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How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English
Chapter I

The Problem and it’s Background


There are many types of language in the world. According to the

Ethnologue, there are currently 7099 listed living languages. Language is one of the most

important thing that you will use to interact and to have a conversation with people.

There are also languages that are created by the people and one of those is the Gay lingo

(Gay language). Gay lingo can be tract in the Philippines, started in the year between

1970s, obviously made by Gay people. Gay people use gay language to make their

conversation livelier and to “cloak” their conversation (Alba 2006). The gay people also

use this language to shield themselves from the chasm and social media stigma caused by

gender differences (GMA. News).

Language is like a blood that flows over the world (Pound 2007).

Language makes our understanding better and makes the world wonderful. It makes the

world at peace and makes the people connect and unite. Gay lingo makes the language

livelier and colorful. It makes some of the words even funnier. The specific language also

contains jargon words because according to Cambridge English Dictionary, jargon words

are special words that are used by particular groups of people. The Gay lingo also holds

connotative words. Because the gay people gives its own meaning to the word that they


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

Ethnolouge is like a dictionary but it contains the different languages in

the world and also explains the importance of each and every language. Every language

is important no matter what it is. But one of the most important thing or language that is

living is the universal language or what we called the universal language, English.

Grammar is used to make sentences. To make a conversation

understandable, you need to use a correct and right grammar. Studies shows that the Gay

lingo clearly violates the English grammar. Because it uses code-mixing that creatively

violates the grammatical structure of the English language in the Philippines. Because of

that, students might also adapt the way gay people speak.

As of today, not only the gay people can speak gay lingo but also students.

The student’s language and grammar are mixing up because of the creation of different

language or languages that are not very necessarily in need when it comes to the world of

language especially the Gay lingo (Gay language). It affects the communication of the

students and the way students approach a conversation with people.

Students can easily adapt or learn a language especially in the early age.

They learn the language through sounds and through the people they meet. They can also

easily adapt a language from the people they always encounter or to the people they

commonly see or hear speaking.


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

Students will easily learn the gay language especially to those students that has young

and fresh minds or also known as millennials.

The language of the human kind is evolving; with the evolution,

unfamiliar words or languages are being formed and the old or other languages die.

The code-mixing in linguistics is mixing up two or more languages while

speaking; this makes the gay language violates the rules of the English grammar. Because

the gay language uses several types of languages and uses brand names and name of


We the researchers conduct this kind of study because we want to let the

students know how important it is to understand the importance of grammar and language.

We also want to explore the range of grammar and language. This research proves that

the gay lingo can truly affect many languages especially the English language.

We are also expecting lots of information about this topic and we also

want to know how students react about this topic. The topic is also seemed very

interesting and very helpful. We also want to gain knowledge about our topic, because

language is one of the most important thing in the world. It also gives us new knowledge

and new doorway to wisdom (Roger Bacon).


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

The reason why we conduct this kind of research because we also wanted

to share the things that we know to the students. This research will give us a lot of

experience and will give a huge help not only to the students but also to the faculty and

staffs of St. Academy of Bayanihan Inc.

Language may be one small word, but it has lots of meaning and uses. It

may look like not important but, it is an important thing to the world, to the society, and

especially to human kind. Without language, knowledge and wisdom may not be found

and might be useless.


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

Statement of the Problem

The study focuses on the effects of Gay lingo to the student’s English
Grammar of St. John Academy of Bayanihan Inc. Many Students had a problem in
understanding and using a right English Grammar.

1. How does the Gay lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s (SJABians)

2. Does the Gay lingo have any benefits in the English language?

3. What are the benefits of the English language or the Ability to speak English?

4. Does the Gay lingo will be very important when it comes to language?

5. Is the Gay lingo much easier than the English language?


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English


H0 = There is a significant relationship between Gay lingo and English grammar.

H1 = There is no significant relationship between Gay lingo and English grammar.

Significance of the Study

For the Students,

Students will have benefits for this study. They will gain many

information about this research. This research aims to help the students to widen up their

knowledge and perspective. This study could help them someday especially when it talks

about the world of language. This study has facts and statements for the students to use

and probably help them someday.

For the Teachers,

They are also the ones who are teaching the students the way to speak and

the way to communicate with other people. They greatly influence the student’s; with

How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

techniques to speak and learning about language. They also have the power to show to

the students the gay lingo or gay language.

For the Parents,

This study aims to help the parents because they have the power to interact

with others and has a great power in teaching and influencing their child. Parents can

teach everything to their children. They also have the great responsibility in teaching their

child to speak correctly with the use of correct grammar.

For the Society,

This study aims to benefit the society with this research, because they are

the ones who can shape up the way people speak. This research will help the society and

will let them know the importance of language and importance of correct grammar. With

this, the society will develop a lot when it comes to language and grammar.

For the Researchers,

This study aims to give benefits to the other researchers in the world or to

those who will do a research someday. We wanted to give them all the information about

the importance of language and proper use of grammar. We wanted them to see

everything and to see on how we see things.


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

Scope and Delimitation

The conduct of this research is limited on effects of Gay lingo (Gay

language) in relation with learning the English grammar correctly and properly.

vSub-topics such as language, grammar, vocabulary and socializing are also included in

this study. The period of this study will be from November 2017 until March 2018. This

research is partially made for the benefit of the chosen junior high school students with

the help of their English subject teachers of St. John Academy of Bayanihan Inc. Nia Rd.

