ~ 9 Insenbisn ander ts nok Presumed & ah abjecks aie fySeiked arcsedty Cle CRC eee eee we ECL DLs = Hefenogercavs Objects are Allowed + Doll fosesition 1s posible Conly Of) pease AuphiGks ore Nab aitoword > Hbsb&k Aeplementy Seovalizable § Clonable Tbkafons * Constuachong- » HashSee fh = new HachSek 3 = a Commer on Emply Hathsct cbjeck isis difaort defaotk s'Hal Gacy 16 defark ukelio ors (5%) D ~ HoshSeb b= neea HasbSek Cie ToitialGapatity) » ~ Geate an Simply Mahe obpek usfits the Specified tnial Capacity | Hefavik fw Rako ts ote © Hoshset fh > deo HabSetCing TiaGpncy, feat Rao); ob 43 HoshOet ob = new HashSet(Cottection ©) ; Piteatio-, eee ed ae . > Ate Compleleng, “The Specfied Solo thes only a new Hashset Obfeck wot be Gresked That postales Sabio de ited fuoatto 4 lead Redon the dlefavit Byomtio is OFF bot we Gn Cushaniaed Thr value Beare Cecoceeceuceudeuve 29" epost ava -ulil-*: Class Tretafty Oemo wi Poblic Stele ‘Vola rmazn (Siogea onp) ' Armaylsce L = rw Abra Lise: ForCnt i0 + foto view) Avadd @), 5 S-o-pin(ts; Lo, ,2.2,- - oP) Troratoo thy = erie IDL) > Gbihe Citys haahwente ¢3) 2 : Tolegm Ts Cankegen vita. ball), ’ TF (40 -=0) , > Sovplocr); g ) 6 ? else f 2 Tho memover , , 4 ¢ t I 1 > So-pincs); [o.2 4,6, @ 0] ya ; Lethe 4 ateston : > @ ah the Gte 4 teonln 7 Eoumeoubien we Gao Bleaays, eve. 5 tout te Reaeonoad Amechin | We Get theve bacwusosd checkin, vu fe Tae Cunwas am, Siege. cretional Consors bot not Bictectinal © table pusonmaniag Throat we Cy Pexfommn only. Sead petro bee Cont peshom eplaiment & -tititin d New dhfects 3H Shesolve These peetlen Son People Fntoodoed ListPtesotro, fy 1-2 veasien a Ligh Tesaton + > LcPiembea % “he Chid Ehexfom fs Theale > While Pheveting Obfecty by LiskTrlembn ve Con move either to The ferucond om ty he Bacwmurnd Aection he Lise Peralon Ts a Bidiveshinal Cumson. j > White Plessling By bstTtembe je Can perfeowty Sreplotmant fp addition A pees, obgss ate Tn addin to Read f Remove opesstiens. 2 We Can Cowate List Texolon objecl by uieg fraThesabant fart Isc Antexfac Uist caja Pod oe eto et LestePtewten Lin o L. QistTFewabac) - > Lisktherabn @nterPa debe ahr “Forewing 9 wrutbalg © public beoleats has Nett ur @) peste Objeck — pecko; @ Public ne DetkTrder (0; ? © pore betean - hasPhatause)} é > public Obgeet Previrs> » ©) public tot previtus Tisten C) 4 PECSCe CeCe CeO ELL Lk. ce Cue’ eee wee bee le # Sg ® public veld Shemovecd » © Public void et (Otyect cew)y - © pobtic if. crepe. of obgck cuits mee aus Wid add (objec nea); tt me frmpont fave-util.*; Class LictTteratzaDemo Pobltc Shave \old wal (Seargti argey Goredlise = neo Lokealrseo: Codd (hatatmichna) Le addC'yenky')» Badd (*obeqans fadd Crag’; S-orplnctyy — [batakoshna , Ueoky , chibw , Dag Lise tteraten Ba= 0. bist Dewatooy, » a Clee teableat-ci) Ssoing 6 = (Stam )ita. neikc} ‘ (2-eqoats (" venni *)) iy. removed): FP(S-equala(* disal)) len cet (“chodan'); IF (8 epuals (*naq’| forall C cht) = opin Rds Tass, chee commit is. cBut it 3S applicable only —fom Lack objects , = omne 3 Custos Lit Denon ts he mack Powenfistr Garson, Compistston tate a3 Cursing « ‘Poepecky Eoumeration 9 | ateoaton 24} Ler-ealana 2? e No No y © ms % fegaey ye ; Dt ts apphable Pom Legacyctassa| for OFY Oniy fom ’ SeRsble col Oy ey Cotiection Obieets | Last: bjects , > 3° Movernent a) Shaft dtealion lyi-dtsectiora) Cor $eeroand’) Cowes) Glonosnt & bey 8 ; S Howe GEE | ey uy cemsiarl ey wing | ay arg anette ‘Teessabort) LraTaaler.) 3) Accesstbility only mead Srod § remove | Pxad/remnove/ Peplats fold ® wetted hesmoneBerentsO> | heanete Meat Elements Dako 4 methods, Premovet) oO J 2 2 sp 2 J > = > + a v oO 9 & WO\ oe Ey fmpoat Jpuautthe, Eos Tree Set Deed } Poblte Shab void moh Beatty ang’) { Tree Bigger ty = Cthlogerhelgh, Polegate (endegee ThreeSeh f= rea “TaSet Crew mylompantero); —>g t-add (oy: tqdd (0)! > Compare Cor ase (i badd isn ere igo 28 as) BNE ze) +E Badd (63; 9 Compare C52 —a 448 Sempare ¢5, 92 2 He. E-add (io); Sm Petes) —ve, Bo : Compare 42418) pase Cermpare.