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Footstep Power Generation Using

Piezoelectric Sensor


Muhammad Ajmal (UET-14F-BSc-EE-APCOMS-66)

Waseem Sarwar (UET-14F-BSc-EE-APCOMS-62)
Maria Anum (UET-14F-BSc-EE-APCOMS-22)


Engr. Awais Masood

Asst. Professor EE Department


Affiliated with

June 2018
Footstep Power Generation Using Piezoelectric


Muhammad Ajmal


Waseem Sarwar


Maria Anum


Thesis Supervisor:

Engr. Awais Masood

Asst. Professor (Electrical Engineering Department)

External Examiner Signature: ________________________________________

Thesis Supervisor Signature: ________________________________________


Affiliated with
June 2018

The project is to develop an alternative of conventional energy sources. Due to energy

crises and shortfall of electricity in our country, conventional sources are unable to fulfill

the domestic requirements and the alternatives we use in the form of generators create

smoke and noise pollution. So the project create such an alternative of conventional

sources which is environment friendly and cheap too. Piezoelectric material has the

characteristic to generate some voltage when a good amount of pressure is applied upon

it. Piezoelectric generators are arranged in a designed circuit along with other

components which are in series parallel combination under a mechanical structure. The

circuit is controlled by a microcontroller which is programmed. When people would

stroll over that, it will generate electrical power. The voltage generated is instantaneous

so we need to store it in a battery. This obtained electrical energy will be stored in lead

acid battery and can be used when required as DC or also can be used as AC source with

the help of inverter. Electrical parameters will be shown on LCD.

Keywords: Piezoelectric, Sensor, Direct Current, Alternating Current, Generation.

We certify that research work titled “Foot Step Power Generation Using Piezoelectric
Sensor” is our own work. The work has not been presented elsewhere for assessment.
Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged /

Signature of Student

Muhammad Ajmal


Signature of Student

Waseem Sarwar


Signature of Student

Maria Anum



First of all we would like to thank Allah Almighty for giving me the courage, empowering

us with knowledge and confidence to fulfill this project.

We like to express our deep gratitude to our supervisor Engr. Awais Masood for

his supervision and constant support. His constructive comments and suggestions

throughout the thesis played a vital role in fulfilling this project. We are really grateful

for his kind behavior and encouraging attitude.

We want to say thanks to our seniors for their courage which gives us strength to

overcome the hurdles in our research work. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our

friends for their help and encouragement without their support we wouldn’t be able to

complete our project.

We are also thankful to our parents for being constant source of inspiration,

creative ideas and emotional support.

“We dedicate this project to our beloved parents and siblings”


Abstract ........................................................................................... ………...iii

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................... iv

List of Figures.................................................................................................. ix

List of Tables .................................................................................................... x

Abbreviations .................................................................................................viii

Chapter 1: Introduction .....................................................................................1

1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................1

1.2 Background Study ................................................................................3

1.3 Description of project ...........................................................................3

1.4 Problem Statement ................................................................................2

1.5 Objective of Project ..............................................................................2

1.6 Advantages and unique features ...........................................................2

1.6.1 Advantages ........................................................................................2

1.6.2 Unique Features .................................................................................2

Chapter 2: Literature Review……………………………………... .................3

2.1Piezoelectricity ......................................................................................3

2.2 Footstep Power Generation Using Piezoelectric Sensors ....................3

2.2.1 Piezoelectric Smart Road Sensor ......................................................3

2.2.2 Flooring Tiles ....................................................................................3

2.2.3 Dance Floors......................................................................................3

2.3 Available Techniques in Past ...............................................................4

2.3.1 Fly wheel and gear arrangement .......................................................4

2.3.2 Stair case and faraday’s law arrangement .........................................5

2.3.3 Rack & Pinion and chain Sprocket arrangement ..............................6

2.3.4 Chain Sprocket ..................................................................................6

Chapter 3: System Block Diagrams and Flow Chart .......................................8