Bambang Bocaue Bulacan.


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

English has been the thought to be the main language worldwide. In fact,

English is most widely used language. In the current time the English dialect has moved

toward becoming a key of each current field. It has been a universal dialect of

correspondence, business, science, data innovation, amusement etc. Though many

countries do have English as their native language, those who have the command over the

English Language are considered and respected as highly educated. We cannot deny that

the English language plays a significant role on every single person to the world and

serves as a vital tool for communication (Anonymous 2015)

A language shapes the way individuals see the universe or the world rather

and it also helps you to characterizes the culture of a community or society. Learning or

knowing a language is a one great gift to every individual and knowing more than one

dialect makes someone more effective and skillful in so many ways. To certain the

correct learning of dialect encourages us to develop ourselves, our minds, and

furthermore our identity. We cannot speak proper English without proper grammar.

Human language is one of a kind, language separates us humans to the animal kingdom

because of the ability to speak and to use our well know language (Holmes 2015).

How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

According to Johnson (2014) effective communication comes up with an

effective grammar. She said that “Just as an improperly configured telephone wire can

cause static during a phone conversation, improper grammar can likewise affect the

meaning and clarity of an intended message.” Without proper grammar you cannot

communicate effectively well with other people. Grammar skills are a very useful tool in

every aspect of life, education, leadership and especially interacting with others. As a

mother or a father, it is a crucial factor to have a proper use of grammar in home in which

where your children discover their language and where they first learn how to speak


According to Baker (2010) In Poland, Polish gay men uses Polari or also

known as gayspeak used in the first two-thirds of the 20th century in British cities that

had large and mainly underground gay subcultures. The gays use this kind of language to

hide themselves from the straight men and women and also to avoid criticism and

judgement. British gay men developed the eclectic, secretive slang at a time when society

stigmatized them. Luckily it is no longer needed because they are now respected and has

given equal rights to them.

According to Freeman (2013) In the Philippines, gayspeak are used by gay

to shield themselves from chasms of the heterosexuals, gays created this kind of language

How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

through simple mixing up different languages and using celebrities. Gays found it very

amusing and funny. According to Shadel (2016), Dasovich, a Filipino-American guy who

was born in California where he started his career and went to the Philippines for a

vacation said that “When I finally understood gay lingo, I thought it was hilarious—the

use of celebrity names as words, the intonation.”

The Gay lingo has a both positive and negative outcome when it comes to

humans, but when it comes to language, studies show, spoken discourse of gays violates

the rules of English grammar yet used for purposes of expressing themselves in a way

unrecognizable by the discriminating straight men in highly patriarchal society.

According to Sean (2016), the community or society that you lived in

affects the language that you speak. Because usually the things that you usually hear are

also the things that you learn especially in words and language. Students might confuse

them in learning and speaking the English language when they go to school especially

when that student cope up with different rare language or gay lingo. It might get a little

bit hard for them to speak correctly and properly. He also said that, Gay language affect’s

student’s grammar and their understanding to the words which made them misunderstood

the real meaning of the words.


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

We cannot deny that the gay lingo is a colorful and fascinating language.

This language is a type of a very entertaining language that makes us say this kind of

words. We found gay lingo very funny and fun to say that’s why some of us really gets

easily influenced by this type of language.

In our world today, language cannot be forgotten especially when it comes

with connecting with other people or having a conversation with others. Language is used

by humans and can be hardly seen used in various places especially in school, where we

develop ourselves and almost spend out whole life. Language is used in our daily lives

and with our daily communication with other people. Language could bring us to the


According to Galicia (2007) Language can do a special thing for humans,

it unites the human beings. The most important language that clearly connects and unites

the people is the English language which is the Universal language and mostly used by

human. Language has full of uses and has so many benefits to the world, it also improves

a country, the community and the society. Without it, the world will be colorless; and

there will be nothing but black and white.


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

According to a website called Journal (2010) the gay language is a type of

vernacular language that clearly comes from the English and Filipino language. The Gay

lingo or clearly known as the gay language is always used or commonly used by the gay

men but nowadays even the straight men and women also used the Gay language because

they found it fun and creative.

Gay Filipino’s made this kind of language with the help of code-mixing,

code-mixing is mixing up several types of languages all together like Filipino, English,

Spanish and Japanese in a single sentence. It also includes famous celebrities and brands

that the gay men give another meaning to it.

According to Santos (2007) in his research and studies about the

information about Gay lingo. The language that are used by the people is based on their

home location, community, social status in life and the location where they are usually at.

Obviously, the Gay lingo was made only by gay people and only meant for the gays. But,

not all gay men find or uses this kind of secret or rare language very interesting.

According to Santos’ research, once a man uses gay language in his everyday life or

conversation. Hecan be easily judge or criticize by people.


How does the Gay Lingo (Gay language) affects the student’s English

He also said that the Gay language is considered as a language and can be

a part of variation of language because since then the Filipino people or gay people

frequently use this type of language in everyday interaction with others.

According to Rubrico (2001) the gay language was only meant for the gay

people used as a secret language for them not to be understand by others. Only the gay

people uses this kind of language, but through the years the gay language became an open

language and being used by men and women.

As Galicia (2007) added again, we cannot tract the truth behind where the

Gay lingo does all started or when. As the days passed by, some languages are now being

forgotten and some are now being added and created. With evolution, something will be

forgotten, and something will be born.

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