(he,03 0s, Compare Cin 8) eye f X Compre tie, 5) ve $ Gro.15, 10,65,6] Class MuyCompanaton — fimplementt Compete d Public rok Ceompame (object obj’ , objeck obye) l ‘Pokeg amy T= Canleger) byt: pbegey Py x CEnkgerob2) TRC ty BF we are passing — campanchn check af © TRen pum cap Girpane voetod cat be exenffated cabich Ty ment fo Citartad Seating bd These Gee “Th Gp C20 I, 10,5) 9] 3 Vooieus Oltamabieg _A_foplementing compose 0 8 Class MyCompanato repiements Compavalnn q PeBI'C IME Cumpasre Cchjeck obj! , object ag) a Enheger x, > heey) obj; Trtege y= Geoteyer) 2bj2) Pod Z,. compares Cas) ; 3 Co. 50,15; 28] # Dehua, =Ty-Gmpaneto(Ta} ¢ —> [2o, 1, 10,5; 9) Fdetunn Ty -GonpanO(O); = Ceo, 15) 0, 5,0] @ etary -T- Cunpoets (Ti); Co. 10, 18, #6] Hoek 4. = [ho, 5,15; 0,40] 4 Reveke th ToSertion ender Mra 4h C20, 0, 18, 5:10] = Sosastion come ¢ Gelumn 9; =o Dro] eee ceer oe Oe Cue ee Uwe TL LLL @w-a-p w Insert Staving Ober hl “We Bast there “the Scsting Coen 35 Sewerse aiphabeltcat order © wpe Jovas vt; Coss “BeeSek emo2 Pookie Shake. m(Stangey ong) q “BeaSek E = Pew Teal (new myComparatonc)), add C4), fads Cy): badd (x); Cate c#g), badd cet), i S-e pinc ey, 5 Cass MyCompeaaten fenplamenis Cenparalod { Public fot compare (Objeet obj) , object obje) Stary 9 = CSiang)oky! Srotny Sy = Obje + tashag (yy 7 Seluan — ¢\+ Compatit (Ga) ¢ \ { ‘Note! 7 T Objeaks | Shrungotter Tere % me Comparcmes, 30 te Lani Caneel He Sisogt CECE er eeeVUbeUT Te LLL | y Woop foser Stone & Sata Botox objets tole “thi Trade Ushede te Seog otda: Coca langtic mde @P kas chfects haviag Te, Resta Lenath “dan: Green “tars atpbabalce ten Airport: java Claas TeeSe Demor 1 s PS vim(Sorqtt ago : ? FreSet os Mew “Wedeh( tea My Compavaterts}: ’ } E.odd C*a*)s ) Eada (reas Stoteg Boeken (“aac’)): } aad Cres Siotetotten (ta); : t.add Che); ai badd (“paco*): ) Fade C#ary, , { Sopin(e); [A, AA xx, Ase, ABO] 5 3 Class MyCumparster Finpletnens Comparator 5 > Public nt GompereC obec obj). object hj) 4 ’ Q Siig S) = obj teSotg o> 3 Sing S = Obf9 to Gains: 3 v Tok Ly > $,. Rengik w+ ve 5 TE By s Cys Aerghto- sehen 3 ConprTiCayra TECH chy ; 3 Seton ot: y 7 MECC ota) Drebasn tly <<< uv 63, » labo-pe Enseat Stig Gotten Chjeus Tote TRE TakesSek wchese the, Soorig coder alphabets orden’ a Tinpomt java. ob Close “eee Set erno (a P'S: vom (Staicget arp) TiaS & = pes —— MyComparatoy C)): badd Coe Shai utten (se add Cas Sef ttc = brad (pees SFouyBurtacte 5 a), Sopot); Laiwe2y 3 Claas MyComparaipn fmplements Cemparaton Puic Tht GompameCobjetk obj , Object obj>) 1 Siang &, = objl - toSimzag es; Shang % = obj fear): Pekuan S), CompancTa(s,). 88 be. Gee re “PP Cask yt] Nolet. - Bn Seteyhotfen teste fo Coma, te CeeCueeveveecvebeuveL ee ee a7 EP we ane ependig on clefautk nalune Saati ode Ginpoltany OD Objeaks choold be -Homegengast | Compamable., Olfestalte coe vefugek COE = "RE toe care cleperitg OF Our owo Seong by Gmpartor “he obfeatt co Peek mak be Canpareble FHomaganad. Comparable. Ms Gompotalsn ¢- © ~ftm paedelined Gmparable chesa defuk tohioal Seog cone 1S aletady available FP we fe mot Sab Ped wth That we Can define gon oven ‘Custerricaed Scaltg By cag Copan : cel Sion @ For Prsdelined ntonl-Compamabie Classes ClePreik Dalida Sang Osea {§ NOt available Gempotsany we Sheoid clePne Scobing yy Campacalyn, object OD ) 7 ¥ d Sel. Sisco Phen, , © fer com own Cashentatd classes fe chine cl Pautt pohunas Seg? , Cele oe Gn Bo fer Compatrable to deine Gennes Sootirg ee Cormpatnaten . ~ Srptoger , Student, Gushenen _ Eececegeeeouevevevuuuwuw a CCeeeceeeer ule ve eu Weve ros Seoportt favar obit. * 2. Class Empoyee Fimplements — Companone fot eta; Emprajee Gok eid) es Wis-ets — e4: j Pobiic Story Sisage t deluans “e-" etd > i : Public toe Compancta(etgect obj) ‘ 1 fot etdy = this. etd ; Cployee €2 = Cémplyerlaby ; int efda = Ufkey. ei, (etd ets) Seluon +H; age Behuan o; y b Class Comp GmpDeme ? Povo Gbage oy) t Employee € = new Employ ec (00), Emvplyer — €q = Neus Empajes (tcc): Emplogee 23 = peas Einplapel'sco); Emphgea & = Pee Emplyer (oo): : Gmplgee es 2 New EmploystCtoe)? ; TeeaSek t= new WeSebd: $- adie; : fp add ca): 4. adel Ces); Cy add. Ce 93s b,.add (ec): Soplnck,); [e-too, E-2e0, E-See, E-t9] “Trenget Eg = me “Frese Cres bey Cernpaoatonn Ky add (27); basses), § eddces); 6? ale Ce): Ev ond Ceca: ; ort); [ e-0, E-fo, Ete, €-leol