Malayalam English Dictionary by Gundart

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Rev. H. GUNDERT, D. Ph.

Part I: The Vowels




Rev. H. GUNDERT, D. Ph.

The Dictionary of the Malayalam Language by Dr. H. Gundert
which will be issued in parts, will consist of about 1000 pp. Royal 8°.

It is calculated that the work will be complete in five parts, and

be finished by the end of 1872.
Price to subscribers, registering their names for the entire work

Es. 12. 8. 0, or per each part Rs. 2. 8. 0. Single parts will not be sold.

A hio"her rate will be charo;ed to non-subscribers.

Thirteen copies will be given to parties subscribing for twelve.

Subscriptions will be registered by the Publisher at Mangalore

and at the Stations of the Basel G-erman Mission in Malabar, viz:

Cannanore, Tellicherry, Chombala, Calicut, Codacal, Palghat.

Mangalore, C Stolz,
March 1871. Publisher.


Introhictori) ^li^marb.

The materials for this work have been collected during more
than twenty-five years' study of the language. The words have been
taken from all available sources, from the lips of speakers of all ranks,
castes and occupations, from the letters and records of many different

districts, and from the writers in prose and poetry of every age. A
list necessarily imperfect of the literature which has been ransacked
for contributions, will be subjoined under the head of Abbreviations.
2. It has been found difficult to draw the line of demarcation

between Malayalam and Tamil words. These two languages of old

differed rather as dialects of the same member of the Dravidian family,
than as separate languages; in consequence many Tamil words occur
still in local usage (e. g. (C^-^o, osrzjs in some of its senses) or in time-

honored phrases and formulas (e.g. (tsrtncsg-^teo, (^'^siis, a-^roocYb)^

which have long ceased to be used in colloquial speech. A consider-

able number of such have been received and marked as aM. (ancient
Malayalam). They cannot be dispensed with, if the Dictionary is to

give a true representation of the history of the language. This history

commences for us (if we except a few inscriptions on copper and
stone) with the Eania Charitam, in which we probably have the oldest
Malayalam poem still in existence, composed as it was before the intro-
duction of the Sanscrit alphabet and deserving of the particular
attention of the scholar, as it exhibits the earliest phase of the language,

perhaps centuries before the arrival of the Portuguese. For several

antiquated words (such as (®fZ)yioe5, ost-coo, n. csrage^) this poem is the only
authority. The bulk of the other great poems, the Bharatam, Eamaya-

_ 4 —
nam, and the versions of the PuiTinas were composed within the two
or tlircc last centuries. As these constitute the popular literature of

all Malayalam readers, no Dravidian word found in them has been

excluded. On the other hand there are many Malayalam composi-
tions of later date, especially such as are current among the Vedantists,
which evidently affect Tamil modes of expression. These have been
excluded if not supported by other evidence.
3. To determine the amount of Sanscrit words to be received

into a Malayalam Dictionary has been a task of even greater difficulty.

As this Dictionary is not intended for the use of Sanscrit students, the
rule followed in compiling it has been to include only those words
and meanings that were found in bona fide Malayalam productions; to
sift and reduce the enormous mass of mythological and botanical names
and synonyms, many of which are confessedly very doubtful; to record
merely the principal signification of words confined to poetical usage;
and to devote particular attention only to those terms which are gene-
rally accepted as fairly "domiciled" in Malayalam and which have
in the course of naturalization received various applications not to

be met with in pure Sanscrit (e. g. (©r^c^jocoio, (©rQcuorofDo).

4. The idioms and significations peculiar to Southern Kerala or

Travancore^ have been carefully collected both from the productions
of the Cottayam press, and from the very valuable Dictionaries com-
piled by the Portuguese and Italian Missionaries of Virapoli; works
which, although completed in 1746, rest upon materials accumulated
in the 17th, perhaps even 16th century, and rank as the oldest monu-
ment extant of the study of Indian languages by Europeans. (They
are marked in the Dictionary Vi. & V2). Still greater care has been
bestowed upon the language of Northern Kerala or Malabar proper
(with the Bekal Talook of Canara); and explanations of the histori-
cal names, castes and dynasties (comp. csrzia&^c^^, (t5ir?)s|(ScQJosl, c&bQQi^a^c^,

cTS^^fb, (SiroajcsrDDOJo, (Gr^cruDlcfifieio^l) and of the institutions, usages

and traditions, by which this province differs so singularly from the

surrounding countries (see for instance, c^rcaa^o, cstdsIq, csr^.oa'SQjo, cGr?)Q_i

^oujo) have been drawn from every trustworthy source. Amongst

— 5 —
the sources for this kind of information I would particularly point
out the old Tellicherry Records (TR.) as conveying a mass of instruc-
tion in the best prose of the language.

5. The object being to present a faithful picture of the whole

Malayalam tongue, the writer has not felt at liberty to exclude the
foreign words which have of necessity crept into the language. The
Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Portuguese and even English terms,
which the commerce of centuries and the conquest of foreign creeds
and arras with new laws and arts have introduced along this coast,

cannot be proscribed, whatever regret their prevalence may excite

in the purist. They do not, of course, claim the same minute investi-

gation and treatment, which belong to words, whose birthright and

position in the language are indisputable. (See for A. fs>^^, ce^aD

POo, (S^c?lrb, (Sf^caxb, (tsrz!a^Qj5 for P. (^SYoae^oal, as^^^aoc/olj for H. as^^ch-^h,

(®fZ)Gi-j5b, (©toQJDrol^ for Port. cci^ooooDcro; for E. (©^QjDld>).

6. It is for the same reason, that 'provincialisms and vulgarisms

have not been rejected, though they are pointed out as such (f.i. csfOo

crofDo, (SifZ)nraQjjcroo under (Gr^("YaQJD'3o, asifsmj^o). To discard coarse and

even obscene modes of speech, has not been thought advisable, how-
ever much their existence and currency may be regretted. They are

marked "obsc", as w^as done by the fathers of Verapoli in their day,

that they may be avoided. Under all these heads (§ 2 — 6) the student

will of course have room for candid allowance concerning omissions

and superfluities.

7. The writer has throughout endeavoured to trace the origin of

each word; and particular attention has been paid to the comparison
of the cognate Dravidian languages. He has not been successful in
every instance (f.i. (©fcrsYc^oo); sometimes the unimportance of the
word, as in the case of provincialisms, prevented him from prosecut-
ing his search to the end.
8. The arrangement chosen has been, to point out as far as possi-
ble the root and origin of each word, to give first its primitive sense
and to add the figurative and free senses in a rational order; lastly

to illustrate them by examples taken from reliable authorities. The

different constructions in which the same word occurs (e. g. (^s^ib^^
(S\<^)^ its various applications (e. g. osroscs^ce^), allusions to the tra-
ditions and superstitions of the people ['®^§,a5rsro6no), standing phrases
((GTDSc^o, (tsrsQjcron) and proverbial expressions (cctq^o, (Srofzj^eYXj ^juI, (S^

^003, (Crcofbo-j, (srcmjDtfo, (sraoBjlonl^ (STZ)^), these points have been es-
pecially considered in selecting the illustrations. The Compounds
and Derivatives are arranged under each leading word in alphabetical
order, but are not treated at the length that appeared necessary in the
case of the parent words.
9. The orthography of each word is Hxed at the head of the article
which treats of it, but in the illustrations deviations are allowed, when
they exhibit a current pronunciation (f.i. ctsr^s^scy, asr(DSa_^), or are
borne out by the constant usage of some locality or caste (esrtjg^, csroa

Q(b:6^)^ or when, as in the case of the numerous Tadbhavams, it is

caused by the inequalities of the Sanscrit and Dravidian alphabets

10. It cannot be expected that the work should be compressed

within the same compass as the Eev. Mr. Bailey's Dictionary. Not
that the latter will always be found the more concise of the two. It

is one of the chief defects of that, otlierwise valuable, work, that it

does not discriminate between Malayalam and Sanscrit terms and

leaves the student completely in the dark, both as regards the ety-
mology and the proportional importance of words. For it concedes
to unknown and useless words (f.i. (Syss?c^oCo1, csirsg erno^o) as well as

to those that are comparatively unimportant (as ^raTl, -^^.j) more space,
than to words of the genuine native stock that occur frequently in idi-

oms of daily current use (f.i. (Srz)§d66inr>ti,

^^^i^)- Ii^ consequence it

will be found, that the Sanscrit part of the present work (see for

instance the compounds with (®^ord— cg^q-j— csmal— ) occupies less

space than was the case in the former Dictionary and this without
any detriment to the subject matter. For the progress made in tlie

study of Sanscrit subsequent to the appearance ofDr. Wilson's Diction-

ary (on which the Sanscrit portion of Mr. Bailey's work is based) has
enabled the writer to throw new light even on this part of his task.
On the other hand he has endeavored to condense the matter present-
ed into the shortest possible space. What is obvious has been omitted,
many secondary words are but slightly noticed and a liberal use has

been made of abbreviations. By these means it is possible to publish

the whole work in one portable volume; smaller than Rottler's Tamil
or Reeve's Canarese Dictionary.
11. The student may at the beginning be embarassed by some of
the abbreviations adopted (for instance \rfor root; + plus as in I'Sriiajorb,

which is composed of csrzs+csrQob; the figures (2) (3) which point to that

signification of the parent word from which the derivative is deducible,

as (Sr^Jce^oeefD^o (3) to cstqcB^o 3., tbe mind). Also the absence of the
common signs s., adj. may startle him at first sight. They have been
deliberately abandoned. What, for instance, is the use of calling (S^-oJ
roo an adj., which indeed it is in Sanscrit, when the example subjoined
i3jro:.ajfDsg^6o shows that in J\Ialayalam it is used as a noun? Or why
should (®fZ)<^fWo be called an adj. and csrsc^g^o a subst., whilst in S.
both are equally adjectives and in Malayalam strictly speaking both
are nouns, though poetical usage may treat them more or less as

adjectives. Can the indefinite Numer-ds, such as (er3(gnote>o, (©rccroDrOo

be called adjectives, or have composition-cases like oOTc&iG c5vz)^ a claim

to that name? It seems to be of more moment to show by examples,
how the words are applied, than to pretend to classify them by the
utterly incongruous nomenclature of the grammar of European
languages. Where doubts might arise, the gender, which in most
cases is recognizable by the termination, will be found marked, as
(GTOcQjeLiQJoorolm. — crolroi f. (©-e^de^ob m. (©r&tfd^ f. But since Malayalam
grammar acknowledges only the distinctions of Nouns, Verbs and In-
declinables, the Verb seems to be the only part of speech which re-

quires specifying marks. This has been amply done by the abbrevi-
ations a. v.=active verb, n.v.^neuter verb, CV.=Causal Verb, den V.=
denominative Verb, def V.=defective Verb, (for instance ^g|.), adj. V.=

adjectival Verb (as (Srotu),

^^), aux V.=auxiliary Verb (f.i. ^'%<^\ as
also by marking its parts (past, 1st and 2nd fut., inf., conditional, adj.
and adv. participle, VN.= Verbal Noun, etc.)
12. An undertaking of tins magnitude cannot lay claim to any-
thing like perfection as regards either completeness or correctness.
But the writer conceives, that a publication of the kind is a desider-
atum in Malabar, and that this attempt at supplying it will be found
serviceable to the cause of education in that province. Should it

one day be superseded by a work approaching nearer to the standard

he has had in view, he hopes that he will be found to have at least

furnished a stock of valuable materials, that will under all circum-

stances render to his successors a not unwelcome assistance in their

toilsome task, in the same way that he in his has received aid from

the accumulated labours of his predecessors.


Abl. Ablative. Chin.

abstr N. abstract Noun.

aC. ancient Canarese.

Ace. Accusativ,'.

adj. aljective.

adv., advl. adverb, adverbial.

Adw. Adwaitam.

a M. ancient Malaya|ani.

a Med. ancient Medical Treatises in prose.

Anach. Anacharam.
Anj. Anjadi.

a N. pr. Nomen proprium, a proper name.

AR. Adhyatma Raraayanara.

Ar. Arabic.

Arb. Arbuthnot, Selections.

Asht. Ashtanga Hrdayam.

astrol. astrology.

a T. ancient Tamil.

auxV. auxiliary Verb.

B. Bailey's Mai.- Engl. Dictionary

(also his Scripture Translation).

bef. before.

Bang. Bengali.

BhadrD. Bhadra DTpam, or Bliadra DTpa-


BhgV. Bhagavata Vyakhyanam.

Bhr. Mahabharatara.

BR. Ba!a Ramayanam.

Brhm I'. Brahmanda Purauani.

C. Canarese.

Cal. Calicut.

Cal KU. Calicut Kerala Utpatti.

Can. Cannanore.

CartV. CiirtavTryarjuna Catha.

CC.,(CCh.) Crshna Charitam.

CG. Do. Gatha.


f. i.

pres. present tense. Tdbh.

PrC. Prahlada Charitam.

pet., o/q per cent.

prh. perhaps,

prob. probably.

pron. pronoun.

prov, proverbs, proverbial.

PT. Panchatantram. in - versions.

q. T. quod vide = which S(e.

RC. Rama Charitam.

Rh, Rheede'shortusmalabaricuB, 1689.

Rom. Cath. Roman Catholic.

Rel, Part. Relative Participle.

RS. Ramayana SankTrtanam.

rev. revenue papers.

S. Sanscrit.

Sah. Sahadeva Vakyani.

SG. Santana Gopalam (2 versions).

ShV. Shabari Vakyam.

simpl simple, i. e. the Verb or Noun with-

out prefixes,

sing. singular.

sic. = thus.
SiPu.(SP.) Siva Puranam.

SidD. Siddhanta DTpika.

Sil. STlavati pattu.

SitVij. STta Vijayara.

Sk. Skandam Puriinam.

60C. social (case).

SoM. South Malabar.

Som. Soraavarapattu.

SSh. Shilatamra Shasanangal.

Stuti. different Stutis of Gods.

Superl. Superlative,

superst. superstition.

Swarg. some Swargarohanam.

Syr. Syrian.

T. Tamil.

Talip. Taliparambu.

Tantr. Tantrasangraham.
Tatw. Tattwaa:nanam.
following Lopsius' Standard Alphabet, '2iid Edition 1863, 2nd postscript.

A complete Transliteration of the Malayalara Al])habet drawn up by the Author (now in

Germany) will be published witii the last Part; meantime the I'ublisher trusts his subscribers
will accept his attempt at assisting them in their pernsal of the Dictionary.

a. Vowels.



(Si^ a. Found ill TJbh's boforo initial ro, gj, as

fuorodDnib, ftJnrossg; — passes easily into the (5r0oc;3c9ffloran{) person of noble descent VI.

sound of Q^, as Si^szvcb from ess, S)m .oiial = (srooc/ao 5)a5§ajnb fallen from his rank VI.

evaal- The final (Bra has often the character of (maoCDrOjC^ dignity VI.

a palatal vowel and corresponds with T. sjqQ), (S^aC/dc&o amsa'jfam S. (israoMo) The fourtli

C. o^. f, i. raiai, rmmaijlrai), fms^maa; n_io, n_i part of a day. 6if03 (QyjS\ = 2-^^ cno(h = a6 rarao
caiiio TP. Hence a denom, V. (gT3oc;a<9r)ld35) f. i.

I. OS^ a 5. pron. That, yonder. (The corres- i5£)ciOo 6icnjg fODO'a^canQjo (5raoc/3<3)liBso TP.

ponding pron. signifies this, as in (mofms,

nS^oC/9lae6~iamsikka(,-aTaoaao) To divide, portion.

(ma(®.) Hence : (Hraojnbi (Skxs) ; (sratSsro, tsragjoo, ((Sf^o(j^ amsu S. (oiaocoo) Ray (po.) sraoc^rao

fataSgjooiai (and tgrogSruojiaj). Before vowels ejo ajranrra CO. oraoc^aDnb sun (po.)

iBwgjoch that man, fsrst^So that place. It is

(&Qo(TOo amsam S. l Shoulder ; Rjraoaroao strong

also used for the second person as (sraSgoDo (po.)

that person, you (comp. smsi^).

(©torrorOo amsaram Vu. = otaajooroo TR.
II. (G^ a S. negative particle, before vowels (tnortb (&T)oClDcr\p amhasSU S. (L. ango) Anxiety,
(G. an — L. in — E. un — ) as fiSTaaQiiio fruit- (throttler) sin = Rjra\J)o.
less, !BT3aafsra)0o than which there is no better. (Si^d&) a^^a (C. Tu. tarasico) and Germ, bud,

(&Qo am 5. (obs.) = (iJ«, rarag; hence (Sraestj- shoot; (3T0a)Qice5) to bud (T. to burst) f. i.

(®fSoC/9o amsam S, l.Sharc, part. i^aTTl,tii)0(b a grafted tree VI. aio§ Giai^caorob (BTO'j^ih

(srao'jao J TR. (5iaov3ru(ra)o deed of partition. ^l§o — ojOJiJa S):n£\ ^go^^Drat (arasiVflso PT.

2. part of a Talook, formerly called siooo fsrasojl 6)aj§lcs2;ofol) tQ"r35)d)i^l§o Bhr. 3. will

enjial, greater than a (oio, hence moou^o bud again.

(Sroojlaiorol, tgraoc/Do (Saecnonb MR. 3. ema- I. CS^cBjo a'yam S. (isra + cSio joy) Pain, sin (po.)

nation or incarnation of a god. (oimosis iTfOo II. (©TDd&Jo a'yamT.M,To.(Tu. (srao.) 1. Inside;

osRssaorai) oTaajra^orosaBcb 6)jii<m l!hg. 1. sa often adv. iSiOSsOio, omffSilAo in the jungle,

Qjsinbo fiTraoaao = ^«3ra1. King Udaya Varma heart(po.) — laidjcculra.-sroilral) itrraoOo o_iffmo TR.

ia called roiiOoc/30 KM. (moooaouiairosn") within 1000 fanam, less than. — sradhajo ajo
60QcX)Bhr. 1. 4. hence glory. (T)roa_iiO)^ (tnooco ajo <ScnDdj!2cO> examine closely. 2. abode,

<S<^S)o CSXixBio

liouso, room; hence G)iO)§<Oio, (Si))03Z)lL!!(3io, a5ra<i>)nola3 (3) scorn.

etc. — (araojlsstata «n3(feajo ajrocsj^o Q(])gjoo fBTaaiaJoaEQ venereal disease (mod.)

(OisrgofcA vu. 3. the min(l = 2)c>a- 4, holding fl3T3iOiryo§ V. N. getting into, what is enclosed,

(in names of trees, as gjrolcruaio, G)jiiaiii>jo, f. i. in an account. — inside VI.

Qo-ianDcOio). (SO'3>S)^^&^ 1. to get into, be caught, f. i. a)

Cpds: (Gra<S5(Os)roc>3? itjrac&icflaDcru ,

t5r3t9ic09ro3'nD(3) emlcsi^rai) (sra. in a trap, a-smlrol) (5raa>5igL-j§

heart, mind. moshiB^OiScmooo Qtmglsroig) Mud. c/3((^d36ic>o Bhr. and Qd^tSst (sa&>S)Qj5 PT.

offered itself to the eye; Qj(2nDajrrro ensorh

(5ra^®cOs)0§ citadel; (35croffl3ej0a)<Sc8s)D§KR. 1.

raT0i9)6)g_js Nal. 3. roiSinbo eaotojlcfisiaisig^js

fijraaiaajorai) sole of foot.

palm of hand. PT. returned to her caste; £hq^S)cn<as)<ai


(StOtOiCOisrs tsni&(a)£\(b, (sra<9)(aio<b (3) heart, 6)g_j§ (gal TR. (=£c>3j)gjs) a^aajo &>^

mind (po.) (ST0a){ai5rglraf) o^cio(B^OQ,o RC. aocaTl (graaie^gj^a^ KR. be seized in the

(BrgjCTOaao Bh^. very act. 2. to befall (BiataPrak-QjlafiJo (Sta


oracOofDiS) (=(St3<Siol.) a. within, in the house. <Oi5)g_j§o evil will befall it; (BTOrz^lma oolem

aji3)ra(Ssia)(5!gCTolnrra TR. from within. tea (m3<S)o)gj|(S(Tn CG. this was a punish-

measure of time AR. ment for that.

b, iggijg aoDgliiicaiff^

esp. before noon (opp. railfoleroi^) (BiacSxara C. VI. (BT3a)5)g_J§o66) (old) ajOro'c2J<S)5^g_]§'31'3)

arosl, (Hra^sl MR. roa«nb RC. 34. 2. vu. tsraais^gj^c^a) cause

whilst oJlycmrailsintio oraaio^ 5)ca)0>-3ira)1 vu. to be taken, catch, as <9)6Tnlcdjlf3!). 3. tara


aisigj^ojlcfla inflict. o_irol/gaio ST3)63T3c>ocas)

keeping within their ora cao)g_jsl^^o Bhr. 8. oj golaidxaraa^

Brahminichis as
Sig-i^cul^ jud.
houses (2).

master, mistress of the house (SK)&Z5ssq& (2) dwell retired zoaizr^oafBwo

(moaittsraDnb, cfe

ff)S sraaiasssBl ©roltSann (rrol MR. (of a

«3r3c95toTO5tpl providing food (2). B. oratacorajtpl Mussulman woman).

f3TacS)0i3J valley, ground surrounded by hills.

fsraaiKga jiiocrnoJib kindred (2). VI. lower (graaiiziGJib (=®raai,'a)0<b) heart (po.)

Sudras, serving in Brahmin houses. (SK)<£h(S<2 (=(0rac&G^) (3T3aajoslan<0)<B0 <9)S<T)a

1. innermost. 2. house sur- CC. chiefly temporal en. cnog.<S5<22 arolcBao


rounded with hedge or wall. 3. palace or a. med. onDiplo5<a5c95)<0)i20 vu.

mansion, as of the 4branchesof theSamuri (HTacSioxisl (2) palace service, body-guard. &
family VI. i^cryroilaabo OTD(ftRy@S (5135)5^ @§Qjo & ig^osraltQicbcea (StacSious^ Nal. 3.

6)&>£\ -ai^ TR. satellites. (Bia<S)(TUsl@§a), cnscSa the office

(STaa)f!S@sn_jrol.fi3 (or ^@g<Qic^moc»(l)) a class of body-guards, to run with the king,

of Nayer, considered as descendants of attend on him.

Samuri, also called <£h(2^roloocnj1- orracaaiislsamo hon. title of Nayers, especially

(sraairo^s ojlofmojib sons of slaves, as in at Calicut. iBTOcSicTUslKnn.-aiJB^raij^aoBfflfJSfmo

Nasrani houses VI. (TOOJib Q^yc® TR. letter of the faithful

(HTaaiSiWDOS (o-js) inwards. followers (of the Pychi Raja).

(gTa<9)®t!5K8onbj (Scotmod) 1. indoor servant VI. (HracQicruslaiOcojas-.Ofo.Tb general of body-guard,

2. (3I3(3)(OIO>m0O(b. head of Raja's household.

CSfQSi^ — (SifOdQiOq csfOcejaio — (®fQoebl6Tffiu

(Bra<9)(Tya3iQ), c98 to enter. <S<Z><BiEilo a'yalam l. Breadth, width. 2.

(grataiaojOo outside and inside, orosicnjoo (£1 distance, a <ftsl rtnzzlfji am ajlalajos israa^

rol3iO>-i3T3)ajnb VI, clownish, illbred, ^s aj(S0 2g§-

Kggo Qjueggo f5ra>3icnjoo rtjilrolcao.'Draajnb csf^s>B^<:B),crfii a-^alu^a tm. (Tu. C Te.

V2. a complete fool. gjftnlfiA ans fSiasicnj tgracofiA) 1. To become extended, distant. 2.

ooS5^C5^so ©^ TR. no underhand deal- to part, retire; oJlro«8o 05Tigl (grOfdilecaSBtaos

ings, no shuffling. (3K)c£hnmD(b UR. ojlajc/ara orai3>Gja«sl(Tn)^asm

fsroaiajlaj T. regulated price of grain — highest ScQnsmo help mo of my distress; (jO22i0a)om

price (So. and Palg.) ajOc03<0iC>3 KR. (=g2&J3tsi^)*

(HTaajfij, (5ra<ftC8aj Inf, far off, aside tmacChSai

(Oftfti^ a'yadu (T. inside, deceit csra<B>o) In ora
ool^, (5TD<9)ej (8a_ioaf?l (inlfolsra^ withdrew.
<0)§ djlsSi^ C. Te. M. topsyturvy crotaaiajo
roocooalt9i5)g. (sracEbSaj a)a<9' Ch. R. (Hraai
(5TQ<S)§ ajl<9>soced)l vu. spoiled it all, also oro
(Saj (Sn_jonT)Xi5iao (gTj)rol(g<£J) ojla'^afD!) prov.

(5ra<S)0jl-2j in regular distances.

CSYOcfiiSOgdfco a'Jfanda'yam S. Free from thorns
{5ia<9i^ V. N. separation, distance, reserve.
and vexations; raora.o (5TD3i5T^i>)ZD32Jfrnl^

Brhmd. erarmrib rooS3jo fgT3<f)i5ir@<£h0oai7l n_irolci_jD

|)sng Mud. much estranged.
oj^cBgnra KR. without opposition.
aSr^cBjfsb a'yal T. M. l. Round earthen lamp.
flOTdS^'TJYCi?] a-yatti PM. (igraoDnr^) Sosbania
2. (?) anger VI.
grandiflora Rh. vrith edible leaves, jijloo
(StSo&jOrx: oojfe a'jfasmal S. (ca-.agorab whence)
a),'3i^ a raed. Cassia.
Without cause, unexpectedly, suddenly (po.)
(®^d&> (^dB5 a'yattU'ya(=(ma«)OQ,d>,) Todistend.
(S^dSiD, (®fOd953cail a'ya, apyi ((sraajo 2.)=
aiotab (grOcSi.'Oia)^ aoj.^ stretch asunder.
oraiftQjocaJl Inside of house, room ; raraaiocaJl a)

(€i?)d95LDjo a'Jfathyain S. (cDild) Not to be spoken

scTTO, s-aoismo siajcSscmfmlsjnbo oraaiocalfsl)
aisma TR.
(t5Y?)d95rrTD a'yanda T. = (Brap_0(TO Pride.

(Si^d95a_Jo a'yappam imoS') Stalk of grass,

(gra(9>3cqj@@g(Coch.) = (sraa5fDi3)22i a Xambutiri
rice VI.
(©^cftia-JOOfb a^appan (T. C. (srasig-j from ma (EradSiDOjo a'yamyam S.(ca)O0) Undesirable (po.)
<&)o) Ladle VI. S. The sound or letter ota-
(GrZ)o6>D(Cio a'yaram
(&^c£h(C)o a-jfaram (Tdbh. 'macoooo.)^ Brahmin (gra(9)0raDal alphabetical, a dictionary.
house, So.
(Cr^)c9>3rD©noo aT/aranam s. What is without
(®f?)c65fffi6YDOfb aprunail S. Unmerciful (po.) cause; csT3£hDrD6Tnzo-3i?ls (wa^A Asht. (=(gT3<Si
(S^c&)fnTO)Q_),o a-jfartavyam S. impracticable, unpro-
ogoro!)) raraa)oro6iT)0ocdn i2ej:^5)g_j^
want of energy.

(S(Z)S^.(2ai<&o a'j/arma'yam s. "Without object, orasoo^o S. not to be done.

intransitive; (sra&Ki^laii intr. verb (gr.) (®iZ)oB50^o a'j^alam S. Untimely, out of season.

(GrOd&iOq a&5 a'Jfattfu'ya T. M. (trans. of(i3TO<a>G4) (gra<9)oai0ro6mo, tBTaoiDHJi-Diaisifab eaool^ — ora

1. To extend, open. 2. gen. to remove, put a5oaj0Sgj it is now too late, (SOOfDo (sraaioaj

away (as ojDcljo. sio^csno). orucruano (sro&iOCitB) 00(3^1 (3o_iocaJl MR.

dissolve a connection, (er^oebleTSunnab a'yinjanaii s. Having nothing
oroaioolcas) C. V. cause to remove. at all (po.)

(^r?)debl§ — csrsoee^o OSrOdesiOOo — aj:rt)e)(^of?jroi

(®r5d9^§ ayidu 1. = !3Ki<oi§- 2. Udder (VI.

also oTOcCh^) Qg)f330cqj6)S (sraanb amq,^^ Arb.
1 4
!3ra<fhl§lfai) qoi mDcysng. MC.

cGr5d93lQd93 a-yiru-ya (C. nguru=C. (Qiaojlip)

To roai", bellow, children to cry V, N, m!><Q^^

Palg. B.

aST^cfbld) a'jfil TM. Tu. 1. (hence S. tmacoTO

llcbr. ahalim) aloe wood, "aguila" P. Aquilaria

Agallocha GP. 76. ^oacioo (graailrab ^seoiil

o^gg nrgcocTX06!58S)a 6)<9i06rT| cyojlcea Vy. M.

aemo <£hlacTr)<fl^ttii),t5T3)slaic)o RC. 50. rsTDisiilai

ernlajOib igajcaocb, mTOaTlrob (STgjOSo Qj0(b5ii£ha

ffl5(ftcb RC. 147. 102. 55aj@2 ffnaflTlrab white

cedarwood (9)0foa)ltz!f) GP. 75. black agallocha.

-iijajtTn (sra<£hlfril) a cedrclacea. 2. = (HTavS^A)

trench, Palg.

(SrOceTltP, asrSdOn^o a^yil, a-yil So. M. (T. C.

ditch, from (fftaa^tp to dig.) Dam, earth-wall,

fence VI. 2. (jnaijTl'-i' (SaiooBS), ao^a^ to en-

trench oneself V2.

(Sir<5de?lfmxyil a'J^irti S. Want of fame.

(eT7)d93alJoa'^urppam(loc.) = (0ran^!^o S.

(©ftJdOjeJo, (SrSAarinOo a-^ulam, a-yulinam

S. Ignoble KR.
(®t^o93C/3£Jo a'^usalam s. iii-iuck(po.)

(S^c^n-JDfDo a'yuparam S.(illiraited)Ocean(po.)

(SrD,£^j(7Do a'yrSamS. Undone (po.) (Hra^'Wjo not

to be done — wickedness. >.XJgjgo oi^^joo (313

^(Wjo oQcmoflnlejo Nal. 4.

(tSfO<^(re)l(2o a-yrtrimam s. Not factitious,

genuine, honest, conspicuous, lofty, VI.

(S^6)(Bi:BG\, a"^ekka see (5«i>).

((5fdS)cB^^Od^o a-yausalam S. Inexpertness,

unskilfulness ; onas) Qjouaaiaidafiismo a"OococD

§:mio(prov.) a bad workman blames his tools.

(tSfOdSei akka 5. Elder sister (rare).

(Sraces^o akkam Tdbh. (imaceaio S. but in C. Tu.

(8ros)aft)=S. (giasjo) 1. A numerical figure, cjra

ano ^§c£h to count, mi. (^§^ to add up.

6)<Siogjo (5T3c8s)o 5)aj§lc2; aj§. MC. 2. a stop

in writing, mark.
(S(QcQ^o (srocftaTliTno fsttjcaa^ (S — (©f^coroi

(tSi^cSfi^o aksam S. (oc-ulus) l. Eye, as in (®rOcfta:^(QCYb aksudran S. Not little, an im-

ro3Q0f)Q3o. 2. mark on dice. 3. playing portant person VI.

die. 4. axle tree ((Bra.^). 5. a weight of (SifQ(8c9:£S^O'So aksobham S. Without agitation,

37i fanam (=aioa3o). constancy; tmacsajsoj ^a_ioi3.cjc;aoounj(S(JC Kei.

madOfQ^loX) gambling V. C. ((5Taafi360Bc>3 5) V2.

«jra(Si3G30gj-tb immovable Bhr. V. den-, ana
(Sc6ftiO(i^^j cn\^ VI.
(sracQfiieioaj necklace of Elrcocarpus seeds.
(Sif5ff)ce^fiOaDl&no] aksauliini S. (tgia:Ma+
CtS^caa^C^eYTOo aksanam S. Suddenly; srao£n5m
gJOaolonl.) A complete army consisting of 21870
rooo^gg c2;d3Qiri20(b CG.
elephants, as many chariots, 65610 horses,
(®^(£ha^rzDo aksabam s. i. Uniuu-t, un-
109350 infantry. (In the Bharata war the
woiiiided; oraftfiifoiraocs^ga rocBful'Sida CG. 2.

Panda vas have 7, their foes 11 aksauhinis.

whole grain fried (po.) 3. pigment of rice,
One elephant, 1 chariot, 3 horses and 5 foot-
saffron and lime for the sectarial mark on the
men form a csaomoqsiio; this tripled c^nao,
tripled cosmo. tripled ojonDlrnl, ogtDno, .oig
OS(T)<S£s\Q\ aksama S. impatience; ;3raaai0o
(9)0, (HTDnnldjilcnl, (oigc^a cosrwariws&cm^o (Sia
unable to boar, impatient.
s^aeaooDlsnTl. Bhr.)
(G^cftSL^COJo aksayam S. imperishable (Sasi&iW
(SfQenerrojo, (m)6uemjS\ru)o akhandam,
<£hlfDT^ KR. (sracSfiicaiat the eternal.
akhandibam S. Unbroken, whole; (grasusmjua
(®f9c9^fQo aksaram S. (undecaying.) 1. A
(niDcrolaijlsicQ,' (cysn-jlgjonb ChR, (srafiusmijl
letter of the alphabet, syllable, 2. word b\
fmnic9gi^v2:-)crcnD(b (in epistolary style) the
cnDdafiimsjach Nal. pathetic words. cuoaotOfiira
most fortunate TR.
6!J8c>3 (8T3asc>55)-aJ(^ CC. refused; (sra. @gl cuo
(tsiroeijlejo akhilam S. All, whole (po.) rsraaiil
w^<ssi to spell; oro. ajl«)^d>i, aalemfflsgca), aJly
aicQimicosmojo etc. otaoincBaJC'anb lord of all.
ai slip of the pen; ng)5)abo o^asica^cOfiaroo .tj)

CS^COoagam S. (not going) Tree, mountain (po.)

S)rm TR. my handwriting.
(S^CO&nolario aganibam S innumerable, also
Cpds. onacSftiroi'jlQjl a clerk (po.)
(gracosimjon: s 5mo KR.
(SracGfiiroajralessiaaono learning.
CSifOCnroSl, agaSi S. l. Being without means =
tffraj»airo0Da] the alphabet.
QjiflaiJlgjO^, (srd(iO:m\S)Q^'§& fall into adverse
faracQflarais^QOc&io (&) jdjd^) alphabetical song.
circumstances VI, ttjiacoiwlcaei f3T2)(b imrao
(BTacQQifOoejoaroo learning letters, etc.
who will help me in my poverty? 2. (=(BTaco
(sradafiifDOfDoSo setting a child to loarn.
(CTilaDab VI.) poor, forlorn, unprotected osta

(TSYOc^^SE^OfYcTl aksan6iS.= BTad3fa(a Impatience,

00(01 Ic0ich beggars.
envy; (3T95iijoaffil0Dnb hasty, envious.
fsraoDrmlsxicmo a^sPf Mud.
CG^oBMI aksi S. = raraijfiio 1. Eye. 2. trunk (ffiaco.oili'ai-io poverty, stinginess VI,
VI. esflTlomaDsrioiooDroofijl (Brgsl CG. ©racOfril
(®f5Cn©o agad am S. Without disease — medi-
<9ic>3 (ST3)§nm aii)a35mo CG. (ma ofi'Tla'jTTl (eye-
cine (po.)
ball) ,iro3§l Mudr. (Ett)C02k) agamam = (maoDo. S. maco^ inac-
(E^ca^rWo aksibam S.^tmas^cwo f. i. tma ces8ible = croj(rTolca^0'!5ia)ajc>3; anaco^oco0
cOanraiiSoxnrjS.'DTZDDj^s PT. CDo prohibited intercourse Bhr.

OTOdafialsmo the same cBra£)£al6mDa^flj,roo:ajl (C'CCOfW agaru S. = {3iai3Tlrol) ((0)oaocoro3(g0o

ever living, foracSfiilern^fl^ajrznl^gLocijjggXKb Nal. = cfhoro>o?lfoli). amcocoi sticscno aQrS\6rstg) c^

KR. 00, !Bracoascua_i,T3ialnb a_iral0g.o KR.

(Sracnrron cs(^crn\ aSTt)(c/5o cEt^aaw

(TS^COrnil agasti S. l. = (maconra nb N. pr. csrrocmlaxioiKttlcj^gg a_i«5T? VCh. the legal

A Rishi celebrated for passing the Vindhya wife.

mountains and leading the Brahmans into the (BTacrnl<2aDC((g)o burnt offering maintaining the

Deccan. 2. the star Canopus. 3. (macorryla holy fire. The Brahman, who does it is

roo(=(m3!0>fi5KBl)med. plant «JTacon"^8-J GP. 65. called (macmlsaoof®! Tdbh. fsracSalOTtzS^fal.

(Si^COOUJo agadham S. Bottomless, deep, ob- (&^(Lr)o agram S. (akros G.) l. Point, top,

struse = nnltiJcangjD(BT3). front. 2. first, principal.

(SK)49Cosrnjnf) the chief (f. i. cjuzzessiaaaofiTlraf)

(S^CODfOo agaram S. House (po.)
Kei. N. 2.)
(®f^^6Y^o agunam S. Bad quality; cg6mo^
(Eraj^eanb, nb. sa. 1. first-born, elder brother
emstonb (po.) (sro^sm^ illnatured (po.)
and sister, 2. Brahman (po.)
(Gl^CSGODjaJfDo agojaram S. Imperceptible, in-
mn'^ci^ei honors paid to the principal persons.
comprehensible (phil.)
<®^(SCr)0((5)o agotram S. Of no family.
v-mo^zoooruo heart (po.)

CGirSffiCO")o&.Of\D agaupssu S. ((moco+aoaig) (5T3^j^cf3Dai a victualling house, cooking place

Living on trees or hills (po.) in temples.

(Svt)C/Y51 agni S. (ignis L.) 1. Fire. 2. God cm3(Cf)c/aoaig-jO a large measure So.
of fire. 3. grief ©ggrmraHfal) (eracrnl oJHs)::^ ora^aooroo land assigned to Brahmans, village
6r3)6!5Bc>ot93 SIP. 3. — 4. digestive power; (sra. of (foreign) Br's g)rD6rrao aitflg^^.^ tsta^

Qjaolgjl<9si, S)<B)^&^ GP. (HracrnlcQa eruajo sngyo nOoraesQgIro!) Sil.

(3f5i3)D(b Nid. persons of vreak digestion. (Staii£)ouacr)o first meal, ceremony in temples

Cpds. (5racml(3)6mo spark; (sracmla)0^o (S) kind- (vu. (Bravf/jomooo = cxjfzstarol aiiplas)).

ling the holy fire KR. oro^oooroono chief seat, as in Brahminical

(StacmlaiiTTUDo (1) hole to receive the holy fire. croe, also of kings oK)aj5)nbo sraf^ocroaoo

fffta crni (2 (S)osmo(2) south-east; ^gro^asrals^nfeo ajly5c£ftl Mud.

(5TOcml(S<Q)05nt) Gan. (sr^'^wch, maWjCi) first, elder brother (po.)

rtJiacmlas)0OQ (preceding) SE. wind.

(TOXSifQ (loc. of (sra'^oo) in the first place, before;
sracmlant) (1) incendiary Bhr.
(STa<24r)croronb forerunner, leader (also m>^
(m3C/TTl(o_j(Sajc/3o self-immolation (as of widows).
cork etc.)
(SWcrnlsQjejo (4) digestion.
(®fO(C/flOJOa) agrivah S. Neckless; t5ra'49lajcino
(Bracrnl0C2Jo fiery.
cs^siggoRS CT\j(aJlajnb KR. 5.
fijtocrnlasnt) who sustains the holy fire; rsracrnl

aorrb aojo^^oca/nb AR. 1.

(®T)fi^o agham S.(a'j08 G. = tmaociDS) Sin, evil.
(5ra^>fc5i0<9)ejo gjc/Dftsba-ifd?! Bhr.
(Sncn^zocB^o and fsracrnloruoao indigestion Nid.


(BTauT))i^ej SE. = (m3crnl(saiosmo. (grecgaeiorDo aghoram S. (not frightful) Dread-

ful; o-jcn^ ^STZiSaeiofaao^gaTD the fever rages
.STacnTlg Sk. Subrahmanya.
violently; fsraSi^aoroo^'aDo fierce battle.
(macmlcralfflj flame V2. i=qjoeu.

(3Y8tml(2c(5iO0o (<sa^o0o) Agni's praise, a pe- I. aSt^9&3o aiigam S. (v'^ oraaau.) i. Lap,

culiar sacrifice KR. 1. (also (tjraa'oig-jo, oidbjojIoo po.) (srasjcruDnb

rBTOt/TilarooBfiSlsaio covenanted before Agni; (313 bosom friend; ojl'OiD — aQ)S>nm ^OSK^o (SiaeSi

cn9crco:Oftil<&i03cs2J croojio sjjiKm KR. 4. :!m\aA KR.

C0rS90:o — (®fS893(Do (Sroae^OBo — (Gif^bCOo

fooaroorooso Mud. symptoms of beginning

QJonf) Si P. 2. numerical figure, mark enmity.

(po.) (8T3^rol(iDo budded; oraarolrmofOoejiioraarrum

II. (Gt^a&)o aiigam 5. (Tdbh. oftmaooDo? (maao 5SQ|.o (po.)

05)OcOs)V2. to shield oneself) 1. Fight, battle. Den. V. (BTaa^roicSs) to bud, chiefly metaphor
2. duel, challenge; fmaa.-sralcrro QjlglcOa V2. of love, pride Bhr. oQcm oQmaggOTalfti!) (ma

(BT3B)0 ojlslas) to combat, wrestle; tgtasjo ara^caanrro CG. (= tS^ooTDrro).

65ajo«Sc9) to fight; tmaStoiDs raraaftio qojorh C. V. (HraarolgJlc9ffl=soolgjlcaa of shame,

rm vying with it; i^aiKSvisraiDS (sraaajo 6)rmD§ jealousy, etc. CG.
fora (tj)laic>3 CG.= emulating. 3. duel as
(t5^8e?C/9o ailgusam S. iron goad ((S(3io|l). en
the ordeal for Nayers, a royal privilege, anocan qQtfiao oraaoassQch (po.)
for which each combatant had to pay;
CSi^^Sge^OeJo angolam S. TM. Alangium hexa-
sometimes fought by hired champions; fSraao
petalum (=iHi3tpl5ni3lral)), a counter-poison.
(2<9ioejcroj([3a_itBialaTD KU. often tmaaiajo
a)0fO®efti3ajo Alangium decapctalum.
^aojo <agjl^ KU. rooeaocij o^cSlca; (Staa
orassioajs^o^foroipjo tantr.
Qjo ^ggjOjo qjd65b1 demanded troops and
snasaaDoej-gjooolrai) (sastoi^ tantr.
taxes (vu.)

(Sr^^S&Tl angri loc. (C.oro^) Pap, teat = d^n3i,.
(ffraaicSs)2.rol place for duel.

oraahcOnoranti a combatant.
(SifOoCOo aiigam S. (a^'j^os) l. Member, part.

2. body=:cnD!y oocoo, (sraocoo .ajoc^a) to shave

(BiafflDJijaio royal taxes "72.
a Raja VI. (sraocoo (Stas^smss) ((ffraocoaismcea,
(5raa>(8g_j0(b public duel; aoaosuQ'orailrol) (sraS)

sraow5)6Tr)gj) to gird on a sword, quiver, etc.

<Sg_jO(b ^sngoai KU.
VI. 3. constituent part, branch; oooojocoo
(Btasaoaoejl 1. a public square. 2. N. pr. the

old Syrian bishop's seat VI.

a«8 (Sa_joS)ej s)oruoigo®)o KR. of Rama and

(Siaaojoral) cock's tail B.

his 3 brothers. (S>9)0GJCTUj(f3cLjo @ srdocoziacsin
«S<^?&^cr)o anganam S. (I. m^o Branding,
CLnsoaDlcflaS5g_j§@(ChiracaI doc.) 5 branches =
@CilD^. mDGJoCOo=:_nJ^raoCOo.
as of criminals; (Hiaa^noo (STaoco.'Stalaajral) KR. 5-
Cpds: (Hraocos^oraao mutilation.
(Sraa&,aiDc^ aiigalaykka t.c.So.m. Lament,
(maocoKo bodily (po.) (FT3ocos3n6 Kama.
grieve B.
(ffraocoso bracelet of the upper arra = (3faiO(Jo
(Si^8&53o aiigam (P. hangam, season) and asasnoz^
QJg. f. i. (tiraoCOaiQ)Sai5!313C>5 KR.
temporary appointment; caraaoo coizrr^ab,
(Sraocono well shaped woman (po.)
rairasjoal orgziinb MR.
oraococnjooruo ceremony of touching the body,
I. (tSrageTl angi TM. (Tdbh. sraocolai) Dress
in Sakti worship.
that covers the limbs, gown, jacket; gjfo)'^^

fflol or raraEEblojDa VI. mailcoat. Rjraocogjs (3) distinct branch of an army,

II. (tSTZ>3eri angi a. T. M. (Tdbh. (gracrnl.)Firo(BTa

cnoajocogjsojjo ajratm:?! AR. 6 (=^g
RC. fOoCOo).
aaol5)n_ig fBiascul Scuooioj 38. ojossmnb
orasbl sraaSiftoan!) RC. 67. tsraocosocoo 1. rupture, loss of limbs. 2.

CS^96blrZDo aiigibam S. ((a-roanno) Marked, spot- (vu.) quite a member; crjl (airaraiooj^oinbo

ted (po.) onaocosocoaocsulfolaosicaora)). (epist.)

(®f08fefOo anguram S, l. Shoot, germ (=:^a). (mooODsocol beauty.

2. a kind of piles Nid. 3. first sign of f. i. ©S)aj (Braocozgcno rubbing the limbs.
rpyf ocn&noo — (SYOo^ejo (®rZ)o(<i;eJ| — (Sragg*?

(!3raocofDcOfi3(Tdbh.(araa})fDd>s) VI.) 1. armour. orao^Gjl finger anao^ailcaio finger-ring 0,nm

2. garment, jacket. (BT3o^aflcs2;(a-j(2i06TT)o ^e'cms^n^) ctoscsQcOj

(Bioocora oc/Do cosmetics = (fto 'i^s. a. med. (=(iJtao^aio.)

(araocooj^gljnb (vu. (SroasjoaaJfTti) a danger- anooc^'^^o S. thumb,(STaocOfl^gP'ifDoca^ reduced

ous swelling of the body (med.) (oJlcQ^a&o to the size of an inch AR. 5. ojoeooco^Ciijo
§,aJnb Erysipelas scropluilosa. ^'ocrnl Bhr. resting on the toes (a tapas).

f!naocoajl(0)O«)o slight disorder (f. i. from (®f9o(2:eJlanghri S. (staooei to go) Foot, root (po.)

pregnancy; oraocoajliSiDraeracb siojosoBl

(Si^GS^DSl aiinadi 5 (asrassQ oraocoo + (Br3)§<0))
CG.) 1. Shop, in Mai. rather (HT36!3aosl2jlslia>.

(sraoc/5ajl(2<f)aio_io gesticulation, also fSTDocn 2. market street, bazaar, town, village (in many
aOOfOo VI. N. pr. f. i. ajf^cassQDs), etc.)
isroocncroocoo embrace; ara. 6)<a>osn^ -Sie^iiio
Cpds. fiyK)6!5Hosl(95)oran6 shopkeeper.
(2aJ5igl|§ AR.
(STOffljQDsl^fOcSg or QjosnSleo merchandise; (srg)

oraococruDlfd^ (3) a particular conjunction iu

solcqjsao (sa. (prov.)
astrol. (2ocroo(2(n)OQ,g@gfry5jcru^ aajoaofoi)
(3raeoi30sls,-nT3)oanc2;o being tricked in buying
asng3<ftfm (5raococrunl(0)l tidaissQch Tr P.
or selling (prov.) CG.
oraocooDlcTonb maimed.
(BTf363B05lgJOS the talk of the town; (2,9)0§C2)lrai)

aST?)oOO&nOo,(®^9e--&nr)c. aiiganam, anganam S.cxj(2Bu?>o arra6!5i30s^g_jo§o(mma (prov.) CG.

S. Court, yard, (also apartment gjo <Si).o:ijl
flTO6i313OSl0fB3m3 drugS (opp. 0_J^ 0^03010.)

ej<ain5ta) qqito) (sraoco^Tno g^sng? VI.)

aSfZjGS^ej 3e)QiD6S^ aiiiiillapponiiu An
(©^oCOOfDo angaram S. Live coal, coal, (s«ooo:fD aquatic plant (wanting (HTOoCOo or f5T3o(a^)

CLi§<S5 (S. (StoocoorocJODaSl) portable grates VI. (3Ta-55Blo)nbo <2aj(b afHsiatfi^ (prov.) doing
ffliooC/DDrodjjnb the red planet. Mars. what is neither required nor possible.
(graoc/3DfOc£hOfo<£)i5)nt)0 dy.oi^jo co^oedj) Bhr. do
(®fD6S»^ anilU (T. oraffife from (mao) 1. There,
a collier's -work, burn roots and branches.
thither; '(ftD6!jgSa_joa2J0f(A= after death. 2. you
(SrOoCOlropaj ailgirasSTl S. (G. a^y^elos) A kind (opp. gDSsg) dat. (srasesQcBg, t5ra!3a3T3(0Q)5)a)cQffl

of demigods. KU. your Highness' hand; 6Ta)«5Bo\) (sraasesigjO

(Git)oC/fld&)fO©nOo, — c650ffioangi"yaranam, — (BcQ-cXTltScSnar^ TR.

^aram S. ((HIOoco yes) Consent, assent, ad- Cpds. sraessDon, .sraesBlsim (oiaaior)) that way,

mission. thus; oraeoBoicn o^nm ffiT3aj§.o s)-aiDnmoc>o

maoco\<Q^(S]<86> 1. to consent, assent, approve. AR. 6. yes. &§^>3iS\^6SBS)cr) j^osrmo^cm

2. receive, f. i. into caste; tsrac^jocao (sraocol PT. 1. (=6iajQ6ifm) — tBT363Sfn(8,-nis such.

<aro)cfl6) MR. receive a complaint. 3. to f3T36W3ls there, (sraesalslsaBls here and there.
embrace (=<SsocoliSffl) coocoocru^eeracb (Oi
(3ra55ignrra(fnlnrra) 1. thence, there; iBiaCffiSQgJ

eiaalrab cuDoemoriOo (eraocolairal-ai Nal. Oo the other side. 2. you there (hon.)(t5ra

(tS^o^^Jo angulam S. l. Finger, toe. 2. esqrm mi6SB<S^o^ (ftgjl-a^TR. your majesty;

middle finger VI. also thumb ((grao^ejculrafai), (graffljigrmoBgnoi^im also his majesty.

srassa^ojlrarat thumb VI.) 3. an inch (of 8 (srasoig^, ©13S)6580§ (^''J^, Q§) there; (srasmj

caxi); (srao^Qjo oi(ai39naooooo(2j|5)@g3«s oarolfoo cfiD^oi63T3Cslol6i3BOSf2j003fol<9)C)o AR.

KR. 5. Rama's height; ooog-joimai^lra^l^ a 'ST3(263aso (©So) that place.

roo^ai(a-)0O6Tr)iaoo mgjsrai) V. Ch. (3T3(2s3t3aiQj(b, (ma(25i3i30(b those, they.

(€<? .QjetSU — (Sro^ 9 CSf^j^ SfDo — (S(Z)J^

oraSeuBOS (rus) thither. oraSg_joc>o (ai3S63i3D§ CS^^j^OCbo accaram T, M. Te. (C. Te. tara^ be

£6mOTznl_3j informed the king KU. (sra indebted, pay money) Earnest money, advance

<S63Q3(S§c0a cu05rora)32.-3J TR. to your High- given to ratify a bargain. 0c*5)a raoeaDOjlrrn

ness. (HT0SG3BDSO5D(S6TO35o ajDi)3-:^032ri TR. ora^DfOo 6iaj-g^ betrothed Ti.

on both sides. cs.i-Tl^'Xjilnm raraseoaoso (tSrZ)^DO (P. achar) Pickles KU.

carLjlgjob Bhr. in return I curse thee. (SifS^n acci 1. see under rarajj. 2. Atcheen;
rtSK?,.£U6tmjeJo, asif^.njQ_ieJo ajaiijalam s. hence iHra^cSsfJ^ra or 0§c9s,tf)lrt).

(G^^ISS^ acciiina l. = (sra,wale!5o Green figs
(S^SlACOo ajaram S. Not moving (iu jxl-^o iiroo).
VI. 2. very young beans, also (sra^al
aSiT)j2jeJo ajalam S. immoveable, mountain f.i.
ess V2.
auao a^iiio N. pr. the Western Ghauts.
C<S^^(S\ acciri 1. (Tdbh. (Hra^'l) Worthless,
Ojr^^lJY^o ajittam S. "Without mind, disincli-
insubstantial Vl. (era^folajipl unlucky way=
nation Vl.
§ro'ajj_io V2. (ffra^fol rL^6n| = i5euajDS(2.-m3)0
(G^-OJlfY^^jo ajin6yam S. TJnimaginable; a-.ii
fls. 2, (from (Bra^o) faia^rolo^snaa) to

smile bashfully. (S<ft§l§^rol ajrojcmDalrai

Bhr. ora^rol^roltflfflCsyo Bhg. sneer.
(S^iljlfDo ajiram S. Not long. csrajaTlfODfiA soon
(S(^J1^ accu 5. (Tdbh. (sracQfiio) 1. Sign, type.
2. mould, gsrg Qjsagrm tara^ for bullets,
(S^Cri^JfWnOo ajeSanam S. irrational, uncon-

(HT3_Q^ S)<aDq!S3-. TR. for coining, (bto-^o sxrn

g^o royal revenue, onacmaa tsra-^o sraralcsjjo

OS^JlJ ,
(®r^j^ aju, acCU S. A vowel (gram.)

(SfC^o accam TM. dismay

(gjeals^cftajo s)c9.o§e^ KU. 3. ojsrelay^
(V^'^orasisy*) Fear,

axle tree, also ora^ (raii) rarasl. 4. weaver's
reed or stay, ograi (3T3§gJlg_jonb (sra^. 5. a
OTO^ScBso shyness, modesty {S)2iW'&).
mistake (=s)fmoQ). (STaa&iosgQOca-.o 6)jiJojiJI§
(Git)^ acca (T. miasms) .-01J,) Mother; (BTO^ foirrra

(Hta^ 5)<eioggc9i rnlc2!J3i'o (po.) a

S)s 'i^iii cn^e^sn^o VCh. 6. little

snail (T. 00:310 (BT3^q).

(Standi TM. (T. also ^Hra.-siTJipfe. C. Tu. tsio^nb) ,

1. father, lord; used chiefly hon. ow^j Cpds. (sra^sl {1) printing. (HTa^slasg-jOcaisSBcX)

6)at)0 ojfOo Nal 3. my father's house. chintzes Nal 3.

2. title of males in royal families f. i. in (sra^slcBsi 1. print, stamp. 2. to mould

Palacadu o)(&)0CTxnc2J^nb TR. the minister (= iSirffiojIs^cSsi.)

of Calicut Rajah esraDs^ob, of Cochin OO^slotooranb printer.

ajo&iin3i3)^nb, of Nayer chiefs <Qi2.<3e)0^ cod (3T3-gJ(ft(E^ type-cutting.

ej(b t3Ta^n03(b TR. (in Curumb.) of the 60 (BTO^ScSiOfrf) ramrod (and (5T3-24(ftOol),

heads of Uraler (Cal.); even of monkeys (ftro fSra-o^^So printing-press TrP. (=rai3,gjsl

ssQ^nb PT. (ma^cnSjj csaoroonr) TP. oath. cai(QO)o.)

iBTajjp C.Tu.M. 1. mother (=(5ra^) ma^ <9) (ffra^toiosl (3) axle-tree; ^a^^<£nda (sra)5ml<&'cb

glcsriaiao rofifi^lcaao (o-ja^orooTR. 2. Nayer a_ioroo @5)o^6)@@ofDjeP«jra)s1iS)^o (Saos)fo

woman Vl. 3. female of animals etc. (SK>^ ^o!^ KR 3.

uSi^S the plantain stem surrounded by its (313-^1513)5"^ axle-tree, axis. (

offspring {£hrm). <SK)^\ a-bl^ajgj ajglcs^o roiaTlaJvlbo mTD-Al(!5Ta5n| (8Z(Si(mCiQ&>d)^o IZOT)

d>,sl(9ao prov. <2croo(su(Xi(jS\ra^as)(Scz&io @sca5)gjD. Bhg 5.

(Sr(D(g^ — (&Z&^erQo 10 rr£^ssi]cLi — as^etmj'
CtSiratSi^O a66o (Voc. of {QTO^nb?)Iiiterj. of sur- (tSfQ^curn] aji^ani S. Death, mraealijl

prise, pain =«jraSc5jo. (91312^0 (S^cXjVC. hear dead VI.

oh friend, also .tsraSjarSD VyM. CSfQQ&icnJcd) ajeyan S. invincible. oj3cr)uraD

C5rSiXJj(7DOa) ajyuSail S. (not falling) Vishnu. ejo fgraseaaiab All G.

(Sra-nJ,(oVl couBtan(!y VI. CGXC^rYs^Ou ajnail S. ignorant, (graesteacn igno-

(S^OlSo accliani S. Dear, transparent, pure; rance, fgra. (So-iOcSalmocTb qjO(BsS)>S)Oo^ CG.
(SraSbraotaio unknown, (graeeferaDio^.Tjoauo c9>ipl(95i

living incognito Bhr.

C0SO Kei N 2.

tffra©&ro)Omo ignorance, chiefly religious.

(EfQl^fl Ofb acchail ( = (3rOQinb modern) 1.
(sraessiaornl ignorant, pagan,
Father. (OTO-nanb oflicm 26rnl^c>D,iQ)S)(Tnajia'
(SrafSE^siaoio not to be known (po.)
^§0 SG. ora-os Qg)mTl6aB5>(r) 6)-niogJI saisna

CG. (a child when flogged). 2. mother's

(SttetmJo afljam A cup, small vessel (med.)

aST^eYnueJo anjalam S. (\^ tmassii bend) End,

brother VI. 3. Sir.
border. ea~>.aOJosaii<3iii (po.)=mDaj^nb israi^/)
(STd-^irB .nfa nb, 013.013 Z21 father's parents (Cann.)

(Hr3.a©1 = (Hra^ mother, lady VI.

I. (S^StaJfot) anjal 5. (aCtodivide^oiaoCBo)
(gra®-aoo=(Hi3(2^of. i. sraSjis D o^5)(Tn s)<aiog^
Orig. a stage, relay; now letter-post. fffiosEinjti

cno<s,ijo MR.
©o§ai to run post. lUiasran^'di^ejl postage, ana
(tSi^ilfi'lrYnoacclimnamS. Undivided •jfrna-aralfm
6Taii(i'ai))gjro post-office, (BTastaJ^oronb post-
ec9<^oe^aa SiP 3.
runner. (STaargurai) Qj^<fls siaio^rorace;^ <3ik^,
I. C®fD^o ajam S. Unborn, (sraesnb Brahma.
(STastguaTiral) (gtao^lailcesionb TR.
II. (Sifl)S?oajam f. tsiaea (a-^os, leaders. tsra^a'^M)
II. (&T etaJ'sb V. N. of (siastayai.
Goat. rgtaeacoiDo S. a boa=cLjrmcoo Bhg. (5rae3
(iS^GtiQiliTDo anjibam S. (V'^ maBm) 1.
<20OJCQJ3coo sacrifice of goat MC. fijtaearj-joAinb

Honored, revered. (aiaeraul.'Oiaaa^gg ajstaTlroi ^
goat-herd. (Hraeacoe^onraroo (prov.)
csfls CG. 2. (as if from orasxsys)) the feeling
between goat and elephant.
of awe. (rn^©)G\) (srgjOjeiar'rD'ra'roiaQjaiDsngoiastgiri

(Ef^SsgcQJo ajayam S. ^oratugaaa^o Defeat, ojlg-jo

foiaDcaTl CG. felt himself defeated. 8. adv.
§ <aiOSlT)Do g332;CUo (3Tae332JQJo Bhr 7.
awfully. (3Tamj3^.c)o (tsiSnarai) (srastaTl.oio siojoiplca
aSf^&i(Oo ajaram S. Never getting old (po.)
5)g_jOtplca RC. 88.
(®^^(Cr9o ajasram S. Uninterruptedly; {STdEJ
(©^etsu anjU M. (T. corruption of oioQ^gs, see
(jrpo c03oe6!3BcV) sraodi^culasi KR.
oiaQ}) (8T3)^aT)ayi5i3yo Qjlaidtoll 6T3)D3imD TP.
(S^S5?D(C/)(^ aj'agraSa S. Carelessness.
remonstrated often enough.
(©raSsflOOo ajinam S.(IIOTaKo) Hide used as seat
(B'ros)5rga§o§.<9:c\3 VyM. some persons.
Cpds. (grastausl a short (moral) song,
(CK^^fDo aj'iram S. (running ^^moea) Yard f.
otastsilounb having 5 arrows, Kama, alsooraosu
i. of houses, battle-field, (BTOe^^fQo (Uiosl^ (0)^1
aifocninb (po.)(aTa6tgii0o fifth, otastajjoanb, (sra

(po.) 6rauo0g.

(tS^a?1aoC/Sl (P. azmaish) Examination, (HTassuDocLjCnl measles, catarrh VI.

rough calculation (of produce). (HraealaDco^ces (graesilDo cgra the 5th or additional room in a

S)jiirm ScBouJcr) 5)A\ot, 5)o)(i_ii3D0'al(aso oraral native house, used for stores and as prison.

aoc^lcSso SojDajfm aiOfgjTODneoib MR. oiastauoo ajrocaliijDcBs; shut up in it, as a

(Sft)^gnQo ajirnain S. (not worn out) woman suspected ; (QTO6T2U0o ajrocoilrot) <Q>5

Indigestion, also (BraealgTi.-ai. cm TP.

OSirOetJaJ <£r> — (STOS 11 (gifSSoeei — osifsscee^o

(masauont) a measure (?) sim^ sraasnomoraf) madeofgyorroGP. 3. a lock VI. 4. incuba-

^seoBDipl cQ@00 QQ)Tro cn\(Mi':£\^ TR. tion B.

(SrastsysJimso^ Anjengo, fortified by the English Cpds. (giascBs-.gj , (St^S50^^l, (masf^tsaaral) VI.

in 1694 TR. anvil of goldsmiths.

(grasoyajsmo N. pr. the seat of the original

(®rZ)Saet5>j (St?) 6^53961 (SiDCQj ) MC. Te. 1. betle-
Jewish colony (Syr. Doc.) Pai.
nut. Port. "Areca" (the tree a-qssg) ^^000 (3T9

CSTt6YSil dft, anjup TM. (,-31061^ C. Tu. Koco Te.) ff)S5)cfl5)caa QjO 6iojT^ aior^i TR. (assessment
l.To fear, despair. (HrastaTl 6io§o oJlsiooo Bhr 7. betlenuts d-glcasoEte, 6)ai
of 1798). prepared
taiastaiasiij) curra VetC. came without fear.
ssces). — orasas) (ergjcft'ScTUodo asicsiiiral) sioj

2. (po.)to concede superiority. o_ioaj6t3yoaj6!ari prov. 2. (loc.)

ca«)3o (opp. aiif 6313031 DfiA)

fSlCG. a_joai6i2yo5)0Oiinca'D5^g,VetC. a,ooo6Tsyo


(23JCO!80D3)5 Bhr.
aStcsaeffiCffl&nolcO'orb ((grastsn cuosrnlcainb
VN. fHT3ST3Uf3)) and fSTO^o awe, fear q. v. 5)cn
(Baj(b a med.) Sphseranthus Ind. GP. 61.

kinds ffjjJo^ca) — o)aj§.'ma — Celosia argentea

C®f56i^OOo anjanam S. (srasr^ anoint) Ointment,
Rh. zs!sn)^ (sra. Conyza Ind. Rh.
chiefly of eyes, lampblack, antimony (oj^o
CStaSoe&'^o T, SoM. Shelter, (sro. 5)a)0§cfl<s)
6T®3cno brass calx, raceraDSTKOoc, cdlai tma.
grant, protection VI.
(Sooa (ffia. a med. (SopD'tnosrssnoo GP. etc.)
CStSSdeeiDQJ Shelter; fSTa5c9Ji0g_jc9^ the
(3rasT®3Cr)c95igj antimony sulphurate GP75.
sparrow, fringilla domest. (a good omen);
used med. and to discover thefts or treasure;

hence fsrasrsscno ojoasi or 5)o)Sia5)

also a child may be called by its mother (gras
tsra. ajs'g

f3Ta5r®;!mcefflDft)nb a conjuror. (SYTjEffide^oro^lcoiorb oeTltPCB^ ada'^oSiyaii

ffirasTSsmajfirnab, (HrasEiimajsrnnb Crishna, = <a)0 kilaiinu (or sraBOjrmlcanb n_joGj, (sro5S)o_iO(?nl

c^|rn-T6 CG. canf) GP. 60.) Asclepias annularia, med. in

(©rZJer^aTl anjali S. The cavity formed by putt- eye-diseases.

ing the hollowed palms of both hands side by (Hias(cyLDanb a certain condiment B.

side (=551310^0)5)35)) chiefly for adoration, (sra. (Srasarao Terminalia Cadappa Rh,
@g1<9i, o_]ge^0SI^i3jl(pO.)(HTasi®3uj^fflU(TU)o 5) .oJ (SrasatP T. incessant rain (see ot3S(T)li2iP).

(m 5)(a)oy@ KR. (ma. (S^czga mar^fol.^ Bhr. (gtasaool 1. inequalities of ground (?) MR.
a5r?)6r^rrOD ailjasa S. (by way of gliding) 298 (in doc. style). 2. any small bit of

Straightway (po.) ricefield, much used for rearing riceplants

cS^tSYTrY^RScOio^r.-sram^ocao TR. (Palgh.) = 55ajDoo, Q_jgglsr2)0cara{).

i®7:6'rW5)DbPl (oro5T3 = 5i,^o) annali 5 NSri, ii (fftosajspl way between two hedges VI.
measures, {sraerotsoiplcs^o ajg-jacx^o a fee on feast (gtosoeeio adakkam V. N. ((Hias63)3<9>) i. Being
days (Trav.) contained, oajo-nlesas^oo aiOjlcaStflaoKU. thus

(S^STi;vcr)Q annuru soo. orosroigooonb A sub- says the tradition. — 2. (old) all, the whole.

divisy)n of Nayers TR. (in Iruwenadu). ora'Jraroj

cDcorao (3ra5cBs)o .oj^i^sl^, ojlroib tmsizzaj^o

OQ-Sicxb (and — oonaoib) Roman converts from ©tflmScSao i5s^s)gjnb RC. jijratasi (grasceao siaio

Tier, Fisher and similar castes (Cochin). errg VI. purchased the whole of the goods.

(tSXCS ada 5. (V^rara^ be contiguous, close) What (BianDStflsio (Biarr)({Tn)aj5)raa^o grrnlrara) (doc.

serves as a rest or bar. 1. a lamp. 2. a cake alias (BTacm§c9so) with the consent of all then
(Srcs6S*5 12 (CTtssdea — ceres

living heira. 3. possession, enjoyment; all§ OTaSfiOQ'a'), (STas89j'?A the whole contents (= ma
S<S5)o2.)(3Tas99)ra!) £>.o6^i form an estimate B.

folcOsoTa TR. 0a!p'l<ftO2J5roi3lcO5)orolrab (StdsoBsi (Sraseoraoccra) unmanageable, disobedient, etc.

aocmmo, ogjoiaoal Q®3gj(bs)g_jg@o nnascsaaa C. V. (3ias6OT3lc05) make to submit, enclose VI,

coH (doo.) (BT^jcb ttrraQ,roilajnmo,-3() iHraSsssoso gj

(efZ)SdB6id63, oeeilS. V. a. l.To press down.
(263Q0SO (STJ>Sc9ffl0(S'@ (sr^t3icm TR. in case of oj(^a) 131^71 .11 DcOs)! rtnascBso AR 6. swallow.
one branch dying out the other inherits, oj subdue, possess, enjoy as property.
2. on35S
cfficr>DS5c9ao (mfOJcunb TP. mosscsao (Toasioral cOatm (Si>o^ TR. theactual Government, cnl
<Sej(6Q; (B<a)OgS)CQj (5T0S(fi!S)o 55^(2^ KU. took ejcruomJStSa to secure, use the crops. (9)5rs

possession of the fort. i. self-control, modesty, ajo (uocryo 6)<a--or3TiQ (HioScBiBlca'^Tlnnofal) £n

chastity VI. secrecy. 0mT:T^nT)5c95io VCh. <plc0sfmijanD3zJl«sm3 lived from cultivation

mraScBsio (BjiJ(bi5rnl:u(b RC. the austere Rishi; TR. (sajoJZiorojo (srasasTl KU. usurped, caioj

(orastSai^ga affljCfflrolo]!) I5cnj5nglajc>3ca3 RC 117. srarsldTlra!) (srascSa TR. confiscate, ojemo aJH
STta the most chaste. ra^^ScQs^ TR. (=fgiao^s^) jijk^o si&.arrrao

(5raSces)c9aoront) proprietor. KU. conquer and rule.

(5iaSceffllo)a9acc)3ca) B3^

(srastsa Vl. = (masc95)o 4. Qjl(Wo rtjrascasil S)i9-.o§cS5) KU. pay up all his

(Sf?)S6g^d&) adaiinu-jfa 5. (\/^rjrra§) v. n. i.To salary. 3. control, repress. aoo^roStSsajonb

be pressed down, enclosed, contained. (3_aiDO aiplaj <&i06mosroroi KR. could not contain

ssssl is swallowed. Qjorolculceagglrai) oraseoBlcai themselves. .aJcaa3fooa^ai5)§,Q_i<S5t3U;agl3i6si35)a

(gal Mud. enclosed by the sea. cSiScalralcsiassoBl (BTO. (tyoffmsoQoia (ruffmajDOTOtSfD tSjiitaroiScSsil

took shelter under, i^ajtb ara .aScSsTliP oras Bhg. by mortification. <3:o^S)cn, ^£\:OS>cn

631^200. 2. to submit, yield, be possessed, (513- to subject demons by mantras, g^dio tgias

ruled, oraojcb (HTassnol yielded. (SjcnisraiglcalsLii <3!)\ si.ijQjo'rb CC. correct an unmannered
cBs) (gras5)S3i35ir@ j3jBio TR. (= (mascsy Si). QJory child. §Qlfl^o oraScesajDnf) AR 4. punish.

aj<ft <S3aja"o_jiT5ralral) (graseual ®a_iorra TR. a_io c/aociroi^§o£r71ejo (ai3^_3jlsD^9T^ejo o_iO(tnl^

axiS65gornl^ does not yield. 3. be controlled, Qjsrno miasScesiemo cnl CG. a.j06rora)5o9aa> Bhr.

proportioned ; <Bii)S<Bs) (mossBalcm oisl (prov.) restrain. GrDa563e<>3 miBScSal TR. suppress-
5)ajocSlo)ejt6fflS6i3HD,T3T3) fSTascSs) oD^. prov. 4. ed our grievances. 4. to allay, quiet; cnlrvaso

be allayed, calmed, og^fmofati ^a tarasOTgo a QQ)gjOo(B13Sc9soUR. oQCTOlj^S OjV-dgJSSIcesiSmo

med. (=g25)a£eso). rnlo)cm fffTlrrnDd) oj^c/agis eajonzarooftA AR. must still my hunger with

Gsqo TJR. 0030 (HTasswgnm <2a>oo_jn Mud. 5. your flesh. a_i06T3ro,Sca>Omonb AR 4. comforted.
to rest, cease, be silent; c/3_i3(TOo (masesoldied. CV. (BtascfisPcOs) f. i. lAi'Ui ®*o^SdiJsl-2J KU.
CTVcrrasis (rgojo f^.:^^S6n73l o-jl(a)oaaon6 oQ caused the country to be ruled by an equal

ma (BfoionT) .§0 KR. o^rmsssTfl, ^ffiroasraseogo; sceptre.


cm aQm!)SesB^cn\^mo KR.-whystandest thou (JSf?>&SL-^ see under (Hrascsya-..

silent. ScflissesialiSssimo listen attentively, ora (S^SCDo adanam S. (\'^imas ) Erring about (po.)
ojl aiifOo 5) Qj^ssoral a_)0c9s)Mud. live retired. Qjl (m)S<yU) adanda T. M. a mode of beating time

g^ oaj^S60Bla2;onb Bhr. gave up the job. (srg) in music B. (see (aioi.o) Bhg.
a^cjcerocb raraserol ojcrvSlcflsmo Nal. rust from (®^So_J see (STao)Sa--l.

peace. Qjo>-ml oA (srasessl ^Drols)(&)DcVishut gently. (S^So-jo, cSt^SajOfu adappam, adappaii 5.

mrasesQlnf. (={grasc9sio 2.) (srasesB^slK^ RC. (C. aoojon-io) 1. Betel purse, chunam pouch =
made to cease entirely. £.fosirsiQ)o, o§ol§nm a_jo{f3)o; hence (3iasg_jc6s)D
CSf^sao — (Sr^SOj 13 (STB 6^5366^ — CSfQ6)S
fa(b KR. betel servants. fBi3Sg_]g_j§o a court be perfect in any art VI. reTa5ajQ,tSs>55^§@

charge VI, 2. a stopper, cork B. (=(5T0S a perfect thing VI. 5. esp. instruction in

Qi). 3. barber's dressing case, also (5racnJ§nt) playing or fencing VI, — den. V. (masaJliSiS)

(BT3Sg-J (taxed). to buy the whole, f. i. of a ship's goods;

obtain the monopoly of selling tobacco etc.

c&QsChocno adamanam T.SoM.((gias)i.Pawn,
within a Rajas territory VI. 6. T. manner
mortage. 2.(mosi23cr)ofainrTO(=(BTa«s^)gave

in full.
(=(<yaofOo) ^sIqiq-josIs^o tmasaj Nal.

(®fZ)Sna^, (Sf^^coj^ adambu, adumbu T. M. «S<Ti6)ScB6<, -^^-y. 1. To shut, obstruct,

Convolvulus pes caprcc or Lagerstroemia block up. aj0'a)lni5is<fi-j), (ma5)S-a^og_pgj MR.

regin8e(^X)nm) — sixigg — Conv, flagellif. Rh. no locked door, tftsloirirai) (maffis^^ (sOscaaonb

raracacSffl^ngj TR. rioters leave us no night's

CtWSCQJO^o adayalam 5. Mark, sign, fmascsnoao
rest, g;:^ iBias^ tflolscescm amoainb GS, dead;
^§a) to mark. OT3saiDg.«g_j§'3T3)a2)ce5) ARC.
dismiss the enemy with some mark, a wound
i&;srno)Sc6tflOS)f!y> a_j3n^ looked into the sun. ^
etc. N. onocuoiro (trrascaoao the letter of Nayer
^s^ ojljoJO'^cSs) Nal. <S]Sl^>c)o (mas55^ff>Bi

§1 ^QcsilgSiTR. the houses of renitent subjects;

N. is as follows, raoanso aisrnoao i^s^ ai^orai
Qjoccylfgra. sSio^o (sra.etc. 2. to take in, receive,
tma. joint letter of R. & C. (TR.)
collect, put up. aTl>3^rjril o^^tsia^sasi, aiS^
aSifZ)SCQ^d95,6YT5VBjadayU'yaT, M.C. (tmas) n. V.
faiaiMiTif) (fftas^scea, aQS)rho tnaaicoa o^'mocrao
l.To be shut, shut up. i^(fg)ajoroo (BiassraigiNid.
a_i6mo(gTa«6^Son| TR. collected for Govern-
QjOfoilfai) OTassroT^I^ would not shut. 5)jiic9Qss
ment. 3. to pay down (as an instalment), put
CQ^o Bhr. the ear is stunned. 2. to be enclosed,
into a bank. gfaira!)tgTa5)5d9a(2auoyioQJ06i5gSauo
get into, come into possession. o^rnlcQs ta^So,
yo (doc); to conclude an account VI. 4, v. n.
s)a_ioej etc. fgrassTOTO) (Sojocail I have received.
to be shut, rendered impervious, eruoejl (Sq_j3
(=fnKTra S5iuoc61^), esp. of the collection of
on Qjii^o^o (Hras^gj KR. the way which B.
taxes. Offl(£blrz£l (SmroDcsi?! ojodscs^o TR.
went is still open, I may kill thee as well as
ojcuyxilnrra (anrr^rm') (Biasaz/O-sra) cusmo etc.
him. Gb^ fffra55S-eJ(3n.ioo Nid. e>^ siasistfis
(sometimes = OTOS(n5)§S))- 3. a. v. (T.) to obtain,
cmroTlnrra eoreaoal ojodoTI cncm a med. sixisl
fooeaooj aooccraooqjga cozzo mTOssroigl^o KR,
S)£r'05rT^ ff)_aiajl fljras^Sojoairi stunned (=(ma
ojlrma 6is)sajcoid)l (srassraio) KR 2.
scs^'^). el^eaarachcas eiJiJiH (sraaiS^Bhr. gj
mosw Inf. (=(3Tasffi3a) all. (masca; (TOocioral_ai
roirn1(b (masis^foi @j5)@.c9so a med. raTaajoaao
Bhr. ggg 5)a_)oro3c>3 (Hiascsz; aa^osna Bhr.
csTl a^Sio (Oifrnlra!) (Hrai^s^ eiaiosng CG. being
(5rascaaj(b T. a M. (unsubmitting) enemies.
shut up with him in the room, ay gDfal§5)s
mTa5)Sca;a)a5-,6taLn RC 3-1. (srascaMimsral)
-g^ 5i£ho5n| ajfTOnTTO and ?Dfo1§s^ralaen be very
ff)n_jo5l6i^(m RC52.
dark, be in the dark; g3fol§s^^5lao o_iaj qj

V. N. (Sr^SCLI T.M.C. (obtaining)!. Regular ipl VCh.

custom = (gT5)jiiofOo. 2. buying daily a (®rC6^S^ QJOOol A vessel into which
stated portion on monthly account, nongj, 04
water is strained from the boiled rice.
^' 5)aj|no ffliasoj S)£r,:>^<Bs\. 3. money that
has come
(&^Sj^OO\ (s.ooq,£r^) Lid of a pot serving
to hand; (=QjcTyral>) (HTO. t&(qi3>o> to
as strainer (also (orasgj, (masajotfto amjo).
sum up an account B. 4. dexterity, acquire-

ment. (grasQjaich (9io§lc2JOf3l) Bhr. (Hrasajacb (tSr^fflSgJ, (SrCSgJ V.N. 1. Obstruction,

ojls^iP^ he failed in examination. njrasajQaBsi gravel,
<9)gjSg_j a^ca-SoJ hoarseness.
(Sfoeistyl — (©f^sojl 14 (^SfQSorm — cere si

2. whatovor stops, covers, closes a hole, ojlrrg escQsorm adanna osrasl f. cStqcbsd hon. t.

csnaoca; coao c«laj6)<s>osr@ (gras^-jotaig KR., lid M. interj. Calling persons of lower rank, better

or cover of a pDt, jar. 3. = fgr3Sfyo2 and 3. Q^so etc. ojrol(£>,(2so CC-=ofl)<8so.

CSif^fflSQ_p:fi6i C.V. Cause to lock or shut; (S^SDmJsl adambadi (onasaiooojs^) Orderly,

cijloajo aDfolgsgjI^ CC. ojemo o^^gjl^s^ successively B.

cOsiDOOcSffll TR. (from (srosistfisi 2.)

(&^S\ adi T. M. C. Tu. (Te. (sraoijco) \/^(3ia§.

ascdS(G^S^, rcR) vu. rrri). adaru-j^a (C. to pounce, What comes in contact. 1. bottom, base,
T. to grew thick Te. to shino — \/^(Hra§) To beginning. arofOTjSls^rrbo. aaics^sis srasi foot, csra

burst, crack, slit off, fly open — (mosfflrmoroa fcrTloirtbo oraslcSs 5)aj^@ (jud-) put under it,

«aiocnj Bhr. (grascrro (SiiSroDSis Bhr. a tree. under a

©016513 (^§lcu'Oil5)nbo oraslcSis (jud.)
(Stnorat (srasnra (SojD^al. &22iowo (srascrra ojlerta
heap of nuts. tO^sngo orasl (ST3)Q,<9) field to be
from a wall. aj|y (grasma, ajo(ra)^tnl6)nt)0 cu
well dried for sowing, (srosl.^sro acSa ojosrai^
dto (HTascrro, etc.
all from the commencement. (5T35liSC52;Da.o

(BTOS(b l.=fBiasra))-war. 2. a splinter, as of wood, of foot, footstep, measure

oonmgy prov. 2. sole

bone, stone. aolsrai^ sprained

of a foot, fsrasl o_iolsroi^,

(STDS-aj V. N. splitting, a crack, a. v. onstBs^,

ankle, (masl smocSailooscSs) follow footsteps, mro
f!g3 (old) r5T3sn^5)<ao5rtg (SrLiDfma.ib rryij/Jl
s'l^sls^Q-Ds'scsiilral) .•3rasls)aiosng Mud. was
cun6 <ar>lfolss5Qc)o Bhr. tore off; (sasdst^j^i
beaten from head to foot. <^cms\ 0srra cbjojijI-^

&J6!5Hcb, 0«)6O13C>3 RC 9. (fljOnlnb o)c9iO§(gS^

rarass5cnra§Kgg AR 6. igiSiUDc9>o aaDslcaO(Snlc2Jg.(Tro CC. compassed
(BTOsn^a) vu. oTOsctggai to split((5r3iOO s)ftaraj
the three worlds with 3 steps, i^onoo (arasl the
<Sio)a), tearoff. i^rolasB tgrasrai^ MC. opened 3rd time or turn. 3. foot, metre in orasmisl.
an oyster.
4, foot as object of adoration (see S^ojsl, colrroTl
(Si^Sfsb adal T. M. (C. Te. terror) from .•bto§. fSBajsl,) Sojemosslaicb the king of Venadu,

1. Closingwith combat, fight. aiSSejossral) c&roj Trav. (sraslcsiilfBljajlerraajsmstSBl AR5. and orasl

@o Gicoi ais<Sejo§ oro0oaoi2oaiu^ Bhr. like a sea o_jsmlc£^<e5, Qj5m6!sigc6i, 5>jiinT) orasl (anojls

battling with a sea, (sasa^ Sjj.oejSrruD^ RC. Mud. 5. blow, stroke, ojoo^ ^roro1)«!9)D5ng

(BIO srai) (013)0 RC. tsras^ao Bhr. battle-field; ^a. (srasl (sra=l^ TR. ag^otan ajrasl ^ssjjbI,

(Bras"paj(i:^ aJlsna RC. 2. emulation ( = foizalfo!) mrasl ^sl, srgsoBch mzz^a^ oraslcsyo

tmasjo) (BTOfdiliSnoDSsral) s)a_)oro3fmgyfaf) grief Q-jlslcs^aooin came to blows. tgrasi5)a)35r^ was

comparable to. 3. incessant (of rain) beaten. 6. sweeping the house orasltsjjo m
CTU'jLTlt'jcorarnl'Siroo (giaseyip oa_ioipla^oaj glcs^o KU.
6m Bhr. Cpds. (graslsiiiic'3ral)(5) assault, mraxiSJCiotsra. 5) jii

(srasejoib enemies. (grastuDcbtaioainb, mrasejora

w assaulted him MR.
<B^oiSj)afi5r3)^((A a§(fii20jnt) RC.
(Brasl<&>^5oaj (1) first child VI.
I. CGifZ)SQj| adavi S. Forest, jungle (C. Te. mra
mrasltSffisl (2) at each step, repeatedly (5) ora.
oiDO-j T. (8TDS(b close from (sras) GDCDajoscij^B
<0iiplcssi retaliate, blow for blow.
oj KR. thou consumer of the Asuras.
orasQjIai^fOo (or — iSiS^Odjc) a Curcuma,
orasl^rocBs (1) ballast

(grasl:£jaj(b (6) sweepings of a house.

n. (S^SQJl (= tsTDSOj 4. see t5Ta5(3^a.)dexterity, (graslcaraTlrol (4) a classofBrahmans, preservers

cleverness. of the holy fire.

(I5rt>s| 15 (©rcsloee^— .T5T(?^sla

(maslooDc/ao ojrm PP. (1) lost his stamling oraslcsTliii (4) leaf in which the king eats.

ground = (Bra si caocy. (Hraslcs^Ogi firm basis (of undertakings).

(SJaslajfOK^a) (2) to walk (hon. of Caymals) VI fBraslcuorao (1) foot of hill.

raroslg-jSOj the bottom step, foundation. oras^oiajcSsi (2) walk slowly.

(3tB5^g_]032;f3i) a certain game VI. (BTOSlcrUDDODo, (313 sl .-313)3^0 VI. foundation.

(Siaslg-Jlsl (5) quarrel. (®r&sloe6> adikka T. Te. M. (rerasl 5) 1. To beat,

(aTa5l6)g_j§c£b (1) to come down, fall. (=(m>S' strike. ^roraJiSidoong ag)S)cm rosng (grasl.^

<S^<B)). QjejCSrieJsiS)g_jS PT. 2. JDSla)3iOdjl TR. (Hta^slcss), o_ism0slcOi5) coin. (Sioooslcss)

(ST3sl6)Q_js (BTDjcciamnfc RC. roared louder to blow. (BT3(S (BTasltes) kill, i^rm (gras^-^SajD
than thunder. cal 3 o'clock struck. i^aii.'STaslas-jSs ojcaool

(3ra5l(a_j0o5mo (1) prior deed(f. i. rnlajiisTal

vTnsld95)«sg only no fine! croaroLDl (Scoiosio (zjjlfol

e)d)n (sa. TR.)=:c9-!iiP(T_)0D5mo. ^s^-^ AR 6. drove. — as v. n. rnlai.'oiz»la9jra()

(Siasl-^ aJW^i^ KR. throw yourself on the

fsras^soroo &,woq,& (!) take ballast.
ground. 2. M. Tu. to sweep the ground
fsraslaaj* (4) hon. foot (aTasl0airolsn:)RC. also
((srasl 6).
(ffrasi>'0iag1(t), (STasl.m'3)3(b.

(SiDsl^slacb i5y>ajnb (2) from head to foot (po.) V.N. (Siasl^fiA 1. beating. 2. (.-g'taslcs^^)

rarasl^sr^ under-cloth. a trap.

oraslcQ-TTOroo (2) 1. a fixed interval of time, term, (SlOslgJ 1. printing, stamping, coining. 2. what

feast, stated ceremonies, is beaten, as metal, not cast.

(std. (Siipl^es), cos
G^cftTR. celebrate a marriage, feast (opp. C.V. tBra^lgJIcSs) f, 1. a_)6mo have coined,

igSc93<Q)). oraslcc/oraroaslacb <9)'flcSa MR, rosir^slg-jl .T3i3)o two kinds of coins.

or)S(Sc65ier^o ora. Scaao^'o mpjijoTDo cnsma (Srosl^lo-ioro, (STOslj^iro adiccibara,

TR. coronation etc. (HtaslaunTOroo aiiplsrorajorai)
adlCCara The cotton of cocoanut leaves, «dgj
TR. after the feast. (sras^ca;rro)rao 5)jiiajaj <s^S)S aj0o)cnjo3^, (tnofts^ofD, oaio^os , etc.

(opp. snr)0c) extra expenses TR. exi-

2, used for straining (and perhaps sweeping cara

gency, urgent, indispensable; ^'ofto-jgal slaa and torches.


(araajaiOMo orasloinraifDaoccri a^lcbmocb ms (©rosla adima T. M. ((StdsI l) l. Slavery,

cno QjfacTTD MR. undisputed, regularly. '^
(ffrasl0csinrai (Hi3<a)5)gi§^ captivity VI. (BTOsI0
no'gj^g-jont) (HTas^Gi'CKDroiaDCQjmo TR. neces-
Qjlsnifflaiocto redeem VI. (sta. 0'/lg_j'iji^ma
sary. (sraslaDrTO/foeoaijl aQy^.a^ (£hg^_gj TR. feudal dependency
Bhr. to emancipate. 2.
of a Nayer upon his patron. 3. slave, isojoia
(sraslcao (4) present given at an audience, fee
cQfil(®lca'5)5)X)C^iSKSl0 ^i^C31Qn2D(b KR. (313

on purchase of privileges, eroftnnb 0ogejcn

sl0ca'OgJcS3 00330)0 oQ&SBch CG. we your
(BTOSlcaOift^o 5):9-.0§KS® KR.
(bought) bondsmen, also (Stasia cx^zoq, RC.
(SraslcaoQj (I) checkmate (=(T)lgjonb aigglcsiil in order to serve, tara. ojlslcsa TR. rob slaves

gj). (3T3slcaQc9s) give checkmate V2. (riotous Maplas) (STasl«0c98 <S!g_j prov.

(Sraslcffiooo (l) to the bottom, thoroughly, ^o Cpds. (graslaeanao 1. grant ofland to an inferior
(Bra. ewuDg^^ <S)g.6raigi MR. with reversion to the grantor on failure of

(8Taslii'oa;oroo = (gTa5l(aj0O6mo, afltfaccorao. heirs to the grantee (Tell.) 2. also

(srasloiA^a) (1) to commence. mortgage of laud by a superior to a person

of low caste W.
c&Ycslco; — osrt'Slaa^ 16 (m)^S)

(BT35^0aJ6n9l5)jii^ Bhr. 2. serve as slaves. (SrO^dSj, ^ aduya T. C. Tu. obs. ((Biosng

rmaslacQ^oojcr) immunity granted to slaves by C. Te. Tu.) 1. Come into cdntact, come to be

their masters B. close upon (orasra!) etc.) 2. to cook ((sra^cesia)-

aSifSslcoiorb & (G^sl(Sca)oa) adiyaii (oras"! i)

(St3§(20Ol = (HT3S(20.'51 q. V.

TP. OTO^cOffl, izj® T. M. 1. to come nigh, approach,

I your servant, in obi, cases mT3blc2;5),-ma)

close, with Ace. oQ)5)ar) (Sra^i^, Loc. tsta
pi. (Qi3snca.6Di3c)o, rtnos^oajoib,

MR. six of us. In po. similarly tmo

Qjsroos (Bia. Dat. a^(^ ajrolces^cigg Mud.

5l0C£2)oroi(j)ifisiorolajiib CG. Gen. (i_);aila{^5)S (sra^v^cn^rm KR. ^o

(5T3sla2Jo 1 = (Hraslcojrib f. i. 6)^ogjajonb jdod
csjjffjs (Br3§(C23 '^^ MR. ^acoialsinb-o (ora

§£.-aT3)oa,o Nid. ((STa§(^ treated as adverbial

s~la2;,-mlcr)0fal) fsracruoS^o Genov. I cannot.
Noun) OjOS5SD5)(Zn (HT3§(f^ <S(1-J0<b 6)-aJ^o
2. = tsiasl a.c>o (4) No. <956-raro)S>ca<Sii5Ta) TP.
KR. in battle, wxcu) (sra^c^ Mud. the time
oh my young Lord! (Voc.)
of departure. (sranr^zlg-jOTtloD^cj^ frySjnb
(ffraslcaionf) m.; — wodo, — cmo.-oial B. — caio§l
Mud. rnlnbraitu (2Q_ioaji'n)lnrT)§s^ is en-
V. f. slave, servant (pi. (gias^cojodi and (srabl
dangered. 2. to beseem, become, be pro-
cuib). (tfiaslca'onb (aslo-i.oilaiffjaQyo ceiSforal
portionate to. (gT3§c93o ajsTDo in becoming
TR. removed all the inhabitants. OTOcnjOcm
manner RC. s^ajsrraajlsiaaceso (srasceso
(Ssiorostcho mos^woch ©'o cruooBfij^ MR.
(8i2)-^3(t)o KU. ordinances for Nayer women.
his dependant.
tsraoD^cflao (mamtTO)ro.ajff)racs^o i^£\ TR.
(fftaslcQjOib also l.a lowcaste's wife. 2.1ovrcastes
with the consent of the apparent heirs,
(opp. cultivators). 3. (from (BTOsl
(also (STarm^rsra — MR.) tgra^cSso^roiro!) fees,
4.) landholders. staslcaoaaDib a class of
perquisites. (3ra§cfi®aj^ rights retained by
lower Brahmans, servants of Bhagavati.
the original proprietor from the purchaser.
ajTaslc2J0(bn_i5mo an old tax, paid to Jenmis.
Qg)§,Tn3)fDV(Tr)5.'nT3) @ii1 pay according to the
(sra. (oiroo.-ora) (oTlca'SifO fm§(£Ki<3^o roicesioyo TR. work done. G^OQoiojsTls^osiTiDfBj) ara^.-ors

(ST3slscs2JOsl0O(b a class of Nayers, esp. in the on (ST3§'3i3)OT) aQ'^<£^cm (Brg)(b TP. who is

Cadattuvanadu (asc^cuooDgs^csai'OsI, ora to serve me at meals. aro^.-jialcSsi (5ra§OT3)

slscaosl i^itsicJ)6!5s afis (oicryraonnoain po. @ ff)<0iO§cflfflC(S®!tDO TP. better take a wife.

((Srasl 4.)
Neg. (srasDajtpl impassable road Vl,

(StDslcsi) eft), ffrjTrBj adiyu'j^a ((ffiosi i) i. Fall rarasorsia^ (a_]:x),-3ia)ld3a do what is wrong.
to the ground, as rotten fruit, ewotb 5)(£h§5l6raigi Inf. mra^Scas, rara^iSsid) 1, near. (mlnsi^oxnfiAor

SQ_jDcail spoiled by rain. (grafOdte(t £i)0<Qi(U(O)rt cuoa^^asjrab (STa§o)t0s) s^aj^ Bhg, oTiglnT)
(aoaTlsmaftliP (mas^rrg) allsmy(m ©raaojDib §&)«!) TP, roo0o^nfeo (so'§S)<bsi ool^ KR.
RC 25. fell at Rama's feet. ciJlsmslsroi^ i^ai 2, soon, (TO)§®c9«i QJ((3, TR. come soon.

<B)&i RS. 2. drift on shore, ca,njrrit) (Siasleroi^ (Sta^SiSsi treated as noun, fsra-offl 5)nbo (Bia^ScSa

Vl. (srg) 6iQ_iosl .jnlroojocgjs^s ajcms^ffrar^ fmlrocc^ cSoiocslTI curarrra MR.

Bhr. borne by the waves, alob, <0icSs, etc. ojcm Adj. part. (aia§i5i3) 1. near, next, mra^rois)

slsrai^came in shoals. <0>sojlral) gsoBSfib (BTSsI mocX), fsra^.isiaocXj TR. next day. (sra^asra

a^o roTlroaoajRS. beat. 3. <£t>svib mo. the eye ojlo^oo (DdcXj day after tomorrow. sra^'Ci^)^
suffers from excessive secretion. c&.smslQi(
an ^ cnlsinbo (gratninngLjScao KR. the next heir.

oDtailcrro m.To a raed. rnlroslcj^nmgo jiixiib 2. becoming, ora^OTa; Sojosiai as convenient.

(BTOslos^oDgo med. (StO'gaJ^snb monthly support.

(SrO§dB6i^ (®rO(2SDej 17 (Srcs — (®rO&nr)SS*3

(Hra§(i^=(ara§(Sd9ffl (with Gen. as under mro^ <&igj anvil. (5ra3S3aji5s<a).

c9a)(Hra§(j5is ^a olajcruo StoitOs) daily for 12 (S(aior)<2S30Jo honey-comb.

days; a med. CG^§ atta T. M. C.Tu. (V^(3Ta§, (srasr^ to stick

oiO'j.waajnb, — s-swionb 1. Relation. (m^-oraTis.xi to) Leech. (5K)5)§cQa 5)o_jo§(Sijao prov. srag o-jI

gjO(b (ffro§<s.'!SKD3«So i-E5T3)ro3o CG. even the slcSfi, (BTD. 6)d}io|.-oial a med. gt^naoit (Baonl

next relations canuot help. 2. washer- caH^ii) <2.Qj(TraJ>ggOi'0§&c)a CG-. (in hell). It is

man, barber of each caste, as necessary considered as blind, (srajistfia iftsrrasiiftos'oraiorai)

srra ^
for many ceremonies. (prov). (ffraggiifcfisio vault of leeches and

(S'^gdB© A row, pile, layer. arogcOe 6)aj

worms (curse),

C®^§o attam 5. (see oras) l. What is across,

e.i608c>o Nid. hence transverse. — thwarting Vi, (sra^qsLio cross

a. V. (gTa§iflS(ft., tSai T. M. C. Te. to pack up, face Vi , (obs.) — roof (also

2. S.) used as store-

pile up, stow up. cijloo §cS«l s^xicaa etc, room, lumber, (BTago 6)a_joa^6raa)3ral) (araatij©

CV. fgra^anlcQs).
prov, — (5Ta§<95^fol soot. 3. scaffold on 4 poles,

(STa§<9io a-jlslc9t)-) to salute by folding and

CS^§ql 1. ((Bra§d) Hearth, fireplace, (sra
opening the hands across the chest
§gja)§y — (sra§g_j'3i3)1§ai ci_jD'>ra)o).-3ia 2. close-

ly woven cloth (also oraslgj). 3. nearness,

coanection, proportion. otD'^QjgjDOTiS oTlaiaj (3T0§aO0croo S. ((Hra§ excessive) violent laugh-

oai offer too low a price. ter, derision, defiance. -aIla)g.(TK) Qlid§.o oQ^
caiagoDDcroajo s^jijcm Bhg. sisiai 5)6ra),'o^^§
V. N. (ma§g_jo oro032J(DT3)lsiabo rsra. nearness,
oDDCrUo oi-oJC^ ff).^0(mon{) n_irolnr)0(TOa^Qll
aj'ijroi'Sisa^o (sra.urffl5)SCs:^o csra. relation-
<a.o UR. (Sij^foi) Kiio:iaiO(ai3§QDoa\jo a
(£/)0oain KR. (metaph. of Ganga.)
C. V. {graggjlcflfi) bring near, 0(Q^(yaaran2io55ro
V. den. {gragoon^TlcSffl, cuoroo tsro'-gj KR. and
o^^Oo (Sta igj Nal. ordered to come. 555)^
cruocs^coaioalaicb ora'ayo Bhr.
njr)sl-2j§jj_p:^ Si P. drew her closer. Sd.o

upstair room, turret

^0* Qjlal=ei05)o (Sfoiosnri (BTa§gJI^§l (STO^DOio S. (=:(3T3§o 2.)

^ TR. (5Ta5g_jl^ ogdjio @<9i summing up 6iaxi^cucro3aiD§DaiScoDajrDo SiPa,

the whole. (^oTD elxioruo ora'^ for 3 days. (8Tag3(iig_]S quay of river or seashore for bath-

ing purposes (at Dwaraka).

a5T^§oB6^^ T.M.((gta§S))Kitchen, cookroom.
(&d£\ atti (C.Te. T. Tu. stoppage) T.M. A pile,
^ TP. ^

lump (=:(3Ta5) in 1. mia. sia,^©-, (grag^cosigj^

(Bra§c6ffla,<96)ora(T)ocdri PT. BhTmasena became
<£h pile up, ram, pack close =(BTa§<flin^ S)aj<ss).
(BTa^tfit>)gc9srol<9i1'Dl) sparrow (perh. (HK)9tfl«ao=
2, (gTa§l<Sg_]ri complete purchase of a freehold,
(SiaScSaao, So Vi.)
called (STayarica)(gTa§l3^(8oo3ai or — tesirasmo
(BTa^cemas^Qjgj cooking, tgra. s)ajd)snD eaooo
title-deeds of freehold property. (sraslSgjib
onl«nm ScOfiismi-DTsQnnDDcsin igoliflao KR5.
(-nl(b TR. (siaglsg-jib rnlfojaaiaocsil oQ^fOi^^s^
(5T3§ces)a c^'SOog)^, ora^cBsia <?aD.-Qno 1. men-
6)i3>35ire3nb MR. doc. a-)ocrulo)ri6o orasltSn
struation. 2. forbidden intercourse of
rosTDo, a_)Oou (5ra^<3gio33iA rnliti ajsessi TR.

(S^6Y^6S^ce5 anannu-ya (C. Te. Tu. stoop)

flS'&ff)S:96i see under orasa^s. TM. To shake = (Bra.T)ffljga5 V.N. (3ia iiT) :>» i a

aSTD^soej, (S^cSSQQJo adola, — lam=(STOt jerk Vi.

(Srs&no — (®^&nOfsb 18 ((Sf^iGrn — (Srs&nolcQ^
CS^&no ana C. T.M. (\/^f5T85n3 = (3T8§) l. Sup- (3Tasm(ra'))g_jgj grinder, double tooth (opp. gffl

port, pillow, foiiiicffism. 2. branch of fig tree

Vi. 3. dam, jiDo i^o^smtoa^ m>sms)&i)£\ srot^ Arb. also otasmca^Stiigj^ "V2. 5)xi5na

cajl5)52g aocno KR. also channel (?) s>.u@2o Csilrcil) fSTasm!9S)SgJgJ5)i9)D5re0<O5)3^o Nal 3.

cunsR^ojonb (stQsni s)<&>£iS)S6rr>o KR. 4. yoke, (from rage, whilst smiling with the front-

pair (=®6im) (STasmg-lsaj, (3T3simaj((T^o un- teeth).

cut double cloth, as of Brahmans. 5. oiasm (grDsmejl viper, and (Stasmsjlcaba-iocnj VI.

cctneaiQj^' (see tmasmrai) and rgrajismcfia 2.) (SrCsno, CS<Zi6<^3 ana H. ^^ Rupee.
CSlf^6YDCQ^ d95 C. T. M. To approach, arrive. CS^6^ ani T. M. C. (\/^f5t35n3) 1. Row, line of

With Ace. (SdhoaTlsicffl rgrasmsrain) <s<S)Oa.cijo soldiers; tHrasrnl a_i<adte to set in array, (ma^nil

KR. (Sta:ns)cn siJiiomsmsroro) CG. (mlftBSizonl anl^ stand in files. 2. decoration, -nrd'®o

(BTasmsrowxnnlQj^o aiO^cSsioranf) TP. the minis- (BraoTr^igsl alcSfO) ojlsl^^ KR. above the

ter close by the king. "With Soc. (BraajSraos diadem. (g-ara)5nTl^a)C52J0c>3 Bhr. the breasts

smeraigi Mud. With Loc. <2<BiCU^:s(S)\cA orasm adorned with pearls, '5T3TTr)i(S0ngaj(ST35So, ora

6T!J® onosstaij KTJ. the 5 border countries Pandi, emlaoc^lso RC. carasirnlaaKbcSatpanza* RC.

Congu, Wayanadu, Tulu, Punnadu. aosl am fine women. (saefri\z\^&.d3 Bhr. painted eyes.

emeraigi aJTls^-eJ CG. in war. cftgjaA (sasmmr^ (sraernl^gooo Nal 2. court decorated for a

near the shore; also temporal by S)0Lj«B003cb feast. (Si55nTl(X'.'3i7.«5Qc>3 ^Sfflsa) CC. theatrical

QjomsmsTcngi KU. arolg-jonb oi. ooocb (^rasm dance of serpent, mrasrnlcajo, orasrn^aiaigLjra

eraigoral) a med. dressing-room of players. (masmicoiaioSic&iglcsaii

Inf. (ffK)&ma2/5)^(Tra RC. csiaaTnoa/O:^ near.
(SfmajfDOQj prov. mraernlcaejaanos a basket

V.N. iBtaerDaj arrival, closeness, love (=(S-aJ to hold the dresses of idols, etc. (sasvn^ij'^ziicno

^) otasmajlrai) ^rK»lg_]on6 RC s.
J3J5)0-^ (oj^o S)&'Osn^) CC. a grand bed,
a. V. (srafflSTDcea T.C.M. 1 . to bring into contact, ring-finger (also little finger,

esp. embrace, hug. ^ocnjmfOi3)lmo (gaus^itsra little toe).

(BTa5)6m-sJ CG. cuiocnjleim a-^ynsraTlfai) (srasism

C®fO&nolCQ^ c83 T. M. To wear (jewels,
-£i Bhr. ^o^'jl Q^nbaiQjlcbftsras.m'ailrai) ora
arms), decorate oneself; gS^srnlsraiglasnT) <95

6)6m(^ RC 29. aon^o aoc^Hral' (Biasism^,

Qj.iiioRC. (gejcansmcaJlejsrplajitn^a© i^ct^ Nal.
(aoos)6rr):£4 eirmoga^ in reverencing; S)0(2^d§
5)Q_]0cm6rnl5tm3)0cnsicX) Mud. <si(a^rolai(Ugs3Q
6)0^0 (5t3S)sm;:^6)<&i05^. sajsnoaioj QjaScao
5)g.(5rasrnlsraTO)DejoKR5. (S<9)03,i3Ta*f3!) orasrnlsrag)
SQsrr):^ CG. put the flute to the lips. (SroiOtSffi
gj^ssQcb KR. 0oai0oolf(A (Bta. Mad. soiDSiftcX)
6)6m:^ «ajsl5)a.ig_jonb ojos)^^ TR. levelled
(SiD.'or'roi) (sra. CG. <B jijora o^^.-arasmlsrai^ combat-
the gun. a^sifOcQsism^^^cast anchor, ^roral (Sta
ants. SjcuoslaaiOsrgsrnlsroT^ Bhrii. mourning
6)6n-)c9« TP. give a beatin g. 2. whet, grind
women, fsracucXi oouosl (Braernistaig iSiosnasnb
cuoc)af5Ta5>sm=^. — (saS)6m<Q^cnn i&gju ,Q_iai<a
Nal3. (graauro<S35muej0snTlsrai3CO5TTLUoKR.(flg.)
whetting stone, board S)OJ(^<b& f5rao)simcSs)
V. N. (srasrnlcaral) f.i. (5rg)SDjiiO:^Dan5rnlcarob
(see 6)008) to take the civet Vi. 3, So. to
(a_)cjoomo (prov.)
pant Vi.
rarasrnlaj, <20CTSlcB5)5mlajD3iri cnl^o CG.
V. N. (grasm^rat, (srasismaJ sharpening, pant-
C. V, orasmlcsiilcSs) to dress, adorn, (srgjcr) mo.
ing Vi.
(lS»Z)60^(T!t anal C.M.T. (also palate, see (STra|mo) dress out an elephant for processions. «naj

Jaw, hinder part of mouth. ecTOcnoa' cugjlsifibo igs1c32^aj6m^<ftn\}0CTTl<9)«)05rnlain^ Nal 2.

(BrasmaTlrob (Bto^K^srgao a med. 06Tnl0(S3So (ST3. Mud.