3.1 Single line Diagram of project .............................................................8

3.2 Block Diagram .....................................................................................8

3.2.1Piezo sensors ......................................................................................8 Suitable Piezoelectric Sensor Arrangements..................................9

3.2.2 Bridge Rectifier and Capacitors ......................................................11

3.2.3 Arduino ...........................................................................................12 Arduino UNO Specificat- ions ......................................................13 Arduino’s Input Yield Pins ..........................................................13 Arduino Board Summary .............................................................14 System Requirements ...................................................................15 ACS-712 Current Sensor..............................................................15 ACS712 Pins and Connections ....................................................16 Functional Description .................................................................16

3.2.4 LCD .................................................................................................17 Interfacing of LCD with Uno Arduino.........................................18

3.2.5 Lead Acid Battery ...........................................................................18 Lead Acid Battery Cells Material ................................................18 Lead Battery’s working................................................................19

Chapter 4: Simulation Result .........................................................................21

4.1 Arduino Code .....................................................................................21

Chapter 5: Results and Conclusion ................................................................32

Conclusion ...............................................................................................36

Chapter 6: Future Recommendations .............................................................32

References ......................................................................................................39


Number Page

Fig 2.1 Fly wheel arrangement ........................................................................6

Fig 2.2 Rack & Pinion .....................................................................................7

Fig 2.3 Chain sprocket .....................................................................................7

Fig 3.1 Single line diagram of our project .......................................................9

Fig 3.2 Block Diagram.....................................................................................9

Fig 3.3 Piezo Sensor. .....................................................................................10

Fig 3.4 Series Combination............................................................................10

Fig 3.5 Parallel Combination .........................................................................11

Fig 3.6 Series Parallel Combination ..............................................................11

Fig 3.7 Piezo Sensor Arrangement ................................................................13

Fig 3.8 Pressing Mechanism ..........................................................................14

Fig 3.9 Bridge Rectifier and Capacitor with Piezo ........................................15

Fig 3.10 Arduino ............................................................................................16

Fig 3.11 ATMEL ATmega328 ......................................................................18

Fig 3.12 UNO Atmega328 .............................................................................18

Fig 3.13 Current sensor ..................................................................................19

Fig 3.14 Working of current sensor ...............................................................20

Fig 3.15 LCD Pins .........................................................................................21

Fig 3.16 LCD interfacing with Arduino ........................................................21

Fig 3.17 Battery............................................................................................. 23

Fig 4.1 Simulation .........................................................................................24


Number Page

Table 3.1: PZT 4 Calculations .......................................................................12

Table 3.2: Arduino UNO Specifications........................................................16

Table 5.1: Voltage, Current & Power Generated Summary ..........................31



1.1 Motivation

Since the human beings came to earth a few million years ago, their needs and use of

electrical energy is growing very fast for their sustenance and comfort. Embryonic man

needs energy mostly in the form of diet. Over time, man began farming the land for

agriculture and cultivating the land for farming. With an additional demand for energy,

man began using wind for sailboats and to drive windmills but now these methods are

also not completely fulfilling the demands. So we need to look upon other non-

conventional sources to acquire energy. [1].

1.2 Background Study

Some of the earliest work to harvest energy from human gait Dates back almost 250

years and include the self-winding Watch. Over the past two decades, there has been

significant interest in converting mechanical energy from human motion into electrical

energy. This electrical energy can then be used to Recharge batteries in electronic devices

or directly power small scale, Low-power circuits. A number of commercial devices use

human power to produce Electricity such as hand-crank generators (for powering

Flashlights, radios, and recharging mobile devices), and pedal Generators (that can be

used to power larger electrical devices typically generating between 100 and 1000W and

can be as high As 1000 W) [2].