Clos, MyGempomaton " finplemenis — Cormpatioluay foblie tok canpame (Objear bj, ebyeal: ob? i Eovplayen €, = (eee cit 5 Eenpayes € = CEmpbyes) obj; : £5 Behusin Ss GomoooiTa(e) yf Devon ney Compute) CCC Cee UEL ab Uy, Vea p te thseot: ‘Emphyee Ohjeke hte the TiaSet hese Pa Mature Sootta onder te Ossntig amka ds Grlaaeg 19 Tw Emp bang ahr Sane. Salasay stn Gretden allphabelital Condens 4 Te nF 1.0. Gpaoaton Class -to clehoe Guttomtaad Setng cahch Olphobelicat ood dh Eimpegee names af too Emplegess having fia 1 Some narne “kin Gnsisen steBenling Gack dy hase age » * Compaataron b| Ke © Genbitialh y —epneeetn ble Gonperable_§ Sepa ) Comparable | Garopooratea 2 7 - - _ ~ > ‘ We Gr Use Compamble to |3 we Gr use Gompamata to debne > define defarit Cakeat Seertt > code. ou hd | Custorntied Scoring codes y 9 Dats ‘Sleefan present tr la) HHS Soles Pata qprutent tr Java-okt 2 Gavartang package . Poexa 5 fang Pathog ee 9 Ddlefg only Ore mettad ie [as defies ta -mettnde 2 Composer cs Cy Compare cd r BD |quarccr 2-9 All wosrappe classe G Savi 3 ne pak Class feeplemunts Cempocable. Gen be FhesPo.te Pematon Bohstac seecyucee Goonponitiin, “lathe Rin Set Ertglrented Closer 2 Phopatty ‘Lspxed HashSelt ToeSel Urdeslaiog 0-3 Hash tab dHoshtotle * ag as . Loned Gigt Rane ms: ® insertimonden | ootpasened Preserved Dot pacsaved > Soong Onde, nA NA Presened i » Heterospneeos allowed allowed Net altowsl , D Duplo Obpels | not atiewed fot-altomed Mokaltowed % 3D NUN aGptang. allowed (1) | Allowed (1) foot, emphy BretSck act The, 9 fist etemnk 3 = Can iheaten 7S Potifble, ih onlter y Gree coos gene > ececececeouceuupwon ibas Map Cas a — af ce wank +o Srepedent a Geoo thy chyeets oa Hey value. Peas Thin we choord ge fer Map. botts ey § Malue one Objecks, 12 Bol Key % values ome objects "= Dupltate Keys ae pk allowed, Gut Values Gnbe duplteated COCO ee eee DO BUeEYUe LL Ue "> €ach Rey-valute Patin % Catted Eoiny ep, hese #8 ho Selaonghip bly CotecHen & Map . *Colteckor sant Ren o, prove ay thnstdoat clyeck, whese. a "Map unk -fon o Gree tr Kay vole pag —> Map fs not Ghia tolefae ath huy-wlue pain Gated One” Eno ~ (oithook: xfs Map Object “Thee 18 no chang. of Fotony objets “Vera, “Intafoa Ening 1% dellne ngile Map Folenfacs. Ge a Tokefac. Map t Tolefaa Entay d 9, Oiyeck get Hey); 2, Object geVahe; @, Chjeck set Valuee): | © Hoshmap ~w Wesel ee ee I~ the Undestying dotaRbeictare § Hoahtoble — doplicak. Kaus ome Tak allawed ~fioy bub “he values, Gan be dupltated. * % Sener Orden % nok PeeSered betause ik f bated om bhehtde 4 Key, J PUN Hey 18 allowed Cony ont } uo uo ) 7 Heremogeneaus objec ame allowed toy both Heys @-~velues 2 J J J 2 > PUY Valuer ase alloved Cony umbey firs) + CliPerenas, bolw Hechivtap & HosiTibe * i ® No Melhed $5 Sunchoonited GE very ttkd Sxpocboertied D motfpe Threads Can opantes, @ Ak atire ony Cre Teed t allaes | Sirettanceosty & Heng HashMap “to Opetnake ates ‘Hen@ abis Object 1s net Thread Safe “Wiread Sapo 4 ’ D7Bieads ase pet: sequtyed B | D ae Mtmeates woaitig Hine ete foot § henge Srelahvehs Pexfrmarte “Witad 5 Hoa. pesfeeimana © low. is High D ouil te Gitowed’ Por byotke © Cull fs Mot attowed ~for Batts hed ke) @ value Vekig oferesisa uae ail Sok NPA > Ouewdue ® Gnlreduad ty be version & ais Non ~ Legace) &) row te get Sqpotoersand Awition d+ Hashtap ? D > GydeFaulk Hashviop object #5 Cut Sandhoemad, buk we Can ‘ ¥ e . Coltechi Ge Syocttentaed vexsion ey oxy Spuimeniaedting U5 aes Map m™ = Conectiens. sgactmenized Map (Hahiap fa) 8 Anioedoad, fo 1-0 version 1 legacy > . ceeecutuvuevn e | ic x {9324 (HashMap Mm = mew Hashtapl > — Gaeatet On EmpiyothMap cbjeck cots clePauik inthe Capacity level "Je" § dePhutk BiyRatie o-76 Cram) ; GD Hashap om = new Hashap Cat SesavGapactt) i ’ ’ ’ } ) ) we ee Be Weeecuus GY tashmap m= oe Hashmaap Cine ftiaCapactiy | Pleat friars) GS Hashmap = = ew HashmaapC map m), Cyc. inpeme Jou ubl a Class HashvnpDeme q PeSat mm (Bruges ange) HashMap m = peu Hashiupe)- ™-pot(“chtranjeeni", 60); f.PUEC* balafal*, goo): O° PUE C*venhatest", (oad: put €* pagaxjunay , so} S-e-pin(my; } vennatub joo, balatals +800 entities, S-o-pin Cm-putC “chrono feeyi", 1a00)); mppiaraon