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Summer Training Report


A Study on Investors perception towards Mutual Funds

Completed In: Sharekhan limited

Submitted In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirement
Of Bachelor of Business Administration

Training Supervisor Submitted By

Name: Amit Sharma Name: Sahil Sodhi

Designation: Team Manager ENR No./Batch:


Submitted To:

Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional

Studies, Dwarka. New Delhi
(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha


This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project


“A Study on Investors perception Towards Mutual

Funds” is the bonafide research work carried out by

“ Sahil Sodhi ” student of BBA, BCIPS, Dwarka , New

Delhi during June-July 2019, in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the Summer Training Project of the
degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.

He had worked under my guidance.


Project Guide (internal)


Counter signed by






I hereby declare that this Project Report titled

“A Study on Investors perception Towards Mutual

Funds” submitted by me to Banarsidas Chandiwala
Institute of Professional Studies , dwarka is a bonafide work
undertaken during the period from June to July by me and
has not been submitted to any other University or Institution
for the award of any degree diploma/certificate or published
any time before.

(Signature of the Student)

date: / / 2019

Name: Sahil Sodhi

Enroll. No.:42861201717

I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards to
SHAREKHAN LTD. Jhandewalan extension for
imparting me valuable professional training in ----------------
-----. I pay my gratitude and sincere regards to ” --------------
------- “, my project guide for giving me knowledge. I’m
thankful to him as he has been a constant source of helping
hand, motivation and inspiration. I am also thankful to him
for giving me suggestions and encouragement throughout
the project work.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to

members and staff of Sharekhan. Ltd. who all cooperated
with me during my summer training.


Title of the Project


1.1 Introduction to the topic

1.2 Objective of the Study

1.4 Theoretical Background




4.1 Data Collection Tools & Research Type


5.1 Data Analysis & Interpretations


6.1 Findings

6.2 Recommendations



The Internship Report “Analysis of Mutual Funds” (A Study on Investors
perception Towards Mutual Funds) is originated as a partial requirement of BBA
Program, Department of Business Administration,.

This report is based on 2 months working experience at the Sharekhan Pvt. Ltd. This
Report will give a clear idea about the investor’s perception on Mutual Funds.

The growth of mutual funds has been phenomenal. The mobilization of funds by mutual
funds has been on the rise since 1964, When mutual fund market was thrown open to the
private sector in 1993, the corpus of mutual fund in India was swelled tremendously. The
main objective of the study is to find the investor’s perception of Mutual fund.
Mutual funds pool money from different investors and invest in different investment
sources like stocks, shares, bonds etc. A professional fund manager manages these and
returns are paid in form of dividends. Some schemes assured fixed returns that are less in
risk and some offer dividends based on the market fluctuations and prices.

This project undertaken deals with investors perception with regard to mutual funds that is
the plans they prefer, the plans they are opting, the reasons behind such selections the most
preferred mutual funds.

A structured questionnaire was given to 100 respondents. The study is divided into six
chapters. The first chapter is introductory in nature and deals with review of literature.
Research Methodology is deal with in the third chapter. The fourth chapter describes data
collection and analysis of data. The fifth chapter gives the conclusion of the study.
The main factor influencing the pattern of investment are high returns, safety, flexibility,
liquidity, choice of scheme, reliability and affordability. Qualified persons use internet for
getting the information about Mutual fund.



This chapter aims at providing a background, in order to understand the objectives, purpose, and
scope of this research. It starts off with giving a systematized background of the research field,
presenting the current state of the share market, and moves on to briefly investors perception
Towards Mutual Funds.

This chapter also presents and elaborates on the research question and the sub-questions, provides
the scope and defines the perspective for the research. This chapter concludes by elaborating
upon the delimitations, definitions and the time line for the research.

A mutual fund is an investment vehicle made up of a pool of moneys

collected from many investors for the purpose of
investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments
and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by professional money
managers, who allocate the fund's investments and attempt to
produce capital gains and or income for the fund's investors. A mutual
fund's portfolio is structured and maintained to match the investment
objectives stated in its prospectus .

Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to
professionally managed portfolios of equities, bonds and
other securities. Each shareholder, therefore, participates
proportionally in the gains or losses of the fund. Mutual
funds invest in a wide amount of securities, and
performance is usually tracked as the change in the
total market cap of the fund, derived by aggregating
performance of the underlying investments.
Mutual fund units, or shares, can typically be purchased or
redeemed as needed at the fund's current net asset value
(NAV) per share, which is sometimes expressed
as NAVPS. A fund's NAV is derived by dividing the total
value of the securities in the portfolio by the total amount of
shares outstanding.
How Mutual Fund Companies Work

Mutual funds are virtual companies that buy pools of stocks

and/or bonds as recommended by an investment
advisor and fund manager. The fund manager is hired by
a board of directors and is legally obligated to work in the
best interest of mutual fund shareholders. Most fund
managers are also owners of the fund, though some are not.
There are very few other employees in a mutual fund
company. The investment advisor or fund manager may
employ some analysts to help pick investments or perform
market research. A fund accountant is kept on staff to
calculate the fund's net asset value (NAV), or the daily
value of the mutual fund that determines if share prices go
up or down. Mutual funds need to have a compliance
officer or two, and probably an attorney, to keep up with
government regulations.
Most mutual funds are part of a much larger investment
company apparatus; the biggest have hundreds of separate
mutual funds. Some of these fund companies are names
familiar to the general public, such as Fidelity Investments,
the Vanguard Group, T. Rowe Price and Oppenheimer


Mutual funds make saving and investing simple, accessible,

and affordable. The advantages of mutual funds include
professional management, diversification, variety, liquidity,
affordability, convenience, and ease of recordkeeping—as
well as strict government regulation and full disclosure.

 Diversification: The best mutual funds design their

portfolios so individual investments will react differently to
the same economic conditions. For example, economic
conditions like a rise in interest rates may cause certain
securities in a diversified portfolio to decrease in value.
Other securities in the portfolio will respond to the same
economic conditions by increasing in value. When a
portfolio is balanced in this way, the value of the overall
portfolio should gradually increase over time, even if some
securities lose value.
 Professional Management: Most mutual funds pay
topflight professionals to manage their investments. These
managers decide what securities the fund will buy and sell.

 Regulatory oversight: Mutual funds are subject to many

government regulations that protect investors from fraud.

 Liquidity: It's easy to get your money out of a mutual fund.

Write a check, make a call, and you've got the cash.

 Convenience: You can usually buy mutual fund shares by

mail, phone, or over the Internet.

 Low cost: Mutual fund expenses are often no more than 1.5
percent of your investment. Expenses for Index Funds are
less than that, because index funds are not actively
managed. Instead, they automatically buy stock in
companies that are listed on a specific index.

 No Guarantees: No investment is risk free. If the entire

stock market declines in value, the value of mutual fund
shares will go down as well, no matter how balanced the
portfolio. Investors encounter fewer risks when they invest
in mutual funds than when they buy and sell stocks on their
own. However, anyone who invests through a mutual fund
runs the risk of losing money.

 Fees and commissions: All funds charge administrative

fees to cover their day-to-day expenses. Some funds also
charge sales commissions or "loads" to compensate brokers,
financial consultants, or financial planners. Even if you
don't use a broker or other financial adviser, you will pay a
sales commission if you buy shares in a Load Fund.
 Poor Trade Execution : If you place your mutual fund
trade anytime before the cut-off time for same-day NAV,
you’ll receive the same closing price NAV for your buy or
sell on the mutual fund. For investors looking for faster
execution times, maybe because of short investment
horizons, day trading or timing the market, mutual funds
provide a weak execution strategy.

