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Παῦλος ἀπόστολος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ διὰ θελήματος θεοῦ τοῖς ἁγίοις τοῖς οὖσιν [ἐν Ἐφέσῳ] καὶ πιστοῖς

ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ,. In this introduction of this book has a textual problem, that is some manuscript did
not include(omitted) the word “εν εφεσω” because it’s an encyclical circulatory letter, while some or
majority of the manuscript and some of the Bible translation includes it like (NASB, RSV).

Analysis of External evidence

Evidence for omission of ἐν Ἐφέσῳ (NA+UBS): P46 ‫ *א‬Β* 6 424c 1739 Marcion acc.
Tertullian, Ephraem
Origin vid BJ TOB DHH

Evidence for inclusion of ἐν Ἐφέσῳ (NA+UBS): ‫ א‬2 Α Β2 D F G Ψ ΨC (Ψ* illegible) 075

0150 0278 33 81 104 256 263 365 424* 436 459 630 1175 1241 1319 1573 1852 18811912
1962 2127 2200 2464 Byz [ K L P] Lect itar,b,d,f,g,o,r latt vg (sy co ) syr p,h cop sa,bo arm eth geo
slav Ps-Ignatius Chrysostom Theodore lat Victorinus-Rome Ambrosiaster Jerome Pelagius

Evidence for the inclusion of ἐν Ἐφέσῳ

Symbol Kind of Source Date Text Type

‫א‬2 Majuscule A
Α Majuscule 5th A
D Majuscule 6th W
F Majuscule 9th W
G Majuscule 9th W
Byz(KLP) Majuscule 4th B
Ψ Majuscule 9th/10th Mixed
075 Majuscule 10th ?
0150 Majuscule 9th Mixed
0278 Majuscule ? ?
33 Minuscule 9th A
81 Minuscule 1044 A
104 Minuscule 1087 A
256 Minuscule 11th/12th A
263 Minuscule 13th Eclectic
365 Minuscule 12th Mixed
424* Minuscule 11th Mixed
436 Minuscule 11 / 12th
459 Minuscule 11th Mixed
630 Minuscule 12th /13th Mixed
1175 Minuscule 10th A
1241 Minuscule 12th A
1319 Minuscule 12th B
1573 Minuscule 12th /13th B
1852 Minuscule 13th ?
1881 Minuscule 14th ?
1912 Minuscule 10th W
1962 Minuscule 11 / 12th
2127 Minuscule 12th B
2200 Minuscule 14th ?
2464 Minuscule 9th A/B
Lect Majority of the
ar Old Latin ms 9th
b Old Latin ms 8 /9th

d Old Latin ms 5th/6th

f Old Latin ms 9th
g Old Latin ms 9th
o Old Latin ms 15th
r Old Latin ms 6th/7th
syr p,h Syrian (Peshitta and 5th and 7th
Harclean version)
cop sa,bo Coptic 3rd
Sahidic and Bohairic
Arm Armenian 5th
Eth Ethiopic 5th
Geo Georgian 5th
Slav Old Church Slavonic 9th
Ps-Ignatius Greek church Father 4th/5th
Chrysostom Greek church Father 407
Theodore lat Latin translation of
Greek Father
Victorinus-Rome Latin Church Father
Ambrosiaster Latin Church Father
Jerome Latin Church Father
Pelagius Latin Church Father

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