Chapter 9:uniform Flow in Mobile Boundary Channel

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Chapter 9:Uniform flow in mobile boundary channel

Rigid Boundary channel-

• Channel whose bed and banks are
made up of non-erodible material.
• Can resist erosion satisfactorily
• Resistance to water depends only on
nature of boundary surface and it
can be determined.
• Dimensions can be calculated by
using uniform flow equations i.e
Manning and Chezy’s equation
can be used.
Mobile Boundary Channel-
• Boundary is made up of loose soil
which can be easily eroded and
transported by flowing water.
• E.g. river, unlined alluvial channel
• Resistance depends not only on
boundary surface but also on
condition of bed and banks.
• Uniform flow formula is not
sufficient for design.
• Stability depends on properties of
channel material.
Alluvial Channel
• It transports water as well as sediment.
• Sediment and channel boundary material has same properties
• It is stable if sediment inflow=sediment outflow, channel bed remains
• Shape, longitudinal slope and cross sectional dimensions depend on
discharge, size of sediment, and sediment load.
Incipient motion condition and tractive force approach-
• The shear stress due to flow of water, applied on bed particles which causes
their movement is known as critical shear stress or unit tractive force .
• At low discharge, with low depth of flow and small shear stress, sediment will
be at rest.
• As discharge increases, shear stress increases and bed particles just start to
move, this condition is critical condition/Incipient motion condition
• In this condition Shear stress is equals to critical shear stress.
Formation of river beds based on the shear stress
• τo > τc , sediment particles start to
move and small unsymmetrical
triangular undulations appear on bed
known as ripples.
• Length of undulation<0.3m
• Height of undulation<30mm
• Sediment size<0.6mm
• Sediment move by sliding and rolling
• Smooth water surface
• Formed when Fr<1(subcritical
• With increase in discharge, ripples
grow in size with flat upstream and
steep downstream
• Water surface not smooth
• Some particle may remain in
• Length of undulation>0.3m
• Height of undulation>30mm
• Sediment erosion in u/s
• Formed when Fr<1(subcritical
• With further increase in discharge,
dunes get washed leaving small
• Small discharge increment may cause
formation of sinusoidal waves
(standing waves)on bed and water
• These two type of bed form are
designated as transition.
• Formed when Fr is relatively high.
• Offers low resistance to flow.
Anti dunes-
• With further increase in discharge,
sediment transport intensity
• Symmetrical bed and water surface
waves appear.
• Sediment move d/s, crest of bed
wave move upstream.
• These undulations are Anti dunes.
• Waves grow steeper and break.
• Occurs in supercritical flow.
• High sediment transport rate.
Chapter 10. Similitude and physical modelling
• Similitude: is defined as similarity between the model and
prototype in every respect, which mean model and prototype have
similar properties or model and prototype are completely similar.
• Similitude is a concept used in testing of Engineering Models.
• Usually, it is impossible to obtain a pure theoretical solution of
hydraulic phenomenon.
• Therefore, experimental investigations are often performed on
small scale models, called model analysis.
• A few examples, where models may be used are ships in towing basins, air
planes in wind tunnel, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps, spillways of
dams, river channels etc.
• These models can be used to study such phenomenon as the action of
waves and tides on beaches, hydraulic jumps, specific energy, critical
depth, soil erosion, and transportation of sediment etc.
Necessity of model testing(analysis) and limitations-
• Model analysis is actually an experimental method of finding solutions of
complex flow problems.
• Using dimensional analysis, a relationship between the variables influencing a
flow problem is obtained which help in conducting tests.
• The performance of the hydraulic structure can be predicted in advance from
its model
• The merits of alternative design can be predicted with the help of model
analysis to adopt most economical, and safe design.
• Test performed on models can be utilized for obtaining, in advance, useful
information about the performance of the prototype only if a complete
similarity exits between the model and the prototype.
Types of similarities-
• Geometric Similarity
• Kinematic Similarity
• Dynamic Similarity
Geometric Similarity-
• It is the similarity of shape. It is said to exist between model and prototype if
ratio of all the corresponding linear dimensions in the model and prototype
are equal. e.g.