1.3 Description of project

Footstep energy generation can be an effective method to generate electricity. Walking is

the most common activity in human life. When a person walks, he loses some energy to

road surface in the form of impact, vibration and sounds etc due to transfer of his weight

on to the road surface, through foots falls on the ground during every step results in

losing kinetic energy. This kinetic energy can be tapped and converted in to useable form

such as in electrical form. This procedure contains number of simple configurations that

are fitted under the walking floor. Walking on this platform, body weight compresses the

piezoelectric transducers that produce electric power. The current generated is stored in

the battery [3]. Greater circulation of people will generate more power. A piezoelectric

transducer is an electrical generator that produces direct current (doubt) when pressure is

applied upon it [4].

1.4 Problem Statement

Some developing countries and newly-industrialized countries have several hours of daily

power-cuts in almost all cities and villages. People in these countries may use a power-

inverter (rechargeable batteries) or a diesel/petrol-run electric generator at their homes

during the power- cut. The use of standby generators is common in industrial and IT

hubs. This ultimately increases the shortage of power. The objective of this work is

power generation through footsteps as a source of renewable energy that we can obtained

while walking on to the certain arrangements like footpaths, stairs, plate forms and these

systems can be install elsewhere specially in the dense populated areas.

1.5 Objective of Project

The main aim of this project is to develop much cleaner cost effective way of power

generation method, which in turns helps to bring down the global warming as well as

reduce the power shortages.

1.6 Advantages and Unique Feature

1.6.1 Advantages

 It is a renewable source of energy.

 It saves agricultural land.

 It is not harmful to atmosphere.

 No smoke or ash or any toxic chemical is produced.

 Utilized human waste walking energy in to electrical energy.

 Economic

 Easy maintenance

1.6.2 Unique Features

 Reduce Environment pollution.

 Utilized renewable source of energy.

 Easy to install and Low Cost.

Literature Review

2.1 Piezoelectricity

Piezoelectricity was discovered in 1880 by Pierre and Paul-Jacques Curie, who found that

when they compressed certain types of crystals including quartz, tourmaline, and

Rochelle salt, along certain axes, a voltage was produced on the surface of the crystal.

This effect is known as piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectricity is a form of electricity

created when certain crystals are bent or otherwise deformed. These same crystals can

also be made to bend slightly when a small current is run through them, encouraging their

use in instruments for which great degrees of mechanical control are necessary [5].

A piezoelectric crystal consists of multiple interlocking domains which have positive and

negative charges. These domains are symmetrical within the crystal lattice, causing the

lattice as a whole to be electrically neutral. When stress is put on the crystal, the

symmetry is slightly broken generating voltages [2].

2.2 Footstep Power Generation Using Piezoelectric Sensors

There are a number of approaches being used to generate alternative power supply.

2.2.1 Piezoelectric Smart Road Sensor

One among the other methods is piezoelectric smart road sensor. Here smart roads refer

to the roads on which piezoelectric sensors can be placed in order to generate electricity.

When any vehicle moves on the roads it produces very small vertical deformations and

vibrations on the roads. The increasing demand of the electricity forces us to think about

harvesting that vibration energy from vehicles which is wasted otherwise [6].

2.2.2 Flooring Tiles

Japan has already started experimentation with the use of piezoelectric effect for energy

generation. They implement piezoelectric effect on the stairs of the bus. Thus every time

passenger steps on the tiles; they trigger a small vibration that can be stored as energy.

The flooring tiles are made up of rubber which can absorb the vibration. This vibration

generates when running or walking on it. Under these tiles piezoelectric material are

placed. When the movement is felt by the material they can generate the electricity. This

generated energy is simultaneously stored into the battery. Generated electricity we can

use the lightning of lamp or street light. Energy is generated by step of one human being

is too less but if number of steps increases ultimately energy production also increases


2.2.3 Dance Floors

Europe is another one of the country which started experimenting use of piezoelectric

crystal for energy generation in night clubs. Floor is compressed by the dancer’s feet and

piezoelectric materials makes contact and generate electricity. Generated electricity is

nothing but 2-20 watt. It depends on impact of the dancer’s feet.