19 (crs|nr^_(sro^oni)

(5YZ)6rY51(2l anima S. Power of reducing the body CS^gCO anna T. C. Upwards, above; hence

to an atom (orasrra). perhaps jfia«rnai'Da£l mscrooib RC 26. (srasm

(&^GrrS\c2Jo aniyam T. M. (T. C. (sasml first) caioctel (BratSiounmb 5)aff>t5j^3o ^'^ 21. (pros-

Ship's head, prow. (opp. rgraaroo.) trated so as to look upwards?)

(©fS&nrflCQJDOmaniyariS. (<msm) More minute, (©"Oev^CYD T. M. Tu. C. I.Elder brother, iHia

S^<SC2Joao cnrm^ (srasrnrrooxn prov. 2. Royal

rsiasrraajlaifobrnlnmsrnlcC'Dnt) (gojocib ARe.
predecessor, ancestor ; rdTlsij-jg ojejloz; ora.
CS^err^ anu S. l. Atom, according to CS.
6)^olaii (Bra. (Sa)0(iia5Tal(til tsra. TR. orasrn
? , dust; .^alc&ich
"^ (3Ta6"rrac95>ao<9'
4515840 0^
ngotb aioaio (snosloz; ffjojonb TP. aflipltc)!) (sraem
eitSiDsng ai6iTg(g5o Nid. (m3orr3(p_j0osimo as small
oza(^ (Dsom crucoana^oe (SxjDS^iii cnoo cms
as possible. 2. a very small fraction (21 (srasna^
nrnl^ Qa)eEbl(ti() TR.
1 goa^ CS.); 3. a rice-grain. 4. the rib of
<T5i't)6Y~Oo, (BraernodBsPalate, (Bra. (SrO)cSl (SajotaH
a plantain leaf, ojotpco^erra igolcSis; cutting a

plantain string without hurting the nape on

mouth parched. (srasmDcOfllsai <g(ti)0(^ tgraSi^riMo

(Scuoca'oejo prov. (S0f2j6rnoas and aTiifsmDces

which it is laid. 5. small white fly.

Vi. The uvula is (srasmoasTloinfjo (Bro>srnl (or

(G^enr^ anu Drav. \/^ = tffra5 (hence .-siosm etc.)
s)-aiQ,or)0?Li) (Braeroojocam (sragjo prov.
CSifZ)6rYr)d93c65, S^ anU'Jf U-ya T. a M, To approach,
(3ro5rrac9Tl55c&>05ng0(b pay.
aS^6v;>3'5t) annal aT. aM. 1. High, God,

esp. Arhat. (Brasmrai <Scr)S)royo tuoOLit&l RC 23.

(S(^erriigs<^ anunilU A small flea (T. fgiaerraai

(Bra. (mcTOl(TS6)0c» 26. 0(mlc95)iiie3S)Scfls)5irnics{jo

touch), see (SKisno 5,
(Bra. 53. (glory?) 2. squirrel.
CS'^eog anda (=m>s?) l. A small lump, arosi^
<Oi(aural a bag of musk. 2. excrements of aSrt'gnOD anna Looking upwards, (^rasmo oQono

65CL)@ao <ftS^::^,(in tJ'P native way of drinking).

elephant Vi. (=ajl3r@^). 3. testicle (obsc.)

a5^6in§o (Bra^mo Q^nmo^ to gape, also (BragroOvTro (Scno

andam l.^fsrasng Vi. 2. Tdbh. (Bra ffTD bl I

cSsa), tftslcfls) and (srasmDcSao (SooDcea, In po.

fiTTLUo world, (Hrasngo g^atSiCtxisl RC.
sren. (BrasmocnocnlmD S)c9)05i^ofiioc/3o (SooDanls
(S^SOgfl) andar T. M. (from preceding or fBTOsng

CG. in prayer and expectation, (grasmocrra oolnm

dh T. C. Tu. Te. to resort, or (srasro '
above)' The
jx\<S&^cxio (to drink the moon's rays), Soioci^
Gods. (ma5iTi(b<3cSioa6 Nal 3. ora-jngitimo^z-'ainb

S^3iD5rgsrD0CTra QJOCq^o O_jlaciT0 CG,

Bhr. Indra. farasniajls^D^ ai§gBslcs^o Onap.

divine bow? (Stti6'<DDSl annadi NoM. (comp. tBrasmo, (Bra

(®^50gl andi (C. root, origin) Kernel, stone of snil) Cheek-bone ool5)"ibo (sra. (O)^ a_ioi^

mango etc., nut; scrotum. d>.acs^o vu. also (Bi3srnosloicag4 = (n)05lfflCQ)g^.

(Hra5n£iaiiDso play with dice V2. ? (Bra5mos~l (SiDsraont) aieroosl sojsng prov.
sm 6rn

«S<Z)6r<\x)o andam S, (see Brasng) 1. Egg.

2. = (Grija2i03rrujo world, 'm8:tTLL)£hsoar-63i3c)o CG. 6Y;YD(irt), (tS^&nrfj-sti annaii, annakkottan
the shells of the mundane egg. 3. testicle, Sciurus palmarum TC. squirrel. (BrasmosjcOsio

<e3fB65)3lanbo (HTa^muo PTi. (H^asTruio aTlolfrnfiTl snb

— rtjKTDDiuoo.ijsmo prov. All. (BragrnocSmgrncra
61T) oTD oiT)

oQ^cBsi MC. to geld. (sraTrTa)>-!3i3)^nb o^ ex&iO'sn^ ff)S 0oocroo cyc:^o GP.

B5mv^<B®cm CG. (BraemoibojOiP, (graernDajsismnbcuo^p a tree and

sm 6TT) Tm
(Brasmusaiocrao scrotum. fruit, called monkey plantains Vi.

mrasmueso oviparous. aejoDernonb, 0iiica'6rno5)(9s>D§(Tb jungle squirrel,

6TT) DlT)

(srasrruJaTOaal Cymbidium ovatum Rh. considered as chief planter of cardamoms

(srasrrujQjOfWo swelling of testicle Vi. (Qjg.(b) Sciurus ma.ximus.

(STDrooOOjI— cSrZ)rwl6^d&3D 20 (Sr^rrnl S) — (t5t?)f^'^0
(tS^gnoooJl annavi T. a M. ((BTa6|T:^ab) Tutor, <:&ZiCS)\'^Cho abikramam S. Excess, outrage,

teacher, head of a company of actors; foicmD assault; excessive puDiahment. <a)@grv3D(Z8o)s

cejojraonb 6i<sigDra() ora. aQ<^ 6)^^o prov. «jra(tnl(^0o laoocSl TR.

(Sif^gnQl anni (see (troemrab) Inside of tho cheek, ©raoTlt^alan go beyond. (O,oaio m!i(£\i^iz^ d3&

joint of jaws; raTDOTTlaTifab {STO^tSata) to masti- KR. let a set time pass by, (SiO^o noo§o
cate as toothless persons. Q^jgLjOo ,-oTa. Nal. pass through. ajOcOsiloimrsTa.

(Eir?)iTDg a5ah S. TIencc (po.) KR. transgress an order, so ai^m (sra'^

ce^rmofefOT aba^fuba (T. m)^£i hurry)=:OT.i cDStSn TR. g)(ojaiort)o [gra'-gj mscSsfm roo

©jjouios . (5Ta(a)d33(a)C»o:in <3a.jDai?l It has been e3iR^ were such violence is in vogue, (sr^

over hurried. (Sg.o= mra. TR. assault.

(S^a5)<S&c£h abakku'ya t.m. c.(-ma^d3s>)To (©fSofil^enOQJOOfb abigunavail KR. Ex-
cram down, turn betel in the mouth Vi. ceedingly gifted.

(gT3«ncB3(S(nooc0QSi to lie in wait (P. atacar, E.

(©rcro^CBo^DcSDo abighosam S. Very loud, c/a

®jnoo3o (5T3OT)l(3-aDiiri^ saich^rrra Bhr 7.

cGrOfTT)^ a6a5u T. M. (orag) Each, eeveral; (Bra

(Siror^^OJo abijavam S. Very quick (po.)
tm^ 5)i9)0gjo TR.
(lS<t)(T5SlrZDrt)0o abibaram S. Yet more, very
aSrOfTDdBsTlODo abarkibam S. Undoubted Vi.
much (po ) I pity (po.)
(©(tXTDEJo abalam S. Bottomless, a hell Bhg.
(S^rsTlaDDQ-io abibabam S. Great grief, deep
aSf5(T7)^ abali T. Noise, tumult Vi.
(©fSrcSluTl abithi S. (V^rsrafoi wander) Guest.
((S^(U)3 aba (.-grjfg) See that, behold there; tsra

cunt) Qjcrn fsraitDD (po.) (5TD'^o^ = ajra.'a)@. tsra'a^ea, — co^o, — SGrocu, — cro^oroo hos-

exertion, fatigue,
pitality, gcfcl (5ta3ja« (Bra.-mlLDloro^oroo o^t^
<ei?!(TD0OJ (A. ata'b ;

disappointment (gTa)C/30.xii3J^iS32;onb {Hrarmoaj S)clj

KR. (sratJilLDlfi^ea susmo VCh.
§(Sa_iOo prov. (tsi?i73Sl©ca)DQ_irDorb abidayabarah S. Most

I. C®f?)fcTl abi Tdbh. 1. ((sracnSl) Sword, (m(£\ bountiful AR 5. [f.j. 0^2.\ Bhg.

cs^o S)5n6j3jlaj(3?jo (gracnjo RC i3o. 2.= (3racol (SY3(TJ?|g!QJ ,0 abid'ivyam S. Most wonderful,

(f.i. f5raf0)li9ioroo etc.) (Gi^rml^fDo abiduram S. Very far.

(®t)(Tfil S. (V^isra) Beyond, too much,

II. a5^(7y^(P,rOTo abid'rutam S. Suddenly AR.
very. (SanD^j (Brarailca'omjnso, (gTarzy)^ca'00,j^6i«),
c®rD(T3T|noej rs) abinallabu si^dsi^si-oo UR.
&s\<ss) Xid. (Bwrmlaz/'Daiilffisoas rtsoacroo TR.
The best.
o_irDl(tnoa_io (Hi3ralca)D(Xjj5ni o^onlcea KR. 6i§(ail
aSY^'roTlOOl© abinid'ra S. Excessive sleep.
c2J03^6)@aoRa cccnocDiZo Bhr 5. tijiarantBaz.oao

CS^fsTlnolraafDobabmistllurailS. Most cruel

aOoiroD (TUgj3,P526!58c)o (3raaaceglc0si KR. (BWOTI^CQ;

gjOSifff) Qjajsrm^ (rnlral^ Cr Arj. pressed be-
yond endurance. (15^(TJ?,a_lD(TOo abibabam S. Letting pass the

proper time Vi.

(e^fQ?ld&5(W&nno abi-Jfarunam S. Most kindly,
AR. OTO. cuoa^o Mud. so as to excite pity. (®rQfc9:a-SDQ-io abibabam S. Deadly sin, fsra'sral

m>(d ^rw0;mlcC!Oain KR. [-^ med.

(S^fcTlcJ&iOCQJOfb abi'JfayailS. Giant,a Npr.RC.
(SrsraTln_^d65.^rst; abibu'^acSal inflammation,
(S^rsTld&)Droo abi'jfaram=(sraan<&)Di^o TR.

(S^fmlACiDfOab adi-yumarail S. Very young, aS^iT5Tl(o_-)(Bai'0COo abiprayogam S. Many

((Bia- m)i£\izcq. Bhr.) devices, tgra. gggao-gjib Mud.

(®Z)ra9l6^d950§oio abi'JfoduppamiHra'ocan (ScuD<b (GifZ;r^(a_jD6YD^o_JlcQ;o adipranapriyam S.

5)jil!^ Bhr. fiercely. Dearer than life (po.)

cS^fWl^"^ — (Crcrwlfb 21 (Srormloj — (STSfsSlcroc

(®r©(T5n(a_J]'^oi) a6ipri6an S. Most contented (SQ rnlgjj, 0513® oral) TR. along the eastern

BrP26. border.

(SrsrjfilenJDmjUQJOrb a6ibandliavan S. Most fgT3^(bajoeo MR. quarrel about the boundary.

devoted AR 6. aisng aialfrra (j^z^mh (sra. (Sr^:^ MR. So.

{BTa'3gjlsmcesi0gj qjod^ RC so.

aS^fWleOJ rajul a6iBuddM S. Being overwise,
(SiatiVlo-iTj^^ces (Biag^oa^fm^ (prov.) (©^fcSlcu&nooeeNo abivanakkam Great humi-
lity; csajsrgl^ (gYa'(3'iJi3)0§o i^S)S. KR.
(Cr^fc^^oQ^enoo,— go6o7l abibhaksanam,
bhskti S. Gluttony. r^^.. Ci5»'d(7f)lQJC/d(,'Yb abivasah S. Excessively ad-

dicted AR.
CS^(U)\ri](UiaTi a5iblliru6a S. Cowardice, Cr.
aSr?)fcSlQJ:'.il_id95o abivaja-yam S. Mere phrases.
(GYOroTlau^ rOo aSimadhuram s. Very sweet;
licorice = ^ro§l0cya)o. a med. (S^(T5?laJ2rY\:00 abivasana S. Fragrance;

quick apprehension.
(tSr^i73?lC!lD(f5)o a6imatram S. Over much f.i.

n^-oil^ KR. OST^ fWlQjlscQJo abividayam (S. mro^Tl.xricfti)

a med. root, Aconitum ferox? GPVo.

(GY0rcSl(2Dnr3f:£QO(i) abimanusail S. Superhu-
(®fZ)rn^Ojlrro <:Wo abivismayam s. Very won-
man f.i. fljnsaj(b Q@ODsl0O(b KU. (sra-m^zo
derful KR.
aS:fi3(SiZ?0X) Blir. performer of miracles.

(©fZlfsTloJlroob abivirah S. Mighty hero, (ffta.

(Si^ra^.aDf^Orb aSimanyan S, Most honor-
able, CL-SrOjaoDo (BTaDTlZD^OnjOoDo oQaia (po.)
ml Bhr 8. ironically.

(©roroTls^eiaLQOOo a6imeitbunam s. Excess nSfC (TT^Cy c£d1 abivrsti S. Excess of rain.

in Venere Nid. a5i^rO^(SQJ£Jo abivelam S. Unlimited AR2.

(GVZ)fWlfDLDOrb a5irathah S. Mighty champion (S^foTlOBCOJo abisayam S. l. Preeminence, un-
on chariot KR. common; a)irrnlrai) (BTO/nilc'aca'<SrrDaOo Bhg4.
[(tor women).
(©^rC^rODCOo aSiragam Extreme 2. marvel, wonder; nryrrafOtoiJo 6ia.05ng (BT3. <9)0
S. passion
sojDrtb Nal.
(®fQfsTlfD3(fD)o a6iratram S. Over night, the
orafiiilcyaairiceoi 1. to excel Vi. 2. to wonder,
3rd day of Aswamedham KR.
be surprised = (Sr3fmlaa^'o5gj§ia).
(®ri)raSlrola9<2no aSiriktam S. Excessive, be-
031000 Superlative {mZo) gr.
yond (po-) — (STOji^srocSio excess (po.)

(TSt? rsSllC^rOOO) abisurail S. Hero, rma. (moTlcea

(e^r0^r(35a&5 abiru-jfa T. a M. Fear, tremble,
faiDob 3)o)eajo KR.
(ffra.ij)l(b5).ub^ rocket, a bomb Vi.
((Siinj^<y\)^So abisangadam S. Excessive
(®f^)fC^fb abir M. Tu. ((grogai C. Te. adjoin)
distress, i-ma. ojrojo MR. o^noltSs) ora. crooigojl
Boundary, limit. aoD§o7l{bKU. frontier. aigjtftlib
gjont) SiP4.
landmark, gjg rzf (=: on oe4)(gra:ail(es);&>«^@annlejo

TR. & (Si'Sa5Tlonj:fOo abisaram S. (also very pithy)

MR. doc. raraaVlceg o_jor23 aHtfloirTO^
Diarrhoea, dysentery, (esp- roceoiOfinlcniOfOo).
Q,'rajcr)DSoa^ip.uD<3>c2JCS^r, (Braoilas-ral- TR. on the
boundary of C. and P. .gdaebloTls m ora-dilfDjai den. V. ora.'OilauralcSsi to suffer from it {—md
flj)l(ru3roo Q^^cfls)) 6i(Ttara(£5reooo(aroro7lav)rol^^
a^rai) ajfoltfl^nm ^aceaofoaaotb TR. cn?^S)S (sa

(wlfolrab o_iroltQS)lc2;m} <a>ajl6T!5i§i currarrro TR. §<ar)lfaL VCh. -oTdg 'cSn (5ra«)Vlax;folcSsi a med.

encroach on the limits. cSifSro^rn^ OQfD^ abisund'aram s. Very fine.

Cpds. (BratoVlfol^ift to bound. (Sr5fCTlfY\3o^ai) abistambbafl S. Hardened f. i.

(5ra.'ml(b(!3TO)£Li boundary, cT)0!S§<£hliPS(j9s) (gra'olfu roo^Siiioso ^£no^§ BrP25.

ciOTraTlrzDo — (SrorcYjjiojt 22 (SrSfOrwoenol — (©f^rgj^Jc

(SrZiroflrJDo a6l6amS, (mra'rol+^ftno) Gone by. come to grief, ora^craral) qQ':s^cd^ oulsrasggoib

(Bra. ojoajjoTTO) Q^rCT = i£hipl6roro)@ — cQioajtnral RC 26. the gods were grieved. (SK)OJ<a2^^o<Qio

fmrai^foiaooo fSTO)(ni0oaj, rrysiig 8 euo oilrrnDfoieiDaj mo. o_lOSt!3ra)0f3t) 6i§6S1g®0D SP3. (513. O^S^
Bh^. elevated above. distressed, (Gia. o^^frnlsicai joyfully, (sra. raroai

ansg-JI(Tb RC.
(Sn^JrcTlOJ abiva S. (oratjil + ^aj) Exceedingly nrnld>jra()

(®f?)nT(TDD&^ attani (T. throne) Porter's rest,

(6^5 (g) a6u 5. ((BTO) 1. It, that (with go rgra^go

(513. (S>5r)g (ggjlce5)D(t)fflm (gojDJid! prov.

and tsra^ojo TR.) obi. case (grarisTlnb f. i. (gronnlnb

ojemo thus.
— (SK><S(S) just that, yes ; btossbIsioo asifQ(urmDCQ7lfzmr/DCQT| attayittayi stammered,

rtj)S)nncQj(ggj — fmacSi'oi (opp. (Hragj) — (srssrmo 1.= confuse words Vl. 2.

(Sratoiolo! 2. as for that, — indeed! I now re- a?On3>TriOO attar A bamboo mat.
member. — (513(0)1 (Saicsjjo g)(!jn<Siicxjjo msces) not
(S^r^5>TnOifo attalam (\/^ (srod>, (moy>o=(moc2;o)
settle down to one's work. 2. it is also used
Supper, (opp. (^fisraiOiPo.) (513. <Q)iplc9s), ^a» to

as adj. (Hiagaioojo, (3r3<2(m(Q_j(Q)0fDo, (SiaOTo;® (3I

sup, (5T3'o ffliQioggoo 00)0^1 ctelajrib

caslfa?>, and in po. as a sort of article; following

PT4. (!|a_i(CT)l<ea (sratoraoiPSeDganno siajgjonf)

the noun; (ijaxja30O(d)l(cil) i^crucrxaioajo gcniib Nal (5t3'o (S^oocSlrrn (5TOfa^Qj:6!5Ql TP. roo;®!

(S(&onb SG 2. Indra is the first among tJie

ccinral) (ffornraospo giSf^ <£h1sa7o Bhr 7.

great. Also mere expletive (gojoturoaia^ocsu'

I. (G^nJYjril attiT.M. C.(Tu. (5T3(i3Ta1)and(Bra(!W
CG. (=a0O3ai^).
caorat Ficus racemosa. (513(013)1 ^(oiS)! (srarocmsob
(STO^cSx^ modern plural — oraoj.
(Sajroofol) oQ)rmOT)inb (mglib GP 65. (2rLac2;(mal

CJS(^^(Be><£hy ceeT) aSukkuka T. So M. Squeeze

Ficus oppositifolia — (Bra.-malgjtPo ripe fig.

(=^^cescei) from v. n. fgrags^sgdi Vi.

(5r3(aral6SB, (5r3^6J5Q green figs or plantains Vi.

(Elf^^£Jo a6ulam S. Unequalled, (ffro^&i;263snj

II. (©rOfOYoTl 1. Tdbh. aocr^ f.i. t5T33altaT^gjejl
aiob etc.
Elephant pepper. 2. Tdbh. (sracruDl f.i. (5ta
fSttKgjfCr!!)! a6rtti So. M. = (5ra(jnlib.
(nWiapDOJo a med. oraOTJslgjrso 5)<Sisa) build
(<S^(g)CLS\ a6rpti S. Being unsatisfied. a gibbet to preserve the ashes of the dead.

I. (tSi^rOYCTo attam (Tdbh. (HTsnr^o) Evening, (ma (S^QiTPg) attu =^'Z6S3 Mimosa Inga used in
(nrao ©alar,. (Sroc^aocaM
bathing, i5t3(m.51§o (£bl5jm(3Tssi(3t (ft

II. (STZ)1JY^o(Tdbh.aDrT>;jo)l. The 13th. constella- gTlgjonb (SajDoTl TP. (513. (5(0)^ qs!9ig.6rowi TP.
tion, Coma Berenices, ora. oaialoi-dilmo mnriD
dS^CTjgrzDo albliubam s. (^(BiafZjOigino?) i.
KR. favourable for an expedition. 2. feast
Wonderful, CL!g.5ifQ (5Ta'0Dcails@gg MR. very
in MTnam and Chingam month, (giac(5T5)o _ai0ca;o
strange. 2. wonder, admiration; (5i3Qjf3((^
a feast in Cochin, (with (Sigjoos and 6)«iosl<Sca<
.•OlS.tiTaDSiS fiJ3J£^ Kli 5. (513OT3fOlSlg_j§ <S)05)2b
OQ,). isramasrai^ooQifniaics^o (srarojiJ(b(Sa>oa_i(ijo
cailgj KeiN,
a<ss(2ajoao ftsilroo prov.
CS^C6)ir<^:o a5yandam S. ((TOotTI) Beyond the
(EiTinSYO-fDo attaram ((oktjo) thus (sra,-3rarao cuo
end, excessively, continually, (SK). qseS^-oA jud-,
sraro) TP.
(SiatrijCTOoeoajo complete nonexistence (phil.)
nSrS(T5YTrrb (A. atar) Essence of roses.
(&l:^jQQJo atyayam S. Going beyond, danger,
CSif^J.'CYUifci) attal (V^orafiA, (sragyra^ for (Od ai rd>)
^°'' (P"-)
Grief, horror; (gra(Z5T3iitii)S)r>.j§(!23 (SraozsracbS'Oio [^n^a^ Bhr.

Qo Bhr. horrified them over.

(TSi^rgifClDo atyartham S. Immoderately, (gi3.
all 0w\\S!SBdo

(gi3(0Ta)(5li5)a_i^orra eaiejlc/Dn (^aDlcOsicB/Oral) AR G. (tsrt)r5),aJo atyalpam S, Yery small.

CSYt)^D(Sce^ — (SrDLQ (Sif^>LD(^ — CCrcujg
(Sy5rg)jOGc&>'Y\n .>o atyaksebam ((sra)32; rBraoru fSramsjD S. or also, otherwise (=Q^rrnl6iaii)

@j OJOcSscftcfo) MR. Violent abuse.

a5^rn),o(c9aDo, c®fc)ra}jDC/9 atyagraham, Gjo MR. either — or in the other case.

— asa S. Overgreediness, (SiarsjhOSic/aan tffram

(t5rZ)LQ(^ (SQjQo atharvaved'am s. The 4th

(OiDo prov. den. V. o^ooo (srO'cmoi^QDl^sl Veda.

onofa!) Bhg 4. (tSi^QOOo ad'anam S. (V^israa edo) Eating, food

G5TSf7r!)0QJC/§jo atyavasyam Very necessary,

013. Sa_jos)ty sajsr^nD.iJib TR. (Si^QC/dnOo ad'arsanam S. Not seeing, dis-

appearing. i-5TaacA3cn0D3il he vanished V:.

(©^(^^Ornjje^ atyasakti
ness or zeal.
S. Extreme fond-
civil court,
W (A. adSlat) Court of justice,

cSrsra)jDcronnno atyasannam (ffiaaoaj.-ora) rniacn, ocaio a civil

S. Very near,

the approach of death. case (jud.) otaaDaic^ aj5ngl(ai(b the pundit

of a court, ota. oncn^rol another law officer

(GifZirgjoai^nl atyukti S. Extravagant, unusual
speech, ora'tftcbs^isoral) e^o-jDi'^tiga 5)<S)0cbnn6
(Sr5/3l(73Tl ad'iSi S. (unbounded) Infinity, personi-
ARe. [best.
fied as mother of the Gods, oraalra^ siojoQ
(tS^r5}ja3YZDQo atyuttamam S . Superlative, very
er^ocaJl orysJfT^ Bhr. hence rgTOjal.-o^nb.
(15i^rgj<^o atyusnam S. Very hot or pungent. <I5Y5@(^ ad'rsya S.=ac^o9aos)(w(po.) otagc^o

I. (Sr7)(fU) atra S. (rsra) Here (po.) Invisible.

Otagd^o S. 1. unseen, 2, fortune, luck vu,

II. cEr^)(ro)J old OSY^-Wlf^ atra, attira (taTIra)
orattnld^o, (ffragt^saoaaao ill-luck, influence
That mass, so much; (ST3i@cs^o gj(ra)csjjo cergjca

of the evil eye.

moc§aj3 can it be counted? (Brat® (SrgcX) so many
(ffra.'oild^gVlip cSiosiS) behave meanly Vi.
people, oj aQ,a-Jl<3' orSldhlfoil S)(0)O5cfla(m(® cinl

(Hraravc^nb, (gra(rolc^(0)_io lucky Vi,

fijo ^5"! jud. (5133(0)50 Gan. so much space,
(Biagc^ S. look of displeasure (po.)
so far. (groffi'^o^o curaoo TR. so far, to your

place, also (srasoDSo, tgia(g)(3.-ara)og.o.

CS''^^ adya S. ((gra + ejojl) today (3TOSjOo_jl even
now (po.) ^
(3ra((3)Qqjo all, wholly; ©5)ajcS6)(ro)ix^o, gsfoKoajjl

<S)c)aflaa5)OtSao M. C. to all these classes, o^ (^St^©! adn S. (stone) Mountain, cidI0dibI, oro

(S(mo§@g(3i(®c5yo jud. (gra(g)(syo ^_gj g2(®C!^o OS^QjCOJo advayam S. Single, unic. (STOXOKD

^^ neither so much nor so little. Qj ool(W,at) fffiaajcQ/nti ChR. tma. gog_j!^

(5T3(2)C2;^, (5TOiQ)ay0gj moreover, besides. Bhr.^srasis^ajioio. [VedSntism.

sro®® only, but. (sras® that @o (5ra5)ff)a Jms^sTOiamo knowin g only one substance,
gg^ is all.

fistjnleira Qjocsjjomg etaonb KR. I speak but (5ia5)S)ajfa)d9«Dronb a worshipper of Sakti.

in love. nooslraJ) (cygfO) jo oolmcealgj 0^)001 (HTas)S)aJ:T3ic;3(Oia)o a Sanscrit treatise with

(9(n(2(ra) SiP2. not thine, but mine. ^.aTl commentary Adw. S.

(3TU Sojsreo 0falc9a0(2((5TB) amed. the patient (SYZ)UJ8 adhah S. Below, down, hence.
is sure to die. (Bi2)ca;ajro<2;g) tsnf^ca.^ST^ral) @ (sracjuao S. lowest, low, mean (opp. ^(nraao)

@gCLj(b KU. those then are the K. Nayers. fem. (ffiacua and — 0I. (Bracoasninb (g^smo)

(S^LD atha S. (ora) then, now, and (L. et) mra

debtor VyM.
m oruaiQj (Tjoj'oil.fhcb Nal 2. (3too1ot3i2ilq sjjii (sracxifoo S. 1. lower (opp. gJiTSiafOo) oracoralaj

<S{p5)S5mo VCh. raldOs) to lower. 2. underlip, lip also

(SrOOUaZo — (tS^(JUld8> 24 (Sif?)(jUl(Saei3:l— (ts^uulcago

(STOCUfOajSo (sracofoojo ojloio^ RS. from also fern. 6tBion6 ^Dfdilcm easo oracjulaioral

rage, (sroccroogimo nectar of lips (po.) mocv 6n9l (Bra^ AR.

roajsTUuato KR. (see (3r3snil(i^tfl>). acyraocu (BTOcul(fhocgjo office of rffraculva.orol f. i. ajS3a9s)

Bhr. etc.
(5ra'(aoc2?lrald3anT) croo^, also aisScaa @
(gracjogQ-jfCTinoo downfall, ruin; gySoiocX) (ffro'
cesslcdJlrai) szitucula.D^jo^jo TR.
forailmo (Sioejo ojnrra Bhr. KU.
(ErOUulCEcftaiaJo adhiksebam S. Blame, cen-
V. den. (graccao'STxiauinoBiaora!* oiacosajro)!-^ n")
sure, abuse. ajg.5ira tma'aDcszjxioaaaicb MR.
oalcSso Bhg.
tBK)«jri(S9filO_j65Oa03irirala33fTT) QJ0S8<35C>3 TR.
oracjoc^folces) to depress Vi.
gjfnroirao (ffrauSlsijain-jxiDcSsKR. taunt.
ttnaconrj^oral) below, underneath (po.)
V. den. otacolssftjo-T'ceo^ to censure, revile,
(S'ltUJobo adharmam S. Lawlessness, injus-
affront. mrao_J!wl St&Dajl^ fsra'.^ Mud.
tice, cu.r^ DCOZZffiSBcb Bhr.
tmo'-^ efirrulcBsi Bhr. ssoaoib (Sia'^i^oKR.
oracu^iznb, raracuail (m. and f.) (BTocuDZ0l(a)ab
(if paid irregularly).
unrighteous, (macjuztflcegreio* Bhr 12.
(S^(JUlCO(2o adhigamam S. Obtaining.
(®^UJ1 adhi S. Above, upon, over (many Compds.)
(3Ta-ulco:-a)3 acquired, eoraoojciorasmo oraxi
CSfoUJloftjo adlli'^am S. More, much, superior.
cmculcoCTiaocsiTl Bhr. happened to him.
In. comp. g^ournlejo (5rauj1<3imo(grtSo UR.
superior to him. (HrattrTlaJCulaio (Sojooica^^ TR. (®rsu31gfTD0rb adhidu6an S. (Syr. R Cath.)
not beyond it. i^crLnejSrDTa jiiO(im\cmu6\£h<Zi^ Archangel Vl.

w\ TR. amounted to more than, tsraroasid) tsia (&ZL)3\(SG>CU(i5) adhid'evaba S. Highest God,

(Oil <&i (Dial mo jiiacaioib RC. prevailed. patron God.

, ij)

(gTacoi<S)ff)g-j§ai to surpass, increase. (©rfOUlPOOLQab adhinathan S. Lord over f. i.

(SaDoaSloooLDnb ludra. SajoaiocuimomaifigDib

a5i^ujld9)fD&noo adhi'yaranam S. The subject
matter, reference (in gr. f. i. cro0Dn:)oarii}iro

emo congruence). [office (mod.)

(®f?uj!Q_jr<i)i — Q_ifo9l adhiban, — ba6i s.

Lord, owner. aDcnSl;95c)oceoi (graojln-icaoceaajrtb

(HraoulvOifoicea 1. to have power. 2. put into
KR. fern. [ease Nid 25.
tgraculi&iorDo S. rule, authority, government,
(CrtiUUlaOoOrOo adhimamsam S. An eye-dis-
official power, mn. Sicu^ Mud. resigned his

office. fno§'l(Stii (5rou51a>ora,-aial(moc9sncQ;aj(b (e<^Uj|^(TOaA90fO adhirudhan S- Ascended, @ra

TR, chief minister (mooroo^(B,-m5)cS5) cgra

co3ciO®ruDonocd.l VCh.

ayiaioroi2iDce«1 <0igjl^ ^^ TR.) (g.-zneTlrm (ts^uolajrojl^et?! adhivasikka s. To dwell on,

(Bra. right of administering family-property. (Hrau51cLi3n"Oo stay, abode, f. i. of a demon in a
(5rau51<S)oro(m the same ©ajSsasrarKOScSs) (sro person, crogljoujlajocroaoai; jiia3onfmfi8 KR.
(OiossrnleDiballglfii csra. sjjijcnjonb gsssoao
Bhr 12. right, claim.
gj Tirun. Anj. live with harlots.
(STaoS^i&afonb a title of barons, f. i. ^folcaoejl
OSi^OJlc^Onno adhistbanam S. 1. Residence,
(fisirafc (513. KU. element in which one lives, practice. SaisAfiOB

(5taaSl<S)oro' 1. officer, esp. magistrate; (3TDoW3o cbas) (gi3'i203ii igrorolaj Bhr. <&;O02(^oa:6i58

(8"ra. (mod.) m. of parish. cusSdan (aracul<&.o c)3dto (ST3. ^(ggloi'o Bhg. 2. high station,

cS^ TR. 1796 the m. of N. Mai. 2. owner, sovereignty Vi.

who has a claim, is qualified for. Szoma (ffioujlf£gl(a>nt) fixed, incumbent. Lord Vi.

(jcaasi.ura sa-diojonb (ffta'<ftdo gjajfb Bhr 12. oiaculcfigl.^o set up, tenanted, seat of God Vl.
(Gifeuo°l(m3 — (®f5^j,ofW2) 25 (S^QJJjOCSQ^ — (5^0065*3
cSir&(juliTDo adhi5am S. Read. a5rZ)r^j,0fCT2iroDa3cai&nOo ad'dhyaltmarairia-

(maaJlfmnt) successful student (po.) yanam S. The spiritual R. — AR.

(©^UuloOo adhinam ((BraoTl) i. Subject to, aSY5f^jDQ_ioOo ad'dhyabanam s. (cans, of

dependant = ojcoo. si^oab iBraojcfotfis) orocoicn ora a^ca-mo) Teaching, esp. the Vedas. KU.
moaD KR. <&)D®j«z5t3ch «®gjoo oismj j3i\cm^o CSYZD'^JjjOCiL'o Lesson, chapter. cruJOlxjDcaQl
ro3%3iQjO(julnn20c9al KR. committed all to him. Qjoroo 20 days of the month, good for reading,

avjJDCJolaoo opp. o-jroauJioDo, (sramjOuS^onaD oraoofgi^oca; al. 10 inauspicious for students

tSsi alienate. 2. power, charge S)5^3ajDu31m (the 1, 8, 13 — 15 of the lunar fortnight).

coTBjoraf) Som. (=6)S)aajQjc/aorat) oroooojroaajlmo (Gr?)f^,D(3(D3Q_io ad'dhyarobam S, Imputation

Sia^osn^ KR. by destiny. mQcniCViO(tss)S rarauJl (as calling a rope a snake, phil.) rgra^^jOSrao

m,-ai37lejoc0i Arb. (or crc-iociJimnsialral)). cLjcniailmoejo rara.uajoea^Tlnooejo Kei N.

OTaculmto) dependence. (Er^(^JU_JD, n5r?)f3ju_]0rt) ad^dhva, ad'dhvaii

(®t)(JijlC/30a) adhisail S. Lord, ajooij^iuujl S. Road, way. c/sfoio <3^0(a\o ^sr^ (Bra'SUJaaj

c/anb Vy M. Nal4. — (sraauacnl Loc. oj-aumocx^gg mraauj

(©rou^oOD adhuna S. Now (po.) conf) CG. traveller, also oraaojoolcnnb (po.)

(tSvSf3;j_ifDo ad'dhvaram S. A ceremony f.i. the
(©fSc^caaCYb adhrstah S. Modest,
(giac/3_iiS2CJOo ; fgraSJJjfDraicflnmoiScmsnio eaiOgj
fierce. (ST3oiirraztyT33|CU'Do ^ocTO)' KR5.
dhoV) KR.
ttSr-oCguUDCOfuTl adhogaSi S. (-gracxg) Descent, (maSAJJ^ officiating priest KR.
sinking, ajcm^wrrn (sa. rn\Q3hwo ^arx^ ojooib
asrZ)f?Aj_jDnno ad'dhvanam (in s. the Ace of
(8TO(2ocD(g<a)a3 eojlceso Nal 3. oraajnT) (sra. qj
(3T33JJjrtb, in T. corrupt?) Great exertion,
fOSg hell. fatigue. (gra^gJjJooDo ^sosxo) easily.

(HT3<SCJODSDcno lower part.

i^raaujonol So. diligent.
fSrascjOD^suo looking down, downcast, so ©13 V. den. (sraaujoonlcea to labour, work hard,
<scoo.u(^)cnDcd^ P. T. of a hypocrite. exert oneself, mstm (5raau_iornlg_jDnb (Sca
fsroSccoStDDcSio, — gojcDo hell.
caal(So_ioroD MR.
oiosccoxios^ wind from behind.
(Sr^no, csrsoo(saj, csro^nn ana, anave, ane
C®:Sf^ ic9^o addhyaksam S. Visible, dear to M. C. Te.Tu.=Q^(D, Inf. of (granti — o^mosi in
the eye. aQ)a51(9ii Qg)5g)CS^o OTOi'g^cafiinfa.
adv. Termitiations 5)j^q,6iSBcn, rnlscn etc. j^
(Srafg^afianb overseer, in charge of. CJOmoa^ dtoSOO, sia_iO§(TnoniS,u, esp. after 1st adverbials
cefliriao(bKR. ajorosmD^^afQnbMud. master o_iranT)(2on, gonn^son.
of the elephants. ctTrtrOcftjo anakam vu. i.^tsramjaiio. (3T3cn(9io

oroa^cQfii superintendence. <Q52aDelc9a srafi^ QjScsa onscSsnrra TP. 2. = (ara3cnaio TP.

<a^ qqooIcS® Bhr. (also (Stailrjaasfoi). (EY300«^o anagham S. innocent, po.

(tSflCnGS^cSb anannup((gTaai6sgT. Te. C.Tu.)

(EfSf^JlCaiOOo ad'dhyayanam S, (taiaa51+^)
Reading, esp. of the Vedas, one of the To move, shake. fsracnssQOSrm n_iOt!^ immove-
able (jud.)r5ram63i3!2gj quiet! TP.
&)22to K\J. — also den V. (sa'SJOiWcnl&Ti and
V. N. (BianntSsio (C. <HTaona) watery) moving,
{5T3'^cacTnlg-jlc93) Vy M.
shaking. (2<9i§Dral> tgia. ©^ BODtSsRSornlrsf)
(Srcf^OJcroacQ;o aJdhyavasayam s. Firm
CC. heart not touched.
resolution, perseverance.
(SrOOOcfiftaft., dds] v. a. to shake, fan,

oST^f^DrTOigi^TODOOo ad'dhyaltmajnanam S. excite. (gramteaaStn) eonctoosmlral) (jOfola9a05)S)

Vedantism. smo CG.

(©rsnooco— (S^ro(^o 26 as^ooo-j — oExcnnoafe

(tSfSrOoCOnt) anaugail S. (immaterial) Cama. ma 6Ta>63i3ch KR. fully resolved for one object.

2. union = siaQ)<0'ifa) Vi.

made her lovo me. (Gf^nOo-irgjOrb anabatyaii S. Childless, (gra

hcnco (staoooOD^dJirolcSs) to love, consent (but mo_jf!juoa cofovcal^ Bhr. (STamajfaiifaijo S)&iO

(Braooocolifhorao from (saoco^ — discord) Vi. eng curo1(Zj)0a_io ARi.

(®f3OO6S^0(t)o anaiinaram Tdbh. =(HraQj©)3roo
(erZ)OOQ_i(DDUUo anabaradham S. Faultless,
(0^)00 j^ ana66a= (51300^ Heat, see foil. (3tD.
(®r3nn(SQ_lcft£flOfu anapeksail S. Exempt from
oulblcSs) to get warm.
desire, as a Yogi.

(©(^(Dtz^dBi anattu'^a (T. (mcncQ,<£h from wa (tS^OOCSDo anayam S. Injustice, oocaaaocasjBcXj

noroi)) To make warm or hot. cSigj (gramrsral Nid. (po.)

The V. n. (in T. (gracToej^) exists only in the past (Si^OOfi-filo anargham S. Priceless, m>cn°hiZ
macDcm — YN, oraaoa-j. — CV. (sranofotalcss) Vi emlaicb KR.
CEifDOOrOOCro (American through Port. Ananas) (iS^OOcmiio anartham S. 1. Senseless = f5Tann
pineapple = sisitSntJi^'Ss). asiD&io. 2. calamity, ruin. (HransiDo oramramo

(SiZ/OOntTio anan5am S. Endless, oracnfroob the prov. riches ruin. (ffiaoncmnsoHcX) s^^igii commit
serpent 'Sesha, hence (aT3cr)fraa-iSo=mocoo_i outrages, faoesicoialaftira!) o^olaz; (sra essdo ora

So a neck-ornament. tsraoocTO^sl V2. tsiaoo

0SeQjl::£4 the land sustained great injuries

(Sowosl ((SiOKnlaj) a kind of earring, (formerly fDo^foiTO) (era' (^sosiot ^rolStSssretmlcTra TR.
worn by men also TP.) (C^ (sracrxroo, rcnlrtaoj peaceably. a_j(ailnr)6t2ilor)(3iriajo Bhg 15. dangers

cocrac/acacno, (sraoncroo-jrao N. pr. Trevandram of (macaiDo wealth. (araooKsiDe^gj^o agjcm ecsz^o

•with the fane of Vishnu resting on his serpent. 5)<0>o5n| RS. fearing they would be ruined.
(BT3oncTa)®o_io multi-form.
(tSifSOneJOfb analan S. (V^tsranb to breath, or
(CraOOfYWroo ananbaram S. Succeeding -with-
f5Taejo?)FireTdbh. (sranofol) fire, heat, — hence
out interval. 1. immediately after, ajarxail
(Sianom^, laTam^ etc. (sramgjo^ grief CG.
Siobo oranorraroo, aisicmsranacraroo as soon as
(GrSOOOjaJDOOo anavadbanam S. inadver-
he had come. 2. succession, inheritance. (Hia.
tence Vl.
<Soo§a>, ojcfttQ); to inherit Vi. fsraonnofacuaio
aSrenOQJUUl anavadhi S. Endless, innumer-
oafOKnlra!) aTl^lorg MR. also (sramnroragjoglttil
(sTlgl got by inheritance.
OSrSOOOjrDrTOo anavaraSam S. incessant, con-
(HTacDcrarog-jos 1. inheritance (sra. nOJ^ Vi.
2. (St!), cuoa), to bless and give orders as
(®rQOOQJrrofOo anavasaram s. Want of leisure.
a dying person. Q^S)aD)ora(TOrag_jo§ "^^R^^
(St^nnojcruDlfWo anavastMbams. Unsettled
TP. why such dying speeches, my Canna?
(gra'aocDcruo po.
(sranncrafonb, (mamcroroojab next relation, suc-
C®fCr003mo anasanam S. Abstinence, fast-
cessor, heir, also raraoncralroaaofflfa @§1
ing =altfi£Qlcfl5). ora. elcafiol^ Bhr.
ac0fflO5n| TR. (maan^T^ajcrouocioo succession
in a royal @Q, TR. 2. title of lower dig- (iSr?)nncY\) anassu s. Cart (po.)

nitaries (opp. a)0(t)smQj(b) TR. (®fCOOaD99^0rt)o analiaiigaram S. Modesty.

(GrSoncW)fsb ananbal t.SoM. Light sleep Vi. (®f?)OnDd65DC/9o ana'^asam S. Dark. mO)£r>oo'ao

CSf^CnC^jo ananyam S. 1. identical, directed

e><asi (STamosiOcoaocsznjg KR. (by arrow-rain).

on no other object. (STamrnj^njrarooai)! qjob (ETC OOOoQj ejo ana'yulamS. Unperplesed, quietly
(S^OODCO — (®r3fY)0QJ 27 C®f5(TO0CL) — CSf^CfdcBi

(tSr^OnoCOtTDo anagaSam S. Not yet come, tara (Eif^nnocy <Ari anavi-sti S. Failure of rain KR.

mDCO^^ajlcuofOioaJ PT. who prepares himself as^mcrnoldSiob anasti'j^ah S.No Atheist KR,
(©^OOlOD ani5a (Braoarm (Syr.) Prayers for the
CS^OOO-QJOrooanajaramS. l. Bad habit. 2. ir-
dead, dirge. (srannlfOiDoiajggo V2. holy water.
regularity established by law. rrrj^a' (sramo^o
(STQOO|rC)jo anityam S. Temporary, inconstant.
(Oo <s<&:a)^ma)\n^ geng Sojorai KU. KR.
^ft3T3)o tgra. (aiOBsrnla.chsK aeSaO^o
(SrOOOD^ H, anaj Grain. a)0<g^rnl<9)^o <m aSrenolOBlrZDo anindlSam L. Blameless.
onoe3~l<&'§.o mssTgocesTl Ti.
(©fOOOlolcaao, cGi^nolSQcaao animisam,
(SYOOOD^rY^nDcLJo aiiajnaptam (o^omoanejo
mesam S. Not closing the eyes Nal2. otann'
AR2.) S. Not commanded.
al.-fci.iJib the Gods,
nsrsoODroiaDQj analtmavu S. Not spirit, m^ csrsoolfsifuuorb anirud'dhaiiS.Free —
(ai0oaj^3S)(O) ggg (0)O3j0oo (sramatoaoaij ChR. the morning star "Vi.

(®r300l(BC^ G.0 anirved'am S. Undauntedness,

qjldIqjIcsjjo Q^cmg (Sajo5)ej ©hR.
one of the 3 ca)0f5joru)aul<£hro63)3d3 KR4.
(©^nODLQa anatham S. Unprotected, roo^o
CtSrOnolejfYb anilail S. {\r oranb breathe) 1.
(sra'aoain (SajDCsTl BrPig, kingless, forlorn.
Wind 2. = (aTamQinb f. i. (sraoolaiajDta^coTaltst

croTLy<ac>o acBs)-^§o a med.

f.0 (sra'aoasl TR. desolated.
(tS^OOlC/Bo anisam S. Without night, eternal.
(BTomoLonrb m. — ld f. forlorn, orphan, widow.
(S^nolaSLlCXDo aniscayam S. Uncertain.
aoo qDo (sraooaSLDoo^ says R. after his

father's death AR.^gtsiacnoLOocrcoDocsucruD (©renolc^o anistam S. Unpleasant, displea-

ejK^in this lonely out of thewayplace(vu.)
(513 ciolc^ai oral offensive person.
aST^noosroo anad'aram s. Disregard.
OSifOOOlSPo anilam Tdbh. orocracmo a med.
den V. §crnl0l{tjra)SS8c)o(aTomoaral^ AR6.(=(BTa
(©fOfYBtfo the 17th constellation (Lupus and
ooogt^) not minding.
scorpion's head).
dSi^POO'fl anadl S. Without beginning, (sramo
(®r5fvflaft)o ani^am S. (V^tHraab) Face, front,
afi\(Si(€\^ MR. lying waste from times im-
army (po.)
CCrsrYflflf)! anibi S. = m)<r)wo Injustice.
(SfSnODcLjl anapti S. Not obtaining (po.)
(®r?)rrfl(lDOfb anihai S. Free from wishes, (sra.
(SrSOOoacOJo anamayam S. Welfare, ^rm P.T.
oia. (STO^ Bhr. you are well today? = 6)croo
(Sf^OQ anu S. prep, and adv. After, along,
following, agreeing, raiaoa Nal. after that, el
CS^nOOCQJDfrOo anayasam S. Without trouble. CLioro0a3ff)Quioro3@ Sit Vij. day by day, so ma
dS'^OODrooDo anarabam S. = tgrama)rofmo. OdB^cDo etc. sTaoBtSfiiemo ^0 Diaioemo oQ^m
cE^nODcgjOro anaryaii S. Ignoble (opp. (bts BrP 7. every moment.
(Srsnraoe^ooJ anupmba S. Plty. eojonb ora'scaa
as^oooe-irnjjo analasyams. Diligence. s)5S)nm ojlcSflQlsicOfflsmo KR. eaoioasjftcnjlca'o

— crcjnb active Vi. w n_!fD<S0'j3jronb kind to his worshippers.

05r^nnDOJO§jo anavasyam S. Not necessary. CG^Oraa6>fD6>'Do ami-Jfaranam S. 1. Imi-

tation. c^fflCMOQaiSirosmo onomatopoeia, gram.
<Si MR. put himself forward without need. 2. mimicry, drollery.

(SrZXTradBiD — a5r?)ors CO 28 <®f^nra^ — (St^^ODo
don V. rtJKiaa>0)rolcOs) co imitate, serve, help. 6)00 mm Mud. Ought I to die with my
(cyajroralcaa (sra'iSsmig eo^a2;s)(f3) Bhr. (s% kings?

o_)toi^fmo3i?l crta'gi^ ai^ao Q^grarai) (song). den V. (St3aaco(alc6s) to follow, attend; with Ace.

flS»^nr3d650(2)o ana'^amam S. According to wish.

& Soc. mrocurosmos (graoacozltSasicaoKR.

05^0030653^0 anupram S. (=(ffraaa<aralcesi) (SfilCRt^erOo anugunam S. 1. Conformable.

Imitation; favor. — (graoStaiOral imitating. 2. secondary qualities, described as fourfold

(Sr^nrg^eJo anu-^ulam (along the shore)

1. Favorable as wind (maadi^ajcuocsy (po.) ojgj
cSironrsdc/poDo anugraham s. 1. Favor, pro-
pitiousness. (opp. onl^^aOo) gj'3C'a_i.'3Da9^nDo
n_iol^ (sra'aDCffl c/acaooo gsi^ocanl KR. a soft

bed. ©Qjftf)
6)Q:0sn^ .aJDaiosrasg Mud. 2. blessing- caorua
(araojcSs) (sra. (Ergxainrro, (Sta. geni
oa^j/jaOLacSranb Bhr. able to bless and curse
MR. is in their favor. S)0'o^5)nbo (Sa.ijaaa^
effectually. (Hraoaj/jaoxiocOa sijiiogjl, (maajaK
ejsoBcb Mud. the divine favors which M. enjoys.

(2aj5n|oQj6rno (^aolg^^ (ma. 6) oK^ BrP26. ag^cnao oj(g}S\<ss> mnno

(gra. (srsjceal (o^«so

TR. CS2J oQcm (Bra. S)-aJ(m KR. a blessing described

2. compliance, acting in concert. (Stdiist^

'BT3aj5)n6o calrofrglfcA ^m^Zj^icB-Do-miiTiemch

nrn (gra'aoca^ rnl trro cnscDnTR. act with every

consideration for — tffransinfeo (@§1 (9>ro6!3Bch rosp|o ff>xi^ ora. s)jij^oc>D KR.
den V. oraaa'^OoDlces) 1. to grant s-jniocu^gionb
(sn>. ojocqjorra MR. speak as he dictates.
(Sia'^ Nal 2. granted her to discover, fsra
3. Success, ease, contentment. 0or)ci:«lraiora'(ScSs)

(to1<Sc9) rnlgjonb mra. fffrat^nna (Saxia-cb rgra'

§ remorse V2. (fto^ajo ora. (Sr^w\ succeeded.
(2c9s)Simo KR. may the gods be propitious
(Btacra^ajtm favor. (HK)aa(@ai«nSc2;os arooi^m
to it; to bless. Q(j)S)nm (gTaaa(j£)QDl^\ai
Bhr. compliantly.
(graos^ainb favorer, n-jlfmocu 5) jii^sj^roTlcrn ora'
cStt)rYaj2jroorbm.fDlf. anujarah-i s.Foiiower
raoain 5).-Lj'ororao(b KR.
(sra OS -aJrai"ia 0.0300 ail AR 1. with their train.
r8Taad{@ejos(j^ false friend.
tstaoajijrolcaiocsiJlfolceia crcQliao KR. follow the
(Braa9i@ajS5g_j§c9^ to favor, help towards, ma.
Sig-j^ODtJ)^ MR.
den V. (STaa3-Qjfalc9s) to accompany, attend.
denV. (sracraigjiij^ces) f . i. mrafoi^rm tgtaoa^ejl
asr^nrd-oJlrWo anujiSam S. Unbecoming, fma'
:^ orfl^ MR. aid. croo^a^<Sicb cgra^Tjilnrn
0ocai (T022iomo Mud. an honor out of place.
aQ&>(SB(jQo ora'-^ Q_j06roi^ gave similar
asronrss^oro anujah S. vu. (Biaonlc/anb, (marnlaz;
nfe, fern. (StaoBea, — ea.-onxl after born, younger
«SCdCQ>dd&(S\dd& TP,=(graaa'^aolcS6).
child, younger brother and sister.
(©fSnr2ce<2rio anuktam S. Unexpressed.
fSTaa3e3neior)j9fii(ro)o the 10th and 19th asterisms
(®fZ)Or3(^ao anukramam S. Succession, oraoe
after the mi2cr).3£a'^o TrP.
(^aofsl) one after the other (po.)
OSf^CTo^Cu] anujivi S, Servant (po.)
denV. (Hra 03(^01(95) f. i. mjo °iai5l<9' — sono: (&^CRi&!^ anuj'na S. Permission, mandate,
ronf) (cyasfnlemo arm tsra — rrra Bhg 1.
(grgje^iaa^o (sraaaE^iati^o KU. rgia. 6) s>.o s'l^Sa^o
completes one revolution.
wonh Bhr. took leave.
C0f<5nrS(S'^OC/9o anukrosam S. Compassion, s (macraessroiOit^mo^ari
(Siacumora!) (BTa(Sa2/0©^3ilfa(!
gglajsngooiJl (HTO. KR.
cozl<98(Tra KR. with his leave.

OSrSCYoCOCYb anugail S. Follower. (SifOOQroiDQ-Ja anubabam S. Regret, repentance.

fsraoBOoamo following, esp. by dying after the a.waaotffi^ -oflrral^ oia. (sroraig Bhr.

asoros'. husband =(gTaajf03S)S tsraOBCOZCT) den V. otaodfaiajlcsa to regret etc.

(©rafYSWyi — (©rOo^S 29 csfocTdso — (srocYaa
(Si^ora.'rsw.QoanuttainamS. i.Be8t=at3T3)(S0o 3. fruit tree. (maase^Jffiracbsiaj-^MR. planted

«5ia0o f.i. (sraa3i5TO)0cO(TTnBhg. 2. M. also bad. the parambu. 4. grant of a land at a pepper

(©reoci'^lnno, csi^nrae'cuonjo anud'inam, — corn rent in reward of service, also symbolical

vasam S. Daily. present of a betel or cocoanut at the time of

aSY?>nrsonCBlato anunand'ikkas. To be comfort- executing a deed W.

ed. (Hran(2g.05 (sra'^SJ^o^ooDvit) Bhr. kindly. tsiaaaeajlcSs) 1. v. a. to enjoy or suffer, possess.

(tSfSOSnOCO'o anunayamS. Consolation, respect- (gol ogjoofoi Qgjg(a_)a)orao (sioa3eaj~l-^ MR.

ful address. oracrsmcQJSi'BroiDSis ojosroi^ Bhr. how did you come by it? cu6Tno(So_)0Gjo <fl^

coinplaisantly. fBT3. 5)-aiogijl (msnagjl-^ KR. §1 (gTaa3e-.xng_jonb cruoco'm) ojcrnlgj TR.

consoled, ongjoj) rara. Bhr. patience is needed. 2. V. n. 0(gJDa32/O3lJl 5)aj^«SaTTm 6i<0n(SJ^o

C. V. to comfort, persuade. moTiocaJl o-josrorojcra ongcss) (graoaeojl^ CLinrra TR. enjoyed all

cocan^^ajQa <aalg-p^ Bhg 4. the rights. (mactSiS^jlgjoooctel (tnsrosmo TR.

put us into possession. cnlScQJOCOo cuonTl

(S^aaPODCrolc&io anunasipm S. Nasal, gram.
<m<m eicn:s\^rna cnoc/363i3c)o e,moo (Siacies
CSrt)CY3o_>(2 oanubamam S. Unrivalled. maodcLAiz

CrArj. KU. culcaffl gj^Bhr. eflojQB §S5ijo ojcmodaQj)

rasTDo a-iFI-^ fffraciS'Lja S)c&.osl

king's flag. ,'3roa3o-j0a_ji&itfl RC. ^1§o ChR.

CS^OrgQ_lD(TDoanuba6am S. Proportion. @nyoa

cuD(Uio)i9i'o^QOajo Bhg 6. being equally pleased
make to enjoy, cijroo S5jii'5yo)fm^oo(gT33-i55nr)

(STaoBSOjIgjltSiso KR. render to, avenge on

with each other.
(Sf^CTda-iOCno anubanam S. Drinking after,

vehicle of medicine.
(iSi^nrs^oOJo anubhavam S. i. Symptom of

mental states, (gojcia sia'Donoaaeoojo ajfmOTail

(Si^nr^g-J dBi anuppu'jfa T. a M. (maod T. Te. C.
Nal4. silenced his objections. 2. = (a_jSDaJo.
to say, see cgraoo) To send; in official style
aaODoaeoajcib magnanimous, high dignitary.
Q®y(ml (Htaodgjlon <9>o'2jo o^nnorab TR.
<®rOnrd(§fO^ aiiubliu6i S.^tmaaaecuo f.i. cruj
(SfZXyb&OJCrVJo anubandham S. Connection,
ccDOdtg^^ Heavenly enjoyment. o)5),Uca50io
as of acts & consequences. soiiDcreaucouo cu
ojejrtJi (Sioas(§(aic3jocan PT3. = (5t3a9SQjl^cu
folc9s)C2J0(ai) Nal 1. seeing the bent of her mind.
den V. (BTgjQ-KSraraos (ST3CTd5iX)caDl^'1§nm cru

cnjfBtS) KR. misfortune coming out of (&Zi(yd(S^O(y)o anubliogam M. (from S.)Enjoy-

happiness. ment, usufruct (= oraaasajo) iSiaxiffroislcs^SiS

(STa'05)gjoTR. it is the company's own. rooKjatcia

(SrSnra'SQ-Jo anubhavam S. l. Enjoyment, ex-
perience. (Q_)i^cafii (Biaoaeajo egg (8i^o^3(b
TR. Government has the usufruct. (maoafSsoco
MR. the peons who see it daily, mroi&joassxio

suffering hell-punishment. 2. produce, all

n_j(ro)odeed of hereditary grant ( = (5raaasajo4),
also (saad(Ssocos)<Bs,o<^.
advantages arising from possession. o^cSlca; dho
(grocrsS/gocolces) to enjoy (also of coitus.)
ejo (sraaaeajo (a_)0osr!')0oai6ic9>osn|TR. as his

possession is proved. 0)032? a^aacruo sxx)^ m>. ((S^^CTdOinf] anumaSi S. Consent, leave. (SXKtrH

gssmgo TR. the rice harvest, cfeoaicrasajo the cs^5)S 0lipl(0)gl,T3() 6i(b (gro. S)Q>0(£\^ Nal 2. an

produce of a tree (one of the 4 gscc/o) nnej encouraging glance.

sijacb (ffroaaeajdjflacao ajaDDrai MR. when they dSi^CYSQiroerDo anumaranam S.=rBTaaaco0(r)o.

bear less. (Bia. a®So 5) jiiom^ tree in full bearing. 0o,-a)oaj (BTO. 5) jxicmUR. Died with her husband.
(SfsrrafflD — (Sr^aaaj 30 cc^nraojD — (sroorarro
(CfOoraODOnoanumanam s. infcrcnco, guoss. (©ZlfYSQJOQo S. permission, leave, o^ooloan

(Icn V. roTOoaalcQs) f. i. rsra'dilsinbo o-iroliaoem aceaoj^o (5t3. PT. I give you free leave, oj elaj

6)csa)(sactd<S\ (BsiOo Gan. from this you may find crostBra (graaaojocroo (vu.) «nfoi(S5, ojosoiga) TR.
the amount, oqcto) (Hra^sooo^ (m3a3(2lg_j@ (^(TBOJonb (H13. ajftsmal^es) TR. rnlecschcaeo (aro.

RC46. compare. oQaEblral; KR. if you also agree. rsraunS (ht3. «»

(©^oaaoai), (tSir^nrsoJDOfb anumaii, — van mTl§<S(g) si3)6aBcb QO)§tDra)g TR. (313)0 oQcmod'o
EC. Tdbh. Hanuman. ^g^ TP. assent.
(SifCoaSfflOGo anumod'am S. Approval, joy. (m-
(©^nrdCUfCYOToftiab anuvarta-yaii s. Follower,
(S(oi3)05 §io s>^^ AR. (mo'oiaos (srgifS^rfino
also ajoaetaoajDoaxicsWcffioo ojcSgisimnb KR5.
Qjii^ Bhr.
(Sf?)a3CQJD(re) anuyatra S. oijiiigi, Bhr 2. Accom-
raraasajnsral-^ KR. submitted to the missile.
pany for a short way. mra. (Sq_joc9i V2. (mp
CSfSOBCBQjeJo anuvelam S. Continually, mra.

Qjl(Scr)osl-o4 AR.
6)^nmcB''g_jl^ KR.
C®f5nf9(SCQJDCOo anuyogam (®rz)Oc)C/5CQ;o anusayam S. Regret, also tmacra
S. Question,

den V. (gra'colces) to enquire Vi.

(SreoQfDo&Oio anuraktams. Attached. (Hiaajglfal) (GifQrYdC/9orr\51ce6^ annsasikka s. To advise,

(8iaQaroceo)Onoai?l VetC. enamoured. reprove gently.

(S<7)C(b(06f^Cn fondness. eaooerocX) rara. (Btg)

(SrcnQf^oCOo anusangam S. (oroocoo) =01303
mTlKR. roocoo.

C. V. (a-)e3iSi6)a (ST3a3fD6iBslg^c9acrra KR. gains CtSr^CTQcagDOno anustlianam S. (ctudd) Perfor-

their love.
mance, esp. of rites. orcfT^ooat£goooo=arocTiDiO
(®f?!nrdfDDC/^o tender love, foiaalrai rsra. KR.
(912130, (QJ(Tn0O3d^0mDSl(&C>3 6)-^^ VCh.
(brothers) (Q_^e3(e5c)3cSQ ciOiaalral (sra. Mud. are
(StoOBcfiglcfls) (p. part. (5t303cEQl(tj)o) perform,
fond of us. ^smssBch (fhs^orab (grafdnm i ora'
observe. 5)6nj'cuu0o^o ogj^josojo (graoac^
Qjo (33Jsmo veil, desire for them.
(8i95)5rr)o KU. spread, roosacuo^jo {sra'-^jgo
CTna3oa3roooDl<Sic)o Mud. the adherents of N.
m§^ KR 4.
Ct5vt)nr3^Q_io anurubam S. Conformity, corres-
C. V. (5r3oac^g_jl(S5) as iQ^dDo ora. UmV. (the
ponding with. cS)ZEoas(fO3Q-j0oQpJaso aoejo KR.
spiritual guide).
(gTa(ail<s&j<e5) 'sraas^o.jaocans fosr^oo cruocefol
as^nrsrojoruUDOOo anusandlianam s. Investi-
csjjo ruosrai^, Qjoa.'BKOfm isra'aoca ojiplais MR.
gation. (WOT)_iooacrocm)3mo = (cgjajemajo rata
©j:^ 003(530-10 Nal 2. adv. — hence (HT^raiaoaB
rain^aJDonajo anoooajo KeiN.
(f3ajoao(b Bhr. those like himself, ojoaraaooa
®ti_jnb CG. (©rSfYBrrofDo, — (Denoo anusaranij — ranam
(©f^OSSaio-Jo anulebam S- Following, obedience, raraoacroroo 6^<9505n§o
S. Ointment, rubbing
with sandal powder etc. ^^coanuoOdejlaAnb (ajlcsi;ojDaijo 5ia>06n|o ojcoroialajoctol KR. by

KR 5. racSO)ZiOi^oo5Turaoa3(2ejcuar)ab KR. indulgence. (sraosarofOsmaj^cDo Nal 2. con-

ciliating word, raiac^j ocasocoo (gra'emaocsiil q_i

(SifZ)rY3(BeJD2)o anulomam S. Going with the
hair or grain, favorable. osrorgi MR. spoke for the plaintiff.

cStDoraajGlcee^ anuvadlkkaS.To permit, allow. (BTaoBcroro^icSs) to obey, acquiesce, imitate, on)

(HratdnonocdJlg (sra'Sceflsmo VetC. (srgjo o^nrn 65i3c)a (ftoxisrois^canroi) (maVcy TR. <&)g-jao<Sajo

-Bta':^ consented. roo05)cr) g)framao);0)Oc)oajonb 5)t>j (m':sA ^%^ ^^ subject, raraajs^oo rata'

ora'ScSsiemo KR, oicnjroont) cnoajjosiro ojiS) -sra ^ ff)CLi(Sc9a6mo Mud. employ him according
Qjrn (BraaaajBl^faicmjrat) TR. grant. to his prayer. ojicjulcoaoT) ojluTlta-jiflioroo
(sreoacTOD — <s(^cmi(& 31 csfQcr^em — cs^(y^,m
(sra'-^rnl^ TR. acquiesce in the verdict, i3TaiTO(S3oro)o ojosrai^sajocaTl vu. (grasnroocroo

died suddenly (by Tama's spear ? or (gracro)

ODo (5rool6roro)0f3i) (sra'cSsrmg a^oaa^ TR. 005)0 to the very end).

wink at it. a^oj cofOfTlsiSia (Sta'gjonti enjaio

(Sr?)orc^6YDOft) anbanah T.m. (beautiful, cool?)
assngo KR. can I follow, imitate thy flights ? A Brahman. (Staaa)(3smD-oiraa SG. oranrosimnao
C. V. f. i. anaii^smeses)^ (graoaorofDlg^^^o rolrai) Qjlodjooruo SiPs.
AR3. make to follow.
(SfOor^g, c®rorf5)fb an6ah, anSar S. (Entos;
(E^nrarroOfDo (Loc. — sro) according to. |ta) intus) Inside, in comp. f. i. (maorosc^jijo AR.
ff)ro (sracffi^oejo (jozaociaaroorosmaoaiil KR5. with inward grief.
let the ambassadors go as justice demands. (Brant!) 8 (ftfOCTDo 1. the inner organ, heart,
(sraaaoDDrol follower.
mind (including am 8 sryl^Tl (sra.-^OSBjOfOo

(tSTSnrsrojjDroo anusvaram S, The nasal sound ^OTDic) (Hra'cnralmosrgDcaJl roerg oddzo viz.

represented by o, gram. <zcr>^ , enjl^ KeiN. ora'dsialrol) jjloo))

(SfOO^Q_!o aniibam S. (f5Tacrd+ tsragj ) Watered ^onb Mud. (5ta'(Cial(t)ii Qj(rarDre)lc9a consider
land, moist country or climate.
'Bra'cmalrob nnlc@jca0O3i?ls (BeruouSltftao TR.
CSr^rr§)fZ8anuruS.(thighless)Sun"scharioteer,po. you will surely perceive (hon.) 2, favor.

(tSi^fVjfZDo anr5am S. (griro) Untrue. (= lannrrg ) coajem <b (T0og^aj(bi>.5)a rsra. oj

(®rS(200 ane see (gracr). aul-^ Qjsirasmo TR.

(tSrQ(gOOd95o ane'^am S. More than one, many. (SraoTO 8 (xjroo women's appartment in palace.

(5T33cr)(9)COo, fSiatsnoiS) qjIcjoo manyfold. (grasm (sraoo) 8ajrala50Oib females of the palace.

<95o (sa<Scni 00 qJI§ ojiSnanb CCh. quite alone. (Branra) 8 ajrosoHa^fsi) (xilaajotTOo Nal 4. faith

(HtaSciniSiocarifDo Bhr. many thousands. (5T3<Scn in women.

<9)o (5ra®an(3)o raoa3(95)02i0(b KU. culfoib 'Htosot) CS{^CCG)(bo an6aram S. 1. interior, interval, fm
(0)0 Q_)0C2;D<b RC. OTOfOo S)i&iD@23o Mud. that's the moment, sc-ao

plur. orasoo^aiib many persons. aro)(Sfa whilst, also ojlejoculcSgo (gTanra)<SfO as

(Srsffiffinoajfb, n. (CirSbie^no.-j^o aneivar, he wailed (po.) @56OT§0onra)t§fD CC whilst.

— ttum T. a C. a M. So many, all (='313'® 2. difference. (a)Zt?lra?> tDg.s)(^ staoTOfOo, <s?lie ooqo

Ojjo) syr. doc. (sa^ooQo (OisoBglejgg (staorofDo CS. calcSfla

(S^rW:o anSam S. 1. End, limit. (STa(T3)5)tnT3)(tyo

S)jai^aT)izj)lom (sra'cijo ^gj TR. shall be pun-

aS\:£\ CG. died. (3Ta'0^gjOo)ra)O«a (201300 un- ished without fail. (SiatoilaT) {gra. Qjrolia5 ©gj
bounded. raT3,Ta)a^^05)O)0as cniSoroo-ajrarsjora!) jud. shall be surely done. Ota. o^nrnlsai;

CG. immense joy. (majg^nmrnnoQjRStoralBhr. doubtless.

stopped. 2. T. Te. C. Tu. (= jiJcTOo) beauty. (®iT)rW)fDoCOo anSarangam S. (cBTao(^o) Mind,

(StacTOo 0ol(9) 1. a fencing trick, jumping secrecy.

back (?) ; to out a sommerset (Stonroojo i^cnjo (SYDCYlDroD an5ara(Instr.of(gTacTO)(b) Inside. (sraoTO

(BTDO^srara), ooltijcai^nrn aftotacroo aolsroi^ TP. rooojora eojonb meanwhile. 6)Q_jDig^ fmornlfai) tgra

sign of joy, victory ora. ao^^raij; gymnastics froroo 6)-aimoBhr. 0«smo (^(SyTlnmoTOt^o ojlipl

(Sts. 0'rolc0aOfonb an accomplished gymnast. 6rai3)onb RC88. in the nose, oraororoo ool;2)(ijl

2. (Tdbh. (sraonoo ?) to be enraged, lose control -oi Mud. =g)gglf3i).

over himself. (STt)Or^,rtiDf5iao an6araltma S.Heart.fBTa'ajlnrn

CSr?)rr?Dde5ab anba-^ail S. Destroyer, Tama. arts eul(Tn(a) (ijl(2c;3cml^o asi^ SiP4. you

(B»a(TO(O)0&JC2;o Hades. (gra'tBtJslcmcBJcas) kill, po. have a deep grief.

feirZ)Pf?nfDD — (Sropf^Qj 32 (SrOPfTOQlJD — OSrapfcTldBjo

(S^rYWfDDCQ^o anSarayam S. Obstacle — M. OSi^rWjQlJorrOo anSarvasam R. Living within.

trick Vi. (BrarrarooazjcOsiOfDnb crafty Vi. a5Y?)OTr,QlJDaDd650ft) anbarvaliapii s. (=(3T3

(G^rY<T,ft)D^o anSaralam S. intermediate space. (TO)^D0l) racoa'i (313. God AR a.

<2(i_iDa)c2;oroi 3uazan)(t)0(S^ CG. (= QjaocvD<S(ti) C&Zcr^.cro Oq_Jo anbastabam S. Burning grief.

cSK)cma>oQ.(SO)^mh gjggcixb KN. castes placed (EtZjO^dOJCtodcoJI anbavasayi 8. (onorroo)

between the 4 original ones (as (HraaoJiuajD Barber po.

av\ etc) c®rorY^ot?a, csr^jpru^ocoio anSalam, — ay am

(S^Cm:(6\<:Be anSarikka l. (intereo) To die f, i. 1 . The cross plank in a jangada. 2. bar, as

Brahmans, to disappear, fail. — (graowra'faio before window, oro. ©§* to lay bars across

dead. 2. to differ. miSsS.TSia) 5)a_iaSca5iQjo gjgo Vl. 2.

C^rSPfWD^o anSalam ((Bracauoq. v.) Pride, high-

(S)6!SBd)(rl (SK>aa)(S\ ^ <Sc/D.£noCS. the difference

between that sum & this.

mindedness. den V. — Vi. (marro)oalc6s).

CST^rroTl an5i Tdbh. crccr^, Evening, often

ffS<li<y^.fS]c&^o anSarlksam S. Sky. ora'taiaosa]
called gajoD)^; both joined (srarRs'cq^o (Saanrol
cumo Q^nrrao (uoma ojoto ag)mooQj)_aiOfol_^Ti.
0^0 fgT5)(S3®auocb ojrocsi^rai) orassiRSBsmo vu.
(tsrQP(Ty)fD°la_Jo anbaribam s.(=aJla_io) island.

csmroo agaTOl(S0O(T!nlc!ioSajog.o TP. — (2a_ioco

onocb (BT3cn»l<s« Mud. (marnnlscajoao till eve,

(GT^ora^CgrD, (Loc.) fSf&CWXSfO&no aii6are,

— ena S. (Instr. of Braooroo q. v.) between.

continually. (3rarn3)lcaoa2?l it is late. OTamartnlroo

fOTS) Q_i6n'riQ)<a)05"§ (HracTOlc2)0i95irro^ prov. do

rGTOOTT/CbaDo an5arga6am S. i. Entered,
not continue the work beyond eve.
hidden f. i. a (^pjSroooDo = (gtadbtsra^oTo ajo
Cpds. (5TOrro)~'::ajajg_j red sky. (5Ta'g_jDC32;5)(i_ioairolcLri
o)g_jS0o)(3) ©ro"lc9ao(2aoDQj amed. 2. mental,

CG. A golden plough.

ffftacnnlraialral the evening light. (STasl^fwalcSao

(Sf^<yG)(^(iDo anSargrham S.= (araara)8ajfoo
mro'cfi^o e,(Si iZjS ojcrnlgj marks of a well
ordered household, however poor. The
CSrSprc^^^OOo anbarjanam A Brahminee
ancestors require the light.
(=^ (STa<aic3ia)Z0) mn:y^railf£lca^5)s gj^rma a(b tsra

oracTOlaaiib (S. crccnUjoroocoo) Tuberosa or

aros^oo.'oialfm oraojroocuo gtjrgocsri TR.
Polianthes; mrao^aajrol perh. the same,
(Sr^jproiojonoo anbardhanam S. Disappear-
or Mirabilis Jalappa? Rh.
ance. (Hia.unt) {granracjusoniaaa!;) Arb. oalajcaTlfDl)

mxv^ZciOOiho^ch KU. a Paradevata.

(gra'cijosi^cm VilP. vanish, as Gods. fsra. (o-jo
(BracTO^cajoajgglai nb a med. plant (tgra'oinbo (gojib
ojl_^ Brhmd.
a. med.)
c®f?)rttr;f§QLjl:66),aii5arbliavikkas. Be included,
(StarralajjoceQ night's rest. ^(SoDSi'OTa rao;®)
intervene, ojl.-aio m>. Bhr. will not enter.
calrai (sra'ctelcna Qjros§ TP.
cSfOfYU^^OCOo anbarbhagam s. inside. (STacKslajlatfls ooucefl TP. = (gracrala5K3)lrDl. tgta

cs^(yG)Q:^Q,0 anSarmuda s. With inmost joy n:TOlQjlg.o9oTl(Tra smroiaocffll TP.

(S^orfild&io anSi'yam s. i, ((btooioI anti, oppo-
(GirCrrOKgjDCOo an6aryagam (m''s):mi ^sssqI site) Near esp. Loctgracrols^, onlsmcSffl (aiarro)^

Bhr. Inward sacrifice.

<oc0) Qjma CG.= (gt3§i2<fls); si3)Dnb fgiasmsrai^oejo

(SrOOTTjCgjOal an6aryami S. Inner guide, soul (HtanrolSiS) (prayer) may I draw nigh!
2. (fSTOCTO)o) what reaches to the end. (Q_)05Tr)a

(SfZ)cmiCLJCU)\j (Era pro jOlifSY^l an5arva5i, az»lc9)0ocBj ssmjuo KR. punishment that lasts
vatni S. Pregnant (po.) till death. (gi3aald}.0a|.o tstarraainb CG,
cSrt)6)rY^o(Sno— (©rcrmo 33 (®f5nnnfsfc — asrsorto.^

(srQr(^Zo=(sa?p£\^o 1. & 2. rarmo (So_iOo)aj CG. (fta^anb OLjonrra ojonfe ora

(®roff)rr^o(Snoc/B_irDab an6onesvaran Nasr. cmssB&j QcLjow QJtfl <2ajo<0!nmSgjo5)ej UK.

po. Eternal Lord. I follow the great as crows the swan.

(©tiP^o anSyamS. (rstdcmo) Final, last, mranrmj (3T3aDS^c95)Dsl the swan standard B.

(012210 Bhr. burning the corpse. (HTaaT)msc9s)DfDr3ii^l, ftnarmo ^5>srro) (Banms

(sranTOiesob a low caste. caooV) RCio9. = aOocrccooialan1.
OJYOiOgjo antram S. (^orarnnoo, G. enteron) CE^nnnf?n) annal (prh.^^tBranno II.) a bird
Entrails, med. commonly m^fQG)o, of stately walk, (Hrarmdignrxb mscffiscbBhr. —
C®fZ)(SOQD^o andolam S. vu. (gratScroaao, 6)0^ crying voice (BTDcmcSoj nol oQ'T^ crocrotroo (S&
SoTOsS-oWhat swings, a litter, tsra. ag>o^ ojo y^ma CG. — The 2 birds are distinguished in
6)gj^ Nal2. tgTa3.i3oala>ajoaOcS--ri20(b Bhg. CG. 'matmssBcX) s.xjDSiai fosrmi-mlrab o-TlnDos^ai
the palankin bearers,
(5tanT)o)aj<SgL_j3nej a.rasroi^ ajlsom children imi-
(3t3 Soto 00^(0)0 S. swinging, agitated. ota'aDcsn tating.
OTXSfmroo (srgjcuaou, tsTD'aoc^izsimgi cs^;auo
cmxTTd annu M. (T. C. (mchq, from tm) That
Bhr 7. waxed doubtful.
day, then Bhr
<Q>5rsSn"n. i. ever since I saw.
(©fOrrUJo andham S. Blind, infatuated. (3T3cnuro (SKtrra ffio-jQaraiDo 1. the price it will then
eajcaanaorooairi CG. also (granvuiftib the blind.
fetch (doc.) 2, a certain tenure.
oracTLDaioooLDnb, — cnDcaainb Camsa, the prince (BTacmriTD day by day, (gracmma Q_i6m1«^<^
of the blind CG. — alsr^Doim (mDOXUmocdyinna by daily work, ecuJT|cm <&;D<2jt'0i3)inT) (sa.
^rral^ Mud. thunderstruck, — (Ba (Sraoiuai,
oQ^ioil QjroltQiO^o eaj6Tr)o TR. from time
aW(S)Jo blindness. [calfalissMud. to time. (sracme.-BKsg the production of that
(sramuaiDfOo S. darkness. oiaorLOi&DfOcSQsreo @5n|
day. fSTa<2ar)SS tmijjgjcinlcOia CG. (gis)
(SracTVO.aiamj S. great darkness (po.)
I shall at once be flogged.
(ffracuufoioialijipo (perfectly dark) a hell, ora'^
asrsofbo-^, (SfQcn^ anbu, ambu t. m. (C. Te.
CTU0DCr>(2Oo <S35reo Mud. (8raai)3i, Tu. cgtaoco) I.Love, affection, oia
(HtacnUDCl (see (gracraoao) bewildered, fool,
(2auo§ aiaio^.-otaafol) tsiag^ (prov.) rgracaiooorsi)

hence oracnUDalfoiJo, f5t3au)oa^:54 So-iaai,

gcnJOQ, if love fails, the right fails also (of
CV. fSTOiTiDoalgJlasi to bewilder. fsracncDal
family connection, joint possession), hence tera

Sd bewilderment. [Pasture, food, po. rnjo ^oojo KU. (HTacriDgyDiTsra acra-iUjftSo aicnll
OSitinruJoro andhasSUS.(G.anthos, Soma plant) VyM.
^D.TSi^D aiocaeyo 2, also trust, devotion,

I. (TSTQnnno annam S. ((BTaanno) i. Eaten, food, (OifcA.xjoao (atasmjD§ <ftcTiji§!Sn"nn6 VilP. ora
boiled rice, livelihood, oranmvxjomj meat and ouoo (SY3)tplainrai) i^sobI KeiN. fgracnjaio ajcto

drink (po. also (granmraoruo). (8iafmii(rruo food rara. 6)a_ioipl6ti3i5 ojcnS^:^ CG. oraTLilfai) qQ)§k^
and raiment, coacbsocoo oQaiaig otanmo geSl gladly,

^IsssiDo VCh. support of king. hence (BTa3)CTuy>o loving ajOxiCD (sra, (zncnjl RC24.
(3T3(Tna^S|ri;^c/ajrola Bhagavati. QaaigcQicnntiScucOcDiaainbRC. dear child.

ffltaoDfSeal green vitriol. (manbo-jftb 1, lover, friend, (gracrufolral! mrantio-i

II. (©ropnoo annam (and (mcmc^?) Tdbh. aoo crao Qjoufoltal) ojcruaao Bhr 2. 2. husband
cruo A swan or goose, hence fsraracacmo. It is 0dj0<sic)oce«nba_inb RCiis.
celebrated for its walk & as being able to (TJ>TOnt)a_Jd&) (po.) to be fond of, connected

separate milk mixed with water, ojoailral) aioi with, cuaicnlajnbxjnm a_ia,e3®ajo.aJannb the

very merciful. -Qj^gJlajl(2^o§ Shenb (S&dswiZo

(SrQOQjQ — cercrn .ocoio 34 (SfsnojOOo — (S^no-jcQJo
arrow consisting in the f^, ^z^^ onlsinbo
canbajacnj CG. tbc IS) f. i. fsraxiob sarab (sra.

glance, (Sijprab (Oinbrmaio mraobaji)) 00 <2j^m 6)-qJ^ (jud.) (BTo:un!) ^esasicn 5)^<m oQcm

crul CG. abide, dwell. .SiDsroislroeoaosciajo c/a QQ)5)abo rsra. (sr^Stcna ; (grasoajcBralraf) (sa. 5)aj-^,

©jrosiro Anj. residing. ajliPcal^oSiiO) i2i(m^w (sa. S)aj^ ojomj TR, the disputed land, ora

cnjlm ajlel-oasmab RC, (=^@g) ojLiilajocsiilrot) ajrtSa")s<S0foi) 6)aj,2j (sm, Qtm^cal-ai, (sr^ croa

cnlnDauD5)(0i (.ijlong<Sa_iocan CG. quickly, cma srmalmo faiD£y,rf3ffl^i-3!) ora. <g6mDCJulajl:£^ MR. (grgi

nbajicino(b aafsrooflfoo csajaiiSvck) CG. were en-

gaged in. (Sihcbo-Tlcaaoo, (513. o_iocsi'Do TR. shall prosecute

you. 4. (mod.) the plaintiffs (StocrijOcacSsioronb
(SrOPQio anyam S. 1. Other, chiefly in S.
f.i. (sacn^ozio rooanb the plaintiff R. oia.'njo
compos, but also (srarnj a«sajnb MR.==0q)OOD

nscunb — t3tac2jrB3(fc others, strangers, also cffio (o-jfrnliQicb MR.

descent (graf2jOcajS5g_j§<a)=((3Taf2jOC2;o 3.) to lodge a

(Sramjcud) Vi. (srac^jfrn diversity. 2.

complaint. (HT3g ajlji)oroli9acm(znl(rn ora's

fsrac^oonlorra So-iDa^, tgra. i^sla^^Q) the family

sued for consideration of his claim, 'gia'g

to be extinct. (=(BTaan-ica'o?)
Q_)Ocnj MR. the p. under litigation, mra'g
orarojeaoitnlcfifflOfanb of another caste.
(5Tj)2Q_jafial^ (pid.)(gT3nrn1c2JDCi2;5)g_j§ora!iKR.
sracn.'® elsewhere (po.)
(SYOrnjOOo anyunam S. Not deficient, (gram, nn
(5T9T)jLQ3 Otherwise mrar^j'^^*'^-'") (sram^LDOih
eoeamo CG. unspotted. (macn,(Dfooooon_iosroT^
rasmo change of mind, acting contrary to
Mud. most tenderly.
(StacniLDD,-a)_io Qj-a^^^ma ajrao KumK. =
cSr?)(oOQj anye (S. from (sacn^o, or = a@nrnl<2c2;)
0OOOO. (gTam;i-DD(mJoa_io<a) to refuse, miacnj
1. Without fBT3Sao<Q)o (HraSon, alone. 2. except
LDO eajl(9sicd71^ is irrevocable (a curse)- jivl
0R3W)O rarasc^j 05)oooR53aj<9) gj^ PT. 3.=
gjcdi^rtjinb a)g-jao(3rac2)U3oojoc9s)l'^so KK5.
(sacn, other, besides. (Htao^eraraxnilcoi) (srasc^j ©roj
cannot be altered or avoided.
(ftooo 6)OTalsRji^ (SisreooA, (Brasrnj area qja
(SracniLOoajroi)((grac2)>-OOf3l)) of different nature —
(Bjooo TR.
(SyacnjLDoejgg^ another man's.
cSiroCoOQjDrQjo anyonyam S. ((stac^js (Biac^o)
(mamiBo at another time, sometimes. 1. One another, mutually. (3Ya Sao, om, 0(^02,0
(3iarniB3(TOio Nals. servitude to another. mutual dependence. (grascrijocnjxncojocniu

(BracTOj e .-Uj o = ojrae^ o- TR. 2. friendship, ora. curojcgSiQ' to be friend

(sramiS)Qj§52gib distinguish (5rg)(;yiziD.ijlmo ea

Vi. ^Daj5lcQs>3(t) <&i@ga2D5)ro (SiaSfn,omjaocan
ai3«coi3) fifram)5)g_]§52a!aj^ (Tatw.)
o-jojyl-aj TR. lived on good terms with, ora

(5K)fnjroo^i9s)0(b MR. foreigners. Qj5)«> (3)3. (srgjanl gained over TR. 3. an m^

(aiarnjQJcyoaocSta to transfer.

(srac^jcrrg)l=:c enmity Vi.

CBil. {sraSrn^om}<3c95)§ (2).

(aiaonjOfaoo for the sake of another. (©f^nojcoio anvayam s.((HTa(TO+®)i- Lineage

gStsoQiQCQJo anyayam S. 1. injustice 'sracnjooio (^fO(a)Dcr)_ica;(i3T3n33j(c)l) Q_^n^O'SJ fOoeaDsSsicXj Bhr.

cgraoojocaio o^nrrD (S^iai 0:00^.34 armojnb o)g.faKsirai) 2. logical connection of words (= a_iroyofO(TOo
<9)Sfaol(T)D(b SiP 3. Brahmans demanding re- 6njaU)o)(Bt3CTnJCSDaJ0i&jO Tatw. the word with

dress- (modern usually CYiiOCSuroQDl(jno).(ST3. onl which it is constructed.

emcfle QJon.xiDcroo Bhr. unlawful. 2. cause for denV. (ffram-ioif^cSta to construe (gram.) (513

complaint. g)Qj(fl« (gTac^joai'o g^s'^oainfai (Syr. Qjl(uafcra)omc-aD((TOo (sra'^olsrar^ KeiN. in-

doc.) 3. M. complaint, suit. «na. s)aJo3s), S)-ai terpreted.

(Sr5nn_i(gaj — (SrQn-icn 35 c(Sfr)o-jj3j — a^ci_iro3
(Sr?)oo_i(gajQ6g^6o (?) anvavedaniial Bhr. C®'Z)aJ.QjCQ;o abajayam S. Loss, oracu^twolost.

Udj'og. explained as secondary sciences, viz. rTOTip \o \')(hn abajaram S. Mistake, affront.

casnao, eonoo, tgral^canoo, (ai2a_j3aolreg(perh. as^n_)^dB6ifW abajikkuru s. & M. (a_i^)

(sacDAZij^zue).) [ever. Scrophulous swelling (=a_)yce5>ornra@).

(®^500_iaDo anvaham S. ('gtaoa+fsraios) Daily, cGyCq_is!?cqJo abajayam s. (better sraaj —

(©^noJlrZDo an vi6am S.((HTaod + ^) Connect- Defeat, rout. 6iQ_jor53^ (OiSiSBa'fai) (3Taa-ie3ca/5)g_j

ed with — roceraomjl'Oio bloody, etc. s (gcSlcsj^o o-ioroaocan Bhr 8. s.-moaijl (Hra. eiiao

cevannJlcB^ anviksa S. (aDnjcSa!) Philosophy, eireolsroigi MR. disappointment,

also (ffiamjlii^ri Vi. C®ft>Q_J§ abadu S. (cu^) "Weakly, sick (po.)

(grocDjlc^o & (grasnoj^oai^o sought. rGif^ci_iro)jo abatyam s. (oraQ-j) Offspring, ei^onb

(®it)(5OO_Jca2i0 — cmsmo S, ((fftaod + a.-aa) 1 OTScLj^Wjarairil Bhr. I wish for a child,

lookinsr after, search (E5raocoor)0£(DJ:fi3o ffl_ajrQ) (Sv^n-lLDo abatbam S. Wrong road = nal'i>
KR5. (Siocgj 'sra. investigation (jud.) 2. care

fsraajm (gra-oilsntad) (sra'smalgj MR. does not (tSf^Q-iLQjo abatbyam S. Not salutary, want
mind it. (mcnjraocn roo^ (Hra'aDQaH ajfrnotrA TR. of diet. (gra'i-irt5i^ca'off)-aJ2j3<S)|amed, (sranjfo^

if the government should be entrusted to the ei3fD5mo 5)^t^j Nid, [trick Vi.
Rajah. CGi^Q_i(SQC/9o abad'esam S, Pretence, disguise,
(SK)'2cn-i:£S\<as; 1. to seek, inquire, investigate
<®fZ)Q_inOCQ;o abanayam S. Removal; bad direc-
vu. fsrascnjconlcfls. 2. tocarefor fSDescQiD'^j tion, cq^^uo igra'aocail ^lasroigi Bhr 8. (=(STa

Qjo mnDocsin mra'^ramD KR. oooo (ma'cOa 61X1^1)0). [Prevarication,

OT) alc83 TR. the country under my charge. abanyayam M.
(tS^Q-iPOjOCOio (ma-jmowo

G5t^n_i(Q_)LQ abapratba S, Dishonor KR,

emo TR.
(SYQa-jaoOOo abamanam S. Disrespect, affront.
(®fOo_J aba S. (G. apo — L.ab— ) off—, fre-
nr)5)22 (ST3. ajfraroralcaoejo on^cS^ aiig^zom
quently confounded with (graxi.— Privation,
aoaiJl onlcQDccri^ TR. I took your insult for
inferiority. South (opp. ^«A),
an honor, (Seaj^sojOaiZismcSgo (3T3a_i03anSce6)§
(SrZ)Q_jde5So abapdam (S. better (sraajaiso)
Qj«s.iJK))l insulted. — denV. tgiaajBOOolcOs;,
Mischief, adventure, r^y jj^^j
(SifOo-J^rgj abamrtyu S. Violent or sudden
(erSo_idftifffi&noo aba-yarunam s. without mer-
<£(^a^<£bc^o aba-yarsam S. Detraction, deteri-

oration. dcnV. — cfia^caa to scorn Vi. cSrSo-irDo abaram S. (oraajo) 1, Latter, follow-

ing, other. f5tao_iroalcr)o next day, tgra'cuafiao

as^Q-JdftiDfOo aba'yaram s. (& (aroajf^ca; po.)

Harm, opp. ^oj^aroo; the 2nd fortnight. (sraa-ifDOcip o afternoon (opp.

g)raj<9)0f^.'QTO)l(Tn md,

be ungrateful. cn3(S«od9si (sra. ajro^o TR. o^c^o). 2. hinder, west.

<9>os<Q5 [y.^nq^ighcd.

loss. aa_ia)oroaj1cjuoon3caDW>nooo sT3)3nb tsra. dS^aJfODsflrmo abarajibams. (n_jro3e3lfa)o)Un-

«naj qocto) 6)^<m (3a_i35ice;n6 CCh. aSirOn-jroDOJo abaradbam S. 1. Offence, guilt.

(Sido-JdJiOrol injurious. — denV. — ro^cessi (Vi.) a!aQJsraisl(S32,'3S o^olca; (313. O-aJm TR.

(Sr?)n_joe?lim(j)l, (®rDa_i^,OfC?l aba-jirti,— against the C. 2. esp. trespass that implies

khya6i S. Infamy. loss of caste. (sa'Xi&,o(j3:m)^rm cuojiiAto tsra

(®^Q_jC/)rmo abagaSam S. (coo) Departed (sta ajro3CJOf!5i(^(Tra (^d9s in civil cases pleading,

ec2J3<93ajo AR 5. boldly, in criminal the ordeal. oraaTOS^ooccTalmo

ojco-o) .arooj CO 01(93) disappear, be lost Vi. Q_j@(S^rol (|jT^(a7i6)nbo (btd, ^sng TR, she
(®rOa_Jf61 — (®fZ)a_lDoCOa 30 <Sirt)a_iD(ro)o — aSf^Go-JOoOo
fell through P. M. aa6)abo rmaarooioio ao C®fDQ_iD(ro)oabatramS. Unworthy, unfit recipient.

cbaa TP. — (gr3ti_iroocju(fro^ a fallen woman. (jonoo (aT0i-j2fg)'0ialra') ^&>0'^'^ KR.

(lenV. rarao-ifoonjlcffei to offend, ruin, debauch, (GtDn-SDQOOOo abadanam S. Removal, ablative

with Ace. srgjonb finoTUaja raT^'rSi's'^ TR. with (gram.)

Dat. raTa5)Z0cOt)i (gra'cSaofSiaD prov. (gracrae%3 (Sf?)Q-J3n^ao abanaii s. ((3Taaj + f5T3Tb)Anu8,

CDccTJnlfno QS5.iJ(Joajjo qj.tdot) (gra-i-jfoocjulcSe) wind from behind. [Ocean, po.
w:>n^ TR. as she transgressed the rules of i-TSifCQ-SomjroTl abambaSi S. (fsraxj water)
widowhood. (®^Q_JDCQ;oabayamS.(f8Ta:i_i + @j) l. Calamity,

aSifOQ_Jf61i2X9lnfr)OrD abarichinnan Bhgs). danger, tma'sracb cunnorai) g)ajocs2;6i5ach ©.usmo ;

(sraa-irolS-jardQinb S. ARs. Undefinablc, incom- ajorolcjulrailroo (graajocacTUDomo PT i. danger-

prehensible. ous place. 2. loss, death. o^grSlcai otd-j_io(3D

(GifOo-JfOlalfOTo abarimi6am S. Unmeasured. (3.T3ira)0§o ajDlgJO-iosroig) TR. fled with great loss.

KjTao-jfSlali-momngcuorDlcjol SidD. [scarce. (BTa,-iJ2omS,-m3)D§o (ajSiS c/alg_jDmo<9n tara. (cs)£\

(lSif^Q_l((^a-Jo abarubam S. Monstrous, odd, fell. S)ajsl5)cQi05r@ (gra. cuma were shot, qgoo
(St?)a_iCofQ0c8^o abaroksamS. (Q_i<sraocS£no) Not S)g. fsra. ajfK:^^ TR. put to death.

unperceptible. tsra'^aiessraiDmo knowledge of CSYOo_SDf51Do abartham S. Senseless.

present or visible things KeiN. (TO)'Qjl<Sc;3.-a3o absurdity.

(©fao-JQJC/Do abavargam S. Final emancipa- (E^Q_n abi S. 1. 0. Epi = 'gra(£l,in comp. 2. more-
tion. (5raQ-JX)y:5arolg,ul=: (20o,ftftio Tatw- over, also, and (ffraojlji), moojlg po.

(®^Q_jQJOQo abavadam S. Blame, calumny. (©f^aJluUDnOo abidbanamS.((gTaQjl) Covering.

(Stao-jcuoel calumniator Vi. (®fOQ_g(ro)f7D_Jo abutratvam S. Being without a
CSifOQ_JQJDro&nOo abavaranam S Concealment.
son. Q^e)n_j tg).-m-io fgra's.-sraiDS ScOaasgjD Bhr.

((S<l^a-lC/dGOJo abasabd'am S. Solecism, {sra'0 (©rSaJQ-Jo abubam S. Flour cake.

gjDS^fm cijosia-j^aice^gi prov. OST^Q_JC^o aburvam S. Unprecedented, rare,
cSfQQ-JoroQJjo abasavyam s. Right, not left; uncommon, vu. (BraasC^o.
from the left to the right. laJoja?^'. aSft^CBo-Joftac^abeksa S. (rgrao_j + jD'o :9fii) 1. Look-
(©^Q-JCTO onOo abasnanam S. Funeral bathing, ing for, expectation. 2. M. desire, request.

(GVSq-JOTO OfOo abasmaram S. Delirium, epi- frnfraojonb (flscrusraiglcsinfal oooo ora. s^jii^nraTR.

lepsy Nid. @n_j(0ioroo (STDa-jfTgfolce« g25)^oral I beg thcH. C. also tsraeo-icSfijo f. 1. cn\6SB&><a^

cBaejo KR. forget. [Nid. febrifuge. (5iaSoLjaas<S:ora)OS)S o^^td)^ TR. entreated you

aSifOo-ioDo ababam S. Expelling. ea-ifOD-xjoDo by letter.

(®f?)Q_jaOr61:e» abaharikka s. To rob, extort, (graSo-JcB^asi 1. to expect, aixngj (sra'^ofalPTi.

purloin, ajcvoaicV), nolejo 3n_iD:fl.(f33ft-Jsm tgra. if you wait a little. 2. to entreat, beg, with

MR. acquire by fraud, aciofr^oian (Hto. Bhr. Loc. & Ace. also ajgjaolnrn (!na(Sa_iijai^-^TR.

steal the heart. crotDn oral fail (Sra'_aj, aicnjotarailcsilfat' (i_irDl(g^

(inafi-JaOoroo S. taking away, robbery. ^ Qjcm (BTa(Sa_j:9flil^orai; TR. if the French

(SifSa-JoDorrOo ababasam S. Derision. (sra's-DTiio should once beg for peace. (Oima fOcoaTlfficSs)

SIS @s<S0ral) s)(ao§l Bhr. [(ScSs^.

sngojilnm (Hia'cSaoTa MR.
(®rZ)Q_iOd9:o aba'yam S. Raw, indigestion, o-jDai (©fOCSo-JDaOo aboham S. (oraoj + a'^'io) Ascer-

(®fDa-JDoCOo abailgam S. ((Btaa_i) Outer corner tainment a'3aOD(Sa_lDaD0al(&)a'fi3'> sti^a>o£)BZV

of the eye. jiJasiiaiOQ-jaocoeocooajejlisocolc^o noooiriBhrs.

Nal i. = aiSc9s)6iTb. denV. (ffraSouDoolas) to judge rashly Vi.

(tjrDfflQ-J"D'?» — 05fSj?_lOo
H' 37 (&T^et

(S^6iQ_i"0f255(3r^caJo abauruseyam s. Not of C!OTff)a_lD^^ appolutu (po.) & fsraSa-joch T. M.

human origin. (gT3'cffi(ni_ioa5»^fcnliTraBhr. (i.e. (5ia_ioy^)That time, then. (aragj<2g_jOcb at times.

msmzoaiorab (sraSgjosy @§l (sracojiasioo TR.

(SCLiasoQctoces). [after csiocoo KR.
A ceremony as soon as he is better. (3iOoig_jO!Sy> ^sserasmo
(t5nD(SQ_\0c4|0253 aptoryamam S.

Anj. at once, opp. cnos)^.

OSYSqIj, rtSi^oVarpa, appuS. (pi. (Sr3)o_is) "Water

(grogjdhS)g.s)Si05n| eflojcoorosmo 6)jiJ^ Nal.

C&Z>{a-)<^OC/do apra-^asam S. Secret. — c^o
not to be manifested. [peerless acts KR.
^StsajosnTl oragjlrabnnlfrrasrgccsn KeiN.
CS^icL-)cm\£r.oi2i')CU aprabiTfarmavu s. Doing
dSifOo-J appa T. M. A common weed, Ageratum (So.
ajcrusTOislgj^) GP64. (9iO§g_jGP65. Ceanothus feit)(a^(73Slc&.DCgloapra6i'yaryam S. Incurable,

cffirulea Rh. a^Siiig-j etc. of (Sraocoo PT.

(SrOo-Jo appam T.M.C.Te. ((srao^ojo, sragjl?) (^^^(a-jraTlQo apraSimam S. incomparable.

Fried cake, bread, (sro-oaod m^^ojonb fsrag-j a5ifZ)(o_-)(75TlfDLDoa) aprabirathari s. Without an

eoacfe cn^iz£\jn CG. (srag-jo aajraDj^rai) Si P. cuofi' opponent Bhr. [ — (STa)a> disappear.

cmjOrab s^ajrroigjo ojoca'orcajo isragjascs^^o (oira) CtS^(a_)nT) jdft^o apratyaksam S. imperceptible

g_jsmajo BR. (for parrots). C®^(0_jOJOOno apradhanam S. Secondary,

(5rog_]c9siorartb baker — (m>j-^<a^^ oven. accessory.

(EfOo^sl appadi T. (ojS^) Tims, Tatw. (Si^(a_)aDenOo apramanam S. Of no couse^

CCTuiQiOfb appan T. M. C. Te. (Tu. mother) quence, falsehood. — Bia:,Q_)205n')1c&)nfe liar.

1. Father; also among Namburis, father's CiS^(Q_j(2(2lca;o aprameyam S. Unfathomable.

brother cn2^S)S 6) jiio\'2iQ^nb (& jjloogjob) (B73. (o_)S0 3Jo Bhr. (sm. c^go Nal 4.

TR. Qcuamgjnb & (loc.) ©ragj-aranb father-in- (S*Z)(a_)caiajr)o aprayatnam s. Easytsro'iswism

law, (STDgj-oral mother Vi. (BTOg_jocal father s oxDculteso KR. so mraio-i^zjocroo.

mother Vi. (Hraginjnb (loc.) grandfather. cS^(a-)(ScQJD85gono aprayojanam s. Useless.

2. used honorif. f. i. a Siidra tribe- (Brag_jnao(b, a5Y5(Q_jQj3e^oj .0 apravaktavyam s Not to

Gods rma'g-iocnj.'Sifflajab Siva rgdJsiDralcgjrogjTb be uttered AR.

KU. Brahma. — OTBgjnbxnrorad thumb. 3. used (S^(a_jrrOoCr)o aprasailgam S. Unconnected.

interj. = fargsm f. i- (ffro^nb fgrajyob sraDnb rmoso (i5T?)(a-^cronnno aprasannam S. Displeased, ora.
vu. CTOciVncffiOib tara. (=cn. (St^jSit)). — Voc. (Hto onlngoiio Brhm P. (srd!^S)&>05'i^ m^cea o^o^ca-

g_], (Brag_jo, fBTagjg_jo, (grag-jSo f5T3^ (loc.) interj. (ST3{T_jarooao (msicm (grgjiftrrra TR. regret much.
of pain and surprise (comp. (maS-oO d). (t5rO(a_^3enol aprani S. Sickly, miserable (vu.)

CGi^o^OCSS appade (.xjos) Thus CG. i.'I5rO(Q_^OQLJo apraptam S. l. Unattained. moiajo

^•TE,i^n_jl appi (C. T. Te. rs\7>ru.£h to clap on) ct^&l09^Q^^0WOJJ^cn6SSckiVT. illtimed— rgtafcyo

1. Plaster = (TJi(9itp1. 2. dirt, children's talk n_jio Bhr. unattainable. 2. M. rsro o-io.i-inb

Vi. 3. urethra B. incapable. ax)Da,):ijo(gra;a_)D,-tjjja9o MR. imbecile.

^®^a_J appu 1. S. = stdq1i, isra^j. 2. M.= (sta aSr5(Q_Jlcai3 apriyam S. l. Odious, on^tss aj

gjll. t!jTagJ@g.£hlcd^f0^cS5--,cs^o MM. (of a breast- ^5)0) (ma. (8rO)<S5Tra TR. 2. dislike (grD-aiosfl-.

wound). 3. M. affectionate appellation of boys OSt^OLJ rOOOjaQj^o apsaraSSUyal S. Gandharwa

f. i. QQjfflnbo (STagj<a§l & thus 4 Npr. women Bhg. and OTa,T_iro((Tol<d)C>3 Bhr.

C®i<5o_JOo appuramM. T. (ojoo) That side, be- (Sift>Q_Q£Jo aphalam S. Unfruitful. (BTaoriajonoaz;

yond. fSTag-JCOJO ^^Oajof37lfOl5Ti31^(2OOD(efflD5),'0) crgraQ_j;ml KR. (castrated?) chiefly of barren

without hesitation. ^CO 4>) ^giaoJOo TR, fruit trees. o-jiaiDOj oraooajo oal^ aispl^ TR.

more than 100 years ago. deducting barren and young jack trees, oirmsoig,
CSroSYDJfSXJo — (^Zfi\ 38 (®rsrf|(^ (&Q(i\(2i

a.ysag etc. miooiuiZdzv^ (So-iocdn MR. beyond (S^^^alaeeiabhikramikkaS. To attack(po.)

bearing:. ajxerilcoaloee) abbigamikka s. To approach,

(S^oiTlf^ E. Appeal (m3.®5Tiiocju>g^(0s), srao go to (po.)

colaxiSlcfls) MR. (®fSSlss?nOo abbijanam S. Family, noble ances-

c®?.6Y2Jf3JUo abad'dham S. (unbound) 1. Irrele- tors, also (grafllranafmjo Bhr,

vant, mistake, misconduct, nnas^o eraiDob oil f5Tasle33.'mnb wellborn,

tBimob (tna. o_i06roini (ScljOo^ SG. impertinently. (®r?)^^«3YZJi abbijittu S. Victorious; a sacri-
a(])aD)^nrnl tma- aio§lca/^ KU. s)5>aicsD6nj(auo fico, noon, zenith. mdi£\^s^o Qjlc/d_ie3l5).'!jrai

5)aiOoir!| (0)1 tijlsl-^ by a slip of the hand. (TO) rrrao caoao KR.
6m@JO<ZiOZi^ eajggraalral) atolsrow) aJlerra MR. (SfS^^ivciCu) abbijnah S. Experienced, clever.

by mishap. 2. untruth, falsehood. (ma.U5)m raoe3(Scn:),£le53ifflaiJo PTi.

(BT3. QjascmjQ deceived. (grarllessiaoano information, recognition, mark.

