Matlab: Assignment #03 Name: Zoraiz Hussain Reg No. 2018465 ME203 Section B

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Assignment #03

Name: Zoraiz Hussain

Reg No. 2018465
Section B

Q1. An RLC circuit is shown below:
Let inductance is the only known value, L is 650 mH. Make a combination of R and C so that the
natural response of the R-L-C circuit is
• underdamped (any value of 𝜉 in range)
• overdamped (any value of 𝜉 in range)
• critically damped. Plot the natural response of I(t).

Comment on response of each plot.


Part 1;

Let R=1.00 ohm and C=650 mF
So 𝜉=0.4987;

Solving all Equations in Matlab, gives the following Figure,

As in this part the value of 𝜉 is 0<𝜉<1, so the value of s will be complex conjugate. In this case,
the response of the electrical system is under damped as shown in the figure.
Part 2;

L=0.65 H;

Let R=1k ohm and C=0.65*10^-4 F

So 𝜉=5;

Solving all Equations in Matlab, gives the following Figure,


In this part the value of 𝜉 is 𝜉>1, so for this case the value of s will be real, negative and
distinct. Here the response of the electrical system is over damped as shown in the figure

Part 3;

As L=650mH;

Let R=2.00 ohm and C=650 mF

So 𝜉=1;

Now, For 𝜉=1;

𝜏1= 𝜏2=1/𝑠



Also For t=0;

𝐼 =A*exp(-t/ 𝜏)

Solving all Equations in Matlab, gives the following Figure,


In this part the value of 𝜉 is 𝜉=1, for this case the value of s will be 𝑠=−𝜉𝜔𝑛 (real, negative and
repeated). Here the response of the electrical system is critically damped and it is shown in Figure.

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