2.3 Available Techniques in Past

Generation of electricity using foot step is not a new concept there are many techniques

available in the past for this purpose, some of which are

 Fly wheel and gear arrangement

 Stair case faraday’s law arrangement

 Rack and pinion

 Chain sprocket arrangement

These all techniques are proved to be very costly and were not practically feasible in day-

today real life.

2.3.1 Fly wheel and gear arrangement

The thrust power is transformed into electrical energy by means of a suitable drive

device. The racks are attached to the sloping floor. The spring tide is used to release the

load and restore operational the same tilted position. The pinion shaft is connected to the

bearing by end bearing. Larger gears also engage the pinion shaft and operate at the same

speed. The largest sprocket is attached to the small gear ring via the chain. This large

sprocket is used to convert the torque of the smallest sprocket. The smallest sprocket

rotates in a direction similar to the direction of rotation of the high sprockets on the front

and rear. This action is freezes like a bicycle pedal.

Fig 2.1 Fly wheel arrangement

The wheel and sprocket are coupled to the shaft of the smaller sprocket. The steering

wheel is used to enlarge the speed of the axis of smallest sprocket. The gearwheel is

attached to the generator shaft through additional gear. The generator is used here, is a

permanent magnet generator. The generated voltage is 12V DC. This D.C voltage is

stored in the lead acid 12Vbattery [9].

2.3.2 Stair case and faraday’s law arrangement

People who go up or down the stairs will apply impact force or push up the stairs in the

spring. This impact pressure energy can be used to operate the power flywheel through a

one-way ratchet device using a chain and sprocket drive. The flywheel stores energy and

uses it for continuous rotation of the generator pulley and belt drive system. It consists of

three steps that steps the staircase box unit. All stages are coupled to the large gear, which

in turn is coupled to the small gear through the chain drive. The small gear in turn is

coupled to the ratchet wheel, allowing only the unidirectional rotation of the ratchet

wheel of the sleeve shaft. Likewise, every two large gear wheels are individually coupled

to the same single shaft through the separate chain mechanism. When a person is walking

on the individual stage, while this particular pair of gears rotates the ratchet wheel and

therefore the main shaft rotates at this time. Therefore, the sum of the total accumulation

of rotational energy is carried out on a single main axis. The main shaft is only installed

with the wheel that continues to rotate at high speed. The flywheel using the drive belt

coupled to the generator pulley rotates the generator field rotor and the EMF that is

generated in the stator winding [9].

2.3.3 Rack & Pinion and chain Sprocket arrangement

Racks and pinions are a type of linear actuator that includes a pair of gears that convert

rotational motion into linear motion [9]. The circular gear engrosses teeth on a linear bar

"gears", the frame. Rotational movement applied to the pinion would displace the rack to

one side, to the limit of its travel [11].

Fig 2.2 Rack & Pinion

2.3.4 Chain Sprocket

A pinion is a reported wheel with teeth that makes net with a chain, a path or other

punctured or indented material. It differs from a gear that the pinions do not mesh directly

with each other, and differs from a pulley in which the gears have teeth and the pulleys

are smooth. Here, the spring-and-rack arrangement is attached to the inclined passage.

The method of releasing the load spring and returning the tilt operation at the same

position is used. The pinion shaft is connected to the bearing by end bearing [7].

Fig 2.3 Chain sprocket

The larger gear also involves the pinion shaft so that it runs at the equivalent speed. The

larger gear is attached to the small ring gear by means of the chain (ring). This large

pinion is used to transmit the torque of the smaller sprocket. The small pinion rotates in

the same direction as the direction of rotation of the front and large rear sprockets. This

action locks up like a bicycle pedal. The wheel and sprocket are coupled to the smaller

sprocket shaft [9].