 Taxes: During a typical year, most actively managed

mutual funds sell anywhere from 20 to 70 percent of the
securities in their portfolios. If your fund makes a profit on
its sales, you will pay taxes on the income you receive, even
if you reinvest the money you made.
 Management risk: When you invest in a mutual fund, you
depend on the fund's manager to make the right decisions
regarding the fund's portfolio. If the manager does not
perform as well as you had hoped, you might not make as
much money on your investment as you expected. Of
course, if you invest in Index Funds, you forego
management risk, because these funds do not employ

1) Open Ended Schemes:

An open-end fund is one that is available for subscription

all through the year. These do not have a fixed maturity.
Investors can conveniently buy and sell units at Net Asset
Value ("NAV") related prices. The key feature of open-end
schemes is liquidity.

2) Close Ended Schemes:

A closed-end fund has a stipulated maturity period which

generally ranging from 3 to 15 years. The fund is open for
subscription only during a specified period. Investors can
invest in the scheme at the time of the initial public issue
and thereafter they can buy or sell the units of the scheme
on the stock exchanges where they are listed. In order to
provide an exit route to the investors, some close-ended
funds give an option of selling back the units to the Mutual
Fund through periodic repurchase at NAV related prices.
SEBI Regulations stipulate that at least one of the two exit
routes are provided to the investor.

3) Interval Schemes:

Interval Schemes are that scheme, which combines the

features of open-ended and close-ended schemes. The units
may be traded on the stock exchange or may be open for
sale or redemption during pre-determined intervals at NAV
related prices.
Based on their investment objective:

Equity Funds: These funds invest in equities and equity

related instruments. With fluctuating share prices, such
funds show volatile performance, even losses. However,
short term fluctuations in the market, generally smoothens
out in the long term, thereby offering higher returns at
relatively lower volatility. At the same time, such funds can
yield great capital appreciation as, historically, equities
have outperformed all asset classes in the long term. Hence,
investment in equity funds should be considered for a
period of at least 3-5 years. It can be further classified as:
i) Index funds- In this case a key stock market index,
like BSE Sensex or Nifty is tracked. Their portfolio
mirrors the benchmark index both in terms of
composition and individual stock weight ages.
ii) Equity diversified funds- 100% of the capital is
invested in equities spreading across different sectors
and stocks.
iii) Dividend yield funds- it is similar to the equity
diversified funds except that they invest in companies
offering high dividend yields.
iv) Thematic funds- Invest 100% of the assets in sectors
which are related through some theme. e.g. -An
infrastructure fund invests in power, construction,
cements sectors etc.
v) Sector funds- Invest 100% of the capital in a specific
sector. e.g. - A banking sector fund will invest in
banking stocks.
vi) ELSS- Equity Linked Saving Scheme provides tax
benefit to the investors.
Balanced fund: Their investment portfolio includes both
debt and equity. As a result, on the risk-return ladder, they
fall between equity and debt funds. Balanced funds are the
ideal mutual funds vehicle for investors who prefer
spreading their risk across various instruments. Following
are balanced funds classes:

i) Debt-oriented funds -Investment below 65% in equities.

ii) Equity-oriented funds-Invest at least 65% in equities,
remaining in debt.

Debt fund: They invest only in debt instruments and are a

good option for investors averse to idea of taking risk
associated with equities. Therefore, they invest exclusively
in fixed-income instruments like bonds, debentures,
Government of India securities; and money market
instruments such as certificates of deposit (CD),
commercial paper (CP) and call money. Put your money
into any of these debt funds depending on your investment
horizon and needs.
i) Liquid funds- These funds invest 100% in money
market instruments, a large portion being invested in
call money market.
ii) Gilt funds ST- They invest 100% of their portfolio in
government securities of and T-bills.
iii) Floating rate funds - Invest in short-term debt papers.
Floaters invest in debt instruments which have variable
coupon rate.

iv) Arbitrage fund-They generate income through

arbitrage opportunities due to mis-pricing between cash
market and derivatives market. Funds are allocated to
equities, and money markets. Higher proportion (around
75%) is put in money markets, in the absence of arbitrage

v) Gilt funds LT- They invest 100% of their portfolio in

long-term government securities.

vi) Income funds LT- Typically, such funds invest a major

portion of the portfolio in long-term debt papers.

vii) MIPs- Monthly Income Plans have an exposure of

70%-90% to debt and an

exposure of 10%-30% to equities.

viii) FMPs- fixed monthly plans invest in debt papers

whose maturity is in line with that of the fund.