Sek s = MekySe; S-0 pings); Lermmink, baleah, chraanieut ,Pageriune' | Giiechon ©= tm. voles es (3 Too SoPMCey Give . asa, 4099 , Food. Sa S$, = M entag Sek): i ‘Ttesaton fi = 8). itenatoncd; tubrle (ie. basMerto) t Map-Entny m, = (tap. eohay) fis. nex’, Soplo(m,- get key Oe * erp jeget vals): Sto i ( . “> Dagetinn 7 ye qekKey U3 eq cay jars Nemeth 1900 if. Cm, -getHey 0.2900 § CregaajursaD) tee en mm, Seb value Clooso} Cheep loa i 4 So-pto (cm), P rapossna stoooe, Vethatab= tooo, balafinh =p, } Chitanjewi=teee} 4 5 ) » Looves Yoahvop 2 — Th ts whe chia clos of. HosbMoP “HE ts Erochig ame, a8 HashMap Extaph “te Serowing, disse —tlshmap ed Poahiaap On-te rdaiyig 0S ts Lashble | @ The Uokeaifng, D-8 18 Hostitable + A sioked bist @ nserion Orden 18 presened ve Peue B Gpertion Orden Mok Preserve 3 IirodaGd ty 1.2 sensen ® Fptneduad to te ANewLien > Torte obove popu Peace Sephatsiog Hashimap with Lnked Hashmap. “the Fotis, ts th Op. Pohernjer =toa, baleioh =@60| Yentehsh=ioad , nagerjica = 5004 4 te FoSeabien Oden iS pareSera ou f uv cCeeeeueweevny ok Nake - 3 the T&S appitalion osea dy HokedHashiee @ Unvedtashmap athe cache application, tpplernentalin vohere duplication) 5 not allows & Togehin Coden mos: be PoeSaned & ‘Tint Hachiap s 7 TE ts Cxockly Same Hashiap Exargh he ~Foriowing StF Rexena. i Soke Gas d Hackatap. at ‘dentify Cuplteate Keys vn alumys, O82 ) equalised, whieh ts ‘Mosely ment fom Content Comparision. ) PI ex wank to Ute oe ‘ , — ) “= Operoloa_fhetead fy wcqualses “to Henktfy Gaicae efs coe have 4o Use Dieoithyrashhap (== operaien champs Mink fin meferenG Comparision) . — £3 Hashmop "M = neo Hashrmaply, z Thegen fy = hee TrhegenCrd) a Bo begen 7a = Rew Trhegento), requalsts —>Cenkect SS + yehie ne, tm. puk(fy,” pavan'l): ) 2 9 > ’ » » ) 2 ) PukCig, * tralyon), 2 a a d uo w uv 2 Tq — falta Fy Cqoals(tg) — Tree a Sopln Cm): Jie =Katyon} = Hoth obove Code #) § dy ame duplicate Yeys becavse fyeqeency Seluans toue 7B oe Sepia. achMap wth Rerkty pebtwap in the ofp 15 Tt = pavan , fo =Halltan f AG bine me choplicate Wege benause ah, eluant Satse Weak Hashiviap - PTE f5 CeGltly Sore sh Hathonp Expt The Feietog cht, 9 Gp The Cate Heshiviap Object 1 nok le eléaftble Foy ge evening TE choca ane Ong Grhornal wefemenas 7f Tk fs associated colt, Hashotap, je, Hoshiap cloresinates, Gorbnge Cotletton Cee) > Bok “Gn ae Gate fb weokthahnaap Sveniougbs bjeek aasociahed carts eakveshMap, fe fs Night. Boy qe. TR tt dloermot have OM external ePernay. ie Gc clamtholey Weals HaahMexp: Si Simp Java cattle; Clots Weak HaahmapDemo Hl SH (Staing ct anys ) threes Tfexsuphed Gaaphien Hashmtap mp = ea HoshMap U; Femp b= nee eempoyy pul (,'cesgat}; se Lemp J chioga Syste qe 09; “Thejead «sleep C5008), So-po(m), ? {rep = diaga'} * JO SCC LEO KL b Soe webOease eceCeeveeeunrceueereve yo Class Temp 1 Public Steve foStxrgc) 1 i Prehasin, “bem pts Poblic voit Rralrzers t 2 Hemp = duegal, Hemp = dleeyay} > OP we PreploG HashMap ait loca HashMap —thay “the Op 3 Lemp = chiaga | Prnttie melfed Gited i} Syyem.ovt-pocotln(® frckize SootedMap Anlesfaa a chi fintefaa 4 Map * Sooteitap okafaa celina the Follewag 6 Specie wutnolg Object Fase Key) Objeck fost Key) : ScoeaMop hendapCobeck ay), Scaled Map bot Map (objeck ey,’ Scotedmap Gbviap COkjeek ty Ckpeck hops) Componaton — comparalats, @ 7e “eeemap wr. e®@ @eeoed Te Undealy Ds 1S RED-BLACK Toxo, 7 GbSenkor onden #s Gok Poefemed § on-thtaved cine inseaked AKcOtY “Lo Some So tcy Codes oh Keys. PRE we ase duped oy clePasie rohit Somtig, cock) ‘Thery The Kags Should be Hemugereaus { Companabie. otherwise coe catty dek ChassCask Praaption (CCE). => BP ewe are ud: um Sun Soating Cher y Crepes Tin, cCceeceueusesveGeuecevrsvGbsee sven. ra 2 The Kiege Deed ot be —Homegencous §& Compemabte Whee one to Shefstuchens on Values, shay Cor be Helungencous | Men ~Composrabie.. > duplicate Kege fe Nok allowed bak values Gn be Chupltcoted Rall ACteptandes - a fos ate. Emply Bemup as the fet. Entay an Hoy AMlowed - but abbey Tecanting That Entny FP we one toying ta insert OP then Enlag toe tat gob NulipsitesExteptien (tpe ) > fo a Non —Gnpty TeMap if woe ame Ayng +o Tost hing Colts rout key we