Note: Models are generally prepared with same scale ratios in every direction.
Such models are called true models. However, sometimes it is not possible to do
so and different convenient scales are used in different directions. Thus, such
models are called distorted model.
Kinematic Similarity-
• It is the similarity of motion. It is said to exist between model and prototype
when ratio of velocities and acceleration at the corresponding points in the
model and prototype are equal e.g.

• Note: Since velocity and acceleration are vector quantities, hence, not only the
ratio of magnitude of velocity and acceleration at the corresponding points in
model and prototype should be same; but the direction of velocity and
acceleration at the corresponding points in model and prototype should also
be parallel.
Dynamic Similarity:
It is the similarity of forces. It is said to exist between model and prototype if
ratio of forces at the corresponding points in the model and prototype are
equal. e.g.

Note: The direction of forces at the corresponding points in model and

prototype should also be parallel.
• Dimensionless numbers are the numbers which are obtained by dividing the
inertia force by viscous force or gravity force or pressure force or surface
tension force or elastic force.
• As this is ratio of once force to other, it will be a dimensionless number.
These are also called non dimensional parameters.
The following are most important dimensionless numbers-
• Reynold’s Number
• Froude’s Number
• Euler’s Number
• Weber’s Number
• Mach’s Number
Reynold’s Number, Re: It is the ratio of inertia force to the viscous force of
flowing fluid.

Froude’s Number, Fe: It is the ratio of inertia force to the gravity force of
flowing fluid.
Eulers’s Number, Eu: It is the ratio of inertia force to the pressure force of
flowing fluid.

Weber’s Number, We: It is the ratio of inertia force to the surface tension force
of flowing fluid.
Mach’s Number, M: It is the ratio of inertia force to the elastic force of
flowing fluid.
• However, for practical problems it is seen that one force is most significant
compared to others and is called predominant force or most significant force.
• Thus, for actual problem in field only the most significant force is considered
for dynamic similarity. Hence, models are designed on the basis of ratio of
force, which is dominating in the phenomenon.
• Finally, the laws on which models are designed for dynamic similarity are
called models laws or laws of similarity.
The followings are these laws-
• Reynold’s Model Law
• Froude’s Model Law
• Euler’s Model Law
• Weber’s Model Law
• Mach’s Model Law
• It is based on Reynold’s number and states that Reynold’s number for model
must be equal to the Reynolds number for proto type.
• Reynolds Model Law is used in problems where viscous forces are dominant.
These problems include:
• Pipe Flow
• Resistance experienced by submarines, airplanes, fully immersed bodies etc.
It is based on Froude’s number and states that Froude’s number for model must
be equal to the Froude’s number for prototype.
• Froude’s Model Law is used in problems where gravity forces is only dominant
to control flow in addition to inertia force. These problems include:
• Free surface flows such as flow over spillways, weirs, sluices, channels etc.
• Flow of jet from orifice or nozzle
• Waves on surface of fluid
• Motion of fluids with different viscosities over one another
Undistorted or True Models: are those which are geometrically similar to prototype
or in other words if the scale ratio for linear dimensions of the model and its
prototype is same, the models is called undistorted model. The behavior of prototype
can be easily predicted from the results of undistorted or true model.
Distorted Models: A model is said to be distorted if it is not geometrically similar to its
prototype. For distorted models different scale ratios for linear dimension are used.
For example, if for the river, both horizontal and vertical scale ratio are taken to be
same, then depth of water in the model of river will be very very small which may not
be measured accurately.
The followings are the advantages of distorted models
• The vertical dimension of the model can be accurately measured.
• The cost of the model can be reduced.
• Turbulent flow in the model can be maintained.

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