 To study the level of awareness of investors regarding mutual fund.

 To study the perception of investors towards mutual funds.

 To study the factors considered by the investors & those which

ultimate influence him while investing.

 To determine the type of the mutual fund investor prefers the most.

 To find the type of scheme of mutual fund preferred by investors.

Scope of the study :-

A big boom has been witnessed in mutual fund industry in recent

times. A large number of new players have entered the market & trying to

gain the market share in this rapidly improving market.

The study is an attempt to study the investor’s attitude towards mutual

fund and also the preferences of the customers, which company portfolio,

mode of investment, option for getting return as well as awareness level

of mutual funds between consumers also the factors influencing to

investment in mutual funds, investors expectations regarding the mutual

fund and investors attitudes of different mutual funds.



Vision: To be the best retail broking brand in the retail

business of the stock market.
Mission: To educate and empower the individual investor to make
better investment decisions through quality advices and superior

Sharekhan is the largest standalone retail brokerage in the

country and the third largest in terms of customer base after
ICICI Direct and HDFC Securities.[1] Sharekhan is one of
the pioneers of online trading in India. It offers a broad
range of financial products and services including securities
brokerage, mutual fund distribution, loan against shares,
ESOP financing, IPO financing and wealth management.

Sharekhan was founded by Mumbai-based entrepreneur
Shripal Morakhia in 2000.Sharekhan pioneered the online
retail broking industry and leveraged on the first wave of
digitization, when dematerialization (demat) of securities
came into effect and electronic trading was introduced in
the stock exchanges.
In India, Sharekhan has over 4800+ employees, and is
present in over 575 cities through 150 branches, more than
2,600 business partners. The company has 1.6 Million
clients and, on an average, executes more than 4 lakh trades
per day.
Sharekhan is now a fully owned subsidiary of BNP Paribas,
it was rebranded as Sharekhan by BNP Paribas.

Sharekhan is one of the top retail brokerage houses in India with a strong
online trading platform. The company provides equity based products
(research, equities, derivatives, depository, margin funding, etc.). It has
one of the largest networks in the country and India's premier online
trading portal With their research expertise,
customer commitment and superior technology, they provide investors
with end-to-end solutions in investments. They provide trade execution
services through multiple channels an Internet platform, telephone and
retail outlets.

Sharekhan was established by Morakhia family in 1999-2000 and

Morakhia family, continues to remain the largest shareholder. It is the
retail broking arm of the Mumbai-based SSKI
Group. SSKI which is established in 1930 is the parent company of
Sharekhan Itd. With a legacy of more than 80 years in the stock markets,
the SSKI group ventured into institutional broking and corporate finance
over a decade ago. Presently SSKI is one of the leading players in
institutional broking and corporate finance activities. Sharekhan offers its
customers a wide range of equity related services including trade
execution on BSE, NSE, and Derivatives.
Depository services, online trading. Investment advice, Commodities, etc.
Sharekhan Ltd. is a brokerage firm which is established on 8th February
2000 and now it is having all the rights of SSKI. The company was
awarded the 2005 Most Preferred Stock Broking Brand by Awwaz
Consumer Vote. It is first brokerage Company to go online. The
Company's online trading and investment site was
also launched on Feb 8, 2000. This site gives access to superior content
and transaction facility to retail customers across the country. Known for
its jargon-free, investor friendly language and high quality research, the
content-rich and research oriented portal has stood out among its
contemporaries because of its steadfast dedication to offering customers
best-of-breed technology and superior market information.

Share khan has one of the best states of art web portal providing
fundamental and statistical information across equity, mutual funds and
IPOs. One can surf across 5.500 companies for in-depth information,
details about more than 1.500 mutual fund schemes and IPO data. One
can also access other market related details such as board meetings, result
announcements, Fil transactions, buying/selling by mutual funds and
much more.