ely aet ‘Nunipsintea Excaption Crope) 2 Thre one po Delwueiims om Cul valued ce, coe ean ore Ul apy po. Hines ony whee Boy Map valuch , ews Sse Censtesctoos ¢- @ “Weemap & = peo “Beamapt> foo: tePautt fatusiay Sortig Order , 5 P “Wurap be pes “TaeeMap( Cenposmhen <) : fom Customized Sotieg code » Gy Temp & = ner “Temap( rap *) a 4) ©) Weemap & = pes “TSeitvep (SoiedMap «) ia BR twpome — Java-util- #; Clogs Theenap Demo 3 : P+ S.vem (Sroinges ons) q TheeMap wy = oe TheeMap(); y M-PUE Coo , Hzz2"); TP put Clog , “yyy")» to.puk Clot, “xxx Pr puk Cot , 106) 7: put Cio, put) Fm, put (SEEGER Sex"); fi cee 4m: PA Coat Sxxx")s ANE Sorpincmy; ) VOOCwoeuwses foe = 222, (ole %e ,WS=%y , WY 7108, Vw9- emg ahr. fico =222, tol tmx , loS=byy, to stob, 167 >oany e€eeeuueceuvecuucy CeULLCLUYL YUU er eee ee eccd te. a fspomt java ble; Class, Theamapdemo | Ps wom CBratgt3 angs) Theemap £ = pu TheeMap(new Mylomparatercy), Ex put (xx! f0)p — pur Caan" 20); Eeput Chazz", 80): b-pat ("LLL uo \ Bop Cts, f Class MyCompanaton — fmplements Compomaten t Publ fot ComporeCobjeck objl_, object obj) t Sraig 8, = Objh - Sear; Sratig & = obp. Senge Rebun G- Commparel (Si, ' 5 faze = 20, Xee= lo , tLLsto ,AAS =o | ~Ptbe Underlying datashuche #5 HastiTibte = Hebem geneous oWeck ae Allowed for bolts eg. % values > drSenlion eden is not paeSaned § Tb ts based on HashCode ay hi keys, > Mull % not allowed -Py bots Mog § Values ottsescatse toe wit et NutpsntorExcspiion (MpE) > Cuplicale Heys ome not alowed, luk values Gn be claplicated > AML methods ace Synchreniaed Glog Hashtable Object ts, “Tdwad Safe. Constructor % @) Hashtable h =neo Hashtablecy > Geaks an Empty Hatblable Objeck withs cefautt fnttias Capacity fs 1" & dePanlt Penoohe 18% (07), G) Woshtable b= new Hashtable Got toibiatCopacity) a gihntCePetiy, 1) Hashtable ty = nau Hashtable Cnt” Float: frrtatio ’) 7) Hashtable b= Dew Maabtabte (tap ye We we me ww me wee CeCSCeueECULYUvVLeeeELES C Cece eueeeueuvseuvossw + --- \e,. A Fopemt fava. ulil.*: Claas Hathtoble Dens { ; ay 1 (Srechyca ong) Hashtable h= tess Hathtaly ec: b put (new “rempts , “A): b-pat (new emptay a) b put Geo Temp ts), *¢3, b-put: (ew -remp(isd,"" O°) put Chea Temples), "ie; pot (mew temptte) F*); Ab -Pot CYelonga spall); Pape Siplain oat. posrelac tiny $ {esc tse, G24) 15-0, 228, 2326 j Class Temp —Toem top te tatlor & Rab tLePe int ft; Terop Cink i) ahis.7 = 17 5 Public fot bash(htecy Srebuary tp Public Gog beckon () P Rreparheaters- ae “tp whe chad class 4 Hostifebie 7 TD Gem pougpam FP arg thing abies Changs, Fancentiy( ve atobare Username, Padsunciels , GOLD Haven heCormented to hordtale the volue th the fom Pepa. Betoase fin Gueay change, we hove SeCenpie , Hebutid , Peceplay. ie application | Somubtion eu Seven Seshanit ats Dequined. wibtch Coated a. Bey ounas Tmpack “bee lent, 3 te have 4p GoPresnne. ~rhnse. vostaties Cpoopeies Foside ‘Poropenties Pes § oe have to Gad thie values Prom favatode. TORE mats auvantage ab sins appmeach ts , oF oy charge.) “The peepurhes rie yy DredepeyeMOt F< encags uhich 18 Oat o business fmpack +o the chenk. Corstraetesy a © Propenttes p= feeg Properties C4 tp te Gated Popeitig both Wey & valoe shoot! be Sot Metieds «— — eee “@ Soong Get Pocpatty (Sietig — Phopadynome) v) Deluna the value aatoctated eofity Speci Peed Pereparkey Qs Sito. Sac Propady (Qourg Poame , Sag prolue), — +0 Stk a ew PR opethy . i SCececeeuecel ee ce we WO eens ec t COeucwve FC Uunvdeswecewe see hs w Spey Evumemation PopartyNamecs ; af veld load (StopotSincom > “27 eed Ke properties oem peepartios foes cnie jpva. Pmpaba- object. @) Void ‘Store (Ook peSincar 8. 