(SrC6YXJ(^ aljar A. Character, respectability, on5)gjo(b tma.'o^.-sTa cn^, oraipajgs {sra.'s^cora)

fsra. gjgjD.-maxinb (Mpl.) cftsngooA KR,

(©rserufijab abalaii s. Weak, siiiy. (SfS'iluuooOo, — (SuJCQJo abbidhanam, — dhe
tsraoOiGJ woman, po. yam S. Appellation, name. [Delight.

(lST?)6Y:LJ0eJOfb aBalah S. No more a child, (m (ts<T)rS\cr)CQ\:B6) abbinandikkas. = sirapl. KR.

olaj oe.osrgajafa (5T3.'onD3i)@ KR. (©^^nOCOlo abbinayam S. Pantomime, roo03
(GrZ;6Y:y oabjamS. (tgra^) Waterbom, lotus. (Bia^ral) oosonaosl culsl^^slnncao onsl-^ eo
(maBT^nt) moon (po.) [soon, year (po.) cuKSBdo KR.
a5rS5Y:yo abdam S. Watergiving; cloud; mon- (tSif?)rilnol(BOJC/9o abbinivesam S. Earnest ap-

(SrseYxTl aBdhi S. Water-holding, sea. plication, persistence, (Sa5(ai(alcnjj(a50^BT3r'ej

CGv^^oCOl abhangi What is unpleasing, go S)^oroslonl(SQJc;3rartJ)Of<A KR,

ColcfiSO (HTa'i^o a®!® (SigSlSa g3@§. PTl. denV, (ma'c/alcOs), (sroelcnlajli^^nti.

(©D^CQJo abbayam S. l. Security, ora. ^(Tsrrro (©f^iSloJS? abbibuja S. Reverence. (Saojai

Qjsmeaialrnlma CCh. ajli3nD mra, gsrgDo ARi. aooA tsrae^o^^^nb UR = simpl.

2. promise of protection or pardon, tma. mrol a5^/§l(a_jOCQ;o abbiprayamS.((5Tael+(n^+©)
6)(S)mo iSiO^rai) aJlsnTlfOCTra ARe. begged for Aiming at, intention, meaning, wish, (sracjj

quarter, fijraajcaio Qg)S3i3c)cKS3 rmaraifrado Q^rm^ro oolra!) tgra.'aaccylfDlcBs) love him cordially, rryg)

nznnndi RCes, so r^ta. cuoai, ojl^ai, Q-^<Bi£h, raialeinbo rara, import, ^(^ magas ora. TR.
<9)0igjj,ral) (BTD. 51-aJcTra, QQ)5)(m ro^Qfij^Sceasmo oQ) my advice, og)rm o^crSlces) (Sia,'igig@ MR. I

cm (Hra. ajc0s AR. i!jro'0O3in surrendered on would suggest, that.

discretion, (maecc^eomo, (btq. s)a)D§<s« to save (®^^^QJo abllibbavam a. Overpowering, cara.

and protect, 3. in Mai. a sign of protection anisinbo asirrro ojroa.TTa KR.

which Rajas gave with the hand dipped in (S<Z)ri](2iOTio abbima5am S. Desired, chosen, ool

oil and saffron Vi. |-f unfortunate. 6)ciio (STD. 55-aiogjc3i state thy wish.

(®f^)<?0^o abbagyamS.Misery-WjObm.-Wj
(S^^airg>)gnoo abbimantranam s. Bespeak-
(EifS^DQJo abbavam S. l. Absence. (macnTltmo-n ing blessing, enchantinjj, esp.of arms.
eoajtoiaofab eostoigi <£b026!S8|.o Bhr. 2. destruc- denV. (ST2;C%cuorgTO,|l0^'^''dte bless or curse the
tion, death, nonexistence; negative, gram. weapon. mDfDDtasmortTuo ag)§it5T3) oia.'^ojo
CSrSSDcen&rOo abhasanam S. Silence Vi. [for. roD'OiCQ'^onb Bhr. (sra.'^ aiajc/aeoaaofati (srael

((S^fi] abhi S.(G. amphi,L. ob)Near, towards, (S.^3 jin^O(fe KR. consecrated vessels.
C®rt)/3!ao — (®^^OJD 39 OSrtrglQJD — (Sr?)r^caa<

(®f^)^a0Ono abhimanam S. Keeu feeling of

honor, self-esteem, arrogance. (srai£\i2dcnaOocn\ Bhr 4. tsra'SjO o_irolo)^o§ oi^(^ ajo5)g_js KR.
55 51 (9)6^ c9s) 3 5^ ARg- covered with shame, cfteja took farewell from liis mother. ojl.u^o.ijlai.'T)

slaoono pride of birth. ajTS^-Sj (sra'snoo a)ni^ KR. (to one dead).

(gra,3l(aDanl ((sraelaacnajonb Xal2.) proud, (S^^QJOSYOiraliTDo adhivancbiSam s. Wish

haughty. (BTa'(£><c)o igcrums^mnb Bhr. Q-aJoejj^,gl.u. Bhr.

(BTOelaoop^tjnJo onzalrab iBiafflsrol^ Bhr. self- (S(^ri]CU (^X?l abbivrddbi S. Progress, thriv-

conceit, ambition. ing. ^:fiil mnDD^iri ora. 5)_aig^^ Arb. cnig

denV. oraelaDOoliSs-, 1. to make something a

point of honor, feel oneself, osca^nb o^rm teia'

63S5)g. <&)SOce£Qo ai)5)art TR. all my prospects

^ i^oujnb (glanb Bhr lo-. 2. to emulate, fight. rest on your favor. [curse.
mraajsraDS (Hi^'gjonb o^sicraDOS (fhorosmo abbisabam False accusation,
(S^'SIC/SDq.Jo S.

Bhr. = iztsrufil C05). — 3. to honour, favour B. (©r^^GLdoCOo abbisailgam S. Defeat, impre-

orasl0Dnnj(St9)§ ojoso vu. disgrace =:<S«y)0^. cation Vi.

(B^d^Q^eUo abhimukham S. Having the face (er?)^(Scaad65o abhiseyam S- Sprinkling with

towards — tsTa.'aoaTl ojOca. face to face. water, inauguration or consecration by pouring
(tS^SlcQ^ o&^JnOU abhiy aktail S. (beset, involved)
oil, ghee, rice, pearls, etc. on the head of idols,
Assaulting a^cfls.xionb (Htos c9f3)nt)(sic.) AR-i.
kings, etc. Q_iso:g1(3.-Q:2ca)0 ^ciaBtS^n&io etc-

(STOelScaDCOo onset — denV, srailliScaocolcSffl to

(HT3. Si aJiSi, 0slc2;D5)rm KR. get thyself crowiied.
attack, press hard the enemy (=:g3Q|to3<37,
rosng raOKj -313)1 a<3JJd3;io (BT3. 5)-aJ^^ Mud.
(ZC^cOStQi) Vl.
crowned him king over both countries.
(©t)^(t)(7Do abbirabam S. (roo) Delighted.
denV. (Ht3?gl(S.aiiiijlcSsi, to crown, a^ oQ
(3Ta(^r&o0o charming Qjicajoelroo0iTb delighting

SiP. delightful to
S)cm ora'.DjI-^jOib KR 4. — to be crowned &>tii
everyone. (Scr)(ra)Oi3l;oo0n
oaassg.sra')) raoeaoojocail rooan6 cgia.Hs.anjjjl
the eyes.

(SifZ)^ffB.iij| abhiruji S. Relish for arraaiaoo'

g_jonb 6^as5)axi§crra KR.

«-aig^o ARe.. (5raf£l.-£Ql(iK3)ab anointed.

fijra. acrn^sftiroi)

also rHTa.sl3.-a3cehld)5) (?) o>oogjlfD'i ojy; (stafS^Sm

(GifQrBlaJOcar^o abhilasam S. Propensity, lust,

wish. jiDisifaoelaiOiiio own free will — also £hl_^ the rice is blighted by insects Vi,

fem. (BT3)(ai0c^'S>ulc2nr(A fSTD'caia^ggCLiab Bhg. (SYO'il'^OQl abkisyandi S. (trickling) Cong-

(5Ta.'caj<a>cb ooi^oo Bhr. <3i06n2,o7lcrnlaj(93^5

estive (^raslcffijoil^ca'^fisi) GP 52. ma£\:mjCB\

KR, dhd) NidiG.


(sra.slaio.iml desirous. (©Q'SloroafOo abbisaram S. Rendezvous,

(BToelaio^aalces) to long. :})0jrE3nb (Bra.'cflsmo KR. (BT3.glcrcorol;9) a woman who keeps an assigna-

KR. tion, aoosaorai) (sra'aoraD^D naorolaoib CG.

also (srai-^laj^dSscrra (tuoroo o^raano)

VetC. affection, r3raslaro3roldh(ya3o Nal 2.


lust. [(Qs) Greeting. (®fa'SlaO(Wo abbihaSam S. stricken, subdued.

(Era^iOJOBOOo abbivand'anam s. denV. — aS\ i^ajrooejo rsra'cDoa^si'nb Bhr.

CSf7)fi\ClJcQ^:B& abhivarsikka S. To rain upon. cS^ri^c9^o abbiksnam S. (iHiasl, dosasmo)

(ara'^^o <^e(^<esi(h, (sra.'ailrab ^Da.<S0at^o ota' Continually (po.) [Fearless.

cSsicalgy KR. (iSirzjr^rJDOfb, (mirs](Ui abbi5an, abbiru s.

(tStOfiloJoGio, — GOOo, J^io abbivad'am, CS(irs\rQc\o abbistam S. («jrael + ©cea) Wished

— d'anaro, — d'yam S. Salutation, accosting. for. mra. croacul^^j tho wish is obtained.
(SrB(S«/3o — (®r?)(3o 40 (SfDa (&t(2)(Gi

(fSf^QfBQo abhed'am S. l. indifferent. (2(i_)0(b g-jfd)1_ai AR. 3.=:(gra(g!0>o, talc, mica, said

e^jiicsj^Dftb (araSi'Baocsiil maintained an equal to fall from the sky, also called ^i^TUonoo,

fight. 2. unchanged, oolornlra^) rsta'aoco;' ac£K2»l med. in (o^sanOo etc. (araojlofho a med.

AR 1. [impenetrable. (ISTSOama T. M. A reed Saccharum sara (coro).

(STOSeBj (cfjioj^o) UR2. not to be split, (i5Tazsaj(b mad. GP.

(&Z)fB.joU~>o, (Sf^'§.6Y^a9e^ abhyaiigam, (&^(2hCnB^o amangalam s. inauspicious.

— njikka S. Rubbing with oil. (SK>^oLOC\^^^

(®ft)a.^rb amaccar T. aM. (^fgrazDr^*) RC.

(Do = s.w^iaa"' f. i- acmoDDgirTOsab tora'cro) a5r?;(2iSce? amattu-^a T. So. M. (=(3K)Zfi^:>>)

crrTlSaj an(jnonD<g.i^offn)Dcsin CG. (bad omen). To repress, threaten.

mazi threat Vi. [ojraAbean.

(Sr^jOfS^rvjn abhyanujna S. Leave, cru'^eado

83)32. arai (ffiaeiOBStoOiaroDcal Br P23. with their

((Sfi)(2)(Q, aSif^(2)(X)je<?- amara, — kka better ana

permission. [internally.
I. OSr&CirDo amaram S. 1. immortal, orazro*,

(Gf^ >aZ5",(t)o abhyanbaram interval, — sro rgrazrorudiNal. (srazfoaicXiBhr. the Gods csraafa

(©ragjcnjooo, a5Y^,cr\51:e6i abhyasanam, a^|.ii)<a Bhr. heaven. mazco&din^^B^wh RC.

— asikka S. (oracro) To practise, exercise,
Asuras. tsiazrotSicbo-irant) Indra, ttrrazroDajrail

study. (gr3{{TC63Sc)o 5)iS>o5ng tsTo'^ CG. fsr3(n^ his residence. 2. the S. dictionary of (graaocrulo

aiistaiicao rooarrb (^nrflo^saraiaTlcTn tsra'-s^ KR. aOnb also f5ia2:'D<S<9iO:flio.

fsiazfoioi-io divine nature (sra'oi-iQjo cuoerra cry

CV. raroeiCrulojlcas) 1. to teach, instruct.

2. to educate. (m3(n-ocA)mrw3slcaoia ojirajoim Qjltaarm (aemob; tsra^ (thedungof a white

PT. ox) <3arU'.ljl!SgjD(6« aQ)^Do (SO, QjfJBo Bhr.

ota'^ Mud. (Hta iian rsa.

(gioejCnSlgj VN. a lesson. II.CGrcOfDo amaram T. M.(V^(3Taz*) Thestern

exercise, practice, study, of a vessel, elephant's hind part, abaft, mra.

(sragjocroo 1. rgraiJfii

roo — (ST2)C£?iCCo— etc. 6)^<gi|. — 2. ability, ac- ojlslcfis-, to steer,

quired thereby. Q_jen^cf3ffl(b Qjlsmofijo (araSjO fSr^arol, or cE^Qjrol amari, avariT.M. indi-

OOo prov. a feat.

gofera tinctoria (S. oo^gjI) prh. V^ (sraz*.

(graSiOCTD^ a student, practiser. ool.-zji,oejocrul

2. a sort of slipper or sandal Vi.

(sr2,a')5)C2; Q^§c9eo, (graejOcnSl a^slajfibprov. oSf^Ohr^s^^ mra amaru-jfa 5. 1. To subside,

settle. a_i@®cea (S.'aoZoiSBch (StaZfTsaDQ tmSiiDsl

(SrDgjOCr)(7nab abbyagaSaii S. visitor. (SK>:a^

Bhg. stroked the deer, (mazrarrngj.^ beat the

lq1(S)^o ora'aao VCh.
ground even. 2. to be seated, rest on. uDe3T[y
(STO^frnDDOOo abbyutthanam s. Rising to
oiD (STazorraBhr 7. oj\zocr)o(sro!2cmcn\(naAUQ.
salute a new comer. (SK>s,<mLOcnsai ao^ooo
55-ai§a(b orazscmyo (aicnjfoorib Anj. the God
residing at Perinchellur. i^sajOTcsl mro. cower
(®rO§jQCQJo abhyudayam S. Rise, prosperity,
down. 3. to be allayed ( (ft ooQ, slooo), calmed,
happy progress. (SacLi<S)c)Dtfis) (3Ta'fQK»lfm3o)ijgi,o
quiet. iS)aJS^5iaj^ajoTb oia. be subdued.
6n|0 (SQilOfol<&)C>3(Q8 QjlanOC;a,'313)1om05)ig^05n|o
rgraamcunb grave, sedate person.
DM. om3mas,aca'S5Bc)o ARi.
(&<!)(2>(b<l^ VN. abating of wind, fire, peace.
cEif3§jQ_JDca;o abbyubayam s. Means. m.<^'\m (SrQQ);'^ (prh. Tdbh. crcafOo ?) also tarag

a^a&.ejsnj' (sia. PTi. KR. fight, battle. (2li.'iO5)c8s)SO(O)0(ba).ai^CCh.

cei^(3o abhram S.(G.aphros) 1. Cloud, vapour. mra.ijSfaaszfb s5j3J<^ 011(^)01^ KR 5.

2. sky fina(g(2aio<3)o Vi. (graigtSTalnrraiplcailral) ^ (3ra0c95^ao battle-field.

caselslejo KeiN. mea^o (HT3(g<SQ;;aSOT3)Dao a (3Ta0<9s)3(b warriors Vi.

(tS^O):^ — (SfZ(2i£\ 41 (SrZ){2iDrgj — (©TD^ GS<1

CS^Chr^ VN. 1. Calmness, self-government. OSrSaD^jOfb amatyan S. ((sraao at home)

(sra. OJ(S\Jh @3^ TR. peace will not be restored. Minister, counsellor, also tgraao'cnjifhn!) Mud.
2. subjection, severity. <0iggraoo>f(3 am. S)j^^o mDai0^fb RC. — (sroaomifm-io his office.

6raro)ora)i, roDeao-ijIdicn ora. ajftasgaajo'ib TR.put fsraZD.oijctteoiDno family adviser Vi.

down. Q^oo63Bc>c) 'S^-oimj'm.-ailaT) mra'cqjo avai (©^aonO-pY^ri (Ar. amanat) 1. vu. (sraaomo
cqjo jjsrgocail^ TR. -<3raa^cQJD3y cBigjoo strict Deposit (sra. ^oj^ sQgJlai TR. jiTlii ojcro

orders, severe threat, laganaorras^s &ti-jQaj (9S)Cb 6it6a (513. Siaj-^ & 6)0OgJ 1^070 (5t30OnO0D

(sralnrn (Btaa ij<£hg-jm gi5n§D.-uD.i6 TR. caT) sioj^ cry Wlg_jDfi6 TR, (sta. oaiOf-iSa pay
a. V. aS»^(2c39is^, C!^ 1. To press down, taia a deposit into court, before commencing an
(2(OT1 ojlslcoa grasp tightly. Qjoailt'jl§0c9s)a^o action a^ocSltm ama (ajsioroo (5td'03o leajan

Si Pi. swallow, (gala)!!' (Hraan^ K^U. rendered TR. 2. N pr. Mpl.

firm. 2. to subdue. Si>ioa_jotgraZ(i^3glra()Mud. CSr^aDt^ca^o amanusam Superhuman q®;®


suppressed. o_js 5)Bi05n§ S)nirm (Hraz^si Mud. cs^o (S13. rnlnrra5)S ©(So-jo^cSao Nals.
aulQia!ri5^an tsraZK^S TR. overcame. co(tro<t3si5)3
(&ZQt3Cr(Tio amanbam So. Confusion = 0790^1;
Arb. ig.M rDo5ie)05n| coD;®a3i3c)o Bhr. appease. No. frustration <&)0^o rra, f5ra;dasl brought to

CV. mraztig^ai mod. = (sra0<3fl f. i. aiys^ nought, iSTa03aa)5)g_]S was confused (Act, 19,
ojlsl^acDTOil jud. (robbers). 32 B.) (Hra0DcTO)od7l®o_iDaiil was disordered,

CV. (5Ta0(3KQc95). frustrated.

(tS^acgfTi^CYtB, aSfZ)a20T^ amarettu, m^zocr^tSffiOOnb mischievous.

rettu (Tdbh. (BT3g;w) King's meal, (H1D05O(i513 OSfTjOiOCb (P. aniora) Mulberry tree, Morus Ind.
^^tplsrawi the king has dined. (Biaasrasg^ o_ia3ao
(SroaDQJOCno, amavasya S. New moon sraao
aitplo^nrnlgLj TP. see (i,Tagfaio.
QjocnflcnDcb Bhr.
(SiTi(2ir5},cu) amartyaii s. immortal =.3130^*;
(G^alae6^cQ;q amik! :ayaru (see itoctu) The tie
(gTa0oiiS3(Tn6UTjr)o, (sraztimoalaic):)
o? a ploughyoke (also (graa? — ) iicrnloinbo tgra

f0ft)i2)c2bo amarsam S. also (3130^13 ig:;f523'^'^° Qjlajggl najgi oracift^ MR. [ftnaxTlcDs).

Bhg. Impatience tgra'Saio^ S)_alQf(:^ o^ Bhg, (E.a0lcf3a 1. to fasten the tie of a yoke Vi. 2. see
rage — hence:
a5i^(3lfWo aini5am S. Unmeasured, copious.
(ffraaAismnb, (Braato^i impatient, passionate.
CSTZ)Q|(fC)a amitram S. Enemy.
(©roaQdfti, ol amaru'^a To low (So.M. in 1.

Sara. 6. B.) (G^Ql^dft,, STYO amilu-^a T. a M. To sink (=(ma

|f_ voc. AR.
(©f^aGJOD amalail S. Pure, saint. — fST30(Spj
(Sn_j3(J1ra!) t5r^0lAC^
i£>)o-jl.^jlro(ti RC15,
absorbed in. <fh6n?lej0l5rn5)jiiDral RC43. 55m
CGf^aeTl amali (T. & S. (sraaaj) Laxmi, hence
abundance. oolcaoo goororaialsrra^ aHai CG. dwelling on,

rtrraaailcfis) to abound, remain in store Vi. rurmroiorolra!) t3ra0"l^^aj<b RC .54. threw them-
CSi^dajt) 1. Ar. amal. Collection of revenue. selves at his feet.

(3r30aiO(b Amildar. 2, H. amal. intoxication. a. V. C(S^(£]^c&i To fix, set (Sta^<9>o<!) aD

!&ig3 <0)sl^ (STfaaaiooD soiocDa ojol^ TR. folso (5130^^0 RC. put on. roffsmsoBcb (sraal'jpjl
don V. (gT30LLil-aiSo_)oai Vl.
cm 6i<f>.osl0fOo KR5. (^.•313)) (irraali^Jlslcr) <3i

(S<T)Ch£\ amali T, M. 1. Bed (po.M.)(HTOc&iK^ Qjjrjsoiacb Bhr. fjudo-e.

ajrfssiaaloisnafsi) oraal^cunb RC 44. mgj0
G5iZ)£2i0fD (Ar. aniTn) Person in charge; nativo
a^t3s®0ra1) (5T05)6mgS a_i@gl5)c>iOon| RCioo.
CCDialrb ( Ar. amTr) Emir (gTa0lori3D(b grandees Ti.
2. tumult, affray; cry, wail,
(BT3aal(05) be troubled. CV. (maaa^gd'tQffl Vi. frs^(^GS^<&> amunim-j^a T, M. C.(=c3T30fO3a>)

as^£^ ^De) — c®r?ff)acQJ 42 (&z (Sa: n^o — as^roj . ro^

To sink, settle, be squcezcJ, as haml in hanil. a?fS(2aD^"^oamog;ham S. Unfailing, cffoctual-


a. V. (®'?)^d96iiA,c66i I To press down, squeeze, C®fQnaJ amba (T. (ma-ml) Thick, strong rope.
knead, turn food in the mouth. ora^cOinl nol
(!JK)TLiaing ojjjlosi pull heavy loads, singing.
fflOcfltf) V2. to stuff VN. fgra^cOao. 'BTOoajog_]0| rower's song (eomp. nioiio & (Qtd

nnagcBsinb a deep rogue. f-rnlcQib C. Tu. boatmen).

(SrS(^ce6il(X)o amukkiram GP 75. "Vi. & cBTa.g
tlSrB(TU§aDambattanTdbh.(graoQajr(^rTb Barber.
cBsroo TM. a Med. root, Physalie flexuosa (rgia
(®^OQJ^ ailbaSu (5iot))o) 50. (gro-n-ioimaoran^n
c/ajcocnu S.) a med- against cough.
rao ffiiDSroDnDoTl "ife "u'-ri-jicsz; fsraScruD^ S 3J35-, UK-
(©^^(TO) amutra S. (opp. @qd) In yonder life.

I. fS^'ZioaJfO, mraTLio A. anbar. Amber, med.

(^S(^C^^c£hy=(JS(Z)(£\':P q. V. amulttap raran
S)o_iO(mmjA (zlvTooxiifc Ambergris).
63I3C>D (STDig^/lcr) ajl(g.lil5m65Qc)o KR.
II. cSfDoQjfb or cSTZ)nQjo ambar (loc.) The whole.
((S^(^&^jo amulyam S, invaluable.
oracrufb ais^^, arrrao &)n^§lgj, (sraTuoajD
(®f^0 (TDo amrbam S. 1, immortal (G. ambrotos)
<3i) also some f3racaJOS)<a)0§-CTalgj, (sraoxiorni
(3Tag''mn3orooaris(tnlro3o(Baajlra!)Sil2. 2. Ambro-
^Ocjrtg QjDorro vu. almost poured out.
sia, Nectar (5ranbo)o_io§ s^a^o^.-nraorel) (Stag'Ojo

prov. a^Loograio the precious story Bhr. 3. differ- (tsi^najroato, rnra ambarakka (aC. tsraosry

ent fluids, milk, water, etc. tsrajasaa ojoaia® fade) To bo confounded, perplexed. (Hraaajro

o^osng <Six-iO(33(Tra TP. 4. food of kings, (sra

mo "^igJaO KeiN. l. = :uaJ6rotB); si-oJoiirarnial

goiosra) (EX2i<S3cna king is at meal Vi. (gra'asitsl

(Sra mo Sa_iD<e5oNal. will be ashamed, outdone

mo a^Otiio a_iOi3)0DCs£l dinner time, alsO(gi30o)fO in comparison with that lip,

a^, q. V. (srag.^ 5^-^^ B. 5. different plants,

(Srarairogi perplexity. I'BiBaxirogjosliinbo ms
ofliti'j Ti. in the midst of tlie tumult.
chiefly ^oogioio Cocculus cordifolius, (giagoil

S)dbo cioaio, rocroo GP. — 5)Q_i^g(a)o Meni- (SfCccUBJo ambalam T. M. Tu. (perh. (araoJiii

spermum cordifol. Oo Tdbh.) 1. A place devoted for public use,

rsTagitJi, S. immortality. assemblies, etc. ajjincacnjiio choultry (crv)(t3)o

C5ra(J(2)f3JUjo amed'dhyam S. Not to be sacrificed, S.) -!3j^ocnJLLIo temple court ((gra^ooaaj S.) (sk>

excrements vu. Tdbh. (HTa5)0^o dung of birds (TUGJc95;0fDnb host, man in charge, chief of vill-

Vi. raoKao^.-oicslrali tera. ^sofal) VyM. age Vi. 2. a temple M. Tu. = (gafirOo. (graon

(masafS^^alcaocail o_7lomo Bhg. £uo Qjly^asolcSs ajozslg-jtua, ojgjsoprov. iBiacnj

oiQJsl ^'oraocW' right of directing the ceremonies

(Srss^acQ^ eft., snsvB^ ameyu'ya t. a m. To be
in a Pagoda, with the title to an elevated seat
subject, Vi. agree.
in it.
VN. (saS)S)Zafi\ what is included ,igejS30om
(StaouaJoJtP N pr. of a temple in Trav. (S.

the whole town (=i'HT3Sce5)o

(gTao5rijft)Dci_icooajroo PT 3.)

aoDOjaojaio MR. a square temple.

a. V. C<S^6)(2i-~&G^ 1. To subject, join ^roai

6m3c)o S)<S) 055)0(013) (BfOKb 0l^(SC2;O^ RC89.

(SracTUiiiajDcnSl, f. — orolcnl, caste of temple-

mounted the chariot to which the horses had
(tSl^OOjyo see (SrZ)oaJDtf>o
been put. siCijggloic&iO^ajgglaich (mas)S)0i@o

IIC135. silver spotted. i^5)ajfijii3)C2iosoS)0D(mD(b (CfScnJOSl ainbadi (=(5T3)C2;(TU0slcowpenCCh.)

aosjfuicsj^o {gTO5)0ce6i RC ug. 2. to rule, grant oiaaxiDsl csao.Tjlaidbo TR. Saraorin's palace.

(3ra5)o)0(OT3)fi»al Syr. doc. (®fZ)OQJoroo (H. & p. anbar) Heap, cornstack.

(Ert crxJOrol — (Sf^ioGOJC^o 43 (mioeOJrhy — (&DC2Qi

(S^nQJOfDl(H.A.fimari)Howdahon an elephant. (tSrCoSnJraa ob ambasthan S. A certain tribe;

mo. 5)^§c95 (Royal privilege). barber & physician; elephantkeeper Mud.

c&ZcrLio'^o & (©rsoQjtfo ambalam (C. Tu, rma (t5T7)o6iaj & (S^o'SCYV) ambu & ambbassu
CTUS S. (STOoenjd^o comp. (Brago) Ilogplum, S. Water, ((graoj G. ombros).
Spondias mangifera (HtaoxioiP.'aialainbo oihocru
(Htaoonjeao, oraoseoeao, arooSgDOBaoo lotus

^ OLjlsl^'g prov. a weak support, fjnacmy

(in comp. i^suoob'njgso etc.)

6583 g®aJOo CD^ GP68. 5)aj§.(til3) (5K)naiiPiTJIi»lnb

tgraoenjao, (sK)o<Sssbo water-giving, cloud.

(wa^* GPg5. !&)0§cnJOiPo,

(BiaoonjoSl, (5t3o(Seoujl sea.
(S^cnJ ambu 5. (=(BTaro3cnj bud?) Arrow, por-
(sraziacao watery = (Siro)ajjo po.
cupine quill (comp. Q®>2jrTb). o).aio§«^ ajiiD^
C&T)QQi amma 5. (in Tu. father, S. (ffraostxi) 1.
(gTaaojlflcT) amw^ KR. aalcacnj n(j)(^ Bhr.
Mother. Gen. (smzQ^iSiS & cmazaaojlnb (po.)
a treacherous arrow, s^ojsls^o (Siaayo gsngo
la-crazE, geaai'za & j^jlooza mother's sister.
cal TR. there was some fighting.
2. hon. goddess, esp. Kali (3T3ZZrn)cnjrao§l &
Cpds. oraouo arsenal, ajaotms) 2(tj)1a^^^oo mra
©TaaafOicryroDTb queen dowager. cDOGjojlglrab (Sia
ai-'03ic)a SxisiDo Bhr 12. depots of arms,
iTZcroDOCDo t(3iro3oKU.(Siazzic2;D(b matron, Patter
(sraeauajfb (Btacrunt) CG. = a_i5t3U-jajDsn')rTb.
female. 3. interj. o^cro (31320 I really don't
{giacrulnt).-5_io§ distance of a bowshot, c/araoio^.
know! (5T3201ZZO lamentation & doubt or per-
(StaoQjlal (T. OTacnjejl) moon (gra'oi-STagj Sil.
plexity, also (sraSiaa (like oreg-jD).
its digit. (BT3cnjlalc05)tii Sa.jOo)GJ (S(r)@)og.a)o

SiP4' oracrLna^onjloijiiio g^alcOao Nal4. hence: (aTaz2cSa@ao(innato) sagacity & roguery.

moon (grazztftoggnb deep fellow Vi.

(also (gTa'(BT3Z23 0nb B.)
moTZJii^cb mother's father, (Bromzz her
(giacnj'd^^, (0T3cnjlnt>(aj§, (BTaoojo quiver (=a^
en')!, tgTdjOjroDLflcSi). mother.

(BracnjaofSl arrowshower. orazacajceio family house of a Brahman's wife,

«FXZ)CrL^<&i see C©rOCYDa_^. vu. (sraziaocscora i^(m>^d} maternal grand-

(TSK^cn^Q? amburu qQ)S(S63bq,o sejosisira gjs father.

csiilfiji) (5TacnjQ,(3cQs)§o gsng TR. Vexation (Mpl.) (gTa22ionb = (5T3aao0rtb Vi.; orazaocngjnb also

(5Y3ff)ff)cnJ ambai (S. oraoenj) interj. of wonder (grazzocQ'g-jnb father in law, father's brother.

and joy. itjT35)S)au ScSichijlnb Ah! (srazzocsiri, (gTa22iocul 1. maternal aunt. 2. uncle's

(®^o6YiJ amba (tjioza) & (maooiTlav Mother, wife (also (mazaozal Vi.) 3. mother in

Parvati. law (Can. & Cal.) who is also called fijtazaa

(®^c6YiJfDoambaram S. (what en virons)l. Hori- cijlcsDza Vi. or {gT8iZiaoc£2; ea loc.

zon, sky. i9i6nimoo railsftch WdBXi:ijoin0oo women,

(BrazaocsTlcoofrroo knowledge of old
(BTa'ofaifrnlraii ojlaeJiB' CG, (ffra'Srcraioao ©ca-roo
superstition lore,
^en^ AR 6. angjoairoT3i<51ss ajorolg_jaj(b RC.
(gra^aaojnb, 013220006, (ma<222onb & (mas^oartb
the Gods. (BT3o6Qjro^0fQl>O)c)3 Bhr. — (graosrufo
1. maternal uncle (S. aogdinb) also firtazEo
06mlcftaie3Ofmnb KR. of the solar dynasty.
cai^nb, a^ofosmxiib. a(3)nbo<s/20(b(Sif3)SmTP.
2. clothing.
I swear it by my uncles. 2. a Sudra distinc-
(sraoerurol (celestial) title of Samorin'a queen
tion, 16 (gTO(222jonao(b direct the (BtD)CXJjujd
ojiiTlcai f3irnjroo§l (ffraoeiuroi (S>O)0ailiDi£ho

(=rar3(TUosl?) gjocroo of the 350,000 Colatiri Nayer KM.

(graoQiiSrocanb 6)oiajoa,nb KU. Npr. a Chetty, Ammons ruled once over Coorg. 3. like

to whom the building of Calicut is ascribed. 0o@ejn6 used for gearaiaio med.

(©raOGifDo — (S^Q(^ 44 (lyr?)^ QQ\ — a^cQjoe©
(SrOOGifDo ammaram impudence, obscenity, (ffra. applied to ^'irle by parents, etc. (ao0rr)(2n_i(b)

Q^'Snbo anazgai^l ojo. 2- interj. of doubt,

fSrazafOcOaafDnb impudent follow, caution, etc. (Htas)ZZin7a SnjodJl vu.

den V. (srazafolcQis) Vi. (I5TZ) gt^ Ota fovm gig) Q) ffa ammummattallamar
(©TDoaDOO & cs^GGOoOo ammana (m) So. M. Grandmothers (rtjtazZ;, Sl'/i', faigg).

T. M. Game of throwing & catching handballs, (STZ)CB2i2D^ ob ammoccah (=(mo(2/zDznb, ima

orazaonoa.cb o^BO^sraiO) onstesoD nooralaDdi KR. zaoiznb, see under mrazKoajab & (gtDcnTlgl). A
(grazBoonESaraoaoltQicb gss^esBogjO RC30. slang name for lion or tiger tmasao^nb 00)^
(BTazaoaOiSsa) the same. Ravana s^sioiaiocru (Snmso 'srasaao^oao oj^ onligj^enmso oj^
Qjo ool^(S§ prov.

(ST^CBOGiOOa) see ©rozaoainb under (sra^z.

olsroi^ <S)fas!5B^rat o^oq CartV. (®rca o amlam S. Sour = aja'roaco med,

(gTaz2iocToca'S§<a) f. i. fsraeaooncfflo^o c-sooj KR 5. tgraglaj tamarind.

also ajl^ff)dj,o5rg22Dooi2osl Nal 2. (aiazaD (sraigo better (Srgngo mango tree (po.)

mcaio§ Tn einmajrtb CG. (on seeing Ru^ a ini

CS<Zi<SD aya (T. (Braoia-oi) moving. 1. Clothline,

oorafji(9)nb (WCTJ055S an':)zaoa .caocffil). met.fsraigl also (grac2Jc9a, (Htocszjra!); rniacaceacacb a rope of

a)6)a ag)§cOTa)02ocTn(32.o§cijnb KR. play balls the loom. (gracQJOSjjggtai any thing light Vi.
with them ii^@jiJ@f.joooo(gTa2ZoaDogo|iTfm|0 2. T. M. rumination (graca'QjasaT) Kga MC.
b1 cLiafel<Sc85)smoKU.— (Btaziaomo^cs^vu. V2. nrracafSQja^S) No. o.^cojZcasca), (sra^iPicOso V2.
CGif^CdDC/Bi N pr. A king or nation said to be (prh. (ffrasioj q. v. + (ET3Q,c9a<£h or o_iolces>).

overcome by Samorin KU. (©^CQJo ayams. 1. (\'^(HTa)He, po. 2. (x^"^)

05^2121 ammi T. M. (see mrazg) Grinding stone. good fortune, po.
(S36rora)ff)iibo tS-.gmaalajjQS ^gglejo prov, Q^ajag
CS<^QQjdde<, (JS^6)<:qJ(^5) aya(e)kka (T. ora

(Sggotb <sazz\<3p§^e)6seo(Si (S<Sioem«^ CG. 6)S>j^. C. Te. (gras^CTD to move) l.To send, for-

(srazalassi, oraaaig-jlig the cyliudric stone ward fSTD)5)g. oraca;^ <S^oel^ sent to ask. a?

used to grind with, also (gra2ialce8yQjl ((Hia cnjsrarsl (agjmrarao'si! f3ra3i':^aj(maj(bTR. those

ealcQayojlncc; (Bo_ios)ej Nid.) sent by the HC. (5ra((T^o, fgracrucacto Bhr. to

as^DCQlea?^ amminni M. (C, Tu. (BTazzsml, shoot. 2. to let go, leave (BT3aj3s)s aifoooenj

T. (srazao) 1. Nipple, from cgiaza ; children cry Ko (gra"2;-^(2Do, ff)S)<£hri3raal(b (sracaf^oejo Bhr.

(srazalsw^lrmoCG. (sraaalsroTglcaisicmoastBKn^CCh. let her hand go. ^ra§, wiQG)o (saw^ or ajl

2. i.ierj. of pain, as of a child, (ST9Zizlsrot®l(20 s Mud. let it fall. rara^ooiSiajtaQn^^acalgj

ejo <0)y(Oi3)le4o (ftosmsza CG. oh mother look, PR. or they will not let in. tgiaajs^a ©«JB32J

what is on my body and neck. (Sc9s)6mo leave her to me. cnlsoBsa oroca^gi 500

(srazaleriTl (C Te. affectiona e appellation of TR. (= :SA'^ — ) will let you go. (aomoroo mau
mother) 1. So. affectionate appellation csp. §.515 <SZcr^'SJ^(A (sraca.':^ CG. allowed his mind

of infants (cfr. T, ora^zsmo), sometimes of to dwell on (or 3. to be dissolved, absorbed

mother & wife. 2. a female name. in). 3. (=(3ia5iifcea<&i) to slacken, loosen as

(iSif?)(2(2l§o ammittam (T. cn^^ Te. C. (srao^j^) ca(Qg)(S(3io«)5mo.

The lower lip (comp. (srazg) iu (SK>. cSisW mark VN, fgraca-'^rai) being loose, untied.

of displeasure, perplexity, etc. oraca'aJ sending, slackening, (gi^igcijo o_ioso

tgra25a = (gTag6ogabe (Anj.) prh. fencing

CS^Qi^ ammu T. M. (T. (BiOOi'gJo (oTlrolg-JtOicb

reserved, close) 1. So. Expression of tenderness postures?

(t5rsca'(^ — (Srscoi ob 45 (®r3C32;a^ — flSrecScoiO*^^

CV, (BTOCQ-'gjlcSffl. 1. to make to send diigjon (sra (gra^Jjoi-Qjlcflaoib MR. soigraazjaiocaoMR,

ca'gjldJaai (SajsTglcaTlrolaama jud. mosgcss) (3K)ZiJdi'23'^'do, — m3§ neighbouring country tgra

tara. TR. order back. 2. to get oneself dis- (!j)lnT)C2;(3i)mo§ KU. cooglomai'roljmo^njo

missed, take leave (BTa32;ajl(B-2j05ngo flrTlipl yHoiocxjjgg (3io§oan6 Mud 2.

6tnig»2ajD.-nD TP. arorrnlaJorn.-aT^^Sjralrnlnrra srasirafinLjafiio, — gjsSRo, — ej-itOno noighbour-

eTgio.tb (gra32;gjl:^ ®aio§a2;ai(c^ cuma TR. hood.

foiotoxSonos (gio':Aj5)iS)05r^ KR. (BTa3ii<sajoce«(!^ Arb.

(&Z)<:QJ<3U c&i (also tgratp) 1. To slacken, a^o (3T3aDra1)(8ajO£bo & —•StuOcOjib the neighbours.

60)11 (Br332'6i3ro) CG. girdle grew loose. ^§6)^)0 (sraoi'ratgioo tho neighbourhood.

6»^C2,'Siuig) 00000X10 RC21. relaxed. fffiDcasros cmaairaiaLioiP^ the ruler over (this and) the

aomtoicSifDacTOlsooosisRC 119. 2. to bo watery. next lands.

(Sr33isroiBi aajo (Sci_i3<9) Nid. ClSirocQjej (^ & aST^ca'^(Sceis^DQJl(^ N pr.

C®t)CQ;(^g,0 ayakkura (T. (sracao water, mud) One of the 5 Cshatriya dynasties near Che-

A certain fish. et^iva KU.

(S^CainOo ayanamS. (V^ai) Going, way; the (S^CQJCLi^ ayavu VN. of (aiacaics^<£b (comp. tsm

course of the sun, gjiBiaroDcabTD-) northwards, w 2) 1. (BTa3i(Saj(93a) No. (gracffixilotSsa) To

e^afolsmDcamo southwards, each of 6 months; chew the cud. 2. elasticity, ajjlsfm <O)0ej5i5

biography njroc^raoaacaemo KM. the story (HTa<32;Qj Qjro3.i5t3)0i^c3>) qsrra (Sajoo MM. if it

of PR. fail to make the wounded leg supple.

oracB/fnlc^errf) a meal before marriage J3. aSr^CQJOBCVV) ayasaSSU ignominy,

S. (ma. a
(SfSCiUOfb ayail T. M. (Tdhh. fsraejnb) Brahma. 6ngooBhri2. [magnet.
oiacaiamScmosolojl^oib KR. told Br. m-tacc/'oro) (Si^caJCYV) ayaSSU S.(L. ocs)Iron. (mfacaq}^a(nra)o

GWCoTl ayi S. interj. Oh! (miaaTl nryc^su 0)^0^4

(gTa3!;<30orm<eio (S. (grasa'SaoB) Caraway seed, QjjJOfcA Mud.
Carum Carvi.
(etZ)CQJlfb, aSfCcoTlroo ayir(am) ((mBcagr) iron
(TSir^'QJcfie^ayarkkaT. M.To swoon; also feel es- dust, any ore <^cS\cm-^D'b MR. oiaocao gisrea

tranged, disagree Vi. ^(jg^a^SmosancBroitai cSsrm (macii^(b (exhib.) rmacculQC!^ smelting of

oolcOaao-iDCDDcdJl (a_)ai'(Or)o s^ijji^ Mud s. from ii""!! E- [(ma(nn(niDo Mpl.

abhorrence of Ch. ^taico fBiaair^ o_i06^ (Si^COTlrODnOj'^^u"^ Ar. ayiranyat=(maajaufi3!),
RS. disgusted, (mzalroii o-josroiscacDfJlsloooib (©TQCoTlfQl see 6)<m](6].
Bhg. spoke contomptuously. <®faCQ^oe<2no ayuktaro S. improper, unfit MR.
CV. tffracffiglpcete) to exasperate V2. (®fZ)CQ^fOTo ayu6am S. A myriad, 10,000. (S)^
onacaifaiin, otaa^gli T. fio M, swoon, forgefful- cailitio (£bls0(3gjay3^iwo djenio VCh.
ness, discord Vi. i]^q^.
l_ (TS^CSCQJ aye S. interj. Surprise. (troSw ox
CS^CQjej ayala T. M. A fish, Mackarel. Scom- (S6U PT.

I. CGrOCQJ^ub ayal=(®r^ca;i.Clothlino.£§gjoab (®rti(Sca)D03jo ayogyam s. = (m3C£j^c9^o.

gjgyostoiaDnti Qa)ffi5B3ian(BTaj2'ejltSi"Viratg)§o prov. abstr. N. (maSoicc/^.O) impropriety, (•ma.uctso

II. CS^CQJrsb T. M. (& (gra^ii:!!)) Neighbourhood, moo @sl Sbcoi roogiT5iar'folgL-jO(T6 Q®o e><b

orastai o^roja -i)Od34rm:oi (giasral) ojraolajio faraScfijo xntm asng TR. it is next to impossi-

prov. ora^icjo a-iiCT)la^o fsra.^lii) doc. ble for me.

ora^u^ofonb neighbour, also (BrojZ/fti'jonobl & (ma (®rZ)'Jca)oa^(nOo ayoghanam S.(moa2.s) Black-

Q2,<saJ0d>nc9s)0fDnb Arb. (= mracajiiijcusi — — ) smith's bi:^ hammer Vi.

cer^CBCQ^DfaXJ,. -CSrOD 46 (Sraro — (tSif3fDd96i

(tJT3(Bcsii30cfflo of iron, ironlikc, po. (tnarosjcOas (2) 1. loins, orarosicaciglra') (smoojo

Nid. 2. girdle. — oiaros^oao Bubo.

CSraCgcO'Df^), ayod'dhya S. (not to be overcome)

Oude, Rama's residence Tdbh, (graScaotcroil RC. (ororocoaismo half a moment, (ma. ooI^osko).

(Srataenrajoeni chain worn round the waist qg

CEi^Cgjo ayyam M. (T. 6)aQWo) l. Aims. ora.
(iiro6TOT3)0Simo TR. (marDSTOra)osmo ojoltsao^o
^roas) to beg. ora. ogj^ejo ogj^o KeiN. e
MM. symptom of delirium.
c^o tEhasro® rara. ^ssorgrrra Nali. 2. doubt

(Braro.'oraoGjl (2), — eenTl -waist-ornament,
(po.) raraca). 3. lamentation, grief. ((HT3

fsrarogjso (2) leather-girdle Vi.

e^o) oia^aaiool (srocra'^oaoo onai^ po. (ma
(QTafOgjemo half a fanam.
ojcb iffia^oojla^ @sl TP. ojiflcariaTD acLjero
(grarog-jOJo -i- pound, in prov. tgiaragjaio (Stoietm^
esacX) (BTO. Qjlalcfianm^, 0Ogja oras^cSscrra qq
(So-joajn, (Bta. Qg iH^nbo (SitfcSs.
cm (BTaoinb sna. 5^a-.o§R^ TR. also (STa^:ijo
oraror^s (2) girdle with clasp Vi,
Qjlglcqjo <Sdhs vu, alarm.
(StdCOizcn'^owlc^cQsi to be undecided, reluctant,
(Si^ec^OrD ayyail 5. (sec 5)Q®cQjnb) = (Braijab?
(sraroanb stunted corn (Palg.)
Father, lord, tsta^o sir! also interj. of
(QiOfOizo 1. a fraction -j'L,(Hraro0Csyff>5n_iO'ml<a>o
ernl — 2. a wooden bolt, orafaaa^o toiygo.
(Sia^jnb, rgragjgjnb Npr. the hunting Deity.
feTafC0oaoo=:(5Tafa 2. g)5sra®osnb rmsinbo ara.
tSTa^abojifl the most honorable of the modes
(SjaJcegoTD TP. put on his waist.
of hunting (=<aik51-oimocao5).
(Htaroaora!) (2) hips. ora.'tiTlaTa 55ajs^5i<0>osirE.
cSY^c^^nnnl ayyanni («aa?) a field that yields
srarai^Qces girdle. — rsrara^QcBs)! Arb, girded
two crops in a year, chief harvest in Magara
himself for wrestling.
(= atferacOfflsngo).
rtnaraoira (^Qg^ls)) TR. each half a Rupee.
(Sroc^ocoTlrDo ayyayiram 5000 {s)^^). (Biao^fara^ by halves, as medicines.
(®f?)(B(§)0, osrccgj'^cgjo ayyo, ayyayyo 5. Interj. (8Taft)S)55a.iS)a() (prov.) a tolerable physician.

of pain, grief, alas! .•BiaS^o aQ)<Tnl6!5)3o)CT) (@ n. Royal, in otara

oSi'&ro or (®t)(OCiU (imaro-oj)

So tJ>1grno CG-. c5raS2]0 ng)aToggraralrrf) StaiDorra am etc.

KDQ po. fma35jOti_ioa_io what a pity! — @3(® I. oSr^rQo aram T. M. C. (V^mrafis) 1. A file.

fsra'i^ggajnb such a compassionate person, also f5TarooS)Q_i3sl, (STarasiojosl filings, tgrafao exa^o

imaS^osoojo compassion. 5n§ roo^sigqosl^ Bhr, 2. edge of rice husk

I. (G^ro ara 5. (^-^ (grai-o^ decrease) 1. Half. etc. sharpness, o)o_jaBajip)«5ig5)CUcS« (graraa^gj

(giarosiojsnzfjrTlsmsiro^oaisrn RC 133, an arrow prov. igiafDaroal^fao Vi.

shaped like a half moon. 2. the middle of II. (©rsrOa S. (\'^(ora(b=G.airo) Swift. 2. wheel's

the body, loins, waist (=@s, m§) (Hiarao^o spoke (po.)

(tnejojjo aoma fainted; (SiaoifOtes aflcb (mtfitsaool (SmfOdSj^ ara'Jfallu (imaracs^ai) Grinding stone.

^. Bhr. (srarocdJldi or isiaQrocea aicaolg a^id a?t)fOae6^0fl) arakkaii t.m. (Tdbh. a^dosa^)
6n§(2Q_iocsi^ Mud. led to execution, rararoailral) a 1, A Raxasa (graracSsfbasriTl KR. Ravana.
eng I have it in the girdle. 2. a miser; a kind of ant MC. (prh, from

Cpds. fgrarocBsiorob -i.rara-'oafioral) nooifl-a) cs^-uaejo (3rafOc0s).

not even 4 minutes. (Biarad^aiora^ ruailoa 1] *^/o (1Sif^fDdB6i arakklj T.M.C.(T'ihh.faDcS£Qa, EUO:e£no)

interest. 1. Gumlac, sealing-wax. coiafad3s Sfmnb zoocroo

(!jTarace>3^o:a'o, — ^§ short garment Vi. ©rolcnjaJD.-a^osmogjojoolji.r) QjloQ,caayo-3txi

(BiafOtSgtfriA small box used as purse. roaai 5)-QJ'g;| KR, mountaineers. — imaracOa ouo
(m:(b£t{^ — -®r 47 (eYC(D.aJ — (JS<^(biSfGo

of the 0ajcacraigiJo-3i3c>o TR. — of two kinds (®f5rO.QJOfb arajail T. M. C. Te. (rt.063o) King,

o-i^focea, (2<S)0ejroces GP 75. the latter also also (srarac-anb KR. (Starocanb vu. (gtDra.aJit6 ajl

emorah oljS(SC2.o prov. after checkmate.

(grarotaslgjo Bhr. the lac palace (eg'^ScooDo S.) csraro^noc/so, — acSs'.cb Royal family.

2. red grarocBsioaaj'al) red Nymphaja (sra.'onloo (srarojiJo, 'Hrara.Qj 1. Royalty (grarojiiDor^ ^sesal

crimson. Bhr. began to reign g3g.caoc'D0CSin§s1iS.^j

(Si^fDcQ^enOo araksanam S. 1. Not preserv- cSio KR. co-regency, fsraro^ o^iioa^, sj.Utflsi

ing <sKiCO:S£a\<S)OOJow «)063oaj Bhr. 2. tmafo Vi. give check, orara^ajo^ reign. 2. con-

ojfiBG^ai to order,
q. v. + c8£asmo half a moment. stitution 073fajiii§:a>,

settle. Ota. otaiP^snn^, aiplsraig) to be without

(®fcrQo9^crOoaraksasamS. (roceai^^) <s.iiojj^.o

head or order Vi. S.oiaro-ojrrfaiaroai'OiTA,

(5ta'0ocsil§o KR. The world will be freed from
(STaroo'SQjoati-joCCh. (hence aJOira-aj Hibis-
the Raxasas.
cus populneus). (313^^3^01^^ a grass (S.
(Gr^rocoot) aragaii (?) Eel mc
aSr?;ro6S«^ arannUT.M.(Tdbh. rooODo)!. A stage,
(tSrcrosrWiSlrub arannil The buttress tree (?=
scene, place for public exhibition (^a-a^ajra,
(aarol) @rDT3jro6!5Q3gs Bhr. (jra^teaaca'gj (Siaro
CSfZ(Ci% aradu Wooden axletree (opp. uaSojai) Vi.
€SB<Si^ prov. not in a corner, publicly, orara
(Sf^JfD^dQj see (tSrZJfD^dft).
ssqo (3K)§ces)g.Gjjo truooacfi;^@aaj(b KU. convict-
(Sr^fOerD arana T. M. Tu. The green house-
ed or suspected of breach of caste, 2. the
lizard, Lacerta interpunctula, said to be poi-
cloth with which puppet-players cover them-
sonous (tgra. 5ifwosorat QSSicn aosmo prov. &
selves (3T3. ojls^lito Vi. to fix that cloth o_jl
forgetful ((gra'tSa 20,wl); hence (gta'a^tflS 6itj
^laaoGJ Era. ^lOal for a marriage (po.)
(a61d3s)oronf) forgetful. (SiQdjlg.jiP.tiiaTlnm.'Osmaid)
3. & (srarossQo Srlrangam &w£\iss al-^rai-ai) (SK> I

CBii_iOtLi5)aj KR.
fo)EBp0Dej TP. [adulteress.
(©^ro&nol arani S. Wood kindled by attrition,
Cpds. (giarossQiplcCa to disgrace publicly f. i. an
Prerana spin. fig. ^a»aj03i(lfold)35)cmoro«)6irT')l
(BTaraasBtplcs^S) to disgrace oneself.

(HrarossBl^a)) to commence B.
(5rara(2«J8Q,c95 to exhibit publicly.
caoi-tib aSlccajOt) ^^uoodo Bhg.
(sraraSeoBOOo public exhibition, a play; mo.
(3iafDsrnli2(io=^0g KU. (ararosirnlia^o raiacrni

<&)lP^o96) to open the stage with the farces

(©^(0)32/^0 KR. in sacrifice.
of the buffoon, (graajcbcsa fgro. <£biplih(2aj
(BiarDsmicSsfiaarra amcd.
emo TP. she may exhibit herself as an
(©Oroeni) aran T. a M. Stronghold (oiarosmjo?)
accomplished gymnast,
(sraf^emlcSsi to be perverse; (Biarosm^g-i being
(srarosssBOQ a drama, ma'ooicm 2000 &Qfyl impregnable Vi. — (Starosni^aurab aTiiPcOalnbjjo

<9) cQjipl-^, ma. oo^ajemo <DnaiD.fi3l-^ •Q.hf\ tal^d) RC 13. at the eastern gate of the fort.

erora) TR. (tSfa(Q&nOjo aranyam s. ((Siai-osmo far) Forest.

cSi^fDGS^ cfe arauiiu-j^a T. M. (oraracs^a)) & v. a. (Si^rorGTl ara6i S. (ora) Uneasiness.

(JSf^COcSQx&iy oOeil Bruising gently, to remove (STOfD.TjrOio arattam (Tdbh. focaojo) Red, an
the husk by rubbing. offering of cliunam & saffron. (SaiDairav-tJiao ch

(5T3ra«3i3rol) the socket on which a door turns, ffsrajj a med. (BTara.isiacyo amiioiaraa^o gjemdtel

also taTorosoBfcl) ti^lasajool Vi, MM. (prh. = (aiaiOi3i3)).

(S^rororSl — 'Cr*' roojo 48 (SYCroQjl — (&-6cS]

(BTD.' T. M. Alpiiiia galanga, mod. root. also (sra.'O^, (Br5ra.ij(rrnl(32jrDaiab RC7. Siva as

jijajcim (STD. & jjjloorofnTO) Alpin. gal. minor. n_inmcogcfa6mn6. 2.'uo loud noise.

(Si^tiarnl aratni S. (coamo) Cubit tsra'coa srm^ c®f3fDOJl'^'Qo aravind'am T. Lotus, orarT^x^iJo

oT)tro''i" gDfoloj.tggmoej KR. 'TiPvitrb lotus-eyed CCh.

aS^(t>(y3) see (C^fOjaJ.

(GH'CfDCu) arail Tdbh. a00ci> Siva «aci<m ^^
0;onb RC. (sraronb (Oionfc ^jrasajoao aQfSioT) <oi3 (Srattj^ce,, sn^ (So-JDcfe aralu'j^a T. M. C.(v''

(013 rOtftfcloes). Mantr. (inafw) To shrink, also ora^meaz/TJiaora!) (m>'^£^

(Sif^fOfflOO aramana (II(B-iaro)T.M.C.Tu. King's Cal. — met. siot63q tsiafDongcSiuocsi'l vu. (cause

house, palace, court, (sraro^siro cro/D^fDl^lna of being bent & stunted),

(ts^xionb J3ri{®030ro0 KR. [bolt. a. V. (SfZ)ro|d95, £\m>(^(Bi !• To frighten,

i(5r?i(0(2!2 aramnia =t5T3ra0 2. (igrara) Wooden alarm (9>Dialnr)^0Oiiro (STgjslfsraros^ msnmonb

(S^fDc:^^^) arayail (=(BT3ro-ainb) 1. Hereditary- CG. — also tsTaragl^ iSia'fh Cal. — 2. (srara^

chief of Muckuwas. (ffrarocara^rao 0rotSo->Drt3oci53o (@sl (huntg.) to start, rouse game, scare up.

TR. 2. a southern fishercastfe (c&iotfflrai tsra & CV. (^9jld35»0ff)(t) aj05)g_jSl(3cflS)5mo aQ}rCV> CO

<&,srol) (Sta.) a chief, called ^gligooOTarooz/nb Qcm raiarrasl^rolcfisTo TR. had them

o)G})0§6m3g\(b <95o:ijafmD0(O) (znl<S«^5ir!g^. chief

brought together by threats.

of aiDcarob (5T3'<b is 5)^axni'ai> i-HiarDcoJob or s^jii CS^rt)^ (willow B.) 1. Nerium, ^ajnm (BT3.

cnjloA s)a_iraaiiab (groracajtb in Chertala, Trav. N. odorum — 6)aj§.>-T3i3) (ffra. (see, (graiirol). 2. loc.

3. a tribe of mountaineers; — fern, (maroain. Plumieria acuminata.

Cpds. oraracQ/'frno (foaga.'iDccroo) royal swan tgra. (&Z>(0&) S. — 5).xjr330fDo Calosanthes iud.

(Bo_iDo)aj o)aj§.K2a ansifo^ KR. iTSrSfDD^cftio araja-^am S. 1. Kiugiess .-m'zo

(aiarooi'oral) (tsraro^) Ficus religiosa ({utacaj Hio wi^cQo fo.-Qfijlcaa Mud. (sn'0O32neamo_i9o oq

S.) QjlsiO^onb rara'tulej (Srj_joai5)aj Bhr4. gjDo. 2. anarchy orarao^BifoiJOBl tsranosin

(gia'cLnai<S'c)e) SojoaiSoj ^Sajoo (3T3)5rals)ii_i§o «3i3c)a. [(sraral.

Bhg7. — (QigLjracQJDfai) a wild kind of figtre". (©rOfDDr^ araSi S. (disfavor) Enemy (po.) also

(BraraotlraltftoaxinDCDo KU. (T. (grarojirifran'jicSsi) I. ctSTOfOl aris.l.= (3Tarao(tJ)lf.i.(maralc730nbTamer

royal dominion. of foes. 2. =:aDrol, Vishnu iBTaro^csjo (sraraaao

CEfSfDCQ^ dfti arayu-^a T. M. C.Tu.(V^tBrafD3) To (Anj.)

be bruised (Sioiod) fffiarOfjrmoiSa-joCQTl (=:g)ro6T3ro), (Hraralojronf) Hanuman AR 5. orafolojlfotb oia^

ojrao* AR 6.
CG. from fetters. II. (Si^fOlariT.M.(T. (tnaral^G. oryzaC.tgradtel)
VN. (StadDQj grinding. (araroQjo (S_aif^5)ajcSa 1. Grain of rice, freed from chaff, mgj (.Ufa^o^an

add seasoning powder, p! (ft.-aic^ fsraro^co/Octol Sil. — met.Qor)5)gjnm 'Scuo

a. V. C®f06)fQje© To grind to powder, (sraa^ro
5)ai !5a=2i^sloiooos>rQ5^n'n^aooo^fDl(Sa_j05)iucQ/'3

^(3) ^^^Ofat) 1^611823 SKoiolceso Vi. (marro)i

(95)1 _Qi5)0^CDro3l,Si'nT3)KeiN2. (by instruction).

<iD5i6irogjDnb (BioiSTOD prov. tgraojro^ foifraajDot)

2. rice given as payment, measure of rice

OLjQjfOJo asng (to prepare & administer physic),

(a_iBTaf51 10 Edangalis, of (513^1 not of siongj).

ajslgjorroofficn a5nga(S)o prov. (SK)S)a^ (mfol<a (giarol (oTloaDSOO Soi,^ ^@g TP. good for nothing
also to instigate; SfaicSasirocesi to ruminate. but to draw pay. (srarolcs^o sjjijajajo 6i-0io§

VN. (Brattjgi powdering; herbs used to clean TP. to Nayers for war. tgraojonfco (marala^o

the head of oil Vi. (0)6rT|lr!Bo og)vOial§l^ (or acmalgj) he has not

OSfSfOQJo aravam S. 1. Noiseless T.M. serpent, yet eaten the last, did not die. (grarolcj^ois cn\Q.o
(Srz)f61 — (©roroloeei 49 (srsrolga,— (isrz)rDlca)

6i<0iO5ng ^cesisira Guma Ti. escaped because VN. fgrariTlgi 1. sifting, straining ma. &\W^a^

their lifetime was not yet spent. 3. any small straining spoon, ora. @6TTi^ or (sra. q_iciJ3)o

grain: jijlfDaiforafo^, fwairocarol etc. amed. sieve.

Cpds. (5Torol(95iD(b (2) royal servants, also (snrol 2. esp. gold wash (6ia_joTnfolgi)(gT3) aajcs^lra!)

cesiorar^oib TR. = Qoa5)0(b.

(graralo^cSsiDg rice basket, & (ararolcug^. Sim^ma (!£\s!SB(h ami^cro curoaj tsrafolnj

(araroloion^ceoT (3) Cicca disticha. Siajoabo-jsmraigcejjo q.qj (rev.)

(Starolgjsrrb (3) ajrolai granulation of a sore, 3. American wild sage, Lantana aculeata.
if not=(ST3ralmj5nt). 4. the webbed husk at the foot of a palm

(gTafol5)g_|05l rice flour, also (srariT'aDcjj branch. (& OTarragjoro).

(BTar5l5)g_jDOT)l bundle of rice Ar. iHr3(^i|jSJJiS

cGif^/fDlaa^aoej aringamala see mQc^eisq 3. or
(tgasi TR. (for an army.) (Hrara? A precious necklace.
(graiTD^io-jD.X) turtledove MC. (=oiaDfD3&(n_jo.)
(®fCf6l387lfV)DQ^ aringinavu TP. (OTaos) A rare
(Siarol(rylai'o scarcity of grain.
C5if?>f61oQ^ arimbu (T.C. (sraracry fr. oraos) Flower
(arafolasmrti!) (3) coarse sand.
jud, first appearance of fruit, small shot.
tgraralc2;g.QJ (2) foS^ora TP. measuring out the
araralaojDO &— oro V. wart oDDjjlSnao!!) STorol
allowances to bodyguards, etc.
cruDro rnlo>o-a4 i0>5n| MC.
orarolcaoQ, GP75. the 6 spices. <33S(ftoJ0ij(S;ral,
(SreroloJo (orafB) & cSrOfDla arippam, — ma
Difficulty (=(gTare32)) f. i. Q.S)CO^aT)\cm (sraralgJo
(iinsrarol, siaoruracruoiifol.
agjOSBQ.oa^'RC. (Hraf5l2(S:ao§ Gxjorolanoairi saio
(Srafolcails Qjo^ coronation (by pouring n_itp

W(S\ on the head).

ajl^ Bhr.
taramcT3)ft)o ^foiosasigj^o RS. to tell, this would
III. CtSr^rol, (®tifD|o see (staas.
eveu embarrass A.
(&^(6\s^curG) J
(S^(6]?(£h, (GrcroldeTlut) ariya-

ttu, — — "jje, yil ((Htaos) Near, a&jcarolsa)

adj. fljrafDlcai rare, uncommon, igrarolaz; gsuUo,

®;^o.-aio Bhr. raiai-olcai e^t^A, aJlrant) Mud.

aoaj fuisiTxafol^cSi 6Tg)oc2Jo prov. (STaimnbo (HK)

ma. fDDanbKR. (5Tarolfflca'0i-t» oorol CG. sraral

rola>,uio! ©Dii oQ^fO)^ (sraay^TR. to him. loieise

sig. (Bi3fDlc2)(S,T!i3)c9s, rooe3o.ijls)nt)o

(2cao0o RC. extraordinary sacrifice, raiarol
Scc-ofti superior men. 2. (^mraasfaDora))
QjoTO TR. from the king. ^cmroldhK^ Qjlgl-^
Mud. (aiaolajDCDfolcaisasraDaooio-iorrach RC. diffi-

OTOfSliSjijiil way close by. cult to know.

I. (&^(S\cee> arikka Tdbh. noralcSsjTo divide, aoa (SrerolaDOfV) arimail (the preceding or (araral 1.)

fflonajaiDsrerol^^ Bhadr D. divide by the A deer Vi.

number of Saturn.
(5T?)fDlcQ^d&) ariyuya T. m. C. (macSl il.?)
II. (STtrolaeg) TM. (II. (sarSl 3.) 1. To sift, cleanse 1. To mow, reap, act gently, ajgjt^cao.Tb oji-na

rice by washing, filter (Srarol orafol^Ofiji) dJigj MR. .'ma^roo!DfD^(ma.'Bl6Tai55)j).ocb^aMed. ooo-tj

<e)ipla)ai?lgj TP. 2. to gnaw as vermin, itch. ralsoicD^gnnbCG. cut off the tongue. ;gs^(S32;o§

3. (BTOfol^mscflsi to creep as snakes, worms Vi. (^555 'BrarolsTOTO) 0(S!5c:4o Bhr. hair, (srorolsroi^ ^o
(sraraltSaong (1) a strainer, funnel. (ft aicb ru^-nTJDDfiAKRr). wings. o'orafi3i3a3'3f>asrab

(fftaf^a^ig RC 35. (Braraleiiraralffliiigls KR. mow-

srarolgjlcSs-i KR2. must search after gold ing with the sword. 2. O:aiS53^'0lQS^(9) (&5>aJ(i@
((srarolg^j ). ,Qi) to tap a palm tree, ora.'ola^nm toJlcanb TP.

«S(^(S\Crdo — (Sr^fffi/iJl 50 (tSr?)TO6YV) __ (&d(^

(OrarolojocX) 1. sickle, scythe, (also (sraroiajoch). flSrarJSenoCn) arunail S. 1. Purple coloured. 2.

2. (loc.) hoc, spade. sun's charioteer. orosicu^rfJo <ertaaiismwo'^ 0I

(marDlajocbd)) Dial No. = i^ p^tss-.tcial. nrraoT) c/a~l(/olfOrf>.raaiai Mud, (BT5)T)(T)o ijTara^m

(&l(S\Cfdo, (&Z(5]j:Uo arisam, — jam Vi. (T. (U) oJsng 0316501 KR, red from shame.

pepper) Anger. Vu.QJi2 6)fo oraf^cjaajo C:3>o,xj orartSommrDiOiiUo Bhr, solar race.

ojo, (ffra. cjjly^aJBlcaofD!) (Htag^ prov. ororolcjoo (3rafiS5marooft)LDl si.'ualsigjgnB^njO'Tb ^00^0

ODsl^ (SiQi^-iTlcnD TP. he got angry. tBrarol nio (^Som RC- before dawn.

<9)a,!® RC. ora. (wara3'^» S) £>-§<&i, Vi. be appeas- (E!TartS®5moa32;o dayspring,

ed. Maplas oppose (sraroloao to ojlrolcao. (SK>(iSiemouccQ\ Bhr. woman with red lips.

(©CfOlcenoaristamS. l. lUluck, misery, pain. den V. (STj) Sio-vao (BiaroasTrTl-ai cEhoinao (at sunset).

(SroocoDfO^cQio Tr P, ora'^^cm snosmoD Nid. to see ^&Z:(Ui'^ aruSu T.M, (=!srorolcag neuter of

things black. 2. S. lying in chamber orooOQ, 11 (srafis) Old (sa(S\i^ "irregular, awful" f i.

ojfo (po.) 3. adj. tmot-raicaoo mocS\d^ziOo khd 0,TDOsocu0fS@ self-exaltation would be wrong.

VCh. the last old age. — (Brafoli^ob m. A defect, Neg.V. has been formed from it,

(Biarald^rm wretchedness, signifying 1. what ought not to be. fmo0crul

den V. (srafolct^ifls) enj'uotil) (HT3'^ StjoiD V2. dteOB^ <SajOo)ra6mo CC. ^faioas0fO3g, cnJlfoi

was disappointed. (gra'-gJsrgoiSsn gained byin- 5)ca(aTli3lc32(mo) 655(20(31303 oTlcrTlKR. So with

credible sacrifices or troubles. Nouns, Infinitives & Dat- of person. 6ira)63i3c>3 ssi

I. fSV3f?Bj (Sr7)froa^ aru(vu) T. M.C.Tu.(Te. rsa^ Bhr. would be wrong for us to do. CCD

gDRSift) Brim, edge, margin. Mca)fD3Qj vale i-^c9502iD5)ro Bcio)d3s)(Si(mur>\<SQo Bhr, even A.

the Loc. (Biora;i?rol)=-5rof5)e71ral). must not consume the righteous. ©OJib acOa

taraasaai, <£nl to diminish Vi. cqjo O"uoflfcnd3«ia»^ VyM. must not be taken

II. (&^(Ui 5. adj. V^ (minute, little?) Rare, un- for a witness. Rarely with 2 advl, (Srg) alcBs en)

usual, impossible. In comp. «5Bcbc9s)DS-Ucyalg_]'z^n"nro3@ "VilvP,— (Biaroioio.-nra

(HtarolsTlonooj q. v.,(sraa»5t2!jlmoRC. (&(gra'61c2- aio^o a wrong, forbidden thing. — Past cn\

^OOo) etc.; bef. vowels (grgrb. g-jraifD3(mosroig)RC.QjrD(t8(3iD5roroi vu. 2. impossi-

(5Taro3(S5aj (& oraQcftii) cruel murder. bility; mostly with 2nd advl. 0Og\D(r)«»'mort3)

'HTafolcnysTO proud flesh (see (marolgjsnf)). aj6mo in a way never to be forgotten. (SiSi'iA

(Hrarolocnjorrad) inmost meaning. aiSg-jomasfoiosTsigi KR. could not pass, (graraag

{Hraasaoa-cb mQ(m(2(Swo^ aji)iQj3^rzyilrDl_3jxirtb e3C£ng_jfmlaT)lajo)m Bhr. — with Inf. a^ScSsifOS

Bhr. the arranger of the Vedas. (Oiotgi, (from wounds) MM. oiOTDgorob (Brao^'caiRS

(srafisaj (T. (sn)ro^S)S>:u) fine woman. 6i:rb srara ia)DS)(d) a med. — (ffrafffitmosrorajoaji) targiaJOfOo gj

Ql1(2CS2JD§, (Braro35)i5)X103(bRC. pi. (5I3fZSajC2J(b

(Saejlnrnloffingl oj^cs^o Bhr. heavenly (Brac^fOiOig^, — eg; 1. impropriety. 2. impossi-

virgins. bility. (STDfOcSsiismo^ cnl(Tro5)t£boc)oajfJSfO)oa^

(maro3Qjaj(b T. So. M. (not dear) foes, cffiort^j RC57. aiosmfffifoiDigiia^o ^gjfoiDaso

VN. ((Sf^(^(2) & OS^dSla 1. Importance, CG. you may however see him, 3, weak-

superiority, (fftafmlsinbo (mo.o-josroroi'^so. 2 .diffi- ness. Q®5)o geflj^ggraoio^ PT.

culty, .-uoa^d) (STorojacaJOo & ^n_i0 a_iocLi(a)l(m oraraoigii old VN, <Q>osmmo<^ Mud. malice.

(Bra. ©sng Bhr. difficult to tell. @5g.<955roo^o)g_j5aj<b TR, = gDacesjfiBrmaoi

(Gy3fW.aJl aruji S. No appetite Asht. fmoriTl^ Qj(b "the unshaken".

a med. (SrZ)(?BcyDro (Cal.) = (ff,3folgi 4,

(SfSfroaD — (SirO(f^fC1 51 aSfC(f^ a_lo- (m) OOo

(Gi7)f2R2lDsl arumadi (I. (Starra) As parts of a (tS^((TOQ-Jo arubam S. Unformed, formless.

ricefield are mentioned: otat^oso curocnjo (BtO) rgrajgajl incorporeal, God.

srn^ (5Taro30O5l (or (graQ0osl) oarolcs^o odralcail CS(Q&(Q:66> see under (araraa^Si.

scs^o MR. (doc.) either "bank" or superior (&^(S(bs<yi>c&>o arenU'^am (Tdbh. oosroerra, <sro

plot used for nursery. 6n3<0>) A bitter pungent grain GP76.

©^(rfDOCOOft) arogah S. Healthy, sound.

rC'^fWcYU arumba ((Hrarolcnj) A labiate flower,

kind of groj.
a5ifZ)5fOD.nJd95o aroja-yamS. Nausea (=(313 1-03 jJ),
fever with vomiting Vi.
CS»^f?BOJ aruva T. M. Woman, see tmons 11.
«S^<^o arkam S. (\'^(sraja) 1. The sun. 2.=
(®r(Dr?BQJl, (Sr^rDlOJl aru(i)vi T.M. (I.fBTaos)

Waterfall, cascadfi. (sraasxTla^o onela^o EC.

(BraanSraiSSorunt) Npr. a Colattiri Raja KM.
c;als)ejo^a2;o <9-,05T73rmral.ijlai(Sg.o§o KR. met.
(®ft)CO§o argalam S. Obstacle, bar, bolt.
(m3folQjla)C>3 asrranold) (ST0)3i
BiiHcflsiSiCLJ KR3.
Gna iHTO^aieanb Si P. king.
cgiansojlcaDQ, the same (ma-iJ iKi3TaliS:"ara!) m^asi
CS'^'^o argliamS.(V^(Braan) Estimation, price.
oj\zi'0S)O!^an <Sa_iDQ)aj RC. (loc. {grar^Xiipl
(gY3cieicTnl5rr)32;o TrP. astrol. determination of
cheap, dear & middling months,
<&Z(U^(yX) aruSSU S. Wound, sore. (mo'ieijo estimable; honouring oblation (o^eaao
(fliarajTsao wounding, sharp, po. CLiio) to Gods & Brahmans, chiefly water.

(&Z)(Ui,6o arul T.M. (.'grara II.) I.Grace, favour. fST3a£>ua_ioai65ac)o washing water offered to

(3n(03QJ5lcs;?^5)S (8raaBg.3o aQoi'oel KeiN2. cij guests.

roonb (oTlraajnsa^aoooisj RC 118. ^cormomm CfSCO r^:Q& duVOlkkB, S. (to shine) To praise,

Rsa^fataasTlsaiocutJulg-jTbBhr. 2. deigning, adore. (Sn^o;®63BcX)S)£)i03"go aooor)0/^d5^63Q

command, fma. OnJ^, (HTDro3alff)^<g), to order, (2g,o§o (^slca rnl®aja)05)ca)3r5n^o aDocruo i^Bj

say (hon.) grasi^ijaaftiTlaTa ^raaj«»aoc0) <sa.u ajo5)«)D5n|o(gT3 ipglj DM. (graallfmo part. pass.

<9)§.o (SiOfOJcb 5)_ai<g), may the blessing of Guru mi 2], (ffiaijno, (maijooo S. worship (m3a)j]c9s

& Gods enable me to relate (po.) (Hraasgls)^ PP. (Saajam (gTO>9io@s1 (sraiion s^-nics^orai

^caorai) "by the king's command", heading of RC96. cilxioijCDo SiP4. ajlaHcoo tsraij

Royal letters TR. m @S6Q13l CC.

(SKtrm^iy,, £\ 1. to deign, vouchsafe, grant (&fCin^c<20 arcissu S. Flame (po.)

rnlsmces rooKj
<&)Offnzon<) ajroaf03Sg.6mo,
C®ra0^, oD^^ (Ar. ars) Petition, taracunb
Qjo Qg)anloB5ifOCTTT,^o (gT3«sa3<^3'"'t) KR. fmj Q^yrmlai! israro^ealo^ois 'Sn-igj TR.
fob^o-j (gTOslc2;CY^ro3(Sa.siT5o SG2. sis^-JiOJiiko
(^Sf^'^^-ee. arjikka s. (v^ (srada G.'orego
6)(aioyfan§!S.'iJDc95iro3g!l§nm 5)55a.ijo Bhrio. To acquire. mrafoiDag^f^onb PT.
strive after)
2. command, aQ)«sas)cn .-^cuonb (sr?i(Oi£)^mo
part, fffrafi^rroj f. i. raiD.-LjCTUDS^iOiSaio^o KR.
(BtQSSBSiCD ansicm KR. 3. Aux. V. eoigas
VN. (aras^mo acquisition.
cb CC. please to hear, gjasonrag) (doc.)
(S^'o^nOo arjunams. (^^^63=0^^1)) White.
seated, residing.
(ffi3Stemnj5rD0o3c9s)STr)o e3co,(m5)cs2Jo ai inyrols^iSia

(8raRSS.Qjo§ 1. command of kings, etc. 2. oracle

6"g Bhr. to cover the world with their fame
of Gods or demons through a possessed
as with snow.
person. gsmlcs^o^S S)0<Smra!) ojrm — iina.
(ffra2%,cnnti N pr. the 3rd of the Piindavas.
cxjoa^rrra TI'. uttered the oracle-
(HTo'aj<pl KU.=ajlal^(T)DC2jo^ (sec ota

(©^((TOiTD aru6a Ruta, mc, a racd. plant. ffljjjjnb).

.(©rcrsjUo 52 (tSr^^enOo — CS<ZiO

C^QPQ'^^1 cSvts^roQjo arnassu, — vam S. (Bra (iJjfD 0(53)0 S. (masbiTiOir^l vu. miilnight=:(i_)o

(V tmofb fluctuate) Sea, flood. (oilfDo. (3raaura3;ro)id)a <si6 o-T^slgjlifiso prov.

(STOSginoeao lotus. (BTaiSijDauo a quarter.

aSifORSlDo arthamS. (V^ rsra*) l. Aim, scope. dcnV. (SK)!?x)\,Bs> to divide in halves, m>(i£\S)cn

oraRSiDORjiDZocsiJI for money's sake; adv. o_iroo (3T3(?aj1;2j3rai) CS. Gan.

raiDo Nal. for others. rooaaiO^otolno asmarnl tgrasaoT^ half-moon KR. (gDO^).

rolcSsmo AR4. attends to R.'s business, tsr^yj (tSrSoL^gnOo arpanam S. (caus. of \f(sn^) 1.

oOoraiDSOQcfe QJOTO (^^o Bhg4. the desired ob- Placing, f.i. n_i03D^5mo putting the foot,
jects. 2. gain, wealth, riches; chiefly money. d^0ci(ro)o (So-ioejo ma. Sijiir^^^ej Nal 2. did not

tsracTra 5)o_j(^o oraQfoiaojlai s)a_iDrtb<a)05mo set his eyes on him. 2. entrusting, offering.

QiSiO§(ij® TR. doc. 3. meaning, sense. iHra. 0(2g)6!53cki ajloajorcl^ oraemjoon^o (sn^smo
o-ioih to explain. <Sxiao30((TO0K5iQ-oifaijessro),Tt> 6>^<^ Nal 4. confided to each other.

Bhr. knowing the substantial meaning of V. denV. (3K)g^t9s) = t5ra^5mo qjiIcq; , esp. to

& S. Qj3jiiai63i3c>o eiorrao ongtsa (sra'aDcSimTlgj give to Gods & superiors.

TR. are not plain to me, not intelligible. part. (Biog-ptaio, f.i. -oH'gjDgljl.iyisaBcb fine ob-

Derivatives: (saayincn (1) begging, petition. lations.

(SraosiDdho (in conip.) having the meaning of — (©^60! Go arbud'am S. A very high number,

(3T3(3K)(9soronb, (srao^xiont) rich Vi. 100 millions (in CS. 0aoo33iosl) or 10000

(BTOKMlcyScaocoo usury B. millions (CS. aocsofflj). ^COO srasojao ARe.

(SKxsiDo njasiCUOQ, a receipt for money. 2. difi'erent swellings, esp. cancer. (g"i03jrmo

(5T3a3Marco6iJi sum of money. Qjoyc8«) Sojosiiu aolsr^fiTltflao aiojldj m5inm

(srac!3iDDi^aoo covetousness, (araraiDSoa. ^g.5raTB»ajrBo a med.

(STOKSiDorol) abl. in fact, meaning, viz. denV. mrasmal-gj -ajasrorajorai Nid.

oracsiol desirous, cooa-jSiaoififiiocgiQlcQJOC?^! KR. (Sf^(Scft>ab arbha'jfan S. (Ved. m>k = (m^)

(HT3(3inlc9s(ajcroo3ocuro3Ct2SSiNal. to saisfy Child, the young of animals. rgye Vi.
a beggar. (BraRnDltaiacmnOJDODDain qjkso ARg. aSr?)(2ao armam S. (narrow?) A disease of the
the beggar will become rich. CEfSc^jfu) aryail S. Devoted, an Arya.

denV. (BTac3iDlc9s) to desire, beg, f. i. izcrra (Shjd (Bra2J23iJ (Ved. friend) sun (po.)

<9)S!5135)S. 0QOO6rDeIl®caiD§ UR. (Sf^C^o arvam S. (tma*) Racer, horse (po.)

part. oraKnolfmo begged. (HTOQljDcQt S. hitherwards.
tHT3raiC|0 proper.
C®t)C/2C:^ arsasSU S. Hoemorrhoids, vu. m><Si

(S<Z)^dde> ard'ikka S. To trouble, hurt. mi , (Efrasca oSfDocoo.

(5ragl(!j)o Tetanus or hemiplegia (po.) (C^ olOOU arhah S. Deserving, worthy, rao^j

(tS^fUUo ardham S. Ilalf. tgraSJJo rmonb oraauo mii^crn mQcLich Arb. fit to rule.

QSiaajo prov. Nal. (3Taanrm=:<S32,oco,(0) f.i. ora. <2a_iosioj o^eaoBl

(sraiau JiJlOQfif) half-moon, crescent. <S)S)i. S) niC^ TrP.

(sraOJjnnorol Hermaphrodite. I. CSrOO ara T. M. C. Te. (V^oraQ) 1. A par-

(araOxJajtulca half the customary interest TR. tition, room = i5,T^ f.i. @O6!5g0O Mud. ojggl

(STaaUjaojOoiaemib KU. half Brahmans, castes cao royal sleeping closet. (gTaoccDra') 09)010

which are regarded as having sunk from (Sais Mud. tsraoncSaonnlsifOteaoa-ioSa'srsDTP.

Br. rank to a level with Xatrias (f.i. en don't run against wall & wainscot, take it

oojlsl, 5)Q-iogajoc)o) KN. quietly. 2. well secured rooms; magazines.

(tS^O — cs^o\s^j 53 (tsrcolcQ^ — (®f?)q (&

(^(tnaio TR. treasury. 6^aj3<3ft5mSo)n6o (mao ctsr?)olcQ^ dft. ariyu'ya T. M. C. Tu. (Te. q^qco)

@ocmg®a_i055aj prov. ajsrsoro sroo <& ,1513)1 ff)a_io V^OTDCi 1. To know, oracfloiojnb I know (Syr.

ai^ TR. plundered the stores. cr)Z^S)S (HT30 doc.) part. (3roc9cLini) privy to a transaction

csTlsiribo ^cnjlrab ailtpl^OiTA TR. land close to (doc.) ojaiRHo (gra-olSd. Inf. notoriously, mrar^l

my vaults. (sraocs^o@03^o(3Tasc9«lKU. forts & caosi-oi unobserved, suddenly, unwillingly, rtn

harbours. — jail (Biaajsim oj^sl^ fStaocsiJlrab 6)(Tni3T3)0cr)olc2/'05)fa) oJlemaib KR. swooned.

^S, Q_iD^-^, tSTaocsiilcrK) aHipl^ TR. moo Sometimes (like 6)a_ioo,'9s)) with the Obj. in

c%o (inao^o (oflan KU. regulate the prisons; advl. part. aJTlfolsroojolc^ornlai^ora ft:)3|.o

hence: <9igjo, <ft5reo, oniaicajo. I

Bhr. cannot live without him. 2. v. n. to be

Cpds. (SK>ocas)(t^ 1. at the palace. (3<&o<il<2ces)0§ known oQcrTlcesiolsroigi'^SO, (Sraolca,®g_jo©)Odon't

(sraotflsiOif) ojocagrm g)g.0c9sig_jli'niaDnb TR. 2, know, Qg)CT9lces) (graolsroT^ I knew.

Npr. palace of the Cannanur Blbi TR. oraolcaD^', — cao^, — ojlgjo^,— c2-(2gjoa)3

(BT30g_[cQ^ sparrow (=sra§afla29aral'Q^f3l). 1^ ignorance.

oraog-jejai the door of Samorin's sleeping CV. mracSlajIcBs), (sraolcaJlcBs) to make known, ojl

room, in charge of Paianambi KU.

oraogjro closet, treasury. tSfi>frisiiom6\w^<B5i RC. to report, notify.

rmooi^olca/nt) burglar.
VN. (BToolcoriaJ notice. oaDasioralisai rgra-olcaTla-j

fgraoajDfoTlra!) tmaais^ aisni Mud. door of closet. proclamation.

n. (SCQO Inf. of (5130,191 q. V.
2ndCV. saiDxTlGjcQiSBracsa (araolojlgjl^os^o,
III. (®rao ara T. M. Blow, arao (moevx^.
roisoBcbsn (5i3olajlgjlc9«ionb gsn| etc. TR.
(Gft)Oo aram T. aM. (\/^ mao,) Law = cJO0Zo;
tgraoli^oUo acquaintance, familiarity, ma. a^^o
(BK>055aa)Oc)o Q5)0(d)lejl RC124. dutiful STta. raia
cesi, Qjf03K^tS> to contract acquaintance-
oo acrnloolraf) Soiono ajoo_jo 020,0 60. fsiao

(HTaolojoanb (= .CTSolaj at)) experienced, learned.

60Bg,§«^<S@aa(b 63. = co2alc^* or ^fSjcSscX).
(giraolajDatb o^yfo^ PP.
loc. (5T30QJO Qjoajo s^aigijnb impudent; but
VN. rgtaolo-j knowledge. oQSirragjDo (sraolo^cai
rBTaojoo aibtgraoojo^^ ojocijo^^ he suffers

no want cb Mud. what tidings? ojosr^oiiOGJ ff)c9iO§


osrcocQ^d&j arayu-ya T. C. a M.(\^rgiao III.)

raroi 'graolajo erajasBcXxfisi ©gj TR. we were
1. To beat hard, f. i. monkeys QjDS)ejc9a0l tP rai
not informed, that....sijai':Q^@ ST3)6!5ac>Dc95iol

SQjl S)5)3><a)cb (sracsrora)Osroro) s^jiJrmDiti RC15. Qjjrig we are aware, that he did. .•sracTlcsy

sicngjosraig QQ)§oea cleanse grain in harvest. rrnl^ S)^nQ,o Q_cx^a<ocuo, mraolcijsisrggEblf?!!)

(5rao6Ti5i3)0if pelting rain. 2. to beat drums. 0B ®60B5)CT) S)^m(30o KR4. gratitude.

tora)(3cr)osaiocTt»aiolcr)D(b RC28. <93>-tj)l,-ai3)Ocsjjo (SiaolojaiDrant) skilful, knowing.

0§g.6t5Bc>3 etc. (Sraqd&5, OQ ai-U-Jfa T.M.C.Te. l.Tobescver-

CV. (Hiao3in<9s) Vi. ed, cutoff, break, s^ffjaiaofsl) dhytmalaj fsraoo,

(tStCoQJl (-^r. arab) Arabia — arable; also Bhr. in battle 5)aj^5>c9)05rgoci ojlacrro Mud.
(BTaosnjnriD <0)g_jraf) ajora TR. (SajroOi° ^'ill be eradicated, @g.crol (HraQiJonb

CS^OOo {^^- haram) Unlawful. (sraoDcnTlogLj KU. &0W (graoQijleTro, ogral) (Sraoo,- 2. to

etc. whoreson. end, cease. crucTOrail (gTaoo,'3a_iDcdri the lino is

csi'ZJODCQjl.^S'QJ.-ee^ ai-ayiccuvekka A cer- extinct. OTOoenjCnuo (ma. the claims are at an end.

tain heathenish ceremony Vi. igrg^zao (sraO)®-'iJ3ao Bhg. 00 cT\j^(mo (siasinGjo

(©rOolde^j (?) ai'ikya Mackerel MC. (!naool<2OT0 sisiaxKSa Mud. eanncno (Biaool^o
(©foqoee^ (&iq 54 (STQq d65 — (®t)6^0de6i

KR. will no more be born. 3. to bo fmishod, (tnaQCigQ, 600; fgiaQ,ogoonb Npr- Nayera of

resolved. 6)S);g)rooc;a1(9)misl(i5b (gTaQ5>ajofta<a)Sm Porlatiri's bodyguard KJU. TR.

cm CS. calculation by proportions, aio^o nna fsraQoj^ 60, f5roQ,o_i'!ji1ooD5n| 60 years, (STOQ,

ooajDjajlcaoairi Vi. as good as settled. fLjfoTloostS!^ 60X5-

Inf. fsrao 1. off, in Miscmo, etc. 2. entirely oraQT-jfi^moej 64, the Brahman colonics in

mraoSaj onaxio^m (grascSaso RC32. g)5(b Kerala (64 Gramam), the singular institu-

f5taoc9s)5)a® 50. ©biaDono aosifDonrroajoca/ tions of the country (64 (BramojiiOfOo), the

cSlojonb ^-nfal^§o Bhg. clearly. 3. little number of rafters ^ Qjg.6raiS)0ra() ar^rd'

mraocal^ o^frrasjaj^Ottjb (loc) not even the Q_iaCSj;o prov. (=d)^ScfiS)Ora?;)-

least. (5TaQo_j(t23onoaiDo the 64th year (or Si^ogjo

adj. part, tmaoo to which there is not. <9)0^ critTr)'^', when Tippu introduced circumcision

tsTlfj)}) (sraaooorooaiocao KR. a cleared sky. in Malabar)-

SooroooajOnrol CG. incomparable. ajo§0oo (maQ,q6iirib (= fcsrr^ajnb) Subrahmanya.

(sraQxiib 6. tgraQXif035i5 co.-sTl ajrolfirTlfs!) Si P.

a. V. (SifZ)Qc8©, CC^ (vu.sraoan)!. To sever, a\}(mib (^o cio^ Bhg.

cut off (^rol<S)6)g. TR. oa)ggreap, 5)<9)0ipl kill, (Si?lQd&) ai'U'Jfa T. (M. <a)Qc9>) Agrostis linearis

acuo pull as under, aroo saw. — met. (fysm Vi. 5)X!ggQ,a3 a herb, like rosemary Vi.

C52JO (sraQfi^ Mud. betrayed our love. — (sroq, (Sir^Qoee-.^ arukkal T. So. M. (VN. (sraQ,(Ss))

fmaoidg the whole roof (f.i. sir^issals^nbotsra.) A niche, ditch.

2. to decide, -graQK^ n_i03> peremptorily, (bt3 f®ft)Q(Wl arubi VN- maci-A,, End. ojfolaiOTtsl

OD.oij'ajDcBa V2. conditional promise, cjjem 6^nbo (BTDQ,-oTld3sif(A MM. (SB'jd(S-sr^ (5raQ,rmlCTej

fOitSloinbo (graQ,OT3) ojanco ag)=K^ siaiodoajorrb caTlral) TR. at the utmost limit. (sn)Q,fU)\cn^03liWo

(doc.) fixed interest, ojlai (sra. determine the QjfOis^Si VyM. fix the boundaries. miaQ,(Tj)l

price. SiJiJi^ to finish. (Sfo- g3§<9i establish Vi. tsra.

CV. (sraQgjlcSs). (c^Qjgm^ioral) aiy-uraf^gjl^ 6>.Ucan fix the last term. (graQ,'^5i^oraI) decisive

Bhg. word.

"VN. sroQgjl. severing, sawing. 2. harvest. (3raQ,!7^6^aj§c05 to be extinguished a^fojajajo (Hta'

Qjlg.5iarai30«S Qja2;igJj|Q,g_jOOOCS27l KR. §0 Bbr. eso_jsaj0Qfcrn5),-Lj§(aDa><3ajNal 2.

(BraQgJ-'iJOck), (5T3Qc0sajDc>3 (1) Vi. saw. CV. C'a{(^35iS)9 (ffraf^fzJT'sJa-i^.'arago Bhr.

(Bi3Qgj<9iOf5nb sawyer, reaper. (3TaQ,failcLiral<9i to close cuarab (sro'rrro Bhr.

I. CS^f^Q aru (V^fgraQS.) l. Severing, cutting. C®it)Q fCYTDaJ aruttala=i5TaQ,trnl(iDej q. V. GOD

oJlaalm ojffiajcesi (5r3Q,c0isrrasngoo prov. torn s QjsSoasi oTOQ-araiDceJlfsi) TR.

part. 2. horrible (prh. = II orarai) (STaQ,cS!aj (TS>?5Q (2lDSl MR. doc. = orarra0Dsl.
violent death, f. i. of king=:o_j§ajai also <sv> (©^qoQ^ arumbu T. So. M.(\/^(graQ,) Dearth.

o<aiiii(ans>£a (maoajtDaj'sia'ois 0^(36313030 <Sa_iD (BT3Q,cruf3ii little remains, stunted fruits.

Oig^osTgoTbCG-) (BiODinejcT\;Qr)2Q<Q3iica)c>a S)^ (£f?)6)0:Q6\ arekka M. (I. (sraq,) To loathe, dis-

^g_jonbMud7. by executing them. — (Braocuej like, gfocoo xiiajl§la2; <2Q_ios)ej iBraao^ Ga_isl
TP. (STaQ,ej (vu.) interj. murder! (=(513^3 -oi — ei'^eoQlajosyal KR aijj'^cm aj^cuonbtsta
<ftGJ q. v.) Sio_^ Bhr. 6T3)on() gDajlo)s 3Dralc9a<a) (sragj tsra

(3130,^^3)^^ = ^0^31^^ (loc.) noa^ai (grOjcfijnrra TR. I shall not stop to it,

lataQay, etc. I detest the whole proceeding. aieDajO-^ So_jd

II. (S^'DQ In comp, for (OrgiQ six. cdTl (Mpl.) I have changed my mind (aiejl^ij).
(grSOOo — CSr^aj 55 (SroaJA — (&ZBA^
VN. mrosiogj qualm, aversion, ora. 65A§ajnb are a bore. 2. to vie (ftejcalaiSaiD^o (groaj

Vi. daring, mraigjo otd^^uIcsjjo 5)ii_ifol<S) 5):xjDf®fa)^§o <SiClgi3rigLjliycki KR.

tsraiioi'oyn RC,=(gia.ijaisrdi),
^sr^ocojfffio Bhr.

zm^fnl (tSTCeJato ala-yu T. M. C. Te. Tu. (V^iaiaej)

CV. {gra5)Ogj^c9a to make to loathe,
1. Lath, splint, palm or bamboo leaf, oraiiiiSi
(Braog_p^lc8ssmo qj^coIojcoo o^jtjos^o^
Qjo.WPral) MR. door of split bamboos, (sraajai
KR. teach myself resignation {<S)S):nii}0CO o).

rn^ai closing an account on leaves (tgroajsxTbo

CSr?)OOo atfam VN. =an3Q,fi:nl 1. Extremity,
tsia. ajnrro (Bo-iaazTl his story is at an end), o_id
end. CftJOOoai^oD oranoo aj(TOnD:ijOv'51gj PT.
Qj30Q,m ora 3J<a) weaver's staff. (gTajJt&iejaiaaTl
i^-oi^ooo gDgjKU. unbounded wealth. (HTSOO
5)Q_iD5l-3j, (ffiarolaio^a ci^3Jiu<9iJj!&'3casilRC. cut
algjoio) orvj&JTmo Bhr. (uraoozl^osoioao s^iti
in slices; anything long, flat & thin. 2, blade
or)fDa^6!5Qc:>3 Bhg. innumerable. cnla)0oo^ga
of sword, knife, spear. — chain of elephant Vi.
.ajooanmofiA CS. the circumference of a heap
ceTt.ej6S^d95 alanilU-ya T. C Te, Tu,= OToej &
of rice at its base, (araooo a^sr^ snjexjl thorough
(grannfiST^ib; loc, rffraiiieorgrci!) Commotion,
knowledge. 2. adv. as far as .a^.TStaooo (Wtu
a. V. C&^eASRS^, ce^il To wash clothes, by
155I g5n|; (sTly: SdSffl (sraoi^aviTra N. txjocnjooojo
beating (HraaicSalgjliplQ^ai, ora3Jce«^ (0^.6n®1
MR. (doc.) 3. evening (3ro^o2:o:£\ it is late.
(DS)] (gT2!Oolo)i9S)0§(i^ KU.
4. a feint or pass isra. ora^liSaTo (S^DCioeinb,
CV, (SrailctolcQs),
rara'tSTsnlfai) n_jool B563b1 .ru^, itna'S-waajoo
(srautSa washing, 5)aj§.(Scai3)snt) (era. 0doo1 a:0
calces So-jDXJO.'ib prov.
Cpds. (of (Sraooo or adj. part. (Hraoo).
(BraL!Jc3s<3)0ronb washerman. tgra-^JiSSiSnmoojnbo
tsraoosiDSJo death, Genov.
aiy^.oi (2o_i05iaj prov.
oraooasif rainwater standing in pools.
(®fS£Jo alam S. Enough. (aramaaioBhr. fsrgjcaa
oraoocesooo end, loss, damage, (sro.-^jno (bto.
croo a-noo (sraejo s^^igiiaiT'si^sSD Nal.=:2).o')1
Qj(T)D cgcLJoazTl he is dead. (Hra.tjTlsim taia- cu
CQ-0c9s) to let suffice, leave off.
ro3(i53c9) to injure. (5T3. (^SOaifmfo.-a^cQs); iSra
(:&^BA^.(5\£e< (to got ready) 1, To adorn, de-
oocflsoo6!5i35)g. (SCDo^e^sh to remedy, mend
corate oneself. raifO35rnli20(b oocmocoTl iBra'^^
things, (sra. (SODOcSeib Trav. repair.
cnsrrra KR. 2. to put on 0D9J ST3.ajff)n5o
osraooscesio right of succession to another
a^ysiialrai) tsra':^, m^g.i^Gmo eajD.ife ora'Sdaa
branch of the family, when that has failed
eiDo Mud. ^S)ra)3ceacsj^o ima':^ ofl ODzlceaKR,
of descendants.
also with Instr, (ajociusejo siZ^rab raro'^RC.
(5T3OO0OOO <&;(SOQ,^ V2. to be in a furious
3. to adorn another, (J(Q_j;mo5,^r3) ajjfruoal 5)S)0
passion, srg isro'ces) KR.
(©f^jej ala T. M. C. To. (Tu. curdles) 1. Wave, CV. (BTOPjafcrolgjlcOs) f, i. (crolaicJo (sraaja^a (sra'::^

obs. \/^(sa9i obs. hence (ftfmej hills & waves Bhr. decked her out. ciuojjlsicaj ojrnrODaliS^

KU. compare tstdj^u. 2. VN. of (sraotHiOffi,

aorali ora. KR. cru^oocoo ora'.^ Mud. made
lamentation sto JCS^o 1^00.^0. him to adorn himself all over.

Cpds. f3T3ej3>S(<Apo. the surging sea oraucQisra^ (3raiii®>ft)smnS. ornament. ^ffja.'Sta) oraajaaDfoem

moejo KR. (sraroj^mnb iHraaiaisral no^njlftil) aj soaaoejo RC,

as Bhr. sunset, (OraajaBjOfOo S. decoration, embellishment, ele-

(Sra i)5io_iDa33<ai 1 . to fight eternally as the bellows gance, rhetorical figure, fijra 'JSjoraroDefsni))

against the shore gjajSroo5GJ5)n_iD«sajoab S)n6o (Si>.aQj<a'C>3TR. instruments for solemn

(SiiPiSiGilgJ, aQS)Cm (3TO_>j6>ci_10«».ljmD yOU occasions. — ma iiasooroc-oo^'Oo rhetoric.

(®roaio9^n — (Si^eJCQ^ .6 'TSrcai^ — (©roejoj
(SifaeJcS^a:!! alaksmi S. Misfortune (sra. 03^ a. v. CSf^6)BAcB&>Si 1. To beat against, as
ssado ^ostm^ KR. (sra.'ojlaaaojo (ga^o GPSi. waves on the shore. aonbsa.uoej-STacioab RC.
spirit of melancholy. (from anger) (gT32!?j(wn3o61ra(i (Htasji)^ CG. (an
(STZ)ejoe3^jo alaksyam S. Undistinguisliable. infant, for milk) rm^srno o^naaolajb (BTO U-ajSTnl

(BTO'caoca; cxjocaa MR. improved o)o)d3s) CG. s)tnB-.ajoarcKS)Qj-gj^ rooiismnb RC.

(Sr^ej(S9&5Dajo alangolam T. So. M. Confusion O^l-Uo 5)jii3y&J^ KR. 2. to beat the breast in

(see (sraajeorarat) slovenliness Vi. B, grief. (ZiDorDiaiai-^o «3io/l^o onliiiajla^^i

CS'f^ft^ \(TO Vi. see (sraajoaral); oraaj^rol) from (gocuTlgsiai^^o Bhr. s)6)<S) (graii^slmoib

siag^lrafc oQffljgo CG,

(Sr? eJSdSj alattU'ya T. M . (V^cBiaej) To importune (Sraai^ral) vexation, mourning.

(Sioai^l (SjiioelcSs-. (BrasiiUgi (see (gra^jgj) VN. (gtaaigJlscDDs ©

(TS<?ejfWDrol (?)ala6ari Preparation, articles re- lOifiA sjifto^C!^ RC 15. with vehemence.

quired, oros^eiiflo) tsraiKmofiricSid) amao @3^ = CV. (SK)S>&iQ^<ss> f.i. (§curao (srasiaigjl::^ 0Lq1

(SoiOqj (loo.) ^ Bhg8.

CtSifSSJirfil ala6i So. M. Troublesome. (sraoKailajo (&Z>BJ(b alar T.M. C.Te. (C.Tu. (srarorolj) 1. A
£ho (or eocoo) misery. (HTaiii'a7lc2;03iJlf61t9s) to be blossom, opening flower =0ai(b (igraiKb culfol

tired with unpleasant work V1.2. o^ma). 2. the sharp point that runs into a

(HTaajgi confusion, stir, fright V1.2. [oraej). padlock Vi.

fffraLUgjoQ,a) V2. to refresh oneself (comp, (Sia^jcbcyaronb (1), fD^5i^ii(b.^nj05mnb, (araotaiajfo

(graiinjo molestation, fatigue Vi. B. ounb CG. Cama.

(sradicnj trouble QjaHca,' (sra. vu. (EifSejrol A flower, willow? (=(graroal).

(ma&Jcnjc9>T. C.Te.M. (=(graiicsy)bcagitated, (GVQ^jrO^dft), Pnra 1. To open, as flowers. <^

tired. (graaiaxri<2aLjo<0i spill, asafull plate. — srnsiS-gj crc2iDCJula^0tij<3f3 aliFlcffiTlsm @oa7a

shake clothes in water (Te.=: (sraii<SQ<&)). (SnoDcSso KeiN2. (=eiaiosa)). 2. to be hot

(8Tancnj<tii) vexation, trouble tffto. (HTgjtSato molest, & dry (T. Te. to shine as sun) = gaj«s<a> to

tease — loc. (araaiaaral uproar. yearn, long, tsraza raraejnT) aismlms.-jii) aai^no

(©tejenjo alaBdham s. Unobtainod. ojlsaioifi^^ KR. with longing eye oraiirmoiab

(Hraoigio unobtainable, irrecoverable. (5iaS)22ceca (3Taa_if3OCul!95!OS10D prov.

(®r^ejo€QQJo alambhavam The VN. fgraejij heat, lust ojcnSfsraosai^ covet-

s. (sraajo) 1.

feeling "enough", contentment, also fara^iioenj ousness — (Htaai^jc9s)0rt)n{) = f3T3Tni04Q.-iol vu.

fiajl. 2. having enough of it, vexation (=(5ra (sra^ifmcLinb.

Oicnia^) Vi. (Biaa.ioeoajo :m3cS)(a':ig!| intempe- (Sif^ejqd&5, 6] alai'U-ya M. T. (T. cry from

rance. fear, oraaid^ C terrific) To roar, bellow, cry,

(SToaiaato)! the same, eanaltacfecssssr^o cn^sn as elephant, tiger, woman in labour, gocss) cuo

m^cmejzziay^ NaLi. culgtiiolmoib KR. (graiiol-gJifola^cs^cBhg. Cali.

(©"cejccydft. alayu'ya t. m.c. Te. (oiau) i.To raof)ftia"unb ojd'oo ora uoI (3ra§E^ KR. (graeg^

fluctuate, be tossed. (^'gijonocsiJl msc02®auoc)a (S^cb (sra ijQnT)g (B.-i_j05)iJ Bhr.

(JOC(®l6atfl6)(S3ej6!5BlcBJajst(3i3l^KR4. 2. to roam, CV, Qjosjo (BTaiiol^3>a>05r^ cijoogj^ Bhr.

be wearied. <feo§2(n)OQ,o (sraiierni^ aoscrra KR. (Sraaiij (loc.) roaring, etc. see under (graiKb.

fflSinmanmDCQ;! jiJ(asK5ra)i\6ro®l§ajDcnf03@ Bhgs. (©rS^fcb ? alal (=(Hr3ij or ora^i-sb) (SiatPraiio^a^o

let me uot thus pass thro' many births. siTgajS)gj|u;tf}anm CG. [boaster (loc.)

CV. (graiitalcto (loc.) = ajs)iiate. OSTCejCUCTrb alavah T, M, C, Loquacious

(tSr^)^oro — (tSr?)^ 57 (SiTDe^eiaj — (Sroejo
CSir5^0f\)Cu) alasan S. Lazy. (STaeJoroialifl (araejtea SoM. a fringe (? Ar. alaq hanging).

woman with languishing eye. oraajcrozliflcs^ (STDGjcSsejcea shudder. rn)cnD3o <2a)§l§ ora. aS\

5)S amorul Nal 2. sl^ RS.

cEireejrro.Tjt;, (EiDejc/Bfst) alasal, — sal 5. (Sr?)aj eiOJ Ofb alubdhail S. Liberal.

(oroejcsj^s^) Agitation, fatigue, disappointment. (StOe^QJj haluwa, Arabifm

clOe^QJ Ar.
(araajnb (gra'aiDdH he is worn out. sweetmeat. [(fsraGj).
V, N. (maaKTy<9) 1. to be tired. OTisriflcb <ft5l^&J
C®ta^QJ-st) aluval T. M. Bustle, business
ca)3S)(® oqI^o Bhgs. (5Taajnx)os)ftJi ®^oel (&ZG',^£& see (HtaaJSj^Si. [astajTl.
j^Bhgi. unweariedly, forthwith. 2. to
(©(ZJS^ejaDOOl Germany, Allemagne, see (sraa

miscarry. SaajaJTlcSsiejaol coko CC.

(Ef^(5ej6Lloalekliam S. Blank leaf, unwritten
CV. toko tgraaicrol-ei &>^st!S<^ (jud.) caused cadjans.
C®r?5(S£jQ_JC/0ab alebagail S. indescribable,
(STOGJTulgJ peacock's pride, a flower used for or all-pervading o-iraaoto^Daj or eflajnb (BT0)a)3

cra^awob (Hra. AR4.

