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SmartPlant P&ID
Version 4.3
July 2005
Copyright © 2005 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the
Contractor Rights in Technical Data clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, subparagraph (b) of the Rights in Computer
Software or Computer Software Documentation clause at DFARS 252.227-7014, subparagraphs (b)(1) and (2) of
theLicense clause at DFARS 252.227-7015, or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software---
Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
Unpublished---rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
Intergraph Corporation
Huntsville, Alabama 35894-0001
Warranties and Liabilities
The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of this license.
Table of Contents
SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide3

Table of Contents
Customer Support and Documentation Comments......................................................10
Introducing SmartPlant P&ID.......................................................................................11
SmartPlant P&ID Program Group..............................................................................12
What's New in SmartPlant P&ID?..............................................................................13
Navigating in the Software: An Overview.....................................................................16
Using Shortcut Keys...................................................................................................17
Working With the Design Window............................................................................20
Navigating in the Engineer Data Editor: An Overview..............................................41
Using Catalog Explorer: An Overview.......................................................................65
Table of Contents
4 SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide
Customizing Catalog Explorer: An Overview.................................................................. 82
Working With the Properties Window: An Overview...............................................83
Properties Window Command.......................................................................................... 84
Customizing the Software: An Overview...................................................................90
Customize Command........................................................................................................ 91
Custom Commands Command......................................................................................... 97
Working with Drawings: An Overview.......................................................................102
Open Command........................................................................................................104
Recent Drawings.......................................................................................................110
Access a Recently Open Drawing................................................................................... 110
Switch to Another Open Drawing or View..................................................................... 110
File Properties Command.........................................................................................111
Close Command........................................................................................................116
Close an Active Drawing................................................................................................ 116
Exit Command..........................................................................................................117
Close the Program........................................................................................................... 117
Creating Drawing Templates: An Overview............................................................118
Saving Drawings: An Overview...............................................................................123
Save Command............................................................................................................... 124
Save As Command.......................................................................................................... 124
Re-creating Drawings: An Overview.......................................................................126
Recreate a Drawing......................................................................................................... 127
Resolve a Re-create Drawing Error Condition............................................................... 128
Using Filters: An Overview......................................................................................129
Creating P&IDs in SmartPlant P&ID: An Overview................................................130
Understanding Database Constraints........................................................................131
Selecting Drawing Items: An Overview...................................................................132
Table of Contents
SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide5
Placing Items on a Grid: An Overview.....................................................................138
Show Grid Command..................................................................................................... 138
Snap Grid Command....................................................................................................... 139
Placing Equipment: An Overview............................................................................140
Place Equipment............................................................................................................. 140
Place Multiple Representations....................................................................................... 142
Routing Lines: An Overview....................................................................................144
Break Run Command...............................................................................................153
Break a Pipe Run............................................................................................................ 153
Join Runs Command.................................................................................................154
Join Pipe Runs................................................................................................................ 154
Using Piping Components: An Overview................................................................155
Place a Piping Component.............................................................................................. 155
Using the PipeSpec Utility: An Overview...................................................................... 157
Placing Instrumentation: An Overview....................................................................162
Labeling: An Overview............................................................................................169
Using Annotations: An Overview............................................................................198
Modifying and Moving Placed Items: An Overview...............................................206
Table of Contents
6 SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide
Moving and Placing Stockpile Items: An Overview................................................249
Gapping Lines: An Overview...................................................................................255
AutoGap Command........................................................................................................ 255
Gap Now Command....................................................................................................... 256
System Editing: An Overview..................................................................................257
Updating Options Manager Settings: An Overview.................................................264
Linking and Embedding Objects: An Overview......................................................266
Working With Assemblies: An Overview................................................................280
Save As Assembly Command......................................................................................... 281
Working with Drawings in Projects: An Overview....................................................284
Claiming Items: An Overview..................................................................................285
Comparing and Refreshing Versions: An Overview................................................301
Compare and Refresh Command.................................................................................... 302
Consistency Checking: An Overview...........................................................................310
Consistency Checking and Break Labels.................................................................311
Show Inconsistencies Command..............................................................................312
Show Inconsistencies...................................................................................................... 312
Consistency Check Command..................................................................................313
Table of Contents
SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide7
Importing Drawing Data: An Overview......................................................................322
Import Data File Command......................................................................................323
Import Log Dialog Box................................................................................................... 323
Import SmartSketch Command................................................................................324
Using the SmartPlant Migrator....................................................................................... 324
Import a SmartSketch File.............................................................................................. 327
Importing Aspen Zyqad Stream Data.......................................................................328
Import Aspen Zyqad Stream Data.................................................................................. 329
Generating Reports: An Overview...............................................................................330
Plant Reports Command...........................................................................................332
Plant Reports Dialog Box............................................................................................... 333
Generate a Report........................................................................................................... 334
My Reports Command..............................................................................................335
My Reports Dialog Box.................................................................................................. 336
Creating and Editing Report Templates: An Overview............................................337
Printing Drawings: An Overview.................................................................................360
Print Command.........................................................................................................362
Page Setup Command...............................................................................................368
Page Setup Dialog Box................................................................................................... 368
Set up a Page Layout....................................................................................................... 369
Working with The Engineering Framework: An Overview......................................370
Integrating SmartPlant P&ID with The Engineering Framework............................371
Table of Contents
8 SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide
Using the Catalog Index in SmartPlant P&ID and TEF Integration............................... 374
The SmartPlant P&ID Framework Adapter and Tool Schema................................376
Tool Schema Location..............................................................................................379
The Tool Schema Data Model..................................................................................380
Accessing the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client: An Overview............................398
Browser Command...................................................................................................399
Access the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client from SmartPlant P&ID........................ 399
Publishing to The Engineering Framework: An Overview.......................................400
Publish Command.....................................................................................................403
Publish Dialog Box...................................................................................................404
Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box).................................................................................. 405
Issue Tab (Publish Dialog Box)...................................................................................... 407
Document Properties Dialog Box.............................................................................408
Publish Documents......................................................................................................... 409
Issue Request Documents to The Engineering Framework from SmartPlant P&ID...... 410
Find Documents to Publish from SmartPlant P&ID....................................................... 414
Retrieving from The Engineering Framework: An Overview..................................416
Retrieve Command...................................................................................................418
Retrieve Dialog Box.................................................................................................419
Retrieve Documents from The Engineering Framework to SmartPlant P&ID............... 420
Correlating Items: An Overview..............................................................................422
Correlate Command........................................................................................................ 422
Using the To Do List: An Overview.........................................................................425
To Do List Command..................................................................................................... 426
Table of Contents
SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide9
To Do List Dialog Box................................................................................................... 427
Open the To Do List....................................................................................................... 429
Comparing SmartPlant P&ID with PDS: An Overview............................................430
Customer Support and Documentation Comments
10SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide

