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Reducing Pressure
in the Trombone Embouchur!
Donald L. Banschbach
AND MOUTHPIECES The so-called "non-pressure em- muscles that surround the moul
• bouchure theory," espoused by and contract to close the lips.'
many teachers and performers is lips are compressed against
really a misnomer. To completely teeth, and the lower lip is press
IN Bt>, C, D, EP, Ei>/D, F, G, eliminate pressure would break the against the upper lip. This conm
E7F/G. 65 Models-Trumpets- seal between the lips and the mouth- tion involves four sets of muscle!
Cornets-Fluegelhorn. piece and silence the tone. But to bers: 1) obiscularis oris, which!
• exaggerate the pressure inhibits to close the lips, 2) compress^
PICCOLO TRUMPETS blood flow to the embouchure mus- labii, which compress the
IN BP/A, C cles and results in muscle fatigue. against the teeth, 3) incisivus\ and inferior, which
• Players who complain of paralyzed
TUNING-BELL TRUMPETS lips have repeatedly abused their the corners of the mouth, and4)j
embouchures by pressing too tightly mentalis, a triangular muscle in
With Detachable Bells - against the i n s t r u m e n t ' s mouth- chin which elevates the chin |
Eliminates the tuning slide piece. Continual restriction of blood lower lip. Pronouncing the
improving intonation and flow breaks down the muscles and "m" gives the feeling of themu
response. Additional bells in some cases even destroys them. action involved in forming the
offer varied tone color. The end result is muscle fiber which bouchure. A simple way to visu
• no longer contracts to produce the the embouchure muscles is to in
"M" MODEL desired tone. ine a central oval of heavy mu
TRUMPETS AND CORNETS Pressure must be considered on a fibers with many guide lines l
TRUMPETS IN Br>, C, EP/D relative basis: it can be minimized
but not eliminated. A player's aware- Donald L. Banschbach teaches \ heads the perceptualcurr
Moderately priced, these in-
struments equal and surpass ness of muscle contraction and re-
laxation is vital to good embouchure Lake Forest South Elementary I
other professional trumpets in Harrington, Delaware. Healsoc
and cornets priced much
development. He can achieve this
three brass groups in Kent Coi
higher. awareness through 1) an under-

standing of the embouchure muscles
Maurice Faulkner is the contrib^
themselves, 2) a relaxed way of editor for the Brass Clinic. He reel
MOUTHPIECES - holding the instrument, and 3) by
STANDARD AND SIGNATURE a PhD degree from Stanford Univi
practicing exercises using slurs. and is currently advisor to the l
Precision made for Trumpet, Anatomically, the trombone em- education students at the Universl
Cornet, French Horn, Trom- bouchurq may be defined as the California, Santa Barbara.
bone, Euphonium and Tuba.


529 So. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, III. 60605

G Instrument Catalog
Q Mouthpiece Catalog S4 San Fernando Ro
Name i Valley, CA 91352
:J) 767-2360
Address -
Box IA


Brass Clinic
ating outward from the oval. The good condition, it can be mo1
guide lines contract to stabilize the easily from one position to anothj
central oval which in turn contracts by pushing or pulling the bn
to produce the desired tone.
Pitch is controlled by the contrac-
Each teacher should help his <
dents adjust their hand positions| Int
tion and relaxation of these muscles that the trombone is held prop
and by the proper placement of the for purposes of pressure adjustn
mouthpiece on the lips. I recommend All teachers are aware of thebegi
that horizontal placement be at the ning student's frustrations in 1
center of the mouth with vertical coming familiar with his instrun
placement more toward the upper It is therefore advisable to
than the lower lip. moving the chin until the student has played I
What small liberal arts school slightly upward to elevate the lower few months before starting pres:
in the Middle West has a music lip and push it tightly against the awareness exercises. Agoodrulel
department that: upper lip. to wait until the student can sli
One of the best-known pedagogi- the interval of a fourth (say, FJ
• is dedicated to the proposition
cal techniques to demonstrate non- Bt>) in first position.
that all music educators and
pressure playing is the practice of The purpose of pressure exercisi
performers must first and fore-
hanging a trumpet from the ceiling is to make the player conscious]
most love music and know how to
make it
by strings, allowing the instrument the muscle action necessary top
to swing freely. The player then duce tone with minimal presstii "I designed the
• has a staff which includes walks up to the instrument with his In preparation, the player sho the player an al-
gifted and recognized performing hands held behind his back and at- warm up for ten to fifteen minuf ; trumpet that's ide
temps to blow the horn. Naturally, to avoid practicing with a cold! is large — .468. T
it is not possible to press against .465. Both have e
Studies similar to those found! mellow sound.
• has students winning major the mouthpiece without also moving the Cimera-Hovey Method can)
state, regional, and national "Some people r
the instrument. used. When the student can perfol [that's easier in th
competitions including the Trombonists may experiment exercises built on the intervale
regional Metropolitan Opera i very small. But I'v
with reduced pressure by using one fourth, he can then progress] \s really great
auditions of several hand positions for prac- slurred sixths. Finally, he shoi tsame one that ha
• stages two major opera ticing. (These positions are not in- practice slurring octave interval j register because i
productions and excerpts each tended for regular playing.) I call beginning on 8^2 and progressii I horns are just mar
season the first of these positions the "left- chromatically upward as high asj to have them both
hand 'L.'" The L is formed by the is capable of playing with rainin
• has an instrumental program wide-open palm and thumb of the pressure. Slurring broken cha Fast valves.
that includes specialized private left hand. The instrument is sup- and arpeggios will also inert want to
instruction, chamber music, jazz, ported on the heel of the hands and one's flexibility. press a valve
band, and orchestral experience the bell tube is rested against the The effects of such exerci &nd see it
• is the home of the Des Moines
extended fingers. An alternate posi- should be carried over and appl srne up fast.
tion is to rest the instrument in the to etudes, solos, and group perfoi Even when it's
Metro Opera Festival Dt show-
left-hand thumb joint and use the ances. The trombone player wh
extended fingers to balance the bell. duces pressure has the potentialj 3om clean.
A suggested position for the right greater muscle endurance and| I mean, I wonder
hand is one in which the slide rests prospect for a longer life of pro jjlean their horns out
why Simpson College of course performance, as the
on the index finger. If the slide is in live performance.
(you got it, didn't you?) ays. I've used hund
my day, and these
Scholarship auditions for new hat work the best."
toughness. "I'm ver
Chicago, November 11 nstrument. So it has
New York, December 15 & 16 Bnd constructed so
Minneapolis, January 13 ne. And the airline
Kansas City, January 20
Indianola, February 17 & 24 c:.
For further information and or a test,
applications write: nee, the
'resident of -,
Dr. Robert Laraen eblanc tossed
horn into its'
Department of Music
ase, took it to the
Simpson College dge of a stairwell, a
Indianola, Iowa 50125 ver! Just threw it d
(515) 961-6251 Ext. 637 [almost freaked! We
he horn, then, and it
effect. Perfect!"


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