(Cit)£JDdB6i Ar. halak, Ruin. miaaJOdasiacsii^ (Sa_J0
(STfOSeJD^o aloyyam (S. uncommon, im-
(tSifC^ ali S. (see (sraejla^cB)) Palmjuice Vi. proper) or V^iHtaej? Trouble, disturbance. (Bia.

(ST?)an, (tSTSancO'Dfb Ar. 'AU. a_jo^ offend. e'-umcQsiDfJsostsrasejDaDjooruaol

(St^ElJlaeeirOYQ) Ar. aliqat. The upper earring cffiDorar^ls (Chir. doc.) (ffra®aiD.%S)g_j§g^<ei to
of Maplichis. a^zooirtbo aiorrnlsai (staejceac^o trouble, tease, — also (HiaSgjOc&lcmo Vi.
(HrasaiDorurao (C. .•Biasgjoaio) trouble, confusion.

tgraejanv-nra) (^oIs)^§K23 TR. ooog^^ajoT) (sraSaiDororoo TR. the distur-

OS^ejloCOo aliilgam S. Without gender, gram. bances of war (=6iu3jjg_jDS , <ayc93).

(tSif2)GJlcQ^o93 aliyu-jfa (C. = (Hr3eja?jai, comp. ora dSr^ffjajf^cfi^oeoo alaU'yi'jfam S. Not current, dis-
iPcs^)n.v.To melt, dissolve (as salt, heart) iftgj respectful.

cX) Qg;^oo oraejleTOi^ curaoajgrno tuos^ CG. tgia

(^^i^'ISo alkldam (T. ora^ral from (grarst))

QJOSSiS Qjl(a_)£iDn_io <sa5§tinQ^o ub\e^&.^o UR. Vulva = c3aD)fa^Ea--'3o also eiD^sjcmoro^jJ^s

aDg^axftcb ac6a<3jjearicai®ii jiiiggoaai-gj KR. <3cao§ CG. & (ST3^[)^fai2)0(a1mS(m(!5KDSo CG. jifl

dissolving in moonlight. (sraeTli-roiaoncesiDsm siraraofOe^So CG.

RC. 03cr)Gro0tplsnra)ejlora:3)Oi3Ziocml Bhgs. zoan CS^eJo alpam S. (^tmko) 1. Little, small.
croo crilfooQpJfmejlfira^ls CG. (5rag_i0oa.Tra oQcm a^ajijoD^ TR. as too
VN. (stoejl^ra^), (gtaejloj melting, compassion trifling. {grag-jreDraocarifolc0srm3j(b cucrra fODSJi

mraejlsajo^ro 5)^<g Bhr. CG. kindly. c^ ax)Ocyd96iao3nrolc9snm ajslcaDoaosjra oiSlo

a. V. (aroGjliea to melt cruliffiDtBirrrasis 0Dm(TO crulcOsrmg TR. low castes. 2. a measure =
aan^QCDoail qj§o Cxjonrjisssmo KR5. @sl Bhgi.
CV. (graeTlain c9s) the same. Deriv. & Comp. tgrag-jt&o^o a bagatelle.

fm3angj6TO = (fl5iplsroi5D(Qj6mo foul ulcer. >-Brag-ie3!iio = 6).aiqnfl(b Vi.

(EirSaJ alu 5. To shake. OSr^iaJ c66ij (^ T. fgTDg-jE^rant) simpleton, unlearned AR.
be worn out, grow lean. oragj'S) littleness, meanness (sra. ajogl otaaj

VN. (TO)ejgj weariness, tiresomeness, (BTaejojOQ roouoo agjorolorra KR.

<& V1.2. to rest (comp. (sraajgj). mragjonjeXJls^cV) men of few ideas.

(graejssB'al) stir. (grogjsocOjnf) rarely happy.

<stQ^<3^<Q>, cSsD Vi. to agitate. (BTagjro(TOa9s)orofl6 soon pleased & soon angry.
58 6\)

raragjcytoralcEJOcari on a petty scale, in reduced g^eotaSfg) (Sxisr^ (ZaDaaTlaoassousr^fwej KU.

proportion. 3. not merely that, but' anrrao anejljgjlaj

(BragjO^acno making water (hon.) oraSfaicagjcUt&icXDtSs cunrnl^ cnooaajo Mud. ruil

(BTagjooq^ffo shortlived. fcjffiauosmo ^oglgsajal eraianfc o^orngj CnDoao

{mag-joraiDnb (fST2)<fi3o mronb VyM.) poor. o_iaj^o S)jii<^ SG. 4. but (sragj smionb ojcmD

(Sragjlc^o Superl. very little. roi) on the contrary, if I come.

(ijragjlcQ)^ & (sragjfmroo Compr. less. rara^ocBfa) adv. part. 1. not thus 0O30gjD5)(a)

(BraSgyixuroo much, (giasgjfaifosrsjnb Bhr. knovy- Mud. not too slowly. CTU0la_icrODro^os)iZ!)

\ng much. erociruDn0D(b agjcna <aiOirmmQ MR. 2- else.

Ct?fZ)(^(7Do see orarn. oiogjos)«j) 05)ooomr)gj Nal4. nothing else.

(©rSaJOnl almani Syr. Secular, layman Vi. c/ajo6)a)nmgjos)(ai 6)jiiDgjmTlgj PT. none

Dark- called it otherwise but dog. 3. on the

(SrOfffb al T. M. or CS(liB^ (T. deficiency)

ness, night (hence oracaiaroi), (sracni3)0tpo) i^cm other hand. Q(j)cmo(til) ojoajnb (3T3gjo5)rai oj

gjo Qjma RC. 3 nights, oragprat o^cmoejo <snl 05)61^10)03) aoeJo KR. in that case I shall

So KeiN2. find by night. (Hiasigj^oo (3(i_ioma tell, otherwise what's the use. §c^naa5)fO

o-irooDSODroo CG. «nl®ido (sra^sxD rao(®lcanf()!) 6)(S5glcB?l5)y>;^ S)c&35n|(SajG(Tnl§Qjlab (STO

(Scuoc9a<3oajo5)ej CG. (aragpmag^lrai) swo cnq^o ^05)(tn (9)sn| orooc/a_iraoar3i£/)aDo 6)JiJnm <ai

oj^ipral very black hair, tgra^scculrm jiiow ^asmc/alaiib §rol(Jno sj-oi^ejo ft^nm^cSa

rad RCi42. (5ragjOc>oa^atPeri Bhgs. also (gra «8@ Bhg6. 4. except, afransrajfOJo <s>D6mD

gjD(bo^aye!n Bhg. (3)lfolc9s(2cnjoc>o (3i3gjo5)(a) <9i@grao(b <e)cS8aj3

OTaguo OTgJo n_iosroigi grumbled made a grievance

o^^ except when they are unseen. elcDo

of it (loc.) 03olcQ;^o5)ro) (SojOiftairigjTR. not till he be

(Gn^ej C. recovered. In So. even with Ace. 0ooor33o

I. alia (T. (513^5)0)01, Te. (gragjfSl)

Tumult, disturbance = fma)O0(b, c/aoOjo Mpl. ^gj eci3T3)3Qj cnl5)cmai'gjD5)(a) KR3. none

(see (sragjcat).
besides thee.

fsragjo^rol) if not, or rnl;j/)aDlg_jrtb oragyD^yi

II. G5^£J alia 5. Near, verb (prh. negation

of pronoun (sa, which in C. Te. exists also in (Sejo eiuoruTlg-jnb AR. <Si>.ck> (sragjDij^rab no

the form oraroi)) 1. Is not that, not thus; neg. roiSieosdi aQiccgsoOQCTOo VCh. sotaragj o^rmo

of (sr^<ai<3>, as @)gj of gang f.i. mgj5)fi3inDo<9n aTlrai) Nal. (sra5)gj(Tra QLjrol<£blral& the common
Cond. (BTagj3sroi3)3fai).

tsragjScas 1. at the end of a sentence is it not?

KR, no action whether good or the contrary :

will ever cease to be (can be undone). (5taS)gjD croraliaruocoo s)<S)35regj(Scs2J3 oogj^ ajmoBhr.

cmlrolcOslEeJo Bhg. if it be not the case, an 2. in the beginning before names (8i3gjS<3i)3

ooltflsi^otnTag @S63BriS(S,-ni prov. (gragjosnsTJRS fOO0 AR. Rama!

c^ 6)-Qi^^ what does not concern thee. After (ST3(S&J3 = (3T3gj®CQJ3 1. iftO^O?) CT)! a_ifa)ISc95)

a med. do not! ergo 03Q3.^ci(n"ulcQ;<sgjD ergisnb Nal 3. for I

Inf. gg-Jo ojalcs^o (SoroQjlcfifflgy

c/a(t^(0) (Stmoomgj aocnScro KR. let there be no am but a woman. (Bir2)O(Sgj0 ^smo ffiajsni

enmity. — after Fut. ajeZKareHnbooeJo orflcBsio cr)3fol0D(98 DN. confessedly.

0gj VilvP. cannot be avoided. 2. is not that, (STDSgj I.= (5i3<2gj3 f. i. aioDSgj I Came, you

but something else; raraS^o siajom^o aocoro)^ see. 2. do not! 6)jii^(Sgj.

Q^nrraSiS <3y£\wS)(iS) Bhri. not intentionally (Biag|l po. = (ma(Sgy3 f.i. erzssmgjgp but surely

but in play. .a^«i)^g CDgj <ScuO(b Bhr. q_j^ not I?

59 (SfSQJ — (ET^ajS?
(5TBgjOtBia & the other parts of the Verb are II. CSftClJ ava S. Down, off, in vain, (see (sraaj

similarly used. (Bcr)roocan§@a <0>o^cOT2»lcno roo) Many Cpds.

(®^OJdft)So ava'yadam S. Mischief, danger, gj '3

§gjanf) etc. TR. rmcesifmgjDta-jcijrnral Nid. (Hraaj^astOTaTliTil) -nJo§mo KU.

(Cr?)ejrzjt) allal T. M. (T. Te. C. twisting) From (eroQjc3670C/9o avapsam S. 1. Spaco=©s,

(graroi sorrow, grief, diffidence. (Sragjejgg ajai opportunity, leisure. i^SnmtJilom taiacuaioc/ao

cffllces prov. distressed. STgesajiS. (STDgjejDSsn, gang Mud. there is room for the first plan.

ffiia^fa!) 55Q_j§ceecrra CG. grieved, iftcsuloiajo^ <S&) 5)jiJCCJdt6 ora. occasion or cause for doing.

soca!) asTgOcftoora^ral) CC. melancholy feeling, cs^?,Oo «)05naDn6 ajagjoajiaocranb (sra^ooxoi s

fsraajoa ojejlcaj (sragjejo ojlmcs^o aJHs^-^ (vu.) Qjl^oj Nal. I have no more any opportunity

to see a war. S)&o%iasi, aisliSn etc. 2.

very dejected. rsra.

den V. rsragjejfl) f. i. SJ-aio^noDobmra^ejo ^o title, claim, right. (Snjofolnrn (Sra. ©gj Nal.

csuaJOib Q@^3(Sft)ago CG. said to all the dis- no just cause for war. ongcesi rma'^Sgasermao

tressed women. ao moo (mascDalaJS^rasmo TR. hold what is

(©fOeil alii T.M. (C. twist, also T. So.M. tma mine. (sra. ^Ogjlaa MR. confirm a claim. 03

gjorol thin texture Vi.) 1. The pericarp of cn-si3)liSaj Qjlojl (Bra. (So-josi^ii TR. according

lotus with the surrounding filaments. (Sragj^ to the statutes of Mussulman law. (SOjOoiasrr)

n5i3)D(b0o^ CG. (gra^OTaoibaTuosmob Cama. (rirttld)c)o(fi5) ©gjlnm tara. ©gj TR.

{gra^fotaoibstuosTTxaofai) CG. = 0Dro0Oi-3!). (sra^ (graxitSi 303 01^06^ deciding on the title to

gj0<0)C>cia>acTOnt) Bhgs. Vishnu. cBraajc)o ma property; settling about the possession

gjli-otaO(b(^rro)ral) Bhr. fine hair. 2. anthers, before entering upon the merits of a suit.

stamen, aiajcagjl palm blossom. (.uotPtfisSgj tsracijaiooanjnfb deed of purchasing any claim

nnbo raragjl MC. also in the pith of ao.^cXxTOD short of proprietary right to land.

fOKSQD there is ora^ GP67. 3. lotus, q)Cu '3T3ajs?oc/3tu(®o deed of conveyance.

34! = s>Qjaa ocrufs?).

(SraQjtftoc/3S5Qi§ai to be entitled to,

oragjlcanb (T. stray elephant) female elephant (SraoJ^aacyal owner, claimant, heir. (§0lc2Jaj<9)O

OSrSfiLi"! see under ora^. c/al<9)C>D the landlords. 0Og^g,a^5)S csra.

dSr^ ej rb N. pr. Residence of the Perumals at MR. his heir.

Codungalur, with the 4 roial, also called (Sro

C®^QJ'^^ ava'Jfuli An arbitrary tax on rice

(30/0) <^cm S)cn^ (gtaoji^eTl TR. [(g^o.

gjfa))5)Q_irai(2a9jOcsi)laiSio KU.
I. OSf^OJ ava T.M. 1. Plural of (srog those
(®r^QJ(Sd63§ ava'^edu T. M. Misfortune = (gra5ai
things; also mraaj>Sic)o ((maxiai^sis MR.) in (ST^QjeyjOrDTl avakhyaSi S. Blame, dishonor.

books (sraojOQ, obi. case, which is now used gjrailsinbo <ftlrai^<3{^o tgraaj^ofoilcs^o aoooawl

chiefly referring to animals & low castes, orau gj TR. also (sraojIoiJjDv'm' q_)0(S) vu.

no CBojocsin those fellows went. ^Otflalnb oQ (S^QJCOfrfil avagaSi S. Knowledge. 0^raf) CO

cm failcaffiroo^ cuosrarao^o oraojoolssiach ojd 65gj3f03 (sra.ija>f3)l (So-joRsaoiQilrot) RCes. if you

foTlrof) ^onriD TR. 2. = (ffra<9i bud, esp. the know to wrestle.

fruit-like sprout of Artocarpus. raraoj ©§<ft (BTaajcoald3a = (graol<Si. [rmoono.

to bud, as a jacktree in the 5th year tffrasiaj (tS^QJCOOClDOOoavagaliaiiamS. Immersion=

(Qiji^csrag (as of palm trees <ai5iaioe«§,-m3)g). (©(^QJ^&nOo avagunam S. Bad nature, vice.

v.i- (®f36^QJa06i l.=(Br3S)<QicEte To sprout = fm oSt^QjS'gca^o avajayam s. Defeat. (a_3>-3ri<S)c>3as)

S)ip(Qs. 2. see mras^ajtSsi. pes. ora.QjfTOcrro MR.

csifsojgftvs) — <m>CL]cr)o 60 (TSrcOJOO — (SiraojCBfOo

(®fSOJ^?rYW avajna S. Contempt. (©fOOJOOfTDOfb avanabah S. (ma) Bent, bowing

(eracueasiffio,-aio despised, crujg-joso (sraojffiasiacB; down Bhr.
aaoro^ Bhr. not despicable, CS^OJOnl avani S. (river) Earth, also world

oraxiool aQ<^ rasngloao sraonocOTla-i-ziil RC 36.

district S. E. of Cadattuvaniidu,
(STauonlQ-jnt), (sraajrnla_i(oVl king. Nal. AR.
(©rOQJSo avadam S. Pit,Mud.=<a3<pl. (©^QJPr^rDD^DOJ S. The king of Ujjayini,

(Si^QJ&nOo avanam T, M. l. A weight or measure a title of the Rayar dynasty KU.

(T. of 20,000 betel-nuts). 2. a mason's rule osrtiQjOfl), (ST^oji^,
f. pi. dsr^jcurb avail,
or level (Cann.) [maram, med. 1, — r(loc. (siaijaj, 6ioejTP.) = fBra + (gTanbHe,
G5i^Qj(TDir0)o avaSantram S. A kind of Apas. that person. In many Comps- sioj^s.-masfsra)

(®^QJfWro&nOo avaSaranam ((3T3. m^cm AR.) Qjnb he of the washing place, (Sraog'W^SeJOib
(Hraaj-'wrol (95) S. To descend, cnoroant) (sra'^ AR. he of Tottam.
came down, chiefly God's appearing on earth. (®r?)QJnr\yjo avandhyam S. Fruit bearing.
otaajtaiOfDo descent, incarnation (thro' human CtStDQJCSeYiJDUJo avabodham S. Insight (ffrgiCO^o

parents) CDDOoaajlcooaj'oiDrofflSBao'^ ra^^oi Qjissmocuo noaf3c8sioo0Da2Jf!So SiP 3.

ajjo ARe. sc/3oaj(a)oroo, rooaoajroioroo etc.

(®f30JgLDrroofY^o avabhrtasnanam s. The
fsraajfOioralcSi preface B.
bath after sacrificing.
(®fSQJ(7D3^o avaSalam S. Being out of time. (sra.
ceifZ)CLia(7yil avamaSi s. Contempt.
0Lj^smcsj^;9) make a mistake.
(graojeKTOC^o contemptible.
GSTQCUGDiTDo avadabam S. Clean, white.
(3t3oa0DODo =(3190-100000 disrespect (Saxioajaa
<©fOOJ(3oro&nOo avadaranam S. Bursting; hoe.
0000 blasphemy Vi.
C©fZ)QJAq avaduru Slander, see ^gq.
aSTtJOJcaJOJo avayavam S. Member a^rojiira
(tS^OJ^JUo = (5ra5rTj?^o Tdbh.
emoajojcainjo VilvP. (gtaajcmajooocoo contact
(®f?)CLlUJ0OOo avadhanam S. Attention.
with another body = (aTaocnarcocoo.
(5to.'oolc9a to be attentive, learn by heart,
OYaajcaQjl body, (graxicaajojo (groiicsz^ojlcq^o

oraojcjooaol well versed in science,

fractions & units Gan. (S)mgj is (gtaajcfflojl

(GfZ)QJLO0f5&nOo avadharanam S. Exact deter-

©alcs^^o (srarolcsj^o (sraojcfflajajBcb, for @ sxx)

gjlnrra en. ggil ex (moral.)

(EitiQJCJJI avadhi S. l. Limit (HroeJ;&)Sra()nooG4o

(graajcjolcaocs^ga (sraajcinl KR. 2. term, fixed

(®f?)QJ(ti, csifsajroae6> avara& — kka T. M. C.
Tu. Country bean. (srax)(^a^o (Hraxjeoocoajo <&>
time (vu. (saZ(S)i (wrolift) o®y(n51 (mnn (saz(£\

<gcsz)Og.o jud. a_)5)Scas) 0>(b mta. sioJ^Ti. armistice

o®^ (2is)\ prov. (ffrazf^g_j32;Q, (rgtSfoo GP.
Kinds a)g_j(^(3tDU(^ifls) French beans.
fSTO. ^§'S' determine the day, astrol. (sra. siaj
(S)0§Qjro Dolichos virosus Rh.
ce«, ojoai, i^oli^) fix a day. (Hta. aiiplsraro), rsia

6)a_iocmcufD=aa_iDnmoaIl(t)o? Vi.
oTilfsi) (sroajaSl aitpl^ o^Qcm ®,-mog^^ MR.
S)!Ugaaj(^ Dolichos Lablab.
term to pass. otaajuSlsij-j^sa Vi. to be pressed.
(3JDg.Qj(t)c6is (& 6313) Dolichos eusiformis.
(tS^f^^QJU^rjDOD avadhuSan S. Free from worldly
CS^OJ(Qo avaram S. (iW).u) Lower, hinder.
ti<e8, naked mendicant. (gra:ucy(m<2aj:ajfDoc!ri
(STa.ij0o lowest.
Bhg 6. (3raajcyitj)roocBJ5)ra i^auoSc&i TR. N. pr.

of a minister. (BTOcui^eanb = (aiocraejnb.

(Stt)QJ(^iOfb avad'dhyail S. Not to be killed. osreojrol see (Si^afol.

(©fSOJOOo avanam S. (G. ao, L. aveo) Favouring. (®f2QJ(fKQ_lo avarubam S. Deformed.

(BTacuciOQjo 5)ji:<m Nal 2. protected, governed. (Sf^OJCSrODOJo avarodham S. l. Blocking up;

CSTOQJCSfOD — (tSrQQJcro 61 (Sr?)QJrrOD — GsroQjcruD
harem. (sraajsrooccc^aDo ora^ff^ KR. = (aratros (STa!S(g)oao ojogljonf) (Braiiorurao^^ TR. could

ajroo also tstaaj^raocjomo f. i. ojc^roorOfoliftcXj not. Often = croocofml f.i. aigjlgjcnb (sra. asr^o

Qjoyo (grainSroDcuoofiOBS o Bhr. women's apart- caJl TR. it was seasonable.

ments. 2. M. theofficeoffma'caJorcfilfDi or presi- (moajcrora3fi9si5 inconvenience, unseasonable.

dent of a Brahman council. (ffra.xKSfBDCJOoa^cSg 2. necessary time, urgent occupation. ((Braaj

KU. is deputed as such, (HraiKSfODCJuldte enter ororac94)0ronb an occupied person, esp. peti-

upon that office. fgTa.u3roo(julgJlc9a to depute, tioner KR.)often of courtbusiness, audience.

also Qjoaj(S^fDl(S!&)D§csinra{) Q_i§6)fo tgraajsroo

uTl^aanl TR. made a Pattar Vezier. (sra. aiDsnaonb s)cao§<88aT)gj®'32JO, ora. sijiio

oraajsroocomnncnjl KU. title of some Half- giScmoib airaiajlaajcatainrra cinloerot^ KR. wait
Brahmans, whose ancestors arc reputed to for audience at the palace gate.

have been Raxapurushas.

(S^QJCTOOfY^oaTasanams. (&po. sta.ijcroDstJo)

OSrjiQjCgrOoaDo avaroham S. Descending. (ST2) End, conclusion. (graajarooanaoeJo death.

sraD?.r)DXjisrao.-i063i3ch MC. (in singing.) denV. iBT3:ij(TOoanlc95) v.n. 1. to end, cease.

aSraOJ^^fTDo avarji6am S. Unforbidden. (saxi^oudo tffta'^ jud. the claim ceased. —

(©rSajgnOo avarnam S. Blame, indistinct also 2. V. a. tajcsaTlcOfflOcag a-,D(Hjo (Hra'gjonb

speech. a-iplcsjjoMR. more commonly rfftaajcruooolgLji

(©^QjaJcB^&noo avalaksanam inauspicious, (55) to br in g to conclusion, f. i. crcKWj roroi Isoaral)

unbecoming, ugly, (ma'smnb m. (gra'sirn^ f. (Bia. MR. decide the case by an oath.

(tSfSQjaJoeioJnno avalambanams. Depending ((Sf^OJCr^(0o avaskaramS. To be concealed,

on; embrace a system = (5ig(C^aiilces) f.i. c^aO foeces, privy parts.
c(\mo(c^Zo tgraajajoorulcaii KN. cnngscooajrojsis (©fOQJCTOD avastha S. l. state, condition ; there

Q-J{ra)e3aj55ttrra) tato.'^ Crishna acted the part are 3 (STaxin"UD02eao states of mind ^d^tsts) ,

of N.'s son. crojnjo,^cLjp Vednt. oraajcrunoiiJgrgj^o

(E^fUfct see (©raojlfisb. (SiaojeTl pomfret (loc.) medical properties (rocroo the 6 tastes, oJl'^jo

CGTSQJCSeJDaftiOOo avald'Jfanam S. Surveying, virtues, ajlo_ioaio 3 aftertastes, (tyeoajo speci-

attention. fic). 2. circumstance, case (massQS^m (Sra. these

(groiaSGJQisnraio viewed Bhg. are the facts. (oJ32;«5intBTal55nbo(STa.iJcroDSnjD

(tS^QJC/Bo avasam S. l. independent, dis- fflai TR. according to the measure of your

obedient. cTOJoic'sroDaasl^o (maiic/sib ogjffikjlejo exertions. (Hra32J5>-2ioroajcrODoaTOSro AR 5. =e

2. no more controlling oneself =:rLjft)Xic/3o f.i. t/aocTOSro, <Sa_iDc>3 3. statement, contents of

letters, ojotsin-^ mo. aooT^aiDcaayo 5>jii<g;

sgasnt) Bhg. make helpless, miserable, oraoj 5iooos)Z2S)ai05iTg ^gjo:3i3) (Hra'aicb aa)^>a)l TR.
c;36iaJsVi. undone. reported untrue particulars about me. -ojnra

(graajc/ain f^sng s^^onmDchKR. in an ecstasy (gtao^(Sca;6n|o ora. TR. (heading of letters) what
of grief. I write to Ch. is as follows. 4. So M. calamity

(Sr3QjC/9lT^o,-(Sa9ca:io avasistam, — sesam (!jra'5)gj§<e) to be distressed.

S. The rest, remnant. Dat. (oraajo)a\md3s 1. as for ojlajooj-aJDci^nm

(Sf^CUCQp avasyam S. Needs, anyhow. am., 5)jiiGJ3jl5^nbo(gTa'(0so 0oq,o; og^maga

OSr^QJCroroo avasaram S. l. Opportunity, (3T3. cSiosnaont) TR. to consider about the

leisure. s)jiiC2JDrit) (HT9. <S)ro3ra)lg_jD<e9'no Mud. question. 2. because ojjc&Oiaoca o^roia^-uo

waits anxiously for an opportunity, ojna.ijonb, csylraltfl^nm (gTaiJ5)cruod9Q N. «nbo ora-Uifts

(EirQQjrrunD — (Sroojlnn 62 (®f3ajlQ_i — (ST?)Ojltf'

ud6)(sw) (Qioljy amoo ojljiJorolnjonb g^m aSifOQjloLJ'OYlfri avibatti S. (safety) A medicine

MR. considering the fact, seeing that. (Hra. «<9>o§,TJiz»1s ojlsrojijlgjljto Nid 18.

(SrocucnjinDOOo,— (TunlfsTl avasthanam,— (Sif^)QjlCQ^ £©5 aviyu-ya T.M.(C.Te. put close to-

Sthi6i S. stay, abode. gether, suppurate) 1. To rot, spoil as fruits

(Srt)(Uo-V)_irDo avasvaram S. Unmusical, laid on a heap. 2. boil on fire, be digested

rru jro

ig(Sg@Drooa?^o (BTOOJo-u-jrorDDC^'o ojlocesrrra KR. Vi. Qj»)Sejo «ajrro)l(a)ayics^nrra, e^xicraoj^na)

(©raOJD^ avaji l. S. (fgraauocSt downwards) siXisnilroDainigslrram RC. fig. aj3in-aj (oiDcnxTl

South. 2. S.(ajDcS(>)dumb, speechless. 3.Ar. sisrorajonmocaio Bhg. absorbed.

abazTr, afazir (Staajo^aic)c) spices = 0m5oej. Oiaxnc2)^b a peculiar curry (loc.)

CC^OJD^o avacyam 3. Not fit to be spoken. VX. (STaxD^ajfol) = 810000.

fS^f^S'iTgjI avapti S. Obtaining,
a. V. (sraiHcflsi & (srazliJsi 1. to produce rotting
f. i. co-ioajo
(as of fruits for distillation). 2. to boil,

digest, destroy V2.

(SfOQJOejfWra) Ar. havalat, Charge, trust,

security, (granoaijutfta 65<fto§a5), ^Qgjls^acto (SiTQQjlfOrCIo aviraSam S. Uninterrupted. 5)51<9i

(Braojflao (graajoej-3ial lerOjdasTl TR. 51d9ffl05n3ajlro:aio 0135)000)350,^ RC 3-1.

(STDOjI avi 1. S. (L. ovis, G. ois) Sheep, fsraojl

(tSfOQjlfcb avil (a M. T. C. (Siacud)) Rice bruised

c»o§==(93olc2JO§ small sheep. 2. M. & (graojl

& dried.

Qj@gl = (BTOial q. V. hence (HiaxTleja, (see (graajltSsi) to boil half, cook

partly, loc.
(5raa!n<fls5 to yoke a bullock = (gra2las).
Cpds. cstaxnsaj ooioaH a med.
(®fQQj|o©6i, asr^Qjl^mb see (SrsculcQ^ cfe.
OTaan^sroigl closing dish of Tiyar marriage.
(tS^OJl^orcSl avikhya5i s. Infamy.
(fftaiTlejf^ (Rh. {aTa2l(TA5)aj3rol, al. tsraiJ^girol)

(S*Z)ajl<^c. avighnam S. Unobstructed. Ophioxylou, {=(saomj>) -ojajcm, 6)Qj§it3Ta

CGYZ)Qjl.aJ3«5b avijal (fr.Iblis?) A devil tgra xH (gra. med.

^oejlo)nbo tgsLiRgs aroo i^S)§.^ prov. aiPififflOjl^g CC. lumps of avil.

oj-nracijlral) TP. of new paddy =ajo)fmgjCLnfai

(SrQQjlcgs avide T.M.((gTa + ss) & cSr^QjlSo
1. There. (StaojlsscnlcrK),

oraojlsSfsia aooncnjo oiaolcajoai.'m

mK):ij^%rra thence.

TR. your(=
cs^Qjl^orh P. see aO —
(®^Qj|30Jdft>o avive"yam S. Indiscretion aso
(SK>6uq). 2. house, home o^joboajltSs, a_i§a53ff)S
5)STOl2iO(b (BTO. cSiOsI ARe.
fsraxHiss <asfn3 £r,ojcno TR. mraajoinbo mraojliss
Q^g)Cs^o tgT33jl2aj(fi^ PT 1. imprudent.
cfig (S ti_i tSLil MR . s) s) CD S) (fla D .T) S) rtb o fsra aTl s ai' cfiffll

(t5YZ)Oj|C/9_lo avisvam S. Halfhearted e<B<si\(C^

TR. also with adj. part, o^jsnasib jDroldBanm
f§ajDBl.0ic)Q i5^c9a3(S5icX) sra.'aoceTl 6)^^isaj5r^
oraojlcss cn:)6T3iiro^(fls), axig^.-m^fal) g)06ognT>
(S](^ Sid D.
clHss MR.
(S^QjlC/a-lOOrOo avis^asam S. Distrust.

(S^Qj|§o avittam T. M. (S. ^xTld^g) The 23rd fgroiHc/aaacrCio not to be relied on; also tgra)

asterism, Delphinus. Qjoc0a Qjg.s)fo otaajlcajooroaoamo MR.

C®fZ)Qjl/^j avid'ya S, ignorance «)0S3:.tocdsido (graajlaajocnTl unbeliever.

foiairm ora. (BT3)<ftnT)@ KeiN. (haughtiness). (©f^QjIaDlfOTo avihiSam S. improper MR.

ora. (20OciO0ota)D.xj AR2. = 0oca. (SrOQjl^o61QJo avilambam S. Without delay.

(GifSQJlOJ avidha Apology, excuse cuas^ra rgra 5)n_jDro3a) eajoob (bto. CC.

Qjlco n_j06t!jro)(vu. Coch.) alsoi^oroaiSo (loc.) aStZ)Qjl^ = (eYSal^ avili Tumult. Coch.

cei^QjlOOCQ;o avinayamS. intemperance, pride. Ct5YOOj]tPf7no amed.=:(STaii1cei(jCo, a'D:fl::cjUo.

(SirSoJls — C&^C/BCno 63 (Srti 09001- (Sr?)(C^

(EfSajl^QJOrb avittuvail A caste of? denV. (srQ'j-o)&T, to eat. part, (macralfoio eaten.

like Tiyar, in N, Malabar (42 in Talipararabu). CV. cul.:a3iS^Doc/algj1^^ Bhr?.

dS^Qjlorb Ar. afyiin, Opium, ora. (SoroojltSsi, C!5TSa3(V)l asaniS. Thunderbolt. (grosi^cTTioiaj

Qjejlcto etc. to eat, emolce opium. §sajl (So-josiej RC38.

CEifZ)Qjlfb -^r. abir, Scented clay for painting ('S<ZC/d(6](€\ asariri S. incorporeal, (sracaralro)

the face. QjDces <2<S5§g(3Q_ios)£LiMR. a voice from heaven,

CS<^Cyc^jo avrsyam S. Not stimulating GP. groundless report which cannot be traced. oTl

(SirOSlQJaeei avekka (T. C. mraiTl Te. rgraxics^ en^lt^iio'Tlrm (BTac/arolfolraicnoois ojaaijo Bhr.
knock against) 1. v. a. To beat rice Vi. cgrarol (personified).

mro. = 55X1^0^ csa also intr. (Btarol (BTa5).xisi5i3)@ (©rcoslaeei see (tsi^C/bpOo.

(2a_ioroo not sufficiently pounded. 2. tgra C®r2.C/9lQJo asivam S. Unlucky.

a3J-pjSQ-j3(Qi a meeting to break up without (SrS^ asa 1. (C.Te.(m3CnS^) Thin, slender (loc.)
effecting anything (loc.) 3. see I. ffiTaoj. 2. Ar. haj, pilgrimage, Mecca, tgra^.ijlnrro

(SYS6Dff)QJ^a65o avaidiyam S. Unscriptural, (So_iOc&j KU. fBi3c^3jla*rai) in Mecca.

heresy,^sgp; (ma'aoiotsiaxiajoenjl^KR.
aSTD^iijljCStt^faXJoasuji, — d'dhams. Un-
(Gf?)aj.o6<2Do avyaktam S. Not distinct, mysteri- clean. m>i^'^<Saoi2ao pollution KU. (sra^
ous AR, J3jlftr)mo3irifolc0scm qrnl KR.
(S^ajjCaio avyayamS. l. Unchangeable, AR.
(©f^^^o asubham S. inauspicious, evil.
2. indeclinable, gram.
aSrOCgC/BcLGo asesam S. Perfectly, all. oraajca-.o
(©^CyjOJOroD avyavastha S. incoherence, QJO
c/asitsra (ffraSo-acaaQjo cruiaZfinlcQsiccri^ MR. do
aiifOTsTlnm ora. Nid. delirium.
not allow at all.
(S^OJjOc^imo avyakrSam S. Inexplicable, crfl
oraScora^irolgj^ai be wholly destroyed Vi.
ogooo (sra\0ocsj@o AR2.
C©^CgC/90o&!o aso'yam S. (griefless) 1. Jonesia
(tSireojjO^o avyajam S. Unfeigned. (STO^^oea
Asoca (sr^<Su'^:lts^S)<^n S)&>ocr^ KR5. Qjl^ca'O
roiojmj sijxiQsj^anb URi. (Bra'eaiSajm (Scruaj

S),!ijcm Nal. mra jjjOKScEKarrf) AR. truly devoted.

RC. (bleeding heroes). 2. in So. Ind. prob.
(Sf^C^&rOo, CST^C^tP], OSf^C^So etc.
Uvaria longifolia (aTa'(3i3)^J)nbo (Scutb Q_iawlrt)3
(Bia+oj. ..
(i_iejo amed.
(&Z)adcBfir.ctb asaktan S. Weak.
mrac/acS^al weakness,
asr"oC/9 orb, CSf^OB DQJ asmah, — avu S. (G. ak-
mon) Stone, (fftacg'^saraoib Nal 3. a kind
orac/acfljo impracticable Q<j);(g)CS^o (sro. §p@Bhr.
of devotees, croocgcoeajrai) Asht. as
(Sr^C/39&:o, aSfCOdibliTDo asaiigam, — i6am was in the womb.
if a stone

S. Fearless.
(macgrallithiasis = <aigjSg_J, (Bra. ^oatsaoamed.
aSi^C/8§ asadu T. M. Cleanness.

fSTOcaoTT) sweepings, dirt (loc.)

CS'Z)^C/d)o asram S. Corner, hence .iii@rt>(C2)o,

(®i(C3)o, (313(^0(^0 Gan.

(®faC/B(7JTl asa6i T.SoM.((5raca(bT.) Drowsiness,
forgetfulness. (Srsi^fUU asrad'dha S. Neglect.

(gTa^(^<3a-)oai Yi to forget oneself,

[enemies. (KfS(^/B;(2o asramam S. Easy. o_jls)nD eacQjo m
(t?fCC/B(C0)3 asatru ora'.ajoccriasrrra Bhr. Had no qces (Bra. PatR. easily, fsra. 6)^ocm AR5.

(S^C/BOHo asanam S. Eating, food. aQ)cnlasi (I5YZ)1,C/^ asri S. (=<sa((^o) Edge of sword, etc.
(sra.'Z3csiilro'c0a(Tnaj(TO KR. (Si^(C/&i, asru S. (G. dakry)Tear.(STa'ca,6mK5i3c)o

(srac/aSan-aQ S, appetite. ojosga AR. dropping tears. (sratc^^cOsicX) 6)q_io

CSftC/B^o — dSf^rOc^o 64 (er^jcSan — (t5irZ)rrorjjirg?

ipltsa Bhr. (ST3(c^coDrooe3£Uo Nal. stream of kinds of meritorious exercises. (wZo, cnl

tears. i^e(^<Ss)cki KR. tears of joy. caeio, (ST3)0romo, (a^D6TnocaD0o(Q_j'O)iOaoofOo,

(®^C/9_Jo asvam S. (L. equus) Horse, cavalry. (jODfosm, cojDnoo, cruiaocJl).

(5Tau>j<9)0roc9)fit) the chief of the horse Mud. (BTat^oocoogscQ-'o a famous medical work. rsra.

(STac/Bj(aino=(5rarocfflorcA Ficus religiosa. aQcm 555)010) o;(5t3'Qdlcnnao(b xiDiSflfisrulcJaao

(BTac/a-ia-jfO)^ 1. lord of horses, a title Vi. jjjlcsOtiJrocd^rab prov.

2. ScftoajfSiJ^fol KU. (because of the horse (3T3:£g0cefi3roo the famous mantram aoocrxszo
trade at Cannanur between Persia & the

Rayar's country). d3si Bhg6. <ST3!^D(Q£arol6)ca eaojlcOa, rara^

(graw)jQ_jfol<etai Bhr. kncwledge of horses. Qj|n:^oi^0(fTO)o YilvP.

(STac/aJ>TLjoajnb groom. (STa^^oscsajfaosmo the 18 Puranas.

(STOc^-isacoo sacrifice of horses KR. prov.
t5T3v-:^oaj(^nt) Bhr. a humpbacked Rishi, prov.
the most meritorious act of a king.

(gT3C'3J5)S)ajQjo veterinary art, oraSr^ocoKJirao crafwo i&iO'aio Nal. = i08.

(5rac;3_icroDf0fft©2nb Nal. clever about horses.
(SiTDcSo 1 asti S. (orac/aooo) Food, (sra, c0>tplcQa to
(Htac/ajn, (gra'JDjlaicb the 2 charioteers oflndra
celebrated as Gods of light & helpers, tgra

OS'tJc^'n^ asthlla S. ((sro^gl kernel) A hard

c/3jla>c)o (SifSeroo a^5i"§ ajtmoib CG. (mac/aJil
tumor on the stomach, moelcaa (2nn5)ro (sro.^egl
oolsea-inaoib ajomofob ooouj^teso the disease
aj ((y^reglej Qjlaisoal Nidi2.
is too desperate for earthly physicians.
CGr^fY>J61_)jo asakhyam S.l. Friendless; enmity
(®f^C/3_l(^ asvabi Tdbh. (5ta'j3jlcTnl(seeprec.)
Vi, 2. often for (gracruoOjO outrage, (sr^oyuo
The Ist constellation, head of Aries.
(sracru^oTR, the violence of the war-
(SYQcL^o, ((Sfi)6)rSci":) astam, — au s.(L.octo)

riors, (Sislcaornoojra (sracro^aocesTl, (gr^sirocx^o

(St3crv)aLUSig_j§.i5ra)as@ TR, molest, trouble, jS\
ora:^s'cetQ-joaJi}i(b the guardians of the 8
ai (STacrult^6!5Qc>3 aioernlcea, ojiP^dDsgg {sracru^
points, (sa(^B^^eissQ(h their 8 elephants.
oJjiro) TR, insecurity of the road, (sas)Ud<^
(5K)(^elc0s)OcSs&. disperse to the 4 winds (vu.
6)g_j§<9i Vi, to be beside oneself from stupor or
(STOc^oroo (BTg)cass>).
disgust {(sa'Jd&iO?)
(313(^00 eighth. (gra.i^aeDajo, (arad^araocral

fsra.^ac/aon^ a very dangerous time

(STZ)rrOo61J,o asankhyam S, innumerable
Siixjocmo n_!smcLjo5)c&3§roT3;Qnb mra'aocsT' Mud,

(arac^iai 8th lunar day, quarter of the moon, (S^CVV^oCOfZyil asanga6iS, Causeless; accident,

inauspicious (STa'sroooDlsTnlsonoay VetC. (5iaav)oO3(d?lc2,03ins@g oroodjfiTl MR. worthless

a feast in Chingam. evidence. igTacrooco.trTlcffiotsri suddenly, (srooroo

(Star^oitoo a medicine of 8 drugs. (Q_joa o coOTo calamity (STaOTarmo @S63i§2g5)(Tn RCs,

mockery Vi,
eoj^e^ (T)l(f3ajl^ (gra'cuo ^^ SG.

(Srac^cnDlliJl the 8 miraculous attainments, as (SifSOTOfOYOi asattu S. Not good, pi. (grooroc:^

(StaoiriTla, aoola etc. cflacb fem, (siaout^ unchaste, oraororj^caoornl

(StDc^ooCOo 1. the 8 members, f.i. hands, feet, S)cm onifoTl o^rrra SiJiiog^^ (sraolcffiDSifa) <0)Sn| clH

knees, elbows (?) (sroc^ooOD(o_j5mo0o, (sra qjoqDo 5)^(^ KR. mistook thee for a good

c^oocooelojoao perfect prostration or adora- wife, — In comp, (5Taaroci3b(^aOo ©^ (araoro

tion. 2. 8 parts f.i, (srac^oocoscmocoo 8 (CTUoOSo ©gj KR.

CS(QcrC(Do — CSYSrrODfDo 65 a5YafY\51 — cGrscro Q
(gTacrOfffiio untrue, untruth, breaking of an oath what deranged, cusmo (Hracroarocnjorao ojoesal

TR. by little ^.-Hraoruof^ljj.

^cjilgj KR. canst not advise a perjury. (GtZ)rr\51 asi S. (L. ensis) Sword.
oracrormj.ijDal liar. (gracrulairmos^o aDSSsl Mud. the vibrating sword.

(SrscnjoOo, (TSr^JCTviloee^ asanam, asikka s. (S^<r\5](lTio asi5am S. Black. (gracnSltaiS^C'ao

Throwing. Nal. black hair.

aSi^OrO^o asabhyam S. Vulgar, indecent ora. CSrZ)(T\^ asu S. (V^(5tan-o to be) Life, spirits;

generally pi. (3iaaj5)(Tnoft)aryc9«)do, (macrgceach

(BiaxDSjfzn obscenity ersjesBcbcSa csra'aD^Tlsgg

QjOc9aa)c)o n_iO(S)3^o TR. used foul language.

QcSffiO^o jaojot) KR. he is our whole life.

(Ergcrv^iDOfb S.(inVed. living, spiritual) A

CSr^irrOQo asamam S. Unequal, incomparable.

(SfQcrCQi^Wo asamayam S. Unseasonable.

Demon, <2Qii,Si|.o (5raaryraa->|.o Bhg. —A
name given to monsters, tyrants S_aioan<95
(S^rroaDOOo asamanam S. Unequal; un-
a20(b (srarrgroajot/ao KU. (granryfonf) cuDy TP.
common, improper.
the fiendish baron.
(EYCrro3(cn-jcft^jda3or61ru^_io asampreksya-
(Sr^OTOCSU S.(murmuring) Envy, malice. o_jfa

J^aritvam S. Acting uncautiously PT. ^siT)o 6^0fi5T3)Dra!) i-grara3fai d)lmi (grarrn^z; ChVr.
CC^rrOQCirCTl asammaSi S. Disagreeing. 5)^ fsra. cuocai to slander. (uO'smuQjnaora^fsi) (sra

"Q|0 @2gJ (Hia. Nal3. no objection.

crycaoajrorrb cjuot!3T3)fao(<girrf) Bhr. envious
fSrcrrOoC/Bcaio asamsayam s. Doubtless. against them.

(G^rrooODca^o asahayam S. isolation, aos (Sranr^ctKaio i^am>&>(S\M^ KR. envy incarnate.

did) (TO)cruQDDCs2j3t3()o)a.jro3QJii^ ODScmaral) ChVr. denV. 5)Q_iKSg_j^gga)nb o^nrnDailejo oracrycari

(®^CY\)agio asahyam S. l. Intolerable, vex- cSao KR 5. envies,

atious BalojI.m^oco.-nralsancesiDcbmTa'aio SiP2. ctsrscn^cei^s^&noo asuksanam S. Disrespect.

2. molestation, outrage, disgust. (S^or^cOt asrk S. Blood. reia(^CAJ03fO stream

(aTacrv>Qn.5)g_j§t9) to be troubled, disgusted, of blood.

abhor (see oracnj^o 2).

(&<^6)a\)"} asau s. He.

(aracroaDlcto impatient. aasmacrcoo^oasfO) Asht. (Sr06irrOfDQj,o asaukhyamS. Uneasine8s,want

orta ' ana

of health. ao^i.-oizJIvTn (HTasjaXJO^fO) rest-

lessness in sleep.
CGt^-mJou^ asadhu S. Not good, not valid, cry

d3£p0(^:;r)Cru3cy:uoo VyM. (of documents).

(iS'rs6^rrofT)a,cro_ifDo asaumyasvaram s.

Dissonance, bad voice V2.

(©^Croor^ijo asad'dhyam S. Impracticable,
I. (iSrcorOo astam S. (V'^fmacru to be) Ted.
unattainable, incurable. (sracU3a©£)263JraoNid.
1. Home, hence sTarrjj J coa^(9» & (sracr^z^disi
(Bajcotorannsi) 'sra'aocEjftSo grow unmanageable.
to go home, down, set. 2, evening, (ffrarruo

(©^CYAJOfflOPOjo asamanyam S, Unusual = (gr3

g)at-^ ^I[ ooDipliai fooj^cfflocoi^ralcaao jud.
Q^cilo V2.
mra niao galtSgjoao <Scnoo a med. till evening.

(©^OTOarOo asaram S. l. Sapless, worthless. II. OSrcrrOo astam S. rara cru on o) Thrown,
fo^ant) 0fol^ Qro3,-oro)5)(r) rocaeolcesiao (ara oro o finished; inCompds.ataa^iWG AR. fearlessly.

fo oa o Bhr. even a mean person, oracroorasjcr) (BTafrjjjTOOTOo.xjo oroj.TUDiiocan 0033x^00:0)0

(SQ_io5iaj aTlsmaiPejcrra KR. like an imbecile. ARl. she was comforted, o^gjoo (SiafT^0Qc9a

mraoroDraaj-srari (araum @gj KR. no meanness (g-UDob en) CC.

about him. 2. M. little, trifle. 'BraaroDroSa gl flSifaon^(2iCQ;o astamayam S. (I.fsran^o-i-v^gj

i@; 'sracruDfOo <&owiQ2i<20w^ TR. was some- to go) Evening, oiafT^aoz^ci'uacaiOiilairtii! AK.

(Srarro ica^ — as^rooDlfDo 06 (TO

(aran^aamo (fr. mranQjacsunno) vu. nightfall. dS^rn^ fQs^ o, ^fCrro So aspastam, asphudam
(ara'sajTOiof @«s ©xTIsjs o^nsial TR. 8. Indistinct.

(BKOfTjjjzldte S. (see I. (Sianr^'O to set (sun); (eif?)0ro fisb asmal S. (G. hemon) Of us. (srat^

s^Ofcfil Yu. Knanr^orm"! our caste. (aranf^o^iltSRCcb

disappear, end; stand speechless, rtsionr^zl
(Oioinm vu.
jgjool) KU. at sunset, (gran^al^ @ aooiplca)
(G^cf\)_irm,o§)o asvabantram s. Not controll-
rooSi^gjScnJDcb TR. after sunset, (often
ing oneself tgTa.ixjJrning?l = a_if0.uc'3nb Vi. jS\
superfluous (svoj rai"l^-a7l OTiJO^al^ cao^
ft5T3)-3i3?ltm fsraTOJ^i'^'oiJo s;iTl^ AR2. his
oolral) cijai(0-;oeJ2iDai2^ocb TR.) (grarr^z)

mo^plcQigiaiSaj TR. before night- mind is come to a state of irresponsibility.

oiocTt) o-

fall. — aioeJo (sranryal^'l^o PT. — met. eo asrecTojo^nraDfb asvapnanmar s. (sleepless)

rolR.§8 6iis3)3ck> tmarrQa^^j CC. aioiajSomo The Gods.

csrorrujcruDfOT, (®r?;rro_i 30039,0 asvas-
cjCQjo scnojo (sra'^'s-oio Nal 3. cs^^uo qQ)
thaba, asvasthyam S. Feeling ill, indis-
magg croaajg^foio So-ioeja (BTs'^'^-ra Xal 1,
position MC. fMpl.
(gra{Tjj5)0ces;2gSau, (marr^sia^ TR. [tain.
(®^pO-5rb Ar. asara. 10 'SiaT^*^:^-! =Q_ifm\oo5l
(gracTOa iijejo CQ-. the fictitious -western moun-
ClSlZ!CYV)(T5b Ar. asal. Original, primary, first
(EfSCTO orOTjfDo TR. = cionrgoororoo.
sort ((srajfj;/^_§l etc. a fine child {gra^^ajDcSsa)
(ETScrol asti S. (G. 'estl) Is. (BTOtT^iiD cnonr^
do it quite well) oja^gjo tgra^ejo.uns'OTalsano
c8oTl MR. original document = (5ia^ejDa;Droo.
{gronr^cn-io existence Vi. [ation.
(S^^oDo aham S. (G. 'egon) I. ccsmjOoDoBhg.
(S^CTolQjDfOo astivaram t. c. SoM. Found-
I am blessed
(t5if?)Cro astU S. (G. 'esto) I.Beit so, f.i. n\}6ii
(STaaDBjDfOo 1. the feeling of self, self conscious-

2(Tg, mSZOOrg etc. 2. (5t3(TOTJ0C!2jl<3Q_J0<S5 to

ness (phil.) 2. egotism, Vednt. 3. pride,

become a beggar, be reduced to nothing (prh. selfconceit. — boisterousness, gDsrasnn

@@g (graoDSjoratTDi^orojo Nal 4. the whole
CS^Xr\Qa astram S. ((giaxumo) Missile weapon,
pomp of a king's appearance. [ous.
arrow (3r3((TU0'3((T^aji3c>D AR. all
opp. c/3(nroo,
orarioaajDrol, f. — folsrnl. proud, presamptu-
sorts of arras. — 'BT3(nrg:yctol = (araxyaorol
(BiaiDSJi fonb elated t3e3^_aj (5taaO») ^rooaTl
arrowshower. — (3ra(nryl archer.
co:mo sijijcm KU.
(©TQCTairi asthi S. (G. 'osteon) Bone the human
denV. (BTaiD3hrt))d35i to be arrogant, pre-
body is said to have 360 bones, weighing 65 sumptuous. ciQ)!SinT)DS ora'^ flew out
Q_iajo Brhm P. c3Tan'ODlc2;03iriSxjD&>, tgraTUDlia against me.
cs2)o emaciation. (Sia.iDcro selfishness, pride.

(gra.TUDlsSso^ KN. alowSudra caste, per- (STa.ifio,3oajo = fflra-iD3B3Droo, ewonb aQcm sono
forming funoral ceremonies for Nayars, also insolence, selfconfidence si^jDib o^om.-^. oQ
cBTSBiraTlcSsa^. 631go @s®6SBoejSiPu.

(gracTuol;^so skeleton. — (grarruol (3 _a)oro marrow. denV. (sra.iDoiso'xn^fWjaiDo ninlialtOTnaOfflofol

(gTan"UDlarD0gjsmo or (sra-TUiil a^aa commit ^5(b Bhg 8. (SAaiDSTrflc'ant arsDonb oQcm

the bones of the dead to the Ganges or QDofgoajl:£4 Mud 5. felt himself.

the sea (in a eeiaaij). (Sta iOZ2fznl selfconceit sia. ojaJIceso TR. they
(BracTVifllnpo-xio, also ora. jifOiceafai, ota. ^§ will become overbearing.
gonorrhoea. (S^ODCYV) ahaSSU S. Day. ou.-nraioDjrjj 10 days.

CSraOTUDlrOo asthiram S. Unsteady. foTlglf (sa 'HTa.iOfr^rrra daily. (sraoDg^ <0>iPlgjDrif) sisraas

oruulroo SjjiiW, MR. to cancel the decision. ce«o to live (to be hard up).
CtSraoOoD <^StZi 67 (Sro^o — (GYO^TO
(StaaDrooDS daily (gro.ToroaoraaD0Tai0d>e4X)3.'Tb (5Tag.0S <9i^a 1- cave onro'i9>gjaca^ra^cnlnrra

6^-aJ3gJ(SaT)nb Bhr. day by day I recite. ^os^ MR. 2. prov. = a^gjy^.

(SK)-^ihsrr>o a Calidate, astr. CS^^o alam T. M. Tu. Salt marsh, saltpan Vl.

(STS^dftio ala'Jfam S. (=(STJ)eja) Curl of hair <ft

tgro.-iD^siio morning Qcbrnl.-^, ringlet (gToa>Sieocol, oniai'sajoejaa<3>

(eraSciODrDo;tg)o, fsr3iD'n^o'3o=:ftDg_j0)ft)l) f.i. cbtO) ssB'-h KR5.

cjmodo (aio<SaDaQO®o aj"finnrVlQr^o«)ocB?l KR. (aroa'ftDajral Cubera's town, prov. for a rich city.

for 6 full days.

tstaaiscdic'anb, (Btaa<9'ZnmT6 RC. Cubera.

(BracS-ioacywroTl daily subsistence, livelihood.

aipicBs MC. live upon c^S<Zi^-^G(b alakkar aT. (=(Hralo) Sea (sraaan
Q_ioe45)ie)Dsrg' (gra.

ojoTcnb Crishna RC.

milk. [KR. Bhr. em
(S^qDoD ahaha S. Interj. of pain & sorrow
fSrti^aee^, cm alakka T. M. C Tu. (Te. ojoaj

size) V^ orach To measure. ({|0^ (Sta^cm S)£r<o

(St^oDl ahi S. (G. 'ophis, 'eobis) Snake.
§(t^ TR. measured the ground. ofDoSroy <S£io
(Bta:^-i^mftejso.uo mortal enmity as between
aio rgTaa<SnDonb CG. who measured, compre-
ichneumon & serpent.
hended all worlds. o^iSifTr) (sraaTra (SooocSsil
(3Ta.uTle32^o dread of insidious persons,
measured, tried me.
fsraiol ^jrruTl ::J'nt) a snakeplayer= (ftr^^untsMud.
CV. (ffiaag-J'^as) get measured, sim^ (era. TR.
CE^oOlofOJ aMmSa S Not killing, the first
VN. (sraa-iSTao measurement, i^a^* ojolgji^
law of Buddhism Bhg. — harmlessness.
(HTaa-^^o ^sng TR. measured the pepper.
(TS^oOliTJ^o ahibain S. l. Unwelcome. (gra^J.'^m
(maa^^iSsiarDnt) the measurer (paid by 5 0^ o
caosicaof^s Bi^ ojra^rrra KR. 2. >9iD§l5)32.oro
in kind).
cioIoto ac9s) aocSs.Do ChVr. wrongs.
VN. arit!^OJ 1- Measure, capacity (ijiaaojoo,
(&^ciD\(2i(QCr£\ ahimarasmi s. Sun (having unbounded. fsraaajQ
not cold rays) (gra. oraajooloiazj asmnganm innumerable.
(3® (^sonsnj) 6i6i(rofnj6SBc>aBhg.
Gn_ioS)GJ KR. [Bhg. (S«acul§ai to measure, define. (BTaa<^<S(95oraf)

(SYSorflnOo ahinam S. Perfect (sraoDlcn a^ltoran

measuring rod, weighing beam, ^qja^i oQ
(©^riT) Qjo abrdyam S. Not pleasant, med. GP.
oj3 aj so much, how much. — sraaS'iJ fully,

CSf^Qc^^ alie6u S. Unreasonable, a-snxuo a® all i^ca^jn^'O^o (aranra.uasia'Ji-xi Qjfrat^ojonb

moo B'CDo o^nrrao zsoosSroo (HTa(SaD^c96icX) KeiN. — raafairL^-^^atS-ijOgjosTOrojoxai^oo CG.

oQj^taTl (sra:Qj<Ss> TR. vain excuses. (sraSaDgajo said too much. 2. measure of time. Qj«S0a
q£] a_iCi6T0T^ Q_)O^Qjlctte) TR take under false Qjlfoiias he comes- ojnma^sajrat when he came.
pretexts. (aralnDgojoaiTls siajgla^asiomD TR. (Bia.^aoj RC. that moment. 3. till, as far as

unprovoked, — also accidentally. rnlc'dl-aifo.i-jrolcaaajo RC 9. = aoao. rry^oao

(®D(?ciOD aho 1. S. Interj. of surprise (groSnOO -oJ'^oao gfiga^" (doc.) as long as.

clHcS!) KR. fie. (graSoDOoixv^ Bhg. alas! 2. see (S^83£2D6tml!:e6^ri_rit;'YO0Ofb TR. (see tgrasiaj

(5TaaOjT:j^ ((3ra3aDorao;®o, — cyorcjn). 0ornl) The German chief (M. Brown Esq.)

(®^arn anha S. =:(m3aD:Tf^;(Bra:iCDD32; Soon, po. (&l<^(^(Bi ? alaru-ya (aC. fear, alarm) .'maafSlcSno

(&Z)^ ala T.M.(C. abdomen, \/^ (rnacb) Hole in ^cm.'mlnT) o^y^rnl oiSisai mantr.

trees, in the ground, (sa^^^zuon:^, (Brag, o^o (B7aa<9« (= (ffiaaiQta)?) to lament, cry siojacsurtJiao

(Si.wa^oi'aral) (S-oJi^ci^o (S^slaso prov. of snakes. o-i&j^o (Siaa<9s'3yo FT, (beggars).

(5rog.0S hole of birds, rats Vi. VN. (sraaii bellowing, (araag-l Vi shriek.
(SrZ)^OJ — (Sra 6)^ So G8 (Sr3Sfd93 — (GYSiPl

(Sr^G^QJOrb alavah (soo mraa^ij above) 1. Measu- (SifStfofe ala-yu T. M. Beauty (a C. (gratP fond;
rer Vi. '_'. boaster, cxaggorator (corap. (Stooj comp. cratPfcA) fara^Pcagg jjdteoinfab .ajacalgj

Qjnb). prov, aei^jtPAgg <9!0ofonaO(b Mud. cn'SJOj\cn

I. (tSTZl£l all S. (stingod) Beo fijrai3^a)T3o Nal.

II. (C^^l Secretion of eyelids, aisma^, oJla. § Bhg. (gratPi^iOfai) nicely, fairly.

(gtaa'c5^<£>) T. M. (=(m)s\(^, cmaipl, rBraaH) to bo (STaiP<&)nb m. — aTl f. 1. handsome. 2.

overripe, decay cSismglsroro) (SojOfi'. Ilavars. rvi.
a, V. roraalcOts) (^snaijlasi). (SK)<^<3)0 a mark put by females on their hand
VN, (maal;£jf3i) mellowness, decay. o def.V. <9)0sn2DoniPa3f!nlgy RC27.

(©fS^OSo alind'am S. Terrace before palace adj. fsraiPcfihlcQ; fair (a_)^«j)lcqjo (SKi<^<^w ajra
(©"S^COlOrb aliyail M.C. (Te,(gT3^ay) S. 00,0 coaodo (stuti) (QTayaTlcaJ ajicjul VyM. tfftaiP

ainb 1. Brother in law. (SmSfO iHraaloZ/nb TP. <fi^3D (gra§l5)g_j(Soooaj (doc.)

real br. in law, not husband of a cousin, q (Sit)tfCQjJ 065 alayU'jfa=tgTaii/Csy3i No. sraipsraisroi
roralnao i^s!sq'Somroo (ma. o-jls^ScSoismo aioid) csi^ib Diluted curds, tsra. 0CT)mj relaxed.

prov. 2. hon. address f. i.of Puleyas amongst (E^5)tPoeei To loosen, slacken, dissolve (opp,

each other. 3. a showy but inferior ricegrain.

(G<^£lcQ^d95 loc.=(5taiplc%s&', (may'tSxai, jjjlc3^<ei. (Gir'OtfcTjb alal T. M. Te. (Tu. (sraai =o®f51) 1.

(ST^^dOjo all'yam S. (opposite) Falsehood ; fore- Heat, fire, heat of pepper. 2. brightness.

head. 5)Qj6nT^£joDiP6^aiy'oajsmo aj^asssl Bhr. the

CTT) ^ sm
dSr^a, (Sroacfi6i alu, — kku (V^orada) Small moon shone most brightly. 3. inflammation,

box of horn. Q-J^<ft ffia|.cSsriral) (Srgja^ MC. pimples caused by heat casmiPf3i),'BiaiP'3f) jS^aasq.
(ST5^d8ftd&), cGisTl alukku'yaCr. C.Te. quakes 4. grief (sraifra!) ojlsl.^ ajocs^o, gggyraii Bhr.
oraral)) To start, shrink, cramp of limbs = (a)lo orsiPajai, nrra 1. to burn as a wound, the eye
crulSo-ioa. —
from pepper, be chafed; ojcaoipeja) a med.
VN. (5t3§.c9flo Vi. awe, fear.
(in fBceoiojItDrao). 2. to burn from grief ima
CSfQ^CC^ <& alumbu'Jfa So M. C. To bruise,
t&.(aiO(b (BTO5f rra Bhr. ^rarmo (Bra. from envy
squeeze; (ioc.)to swallow bad food (Sra3aajl ai
o_jofB0ynrra5)@gora3ggQj0o:ffil CG. from lust

am^tFcm aDOfola.c)o Bhg.

(tSt^Oo al aT. Narrowness, whence (trraa, (Htaa
VN. (sratP^ excessive heat, inflammation (=<&
QJ, 2. a T. sharpness ^OJcte. 3. T.M. C. Tu.
tciafs!), aQ^rols^a-joralcrosrauofBo).
termination of fem. (shortened from ot^cb).
CV. (Hrayoci^i, ool to burn, as with pepper;
(®f30o 0(^ P. almcira, Wardrobe.
to afflict Vi
I. C®^^ Ar. allah, God mraggosm, S)cr).ijl

caosm Mpl. by God! (Hragg^nbo TR. (Gf^tfl ali T. M. C. l.=rgra^^ij Expense ajrasaj

II. CSyDgig>_C2;3CQJl(2Q_J0cfti ((TOcX) 2.) Become very ooaosjjo (gra-pljnjKScSsi^a^o KR. tarasiroraiP. q. v.

thin & sharp (=(graeJ<S3). 2. (T. aitfl) bar, rivermouth. 3. bars of

(sraggonfc loc. = gjOT^c>az@ari(). bamboos, lattice, railing, trellis (graiplatl§i£h,

(S)^£n TP.
aSira^d6) allu-ya T. To take up with the hollow
hand M, = (5T0|.CT2jai, SoM. to claw, scratch. Cpds. (sraipl (Q'sm (1) putrid inflammation of the

(STa^ajnb the armadillo, Myrmecophaga, eye (sra. gDS)g.caso a med.

oratflfnlfii (1) despair (sra. n^sng siroioy^ Qjlsna

N. pr. The Rajah of NTleshvaram TR. hence Bhr. quite undone, tgra. (ai§^ the troops were

(BraggSK^ onD§, OTDSggonb cuoyrm cno§ KU. broken, defeated.

(Si^tflefSrtDl— CSrStPlOJ 69 (Ertys — (tS^^QJ
(STOiFlg-ira (3) barred place, prison. Vi. to spend. 2. customary detraction, f. i.

(BTOip'artji^ (1) waste, lewdness, (Sto. Siosrnlrfis) in paying for improvements under .fttflceao

So. to behave lewdly (gra'assioronb prodigal, emo, when the Jenmi has not to pay for the

profligate B. also ill breeding (loc.) 10th plant. 3. tenderness oraipleajof <£f,a>etsi^

(8raipl^auo(2) a seaport, river-harbour, (18 in PT. bitterly. nnlcTnlrai) aipleraigiorolejo QQ)rnlce«

Kerala KU.) tgra'ct^ (S^roaa^ to come to the 65rt)i*lajl^ RC 129. love, aon^ojnbo oraiplcm

harbour. (=:a_iyQj) Vi. repentance. rsraxitSonDS ota.

(Biatf^caiiaio (Vi. (Broiflcaio) site of a habitation, <&.o§l showed contrition, begged pardon,

a ruin; a garden. a. V. aSrStPl:0& 1. To loose, 5)asiflc9ffl to untie.

(HT3ipl32;o_ioso lowland capable of irrigation W. (2a)0§caiplc95)Bhr. to breach a fort, fmoajl tsra

a5YSi:Pl5n5YS)lfTJb alinnil T. M. Alangium de- ipl-ai QOJcSs) to put off the marriage string, (cy

capetalum (grasaoejo. foio ma. KR 4. to undo, solve a vow. cLjrrni

(SYStPlcQ^ i& aliyU'Jfa T. M. C. l. To become loose, 5^CL)§1 (ffraiflgjoob MR. to cut up the hog.
be untied as (Saj-snTl, cnic!j\ CG. <ftrraS.o (srasfH 2. to waste, ffl^aiojiplas) to spend, r^c^-^
erarg Nal. as^acs^o cufrroojo Mud. (in a scuffle) erol-^ caonjrajil^ Bhr. to destroy (as T.)
Ojlrosnaratnolrm tsraiplsraig) ollena (a ring) Mud. CV. (sraiplajlcQffl get to untie or dissolve. (cy;mo
— 5)<0)§^pl6roi^ (Sojooin the connexion is severed, (ffK)':^ aroj &cn,<a>e)W 5)cx>.o§(i23 KU. dis-

oafolfoo, (SZo.iOo (sra. pollutio nocturna Vi, pensed a Brahmachari from his vow.
the mind to become tender aonocruo, ^.mna (®fOy, ((SfQi^Si alu, aluyu (see (srayaj) High
1 .

ipisroigjejlsroi^, 5)S)iac95)srnl0orolt3i) (sra. Bhr. (graaj

wall of irregular stones around an orchard
alral oraajoa aooiziipla^i^aizacail Vet C, as he
aigj^cftosrie (SToy= ai.TStJsl-g^ MR. also aigj^a?
fell in love with her. tftraroraiplsraigi croo©
MR. (doc.) 2. (loc.)=(an)a mud wall.
0^-ai CG. coloio <2(9>§ (BraaKoioratplsraT^ UR.
softened by music, oraiplsroigi ouosrargi Bhr. spoke
(©rs^dft), ^ alu-^a T. Tu. C. aM. To weep, cry

(mayi-oi^fDaTODib RC.
softened; begged pardon Yi. 2. to go off,
(©ro^dtedft., cfiTl alu'yiip T. M. C. 1. To rot,
be sold, spent, destroyed o-jematflsrarg); (ScS)0§
decay (=(STatpl) S)5)£nt3siOCi^ (Hia^toTl (Sn_io3il
caiiplsroig fhlscflsfrra Bhr. lies in ruins, c/^ojo
(of a leper). 2. fire to grow low. raTl (sa<^&cm
QjlsmiplsTmg) (srarrUD^ the bones to which the
ora^g-jK^ 5)ajcS5) prov. cooking over a dying
corpse is reduced. siojoraiPlsiOT^ (a palace).
e3D(^o crojoJtoralfa!) (sratflsjjo Tatw. the waking
a.v. (gray^tosiai, anl to putrify Vi.
state passes into the sleeping state. 3. to be
(sray<fia 1. dirt, filth tgra'^sml = ^ ^(fis. (sray
current afliP cnog^fai) (gT3iPlsroro)(ty(S)Oro0^D5);oi
cfls)Q,c9a to snuff a candle. 2. railcs^s^S ora^
TR. unprecedented. moslfiA tgraiplcs^^rm a^oa
e9s embers, slight remains.
KU. current customs. (BT3ajS)nfeo qjdcSs) (Hraipl
(Hta^ssi^, fsra^c05)aA (loc.) filth.
csjjmo Vi. deserves credit, passes for good.

VN. {gisLpl^rai) expense, waste, custom, de- GOTyiTPg) aluttu T.M. (tgra^ depression, whence

mand for. QjloiQ.cto Q^go tarayn^rai)

(er2)!i'o) Full of dregs, strong texture, pregnant
speech Vi.
jijroce«l(Tn ora. gogj dull, heavy market.

(G^tflCL^ 1. expense (esp. customary) c/oo

(tTul^cboto (BTOiplojo 5)^aiajo cnsftJic^KU. <qi (®^^QJ aluva (prh.=(gTayj) A swelling at the

U>(S)(Ct3)iplQj KU. (for an ordeal) iStosflcul^ai mouth of the stomach Vi.


(Sr^ A .

I. CSfO) a 5. l.!=(ma That, (mp) roorao u that ^ifO)d630 a'ya Neg. v. ((grgjaa^esp. ill) 1. Is not

king, (SfOjrsjo&i that person. — bcf. Verbs (BT3) that. (913^ (uyfmoa.D is not in vain. 2. ought

aTlbmvoVljinbo a.'HoScQi TR. after lying thus. not to bo thus; tgtgiaiOtJi, (BT2)i>io^5r3) adj. part,

2. intorj.ah! (S"t3)Q(])rrrao_)Osraini MR. — (HTOXimo bad, (tj)oab (srgja.osraso.Tji) prov. (Sir3)®ifl> is it

ojoa^nrra (vu.) there ho runs (— (BratDO) not good?

3. T. a M. interrogative gDaacs^o i^g-Jo ^sn^o VN, (ST2)dioa; wickedness, (SiTOj^aiO'g §2^<^

arc their Highnesses here? g)5n| CrArj. I also shall be found fault

II. <JS^ a T. a M. (C. To. m^cii) Cow, in with. (BT3)Siojj!, noli)5n cnna cunBR^S) Anj.

mo3iJ(b cowherd, also orgjcaib q. v. 3. is not serviceable, anrnlmoo (sr^S)0 good

for nothing. 4. cannot ep/o moglrab <Sisl

III. CST^ as. Hither, towards, till; in Cpds. as
ainralgjonb tsr^fto prov.
fSTDjv&ffgoc ^eS^cesi KR. up to the neck or throat

(to eat one's fill) — (STrgjsenozcmnb UR. (SifO)c950ocB^ a'jfamksa S. (<a^o5&^) Strong
desire. reT3).<S32/0§ c^jMhcQil^orais Anj. zealously.
(Sf^cSn, a-ya Inf. & VN. of (ST2)<fl3ih (q. v.) Alto-

gether, sum total, (ST^ax^sl & (a)slcs2/oai =^ (ST^jd^OfDo a'Jfaram S. ((Si©,^) 1. The letter

a., f. i. (STg)^c95iQ,r!3ia Sizrnl Anj. black all over. (SrO), (Sr2)iS)Oi'Doal with initial (grj) (gram.)

(S>3)3igj35=(STp)!&>@ ch sum total, f. i. a®y> 2. shape, figure; (in comp.) = 0csz;o, cro-i^f^ojo

tsralrai) (Srg) <9i5mc8si rsrjjSigios 5):U:£4 TR. f.i. 0oooeJOftO(X)n6 the blessed, or of happy

the whole account. (Si3)i>)gio§ ffjuissg (Smo form.

cS^ TR. the whole of the trees. (5T3)Siqjos (ST5)ce5DC/9o a'J^asam S. (&^oud, light) Sky, air.

n_ismo TR. the whole sum. (ST2)c9iqjoSs (STOj^ftoc/ao 6)0-1 o^eisTO) (aieJcoTlcai) ojlyo prov.
altogether. (SQ) Q^0'JWDo(j2 milky way Bbg5.
(STp)a)0onr)0O3Ds generally V2.
(ST2)S>DC/30o3y5, (BT3)aooa(S^(SS going through
<ST5)(Ao apm aM. (T, body, or = (Sf^so?) (Sf^ the air KU.
<9io <£hlanraaJxniP63QchRCii7. Splendid corals.
(STD) 3i0c/3o(O)0ffi5Ql a bird (plover?).
^lf3)cfi,fDo a'yaram S. (org) III. cO <b) Accumula-
fsrg)3ioo'3ajgg^ a parasite, Cassytha filiformis
tion = ani aroo, mine crojsmoarao; igcoraoai
or Menyanthes cristata.
roo pearl-ground. ainodoeiOB^rocruDajsiSQi^ral)
CSr^dSjde), COJl a'yU'ya T. M. C. Tu. (Te.& aC.
nolrrn (HrarDl^djs) KR2.
also (5ra<9), from pron. \/^csn)).
C5rU)S^^pQCr)o a'yarnanam S. (a^gmo) Attend-
I. The Copula: to be that. 0^x^5)5 (Sr3)!ftcrrafi_jO(99
ing to, hearing (po.) (BT2)c&>srn po.= (Sa§ls.
(m@ where does he live ? = where is it that he
CS^(&>cQ^&rno a'^arsanam S. ( ^(ai) Attraction,
lives? to become that. Auxiliary Verbs serve to
the art of summoning by enchantment.
distinguish the latter signification, f.i. ojejl^z;
denV. (Sr3)Qicfi3^c0« to attract, f. i. a God from
crosjS0O3i^(SQ_ioa3oTR. it will become a great
afar by mantrams.
grievance. <9i@g5)(D (Sojosai (gTgjQQjrrra Mud.
CSir5)ce5eJo aplpam S. (a>gjo) l. To the end became like a thief. Qa)nraoa3frro(vu. aQOTOOsrn )
of a Calpa. 2. attiring, ornament (po.) what is it? <ft§la5i cnj^oo) oSsi' MR. what has
(St5)cft,orold&.o apsmi'Jfam S.((ST3a>c7goa3li) Un- happened to the child? <0jcTU6nj®lc8s foo^jo (grg)

foreseen. Gunrro 0<iooi_ioa_io (ST^jftfT^aio TR. devolved

(Oi ca;(mi5)nbo Sca.-aio upon the
eoKRa. C. — f06ri| QjiplstSs) (ST3)3iil got separated.
(!SfS):QiSi 71 (Sr^c6ic63

Fut. (51(3)5)0, (5T3)n, (SrgjOJ it will be thus, just (SrOjOBo (=(sr3)S^e4o) f. i. (S<a)0§airi(ol) oQisroDcrao

so (=(5TaS(ij)). Qjnmofsl) <z<^ oq^o^ (sra'Q_) Bhr. somewhere about the fort. asnSl^so
<9)orocyo (SrOjo TR. Often with conditional 6)-jn (So_j032J0ia)l(^ ajrmoodo o^oKmorBj nnlsTT)

Qg)^.^?! (HracsucGearTlejo (STgjo TR, I may write Wo @5)5r§CTTli93 CG. ( = QJ(ol ^.02-010^33013).
(or come in person). An incorrect adj. part, is formed from (Sr^nb

(Sl^jSojo I cannot tell, indeed? very possible f. i. Qg)CTO)0;)5rg0fO3.T5i3)-ib what sort of man?
(Srg)'Sajom^c93 «nlfol32;o HNK. adj. part, (sr^-aicm, (Srgoi' (po. (srgjsTlazj), (513)0,

Inf. & VN. (STD-ai 1. so as to be (^T.) ancSl fSiSiOJ 1. he who is (S_aJro2OT{)5)a_ias03ao

caocQ) oQ!^^ 5)a.o§ci2i TR.= (5T2)cail ; (g (S!fm fooesoij KU. the king Ch P. Thus
CTiiDcEh, i^auD®<9i 60 as to be before, rosnsosi many appositions tsracijlajmoa^-aj (Sa.urtb,

QJS)(Oinro)orib RC, cut in two. N. oroDefiTlao (i)?jj(D032?ls@g oj^ra^nb, ^'ijfao5ixio(on\j

Sfl) (doc.) in presence of witness N. rO(b, L^eZDiajsrno, armoa the first, etc.

2. being. m^'£hS)£t,osn^, {SY^QioiotA since it 2. (ST3)S2/ajnt) he, that one, (BT3)3i@ rosrgo

is 60, therefore. 3. altogether (also (srg) those two. (BT3)32Jajofri(Ta(Sl^ Bhr. between

5)ao TR.), (irrag cnl (51(3)31^ (=S. iw-'oraaz them. (ST3):q-^ bT a- 51^ therefore. 3. after

cnS^) (ST2)a) ajSDnsiDo i^mo Tatw. these three nouns they serve as a kind of definite article

meanings or words, viz. it, thou, art. (see aiGjIi^ajmoaxKTti Bhr. the rogue Cali. q^ea

(5r2)ai). mo^z-ajnb the wicked; esp. the neuter cd

Opt. tgT3)a<ss, (vu. (ST3)S§) 1. be it thus, 2^5)5 (aJOJmsraao^'S^O ®a-J03li2gLjO CG.

well, probably, roaaTlsaj tsr^asg TR. be as for our life, that is already gone, ojl

it in the morning. (grgjOTQJim (5T5)fl)luA (Bra (moajog3(nn{Talcao32;^ofao^ai(T)nbKR. Rama

raieoBSm (ffi3)<9)®§ CG. if thus, be it so! is to me f. & m. rooKOHoan^ fOirr^tSalc-aj

2. as for that (=S. ool, ^, S)5)aj)(at2) 5)a_i ronb VC. the king is our Lord. 4. (graojg,

f!S0oc>o (gT2)B)<s§ KU. now as for that em- (gi[3)xn^ (before a sentence) is as follows

peror, he — 2ai23CTa° cryuiizocaTlsliolcaJD <iji f.i. '^^•'^ -^'^^ cfl^o^zoxi^ (heading of

S)cm (Sif2)aiS§ oolsnm (Ea_ios)ej gggoeocro letters) Cannan is herewith addressed to

naDib KR5.(=:aji3~)nmScQ,o how muchless). the following purpose,

3. either, or CTy3jar)o.>.«g§ .iiJjaQcr)D3i(S§ adv. part. (S%:si^ 1. forms adverbs, as oocmo

(=Q®s7l£yo). dDwell., foaamaaj^DsnanrraaiOjTramTtn

Cond. (ergcmorDl, (BT^&^.iAif it be. (grgiOi^rai) (aro ac9s)<3yo KR 3. all I see seems to me Rama,
cysTOo Q^-na ffiza^oTOont) RC. "if so, be it I see him everywhere. maiiSidi r^i6u\u)

so." (313,0)1(3!) a.-TK) (OsngoBTlaJDo VCh. there c^ozov^ ^a'-:^ Bhr. saw them grieved (=q^

may be one or two (generally (STgd'^ejo cm) (2ijaa*ra);'eoi)ro cro,3o,ijoarul.a>ao3in <b>

(STg)')). g^Sc3fflbTno VyM. (=aQcm, (STOjcOsH, 80 as

Concessive (BTgcaoejo (argjanlejo though it be. to be). (S;ua60i3o^g. onoD'oain a_icfl?(j^ Bhr.

arma aTlejo one at least. Q^njfDO sHejo whoso- (BTaro^ijmo^iil (xioipl^ CG. Si^'sj^ioio^in oru

ever. (TO.'!5t5jDsnGjooK)crc,'DT3)3,dnejo whether laarznl^ MR. (=aQms}. 3. during a_i{i^

good or bad. eoTueocaTl ealojl-gjKR. (ffrocolsiofliSio^soa

(SigjOb Cond. & Cone, (from T. orS'sincTb if it be) ao^n nos(iJ®(rro MR. 4. with (=^0031^

0ooOii3s)O,'T{) AR. to any one else. Qg)^.uonb f.i.(8Ta3JS)a ai^a^zoTuH <£h5n|) croo^ mazD
whatever it be. oQcna sjjijogjlsosaoijortt) aO dhST^fSg-jOcbTR. when we met. 5. be-

CG. can one ever say? cause a(03 (S)O^0Oiils (SajsmDsaisxotfla

(Slf5)d93d&) 72 (STJ5)3&2d95

TR. 6. often mcro expletive cn^ cooked (but 8^00331^ (2o_J33iil the rice is con-

6iQ. cnsf^omo-^^ tBT3)<£hrmfmlgy, {ST3)srra65sao sumed).

caarij moo CO. (oh that we were men!) 2nd fat. (ST3)3j it will be right, ought to be.

(OioroiSOODSOci^io 0D'aio®3JOf o CG. (= 0fanc2)3Qj) ^o(S:sj ajaTlctesaj prov. pull

"With auxiliaries 1. (BT3):!0| = (BT3)3iri (but roo merely the eaves! aQcm(2(m o_iocaoajMud.

(®lcsj;DCxiris aisrglgy KR. in a causal sense) Q^SoT) o_ioai.'3:ij it must be said, cannot

6)jiJ?aonno327l^ = 6)^^onb, 2. (STgiSig^j^osi^ but be confessed, — chiefly with the 1st adv.

chiefly after Datiyes (Braajoo35)igi,o5^ for part, of Verbs QjtScm (Sr^aj he must come,

him. QjcTr)3:ij may he come, oh that he came!

II. The future has by itself the meaning ot possi-'^fmsaj Anj. aj(Tnocii55(a>(Tra 5)a)0tj)^-^

which is then transferred to the whole CG. wished that he might come; also with

verb. 6)j2J^oo I willdo, may do. (aTg)o oa^hirai Inf. 00^ 0003^^5500 555)iJ)S)ce6)3Sc)o caocy e

if possible. {ffr2)0gj cannot. (gT3)(S9o ffla_iDQ,cfi5)0 C2J3nnl(SCJU PP. may you!

oj&i GP.; fSir3)<aoaj6rDo, {grg)<Q5!Bau3o5ai TR, IV. It serves to form Compound Verbs:
(gr2)c9i(SfmS(S,-3iaoa.o, (SrgaTlsS.wraioao as far as 1.) with Nouns ca;3®ai/'3ai to set out, (2ee03B)

possible. — in the past: £t)5'£2Z(s^cnozii(lf^§^ to be healed etc. similar to the S. compounds

RC. could not pass. 6i«sajgrno (ST3)caig 5)iiitg with eallcea (s) ^ig;, is similarly used, corres-

5T3)onb Bhr. did somehow whatever was possible. ponding with S. (3)^1 dsi).

Soj (i_josroialslcTO0c)o (STgcfflOjsrno CG. — pres. 2.) with Verbs,

(BTg)(S3cm(mofi!ria!i) CG. if possible. — chiefly with a.) rarely in the form of the Verbal Noun
Dat. & 2nd adv. part. on^aas^cBaDo, we can ending in (sraral (rather T.) aiLD Sijiis^aiDo

take up, or3.ijff)c9y.§dasiosojoao, Q-ia^fiJSfTt) (BT2)

RC. (Sia.Tlo-roislsaiso PT. gDroi£9aaJ3o KU.
Sojoib sigj, CG. none able to praise, (Sc/acccio (only with (srgio).

5)^oej_ioab ojIsod (Btojo Bhr. ojoojrai^aoocSs b.) in the form of the old Inf. ge3l£fl5)330PT.

000^ Bhr. (but also Norn. 5)QJgjoo (STaaja^ came to eat, tOissmsa be able to see, be-

§.0 Bhr.) come visible aosmscmfTiD, ©ceaosmoaz;^)

(STgjQj, (srg)aj@ are esp. used with the signifi- ac8«(Sxi Bhr. (chiefly in a passive sense,

cation of power. 5)ajsrro6i5i3<SS.o®s cnlcncSsn compare 0oaonjnaDraDa)l) <0)O5msig_j§nT)go

cmoai CG. you can but conquer women. <2c9ic)oc9s)0C2Jgo n^rolcSa5igi§(m>go AR3. what
QQ)nDorai) {5r3);u@ ff)-aJ(^ I tried my best. orO) is heard, can be heard) with Dat. ciQ)gjD

Qjsifa)cW(BgJ3c>opo. •w'hat more can be done, QjtOgo <ss5c)oc8«3a2^ Bhr. Often in petitions

how can it be helped? (grgjaJt^gjOaTuro) sc/a 6t2)Dab croao)ftno no30a?l(OTaooo o^si^^'S'

cfl3o having been foiled. (grgjOJOTTlgj oQcm emo, oo0t^fol(fls)3CHJnrnl<SssiT)o AR. may I

6i3jcSa (sraSgjD a@^ TR. no remedy for it.

be enabled to praise, worship. — in blessings
(St2)nj(O)^gj0f!n cinlaj qqctto cnlcaadTl-^ rnl e3csil(a5)oa2Jro)a) ool Bhr. chIssbcKxSb) mraru

gjj^Oo TR. I shall resist it as an intolerable <sroo§ e33znceji3a2JaHoKTJ. s)t£hDgjoa2;«soBhr.

state of things. (SwrnlcTD 6T3)6SBc>oc6s (SrOji) (=5)a)3gjajDnb(TOoco,T:n^ajfiSo). "With poten-

rml^SgLjD TR. we can't do anything to it.

tial meaning. Q^B7lf3i)ajfK,73i^)3CS2?lro3rrra TR.
(5t2)Sajoorn=:tgTg)aj^ f.i. (5T3)ie90olcao<sxi 3 on in that case it might have been brought.
gj CG. not to be known by any one. ooT39^)Oolaj5reoi>ni'rf) Qj5)aai0«nl «nl«^ 6)<S)3

III. to be the very thing (hence neg, fsrgj^&io). ggscsOasmo CG. I might see this wish ac.
(S-Qjooooin the rice is what it ought to be, done, complished if —
(ST3)dB6ic365 73 CS^cQieam] —CSf^:Beo
c.) in the form of the modern Inf., esp. at the alsogDgjDtSsnm Qjlfoni) RC. destroying. 2. to

close of the sentence (mostly with ^o, tsra place, put, employ. (SigjSi'H iSig^^ appointed.

2(0) etc.) eraissQcb .-^ismT •st'^ai^ agtcna o_i (& (srD)^g^:£j) oraojs^m o_j5TT)lce5)D:6sri, (^loslaia

31 (STgjta^ TR. they confessed they were lSs^ Nal. banished. maj.-jsiaTlal; (argj^asTl S)5iO):9sA

the thieves {=syjii(m) ojlrolsraro) (SQ_)3a>Q^o PTi. cn^ojlejocSsn, ecoojos^m ^.-aiainjTJnlaiDteal

6)j^w, cruaa)55ig_j§3i3is;g) cSTOjii'^, rmrol Bhg. let God dwell in his mind- ffj.Tuggo (ftsrsral

aioasTl poured. 3. to do rnl o^cro orgjfteo TR.

d.) after the different tenses it stands with what can you do? 4. Compounds with Nouns,

variously modified meanings, (mrosnmo-Oilejo corresponding with those of (sr^&ih f. i. §tn

fOKTBrml^ ci^rmDfiTlejo; (uggloiHrab ajroltSa S)cn siJiiDOTa cao(S)caocS«lslmonb CG. made to

(Tnoca^i'ranrra were sitting. — fCTirmDfnl(T!l) en get out. Gssaocflo, cnrmocSsi to heal, mend.

071032^1 CG. siaio^.-aiaaa^rab KR. (if you CV. (gY^aan^iayi cause to make Vi. f. i. (issajIraK

shall have given = if you give). a3>SDQ3aao (^'^- [&csidh CC.)

(SoLjDCSDDCcnfo^iaso he will have strayed some- CSl^A6t3ajl(Tr!o a-yunjiSam S. Bent, curled (as

where. fOToajcb S)ajnaa.ucTOD(gj' si CG. aQ)S

(!SfG)<&iCU)o a'yuSam Tdbh. (S. (3T3)'^(Wo) Inten-
e^cas oo§65Tg2Do(BrasaDD.TCo CG. a laughter tion. (STg). Qjaiis^ih to gratify. rnlom3<Q!.'aiso

that might shake the globe. jriOcajZoaTl

coo cures tii^ajDnb AR. to disappoint thee.

oltes) be in a dying state nriCSiZOtB^cah etc. a (ST^afeeJo a'^ulam S.(full) Confusion, perplex-

ity, trouble. ^i,"raD<aej3 i<;yQl3 B,C, (5ir3)t9!aJ

1 have told no untruth. gsesBlcmlnSTra oQ fflgisl^ cij:@,Tb Bhr. was frightened. (Sa-iD

afclrat) gjo cnd^o ojc^ ihQ£\g^o:iLi(mmo the (oralrrn' (srgjaaJl^D.xio cuosmo Nal. {Si3)^eJ2l^
loss would not have been so great. AR. no doubt.
"With 2*feg. adv. rusmo ajlrolc2;Di),m (Brg^ffij
(Srg)<^i7r>o see (JSf^:Qi(^o.

mo TR. it has become impossible to collect

= (ST2)3^3rao Form, likeness.
CST^c^roTl a'Jfr5i S.

the revenue, [in stead of .airarmDian.TjI), (oicmo

(STD)c^ca[^o a'^rstam S. part, of (3ira)*=tolafl

(CrTlrai) etc. also t«he form of the part. Noun Attracted; —a conjecture Vi.
occurs in poetry ffj^Dejyejo fOKD^mofoioail CSY0)CBc&3Dejl see (gr^SajDaTl, Pomphlet.
ejo KR. (^(oirolihleio), roconajo <S)5n^«ji0327l
(!Sf^:6eo akkam T. M. (v'"oTO)a!ihiii)i. What
one puts (csrgjiaa^' 2.), layer rosngocSno (=n_i
aQ)65rach5)c95igjoo CG. gj fOiTrofmoaTlaA Ch]. 5 3, local: resting steps in wuUs). i^oDDcGao

(tS^cQ6b(&i, ce<5^ V. act. of prec. 1. To forwards Vi. 2. (T. prosperity) contentment,

make to be that. (Bia.xio^m fooeaoajDcesil made rest. (gT3)ces)<S0 ojosmrai^ih rule happily. (Sr3)

him king, (in So. also onlsinT) raoe3Dajoc2)0<9s7l asio 5)Q-jD§la2;Qjtib discontented. (sya.ijS)ra oj

(Sojocsul KRi.) aD.TuTlaiJcSeri «a-,D5ng3nb & aa

aiSlcaosTl ffij OJi^OiTb made her his servant. cm TR. made over her jewels to the chiefs,

ScromD.-Lj^lcaiDdtel 6),u-^ & orauJln-j^Tlai-osn^ thus settling the case. 3. strength, persisten-

sioj^cib Bhr. rQ5r^3iar?l cuajcgs (generally ro cy, continuance; also relief, as througli medi-

sreocs^l o-jd3)(i^), eijjJCEJoooceaa' get one to do; cine. (STOjcflao aiosroig aJlona Bhr. lost his balance

with Neg. cul^osifm (aTfgjcSjI^ S)ajg_]ortb TR. pre- 6 fell. (STg)=9sio OTiS) jiTlo 5).ai§1 RC. strong

vent the sale. &ci_iQ:uo ^SDo)fm aisreoaalsicOiO dam. (sr^jdhno ^SDoifOi ail SjJdq (OTanDDl) Sil.

§(05), contracted rooe3.toi3) gj rolcSsiasngOcOsriTo TR. negligently. (3T2)S«o cfl &Jm0O3(n^oQa§(i^Mud,

(5Ta.ij5)m BDcrujo a2^oa)(a) (3i2)2d>fiSir)o Bhr. dcterminately. aggOcOszli^y no fixed purpose.

(!SrO)dB6id95 — CSi^COfTDo 74 asf^cn^o — osT3)'S»oajo
4. perhaps (=(QT3)fiO all, altogether. (Biosljy (BT2)C02®.ao adventitious, not original (as dis-

gyojo @Sdteajo (aT2)a9«io (SOODtfisi^l RC. viewed eases) (gT3)CO2®a)ea_if0o !Nid, (opp, (rn^eno,

her from tlie solo all over.

(ST^jcflfibofti see uiidca- (St^cdjc^. (S(!3)CnQ3)<Q'dy one passing by, KeiN i.

(iSt3)'^03o akrand'am s. ((eT^ili.) Weeping. (Sif3)CO0ono arrival, approaching.

(BT3). @S63i3l Nal3. denV. a')l (gr^coalsg-joaajo a_ioejls^nb CG.

(Sl^'^^Glo abramam S. Assault, invasion ora). till you returned.

crocoranaoib Si.ajgjjrra KR. CV. (sraajoinn (gir2)C0(algJls>tS«n-nca:^ PT 4.= oi

denV. (3T3i!^0ld9« to attack, encroach, usurp

cSif2)!7)2)o (S. arrival, news, doctrine) Vedas &

KTJ. roo.^SSi^arcb ajaT)0@)i2l-2r'§° Nald. Shastras. (srgiCoacfisiOraiejDce; cnomnb Bhgs.

(mp5)CS2^, (6iijai2aruJS)A3i3) etc. to seize on, Vishnu, the marrow of all knowledge. He
force. aceaCi^o 6io)a.xjo raiiscm (STg):^al'S® is also called (5Ta)COZo foimsois aiDrtJiGjlfal)

mflsaJDaio KR. fate subdues the world, (2a_jD3J05roigi cnlsg-jonbCG. (srg)CO0d35>D>'aiejoo

(gr2)'^30iO)o seized, enji^c^crufnot^oaomoain coaftiroajiiO'^ab YivR 1, (srajCoassssiaDOTazinb

Arb. (=ajc/3ab). Bhr, most learned Brahman.

C5T^(S(^0C/9o akrosam S. Crying against, re^g) (Srgjcooal, (sr^coDalaio future, (g-mo (BrgjCOoal

©(^acol^och SiP-i. she lamented, <s-,o AR2. past & future.

(S^c&^D^eno aksarana s. imputation of (ST2)C03^ offence, sin. eDgrooco^^ Bhr.

fornication. (JSfO)(J~)<^o agalam S. (= (srgjaisroo see m^ III)

• (Sif^cft^ aksi Continuance of an evil

I @]'cn o^ OT3)Coao_^rol(inn{) aocno s^aiosng CG. Satiated

ctTIcBs) iBrgjcatoloiiOcsTlf^ifisiGg Vi. let it remain with honour.

as it is (Si^CcODCaJo agneyam S. ((Statml) Referring

(Sir5)(2ca£!Aa_Jo aksebam S. Blame, reproach, to fire, the Agnipuranam,

objection rtnauossis (Sarab aisn^ o)fmoQ,ac>acS3 ((5ir^(C9CQ;enoo agrayanam S. ((513490) First-

a)^C£y (BT3)(S,fiaiajo MR. fruit offering; =::aj,-i5i:!)rDl.

denV. (Sif2)Sje&io_j"lce« (part, fSTOjftar'a^o) to re- CSY5)(C/)aDo agraham S. (seizing) M. Eager-

prove, confute, impugn, criticise (sratrTloJnbo ness, wish, (fftQ-SlaiCajlral) mO)Cf)aQo ^^rr^ a_iO«)o


ojlcss) MR. expose farther its invalidity. (gir3)'49aol desirous,

{S^eusnrooeJOfb akhand'alan S. (breaker) denV. m^%/)ria\<ss> to wish, desire,

Indra CG. CV. (ST^c^nDlgjlces). [hurt,

(SfQ)6U^ akkuS. (digger, sfeiMib) Mouse, ratPT, (ST^o-ei^oDo agbaSam S, (\j^no±) A blow,

(SrD)CB5USo akhedam S. Hunting (po.)

(ST^CgO-eJjcLno aghosam S, {\J^ a^-m) Noise
of a crowd, din of feast (srg)3:>aiD.:aiSi20d)S o-j(^
(Si^eiJj akhya S. ((S% III, V'^s^a) Name; in
comp, (aig)2jjab named. (Q_j(B.ijScy30(3i"uajo Nal2. festival entrance, (ST2).

(STg)^oa")o l,= (gTg)5Uj. 2. story, Q^Srm (i_)OajoQ3@^ Onap.

denV, csr2)5U.onnlcSffl to relate. denV. (3TO)'S-'>iaio.-a^cesi to feast, parade Vi,

(STOjajjO^o the finite verb (gram.) (ST^(2^3&noo agkranam S. Smell.

(S^COrjDo agabam denV. (ergj^osn^lces) to smell.

S. (s/^udz) Arrived (BT2).

S)jii^ Sk. come; (3if2)CO(ai(D3c9s)0o Sk,= ajro3 (Si'D)99^D'Do T. M,=(giaaOffl,jroo.

C0T3)3o, (St^(S»5Dejj see (Sr^csae^oeJo.

(Sifg)ocolo65o — (Siro) jxjoroo 75 CSif^iijltTDo — CS^^OJo
saluting, ffl-raajsioo (acrulg m^. S)aic^ qjd

Mud. (in an audience). customary

CSTO)SS^|o, Movement of the body, gesture, 6!3Qlrnl,Tra 3.

attitude— beck ; ogling, coquetting. orO). <a)0§c9i gift 6)a_jssa5ia tST3)'-oo.-oo 5)3--o§^3nb TR. to

to beckon. restore sister's dowry (Mpl.) oOioinbo sis^dical

(ST^6S^6o annal & (^f^SS^^ (hon. plur.oftsrS) (TTO crT'ari.ijil (ST3). ojO'SsgajD.'if) TR. the taxes.

6n6) Brother, the term used by sisters (compare — honorary acknowledgement such as is given

6)o_j6tsB'~k>)(Sn)StSB^ (U)S)cm oj I
§)^C Or. she Called by the temples to those who pay a ^ojDcaCsal

my rarajo TR. [trance Yi.

her br. o^ntooesaassra TP. brothers!
(BT2) oJaranjOfoilrol) temple door, principal en-
(hon. plur.)
denV. cST3)-aJ0'^(9yi to observe good manners Vi.
(Sir5)..Qj(03o65oeJo ajandra'^alam S. (tsro) III).

(5T2)jiiD^nb (adeundus, or the man of obser-

As long as the moon exists, also (grgixUiaQacasio,
vances, the one who is to be imitated). 1.
(ST2)-QJing'O)0a)<S5o cuolp cn\ AR. rule as long
teacher, esp. of Vedas, Guru. 2. fencing-
as the world lasts-
master, as (SQoemo^orgjib. 3. schoolmaster,
(!Sf^jU(2t(Do ajamanam S. (\^ ^0) Rinsing
(T. M. Tdbh. (gT3)^3nb, (ST3)'-'3onb hence
the mouth after meals m^. 6) ai^O^ Bhr.
igY^niOOTJOAioonoo office of schoolmaster).
(fff^i-aJamojjadcegDmesiack) Bhr.
4. carpenter, vu. (STDjiiJorol, (Srgif/aDrol.
denV. (STOjiJalctoKR. '^oci^orrxb^oroi) ihy><&'n

(ST3)iil0l-a\ L^QJu\ QLirojSrtJl'JjSngl OJOBo KU. (!5if3)^rtDo ajiSam S. (V^^iTO Heaped up —

cartload (po.) [(512)^00* CG. CC.
<!Sf^ju(b6<^oj <ST3)i2jrD|d86i ajaranam s.
CSf^s^] acci T. M. ((gY3)3iinb) Cowherd-woman.
To engage in aline of conduct, practise, per-

form, observe m^&sa)7)W -a3folc2^otai3j(t>Mud

(5Ta)^c2/'0(b = s^oiajc^fDTOi Vi.

il nV.^
(ST3)^ acCU (T. (Bra's),? (STS^raysi) Fitting time,
disobedient. n.n
afi;(S)icaiajlroaBo (sraj nicoi^iS
favorable direction or circumstances, — favor-
cnO(b AR 6. presented arms (=(ST3),aJDfOo 2).

able tide (=fai5tajo) NoM.

cs^.lijsiSBcb ff) ^t^'j^o soj?jjcno3^0ifl)a^o(ST3)jii

fol^onb CG. used to war & get himself caught.

tBT2)^fh, ^ to lift, stretch. (= aoisiga, flojo

<s®&>) Vi. [prov.

tBraajQirn ^gjD^' (gra)jijr^g_jonb CG. to annihi-
(gi2)^(3l) (Scr)0c9sil(Sa2^ (Bj^ (al. 1^:^) 5)ai§oaj
late (=5)^1^).
VN. (3X2)5^ a throw, hurl Vi.
(ST^-OJOrOo S. (= walk) 1. Usage, established
(!SfO)a^')^:B6^, (SY^ai93©ono achad'anam s.
custom, chiefly of 5 kinds (5a ^-ao — , iC/)D0O — ,

(^ifcia) Covering, concealment. <Q,o^o.aao3cr)o

ffidafi3(g)a — , oroeo — ,
disguising a matter.
caste laws. — Brahminical m^. aou^ (as (grg)
(Sr^j^ifdrmo covered (part.) [milk, etc.
0niajcSi etc.) KM. — Royal ordinances, as the
(ST3)^o ajam S.((gTaBSo)Whatcomc8 from goats,
18 (gT2)^0(Xio of Polanadu, observed at Colicodu
(SiDjsaaio flock of goats (po.)
(cnlcszjZo^xisI, '^craa^ etc.) KU. — cyaD(rroDjiJD Arras reaching
(Sf^^OCfdSOJOaQ S. ((BtO) III.)
roo written laws, opp. to (3eJo<&>a aioroo practices
the knee, a fooesajeftssmo.
now prevailing. — (srgjiiJOfca^ CG. that will
(STC)Ssfl aji agon) War,
I. S. (V^fBTO83, G.
not do, fie! shame! (BT2)-aJoro®ces!§ 5)jiJ'3j,^D«'oi)
II. Ar. hajji, A pilgrim to Mecca TR. (Sojeo
(ST3)a_is^ :§aj^^§o KR 5. — (SrCj-oJorooraTlfD^ao e3)ca'D(b, (S.xiaDiplaiD(t)KU. (S^fBizoni) (ST^ej"!
iTJiajnb rude Vi. 2. civility, reverence, orgj. caorooccTl Mpl.
S)j^(^ to bow. aQiycoloo (sr^j. ff)jiJ(^TP. m^. (ST^SsflOJo ajivain S. Livelihood Vi.
ouosror^ TP, saluted, (srgj^oroo aosroro) onl^, (ST3)e3lajcT)0(TO)o (mO) III.) to the end of life.

(5X3)' coral nb ojiplor)^^ KU. Niiyer fashions of (Big. gcnJoOLK^a RC.

&^q)'^hv> — (STt^Si-oi) 7G (SrO)Sl— CSYO)§d&.

CST3)^rvTO ajnaS, (sstraD) Order, command (Tdbh. trembling m^. (Brafoca' (Sn_iD5)CJ Bhg 7.
(Bl^sm). — rrT)rrr)(gT3)Z!'oTlral) (ftCrUSTO®! (S\'0)&sn3i OJ (grg)Sf3i)5)o_i§o trembles Blig. 2. agitation,

otbTR. government. (gi2j'<9*,c>3Sigjs being- under grief (ST2). ci^er^j "a-aJCTra (po.) (S(S)(2smDslar)0(b

orders, obeying. {STgiS<SGJ05)S CC. (gir3)S(2ajo§ (^eno (Saio^orra

{SifO)SSsro)oa5rDnb servant fODeaDSsraDfhronnocpJosna

Mud. first minister. CR)m)COO&smo OyOxmo'Si^ Mud. 3. SoM. dancing -gi^jsejo ojosejo V2.

UR. (aio.ojifhDESsiaDfhorolaid) AR-i. thy obedi- The month

(ST5)Sladi T. M. (S. tgrD):ajOTjoo) d>.<95)

ent servants.
So; height of rainy season (sr^s^S)£K'.0'^<S2i<&>o

(gT[2)es3ro)0Q_imo (5T2)E=iTO)Di\jlcOs) to order, com- ^yaSrrnib 'sraaiQrrra RC. roars like the clouds

mand ;
with Soc. (sraajSano§, also (srgjSSro) in adi.
c£yi^S55smn mgj cuiTlcto oQS)nr> Anj. CST^§ adu T. C. M. (Tu. Goat, sheep
I. ciffioy) 1.
(den V.) lead me aright, (lit. frisky, from fSir3)§£h). 2. dewlap (from its

part. sTg)SS:TO)0,'n)o, (gi^saraDojlfOio (ncg. tsranno perpetual motion). tSfQ)'§ iSiroa^^Tto to bleat. 5)n_i

etooa^o AR.) ordered.

=^ PT.
si-noslaioD csasl-oj
GIT; -
(gT2)e*TO)DeocOo disobedience Mud. Kinds aiosos M. 0aJ32;os So. ojfiaiDS Palg.
(Sr2)5S3TBioajaDnb, — cuc'anb (Blir.) servant, Ibex. (Si),oaJ:s & S)3J@23S goat. rLjggjs
•^^^o %am S. ((5T2) +(51351®?) Ghee (for sac- (Ex. 12,5) & (5) 111 :!Zifr'c»3S (ff>-aJo) sheep.
jCC. (ST9)§0D§ cattle. [bractoata.

(gT2)5'trr'm3n_ioaj, fSi:5f)§5i,-aiosog_joaj Aristolochia

(ST^ena^ Port. Aiijo, angel (grD)'<ac>a Genov. (gT3)§l8i§l, <Si5T3T3)0§ kid, lamb.
CS^ecs^S^ anjup T. m. (C. Te. (8^2)03 = g'o (STOj^leigLj bezoar V2.
mo, T. Q®33 comp. rsrgj^ai) To bend for ex-
(Srgjslnbojnycea goats' dung Vi.
ertion, spring forward, lift for throwing, try
(3Tra)slo^ mutton.
by shaking. (Bajrai) o^^csrc" (grQjstaTl (al. (3T3)^)
(gTP)SSioron{) shepherd.
(SojScom ^Dsl Bhr 7. 0foS)>tiT3) rsrojsmin ojeTl
(gr2)S5)c9iDOont) ram.
can — (ST3)5t2in!3mo.eal searching look.
t5Tg)§5iSio§axioai a plant "ram's horn."
(STD)s^tD^ annali & cSTD)5<w»leJl SoM.= II. CS^5)3=:nnD§ T. M. (perhaps from rei^^.'^' °''

OTO^a-) in (2ajsmo§ Travancore. a^oo§ or 0^0

{5Tg)sr7i3;ejlc9aOfa)rai) prov. = ajlejo.ijl,Tb cS^oOTira').
mo§, ajoa2;o§focr)o§ TR.
aSf^S ada T. M. (si3)'ja-, what moves) Flowing III. (STD)§ce50(?5b see m^'^s^ 2.
garment, chiefly of women, children, idols
CSY9)§d93, sl adu-ya T. M. C. Te. Tu. 1. To wave,
(5r3)S aioinrroCC. ^oods children's holiday swing, rock. fsr^slitgasesslnnoab^nssiiasjgoCG.
garments. S) jiJQ-Uos ajtfla_io§ a) aiDan^ajcrraTP.
(Chishna with the s6^) — of ringing sound
(for idols); see ajoxios, (SajalcszJDS etc.
oicuDgl^osnT) (^^efoau-icnl CC. 2. to shake,
<^fQ)S(£ho adapm Tdbh. l. = isra)cupa5o. An oil totter, sink as hand from a blow ©otd 5)o-jooo'al)

measure, also m^So T. SoM. 2. = oD0S3io prov.