Customer Support and Documentation

For the latest support information for this product, use a World Wide Web browser to
connect to
Send documentation comments or suggestions

Introducing SmartPlant P&ID

SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide11

Introducing SmartPlant P&ID

SmartPlant P&ID creates intelligent P&IDs by populating the database with relevant plant
data. This method provides valuable information throughout the plant life cycle. As a data-
centric, rule-based solution for the P&ID life cycle, SmartPlant P&ID helps users improve
design quality, data consistency, and standards compliance. With quick access to supporting
engineering data, SmartPlant P&ID significantly cuts design and modification time and
increases accuracy with its exclusive data-centric approach and use of design rules,
automatic checks, and drag-and-drop capabilities.
SmartPlant P&ID is vastly different from graphic-driven P&ID solutions of today. All
data from the P&ID is stored in the plant database and adheres to plant standards. The
graphical representation of the P&ID is a view or a report of the data. The strong data
import and export facilities of SmartPlant P&ID allow users to populate the system
with relevant plant data, such as process data from process simulation databases
based on Aspen Zyqad from Aspen Technologies, Inc. or equipment and line lists.
You can then use this information in the SmartPlant P&ID Stockpile to design the
The rule-based and automation capabilities of SmartPlant P&ID also differentiate it
from other P&ID systems. SmartPlant P&ID features a comprehensive, user-
definable rule-based system that assists the engineer during the design phase of the
plant and subsequent life cycle phases. Data is entered directly into the database; rules
are executed; and feedback is immediate. The design rule-base confirms data
consistency and compliance with plant and engineering standards, allowing faster,
more efficient design with less iteration.
SmartPlant P&ID incorporates the latest Microsoft technologies, such as OLE
automation, to provide integration with existing data and other systems. Running on
Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2000, SmartPlant P&ID does not require a
traditional, expensive CAD engine for P&ID creation. The open architecture of
SmartPlant P&ID permits integration with other systems, such as Intergraph PDS,
SmartPlant Instrumentation, and Aspen Zyqad, all of which allow users to share data
with third-party software.
Introducing SmartPlant P&ID
12SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide

