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Structural Elements Design Review

Structural Design Report of

2 Story Structure

Supun Jayawardhane
Supun j @
Structural Design Report

Structural Design Report

Mr. Abdul sought the assistance to conduct a design report for the two story structure. This
report is to elaborate the design calculations and cross sections. Design was conducted
according to euro code standards.


Our scope is to conduct a structural element design. Objectives of the task are mentioned

1. Developing 3D model from Finite Element Software

2. Load Pattern determinations
3. Application of Material properties and loads
4. Element Design Calculations
6. Providing Sections and Drawings

Loads were extracted from the given structural drawings and summary of loads are
mentioned in Table 1.

Dead Loads
Self-weights were derived based on elements dimensions and material properties. The
super imposed dead loads and live loads were assessed based on the floor usage and
architectural floor plans of the building.

Live Loads

Live Loads were defined according to the provided structural drawings and by verifying with
the eurocode standards.

Table 1: Imposed and Super Dead Load Types

Loading purpose Loading Type Value ( kN/m2)

Office Area Live Load 2.5
Residential Floors Live Load 2
Reception Hall ( C) Live Load 2.5
Brick Weight Super Imposed Load 29 (kN/m3)
Finishers Super Imposed Load 1
Structural Design Report

Loading Combinations

Total Dead Load (DL) was calculated from the sum of self-weight of element and
corresponding superimposed loads. Live load (LL) was calculated with corresponding live load
value. Ultimate Loading Combination According to Australian code was taken as follows.

Ultimate Limit State Load Combination : 1.2 DL+ 1.5 LL

Serviceability Limit State Load Combination: 1.0 DL + 1.0 LL

Beam B1 Design Load Calculation

Dead Loads

Timber Deck = 0.7 kN/m2

Finishers = 1 kN/m2

300 cavity Wall = 19 kN/m3

Live Loads

Residential = 2 kN/m2
Structural Design Report

Loading Area for B1

Structural Design Report


In accordance with EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009 and the
UK national annex

Geometry (m) - Steel (EC3) - UKC 203x203x46

Material - Steel (EC3)

Density 7850 kg/m3 Youngs Modulus 210 kN/mm2
Shear Modulus 80.8 kN/mm2 Thermal Coefficient 0.000012
Section type - UKC 203x203x46
Area 59 cm2
Major moment of inertia 4568 cm4 Shear area Ay 40 cm2
Minor moment of inertia 1548 cm4 Shear area Az 15 cm2
Support conditions
Support 1 X Fixed Z Fixed Rotationally
Support 2 X Fixed Z Fixed Rotationally
Support 3 X Fixed Z Fixed Rotationally
Span 1 3.531 m
Span 2 4.483 m
Self Weight - Loading (kN/m)

Permanent - Loading (kN/m)

Structural Design Report

Imposed - Loading (kN/m)

Load combination factors

Self Weight


Load combination

Default (Strength) 1.35 1.35 1.50

Default (Service) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Member UDL loads
Member Load case Position Load Orientation
Type Start End
B1 Permanent Absolute 2.375 m 8m 11.4 GlobalZ
B1 Imposed Ratio 0.3 1 0 GlobalZ
Member trapezoidal loads
Member Load case Position Load Orientation
Type Start End
B1 Permanent Absolute 5.773 m 5.773 m 5 GlobalZ
B1 Imposed Absolute 5.773 m 5.773 m 5.64 GlobalZ
Strength combinations - Moment envelope (kNm)

Strength combinations - Shear envelope (kN)

Structural Design Report

Service combinations - Deflection envelope (mm)

Partial factors - Section 6.1
Resistance of cross-sections; M0 = 1
Resistance of members to instability; M1 = 1
Resistance of tensile members to fracture; M2 = 1.1

B1 - Span 1 design
Section details
Section type; UKC 203x203x46 (Tata Steel Advance)
Steel grade - EN 10025-2:2004; S275
Nominal thickness of element; tnom = max(tf, tw) = 11 mm
Nominal yield strength; fy = 275 N/mm2
Nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu = 410 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity; E = 210000 N/mm2
Structural Design Report

Lateral restraint
Both flanges have lateral restraint at supports only

Consider Combination 1 - Default (Strength)

Classification of cross sections - Section 5.5
 = [235 N/mm2 / fy] = 0.92
Internal compression parts subject to bending - Table 5.2 (sheet 1 of 3)
Width of section; c = d = 160.8 mm
c / tw = 22.3 = 24.2   <= 72  ; Class 1
Outstand flanges - Table 5.2 (sheet 2 of 3)
Width of section; c = (b - tw - 2  r) / 2 = 88 mm
c / tf = 8 = 8.7   <= 9  ; Class 1
Section is class 1

Check design at start of span

Check shear - Section 6.2.6
Height of web; hw = h - 2  tf = 181.2 mm;  = 1.000
hw / tw = 25.2 = 27.2   /  < 72   / 
Shear buckling resistance can be ignored
Design shear force; Vy,Ed = 3.4 kN
Shear area - cl 6.2.6(3); Av = max(A - 2  b  tf + (tw + 2  r)  tf,   hw  tw) =
1698 mm2
Design shear resistance - cl 6.2.6(2); Vc,y,Rd = Vpl,y,Rd = Av  (fy / (3)) / M0 = 269.5 kN
Vy,Ed / Vc,y,Rd = 0.013
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force

Check design at end of span

Check shear - Section 6.2.6
Height of web; hw = h - 2  tf = 181.2 mm;  = 1.000
hw / tw = 25.2 = 27.2   /  < 72   / 
Shear buckling resistance can be ignored
Design shear force; Vy,Ed = 39.8 kN
Shear area - cl 6.2.6(3); Av = max(A - 2  b  tf + (tw + 2  r)  tf,   hw  tw) =
1698 mm2
Design shear resistance - cl 6.2.6(2); Vc,y,Rd = Vpl,y,Rd = Av  (fy / (3)) / M0 = 269.5 kN
Vy,Ed / Vc,y,Rd = 0.148
PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force
Check bending moment - Section 6.2.5
Design bending moment; My,Ed = 45.5 kNm
Design bending resistance moment - eq 6.13; Mc,y,Rd = Mpl,y,Rd = W pl.y  fy / M0 = 136.8 kNm
My,Ed / Mc,y,Rd = 0.332
PASS - Design bending resistance moment exceeds design bending moment
Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling
Correction factor - Table 6.6; kc = 0.586
C1 = 1 / kc2 = 2.909
Poissons ratio;  = 0.3
Shear modulus; G = E / [2  (1 + )] = 80769 N/mm2
Unrestrained effective length; L = 1.0  Lm1_s1_seg1_B = 3531 mm
Structural Design Report

Elastic critical buckling moment; Mcr = C1  2  E  Iz / L2  (Iw / Iz + L2  G  It / (2  E

 Iz)) = 952.5 kNm
Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling; LT = (W pl.y  fy / Mcr) = 0.379
Limiting slenderness ratio; LT,0 = 0.4
LT <LT,0 - Lateral torsional buckling can be ignored

Check design 2199 mm along span

Check y-y axis deflection - Section 7.2.1
Maximum deflection; y = 1.9 mm
Allowable deflection; y,Allowable = Lm1_s1 / 360 = 9.8 mm
y / y,Allowable = 0.192
PASS - Allowable deflection exceeds design deflection

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