S)a_ismosl, 0srat aslstoioiOfa!) siroiesBDS^
gold (STgSAo 6^<Si0S5n^sni3)Oi] RC. gilt arrow.
(S.TJojLQC/arolfomocsn org)§a.ora{)! ^scno Bhgi.
(Sf0)5l B^)SS:,o adalodapm (T. ^m^sDS.wos) 3. to dance reT^jCnnsl^osl^osl ojDsna Bhri.
Justicia adhatoda or bivalvis, (5T3)'o (Soj*, (sra'
hence frnlocno^ai (=ff>a^§^caaso) etc. act a
fSi'^lnb <Sx\(b MM. med. in bilious fevers, (gi^. play (ffijjSDjiloa^Oiti, prov. 4, different play-
'OioorDcnao'smo GP. removing cough.
ful or regular movements, f. i. cnlroo§iJ) bathe
CSr^S'csb adal VN. ((SrOj^coO T. M. C. 1. Shaking, (often merely oi^.^cS) MC.) ^okiaD^ih visit
(ST^(SSDq_!o — (Sif^S 77 CSifO)OjOo6YiJ— (S<^6rD

3. to hoot (SirD)§6)cS5)0§i£bi drive off with abuse

holy baths (coococao§<S) Bhr.), coocoio^a) hunt,

beckon, ®aoj«n6o c/a^ro^roi or r^Siorao, QQ)65iTn (SrD)§l cLjocCTraod}^! TR.

(ST3)slajlalcS5) (Brgi

§a) pour milk, oil, cow's urine, cocoanut milk 4. to drive away o_jc^cSffl5)a fSrgjslsj.TSiaal'Ss;,

(Sa^iOCgio (^fSlcS^o (ST2)§l5^<fiS)05r!| (3o_103iil

on an idol.

took our cattle.

CV. (ST3)S^ces! f.i. a.iDaxns)an (ST2)S1^ Mud. a
(ST3)ajOo6YX]fOo ad'ambaram s. (drum from
juggler made the snake to dance, SsxiSim
(BT2)§i)0 1. Pride, pomp, show. aloDoeajraoouo
(gX3)5ld95) = e3ejofl^Sm<9io (see Brgj^.Si 4.)

cTxiroSojraio Bhr. s)C2;'3ajmoajDo6iuroo siaosng

cue25)5)aQJo)tma (St^sI-oj sicSioggDo 8G.
ff)5iaxi6ift5T3) culcOfflfol^ PT. 2. Celebration,
(a vow) theatrical play, oj^gj i?^:£^ 'Oj

asngomifTOo oru-ioiioQjroDaxiosnjrao, cro_ic2;oajrao

£iijDsm0osl^onf) AR, celebrated marriage.
aoofflurocroQocDKga Nal. — parade ; retinue Vi.
Der. (Sif2)§o, (ST5)S, (S(^^£f etc.

(ST5)aA9d&!o adha-Jfam S. A measure =4 g)S

(Slf^(SSOn_lo adobam S. l. Being inflated, flatu-
sjaDifl, a Marakal CS.
lency GPg9. 2. ostentation, pride mracurailai
(Sr^'VS-a^ S. Cajanus indicus (=@QJfO).
§6)s (ftejsnjej.xrisajo aasisoj (sr^issoajsaosis
CSr3)ajj),ab adhyan S. (V" fBroob?) Opulent,
o-ioararai (S<aic>oaJn«c9oi®&D Nal 2, 3. pomp oqjg
rich, aueJoaiTint) powerfal.
aegigroojDSSocLjo Nal. adv. arautmossoo-io coal
(Sr^^r,^^(b 1. the chiefs, f.i. in war.

of a class of Brahmans, chiefly the

2. title
I. (S^3 atta T. obi. case of ST3)5n|; fgrggcto
(^r^).1|^(£)aDd35)0(b, leaders in the old aristo-
rrnl A cow that calves every year. (ST2)§gjlofm
cracy of Malabar. tstaairjTfci oncn^rmlfolcfls
cioocfe yearly birthday. (srgjSOjlS'ja ft:o annual
feast SoM. B. [sngssQ q. v.)
(Sf^&'T) ana 5. (Tdbh. (srajSto) l. Command.
II. (Sif^3 A bitter gourd (SrO;§s3Q med. (=t5T3)
m^gs^s (ST3)iimcs«o oi^jgto-sjjo eaona>=e^, aicru

III.CSTD)^ C. Mahr. No. see cnjD^.

eroigl (gr^jsm rd^ldtero^^TR. 2. oath, adjuration.

(STfS)=o attam 5. VN. of tsraj^a. Moving play, fulcTaaocTOo QjftsxiDnb (srgjsm (TO<m|C4o

dance, comedy, ruoso (STdj^Cijo ^sasra', 6ifDD

rairooo TR. QnjoalauosiT) perjury.
scijo i-sr3cr)t9s)Qjo g3^ perfect silence. cstDjso ig
(Br3)srr)airi§ai 1. to swear cLj^sica oj^bl^
§lc2;.')foii 5iiQ)D§fi3TO)S.'nia^f3l) prov, oJHsl^ (mjSmca^^J^ Vi. also

Cpds. jiJc05)O§o oil making. with Ace. coraojlsioo (ST3)5m3i)l§Dnb swore

onlfODgo bathing, boating. by.

(gT3)§(95>oront) dancer, actor — of a caste CV. (ST2)Str)3in!^:ince5) to put on oath.

that play in temples. (17 in Taliparambu). 2. to adjure, also cite, arrest. airmonraTlfSn-JtiJn

(ST^S attu VN. Swinging orS)^ fgrgjerndTls (ai§rai3)(a) mra.iJib (gj§oj?s)3S)rai TR.
of (ffr^i^ei 1.

aiglrab (5rg)§^. 2.= (gTD)So dance, play (ST3)sn (Hraxiffinbo (Sarab fmifOJ.XJOsm'Oiri^ (formula:

ai CC. 3. hooting rosngDS (Sibc)od9s)0o prov.

(3Ta-")J5)Cin (BTP)5o a-JD§0 55 3>0§K5^ fi-jDain_al<&.a. 6m etc.) 3. by, f.i. agmoeiT), c^rajajoon,

simn) drove him off by a sharp word. 4. hunting ogjnmosm aT^rmDsm (SanroosoBSa TP. foicrnD

(SrOjSonocaj dog for chase. (sra)§<2<£>i§ a_ifrnl prov. em STZDonfe aQ)mo5)S "^S^ rasreoism cn^ogo's

act.V. CSif^Sc&i((5Yg,.<^(0i)l. To press oil ffftgi^rm ri20dS5)olcalc9«c2ngj CC. rnleuBaosm, ual.Tjit)

cus^m s)mgijDnt) (Si^cesn prov. (B"r3>Sc3Bsi(55i- a «not) (i_ioa-t3i3)05mCG. raozo-ioaDGniaJaassiT^

mill B. 2. to hunt aroj goos^-Dra fSTO)il YilvP. AR2.— often shortened o'/inT)Oiiffn:)nn^dh)l

(STa)5l(Srjslca/ab hunting name of jackal. ^ (po.) I swear by thcc, I have it not.

(SY^emOo — (S^ervl) 78 (ST^Snt — (STf3)(TDQ_lo

(St5)6'nOo anam T. M. l. Broth, soup. (SaiD'pl (St3)Srrf)ZfaT^ etc.

caosmo; a disli of Mnplas (BT2). 6)0j<ss). — 2. (C. f5Tg)5nz^o male tree (so (BT3)5rr6':n'0i6!ji3 , igrgem

(SrgioTtTl burst) (sr^. <q?1q.O) a field to burst by on, (ST2)5n6o_ig_j03Do etc.)

the heat of the sun = s) ^s^ oQ^s^'ScutO 0). (Sf^'Trr^jo\ the lower half of a cocoanut shell.

abstr. N. 1. (SrgsmfmJo, manliness. (Htaojib qj

<!SfU)enncU)_io anatwam (m^svib q. v.) Manli-
ness, also (ergjAriTDTajfOo Mpl. Djlou (gT3)5n)'0iao (SrgiSiTl TR. they took it

much amiss. (BT^smoraicSsioont) a hero (vu^)

(S^enol ani T. M. C. To. (also S. from (gT3)5n6)
2. (STOjTna bravery. (sr^svi2fj£\ci^snsoosi cno
Pc^, nail, fsrgi. Sia^ib to strike it, (oiSi-Ocasi to
r^6iin6 CG.
drive in. (nuaroosrnl, ftn^fo^^ooTiSl, oJTlra'lca'Osrnl

screw. Qj5ir§lc!i'DsnTl axlepin, cftscsioarr?) nail I. CS<^SO% anda So. (Srgj^naoraL (prh. (S(^snb +
with a head (opp. o_joxi05n)l); also = cng)y),-oraio
S)S)V)) Young bamboo shoot aiDoaoiosirg. org,.

erni style. 6ia-)0sai = ^g. curaliS) of any strong shoots.

2. -what is like a nail or pin. 5)o_jormD'5nT^ a II. (!SfO)6<y§, adj part, of (ST3)|.<&|,

sample to mark the 0doq, Can S. (Sr3)5rnl (iSrD)6n(§6g^ (fr. fgT2)5rT|?)& cSf^^GS^i (II. <ErO)^)

^ofrif) irrigation channel Vi. (orgj^rrTl also Wild cucumber V2.

bed for 4 plantain trees) — (ftfrajjlsinborsrO) (Slf^jS^nrg) andi T. M. C, Religious mendicant,
ernl (= (&ggnti) the last bit of matter in a worshipper of Subramanya, aPandaram, also
boil, considered as its seed. — (S0(srOjsrnl called .o-jipnnlca'osrgl (a caste of Yogis Vi.)

6)£J3d9s) comedones. — (STDjffnTlcBsismab a fish (grO)5rgla2;o§o a certain dance Vi. — hence -oTl

V2. — oQgJlnb (ST^jStitI head of bone. aiaaJ05ireli},c>a. (grgj^Tglcas feasting Pandarams.

3. the peg on which all depends, prime mover, CSl^60| anduT.M.(T. cs2;o5TTgTe.Q®ay)l.Year;

@ajn6 Qib (grgjsrnl n^n-nolai ogooajiSs prh. from (ST2)^(S:i comp. (ST^)^; (BT2)5r^0oa

Bhr 8. (said of Karna) 6300033 = 365A days. CanS. <S(Qsn^cu<Sai, (srO)

(Sr3)srnl55^onD q®^dc20 noDsrnl^ <2a_joo tmnb s^sngorrnlonoa)!) (doc.) yearly. (STjj^TgttrilaiSisrotgjD

cft'OaTOl <e.5rgoral) CG. finest gold. as aj(®ob 1 year old, SiPu 2. (srgj^^Q,^ festival

(ST3)6rnlaj)roo the choicest of any thing Vi. at the close of a year.Der. (Sljjgl. — 2. longer

(ffra)srTTl®ai(b taproot. periods, a Jupiter cycle of 12 or 60 years rosr^oo

(sr^sn^ (Jew. doc.)

(Si^errb an 5. ((Sirs^nTl, (gra^rnnb?) Male. — old (BT5)5)sngd9«fa)l(ti crLrTT|(ST3)o

pi. fSTOjSrac);) (q. v.) brother. — mod. pi. (SW) CSfQ(U)dd^o aSangam S. ((ST3)III raisrau) l. Pain,

enaessTA f. i. (Bt^enaemd^ (ST^ftlttA cijoff)ni§ta) grief; God is oolrDDOTis^nb Bhr. (grosiaaj^caDftj!)

ARg. (calling out the foe) ml (5T3)5nao ffxu (5T2). aJongcruloaOo CG. 2. offence, hindrance

sTOo (sra^os^'O^ <3a_i0(fl3o a nondescript (abuse). (S^Oiflt&.cb m^. 5)o_j(m @S6!3b1 CG. by crowing

Comp. fST2)5mo§ ram. unexpectedly. .nJo^m^nt) (srg). (erSjcail Mud.

(SrD)5rnlgjo house of bridegroom (of castes proved a curse to the innocent.

below Nayers). (STO)(7D6TrjZLinOo S. "What causes to coagulate,

(STgsrnlgjasiodi bridegroom's relations.

whey (po.)

rgr2)5i»lsoaj boy, manly fellow. [child

(Sir5)(Tn(Tr)DCQJl a6a6ayi S. (^rT^ifaiOTio drawn bow)
(ST2)ffia3§l, (STg)a§l, (BTgjSnbsiQXxjrmra!) (song) male Threatening one's life, lelou (=CLicu.T3K0nT)§

(ST2)5nf)a5fmlra horse, stallion. (sraojob).

(Sr^srnO'§ 1. man's work. 2. male member Vi. (STD)firia_)o ababam S. (V'^rmoj) Sunshine s^ojo
(gt^jSobo-TlonDunb = (sr&isnb man. sliajgo CST3). i^sl turorrro oolroc6«(Saj SiPu.
cs^rwc (S^'5)fOQ)0QJ 79 (Sr3)/2,fDo — (l5rD)QC/9o

(S^(7Da_l(ro)o Umbrella Q^(9iorma_j(fg)C2Joa2|ona breast or2)f3ia3Qj5)a)3ffrg ojfol^ sraorrfj Nal.

(gal Bhr. subject to one's protection (=n^^
-^®°)- [6Trn,gsejl. crurmjo 6)jii(m KU. 3. self, chiefly in comp.
(SYO)fWfDo a6aram S. (^-oira) Fare, freight = <2(aiD hence: orgirDiei^o (3) consisting in (=0:ao)

(Sir5)(Tril a6i l. Duck (S. :gig;«^ Tardus). 2. Tdbh. OTargnieaajogSQjDfaiaseoo (SaaOo KeiN2.

= (5T3)al. , (STgjal.WjOLD-ciiaTlmo ^(^aoiftrmg a^SfOD

(!S(^fU)\(mgjo abithyam S. (tsratyilLi?) Hospitality cujoaj«rrufoo(0iei<a)23cfi)lralgig. Bhg.

(srgi. cutpliSQ-jOo^ej gDcuas S)^'^srr>o KR. olj (Srgj'Oiaeanb (3) son, (STgraiaK daughter.

(Sr3)rai£iS3sTaomo, — seruocuo (1) metaphysical

(Sajai3^o (Si(3)^fo1^ CGr. — met. cin^a_ab a^^ intuition.

aj^auofoil.Liirio KR3. (BTg)(3i2)(a_ioa(>crD (3) boasting tBrg. zotemon^

(ST^fzfilfO a6ira t. m. & rn)\^cuoc^(^ (S. oip) o-iroo Bhr 1. worse than death.

(3d) The 6tli Asterism, star in Gemini. (STOj'Oiiaracafij (3) preserving oneself, ©r^. siJii!^

CSYS)^a)o aSuramS. (<gdj) l Diseased. . 2. agitated oaiosngizit s)^ailafa KR 5.

(BT3i(ai0xr',^a , (ST^fOiesisranb (1) knowing the

srrraiPma SoualeSs) SiPu4. a^srgo ^racs/ocml CC. universal soul.

suicide, vu. ora'oOTii^.

?(Sl^^^ a5uli (T. (ST2):-moal) Noise, buzz Vi.
(HT5)(i3i0QDrwi (3)

(5^3)^0^^ atta 1. prob. Port. Anona squamosa fSY3,fOi0D(!5i£io (3) for one's own sake.

& reticulosa (from America, in Ilayti language ?.3Tg,tnialaiaii03.?l§(Tn ojcon^ VCh. my own wife.

Anon) (SXg) Lnsajcto, (BTr^jrOKDcto Custardapple. f5r3)K5itfla2;o own (po.)

(STQ) -CY^o attam S. ((sr2)+ a.israo) (CTSragjo personal (Sr^(S^(^'^L\o Si Pus.

Taken, obtained;
chiefly in adv. (BT2)'OT3)®0oao Mud. cheerfully (SY2)<SfiJiaDQ_j(Sao'ao metaphysics, explanation of

(Birg)TJrai<2ojcQo 05ni^ODD<b CG. -with all haste; (ST3j(ataD, (sraoooraieiD & a_jraD«5i2iD, the 3 consti-

(Sr2)'0iJiCOC^o deprived of pride. tuents of existence (phil

?(ST3)fCYZr,fOo (=:(gra,@roo? T. (gT3)fOT^rt)o Te. CSf^QCOo adaram s. & CSf^G>(bCu T. c. Te.

Necessity of engaging in a work Vi. 1. Respect, regard for. ^gyDrolcay.oara^l^ SG.


no favor. (ST3)a«)(S;uoQis CC. honorably. tsTgia

(Sl^TSYO.) atti prh. (aiadi.-ni'al or aeJarDin^n^.

ro.ijlail) a^^aic)oc93 cn^ CG. kindly, (sr^afo

Qjo.-ai) Anj. duly. 2. support, comfort oQCT)^

CSW):!^c£b attu'jfa (=(sr3)'£ ai) ajyccTlral) aosa
(ST^'Wnlcg'^nTD TP. (=Ojl§) <Ssi 6ifb (era)a(Xixn^=::no protection, tgigjoifoa-i

C5Tg)(S:;yK75-iO(^o mo- «i)^<£ho curml^ RC. no consolation (confounded

attol (T. (srOj-oia, (grgj-Biaach

ther) also csrD)3,si:>3ab,— aiz2,— ejnao(b Nambii- with orgjcuoroo).

tiri's wife (explained = ^73^9^ ."00)20, (srasiSiTJia

deuV. fsrOjaro^cto 1. to regard, o)_aJ0TnfO)

cacuc>a). (c;^ Ga iJ~l(3i^j3.;jianaD(bMR.(in Chava- (SrgjQfolaSDDoXO^ AR. not minding ( = (ffi3m3

cadu). g^); §mSl0l,-3ra«5B5ia orgjafoloa^Oa^.a) UR.
(5TD,aan^(0'iCOio7l honorably. 2. to support,
CSf^OSQiOCU altmavu S. {\'^manb, G. atmos,
Athem in 1. Breath, life; soul,
console. QQ)a^caajQ)ro oiO). Arb. (srO)ec^^

spirit, tijroaotataoaj the universal, efl.iJO(ai03

slmajotaizt) s,zm^ (Sroca-Tjo <3aj3d)fllcY)DcX)

Qj the individual spirit. (ST^warnld'Sing t&isrgo CG. comforted the child.

KJiaamo (Sr^raaono AR discover in the soul Part. (ST2)gfmo honored (gro^g^rooosjjoiggaroofO


through the soul the one Soul of the world. STTxb CG.

(Br2)(ai0oaja(ai0DaJl5)cr)(8TOc$lcsj^oprov. 2. heart, CS(0)Q>&do adarsam S. Looking-glass.

((ST^Goroo- . <SifS)G|f5)j 80 CSf^QQCfdo— CJS^Uj]rr)o

(St^QOPOo adanam S. V'^so) Taking to oneself. (j)tu ARi. (3T3)al^Srai.xinb RC. The circumfer-

6).ni^ to receive. roozcTODrtii; eaajculscaos ence of the sun is compdted at 95,100,000


(BTO). 5)^^6igjs (gal BrhmP. received from Yojana, Bhg. (BY3,el(WjQr)ea2,'o a raantramARc.

the sea. (5rg)al Wj SBjsrnlra'o oolibsyceJTl TP. (a ceremony

CSY^GQOIlo ^- gfiin- (BTaeocBJ«a-j§cf>. to be in drawing water),

advanced. (sragS)aiocng ©(b (erojSDCfiiajo (DiQa Cl5TQ)<S/2.C/9o ad'esam S. (Vesica) l. Order, com-

fijo ^gj MR.

mand. — 2, substitute (gram.)

(Sroiaoaz; aSlcsTlfO?! income tax. denV. (srgiSavolces) Vi. to command.

(SY^gI S. 1. beginning.first — onzgsiss.oro cSt^.o adyam s. see (Sif3)Ql.

(SbTnonaoib cnocb (Srgjalcfflocan^ 5)<0)Ogg5)c9sia^

(ST^lQQjlcfiei adravikka S. ((g) Hasten towards,
TR. the transactions of this dynasty
c95)iO>c)o assault = •aTOia_io>'mo Vi.
since the days of my ancestors. (Srgalcaoa?!^
(Sr^OJDOOo adhanam S. (cod) Placing, deposit
aoool TR. changed again. (ST^ola^aj^ral.
(ST3). ccral^folcfls) Vi,
from beginning to end, 2. in comp. et cetera
(ST5)UJ)3rDo adharamS. (cC(b) l. Support, prop,
f.i. ^foijOBl, 0eji^((3)osl©>c>a (=i5(ai£J0C5i;, @S
base (STg). ojlsles) Vi, to take refuge. <aiplxionb

t8T2). §D^ TR. the country is too insecure.

hence: (gr^alcSiorosmo original cause.
®sajoculajlg_jonb (srgjcuorao ^gj TR. we have
tST3)al i>.oajjofirstpoemin school8(Ramayanam).
not the means to pay. 2. the 6 or 12 chief
(grajal^axioti original God-
regions of the human body, "location" of the
(ST2)3l(§rainb the first c/a^g-iDala-chteaoi^ (giTJirtb

ojo^ (=rn^ej) (st2). (sra)ol(Stboc|;5is oji^syqo

(giaojroo (ffTlcoraanb KRs.
ellajnb Anj. 3- M. document, bond, deed
(BTOjelroDKoaj 1. first king. 2. the Mapilla
(also fST3)CU0fols), fQ_)i2io5mo, aismScSasfiJ) oq
ruler of Cannanur (fhinorolral) rooKD aijlsiijl
S)chn S)(U)£ioj (St2)CCDro(i3(2.i_)6m fBT^cSima MR.
I prove my case altogether by documents.
(Sira)el332-' again (=(sr3)Ql:ao3irls) (sra). rosngoa
aTly:DCCDft)o,f3raslcaocuofOo documents of former
@ Sdio^oraam (sraca;^, org), sisjcuzoc'si
transfer of property.
ffiCDOtSsn^^j TR.
(SY3)UJ1 adhi S.(cujo)l. Care, anxiety, longing.
(SrgjalcuojilcSio introduction (of a book) Vi.
CTOogociTlcffioain homesick. OT^cula^o.xiiOculcij^o
(gTgjB^Soa.-ft'.nb the serpent Ananta.
mental & bodily sufferings. 2. pawn VyM.
(STD)e,(TO)o 1. beginning & end. Vishnu (gT3)3jnro)

csngjCC 'iiJinb suffering mentally.

aj(TO-'Liocmlasi5Bl KR. G-od is (ergOjCTOraao'

(Tjinb, the Vedas are called (St3)a,cTO)(c^m (ST^Ujld9jjo adllikyamS.(otacASla)o) Overabun-

CG. 2. from first to last taiorosiuo

dance; pre-eminence, authority, power, (gal

KR. cali-oi) (sra'ojo miascfla^ijo ooleDBcXxssjDaiJlfolcOa

siJiio^monb (srg). asmcOsfSaaJDcX) csraj

coo a)^<99o (gT3). KR. from head to foot. (S§, <QiZZssB<hd3s) (STD). <Sc/Dcasl^xi(93 KU. you

(StgiSjo first. — adv. at first, at once; as at have the right to rule, they to sacrifice.

first, again (=(ST5)3l(232;) (HT2)8j<S0 aigjl-g^ cSr3)Uj;Q_i^o adhibatyam S, (fffracu^n.j.'ml)

MR. Sovereignty, supreme authority iSaajooSlaj

(St2)a,Qjcruoaoo= (312)3^00)0 f.i. culnrjjDfOtBralrai) (Wjo 6)<a)0§c9snrra Xal. (to heroes).

(gT3)gaEgl (Sira). noscrnlslgj MR. (ST^uJloOo adhinam = (ara(julmof,i. roo^ooy

(!SlrS;Qlrg'C^ ad'ityan S. ((inaalraTi) i. Son of ^05)abo (BT2)CJulor)0o(Sg^oc£y), mrmjOiiro (Stq;

Aditi (7 or 12). 2. Sun. m^. aal-^aQ/f03cmgiSa-jo (jjlan,i5i;slf(i)Cnlrrnls cnooTR. las subject of N.

(ST^UJOOOo 81 csf^cn — cST^ooDco'
(ST^UUDOOo adhmanam S. (co o) Flatulence. f5ra)Cr)ca's1o)aj-2j@ the 5th stage of growth in

I. (5^3)00 ana C. Tu. M. (T. cajono, Te. oQoa a cocoanut palm, the stump 4 inches over-

^, C. (ST3!a3 = Q®g2 to support) Elephant (sra) ground of the size of an elephant's foot fsrp)

oo3j:y>,-ni3?lrot) (S--(Srool, — cSsiys-oTaol AR. tsr^cn mcfflsl ajirolsraiB), (grgicns'isia^-aracach MR.

©fisegasi, ooangjf^gjlcBs) (ia temples), odo (81^00311^08.-313)), — Qjltp ,
— i^cX) (Rh.) different

§0(T)tame elephant (opp. d>D3om) ©moi3s ajejl plants.

g_jDnbox (510)01 TR. Often in prov. (ST^DcncSa (512)00 .oo32;gjafcl (=oost32JTb) fabulous bird,

05nT^ 61i>)<S§5rs etc. an elephant-lifter. rj^j^

fST2)aO(anTOl, — cosngl C. M. Anagundi, residence tsrgjmajsmsnsl or — ajsmceiTl Casearia ovata

of Crshna Rayer KU. II. (ST3)no aM. T. = (srD)aylao, (513)32; f. i. raiaxiCTUQ

(ST2)OOo9s)g^ children's play (o^ng^Seio) rnl caonog (^(S3(2j@gs,-3rai(niol KU.

cmDCiT) dialgjiTi^cnD CG.) (ST^OOce^o ana'yam S. Drum. (sro)(nosi§a§sl

{BT3)CT)i)siom' nj medic, plant, so also (Tycra CGr. Crshna, son of Vasudeva.

(5r3)Cncas(iT2CiJ§l a Hedysarum etc. (ST3)OOOno ananam S. (\/^OTanii) Mouth, (gi^cn

(Sir3)T)tS5)oroni) elephant-keeper (grgjoocsjji^s o^ notc/^fO'Oi martial mien.

O-Tsra) (ST2). ^rolcBsScmacb prov. (Sf^onssiO^ CSf^cnCQ:, anadnam S. (V'^onaa) Joy, delight.
TR. There are 8 joys (xTlcfiasi-o — , (SOjoiZiD — , QJ3

(ST2)mtS5)0ra!) an instrument in makiaoj roads. OTDOOO — , (S13)ri31Z3 — , 15=^3 — , aols33 — ,(313

(er^mcasrego elephantiasis. S)5is_i(m3 — , &sfO)OcnocncBo Kei!N'2. (phil.)

(grgjoOcSsif) pit to catch elephants. (5T3)cn-T35r2ji^ajo VCh. = a(ucruQo.

(5T2)ao5)cea2gl'i;i) elephant's house. (gra)rion3arD3pa:\o tears of joy.

(5T2)On5)(fisiOcr!j tusk, ivory. (512)0003000 friendly reception Yi.

(3T3)OnScSs)0^ elephant's trappings. den V. (512)00 rraltss) to rejoice, eiuggo (si-sids)

(STg)m(gtSsior3i) a measure of 4 kol = l Samy. (512). a Nayer custom, sprinkling every

(Srg)m^cTO)o 5)aj^ ciostSa stately walk. morning 7 times the water of their tank

(STg)CT)Si^oolc5i;rtb diseased with a scab ((Sf^'X) into the face.

(gv-oworaf), coe3^2Zio).
(SY^OOaOOo anamanam S. (.-nz) Reverence,
(ffi2)noa3T3)eJS32.oao sicusro rmrooo (song) as much (35^0)00001000 anayanam s. (ool) Bringing.
as an elephant's head. brought, took.
(312)^^000 (512). 5)jii!^ Sk.

(SirDjCnmSiiJiaajo tai-mlrcgjD^ejo c/srol prov. denV. (Bi2)ma0cesi l.^ajrasgssi (part, leigj

ffigm^s, — g_]S;^So elephant's pen, alsotsirg) f. i. cumr^o (Sijiooail^^ai ]S''al2.

to solve, find. 6)5);(3)fn3O'o^tS)3(To^0)o Gan.

(ST3)OnaJ3."u training an elephant — orgjCTnguo
found by the rule of three.
Qjonb =(gYD)cr)c9aafonb.
CSif0)OO3CQ.'o S. Net ajsojlcailfab (Si2). oQ'gjoo
(ST2)CTng_jl5ngl elephant's dung.
rnl ro -oral on 3 (b PT.
(STOjOnizej N. pr. of the jungle behind Palakadu.

(Brgmqeiio 65,u<e5)TP. one of the 13 (ergjCsj^cos

CST3)00DCQJ0rb anayah {(St^ 11. or2)nb I.) Cow-
(gjoaroo. herd (gi2)on3csii03;m(b, — gjlggib, — (3_airol CG.

(5r3)m(S0r3?) egrranrflib the privilege of employing (512)^0X1 young cow, (5T2)0O3a.j'^oonb calf

an elephant to convey earth, water (Syr. Y1.2.

doc.) (l5T3)OO0Cair5YoT|^ KU. The document by

(ST2)on32,sl(S.X).ti, So. (ST2)cr)^:usl (S. nr;rrylti_iD which Brabmans appointed kings for a period

©o) Elephantopus scaber (med.) of 1- years each, (derived from -31 2 00 3 32. (b:
(ST^nODoDo - CSW)C^jo 82 (ST0).-i_!CO — CSTD)o_J

since tho ogjoas^ajib, or cowherds are regarded day's work, day's liire or wages g^cni^aS'Cia

as the ancestorB of tho Kolikodu dynasty). ler^cn^wo (mrald) (vu.)

(Slf^OODoDo anaham S. (cDoO) Constipation (ST2)mj aos daily meals given to Brahnians

at the Mai. temples.
[(UDfol etc.

(St3)no]=r(gr3,3ilcr)i in N. pr. QajormDCTol, Q_jrro) i (!SfO)a^(Jl abaga S. ((grg^ajg ocean or mraci-jOD)

(BlfD);Td(^ejjoanU'Jfulyam S. ((grao9(«)aJo) Favour ['BiaasBDsl.

(SYD)Q_iennj abanam S. (cLjsnb) Market, shop

©irab o^DOCTdi^^o onstOigfTrD Nal. rules im- cSirO)Q_irmnOo aba6anam s.(aj'm) Failing on.
partially. denV. ajDixjo rgrgjo-jitjilcSso CC.

CSf^Cfb'Sej^Qjo anulomyam S. ]S\atural order cSr3)Q_!-oW, (St^o-iOYQ?! abattu S. (>-ljq)

(opp. (0^0(0) l<Saj3i^o unequal marriages, etc.) Mishap, ruin, danger. rarD)n_i(ig3i^.Dejo opp. oro

C5f3)rrg)Q_Jj anubam S. ({graogajo) Marshy rmc^ prov. rgrgjOjE^ ajfCJo laoajj csrajo-KSrara

climate- scijl^lg KR. (sra)n_j^oajit^ §^°^^ soro.ijl

I. (ST^OfO an T. SoM.= (3T2) Ox or cow, hence cto KU.

;3T3>cnoaj young cow. [ai q.v. (St3)T-jcmo (part.) afflicted, affected by.

II. (STS)Oft) T.M.= eiDjaflnfj Conditional of (gr^a?

(ffTTTi o ' ?Ao OjOo
\ S. ({3T3) III) From head to foot

CS^PfW anSa (T. owl) A poisonous or unlucky (erg;, (gtaornlonra) m^sosmssed:) CC.
animal aQiaranrnlgjDi'oiO) (grgjoro^iio prov. (B.— (srga-joazrrgaio sonoajo Nid. idem
chameleon 'Vi.= (St^z).
CSrO).:i_J0Ql £^ abad'ikka S. (tua) To obtain a_ia
CST^nTJ^o an5am SoM. Spike to preserve fruit-
trees from tiiieves.
<SifO)Q-j!o^o abinam s. (ojjo) Udder, «ajo«s
CSt^PfOfDo anSaram S- (.-srSiTOS) internal. © nmra^j po.

CST^Q-Jo aptam S. ('srg.o-j) part. Reached, ob-

TK. the secret of the case. org). ©^OOTa-urrf)
tained, attached, trustworthy. srgjOjjjajOcSa un-
superficial mind. (Srg).^ has courage, de-
doubted declaration, as of Gods, authentic
termination, resources.
speech. BT3;aj^0'iT^ confident, (mcoliflsagg.ofos
CSr^C^O, (SY3)r^,^ Fief under
YCh. g):ijl5)S STgicijjZiDcang ara
a^re!D<b (srg)

Calicut, from which are derived the (grerjijao

«a (BT332;a35) TR. 032KcX)c9s oj^S)ca m^a^nij
ooaai-niaib potters also ,'3rd)(TO),nt) KU. drsjo ^ —
(= .ijlc.ojfrgnb). (TC!zl>:i_io ergiajjajanb CC.
6ngOi)snT) STOjCTTOjlcarViScb TR.
came nigh.
©f^OBjc&jFire to burn & rise(=t5T3)eji>,)'Vi.
srgj.-i^S. 1. acquisition. (gra^c^ooJ^sxajSitVij.

(S(^\£<^o antram S. (isracrarao a. 'enteron) to gain my wish. mD-ftSaioaonjlcsiitai) a.o

1. Entrails i-3T3)'^3mDaj, — 5);&,of,n:^, — ojDCxy. <^o gDSgj^fga CG. what do I care about
2. M.= ceT3)lQg);^3ajl, (ST2)iQ3)ajlteao a rupture, going to heaven. 2. trust Vi.
(5T2)aTOloajl<b'aralrf3s ootid a med.
(SY^a_l appa Spoon, ladle Vi. (T, (sa&g^).
(SlfB)(S03D^d62 andoli'ya S. ((31330302) Swing-
(Slf^a_J appu T. M. C. 1. Wedge, plug, what
ing cot, litter = a) aiDslfoti.
stops a crevice. (STOjgjo dj^sl aiOJDSo cst35)S^
cST^rrty 10 andhyam S. ((gramu) Blindness.
(po.) bolted the door. (sr3)g_jo -oilgjo gD^oh
(SfQ)lcr\X^a andhram S. Telugu (Audhrae gens, vu. — (hence (BizeJDgi, eiDOOgj) 2. wad of gun,
also (BT2)g_jo Vi.
(ST3)mjo anyam t. m. (Tdbh. oi^acnlaio) A (3r3)g_]nb N. pr. of men.
83 (Si^'Sl^D — (ST^a £0)
cSf^ci_^jo apyam S. ((sto^) Watery, ojl.-ai^JiOjo !
CSf^fi]^3fU)to ^oble birth Bhr. 5)W33_jlcal
Sc/aosrnl'majo (Sggc^ojo s.tujso .-dotu (ffrojnu
go.'iA eaoTnlotto m^ qj.tto, o_nTnlo2/(b @oiTlsaj
zocxjiggg YCh. — all drinkables, which di-
^baJ^a2l5IT)!S9 (ST^elraoioiitSsoaj ojcrro Anach.
gested produce i^ro)o. ro<flOn, (ryDsmnb (mcd.) Simple
<!SfO)fi]C^6U,o i. q. (Sr^). eaajl::^^ Nal.

(StD)cO QJo aplavam S. (gj) Bathing. faced her. eo.xil^sraraiajSrcos (srg). Sajoejo
(ST^Q_lfb E. Officer -sigiOjfOio c'slg_jO^;Dra3o TR. Bhr. (STOj'iS.Tsrao^ (^sSoj cruzzoaoleOsc Mud.
in presence.

(Sif3)Q_Ql'Bt, iTSrCoiflTjb MR. E. Appeal

CST3)^fQaD abhirail l. An SbhTra, people near
(ST3)5iQj'lXJ3 abad'dham S. (stimu) Bound to, the Sindhu (=0phlr). 2. cowherd <ST3)glro0
eonnecte 1— tiiMifyoke; rgi;g)OTJlij(gzoarr)33nCG.
-jmuejo ag)ejoo a^eoial AR.
cS^6YXJD<-0 abadha S. (..tjjdcc) Segment of a '^
(ST3)(g3D^ono abhojanam s. Water
triangle s base. Gan. drunk by Brahmans out of their hands Vi,
(ST5)6Yijld95o abdipm S. (osrosq^o) Yearly — (ST3)(2) ama T. M. C. (Tu. a®5)Z) Turtle of 3
a Brahman ceremony sra). aiif^Qjonti TR. kinds mD§o0 (either aifocaoiz. cQ.orooa or siaj

ggaz, the latter in fresh water-) .SiOsoa, <&>

C5T3)^ abha S. (so) Light, brightness. (Srp.g <s> -^^3^- [SCBio^o med.)
aJTn ft)for)6!5Bcb Mud. aTgoOocroDS Nal. -gigjZSmo^ tortoise shell ((Brgjmgjgjo (grgja
(STD)/SfD6YV)o abharanam S. (S(fc) Decoration, (513)2 ^§<SQ_joo)aj (prov ) very soft.

ornaments, siz^osroemo, moj mgL)D;§ft)5m«3i3G\5 (ST3)2a-iOgJlcSs) to fly a kite.

RC. originally they were forbidden in Kerala; (gT3)Zg-jaJ35 KU. seat of Brahmans, made of
the most common are now: (r'aiDc)og. bracelet,
^2>(S) wood, in shape of a turtle ('^?ZaJ>oo).
(&)Sc;>io wrist-ring. ff)moolgj§o frontlet, cdIqUd
imga^^sQiP bag for betelnut, etc.

iZtim! hairpin, ^a^DiTjilej or a^^rujejo or (ftsrracDf

<SfS)Cbo amam S. 1.(G. '5mos) Raw, undressed,
ear-ring, i^cesrotts^ nose-ring, eDSJ necklace, g-a !

undigested, (srg)2^c^a2o stomach (opp. ojcDud

ezlai finger-ring, r3>a, ankle-ring. !

cBca-'o). 2. sickness, chiefly slimy stools, (sr^

(Sf^sorh^ery^o abhasanam s. (sDce^) Address- izesjroo diarrhoea with fever. 3. M. stocks

ing. asmooDroo (gT3)6ajeo(Sra3 CC. told his for hands & feet ««§(!^ ff)a.D5n|<Sn_j03il orga
wish. i5Talf3l; ^s TR. (=<S(moao).

CSf^^jC<X>o abhasam S. (V ;^oaru splpndour, ceirO)a&nod8a amanakku T. M. (& (st^cu —

deceptive appearance). M. Low, vulgar aoo Te. orgj^cuoo, C. (araajcxD S. (srO)iZ6mvo) Cas-

ora'aisaDLplcsj^oiS tgT2i:^ocrOj Arb. corruption tor oil plant (STgjaffmcSsilej, — <ssnnb®aj(b a

(=(ni(CT3.'u<:-) (srgi. (Bt^il' o-jro MR. mcanbnilding. ™®''-

[eioiffOK)) (ST3).)

croo.efultSsiOfb fgTg)goarur;20(b MR. (fttu-iolanmo Kinds: jiiiooo — Ricinus communis (the best

cs^(3@gDroo;§oGrDrtb QQ-tiTlasissaD Bhr. or^t^aav) fi)Qurala2J (STj)' Rio. inermis

<aejT^al&fol) ei-y^^ KR. — In phil. the indi- o)^)cyo — or n_)DS"i1 (sroj. Ric. africanus Rh.
vidual soul is fstgiSDrroealunb. .ajojom tST2)- (whence lampoil).

(STS)^.QJOfDo abllijaram S. (raraisl) Enchant- 0eJ32;o— Ric. Tanarus.

ment, sorcery (= 0Dro5m0:a^o)§gora3(il^D:Oo <S)Sejo, — aisn^aio, — <9.o§o Jatropha Cureas.

fgT3i.£ijrDlc85) CG.) looking for omens to accom- oiiSiDslcaa — Tragia caraelia.

plish a sinister act. (SiajiS^-rUorooalfi-.c)^ aonriD cs<7y)(23^^errio amantranam s. (0105) Call,
csil ojolcOso cblcijaruo a iflgjocDDai^ Mud. inviting cgr^. O^^ (groiroliij!) <aii2a)o1 Nal. bid

(Sif2)(£l -!i3Droces)0ran5 sorcerer. farewell (with an invitation),

(STB)Q)OGo — (SrO)CQjrnb 84 csf^iQa — (Sif^cQ;Di?r)o

dcnV. to invito, summon (tnaajSmos (ST^Zkjt^I Siorxj^ral) — Men. Indica.

-p\ 833fOO'5)3i''aa-i'n.ijlaTl032Jo Bhr. advised asCJ — Damasonium Indicum,

him to cxcliaiif^c. (!SYS)(0o amram S. Mango tree, 0oxi'.

CSf^ChCQo amandam S. raaao) Slowly (gg) -stg). CST3)^o amlam S. ((Biog) Tamarind tree, .%ja^.
cSrLjDmTlajg lurrra CG. by & by she became a
I. (STg)CG;o ayam S. ((STDj+aj) income.
(gT5)'3i':iJo ojjcacijo receipts & expenses m^'sv
(SirD)aC2;o amayam S.((ST2)0o2.)Sickne8s, hurt.
<2<X)0(Bs> vu. — (gTD):a6i3Qcb ojim
(Sl^aeJcfiio amalapm S. l. Phyllanthus em-
el (oxjDSiej CG. revenues.
blica, s^mi^p. 2. a temple '0rira35^nn(^^
(STDjTioia.s T. Tu. C. M. Settlement of land,
Sab. e33io d^fO:wELiD2aj3-.zoa2Jro3o Mud. as
register of assessment W.
easily held as a s^on^cea in the hand.
II. (ST9)CQJo M. 1- Either the prec. in ojrmosio,
(Sir9)Q)DS amada (also (sr^szos) — Veuetian or
eCLn^O^i'o, f. i. gJcnlgJfDo n^SOBaXD QjcmDcao
Moorish Zechiii::=ajl^oc^ Vl. gj^oisraaiasl
o^cm:Tl>>rai3lgy PT. how things will go with me
(ST2)2osa^'o siojo.TiDo prov.
(or from I'sratal, (arj)^ \/^{gT2)|.<Si). — aho in
(STD)(2l amiNoM,(=rd}.o)SCBRh.) A light timber
mort)DC2Jo, (&'oaJD3Do q. v. 2. lightness tsrg).
tree, used for making yokes, the coals serve
Qjraasg^ alleviate, (gr^). <J)c&;D§ce5i make nimble
for gunpowder ( — ^roTl Odina?)
^1.2. (B. slackness, comp. mro-f).
(ST0)(2lc£no amisam S. (,^ao) riesh PT.
fBT3)(al.ajDc-al flesheater. OSK^CQJTDo ayabam S. (caz) Stretched, long =
CSl^C^lcvb Ar. amin, Native police officer
cnlsng. (si^j^Z/rtDiaoca Srzjiosrni AR. (grgjcasnalipl
caocb Bhr. (STOjayrm iiJgra'^o Gan. oblong.
(Sr9)£^fiyfc Ar.amiljCoUectortBraaoal (513)01,1*. TR.

amulagram (Srg)32.vcnl 1. length = (St3):2jo(2j. 2. futurity (srg)

CSTD)(^ejD(C9o S. {m^ iii.) From
top to bottom Vl. C2;:o9lAai0nti VCh. looking to future use.

CSif^CSQDGo amod'am S. (^^s) l. Joy. (gT2)<S0oal (STg)CQ; -OrCPo ayattam S. (cariA) Dependant, tra-

^ CG. cheerfully. 2. fragrancy almoca/'.ij ctable=(gi(2)a51mo (gT3)i2;OTa5)^§^ to be ready.


oo ojcmotsaoeo qIjokjij^^ cn\ (Diocrxsgjo CG. (In So. (ST2)CrQDg_jO§ = arraofuo^ Yi .). Kings are

smelled them out? described as ax)-i03ZJr5K»crulaulflic>oor cro-ajl.uo

(STO)o am l.= (STg)ao(see(5Tf3)!93ei)It will be, also CE)m3;cnSlai)^S)<:>3 Mud. acting on their own
in S. interj. of agreeing, (gY2)0na)aTa§gaj(bGnP. conviction or on that of a minister.

those who can. 2. interj. of grief Vi. CSl^COJOfb ayail T. M, (Ot^ 2.) Cowherd, Veishya

CST^a0CQ;o amnayam S. (^a) Tradition, holy f. (5T3)Ca^ or (srgi-oj^. — (grgjSi'aieJ.iyiai^.'al ojlorrtD

scripture, po. CC. (gT2)'aTiaoas onoLDfif) CG. — (Si[2)C2/<b!3<fl<o'T6 1.

(ST^CYUfZjl) ambal T. M. (otso T. wetness) A chief of cowherds CC. 2. Crshna Bhr.

water-lily, which opens after sunset (grj). cijl tsirgj^oxiasl, 5)Qg)cruosl, (srarnjosl 1. cowfold,

rolsroinitmDain CG. (ST2)axia)l) aRltpsisig, med. (aigicnj village of herdsmen. 2. of Tamuri's

ejlainbo (maral GP. Qg)n6^.-t5T3)0ocsj;ff)@gDfoocrurai) palace, (ST3)'3i'-rx!03l ®;a)o:a?lej.0i(i:^ CT'gyosl

CG. my mind seeks the moonlight of thy smiles. KU- chief lady in his establishment (see

Chiefly: Q^nosl).

ro<fK9)3CTural) Nymphea Lotos. C5Tf^C2;cY\:o ayasamS.('Bra32,8) Of iron (

6>ajggo — Nymph, alba. tBr5)3l'®nLjo Bhr. iron frame.
^OOD — Nymph, stellata. CST^caiorcTIo ayabam S.(qid) Happened =:(sra)Cn
S^jiiq^ooo — Menyanthes cristata. ro-,0 f. i. (Si^aiDi-a^ssacoorogciJ^ Nal.
(eT^ca;Dcroo — (Sr^coTl^ 85 (ST3)CQJ UUo — (SrB)CQ^ qro

CST^CQJDCTOo ayasam S.(caoru) l. Exertion, (gira) CSt^CQjJUUo ayudham S. (cqjco) l. Weapon,

cao.iTio feirrao g)S5Di3oa)'rolgj'nb CG. CC. over- arms (6i!ajJ(c/5SejnQ3 ^on_)(cL)ooro®finoafo^ej «>

work. 2. fatigue, trouble. ODaonooiocruoa CQJ(^'j3d>rt»l-a^ralc9iosl<9ic)o AR 6.) rSTgjcajcuo

0o Qjfwni^ CO. refreshed themselves. (S% og)§a5)i3T3icasiaj(t)TR. the adult males. ?ii)Da0siT)

CS2/0CTUO (SojOiesI CG. (=^tBrg)ej(mo) — org). (Srg) 5)ro &>5ngo(i^(Sf^. ajy>o)633omoKTJ. presentarms.

QlCaOfOJ raTlsTlSeJ n_lOcd/\al ff)o_lC2D3i?l (Sl!_10c9i20 (5T3)'3?ico.i3TaD5m KumK. by my bow! 2. tool

oo5)ceiao^33fai CG. don't drive her into despair & (3T2), Q^§c9sira)) installation by a sword conferred

madness. 3. (compare (STOj^yo II, 2.) nimble- on each successive head of a family (also ^
ness, (gTO'|jonro'ni3.o-ai) (ST^^aocroo cura-airaTl by &m<se.)

fencing obtained full power of limbs; — oppor- fgrgjO^^'c JO rfte,131071 Nayer 's war-knife 6)5)&>^as)

tunity, QJ0K5g. (STO;. SliSiOoiTg gO^sroiSl TR. ((i®OD§roc6o>.tJral

CSr^COTlnol T.M. ayini (T. (grgjajlcnl core of mod. ajl sa cBm -"gK^ •

tree)= {gif3)5rara)an Artocarpus pubescens or (grgjca^cocflsioranb sword-bearer, soldier.

hirsuta, a strong timber, aiDSojleJo u . (Sirg)^cu<Sd3fflOoi armour, preparation for fight

ajg^lcaocffi^OT^ Weberacorymbosa(its fruit £hO (Sr3)''^g-J35^s (Sojoai TP.

SjildSffl.) (BT2)3^ciJo_iosnTl 1. fighting man. 2. title of

fST3)C2l^cnlg_j05 1. a mode of dunning, (prh. the 36000 armed Brahmans, who performed

by sitting on a plank of Artocarpus v)Ood, Cshatrla duty in Kerala KU.

or from tSTDjOOjo?) (srgi^iA.TTl oTlacnjoi to (grgts^cua^^ (=CT)OLiroo(®^) feast in honour of

pay the expense of it. 2. meal given to the tools, which procure one's livelihood

bridegroom by bride's mother on marriage OrDi-DOrU-l.TJil 0^833^0 (gT2)'3?iUJo 5):U^ o^escs^jo

day (=o-jocs^oQ, No.) (8th Kanni) TR.

(S^coJlfDo ayiram T.m, (C. a-OD;ijlroo S. ccono (5T2)'X^CO'7aoai arsenal.

ijtpo) 1000. (STgiailrao (SoisoeaaiD?^ cotiiDQ-jfiJ)^ (BT^QS^^cxJoeiOcroo fencing exercise, taught by

(SnDO0o — (ffif3)calfos).-ore)ocnD mraficnac^jofao S. Panikkar (see <0;(ia_j).

Of 18 kinds (^qjojlsj

G. (sr2)C27lro5),'Si3)S <SiaJcra6!3Bc>o AR. for coro- ojolcfla TP.) viz. 1. 6iO'!rnfDo2. <^.s£>^'0 3. ^
nation. Q_)DOg(b ajga^icaioalcaDOSo (sr^o^litiajo §ajo i. 05nu)aJo 5. c^Tsra^i^o 6. crga-.e&o^o

<0i5ng (ftotgjo TR. letter to the chief men about P. 7. cu1k:2;o 8. ojlc/a j(S0OaDano 9. (oil^^B smu

(ST2)aiilro<Q«6rnl a dangerous ulcer, £Lio ((srasonjoonjo) 10. coaiajoSoDSCO.-iOjrao

(ffi2)(3£lroa3Dg|:)nb thousand eyed, 11. L'dmerm'^sjo 12. Qoo^siao 13. rusajo 14,

(STOjcaJlrocfifflOfal) 05raun_io hall of 1000 pillars, ajrooeacszjo 15, aiDCflJc^siTl 16. calojDoUTmjuo

as at Kumbhakonam. 17. cosoc;30{(TOo 18. (ffK)Q3.T3T3)0o. Popular

(mgiaa^raaDoajaao ®r3)aj(m(B^o@ajonb CG. thous- names are (STg)0ni^!9)oS):u-^o .n)cTa)oo>ajj^o

and tongued. (9!f!nlra^<0)0S)CiJ^n (^tT35rab5).X)^o etc. TP.

(gTf3)aiilfDgi(T3)o candlestick with 1000 lights Vi. ayussu

(STO)CQ;c:y\0 S. (rargjqi, V^ (sraib, G.
(erOjoiJlfOcnjiOitn prov. thousand -witted. ilidn) 1. Life, long life a^sOBiia (Bi'OjS^Sfj^o^

(gTS)CSiri(2reo:ib Lord over 1000 Nayer, (BTaaaSOTfffl (gjois (oQ-Josmo TR. I shall let you escape
ora). KU. also cBra)'32j''<B'^3msTawiQ, cr)3CQ;(t 1500. witl) your lives. fgraj'S^cj^j^o.'oraiajroiSgjD aral

(STD)CQ?i^caJo ayiliyam (Tdbh. (&pj(sg^-cao) =ej, (siro)C%^ooojc>i eslijlgjlgj Bhr, (sr^. ra

The 9th asterism, forefeet of Leo, auspicious (Ssmifta'xyom esfvioib KR, <sfS). n^^dte, CTn1cas>^

for Niiga worship. dh-)^<&i TR. to execute one. (argjC^fr^oroffliiejo

(BT3)Csi(lgjlctto a med. gsngoo, org)3£\'ni37lcTrarnn73a med. 2. lifetime.

(BTD)^ca)0OJ — (SrafOeno 86 <&"r3)fD2)0 — (Sr3)(tioou

(STO). aj(?ijlo05) to live long, (St^cs^fj^oTa the name, by which they called themselves

prov. org). aj'SirujleSsi to terminate one's life. when entering the peninsula?. (srjj'Sffn'xb (ftsnxu

Vi. cn\nb oraauocq^m^ Qc9)0§:ni3)0ft)l) Bhr. half nsralfab .BTac/77ld)>c)a CG. (srgirosmib (2<Q>onoo3D ma
thy destined lifetime (Si®. Q^rmajmaiinb aiasroTi foartb, (STsraemoojlcyamoo cuonala^ E.M. also
jiD^oejo jiis<sh ©^. vu. •
hon. plur. (gT3)rasm.xi<S!3o (BraoacQaOo cnq^ CC.
(Sr3)3^rt)a0)o death. (grgVoionriA crojciDo [ya.xjl^
(!Sf^(QQiO arama A Venetian, =5 Rupees Vi.
KR. (srgj's.-oraoao Nal 4.
? (ST5)rDnfUo arambara No.^ooznr). ((ST^cb III.)
(Sr3)(SJj6ruaJo strong constitution.
'3T3)nS'T)JZD3il Qja.<D3i>i, (2a_lOOQ<9i fondly.
(ffTOjCqjeonjo (='5ra:^0igDX)o.) (cine). 'STgjrccrucSsia' or -eig^roaxio d)glc95) children to
(STgjCS^OJfiijfno lengthening the life(f.i. medi- coax parents.
(St2)Q%<b cijlmDa3<9ioejo death (m^. (sr^cofoio AR.)
(ST2)^C50(b SiT-jooo^ioicaoib '5T3iracnjo)S)g_jtairal) on)
(ST^CS^Sdjao medical science. (song) = sTgj'gQozii-ai). (girg)(0cnjc9Q§l etc.

tffrg)Cqj(S^-fl3o rest of lifetime raracuan (sragjo


(ST3). tiSngocSicaiofs!) PT. CSTD)rDo^o arambham S. (roig) Undertaking,

(gr3)<3^Sr^o0o celebration of life, a sacrifice KR. beginning.

den V. (ST^raos lcBs)=gS6!5§<Si, -with Ace. ajs (srg)
(SrO)3%ic^ofTb (f. c^foTl) long lived— (srQ)'^^-^ocr)0

&i Bhr. a blessing. roosl^ a?a^;^, (BTgjrooel^ aizaesedo TR.

<SY5)(ScQ;DOjnOo ayodhanam s. (c^jcu) Battle.

.rijajaDorao(eT5) MR. with Dat. (jyty.-malcte
(SrS). MR. took up the -work.
(SrOj'.WJlma (3;9iOc^s Bhr. prepared to fight.
part. (srOji'Deigjo begun, ajla_is^m6!3Bg.orai) tgrg)
(S^^t Sfrns^ ayj^a T. M. C. l. To select, cull
roemaacs^ig ODa|Q-jaiajsc>o Nal.
(hence orgjroD^) gather, array ajlo£h (St^stmgi
iSrajfoejo to betaken in hand {ST3)ft)ej0OS5caDfZ33
eiajces) heap up, (ftca^Q, ctgraixgrg). coil up. ts^q,
6njosmc^aDo CG.
<S) (ST3)sraigio)ajce5i put grass halms of equal
(Sr2)f0o/36n") alacrity Vi.
length for a rite. 2.=(5ra5T3yai, to bend as
(gT2)fOoi|l diligent; clever workman Yi.
for an exertion Vi. f^jfol^iaio tsrgjsroro) AR 6.
(STO)fO,^ aral T. M. (T. also fire) 1. An eel (SoM.
swung. (S(tj)(b (srajsroi^ ojls'':^ coa^ia^o^i^sl-aj
(ST2)'2fOon6) Clitoria ternatea. 2. (T. tgrD)ro)
Bhr. pulled up. cljosojo gsoiajib toizalfiA <Sm
Marsilea quadrifoIia = CTflfD0foa3i); ajgricajorarafi
55ft) fm2).^sms)06Tw^ RC. ciois^-mal^'^ aaDosra®
Oxalis (in GP. oflrooora^, aja'ca/oorai)).
sl^onti PT. lifting up the arm. axiJarmrrb
(ST^rooJo aravam (Sr^fDDQJo S. («») Cry,
(STgca; ojoot RC. fled eagerly.

noise o^'^jjorajjo etc.

a."v, tSl3)!gi, to swing (2) ojI^dcsP^ foi^.-ffiigsl
(Si2)roc!JOfOo T. M. Tu. clamorous multitude,
aiTlfat) ©oanal rsraslcSiso VeY. (C (5T2)fOoajofOo retinue, train, prh. from
CST3)fDo aram l. S. (Erz Ge.) Brass, also tgrg) tBi3)(tB(9)) feastly pomp orajroajo.'osraf.o crolo
(t>@5o — (ST3)rD S. an awl. — (srgjfotb S. Mars, nOono3«5a|.o Nal. oJl.-ocb Sajorol^s (srg).

G. ares. 2. Tdbh. ooarao string of pearls; ao aliiSi-Qj RC. warcry.


Ofi^a (2 oinssioDDrooftio CG. JuacaDiXKSzo.trilrDo (ST^rDQJo^ see cs^r^ceh.


cST^roo^ce^, (STO)fDoslae6i arattu^^a No. (t. ©rg)
(Si^fDSo aradam NoM. = <mo.uo§ (prh. (gra,ijl i
rass =?coatraction of (xnaroof Winslow) ajglsia;
So from (ST3(^3; or ^tST^rsjotDc)
isiO). To soothe or lul! a child to sleep, see isrg)

(STO)a)§o arattam S, ^Bi & (STO)(b III.

famous for horses. (SrOirDDUjoOo aradhanam s. (oouo) i. Gain-

(STr^fDe^TJab aranan(T. (Br^.-osm.. Vedam, prob. ing, performing. 2. (= Tr^dOLVm) worship,
from S. siorasmnb stranger) Brahman, perhaps esp. with flowers 0aeji)3;y 6)^^(gajlNaI.
^T^fQDfflo — (ST^(f^ra5o 87 (H)TD)(S(X)3C/) .0 (SW)(h

(ST3)«)acjocina>-aJigi, & orgjOouj^as) to worship. ed. (HracajDjgnjc.Tb mounted. (STDjOAicreD*,

(araoj^m (srg). si-^x^ CartV. roozrrb ajli^ (BT^jOaiDCTOaocjulAcb KeiN. perfect philoso-

S)cn (Sf0)O0Oj^^ AR. (before using it). phers. ieT^(®aic®ao20f3i)Nal.(= eao.-ow). 2. Mai.

CSH^fDOQlo aramam S. (foei) Pleasure garden a ruined house or family = ig2naj gjg2 'Oi"-'

o^aooj; (STO). a^gjD22i (gra^oaroi^iPcro CG. a)0§.

(a grove.) (gi^SfODCQjD arogyam S. (tgrasroooDo) Health,

(STD)fDDC§^, 0YW3J arayya T. M. C. Te. [Tu. strength; also of trees ifly^sss^i^nbo (srg). <2.xjo

10 rake together.] (prob. or^'gii -with luf. (STgro) «aj TR.

To seek, search, examiae (ST2)i^o,^ Syr. doc. (SirD)(ifDOa_Jo arobam S. ((^^.^o caus.) Laying

cinoraD^isms^oo (STS)raD5)ca;eiTr)o CG- (^(ZKo tsrg) on, imputation, charge, also isrgjoOooj^mo.

fODsrora QjTnlsssmo VetC. to get a turtle. (STgj denV. (sr^<2(zociS^<as>= ^2i(!^&) to inflict; av)

fOoig/iSajsng Bhr. sojQ'raBcb f3)5)nT)g_j5reora3staigi g-jsroo (gr^). VCh. to attribute virtues. <Sao

tfcrra CG. (BrajroasrorgiSmocSa to examine, cfiao (gt^). to charge with faults.

? (ST3)rao32-2."n3§o a certain divination Vi. (STO)(£fD0(2i:3baromal((5Tg)*=i-S7af©) l. Darling

CSi^(t)DfZ5b aral S. (Ved, distant) Near (Sf^.

(3T3)2raD2,c!) S)5)o_iz3',ralCG, 2. pleasantly, happi-

Qjlffna AR. ly (STTO). cryoiTl^fraisasmo PT. (grg;. cijrBono

mr?) aru-ya (T. Te. to abound, have o).aJ!^ etc. (po.)


richly, prh. from \^ (513 «S) C Te. T. Tu. chiefly (ST^CBfODdOo aroham S. (rar-D) Rising, ascent.

the Inf. (3rg)f0 Richly, satisfactorily. 515)3^.^d fi-jroajroo (BTg). 5) oiQ^ionb KR. went up into (see

rocusmsusl, ii'^zaiS)(S)0^(^ RC. (with both (STS^awo-)

hands) ofSooolj^nnnrrao ajcaoora nJi"!5mo cni^) fST3)'S.-D0aO5mo ascending (f, i. ovsi^o — the
RC. to vultures in battle —a belly-full for death of kings KU.); rise in singing MC.

their offspring. (girajroajDib^ai full breast, denV. (gi3)3fDDaDlc6o-) to ascend roLDo oTd). BR.

hence orgifoajoitiigaJaiocb Bhr. rgirg'o.uotbigai I. (Sf^(b ar T.M. (^cao*) Who? pi. & ind.f.

cngjOcVj RC. sing. ^^D ci^y>OT3) (srgjSirog (& tgrgj^ra^)) TR.

adj. part. past. acyajDcro) o^ajlois RC. (=ruj whose = {ST3)(t8o)S — (Bira.Ufo'lrtli) (gT2)ro3f036)5 SS)i

sr^, ^@g.)cnlso;Tn (St^cXd CG. tall man. cooTn blcSo) (argjSm' i^olsroisg MR. (repeated with

aomiajib the good. (sait8Smi'03rro):un6 RC. distributive signification). fSTDjfffio gj^ there

as high as Meru. (Saaao (5r3)5)rmyo ooaio is none, I have no friend, (gr^rcao aorao ( = (gra
the joy-giving fruit. (Ssiismocni croTUfigs Qjano) ^gj3.oraajnt) Vi. left alone in the world.

overflowing wealth, fSTgjTra (sic.) ojjiia.Tnonb (at3)^onb (fr. (ST2)t6, (913)31^106 see (srOjanTra) (stg)

CG. decidedly, (^2Q3o whosoever, any one, the next best,

adj. part, fut (sroailiiionso 0)3)339), sratPSiDrao (STgjSsoaso <saj5irTgo none wants it; also de-

CTnlnbajDjaJi})o RC. clined (gi2)'aoo>nbo, orgj'DaSi'no^KR. (grgfODnb

fin. v. (eMa_i032,o ( CC. they died (='^o (Srgjfoonb lOiStm prov. the who is it remains

a who is it.

v. root in Coiiri. (=(Sr^(^o) ODOcooibZO^ Bhr. Old forms (gra)Sractao (fr. o^rnlaao) & (gr^'SroGjj

the Lotus-born lady Lacshmi .usl.xiDib. cu' (a^aTlejo) (gT3)(S(te4o oicno .feer^oihlcsejo CG.
g_j RC. Well shaped bow. — c^aDo (STg)fiaa)S ojDnb CC. whose can it

CST^i'^B&nQjo arunyam S.=,erar!S5niia^, Of glow- be?

ing anger i^sdo (StQ). o^'sng ^0srai^ CG. n. dSf^'h !• (T. sharpness) Chip, splinter, as of

CST3)((TOaJL3o arudham S.(part. ra.oo) l- Ascend- bamboos ,^aca.3(b. djlfDejlvm (BT3)(ra>9)c)o o-io^
(!Sf^(b — CSif^jfCTOlo S8 CSt^roYO^OJo — (S^Cgjo
drove splinters between finger & nail m^ih thirst (STg). ojlald)!) pant after water, etc.

<9irra)o, (aT9)rol(Tb<9)no)o spuar of Areoa wood; 3. (comp. m^&T)) cryii'.g' out.

Hhaft of spear (=: (BTOdJai) tsr^ro^SaftiOft)!) pointed (Sf^(UrU)OJo artavam S. (g@) The menses.
stake. 2. (T. splendour) (BTgjSraejo siojotto CG. rerg). oijiJQajo, (gr^jtsroixioelsaoiSDo Nid.

shining gold. (Comp. (St^nsi-H').

cST^xSo ard'ram S. i. "Wet. moist (2^aii).cb (st^
HI. cSr3)(^=: (513(133 (bef. Vowels) fargrtaaTlib Bhr.
QfiSBaooP CG. by bathing, (gizl (grgjOcaoaO
The precious life, fsr^jroyrab tailro^iZDQ, Bhgc.
(by moonlight) refreshed. (Sr^QCOcnueiJana
love-sickness; prh. (srgjfSraoo'O (S^) Vi. con-
S)a50S>Tg (St^iSsi Nal. 2. soft, mellow, feeling
tralto (?)
(sa-Tucn^n^ Sfa_)0o(3eoajo siTlcflssao SiPus.
IV. CS1'^>'^= (srajQ, f. i. &^fmalajDZ2iO(b oolejojla^jy
are strangers pitied. <ans6rr)0(3oryaL\o AR.
Mud. (5T3)(bA],§o ^ooanb Siva crowned with
from compassion-
(ST0)O'i3i compassion = (ST3)'3SDajo, o^nrrosjs §§
(!S^cBQ>c&>, (^ arku'ya T.M.(T. also to fight
6110 <9)5r^of3i) (SY2)OtJi eajlsiansmo Nal, &>
comp. II (gro)(b) 1. To cry aloud, roar, shout.
gjlofTDo org). g)Si^oo Bhr. even a stone would
(gTO)t!^o-ioai to vociferate, i^nrroaTlaj (gTgjtm^ (in
solemnities), (srgjfi^ajdi^nnooib AR. shout of

triumph. 2. prh. to blaze up, rise (5T2)i")a3T3)

CST^Cgjo aryam S. (terasjVed. faithful, or V^rsraib

ploughman) 1. Belonging to the Aryas, the

ralcsjjTm (fftacrnl (po.) or roaring fire?
conquerors of India, (opp. ao^, (C^ertb). (Srgi^
VN. (8ig)(9s)ra!), (Sigigll in (STO). Qjla^tea, (ST3)jj^
ce,0(Gi5)S BitDo 6)o)a.S)£>f,3 5n| Mud. the mountain
§(e>; also (Si^gjroltSa to halloo.
prince embraced Hinduism (STOj^Sood^ ojfOJ
CV, (ST2);yl(9is) 1. make to shout. 2. s)a_iOsl
cono £(331^0 a_ioa^rna Mud. a Brahman; but
(Srgjgjl^ Bhr. stirred up, raised dust.
also Veishya, (ST5)^nb = o)jiJs> loc. 2. Sanscrit
(ST3)Cg6I5>30§ arniiodu {(sr^lb T. Bauhinia tree,
(BT2)2jajOcea pure Sanscrit. (ST^)^ ag)!^(^ the
orgjib^SiSio^ its branch, symbol of the (SjiiOiP
modern Mai. alphabet, as used for S. writing
Raja) N. pr. The Valluvar dynasty, which had

to celebrate the Maharaakham feast at Tiru-

6lftB <ai5n")c93 TR. 3. suiting an Arya, noble,
navai, until dispossessed by the Tamuri. (aigj
respectable roa^<Bsic>o croo•SQJoaoooii^,o5l^ oq
(£6i3Qosaruaj23a_jo KU. (ST3)S6rao|ajs^OcS3 MR.
6)nt)D ajoc-ao Q^ooo (gT2)^2oo KR. will be
by the A. measure.
highly ennobled. (S.xjaoolca (srgjfo'ca rai.^jjTP.
(Sf^&^Cr)o arjanam S. (gsg) Acquiring.
a noble parrot. (5Tg)2j2iiaTl Mud. magnanimous.
denV. rngLj CDsmesiacX) (ST^s^Sceasmo PT.
hence: (gT3)^Parvatifgt2)^5)caj<2aroan^0(bCG.
CSlfO)^^aJo arjavam S. (g^) Straightness,

sincerit)-, justice.
(Bigj^cemfomQ^ KU. ?

QJScea (grgj^ma^ KU. the Talu country.

(ST^rrrfeio artam ((srg) + g) part. Afflicted (5T3
cuda (3r2jrara):Q,ocsil CG. suffered (in childbirth). (ST3)^a_iS(b & (3T2)^oa_)§(l> a kind of foreign

(3ra)OT3)m03{l Mud. despairing. Brahmans.

(5i2)(nTannoao shriek, groan, alarm, lament. (BY2)^g_j5lc9j:ral) palace entrance — N. pr. the

(gra)roT3);i_jroa3i5mcr)3ca) cnof^ocasmnb N. the help residence at Cannanur = (graocSarai) KU.

of the distressed. (Sr3)^0OTt) the Gayal ox, mistaken for a deer.
(STJjtBral S. 1. affliction oJissi'DCOOi'OTzin Nal. (BTO) (ST3)^oajoc)3 1. a foreign medicine. 2. a royal
tOT^Miftacj^nm fOilflsinoKR. a saving water. attribute, (3T3)"^o ruSajsajci^o KU.
vu. (3T2)T3Talairi^he is not poor. 2. chiefly Cleome viscosa. a med.
as^cQ^o — cs^o^ 89 (Srs)qd65

(Srgj^D ijfnraj the gathering place of the Aryas; KR. crossed rivers — r3T0)33 through the river

the country between Himalaya & Viudhya (more in So M.; No. ajy~.)

(HT2)'ol32;DHOT3)2Do aj5mj(§0Trriu5aJ SiPii3. 4. (=(gTaQ,)sixT. M. C. Te. (Tu. (sr^sTl) (ST2)T3o

from -whence the Kerala Brahmans were sixth (gT2)Ooanb, — a.unt). (grgjODazTlroo 6000.

introduced KU. (5T3)O0o 6X6. & each 6. (Sr2)Q,o onaejoC Shastras

(Srgj^oayouo Sanscrit language? 6)S)->jwo£i'CO & 4 Vedas, or 6 mzho & 4 gtuDcaio.

eiDfib QQ)aliiil) (grD). rrn^tSa q^'@3^3 Sii^i-og Cpds. (5rg)ry3§<3) (3) v. n. to bathe CV. (sraj'slcfls)

cQioXal-i. f.i. an idol.

(Sf^c^o arsam S.(g3:&n) What originates with

VN. (BTgjODS bath, esp. of idols with pro-

Rishis — what is revealed, plain (opp. asaa cession, (srD)nocarig_)D5)-m (sr^ooSso prov.

cajo invented, artificial). (^c^wooo^ cattle-fair. eaD:Li'm^S)c6o

(SrpjQOSoDOcX) (gra§-nraofal) s)S5(Q)I^o)6kji5o

(SfQ) ciTinTiib arhatar S. ((graan:niTD) Jainas (po.)

S.q30(^ djlsf ros^TP, no blood to be shed

CSir5)q aru T. M. C. Te. (Tu. (mseal) VN. of (Bra
on any account.
Ci£b 1. Way=ajiP^. f3i2)Cicu33y,(SrD)OQ,QJo'V'i.
(Bi2)ODS<S)ao idol's bathing-tank,
the cry by which the road is cleared before

a nobleman. Hence (srgj'So = ajipl 302; f. j.«^

VN. (SYg)Oo§o bathing — met. fjnlgo S)<aD
tx^rsjoSo, ff)^3yo3n after having done.
sirgo.Togo prov. = ajlrD^o.
2. manner gjojOQ, thus. ora^tsra~lrrracngj (Srpjib
(Srg)::i3o QjDi^ (4) the side near the ribs.
£5^, mgj (ST3)S^o§ci^ -ojs^ well baked.
a hidden
(ST5)T0^ (4) ceremony for finding out
Esp. with adj. part. (BftnoTrarmuoo Bhr. the
thing (grg). S)0a<3s) Vi. 2.= or)£Qo 5)ajste.
way it appears. £Jf£l^iJ3S)O53Q5)0O Mud. how
(ST2)Q,3)0ral) (4) 1. insect =:xi5rr|. 2. like other
did you get? (2ai§QLioooce«l^ TP. did as if he
names of the bee, the shrub aigjcrn^.
had not heard. §rD!ix>is5ac>Dc9s foicSflajaQ, Sab.
(ST3)noa3Dro=:(BT2)')olnf)cijoo (3) bank of river.
according to each one's sins, ooosmzlgjo^xio
(gT3)nc)laBj(3b (3) residence of Travancore
S)r,6!SQS)cn CG-. how did you become so impu- queen.
dent? — Chiefly with future part. zcS^njorjO':^^
(gi2)^Q,<Si3rai) (3) river's channel.
was about to die. iZoCoeAZOZoS^csi"m lived (Sr2)OQ (oTIrsk^ (3) regulation of streams.

happily. rma_i^(m32Do)oy>5)<Tn@gl KU. retired (gT3):^Q,e(§ (3) sacrificial grass ^^aic-o.

for penances. d)D0-3ial0OQ0OS)O Bhr. to quench (SrgjOCiSaoooQ, (3a_i3a) (3) to bo under a vow to

the fire of love. — The form ojRsaaoocsii^ "was bathe & fast. (gT3)':)QScn30.i1ti!5T35)m e)_'\Jfno

about to come" — is often contracted in ojrao Q_iO(^ Nal. went my way governed by one
oodTl; hence arises the semblance of an Inf. single thought, unmindful of hunger, etc.

(513-1113)5 (gT3)5m 5) nicm &^S'3s)0o MR. there we (ST3)OQ,ajoo (3) towards the river (coloB.iJsnBO

use to sleep ;
(occasionally also the form of an S30Qajoo ffl^rra TP.

Inf. tmroliftooodhsmo TR. may you be pleased (gr^jOQ cijiplajl J2\o.i>o (3) Tr P. superintendence
to give). For particulars see grammar. — of timber, floated from the jungles.

Many Cpds. ojcSsiajao ei&<osnsoo etc. explain- (ST2)OQ,aj33U (l) = f3T2)Q,aj3an.

ed by phrases like (Siassg ffioOJOOJ^^cuaoo (gT2)"Q,'S)CUgJ MR. land formed by river's sedi-

cslHs rocalrml 5)<£ho§(!29 TR. ment; superior ground for fruit-trees (opp.

3. river T.M.(Te. a3}Q,)(ST9)Q,nr?l^o,(Bi[3)Oolfi5!) <f>-.ra5)3jQ_j).

^(ftQjlejo prov. mdMD-j (grg^^o^i^ a^aTl UR. CSrgiqdSj, 61 arup t.m. c. Te. (Tu. (STgra,)
6iJiJolc32J (S(aio§a)cX) (5T3Scn<0io (ST2)Q,(3)cb (ovo^ai'D \^ (saq,3> V. n. l.To gooff, be extinguished.
(Sr3)oQd95 — CSir5)ej 90 (!SfO)B^o — csf^^ai)
io,o|f3^1 (StgolcaDiub Bhr. j^s3oo3o^ gealcOa) <Bs>&i (Sr2)i5£JjO«eJ020Q, S)sticm> CG. in the even-

Nid. foiDojo (BT5)Q,m3, (also fjnoo-i'OialnT) (srgjOa ing. — oil-mill (Sa^o.-ab &c>^ (Stgjejcsyo ^ajaso

pQJtrnlg CG.) <Q>sTOonl(ti (ST3)Q,<22io Bhr. 2. esp. ffboBsiDadga prov. — workshop of blacksmith

grow cool <2^05>ogyoo fSr^o^^iZevs^ CG. dinner n.7,ogji6 Q_i6ni^ Qg)§d3£cm (Bi^ajoinra!) <£hsrrro

waits. <&.o2:citoil (or aioao^^) (ST3)Q,zoq Bhr. TR. (Br^5)QA(as)'Soq,&i Vi. go to shop or office.

to appease or satisfy the lust. 3. to dry up (mi^^C2/DDJ pit or shed to catch tigers.

((BT2)olcaof3i) aroeTlml) g)§3i a med.) as land, (Sif5)^o alam S. 1. Broad. 2. poison (Sr^i. ^si^n^o

washed hair, wounds ajsrnoo'ajraKoi. 4. to rarooicn eacormiLD Bhg. poison swallowing

heal, be allayed, calmed §85110 (Sira). = C'3iald3s). Siva. CUDf.0 (STgjEJ^iJo (5TO5ay-J)X)0«B «.9.0§^o

(ST^ooTSTO) incurable. RC. 3. M. (T. Dalbergia) a tree = <2(i_iy>, used

to make mortars, isrgjaici^fnroii (STgjej.-tsrai^isat)::)

CV, (ST3)Tlcet.i, (BTO^ol^a) (esp. of clothes ^5ng <ai(Sirno, (gYg)eJ.T3Kn^aiairifai> gos a med. [Mpl.

06] V. a. 1. To cool, allay, 4. Ar. 'alam. world, (BTOjejo cus^sS^anb oragg


calm. RC. inconsolable. tSirgajsisQD^ N. pr. (3).

(ST3)OoaS(a)0fa) gseiio

2. to dry (oiaimoib (Sigool; birds to trim (e^ajoSYXJono alambanam s. (v^ aioeoj)

their plumage, t^'sng (oiscul (ST3)^Q,3) to smooth- Depending on, support mi^cSs) aib ot^jeJoffoj

en king's cloth with hands instead of iron. mo gjgj ARe. (lamentation of vyidows).

3. V. n. (? = (srD)ro3ai or T. (BT^tboiiA (STrgajsi) (gir2)aioatxio the same (= (ST3)',C3)3io) (Sejos^ojo

to grow richly, thrive fmainooib fsrs")^^ Snjoai. aulaic)o(3Ete (gT2)' aoocayo i^ajwojaTl CG. n_j

VN. {gT2)OOf3l) see foil. S)^osl3^5)s (STO^o (3ir3)aiosnj0:a^^cTO

CV. (srajoolcsa.
Bhr 16. to stand on.

denV. (3Tg)aJo5Qric9ffl. 1. rest on 0fo-Dc9«DcmDajo

(Sll^OOatta 1. A small bird, decoy-bird, sparrow
siiD-Qj cnl^Tra KR 5. to hold to. 2. to assume
Vi. 2. darling (ST0)OO5)S)^(aifQli, (ST3)Soo my
a form ((gjtuo (S13).), religion (0(0)0) seize
dear! (ftghlcOsi ©ib {5Tg)005)car.Q,fyo {—coe:>)

(S!^w\, 6i(b srajOOcealsDS.iJ ag^TP. (see foil.)

VN. Growing; (ST5)eJo^3 alainbham S.(ejs) Seizing, killing;

(!ST5)OOi'sb ((ST3)00,B> 3) 1.

violent death.
healthy, magnificent growth (gro)00<sejos' Sirro

0i&)c)o as^ocsTl Bhr. a big girl. gggloA {gT3)r:)0

(Sirg)ejCQJo alayam S. (eH) Dwelling house, f.i.

<SQ.5Joej32)o, icn)aJ2DaJC2;o etc. a>roi5moai32;o

eJOCQiaorozorai Anj. filling the soul. 2. activity,
merciful, etc.
carefully looking after. 3. = (gT2)00 f. i. (STQ)

oOi-oiKSffllsoxTlaian CG. (ST3)ejQj=o alavattam T. M. C. Te. (S. (sr^ajo

Much ^ansao^ CLiujiJio from T. (grgjejs^ to move = (sraaJ) 1. A

CS^OOo 1. (BY3)OOo o-ioscm
fan in shape of umbrella, made of peacock's
arSgjTP. don't fly too high. 2. (= ajO^j.go

fr. ojovgi to thrive) something, somewhat feathers .xjgo anroTl^fm (argj'cLjo oiifayo KR.

«3?"!cdn(SejD oi.xiggOTslsaia culysao lest

^oq,o -ojipoTfl^o (ffr2)'fiJe|.o (Royal insignia

he fall in fire or water (or any other danger)

& good omen). 2. a panka.

OT^nocSsioooolcijts^ngoTP. rn\ (srgooo (2aj05)a2.'0 (ST3)ejQJ:eJo alavalam S.((Hr3 3'jIII) Watering

TP. did you perhaps go? bed round trees (cmso).

(ST^ej ala T. M. C, Ttt. (Tdbh. of (ST2)eJ32,j or <J5fd)B^Cri\9A alasila M.(\'"(ST2)e4fiiT.tomove)

CjDEJ) Shed as for sugar-mill, workshop, cow- Disquietude, trouble, cares. mS). (BraiiniTlgj

house. (STD)5iflJd35i((Arnlnrra o.joraixasl^o'at prov. how happy he is. fSTOj'tftcXa g2'0 rooeajSj® iso.ijl

o^tPoaiasiiTrao TP. the cows of 7 stables. Scuoa j

CS^^Cr^ji, — (ST^(S^a_J 91 (ST^'CSeJDce^o — (ST^OJorol
casifSliBs) TR, disturbances, rebellious at- CSf^QQMcSno alo'yam S. View, interview.

tempts. ruBlgj((xri)5>nbo ci_iog.c2-o ajfTTo ono3 a ST^j'SaJD ->,o )o looking at

<Qs:<s^o (grD)'ai032; croaoiE^ TR, general con- cgrgj'gejodj AR. having seen.ora ucnoralxgTgjSeiO

sternation. <9^nt) CG. to be looked upon by him.

(ST^^CTOjo alasyamS.((graejTC)l. Weariness, ffffi1)^P\') o inn Investigation, reflection (T. con-

fatigue. ((S.T)03cTUo:)o (grgjaJTUio a med. a sultation).

symptom) Sjsraroil <a!sloa>iOj).i5T3)ortJO£iav)jo TP. denV. (BiS^eJD .ojlcfim to consider. ^<o (Braxin'Uti

being knocked up. cijajorra ^@ motflai S)^ aic>3 snnoi3«l (srji'Sajo.ari^ari'D'j MR. on
nT)(?g_jOcb Sihoajoralfolsiemjinbo (gr^ajcrojo oj considering these circumstances.

aul_^ TR. his Highness died. 2. idleness, C5Tg)CgejDaJo alolam S. (cjajDaj) Shaky (sraj'iaD

fSTDjejCTCjUont) slothful Vi. ai,ISa-j3S)=: 2irDlo_jooo.&> No.

(ST^e-SDC^cft), cum)] alattup To bawl, halloo I. (ijT^fsi) al T.M.(Tu. aJD)=VN.{ST3)&fai>''Being

Vi. (comp. (grajejlcaisi). there", by, through, ^^ojaiD^ arra Bhr, one

CSTO)eJ0a_So alabam S. (oj-lj) Talk. (3ra-n,oai3 of. oDDsoejo ouDitnl, ^.'siaijejo a.iooil TP. half

(Scusr^o VCh. her not talk of (see grani.)

o_jo let with

strangers. II. CST^Tsb T. CM. (,gi:2)ejai) Ficus Indica Sru

denV. tsra)ajDajlcea 1. tergjoocrasiaisroajl etc. roo raoriA, ciJSoS. The different kinds: tgra'Oia'cao'ji

coo (3TD). to hum a tune (Brahmans). 2. to Fie. gloraerosa, (graroaDtuI) Fie. relig- ^rtsral^iDfiA

[(ST2)aJ0.-aTO) Vi. No. Fie. Benjamina. a--osOi^ Fie. citrifol. ai^oro!)

<ST^eJDCY\| alas Ar.lahas, A large cable, also Fic.maisoren8i8(or Hibiscus populneoides) s^

o -oj xioT) Fie. infectoria ((ma!n§0(ti?i
(STD)ail all T. M. C. ({gr2)'3l) III) 1 . = (gr^ejl^y .oTil, (Brgj-Tsb

black poplar tree Vi.)

Rain's fruit, hail. (Sirg)ejl^iP,T3TQlnm (sra.^sm
'STgejip'i its falling roots (Palg.)
£r:ck) <Si-i_ioaJsaj KR. like the thanks of lizards

for hail, also (S12)£JS)S Vi. 2. oyster NoM. — (51(3)013,032,', cBT3)ejnajyo its fruit.

f5Tg)an,iba_jDf(A its milk.

3. Ar. ali N. pr. (Mpl.)
fSrgj'oli 3if3)0 o)a-5<9) to wall in a large banian
(^f^allaesi alikka aM. (T. (gT3)T_ejlantohuzza)
tree (BrD)'szroi) (srascolrajTjaCG. rnlajoglai
General shout, as in war or feast Vi.
cDra') cgrg). AR 6.
CST5)£j1oOOOOo alinganainS.(eJloc;o) Embrace.
in. ,'Sr5)'-(3i) (waving = f5raej) aM. 1. Water (ftnrtTl
(BT2). 5) iiJ^ to embrace.
n7S3 (srgjGjaso (graciTlajfoil KU. explanation of
(!5TD)^£2ld95i^o Ar. 'alim, Learned men (Mpl.)
Tamuri's title (SinmaJ^ctoomo^ilfol. 2.{=(sa
CST^aTlaASo alldham S. (ejlao) Attitude of
g^zh or (BiaiP^Tsli) trouble. (3i:2)ejli^ cijlsrra, cn^
shooting (po.)
ffiTias) (ST^ejo (sro^feji ©gj^gjo No.
(ST3)a^cft., rnrj) alu^^a i.(T. m.c. tomove = mTa
CST?)QJ&nOo avanam T. (Tdbh. (gta-usmo)
ai, spread =: (5T3)Ooral)) v. n. (ml (SrDjejnrra The
Market, street. (?)
spreads Vi.z=(girg)^3). be spent, go
fire 2. to
(gt3)X)sn')tflff^ ("Vi. 6rn\ — ) a trough near
to end. No. oaim, Qjloai cst^jTio (SajDaTl, 5)00
a well (woa)o_jlipl,ajDnb).
csin(gt3)aio.TO^ajl2.<fl3 ceconomical lamp. 3. srg) (ST2)iJ5iT)g--|ejB) KU- Brahman's stool. @;5io
ma ffijijon-nonb CG. = (gT3)CTro (see (srOj'^iO)). crcnnc. (see (ST2)2).

4. v.a. to heap up (past (srOjejl Vi.) (gjgl (stO) (ST^QJ&nOd96i see (S%zsrD<as in CG. (STDj^nsm
ejdi, ^Q, fSTg). to make a straw stack (Cocli.) o^itesm n')l (STS'SajDao Scrcijlasi castor oil.

i^f^CS^a-jnOo alebanam s. (gjItj) Paint, (Sro^QjerrSl avani C.T.Tc. (=(C3)0U5mo) 5th

perfume (sr^'onosls-ch sid)^Oii"S£UftrolxL\ UR. month, ^60Bo,

cs^cunf]— cSYOjQjcgp 92 CSrD)Qjrnjl _ csr&iOJDaD
(gr2)X)5nTlajso KU. yearly change of the oroo (fbogjmaTlra') aTlcr^fflgjoob. (grg). <Q>^s o^gjo

Brahminical string). curao Arb. all who were 'deemed necessary

CSf^CUafi] ava6i SoM. (=,'gT3)Cul) Breath, va- for the enquiry. 2. needful, requisite (sraoj

pour. (srO). g2%-^=<^-"^'fla Vi. S)Cko (51f2).U(^o (a_^;0iOrao o_10o)32/6mo MR.

CS^O-i^ see (srgj'fliBi II. (possibility). speak as he dictates. — It often serves for

(STS)OjnODtPl avanali T.M. (T. also (sr^uoM. "must'", either with the Nom. of the thing

(STDjiJonDipliji) Quiver Sk. =:g35nT^. required (tiJigjan curoljjj cua5)ro (5r2)Uc^o TR.

(Slf^OJfDenOo avaranam S. (cu*) l. Screening also with the old Inf. (S%-sji^ rmosjcb orao^au

(=«^(SfOoauonr)o Vi). 2. obstructing (BT2) u m^css ojas^ra rgrD;. understand: tsigjiirifo^cSa

ra&mo Qjl®i)fl5Q-jo g)g raD^i c;Dta«))l-£>.|.o HNK. cno); or with the Dat. or 2nd Adv. (^gaxTl'Tia

raioaoxj^smo o. caca^caDSoTlrolsraisl^o KeiN. S)5>3ic9is)0i95) (ffr3). ^snsor£\ TR. Ch. wanted

(namely (SigiXirosmi & Qjl(S££aa_io negative coolies ajlslgiant) tSTj). g3gj MR. Sruo.uonb

& positive activity). OO^tSa (gt2). Qjma TR.) or with the addition

(ST^fUfCYOlo avartam S. C^-ma) l. Whirlpool. of (Sajsmo (in different forms: (sra^iSiwisng (sr^)

(Sr^sn^o SiQijrrao VCh. falling in love. — hair- <3s) (sra). g)gLj I don't want to give away, ojo

curled (gT2)U«3ra)_aJ(^6m3C>3 ^^^O ^srr£\xiS)00(a^ (Scsz^angftJ)" (STQ)'0Oc93rrro MR.)

Nal4. (horses) — the navel is compared to (srg). (gT3):iJ'-^cfi55oranfe mod. = zs@gCLinb.
CG. 2. gathering of men ((srgjCgjDCijraTaio). (gi2)ajc/ajS)g-j§ai mod. to want, wish for = (2aj

(ST^Xicora)^ returning earaoxi-urailai oJrnoNal. once smo.

more. ((STScymTl better.) [regularly. (Sif2)CU''J3j0ocari(=:(saj5r§l for) (SioaDaK^ceeo sicu

(STgjUforamo revolving, repeating, observing eg o <35S^g_]oaao (srg;. ifttplgjl^ <fts.o MR.

denV. agjsm (5if3)iJfwal-^ a.osi^smo raed. again.
(Sr^jQjrnjl^e© avasikka s. (xioru) To rest on
(STO)'^ Q_ioai to repeat, oranoa raio)rm (St2)Xi God on a person dwell
as a ((gtmoajocroo) ; in,

cdW«k) CT)a_inb VyM. to revise the decree.

sojourn for a time cunmofa!) (Sif2)'g-j;cnloma3n AR.
CSf^CLSBJonf)] avala6i t. m. (So. — el & — uTl) (Sr3)ajDaroc/aoaj sia-^l asrgDiSrri Bhre. tents of
1. Vexation (sr^'sig-.j^cSi Vi. to be distressed. army. (go_ifai^<3jj«s Jijyejajo (BrOj-uoarccBDej
2. grumbling, complaint (ST3)xDeJ0^<6s S)^ S)e-.§1 0n»ajl Mud 7. bivouacked.
cmorat PT. (ST2)ijl£J0>'cnl (srasrorojOcaiKJBcb Si&cXj oro(y<S£Li3!&-Diioaro'Tb (po.) the Deity (panthe-

istically viewed) as spread throughout the

(5T3). croai563i3c>3 <S£ns fcnljan TR. universe.
(STrajXiaJDoSlcesiDfonb So. plaintiff, No. a vexer.
? (!SfO)CU0^c£h, Sl avadup v. n. To be aired,
©T^Qjejl avail S. Row, drove. (gT3)Xi3^ai v. a. to air Vi. ((sr^in).
CSt^QJlJb aval 1. (T. desire) hence (Bigjii&Jotcrn? CST3)QJ0aOnOo avahanam S. u:iD} invitation

2. a large bat So. (T. (STD)-ijoejo) (BTOiXi^ (S(^ quickening an idol, stealing the presence of a
Qjrai) QjlorjcTTa Qjrmoi'iA prov. — flyingfox = ajo God for a newbuilt temple, rn^ (gT2),x)Dci61_gjO(til>

ooont) (loc.) 3. a medic, tree (purgat-) st3io

(S.xiDngo saajcBo* ojctsoBhr. 331035100 (gir2)':3^;

cural) OTO). 0C2nejo6rc2ri KR4. prh. = (gT5):ul,at). (gcryrtineioralfal) a.^iOoSaxisxD (gcT\;ro(rr^3ialfi3!)

<SifD)QjC/§io avasyam S. ((maajco) 1. Necessity. njDC^'mlse3jl5>3i' (STjj^jooDnno e^jijcm SiPu3.

cOQ- eQg_jlj')a>c9« (SrO). ^Sn^OWl VU. 0^5)00 worshipped Brahmans as if they were incar-

(Tgrolcte nnl cST3)CU<^!9-S5Qa'f?ii)SiPu3. in straits nations of the 2 Gods. (M}\'^co.UCTlsi3D m^

(word of a God). (STd). <SQ_iDaea5 Yi. to deliver. Qjo:iolceis) KU. to make to come. oi^ojo.-idI^
(St^ojI — csf^cy rar&Tl 93 CSf?^ ?QJC/9o — CS^C/3
fflggofOi S) usnzyaj3fol) CG. on which he had many times as. cLj^iyn^ornloiabo org). ^(S^clj

invoked a Deity. nsraoQ, Gan. the double of.

den V. tSTDjTJOciolcSffl (see prec.), (grgjUoolcSsi,

05YD)(SQJC/3o avesam S. (ojloa) Entering, pene-
to enter, possess, as a demon. tration, possession by spirits, ((srOjSxic'asigj

(ST3)Qj1 T. M. C. Te. 1. Breath, life, a M.{ST3)

§c9i to be possessed, inspired) engagedness of
Qjl 5)-a)a^(Saa)dricn3nti RC. granted life. (grjjXil
mind Qjl§^Z260Bg3rab (sracucXsaa otO). (Srg)^

<3ycbo)cfl5iDS^3)aionr's<b aj -rasngocal RC. in the

ce^Dfift PT. <nnlnmo0S!JQcb aocn^cn^tm aneiuDcranrro

soul. (grgj-TjlcSs ^ouo (sra-ua?! o^^oajrooRC.

(ST2)Saji-'3aQg)Zio^,Tro ^sl CG. thy very
(ST2)-'ij1 ©§'S' to yawn, sigh ((S^ogoojl see names inspire her with love.

.-srajScucaanofonb demoniac.

2. vapour, steam {3rg)ijl:05-,ejo 1. ley of ashes denV. (Sir3|(SQJc;alc9s) to enter, be occupied with zo

(aT2)'(!5TJn1rai) i^c8t3Si V2. to soak clothes in CToliTji) (3r3)'^^ J3jl -013)0 (Tcl5iai.S3 Bhr. usurp.

ley. (comp. (Sr^xi'a?.) 2. steamer B. (gra§ld3a onl«3Hcbi)5) m^''gj^<iy)\cm(Si^ TilvP.

3. T.M. tank (={STg)5ll) (srajiHcsiilrai) rmoaro. part. OTrajxTlc^ol. possessed, engrossed. 2.=(Si3)

4. =(Srp):ijlro!!. csrOjXilcSara'rro, (srSjijla^sis (Soj (S.ijcfao; 3c>aocnj (gzl^^ v9iejl>-a>nb (ST2)XiI

(Szzcgai •j)(moejl ^maao GP. c^-Braofa?) Bhr 3. [sure.

= a kind of goat(s)^.orolcao§)(gir2)xn CSY3)(2QJca[:i OOo avestanam S. (s.ijd^) Encio-


cao§ln6 ojorab gcaao, sisicrj gsajoo aia^ GP. (SifD)CcQJ3ejl avoli So. (ST2)'Sftoej^No. (Si[2)<sajan

CST^Qjl:e<5) aM. (T. Te. to gape) To desire Vi. Pomfret; Stromateus P.

"Vi. (see (5Yg).iJral)). SiOJig CST2). Str. candidus.

<9>D(b (SrO). Str. niger.

(Slf3)ajlejQavilaiIl S.Foul (ST3)'zo32,' eaejjBrhmd.
CSTD)Qj1 "si) avil (Sif^C/3 asa S. 1. (V^tsraf./a reach) Quarter (=al
Coesalpinia bonducella (Si^'aj

fra.TTO 0ra3rmaO3j CG. (Sir2)3J^S£U5):3i3-oenamed. cSs) 3®§oc-'3 5)n_io|oaj5rpo (8Ta§ciDoaroo5) jiit^AR.

(=(Sira)xn 4.)
njrnra)a'.--30craa-!ooolosn= BhrmPT. 2. (sr^-.'sfTy

(Sr3)Qjloro avis, CSrD)Qjl8 S. (=(sr^i2\B}

Ted. = (srajcaocn:). a.)hope cunooomoo ,ai5)§o

mao (Srgc-'a aj^so prov. oraftnlcm tsrajca ojI^o TR.

Manifestly (grajOjlroomogo, m^'u^z^so Bhg.

(SrgjxTleojlasi to come to the light, appear shall not hope for it. ^am (n?2^S)S (Sr2)'.'3 «J?1

crra TR. I have lost all hope. S)a)D§i3i:D S)S)£>^<as^

csrog s)-Qia2Jonb (sro). CTTlnb^.-orai^-jjioilral) Mud.
(BTgo'asyo 5)i9)0sni 5)o)cCb<S3 fUtiilcqjo prov. oroj

part. (Stgnjligfoio; tsr^ijlc^'aio from otgjxTic^ fUTJitS^ralso-ioejo fBT3)C/a <ao5)sroro)0f:s aiocraaoa

fDlt95) to manifest, declare publicly. (Hraaj mo SiPu. a hope hardly nourished in dreams.

ro25)s qcrn'fal) (SirojijlfODaijlaA CC. = (aj,'mj CDOaOJ^o gsngao Q^(TraS)@a0«)0O3 SSiosejsrg CG.

don't nourish the hope. a^Scyooja-oroi^sKSng)

(!5TD)Qjlcaa o avistam S. ((sr^^cucaldis) q. V.) (J3 o_iosroi^ jijrarigjaj"rf) (ffracoZDCCanbKR. who

CSTD)ajlrDo aviram M. Beng. (T. (sr^i^iro C.) deceives by raising false hopes, erg). 6)^o§
Cassia auriculata. ff)Q_iD(mD.ijlroo Cassia occi- t9a«s^ prov. b.) desire, longing sxuOfmoc/a
dentalis, (So. g^ojormDfoalli'ont)) ftajacma.ijl.'D 06m3C/8, 6)a_i6rnoc/a etc. ojl.ijiai.tna'fij!) <S(Q^
<a)o gJSi^ a med. [Ah! Q_joQS) GnP. o'TlcmDC'a <ei5nglo)^af!sajcS8o (Bra

(ST3)CLJ aVU 1.2ndfut. of (STOjaai q. V. 2. interj. (S^joAnj. Alas none longs after thee. (8Tg)Cya rnl

CSf^CyaS^o avrSam S. (rsr^^jcoTmo) Covered CSilCQIo ODOC/Bo QJf!B(iJ®0 — with Loc. fsra(ti>'((A

jDro3ch?)305n^ rSTOj'moan cry^nb KR. (SfQ)Ud 6)aj_^ (also (BrajrHnD, (ffrau<sa3§ — igfOi

CS^Cy rOYcl avrtti S. ((STSajmao) A turn, time ^oc^ (i)ajf03(i^ Anj.)

ciD0fD<ag).T3ir) oQ'f^ (s%ysio^ t&aaioo Gan. as (gira):73o)g-J§ 3> to covet, fall in love.
CSf^C/doCrO — (Slf5)olC/3nD.£Uo 94 (Sif^OSUc^o — CSf^^^CSDo
(STOjoaoojoc/ao aiosfh, ojoih to alluro. (Sir(3)agil'5jo ascaryam S. (nJifc) l. Wonderful,
(ST^jC/aosocoo disappointment. strange, welldone!
denV. rgrDj-'olcOffl to desire, hope. (Sirg)C®J'Sjab a marvellous person.
(STg)C/3ooro asamsa S. = (bt5)'.'3 2. 2. wonder, admiration f5T2,C@]3J^raaocs2; (mn_i

deiiV. fgT2)<j3ocurio8s) to wish Vi. KR. astonishing.


CSf^Cfd^ asanga S. ((.a©,) Misgiving Vi. (5ir2)C®]SjS)gL_j^ai to wonder.

denV. to suspect.
(!SfS)[^/d)(2i3 asramam S. (r^z) l. Hermitage,
CS^Od^SVo asayam S. (cal) Receptacle, chiefly <i_isn^',-D3ej f. i. <a)Dsl(iA (ST3). ro)lOT3 ojDtSy,, 2. the
mind ijauaim (ST3)'m\ol) Sniw^ Bhr. (— cCjO 4 stages of Brahminical life, Brahmacari,
cnl^) (eT^coscQ; ^crai^ pt. Grhasta, Vanaprastha, Sannyasi (ST3). alsfn'

(STQ)a3rOOfb asarail S. (voracious) RSxasa mO) cflffl KU. to observe the rules of each (srg).

macd?! o_)rrmlfDosng cxio'ulsssi SiPu.

(!S^[^QQ)o asrayam s, ((t^) i. Support, to
(ST5)a33rYt) asah T. SoM. Schoolmaster (= (Brg, what one leans, refuge, (StV). fDgjOi-mruan ^o
jjJOQOjab q. v.)
O'ajfonborg). prov. Mud. (ST^). fsra:uc9« o^gaAR.
(51(2)03 o.-fl T. M. carpenter, (fem. tgY2):/aD;'o^^)
how are they to help themselves? (S^.orijilcg
said to be of Brahm. offspring, sculptor of Bhg. the
emsmgch oagjODolmao (Sf^. (fi^ajnti
idols, also of stone. (SigcaDro^c^'jis s^j'^d ot^)
centre round which the stars revolve, axis =
eloj^o 6i§ajo c&c^o prov. also saaJoji-orolTP. (!j)lroi(fi80ol. 2 protection & reliance rooeaa
(Slf^OQD^I So. Garden-cress, better ^o£l.
Qj Q^^tn^DSifm 0OO (SYO;. tSTOiicSnlgj KR. they
I. (ST0)C/b1 asi S. Serpent's fang. rely altogether on the king. cftoaisTmslcanral) (srj)'

(5Tg)'-'jl.2jlceQnaO(ti Bhr, serpents. cni^ TR.

003271 to stand under the Government
II. CS^CfS] Tdbh. = (5i[a)--i"l[T:^S. (caocro) Prayer, of the HC. foosso-xTlointiD ojlsl-^ ajosa

blessing. (alc9moc/3l3i|.o (ajolooibRC. c5ra)'jalcqjo

crosQUrolifisaTD TR. to remain abroad under the
5).nJ0gjl Bhr. OJO!^ oQcmOL'S] «xUogJI AR. csa
Raja's protection, ojaioso ajoiisroisl ST^). ojl
cal^ob m^oimoraooalcsj^o o^sr^ CG. a.-mtne sl-^ njaTOejl.-al) qjtto TR. resorted to the
Q-ijijmssBch {STa)-i3jl;^ol RC. harbour under the HC.'s protection. 3. any
(Si2)fjalg^' & fgrgoalfrj; S. raia.XKBaosoL'a'Irrn o_j
dependence or relation, also adj. (sr^ izzzo a
roli^/jaiiil^ Bhr.
00)0^23)^003^1 MM. that vital spot is near the
(ST3)C/a1djoao blessing (&(ST9)C'aldj^aoo) (Stgiiiio teeth; most of the izzZo are (gTan\Hfl(Si2)'^C2;
^®rnD5 t5i3). QJ065BI a-aED^smei^'c^Bhri.
GSBcb etc. bTuo^^eaora ajzaofc^az^o (tsiSod ggg
cru«^s<^o)5 (srO). S)S)£t^e^3^,o5n^ KR. their Bhr. the Cshatrias' business is action.
thanks. (gTaSm>a.o(gi:3)jaldj3a J TR.(=cruajoo)
denV, (gKg);cg)cal(S5i (part. (Sf^'^~£]^ & (S%
mroajalral 5)S)ai5)ajjj' (stD). s^jijogjl VilvP.
(c^-0j) 1. to seek support, have recourse to
den V. (grgjcalciialito to bless. g),-i3i:)5«)o (sro)'^ onliTbrLjoaa (gT9)'.c3)3ri^ AR. OTooao ca^^oj
5)iiJonT)(Sg_joc)o Mud. (^rnl (sr^'^oz;.^ KR, csais^'ara (3t2);c^..5jl2(mo Mud. has he join-
<!Sf^(^ asu S. (G. '5kos) 1, Quickly, soon, (grg, ed the enemy? (ST2)'03)3il_^5rrarmiiab PTi.
^(S.xjDcalslooDnb. 2,=(STg)^(Qjl.:ii9l rice ripen-
livingbyservice. 2. to trust, believe snjSX)
ing during the monsoon,
[VCh (^mlaiTJooreraj'C^I^Mud.a'loptedBuddhaism.
(Srgt^&ofol resolute; {SiTOj^fliOi^limjo (Scusmo
3. to have some connexion with Steraomo (grO)

(5t3)^CQo swift (arrow Sk. wind) fgrgiC^coSOJ (O^-oJ Scao^o <&;a-^-AR. to expel grief
'^^•^ ^^''-
[impurity, aj£J, through philosophy. ^(i^o)cr)(BT2)'C3;cal-^n.j
(Sl^6^C/3fi9.QJo asaujam S. (^^) Ceremonial 05rawiBhr.=:auo5aj(TL6'^,<aol^; rooeacuzzo
(ST^l^QJo — cST5)rronOo 95 (ST^cYV)>-Yr)o — cST^rroDDOOo
(SfQj'^^M fglc^ib (sraolcdn^ Bhr. Bhishma part, (ergjcrolmn*) seated.

explained about a king's duties, (Sir&)rojnnno asannam s. (a-ca) Near, orgnxi

part. (5irD);c^(tr)nt) dependaut, client, believer cmBizeAo impending death.

(ST2)',6^(majrai'oeja6 loving his dependants (Slf2)Croo3j o obtainable Vi. o_i3-aiDg.o (SrsorUDe.

(God, king) (5ira)';6^fOiX)3'5TO&iio Bhr. CC. going to Hades.

(Sif3)rnj2f0o asaram s. (ix^ib) Shower (sro). @s

reoaofbCG. make them feel secure, nourish 63131= Ion ont) ;uoa"uajnb Bhr. Indra rained.
their reliance.
(STO)Cnj(Oo asuram S. ((TOoyro) Diabolical,
<St^lC/d)Q_lo asravam S. (^) Promise. savage (as marrying by purchase).
part. (gT3'(C;^(a)o promised. surgery. the9th
(gT3)CT\j:'ol 1. 2. ajD.tio of the
denV. (sr^'c^0J^<S5> to engage Vi. human body — gojiViDo VCh.
CST^CSCya cSno aslesam S. (9§l:a2) Embrace n_ic
CSif5)cron3lrmoaskand'i6ams. (t^rs) Gallop.
czo<2g^-B:\o SQjQlps PT. untied. (gTa)'Qjjn3mo attack, assault.

denV. foisoaa^raf) (Sraj'S^.-fiTl-^Bhr. c/DDoiCo (SrO)

(ST5)rro fCi&nOoastaranams. (n^*) Spreading

mat. carpet ajr^Dn^'Dsmgfiiio AR.

part. (STDjg^vi^o embraced.
denV. (ST3)(Tgrol(fls) = aj'ralc95) Vi.
(ST3)C/3_]CQj ^go, (Sir5)C/djnoOo asvayujam s.
CSTO)oru'l asti 5. (from fffianrv^i?) Property,
The month cS^^rrnl (Bracojlo^),
substance, riches (Srgin^ .aicb cOfiaailgjl as, cu
CSif^C/3_icr\5l3&s. asvasikka S. (o-ajcro) To
aul3_jlc95)(doc.); cLja^StSa fSTOjOAjlajfl. TR. the
breathe up, recover from a fit, be relieved,
financial means for war (opp. (5T5)c)d, (SaiOiBs).
consoled, rest (BajfDli5)i>.05ng rmg.nnocA)_icrul^
(grgjnr^cSsioranb wealthy.
AR. oQnDOc-ojcrul-^ CC. flattered herself.
{STg)(T^i>5nb S. (opp. monr^ainb) 1. believer in
part. (51^0-3-1.11^1(010, (grgjO-ajn^o.
the reality of God & world. 2. M,= (gi3)
CV. (ST3)'J3Jcnrig_pc95i to refresh, comfort,
m^=95)oranb, hence
soothe. (5T3)-'o-icrulg_jlnb q^ttd si-oiagj' cn\
(3T2)Tyl^o 1. faith orgj'cszof ffi-ojo^, (aig)'
cmowJcrol^^CG. <zz cijl.-oiDcSaasDQ^fD <srO)

g@a ea.TDo enj.T^zocnlcSso Bhr. 2. M.

c-ajcnSlgjldfl col AR. console my bereaved
(SigjCT^i^o. ^gjoig!, cQiOfosmDra') SiPu3.
(Stgjoajocruo 1. relief, comfort alnno (Hta.TODroo
from poverty.

