Physical Science PERIODIC TEST

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Cantilan National High School
Malingin, Magasang, Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Name: _________________________ Score: _______________

Teacher: Jazel Sheen B. Ahit Date: ________________
Final Examination for the First Semester
Physical Science
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. ---------------- is a theory that explains how the universe was formed

a. Atomic theory c. Big Bang Theory
b. Theories of Stars d. None of these
2. This a force of attraction between objects
a. gravity c. both a and b
b. mechanical force d. None of these
3. The explosion of the the universe took _________ years ago
a. 15 million years ago c. 20 billion years ago
b. 14 billion years ago d. 5 billion years ago
4. Astronomers believe that the Big Bang theory leads to two possible features
a. Open and Closed Universe c. Open Close and Close Open Universe
b. Open features and Close features d. Both a and b
5. ______________ states that galaxies will continue racing outward and therefore the universe will continue to
expand until all stars die
a. Closed Universe
b. Open Universe
c. Dark hole
d. None of these
6. ______________ states that gravity will pull the galaxies back toward the center of the universe
a. Closed Universe
b. Open Universe
c. Dark hole
d. None of these
7. An open universe leads to a total _____________
a. halt
b. vastness
c. emptiness
d. darkness
8. What elements are considered most abundant in stars?
a. helium only c. hydrogen
b. helium and hydrogen d. lithium and helium
9. Stars can be grouped into ________
a. pattern c. clusters
b. constellation d. clump
10. ____________ is the distance that light travels in one year about 9.5 trillion kilometers
a. Parsecs c. Kelvin
b. Light Year d. Celcius
11. All of the following are properties of hot stars in terms of color and temperature except:______
a. Temperature above 30,000 K
b. Emits longer wavelength light
c. Appears blue
d. Emits short wavelength
12. ______________ is a group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the sky?
a. Pattern c. clusters
b. constellation d. clump
13. _________ is a large star with great luminosity and a diameter 10 to 100 times greater than that of the sun
a. White Dwarf c. Supernova
b. Neutron Star d. Giant Star
14. What will happen to a giant star once it loses its outer atmosphere; the glowing stellar core?
a. It will become a Neutron Star
b. Giant Stars will be formed
c. It will turn into a white dwarf
d. None of these
15. How does a black hole form?
a. A black hole forms when any object reaches a certain critical density, and its gravity causes it to collapse
to an almost infinitely small pinpoint
b. A black hole forms when star’s outer layers blast away into space
c. A black hole forms when stars fall into the black hole to make it heavier
d. A black hole forms when a star explode
16. All the following are types of stars except:
a. Super Giant c. Neutron
b. Giant d. nebulaI
17. Who were the so called physicist in Ancient Greece that contributed a lot to the natural and physical world?
a. Leucippus and Democritus
b. Anaxagoras
c. Empedocles
d. Plato
18. All of the following are features of atomism except:
a. Atoms make up the most of the things in the universse
b. Atoms are incredibly small and cannot be divided
c. The shapes, sizes, and weight of atoms does not influence its characteristics
d. Atoms themselves are solid, homogeneous and cannot change
19. He believed that the four elements could be balanced in substances in an infinite number of ways
a. Empedocles
b. Plato
c. Anaxagoras
d. Aristotle
20. How does Chinese civilization differ from other civilizations in terms of practical utilization of substances?
a. Chinese uses them in improving their skills making ceramic materials
b. Chinese uses them to develop substances that can prolong life
c. Chinese had techniques to utilize metals like gold and copper
d. All of these
21. The field of Alchemy became popular in the Western world because of __________ ideas
a. Empedocles
b. Aristotle
c. Plato
d. Anaxagoras
22. All the following are scientific contribution except:
a. Used incantations, esoteric symbols to astrology and religion
b. Took lots of notes and information about what they did
c. Developed step by step procedures and specialized set ups or equipment
d. Refined how to crystallized, condense, distill, evaporate and dissolve metals and materials
23. Which of the following was not part of the ideas of Leucippus and Democritus?
a. The universe is made up either atoms or void
b. An object is made of small indivisible parts which influence the objects properties
c. The universe is made up of four elements that combine and separate to cause change
d. The universe changes because atoms move about, combine, collide and separate
24. What year Joseph John Thomson published the idea that electricity was in particles that were part of the atom?
a. 1897 c. 1860
b. 1887 d. 1960