3.1 Single line Diagram of project

The diagram of the project is:

Fig 3.1: Single line diagram of our project

Arduino Uno can be used as a microcontroller. Arduino is the core of this structure that

takes control in its functionary as the framework methodology. The microcontroller

examines the information concerning the voltage current and the wattages generated by

the piezoelectric sheet when the force is applied. The microcontroller will be

programmed using the inserted 'C' language.

3.2 Block Diagram

Fig 3.2: Block Diagram

3.2.1 Piezo sensors

The piezo sensors can be used in series parallel combination depend upon our required

current or voltages values. One piezo sensor produces maximum voltage 5V and

maximum current 1 mA.

Fig 3.3: Piezo Sensor Suitable Piezoelectric Sensor Arrangements

For obtaining maximum current output and voltage output, following arrangements of

sensors are used:

I. Series Combination

II. Parallel Combination

III. Series-Parallel Combination

I. Series Combination

In this type of combination, sensors are connected in such a way that current flowing

through all sensors is same and voltage is different Veq =V1+V2+V3…Vn

Fig 3.4: Series Combination

II. Parallel Combination

In this type of combination, Voltage across each sensor remains the same while current

flowing through each sensor is different. Ieq= I1+I2+I3…In

Fig 3.5: Parallel Combination

III. Series Parallel Combination

In series & parallel combination both voltages and currents are maintained to get the

required value.

Fig 3.6: Series Parallel Combination

Table 3.1: PZT 4 Calculations

Material Type No of Combination Output Output(I)

Pieces V mA

Ceramic PZT 4 30 Series 90 0.5

Ceramic PZT 4 30 Parallel 3 15

Ceramic PZT 4 30 25 in parallel & 15 12.5

5 in series

Ceramic PZT 4 30 20 in parallel & 30 10

10 in Series

Ceramic PZT 4 30 15 in Parallel & 45 7.5

15 in series

In our project, we utilized the 3rd combination of sensors from above to get the most

extreme output productivity. For this reason, we included the 25 piezoelectric sensors in

parallel and 5 sensors in series. Each piezoelectric sensor is connected with each other

with the assistance of soldering wire. For pressing mechanism we use Polystyrene sheet

between two wooden plates.

Fig 3.7: Piezo Sensor Arrangement

Fig 3.8: Pressing Mechanism

3.2.2 Bridge Rectifier and Capacitors

Piezo sensor produce ac to convert it to dc we use bridge rectifiers, that convert the piezo

voltage to dc which are later use for charging the battery. Bridge rectifier not give pure dc

(some ripples comes) to get pure dc we use capacitor which removes the ripples and give

us pure DC. In this project bridge rectifier and capacitor are used with each piezo sensor

to get maximum output.

Fig 3.9: Bridge Rectifier and Capacitor with Piezo

3.2.3 Arduino

The Arduino can be a small board with a brain (called a microcontroller) that could be

customized. An Arduino is an open-source microcontroller advancement board.

Basically, this stage passes on an approach to manufacture and program electrical

modules. The Arduino programming language is a learner's modifying language from the

programming dialect C/C ++, in view of which is called Arduino "sketches" utilizing

basic programming structures, factors and capacities. At that point these are changed over

in a C ++ program. This enables us to download programs code for this gathering, which

can connect with things in this present world, you can make gadgets that react and

respond to the world with this. It interfaces with LEDs, sensors, engines, LCDs, ringers,

and so on for this real world. The Arduino encoding dialect is a fundamental type of

C/C++. On the off chance that you know C, as encoding the Arduino will be

recognizable. In a case that you don’t know C, there are just some fundamental directions

that are required to perform significant capacities. A key component of Arduino is that

you can assemble controller programming on your PC and it will definitely be

downloaded to Arduino. Unplug the connector from the USB link, and the program is

continually running from starting when you press the reset button. On the off chance that

you interface the battery, at that point it executed last put away program. This tells you

can connect the Arduino to the PC to build your program and repair, however once this is

done, you needn't bother with a computer to run the program [12].