(ST2). asng, cuosrais) org). curojOTal TR. (ST0)2rrO aSte P. ahiste, Gently, slowly.

also (gT3)L'ajnrj;j-!3i. 2. time for breathing, (ST^COOD astha S. (orUDo) l. Regard for, care

section fTjoflcajDcajacToo 3rd chapter. rm9mrroi<Tnl(jj@aocTUDa2^o®ej CG. cros^mojijo

formalrab ansrsasTlrai; SiPu. if you mind the

CSTf^^enocaSo asadham S. {(gra.^aoip from crco

Month laws of good breeding. 2. longing for ST^nxiiJ

noco) '£>d>r,?9)0 or alMjCDo.
CQ'OQQJnrra cussultSsScnJOcVi CG. if determined to
CST^rnja&ra^al asaktah S. (crosms) Cleaving
cheat. (5i5)TUQfaiy9_jl^ ajDcsracO/oraf) kindled the
to, attached, devoted.

attachment, nflection afresh.

(grgjcrucsWl zeal. rooscsTlral) (STJ).

e)ai05n§ raa"!^ (SruDcail KR. (Sigj^ruDg-JO^ So. disposition, provision for PP.

(5T3)Croocoo l. = (gi2)XCc9<^. 2. uninterrupted. hence (srgjTUDZDaaa) to prepare for, get

aSf^ciXXDo asanam S. (rsTOjTo) i. Seat, stool ready Vi. (= (ai^^J^-Tsraio) (3T3)aruQcr>3(3^@a

fD3S3D — . oijlotioa — throne. 2. fundament ojl.'Dlsiaiint) CG.

(ST2)'TDn')o gs'.caioa)!), (STgj'cSTJn^rab ajerrb prov. o^jq, (ST3)Cf\iQQrino Assembly; hallof audience (sra)

crii (ST2)nocr).oio7lnb aflipli-<A5)aj£K) TR. (torture). n'U£i3rnaj3oru^i).doCG. ministers, courtiers, etc.

CSir^irajj Qo — (ST^oDD 96 (STC)(2aDCQ;o — as^bo
(Sr^. ojcSui Bhr. fsrgj'foralfa!) oolsimosl cu'TraCO. (STO)(SaDca'o aheyam S. (tma-iol) Snakish m^
(Brahma surprised); generally: (S-iOH^oO 01310 12, ocX) Bhr. died from snakebite.

(aT2)rruDoania'jrm).T-io (also (grgjTOQomaaalrao

CSifO)arnla65o anhi'yam S. ((gta^rinb) What is

CG.) Royal hall KU. (st^'Sclj rocnna^SlociDD done daily, in a day or by day (f. i. &>zZio),

crociDo (Q_joajl_a\ Bhr. (S%. ajcfi® 6)e(3)£\svsi^

Tdbh. (ST2)rn)^.

arojxJlmDnt) SiPu. (a conqueror).

CSfQqO'jfio ahladam S. (aoos) Gladness.
(ffr3)n\iDD(nnl the saino (Vi. court-house).
CSY5)aD_i:nOoahvanam S.(aDJ0)Call, summons
CSif^rn^Qo aspad'amS.(Q_jao+ org) Scat, place
(grgj. 6)jiS'^=Qji£\<Bs,. [called Rama.
(= oruDDCDo) crooc/3C2j,-BT3)lrrn (gra^Qjo (sr^. gj
(aT2)-a")J-2)o name. rooaD^iOJ^inii the person
^Drma MR. exempt from the slightest sus-
— (SirQ)^0nOo alanam S. Post to which elephants
picion. (srgjOjmailnDDgTjat) Bhr. occasion for.
are tied 5)^s<e30ol; fgtsaocnaajcTiu^rol HNK.
God is called (Saaa&iao <QinsfflmDg[\]ao CG.

CSTQ)(T\^,o asyam S. (otojTO L. os) Face, mouth

I- CSTQ)^ all S. l. = (3r3)Xiejl Row (aTf2)al5>^§1

msctte to march in procession. 2. S. ( (Bi(2)d)?

(gTg)mjo(sic.) S)ia)Dck)£b toeastin theface, knock

against one Vi.

female friend S) motpl pi. (gir3)C(ao(b, — eam
(J5^cro^Q\^& asvad'ikka S. (croja)To taste

(^nrolfolssB (S)ci) noaJo(gTg)'c9(3nm S.xjosiej SiPu. 11. CSrO)^ T. M. C. ({Br3)f <&>) Holder ojlgjoa^,

met. (fryloicffi Bhr. (OunmazcTUSBflftsramo (grg).

eoiraoa'} n_jsc2.'Dg1, rolfSDa'' etc.

Anj. ajDa,ej(b, igej, gsdtaocnj etc. AR. I. (Sif^&oe), ^ alu'ya No. = a.o|.^ To cry out,
roar (C. (Si^ej SoM. (SrojGjliSsi).
(SirO)oro as P. ((ST2) ^ Vi.) Mill, (groj^^cearo!) (m^
(SrOjCgJ (loc.) an explosion.
-oJcesigj Vi.) pair of millstones.

CSY3)QDrWo ahaSam S. (oont)) Beaten Vi. II. CSr3)^de5, en§^ T.M. C. Tu. (Te. Q^ej)l.To

denV. <sscS\ (sr^aDoolcSo) to strike drum Bhr. q rule (BiafO^oin^ ^sasol Pay. cnosT^o gaajrib

d^^ &fras^g_Jlsl:^ — (gra.ijnb ^-saoolcai^ral) (grpjoo KR. Q-jscs2;oiS5r@0(b RC. officers; to tend <9)0fijl

rnl^onb CG. <aic)o STO)?^ oosma Bhr.

(SYS)QDfQ&nOo aharanam S. (ao*) Fetching. 2. to possess, have^smi2D5rs = 2@g ; soiaiaD

denV. (grdj-iOralcOffl to fetch. §.0.xiab RC, <0irnlaj3|.fm CG. gracious aj

CSl^oODroo (takin g to one's self) Food ojl ejDQjl a^nrSlajosng cn^aj.-zyTiaTo Swarg. to hold &
show mercy. e3ca)iaD5ngaBf.a>; Qjinr^oraaDsrg

on^TR. (gT3)iDDr3eoi3§.o6D^cnle(3yo gigjKR. KR. extensive, la^jtplcsiilrai) {ara)^ir@ ojip TR.

no meals. the river at Mahe. <9i^05T^ajn6 he that

denV. aneji^aio orgjaODro^-^ AR 6. lived upon. has the power Vi. foissasa (StSiS^iTsonb CG.

(SirS)aDQJo ahavam S.(^=aoJD) Calling out, their lover (or Lord); with Ace. ^g ^5m
battle, fight. Bhr. esB5)§. m^^cm aj(g)n6 CG.

(STg)^«j)i S. (i^) sacrifice 0Do(Too2£ifTfit9i§.o

— CV. in £)<^o£\<Bsi f.i. (STa,1jra36)S ojcSSKiji)

ffijij^ma Nal. m^. otsasi to offer up. gn c£h^oal-gj PP. delivered up to them.

5)rmDrao^f!j)l e^^^srmnb oQch ^sejo5)a-3 (Another modern (srgi^iTg see under (ST2)"rb in

(S^ns RC. (STD)a3rT7D.)

part. tsf^nQtmo sacrificed. (Sf^ba al T. M, C. Tu. (in Tu. & Te. woman,
(Sl2)'a£^fO>o called. hence the fem. term (ST0)c\3, (BTOcb) comp. prec.
(Sf^oDO aha interj. (srOjoDo 6).'3i:ipl_^ .araeraro) 1. A person, sjo-ismocb a female, aasido ro

6)-aJoaT)onb SG. sr^Dc>3 both sons, (STga o (Si@a^ajQ^o tp.-oiil TR.

CSirQ)|\o 97 «ST^Lk3 0(6] — ctST^^cei

garrisoned the forts. (sr^jSig. raraii'dSoi to soiul. CSTS)L^0(O] almari Fort.z=(SKsd^oS\ Almeira.

ooDo cerOji^a (srasi'^xiaicD ojlsl^ TR. they cSTa)i^oDrb alvar & cst^^qjq,'^ t. m. c. Te.
seized my messeng-er. gjio ooaUjOraoib ^0 gD ("the rulers" or "the humble") Title of the

cosogQo ^0 cginacio (ST2)|.o aengDtSjcm (srajcb 12 Yishnu apostles, see (sr^^.UDrrb.

rcnsicm TR. (srg)f.ajlej (Siniajlaj prov. 2. an (J5f^^cBe> alakku (T. C. (sr^'fO:a2) A handful =
able person csrannb tsrOjas^tl has become a (So-jDSja (prh. from cgraro gyices) the 'r of a ma
man. raionb {Sif2)3ocs£l ojOQgi^dh V2. to under- ipl =5 r^£r,^ CS.

take a responsibility. With Dat. & 2nd adv. a_iy>s3Q0tpaa a half alakku, ^'^r Nali.
able, ml o^oxm foa£Qlg_jonb israjagj Lit. thou aS^'^o alam T. M. C (\^;aa<^ in (Biay'soig) Depth,
art not the wife to nurse me. gjg fl^cs^l^ deep place, (grg). (SmSiBs^ to sound a place,
Qjonb (SrojQ eraonb Mud. I shall do it. as)t9s) sift a person or matter. — met. (Sr0itf.^3s:iint)

<fla0Dc)o qualified for all. (sra^ croaolgjonb (St^ a deep man — (srg. o^stq saoao CG. (5ra)'f ^gg
g^oaicffilgj TR. it will be intolerable. <Q3tflc9« etc. prov.

(ST2)2ocein to bring up well; to appoint to an (STgjtPOfoTl So. a class of Pagoda attendants.

office ; to fit for. (erg)y ocrafat So.=a_iej a'gjgjam Bignonia Indica.

3. servant, slave. {aTa)c>o siJO^ogga to buy a slave

OSrg);pl ali T. M. C. ((SY^'^PdJ.) l. The deep, ocean
Yi. 4. measure of a man ofOortocbnajggo,
(STOjtplci^o gj^Dtplcq^o sea &land, moaiDiPi .ojool
rosngocb ojoo 6>aj@go Q,sn^ MR. OT2)c)acijoo
oimod) ^QtplKR. the 4 oceans,
(gxg)tpl(Q)c)o (sraj

iplsicai <&)SsraTg) CG. (ajoaio^pl eto.); tgr3)-plaj

srntti, {8Tg)iil<Sm(bxi5]!nr,fa Crslina, black as the

Comp. (STf^asIa (3) VyM. slave. sea. (grgj^-plaooolml, (srgiplao^ Laxmi. (ST2)<fl

(girOjasiiSsiogjl money (mankiller). aofOiD^rm eisio.jtm.'c)!) CG. (gTr3)tpl5ig_j5mD^nT) aio

(grgjao^' (2) capacity. So. Qjemnb Laxmi's husband (or = (c^izDa6).

(ST3)f.0o the wall surrounding a well. 2. reservoir mlrooipliSicb; ftojos^^oiplairii'aii

fcT3)'?)a35l battlement of fort B. j7)S Bhr. in a tank.

{ST5)C>3cesiO§l a mockingbird (B. Job. = hawk?) f3T2)'=plcfflOQ N. pr. Codungulur KU.

(SrgcbcflsiOib (3) dependants ^e32jaj22!aso raos3 3. roundness (from 1. (sr^^S)W5)(SS)0sns (graro

aji20ra3o (ST3)c)oc95i03roD§ @sl (doc), 6iOQ,<a)0 sraro)D5rnl§lrold}i2om giofFi PT.) fsrgjtpl Qjlg4

ronfa (BTOjcbcSaoib ig^eJ032;aj(b MR. hired RC. round bow, So. <So_iDfOOtpl = jii(^odisk,
servants. iG^omcao^ ring. — (SY3)Vp1 So. funeral pile.

(BY2)c)oc95)0C^a Venetian Vi.(a kind of (Sf^Z'iS). 4. (ST2)!i^rooe3D3j' KU. the "seeking", title of

(Birgjch^olcanb a bird in Trav. Arakkal, as ruler of the LakkadTves (= (Sig;

(gira)c)o;£3ejl (3) slave's hire. elfo'jsioaj & Ali RiTja).

(ST2)c)o j3jlfmo (2) fitting a man; proportions of 5. (STOjtplcestplcemO'imo (prh. = (mo!fl\i) a kind

a person. [another person, of mortgage W.

(STg)c)oQ_joso (3) rent of a slave lent out to (St^^oej, ercQ alu-^aT. M. C. (Te. oaioco) i\^(SO
(5irO)C>a0oooo disguising the person. (STD). OjIQj tp) V. n. Sink=,-aiD^>3i; vu. (SrgiJng sank to the

the art of assuming any form. tBT^'aacori bottom. eorosaosDsiTo & eo^o 6^s>osng raiosna

(or — (mtDDffiai) aoetar^ Sojosii'i TP. made Bhr 1. tgT2)5rra2n.j05)Cffi(263i3aao oJloismans ma

herself invisible. el CG. (mark of pregnancy) (ST2)T)n3.XJDra1

fST2)C>D'®o_)o imago (of gold, silver) aicalcOsi oTlrol) csrgim-fihisnno CG. §8ajTL-:gQOTJ^>'3!) aTl

ffirjosrra Vil.
(!S<0)^S^—-^(BQ> 98 CSif3)^QJD— 636(5^

Inf. (3T(0)'r, farajSLP deeply. orgjiPcOsi^cOs) as for (BTOi'P £>•, tP '^ V. a. to sink, immerse oihoiTD

plixiitinf>- eoeoanuts, rararocijloiiloy i^ol ajlrolftjii f5T9)'!3Ta?la.a<e.<s^(} «^c^ KU.

^orah MM. raialta!) S)a^ (srgj'^ajoab esxiljxj TR. a

VN. (5T3)^ T. M, (T. (S^tf the same) 1. a sun- torture,

set, weekday (a)\°a>^o^ etc. 2. = (Sif5)\£|U§o CSTg)^QJ'jCB6tSUfDl (fST2):^anb) ^\ pr. of a Brah-

a week. arao.^aLisOTal(3i) <n.o,ooi^<2ajonrnl§ man village, the head of which (gtg). ro>fnj3<9s;cb

ojobRS. is the leader of the ti_icrnlcgj(t>igjQ (near Tiru-

(ST2)tf'i?odaily or weekly duty; regular bath navay, in Adinatha) KU.

with oil on "Wednesday & Saturday.

s @3<fi6)1c>aS. aolcfl5)(No.QQ)c9siis)&g3t65i1sohickup
go Found in Tdbh.'s: before initial ro, ai, as

goraacal, gjaixiocoo, gpSdSsi; — instead of ^ Vl. — jDcesTli^ @ [a_)aiOro--3ralfiA Nid.

as 6DSajo; — inserted, as <£horalc2Jo, cura^-Qao. ^(Sje6ic5^l C. Tu. M. The residence of the Bednur

In Dravidian words it changes with a as in — ^(ScasioloroocruDOCDo their

Lingaite kings

@.ns, garol — glides into oQ) before Cerebrals kingdom — ^SfKiolgJsmo, — cufoooDnb their

& Liquids, as go So, o<j)5o; ©ra, ^063i§, 332^) coins.

^acai etc. gDScSiiolcaonb N. pr. the king, who subdued

g]0 i 5. This, hence gDOjnb, @3@. — The follow- the North of Colauadu KU.
ing Consonant is doubled: ^(Saoejo this time. gQcfttJ^ iksu S. Sugarcane (Te. gjoray from gDob)

gjsi-ojcsy'^ (po-) tl^'S thing done. sprrnlscQcb jiJtSjilfiA (gTas.s)g_ji)5Dit) ajdsajScLjooi&j CG.

(po.) you here. — It stands for the first person i^cftj^t^JOA 0. N. pr. First king of Ayodhya

^8^0063190)3 ojoaHsigflsmo (po.) preserve us. Brhm P.

gJCSgoTIo I.
1^ 93^r^ rro iilginSU Ar. (from Inglese) English
^cftjOjt i'J/al T. M. (T. ^<0i, C. 82^93 put down, (KU.) giSBrTlrolain:^ 6)c9iogjt) the Christian era,

destroy) Fight. (grasiS^'J) ^n"nl a-.rat aiigSo^DSiZD A. D.(T.R.) [spark) Firefly B.

RC4. ^oCy:)6rDo inganam aC. (©.ib, £nsmo sweet
^<aigj5,ao=:2a_iO(b(a5iaf) in RC. fD<aigj^g,on_j<a
^oCOl(7Doingi6am S. (^oco to move) 1. Gesture,

(TOonb 34 gjai^a.-sroTlcss 57. (also Mpl. shrug, hint ^ooS^mosyi^x^eisB^o s^c^cxj^o ora
song ^a^aDfiA siojonsag). [rmcnjroosicr)). olscaismo VC. 2. intent, purpose (= ogdicot))
g)<£hOQa.? = (3raaioci'di (po. i§8suo gajSiOQnT) eoajo). gDocoiftno fiolioio ojosroi^PTs. gave the
©<9)ca«, K^ T. aM, gjtft 01a QO'^-arouQl RC. the proper explanation. — ^ocolroio (SQ_i05)aj ge?
conquering Rama. sa9i = wSLn^o Sil.

^(£6) ikka Ar.? Unele^a^DfiDsmajib (Mpl.) g3ocol(<yie%W)nbSk. knowing one's thoughts, God.
gpcfiCj) ikku aM. (gj<9i or gDqa2) = (ST3)T-j.Tna, @3 ocol(3i£SOT)neO(l) AR 6. whoknow to take hints.
OTiS in RC. ^(SfiOjlgjSiajmo said, there was no ^o^'Sl ingud'i S. a med. plant (Terminalia
trouble. Catappa?)— jDocoal i2«)-ni^nb 6)jii
[(Ss)— also Vi, ajlifaifoilitii)

®(Sisi^ T. C. Tu. straits, difficulty (from ^q, nraKR2.

^<9st£^(Bs> (T. a@<e®) to draw in the stomach B. •gSS^iiinuT.M. (3Do=3D@) l.Inthisdirection,
gOiOnlal Y2.= flT'itS^a^ tickling. here. 2. to me, to us. gjssgi^c&iasng.Tjrao TR.
(^j^(6\ — i^etmj 99 ^etmlli'zib — ^s
bring me them here. aj(ra)"it) ©(SssQSinb <Sa_io jDffsa^ T. M. green ginger. Amomum Zingiber
(Oio KR. (=Q®rnl(Ss). (S. ^sraiioso? Zingiber = j3ri3Q!ri®aj(b) —
©(S63a32,'0c)o, ©(SsoQonb our man. o-j^staiD, aftTDdSsilsiffir' or ^aa. gDstail

^65Q®no ((srasno), g^ssBlsm 1. thus (=jD(9s; s^.-araoejl a med. —

STDdSs, gornT3)f0o) — ca'OTXCio.iDDro.'iJiainT) ^, @15i2ul^o:^ the juice of ginger. —
QQ)rrnlgj Bhr, no rule as to how. 2. gjsoe ^srajilio^lnDXinb very angry, silly. — (kinds
Son (galro^saj coc2;i-^Nal3. just(r=o)ajQff)-3i) <eiO§l6T3ul Zing. Zerumbet, eeJcaTletar'

without any preparations. g}6S)3mcS,WTS such Alpinia Alleghas).

(gj. Zip etc.)
^Gtmjld), 1^6^^ Ar. illjIl = EYangelium,
jdrsqIss, gjestals here, hither (po.)
the New Testament (Mpl.)
©6!5g,T)3 (onlmo) 1. from here, hence. 2. from
i^ffrtnTl£l-. "\
iiijilippu (loc) Fear, awe, modes-
me — Often Abl. for Nom. sjsag'rra
or us.
ty. — ^. ^^oi)i3):i>nb who touches every
crozzr^cSsi ^^ TR. we shall not agree.
thing, a bore, impudent.
3. also the 2nd person, with whom the speaker
(^S, r^S ida 5. (\^^§) l- Place = ©So.
identifies himself ^SDigonlnmaiitocesismo c-al
hence (sa ijlss, ©xilss & the old Loc. 6)cn
c^rolfiA ^ejsiracsj^o AR. please send (from
si^jlcss rmsiocfiso VC. in the heart, s^ojotploq^
here your) disciples. [^j^-^ KU. to us.
rmiTlss (po.) where it rained.
©<3s!3BDc9al ((SmocSsl) hither. /SY35i3grrr?lS6!5QDi3sil
2. interval, place bstween ojlronb gaSSgjcaa^
@D<E6C13DS (a_is) 1. hither, this way. 2. the
(0® RS. rushed on. (S^ODfl^srno dhmjOcaiZoralceffll
1st person foSssoDS s^oal^ TR. asked
s (3 Qjro0oibmo§ KU. saioejo gsasal Cajsmo
me. g)<S6!3eDsajl(Sroocir'£haocaX)(b MR. my
(8§os^scsPrab KU. aroOT^nb ^sca'lfai) aosrat^
enemies. gD<S63S3S§@o gcuairolcaiDg KR.
(KR.) aoy^rsralnb ^Sceslss PTs. at intervals
(=m^cag). 3. the nearer of two parties
along the road. ;gsl(ScaJD5 oroslailssiaroeJaajfol

^Drab PTs. (ST3SS50D§ tgrau^.-ml 5).rU3J^ ^ Mud. {aiO5l(g32JD§'g5lS32J0Sls Anj. ^a9)C1\lD3

ma_jo(ST3.oc£?j033i^§ Q®jg)^SSa_i3f03oTR. what

PT2. cuemo s><sio§'t5Taorai) q,swo ^sssaDS
cxTls rmrooib MR. 3. interval of time — occasion, leisure <flj03i;

^S^(S\ alajorosrorei^s jisrgscdn TR. o. aliicrow^rab

icciri = ^rmalro"l Very little.

(SDrJid iccha S. (V^aj.cfia seek, wish) Wish, de- ^S roirooo TR. modern ^ssflfol till then.

sire (Bra Djsiobo g3.nr3(S.i_io6iej(Bra.xir)3on1^_DS)rai or)oe4i2ocro<Sm3)c9is) ^5 qjssobI MR. a. 03TO

TR. g:.araca3^Dsi PTi. jumped lustily. (sralfiA ^5iSd&5s within 2 months. gotdwrrnliSS

gD-^ifS 'SsiOfonb, m.nib ooscTuorol 8elfwilled=(Scrc_i ^0 alajcruoi^QcLiBiEgs within the last 10 days.
-^cssioronb. gl<o:£^^s somewhat before this. (grao-ajSacu
tone's ^jgh.
KR. after.
gO-ara DQd^ejo, @ -aiB oaa( agreeable to (BiralaaffJS ^STi^.Tif) (S^3finl<2i2:i30o

@D.ni3 OQ.j'Oinjo diet according to oros^ca/fraroo (Oisplcsjjrmixnlfat ?p5)ScS8 TR. as

the patient's

liking (med.) long as the feast lasts. — 83(^01(3^1071 gDS

denV. g3.ao1cBa to desire, wish, will (part. curtSo, ®SS)a)D%(!^, ^S(D3C>5(3.T_i3oVCh. oppor-

gj-ora desirous (po.) tunities will be lost.

middle, waist. — what's internal ajscoJejo jd

^S) ijy^ S. (\/^ca^) Sacrifice (po.)

gpetgU inja SoM. = oroo6!3i3, Acacia In- 6ci ejo at home & abroad, jij s^go a_is C^^o KU.

tsia (\,^ gDStsy T. ^^ C. Te. be soaked, dry 5. measure, chiefly weight. oJODgyls. a.) inter-

up) — g5 5Tsace3fD3nrm GP65. stice of the size of a grain. b.) weight of a rice
^s 100 ^s
grain; so ng)g2^ri, tuerrjials lUKji?) >a)iP5Sii CS. ®srnl^ (2) to be bail for one Vi.

©fflStSinls weight for weight, like for lilce (22 sis ^SOfflfO)! (I0C.)=: jijlSSOGJ.'

dSnls 0oci£h to barter goods Vi.) C0S3.iD(T^-ma7l ©SfflCDstai (4) (po.) heart.

(Smoslsncaoc^ ojlasinjo gsKRs. ggssmroo (3) the afternoon.

Cpds. SDSceisiS (4) middling; alternately (2).

@DSa_)Oa) (2) to speak for one, intercede. 61,t_j

6DS(£hGJfD3ai (2) V. n. to be mixed together, — 6n6 ff)Si&l(Tn p2Sa_ioai match making Vi. 2.

V. a. to mix well. VN, ^s>Siej-2i. g)Sci_iydtoo No. = <a5)0 n-jiPdDsio slight ac-

S5c9s)§l (5) equal weights. quaintance. So. experience.

©StSmrol o-jlsl::^ (dhsngo) cr>S(Ss) MR 215. an g25o_)§ai, g:)S5)a_j§i)) (2) to be involved in

nuder-farm (?). an affair, fall in with, (srg) aiorgj-oreiliSnaraf) a

@3Sa3a3rai) (2) post of rails. moo gDSo_js^o (BTa^ TR. did not meddle

©sasiotpl (2) branch of river Vi. with. aQ)0^5rao)^ oicn(26raiio5lsff)a_is RC31.

g2Sc9a^s = repeatedly, often. happened to strike, fsrajjairo 5)a.jDraii-oi a

©Scaaslaz^o.tb, foSLasiosmasioroob an under- vpl^jonb g2S'j)n-Ji2 q®6J2" RC125. all he

tenant. undertook. — z^'^jjcroocoaf^ ?7JSajs cod.-idd

©S(^§ai (2). V. n. to mix with, intermingle, C2?lc9s)0o will help in war. — cf>,Dgjo g^SS^jy

grow dense or full, (a^omejo aifcflaaQooJcrn^ § 555)ajroo aaej3<^e4o (po.) anger on ac-

si^slNals. c/3ra«5i3cba3S'^5l ARg. srucuy count of business. (S oioo^os q^ooods oQ

(3ejoS)o g3S(ajsl cnsrmofb CC- «a_j5TO6aQSg.o so_i§lsgg e\s^£h^<sei aj-iDa<9'c)o TR.

s ©5(^51 roorulss) SG. essiaomo aj,Tr?'S@ gjSd-jos, jDSQJOS 1. business, affair, trans-

so ChR, is not to be fully obtained. a-s<2£JD action. S)a>0@aS)c6aO§ce5! gDSCUO^o gDfo'

sls@slm (gal ChVr. encompassed by. <mma (jud.) he trades also. aismcasTls

@DS@S(£h to occasion (Si1XIOa5^g_jO,l6 g3'<2§5m ajD§ (^1(951 settling accounts. 2. quarrel,

510 Genov. = oajocoraTl .uRSK^^a-. contention, gosojos^^'cb tucerai^ foTlfJ^

^SS5cea^(4) a.) girdle = (HrafOS)tfiffl§. b.)en- TR. cLjeTDo5id'05n| (HrauoazooiTl jDSiuo

closed passage B. S^Ssr^aTR. 3. intercourse, acquaint-

g2&'2c95-i§ (3) unnecessary, indifferent. ance, No. 4. final adjustment of a price

^5S)£KiO<^:unb (2) under-tenant B. or business Vi.

SJS^rat^ (2) a bit of gold between beads B. gDSaj0Sc9)Dftinti a dealer, quarreller.

@2S!S^fa<e)(2) V. n. tojoin, unite — v. a. g^i 5 ©SSajDcS® (2) acquaintance, experience B.

(S^cflfl to reconcile — g^sS^ij agreem3nt. ©S<SQ.jof03<S) (2) to be distant, of sufficient

©SS^rol barony in Cadattunadu TP. 33 width. a^DEjajo ®sSa_iorDo (3) the time is

ss^ral <aa2c>3 KU. too short. Mud.

©5@ca3<ft (2) to fill up closely. fflSqs (VU. a^CS50s) = ^S'Xliplz;SQ-..
gDS.-oiag (3) theft B. g;5i5oWo(S.'!J)(2.) uninterruptedly, gjcjcnj-ach

©Sforairoo (4) middling, inferior gjsrarairos.-nifa ©SZjolcaoS.oi Sn_iD(a, TrP.

6!5e = QJcrnlsijQ — ©Sca^iBi^Dtfo tlie first night of newly married

^s^aocSfflOi'Dnf) of the common sort of men. TTyar.
©Sffjcnrtsosng (4) ^. Qjlg^o-aj o)^onmoc>D KR5. gDSa2JD'3^cco gear, SfoiOibTlQinbo ^nscsz/oa^cu

choked. Gsedi TR,

©SOOOip) (2) passage between two rooms B. ©scaocX) (2. 4) a middle person, intercessor

©srnlro (2) a partition, middle wall. (HramlnTo 6T3)3n6 stra g^sca^ocX) oias® TR.
6DSo 101 ^So

g^scaoso (2) So. doubt, also @scang.<9sio. srg TR. during all the father's absence, a^srai

@sc£ul§aj, @2S5)ajd35) (3) to discontinue — (2) fOo QQK^ajlssmaoaSflSTOitBs TR. till an answer

to leave an interstice. arrives asoTTlsR^ TR. og)frnlsE2^ (=2o_)0c>3).

©stsTlcss (3) again & again, repeatedly. -- ojosrai^ CTol^o.Tb ©So ©gj TP.

gisscaos , o^Ssos potsherd put between the 4.1eftside=®SG^nJOo, — SDCOo. — ©s-nrals

ricepot & the hearth. mo.ij ajej.tiialslg'gj did no more speak, ©s
gjsajrocTU narrow & low ridge in ricefields. cmJ^SScLjosi f.i. when meeting a dog, woman
gDSOJipl (2) midway, byway, lane, ditch be- (superst.) gjss.-maos S)(cdoo^ MR.
tween two walls, cijl^oiabo sitJiScesi ©5QJ 5. width, breadth. @isqg@.g spacious 6iro3

ipl MR. (SSioral) a?la<^o cQ <Si>>ofat> iSSC^o e- ®<s>oraf) t&ion

^SOjI^B) (2. 3) to be interrupted, stop, inter- ajo CS. ©So Q^yo laDc^so RC26. broad chest,

mit. tsr^jCS^cuo o^§,-QTaaj(b <S)Z0o gjsojl^o ©snwcfto s,6Vib aiSfsi) RC io4. broad sea.

KU. —, gjsetpl'a.'OSfm

give up. Cpds. gosffljorat) (4) left foot.

incessantly. — g^S-ijlso^j continuation. ©So)3&s very bad, as cutpl, Qjoas Palg.

gisooral Vi. gjscroi'al regular change, as of ©So ff)(&§ajnb (1) inconsistent — (5) narrow-

beads & gold. 05rri~l^mc9io gDSTcrol a)ej minded.

CTOga aoaj Mud. (also called ^sasrnl). ©SSSBif T. SoM. inconsistency — contrariety,
^So, fi^So, oQ^So idam 0.(\/^^§)l.Place, harm. — ©. c9'D§<a> to oppose,

spot- f. i. ojorolso, eniTlso. jnso S)t&.o§d9si to ©ss^s^ab, ©SK® 6)S)a) (4) the left hand. —
give room. — tsraajlsiDi^rab there, o^j^nrnls

rmailtsl) in, with me. nolsinbo oQSo &ip\^S)£ho&i cas)DrO(b as"| TR. two factions, chiefly of

mind thy station, duty, ^srsigi^ moo S>cS^5Z0 Tamil low castes. ^ssiS)&mo^ macn^^^o
TR. the complaint of the left hand caste.
w\ RC77. (=o_i3(tn)o).

©saaDajooao also gjsesjtb Chaliyars, that

2. house, mansion of vassals, Naduvalis. oQ

s:ijo 0Dsajo foTlrmg KU. afffi^joim a-.g.5)srora)0 worship only Bhagavati (opp. cueJSjtb.)

rolso ro£ftil®3fl5mo Bhr. preserve a house by ©s.-nraej left side. (SfoiDsn)^ ©swaej oio^ool

the sacrifice of one person, ajtyranb gjsgjsrnl went to the left.

TP. to build a mansion, o^s-mal @2S:cranb left handed Vi. also ^ss^BjcSs^d

orb, ©s5)5)Sft)CLjoa3g@a:ijnt), ©sa.Tioi-iitas)

aojsl Nayer house (loo. aQ^^<^^raiS^). Also

said of supposed mansions of ghosts etc. = rooc/al

f. i. onoejoo @dso (={g.a)Si;i_)(moQl.9ido) (SeiO.-j-Tl @3SS(BKn^ shield TP.

jii, mrmacSsl s^ajcesi to undo evil influences ©srorgs (4) left side. — the wife, as being

(superst.) the left hand of the husband, —opposition,

3. measure, portion, also of time. (gra^^^iJSgg what is inadmissible. — heresy Vi. ©s

SS.'srajog.o TR. as far as he knows. sraolSoroirsso rjji^^ iflio^l aScSstSi to confute V2.

njo32;ooMud. (btocij^so 6isa_ir0gjlra')o_)O<2s;smo g2S(!yigs^D(b heretics (Nasr.)

Bhri. on this head I must enlarge, i^td (^ £3 5®nra)0c>3 o)u§l KR. the left arm.

Oold) 6i(b nQSo <Q<W^^ — -},. OolsoboSo ^iipi ©Sg_jce«)o (2) meal of king's attendants B.

c95) pass thy days, gjojlso '3t^F\svst£\s ajfooo ©Sgjoo left side -Broaj^s^s jDSfyofi® ^^
TR. (^gDS). a-ipl®5TOig)So <9im Mud. the former mo KR.
part of the story (opp. oJPiSrmso = aiiiLiitaoTl.^ ©Sfflg_j5^(5)tobe wide. iOi5nb@iS5ig_js@ocnD

(So^isajsoMud.) — ajOg_j03)cr)aiDomD3^'aiSooi^3 (Saioite^ RCSG. (or ©S5)o_i§<a)? see under

e^Soeei — g) 565*3 102 ^Sf^— ^SCQ^
5ns) — rr5)5rels(,sin_ij^ra1j9sfm <Sm'®o DM. moiP^) a measure, 2' oj\coa3h deep, 5.^

broad eyes. broad, holding 4 Nali, ' or 57,600 grains

5nS(fi_jg (2) a petty prince, of whom the of &>iP<zs)cng^ (its mark ox). The smaller

KM. counts 1400 in Kerala (S. ijlroo?) also kind Q-cUaixHseoratpl is used in houses, the

^.Scuoipl KU. n_iO§ls6aT3'iPl, larger by 10 or 20 pet. serves

ep50^S(b (5) difficulty of speech from joy or to pay the o_id§o. cuejlaz; gDSSSQOiP'cSs

grief B. ago, S)m^ TR. ^OOO ©sesBO!*! siongjlfm

^bcnjlrol (4. ojfol) a shell with the spiral (»0 gQgjlai ojlej c9)or^ TR. (in 1798).

turning- from loft to right. — also = jpS r^=gDSffl3B0oq.v (B. ©ssas?) —

Qji&io B. a5iaift)ogDS<S6ss.'^gjD2(a) !&§0csulral) siiSio^OTra)

©SQJ(95 1. the principality of an §JS{aJg, cac05)TR. without harassing delays, m^csa

f. i. ^if aTl a\) j®, <smo)q!jscas£2ic)o the o)a_iro3,tiTO; g35<26S13(^ong, nO(SZ0OS gD5SS!!13

2 chief vassals of C51atiri with 12 AO-oio ooite^ TR. treated us harshly. o^nolcSals
land, 300 Nayer, 12,000 fanam yearly in- <S6!SBQ, 6ijJ<^ RC63. oQCmOcdi @3S(SS09Q
come KU. -njtfaD ^scuaicasifo <9>of3jo
[To walk with difficulty.
TR. 'gT3;o g3sajc9ical<c!() ^a. c&oro6Tn.Tj<b
<^sc^<£h, idanbu'ya ^scral cnscs« (§05 2)
KU. 2. jurisdiction Vi. parish (Nasr.)
^Sq_1o see i^sQJo.
©scuejo (4) both sides, noighbourhood, g)&
i^Sn-J^'loOfnJlca'DrmlfDl N. pr. The chief
ojejo iSn_io5iej migcOs) (srgjcssil raxsro'jmo.
of the 36,000 armed Brahmans, residing near
gDSOjeJo o)(Sio§c9so[a_)t£bDroo TR. according
Parur, endowed with Parasu Rama's sword
to the taxes paid all around. — (also sepa-
rated). g3SG5® aiGJT!!^)' (maiflsTjig) c9)iflces)0'm^o

TR. the tenure as observed in the country.

(^Sm^d9) idambu-ya MC. i. = ©s^a> 2. To
stumble, knock against, oppose.
rtnff>n6og5S(t^oajai!t2g0oc2i^ (Sci_iO-ijo.Tb TP.
gJScnj'ai) contrariety B.
to go with friends, (wsiobo gDStna-.goajej-nro)

@0o:s27l TP. with shield & sword. — adj. ^s i^scQJOru idayah (m. @)s^ f.) T. M. (©s 4)

cuejo roog)SJsalf(»TR. The middle caste of shepherds & cowherds,

rather foreigners in Mai. Q^t9iO§0aic9aDfDn6

^sajoif|=:g2S(fyj, who has ^sajo^ KU.
ng)scainb rooanb TR.
gJSciTlfmocno (1) space, air Vi.

I. ^Scee^ idakka Tdbh. (ruD(fbi)Adoubledrum

i^scQJcft., (5^75^3^ idayu-ya T. M. Te. (^5 2)

1. To hit against, press against a,aj.:ijo (ftsajo

gDSc0a0§ao gJ^cSsOBobliO^o KR.
(0)63132^ ii) gjsstmgi Vi. toratplsroi^ ScrogcSsicb
II. ^Sa9Si, (^ aT. aM, To dig, split gjs
@5ssroro) axiggo CC. mscsrid) ©scs^o &,(m Q_ts
oroaj (srasmaio @§o gjs ^sggRCTO. (said
<&i§.5)S ©T-aiOfijoNal 2. 2. to fall out, quarrel,
of arms).
compete. 0Di'O3r!3>o fosco) ms^ RC 23. quicker
III. e^Scfi^, (B&\ (©So 5) To widen a place Vi.
than the wind, ajodo SDSsraro) aisrnodo
RC 60.
^565^ idaiinu C. T. Strait (=®s). @]S^ gpscaJIrm siiiiofo!) RC63. — rsro.xnb <Saj3o

gjSftSBDo (go 563a ) & g)SCB63BO q. v.— difficulty, Siifhosng gjssrai^ disputed about religion KU.
contrariety, oppression, want, o^^o^cqj <&.o rmzaifa!) @3S6roi^ (So-iocal (VLX,)©s?2/0Sf!j) peace-

^iOralom @]RjB5)m gnsssGDo caigjifltftlcBJorafi ably. 3. to converse Vi. gDS6ro©olca> = Q_irol

TR. raise such difficulties about it. -^dTltSsi V2. r3Ta;uS>-n3o gJSsrois^gj had no
©£63t33iPl, ©SSramOipl, ©SSTOiPl (oDSfiSa :
intercourse with him \2.
^sfb — i^sl 103 ^slcft, — ^slae©
VN. g)S-ai<^ 1. quarrel cmujooso OTDoaaocxiTi 3. thunderbolt gosloioj^lg OjSflio (So-iodTl (2a_i3

01] 5)<0)Ogjo g3S^aJD3iil cftiplsrai^ Qjfrarra MR, caH MR. so ^_s^jT-i-jo ?..&), ftsiOeflsi, g3S^^y63i3l

Qjom.uSroos gas^oA sijijcgonb RC93. to it thundered CO. gjsloin-io^cesKScn Vi. sudden-

war. 2. family discord, separation @3S ly.

@2^j'>ad5^ ^^" ^'^ happen suddenly. a)S^

^nii (oTlan to reunite. 3. intercourse Vi. @So't) «-aJ0:T5l) RC33.

CV. g3Sca?liSa to disunite, separate, also g35iS(9r. gislapj (2) a betel pestle.

^slaiipojl) (2) a betel mortar, used by toothless

^Sfb idar T. M. C. Te. (V^^^) 1. impediment,
hindrance ^sib persons. [qp
atplcoj unhindered, unchecked gg.

AR5. 2. trouble, grief (po.) (sra:tf)1anDrai) ^s gDS^^dSsi (2) young jackfruit hashed & fried

Bhr were troubled. ©S^.TjraTl (3) flash of lightning,

(C3OO0(b 1. dJ)ajlsc)o @33
^5^s>ci_ios\wo<os)\ reduced to dust, of furious
(2roD§ cuDsrow) a_)(i5)l^ (SitVij.) gGJihiTnalaicr)

Bhg. perfect- combat, ruthless destruction.

gDS(b SnjodJfTlma.TbRCsa. ^. ig si
^slaroo (1) a rammer, gunrod.
ly satisfied.
^slalcmra!) (3) flash of lightning.
^Sqoft., 6] idaru-ya T. M.C. (and ^srtsai
^S^(gtPc95)o (3) thunder, gDslo)3i'0iin RC 33.
B.Pseeprec.) 1. To stumble, trip. msrmfhOfoi)
^5lc2ig_jo balls or cakes of ^slcmirni.
^SQo (prov.) 2. to falter, hesitate. ^5ol
gDS^(3^3TTl a kind of cake (also 2islcaj0"nl).
§mo Qjo.a,ajo VyM. f^asamffj) g)'o TP.
gjS^cacrn^l a kind of vermicelli.
to waver, doubt. 3. to quarrel Yi,
^slcs^ratal mortar for husking rice, also a
VN. g3sij 1. stumbling. 0oc£53i3cbScanf3o g)
S^ Qjroo ^g_jossni3c>o'2c9si3 CG. 2. hesita-
g)Slaj3c)o (3) fork of lightning.
tion, blundering. (ScDDcfiao ojjijcnajo gos
^slajog.0 (3) the lump of gold, supposed to
^(^SO'Sm cftsng. 3. quarrel igtrnfat 6)jiio
be contained in the thunderbolt, and found
^ SlS-ei VyM. disputes about money, o)
when it strikes into cowdung.
aalrai) (srasajacso ^ssiraoso cuocasHs^ & gDsloioJg (3) clap of thunder.
sngocal TR. ^sij (mlc9j) to pacify Vi.
gDslsxKb & ^§<2aj(b sioJOScSi the stone of a
^SOQ, stamm.ring from grief? ^ggsiaoiplgg
fruit to burst & emit roots.

(^Slc65, easns^ idi-j^a T. M. C. Te. (go si) 1. To

^ai^xTl RC78. crumble, fall to pieces, be split as Zi-rn^.^^, j^
^S^ idala (@3§) A wood, burning very quickly o, dbsaTlsinbo ojl^cnj — a^rati jDslsnjrgi of a

gnsaj ^sff)iUi)s)oaiD(prov.) cocoanut plant growing. — met. s)mst3Ll3io go

<^SQJo idavam T.M.Tdbh.(gfceo)l. Taurus. slsTS^slsrai^ Bhr. 2. to be powdered. ZCOi

2. =235X151313)3 310 the 2nd month (May — June). (Tnlsla^(Tnlgj(med.) 3. to fall, be reduced, as
?DSajn_io^ KIT. beginning of the monsoon, price (Qjlai goslsrar^) degraded — gpslsrara eio

general armistice till giaiDojc^ffi. (£\ rather a low caste.

§Dsaj!0)o(S. giiJBo; the horn of the Himalaya 6£)Sia&6^ V. a. 1. To beat, bruise isrorolgpsl

bullock -a med. root. [„_jn ^j^nb RGn. dto to pound rice Vi. (2(a.aj<n3i3c>3 gjs^iaso PT 2.

g)sajnb Tdbh. ^liieaf) a hero. ^JSQjoooo ai (BTOb^cOaics^o aneroalfsl) i;g56)Si05nglsl<©s)Csyo eoja

?i^SQJrcfe idaval A butterfly Vi. d>>cqjo (po.) 2. to demolish, break down.

6DSl idi T. M. C.Te.(\^^5)l. A stroke, blow, (sTlasiiJio.'SiaD §Dslc9s) MR. ajormlcoi^ ^
shock. (ftE^aic)^ ^h^&s^ (po. of animals) onno (robbers) TR. 3. to humble. @3sl^a_i

cu^-ffiO) gD^i (f-i- in road making). 2. bruis- Oc0) (po.)=:itJioip/^ ojoa) to abuse. 4. v.n.

ing, pounding, gosloiojos^cs^o (a_)£boroo (po.) of palpitation S)cT)5raro) '^T)>1cO«o a mod. J»iJ.
^SlCO)— ^^o6) 104 ^§d86i — eDsno
VN. I. ^s^^ral) 1. demolition, ruins Vi. 2. de- a wicked person. —a trap-doorway B.

jection. gDCiTO oziD3i,aj<flfl acSacs^o ^^^fai) @)§ajsl a gateway.

(Sigcai^ Ti. (since Tippu's death). ^§ce6i idukku T. M. C. (Te. ©§?), comp. §os,

II. gOS^aJ ruination Vi. @2S(b) 1. Narrow passage ©§!9®aJiP^ the

III. gDslaj demolition, despondency, degrada- space between two fingers Vi. 2. straitness.

tion. — (with (grgjiQi & oigjcea)- difficulty, poverty, also fD^eSoio. 3. claws

6]QSlciLI a pieceof wood, to beat the ground, of lobster.

or to stop a passage. 6]Q§6S^ a&) v.n. To be straitened, contracted,

6y)s1.qj1 (fern, of ^5lca'nb) ingjsl^aaj. pinched. <&,sm\s)cbo (So-jaa. ms6!SBlc2):unt) with


^Sl6<WS)l(sti idiiinil T. SoM. Small earthen swollen eyelids.

lamp V2. gD^tee^Si, cS«l V. a. to confine, press, pinch

^SlcQJOrD idiyah (jbsIc*.) A Canarese caste (as a crab).

(Braajlral) gjs^cflgnn @Sfb. (^§o_Ji iduppu T. SoM. (©s 4) The hip.

^§d95, ^ idu-^a T. M. C. Te. 1. To put, place, gD§ itta Tdbh. ojlregin (^<ae)^s Mucus of nose.

plant, wear. (Siaj^o ^s Mud. put on, so "^§0 ittam Tdbh. ©rfjio, perhaps, hence:

(SrgjSfDsmo etc. — siajoolejsisiDsl, ojggltxTl^ ©gro^nb V2. and god^fO Qj."!b checkmate.

planted MR. — g3ss>!a)S<S5 to lay up. 3Do^§§ ^§0 ittara (©§) No. "Wooden block with a
gioi^ he trades without stock Vi. 2. to notch, used by carpenters to wedge in planks

cast, throw. gDSSig.'S> f-i- iSiS^'tjl to throw etc, in order to work them. [cake.

away TR. ODDig,^ (S^ool§£h to give. @3SQj1§'3i i|D§an ittali T.M.(Te. C. ©^5m) A kind of

to discharge, eD£sces)(5)ajcesi>) toabandon. 3. i^§(?5ti ittal gjsgjoo, ©§(2nerali The terrace

action in general mlsng aicaolscSoKSTra ^DSajob around the houseyard. — also compound = Qj
Pay. SfCTiDfijlg QLjDei6!3Sc)o leather instruments. — §Dsral) mglfolcSsma (loc.)— ©s^oS.'OTa)

o_i^§a) to divide, orgismain^iS) to swear, tgraiu 6if03 iZDojo 0osrai^nTlm3 TR. also go§S)cSsiogg.

6)a OJCUiejIreii) ^^ an^ TR. (=ff)aj_2^, oolrrro). <^sl itti T. M. C. Tu. (Tdbh. Wc£^) 1. Stick,

4.aux.V. denoting a completed action. (Sojocffii spear (S.uGjaich, g3§1a>cV) Mud. aratalgl RC28.

s has gone; giving also active signification (Bjorao (gol^' ©slca'o=9s)aH^ (prov.) 2. a

to a V. n. as (grgjol^ai. — The part. g2§ Brahman girl B. 3. N. pr. of men So. &Palg.

strengthens the 1st adverbial, by emphasizing ^sICg^etS'DnajlcQJ.^ab N. pr. The Raja

the power of the past tense, o^oiim (mSiXjlrali of PalakaduTR. (^DsliSasiooin annunbPT.) —
^glg Q- 0ocrua3T3)ld) maa'tZiOCDiascm TR. it In a Palakadu inscription of Collam 430 he

is nearly 2 months that I have been placed is called the nephew of 2D§lg_jST3ranc2;^nt).

in arrest; stands before Negatives 6^jiJ(x^§1 ^§ld95 itti'^a Tdbh. ©c^ai Brick.
gjand 2nd futures 5)<SiD§f!5ral(2§ ggg; also with ©sliSicesigj laterite.

causal power gjoj^ois <&lsrra 0fal_2ps .s^o^ ^StP|, ittuli ^^ Qj1§|cQ;^ (©=) Un-
ojo ^gjSgjo TR.; ojOb-roraTls cnl@}j,onb ©so © reserved transfer of landed property KU-

gj TP. cannot stop for conversation; becomes (= oraslsgjQ,).

meaningless (ST2)3in§ = {gTg)al;. ^OjO id'a S. & 6]Q^ Praiseof Gods— earth (po.)
CV. ^§Qjlc9s), gDslcSs) to make to put etc., also (^enoinaT.M. (C. Te. o^sm) l.Pair, couple.

©§ces(0) (old) f. i. (Sijol^s^ RC23. 2. clothes in one woof. — (fnoejlsm, aisrnleTT),

Cpds. @D§a-.os burying place. 5)5)Siai^5m (po.) gjsmsia-ioo cn^.-ioeanb KR.

g3§a!tpl a grave which sinks, supposed to cover twiu brother. §Dom(g3i3ff)S <ftmTlc2,'3eJg_j§
^&no^&o ~ ^GmGS^ 105 ^enocfia — (^rwo
a®§u23 TP. 2. mate, companion, union §d ggglixid g3 5ma3i3l(3(T)nb aQcm Qcnos^rm CG.
emcalgj gsmcsiil^ (vu.) gDsm foiaalral) ajlfol.ij 2. to make peace, stand well with one rooe3o:ijo

(O^ra!) (Mpl. song) lovers' parting, ^sni e>:stai ^ aajH^TOaQcal ^517163731 Ti.(a)iaal(ali^6rn6!5Bl —
(STarO;9Q35iT)o fijlralc2;05)(m VC. not leaving his ^smeoBoSfO) aj^smecal (^sa prov. cosrnlai

mate for a moment. ^omcxin^o.WKJjajSonDS e3,T)S5a2aos'sn")«3Tdl VC. 3. to grow mild or

^sm (^slcQjD,-cA (prov.) tame Vi.

Cpds. @Dsm(Sjii«aai to pair, as birds MC, be gD&nO(£6^(3&i, oSeTl V. a. 1. To pacify, recon-

matched ^(a)D(rro«3i3c)o g)smi2ji\nT)orat gDfo cile, tame (gajo5im .n!;g3^ajjj<2rnos gjsmcsal

(Q_)a_ist2Uo cnoo^ Cr Arj. if two come together. ^CUDob Mud. (fl3&lg_j(3) gDSmcBQih TP. 2, to

@Dsm ojlralai to be separated ijuem ajlrolaio rehearse, teach a drama ^>^ g3sn-)ifls)l ^^rairo

61(0) msmo aitflgpsmnb KR. err^l-Q^ Vi.

@3 6m0omo slight difference in accounts Vi. 6Y)6Y^6g*3 Relationship, those of the same

^smca/ocSs) to match. caste. g3 6m£i5al(^ (SaicXjnjl^ TR. complained to

^eYTOoee^oinakkamT. M. (^smsDgSi) l. Con- thecaste. <3SD.ii:o (S)£\ ^smesigT gDgjoniaSjo PT.

cord, peace, union. ^ro3QJ5)roQ^o gDemcBno oj to lose caste. (gra^usiiD gDsmsosl.'nonjoc^S sioj

them TR. go djsi to suspend (for a time) from caste privileges.

as.-oral reunited oJilomtSsio ^gj
smtasioiDSiTg Mud. @D6mc95)o cuosimslso croaafoi' @D,6m6!5B(Tt), — (^3)1 kinsman = ^DTn^uot).

<9«0o).T« Ti. rejected his proposals for peace. ^&nr)(32^ dfti, 6>T3V3j inayu-ya (^sm) i. To
2. submission, tameness. b):y iijlaiilrai) (WXTDoroo agree well, suit. fDoasnilazicosmsoraob gDsmsrora)

gpSTDcSsio &ong TR. his mind is somewhat CC. 2. to subside = go '5)2. tfi-^, as rain Vi.

broken, weakened. gQgl&nOcegi V. a. l.To unite, couple. (Qsn§

6;0&00:86^ 1. Agreement. 2. certificates a>oi^«3ac>3 (o^zal.-o!) ^6Tn^§crr7la)ca) asi^ocesil

given by proprietor to mortgagee. o-iDg-sioTl KR4. (for a sacred purpose). ^oem-^S^cSs),

moo <S5 0oTnT5iO)li-noo (^ol.^ ^5mcaa cuasiSQl^gg 5)aiS(9)etc. 2. gjoism^roltes) to be equal Vi.

g3Sir)cQ3t3.c)o ro^jngo MR. certificate from owner ggsnorfa inar (T. flower bunch) Fish-spawn
to lessee, that he has let his estate gasmcfla (^folo^gg @D. roe. (m(TilailgjOi-ci3) gD. milt.)

igcSl — deed of notice of sale to a 3rd party — (^Sne (T. garland, C. clot) A swarm, cu

authority to lessee to transfer his interest in

the property gosmas .ojls W.-— also counter- tSra SxTUSl 05r@l CG. —
document given by occupant to the proprietor gjsrgcan^ai to be thronged,

announcing his having transferred his inter- ^srsac)l(^ uproar fsro^o Qjlal5)Si05ni e>(b gDsr^

ests in the property. <i^>osmo qjossb] cn^Oio Qipl CT!»lrol TP. S)^5r@.'i5raoaoff)(9)a5r!g §J. etc.

earn aisimcBa 'graaz^cea (=Palg. oi/laj^^ol) — @)5re-3l>(& ^Sngib S) ni^CD COWCnSSBda "RC 19.)

gjsma^ajIs^-^a-jDstniilmDQjoasal — gjsn")^ vexation, sorrow. yD5rgral)a)a_iro3-aioairi(^aj

(a°l(b fzJTirol:^ SiiSiO^K^ — MR. transfer of the fiaogajicsirirat ::ijl|P^O(bRC 15. ©.sr^ejo o^ang

family sword to the heir apparent (loc. = (5X3) ^0sn5i§> CG. were affrighted, gosngrat on^o
(po.) might make jealous. gDSKBitib g^sn^Ocfljo

^)6TOGS*^S^ 1. To agree aiem^oD ^sm CDjjcOs PT 1. we shall rue it.

6!5i3lcQ; aiDcra^ CG. pleasing to the eyes. coTno ^5Y^6~)QJ^ dOiDSdOj (loc.) To point at one
caTlsmssBlai cnoglfab g)(B@gD(b Mud. wore not with the middle finger bent (obsc.)

overcontenteJ with the new ruler. dhoiiilQl) 6p(7Doi5amS. (go to go) Gone, reached (po.)

a)ombSi§o aO(£)Q CG. sleep so dear to the eyes. 2. Tdbh, oDlfOio fit, pleasant. jgD'^^*^'^ I'a_iD<a

g)(7D8 — ^ri3Y^ 106 ^nyrznlro — ^roa
<2tmnb(po.) willingly. eDSajDaKOsTl'tJK^ggQj-ai ojejlca; gj. Lor. longiflorus.

mo Mud. roo0crn'fnit3ocsu1 KR. gafoio ^^^(tiSfmib 5)aj§.a5Ta ^. Lor. elaBticus.

RC. well fitted chariot. 20,0' oa)§'Oi^§ ©o^o aimaTlffiafBi) go. Lor. globosus (Rh.); see ^
Snnocflsnra TP. tried whether the sword would

fit him. gj-mfisrsra gQ,0l a suitable blade TP. gOaWi)(t) ittira (jd, (d)lrL))So much, mod. ^ra).
oanroTlaTl'® cuasira ojoo^mo GnP. gj'ig) oQ^g-j
^(TTlg iSag S. (@^ao) & 05^(^8 Hence (po.)

CC. thereafter. 0OCS271 so easily.


gQ(7D i6a (T. new cultivation) 1. Sprout, shoot.

@3.T3T3)lrol (vu. ^^fol) very little — ^.'crffllrol

2. a small fence Vi.

smrao gjnrrao s)o_jDra3ro^laiS5mo Bhr.

^5)to)cSs), to sprout. (BTasajl g25^''0i:2r§° = Bhr5.

gQ/QYoTli^o ittil 1. Oyster shells, used as lime,

= (313ff)<3ic9so. vu. gjv-oialob. ougj' ^im^-^ozij^ cnoq,<3> I^id.

ggrzyifPo iSaram S. (pron.) Other, different, as 2. Cpds.

in 0(2o3(t3iroo quickly (po.)@D«3iroe3Dnfn low caste. ^.1573)1 cbsitflaagl & ^:s(6)\s)<36:o£\ Epidendron

gDfgi(2ft>rg)fDo= n_irogrxjfPo. tesseloid- ^ini?slc)o<Beso, ^E^tesso the

gQfZnCL^ ibavil aM. T.= ^fmo2. Pleasantness same or another parasite (comp. ^:^^).

agjofoleealrtncijIiSooD^fflggoRS onacruD VC. — ^.•nraJlcbtunTTl (i)an armadillo MC. [such.

adj. ^fmcLTlco; aioaiocX) KC is. well appointed gpfTOTlo ittham S.= @2'3^ Thus (po.) ^,:3iio (g.-mo

footsoldiers. i^rg. itya s.= cgrLj33in Veto. (^).

^fW^o iSal T. ^CU)'^, (CrCtTDy? (S. Qao?) gQrgjQOlityad'i S. (gniJil, fgrojsl), ^fWjoali&.cb

Flower leaf, ovaria of fish. rtJiDizraj^ajlcna n_j

(mlooocsiTlroo^tzDcbBhgs. ra)D0focsiJl(Wc>3(Sa_)Ooiej
6Y)(xo) itra (^.ijialro) So much, so many. ^((3)

Qjlcooaiaoo Gaio0anricQ/Ona3i3c>3 KR4. Q^gjDo ajoscsD5m<20D AR2. crfl ^s);®'rra (sra

^fWD i6a (T. ^Sfmo from ^^) Behold here. crc^jo Q_josroroi aQ)SEblf3l) YyM. only so much.

(Oil ©tJiD ajocflaorra PT i. (also ^g <S)Dajro3

fD:ra) ag)(Tngj innumerable. o^ssBoion onoo oja
cmdi PP.)
m7lg)32/Dsi3i'fmgo SioroasifO) SiPu2. — it is de-

^foSl i6i S. (pron. ©) Thus. In quotations = clined amTloinbo @2'tg)c2;ofDl) a.rra CS. a fraction

©0)073 — ^-oO aJn(oTla2j{0)iQ3)o thus ends the 2nd of one by so much. ^^rajS-aiaDao until this
time ^ra)S>-3T3)3SOjo TR. [{„ eai^h.
^fziilaoocroo (^.-dil+aD+tSTgicro thus it happen-
repeated: SiDSroofrnlrai) g^.-waJliO) (jud.) so much
ed) legend, tradition, history 0nODSoraij)o
gQ(^.jrol itvari S.(^togo) Unchaste woman.
^(jJilaDoaroo Bhr i.
gpQo id'am S. This (po.) a233cnlii now (po.)

ggg) i5u ^rS^ 5. (©.) This thing. ©@,-uffiiiD igpriJUj id'dham S. (©cu') Kindled, ^aoau
hitherto, plur. gooj, also gjgaido (vu.) (3cro)0.ii3o Nal2. adv. with flaming joy (po.)

^fWT) itta (loc.) Slaver = oraotOTa. gD 3.0 o S. small sticks for fuel (po.)

gpfgyg^fPo ittaram (roiron) This kind, thus —© gDOniha No. ^nolSo. wing of building sitn

mrarao ojosrai^ PT. ^iSrarDo cuocea TP. (often asHmii^jra, tansfcSsilaSlcsinfai MR. (perhaps only

gic^roo vu.) a formation syllable as in si-aiapan etc.) qjs

ggrSYoTl (TTYSTICQ/Oa^ T. M. Waved cEtelmcs^o a-jsl5T3ig)DOOci^o O- ojro (313)103 HTo MR.

itti gp l.

leaved fig-tree, Ficus Venosa. gDayrajls.'oraofai) ggrOo inam T. aM. l. Class of animals ^0 o_j^
05131^0 a med. (Hiatal gjfsrjTl (ST3foca;oejo ®ci_iroo CngL) gjmo Vl. ciJggl(DK!T3(^ RC22. £n£\o6\
ejoKRi. 2. a parasitical plant gotoitQiSsigrD' (Do RC3S. 2, = ^5rg swarm, cujnglmtg.-aia

Lorauthus coriaceus (=ajo!nrnl). kinds: eJlai CG.

^ooorb — ^(ogob 107 ^(031cq;o — ^rrn
^nnorb iiiail S. (V^^nfcstrenuou8)Lord — sun wind Vi. 2. lord «no.i_j(2aru(n3nb the great

(po.) ^cO(ftaJS3Df3)(T)Q-in2iO(b KR. devotee, <ao(Siei(agna3(b PT. etc.

e^OOOo Ar. (in'am) Gift, present, grant; also g2S3KiOGJo "Indra's net." — sorcery, superior

2DmD0,-Dialci7D (SOJSr^ MR. juggling. §3(cige3oajce«o£UcQfflOfon6 ci^;®csyo

^noliiliT. M. (Y^g), Tu.^^tra) Henceforth, Nal.i. e3C0(q® GOOnDltSso aSaDiajKoeJojo

hereafter, yet, still, more, (with future) qQ)® KR. (the grand deception of worldly lust.)

aooc)og3anlQ_jDa9oPT3. ^ool^gjTR. thei-e §liQ^WQ^^, ©(^Qjl^ rainbow, [phire.

is no more (to be given), ^onl <S0S)g_j§ —^ ^(CQrnlajcToioasralrol) KumK. sky-blue, sap-

col ©cssnga e3l."iIl^fDlgj9nb <Sa_io<S3rrro KR. @2(n3®aJD:9)o ((a_)ooJil^) the heaven of the

^ml 6ifolces)fLii once more. g)cnla2jSc3Ta (STg;!^ Gods & heroes. [(Scrooaojgal.

next week. — gD^^'^^'o- 1. again. Ecyaroao cumrai gDiTQ-Uggl Cissus pedata, used in Mai. for

03mo gnnolot^o (g.iTTjocu^gJlceaDo TR. — gDonl g^ngsslaicb, gjicgoa^isanjiftch etc. KU,

Cijj@@ajnfO SfLJib TR. the names of the others.
S. Male power,
e;D(OQlcQJo (gDiognf)) 1.

2. not yet ajf£l<fi3 SajDOiajnb g). curmigj Bhr.

semen. aDcnaru^itplottjig ^(CQlc2ja"C ain^o ojcrra

enjocuod Bhr i. = gD!a3l32Jo ojlya) (vu. oroosmo

gpOOlca'imya (5. ^nb sweet) ^cr?w s^sioj ollsrra TP.) emissio seminis. 2. organ, sense,
cruoral), g2nr)l32/'5)_a2ora(>cnD32jl(2a> RC. g)rnlT3T3)on
a.) e*Ti»:isnn'^caio = iS(05)D'® raiJcOi -oicefg eal

canb Sweet son. g^cn^ca a_i5 Bhr. fine ai-ray. — nD_nje)osmo, theirobject8(Qjl:a332;o)o35mgT^c^
neuttr @203(TJ>C)3i^ RC 117.
(fO}o_i focro corauo. b.) <a®22i(g3lc2;o organs of

action ajocflt ruosnTl o_joao ^nOj c^ao, their

g_jQjo RC 37. — also ^ciola (mauDcr^ erases objects ajjiioDo aDooo cozcno oiaj-ncrao ojlcro
g)a5l0(S^(b tShiPcoh RC126.)
^. c.)in Vedanta 4 (granro)fol(03lca)o (acins

^°^^^^ ^^'- eflcTSl3^,alcnl3^)Kind,

^i^rficsD^ooiao SJoTlcSa AR 6. to subdue the whole
^C^ in5u Tdbh.(cn51aiy.) [cno^o.) of the senses and organs, ^^caE332Jo, rnl

§22^3-1 rocksalt from Sinde (med. =oi5)cro

^gSKQ.tnlceaOib = Hindus.
©(nf^caeflitnnb, gjioglcsz^ajcaoonb sensual.
^gamjDDnoo ojocealfst TR. = Hindustani.
gj.iojlcaaj.wal (1) carnality Yi.
^OQlrCi ind'ira S. = gj.o^. — ©oglraasmajo
anf) Vishnu (po.) <g2 ("i^^J^^^o indhanam s. (inflaming)=^?uo.
also mot. gralaisn^caOiSftlacaoralnuxDo CG.
^o^fUrOo indlvaram s. Blue lotus (po.) ^
oIliiSrocSfL-.GQm Nal 4. ^rm iiliia T. M. (C. ©oro from ^J pron. This,
^O^ indu S. Moon. such, gjrm mocb gjrm aocroo date & month
g3Oga>ro60i3fte moon-rays CC. as may bo the case. — It is chiefly used for

go^ti^f^nb Sk. Shiva. the indefinite what: (j;eD^S5Bc>3 jdod elcasilra!)

^o^goxnao*, gja^sa-)* (STOjOnonaoib CG. ^a^ gDnm.x) 0(3)0100 (sroo'Tlralj m^:)^smd3 gDon o^

smib m5caoc>3 Bhgs. cDoTlra?) @2flT^3J c<j)aTOo qQ)^3o fSraracb 6)-aJ^

|Da=(Svaoiiroab Shiva. ^N. pr. king of No. Mai. Bhr. goan (Bmrosi.'maKTrao gofm-XiSraos o^jmoo

^(ogob ind'ran s. (=^mnb) 1. The king gDODajSTDo ffiojsmo ^<2gj<g(S0 Bhr. (she does

of the Gods (^as.uirgnb; gj'^osn'Tl his wife, not care when, with whom, how, etc.)

gj'iOgfm-io, gDiOQa-iao his sovereignty. — ©ing ^rrn innu T. M. C. Tu. (jn) This day. ©
ccnos eice2o au_i02l PTi. ^i^cemoOQ, east- GnT)jft8 o_iq® al.uaroaDQol it's just 10 days MR.
^rmo^o — ^61QJD/3 108 ^enjl^ — ^Q2;a^

gjsrmtoa i^cmoo al.ijoruo (fhosrrao Bhg. ^nrra ^6YlJlejlcY\D Ar. ibllS Devil, rogue. Mpl.

6)(mo§ ^nrnl<S0(3i) Bhr i . henceforth, for ever. — gg^o ibham S. Household. — elephant (in

@5.<S(Tn(Sror3) s> mm jjirrra PT i. for today's meal. s.-maso).

(Srg, §8 6X10 aotoraiDral) g3(2nDSo (Tgaij0o)gj Bhr 3. gDejOb wealthy person (po.)
the present time. ^Snmaz^g.'Scnmajo KU. till ggg) ima T. M. a C. (& ^0) Eyelash. — ^0
now. — Also = gDrrn1 henceforth o<j)3i6T3U0(3i) e> caQj(b a M. Gods ^032/aj(t)a_)caicaajnbRC23. —
iplsroij) Q^@o (Sia.c)cnfi5)ail(>jlrrn~lQjnb CG. @30cao§ia> to wink Vi.

@)om(Scj (C. Te. rnlnr)) yesterday ^rmsajito ^zcnld^cS^'Q' smartness B.

(emph.) TR. ^S^0c8ato blink, twinkle j^jlfol^o (ftffn9o)0^o

gDODD "here"' (calling cows to feed, etc.) 0lip)cffio5)(ai Bhr. ^5)a<e«0gnb RC. •^erp\6)Z
e^pnriDee^o iiihangam T. M. (t. ^ar)di^ =^ tSsnm igs)cru KR. ^S)0g_jg.aj1ral; in a
srgfal)) Vexation, trouble. a-o^OTi^crn ^rmoEDjO moment Vi. [Parvati.
6)aj(S5)05i(a) <£hsrg TR. without obstructing. RC
(gQQo imam Tdbh. (ni9zo) ^00ejZ5b
^CTDoaaiaacffililfolcSarrro Nald. arc with diffi-
^(2if0^c&) imarU'ya (T. to sound, C. to evaporate)
culty kept under control. rj
Of acute pain, toothache, etc. (loc.)

^nmD^o innal (ooDcb) l. = ©crn. 2.The past VN. g)0^.

g^nnnl ihM = l. ^cn\ f.i.ajro0§®,:/^(rnln6 am 6Y)Q)D(n) Ar. see oroo0onb. Faith, honor.
3^ro!) ^(Tnlcs^'o jaRssmcalgjScao KR 2. 2.= ng)
iSQCQJD imba A hunting call @aiJl gocruo ©
orrTl f.i. QjosizlfrnliScQ; RC.
CTUO (huntg.)
^nfba_Jo ihbam 5. (©.rnlca) Pleasure, delight
(gQQOl immi T. M. A fraction, = ^\ Ann ((sra
(chiefly of 2 kinds ^oolouo short pleasures,
5"a) o'" °'' 21" CS.
(Snuroloojo bliss, po.) oiJiJajIcSa ^cmoa_joa^ Vi. 4 9 4 8 2

^zalerr^ No. ever so little =:@3'm:n^fol ^?£\vn\

^no_ice5c6^(^o inva-^^a'jfal Xdbh. ^aj_ia> s. 5
ouroiogfai) Pay.
stars in the head of Orion.

^Q_jSl ippadi T. M. (ousl) Thus ^^jsHce^ e^CQJiyaaT. aM. (=T. ©5)5)^) To agree,

(sraolcs^o croocefol (doc) also in letters idcljsI

meet. ^ca5)0Dtfl0O(b RC U2. Stoioejl i^casraw)

" TV AT RC. were defeated, (grasl.-ora^o ^caeraio) was

(95) JN. JN. = Q^(Tn '1
(a_)(£horoo=:I am yours etc.
well beaten RC.
^WGsr^£n T.M. (C. oQCmco) to move steadily.
a med.
gJa^gJglral) A pearl oyster Vi. In grammatical usage f. i. a3Qljrai) S.=ff)^iT^l

i^a-^Oo ippuram T. M. (ajoo) 1. This side wstsqmn'^ — rajepn^cmeoignmajnt) (po.) =

2. temporal |Dfa_)<9iarao cuflgj gD.mi'^ca'ffuaoairi So-iofrarmajfib.

crODOJCOomziocQsncffifmlainbo @3qjoo ojsScesio ^cfflcnjai T. aM. sound o^n-n.'Of) acrnlcanxn

gjacb @§lca^o ^^ TR. never since the oODfit) RC5. he said.

last peace, rug^ 5)=ho^(Sn3Ta ^gio^gg ^0 6^<:2JB-\ cOi. crro T. a M. To agree, go fairly,

wcm^crn MR. be proper = @§a', (Sjismsh. — ffl^ogj^caejo

gQCBo^pglgJ <S jjJOTio Qjomoral) TR. = ^^ Gojoffjaj. famous CG. Gcraoaio, (Ojigaio (BTaa>fma^falral> @3

^(Bg_jOOo ippol (<So_iOiP) Now, just, soon (vu.

canrra PT. or^saoao ^caeJSaj KR. joyfully,

©g_jo) ^(Sg_jo(StfD aQcm (2^3.31^ CG. and ^ffsiiajo gjcaajos-m VCh. (3aoca:ia3ecb ojcSsilaii

how are you now? aiDSfoi GnP. ec2Jo ^caejsojoib ChVr. those
^ecU:Q(nrU\ Ar. 'ibadat. Service (of God) n_i who fear.

@3ca'f3!i l. = ^32,ej(Tn f-i. ti_isrro)S)jiJD^cfl'rai) rnl

e9sgg cnlfgjjoroo Mpl. <fl3cnjnb RC. the far famed N. 2. what is

^CQJ:tW — ^fD6'(7TYrS)l 109 ^fO§ ^(Ddc/qI

proper, ^carei israolazjoat RC7. Qja'Sic)^ fo ^'ajjo xJ-T3aocijo (g.Tlsn TP. for burning a

oaSaios ©a<9'0 M!pl. song. corpse. [qt^ aioraf) ^ra§o (prov.)

^cfflOQSi to cause, induce. (sr^cn'So ggglral gD(D§d6> iradu'ya (=^scit&.)To stumble CDS
^csuoc^oajsrno, gjsog g 86110 ^caool CG. ^(t)^ iratta T. M. (^rasng, ^rs) 1. Double.

inflict, snjjsrnsniach g5:2/'Ool = (a_^Scaiocol^ ^ro§ S)a_iQ,i>,, ^ro§ ^asl^cb twins, ©rosgj

CG. (S^'oiDOOo ^azioo cuaio RC 4. cozzo ^ grinders MC. ^a)§ cuacX) two edged Vi. a

QQ)nrnlo)32; i)@a'a)lc2;5)003^ RC 30. do but roo ^fogcaocml CG. ^rcgoiSaSn 2 betelnuts

what is lawful. grown together. — @3ro§'0iaej^ the paradise

^CQJTym" iyattu S. So mucli (po.) flycatcher MC. (=5)ca)05r@ejo.-aTal) — ^ras.^jKD

i^^SCOJlrrt) (^+^s3) Before this. ajcanb o_iDcrii a certain viper. 2. odd (= ay

I. ^fO ira T. M. C. Te. 1. Food of birds, snakes, cao) aooscao ©ra§S32/a Vi. ^ra§sigLj§g Gan.
infants, met. of arms. (graajS)on gDrocaocesTlPTs. gDfDsl double, twice as much, (with Dat.)
ate him. raifrnlral) QQ)@^3i^ (Oirnlcealro (prov.) (3t3f!J)lm" or)Danro§> 4 times as much, (with

prey.QjochcBffllracaoc9ffllBhr. onlcSsicD^j^rocQjOcao Loc. (ST3) rooca^airifoi) g)f0§l3i'03ri Gan.) — aj

PT. corocnloirocan ©ib goroca-'oasil RC31.
2. livelihood. ^roo)<m5n£l otiojod ojcaejo aifl cxTlrib CG. — adv. ao_id\ijl^3rai) ^ro§l(Snn3

srai^ (Tir. Anj.) 3. bait, worms, Ascarides &i a med.

etc. ^rocml^iS) to bait. ajaDai'gjra^a-jocnjab. ^rogltas) V. a. & n. to double, multiply rasngl

^^(gycSao helminthiasis (med.) 4. see ^ 6^00§i^ no3ej Gan. eacrro 5)(a3§t!3ra3.T3l

6)rac9S! II. ^«)§l<sao ©c9«Dejo (po.) aoTOtfia cnon^ gjrasl

II. gprP S. (=g5 CUD refreshment) also speech. _ai rmcTTO TR. paid four times the amount

T. sound, whence gDo)f0c9a.

VN. g^roslg-j f.i. «-aJaiij ©ro§lg_j3Cffil cuoso

^rDd06id6>, rnrz) irakku'ya t. m, To beg, ^
fDoTasTTg^ Pay. gjrooTa nnsasitoaskalms; with gDroglzcyroo Glycorrhiza glabra. [teal.

Soc. roogjo or9l3omo5lramo5>(S)!)ong Bhr.; also ^f0so§ iranda ^DrooOiaicftQcTl Wild duck,
Ace oolo^om sraDnb ojcrnlfOcescna KR. s^OTioy ggfPfTDo ira6am Tdbh. racruo Mercury, ^ajfoio

(a)lfO(e8<2(mnbKR2. to beg hard, cs^lxjo^rama -.^cflsiPsroii a med.

CC. called out. (^0)00^ dft) irambuya (II. ^ra) To bluster, be

VN. g)rag_j 1. begging. stO) (Sao-a 3Talrt)g_jlgj. loud (loc.)— [breathing Vi.

beggarly ©fDgia)0;Sjo. 2. bit of bridle ^rocnii'cii) the roar of the sea, difficulty of

(loc.) 3. see ^srocea. (^roojraTl iravabi Tdbh. (sra^jft^ The 27th

^ra^nb, g)ft)g_]3g1 beggar gDrogjoalcaD astorism. go. q_is Bocno KU. a ceremony.
CaO.'Sl) (aaDO<S)c^o PT2. I. i^(DQ_J iravu T. M.C Te. (graces)) A thing

©rog_joglv-Dtamo, — a^foijo mendicity, ^ro lent. §2"^^ gjfOceo to borrow, ©raaj qjssosI

g_j:cra)mo Sajoaicsiilgj (prov.) (loc.) of clothes, ornaments, etc. ^roajf!JieJ32-0

•^rOCSge-O-sb c95) loc. to endanger one's head.

irangol and ^rOCS^D.Tsb Large
^rocufab T. So. Palg. ^. qjssjbI^ (STg^israsnio
stick (as of beggars?), club, distinct from ^
fOfobsaiorai). 6a(bQg)ro®B)3foi)DslMR. 2. pole of
VyM. borrowed.

boatmen. ^raeajO"^ aiK^ai (loc.)

II. ^fOCLJ T.M. Te. 6)roTu. ©c^n C. ^roch (©
gOfO-gJfZib "VN. of ^sifocssi.
fO) II.) Night = ^ra3, ras. Inpo. gDroojojiSirab^

^f06YM5)l iranili M. C.Tu. = ©ejsroi3l i^cQ ro3aja>rab PT5. [^Pay.


STOrajloicDraDeTl a med. ^rosro®^0D0GJ(b RC 116. ^fOOOB] irasi Tdbh. rasc-al f.i. sasa^roDC/al doc.
^fDDOjJ dOs — ^fDloQJ no ^rolcQj — (^m
^rODCLJcfti iravu'ya T.M.(=anarooaj<a))Tofile, body of a criminal in chains & letting it

vu. rootOidJi. rot therein without burial —a severe

(^(S]cB6bc£h, ^fWpnra irikku-ya (\/^ ^na T. punishment in former days.

M. C. To.) 1- To sit, remain, bo in a place, gnroj gDfolcDjaicSsiCs^iaDcal RC 34. a pestle=;5croaJo. —

rm &afo\^, g5f03mDsn2:unb fTOxul tgraoicao, §d gjfolcnjaroo a Sideroxylon. —
folcnjo Qiio^Diplejo gifolan 6)^§o(prov.) being ^roia2jf5)0tp n (anchor = ^cnl).
unoccupied. — ^folcBacTDaJcfe maidservant.
^fOlCQ^oft), 6<TSrc^ iriyU'Jfa T. M. 1. To creep,
©rolcearmtaTaziaeiofiss^s ojortnlral) (SQ_io6)ai(prov.) (gzojliiAao^crn e><mz^o gofclcs^oro crawling sen-
unsteady. — go roji^mo cyao((TOo ^fiscrra (SojoaTl sation.— No. a_iocru , (S(U)d^, (Sjiirog, g)Q,(XU ?d.

Srmo KR. are the 6 Shastras aboliuhed ? — Neg. = go tPOj^Si. 2. (T. gDQ,) to wrench off, twist off,

IDfolcsioiSioi & ^rooSfO) (po.) 2. Aux. V, pluck (as fruits, branches) aoGJgDrolsroi^ <^^&>,
^rD3(Tnlro3rrra was sitting; often contr. rnloTV (SiDCsinfoliai (a single plantain from the bunch)
a9 = nTl(Tnlro3ma, (Sa_ioc2Jl(S3(Tri> etc. a^sngli-olasi

(Sii crufyo c3)5ni1ai o^cmosTl even whilst look- (SmSfD CG. (the mother, her infant from the
ing at. — breast). [picked.
Inf. & VN. ^rolc9ffl 1. being (ongjlfoldOs) etc.) gDfolcaoocs^o aisltSoocsyo fruit purloined or

gDrolc85)<f>s)§lfiA a couch. gDroltSsTlso^^rolnTl VN. gD^:^'^ 1. prickling sensation. 2.pluck-

So — g) folctom^trcnj callosity of the posteri- ^fOlcaTlaDfb DN. Tdbh. <Qc£^. ting.

ors, as of monkeys MC. 2. gDralceaS-U,

I. i^f?8, ^(S\ iru ofDofb before vowels, T. M.
Sceoi there being, whilst there is.
C. Tu. (Te. ^03) Two, whence ©rosr^, rasng .

YN. ^folg^ 1. sitting, residence, position, aoaj ^roaojtb two persons, ajorolfroojib 12. — many
agj§lcailf(A rmocuDglral ^rolg-jsng MR. ^rol Compounds, as:
gi Qjsraialsiaiosrglrjnmislro!) ciolizal^ KR. a @3ro3ca-,fO both shores.
seat in the boat. 2. balance = rnlaj, @3 @Dro3@§ce5)orD3o PT3. both parties.

ralgj (^roirai, ©.rolgJggg. 3. (loc.) aoooru g3fD3-aJorai) ploughing twice.

tmalnfe ^f{ilg_j<a;t:)D flakes (B. Job 41.) gDfffifoiej i^aiin5 = @Dro§tBTaGJ q. v.

^rolojlso residence, lodging, (from 2nd rel. ^ro3m3eri(ral)g_jo§o "two measures out of four"

part- fut. oo1ot3c)o ^roliSgJSK^TR. where equal division of the crop between proprie-
you are) ^^racoisaosionces) ^ralgTlso tor & tenant W.
(Sojfflo KR. @3rolg_jlso 55<9>§l<3c2; prov. (sra
@)ro3QgQ, 200. — ^rtSO§OQ,c95iO(b in Coch. R.
raiQo (BTg)ou,3i?5TinT)lrolQjlso Bhg. sDfraoj'O) 20.
[Cath. descendants of slaves.

i^rolss^oslceas, ^folss^oenolcgaee- os ^aso-Jfolceacs^o, gDraeocOiSinocb MR.

A Brahman Gramam No. of Calicut TR. KU. ^t03o-jos<s-Ofb both parties.

^fDl&rOo irinam S. Desert, salt-soil aralsm gDfroojOo both sides.

§^0 KR. ^fOi06n^5)a_iQ,c9« B. gleaning.

^fDlcnJ, ^fWoQj irimbu (jnrojlDT. M. C. gjOHigan two-pointed, two-edged.

Tu. (Te. gDCiag) Iron. — obi. case in g3ral5)g: gDfOBOJorai jiiotoranbNumidian crane (S. i0)<sra§).

<f6)£n (Qj®cffiocol-f!^ Bhg 6. RC. iron club. — @D(03aj!Plmo§, gD fK!S)ff)ajo )3S N. pr. the district

@2f61crLio£i blacksmith's shop. — SE.of Tellicherry once governed by Nam-

^ralcnj^o an iron — wood (Hopea. Buch.) — byar under Colattiri TR-

©folauaEblca^ejlgo ^ctol TP. hanging the II. ^ra To be dark.

e^ff^rc?) — i^mbo 111 ^6)(b:B& — ^O
VN. ^rooj, roo night. gjfScb , STB to grow dark. gDna^ngSsic/aoKR.
©«ss, ^rols T. M. darkness, = ^RSch. ^ra^ ©cC3cK cloudy weather = asoatii;. — a>5T7b
rols a_ioib o^gjoo ojroma CG. ^as6r^ = <e>o^ Sa_ioca) Vi.

^fZ^raTl? iru6i (^rolB5i)In the phrase migtsanoo ^«sst9i, to darken, obscure (loc.)

§1(3(> @jf51(a)l «a_ioQ,fd)lca;0(Ssl (a)Co\&> TR. allow gjrroaib "the black" a caste of jungle dwellers;

me to reside unmolested. also agrestic slaves.

gQflBfg^o Sitting, staying. g^os.-maaDcs^
gDcraaont) Vi. a sparrow-hawk, see ©og.n{).
he is settled there, also ^frornrai
I. ^e,(b^& irekka T. M. (II. ^ro) To pant,
^rsjtoral 1. a seat, bench. 2. = ^fol<ssrm;uc>3 snore, bluster, roar as sea ajorola^ai^o ^5>fO
a maid ^ro3>'3t3?l5)CS2; sioj^g (Sa_)05>ej(prov.)
^ 6itS5)S)aj diiaJsng.TTO Bhrs. (before a storm).
3. = g'gx)^ (med.)
^ai^'(^ 1. noise as of sea, bowels, hum, buzz,
gQf?B,^riTr)o6^ CV. (of ^folcQs>) 1. To seat, place,
murmuring, also ©o)fOg_j • 2. the appea-
detain, settle. 573)6i5Q5)a rooe3iff^^5)nD@)ro3a3ial
rance of cracked, uneven wood (loc.)
fOc9fQ^g_jonf) TR. (=g)folgjooO(Sal) induce us to
II. ^61{T)^ aiaiSBiNo, l.Tobind twococoanuts
remain. rooesDo^.X) garosci^ajoni) KR. conoo oj
together (loc. = @3ral3>?) 5)^tairal ©ro^ (Oi
rraroic^caoejo gjraci^ajoab ojsrnl KR. difficult
6J3i3al'()l) S)^§^cs2;Dra!) a<b gj'^'S.'orasTOO. 2. co-
to keep riches acquired. (BTgmdTlKSi'DTal KU.
ition of dogs.
presented, gave. 2. v. n. to sink or settle as

a load (loc.) — to walk (hon. loc.)

^O ira T. M. (V^^Q,) 1. The eaves of a

house, also ^O(S)0eIl V2. g)ocaooo Vi.

^fCjfOKslces) 2nd CV. to cause to seat, present (gra)

a-jliri£-.a^s)s tBraacganT) ^oco/'.-^gs) ojlsrra (jud.)

aDra)5)fm ^rra.tsial-^ 6)<9)Dgg3o SG. (as vow
to a temple). QOS)§. laocalral ^mw^i^ai TP.
ariyScfio) ^oca.'ora) gDframo MR. ^o ojof^
(2<3)C>3i)sinrra an eaves-dropper, @30 n_joa^ cr)\
^fffifYY^rjjb irunnal T. M. C. (II §jc^) Char-
coal of blacksmiths (=cnlcSl(2aiajlc9scTn nnoib Mud. §30 tsrara^a^iei (after thatching).

^rracm^oranb collier V2. 2. @DO = (oTlo taxes, tribute (old). 3. a certain

fee for land-tenure B.

^f^nj iruppa T. M. (C. Te. ^gj) Bassia lati-

folia with an oilfruit ^fols)g_j5is a^.xilnbcnloo Cpds. ^Oc9s)^ ,

§DO©jf3!) entrance stair.

KR3. @3rolg_j55C2J5m GP. ^ejl^. gDoaftorassra (3) freehold B. lands held by a

small acknowledgement of superiority to
^(TBQJI iruvi A drug (T. panieum).

^fC^QjlLks h'uvil vu. ©.'{a3c)o Dalbergia Sisu,

a higher lord. ^DOtSjioraDsnzScsDDa] W.
red timber. ©o^gj5)aj<35) begin to thatch.

@20ca/<o-;o, ijoowo veranda ®i0)oejoca;

@2®g0 a larpc spider. •

i^r?B(SQjn51, — an iruveri T. M. (Tdbh. ,091

i^nw 6)^Q0(b a low caste near Palakadu

(Sojfo?) Andropogon muricatura, med. root and (allowed to draw near houses up to their

perfume; prh. 'Mouble rooted." gDonSajeTl ®*^'^s •

[services So.

<ScaD^ (HTsro^ ^namo Nid. GPtg. ^ocaejl (3) grant, as of gardens for certain

^f?BrrO0fZJt), (^rDlcr03.T5t) (Ar. irsal) Remit- gjocs^.'oi^roc), ^jsoo.^0 the beam resting on

tance. g^fOJauorai) (sazv(Ss, ca>ipisn3i2) ^fiscrooraii the pillars of the veranda,

MR. ^oojro^ 1. line of the caves. 2. (3) royal

ffD(TO(^o irul 5. (II. ^rcs) Darkness, blackness. taxes So. W.

^Rsdornloo brown (loc.) — gDfracfeniDcsz^rali eso gjoajofoo vcranila Yi.

OD£hl, @3rolasrnl<0iipGJac)oRC. black luiired. 3306)ajgao cijlyoT) a"UDGJo 0d®o raraajaioi^o ^

@3frac>30cac9«)o dusk. — obi. case gl^ig (= ch ). @^ MR. i^o5)Xi§s,o og)QTJj)nrra crcgso prov.
^OoSb — ^O-Syl 112 ^oi^ — ^qdBa
^OdSi ira-JfU T. Te. M. 1. Wing, fia=.ajlo gjo) Flesh, meat (gj. ^sih). g)0^a« 2n_jD

<a. QO)'j>nbo go 0.0) saslsroi^ Sojacml (iig. my ffiaiortb, gDO^ (Oj^naocisr^ '(prov.) [of Mpl.
protection is gone). 2. Trav. one flap of the 5DO(2g}0CYb Ar. Ramazan, the fasting month

binding=aj(T^<e)taral5)nbo orag. ^OCTU irambu=:©n Eaves, brow of hill,

edge. 5>jjg2'oi'3)loinb,') ^ocrulctii) gDOScTTo Arb.

i^ocs^cfti iranini'^a T. M. (C Te. to bow)
^oasg close to the tank.
VN. To descend, go down (£t>S£Li\n^

Qjonb PT 1 .), disembark, be swallowed. S)o_j6to ^Oca^cBi irambu'^a 1. To bluster =^51(0

(oioajoslnrn^osoal TR. ^gjK^rnlnrro ojororaTl cOsai — gaonura*) panting Vi. 2. ^ooojl ^sl

O6013I MR. left the house, (rolaiisrailralj) ^osaial (fla to suck, sip (loc. — also @DQ,criil(ft.)

msg-jonfjiwatsicusmofSTSfinlranrraMR. permitted ^OCQJDf^ ii'ayal Port. Real, a dollar, i^m^

to cultivate a rice-field. «jirnlctelo65Blc2.ora!) ocQjOfolSpanishdollar, also siajggl ^rocaoralMR.

prov. when eaten. ajDfnf) a_iiPo rni(b gDOOTQDtn ^OCQjJaQj irayu-^a (TC. to sprinkle, V^ §dq,.)

mocV) (po. when dying). rHrasraTli'a!) gDOsaiaIca ®o)Oc9a To bale out. {grojipl (oisirm airaQaiosr^

rosng Gan. = ?. (anoficjjloerao^ reluctancy V2. o^sscngiil Q^ssgo eaaiacaaocOacuof) KR4.

VN. &]QOa66^o 1. Descending, slope, abate- @30aj (=:g30ca>io) watershed.

gioajnt), ^oajDS.(b hilltribe of basket-makers.

ment, ebb (=:<sajan gDOcSsio). @2- ojonaa) to
@Do:u;9aan KU. (= aioajarg^).
ebb. alcioo idocQso S)u^ he is getting better.
g^oajggoanb a hawk (also (ja^olQjggosnb
acncnna)!) ^OcSsio shaking of a resolution. 2. a
& aggosnb) vu. gDoanb MC.
disease beginning with headache & ending in
<^O0OfD, OOOD irail (T. ^ocmnb king from
boils etc.
o @DO 2.) Sire, used in answering princes.
VN. g)Oc9s No. — esorro rosng @)Oc0s) s^ojigo a
6DO0f?5bffiaj^o=^O6^QJ§^o prov.
swallow of water.

To put down, unlade

^qcSb, Oq ii'up T. M. C. Te. 1. To drip,
I. a. V. gQOdSadft), (£>&]
drop. gDOoloc^ ajlyo)nT)0«s (Oisroanlib Bhr.
(-oiroiSn , (3it2)c)o), to expel (sio-ismlffjm), to svied-
t3T3Xin"nloo^oQ Sjijora ojcuicm Bhr. in drops.
low(ajl.-Bao) rnlib^OcSaa) amed. eruoajc/aotuo
2. of splitting pain. ffijiixH ojOfDo g)Q,nT)^
g30cflsil(@so (prov.) gDO(Sce«5ng croacao as long
Nidsi. ^5iT| rooiTgo giQ,(Tnls sirODgg aTlo~i
as I live, aroo ^ol^ ojiPoilrai gDOcSs<9i, Qxi
@gc95)05iro eajsloiaj-gj ^rao ^o(3ce«5mo TR.
6Y)Oc51j9® (l)a. V. To dribble.
(drive down), (sni(S)'iS)cn '<^^'j§S^ ^Ocitei PT2.
^C^cQi^b, cfiTl irU'JfU'^a T. C. Te. ^Q,63i3lSa-jD
let it down. aT^aissaalra)) ojIk^o QLng.a^o ^o
ai M. To become tight, close.
(SfTlMR. planted. ®rDQj5)m ^Oc0alcSag.6roTg) dis-
§dq,6!513515qJ Sudden darkness.
possessed the tenant. (sa:iiSi^ ^Ocasjl (eaw<as)
5;qQ o96^o tightness (=i5Q,(ei!o), covetousness,
Anach. send out of the house. <a30eIlajcsL)lfai)
6Y30cfi6i l.=^0(S«o2. crab's claws=g3§a9,
aooncroo @DOotelononb Bhr3. became absorbed
^Q,cSsaiorab, goQcSaansralil. crab's claw MC2.
in. 5)5^acLio gjOcSalaiJ^ God's gifts. galcttHroi
2. a lobster.
gjOtflsa) VC. (a dying man. superst.)
^QasioSasioralj a cleft stick for collecting
2nd. CV. @3 0cfi«lc9S) MR.
f. i. Ojla ©.Oc8fll-al
the bones of a burnt corpse. — loc. also
II. ^Oce6icft>, CfTd irakku'J^a T. 1. To die — a stick bent into the shape of & used
M. to become lean. mnDOsDomo (3,-i_iD3in (loc.)
as fire-tongs.
2. to burst, as flower, cocoanut bunch, breaking
|^Qd96id&), cB6^ 1. To tie tight, catch as a
forth out of the spatha.^Qjlsfraa^.
crab, s)(9io§liai) 6)a.D?r@ ^Q,(9ai9>. .ajsng o)a>o

^0.^1 iracci T. M. Te. (^ra, in Te also

^q cQj — ^^e(W»l 113 ^ejpf^ — ^ej
comoonb S)&iOo)aii arcs &jOais>Si05n£\q^,asi\ qq Mimusops elengi (S, eruaiao). ^ejoroial^jJ,

§(Z|® KRs. «6)a)g3Q,aj)lo)c9s)Dc>oSi to be close ^'(flaoa GP. med.

fisted Vi . 2 the river to

. have a narrow bed Vi ^ejpfW ilanSa T. M. C. Zizyphus jujuba (S.

denV. of ©Cices)o=:orooOolc9n i9iihn\y) ciorolii^ai.TO) a plant Vi.

©QcSsTltSin q. v.

^QOQJ ii'Umbu M. C. T. An ant, see ^Qcnj,

^ajQJo, ^ejQJ ilavam T. M. C. The silk-

qq — Q^otylfrnlQcrxj {= gOiPCS^rm) TP.

cottoc tree, Bombax peutandra (= rug.).— i^

§alej.u ajsrelai u species of the same. — ©

^q(2£^d&3 irummup l. n_igjlQ,2ga) To gnash ,

ejucaJSKJO) its cotton,

teeth, also gjocrurafi Vi. 2. to shiver B.
^^QjGS^o ilavaiinam (Tdbh. aixiowo?)
^ocSl^ee^ see ^q^cSn.
"Wild cinnamon, Laurus Cassia @3ejii6iJBcnj§,
^o6\^e'&ryS] = ^(6m)\:6&^ryS\ Ooc.)
^aiassiasiv-oraio^ (a med.) its bark GP.
gpOQ it'tu 1. Past of ^Qdi q. V. 2 a parti-
^eJDcBa ilakku Tdbh. ajocss,ajafiio Aim ems
cle (either from ^rai + t®i *" ©ro3)f. i. ora
ejlajDO^rtjrruo gDajDcmaa^snti KR.
aiJ'nriOQnjft^ = 50X10. ^oasKoltBoisr^xnlooDfal)
^eJOQ-^dfti ilavu'jfa=r&ej:ajd.,Totakeawalk
o-jOiffil <S)5ng TR. half of the assessed produce.
cSisi^rolgjoEgssxmeJDajrm^ TP.
^ej ila T. M. C. Tu. o^fo (perhaps fr. ^a)
1. Leaf of trees, plants = jilgj • the leaf that
ill (T.
aib maTi ^
6)tO503r>|^srnljgj3rai), ^ellsifflacasnTl^Gan.—
serves for a plate, (in Malabar the plantain
used for a reis (j^-k Rup.) or GLricr)Otpl<ft (astr.)
leaf), ^aicsj^o n_iaics?jo Qjro^.0)TP. preparation
<^^o_i ilippa = ^«sg_]. gjejlgjjjjQjlmosreoo
for meal ^ej3i!l<SsSK^ r!j)l(Trotm,iJiTb (S. crcg|iD
esjo KR.5.
crnlmnb who eats wherever he finds a meal,
SPgJ Ar. 'ilm Science go P|o alodo (Bic^ooajo a
without caste scruples). 2. the betel leaf

^aj3i;g@KU. ^ai32;gf0)fj^ fflc02O@^mDVi. the

v-QiaTlg cro ejonb Ti. as clever & religious as
king chews betel. 3. spoke of wheel s^i^
gpcm) il 5. (\^= acb, to beina place) 1. House,
(m^ab @3ej (see ^gj^). 4.= laraaja blade f. i.
spot, in many Compounds as (SiaocoTlro!), qjd
a).i5ra^cq^5)s ©ai jud. No. [eating off.
(w'l'sfi. 2. Loc. Qg)(Tnlf3{)inme, Cond. ff)^^i^
^eJd9s)5>^o a piece of a plantain leaf used for in case of doing.
[(med. against poison).
^eJc8s)ol curry of green vegetables, ["plant, Cpds. go ^§0 roof, — ^gjScSsifol T. M. C. soot

^aicefflggl So. = (0)lro3ce6)ggl the milk-hedge gDgjoo = c^aocjozao. ^gjOceaoi = ^^stesifol.

^aicesslsTOT^li^ a hermitage.
^ai ,
^(T^aj ilia t. m. c. (Tu. ^sfe"i=e pi

©aj^no signet ring B.

Te. (Sai) neg. fut. of ^(d>. Does not exist,
a sprig B.
there — no, not. @^0c9snD ojlronbRC.
is not.
g^aj^ggjl the airplant (loc.)
destroying hero. — past ^gj05tmn». advl. go^o
^ejajosnilcainb, —^ green-grocer B.
Soi without. g3gjDfO)0c8s) to annihilate. — rel.
^^<&iS> ila-yu-ya T. aM. To shine, twinkle.
part, ^gjo (f. i. ©^DS)^D(7)i) aspersion, denial
majo^ejajo QLio^T)rDab,a)^)5rTilGj£r7lm&-!ji(bRC.
5)aj@@o^gjD§li08PTi.=@D^O(tJi), ^gjOfa)(with
•^ejjGe&nOo ilakkanam Tdbh. ajsaismo 1. which not.
Qjsrno, Qjspl etc.) ^^o.tsia. 1. is

Symptom (graoTlrm gDaiflsismo imenflibaDoDCUo

©gjo.-BracuDtflejftch, (graojrruoeicb, ©gjo^-rsrai §
amed. 2. the higher grammatical dialect (loc.)
6raiaoca'63Qc)o (Sra.Tl.ijl^ TR. false insinuations.
^ajoeeilcoioft) ilakkiyah N. pr. A low caste @3^o.-3i[3) -aol'Qsrocb ^6ngo<9s>\ (ot^as) TR. created
that bring plantain leaves for plates into the
wantonly new divisions. 2. in which there
temples (Talip.)
is not erygijl^gjOfBraxsaiDo.
•^ejSYCiir®] ilanni t. m. ^(bsfm)] c. Tu. @,gj(2a2;o, orooa]3cB'3 (question) 1. in conveying

^^.°-^^^ 114 gpQJOfb — '^^ <

blame etc. 2. in surpriJse: <saislgj'2c2;o e Cpds. (1) ^^(^gfuraTirod aroj ^^^iSiXiarafi eioj

ojonb Mud. ought you not have heard?! ml ^^^^- '

[cluster Vi.

(sraolojlaiscao PT. gDg5^g_j§^rol) = ©gjl^§o, ^gJ'lScDsiSs bamboo

@3ej®^3. ofOooJSgjO ((araej+ao) 1. strong ?D^cfl«§<fl4VI, go gjlajO(a'n''olj Venetian blind>jVi.

negation. 2. negation implying regret, (^QJOrbivail m. 60 f. 33aj(bpl.(g3)pron.dem.

blame, etc. cnlojornlaJS^DKU. what a pity This.

you did not then come. ^3li pi. n. (obi. case ^ojoo of this a vulgar

©gjg|l ((STagj+ofao) = g3^<scao2: (^ga tmo.^ Plural is formed: gDOjOQaido, (sraajoc^ a cb

Gjgjl CG. surely he cannot have run a So. ofOoocSlsoBcb, oitgi^DoolsoacX) No. Mpl.
thorn into his foot.
said of low castes & cattle); also vu. ggg;
§D<Sgj 1 = ©^<SC2-'D 1 — 2 = ^^<2gjol : sraiSSBcb

a®@o cLjIiP^Sgj Mud. oh, we have done

^xilso, ^oTltss (©So, ©5) 1. here ©xilss
no wrong.
an hither, ©ajlsscnlorn ,
©aj1§rrn hence.
VN. ^ejo;g, ©gjo^,©gjOOTo not existence,
2. also temporal (©50 3) ©iTlso SiiplsToi^l
poverty, want (f.i. ©c^a^gjatgi,, (So^anal
S QjfODo TR.
^0^ Mud). @2^o:gjS)^'gi=©^Dfa)oa5).
©cysmo, ©Qjao ((gra)0), ©gjipl thus.
gQgJ o illam T. M. (= ^rat) House, 5)o_jsmlgjo
bride's house ©^ojoasejajoEsp. l.Brahmin-
^QJ iva S. As croi^eo ©CD sealike (po.)

i^C/Sd) isal aM. (T.^^i-al) Resistance Vi.=

ical house, cno:j^nSl<3^5)S ^^o israsis^ 5)3>§1

.ojs TR. ^gjo oj^fficnDcsiri fj_j5n^calc0s) PT5.

©5)03(65) (=©C2;) T, Te. aM. to join, as
2. title of a Siidra distinction, the it^c^W(!:^
planks Vi. [cs^oal^ Ti.
(Doauib (941 in Kerala) or cnoeJDo ajl§ (C^e*-
6£)C/dO(GTS^ (-^f. isharat) Sign. ©iiJo.'O.-ji^ddcSmI
3. any of the 10 Pulayar classes. 4. Mulilsu-

vas are oooeJ^gjcBaoiti.

gQC^ issi ^^cS\ vu. ©^scnrao S)ci^oasi(S.n)

Cpds. gogji^o W. ^^^oolsaj ojai TR.

<a>iplaioijBhr. ^SQjoiZoxio ©^gc^ o^yTTaGnP.

"he is but a low Brahmin ^SiQainooxTls^l".

private propertyof a Raja(opp. aiij^oj^Ci),
also emph. = many, much (loc.) [ssado).
which on his promotion he assigns to his heir.

@D pernio o^nm^ cOjaejo <aig.ajo gggxusas gpcSOo isam S. Autumn cororaii (a^nrn^^ejozooro

(Siiong (prov.) a ceremony in the month igQcSi^ isu S. {\f^^£a throw, G. 'ios) Arrow,

of Cancer, to prepare for a rich harvest. garfijuJOd-joal ARg.

©^SoJib family-name, ©B^Ujl quiver. —
©gjojiplanoib distant relations. gj.-fialsi reed (po.)

©gja5)0(b do, (3) cnDoerucauo ^^ aos ©gj ^c^dSi ista^a S. (V^ca;^) Brick, also ^£\
c96iO(b jud. not exactly a relation, only of (Qi. ^c^&di n-Ji3^:^D^f3)1 jiiol0 ^fi^
(KR. for

the same lineage. Mpl. sacrifice).

^ap illi (T. a leaf, prh. from jS^^) 1. Bam- ^cfiD o istam S. (part, of ©Ai to wish) 1. "Wish-

boo, chiefly its small branches; the bamboos ed, acceptable, dear. g3,:^nbm. ©c^f. 2, wish,

in shape of rays, which bear the roof of an desire, love, ©-^o ©Sgj^o o^rnlsas onoaij

umbrella; the spokes of weaver's wheel, ^gj^ 6)focs^o — ©r^o a_iosi to speak in order to
aj§ aiaigrnlib (Sojoaiai (5Ta)ce3) = (^QJcr)DC'3o. 2. please, — ©r^0o§(0) to flatter, be obsequious,
Saecharum sara t-ara S. 3. a Goddess repre- Q_j(nni0O(&n ©c^zo§rm.ajnb SiPu. cnjsaz^ocono
sented in the play of Malayers. ^^ajjo acea en Qg)S)^o ©c^o (grai^nm cySijnb Bhg. to

^o 5)^§la9s) (med. for c-aVoio-icnl). indulge, truckle, go -^a^Doig^jerre Qrgio^al 3>gj3o

^c^l ^^ 115 ^^
<SjOOo, ^c^o ^olgjont (graraino ay) (prov.) ^ a mid. — foi^rragj a_io6^i tho me 1. oil has lost

(^0 ajay>>Qi to gaia one's affections Vi. (vu. its virtue No. & So.

adj. part, gjacaxinb young, younger, ^a^u

Cpds. ^ i^tesiDroTb agreeable friend- @ n. 1. oraunb oyjrnlea.) o^a^i-'D) younger
^d^<SSa^s displeasure. ^. ajro3«ggi>i to disgust. than I. ^a(m3a£l Bhg. Bhr. 2. lower
^)^;a_)anti who grants your wish. class of Brahmans, who act as kings' cooks,

^i:^OTnl,igo likeil & disliked, g: i^Drn^^igiajD Purohitas for Sudras etc. pi. @D2§.'aiDrKDit)

ci^-9s @ajiTt) equal to good & bad fortune. Vi . 3. the 2nd minister of state at Calicut.