Sharekhan's management team is one of the strongest in the sector and

has positioned Sharekhan to take advantage of the growing consumer
demand for financial services products in India through investments in
research, pun-Indian branch network and an outstanding technology
platform. Further. Sharekhan's lineage and relationship with SSKI Group
provide it a unique position to understand and leverage the growth of the
financial services sector.
Services offered by Sharekhan :-

Sharekhan offers the following services: -

 Online BSE and NSE executions.

 Free access to investment advice from Sharekhan’s
Research team.
 Daily research reports and market review.
 Daily Morning Views.
 Depository Services.
 Market Watch.
 Derivatives Trading (Futures and Options).
 IPO’s & Mutual Funds Distribution.
 Currency Trading.
 Internet-based Online Trading: Share Mobile App.
 Fund Transfer.
 Equity Holdings.

Products offered by Sharekhan :-

 Equity Trading platform(Online/Offline).

 Commodities Trading Platform (Online/Offline).
 Mutual Fund Advisory and Distribution.
 Active Training Cell (ATC).
 Trade Tiger Software.
 Sharekhan Mobile Application.
1.1 SWOT Analysis of Sharekhan

 Wide range of innovative financial products
 Have one of the largest network of branches across country
 Research on all industry sectors
 Online as well as Offline Trading
 User friendly tie ups with 10 banks

 Lack of awareness among customers
 High Brokerage charges
 Less focus on Customer retention
 Diversification
 Improve Web based Trading
 Provide Competitive brokerage
 Concentrate On PMS (Portfolio management service)
 Educating people about the benefits of investments to
increase target audience.
 Concentrate on HNI (High Net Worth Individuals)

 Aggressive promotional strategies by close competitor like
Angel Broking, Motilal Oswal and India bulls, Zerodha.
 More and more players are venturing into this domain,
which can further reduce the earning of Share Khan.
 Stock market is very volatile, risk involves is very high.
 Entry of FII’s in Indian Market



Rajeshwari TR and Rama Moorthy (2002). studied the financial

behaviour and factors influencing fund/scheme selection of retail
investors by conducting factor analysis using principal component
analysis, to identify the investors underlying fund scheme selection
criteria, so as to group them into specific market segment for designing of
the appropriate marketing strategy The investment decision making
process is a multi-faceted subject to change over a period of time. Mutual
Funds have become an important portal for the small investors. The
objectives of the study are to know investor's motivational factors,
investment preference and problems faced by investors in Mutual Funds.
The study reveals that 1) The motivational factors to invest in mutual
funds are Portfolio diversification, Risk minimization mutual fund and
greater tax benefits; 2) Lack of knowledge is the primary reason for not
investing in mutual fund.

Risk expressed by Kaplan and Garrick (1981) demonstrates that risk

involves a factor of uncertainty and potential loss that might be incurred,
Rajeshwari TR and Rama moorthy VE (2002) studied the financial
behaviour and factors influencing fund/scheme selection of retail
investors by conducting factor analysis using principal component
analysis, to identify the investors underlying fund scheme selection
criteria, so as to group them into specific market segment for designing of
the appropriate marketing strategy.
Although majority of investors who invest in mutual fund themselves are
not clear with the objective and constraints of their investment but in
addition to this most important critical gap that exist in this process is lack
of awareness about presence of risk elements in mutual fund investment.
The new marketing philosophy and strategies place special emphasis on
recognition of customer needs in an effort to provide high level of quality
services (Harrison, 2000).

Black et al. (2002) examined customers' choice of financial services

distribution channels. They showed that customer confidence, lifestyle
factors, motivations and emotional responses influence the customer's
choice, while product, channel and organizational factors such as image
and reputation are also significant.