1 Stein Comoreent) ~'D Opole prune any poepeties chyeek Fhe propation Phe. ES tropoat jana.ult.a; fempeat fava sion, Class. Pooperkes Dero q PoS. vm Bact angi) teas Toerteptien d Poopenties P= mea Paopestien cy; FreTopct Steam fs = esa RiednpotSteam(“ab c+ properties"), P-lood (Pte); Sanden aot paxtntin ¢p); Sheng 8 = PgePropaty(! wenk?’); So pleco, Pesce Pooperky (staat, Gaasge); Fiecotpot Stream fos = rus ietovtpol Sheen (“abe prepothes") P-Stow Chee , “ updated by hemaa. fo ScIp Demo Class’); 5 \ L5Veasion Schanement s- Queueery -- Tab 1s the chnd Ftesfan AD Citstinn . UTP we coant to Reprsent a Pep faeces objeelg pain +o Prrpcessonity, thin woe Should fr Queue. , Coltechion &) , ’ ws ’ gt ; Lise @ _ > Quee @) 2 —_ 2 2 + bait > AL Pricatty Goeue &} Blociing Qoece Gs 1 etter ) din = “ton Linked eg = > CScany Greve Faves Pao (Pest en Ret ovt), Bot Based on CUD Sectaement ue Go change cum oodem. > fron 1S ¥e809 opuonds Leotwdbist fenplemenls Obese Inter fot ~* LGowed isk Gased Snpleinuntetin 45 Que oben Bung Firs Ieccoccecuwugay | | ) Queve Thtesfats melds s- © boolean, offer Object by’) add om cbfeck inle he Queve WD Object —peen€ J, “77H Sete ead clement ty tz Cue. Tf Queve 15 Eiophy Ra THs matted Sehans pull 1S) Object element ¢) > 7 SeheN ead clement dy tk Qowe - TP Aeue ty Empry Tin Woe wi at Rinetephin Gays WeiGah erent Exopion Ge) Object Policy; f FD Sammie & Selunn head element dp the Quen, BP Queue is Emply “fan his suthed Sielmns mall, 7H Serve G Mehr head element ob he GQueve, TP Qomwe Einphy than we ih get OuunKine Bc phn Saying NoSuchClemet ats 4 3 » ’ J ©) Ohyeck rermovecd » ’ Q , a a , ) I J 2] vo Piegtians = Ts ts he Dabs Shuehne ty nid @ per Trdiidoa! Chjeely Patan te Prmateehy . Accomsing 4 Some fotety —orTke pariodity can be either clePault ‘abated Zcoing oem cdr Crusted Seong orden « 7 AE woe ane dupenitng on clePautt Pause Sig Composant, objects ghoatd be Homegeneeus % Computable othe Woe tt ge Class(osk-Craaphion. * HF ce ane celtong cua own Custerized Seating, fay Carmpeeaten “Theo “HHL Objecls Peed ot be Hortogeneas Y Gonproable.- > duplicate Aer ade Cok allowed: > Fsahon poder ts ook Prlaved ~ Pull fyseaken £5 oot pesstive even a5 Fish etemae also. Censtuchins t © PoiryQeee gabe =pao Paleyowe>; ~? esha an imply Poscoayfueoa «ahs chefoutt fsthaGpoctiy I” 4 fosattyonden tg Aout palunas Sonkig ender. ® Pini Oeve T= bea Padeotty Gece (ink fithnucapacthy)S ) ’ \ ey ? 3 et a d d as 2 a 2 a oO I a a © Poveoutylave T= Mea Porosity Qreve (nk getiacipoethy, Compara’? o;° ©) PoimtyDeve J = Sew Porsidy@ave(Conedtion ¢) ; ve CO Prveoty Poe G = Near Prbmliylloeve[ SoredSet $) as =a finpomk java.ukl 7 Clase Parentty MemueDema i 5 P-sv m( Sessoges gs) ' 1 ; Pacoatiggune 4: new Podoatiyfonets, : S-o: plo 4 .peckes) ran ) ASo-ple(q. elemankods JNEE wesichbgeckexeptta, ; for(te tao peat st 2 l 2 4. offer Cid; 5 2 Soplocay; 7 Co 1, a 3,4) 5 7-7-9 > > S-opinCqpaitd); fo . SoP@) sf ta,3,a5---8) 7 j » | 2 a This the chu tlerfaa cy SoteaSek. > TBS Thera de foes Seveoal tates ta poetic print fos, PNG foi The “Tatck alect Lah Frosting Uist Neouesg ell, pemaent th Ravigable Sek »@ Ceiling Ce z | duns the leowt etement chdh & See 1G higher. Ged ¢~ 2 eetuons ve [oust element whith & Se 1 GF Bomar. > Selumns bigheat element tohich ts <2e CD Lowerce) | 2 d d ’ > oeleans “he Waheak element which f <2, > WD pobl Fiske) 1. j= y —- Pemove f Sehuins Feet element 3 & pot last cs, 2 , 5 wo chesenainy Seb OL ~ Selumg te PoovlpebleSe oy BENGE Gade. > Same Forduang lost etunent. a es ftmpoat Sanda wk. class NavvigableSetDemne 1 Ps v mC Steet args) t Taree Sek < Thkgas b= mew ‘VareeBeks Tolegeay (07 b-aeld ( to00)? badd C2000}; beads ¢ Sono’); beaded ooo): E-add C000); S.o-ploce> g [tooe, 2ooe, $ orpio(e. aiitinggne03) £2c00 S-oplo (t bighea{zeoe}); o00 S.0:phoé. Poem (S0m)), dese S-o-pin(k- lwer( Bees); 2000 S-oplo CE. posto)» feos S-opio Ct pavlastes)) too 8-0 ping ErdaserctngSet 3}, [ffooo 2000 rood] Seo-pinced; [ 200, Be00, Loos] en ec S \e be © Wavigablemap (3:- = Te ts the chid ‘htevaa ly Zootedmop to define Several mod ~foor Nougat Pomposss, = “the Poon Aerts. bet fy methoas prank th Nowieblemap © © Calliegkey Ceo 2) brypeakeyced ' y ' » Flocerkeg Ge , & tocoerey Ce) 2 © par first Eatayl) ) 5 & por last Eninged a eH CleBending vin POs ) » Sa 9 Trmpomt java: hl. ) Class NavigobletrapDerro ) ; PS CBhatyty args) ; Treumap-< Samp, Stange = pea Thestap Ce , Esput (MBS, “borane! , 3 E-put Chet) “cat, J E-put Co", “appie', v E-pue CH gr vNehog’); 2 ¢ E-puk (gs, e \ Seninthis — es Gk dade, §=mi0} S-0ploCk. ceflioghey CEA So ploce. bepetiacse's): 4 Seopio(t. Preonkiey (%e); : Ro-pince. lewoarkey Ce}, d & orplact. PouFistEpiny (O); a = opple S-o-pio ce. Pu LatkEriago) > 3 egua Serpe Cb dasendng ag cs); Jdaceg .c= 0k , b= bananaly S.e-pla(e)s f Te a tarita ; Beek andelt } Ic ¢ | Oe er {hl as Collections clogs — Pb fan willy CABS PRaent iy Java: ull package BE defines Sevetal bli methods or Cottection finplemenied Clogs Objects Scotly tre ctenenks of a kot + Cometions Claas dePres the -fetlcsng Tlieds. 