@2,:^oa3^ajo merriment V2. fzr)lno^'(S5>2ilfO^ ^a^;^ KC

©.-:^oa3croort)o according to wish. Cpds. ^g.o)a)D@§a. 1. to sprout. agj-ms)Z oQ'i)

@3r^0(SiDo the desired object. 0,TO:9sfiBgs foirrnlrai) ©Bs^Sioggo sis^a.-oTlejl

gpCLft I isti S. (caea). Sacrifice. mo§l<sej ajf^ RCi48. 2. = ^g.5)^§»itobe worsted, cud

Qja'cra^aj ^a«fi>o@§3 (5ra^.xr!tT3fn3J-cr)D, <ft

ernl^o tsoooal^o (aa^Tb Bhg. i-jq

iron. <rejD3 RC.

SD'Ofol (H. istrl) Smoothing iron. ^. ffl-nJig!, g2g.S)fii)^(ti young ears. ^^ffljO^i etc,

6]QCY\3£J0o (Ar. islam) 1. Islam, go^ejo.-) 03 ^aa&yaj o-ioo^ RCis.

cdsiBitTiiud @ga 0^DQ TR. 2. the Mussulmans. ^g.89jDO(^ zephyr.

©asba"l(b «3.D3ft, RC. [^a3D foicnjfaonb.

aiDsnao TR. ojiinca ^ff^ejo,3aOib TR. converts ©a^c^^-iDJjR the dignity of the 2nd prince,

(chiefly from the Mukkuvas). g23.^6rau,s lukewarm.

^oO iha S. Here. ©iDSaiojJ.o, ^lO^&.oaii, SaorTlaJo bluish.

ff)ag)ialca'o, ^tDo this world (opp. ajfOo) ^aO i23.^TO^(b shipwrights (Pay.)

o_j^6Z!i3£lrai) in both worlds. gjaoraaJ the thin end, as of timber, cadjan

I. 1^^ ila S. = g3ajD Earth. ^acBo^asroigi-Jiggo (opp. 1^313) fo-ai).

cSl^ch Bhn. [Bhg 5. ©a<2ora)6TO0 GP69. @2. <aoltSs)Di>)D prov.

^S.o.'yiJio the central continent (see oj&io) ^anrnlib unripe cocoanut. go. <9!s1<j9s). ^a(irnl(b

^^ ila 5. (Te. Q^aj, ffiej, Tu. ^al)adj. \^ (Sivfcnj, 3Da<Tnlib ftnernloTlral) aisld^si amed.
To be tender, young, weak. — also noun in ©a gaamTlib (ydloiao Q^Sjo CtP.

S)-SnO!h-a', g3g.51g_j§<ai.
g^a^'s-t^'Q' to be brought low, be worsted,

YN. ^ao-J^slightness, worthlessness, disgrace. disgraced, cn^crxisga ojl-aJD'ol^Dfii acnj(b

^, ruOiSj to abuse. mac9ffll@.g_jo ^^aiDo & (S£bDn{) ©aoig-jgo SP. ^asi^y^>T)D

eng MR. (= ajci^'Oi-io, (OiD^) ojSisaplggjo ^f51<&PTi. [Shiva. Bhr.

ojoTD Bhr. cn^<BQ ojcuicm ^^^:i^o ajejlg_j goaaidil young moon ^^(Zvi\ (arasrnlsnnsjajib

Qjo TR. my reputation.— @3aa-jt5'^''3')ba8ely. ©aacy fresh honey, Mud.

VN. g^aa 1. youth, tender age. 2. junior Raja, ^a0Dnb (Cbsajolc^D (prov.)

co-regent. gDaa3inf3l)nnlfrro cSigjI ^(=§5^0 ^^cmSTi bivalve shell, Mytilus. ®a<nu<9s>

g_j§o, gja^Q), nr\jn)5)CTn 23a.0a2.Dcas) KR2. (S,t3iWD§^(t!i) cnz-n cChcmol (prov.)

^aatSsiaf^rat) ©«s croo^ , gjaaaroo^oj g2an^'^=f^^'5'^^ slight fever, feverish feeling.

a>cb TR. junior officer, assistant. goaouDiho 1. the upper part of something

denY. @3g.<a^=S4 Qjrolca to grow again as a half fried. 2.=5)0y>a_(Di^o.

broken branch (loc.) — <»Q)?ffi

gp.'^SojOTiri g^acnjgj 0DnnlnT) ^c^o Nail, fresh grass.

^^£3©3 — (^^dB6i 116 ^|Q_JO— ^^COJ

©a(rifyocQ;o tender age, also of trees. TR. chief inhabitants. 2. to disturb, interrupt

@Dao5njt^, ^§.2icn^ fickleness, rmn-iT^ jnatflS'S' KR.(=ajlne^o curroc^a^')-

^aaangaoocroo imperceptible smile Nal. rmo 2 5)/iJ0rmitn ©a<6af'Sg Bhri. disobey do

@Di.c32/^-in6, — fjj^ father's younger brother, eiDo 6inrnla'95^3'3T3) (SaiOfgo Nals. not inter-

younger aunt's husband. rupted by any gift. — also to cast out: (sraaj

@Qg.aii-al9 rtt) iftejj osmo Le virato marriage (loo. 5)S. n^orola'fis'S'sragUra'V. for caste-offences.

§2aca;2ia the wife of the above, younger aunt. 3. V. n. to stir, cao® gssaslt^atfia' s^o-iroa

ogjnnbo aQfi)§.22i6)CQ 0£hntl (Mpl.) oxis Mud. ((uocru) ^a'QsScmocXi t^slaso

^g.c2;roc/8 co-regent, tsraajsicn ^acaroo-aocsing (prov.); even of plants rijilftHc^i ^^an\ prov.

(maelscfiatSio si^^gj, KR2. [XP. CV. ^g.^Offl^'fls' to get into motion, set on f. i.

|Dg.cs^-2j: (SanrDo @2- tST2)5iSajDg.o almost noon a dog ojcao g3g.<9^^ ordered a purgative,

gaacunbaocQ; young fruit, chiefly pumpkin. gCoTltb gDac9s)lff)_2jO§c930 RC96.

^g.ajog__j=^aa2^aj<Tb Mpl. ^^ajo ilappam VN. 1. Of ©a q. v. 2. of

^§.'^.01^ f-i. 00(0)2. !3imTlg.:^(!@ KR3. ^g.^9« turn tgiasQillag-joo-jOsror^ 5 times (loc.)

6Dg,5)aj^fal opp. ai§oo)aj^c3t>' gO^QJ ilaVU VN. of ^5)acS5) Remission, holi-

^ascuoronb LaxmanaRC25. (goaacxjjo cuoxj-. day B. (Siorabflfoomo ^aajlgjowa PP. un-

^-050 ^ejasismib). [the monsoon.

^a<S^ib 5^Q_iD§B) fresh roots shooting out in gO^l (T. C.=:^a, ^lil) Contemptuous grin,

^a'si, 6OT5 to fret, as children ^a^Soin^ooo

gO^gQBoft', cBsl ila-yu-ya (T. to grow soft, ^a)
^tpnrra ooliSfmnb Bhg4. (words of a boy) to be
n. V. To move, shake, fluctuate. 2DS.(93cm<3^o
in rage, No,; ^alsTlfai (StQ^o)£'iO^&> cf^cm
^g.<9i3'0T3)Q^o i^fzn.T!!) (doc. = .niroojiiroo). qjcsjoI
CQ-'o (po.)
Q.<9i&> to have amotion (med.) Qr)a32;o ^§.=93 95
jDa^azjnb — aialcsiilftji) ^. ffiajsuad) oulslcant)
to be touched, feel inclined. q_j5 §^§.&>\ eisr£\
prov. No. = (a)<S5f03<95)Dfon6 a cross person.
fled Mud. gca-'rai @3g.<a3ScnJ0c>D prov. to start
VN. ^£\^aii to be roused, as a lion.
a_i(Tnl gj^fl^ (^s^anDfol) (huntg.) be rousel.
^Q^l306ij J^ 1. To grin, as dogs, monkeys.
VN. ^i.c35io 1. shaking, fluctuation, irreso-
m^(TiOziJ^£\-s^ Bhr. (^'aumoai^a~'^ ff)c&>05rs
lution. gD§.d96)0 gJ^O.-OTS) (a_)3iOC/30 (S.-LJO
oQt^xiDnb asl ojfoa VC. gaaljj <a)0S3i toshow
5)01 SidD. ^g.ces)i5T3)oejl a necklace TR.
the teeth MC. 2.=z^£\&.
2. flux (S Jiioro ^aasio TR. 3. infringement

c9>gj«ciDc9s) ^atSaal^ Bhri.

©a^^aj03nb(l) monkeylike, insolent, fool ^
a~'=2i^3<32;ar)' tgrag^o aTlg^ca/fSixjaaiej (prov.)
a. V. ^^d96id&), oeffil i. To move, shake, stir.
VN. @3a^gJ grinning, neighing, nonsensical
(Braocosoacb STrao gDa<fi33Jorib caceYZD^csTlgj Nal 4.
amao gjatSsiOftJilralceffl Nal. to keep quiet, tgra
^^bYTjtrol'Tyti ilinnil A certain tree (aig^ib
6)a S55)aa^o ^a=85i^ TR. let go. onoDDail
i^&1iJjoilibhyam = ^algi; in Vi. ^a'gj'cao
ojOffTOT^ 0an-r^a<9«l Nal. touched her. (SYgjQ,
An affront. ojDfOo ^£^.^j<zo<Qi(rn\m Q(j)gja.Uc99o
cniDo s^aioing ano-r^ ^aasH KU. persuaded.
Bhg4. all will mock. gigT'.SioiSiGJSrmonfeBhg 8.
roo^Si.-ora) ruosra® ^aasTl TR. seduced him.
was offended, jd^^.^jo aiSJcno -aTlnDnnDiiri rnl
<2<e)0§ ©aiSsn forced the fort. (i_i6tj")o fDi.(esa
ma xTlg^idl Bhg. a cross child = ^al:9i.
to take out the purse. (sraSimJslsmOT!^^!^ ^g.
@3ali|iTb a fool = g3^'"i_2j.ijo3un6.
ceiB«53(iJi 0-0)01 A TR. "the unshaken", title of
^^nriJ ilambu Fissure ai^5^T6o ©|.aajd.c)o,
faithful vassals, ojssan ojo-ara) ^^cBsuVimo .Qjajfo^anbo ^^oiDrai) ©ra^gj MC. the centi-
(Stj) asngcu*, ^0 cnD§lfoi) ^acOsirao^sigjg.u* pede.
^ei^dsa — ofDo 117 ^iPoee^o • ofDodBa

^e\'^<Be>(£h. ^ ilekkup T. M. C. ^a> (V^^ a^, as clothes, planks, ^aiy-^j ^Qasi to brace.

a) 1. V. n. To slacken, subside, abate Sihoojo, 3. (SfODZo ©3)iP^ ^^ ^2. (=ff)a>DcV30ori(b

elmo; o^rmDi'ab qQ)^d aJltflocijo ^6)§.<32o horripilation).

anied. s^flioy.-ora (Sa.iDo^iSiarel <S^^3*^TrD^R- VN. gDif^m') creeping.

to dwindle. cnl(igajip_ionb ^S5a<So9a5^, S^&ich VN. ^ygj propelling force of current etc,

Q_ionb oiiiJD^cuonb ^55g.c9si«sf!i) Mud. be not

remiss, tired with. aOotaum (Smrao g3i)g,^5D

S)<u\ ^S!3ueJ0oc}g@nT) S^inoraijgfDjinial KeiN. ^tfoee^o ilakkam T. M. (^ydSa to lose) Loss in

2. V. a. to remit, make to rest. aonOo ^sig.^ ©g_piPa«)o inadvertance.

Mud 1. quenched it, also: bore it. ^ocBala^a gDyiTi!) VI. remissness, defect.

cescQ^ to keep down the sleep, as in vigils, ^tflc65, stTSVBJ ili-ya T. M. C. To descend = c&Tltpl

cacoioo ^3)^^ori) slackened Bhr. a^so ^o)a^ <S^&t. (SjS Qg)§,'aK»^5roro)Sgjoc>3 (jnd.) g&jail

6)(ft)0§<fiffl to remit. iSjoqj rajocs^nmgo ^sig.^ ylsnJi^^.BTdajfmral^ KU.

RC 13. forgave. 3- ogral ^5)a=9s) to wind up a. V. ^Jfl^es), ^ To lower, ^f^cto ^.
thread (T. ^sitPcOsi), Pay. to land. ^iP^.^ 5)aj-^ took down a pot
[^i.aj q v.

VN. gDg.:5ifaii weariness, ^g.ajOQ,^ to rest Vi. from fire etc.

^^ ila T. M. C. (©y^todraw) A single thread

^^c©}, o6^ ilup (T. gD^^ = t^^g) 1. To
ogeTltr, long hair ©(b ^ip^sl TP. — plat of
daub, rub. siaiaa^^aeTlysTl RC i-is. <ajiJ0
tij)li-3*> gD^^S'o <SiS3iao Nal2. SicSioaaj^ilra!) ^^a>'l
grass or straw, the line of a wound Yi. goy
GcSaoroi knitting needle, §0 a>aso Bhr. 2- to soil = g)y^63i§a; o^crol

^tPaJ5Tnl trellis work. ciolstsslya^ca; ajoucToo cjofolcBsmo Nal. 3.=:^

^ifcsya^', stm^ 1. to trail, creep, crawl roceO) ip)c9) to fall, sink, aiarroaolib 'o^S}3° ^^a^s
toraTld) cijlsrnliPCSj^o 5)ca)0sl;^o Bhr. ^ysim^ 615131 CG.

^^o&j ilu-ya the longer planks of a cot (loc)

CG. infants, rmaaainb croo(g0l_Qpif6i!i^ gOya&g^, t'J^ ilukka T, M. C. oroorra, oroog. Te,

Bhg8. QJ^rrna,()3 ^tPSTOi^ SojDcftnm^al^ ^cg — To draw, take off clothes, see ©tfi ©
KR. he does not drawl. 2. to draw together, ffliPcSS),

rub as two branches Vi. igQyQr?o8i ilunnn'ya ©^ai 2, Qj(nr^o ©ysral

^ipeaxijri reptiles (gjrala^frro). Gi-LjDsO (i^:e2^sraTO)) Be soiled.

^6)tfia86», ^ T. M. C. 1, To drag, pull a^Dej gDyd96^o6i, ceeTj !• v.a. of^y<0iTosolderB.,

make dirty No. gD^tfis, vu. gj'OcSs dirty clothes.

<0)3mcn:3ra)lai3c0al SiPu4. ^000 <e'0.inoQQ)§>Bi3) 2. ^croejj ^D^ce«li^a6ra'''> UR, avoided, warded

(BToratesiOfOio @D5)y6)(fiis)0^(prov.) make difficult- off (?).

ies about. 2. to patch, mend=:^5)y-^ ^5 gj^cflsio rubbing, polish B.

o(^o I
of^o 1 l.T.M.C.Te. =^This. oroocaocX) this per- CG. — met. of disgust. f5r3)J)ra5)<esi35ng o(t>o

son. ofOoStmoa^'mo Smrao KU. still. 2. T. = mo cLjocsi^^gj vu.

oit)o^ fly in oroocaoTUOOO moth. 3. interj. ofDod96i = ^y3dBffi. q. v.

of pain, oroo o^nrro einiDgjJnmoib @2gJ^3''^°

ofDocftSl^e^nOo — ofDo§ 118 ofDo^dBi — olDofTSYfT)

ofDooe^a^enOo iksanam S.(ora.i.^5fii) Seeing, eye. orao§5).Ugi treasury of state in Cochin,

oroodafii5rnl<airib seer, fortuneteller (u^5ia:xj oOJoSlSKSiasQi (1) to last.

o«)o6)sy>o l. = o«)oSDcm f. i. <2ai5c3)frnl5)S^o
ofOo-o^tmo seen (po.)part,
655ia_ira)f(:i CG. 2. comparable. BamaiojrBo
ofOooS*3 inna T. M. (^srgu So. ^osa) Mimosa gD-os^si^o cf^^03mo Nal.
Inga, Intsia, the bark of which is used in oft)o<2SQ,-£>) 1. to last. 2. to be happy.
bathing (also (Hractgs) oa)oesBQ^'jaS)&>osn^ ®ffi
orooSsooo (everlasting bliss T.) ^niDS
^ ^^^'
[^ IP. being soilnd. ruo^iflsia^cOsormosgo oroo. Xio^ooinn^ao
ofDoQ?? o&) = (^^eS^c&), a§-3i3) a§xjs oroosoral
coajo (or : for over) Ram.
ofDoJ^ icca (T. ofoo, Te. orooco) Fly. aiogl^ gad-
fly. (DrsqI^ No. = a--6Tnl^. (6a)QiaoajDalc52;ccsiri
ofDo^cBs, 51 idu'ya (T. o-oosr^ a. to join fr. ©
6T7b) aux v. 1. V. n. To be 'sragjeTlsl aoslmoft
RC.=g5r^Dcd?l, aJ-5n§. 0vTn:U3^3l5)OO3fD3CrDmo
ofQojyiS.TSiTSDoi) the fibres of a reed, brought
CG. — ^@g, jinamzls^mairrra CG. = -osaanoisa
back from feasts in jungle temples.

oroo^afOo No. a jungle-tree (the capsules of

nrra. 2. v. a. to act. '!D0^is\'6)\r^-^'0S^(3^£\^ g
SSijalCG. to do si^^s^m3at) = 5)jiJi^o'Tb(po.)
which when bursting are said to discharge
ofDosoT. M. collection (=: gjii^) ofOo. '^sa> to
flies. — orso. siajoslsingoiTl.'olcaao prov.
heap up conically. (3^:too ojaul^oiTil QJ3
accounting for swarms of flies).

ofDo§ idu 5.(VN.of^§a,)Placing,hencea_rirrnl

&jj^(WDn6 oroogo (gsscrUDcX) Nid. accumu-
§. 1. stability, durability, strong, close texture.
ofQo§ggcB>^ ojosTOoaj KU. (opp. (Sa§§g@).
pawn, equivalent. oroo§fl«l§
orOo^l itti 5. (Tdbh. oj^c^?) Staff of spear —
2, n_irTTTlo)3i-' si^o
a pike. filTmulii_ioaifl5T3c)o oroo§^iSic)o SitVij.
§K^ So. barter. 3, what is equal, matches.
(comp. ^§1; ofOo^).
4. So. bank, natural or artificial.
o(t)jCVjOl(Ty!o TdiSam S. (o^oao, oraocb)Praised, po,
Cpds. oroos§c95) (3. 1) two parties to close, cdd

carvaoib ajmTls§«g9 TP. ort):&nOo inam i.=^n3l32iovu.— 2.S0. Asinging

ofoosoo (asi^nlaick) KR.) incomparable. noise, also orooemasio. 3. regularity B. ( =
oraoSD«33cQi (l)tobesolid, strong, fine, oraosoib

o_)SSt9s)Dg_j RC. Qjl§aic)o oCQosocno a^&s), ofDofoTl l6i S. Public calamity (6, tsra^mlc^r^

ofOoSDcm SjsDcom po. oroosocrro ool.rrogg

eJlai CG. capital story. rg^.^
y, ofDjrS) l6u =ajlaio in ogTlg etc. at the rate

ofDosl^ai (3) to fight as with fists, elbows, of 100.

of0o§5)iftD§c&s) (2) to pawn, compensate. I. o(T)aaTi?yi itta So. oroo'-ro)-<A(oroogg T, Te. orao

oroofiS(&)oro3(05 (4) to throw up a bank. jiifjA C.Tu.) Phoenix dactilifera. fprov.

oft)o§5ijijg^ma (1) to be durable as cljS'-U Vi. ofDoayranitPodate GP. oroornragiiPo n_iy(0isScnJDc>3

oroo§rnl^ (1) to be durable,(2j stand security B. ofDoCTOO-ltPo Vl. =: ofDo.'OTap, I'-j^o.

ofOo^ao^ (4) a bank B. oroocTTOajm B. a species of date-palm,

oroo§^^ (1.3) resistance, meeting of equal jiTloolrrro Boswellia thurifera (gra S.)

forces, encounter, (oiaalfaii ofOo'gocaU Suo oroorro),'oi) = orao.-ai:)i, kinds: [o_i^asiD3iri GP.
(sA they fell out. oroo'gocsii^s 6>iislo)aJ::ai ^ool;TS)i3l) Phoenix farinifera. ^'ejloiobo

(as last resource). oroo'go<9i8S> to drive into <a)0§laO)'ai) Elate sylvestris Rh.

a corner, 'oiaaellral) aisng orao§.?|§l TP. ofOoi^ (Tu. 22.13) a Cycas (Todda Pana of
they closed. Rh,)of5orrosDao0cyf:);> GP, ofDocK»lnba-j§ its
ofDoiO^ — ofDofOlfCIo 119 jfDofb — ofOoOo

branch or leaf. ofOocTtnliTboJxjDSl flour made I. ofOofb ir T. M. C.Te. Two = §Dro3. oraoros

from its fruit, food of the poor. Bhr. 1000, ofOofOnrig by twos, oraoraaaiifDo

kinds: .a.D§l>^, zeja'l^. [oroocora iUo^o Nid. 2000, oroofooQ, 6, oroort)D:)a 2 persons' depth,

11. ofOoTOYOi So. Spittle, also i^-uto) (= S-aiyiTii) Vi.) of0ofQliP3^@ac''olaj double threaded etc. ofooro

o(T)o gyg) Ittu C. o^o-aj, gDracrg S. orooaio? prh. slca;Daiann Anj.

go^ff^) The pole or shaft of a plough No. =: n. ofOo^ Splitting, sawing T. M. ofoociiDAj saw=
oraoraai 1. to saw, split, p. ofoomo f. i. ofOo.iT)

o(0oQC/3o id'rsam S. (^a+gya) Such (po.) ara •01^71 o) of) o <3--5rel CS. (BTa.tJjal.nTlfDlcSQCTn

orOoPOOClDOOlinamaili (§30000? oolmo?) Mean, eacfflPTi. half sawn. oe>o(Sicm cuocXj stshi

low. sn^ sia^ej.TOl-OjScruoch CG. in hell. 2. p.

oroomoo _aJo.-i3ia)l, ofOocnDo ojcSsii, ofOocr^Oj oJ^ ofoorol (C. ofOo^ to comb out nits) to comb
ofDornoj Sq-j^ So. an evil spirit. hair Vi. ajcSs to card MC. oooib to comb
ofDoCYO^ etc. see ofDoOSYZD. cocoanut fibres — CV. oa>o(S\<S5,.

ofOoa_l ipsa S. (desid. of tergjcLj) Desire. VN. ofQo aj sawing oroo ij gscrro PT. rrjijj

^Qail>a)o part, desired. [^j^s^tgiSajo^n Mpl. of0ojajc9s!oranb sawyer, oroo'oOsiDdEo aycsaofrao

ofOoClDOfb iman Ar. Faith, credit ma.iJoinbo Qio. ofoo^isiajosl sawdust.

onDo^Ljojocb saw.
ofOo(TL^c395 imbu";fa (see ^omjo. T. ^ff^
sweetness C. oroosr^ drink) To suck, lick, sip. HI. o(bo(h T. M. C. Te, (also oroo|. C. Te. & c/al*

C.)Nit ofooib oa'^si-maajTlfabSturrt) (ajGjlsao prov.

(f.i, 03633, qaj, ojlcortit) etc.). rxjejiti gjfacnjo (Bra

srr£\ (Oicinlsiceisiaai^/of) prov. anything very at- ofOosii)«Dgjl, oft)0(b.ui'n, (Sa-iOnlibajGjl a small
ort>ooet?il'5t) irkil T. M. (T. o.-Do<e9, qS\s^ straw
^oaiD =: (Saiosl miser.
for picking teeth, Te. oraorala^ej bits) also
CV. ^'ocnjlte«.
oraoi£)5)lT3i), oraot0s)c)o, ofSocX) No. oroog.(Sc9isiDcb So.
o^oCOJo lyam T. M. (Tdbh. ctuItdo) Lead = d>,D
Stalk of cocoanut leaf, mid-rib of any palm
rolc2;o, 6).ijgglcao being pewter, (a^aroljio o)xi
leaf, used nno ij vXis^gjonf). (^(^ejo(j}(aw)\(^ oroo.
gglcaio Q^nrnliBTSiOo KR. aiQisra orojca'o dismlmo
<asss3Si a torture. o.'Oo. @jj1^^3):a) <&>^
cncrro, 6)3Lj§.i-aT^lc2;o ajlsro^iianairoo GP.
(S.UQol Sil.
orao^SutooiA lead pencil.
oraocSsilejI^iZ'D^i^, broom (loc.)
orDoCOiDCQJDOO lyampat'ta (orao 2.) Moth,
orOoQCl) irmam l. S. (fTO:5jo^) Wound.
winged termite; also grasshopper. [ajOjiPTi.
2. M. & o(0oZ2inb (orooroo) damp cloth oraoiZ0o
ofOncaiiA (T. orooiiirai)) winged termite, oraooirai)
aomoosiro) (S,-i_jDro3-no TP. without changing
ofDoCaJlCSS lyide (see @is 3) Quite lately.
the cloth in which she bathed o'0c^,(2mo5
ort):)ft) iral. So. — (grasl-y.xjo". 2. Cyperus Iriallh. — also
(3T0§ci^ (S,i_joa> (in <Sf3fG;^cB) orao
o(OofDo T. M. 1. Dirt, moisture, also oi-j)ooo.
2Zab i^ong.
2. So. urinary passage oroorBg^jo^.
ofDon^i irsya S. (^rocroj to be angry, L.ira) Envy,
orooft)S)aajO^, ofooroosaajogj^ T. M. washerman,
malice. (Sra.unr) oQScmj^gg oraooiij, 6Ta63B^o)S
oroofolcfia to grow damp V2.
(2,T)jiiD csra.uteggg orooc^oi MR.
oraoro5)ajaiD:ao T. Palg. (B. small red onions) & oroocfriS^^'^^i to envy.

ofiorragg^ T. Palg. (B, onion) = col osjga' No. ofDoOo li'aiQ (T. M. ofOoOo) 1. Moisture, damp-
allium cupa. ness. 2. dirty as clothes ofOooaacfte to soil

ofDofDTjb iral T. M. (Tdbh. w^dk) Liver. (comp. ofDotfla). 3. = orooonb wet cloth, ofco.

olDorolrJDo iri5am S. (orooib) Emitted, as word, po. 00(^.3) to change it after bathing.
o(T)oQ — o(t)oOOo 120 o't)oaj — oft)oC/3-jro

orooonb wet cloth moosraisajrrrao gjfoornl^g orooOQ,©)Ofi3l So. nurse to a woman in childbed.

oolsroTsajcia §8 6iio^gj prov. (Vi. orooODOfb) ofOoOQSanonj (l) pains of 'childbirth, hence

= ofDoE52nb. [Elate palud.) orooof^ojla', ofoooQSajam.

ofDoocrjjno Caryotaurens (or marshy date tree, ofOoOQo_j3(T5j = ^§3iilrati fflti_iorc3frnlfol<flsom n_io
orooocnjcnl a cold fit, oal.nigajfOo. CTU ; orooOQojejl = fflajoc^ta^ScOanm oj.
ofOjQ iru (T. end, fr. ©q) 1. So. orooo Anger, (comp. ofOoooo)(to exemplify ferociousness).

fury, from ^jjIqiOj or oroo,fi3j (which in Vi. ort)oOQ,fijaj uncleanness after childbirth otDo'

is written oroool^ aM.) orooQeiOsai to be cffilrai) (5K>830 ^gj TP. (a Nayer law).

spiteful, in rag* Vi. 2. splitting pain (v. n. oCQooq^Z'^o aoga)(gajsmo SG.

§20,(3) 2). 3. ruin Vi. o«)oOQ|aj3fmlrai) os uteri (& ofoooo — ).

ofOoQtQi, orooolsgjoi>) to be angry. oroosioo§tSs) l.So. to be in labour B. 2. mid-

VN. ofOood) f. i. siirpanakha o) oirrnloiSeJD wifery, the work of Sojool KU. oroosjon
osi-oralg-psl^ KRs.
§g_jDnb g)ro§ 6)n^oq, prov. (said of phy-
ofOooi^s) 1. to rage, be in a huff V2. 2, rice,
sicians infected with the disease of their
plantations etc. to grow weakly Yi.
CV. ofooolgjlcto to provoke Vit.
oroo5)oo§cSsfmajcX) No. = ofOoOQ,S)orol.
oroo5)OcSs) So. (fr. orooo) to be angry.
ofDofiJ llai=g3^ often in po. & vu.
ofQoOOo 1. No. displeasure. 2. So. womb of
ofDoC/Bot) isail S. (ofOoca to possess, rule) 1.
Lord. 2, God; Siva. 3. able (sroxb <SiSg_jaib
o(DoOO it'ta 1. i<soQ,cm, C. oroofffi) to pull =
^oaamocan CCh.
©^<95i) Stinginess. 2. a miser.
ofaoc/3®c8s)D5T76 Gan. 1.= orooc/aomi^ej NE. 2.
ofooooffiaioronb the avaricious Koran.
an angle (opp. oolg|f!nl(S(fls)Osnt)) in geome-
ofOooonb, oroooo0D32jnb miser, also a_ism
try. Gan.
cBfflOfonb ofooooaLfib oQrrra prov.
oroocyaocnrrb (part.) ruler — ofOocoDooi^ai the
3. So. a reed, orooooa^.o^ a jungle of such,
NE. point, guarded by Siva.
also ofOooocaipl — oroooocSayrai) a reed used
orooc/alfsn, ofOooalitnjo supremacy, f. i. CT\j(Sroaa
as pipe.
(S)Ao the rule over the Gods.
denV. ofOoonlcOffl to keep tenaciously, lay up.
ofOoi^'mooj ruler (po.)
ofaoool;5J <Sm§o cocDo Anj. oroo'-^o @)q,
o(t)oC/9_](T)ru) 1. Potent, ^jiiaH^sxaigjao cu
cBs)^^° (i^'OTfai)) g5ire5c9ffl prov,
RSCi^cuDnb oraoGojfoob Nal2. (able = (Stgjcfe).

ofDoOOo ittam (from oroooaai T. C. Te. to bring

2. Lord, God; often interj. ofDooajronb aQ)2nm
forth) The womb of animals.
S) jiiD^XigJ CG. I can but say: it's God's doing.
ofDoOOgiJej So. = ofOoOQ,ajej B.
aiosmacariff)g_jsgg the Brahmans.
ofOooogiejl ffiojosai ajroarm.'oi oQ^ (Cochin,
Often of idols of0o'a3D5)ro .aisrgofoi) KU. when
MC.) like a tiger with young (see foil.)
visiting temples. 3. esp. Siva = 03.-iOc/3_i
ofOoOQ T. M. 1. Bringing forth ofoooolnrra
ronb; ofOoaajranaDo>fo (cyz^.i^^ KU. built
<2aj«ngrm najsrossQcb SG. 2. the infant, young and restored temples. [God's favour.
of animals. [a^fDloolmo (elephants). TR. by
hence: oroocyajrodBiSOfifiatsraDrai) 63(11)1-^

ofOoooloDo (2) RC. herd of young animals cSi

oraoc/aJOJCLjrolafQQ^iS^jsmoPTi. get evidence
oi^ooolgjo (1) the hut built near the house from God, ordeal. [j^g^ ^oig.
for lying in (gra(Ty<S)C)o ncSiSsrgajnb ^"o. ^ orooC'3_irotn_4fmlt:^^iplsi) TR. consecration of
sngoce«l SG. also oroooQc^cioo ci-jtee. oroo orooo3Jro(a_jO(TO£icr) prayer. oQ^ria crcDcycencb

OQc-DsaJaTlrei ojcsa id. (So, oreoociajra). oroo. 5)jiJCSH5)Bi05nglral<S3fnB TR.

ofDorOaf^ —^ 121 o(t)o^ ©366-0

oroowsjfcggj (So, orDoMjre^ejl) Helicteres ofDo^l lli S. 1. A Turkish sword (C. a sickle)
Isora. Rh. (= <s.rD(2g. 0^,0).
2. a cudgel; burnisher (loc.)

orooCDjrascrunj divine (or Siva's) worship ^oglnoo.'DcS-.ajz^iPmo.'^aio KR4.

ofOo^iaJ GQ_iDd95 (orooc>o=-oroo<9snfal)) f. i. eizn

-oHaj oroo'cq^o cE>5iflgj1c9si TR.
SOB etc. To shoot up & be slender No.
oOoc/ajracToajgj.^sraatcji), ofDoL/a_ifDoa3(^QOo5)c9)0
ofDoyCSaeeorsb llakkol So. (=S. orao.-^) Shaft
lini, oroocajroosisiacffloro!) TR. by God's blessing
of plough Vi. also ofDoiflBi cartpole.
or order, providentially.
offioSPo llam T. M. (Tdbh. of Pali SThala = Sim-
ofDoc/Djroo^smo see (ffia^smo.
hala, jjlsjQg.o) Ceylon. orooyocSisngaJib ©^o
oOtoudjcS^ Goddess, Kali oraoc/ajfolaofoo^z; <Sa
<&.3orr33i @j^ prov.
Qjtoiaoit) CG.
craoy.unb, f. o«)oiPaj.-ni^(old orao(SsPo,'!5n^)N. pr.
oraoc/3_i3roo(i_)Dcrucr)o worship of God.
a caste immigrated from Ceylon, whence
olDoc&r^rub isal S. 1, Very little. ofOo.-eifiA oroo
they are said to have introduced the cocoa-
.fdral) by little & little, oOiofaq-Bao lukewarm,

— (5ta2Q03rDO((n)60Qc)o nut tree (=:(3fl.ijit, (3^a)aj(t)) KU.

oroo:e3S§D.:a:io peccadillo,
orocifasifolaij a red sugarcane.
<am orao'SigQo Bhg. days & nights nearly equal.
oro rip 35ms 6313' a cocoauut tree with orange-
oraoaa3^Doa6 Vi. stingy. 2. M. doubt, dis-
coloured fruits.
pleasure (comp. ^iPiui)) oroocsafiA o^rrnlacQi
orD;iP3^cT5j (vu. ^foSycry Vi.) a large yam.
Matsy. ooo, QjlnoD VivR. ag)rmroTlcrr?lcairal)

ofi)otF5)g_jfO30ocb Vi. a sovereign said to have

gj^ KR5. [Bhg. don't doubt.
denV. (sr^cuio Slcm\:£n^^sow^ab o^gsa come from Ceylon.

oltloClO iha S. Longing, in rnlrol.^nt).

I. ofOr^cfti, (£)&] llku'^a^^ydSaa) 1. To put
part, orocoolfoio attempted, wished. ofif clothes Qjl <P ai. 2. to soil clothes oOoas.

orQo^ lla S. i. = o«>oajo Praise. 2, T. SoM, II. crOo^cQ), tf = i^y^cGei C. M. To drag, rmaj

phlegm, igslo-Tlsl^gj Qjejl^^o oCQo^p^o, ofOoidP^croe

part. oraoa^iOTo praised. oiTlEBDral) Bhr.

Found Tdbh's before o,

^ ^c6>(2)fDo
U'J^amaram (DiUenia speciosa) Careya
in ej, as (roja_io ^ob.xio,

iseJ3;d)o aej&, also Initial some- arborea, oJlej. [ccana Rh.

c^zTi, 2.0,0^. 2. is

times lost, as gajo.i;!, .xjd.xj; aeJ33j£b, eJoaj£>.

= S. (Sigsfiioso old diet. Aleuritesmolu-

Before Cerebrals & Liquids, which are follow- ^d6)o uyam aM.T. = 0^030 World Vi.

ed by tgra, it glides into as o-JS-iJ podava, ^de>D(Do Tl'yaram 1. The letter 2. = ^'0,c^ §)_.

aog-^ oirappu. interj. dinsc!Jii^Tra>9i3f0o coroarmJo crying hu,

(prov.) [the nail Vi.
^ aT, aC. Tu. A demonstrative V^, correlative
^dSblrb U'yir T. Te. C. Tu. Nail, the flesh near
with (BTO & ^ (1. the middle between two.

2. -what is above. 3. that, yonder). Perhaps goeei ukka H. Ar. hukka. A pipe.

surviving in the adj. part. fut. siroiD^aj^, (SrO) gcBs^o ukkam T. M. (v'^a=<^§) ^- Mi*5<3ie,

04^, 5> ^ ^ & in the poet, forms of the finite

3?j hip. j)(S5i5)-sra§(£te SG. to carry a child. acO«i^

Verb came, e^^^rra.-oiOcSi^raf) RC. aJgfg^a^OB prov. 2. side

Hence q.o. Q_iO(£)s) sit under one's jutting roof.

^oesigo — ^(^o 122 ^863 — ^.^c
a<9J'5>^DC)l (1) carbuncle boil. [^g. helpless. a(5/)(c^ej a certain colic. ^'siaidJs ajfifflsmo

g)ifl«oo;Ljnb 1. hip-shot (thro' debauchery)- o-ja^ fmsiScnJDcb o^^o SCDDSi amed.

g(0noo^rold3s>(loc.) to sit resting out lie haunches a'tQosmo 1. loftiness, pride Vi. jjc/joffrnldasi

(also ac£te^^f61c9s)). dcnV. (B. a(g)35mo crying from anger).

^e85irai) = @taflo T. M. 1. @c95)rai) toSria'TjL (U)£\
2. T. C. Te. Tu. storehouse, granary, gjom?!

6)ces)05n| Bhr. ojajs^ra, jDSS^sra) a- 2. g)<£Ki moo ^(j/jDsiDftjrjQmao (^noj prov. foremost
Gjli^b Siojo^si'g stalks springing up from in the matter of provender.

& near the root of some kinds of rice-plants g^ ungu So. =^rD(fls Strength (C. Te. a<Ss).

& forming a .ftsr^. [night patrol Vi.

©cfiS^^o ukkalam T. Te. aM. Advanced guard, ^863&nOo nngunam S. =^ra!,<ftsi-noBug, louse.

©oee^^v'C^^)ukkaluttu (a) Women's neck-orna- ^S(S^ uiinu = ojsiSTg Bauhinia variegata, yields

ment, gold collar Vi. also ao)ce5i§ SoM. ^cSs) lampoil.

yogi ai^.tsralml) a^gj^gjonb altSsj^o (^ cT)Oipl<e) ^JlJ]iTS)o njiSani S. (part. ^.oJ, wont, suiting)
OTlDZCrOo po. 1. Proper, suitable g3 ^(zncufDo rmiTSXinb Nal 2.

©c66iukku(C. Te. steel, strength=:a'3<s«') arolc9«) crgaaralraciJno ejs^gjDnb a-oJ^'^f^^ deserving to

get. (Oisrack) fDi6!JBc>oceajiriiwnaoa3 oa^i^^itBhr.

(Scs)0£^ ajma TR. (letter of Codagu raja) Ammu- aj3jl(aic9e§l fine, strong child. 2. M. manly
nitions? feeling of honour.

©de6id9), <B&\ ukku-ya (C. Tu. to boil up. T. SjiTirmo 6)i0i§CLinf) a reprobate.
^<ft to fall) 1. To start, lean to one side as ^_Qjlf!j)<96)oron{) a man of honour Vi.

one falling ouora q®§ atOsH (SojocsO (loc.)

^jiTlfmo 6)^^ to retaliate g. ms^siaoSiT^iKU.

2. Vi. to rot in water as wood T. C. Tu. g-o^'S'i^ga cno-snib ^OT) Qcrrao gjgj TP. angj

©c86isl ukkudi (a) Veranda or outside corner ^CS^rOlo <&)0§1 (VU.) ^^,m.'3r3)ltTnlolg,^3^53

of a house, a'o^'^ o_io<9n to live homeless on ^ (A-nj.)

the bounty of others.

^j^ Ucca M. 1. (S, a=£io) Top. ^^coDfal) <ft§!a

^o&O^o uktam S. (part, cu ^ ) Said, a saying. — cs^o KU. (=2^) a^croej crown of the head Vi
^.Bioo gca-'iJ^onora!) ac&oicnoco; roDanb BrhmP. @^6)^siT) see &^. 2. height of sun, noon
addressed, spoken to. — as)^®c9«®(0t3)<2^oci 6>ijcft>) TP. to cook dinner,

a<fl^word. d)5nj'afSX)naoraio^s&<&«))^ aJlsrraKU. qS)^<3s)<3^<j:^ forenoon (srasic^ i^sl g.. exactly

the B. were defeated in argument. at noon, g^sj'^'^sim^ afternoon. — also

g.c9{Z)iaJonb, a'OjjTliJO.-ib po. having said. height of age, g^caJDcsz^ he is above 50 years,
g)^<9)X)o a Vedic sentence. g^^aejrol Pentapetes phoenicea, its flower

^Sis\o uksam S. & ^cft£s:l3Qj Bull. £'^ GP.

g.flfti^ii«o sprinkled roc&<3)-STJnlm3i'a1> Q_s£a\<(TiOoCO gSi^eTl a plant, also ©si^aD gsi.^ejlcoilnb

ooo^n PT. (SrwDOil) jiipldJ) TP. a home remedy.
g.flBiio KR. the 2nd day of Asvamedham. &^0Dg.nb (0iOD^og.n6) a Paradevata.
@6U ukha S. Pot, saucepan. — also ^rarali.
^^ U6cu (C. purging, Te. aro3.aj) 1. In g^
^(C/^o Ugram S. (ae3 = aje3) 1. Yehement, oj^slcasi also 2^ o_j1s1c9«) to become mouldy

passionate, as ajOc9s. — ai^aasral terrible. or slippery as after rain B. 2. Palg. = gglj

2. heat of sun or pepper. c;b1, q_q^^. 3. No.= 6nj?X)l,uroc^ — a- ^
ooDCUi^ S.%0" 3, complaint of the nose Vi. sl^.unb, g^fii'Tb a crack-brained man.

^i^fS) 1. vehemence. 2. intensity of heat, etc. ^^o uccam S. (arati + tmaoou) High, height,

^jy emjJo — ^ssflnOo 123 ^g^coTl — ^ses*^
AR. zenith or meridian. Esp. of sounds @^ ^^^CqTIpoI ujjayini S. (k^) Capital

roialrai) a_io§&, iftroai, cnlaJxTla':^ (33>yo CG. of Avanti, G. Ozene, Vicramaditya's residence.

2- -ojlfol:^ Bhr. @.^'^os«3T3c>3 Brhm, 2^ ^0^-1^366^ Ujjvalikka S. (SSJoA) To flame

0oa^'@g S^ieio.-ii3o loud. — ^^cinl jiirmjsnis^o up, shine forth jje^jaJ.ajlsjcnojTl ojo^mo
Nal. ups & downs. Mud. brilliant courage, gs^jejl-^ 6)^3^
g^'mjo (opp. nnl oloiJo) rising, superiority.
Blir. broke forth in rage. g.'^§o ajlscaocoo
^j^ffnOjOo UCCand'am S. (^dhjusmvo) Rash. ^^ ^^al- [break out.
^.i^COto UCCayam S. (joI) Collecting, knot of CV. mrassst^rm s^&iOfuo g'g_?lc9« Mud. to let

gown ;a)6matOT).
^ssjTQujlfWo ujjlii6am s. (part. a8K>a)=&raf)+
denV. ajj^ffl5Q|.o g^oiil^ CC.
oOd) Left, forsaken. gej'aujlfaieDST^SiggofDoar)
^^fOlreei uccarikka s. (nj(b) ^^ofDerOo CDo CG.
To utter, pronounce, as g^folauosirm
ajrjia I. ^S uda T. M. (3§) 1. Belonging to; hence
Bhr. So. (BajS3D^oroffmo, rnDSao, etc. oQcms
a<SS postpos. of Genitive. n^nrTaSs or
g^orao excrements (po.)
CBJ mine (see asca). 2, (C. as^^) cloth,
^j^OfOOfb, ^j^DfOTjb, gj^OtTjb Festival
dancer's pantaloons, esp. (inlfTOUjs royal or
in honour of Bhudevi'smenstruationonMa-^ara
idol's garment.
Sankranti (end of Jan.); similar to the februa-
ascaos royal dress ojeulSrora-.O'iA &'<9)^o SiPu.
tioas of the Romans, g.ajrasraigi cnl^ to keep its
(anasajsc2JDS jiJO(z^S) daily dressing of
3 days of rest by abstinence from all work except idol KU.
hunting. g^DitA si.'TOOi Qjl(J^(S-i_)03i~l superst. g)SCU3c)3 royal sword (prh. from asra^)).

(curse resting on work done during these days) aS'Siaiaoon (S^ib RC 89. (<a)£iio T. = (grs3fosmo)
2^ora aJpoonm3c)o (Bracra/scuo Qg)§asi MR. wo ornamented or ornamental?
exTDOC^ ^:^oci>^ o-isiDo (oifrafScnJOcX) doc. (as gi5onli.o full height of a person, whole length
on Quarter days). [spirits. of a house, beam, etc.

^ja^osnOouccadanamS. (^s) Expelling evil n. ^S 1. Groin, aj(T^ T-JiSai^-ao (C, Te. gsl lap =
^^1 ucci T. M. C. Te. = 2^ 1. The crown asl) aff>5c9® -!^^i S)Q^o^3^. 2. B. testicle
of the head a^c9Q§^2iCS^o KR. 06mcSs(ScnJOc>D of oxen.

^^ (msrtDcftBO KR. @^ gSiOtSn B. to pour oil III. 6)5= ©SQ-j Breaking, castration.

on the head of children. &S)^6rn vu. oil poured ©SSS^ udaiinu (C Te. T. to be compressed).
on the head. g3Sc9a 1. catch, latching, notch, mrarmlnb ©•

g.^3-4 flowerlike ornament for the crown of incision in the arrow. 2. obstruction, dis-

the head. g^aiJlfali orasiT^lcs^o o-Jg^o Pay, pute, dunning, quarrel. (=5nj'aul:g|, cn\

^o)e)j^8 UCCeis S. (adv. instr. pi. @^o) Aloud, STXjcriOc) a. (SiO^cQ) Vi. to insist on. ©.
also gD5i5)^(Tj;j.'0o louder. S)<£hD?Tgairisoyoumay wring it from him. as
^oiSlca^o UCChistam S. (uS\.-b^) Leavings of cesi-orarao s oK^gSdaoisnggKIJ. (in ordeals).

meal ScSOiSc/a.-fl^aDCi^'a^ggroj &, KR. No. ^SiSSTnafOo a_i,")i9)=,'oiCiaiejfi_ioa). 3.

6)2i3o6UeJo UCchrilklialam S. Unfettered. obstinacy, war. asasHmoirirDls s^aig am

^r^ COlo UCchrayam S. (^) Rising, height. tflfflOCTLnxcTno^ RC. with a mind intent upon

oj.oo'l 010 liiffh.

revenge. [MC. harpoon.
aSiflag) bearded dart. &'.c2,:nj, a'.iSirroo jiiDgl
^o^jcronOo Ticchvasanam, ^ar9_iornjo
S. Breatliing up, sigh ffisioi-jajo g'ajo Qjj gjs<ss)nb troublesome, daring Vj.

engo KR. (rage.) £S<08<&i, s^ to catch hold of, resist, wrestle.

ro55)g_jnb QQTro5i)3<S.XJ0ib tsra)* RC. who

^s^o — gsa 124 ^SfiQ^ — ^sca;
will dare mo? 2<^ O-oJcmo.Tf) ^ScBsilcDg RC. gS0iW)O"no (cruQomo) Vi. relationship.

tried to relate. (8o_)DKSSo9al§(e) Q^'2cmo§ giS0a\iDnb owner, as of house, etc. (uomTlnnbo

@ss.xi KR. g)sa3snb !gi3(rir^o ^scSsTl ^lai g,, a)2o g. MR.
(Smos^s CC.
i^^ cucnSlan KR. ^Scn^ udambuT. M. (=asf3))) i.Body. gs-nj

^S^o udajam S. Hermitage, a_isrncyaoai ^. cn\ 5)jiiol3iiajnb Vi. of small stature, gscnjlmo

gSS'TCYOOerifi) udannan (C. Te. odyanam) Gold (S(U)£)a\ MM, aj)^fD3:ijsrnj5C5^Z3Q, RC. 2. anus

chain round the loins (fr. ^S or g^sn3k) = i^S(b. g. ajoaga Qjrrra the rectum.
ascTLio B. closet.
^SOb udan 5.(a§) l. Together with. 2. at

once, forthwith coD^iDBlrm gjfJSiOCOo g)snb

denV, gscnjlcfisi (loc,) = cruj(r5)-ijla5i. ^0 o-i

CC. asnb (OKSnm aTl-oJofol.^ TR.

srno g'^ laid up.
[i«snb PT. = @@a.
gsCTODfrf) (grj)

^SCQ-) udaya .5. (as I) Possessing aaigsoi

&s2onMR. at that very moment, (graslaz^rraroo

giSC52^onb Lord, in gS32;oibaj@g^ a medieinal

<Siiplsiaro)Cf3l) g)S®m TR. immediately after.

with adv. part. ff)nJ(^snb, & adj. part. Si^oi'i^

creeper (amed.) = {gT2)Tn^cSfflfO-
gsaiOjob 1. owner. With Nora. m:a6!3T3ch (Srg)

ascrasnb again & again. 0,0 g. KR. who has acquired the 6 N. o^

Cpds. ^sciosl So. at once. OTDSJS <Sa_j«33S2caioaa0Di3«l Mud. With Ace.

^setaioaj, ^srrms^ (or ^saa)§) a®Q,3i widow to 6T3)S3i3J)g.(ST3)(bg5S32;D(bAR. whois to protect

be burned with her husband. asoTObl @s us, since father is dead? 2. elder relations

Qjoob aro3S)cnj§ochi VCh. (see gSooDib) with Gen. 6)Q_)6rnl-ii-tbo gs

&ss>cm%& to agree SoM. T. caajnb = as0c95)Drori6. oQcnlcSs <8xi5io ar^s

ascrusl 5. agreement, contract ^mshji£^<a-s)0 g)'(b @3gj TR. no protector, g. aoTo ^ra
RSo @. (tyaiofoo mscrra Arb. (opp. sojrajj). God, also
sroisofs!) 0«yil 3. g
asna Vi. friendship; see &S0. scnjroicnjraoab. — gssoioife
• title of Maisiir &
^So—Jo udappam So. (^s I) Relation, connexion, Codagu kings TR.
friendship gSg-jo Q^'flgo (sroxira 203^1 Bhr. — asc2)@ 1. possessed cn\ nDSicm cn^s^i' @532j

aSg_j5)0OSlS 1. properly = as0®C2;o5)5. 2. (prh. @ TR, art mine, 2. possessing, owner,

fr. asceaaj) strongly. 6i§'Sceasn')o oQcm gs lord; with Ace. {sro)* o^-iirm ©scsifs, oJ
g_j5)0o§ cuo6TOtn)Og_p-Dj Bhri, contended that o^om (5T3)(li gg^ n4j)ff)nm gsca^fmoccy^ Brhm.
he must be killed. no father! rnifii3i3c)o gscag fmcrjjrooSon TP.
^Sa_jlOg_J udappirappu (T. @snbaM. gsfot) I have thee only, God, to look to; with
Uterine brothers (asgjlormajiib) & sisters, g Dative cn2^5)S ^tiTntnz^lmao ffiSD.tiJTsrailfrroo

Sgjlocm.TJcbcSs o-igji^K^RC. also aSgjlooTl gscao^oaarolai TR, share my lot.

B. brotherhood. [Moslems, gScaceaDfOot) No. owner jiirDcS-jTlaintio, ru^xil
^ni^ajoo gsgjlogi TR. the brotherhood of 5)nf)o @. TR.
^Saudama 5.(asI)l.Property,jewels. 2. rela- gScai.Tjrao (itnjo) Lordship V2.
tion, friendship (=gsna). 3. propriety. & ^SCQ^cBj, snsYb^ udayu'ya T. M.Tu, (
sojsI gs0(2a;os Qa)§(i29 Mud, eca^scmxitb comp, asl) 1. To break as pottery, nuts, etc,

g'<2c32)D§ ®!i_i3«SQjlnb Bhr. quit only ! 4. simi- gSoisrarajDOB -aJsl SiPu. Soiib gssrastplsroi^ ciTl

larity, culfosanos a. ©.oi^ojonb (gTa:|l(a^DC2jo srra AR.; to be breached, (SaiO§ gssroi^ Ti.; to

Mud, wish to be like a hero, be broken as enemy ca,§cTuaiC2-cia^ Q®g)^(ScTU0c>3

hence: gS0d3s)Dron{) 1. proprietor, owner, aisl gSsTOTO) o_i5 (wli^snsroi 0sn£l KR. 2. to break

@.S0t95iDroab MR. 2. natural protector, next as sea.^ ^ssv^ssq ajosrmg (Sa_iOt5)ej ruj

relation. 0135 5)a_J3ra63QS)5 gS0(fi5)O(b TR. S ajf51 .fifnta!) KR, i^Qaa g. to become untwisted,
^sejo — ^^cejfzsb 125 g§d86^ — ^eroGS^l
t/arolfOo @. emaciated, goio^eg ^^'^ffS
&sngo ly =ffia_io§ce6)3m, prh. crash, comp. @so%c&))

aOejo gssraro) Sojoo KR. broken mind, gj'o mora!) a. 4 times. o_iaj:ij§£bral) Vi.2.=: ji^ss.

foio ^sQi^o •will fall to pieces.

^§ :66^ udukka T. M. (& ^§dB6i C. Tu.) A tabor,

VN. asQJ (rare). = 111 as. resembling an Jiourglass^gsl. 0gg.o 2§rf3s

a. V. ^o)S39& 1. To breakin pieces. ^ro§Q^ >&.d) oOiijdftJiaTlral (^ro^ado ^aj ^tnral QQn"nlS3a;

aTlejo aeisScSfflsmo prov. g§s)C2; 5)B>o§1 ^s^s assngo YCh.

^Dcb Bhr. (3.&)D§ @. SitVij. to breach, qroirai)

^§q_Jl, ^§x-j (^OJ^Q-jjudupiT.M.C.Tu.
nrgc9fi3l^55aj§^ nn^e^S-Qj TR. chest was burst Temple & 0OO in Canara.

open. 2. met. 0Dmcru.w:?nb iftoolonjo g^fm ^§004 udumbu 5. 1. Iguana. Lacerta Monitor,

^sisScesismo CG. 3. So. to castrate. ^5)5^ used for wounds .oiforai &§CTulo)nb.o n_isrgo

MM. g. QjomojliorajaDrao GF. 5)S)<9)c9is cr)gj§

MC. capon. nxHscraorai ^s S)cQ5§1 KR. gloves? @§cnj cddoj

^S^o udalainaM.=:&Sr3ii. @5aJS!5ac>oo3caiajs3i3a.o medicinal against scorbute. — Two kinds: <£ho

cdTi, ojgjsejo 0^)65130 (STDjerDsmaodtelmonfeRC. (b — (So. 0srro, — aeJQ^ — ) & s^ojooto — (So.

asroi)T.M.C,Te.(VN.ia§<9>)l.body,also trunk. j3jloQ, — ). 2. the inner wooden bolt ((Oiy^,

aseTloA aycsQno rojojlfoejaiag ^s^s^^j aosooxifc)!)).

Mud. on the tortured body, ^sraiuslojo denV. ra^oxTlcSffl horripilation (loc.)

(3rasq^5iaa>^o ^sca rlla.Tb Bhr. assaJ0§ ^6)Sdd6\ udekka v. a. of ^SCQ^d&3 q. V.

Sjiicmoib jiDroicsiJlroi) Bhr. a Sati. 2. life. @§o rLg)§aee^ Uttam (Te. 25 C. gemg bubble,
asgjgOOooao QjroDSitm Bhg. g)'of03o ^gj ©5 Beng. gs to rise up) The water to come up,

£J° S2^ ^u. neither influence nor security. as in well watered fields.

3. texture of clothes. 4. gsftil) n-TloTrogg ^S^fTOs Utturuttu All the articles in a house

txjcb Bhr. prh,= asnb (see gS^Ogi). (prh. @S = aSf^, af^®§)'

^§ udu =aay Star? a kind of fish. ^CO^Q-Jo ud'ubam S. Raft, crescent.

II. @<^ (old \/^to have on, hence .as, @.sai>). g)ay star, gayru-ffTl moon AR. [o-iomorata.

a§@srnl clothes a'tO®" (ftslcssnm ffiajg^wB)^ ^ojL)o(3icU(Doud'umBaramS. (& ?>'^....) Ficus

orrao (gScSao gogj has to live.

^Cu/lOOo uddmam S. (ojol) Flying, soaring.

@§cijscu woman's garment. a§o_js TP.

^enoes^(£b unannu-ya T. M. Tu. C (Te. o|)
a.v. ^^a©6>j (C^ T.M. C To dress (also as v. n. To dry, fade, heal as wound ; also mctaph.
(SrQ.aid5)?o <2a_iDS)aj ^§c9s(Snmnt) CG.) put on, (0rarm o^nolifls (Oi^lca; cgnl o^tSa-jocXi oemsogo
chiefly the lower garment fmorj'§c0s) in the when shall I get over it! aemsoralca, asmajBO
closer, ajls§c96) in the looser way. ngjaiaoo .u fO) (BTOScDs) TR. betelnut dry & fresh.

VN. I. a6TnsoBrol) in gsmsosejrol riconot boiled

Qjnb naked, aas S)Q_isnTlmo gggjonb si^D^TSTa) in the husk (also affmdteajrol = n_i^rol opp.
(TOocu'ib, g§g_joab sie.o^tSsaDajnb temporary ajy^soBajfol).

husband, (asnaanti sia)0§cSgrmnjnb theuncle\ g)6maao dryness

2. org) cf^ro^rad ^sngora!) gerr)

a§g_]onf) (WfOSs eraonb TP. may I marry you? cOsi0roo siojo^l n_)Oioi> ojrrao TP. dry wood
VN. iSfa-j dressing; clothes. would bo moved to tears.

CV. gj§jyldto (old a§(i23i>i "Vi.) 1. to dress

3. jismifia dryness g^smcSsilsQul^^iifStay a med.
another. 2. to marry o)ih§l a§ojl^ ffia.o (ftDOornia £sm<eo)ai (uo<S€Souo<2aj TP.
6T^ ajroldh No.
asmcesalTb (opp. oj^alnb). f^j^j Qud.)
^§c6:fclj udu'yal aM. A time, turn (.^sl sudden- CV. ^emeoaldSffl to hoal i^ol gjsmsoialgjanb n_ai
^enoftj) — ^sog 126 ^eogq — ^6^
a. V. @5mceai>,, cesH T. M. to put to dry, air, @.5i^g_jo^tii) distance of gunshot.
dry (Qj(n^o, eiOTo,o, ooai etc.) £51^ Isoldes), §a5ld9s) to make bullets TP.

^eno(tyic65, rnri) unaru-ya T. M, (C. ^m^ to asr^cuai small fishing net. (Daiifol(fi« 0^)0^1

come forth) 1 . To awake ^oano gsmarroSo-iDo CT3 @. prov.

^fi»^aTlgj pellet bow.
c^ftsrij^aa Bhr. will be disturbed. (^SnmSaja
^sn^ ffjUcasih to coagulate.
6iaj gsmcTO Qjrrnl®S6mo Brhm. be resusci-
QSOgQi^fil see under ^srrsd..
tated, oasmo gsmcrra broke forth. 2. to watch,
care fooasiD^onskio gsmm'TlfoliSffl AR. to be
^Sniloft, & (^sneloB) undi'ya H. hundi l. Bill

of exchange. 2. stamp. &. <ft{;^c£b to stamp Vi.

up for R. 6iria"nmocsj^smcTrosab sijiiogj^moTb
^sngl 3,296^ aio (Coch.) money bags sent to
KR. having collected himself. 3. to be
Collectors = ;35lgJ.
conscious, perceive. God is roifrnlsejTsraonb ^em
g5>T£l<&,c9DeJcy3o So. treasure-box.
S)nT)^ooolcrrao izlajm Bhr.
@.5irgla,g_j5mo So. money deposited,
VN. 1. gsmiLi watchfulness.
^Snf|undu 5. (old fut. of ^cXs) l. Thereis, exists
2. asmt^ intelligence, smartness @5mo)q!j^o
(^). 2. is present (Sajsrranmrdilmo etaortf)
RC. lively (monkey). gc^otSoDcrLDrai) gsmsglj
@6"| CG. cTOOT'n<s>a^fof)^ it is written. 3. as
ooo eeng Bhg. ^ggo mg^5m(i^®@ao(b @?.
auxVerb: a.) with VN. curola^ @6n§ I shall
gjDfTOo AR.
come. (9ioS6Tr)5n|ai a5T7| Bhr. we must see.
a. V. asmc^Si 1. to awaken, rouse coocaai
C'3l.-fi^nb(ST2)9iC5^oa5rT=heis. — also part. Nouns
neoib a_)@gl asTDfOT^ KR. 20<95;o &5irr'>OTD)^
(uOffKjrai.go 5)_a](sj|^@o asng I certainly said &
Bhg. Q®nrros5)m ooIq asmti^iJDab KR.
did. (S ucoora!) Qjascrngsng sraonb VetC (sraoj
2. to inform arTO5mraral§<SaT)itb KR. oQcm
aros Qjotnra &STr)tCTjQ CG. hinted that, qq<^
ongo gsr^ TR. we shall, ojl^aj^sni CG. I
sinmcteajonb (gtaxisanos ^snifaran KR. ex-
shall fall, ^rrolgjigssrgs CG. will he re-
horted. orvcTjnlnaajslcBM arrasnismn^Tjo
KR. with Dat. or Soc.
member. i^Qjosngffni aiOsmoG^ ergionb Nal. I

CV. gsiTTiajrai^jgci to inform a superior, with

have not seen — cSiiflScasisng^sr^ TR. — with
double Ace; also Dat. ^aso^-nreilnT)
VN. in orars?). (Biaajsioo aioemra'j a^^ngoTR. are
you in the habit of seeing him? s^o-igi gO(0s)ejo
gogj TR, The heading of letters from sub-
jects to ministers: N. gsmnsTJslsajisr^o
QQ)§ca5iOQ,o Q,sn^. MR. b.) with finite Verb,

cucroQ TR. often adverbially inserted ajtSitfiDnb (sr^'Jd

^6YTOl>?3t) unil (see C. ^stt^ in prec.) Eruption, ^snggg^rai) gisnaoaj.TTO EM. arrrasng s).a3DgjfnD,

vesicle as of itch. — also = cra5rnl^l). & sicno

@5r^ ajfa3i'Tra Mud. he comes already, einrrosr^

^c&i, <9)(!gBi9i to squeeze it. (SajsngKU. e<&iO!i^o)c2^a5n|ajlslc9s(Tra is

denV. aernleTl-^ ojrala) a vesicle to form. the fowls they seize. ag\rm S<9ic>a.T-j5n| 6t5)onf),

g6no|TjY(5?|(61 unittiri & ^e-nf^WTlfOlOD-^ Qg)maS5r@D cg-moiTTV CG. did you really fancy?
(prob. gernl) N. pr. A caste of Ambalavasis <3 000,-313)1 ma (SsngD cn\o<S<esiS£r>S)g^^ AR. In the

(82 in Taliparambu). past chiefly with ^s: a^iSOJ ®a_iD3iJ^S5r^

^6ng unda 5. (=aro35rg? C. Te. Tu. also CD Bhr. 4. by a sort of ellipsis it stands in some

6"g) Ball, globe, clot, bullet, g. aassgsmo phrases for the Copula; so in measuring dis-
TP. make balls, ^gj-oinb ffifmoaere CG. globule of tances : c/9lrolc£^5^s aQcmwjo ^co scaoeann ^eng
nectar, gsr^cs^o afmrrrao 6)<aiBl_^KU. (for war). KR. a_i06raroi^(SjiJ^ ^ffjin^^cs^o Nal.; esp. after
&snss><S<s)0&i gunshot-wound. ^sm etc. (sraajob o^rnlj.^ ^srn &sn^; emaxj^,

aspECigtcli good thread. (^ssng 6T3on{), ofOoc/ajronb oroaOoc2;o asni etc.

ero 127 ^STf^Sy
— ^as)
T. n. ^srgoaiai, cail to come into existence, exist a<S5rnc9sn6 ( j^erploi-alcSanb) a weak slender man.

SftB 5)Q_jsicB3gl a^ngoairi TR. was born, ^5^:65, 6nf| unnu-ya T. M. C. Tu. (jcb) 1.

eflojnb a^ngoo Bhg. The other combinations To eatojiral), i^ai ^sna^iCG. to suck. (SigjCO/.'nro

as in £5^ f'i- (5:3X15)00 aiosnacD) fais^rm a <Seocoo j^6i»lf3?)KeiN. enjoy. 2. chiefly to eat

sngocariasfrnlgj MR. ffj^ejijlrro (Woajsngo rice, &5ng ©stdI aDsldSsaltSso prov. ^srg oTl
cdTlfDJaro TR. used to grant an allowance. §l.-al) etc. (see a)6n|5i&.Sc9). ^sngSjijoorTlrab <9)

^snga^iYO-) sscsacx^o a^sTTgo-sLTl TR. has hap- gjisros^ do not render evil for good. (Sraxi
pened (& is no more to be changed). sintio (8^0Q,sn|(S(i_iD3n I am once indebted
V. a. £5^Dc6-^c&i, (95)1 to bring into existence, to him. iSisra^lajOti^srranmg prov. to make a
create, make.
meal on Canji. 100 SojcSg 2210000 3^1 Mud.
CV. ^sngDoaalcSs) to get made, bring about <ft
VN. a'asnf), atg (old gjerrb in ^sa^(i£\csi&>
cniermglcSn Q^Snno^ SS Jcsao^ TR.
Pay.) eating, meal.
6)jiA§lff)C2; 5)<a)0?Tg n-JQ_JSo a^rgocesl-^ (gj
CY. asrnlces), s-osai.
glcQ/OfiA Anach.

ggnoodea unnakku = (5ra3Tnod9s. a5^Q,fiJ)l "end of enjojonent" deed of acquit-

So. (acb)

= a^ooo5l. tance. £51^0,^1 (BTOjCOOfSoMR. a mortgage,

so asrnosi QjlaotSiao CG.
in which the mortgagee occupies the estate
^Sy;^ unm l. T. M. C. Tu. (gsraa^
^5*^0 ^

Tick on cows, dog8(moc!;^6nfl). ajej3^5rnl large at a fixed rent, out of which be pays the

tick. ajoejsTTTl pimples on the face of infants. amount of the interest on his loan, & such

(SQ_i3,i5t<^(Snafsii @6rol<a>sl^^ prov. 2. suck- proportion of the principal, as shall liqui-

ling, young, infant, ^o, c^o. (ST2)6ngsrnla2/0ji~lso

date it in a specified number of years W.
(ScuoaTl GnP. aergcitdil.i-iogo or &,icmo a lease of grounds,

(ararrrogrnl son of one day's connexion fvu.) paying the rent for all the years agreed

(Bro.TTOsnTl fiQaJsoQc)^ annual vegetables (opp. to in advance.

roDai i^raaasojo), for every day's consump- asngCirCTilfusmcajo deed assigning a property

tion. for a certain time, to enable the lender of

egfn1cSs)3ej^ Anach* [darlings.

money to pay himself the principal & inter-

gsrnlcOsilsoKSQck) gossgnm ffimroc:^ CG. the est from the usufruct.

®6rnlc83iaDfDmaxric2J0(b KU. the first minister ^ena Unma T. M. (ado) Reality, truth, extern
of CoUkodu. [Parappanidu. 5)s co^osiaTlnf) asnzs^^i (SiOonzomoca)! CG. to try

@6nTl,-oicnJD,ib(&<S35T3i3)lfm....) a prince f. i. in the reality of thy justice. asnzfSaioiis corai(39s)

@6rnl.-ora5n| = So. &Palg.=aj3iPasiocnd No. qjo believe firmly. 6iuoajrao<bs)jiio6)gjgjoo£

iPCiJilsrel So.
6na3i/03n QjnTTlsa CG. oQSOSch 6)(9iorn)1rf)a.Tnfni

26n9'(0?ii'Dlifl> to assume the appearance of a

asnaco'oaj CO. be realized, g. curojc^a) Vi.
babe. 0365B jsmlftnlfoletmg) the blossom has
to extract the truth.

developed a fruit. CLiO^A SSfnl oiilfolstm^ milk

^(5©rY20fb unmor (part. fut.ofe|TTBa>)a'3rD/g3
spoiled (=6)Q_if03t9si).
'Si" P"""^- [ful question).
gsrnlzofiisQ young mango.
endearing call.
I. QCU) u6a S. (a=&o) And, also; or? (doubt-
(o^nb) g6TTol<5i5)iT_j(Di<2eJ

ffl6n^i2D(b 1. Brahman boys. 2. a class of II. @(TD T. M. C. A kick, rebound.

"Ambalavasis" adDCsysi Vi. a«aj)ce6) to kick, rebound, offend,

Nayer in Travaucore or
(Coch.) 3. yolk of eggs. [^pj. infancy. cheat Vi.

Abstr. N. jjernlrm-iaoin a-.ipl^^o orajal^Dejo VN. aioiQj Vi. striking against an offence.
gfTDo — ^ra9|fW 128 ^rcSlrb — ^^mTiQ^o
@i7Do u6am Tdbh. @ao. Water SjjJDai^infXif) a a med. (of a boiled fowl). 2. to shed

fmoTS'sob jiio^agjsl 6)jiiDfo^6)o_i<m RC. like tears T. gwjdjis) gSSSBllDOch, rgraxinb .nio

springs. — sajDeJoaoio (aosnn^lslaoonb Mud 3. ro.'js. 5)^nD5!5i§fgcefflqia>S63Qlmont) CG.

= gcflS (or gDfOlo?) CV. aisroocszTlfo-oiwIejo g.-tn^gj^^Aj cuofiga RS.

@roicfec&), c£bl uba-JfU-ya 5. 1. To serve, be at ^(T3?lfb u6ir (^.a-mltbTe. @gr^ low ridge) Little
hand & of use, help, conduce o^mUea araiaj heaps of ground for planting rice in marshes.

(rnl^ "Vi. does not suit. nDSg^ctaraiQ.o-STafO) ^^rOo u6iram Tdbh. rtsoulfoo Blood. @. <ft5l

aQQm Bhr. §86110 (^gljonb croc^foi agg^Ai a gjatb TP. gculroo €y.smS)<Bst ^glralcflso roc9<a

(t3i(fl?l®S^ CrArj. Q_m&^siJO-ici) protector. g)rm <fljrego, (BTa'OT^rrro Si^o.-OTzQ ^culrao <B>g_&i a med.

<3^6>aj::^ (SjoIcSso KU. 2. (C. Te. as.ij) to to bleed.

f^itji ^lood oflFeringB.
prosper, thrive laaoarv^oryou^.-m^icr) aig.(®oPT. gny)lfDa;oa^ a Maya worshipped by Nayers
VN. I. @(WcS6iohelp gfoiasKcrailaT) (8raaa£ces)5n")c, grailrao OJoij bloody flux.

aooJo ^foicasj^o 5)jiJ(g Ti. gfiJilracesols^SoKU. a certain income of Rajas.

II. atwxilid.ajsis^ajnbaraixils^^c^Mpl. ^to)

^6)as):B6) see ^(TD ii-
[_, ^g^_),
oHaicb 5)ji5(m SidD.
^fZsi), ^Q ul, ud S. Fp, out(see3^ — , a-ara
III. mrogg a«(Wa_jo§ foiiia Goii helped (Mpl.)
arataio S. longing for.

^rZDQdft), 61 ubarU'ya 5. 1. To be in hurry arataso S. excessive, raging, a'aoca; (SQ_i0y,

or confusion g^fwoloj.oa^ Vi. =:(ai(ra)g_j3§. 2. — (33-.oajo, a'tTr)33i.' aDmajnb CG.
to shake off rais'cmasig'mola^o orusmo <2a_iO
arafjiSisni S. regretting (with raised neck) g'o

oTl KR. (a struggling cow dragged away). ajlScDDSmDoiDo Mud. to mitigate the grief

@(T7)^o u5alam Cerbera odollam, with round of separation.

poisonous fruit nrysiigsauoal^cb 6)ajgg,-nial.i3i) aroixS'caioS. excellence £• cufTOR^^ to aggran-

©§ jD 13)2. 0313 Sa_j3S)ej prov. (always turning). dize Vi. (fgSojo, — ^Ssma — Mud.
g^iTJig"! (also^(3)a3'&i) bladder ^<OTf} culgjl^^j g denY. ^(A&^t&^ia^ to excel V2.

rma^ (Bfuosiej Nid. = qj(TJ^ V2. af<A^(^o eminent oroSQliDrai^c^nzocb qQ)

denV. ^fmaldte to be inflated, puffed up. (Snm n_]OC2;3Qj KR4. rnl^c^03QS{^5)CT)

grZTM tl6i better af!j)l Odina pinnata, planted a'aocsiJls Qjl-aJoral<eisi Arb.

near pagodas. aral)!g)0o irregularity.

ataJ^tSs) So. (= gog?) to hiss, as snakes. ara')<Ssfi5(i-)STT)o S. throwing up.

VN. a(o'^ce5)f^)^= .ruloral) V2. (gjotajDiTno S. dug up, eradicated.

graijco.'mo S. come up.

^aj)\(U>,(£h, crrQ uSirup t. m. c. Tu. (Te. ^-o

.aj) To fall, drop as fruits, leaves, moult as @^a^c9s) S. to drop forth. aiLOog-nio 01(^5)

feathers, drip through a sieve. o_jgj&.c>D ^(^ (Hialfsiirnl.Tra Brhm 1. [KR.

moi2a_i3o VCh. aejras^csTldjao'naofmlfSo 55o-jo ara'icoa.'maaj priest that sings the Sama Veda
sla-,c>3 KeiN.
^fOYS^oCAJo uttamsam S. Head ornament <ft

VN. ^(£\^, (^fd^za B.) SGJD.-oraoorcnt) Mud. first of a tribe. t3raiji,fnia

^fij)l206rnl grain dropped OTlfoijO ^. 5>a_iQc9«l saoftJraoScro AR. (Voc. fem.)

S)<Q>03n§ ojrmail aiipl.^ Bhr.

^fUYWao Uttamam S. (superl. of q_3) Highest,

a. V. g(d)lan 1. to cause to drop (fftaucbcQs o_jgj best, chief (opp. (HracjO0o); virtuous.

(gK^ RC. (Ja:Lin_joQrLj6aHc>3 ajaaiib &_<^ af3i3i0a-dfO3:ainb 1. excellent man. a''2-fiJ0'3i3)o

tcnal^ Bhg. ^o^ &a^3o a^(i^ 6^ai05n| crurocono AR. 2. first person (gram.)
^'OYH fDo 129 6)rwo (b — ^.-ctoJ
^rai^agTint) (gsrno) creditor VyM. aroiaroocmsmo (2) sun's progress towards north
£f!jra0Docoo head- the former half of the year (opp. eafol
ea3TD)(S0D.oia0o best of the best. 6moc2;smo).

^^5Y0;rt)o Uttaram S. (comp. of aa) l. Higher.

2. left, northern. 3. later, subsequent. 4. 2tBTafQlc39ci>Vi. = @g.(jro1cea& 2(t5i:!)rao6>.aj!S!,TR.
answer = (oj-ov rmaroo f. i. oQrm @. ag)^rcfil ^istairalai'o (1) upper garment g'fisgcb oolcDal

TP. wrote back, ^(oraroajo (a_)fcyna^o prov. (Seaeamo VCh.

5. command, letter. (m3a2Jg-jocro)ce«cu6TT)o @. ^iBiasrao-tnaroo (1) more & more.

ojmo, also snj'Sijl gosrairoo, a)g-jm &. TR. ^rOYC^roeYDo Uttaranam S.(fai*) Passing over.

recompense, revenge, part, aroralgrjo crossed.

C. (sraoiinti g^cscnczio cijlg ^^^^ ^ ^g.j,

Qjonb PP. also adv. cnsir^^a^^utznmo croqljnnria ^g'OYJTiOD 366*0 Tdbh. roi.3D.9fG0 f.i. a'>Tjia1«nt)T

(D^o Nasr. po. 7. preponderance gcoiDnzo-.-a g-OYCnonOo Uttanam S. (fmnb), Lying on the

(TOO 0oo(ScTuo,'oiarao, aarjao (Scoorascruo.'Bra'jroo,

back. 2. met. M. gri3iaominj3^c9)c>Dd)a(2srg3

(5130000 GJii (3 am 0,1513)00 Bhr. 8. additional culsajsaiojo PT. supine, shallow-brained.

raraSc^o-mairoo c/armoNal. = 108. 9. beam, chiefly ^^OYffiOeJo Uttalam S. (.'oiogjo) Eminent, quick.

that which supports the lower roof (see goQ) ^^DY^orDo Uttaram Tdbh, l. T.^atntarooj Leave.

-Ojillb, O-lO^). 10. =:g(t3)0. 2.= ^iau3roo debt, chiefly without interest, oj

Cpds. ^fDi^nracSsigj (9) the stones which bear emo ^. 5);u_^ fm<Sra5mo, ^. osicgaga TR. to

the roof. (i2^S)Cibo) gjrsrarocSsigglcu^ral) (9)

advance a sum. ^. 6)£h3§gjlc95i demand it back.

5)X)^ TP. 3. C. Tu. land given by Govt, at a favorable

£,'!5i3)fD;^'lc!2J (3) obsequies = (2 W5:a3;rfp3i'.


^rmaroajsmuo (2) the land from Cumbalam to ^iWTlrol uttiri (^)=^cj\:£\(S^ Yi.

CotTsvara river KM. [eocoo.

^'^oCOo Uttungam S. High, tail.

^foiaroeDCDo (3) opp. o^qljigocoo; (2) aamlffm groiQOOOo Uthanam S, (axioo) Rising. @, 6)^
aiDiara(g(al (2) North country, Tulu etc. KM. (^ Nal. (from bed), to get up (for fight), to

^iTJiarao S)s)}<^ (4. 6) 1. to answer for, make pay respect to superiors.

amends for, pay penalty, give satisfaction. g:nLOo_j;T)o raising.

(Saio.S)(Sao.^:3(mliTn a. S)ji:<gi, PP. to atone 2f3HjOrLji AR. having raised,

for. 2. revenge. 6)&>:>crr>ca)\an 2- 5).riJ?ao

g)fi!i^(3io part, risen, gfa^j^^foio (SaDo2cy^i-jo AR.

nb eDxHs^osr^rolceeScTuocb TR. oj^ooocb @rml,^ (Imperative) arise!

(5Ta:unb jDroTlm") q,. gi-ai(^S)a^,oggo KR. ^(fC)o Utram, & ^rOYS?|(Do (Tdbh, ^fOTOifO no
©roiaroo Sjiiaolcesi id. i^scnj gp(a.jia)Oroo jjsnsa ajml) 12th asterism, tail of Leo. e(g)0Do m
C2;0ra?) fuizalral (W5)nm a. SjaJoelgJoootftmD
c9fii(f3)o s)<Oi05ngaj(ti ajlojoooo 6) niw UR 1. ^tsial
TR, used to fight it out among themselves. fCCDflfiao.'OTJslrati sinj^tssi 'ajlajDaoo KR. a;g)D

@,nji3)raajDao (4) responsibility, security. So (S. arffiaroo.HjDaic) 21st asterism, shoulder of

^>mD)roajoa1 1. defendant. 2. answerable Sagittarius. |i,eal of Andromeda.

for aismcOa^frra (a_)2(m,'i>'o e(g)BOfari (S. ^'''Ji^^so'a.-Liao) 26th asterism,


eanatSeooD.TOslnrrao rnl<ftf!nl<oso o^nmorai) ^-cbo-irrfilae© ulpa5ikka s. (-i_iai) To fly up,

&. (Brgjuonf) aiiplaj^rmnigy MR. leap up, as monkeys KR. tmern ' (BTOtg^a .0

^rsraroajoamJaosTl msciTO)^ (doc.) be re- S.-oraoao a'^ AR. rose to the sky.

sponsible for. ^njfcn_JT3^ ulpatti S. (o_ie) 1. Birth, origin.

^vTHSirooj C, T. (4. 5) command, leave. 2. history (Bi^roSaoGJOiji^- 3. M. ricelands

^ej^^o — ^ronj 130 ^ronjQJo — ^QCQJo
^fSnjQJo ulsavam S. (beginning) Feast day,
TP. (graxKb^'a^ocLiocnjo e^csa ODSd^ffl:^^o o)_ai also 'OirajrDO>;)7bo ^. onatJoTP. g. ffi-^aioajlcja

mimD TR. they cultivate low & high grounds. Bhr. to celebrate a feast, iZTf^eracXji)® ^j.

^. (SajsngtsajDao a^l^cs^o Bhr i. rooesiraro) a- (SrgjSaflSTDo (by an innundation). (sra usicn g 01.
mStflsiOigiiOQJDfDii TR. there being no cultivation. cijroo (wnTTlrai) 2. (grgjasTl CG. =killed him.
@. ^scaajnb landlord Vi. ooa^smoOTUuo, -0)3511)0^0x10 etc. CCh.
giraijojcmo (part.) arisen from, produced qq ^aSfXiOQCno ulsadanam S. Clearing out, ajo

ornlrai) Q\ib gnxinb Bhr. ray child. ag-jnTi (ScyaoOTOOSCDo curajfiggo) PT, to destroy.

(SaasooDcal joyful. sfQtojrmKocoraa^cffiaj'nej >

^nyajDciOoulsahamS. 1. Energy a- a5)«^»7lrai)

CG, tho' she was wide awake. ora oraotPo ggrnDo prov. 2. strenuous exertion

denV. grabn-irrnliJ^cBoi to impregnate Vi. (D5S(fisi5n|o co,0(2jT5TalmD &• asrgoaio TR,

^ejeJoulpalam S. Lotus = 51 jiissatplnnlcb a7li4> ^raruooiri zealous, persevering.

6og; in comp. g3g-iejaifhc)a Bhg, =0ej(tii2i£hc)o denV. afljTUO.Tolcflffl to endeavour; to exert one-

Laxmi, 2gJ^'^''-d'^^^™^ Bhr. = (Scruo0Ho self a(OT03^=09<SoaiOc)a cSiOCGjOJo OTODCulcSso

030 egjejoca^ blue eyed AR. KR4.

^aj DODo ulpabam S. (©gj-oilcfls)) Jump, prodigy, CV. araroOvio^g-jliOsi to excite, encourage aio^o

portent Qih^gjoan &. cumo CG. cruDuyi^^.xiDnb Knaojoiro g^raTCaolgJlscOs)

^aJOQo ulpad'am S. (arot)o_jOTaTl) Birth. em.) (sic.) KR.

gjraljcLJoa.Tno procreating aj<S'4g)ogjoQcr)o. ^ron^ dftio ulsu'^am S. (= -^d)&>o) Anxious about.

araia-iDaltOs) v.a. 1. to engender 0cSa5ia ojo gCSro^njoBjo ulse'^am S. Flowing over, arrogance.

((TolsigT'ra'i ^rato-joal^onb Bhr. 2. v. n. to ^QcOt ud'ak i^^e + moem) Upwards, north.

be born cosojo ^'_^ Bhr. (of conception), ^Biowcno = gj ,-niaroocaiemo.
CV. &fotouoi3lg_pc95) to engender ajrajjiro ao<S.t)D ^Qdftiouda'Jfam S. (V^aa to flow, wet; 1. "Water

ottIidI) yfyoal^yl-p^ a_j.^g_j,-3i[:i)a.!n{) CG. amaiCDOiti ii\sc2;ntiRC. Siva. 2. obsequies Sji^d

^ftsbo-^^cftiDoCOo AR.= Q_^^(j9,(3 q. V. fDcaTlrat) 00S3CT)i^.cr^e'^)o gjoDCD^ Mud. I shall

^(T5b(2^ce^ ulpreksa S. A simile. perform. 3. = rni(b freehold <Sc6£c.{g)A3ral.ii) @.

^fZ5t)(|-i (TDo ulplu6am S. Overflowing a'(Sa,D Sljijcsy CTnleJo TR. made over.

"-J° KR. [^chCG. ^Gt^eDcno 1. giving water to travellers. 2.=

^(CY^SOfb ulbhadail S. Excellent a'.'DD^z/ roca^ol ^a&(^C2; obsequies. 3. S3n2aol<b KM. (see

^(J^OJo ulbhavam S. ((g) Coming into existence, oQjseisaaio). [cmBhr.

birth. (Sa^rosa 0(3)2X10 KU. = g^raliaj cnal 2. eeai;^3i.=:3'QDCDo. coocooTlaArn^nm ai.6)ni

denV. g)(5itg j^lcSs) to be conceived or born. g) a £ho_ri5mjDo=a'e3cno. oro .uasa a)a-jl TmrssQcb
(part. ^(^3)0 born, ©raisfoicaocail SiPu.) aiiFl^ Bhr. funeral ceremony for relations.

CV. g(S73 ijlg^jlifioi to engender. o_jiQ)o)ro Bhr. ^©((/)o udagram S. (0^490) Prominent £849
crojoaltes cruaiiSo g. PT. OiOo^gg {0^iS)\&SOi u) nJC^ KR.
^(HyCI W ulbhittu S. (,£1.3) Sprout. ^Guul udadhi S. (^ao^^asio) Sea.

^(^xrcd)] ulbhran6i S.r^tgarraH Bhr. ^Gr(Tr;o udanbam S. (to the end) Report = aj
^ron^oCOo ulsangam Lap raraoooo f. i. (5Toe3oial<2a2acro)o Bhg. story of A.
s. crol,w6)c2; qjdszo
OTOoiScD (S-oJcma KU. a\-md)l(2l) (SjJti^ CG. g. (joool^orai) CC.

(=iasla2?l(oi)). ^©Ca^o udayamS. (^' Rise, as of stars & sun,

^n5nj^^:e6>ulsarjikkaS. To dismiss, aban- of recollections or thoughts; getting on. ^

don. JiKJTO (i^O part. = 'i3]jc9O)0. CTO)!^ &23i6!5Qc>o aiOoafu^^ Mud. meditated
^(3fDo ^GDCOjI 131 ^q:oD — ^f3jur61

on saving plans. &<i_j(Sac/acTy^ab g. (jysojl^ ^/^DaDfOemOo ud'aharanam S. illustration,

KeiN. example.
&aca;a-oeJo morning. geooQrCTic) mentioned. —
gataajzeinb the first Colattiri Raja. denV. 'ggiXio j^aDoOfol^i CCh. related.
der V. galcflsi (part, gelono) to rise. rsta'Jrrr) ^Q\cU)o ud'i6am S. l. part, of aja, Spoken.
elmo g_el-g^KR. nryiajnb, -aJvcgob etc. as. 2. gia +^ see @,ecao, gal:Sffl.

S)cho (©(xjo ijisrn^ral) gBl_ai came up. 0ocn 6)q1^jo udicyam S. (^BO:) Northerly.
a\).T5ralrai) ^cTO) gisl.Wn^ RC. cnlnb (sraca gelio-iireoit) KK. the Northerners.

rtJlDrolfol) £Bl^U051O6J5B3)nO Bhg. OODXjlrai Qfi](6]cU)o udlribam S. (\^oraoft) Spoken. qJTI

&alc9s) cro^LD Anj. e^nm cig)2J^'^'^6rr>o Nal. why talk more!

CV. gja^gjldte f. i. (BY2)'T)a3o ^s'gjlfy;® RC. ^alsiTio excited g;al6rn(ScSiD2a_im CC.

create joy. fLiOQ>-Lj(m0o Qg)ma@glrai) g^alojl @§o6YUf0o (old)= ^CU^o6iaJfQo (mod.) S.

S^nb Bhg. called up the image of. Ficus glom.

^QrOo ud'aram S. l. Belly. 2. uterus (hence ©Qsn-UJCu) uddandail S. Whose stick is raised,
cro'STOoai'DTb). 3. dropsy. a'ft5ra)5)n6o giroig
tyrant ^^ro:)^^ ooBiOiisKh-
Qjo Nid. = 03(iDoaroo. ^^o_iOOo uddlbanam S. Exciting.

@(BgC/8o uddesam S. l. Pointing out, intention,

^arosraocoo disease of the stomach (& g. 3). ofojai^^fiio So. = o^aiCSac/do.
aim. 2. gi.

^afB(C[aej a med., a colic. to point or aim at, have in

denV. @(S3C'dl(fl6i

gjertiocrnl digestive power =:e30rt)Dcml. oj^stoi^ hinted at, alluded to

view. &':fi-l

^/SDPOOfb udanail S. (oro-ib) One of the 3, 5 or (part, gglr^o).

10 airs, cua:!^. ©f^JUOTOU uddha6ah S. (nonb) Arrogant, rude

^©D(Do udaram S. Excellent (^a + mrait); gene- PT. also of Ci^shna ^'00301^^ a^aiio igssaal
rous, liberal. g)aDron6. ggg^rai 6)fma^5raw)smra (DDibCG.— [aiCC.

(Sojsmo giaofOi^Srara (prayer). — adv. mcK\ 0l§diaTb oG).Tra-S)p5aDr33 "SJJ foi foi-i o mslsc9s)0

QjiKmaorco CCh. ^(Vo(6\m uddharikka s. (od*) ^fLUfOerOo

^aDfOfOi 1. excellency, esp. generosity, munifi- 1. To take out, get out caS^oaurosmo «.aJ<^
cence. 2. M. negligence (=aa3aroivT)rm) AR. pulled the arrow out. 2. to rescue, save,

— vu. gj'Sa9s§. gaDrorai'^SoSdn V2. dili- extricate, p surcsmoraino Nal. in order to

gently. Qjejlcsii gaoftKoanoronb most care- deliver. rD3C0lsn^o)32j 5)^rrro.3.oral®i>n6n')20

less. o-isttI 2.''32J0ci33) & ^aoromaocOsTra vu. CG. (from a forced marriage) — part, a'au rmo.
neglects his work. CV. q'^(S\q^^s)s) to effect the recovery, de-

^(2>0OjrmTr)o ud'avartam S. Obstruction of liverance etc. cvj6rr^^efu(S)o ^'.^ Brhm.

fluids, a class of diseases; also ssaDXicnraimo get Parasu Rama to restore the inundated

Nid. Goearna. tma U5)a &'=s^ Blir. brought safely

^G.Drroi,nnorb udasinaii s. (tgisTo .) Sitting back.

aside, unconcerned, neutral Ud(^z\S)\^': Bocro^ ataurasn'Tl a small ladle. 1. of 'aiacrnlaaoo;®!.

cnQ&Qo @3^ Bhri. (in God). 2. in sakti worship. [njraiarao. —

aa3Crul.T)fai neutrality, candessness, inat- a'ix)3i'0o l. = aSijrosnJo. 2. a loan, seo a
tention. e3i'ldl£>f.ii)S a- S>a)D5ng CDSXm.Ojtm a3ijofosTT)o=^auro6mo f.i. (6nj3a0'sm<Q3 g.

fijirolaao^gTlstOs) MR. by the owner's imliflTer- <S)5)OcS5) KU. failed to protect duly the

ence. Brahman colonies.

gf^JUOJo — ^^_iaD 132 ^(S/3_iC/)o — ^nrrio
^r^jjojo uddhavam s. (o^) i. Feast. 2, jj'nb ^(2/3_lC/)o udvegam S. (ojl^') Excitement,

N. pr. a Yaclava2(tSt3)a'O0Ci^5)gSD(C3auaj(b, a'(b perplexity, care. — ga Jlc/Dt^ part.

(OKSoDD^ i^"^ rnl^23aJl Aj CG. 3. influential, ^nrfn un6i T. aM. (see foil.) Ravel acTJold^fiA

rich man Vi. o{j)i/rro)Si^gjoo (huntg.)

^r?A^(7DoUddhu5amS. (cy) Shaken up, fanned ^C^<A unbuya T. M. Tu. (compare ^m) 1. v. n.

To protrude, as proud flesh, ruptures, ^crolca

UR. g^'iaoin^tri gqlp AR. iQ-srra, ojgu Vl. prominent. 2. v. a. to push,

gOilTDo udya5am S. (caa) Raised; ready, thrust, shove acral'Bmnola^Dra^) prov. njooTlra')

zealous Qiijcojonb lera w, rro)o &ajrtKaio:iI\»l.xjlslcSa to press against. kIoTIsicsz; ^ctoI

g)ei0o = ^raruo:iDo aUOSj0o <9)5ng AR, (gracQiOQ CG. iijrrtsi ^gjo-oia-unb aors)^ cms

^^(^ udyal S. (aelas^) The rising sun, ^QjO* C08O prov.

(nJS3ocof3o AR. rising with the sun. VN. 1 . fgraajib (oiaald) p. OTO ej tuiggajo ;gT2iCSii^ vu.

^QjOOOo udyanam S. (oio) Going forth; 2. g^ngj a push, shove aifcarm <Sr3iooTi'^c9a aib

park. ge.acn-gocooKRs. destroying the royal t>23 prov. ggao (oig^o gsrgo^i^ TR. ^ga
garden, gjOj ocn allLDl etc. a^eu^sga^ B. to be muddy.

^QjT&<?nnfb udyuktah S.(a^^) Endeavouring CV. gcToTlcfisi to cause to push.

ricri.TDo OJc&^o gi. AR. trying to advise, ara ^0[^f?B und'nru S. Mouse = Q^-jejl.

(SffmDQjcEKZDnzotJoaP KR. resolved to die. ^rma5)o unnaSam s. (^a +mi2) Elevated,

^(EQjOC/Do 1. S. exertion, industry mDcao§lrm high. g. 5^o_iralca(c^ejo RC. ^cma^a^owc^oib

^. gsnnanb CC. orsT^'ilcrn 0(b ^. ajg.crra KR. giants. gmTaicruJeo-i-isiOTa) (Wje5^l-2^ CLHrnl

Mud. g^. g^^rgocsi'oral ara.i5TS)Dyo gsmoo prov. OTimo3i?l SiPu. atrn'Oi^oail (SihsnaKR. (=a^
2. M. T. office, employment ana g. SiJiKgi, OldTlttil').

TR. to hold an office, g. (STSj^SsTl «nral-a to goTi^Ti 1. height ^. <3Q_ioroo6raro) CG. not being

appoint to an office. cr\)(^oculd-02jasiO(t tall enough. ^. siai^Sroiooolilmonb Bhg.

a(3)rnlc8si gDQ g. 6)(0)3§ci:2® TR. anriftnlejoDOToSk. the very highest. 2. ad-

g^ffiSjOConxiDnt) (mod.) officer of Government. vancement g)fmr(^(Ss)oan^ (fycaccroo oi-oJ^

^SBjOcol also a<^Q)3COO'3oan Genov. active, PT. (opp. rsrascooco.^ Nal.)

zealous. ginna^iSs) to bow = nn2ldas).

denV. gSQjOCol(S5i to he strenuous, to en- I. ^PnOo unnam (Te. ^rrnl, Tdbh. a'^giR'^)

CV. g)<2a,oco'gjld3si to rouse, instigate. stuffing, the cotton of ^nm i^ral^iss or a^g.<ai-o

^^G>j'^CU)o udyoSam S. (better ^(S3 Offfio)

oTlnbza^ (silk-cotton).

Brightness. gj(Sa|Dfmo-drolrt;no AR. II. 6)rmo (T. thought) So. Mark, butt,

amaa, T. M. (C. &(i^, Tu gaiizsl) To think

^(Bo udram S. (gao) otter, ot1.ti-,o:2?1.
1 .

^©JCnjljeiSi udvasikka S. (oucru) To change QQjrnasnTl RC. .-oin-nl "oi) ^nrnl^tfb g)gj@ cnl
6rncaio Bhg 4. 2. to aim at, have in view.

CV, g)3jcrulgj^cea see r^cya'uoao 3. — onzcTDD ^frnlojOiSn to consider steadily.

foojo Si^z^ g'^ AR. dislodged, killed. Freq. g)(rn^d>>) l.=a(Traa; n^masis ajcTul^P a
^^JODOrb udvahan S. (ajor")') Carrying on n-nl-o^'j)5^.05r^ 5)i_jOQ®c96)6m6)0 CG. pardon
(the family), descendant cnrirauajiOOOD<S50 me for(=ajl^Dfol-^). gjonlR^ 65c9io@g«s2

crolrayScaasmnb Mud. 0nmajS)aoRC. 2. to presume, doubt, si^ortb

deuV. gQ_iQDl=e5i to marry. aornlc9aa73CG. I fancy, I may compare.

g.ajD,iOo marriage =(Scijg^. a3ialg_jDn6 gn-nl^sfafo'ilnol CC. gigo 202.'
^fYril(So — ^Q_j 133 gQ_ld95 — ^(i_l.:3J0

sdqI g).frnl^ SijiJDgjl CG. 3. = g)'ornlc9« to ©Q-JcftroeYDo ubakaranam s. implements, a'

rise into existence acTOcSsiDernlrab g^riTTl^ 63ac>3 (ffilct^ Bhr. all the accessories. oOtS-.ej

l3DroD(nT3)l SiPu. {=QB^^S3i, ^Sn^DQi). cao(3C/33a_i'633c>3 KR. materials, tools. rao3833

^rrrtliQo unnidram S. Sleepless. afrnlecTna Q_ia>rosmo royal insignia.

o)'j2JOf03 areLQob CG. ^aTTlQ<9>orn»l aiairm m gQ_ia>folc9« 1. to favour, benefit. (8TO;i_)!Q.orao

(ODo PrC. (SaiDaib qQ)^oo a're)ora33iA saaj 5>-aJi3yofa!) a'r&j oQjnrra ajl.a]Drol<seo TR. shall

rra CG. consider it as a favour. a(TSt3i3)rtb o^roiooao

^OaojrCJio unmattam S.(zi3)l. Mad, deranged; a'^'!y>^<^(pJ'n^(^3i'6).ai^DS>'DiKR. not re-

also g)f^^o Vi.=;6i:y^a2ria'Stfio. 2. (vu. q_ warding for obligations conferred. — With

02(OTSio) Datura. Dat. s)o_iOQaji.(malaD (gtasizzfiji g'^onb

^CKSo, an^ioso madness, extravagance, pre- KR. to serve his mother ( = aa_i<S)OrDo S)^
sumptuousness. gnzao a^5ng§g cnsnaotpl (g^). 2. to be benefitted. Q<3)nmoral) a'fyo.ib

0D<b CG. ladies in the height of passion. rairoo Qjcrnlgj KR. could draw no profit

g^raoso o_io<a) Vi. talk madly, proudly. from me (=ao_j<9)3ra0D<Si).

denV. ^reelcSsiSoiiD eajonf) Nal. CV. (wsn^lrm-DraTlnT)) aaj<&.ro1^c9a MC. to

©nQnOQTp unmanassu s. Excited. s^tjoij^Ti make to serve, use it for. —

nTDOacnj^D^n CG. (=:^rol<9io). ^o-ia^oroo service, benefit, favour (opp. tgra^j

^Of2?lejOno unmilanam S.(ial'^) The opening aiortjo) g. ^gjo.-crai aajrfte prov. useless, a
of 83 es -nicQQjasaflejl mdiOGJo^ o^c^lcs^o AR. rrnlnrrao g^. gD^J °f ^'-' ^*^* fTT's'SSa)^ S)£r-o

^rr^dftio unmU'J^am S. Firebrand. ©. ffljilrijl Gng 6iiti g.. ©gjOffjfO) (So-iocsil TR. was left

.aigl'-s!) aiStSsnm;^ SQ-jD5)ai Bhr. as^jejli}ao without any assistance from you.

g.. 5i^,i!n a^<S)'Srmo CG. gtxjaiDras^roinb grateful.

©CT^eUo UnmukliamS. Looking up, expecting. gruaiDfDfTg'Dsmo ingratitude.

©OaeJOOo unmulanam S. Eradication. g^ojifliDrol benefactor,

gnafiJ^ unrooted. Banacruoi^iJca'flfOia) graaionD gojaio^ royal tent, n_i5c9ssl "Vl.

cao s^jiJcm KeiN. asGJo af^aEJ^^'jao aj«8

(!^(9) AR. Bhr. (toIoto PT.

6)(202ic£no unmesam S. (aldw) i. Opening of @Q_J'^(2)o ubakramam S. Taking in hand,

eyes, twinkling. ^s.ia.-ajOnlisa.-ajStsscV), cLjaJj

setting about, o^goiaiosre g. aiiJsfjiifls Nal.

ganb (inrrK6^s &. CG. (opp. crcSEfcDjiio). stratagem, plan.

2. cheerfulness = (o-jorDOQ3 f.i. of bright pro- @q_JCO£2io ubagamam S. Acceding to.

spects, (sram^cm q., ^gj the business does @aJ(09D2io ubagramam S. Suburb.
not look up. ^fn)^<&>§.0glfab g. ajOstoigi Bhr. bad 6)Q_l.aJCQJo ubajayam Accumulation — (part.
omen. ojocSsoiaioang agQ.tsialral) ja- 5)n_ia«3i3l^o g^ collected).

nb CG. gladdened her. Qo_jiUDfOo ubajaram S. (Tdbh. aocyaD^o) i.

denV. g.f^.iinc9si f.i. aJlf^ocbxjaDib onzgss Drawing nigh, civility, salutation. s.-QjoaoSo-DO

orjezu-stsi^ml Q_r\2^£a\^^-:>:nmo Bhg. to o_i^3r06!3Qdo olibssrig n^eTlasiDM. IG modes

expand, shoot up. of honoring & worshipping. — (i)ri_i iiJsraus 03

mod. a^na^oBsi f.i. oananoo (mmT^'Siai o_)j"| compliment, thanks Lo'lQ.ffuajjijsrDSTOchaiioo

(Sna.^^ggoj ^snaSoiO CG. are my feelings fmenagJlfTra (2,iogaj3d)£rrnlgjNal. 2. practice,

of old truth? |-gtc. as ^ajsLn episode. usage. — present, grant.

^Q_l uba S. (G. upo, L. sub) Towards, under, donV. aa_i.^rilj>si to honor, serve (Bio.iJ«)CT)
gQ_i£«f) — ^a_l(Q 134 ^q_1(JU0 — ^Q_5Q
ool/yzOcOi0OQ,n_iiii(^^5lcr)oc>3 PT, treated (S'CT)0a_i6aLio possession by evil spirits, go-jtmalo

her guest well. <fl!slojna3Srco§a_j-aJro^^ora') CSDcajo a med. '

ChVr. have courteous intercourse. g)o-j©.uc05ioranb, aa_j©a!n molester, oppressor.

^Q-jSsflQjoOo ubajivanam S. (vu. ao-Ucno)

dcnV. aa_iQajlc6is), vu. — (B Wj to molest, annoy,
1. Livelihood, subsistence. g).aiipld9s> to support persecute — (part, gojio'mo).

life. 2. food & 6)a)fa)&Jo VyM. ^a_iuJDOOo ubadhanam s. PiUow. aj|n_j'o

(claims of (maoonralrooj*). (ToosonoojeflximD KR. a.o^ejo rtnoifUiKejo mg^fu'ssQch Nal. —

cnrraroo Nal. after a bath & a meal, goj^l &ri_)tul fraud (po.) [(8asiD§ V2.

cDo <saj5r>sDig!,, ^o-jeal-TOo ororcaroiDS)^ g)ral(£b-i ^Q_iOOCOfOo ubanagaram s. Suburbs=ajo

amed. no appetite. g@g (gTa'a^5)<Qio(83ng ^ejlnoo ©a-iPOCiijnOo ubanayanam s. (bringing to

5)ajgjo,'Tb Mpl. song, the teacher) Investiture with theBrahm. string

^ajgflajl living upon, (8th — 16th year); also giti_imc2Jo f. i. mzgsis
denV. ^.Tjsfloj^ceal.v.n. to subsist on. 2. v. a.

to take food. caooifOiorrrao g)'^oroi (sraSgio rnlcauccn^ralcesmD TR.

(Slp g^a-je|l.xilt95)fS5^ amed. have no appe- denV. gajmcaTicEto, vu. go-jonlcfti) (onl V ) to

tite, ocaio Sl'^ Bhr. ate. invest gQ_iCTnl^@ (tnaioinb <fl30Dro5)m Bhg.
^Q_iGioC/9o ubad'amsam S. Condiment. cooJQJo ^Q_jcTol_2j^g 5n_ioainaoo)ro AR.
(i_jBooa(S0D (^'^aio'sao Nal. (= (SirTl). 0cy(Sitio (gojoTlmnti part.)
cu'o CCh.
CV. gojoolgjlasi f . i. g.fi_irnl32,0(n^ gsrnlsjca; gn_i
^o_jCgQQJ(7D ubad'evaSa l. Subordinate Deity. CT9gjli9si KU. royal custom of paying for
g!.'0Ofb (srO)Q'OC'30O(Scb o-jc&isrra ARe.
the investiture of poor youths.
^n_i(S/3C/9o ubad'esam S. l. Advice, 6T.aJ!^ on
^(i_SOOlULn ubanidhi S. Deposit.
gjoj^Bcao PT. gj^cuejloinbo g.. raDi'al-^ 5):').o§
@Q_snnlc£Q1W5i ubanisattu S. (orce ,
sitting at
cga KU. c2;(Qg),-m3il5)nt)o ^.; tgra'dT'o^nbo a- "->
the feet of another) 1. Esoterical doctrine o)03
O6ID15 showed him the secret & use of the
iflaicb a'fm^iDaicaofa!) Bhr. secret. 2. expla-
contrivance. ®.&.o§aiil6^ej g.; ^OCO a. &>oas)^
nations of Vedas igg_jC^rt)6"|a_ior)^ lOac^o Tatw.
<2ej 5).nJo^ prov. (srasnmfao a. ^sreocal scoo
eiQ_Ja_](TJ)l ubapa6i S. Paramour.
o_j((Tul<Bs PT 1. she hit on a plan. 2. instruc-
^n_iaj(!3inl concubine.
tion, doctrine e*ra)OSmoa_iS3C'3o etc.
©o-jQ-JfnYcTl ubapatti S. (a_)a ) Coming to pass,
denV. gojiJecolasi 1. to advise, (HiaoTloiomoos
convenience, ^ojlsscaii g). (3T3i<Q)fm^ c^ocroo
ananm a. amed. to prescribe. 2. to inform,

teach, ajejojo (sra.uiSnnos g'-^Mud.; with

Gan. mathem. demonstration. [Venial sin.
Dat. aQOoltfis aoj^o g. Nal.

gja_iBlc^o part. rmo.xj®mocLjal..-^0oo 0(^o

@n_sn_j:(7Dd8:o, — o_iOQ_So ubapaba'yam S.