Mustafa Soleimanzadeh in his article. "Learn how to invest in Mutual

Funds" had discussed about the risk and return in mutual funds. He stated
that the risk and return depend each other, the greater the risk, the higher
the potential return; the lower the risk, the lower the expected return.
Mutual funds try to reduce their risk by investing in a diversified group of
individual stocks, bonds, or other securities. He concluded that the
investment in stocks can get more return than mutual funds but
investment in mutual funds the risk is lower. Mutual funds are great for
funding retirement plans and investors that don't have the time or energy
to consider individual stocks (2006) Kum Martin in his article, "Basics
about Mutual Funds had discussed about different types of mutual funds.
He stated that the equity funds involve just common stock investments.
They are extremely risky but can end up caring a lot of money. Fixed
income funds are government and corporate securities. Fixed income
funds offer fixed returns and the risk associated with these funds is very
low. Balanced mutual funds are a combination of bonds and stocks. He
concluded that the low risk in investment will not carn a lot of returns.
(2007) Mutual fund managers have to use various investment styles
depending upon investor's requirement. Most of the empirical evidences
have shown that mutual fund investor's purchase decision is influenced by
past performance (Patel, et al.1992). Research study by Jones et al, 2007)
has proved that a negative correlation exists between advertisement and
fund quality. A common investor may expect that mutual fund should
option strategies that have been documented to produce superior returns
in the past instead they follow to select portfolios that don't deviate
markedly from market benchmarks.

Investors Preference for Investment in Mutual Funds: An Empirical

Evidence Since interest rates on investments like PPF, NSC, bank
deposits, etc., are falling, the question to be answered is: What investment
alternative should a small investor adopt? Direct investment in capital
market is an expensive proposal, and keeping money in saving schemes is
not advisable. One of the alternatives is to invest in capital markets
through mutual funds. This helps the investor avoid the risks involved in
direct investment. Considering the state of mind of the general investor,
this article figures out: (1) the preference attached to different investment
avenues by the investors; (ii) the preference of Mutual Funds schemes
over others for investment; (iii) the source from which the investor gets
information about Mutual Funds; and (iv) the experience with regard to
returns from mutual funds. The results show that the investors consider
gold to be the most preferred form of investment, followed by NSC and
Post Office schemes. Hence, the basic psyche of an Indian investor, who
still prefers to keep his savings in the form of yellow metal, is indicated.
Investors belonging to the salaried category, and in the age group of 20-
35 years showed inclination towards close-ended growth (equity-oriented)
schemes over the other scheme types.

A study on investor’s attitude towards mutual funds as an investment

option Dr. Binod Kumar Singh. In this paper, structure of mutual fund,
operations of mutual fund, comparison between investment in mutual
fund and bank and calculation of NAV etc. have been considered. In this
paper, the impacts of various demographic factors on investors' attitude
towards mutual fund have been studied. For measuring various
phenomena and analyzing the collected data effectively and efficiently for
drawing sound conclusions, Chi-square test has been used and for
analyzing the various factors responsible for investment in mutual funds,
ranking was done on the basis of weighted scores and scoring was also
done on the basis of scale

Research Design:

A descriptive research design is being used in this study. It attempts to

describe and explain conditions of the study by using many subjects and
questionnaires to fully describe phenomenon.

Sampling Method:

Non probability sampling (convenience sampling) method has been used.

Convenience sampling is a statistical method of drawing representative
data by selecting people because of the case of their volunteering or
selecting units because of their availability or easy access. The advantages
of this type of sampling are the availability and the quickness with which
data can be gathered. The disadvantages are the risk that the sample might
not represent the population as a whole.

Sample Size:

In this study the sample size is of 100 respondents to get their views
regarding the investor’s perception towards mutual funds.
Sample Unit:

The sample unit is the area or field from where the sample will be
collected. In this study the sample units are collected from New Delh and

Method of Data Collection

Both primary and secondary data had been used in the study.

Primary Data: For this study primary data was collected by providing
questionnaires to the Customers.

Secondary Data: Secondary data was collected from text books, journals
and websites.


1. Questionnaire
The questionnaire is the medium of communication between the investigator and respondents. It is the
medium for obtaining information by a list of well answers.




The software tools used for the study are Microsoft word & M S Excel
Percentage analysis method is used for the analysis of primary data collected from the
Percentage = (No. of respondents/total respondents)*100

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