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1. Which of the following best represents your view of God:

a) God’s like a genie in a bottle, ask and you shall receive.
b) God is like a tyrant who is wrathful and cruel.
c) God is like a 60’s peace child, he’s full of peace and love.
d) God is like a distant relative whom I rarely hear from or talk to.
e) God is like an unstable and unpredictable boss.
f) God is like a puppet master who controls all things.
g) Other: ___________________________________
2. Identify which of the following statements best represents you:
a) I’m a good Christian. I read my Bible, pray regularly, and seek to be nice to people.
b) I’m a bad Christian. I’m constantly aware of my failures before God which cause me to feel
inadequate and lowly.
c) I struggle with making the connection between what I know in my head about God and
experiencing that knowledge in my heart.
d) I like to compartmentalize my personal life and my Christian life. I have my Christian friends
and my non-Christian friends, whom I keep separate. The same is true for church, personal
life, and work.
e) I’m action oriented so I’m always seeking to make things happen. This leads me to working
hard at my faith.
f) I seek to constantly find ways to apply the gospel to my daily life. This often means I simply
rest in the work of Christ on my behalf.
3. How often do you read the Bible? The options below are for a typical week.
a) 0-1 times a week
b) 2-3 times a week
c) 4-5 times a week
d) Daily
e) More than once Daily
4. When reading the Bible select the best options that reflect your experience in God’s Word:
a) I read the Bible to get answers to life questions I have.
b) I read the Bible to learn about God.
c) I read the Bible to foster a relationship with God.
d) I struggle to read the Bible because God’s Word is so confusing to me.
e) I only read the New Testament.
f) I only read the Old Testament.
g) I tend to read large chunks of scriptures (e.g., multiple chapters a day)
h) I tend to chew on small pieces of scripture, meditating on them.
i) I tend to try and personalize the scriptures I read, meaning how it applies to my life.
j) Scripture feels very impersonal to me, I cannot relate to what I read.
k) I pray scripture, meaning I seek to pray about the scripture I read.
l) I avoid the Old Testament because I do not see how it is relevant given we have the New
m) I tend to avoid the Old Testament because I do not like how wrathful and judgmental God is.
n) I read the Bible like a “how to manual”.
o) I struggle to make the connection between what I read and connecting it to my heart.
p) I meditate on scripture until I’m able to having it penetrate the depths of my heart.
q) I fear I do not know how to read the Bible.
r) I struggle disciplining myself to read the Bible regularly.
s) I tend to hyper focus on scripture without taking in the context of the surrounding scripture
and what the rest of the Bible says about the scripture I hyper focus on.
t) Other: ____________________________________________________________________
5. Select the following statements that best represent your view of reading the Bible:
a) It’s a chore, I have to force myself to read the Bible.
b) I rarely get anything from my time in the Word.
c) It’s boring.
d) I’d rather read Christian books than the Bible.
e) I use to get more out of reading the Bible than I do now.
f) I wish I could get more out of reading the Bible.
g) I feel obligated to read the Bible because it is what a good Christian does.
h) I mainly read the Bible to learn.
i) I thirst for God’s word.
j) I miss the times I’m not in the Word.
k) God’s Word more often than not stirs within my heart.
l) The Bible is how I go about spending time with God.
m) The Bible is how I go about hearing from God.
6. How often do you pray? The options below are for a typical week.
a) 0-1 times a week
b) 2-3 times a week
c) 4-5 times a week
d) Daily

No FAITH QUESTIONNAIRE 2 Never Occasionally Always

7 When you pray how often do you pray
8 Adoration toward God (i.e., deep love and respect)
9 Confessing your sins to God and turning to him in repentance
10 Thanksgiving to God (meaning you thank him for the blessing
he’s showered you with)
11 Supplication (i.e., the act of asking or begging for something
earnestly and humbly)

12. Where do you currently struggle to trust God in your life?

13. In the struggle(s) listed above how do you go about seeking to gain control?


14. What areas of your life do you tend to be anxious about? When anxious, what does it lead you
a) Anger, the fight response to feeling threatened.
b) Worry, the flight response to feeling threatened.
c) Faith, i.e. being vigilant in turning to God.
d) Other: __________________________________
15. What do you tend to turn to for security and comfort?

16. What problems do you tend to avoid or ignore?

17. What angers you?


18. Suppose you were to die tonight and stand before God, and he were to say to you “Why should I
let you into heaven?” What would your answer be?

19. What is one thing you’d ask God for, that you want more than anything?

20. How do you seek to preach the gospel to yourself in the midst of your daily life and struggles?

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