Fig 3.10: Arduino

It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog

inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header

and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply

connect it to a computer with USB cable or power it with an AC to DC adapter or battery

to get started.

16 Arduino UNO Specificat-ions

Table 3.2: Arduino UNO Specificat- ions Arduino's Input Yield Pins

One of the 14 advanced sticks on the Arduino UNO can be utilized as info or yield

utilizing the "pin Mode ()", "digital Write ()" and "digital Read ()" capacities. They all

work at 5 volts. Each pin can get up to 40 mA and furthermore give an inner draw up

resistor of 20-50 kilo ohms.

 Serial: pin 0 (RX) and pin 1 (TX). Used here to receive (RX) and transfer (TX)

TTL serial data

 External Interrupts: pin 2 and pin 3. These are designed to trigger an interrupt

on a low bit, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value.

 PWM: Pin number 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11. These provide 8bit PWM output with

analogWrite() function.

 SP1: Pin number 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13(SCK). They provide

support SPI communication.

 LED: Pin 13, there is an in-built LED associated to digital pin number 13. When

pin’s value is LED turns on and vice versa.

The UNO has six simple sources of info, each giving 10 bits of tirelessness (i.e. 1024

values). By default, they vary from 0 to 5 volts, instead of it can be changed to the higher

furthest reaches of their range utilizing the "AREF" stick and the "analogReference()"

work. In addition, a few pins have specific functions.

There are some other pins on the board:

 Aref: Reference voltage for inputs. Used with "analogReference()"

 Reset: Bring this line LOW to microcontroller. Normally used to add reset button

which block the one on the board.

 Reset Pin: Used to reset Arduino board

 Voltage Pins: This pin gives voltages to outer circuits.

 Microcontroller: ATMEL ATmega328 microcontroller is used here.

Fig 3.11: ATMEL ATmega328

18 Arduino Board Summary

Fig 3.12: UNO Atmega328 System Requirements

 Arduino UNO board

 USB Cable

 External power supply (9V battery)

 Breadboard used external circuits

 The PC to run the Arduino advancement environment. Accessible on Windows, Mac,

and Linux ACS-712 Current Sensor

The "Allegro ACS712" conveys cheap and detailed answers for AC or DC current

perceiving in engineering frameworks, business and correspondence. The whole unit

permits simple work by the operator. Unmistakable applicat-ions cover controlling of

motor, recognition of load and administration, exchanged mode control supplies, and

ensure against overvoltage. This gadget is not gotten ready for car operations. The

product is exact. It has a low offset and comprises of a Hall sensor circuit with a copper

conduction track situated close to the surface of the die. At the point when a current is

produced and it courses through this copper conduction way, magnetic field is produced

and distinguished by the implicit Hall IC and changed over into a correlation voltage.

Gadget precision is improved by the vicinity of attractive signs to Hall sensors. The fixed

settled voltage is given by an ultralow-resistance, chopper-stabilized Bi CMOS Hall IC

encoded for accuracy after packaging. At the point when an increasing current moves

through the fundamental copper conduction way (from pins 1 and 2, to pins 3 and 4) the

yield of the package gives a positive graph, which is the way used for sensing the current.

Normally, giving low power loss interior resistance of this conductive track made 1.2

mΩ. The thickness of copper channels takes into consideration device progression in up

to 5 times overcurrent conditions. The connector in the conductive way is electrically

protected from the sensor IC drives (pins 5 to 8). This permits the ACS712 current sensor

IC to be utilized as a part of utilizations that require electrical release without the

utilization of light breakers or other costly protection technology.The ACS712 is

provided in a trivial surface stand SOIC8 package. The lead frame is plated with 100%

tin, which is well suited with standard lead (Pb) free printed circuit board assembly

process [13]. ACS712 Pins and Connections

Figure underneath characterizes the pins outs for the ACS172 Module. Now if we

connect as follows, the output will increase. If connected conversely to this photo, the

result will decrease from the 2.5 volt.