1p Soaks elements ea lee © @ Puble Stoke word Sont(lae @) + > G Go use These arethed te Soot acceding to Mahimel cooky Obed - Gs Gre GeornparSary ebemenks Should, be —Homejeonus F Cempadable. ches caise. one cof uk EhtaCaats bxtoption. ~ List cheuid not Conkale pul, cthepadtie cae «st gee NuipsnkGeapi @. © public Stake votd Soot (List &, Compoater os. TO Seat ctements a bet Accerdig to Corctomteted Scaling deo Reovching The dlemenk dy a List 2 > Goltedions class clefines the Fottacai ¢ a List © Public stale tht binasy Saver Lise ©, Check 085) Tha Uke Sooted Bctooding to Mahima GomiA Coden Then Wwe hoveto|use thts method. Y Mettd fy Seonch elemenis ® parte stoke tok bhaoySeach Clise £, object toy , Compantin c) PGP The Us te Sioted occeondty to Geryuton tise cor have. to tse “Rs meth Conetosion ¢- ; > Golesnony LidaaySarch metind uses Bireoss Scotch algpcthin. Bele Gthy nemyseamche) ached Qmpukaoy The lar chootd be Sorted cthimwite coe ait gue unpoedttable Secutte = Sucesshu Seowh seluong fhdew. > UnSeaccensRan Search ehang théeakeo pont “> TSestion Pett & che Loalion cchene We Gm pam element hte Sopited Lest Pewee eos “SAP the Lick % Sealed accondiy te Compoalea then at tk Kinesf 5 Search also coe Shevid POSS The Sarre Comparator —cilhemuolie coe colt got) 2 Cinpaedittable sesulls, ) . 2 EY Te Seanch etemunke of Wet i Fropook fava. ob. #; , 2 class CatiectoneSearchDema 2 J P- evem( Sieger age) > qd 2 Aooaylts t= neo Anaaylist cy; v hadd(*z)), o v Hada c%n)y 6 Vea on io Cecuvreceuvrecevoence De et Par todd CK’) badd (‘o')s SephCuy; Cz, a,m,k,4) Cotechions, Seat (8): Sopot, [LH] 2] a] S-0'p!9 Conttctions. binary SearthCL,*2')); 8 S-0-pln Ceniiections. binary Seoren Ct, “J; 2 , 5 t ate Fmpoak java. ubl.#, ‘te Cottectiens Seomeh Dermot p-&veme—_3 ’ Proautich. R stew Aomoyl ite) ; Radd Cs); badd Cod) Ladd (90); @ acted (to); h-add (63; S-o-pin(l); {tele solic] s] Covtechins. sont €€, new MyCompasahency) 2 Sophtu; Gelclelsh) 8.0 flo (Coltechins.binsry Seereh(}. tones MyComparaboresy); /2 So-ploCeotjectens. pnaay Search (1,18, Hew MyCemperetarCd) 7 /f-g S-opln(cotlectins, bhery Seoreh CLD)» ff —« unpoadietae a “3 or -b ESiaoee becuse E10 Paty Compwwety B $ Claes, MgCompomlan feplemenis Comparator 4 Public tot Compare Cobjeck obj!, Chjeck objx) ! Spkegen ty = Cnkegeorobt | - Eoleyen fa = CBolege) obras Beluan 1g - Compasets Cie 5 5 Note 7 fio the List Gonkths 9 olerhanlt Rooge 4 SuctessPutl Seasch 3° Range of Sucessin Sach: 0 bb 1-1 © Range Unsucessfull Search: = — (ni) to -| @ toa Ras 1 =Cne t 94 a a a (to [0 [ 20] fo Rare fy Suceeas fal Searth 2 6 bee Range cs unsuccessfal Storch 2 4 Te =! “eka Range uu tee EeCCCeR he NR Che weeweeEBbbevekd yh ue Reuessing mike elements ole: > Calterkans class deBres “the fatlotithg oeveote meted fers thes Public Stalic wid Stewase (Lae U7 ef Te Revease elements a Utst 1 Tapped: fora til. Class Cottechtons RverteDeme , | ' P &-vm(___)D an) 3 AL t ste ALL; 3 Ladd (sd) ) 4 -odld (ods , 1 add (20); J 5 Ladd (0); > adaceds ; S.opincts; [ielol 2 Tels} ) Collectons. Nevedse CQ); d ; Sop; feTelofs] mS “ 5 a} & é ‘ Sewaset) VS SeventOoveacd + we We Gn uxe Sreveasecy Method to Stevesge “WE elements of alee nd This Method Contefy Leck Boer sernenk > Gotectrs class chefs Dreverse codes Mettiod alo b> Aehian Gormpuoaton deck fin Deweadig Cniynal Suing onde Compamatn ¢, = Coltecriens. pevemse Ores (Ceompgatot ©) Clecenting onder sending coer 3 Preverte Oodent.) tnetiod Gartake- Caobaing Gompadaten asegeement. Gdhenas eveasec) Cantens List arguements, Exc le ReveRSE Elements oF List Timposit- fowa « Ubh # > Class Cottechions Reverse Dero ‘ Porte Globe waa main( Sroaged orgy) Aroaylise £ = nea Asoayltst Ci; Badd (1s); Reaaatods teadd (30); Ladd (102) Jagd C3)7 Seoploch; ELT Cottectins. reverse (1)! sis So-pinto; CSET Te] CCCCeECeCeCUE