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B. Tech, 3rd Semester
Subject Code: EE2003 Subject Name: Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Dept. Code: EE
No. of Pages: 2 Full Marks: 50 Duration: 3 Hours
1. Answer all questions
2. All parts of a question should be answered at one place
3. Examinee are strongly advised to maintain very concise, relevant, cogent, yet
comprehensive answers.
4. Writing any irrelevant answer may lead to considerable deduction of marks

1. a) Draw and explain the equivalent circuit and corresponding phasor diagram of a potential
transformer. Derive expressions for the corresponding ratio error and phase-angle error.
b) A 200/1 Current Transformer (CT) is wound with 200 turns on the secondary on a toroidal core.
When it carries a current of 160 A on the primary, the ratio and phase errors of the CT are found to be
-0.5% and 30 minutes respectively. If the number of secondary turns is reduced to 1 the new ratio
error (%) and phase error (min) will be _______?
c) A potential transformer rated 6900/115 V has 22500 turns in the primary winding and 375 turns in
the secondary winding. With 6900 V applied to the primary and the secondary circuit open circuited,
the primary winding current is 0.005 A lagging the voltage by 73.7°. with a particular burden
connected to the secondary, the primary winding current is 0.0125 A, lagging the voltage by 53.1°.
Primary winding resistance = 1200Ω, Primary winding reactance = 2000Ω, Secondary winding
resistance = 0.4Ω, Secondary winding reactance = 0.7Ω
(i) Find the secondary current and terminal voltage, using the applied primary voltage V p = 6900+j0
V as reference. Find the load burden also.
(ii) Find the actual transformation ratio and also the phase angle.
(iii) If the actual ratio is equal to the nominal ratio under above conditions, what change should be
made in the primary turns?
2. a) When two wattmeter method is used for measurement of power in a three phase balanced circuit,
comment upon the readings of the two wattmeters under following conditions. Support your answer
by drawing phasor diagrams. Assume that the system is star (Wye) connected: (i) When the power
factor is unity (ii) When the power factor is zero (iii) when the power factor is 0.5 lagging.

b) A correctly adjusted, single phase, 240 V induction watthour meter has a meter constant of 600
revolutions per kWh. Determine the speed of the disc, for a current of 10 A at a power factor of 0.8
If the lag adjustment is altered so that the phase angle between voltage coil flux and applied voltage is
86°. Calculate the error introduced at (a) unity p.f. (b) 0.5 p.f. lagging. Comment upon the results.
3. a) Draw the block diagram of a CRO and explain the different components. Derive mathematical
expression for electrostatic deflection in CRO.
b) An electrically deflected CRT has a final anode voltage of 2000 V and parallel deflecting plates
1.5 cm long and 5 mm apart. If the screen is 50 cm from the centre of deflecting plates, find (a) beam
speed, (b) the deflection sensitivity of the tube, and (c) the deflection factor of the tube.
c) With the help of a functional block diagram, describe the principle of operation of a digital
d) What is LVDT? Explain its working principle for measuring small mechanical displacement with
necessary diagrams, mathematical expressions and characteristics. What are its advantages and uses?
4. a) For a certain dynamometer ammeter the mutual inductance M varies with deflection θ (expressed
in degrees) as M = - 6 cos(θ+30°) mH. Find the deflecting torque produced by a direct current of 50
mA corresponding to a deflection of 60°.
b) A 4 terminal resistor of approximately 50 µΩ resistance was measured by means of a Kelvin
bridge having the following component resistances: Standard resistor = 100.03 Ω; Inner ratio arms =
100.31 Ω and 200 Ω; outer ratio arms = 100.24 Ω and 200 Ω; resistance of link connecting the
standard and unknown resistance = 700 µΩ. Calculate the unknown resistance to the nearest 0.01 µΩ.
c) A Maxwell’s inductance–capacitance bridge is used to measure an unknown inductive impedance.
The bridge constants at bridge balance are: Pure resistance arms = 2.5 kΩ and 50 kΩ. In between
these two resistors, the third arm has a capacitor of value 0.012 μF in parallel with a resistor of value
235 kΩ. Find the series equivalent of the unknown impedance. Also draw the circuit and phasor
5. a) The current i(t) passing through 10 Ω resistor as shown in Fig. I as a waveform as shown in Fig. II.
Then the reading of the dc voltmeter connected across 10 Ω resistor is _____.
12 A

DC Voltmeter t
T 2T 3T

Fig. I Fig. II
b) An analog voltmeter uses external multiplier settings. With a multiplier setting of 20 kΩ, it reads
440 V and with a multiplier setting of 80 kΩ, the voltmeter reads _____.

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