25. Who was the proponent of the Plum Pudding Model?
a. J.J Thomson
b. James Chadwick
c. Ernest Rutherford
d. John Dalton
26. Give the correct parts of the atomic structure according to Ernest Rutherford Model
a. Neutron, Nucleus
b. Electron, Neutron, Nucleus
c. Nucleus, Proton, Neutron, Electron
d. Electron, Nucleus
27. Rutherford concluded that the nucleus was composed of positive particles known as _________
a. Nucleus
b. Protons
c. Electron
d. Neutron
28. Which of the following is not part of Dalton’s Chemical Atomic Theory?
a. All atoms of the same element can have different masses or isotopes
b. Atoms combine only in whole number
c. All elements are made of atoms
d. None of the above
29. He conceptualize the corpuscles
a. Dmitri Mendeleev c. John Dalton
b. Joseph Proust d. Robert Boyle
30. _____________ are elements with atomic numbers beyond 103
a. Transuranic Elements c. Synthesis of Elements
b. Super heavy Elements d. None of the above
31. An isotope of element 102, with a mass number of 253 was produced by bombarding 240 96 Cm with a projectile
which was absorbed by the target nucleus. This projectile should be:
a. 5 2 H c. 12 6 C
b. 6 C d. 16 8 O
32. Dmitri Mendeleev is often regarded as Father of the Periodic Table. Would you say that Henry Moseley deserves
the recognition more than him?
a. No, Mendeleev deserves the recognition because he was the first person to arrange the elements in
the table
b. Yes Moseley deserves greater recognition since he arrange the elements correctly according to their
atomic numbers
c. Yes because Moseley considered the atomic numbers as finger prints of the elements
d. None of these
33. Who created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight
a. Henry Moseley
b. Dmitri Mendeleev
c. Antoine Lavoisier
d. Joseph Gay - Lusac
34. Why does the life of star depend on its brightness?
a. Because the lighter the stars the younger it looks
b. It is the luminosity of a star that tells you about its internal physics
c. Because the brightness of the star depends on the quantity of its life
d. None of these
35. Apparent Magnitude differs to Absolute Magnitude because;
a it refers to the brightness of stars as it appears to us
b. it refers to the actual amount of light given off by a star at a standard distance
c. It refers to the distance that light travels in one year
d. All of these
36. What is the best method in measuring the distance of nearby stars?
a. parallax
b. parsecs
c. Apparent Magnitude
d. Absolute Magnitude
37. All the following are group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the sky except;
a. Cassiopeia
b. Polaris
c. Big Dipper
d. Rosary
38. Why does constellation shift gradually to the west?
a . Because of the earth’s rotation on its own axis
b. Because of the Earth’s revolution around the sun
c. Because of the cloud’s movement on the sky
d. all of these
39. A chemist weighed two different carbon atoms and found that one of them had a weight of 14 atomic mass units
and the other had a weight of 12 atomic mass units. Which of the following is the reason for the difference in weight?
a. The two atoms had different numbers of proton
b. The two atoms had different numbers of electrons
c. The two atoms had different numbers of neutrons
d. The two atoms were at different temperature
40. The state of matter that exhibit the strongest attractions between atoms and molecule is
a. solid c. gas
b. liquid d. plasma
41. What is he atomic number of Mercury (Hg) ?
a. 80 c. 46
b. 103 d. 32
42. Which one of the following elements forms ions with two different valences?
a. Calcium c. iron
b. arsenic d. flourine
43. A compound is formed by;
a. A single element c. Two or more nuclie
b. Two or more atoms d. Electrons and neutrons
44. Which statement best describes atoms and molecules in a liquid?
a. They vibrate rapidly
b. They form a definite structure
c. They slide past each other
d. They cannot be rearranged
45 According to him the universe is a space time continuum
a. Robert Boyle c. Rutherford
b. Albert Einstein d. James Chadwick
46. What is the correct statement about Flat Universe
a. When traveling a straight line you will never return to your starting point
b. Galaxies continue to expand forever
c. Travel far enough and you will come back to your starting point
d. All of these
47. Distances to stars are measured;
a. parallax
b. parsecs
c. light years
d. light years and parsecs
48. All the following are useful benefits of constellations during the old years except;
a. Used in agriculture
b. Used to predict the weather
c. Used to define someone’s personality
d. Used in improving the community
49. Why can’t you see stars during the day?
a. Because of its distance from the earth
b. Because stars don’t shine during day time
c. Because of the amount of sunlight entering the earth’s atmosphere covering the vision of other stars
d. both a and b
50. All the following are characteristics of a star except;
a. Color
b. Temperature
c. Luminosity
d. Distance

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