SmartPlant P&ID Program Group

SmartPlant P&ID provides multiple views of a central, unified data structure that
represents the plant model. A view is a visual presentation of the data in the plant
model and can be a schematic drawing or a table. The plant model is the computer
representation of the conceptual design, including all plant components and their
relationships. By manipulating model views, you can organize the information within
the plant model to better understand and maintain the data.
SmartPlant P&ID has several programs and utilities for running and managing your
plant data.
SmartPlant P&ID provides the design environment for SmartPlant.
SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Manager allows you to create and delete
drawings, manage drawing versions, and print multiple drawings. SmartPlant P&ID
Drawing Manager allows you to perform Workshare and project- specific commands.
SmartPlant P&ID Insulation Specification Manager allows you to create
and modify lookup tables for insulation specifications and thicknesses.
SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager defines plant-wide graphic standards
for symbology, gapping, heat tracing, and formats. SmartPlant P&ID
Options Manager also defines paths to SmartPlant files and directories.
SmartPlant P&ID Rule Manager defines rules for placement and property
copying on placement.
SmartPlant Engineering Manager performs higher-level data management tasks, such
as specifying user permissions, designing plant hierarchies, and so forth. For more
information about SmartPlant Engineering Manager, see the SmartPlant Engineering
Manager User's Guide and the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Introducing SmartPlant P&ID

SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide13
What's New in SmartPlant P&ID?
This version of SmartPlant P&ID contains the following new functionality and

Auxiliary Graphics allows you to add simple graphics to your SmartPlant

P&ID drawings. When you have completed adding graphics using
Auxiliary Graphics, these graphics display in your SmartPlant P&ID
drawing inside a SmartFrame. The SmartFrame and its contents are stored
in the database. For more information, see Auxiliary Graphics: An
Overview. You can also find the Auxiliary Graphics topics in the
SmartPlant P&ID User's Guide PDF file.

The Release Claims dialog box displays when you attempt to unclaim an
item that has been modified in the project. Claims must be released before
projects can be completed or for other projects to be able to check in
drawings with changes. For more information, see the Release Claim

To prevent a specified value from overwriting another specified value

during publish, nothing will be published for properties with blank values.
If there was previously a value for the property and it is missing, a Null
value will be inserted. If the property value is defined as Null, the Null
value is published. In addition, no value will be retrieved for properties
with blank values. If there was previously a value for the property and it is
missing, the missing value is ignored. The existing item value is not
overwritten. If the property value is defined as Null, the Null value is
always retrieved. For more information, see Publishing to TEF: An
Overview and Retrieving from TEF: An Overview.

Placing piping and/or signal points on equipment and equipment

components is not supported by SmartPlant P&ID. Some features of
SmartPlant P&ID may not work properly (for example, the item will not
publish to The Engineering Framework). Intergraph recommends
removing these points from these equipment items.
Introducing SmartPlant P&ID
14SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide

Restricted Characters - The following table lists the characters that

cannot be used in certain names or objects throughout the SmartPlant
Engineering Manager, SmartPlant P&ID, and SmartPlant Electrical
Restricted Characters
File and Directory Names (Windows restriction)
\ / : * ? " < > |
SmartPlant Engineering Manager Names (site, plant,
project, satellite, and so forth)
< , > ? \ / '; { } [ ] ~ ` ! % * ( )
| " :
Database User Names and Passwords
. < , > ? \ / '; { } [ ] ~ ` ! % * (
) &$@#"
Paths (directories, and so forth)
<, > ? / '; { } [ ] ~ ` ! % * ( ) :
| "
SmartPlant P&ID Help Command
Help > SmartPlant P&ID Help
Opens the Help viewer where you can read topics about commands, procedures,
dialog boxes, and so forth.
Printable Guides Command
Help > Printable Guides
Opens a page in your default browser that includes links to the user's guides in portable
document format. Click a link, and the guide opens in the appropriate application. You can
print it if necessary. The user's guides contain the same information as the online Help.
SmartPlant P&ID on the Web Command
Help > SmartPlant P&ID on the Web
Activates your web browser and opens the SmartPlant P&ID World Wide Web page. On this
page, you can access registration and support information, learning tools, and other items to
help you use SmartPlant P&ID more efficiently.