EE eee Eee Vee ee eer Aoays clos te HFS am Gkhly class present th Nt package, Te define Seveoat OF wdbeds Bo Aeeaygs fy Eolly paintiie Poon, § Object type Pons Stony the emminls 4004 ' — Pemex class define, the ~Fauussing methods for this. © Publ stale void Soot (poantivert p): Te Sont etemenig Sey Receodtig to Natunal Sooty ooide ® Fue She vets ak Conpetcy a) TO Sik eleitents ef Object Poxvray Prcondiy to Raluao! Sealey Onrde>. — En thes Case Gompultaay athe etementg ghovtd be Homegenecos & Gmrpagable. oHierwtee ce cot gee Chess CosteBxception © publi stole vets Saot( obpekey a, Compantar ©) * TD Soa elements of Objet py ctsadiy te Customized Somlig code Note ¢ - COkee ee eye eee ee BELL Fro tive. Beeqys, Gn be Steed only by oatuac Soakiy Coder tohere as Object ADDY, Gn he Seoted erthea by makina Soothing, ~ Oder om by Gastomized Somtig Caden . Gi Te SAT element dr Aomoye fecoye Soe Demo ate. fenpork java ruil Aroays ; Tinpoale fova abl - Comparator Class PemaysSoatDene y Poblte Stake yotd mtn (Sistyes args) fier a edie, & 28rM6Fy S oping” Pavirthive frmoay bhefere. Sebogs") ¢ for (ne ats a) 4 S-o-pincan, he Avsays. Smt Car Fo: Plo c* poeeilive Asoey Atler Soaking”) —fom{ tat a: a’) Tecan Cad; t j i Slougtr se fA, "2. eh; Sorplnc’ objet Booey gelore Sobig:" Fii(Gatg aa) 4 9s eencan; 8 5 3 Aasagee Sot ( ! Seo Anes objech Annay Atler Soong Os a oe Oe Oe ee ~-CCCeeueevbueseyvdlvw tee Fee (Stacy ass) ” S-opin(an; $ Pasay. Sant (5, peo MyCompanbro)), S-o:ploc’ object Poaay AbkY Seating by Cemperstor:")p ot (Giatay a +) So pncan; F 4! ° Class MyGamporater trplements, Canporster Pople tnt Compose (object 01, object oJ Strtig ¢, <0 teSrang (3; Stotg S = oy: teStatghyy 4 Seluen 5 Bingen (Bs y Seonchitg the cents, ob Aamay > Prong, clais defines the foiieutag Secoch wettal Be ahs, © Public Sinb'e fat binary Search C patmrlivec) p, Painitve ke) © pubke Shae int LinaaySearch( object 0 , Objeck Key) © publ stake me LofroaySeanch Cobyecne) e , Obseck hey , Cmpambr o) Tole; ALL tutes dy these binoey Seanch¢y Buliod ome Pitacbly Same SS Coltekiens Class bstreou Search aethed, ve ~ Ympoak: fava ulfl. 9; Smpoat Stake jo ul. Apo * loss PrromyeSeaschDeito ? P 1 \ i = 2-y-m¢—_) fokt] a =dio,¢, 30,0, 6} A a3 3-4 6 Powrays. sont (0) ; # Sent. by rohan coker (ae ve fe [aol wa eae, S-o:pih ( Pooays.tthaay Search ca; fe So-plog Anaays. bharySearin Catal); 5 Stage s = pa’. " a" eh, Pranays. Soak (87 [AlzBy Syaterr souk. porint In C bineeySearch C8," 2"), a binarySearch('s, “Ss 4 —3 Aranays. Sobt (S$, neo My Cormyparotos 9) 3 S-0-pinCbinsoySeath(s,"2, ner Mydomparabr ON)? fg 8-0: pil (egpaaySecerch (7S,°S" pew MyComporaboro)); fay SorplnCbinsrgSeanehCe, \y'5) ; Anpredichable Secale Clase MyCemparaha finglements, Goonporeton pobltc mk Gopore CObeek a, objeto) ! IP SCSCCCECCOCUC EYEE ee wee hy Seotg S = O1* beSlatiges, Wea Gioig Sy = Op+ Shoda OO: Deboon Sy. Compares (87) 1 5 Convtertiog Pmoay to List 3- ' @ puble shalte Lick aslist (object) a) TRY GSig TRS metind we are nck Cosstig on tiekpndenk List leer Just ee ame Coealhy List veww fov the ewktng Asay Objeck . ~ By Using List srefexena FF tee posifeam any opeoabtet tre changes Got De ePlected ty the Aeay hefexena. Sinttoslly - By casi Aaa Mefenena. FF coe Peafosan any Chotyges these Chonges cet be Seflec te the List. > By Using List Seung one Gait pila any cpsatien cabich vies “the Gite, Cre, adl ¢ Bemave) cltenestce exe est gp Sunline Gaptien Sty“ wosppuned -openlin. igh’ Cucce) > By | Lh reRnena we Gn pesform Teplosmank Opemabien Bub replacment Sheid be colt whe Same-fypedy clement obly ofa OE CO Gok RattmeBcception Saging ~ Booey Snow Cacti, , E- ag Mew Paw rs List poe Aromay Aslict Dama :jovo CEOCUeeee eee uve sw DELL ss foo: | | Finpoot: jawcr wlth Class Pasay fislise {ome } aed § Public Shake veld mein Sreges ong’) t Stages Ss Yat “26, eel Ck[z[e Fok Ls Proayp. asl: CRBS Soren: Ca, 2,9 ere) Sfo] =*k"; Wn 28 Sophie ; 1060.80" Hee); oh £0 fer ( Stang g:8) Sopa); Atk, .,8] Aad C‘deogat); 8° 7 vs0e Leeemme (a; By uses Est (i *s'); [kK A£@] » Cr,s, 8) Ase Cody aRe AF Boney Seve Exephty \ WO CCC CHEE Ee eOe ee BECO

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