Fig 3.13: Current sensor Functional Description

This module is mostly designed for use with microcontrollers like Arduino. In these

operations, following are the contacts are as shown:

Fig 3.14: Working of current sensor

The output of this ACS712 would be 2.5 volts, now if the bulb shown in the figure above

was separated. The output would be related to the current drawn by the bulb once joined.

The output would be 2.68 volts if this is a 5 Amp module and the bulb takes 1 Amp. If

battery terminals are turned around, the output would be 2.31 volts containing the same

5A module.

3.2.4 LCD

To observe electrical parameters, we are using 16*2 alphanumeric LCDs. A 16x2

alphanumeric network can show 224 distinct characters and symbols. It requires +5V for

input control supply. This LCD is equipped for handle 8 bits at once. It has up to 14 pins

from which 8 pins are information pins and utilized for sending and getting information

to LCD as numbers or characters.

Three control pins are described below:

 Reset pin:

It is used for resetting the display.

 Read & Write Pin:

This pin is set as (1) for reading operations and (0) for writing Operations.

 Enable pin:

Used to enable or disable the LCD

Fig 3.15: LCD Pins

22 Interfacing of LCD with Arduino UNO:

Fig 3.16: LCD interfacing with Arduino

LCD is used to show the parameter like voltage of piezo sensors and current, also give

battery voltages and charging percentage of battery.

3.2.5 Lead Acid Battery:

Batteries are electrical devices made of electrochemical separate cells that are connected

with one another and housed in a single unit. Electrical battery consists of at least one

electrochemical cell. Its main function is to convert chemical energy obtained from the

cell into electrical energy. The battery can be utilized just once and can be disposed of or

revived for quite a long time as in backup power applicat-ions. Listening devices and

wrist watches are controlled by little cells. A vast battery supplies energy to the phone

trade or Data center. For energy usage, here electrical energy is stored as chemical

energy, which can be converted electricity at any time. Battery charging is done by

applying external voltage which changes electrical energy into chemical energy.

Discharging occurs when external load is applied and chemical energy is converted into

electrical energy [14].

23 Lead Acid Battery Cells Material:

Materials required to build a battery are as follows:

 Lead Peroxide

 Lead(Sponge)

 Dilute H2SO4

 Lead Peroxide (PbO2)

Lead Peroxide is used to build the positive terminal of the battery. Lead peroxide is

dark brown in color and brittle material.

 Lead (Pb)

Pure Lead is used to build the negative terminal of the battery.

 Charging

Battery charging is a process in which external energy source is applied to the battery

which converts the electrical energy in chemical energy. The negative terminal is

made up of lead and the positive terminal contains H2SO4 in a completely charged

condition together with the electrolyte. In case of overcharging, hydrogen and

oxygen are created due to electrolysis of water. Water is also lost due to this

electrolysis. Some types of batteries are designed to maintain electrolyte level. Lead Battery’s working:

Battery is used to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. It comprises of various

voltaic cells and every voltaic cell is comprised of two half-cells connected in

arrangement by an electrolyte having an-ions and cat-ions. A half-cell contains the

electrolyte and the terminal to which the an-ions travels that is the anode or the negative

anode while the other half-cell contains the electrolyte and the cathode to which cat-ions

that is to state the cathode or the positive cathode, travel. In the oxidation-reduction

response which works the battery, reduction happens at cat-ions at the cathode, while

oxidation occurs at the an-ions at the anode. Numerous cells utilize two half-cells with

various electrolytes. For this situation, every half-cell is encased in a holder, and a

permeable particle differentiator is available which keeps them separate. Every half-cell

has the calculated (EMF) as the capacity to actuate current from within the cell to the

outside. Volta perceived that the difference between EMFs of the two half cells is the

actual EMF. In this way, if there is EMF E1 and E2 on the electrodes, then the EMF is E2