Introducing SmartPlant P&ID

SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide15
SmartPlant P&ID Web Forum Command
Help > SmartPlant P&ID Web Forum
Opens your web browser to the Intergraph Process & Power Client Community web
page. On this page you can learn about international and regional conferences, online
forums, informal networking, structured product feedback, and more. Follow the
instructions and links on this web page to find your information.
About SmartPlant P&ID Command
Help > About SmartPlant P&ID
Displays information about your copy of the software, including the version number
and the copyright, legal, and licensing notices.
Display Help for Programming With SmartPlant P&ID
On your desktop, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID >
Programming Help.

Programming with SmartPlant P&ID is the method by which you can use
the Automation layer to customize the software to meet your own
particular requirements. This documentation consists of a programmer's
guide and reference guides for placement automation and the logical

Navigating in the Software: An Overview

16SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide

Navigating in the Software: An Overview

The drawing interface is divided into four distinct parts: theDesign window, the
Catalog Explorer, the Engineering Data Editor, and the Properties window. Each
part provides specific features that you need to create drawings in the software.
Design Window
TheDesign window displays Drawing views and the Engineering Data Editor. Each
of these views provides a way for you to enter information for the plant model into
the database. The two views also provide a way for you to view information in the
database in different ways. In the Drawing view, you can see the traditional diagram
of a plant containing equipment, instrumentation, and piping in a graphical
representation. The Engineering Data Editor allows you to see the same information
in a tabular format, and it can also display items in the plant and drawing stockpiles.
Engineering Data Editor
The Engineering Data Editor is a modification of the stockpile display. This view is
exactly the same tabular view that you can display in theDesign window, with the
same capabilities for modifying the display, editing properties, and organizing data.
Catalog Explorer
The Catalog Explorer displays all available catalog items for you to use in drawings and plant
models. The Catalog Explorer contains a hierarchical representation of the selectedcatalog.
You can navigate through the nodes in a catalog by clicking the + or – icons by the selected
node. In addition, you can double-click nodes in the tree view to open them.
Properties Window
When you select an item in a plant model, you can enter, view and modify the
properties associated with that item in theProperties window. Your system
administrator defines customized properties and their defaults for each item in Data
Dictionary Manager.
Related Topics

Add an Item to the Stockpile from Catalog Explorer, page 67

Place an Item from Catalog Explorer, page 66

Place an Item from the Stockpile, page 250

Navigating in the Software: An Overview

SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide17

Using Shortcut Keys

Shortcuts with Catalog Explorer
Navigation menu in Catalog Explorer
Start the Add Button command
Start the Remove Button command
Turn the Show Buttons command on or offS
Find dialog box in Catalog Explorer
Select in theNamed list
Alt + N
Select theCl ose button
Alt + C
Select the Look In box
Alt + L
Select the Find Now button
Alt + I
Select theStop button
Alt + P
Select the New Search buttonAlt + W
Select theBr ows e button
Alt + B
Browse for Folder dialog box in Catalog Explorer
Select the Look In box
Alt + L
Select theOK button
Alt + O
Select theCancel buttonAlt + C
Edit menu in Catalog Explorer
Start the Select All commandA
File menu (list view) in Catalog Explorer
Start theO pe n command
Start theNew command
Start theDelete command
Start theRename commandM
Navigating in the Software: An Overview
18SmartPlant P&ID User’s Guide
File menu (tree view) in Catalog Explorer
Start the Explore Elsewhere commandE
Start theFind command
Start theDeletecommand
Start theRename command
Start theClose command
View menu in Catalog Explorer
Large IconsG Small IconsMListL
TurnDetailscommand on or off
Shortcuts with the View menu
Open theToolbars dialog box and lets you display or hide selected
Alt + V +
Opens theProperties command
Alt + V +
Start Show grid command to turn on or off the display of drawing grid
Alt + V +
Start the Grip snap command to turn on or off the snap-to-grid behavior
for component placement
Alt + V +
Turn on or off the display of the Catalog Explorer window
Alt + V +
Turn on or off the display of theProperties window
Alt + V +
Turn on or off the Show Inconsistencies command and the display of
inconsistency indicators in the active view
Alt + V +
Turn on or off the display of theStockpile window
Alt + V +
Miscellaneous shortcuts
Cancel a command
SPPID Users Guide
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