Difference Between Conceputal Framework and Theoretical Frame Work

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Conceptual framework is the framework that you are developing after rigorous literature review &

wanted to test the hypotheses associated with the framework. Sometimes, conceptual framework
also called research model or research framework by different researchers / scholars or after some
refinements / fine-tuning.

Theoretical framework refers to previous theories, frameworks, models that you were reviewing
during literature review. Normally, a researcher will develop his or her conceptual framework
underpinned on some theoretical frameworks that s/he has reviewed. Usually, without theoretical
frameworks to support your conceptual framework, you might expose to questioning during article
review / thesis viva examination. Theoretical frameworks are important as they serve as life-saver /
base / float in which without them a conceptual framework might sink miserably.

If you want to explore the differences among conceptual framework, theoretical framework, structural
model and measurement model, you might want to take a look on the following post in RG:


From my reading of literature on research methods in the social sciences and behavioural sciences,
the two terms are not research design-specific. In other words, it is not so that one belongs to the
qualitative paradigm while the other to the quantitative one. Though the terms might have been used
interchangeably, in fact, they refer to different things.

Theoretical framework in a study is based on an existing theory or theories (e.g., a theory of

motivation). The conceptual framework, on the other hand, is something you can develop yourself
based on this theory. You inevitably would use some --if not all-- concept that this particular theory
operates with. In addition, in your conceptual framework you can add your own concept / constructs /
variables that you think are relevant and then proceed to explore or test the relationship between

Hope this helps and good luck!

Conceptual framework is the framework that you are developing after rigorous literature review &
wanted to test the hypotheses associated with the framework. Sometimes, conceptual framework
also called research model or research framework by different researchers / scholars or after some
refinements / fine-tuning.
Theoretical framework refers to previous theories, frameworks, models that you were reviewing
during literature review. Normally, a researcher will develop his or her conceptual framework
underpinned on some theoretical frameworks that s/he has reviewed. Usually, without theoretical
frameworks to support your conceptual framework, you might expose to questioning during article
review / thesis viva examination. Theoretical frameworks are important as they serve as life-saver /
base / float in which without them a conceptual framework might sink miserably.

Structural model and measurement model usually being coined when a researcher is performing a
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) be it Covariance-based SEM or Variance-based
SEM. Measurement model (sometimes also called outer model) depicts the relationship between all
the constructs & their respective indicators (survey questionnaire items) specified by the researcher
to test for construct validity (Hair et al., 2010). Those indicators in the measurement model are used
to indicate or measure their respective constructs. Measurement model is drawn using multivariate
statistical tools like SPSS, AMOS, SmartPLS etc based on the conceptual framework / research
model developed by the researcher.

Structural model (sometimes also called inner model) illustrates how the dependency relationships
are connecting all the constructs within a hypothesized model. Structural model is specified from a
validated measurement model (Hair et al., 2010) also using tools like AMOS, SmartPLS etc.

The flow of sequence based on time basis should be: Theoretical Framework --> Conceptual
Framework / Research Framework --> Measurement Model --> Structural Model

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