- E1, i.e. the resultant EMF is the genuine EMF. The electrical force between the

terminals of the battery is known as the terminal voltage and is characterized in volts. The

terminal voltage of a battery that is not charged or discharged is known as the open

circuit voltage and is equivalent to the EMF of the cell. It is to be noted that technology

doesn't give any sign of charge capacity but just give charge levels. The charge limit of a

rechargeable battery diminishes with age and utilization, and may not be notwithstanding

when completely charged. Different tests, including the current gutters are utilized to

decide the charge capacity of the battery.

Fig 3.17 Battery


Simulation Result and Code

4.1 Simulation Result:

Fig 4.1: Simulation

4.2 Arduino Code:

#include<LiquidCrystal.h> // LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd (12,11,10,9,8,7);
float piezo=A0; //Sense piezo
float battery=A1; //sense battery
int ldr=A3;
int mosfet=6; // Mosfet for charging
int current=0;
int ldr1;
float batt;
float pi;
void setup()

Results and Conclusion

As we take the average value of the current and voltage generated by piezoelectric

sensors, then try to find out the total generated power.

5.1 Case 1:

Let’s assume the 100 footsteps push the plate of piezo electric transducer in 1 hour

then the current produce is

5.6 Conclusion:

The purpose of this project is to design and implementation of reliable environmental

friendly renewable energy source using foot step power generation to reduce the energy

shortfalls. Successful implementation of driving a 20W watt DC load is made possible

using correct arrangement for piezoelectric transducers and monitoring the all electrical

parameters with Arduino. Several developing countries and new developed countries

have numerous hours of daily energy shortages in almost all cities and towns that

increase electricity production. People in these countries use solar inverter for charging

batteries or an electrical power generator at home during the electricity shortfall which

creates smoke and noise pollution. For this purpose, backup generators are popular in

industries and IT stations. This eventually increases the power shortage. Power cuts are

also very dangerous when road and road traffic lights cause serious accidents.

We can conclude that:

 The project “POWER GENERATION USING FOOT STEP” is successfully

tested and implemented which is the best economical, affordable energy solution

to common people.

 This can be used for many applications in rural areas where power availability is

less or totally absence.

 As Pakistan is a developing country where energy management is a big challenge

for huge population. By using this project we can drive both A.C. as well as D.C

loads according to the force we applied on the piezo electric sensor.

 It is a smart system.

 Produce 2000 watts of electricity.

 It is made to be durable.

 It has an approx. life of 5 years


Future Recommendations

6.1 Future Recommendations

Maximum crowded public can be seen in railways stations, airports, metro station and

holy places, hence, such places can be use of piezoelectric crystals for generation of

electricity. In holy places Gathering ranging from thousands to millions, so setting up

of piezoelectric crystals at floor would generate enough power to light up lights of

houses. Use of piezoelectric crystals has been started and hopeful results are attained.

Better manufactured piezoelectric crystals and better selection of place of installations

with further advancement in field of electronics so more electricity can be generated

and it can be viewed as a next auspicious source of generating electricity.

 If we improve piezoelectric material, then output efficiency can be increased by

using large sized piezoelectric transducers which in turn gives a large amount of


 If this mechanism is implemented on large industrial scale, then output wattage

can be enlarged like footpaths and roads etc.

 The output efficiency also depends on mechanical structure of the project as

carefully designed structure may increase the output efficiency.

 We can also connect DC as well AC loads by using invertor circuit.

 With the advancement in the technology we can improve this idea to a new level

for industrialization.

Apart from all the above places the attempts are made to develop energy from our

daily life by initialing piezoelectric crystals in shoe thus in each step piezoelectric

crystal can be compressed which can turn enough power to charge a cell phone, mp3

player etc. through this we can generate electric power and used that for small

electronic gadgets.


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