SiPu. etSonao-jelf^o. @a_lQ_J QJo ubaplavam S. (g\) Assault, calami-

gaj<Sac^o-TJ teacher, also gajtsa'^al (mod. ty (as eclipse) — onlaso-ig^ajab God CCh.
ga-jgjcLi|0 capital of Matsyas. Bhr.
Christ, usage No. 2Jo_i<2ac^oaLi = So. q_i§c95io
root) ordained minister ;
^ajSsoal catechist, Qq-JC) ubama S. (zo) Resemblance, compari-
reader). son, simile. — In Compounds (Bra0®rooQ_i0nf)

ga_J(SO-Jo Ubadravam S. (iq) 1. Calamity, op- godlike, etc. [g_]'ailcrro VetC. to compare.
pression, <0!slaioaiD4>n jD. ff)aj(g^TR. lO-.ggaao gto-i03Onc, gQ_]0l(ml thj same. ga_i0i(a)^ CCfOi

crsas £. TR. nuisance of robbers, g. 0OOQd)i denV. go_i0li£)5) to compare (part, (sraoaajzlttno

to remedy it. 2. (vu. go_jQo, eaoQo Yi.) = <Sajj YetC. incomparable).

^Q_iaD — ga_jc/a 135 ^Q_j;C^ — ^Q_1DUU|
^fLjS032Jo comparable. c'sonror'aiZZesQcX) ^sssqI TR. to counteract

the saD^Arujaij.
^Q_l2iO(7DOQJ ubamabavu S. Wetuurse.

gQ_l(ScaiDCOo ubayogam S. (a?^^) Adlubition, ^a_!;C/&)j(Tyil ubasru6i S. A word accepted as

use. 5)(nia^ajl(Sej^ g^'eio^iil MR. served for omen.mgj D'aic\)2j:>.§:e4oQ^-)oajoc^aaoKU.

proving, ojlo^acan (Bit3)6)aj@goaa_)<23iioco5>g_j^ <S),:^033j,o_j(c;^;n)l (S<S)§1@ o_iGJ<oi«)o Bhg.

MR. was used for. ^Q_*rro Wi" ubasattU S. (nua') a part of the

denV. £o_iS3iDco^ic9s) l.v. be serviceable jyotistoma sacrifice a'.^ialjim 6)jxicm Bhri2.

i5afin®ej.ijajliSfrniinolgftir3ig^'d)3oGan. the ^Q-SCTO.c^fuTl PT. = orOoc^rcTl.

former species are of use in the later, sj^oi

^a-iCnoOpo ubasargam S. Preposition, as (oj,

M^Xii(Se^cas) ^'cesnng MR. helped to sus- goj etc. (gram.)

tain the plea. 2. v. a. = stacras.ijltots f. i.

6)Q_Jcro(DffrOo ubastarauam S. Sprinkling,

strewing; condiments as ghee.

anel^ajo g^'^ KR. (=:(3croaj1^) drank.
denV, jij.Tsaonjo 6is^o§Kg3 gjaicsi'l.';!!! 2)a_iCT^
^Q-J(I)(7y?l ubaraSi S. (roa) Cessation (also ^oj
rol^ KU. gave curry and ghee.
oozo). ^. cujajaODro6m3§.o)5 (Ssjdlljo KeiN,
^a-jrroQa ubastham S. (lap) Pudenda. ^. a
iplsi)) i>onj3)oaD.'n,i prov.
^Q_srDOS?Daj ubarajaVU S, Viceroy.
^Q_lOrujQ]fIDo ubasthibam S. (nvino) Standing
^Q-lfDl ubari S, (Gr. yper, L. super)Over, above
near, aioajo ^'aoain.
= 'SZ((A; onlosrm^ ojomiKfcgDajfol aroc2lira3oBhr.
^Q-JoDOfOj ubabaram S. Offering to superiors
fDoSaocLjral Sl-oj^y c/aQ_iLDo AR. sworn by R-
(=:a^S!0i3.ii) i) also .jn_)ar).inD Y>.
g)o-jral nQScTDO futurity (=i§oajl).
^Q_J0a9:(2ao ubakarmam S. Preparation for
g.n-jral(^cujoro(3no KM. modus coeundi, also
VeJic study. ^. Sa.rtaccrslra!) ©gj.
^a-jrolcroo!2eDODo Anach.
^o_jj6ij,onno ubakhyanam s. ((sr^^onno)
gcL_lCBfDDUJj ubarodham S. (roiOO ) Obstruction
Episode Bhr.
QjiplcCin(3lj g). Q^rrnl(B3l' <S:lj3<& AR5. SL- S)JiS
^Q_J0Cr)i2o ubagamam & — QOOo S. Access.

QS^oit) UR. forced the virgin.

@Q_lDoCOo ubangam S. l. Appendix to larao

^Q-iajo ubalam s. stone. coo. — (Brao(3OO0.-l_l0OCC6!JBC>S. g^fUOoCO COOdUOal

^Q_iQJOOo ubavanam S. Grove, park. (dich Bhri. 2. sectarial mark.

ga_iQjra51j9ei ubavasikka s. To fast, also go-lD^DOno ubadanam S. l. Appropriating
g.i2ajD :S3lc9s) (V^ ojcnj ). (sroglcno a"-i^^(-rol a handful of rice given in charity j6Ti)0aj25mrtb

-^Bhg. e3ejo.iDDfDooo3i)l ^'^^Nal. otoisISou ^. Qg)§i<3® Arb. 2. cause £h35mo)g_j^i0^d3snT>

<S5n5i3)lnrTo ofl gnrm ^'6)c95)6mo KR. OLjQotninsjBcXjtSQ acnmi g). Adw. S. (=^ofosmo).
CV. ^aaojiT-jajcnTlj^jl-s^ KR. ^q_j:UJ1 ubadhi S. (=&c_ia?l)l. Fraud, con-
aa_i3JD(TOo fasting, of 2 kinds 2oSa'ODa_i:x)0 dition, supposition. gjssaSm @. ojCBOrgb (o-jaa

6Tr)aQeJ6sacb fsrofoiiWaaii^s <s<gj^cSs)Do Gan. ac-

aiSojafiDlgjnb AR. cording to the case put. — Ace. to Vedantists

^q_1Qj1, aOo-jl Tlbavi Vi.2. Love ^o_j3jlc05) (D)3(g^o.T_jDU3l (srgj^flirrro s|lajn6, curoj Siofossms

to love Vi. (see @,^<fi«>)- n_j3ajl sD'O'ja-ifonb KeiN. 2. Maya, disguise

^Q_iQjlrtDo ubavi6ams. (\/^c^D)=a^5ma§ra(). of spirit, body iO-.mjl<SB)Oa_iO(Jul (Sa_i33l;0(!i 6Jl

^Q_jC/3(2inOo ubasamanam s. Putting to rest. Qjnt) (BT3)(aia3ajl<Db SjiJitso KeiN.

Partic. gjcLJcaizlaio f. i. dhtuo (grasiridJo gjojca God is fnlaaaj3ori<Q)n<3CC. in\j(2C3!i3a_i3cu' AR.
0lim0Oc9nl Nal. extinguished the race. denV. i^mo aj3®OT»l(ab a';aj^-UAJ eijios^'^s
^Q_ic/t)Orrc^ alleviation, antidote, artaai'rm 2ia_i 6n| o^eJldte Bhg.
^Q_50(^0 — g(2a_iaftai ISG ^(Bn_J(Trio — ^Q-4
^Q-JDr^DCaiol) ubadhyayan S. Teacher oj CV. (graeo'Wj'anD sg^oeicn siaasire ^(Stu-ofcl

laumoo g. KR. ( = ajGi-DOnolfmnf)) (hence cud gjl-pj Mud. made the M'l. to dismiss him.
rsial (T) barber of Ilawcrs. Trav.)
^(So_JiTJ1o ubeSam S. (?D(mo) Come n3ar, fur-
^ci-JDrfQ^o ubanSam S. Margin, near; also ^ nished with, ccs.^osoj'oint) etc.
o-jocrols^rnlaTo PT. near.
^(?Q_J(030i) ubendrail S. (subordinate of ladra)
^ojofTOjo last but one ^. (StacTOj'iSijTlnr) (sra^
Yishnu, N. pr of Brahmans.
(013) a?lsyg Gan. rajDcruo

^o-iDCOlo ubayam
g'?Q_JDc£Q6rr)o ubosanam S. Fasting = ^fu
S. By what one roaches his
denV. aG.5_io.i3a1c96)= cgcnogL.
aim, expedient, means, artifice. ^a_joai6aT3c>a <9iO

5mo,:j7l«an7o AR. found no plan- rolajOStalcteD ^"im° ^Pt^Ql S. part, (ojcu) Sown. [(Mpl.)

csiil 6i(b &. (cyt^woTl^ MR. tried a shift to ^g—jO uppa (Ar. abu?) Father i^ri5ro)Q;j^g_jDuncle,
I'emedy his case, ajooacb g)o_iDCQ;;fa3®n-Jsm
^g-4 uppu 5. (\^ &aj to swell) 1. Salt ^g_j

aja^cftsfijo prov. o-jls~l-3j alfolnm esrraoio ai

(BracuoDfolcSs], ^o_iosa2;ro 5)ff)c9iajt/30Od9a~l MR.
cunningly. S{b ^. ojoffisrarajScBJismo TP. Chiefly
gugJo ^ §5) to treat each in his way. Eight salts
GP. etc, 1. aigjojrocksalt, also jijajfiSgi and
the 4 arts of dealing with enemies (oaozaam
seeasmiio). ©2®g_j Sindh salt. 2. CLTlacs^g-Ji cuac%'^

ao-iocaioSffloronb, gi^cLjoaiil artful, schemer, fel vitri. 3. ^oj ajlaj ^. 4, aisejgj. 5, goj

g.o-joco'OOo coming near gift aiomDaj^SCJUD OBgJ. 6. <S>'jaSgl, OnoSgl. 7, S)l2«Sgl. 8, 5)aj

n_aoa2;m6SBc)o <9iDtf^s)Cu^ AR. slcs^gj or S)ajDs1c!%gi.(inTogakuttam amed.

^Q-lDCnjnO ubasana S. Sitting near, waiting
on, sefvice; chiefly i3aSjjO:i_i3Crom worship. ejs^gj.) 2. saltness, one of the 6 tastes ro

g.Q_iocrucr)cid. ^i2g|faTa~lca>^s)S &. 6)aj3qj3o DM. cruo. 3. condiment, food oiausintjo ggjo S)aj

denV. ^OLjocTulcea= Saruojltfisi f. i. (^cr?^6n,o ggojo aQ),T3i^§lgj (= f5T2)!2?^3:^ , tmariTionlao) vu.

AR. Q_iro0Df3i0omo ^ojDcnSlcS^nf) Bhg. oo <aausrat^o^nt)0 ggjlsrora!) (2ODfO03il cnsg-jonb

omcsjjo a'^ KR. engaged in devotional TR. be faithful to the C.'s salt,

hence: ^ninb So. snakebird (jiiSiaoroo), 2g_j
£o_ioorujnb one to be served etc. c&6rra(5.-uos5&J red.
aQ_jo(Tolfmnt) part, attended upon, served, etc.
gg-jS-o saltmarsh.

^(Sa_icBi^ ubeksa 5. (oroodJ^) Overlooking, ©gjogl N. pr. of Nayer women. roKS^oa^^ Q_

disregard, neglect. calc^fDtSftismroTJsla^rai) q_ TP. servants?

a_lo§l<a>f.o [fem. (prov.)
(Sa_i:9fijDeoajo Nal. remissness. av)c9sO(t) a^o^J gjgjoanb saltmaker. aso gogjo.'Dia ggjo§lc0a
njisjlrm ^. aiosn^cSs), crucOsioag oidJio^ScSsisng
^gjlcOsi to be salty,
(tTilcna g^. QjOT .131^(33(0) Q^ms TR. not to delay 2g_j^§a) to salt. (stoxsSicn ^gjl§o (threat)=kill
satisfying Gov's demands. mraasaoralcOariTKoTl
& eat; also ggjleTlg^ prov.
art Q_. ajrol<0)calgj shall not bestow in com- ggTlemlcesiDccri C. pickles (3ra_2jOO .

plying. iSiO^o S^rcnglaj Sia.aggjO.Tb &. 5)-al(^ ggjlo^ saltmeat.

neglected to prove. — g.(So_is&o(2so.«::ig(S@gso ©g-jlgjOgjUDjo disusing salt.
KU. a certain source of royal income.
@Qj<ftT3ial, agjloj Avicennia tomentosa, the

denV. g)(BQ_jfl£Qlce5i 1. to disregard fsrafO) &^^ leaves preserve salt from damp.

Qjaul^O'al) Nid. to spread, being neglected. ggjceao.unb a Tamil thieving caster (2 a>0(TO
2. to reject, forsake, renounce i-maojsia aisi Gjgolcainb, 5)aiOiP^t9i>ggrtf).

§l^@g(^S)m a. MR. to divorce her. ggj<fi30ol a salt measure; the heel, also gg_J
part. ^Si-usful.TOnb Mud. forsaken. o6\ Vi. = Q_jla}jOf3i) asmj.
)Q_jl^— ^al 137 ^(£\ih — ^QQi
2gjS)<a)0Ooa6 living upon salt manufacture, = to spit out, ^(£i5rm)3)2.^. QjlyOTj) ojls.-m

eaj^ajnb; (So. salt-merchant); also N. pr. of Q^o^alsrar^lgoBhg. [into water (superst.)

a famous low caste sage. &i2l=9a id. (BTBg_j^»>rai aalcflfflcs^o VCh. to spit

^Q^^cmi B. salt-cat, ^al old, gjalip spittle; aaloTI* id.

ggjsiraia^ (^g_jejlcs2J,'Tf) = a- sioia^icaib) Ruellia aaltf , arra to spit, emit a^gfPS^Of^ RC oj

ringens, purifier of salt Rh. @gj si^a^ainb narai) aa^^^^s™ weeping eye. aQcS\s(iZ\J'

rnlfo^ral) a med. oj i>.ipla)c>oRC. fiery darts.— Of the Syaman-

agJCnD;'D63Q, — SlCDgpcasiO, — 20658 pickles.

taka jewel, which daily produced gold. 5)a_jo

m3iaiqTTi§nT)oinTi3nT)ff)3o»^ o)S>osng CG.

ggjojscm saltmarsh, saltpan.

agjaOTsTl, — 0fTa)jo, — alnb saltfish.

^alrb Umir (loc.) The hair of the body.
^QChQCUOCb P.ummedvar Expectant (of office),
ggj CLng,c%<9i salt to crystallize, a- cxn^ailces)
candidate, volunteer MR.
to manufacture salt.
^0 T. M. aC. (C. Tu. ^o, Te. 03) \^a Above;
^(Sg-jral acurry of fruits fried insalt = @gi<aol.
also, and (also S. interrog. interj.) csta uodo
a(S^folg_joaEbl Capsicum grossum.
Qjrro he also, he even, (Braucrao 61310030 he &
^q_j1^ uppili (ggj^ T, C. 2)on^ to swell, V^S I. fZ)3r;^<£>>3rrao both eyes, 0(e«c)oQ_j(i^o all the

Qj) Cuticle of snakes, g. atpic9a to slough it oif.

10 sons. ©(tg)mD^o Nal. all these many days.
^'SCOJo ubhayam S, (V^^s to connect) l. Both a^'oi^nrosmroajo TP. Qjcmo303^'o, ojnmaej.), u
£,'332JXiosl.aic)o croza^cOarrro MR. both parties olaTlejo though It marks also the finite Verb
agree — ^scacrozzrmo B. covenant. 2. So. (as of a sentence cuTrai3a_j03>3^o a^-oitm, fjnlc^s) aJ
far as Kuttanadu towards the No.) ricefieldB = ajjOJ^o (SajSTDo. Rarely with Adj. participles:
g)gj-3i^, consisting of several aisi^o Vi. ^s ?Da<9)0m3^o ^aa)0-3i:D3^o (^(S)C^h= JiiOOjiiOo.

csi-eoBiig. cDSiisii^KSiflsisngfaiima S)^Q|2c9s)cb TR. In set phrases the 2nd ^o is often left out
&ecs2;.-ai^n,-(3i) arsa <a>5ngo rnlc9ai (B-,'a.iii^ga'g; (2T)ra3o 6rao3io (3:i_i05)aj, oj^gjo ^(•DS.Tjiaos^s TR.
s>^5iejfol 2)332-0 ^D ai5>Tg,ijo MR. 3. No. the (from ajlgjo ^roajo),

4 fruit trees SifO^ssig, cSiOjasg. CLHeJoaj, ojggl ^OQJrb umbar T. M. (T. place between, height

(oishos^ the 5th) = (staaaeiJo f. i. ^ecasoscki V^^) Gods ^cruib o^j^ofWo gsism^oib Bhr,
gcru(Sroo§ Bhg.

Q_iocTi!n<Baj rolaTlfari' TR. — (Szaj§cao=0racK:i aaii(b®4J)0nb Indra, jj'fTi3§'<2fiJ iSrLjo<a5 CG. to

ejssQcV). Qjlglsej seej'o orascQal, S)ze4'o Qipl:£^ die. jjj. oixjo^nb AR. Angada; also a^ru

i^aiO) ScDDtSsH .oJOd^iSiTR. fruit trees excepted.

ralrai) i^oxinb Bhr. a^'^'^'^'^sif' etc. ^cnj*
(S-ucraoa (oicnji RC.
I. ^(2> uma S. Parvati; her representative in
acruib 01 si rnl AR. Ganga.
sakti worship. — ^aDcucrri Siva.
g^cTU(bcr)o§ Q-Jcfta Bhr. went to heaven.
II. ^Ch So. =^2 Cough. [^) Vl_
^OUlbaJfOo id. 0QSglO<O5) £. Qjl5)fOntDlS0O
g)ZCS^Si to breathe heavily (o^.-oiosng g). = diOQ caso aooBKj)!, (i)au(boinbcnl£Jaooo csn^i^
^afOl umari T. M. Salicoruia (prh. = 2ajrol). 6):QiOCk> RC.
^aiO(b Ar. Ulnar Lifetime aQS)ibo &. g^rnlcs^o I. ^cci Ar. umma 1. Mother ana a^a 0i>.at)

(S0'3:fiilQj5i'>| Ti. MR. son of the same mother; also Syr. PP.

^al umi 5. (what is spit out?) Husk, chaff, a^aos^nbo aza TR. grandmother. 2. a Mappi-

bran. £, dJiigaa. prov. [tooth-powder. llacci, generally jDZZt^ Mpl. gza aojOOcSljo)

galcSsifO^ burnt husks used for ajeQUajsroo & (2ie)0ipl prov. Q^ni)(^^ij^S)6)2iTP. gzaD^aJcXi

aialc^iai, sraig) T. Te. M. (Tu, ^^'^ = £^8-1) TR. (voc, g22s^). 3. the Cannauur BTbi.

^Q£h— ^QQJO^ 138 ^cail(7Do--^ro

II. ^CQ umma So. Kiss (=^oau S. a?5g C.)

VN. I. gjcaroo (vu. oQcfhrao) height, tallness,

g)Z2icSis)o aJ§£h No. to kiss. pride Vi. '

^QQiTTtlTi Ar. ummat People, (Doonfflnbo gaa II. acBJ^ elevation, ojocnj <ai^m^£\B>(dcn\cm

mrJslia^cX) Mpl, those of the prophet's religion, (^(S2)sm o®i}iijCfl)0<fl3o MR, level raised

through irrigation.

a. v, I. g)cffi(9« rare, (c^gjo ^casifcrra^rairainjnb

6t3tO)iT6 CG.)
RC. oQ'S^'Tb'^ ^<SJ(^ ajls^c9so <fts Pay.
^GQio, ^QQ'OYCD ummattU (Tdbh. gnamDo)
n. mod. ^can^ai to raise, lift up, exalt.
1. Datura metel. ^aansraTl-ibihO'sri thorn-apple
CV. GfoifoliTii) 5)ia)osl0roo ^ca^tnTal^ont) KR.
(S. 0ogaj -whence Metel). Kinds airol — & cn\
g^canriTlejo (2) elevated ground (opp. fmosm).
ai g^eamao Dat. fastuosa & oiruorrra^ojiao Dat.
^CQJ1(7Do vu.^^-Q-JIiTDo Bravery.
ferox, 2. golden fringe or tassel ojlsmjiD
^COJlceei uyikka (T. ^^3^ to keep, see foil.) (SO
((3)g_jsa^o gi^fDT3)Qjo Bhr.
QjS)cn g)aing_joaooairi RC32.
^i2CirOo, ^(2QDfDo ummaram M.C. (alsoS. ^oenj

fOo from a+aroo threshold or cuoroo?) Fore-

^CoJli^ uyir T. M. (acroi<b, cn^oilib C Tu. Te.
port; esp. doorway, eastside, verandah in front
from g)(g!| T. to live, subsist, escape — vu. g
(jSlib). Life, breath. ^calSfOD^ c3ajol§:i^ RC.
of the house, gzaofc^ <£hlscSa MR. (SiJia.ijIfiA

killed. g^coTlfDOODnb died, o^fmm (moTocsulib g)0

ai22io«)Kja onD§l TR.
cnjlsiSiOini CG. j)csiil(b 6)c&,05»Tgonb Anj. killed.
^zafDgjsl threshold.
-aJfrnl-aiazTliti 5)ai3ir@1g ools^nmcsjjo Bhr. killed
a^fOp-jgi foretooth (=i^cnjg4 V2.) ^. si<0iO5n§

thee. — g.c£lc9n§Q_;o a wiry constitution.
sia^Sii jijlrolas) 3. also ^(gcigs rasn^
g.ccula« to live, revive, survive, a^csflaftca^iai
ojg^o (jud.)
(SrscyacaTlgj RC. (Biaajooloiriral) alcSaSOJCTOrb
a20«)g-a aocij garden before the palace, gj'.ijlral)

&><b rBTDjej^io (ofltigg Bhr. a lodge in park.

ojoftb RC. fled for life.
gQGiDCo ummal (loc.) Some days ago, = gjrmocX)
VN. ^csilgli life, reanimation.
{\r& pron.)
CV. acailg!Jlc9« to quicken, raise to life.

^2dl§o ummittam (C. Tu. ubbe — ) Difficult

I. ^(b ura T. M. C. (Te. ao) Rubbing, a stroke
breathing, o^tSsio S5<S5D§:t5i:»^s ^izz^o ojossq &>
wojgglcqjo 5)a_io.-nDo gro tsraolisajnb Pay. touch
prov. — &. i^S-Q) also sobbing of children =:@,
of metals. — g^ro^gj, ^foojiSigj touch-stone. —
Q^5c9ffl, ae0lsgjo§ = ajl!2g<£h — see ^0 2.
(WZalrai) aroool^ to resist, fight it out.

^(2Ql&nol ummini (V^&, ©o) 1. No. Much,

V. n. ara(3^<9i, sroi^ T.M. C.Tu. to rub, as cows
opp. gD^alsrnl. 2. So. little (B. has also (gra
against a tree, wear by friction, asiaiassma
02o6Tn1 & a^Eosrn^ bit) compare aiSnasriTl.

^caJC^dfti uyan6u"Jfa (loc) To belch (^iP-). gjo ^rosraroi sicuDglaisr^ MR.

^cairDidSi, ora uyaru^ya T.M. (xT a high) ^raoj VN. rubbing; touch (g'^ai).
1. To rise, as kite, birds. 0a3o 0n3o acacnll gj-SiOifis) V. a. — q. V.

slooDfib jiJicgntiBhr.; to raise oneself <amao a^ II. 6)fD T. M. C. (prh. from prec. articulation)

§(i^32;(mon6 AR. 2. to be high, eminent, ^cm 1. Expression, word. 03(gaolcqj5)S &«)3pmDSai

cm tall — Inf. acs2;ro, ^csifosaj also aloud. croDa RC. by his command. 2. prose explanation

SiiBaitnifa gcsDcsro eao-jlas-.csyo PrC. 3. to bo Vi. 3. fame, ^ro6)ajO65)§<0> = 5)jJo«gjya) to be

Iost = 5)o_j0<fl5)o f. i. <2aj3fO0§ (gjo^S ojolsroigi celebrated. g^roGcaicjo (SQ_)0(b, @.ra5)a_ioo, ^o
cama crorraomajo Bhgi. alcSio RC.
^fDo — ^rorci) 139 ^(Ocr\^ — ^(6)
aroo^-oJ^ to utter, speak, say; also ^sirocSs) ^(bcr\^ Si urasU'Jfa T. M. C Tu. (a'O) 1. To rub,
q. Y. — a-jfD2iD(3iDo acSaSaj ^fOS)^^ Nal. come in contact. a'^crv51<St5_ioS) = (BWSCTro. stica

I. ^fOo uram t. m. c. Tu. (=^oq\, ^<o<m) mo ^fDaiTl (=mrmo5) TP. 2. to contend. ^

Strength, firmness. <a>y>,-Br51a73fDo ^^MC. oj rocrol (SmDsesD pressed against each other, ^
iP a- 5)ajc92mDVi. swells. ojliTrorao Vi. rear- cu)nu'ar!(2caos arorryasaj AR.; to vie cuoaml
guard. arosmt>;o§ ciTla^^Ofati sachaao aloud. (Sma§roorDl§o ajrDla>o KR. asmlaiaioslaich
afOo o)nJtg|^ to stand firm, fight Vi. erooyo mauaoajsch CG. 3. v. a. to form
denV. g)rDa5i see below. into a pill.

II. ^(t)o Tdbh. ^fDOTQ S. Breast, ^romlsj.ifcoro VN. grDcrcDl) friction, contest, rao^nsra gfocro

6n| cLjofl^ azzo MM. gratoiejo osqsjb, grao aiDtiD S.xjo^n TR. disturbances,
ascsj^aoos^tc^ RC. g)ro(S.'3Tao§ o-joerara, taisoB ^rocnj uraSSU S. (&roo 11. fr. ^ra) Breast ^ro
a'fol) Blir. ran fiercely breast against breast. cnTl jia^niDJOOJOCnS^ CC. standing on the con-

aro(c^aj — (gaj(832.o§ i^ejai/lsaiilrtji; (Soodo a med. quered foe.

^fDoeei, ,^ urakkaT. m. (^rao i.) i. To be &rO(nruo6Tno breastplate.

strong. gralroisoHch @.rD5:5ig VilvP. prevailed,
^(6] uri T. M. 1. Skin. 2. half a Nali, or 2 ^y)
adj. grormacalai coarse, ^roajiacLDgJ Bhr. strong.
cSs f. i. tftQteal a<^ca'33cTU0cb ojosjbI MM. ^
g.o.'OTata-ggati a confirmed rogue, grororai a_i3
fo)ca)oy>c03 4 Nali. 3. (T. belonging to) word
crulaT) g^fCDrai Qjsl prov.
=@^ro II.

g^romant) (^rafOTaojnb) a strong man. gro^^ai, srawi 1. v. n. to be stripped, skinned,

2.=:gtS5rod3ffl II. to speak (poj^scao^ro.'oiBjDat) chafed. 2. v. a. to strip off.

qqjojo og^gLjoo KR. ^formaocb Bhr.

&ro^:9ffl v. a. to flay, skin a jackfruit, cocoanut
^fDCOo uragam S. (^roo II.) Reptile, serpent
o_iocnjS<t3iO!ti!) aro^^ etc. cast off the slough.
aroc2S)Q_i«S035)a CO. Ananta.
s^a.-ora -grgjces)!
VN. ^folgj, — ^ral) flaying; stripping.
^fDGae^Drob urailgol =§20... Pole of boatmen
grolcao^ai to utter, speak = 0long(&>, to give a
(g^roo I.).
sound. ^rolcoosoS'W (Te. g)'oral<a)) = al5r^D
^fD6YDo uranam S. (aj(b) Ram, — ^ra sheep.
Oil) s^y aHsm «'moyo Q^tSonos gralaio^RC.
^fOaJOfb urappail Currycomb {^Si(^<Si^) = sii
aQa6)^4 ^fo^aosot!^ TP. Q^<snmos ^(ora
roo ^dTlcaosfrag Bhr. g^rolcaDSisSSs etc.
^fDaDOOo uramanam (^ro I.) Rubbing, ^rozo
hunting calls to game.
mo (S-aJfsralggg 6T3)oaio a word that appears
VN. I. £rolcao§o talk. @rolcao§o @d^ not on
harmless, but rubs & tries deeply.
speaking terms. o^jSomos Qmoo ofljcnlcOs
^fD(2(^c62 urammu'ya 1. = grocnj^ (aro) To
rolcs2J0§o (gT3rD3@ RC. ^rolaogcijo alsn^og
grumble, roar. Q-dau ^rocnjmD MC. also ^Q
oyai V2. q. V. 2. ^(caz^&t to rub against,
ojo prov. — i2tn§cgo ^folcaogojo (huntg.)

hunters slang.
graze, also groK^a. Vi,
^fDCQ^cft) see ^ro I.
II. ^roloiosid. (851X100)3(05 SDoDs g). @SoTR.

^ro-ob aral T.M.C.(Te. SfODej from &ro) Wooden ^(5]n—i & gQoJ urippu Hopeft dccandra,

mortar for beatingrice,alBOS)jiJcnjrorai) — &. a?! strong timber (^cq\<S2= Q.(Sid32?) = ^(^cm
ipl'ob^ftHnmorai) (Sic^siaioggo prov. graejlsnarab
aio Cal.

((©lOjItpn) £hls(!^c9^ MR. a drowned person. ^fOlcOJob uriyail a M. T. (arol3.)=(n)c8s)ajn*).

arorabcSeipl TP. servant's room, ^roraigjfo.

f. i. ms(i^'.uon6 arolcaomo co/jnb RC. am I the

^rarnidaaool pivot, hinge, proper person?

cusojilral) g. 6)fOiool

(Qsmo TP. to xinhinge the closed door. @fol uri S. = (araocol; grorol Assent.

^rw — ^f^Rcfe 140 ^'ffiSS^ — ^fOirrv^
I- ^r(SuruS.(ii,b, Gr.'eyrys) Wide, large; Comp. VN. ^(TOcOao 1. melting aQgjnscSsx) = -gracTUDl
^(Oi oift)(), Sup'jrl. a oj j)0i3i®a_jo>rruGio AR. ^roj (£tpD,-U(i. 2. anguish ^g^roidteo f. i. g. <iI^

.uocai o)Z3tpl 5)c0iD?Tg rLjaisrra CG. afo^J^foaem §1 a)',-?®.

Soaass Mud. (=ajejlcii). a. V. gro3t9s.9>, tas)\ to molt gcbcesiDcnjrwcftol

11. ^i^j ^f?BQ4 TJbh. (©ojo l.Form orgiacq^ ^o50a9s)Digi| AR. don't unman me.
a53S)cSsiOin| RC. Vishnu. 2. substance, arti- VN. ^fojiSs 1. what is melted, g^rtscfliss^onsiil

cle, piece as of cattle (=a0|rrio) (ST3)t0) g)«s liquified butter. etPoixiggo Ga_jaaj,'ora;ro3iJ3

a_j(inls)00| in all 18 numbers. 0iQg)rnTtOsn{).T simcal Qj^acTxriTP. 2. fused metal. jjfWicOa

@.ro3(a_)>9iOfDo tenor. 3. time o_jejajro3 repeated- Qojorm' bullion. ^rajcOsa^nTlttteO'ro'ai ear-

ly. fffrast2yrts;a_)D(t3inl^ eroraorao (SsutI Bhr. ring of cast gold. 3. T. M. C. Tu. steel ZjcS\

4. vessels of any metal, chiefly 6)ij6ira)ajQ_jD'@ c0sralc06iooprov. grolc93^§l steel to strike fire.

6nac)o. 5. vessel, ship @2f®^f® -> sro3 g^narijltil) gfffi6S^c&) uruiinU"Jfa (a^) To rub, graze a^'-g

(Sa_jOcsn TR. cnz^eis g.ro3d9iPc)o ojanorei!) TR. gifts 63Bl(2o_iD^ the ball just touched in passing.

hence: ^RSeSsi^plceo (3). B. to repeat

^(t»^ uruttu T. M. C. (aro^ch) 1. What is round.
gascesiofonb (5) sailor. fraud
2. grojajgDiplsraicilgj araajoa Bhr. graso
af03(^sc£h (2) to collect, amass caicXicueo acy o-TlrDSo prov.

^fOJ{^§l Bhr. the bee gathered honey. ara3§ab deceiver.

auosDro55Bd)af®'^i^PT. packed together. g.ro3^ih v.a. 1 . to roll, (fesraaffxr) Q_(i5i£\ a siTxmzQ
gasmtaroo (2) component parts. TP.gfWgl ojlaldssi to awaken by tossing.gfai
£nsfi3Tc3)lro§.<9) (1) V. n. to form itself. &,cei.-&io gliaTlmoai to eat rice, gcc^dcb q_us£\cs^o<^
c^oculajjocsTl araji-rnlrosng gru)(S®o KR. sin c^^'C)oj2jf03^3^oVCh. so: <9ismro3§l,(grai)£o^

shapes itself into disease. 06n n 2. Mud. S50j@go QCUi^a^&n art practis-
^ro3rDT3^<&i(S^a> (4 & 2) V. n. vessels & articles to ed by Rishis' wives, anogTls^.ro^.-mt) a- TrP.
be complete for sacrifice etc. a ceremony on Vishu. 2. to cheat Vi.
afraf0i3i^(^cs^<&| '^. Q- to be shaped, as child in ^rO»6rr51 uruni Pan of bone feftscb). ihorA ^^s
womb, become distinguishable, v. a. g^«s emlcsniiitrnlmo S);oiool dislocated, sprained.

raralrolcBsi VN. ^fD3,'3Talrolaj.

^(UiOf)] uru6i (Tdbh. rolfoTl) xiOcSgroBrtj'n Elegant
&f03g_jsl (2) articles. words Vi.
ansQjsplstm^ Cnjo^n disappeared.
^fffiQI^ce5Urammup = g,ra2g^ l. To rub, touch
@.aSQjOce8>ai (1) v. a. to form. Nid. di02^o§o)0mo2.fJS2goQJ6rnoCG. 51^3<t!J
&fC3.ijl§<Si (3) v. a. to repeat, rehearse. siOiDsrenb.xjlfaix&iy.-oralrai) ^asi^ CG. a play-
CV. ^Rsojl^ajlces) to impress on the mind. ful gazel. (2a.-iai63HcX) fznaalra)) grajzal^'ScTicdo

asngo^nm udlandocrnl Bhr. 2. =g(iplcajSi,

ejcnflsloo calcunb Anj. assumed a form. aisosri'Hces) f.i. aistesisnts^a 5n|fzs<szz6i'nuCG.

g^C!BS)CLi(!^cai to assume a shape zcr)cr>j\(!i> ^coi 3. to vie ^,CLj05rauai3;Bra)3§ro3^al§(m Ofonaos
oiaj(DTa)l®ci_iocsiJl an impression fixed in the 63ac)o RS.
mind. ^fffiOJo uruvam Tdbh. (rgojo (=:gfD3aj) T. «S)0
g)rc3(SajD§o (5) sailing. (trilejl ffTlracijrTO.xiciRC.Form. g)ro3ajoa_jS:moPay.

gtWcj&oQ), cfiTl uru-yu-^a T. M. (C. Te. Tu. ©(il ^ftBCO^cBj urusu-ya = 2racnja)M. C. Tu. i. To
heat) To melt, dissolve, be softened am^x wear off, diminish; croa, ara3crul(Sa_iocdri came
<9>rocX) ^. KR. — impers. (^CTol ^olnooj o^rndJra off poorly. 2. to glide down, fail ooso gas
(amrtnsrglcijli ^moo afoJiSifirnliSfm RC. orul = (gtaejcnSl.
^fJ8(^o — ^O 141 ^oay — ^6)OJ^

£f03(TOrsi) 1. tumult, quarrel. 2. failure mgj 2. T. M. C.Te. power, sharpness; curd, what
Q_. (OisinD (sro.&rm TR. all in confusion (see curdles (aiDjpcn ojoaDral) so qjI^p/^ctd <9>

em^asi'Scn VCh.
^(Uibo urul T. M. C. Tu. (^ra?) 1. Circular a n. V. ^o'^'^Sf,, m\(^(3., ojlsltesi milk to curdle.
rack) ^s RC. ^frasTT^oiio KR. aracbfoisl log.

2. a wheel (Srm raraalnb (jaaioaio, ^roasiaDaH SrgOo GP.

<s>|.o eanosoQcX) tBa-docanooKR. 3. rolling wave.
a. V. a^@§^> @.oajl-£ &, o-j>9)ro3(&i, etc.
aosani ca^g^5)<0,35ng (HTa^<ft,1513)1 MR. bowlders,
V. n. 6)OC£2Jd&) 1. T. To be firm in, to stay.
caioejoansajso, (srarroiS.nb afl§oaj(ailo6@@ <9o
^(Si^£h, sng n. V. to roll (as s-oiosml), toss,
£jo RC. share death's abode. iQ:iDesB(h 6i<i»cxjjo
revolve, tusn^icasiib Qjlsmoejo rosngns^o
(STaeJcfiaplcr)nT)Ocalsosnj®lfDlc9smo KR. 2. to
prov. ialsmDfD35r§oib CC. playing boys, gcoj
be possessed eioual^oigjsoaj^di, a^'^srerojOJtb
sng ffiajocajl rolled in the dust, ^asi^n^ aS^co
Demoniacs, (graruib ^06vsr^ they got into a
5n§ (Bo_)D3in aia<fb V2. to fly for life,
strange spirit, behaved madly.
off anyhow. m^mcBZUTvr)os^ oJlsTTara
VN. at^rajrai I- congelation. 2, devil's dance,
SrgDTb AR. rrpj.p

frantic behaviour, inexplicable obstinacy.

adj. part, ^fa^ng round, eaRSsr^cDoalsairoo
Q^nolceao g. m£\ I was under the same
Inf. ^fisa 1. so as to revolve. giRHagiejlaa inter-
est from interest; also ^fracbojeTlcya VyM.
2, a ball, morsel (S^iiooQfD^a Mud. oronn.o v.n. 6)6^030© To be firm, fixed, settled. S)cn

(Tol<a,c5od93 en. &. SnJDQ, PT. srayo^raoDDejo jiTlfro) o^crnlsca' (SaxTl KR. be

VN. g.fracb, rolling, roundness g,'c52JD^0ffi79nrra

of good cheer! aoai3nsajnj3CQJcn<Si5n|o^TP.

looks insecure (as promises). understood the contents. (SgQo^o ^. craortTOaal

Q(Oi£\ caldron to boil 4-5 measures of rice, (Old) ojOOo S)jiJ(mo_2jl@ got by heart Bhr. (a^

pan (sfTlsniliQicX) ^(Ui^s^cki Nal. aaBa^dnrat fmla^5)S(S0ro!) aiooo as^o.^ charge is proved

against. (Sn_iDajonb ano^^rai) £5)0-^ Mud.

^^ QjCiC^araed. oQgrncs^raa^ (3TO§g_j-otaio
it is

tS&l TP. (for ordeal) — cuoejnaal ladle for

decided. Q^Tbarosmo asio^g CCh. aQrmsia

sacrifice. (S« KR. believe me. qQcttooIO^o* & QQ)fmaj<98

a. v. art33§c9) q. v. 6)o^ CCh. Borrnlgj 2i!a)\w^(!ii cncmo^s^^o^

I. ^6^^0:65. urekka 5. (^r:)) l. To rub, grate,
roltsarrra KR — ssnrnlejo aoayoio) saonsoacX) GP.
polish, grind. 2. to try, assay metal. — a5^^"';&J=2J'^'9s' 'o aspirate (as sii, .jyO etc.)

n. ^6)(b:6G\ = ^(b-e6^ 2. (^ro II ) To speak, say. Inf. aoSdji(=ao^) strongly, firmly, aloud

g^c>off)(&.05ng5)roc6s) say to oneself. (BojsngD.'nra) ajo

cflsi&.cX) 6aosroomo6)rOd9si; o^rrrasirooi 63mo Bhr. KR. aOcOs) nol23(SoaJ0c>3 swam boldly. (sn>

^C^ro Urvara Fertile aj5)m 5)3i§lcr)D(b aO(S5i(Su firmly.

[^^^^n^ Nal4.
^Q^l urvi S. (ara f.) Earth ac^iliOiaisraalral) VN. aogj. 1. firmness arOi'Cia'nT) a. Go-jofOD

^O ura T, M. C. Tu. (so, that which holds) not strong enough, mgy aog_j(8OTC)a5)S S)0^

1. Sheath, case of pillows, thimble, ononis? §l{Mpl.) enj^ijlcOaogjIgjotDai TR. too plia-

ajDa^orraocsiilgj Anach. ojoch aocgjfol Mud. drew ble, mtgas) g.. So-iofoo I don't venture, ima

Bword. — ffiongJO measure of 20 Para. S)S)<S)a^o «j) (Bt8cr).oaieDCO(S>'oro)(95) g. MR. it speaks

gloves. <sioejn stocking, [maker = <^soronb. for the plaintiff. 2. stay, support Qj@glct>a

Q_ocuock> Royal sword Vi. aoajoanb scabbard- oniaroo ojljiggaaogj sjmonl Anj. 3. as-
gooeei — ^o6S^ 142 ^Ocfia — ^Qcfi>
Burance. ojlro)^ ojasom 2.0gj <B^osmoS)m o-jc&n (ScracmoBhr, (opp.fflroijT'tfh), g.. ^ifiaS)
TR. without a sure prospect of realizing to dose.

the collections. mraxKb @s &5ng n^ff)nmDfD3 a. v. aocSsei, ajTl 1. to put to sleep o^ncm
Ogi Bhr. tho comforting belief, aieaaocn csj^o a)3§lfi3))g.oc9al (Ehls.'oral oTjlNal 4. 2. to

naooifo aogi soismo, oruDcai a_i06rai2) aooJ rock asleep, turn as the capstan Vi.
<9icb, -ojlai &Ogj o^^fO)! (OirrraTR. promises. ^OdB6i -6^ urakkuttu Worm eaten, as aotesc^j®
CV. aogJlc3a = @.og_jDc3a 1, to seize, hold S3 0rt)o V2. from :

firmly, make fast ^on_io (0-,ro coral fall &., goral) (=g.OcO«?) what oozes out, dust of de-
CTOjcraaoo 2.'^ Qjoa063i3c)ci (@§lo)ces)§l get caying tree, also g).oQgJ05l.

ready Nal. (galsicm a'^ KU. made firm. gOgiy wood-worm (So. moth).

QJEJiT^, ®sa3ia &. KU. army to form on go(!2g<S) V2. =ai(t@ajlsla95) tobe worm eaten,
the right. fry^snjloSsaj (gm(fg)o ^OOq
a'^Bhg. uravu l. & ^OQJ see goasi. 2, T.
fixed. (SQjac/so((Tgoal!0>f.o Q_iDooo)^<monjl aM, Nearness, relationship, VN. of gc^ (^
^Bhr. Q_idl^OgJ1-^ SiPu. aooDocoJl aogjl acacusooDS gOQjlff)(D orasiemcf^ RC 9.)

^\a) ChVr. to remain firmly seated. 2. to aoajnb 1. see under gocea. 2. (from gocal)
resolve ^raixo cnl{2)ajl^ogJl^ Nal. jijlai a weevil B,
(Srao§ o-joeroi^o. Mud. 3. to assure, con- ^Oi^o ural (=aoraf)?) Spark. §_. <^£\ <q,§.<Q)

vince o<jiTroogJlg_jon6, .SjOOo @.o. MR. prove. to snuflf a candle, clear a torch (loc.)

_gc51 uri 5. (V^gQ,) 1- Network for suspending

c£bcX> MR. to persuade, seduce.
= ^cS3ol; aiaio siojcea, gola^o
pots goi^ii^rai)

^Oc«6>, mZ) urakka (Te. prov. ^casilm

&q leak, see ^^ocia,) jajlroltfiiao ongiolraieBjltplrtii) si^rrra

To spring, ooze out (^so) a^gT^ial aormsiaj CG. 2. a running knot, loop, noose, golaj
@g5)0o§ Mud. with tears, aliplairifat &. rnl(b ai a kind of net Vi. [=^ocnja) No.
Mpl. Qjo3^ara cijal5)^D«33 sicuggo
aocSso a ^cSletmJ 065 urinjUT^a So. (T. golcq^) To sip, suck
med, s^Qj^o (Mpl)
oQinrra 6ijiiog|ls)rai siajggo ^osiim gC^ UrU Ar. ruli', Spirit, life

y)oQjoi3inroi,(aTa(SgjDt>3CG. mouth to water, (gal ^Qoft), OQ uru-J^a 5. 1. To be firm (=Q_nctTO

^onrnlgj not saturated by tho rains. ai). 2. tobe joiued. (HraolvTjQo (HrartJ^rtb RC.
VN. g^ooj 1. fountain, spring g^ooj So. T. gQ,<S3ejl VI. 2. venomous spider (C. gasiej).

2, superfluous water, g.. jiiojlsa, to remove VN. gQjfaTl firmness; @.'<95^ ^cSlooonb RC.
it from ricefields. 3, originality tgragjocro encouraged, comforted (=giOg_j), gQ,fO)l0ia)

0gj &. (ffiffxTn. SOJQo (Mpl, song), gQ|(!nlfi«a7lcr) Adj.

aoainf) (3) genius. aQjcSs (what fortifies) 1. amulet = rocafia, 2.

^oss^ceD uraiinu-ya t. m. (Tu. c. Te.tofaii, hollow gold or silver ornament round the
die) To sleep V^ aQ. — ^ossaliSa-ioain fell waist, containing amulets. (BrarocsiJlcBl) S)&<5

asleep. Nal, cm 5)aj@glcfjjQ(SQTR. a®aj^Q,tSs, etc.

"VN. I, aodSs sleep ^oceolfrra a_iocuJl <B;u5i^o bag) 1. large bag chiefly for
aQ,g_j (5)5)0-1
prov. <Si6rna30d9<a ojoolcsz; Gmroo TP. fast clothes. ajsrn>i3iaonb Qjl§l.'cf) ©s^^&ifaV
asleep &. aiplcs^ai to awake, watch. g6rnlc3?jQg-jailf(ji) (Sxismo prov. gQgjcoilrBli

aO(95io bedroom TP. ^. fmnrnlejs5Q(9icryce« (Qiggo oJtfiQ prov. 2. testicles gQ,5)g_]eS8

Veto. C'ojacr), g.Qg_jS)^ool. In VCh. esro o^rno

II. gtO(9Ko sleep. g^o<9iicoT3) in sleep, a, ^6)a 5)@goasQ^3iilrai) the womb.

ces), croaDlces) to keep awake. 6ajeja©(b g.. gQgj 1. the breast with the shoulders. &Q,
^q^ — ^OQ 143 ^ai — ^ejco)
g-jSc9is)o seizing round the shoulders. 2. a ^ej ala T. M. C. Tu. (\^ aej T. to agitate)
heavy timber more durable than teak, Hopea 1. Furnace in forge. aeJ3ii^«il -ojf (inlo)cafQlq^o

decandra, (=aro^gj). oooraajiio KR. 5)^o^5)nbo ^oiaicSa ^qj1§1

^Qt^dft. uruttU-ya T.M.(C.&Ci,ijg^) To chafe, 5)a_)oa^^ TR. 2. the bellows aQJaicuonrol
terrify by fierce look B.
\qaOo PT. ^^<9) Vi. also g.aJ3.tiT3-jO.T)ii. 3. broth, gravy

^Q o-Jicft uruppi'J^a IT. rupT S)CLjo<rK)q,r^£r>5)W No.; aaisesigj currybroth Vi.

^Q(2D-7!i) P. rumal, Plandkerchief, head-cloth. ^eJA ula-yu T. M.= ^GJi>.o, (SaJOcQio 1. World.
^COaDOb A. rummail, Pomegranate ^0,00011 (7 (S0G4. 7 dhly.) — oroosray&jaTlnrrao oraow>nb.

ipo. aQaocnjejl MC. tarantula. 2. earth aeJ^ifl3^<9> KU. = (Branimf£l(9s!. aaj

<ar7le5 on the earth.
gQ GM Ar. rumi 1. Byzantine ©.(jal fOOKD iJ V2.
Sultan of Turkey. 2. damascene blade «j)
^eJcee^ ulakka T. M. C. (Te. aroocSflejl fr. Q_o

f^S S- &e;4,siJaJo) Pestle for pounding rice, mostly

TP.^ej &. ^fmsjOJ a^dtosm (play), of Qjlgl, also ©rolcnjej(Qn = ig(TOQJo ((5T2)Or)>S)d)
^qno^ ui'Umbu = Qa)Q,cnj Ant. aQcrurolca,., a
@3'(Scao§o (gra§(t^ Brhm.). gi. 5)i)iDisn| en. (arg)

Cia2j3)5r^(TK) ffifoionrrod)) Nid. Prickly feeling. 5)a"3^o «31-Oj TR. @.eJc9inSC2;3ao aiOitJlfOb pfOV.

Kinds: <0)^ — , cfljrnlcanb ; sitDroj — , cnl«s (rnl measure of thickness.

OQ) — , oaocnj — ojalos^— (jy ocroaa —

, ,
acJiSnalnt) MC. pike.

oaojocoTlnrnlcsjj — MC. also s^iJDsmnt) red ant. ^ajcfiftdO), oeffT) ulakku-ja (T. ^ajaa to become

acioojaisni) MC. eyes as of moles. reduced) To shrink up Vi.

aQcnj«nlnol flycatcher. ^ejCQ^ 062, (jfTTrCj ulayu-ya T. M. C. Te. (see a

^qccLic£b urumbup ai) 1. To be agitated, move, shake =<0!ejC!jja»
(=&ronija. i).

aQiOiirol) roar of tiger V2. (gj.Q,^ T. Te.) f.i. 0fO65ac)Q (Sio.oolooDrob a. DN. ^aiaio (Siai

^fSlO;:6® 1. see @0. 2. So. to pour gently B. srmgieji^o, eajotmaajj ©GJcsii RC. e.oajl;o_iD«aj

ajo^0ocdn Mud. flexible-

^00^ uftfal (seeprec.&@2Q^) -A- drop, i^ma
g.aiC!,^5)aT)0«a (Siforaig

oorab amed. jjjos^caoral) g^aiaiD.'Oiag KU. a palm old enough

As verb not to be shaken by a monkey, ggjao g)ejoao

sxaialaTj® onl<b ^o 61 cSaastoi^ a med.

@.o61c95) to dribble = 22 ocSlcBffl.

onlq|p(f>)g-io KeiN. 2. to become loose, slack,

^Oq uftu past of 2.0, «i q.v. @5irn)gi0Dcdn g

tired Qjlgjaj. CCh. (ftnraao OTOi^srai^aJsra^Nal.

agifsrai^aisraT^ aiHiplsroi^ oolaj^oiuoxuo Bhr. her

SifOcQsiral) ai^oortb RC. Began to speak. oracSloj

OQ cnl22iaj0O3i)l ChR. grew. garment gave way. iigsl^^rrotoi) Qjlonoejsic®

adv. part, near, closely, e,^ (SiSiSOO^osiz^sl iP^Cij^o KR. SiOjdTlro') ogjoQGJsraro), foiarrroaisrot^

Bhr. 2.. smoas), ScSidocSs); g.OQfa)aSl5)c9s)0,'m3)

CG. ig6n|aiST!!tgi (2n_iD3in bccamo crumpled ma
-Qj63i30(O)l. — in Compds. ailyoq n^yoQ, s g)., 5)5)ciJ) JieJ.Vi. to be impoverished, ruined.

6) ji)2nT)oa.oCG. cringe & fawn around them. v. a. g.5^fi.ii)<3(£h, ^ 1. to agitate, bend, soften,

adj. part, gioo 1. close, dear. g.'^oaj(tg)a6 PT. crumple paper, clothes, etc. stOjDsrnl foirrnl^

a. 0onb Bhg. favourite, mob aoocusiro ^s o)ej.9si05)((j) KK- without fail. 2. to destroy

fOff^o)<0)O6ng CG-. assembled his relations.

g.®ooo«so g.s®ca3aso (sra^ctg® SG. g)oo aeiaijjfwfog RC.

Qjf!So g^scaiojOBo gggjDforai Vi. orphan, (sro VN. I. ^aj^fu!) 1. flexibility p. 5)q_joo <&)a-jl

cSlQJOOQj(b vu. acquaintances. 2-=g)@a Qjlronb RC. agile. 2. agitation, discontent,

in po- (Siaolojoo e3on6SQc)o, ojcnjooiO'Oanb, ruin g. ©^ roara^roralroi. DN. [unshaken.

i^mjoo etc. II. also a^J^'m — ^oiiil^Oitn eaojorosmo RC.

^ajfW — ^QJa6© 144 6)CUfb — 6)c£nc

III. aeJg-j (So. gjSiGJoi agitation) softening. love srasoBch &.u:n.-moro3 !Sac/a;unb CO. era

^eJo)gj§rnking'3 bathing oil roDesaou a. aJ0(OTal firacb a-^frnxnb, (aiffinn loojTrajggDtb qq

KU. £. ajo63B^ (S-ois^a aejljigjarn. Ujooo au^rmroD^Iil CG. his friends- (BIOBj ffi^im

^ejf^Rcft, (TYd ularu-yaT.M. (?aej)n.v.Todry ^DOtfilranb aTJaroamb RC. helped; with Ace. &
QjOCSJ^o jiJ^tIo^o ^aifOJo OiOlDSng ajo§.o VyM, Loc. ^.ij©)f(3() aojfm 5)^069) CG. Q^nom e.'^
5)g_jDrm Q^g Pay.

^5(0) Nid.
VN. aojgj gladness, love B.

VN. ^ai oj dryness.

a. mal. acuCiTl (Vi . gcxjojl q. v.) : oQjSSBckxSS) a
fmlejo a. ^roj65Qo, ^'-uajl o^mosancab^gj
a.v. @.GJ«^cai (B. also g)ai(99<a)) to dry, air =
RC. inclination.

^aj(^ uvar (=&gj) vu. aoib T. M. (C. Te. Tu.

cmg Bhr, to reduce on the fire to proper
acO(b) Salt taste, brackishness.
giaLiro~l sea @.X)rolca)le4gg fai~lf02oaj RC.
^eJOCL^oft) ulavup T. M. (T. &ejD process-
&ajro3gj GP. = 06rroQi.
ion) V. n. 1. To take a walk ^oiscSa g). a hen
gJOJibaioell bufifalo-cows that prefer to lie in
to seek where to lay. (S^erraoQaiDQjnm qjIjiTI
salt water — aoanDGjlaimcai^ tftslan.
(Sich CG. majestic wave. n_iorta£LiD.iTlrr) orflroaD
acuibrnlejo brackish, barren soil. rgtg_
ojejl CG. clouds passing over earth (No. also
^ojibzsnb soil impregnated with salt, urine,
wrongly @.eJoci^.S) f. i. lalrib siajgg-oiaTlrai), @.'fi5ro)

&Qj(bo)aj@go salt water aoiba^cuggrsrailafibo

nbSQ_joc£n vu. has taken a walk). 2. to attain
esjoai (U)£\ MR. in ricefields, also (£h6i^o
jcolmo cf>.mi5eJD:ij~l, xijliT;ejo:ijo aej, (OiorraaiD
aaibgjalcaoraloosanoraiMR. when infectol
Qjlm jiiDcajrai RC. (=23@a). rgtc.
by brackish water. ^00^^
V. a. &eJO(tga)S) to take for a walk f. i. children,
[^33^ f^^,l

^QJD uva T. Fullness, M. @.ajoaj V1.2. mod.

^E^QJ uluva Ar. hulba. Fenugreek, Trigo-
nellafoeuum grsec. ^ejxK^io^iej a med.
^(^ UVVa So. (Te. ao umph, well xTo.-) Yes,

ejej^:^ = cco^d>, S.
yea = No. oto2(0) f. i. mraoj^sis ^(Ssnso — &(y
^^^ ^-^ ^^^ ^^^
(OPP- ffigj)-
^e^QJDOfb uluvail Ar. luban Frankincense
^C/SnOorv) usanas S. sukra, planet Venus.
^ej ce^o ulu'jfam s. (l. uiuia) Owi pt.
^C/dlfQo usiram S.i:=foo55^oCuscus grass Q_<ji\
^e^euGJo ulukhalam s.^araraf, cc.
rao£l (SejcuTio VetC.
^6^^ — see ^ejc22^
^r£r^ USa, & ^cgDCro S. {\r^-&r,L.uro) Dawn.
^^ ulp S. Meteor, firebrand.
@.ce2 8aioeJ:i22!, ^aiiaol in the morning.
[for the other Q_q^ — ^^ — aej see acsti — denV. dawn
g)5):fijoe6) to @.ff),-fi3cesSaiiDc)D, a
gaJo^^OOo ullailghanam S. (^ralj) Over- a Q3C&30 OjlalCCQ Bhr. ^a)^<£B> Vl.
stepping (rO(2^3^oaai(T)o S)^l(g)^UR.
^ca[^aDoUsidamS.(aj^u)Fixed = .rr)lc®ua;oVi.
^ej OOrOo S. Exultation, g.'60i3|.o aosl co ^(c^o UStram S. Camel (Ved. bull).
ial_oi CrArj. his spirits forsook him. g^gjormo
g) ((gi Sinu'oa'(mj^)sao3S! of a people,
(SjiJ* (anmajft RC. gay; so: [cheerful.— ^r^o USnam S. (^.^bum) l.Heat. 2. hot cry
g,^oauc;3Dejl SiPu. ^^oooc/aoejlrnl fem. Nal.
•^rh qQ)'® a^ SifonnosulrtsnDaejo Arb. heating.
denV. ^gjcrulcsm to be delighted, expand. &T93nDDtpl<9) see fnQj(SaD.-a3o.
part, ^gjcruloio.

^(jejDaJo S. Surge, wave. denV. g)^nlo9s) to be hot. g.'^ si^onmDnb ajl

gojaeffi, rrrd uvakka 5.(\/"&.) i. To jump ma2;o @so55ra) Mud. g.':^ cn^cm cooorcmo
up, exult (S^^ 0D^rnlQj(b aajga RC. 2. to Bhr.
^gcQs ^bo 145

^^Inffio S. turban, diadem. &. c^coiow ^-b^ ^ix)^ aj«535^(S<9) gg^KU. must. sanoaslcaStoi

smo CG, Bhr, 2.2^ I only looked, aflnfasirnls.ucom^ g.@^Nal.

^^ce3 ula-yu & ^&CLj A chief guard, prime adj. part, ggg (old ga f.i. >avaJ<3jjaojQ,(i^ RC.)
in (3itO)Ci^cU3jj0crooVi. warding off a blow. © 1. existing, true, real. gg23-iSC?° according

a<3i 5).'U§lc2;ooiO <Sisao 5)ajsl prov. to truth, gggoioionrroo'Oigj — gggznlcrra

^^CQ^dSi ulayup (T. to suffer a dragging pain ooacaal^ — g.@g>'!3Tz»lu)nbo ggglrai) gQ^r^orcj

— Winsl.) Qjotp Q^rrn^aj ^acaSg-josicaa RC. ig-oiaaJcaJDoaggg phil. ggg^ cLjoeimsD^

^6^^<^i 1, (a T. sounding, writhing) <9)y<S) prov.gggin ©^oroiO-SsoBhr. gggrroo, gSgg

(S^Dfol galgraacai^KSl RC. 2. to play at SSv-sraioao thro' life. 2. in which, to which
tennis Vi. there is. enjliSlo^gg sensible, ojrosacati^

^%qcB=, 6] (& mrs) ularu'ya T. M. Babbie, @g;sa)Oaiasm<b, Q_?fgiS«c>DcS®@a <9)So, acmii

indistinct noise, as in stomach. c3« (5t3iJSiO'j3^@g noD5 (ST3:s2;S5) Bhr. to give


6)^CLjjulava i. = aa<93. 2. vn. ofac>3=g,arrt), it up to those, who have a claim on it.

3. often auxiliary. ogoocaTlfOo qc:^c&>c)3Sai3

^^1 uli 5. (V^acX)? entering) Chisel, burin (see

astssal) a.roj^ broad ch., (ifi\asiSi£^ scoop, j^Tl a^gS .nfd:cs)o KR. crccra'cnl ajgjosraigigg oro

gjalplancaalsiaooni ous^l ^^flsroi^oidJ-ochVi. OTOOQ-io, 6)^3^0g@g cQiLQ Bhr. QJfOBBI'al^

aalcs^d), sroi^ saooifiai}) So. to stoop, peepVi. 03 iQioroemo, QjfD3xiDaa33, cro3Co:rol; ramcrn

No. jijo^5ituj1 etc. (Saiiajs curai^ojib a'si^ig) ^iTsroisral giggojcruQ (Sa_jOa)ej Mud. as when
(Sm3:flsn-ra (=a)5n6aliplcaj)); ojocnjiab 6^(i_)3 a mother has died.

asTsTlfai etc. g.a'Sajanb fut. part, as: (o_)36mc2Jo g.S.<Sajonb

@.a^caog(b (T. ^gl32;o=(airosl) oiajrolcro^rtb ChVr. those in whom love arises.

N. pr. a famous low caste sage called g.^^ aggxinb 1. relation, a>3ro6n").ijn{). 2. rich g'

fljra^ab KN.
g^oeei, .-^ ulukka (T. to writhe, Te. to start j To Suemo prov.

start, be unnerved g.f-S^2vT_iDA; &§.K^ tS^aiJ

VN. gg.aj 1. coming into existence. g.§.CLi33j

(also g.aoo3©i, gara3<Qi Bhr.) to be born.

g.^gj 1. shamefacedness; &, 6ii>.§c:^3i = (mo (3Taaj(-rrog.Qj33i"lgj = (2ft5i3cTnl§lgj. ga^jocoa

STDo 5)3i.; a^gJl^D si'J) Impudent (i= ^.ajl.-oi = g5rg3cS®; QjlcajsoBcb Q^gjoo gaaJOtS«l

al^). 2. feeling; ^. o^aiSSn-iDcdJl become i^cmo CC. 2. tier, turn, (gT3)'ija3j"lra!) then

callous. — 2.'<2ce5)§ loss of 1 & 2. V2. ga^Tlo o_i3ajo (=^05 woof) stones laid

a§.(Ss)rali T. M. C. Tu. a sprain. crossway above each other.

(T.) to be dislocated,
g^(fie<i>> tSsH (graiJc)33s)
^§^ ullu g.c>3 5. 1. Inside (Tu. C. ac)3 Te. s^ejo),

o^ooo ^oaj^oa^tfn§§.c9rn carolraojo VetC. whatever is inside. a@232J3a'u^i5§2 <^'^<^

@,§.ceal5)iPd0a to set a dislocated joint. 6)ai3§K23TR. as much as they had. raraxiaa

£f.c9s(T.)&£^d3sioNo. = a|.dtefal. [moth. @g33insg@gi5/).^Tld3s)f332TR. inmost thought.

^^CYlJ ulumbu (T. gi|. wood-worm) No. A grain- g.S)@g3<^c9a(mAnj. fascinating. gcbSaJfOJo a-.s

@Oo ul 5. (V^g..) To be within, be there, exist, qSiCBOibCG. dear to the heart, ecoajoiim g
whence g.^^ <!• v ; ggig 2nd fut. f. i. rQio.xicb gglrai) {Si2)£al Bhg. ma.le his heart God's abode,

fflojOQ,®! auDq|i5iS'D0!Tb Bhr. from her was set it on him. 2. it serves as Loc. ca'ej 6)5)<9)

born S.; Often with qqj. — <s^al®c2' £@g .©isrel cs^c>D Q^nral RC. (S3-D3i§c9agglfi)'> ia>cao'. fsra

s^gjBhr. it is but a report. ^oajS«j) g@a I staij alajcrunsra^rai) gggirab within (=(QTaS)o) igta

shall surely die. 6)<S)3S^ ggaTP. (ftzaon^oang

14C ^^1- )y>a

g^ggo (& g)ggQ)o) 1. inside @.'ojo clJOOJo rml liable. <fl!g.o cr)lai3-Dra)c0«ck)5)(i_is MR. m<o

rolerorgi oolnrra TP. turned right & left. 2. (gal m2Ego)5 rf>,g-i3)cr)ce« a.c>D5)o_js@ TR.
mind, esp. 'Oilraa^iggo king's heart, a' belongs to. rnlis^ tail calrab ac)o5)a_i§ ajono
(Oioilraii QgjQa or o_iOQ,a)a thought to rise, subject to taxation. (BTaaj5)nbo <B)D^60Bcb

think. g.\Dra)lral) q^oq, c- to convey a thought, BdteO^o g)ajld)S ^\'S)0<a>rm TR. ^.dosi^s,
speak. ec)og_j«s inclusively (doc.) i^roirat) g).c)3g_j(2s

Cpds. @.®sn20,-iOo CC. deep-seated lust. including a sum.

aig'Sio see under (Siasio. gLdo6)Q_j§ti^<t>. to cause to be in c/a^cefiaoTlrafc

geaffiporab sole, @.@go)5)a3j palm. a'toiraiDnb MR. (sraxisifo calo^aftotasi gchsio-j^

aggo closet, division in a box, asTaitjiaces) ffjroig/l^ijlgj jud. subject to punish-

aeaolaj inward knowledge. ment, (saojsicn {^sl (gra.x)<9)0c/al aQmo cro

ggaotOa Vi. roar of bear g^' cSiTl^B'. aaroTl^ gcX)5)g_j§rDio7lfolrrD TR. managed
g@ao5iT6 a hunter tribe at the base of the the property with him.

Cochin Ghauts, a- S-aiaoiiibo (sraxicTUD gLc)o(Sg_jsl ci^sn^ CG. alarmed.

prov. hence @30Qjgg3Sn6 a bird Scolopax. g).c)o5)gLjonac>a hidden meaning.

g.@gogi nb 1 . a caste of rice-measurers in Calicut, g).cX)Sg_jO(b grudge = g.c)oa_ia).

a_i@al£j3a23it. 2. = a^3snb. g.G\>35njDCOo consciousness; conviction.

g g3 fro a9s)o devouring grief. ^'iBiffilnrrD .aTiailOTO @.c>3S)ajs deceit.

gD^ prov. (=^ggiPra'), at>o=gA§ Bhr.) ^g^uiliS. (V'^ado) 1. Onion, oroofmgal (& J\
g gaea saajo Bhg.
sincerity. era. Vi.) also _ajloQ,ggl, (DOS — ;
garlic 5).u

g^ggp Allium sativum. Other kinds oddoo g.;

a@grol B. soft inner skin. 0(jmg_josa3=:cnlfragg^ onion; aiD=@^, <ftO(TO)

a.c>3cSsisrrb eye of mind g.chne«ffl^3sna0DQ KeiN. 6ST3 g. Pancratium ceylanicum. 2. a sand-

g.c)o£S6)CDo courage = g.'^ctofS^'^M!- &• "^S "S'


resroi^ Bhr. ^iP ula T. 1. Place esp. about a king (V'^gy?)

g.o\3ce5ifDc>3 Mud. Q_ch<36)06m, {& gcbcSiKorm ) g.

2. gyaj q. V. [royalty,

cbasizaio, Bhr. mind. gyaiajo Vi. insignia & paraphernalia of

^ckxS&osfno Vi. ^c>o2citootp B. bribe. g.iFajoa'Tl'ai) B. gate.

g.chifia«sm3, g.cXj.-maa'fb mind. g^a^aonti porcine deer = cy.-iMi-aio diet,

g.c)35)51c9a help. §.. 51i).0§OT3 a-@g5)Cr)a^lQ,.'I513)l ^y^o ulamSo.(g)y3) Hill-land, CLiltivated,orgtf2ga.

02;orol) TR. lent assistance. ^^m^, mrz) alakka T. M. To be wearied; des-

g.c)oS)ds)0c>3iQi to put on, have, (Baoao, ecmo, s)5)co pair Q^(ra)rf)3c>o (gT3Lfg-j:§li-3b ojlsmsijgtfcSaarra)

^o e.C>3Qc9®D5ng.

g.cX>^(nn cnl6)moeacs^o Bhg. trick, feint.

etc. (see @.55iPi9n & @.y>ejei).

^do^apral mischievous joy.

VN. giPgisrgosicalgj no trouble.

&c>oo_ica) grudge, resentment. ^\P(W> ulakku T. M. 1 Nali, or 2 (ST3)tp<Ba; <^

acbcij<asi to enter all§lf<3i) ach-ijcfiQ PT. cpc93 =3 g. In boiling @.^Pci3j)D«^c95iDte«l MM.>a^ mind acXsg-l^-'ai cul^esg.xinb Bhr. gyJiSsyma amed. prh. from:

g.cbsig_j§a5 5. (=t3Taa-.o)gj'^a>) to get into, ^^65^ Vi. 2. Empty cocoanut, husk of cocoa-

meddle with, partake in fBTfa'ornsi) @.'§ ^'^ nut; box made from cocoanut shell.

soQcb TR. adherents. tDiOJ^ca^rat) g.. was g.yce«n6,ija Vi. striped bracelet = ajlfQ)a2;n6.
concerned in, cySlaaiccylfol) g. MR. became ^tfO) see ^^.
^tPno^ — ^ifl 147 ^tflS'fBYO) — ^^065
^y>(n^ 061, ulambu-ya gtfa_Jd95 (loc.) To hasten, ^tfl6Y?ra) ulinna T. M.= ^(ogajigl. Used for
hurry. Soma sacrifices; Cissus pedata, Cardiospermum

^tPCQ^c©? ulayup (g.y = @.y'Qj labor T.?) To halicacabum or Sapiodus laurifolius (see OJ

labor (ZO£t.^{d\i g5yc%o i50r^cn5m6O3ck>RCii4. (Sasio) Rh. g'oicSsiDsl, g'sojib amed.

^0iPc06)T. 1. to work hard, labor, (graxinrosioj gtPl 917^5) fTib ulinnal \l.=:&'06m'^1il.A swing;
also gylsKn2)3fati. 2. swinging bed = n(aiD^f3l);
ror3)3<b RC. 2. to roll on the ground (= compared with earrings 5)a_iofnDyl5rai2)Dfai) 6).too

gifd)). 3. to be inclined to vomit 0cr) y^o <955TnjL>ejo, S)ajD.Tro'ilsrora)D32.ejo tS^srnaD^cm

^o CC.
VN. &if^ 1. labour. 2. nausea.
I. ^tflcQ^ ofti TlliyU'ya T. M. 1. To rub, stroke, em-
^tfQd65, 61 ularU'ya (Te.arosl)Tobeiuhurry KTJ. Tamuri's shampooing.
brocate. aLjC2,'Q,yl it'.

ajD'-oTlnA @.tPol gocBsi SiPu. fsrgjfojo gjyoocdTlnb

2. to scrape; polish round bodies; ajsl, ojleiy^
Bhg. all quiet ! gjyolsi^mD Bhr. Ti. g)yol
<9i KU. the work of AmbucoUan. 3. to pass
(ffro^moyinb RC. g)yola_jOcQ) to utter rapidly.
rice & other articles over the chest & throw
oQch S)^?ij^6hch gjSgjocb arrnlnr7DyQ,rrra Bhr.
it with the sins transferred to it into the
itch for something.
(ftroirtjTl (superst.) gylsroro)D§^, g.ylsroroi -aio^
VN. ^yoQ, haste, agitation =6T2J.S^)ojo§, g.y
Scnjocb 5)a-jQ,(2(fia5n^ prov. esjfOo ojlejl g.yl
(2ooD§ i^5)S (BTO^nsiaartb AR. ^lijrol^y
erow) c/3 0ln?ljyoa6 Mud. (3CO0aJ.arao g.. CG.
g.yZ2fflgi§(ei Vi. to hurry. [(S00D2IS Bhr.
as remedy. This ceremony is gyl^fcl) met.
ayoQ,ei 1. B. to urge on. 2. T.= g^yejlc95).
6T3)0Tb aigjylsTOT^I have foresworn never to do
^tpe^ce^, onra ulalu-ya t.m. Tu. 1. (^.ajyfA)
etc. 4. to touch slightly, as wind, regard-
To rove, ramble, err about, (3a_jsl^ynDS!5igo
bJjiicraDzrogjajylffiurojoejo (srajsl^ &>o(soooq,
^ssigo cusm Nal. gcmzoo (SwosrnI fnlrrrolg
Bhr. e>aToy^5>i)iffl)(3i rnlosTl^saly^a^^nrafal) o^Qio
g.yG4rm'g KR. gcosi'sia rnlg.fBK51rasrota)yrrra
eng, og)<srBral) amoyisazjsmo (sroribSajD^ CG.
Bhr. jiTifcrao g^ynmcjsimgi KeiN. 5)jiJDgj&c>3 g.
aismgma)a)05n|ipl6raig) CG.=: aisoafulcSs).
yaTO<Sa_jooVCh. -wandering. 2. to be fatigued,
CV. giFlcsirit95) = @.^c93 OjlslgjIoSS).
perplexed (=@^y<fl5)) ^i-ni^ssracb oaSfmo^ onl

g.'(Tng) TP. nurse indefatigably. tOierroeiosnza'Tb

II. gtPlcQ^d63 = ^alcQ^o95 (& gci^cs?^<ft), .aej^
ylcx^iSi To spit out after rinsing the mouth mo
Qjc;30gjosioro)yrrra Nal. (BTSUcb aomoruo @.y
(S^oQ,yl5roiBi TP.
nrrornlma CG. like a leaf in the breeze. qqctoO

m\rh dJiDrosTDo ng)moy(monb CG. asked himself ^^dft., ^ ulu'ya T. M. (C. Tu. gib, g^) To plough,
airalaDsiSiOdng .aiynnlaindji gy^ CG. gy^@@a
doubtingly. ^fDjajDcSijo gjena o^nrraocao^nin g.

yejo 0SmDSD.uo Kei N. definition of o'OoC'aca

ejiTio gyDS^TO KR. g25n205ira gowjo g^Stmso

[eoajm. &osmoo prov, cnlejo gy.-oil^i&ics^o fl.oit^ TR.

g^yai circular flaw in timber.
Qjlagy^^S-sroigMR. ploughed up the growing
VN. @.y^ f. i. a'c9si3fonb B. vagabond.

CV. gyejlaft to vex Qg)5)rm asyeTl^ocX) Brhra. rice; metaph. aamoajoo iSisrso ajl.'OioajSBgy

^tpcu, see g^. @ Anj. [.uoal-sncq^o TP,

@iPl uli (T. side, C. state) 1. Circumstances, in CV. gyoTlcSs) (vu. gylazHiSji) -Uisrgo gylctocsj^o

gyl ^oensiS) to inquire from the astrologer =i'a-) VN. I. gy in gysig-joa* furrow, gysigjoglcan^

OB o 6>x)ces). 2. thin rafter of bamboos & <sh to plough V1.2. — No. also gy^Df3l) =
Kalungu between the larger wood- & Tennu- gyoj ^arab.

rafters gylcojo ouoso^o (SjiIcSs. 3. falling II. gyic^ in gy>-!ji(slso.

roots of fig tree B. — (SiQejyl Palg. III. gyoj 1. tillage, also a.y0 Vi.
— ^fOd9ffl 148 ^ffCTft — ^^%
^irocesiofonb Va. farmer. Also @.<P32;ajnt) the best of it by sowing grains & (nranrragrn'aQ

VyM. cultivator (opp.jjscszjajrtb landlord). aiOTQch. The owner's share' is called gJiPajD

g.tPOL)0;a) to be ploughed. fOo & consists in j^

of the rice crop (oQSi^ocm)

&y>ajoa«), essfocea to prepare land for sowing. & some select fruits (SroioscSsai).

g^mra ulunnu (T. ay^C.Te. Tu. ^g) Pha-

2. a piece of ground assigned for temporary seolus radiatus, kidney bean, used for n-jQ_i

use(a_iocnj3year8, c&isrgol year). The owner So. g^yrrra ojlaoTls MR. g^jf o-ron_)ai(b GP. —
reserves to himself the right of planting the a.osymo Phas. maiiraus, Rh. med. root GP.

4 g,SQa;o, leaving the g)LPa^<0>oront) to make ^ff)tfde& see ^tpco^ces.

^"Dc&iDfDo U'yaram S. The sound & letter ^-o ^f^^QJOOfb ujivail S. (ajj^)=2<s/a)XJorrf)

(cSiKSrmalcngicSioroo ^osfTDJo prov. see &<fl-.oroo) Having saidPT. [cr51c£yo ©(©^Sgjo (song).
^"S-i°*erj. [nb. see a^oii-' ^"^j^ uccu No. =rg26m, ^soiaoiuH — sraooao

^")£)&0(^C^ ukkaran No. .aol ^ojaJlcSsonxi ^fTQgraUfTjfe unjal T. M. Te. ^rosrorajoral V2. (=2ipl

^")<m> ukku T. M. (T. Tu. C. height, fr. \/"@) 6roTO)orol) A swing, gj'ostairai) <£hglrai) swinging cot.

= 2% 1- Strength, exertion ^QcBsjcSlcsz/OSi'm ^ gfQgraigjogjggl Acacia digitata Rh.

ialtfflool) prov. gfoScesio^asngoTO, gifotScSsiQiO roo @'06t3)Jf3i) (Sif2)§<9) to swing, old gi'oca'raii (T. ^0
caaicrunb AR. gfocSisga aannbBhr. caoaajnao

roirai) (Oicn2)ceis)1o)(D t&Dgl CG. used his force Qj^p^ @D3<ftcTro sS\0(Qi RC. with Ace. csas
against the Y. g)'oc93 S'jajoiple^srai^oraj ajlfTr)C2;o ^g.0 e'o'go oraaioumnb RC.
CG. f!>(23c9s)1rrro, 1^01^(95^1-03 ^ycSa jiiagooo a ^fD§ udu T. M. (a§=:acb) 1. Inside. goSfSI
roa\51 TP. 2. iron point of a top Vi. (S6roiS)6ioaiQJoaiilc9is)0ajVi. the drift. arDSO^Tl qj
gfoaflo id. S):iJSlc9ja)S a'0<fl«5)(S)D5n| (SaiOg £ od), <2moi95i, (Sc93c)ocesi to communicate a secret,

watch, listen curiously. a'osDcs^, ^'^^^ ^i^
^fDceanb strong 02jnriyc9s)(gg.c9«oc>a e-o. CG. cjiiDcail having a previous understanding.
Kama. afDcSsiib ajiploi'OtaiQJOQ RC. so as 2. place between, through. (HTDJsa^ by that way,
not to be blamed by the brave. all over. time, turn, resrg^
there; 15^50 3.

^fiQcets^, (^ ukka (T. C. ga^cesi S. ^caai) 1. To twice. [cs^o o_ioajo.

spill, shed gjoeoigl c3igl_Q\ c^Bhg. an elephant. Hence: ^'35 T. M. the woof, cross thread gfos
Chiefly of blood in battle ojcne^G^ RC. (ffracu a<oS5 adv. 1. inside, gnjas ooroo o)<9)0jn|KR.

caajssgch raraof^cQarm (3-iiiofo aancesaoro Bhr. aQjcnaiSsajio ofOocoarat (i_jCSiiD:nT3)oajo gepgo

2. to perform the morninglibation, vu. gjfoces^ipl csiTl Bhg. in my heart. sfoJs toilrosroi^ Bhr.

e9s);fromInf. ^'Oc8aasj5ajOa2i5msinbO(9)g1(S^o&o to seek closely (or all over), csoojocuo Q<j;nrnl

cssics^ocftiplg^-ajKU. (Q^oeejasa^-^K^KN. oru (Scoi cocDo atJiSS o_io1c9is VCh. secretly.

2. through. (ST2)Siot730D^(mg5)5 KU. through

fcfnaT)D5)<g^osn|(SS)0f5lBhr. — met. of the breeze the air. ^'o'SS<S(xjo&i to pass through the

5)a_ioigi,calro>) (grgjOfxira?) (oinb o^sxniosl afOR^CG. house. caiosSSo-JOC32;Ooprov.CL zoy^(S\oi\n^^'o

3. to vomit 6iOd95)Drnl(S^os) a'3o96)(J®S65i3lcno(b (Sscs^o <S ^o(D QJOTo Nid. a'D(SSQjlc»c&s>AR. all

^eng <2j^oq,o CG, over, thoroughly. (sraocosJBasJS ^cu &if\

^OQS 149 ^fDOJieo — ^"^^^pf^^

cBinop nogsioOsi^oo Bhr. we oan pass these @5lcffi5nf) a feast of Brahmans when closing

rings over our bodies, or the bodies through investigation into a breach of caste <SS3

them. 3. time raangiamsiss Bhr. n_jejcu rfvin siipl^5)aioc>3Uon<) (aj. KN.

(Ss V2. goiSS aoss <s-.5nglso Bhr. again & (S-aJjQ|5ms^cacrart)o first meal of an infant (jud.)

gfosoioj real, thorough Icnowledge. [again. arost^oront), gfoernl great eater, gfosrnla^cXicaa

goSD^ca, to pass through, as wind, waves ; be foemo oQcno (S<0iSDra') Bhr.

loose, flabby. (Stdj^so^o a)DSDai3 anarsniib @<T)rvJl5o udham S. (part, qjod) l. Carried. In

^Q. mo53(&io prov. (sranainbo ajlslfiA goso adv. gJOoicSaoao, g'orucStiis^ -^I^- joyfully,

SOtnroinjnb unacquainted with him. mournfully, gocucoso (SoJoroostsgo CG. goow^

<&>oo(^S — a draught; to be airy. [insight. a_i0ocr)0oa2; qj^ooo Bhr. a reproach.

VN. g.'oso^o passing through, frequenting, 2. married, ^<0(xis a wife.

gfOSOSTTTl B. loose nail. ©fDfTD.Tjb u6al (C. Te. ^r:}^-a) = ^Kirm) Wooden
gosDcal (loc.) = tsira):£?;cuc9«-ara^. posts in a hedge for the passage of men qo
grj^cnsces) to pierce, enjoemsjiach RC. aiStS« prov.

^fo^fuc^ 1. through orasD^ao aioj^^sis co^^ti

gnr)rc9l u6i S.(V^(5i3;ij) Enjoyment, exertion, (TO

(Ojg.sroisrirDloaso. g'o^fxj:^ aiDsmao a med.

rLiarQj^otDo foi(Tnlrai)a'0'm*a>c>3«^Dgjo)gJ^Bhg7.
2, all over m^cn rnlaOTal(alrtrtai§a_)o<SSD
^fO^dSi, af)\ u6u-ya 5. (Te. Tu. also a-ona) 1.
(Sracalcal Bhg. crCfyOaCOo gg. 65ro3'Sa_l051GJ
To blow as fire, wind instrument gogo .fljiPro?)

uniformly stout. 3. knowledge, practice.

flute, 000)0 gQ., 0'{T^^., ejo-Tl^g'Q' to blow
eo^o-jotoi So. & Palg. gro^ojtpl M. (grj^tSn-jO
away diseases, hiss (cul,a3fOTalnrtg)g<S)
ce<8) cross path, intricate bypath.
(superst.)— a'otRlceff.'Tltfjsitorefiue, as (Oi©) -Nal.

^")^ Uttu T. M.C. {^osnb) 1. Giving rice, esp.

g-Dml <0^tplc9s0g<Scnj<3^@g 0OOQ, CS. (=(S'y80a31
to Brahmans go. <Sca^§ ti_is(b prov. a-o^lrrro
000-^); also afOcassinjgglcqjo oj-oiaotSso s'^S*^
Q-JOff)g_jS @§oSiPu. gOg (05)0^^ Ai'I^cBSi
rnTlTro SI ^ejojTR. to melt bullion, e^nb a'S@'9i
Mud. a high officer's duty. gDgjsOBcXi Stddqo
(with m-e^a^yrsl) by blowing pellets & small
msrm afoglejo i'SiTg ojcru^lcSis) Bhr. live on
arrows). 2. to puff, be puffed up, swell.
charity. 2. welding iron, degree of ignition
go^aigl T. = 0OOQ§g 5)aj@al silver of the
required for steel; metaph. (Hiaajob ongj go
purest kind (Rs. 30 are said to contain
§trai) a^cm born most auspiciously.
Rs.29 a^o.)
a'OS<a'0(b cooks.
a'0fai5)nt>oalono a swelling of children's bodies.
gtjgojro place where Brahmans are fed for
CV. aofdilefloi (0(5]^^«)9lc9s) etc.)
3 days etc. ojsneioib ga <Scno<as)\ a-.c32JQ,o TP.
VN. ^oa^ 1. blowing ^^^^(aitPrali pipe, tube
gtosisiMcUZirru Jo fund set apart for that charity.
(cn_ai<S3iPf3!)), blowpipe, a-omalnrro cuocstl.
gfosai, §1 T- M. 1. to feed, feast GodsA Brah-
2. hissing. a'O'Oi^i^tTTD Qj0j^sl32jnb hunting
mans; with Dat. oQ^olsraDroDcbcesog'DglTP.
name of snakes. 3. swelling greatness
2. to temper iron "Vi.==qtS<8 0>; 3. No. to
ao. S)dis®o_jo:£ri he is dishonored, ^oc^
steel tools (STg)<2JiCtJS0i35>a ©'osoj^nb ChYr.

for war. ajcQJonb potbelly.

CV. g'oslasnmQjnb the feast giver; ^'O^gjonb aai5iaocnjl§t9(8 bladder &= -i^cJ^. [go. 2. filth.

Qj(^(Sh feast at first menstruation, @")'0YO^ utta T. M. 1. Fishing season (see S'onb)

VN. g'osnb (^srraai) food, boiled rice, meal. ao-TSvarai) a small fish Vi.

^QSirrao gOcSao atpltSsi to leave off; met. ^fiQUOprv^ udhaSSU S. (G. 'outhar) Udder g-o

ciJOcXjdJjsmotSscQ) Bhr, (=tg)rt>). CJUmjloToralgj'mascsiA KE.

£nr)poo — ^fonr^oft. 150 ^fDaJ — ^fDfO
^fDOOo unam S. l. insufficient co^ssca/al ©D Inf. ©fjom Ad^'S^'f aj55ro(S5) etc. to press hard

ooaocaTl (2fi_jo3il Anj. 2. -want, defect ^om with a style etc. = a'omTl.' [buildings).
6!3i3cb Qjrmofali go-joausrodj (S;ijsrr)o prov. go VN. gonmrab prop, stay. go. atflio^iSs) (to trees,

CDo oorrnloiai) ajrooo PT. without fail. (Sidj^j CV. grjarTicSsi f. i. mra'orisnBfai) a^oratxTirorod go
(cralcm 2'3. (^sos)ftn TR. without injury to rrnl-^ CG. put firmly.

the cause. crVtssed^tB^ Sbcb^o. curalihcdil^ shall gtonrra support, prop. fCT)6iaJc9s) g-orrroo n(&>D§«^
not suffer by it. (Sd>osa)d) gocn ZDQpjnrra AR. Bhr. @fD(Tro flje^eitSsicsQgj prov. gejcft^rmoo,

defences crumbling under the siege. ScronnD gej<Si6TOc>3 (^rrnlcrrao gonmjcsiilflmoroaajnf)

6njai6Di3cb a-onnaD^P eajlcesi Sk. destroyed. RC. (Rama) ^siroionrroo a-onrnDcSaOBg RC,
3. flaw as in timber, cloth, etc. gorrraaioronb B. boatman.

©"om^^ B. offensive language. gonnosiD'^, — (feool a fixed post, stake.

@'om«j) maim, hurt, blemish, also ^omaocDo. gfomaStftorab staff, stilts, crutches.

^f^lg-J uppu (T. gr) = a'ont)) Flesh, the 18 pieces

g'omrtb maimed, lame. into which sportsmen divide their game a_jfaO

&'3mo)g_j^ai to be hurt. eraiDfib ejlejDajosrotg)

SimsoJ huntg. 5)5)d>)C5j/oi, •3)ti^.,i^crroi,,oS^cna).

(oTl.TD gj'omSigj^ <Sd>,iPo20o CG. wounded foreleg, hindleg, etc. gogLjSSsoB oj^sl^ seized

^y ^ j°^e- [TR. blinded her. by the chest, disarmed. [children) So.

g.'omoQjf03ti23)d^ to hurt, destroy. a^6m gg. (oroil
©nojlsl a-ogcS) Vi. to frighten, threaten (as
gomojIocaraTl (L. undeviginti) 19. (po.) gfOgJ B. a very small fish; g-og-j'sralrol B. a
^fr)nO)c66> unikka^sm^cflffiS. To arise, shoot, trifle.

appear ^06rr>AuCBo .oiiCQ^ci^aao raisjaa'fal)

^(DaOfb umail T. M. C. l. Dumb. stupid =
©Qonljyl^ S)S).uaio Mud. s^ruognb. goarolfiAsi^'DstiTtginb orcqlietonb prov.
^'Dob uh (T. Te. all kind of flesh) 1. Gums — also gj^a, which is likewise fem., as goz
a'onyirrra o^o(f^gg ojgj prov. ©ortb tftcggs)
^. 2. (={ganfe, ^(9inb) owl. 3. gQanb a
toothache. gJoSriirol) i^sia^ '^"'03 Sojosiai CG. ejib parched rice, g-a. Qjlc^oe,^d) GP.
like a gumboil. 2. proud flesh B., roots of

nails T. M.
6)'DrQ^d&> umbu'ya = ^'ocnj!9i To suck, eat

^"DOnr?icfti uililU-ya Te. M. (T. ^'o-6q,Ta.C. g-o (ffraaj§5)5 gccHib gfocruloicSiosng eflojooo asn|

fOs) V^£Q. 1. To be fixed, firm Saj^rrnl Bhr. — loc. coitus.

©ralcSffl well rooted. ©onTTl 'Scno<m£n, <2e-.c>3c9si ^ocma^ a certain pollen or dust on fading

— ©OQ,V2. ijniipsmfrnlsiajces, to plant bulbs, roo flowers, ©"o. g06roi®ls i^crS^ acasmgrn (ST3)

arnl.-Dii am^nrao KR. love him alone. 2. to oiifolj CG. (ST3)CTxiSaj ofl Q^trolcngjoxjejostm^

lean, rest, rely upon 2'omTls)^o<:>a(&i; aiyxScesiorob @S6!3bI contract at daybreak?

gfonrnl (feK^a^ (boatmen), aislcs^aDcaTlg'orrnla-jl e)":)CQJci^ uyal=g'05t3Uf(A RC.

sl:^, ftnggojlfcrai) gtorml (ga_iDif>) walkon tiptoe. ©f^COTl uyi interj. of pain siojsloisiosre gocaH

aoTTld) ©fDfrnlno ruoassQch CG. ©ocrnl mscsa oQcm n_i05rarai MR. eroccO oiBoa^aJ TP.

to walk with a stick, or carefully. — Vishnu's g-ocailc&ioroo, gooiioroo loud noise, confused

«nl«sao(y^f3i) gjorrroo rnlroDanai RC. STta. ©o voices = (^ooofOo.

fm' tuoiiilcBs',, ajocflai gomoiSi to spell through, ^"Drt) ura (S. @>3ro3?) Hinder part of thigh,
read laboriously, a'orrnl aTl(f3o_ian Vi. contem- buttocks, ham. gogjo gona^o aTlso (huntg.)
plation, rmnb o_ioasDT35)g. gcXjtSsiosrnlrcii) ©idctttI

(dIoto CG. meditated. caDo prov. oic'3'OJincefflOST!jra)orat) 2'ofOonoQ|<S<0i gga.

^"i(bo ^(^^f^'^ 151 ^"^h- )"^(tU_\o

aoro <Sit3it»^ oj^yai V2. animals to fall on their ©'D^ ur 5. (\;^a'3.Tro or aforaa^) 1. Village, town,
haunches. al8O = ^^D0o (in >D)5rnog(b, jijloq,* etc.)

g.'Droff)(QDO§.a^ Vi. joint of thighbone.

2. parish (=(aio) gfooso i^c^oaajo state & church.
gfofocmoslnjaeul^ (ftgcSeejcOsn lapwing.
aorog ^sajfab (in title-deeds) of the parish M.
^"IfDo, uram ^"QfDOfb, ^"JfbdSho (loosening?
gfOfb (3i3.'^5TOra)ajsm SiDGJ aj03ricfi6iO:ijprov.

V^ g'0(03c&)) 1. Several Malvaceae, So. -^o

ggroD^fb patrons or founders of temples (oi
QjOjCsp.UrenasinuataRh.s^ nJCicufOoMelochia
(Q^), proprietors or managers of fanes (4

chorifolia, &1OSO0 Sida cordifolia, ojsfDo Sida
8), representatives of village (Sa.xjorO-io
rhomboidea; S)aj^ran6 Sida populifolia, &>o^
^'Dfooa.nb MR. aoroocb iil§ i^<ssio«ib 'iis;?^
o)aj. Hibiscus vitifolius. 2. 5):xj@g«)o V2. a
prov. gnsraoacbsa un\)_io atemplebelouging
fish, carapao. [(fr. @<o«s<e)).
to a village (Coch.)
^f^rotPl urali Loose rails, ^'orossm^ B. loose nail

= (gTaoc/f1 consent g'Ofoajra, aiofoag their office, EtoTlaiSio^g gfo.

©fDfOl 1- see mlimjral. 2. S.
a_j~siOTg)5)<aDc)oxiDnbTR. duty of a Brahman
{Q_'0C§\<3>({^cBS>). aJoraa_iossoB|.o Nal.

Tangal, ('OJ>-i3Tal<S6JcBs) a'oraoM^cSoio.'Ocb

^'UfZB uru S. Thigh, loins a'0i'D3c9)03mjU60B3o.

Qj mcq^TJilrolaoib (S%<Bicm> TR. o_igglQi^5)S

^'oroajiob, afofraeinb the Vaisya, born of

Brahman's thigh. g^fOfDom; Yi. ownership of a church.

@.'0(TSta--jScsi)3CO."> sodomy. gtoroogl, f. ^'^'^s^^eT' TP, 1. lower Sudra caste

aorranrgoeo lameness, g'ofOj.isiJDanjo a med. (a^co3i2Dab, <s>Sgjralnr)Dai(b No.) their work

I. ^fDrZ5)d&3, mr& urU'ya T. aM. To creep as aemsn^, cSiajsrnl. gioroo^id)® cutpli-oiiral^

snake Vi. ride. mscosoBMlrat ^'ocrroo cufomao @ (Sa_i35)ej prov. 2. a forest tribe W.
(2n_jonmgRC. Yishnu. ^'Ofra'Tn saga) i^cXa Yednt. 3. = grofObl predial slaves W.
reptiles. gforJl^y (T. ^o-Licn) reptiles Vi. Brahmans
g^ralSfiJ txjrol.iaa lower class of in

II. ^fDfOio65, (6] 1. T. M. To glide down, slip,

foorusmma^, who serve Subrahmanya KU.
crawl g)CTOlc95)3iOolcao'3^) ^'orolsojorjso prov,
(see i^g^S).

g^fo"! Qjl^rm jiDajmj KR. sijiifolg-jrolsa-iotfto

a'OcSai'Dl^ehlfai sparrow.
drop off. 2. (T. C. ^ob) to draw off or out,
gfoglinrnl tame pig.
unsheathe Qjodo aocgrcTl AR. t/aroi^fol aJTlsl-^^
QaJaal privileged building for the hunters
AR. ij/)aijOo Q-risl^ro^ KU. to take the leaves of a parish (afo'eilrat furrnlaiajsais MR.)
out of the string. (Si2o:r£\cQo OJ\a>i^fo^v^^ TP. to divide their game, gjg roioxiogliiA sn).

slipped on. (S:uQjrm n-js)raifla ^ocmcm aiy cruQoono.x)i&)Ocy3o gang hereditary guardian-
(SiS5)0raij tST^esai'o prov. 3. (= ^ro, jiral) to strip
ship of the same. rnl63Q5^a S'Ofbajgglgicrnl
off, flay, polish, cua &'^^ •''Qi^'Ss', vOJsl gi'0«scm

-aTlg-ja' (— gJiplcSJjSi). 0fDo o_lc51^eJC3gfOl (S(Q

TP. in your hunting district.
cxjjCU0O(0sn Bhr.
^f^^^iTDo urji5ain (^tosi—Q. 'orgao)
VN. g^foforai) — also friction (=: Q_(t>),

Vigorous gfOS^iOKrajn-infa CG,

aiD^aroo B. Palg. a sort of rake drawn by

oxen, ato^ Tjlb^dte to level the ricefield. g':)gnoo urnam S. (v^cuib) Wool.

gfo^ajajai a similar implement.

grosTnooD/^o also gfosromDi^ Bhg. spider.

2'0-2j0ocutpl narrow path through jungle. ^f^fUJJo urdhvam S. (OjUj) 1. High, tending

^^(TO^Bb urul (prh. fr. giocoo) A med. leaf upwards, as gioau jcooiil ;
godij-i'xua&so Nal.

ao^oii igol.^ fm§l^@ao(i3t3)naotSa ^smo GP 6I. enscnafomo g^'aDtSoil^tflaiSft Sil. too high

(or = 2i'0'MioOra)> if rubbed?) (=5)a_i3otoo). 2. met. beyond reach, success-

^^0^ — ^"^qd^ 152 ^"OOOo — ^")r£t\ OQJ

less Q_'0&V-i2iOVj\ 05n£l2g_j3aSo PT. Q,'0(SV^Z0 boiled, taoocroo oj^ksqI aoools Q^,§a«(m
cstlcgjocoTl So. = najQ,(2.m. [head BrhmP. 5)5)nnajcro Nid.

goialo-icijmTiio perpendicular mark on fore-

^fDOOo utt'am T.M. (a'oa6Q,=a'onrro) 1. Strength,
a-ooij-i-ijocs^, — c/a jocroo last breath, f. i. ^'O'^J-'-i power (ftDOolo^obo Q,'0. V2. gust of wind ^o'

c/a_io. ollci^snb g)'oau_iS£JOS)o coa^cSa KR. 0D32; S;Tj3iD.-aao KR. loud, — ojlsrocesio hard

also a^aojo QjELTltesi FT. to expire, ^n struggle, — s^macTuejo SG., — caltno KR. ^noo
oijcDo (sic.) Qjfrra oJlaso (Sooroo Stuti. (Sroocoo Anj. a-o'^siggaos 5)ti_irolaBjDOQ, KR.
g'oejj-isajaaio heaven, atfai (o-joojp etc. going a'oooao^n ojloaaTl VCh. 2.'o'''3i^rai) ctsry^^;

to heaven. also adv. 2^^<^o S)ajcalc6s) Anj. to eat plenty.

eooooQjlsl-Qjoaisl-QjoBhr. a'ot^oosialejnigo
^•Dnl-i urpu (afo* or a^a-J, acigJ?) Claim, right

a'o. S)£t'0^<S!Ss)'snscu.ib the chief person at a 033 <iyUj(S<a)3ejoaoaio SiPu. a'S^oo cuo^ to

marriage, hunt. boast, threaten, (ftoca; (sraslcmooo ^vt^ TR.

they feel themselves stronger, firmer. ^'SOOo

Q<^ci£\ urmi S. (.u* to roll) "VVave nnlib Gzsai
S)a_jro3:aia, a'3- siajoo, ^o'SiiZJ^o RC. mighty.
(20 snsej 3^2121 ^glfiA a_i:sromi CG.
Hence: g'oooanDo aOcraaOiTb KR5. mighty.
aoZZliQ) fingerring.
a'oooc9s)oronbid. aiooOdBsioraoo elc^3ali9'c)aCr.
^':)qce5, c51 uru-ya i. t. m. c. Te. aooj, To
mouth water
Arj. a'0OO(S5)0(bPT. the noble & wise, ^'3
spring, ooze cuaaj; goQiBi the to
oocesiOfOOTaTl a clever lady.
= Q_o<3st. 2. (C. Te. Tu. ©oolj) to sink into,

penetrate iao<saicai^oQ)Q,o 0dq„ fi_jDslro^OQ,Q,o a'ooOfOiJo (loc. a'oooosmo) great power, speci-

CG. tosink to the bottom, fic attribute of a Paradevata.

6)aioaBj 3. (V^aQ)
subside, settle ^cuglra?) q_'o6\ £f^s<Mcm, 5):u ^nOQJ75b uval & ^fi3tf«jt) ^^<0> To whistle (loc.)

@go aool gDralas)£§ Vi. let it settle.

^fDC/dCYD usail (prh.a'o^ = fTy-':>J^) 1. One who
£00 tanning matter a'05)nc9«l§a> (No. (^5)o has a sparing beard. 2. simpleton.
cBffll§c&) & SiOO g3. to tan.
a'oc/3cmoc35ricfe;ata> So. = OQlmjof0002c9s:, ooasrni

anjorali sediment, lees, dregs, precipitate a_i'^ QjltSS).

onA 10 consecutive starches, as of o-jDrat

aocaDOffiosI short beard, as ScftoaJoglmD MC.
i^foicQ® etc. med.
©'ocaDCTOOS^cSsiDibloc. the French.
aoo^osl, ©"socfloias^ 1. M. vsrarol <&>y<fiOcQ; s)aj
^fDcSao USam, ^fDc£nfDo S. (iS:^) Saline soil
@g'ni3)l(Saia'DOfai)= <&)Oini. q.v.(<0)O^(Sntp
g'o.-earosoru ^Scn cuoojlas) Anj.=acij(Ti'^ej(i@
e3DOTn(eisiO(b ajslcsao). 2. So. = (Si*as So.,
ajlo)faic95i a foolish attempt.
jijcBsi Palg., -ojcOfflomo No,
a'0:fi3ro<2fl&i(i2)o VilvP. a kind of temples to
aoci, aooQ, sediment etc.
which higher efficacy is ascribed than to
^fDOOcnjej) tarantula B. [tressed.
a<3Q SJ'fhS Sdjocsijl he is unsettled, dis-
^^.^cu)_io see ^")tfOfb.
a'ooci6)aj@ao= iSioslsiajggo.
^f^Dra^ OQJ USmaVTl & 6)"Dc£n S.(a c^ ) 1 . Heat
V. a. aooc^cQ) to pour out carefully, strain,
aOilc^sBS Cnliteo QjaB5),-3iaogjO Bhg. 2. a^
filter. S^DQ,. to take the water from the
cajOtSoich the sibilants (gram.) co, caa, cro, oO.
cooked rice,
Hence: elas^nbo ^.-oroio ^ot^zowcna CG.
gi'oool asngOiSs to make starch, arrowroot, etc.;

S'oool QQ§as5 to take butter out of buttermilk,

aOt^OlSliftOiT^ CG.

oil from the water in which oilseeds were a>3(^anb ardent cioanb ao. Nal.
^")aDo — ^enoo 153 ^fTDo

^")CiDo uham S. (\'^1. to push. 2. to observe) his turn came. (ftcSlsjajg-j'iflsfmg.'oipo. ^lotpo

Guess, conjecture, a* g.'a. <3a_iosiaj ojoa^oTO 03Q(&)to change turns. ^<o ^loip.-aralfal) mo
MR. I merely suggest. smleo ojlfolstnig aj«snrnl^TR. (=:coajy). a
a'OaDan (gfmDrrroa) Vi. to suspect. ©tprm^roi) sifiiDgjoo Mud. once. qQ)'® gj^toiPo

denV. g^ooDlcas) to guess, infer. lable. how often, rosr^ipo Vi. (=ajso, ajol).
^.'SoDlroio part, guessed; q_ooO,o Mud. guess- g.'otfo a3(Sj®i3i, g.'3tPOT3irol No. see (^(f o.
CV. (BTOg5)(Q)05r)g — Q^Gn3)aDlg_jl^0c)o VetC. by a^iPcb in So. M. chiefly servant of kings
that sign she indicated, led to infer. (doomed slave? fool?) ^o^cow) Sinioro lao

^"3g ula 1. T. M. C. (6io£l, ^a) To howl ^-oa i^DQjlnb coeimlc^o o§5)iPD^D onoo CG.
csD^cS). 2. T. So. rottenness, mucus. 3. bristle a^Ofiam-io (=^r)ip^aiJo) folly, shame, OT^.-ijlsiCBJ

= a'3u3nb. [wind. (^S)cm^o a'o. (STf5)Oj0a)fa> oiosobI CG.

©.foanb T. So. jackal, Q_'o^^jOoq, cold blowing a-otfrai Vi. dirt as of a plate (T. filth).

?3ca.'oanl (S0gj5 g.'DS^acflso Nid43. to bend? @.'0iPen§<9) = a'0-'i-if<3!) to whistle.

^'o£\ qQ'%<3si Vi.=:aoal howl of dog, jack- aw"! (T. lifetime; ^ifl place) T. M. 1. earth
al, chatter of monkey, cai^w^al og)§cqi3 (ST3)iFl^^o a'Diplcal»,rai) KU. asTnlmiDO^iPl
S)aj:^i^cTraajla'cS5)(huntg.)— ajfcsilra)) (srO) ajtfl^ (sooroo aolcul gj-H^ AR. ^'o<£)&^
em ^'Da'cang Vi. No. swam under water esial (ST^jLpl aiejdaigl Bhr. g.'oiplc/acyaDS) Si Pu 3.

(=(^a'; offlscasioejl <Sa_jo^, (^cSagi ^§:0i). thou moonlike man!=(g0lcaa -oJmta-jD

^'^iP ul (T. = ay)CLiral) destiny, old usage; C. Tu. canb. 2. world ^o^ oQ^o^o cn^s)ocm RC
Te.service)g.'oyj cSaoranb Undertaker of a lottery. 3.= aiPl2 rafters of i^a & -fryo^ placed
— ^<dii> Q-jOcnjDa2jl aiiScQaiTm MR. {=m(u^c^). between the stronger ones (loc.) g>oiplayo

a-oiPol. experience gj'S'i-JsrnliSn (Hraajcr) g.'cyo

@.o>Tg Vi. 2. turn of duty, g^oyals cufDOo PT. aotflc2;oT.SoM.Tu.C.(Te. arjojolcao) service.
by turns. 3. term. (73c/33TJn1cna)ipoiimD PT. a^iPlcsz^cesDronbT. So M. Palg.=(saj£Jc95)3fQnb.

^ In S. Tdbh. replaced by ^ros, gorol as Ojlos gsmaDOTiooj creditor.
raiJ^l, tanrolc2;o (ajforail, cpciDo); or dropped gas g5m(S0Ojiimo payment of debts.
Q_io, jxisoBai (Qi^so, (g)oai&i). InM. arriK^, ^(TTio r5am S. (L. ratus) Right, truth. 6)^®^
(ptma) for acyrolff^, cnlQ-aiB)^; (gTO0CBofi:5!3 = erno i^olajoKsol s^cu^.xi.ife g-oio VyM.= cruoijo
orag^; &s fsrai CG. = <af.n5r3). to swear.

^cea rkku, ^.OJ S. Verse (V'^oraiij".) Q^ S. 1. season, esp. of 2 mouths gg rao

gcgoo-iao the 1st Veda.
£306 spring, aoc^cmg in all seasons AR.
^ce^o rksam S. (G. arktos) 1. Bear, Ursa 2. menstruation, g.gajooz; ff"i-J§rra a girl of
minor. 2. constellation in general mmidiSaB^ age. sraiido Q!^vo?Zo (a-^aojl^ Bhr.
mo Bhg,
g3@o_i<9)jj influence of the diff"erent seasons

^^ U^ S- Straight, whence (gtSB^Uo; Q^ on one's health.

SSoDo Bhr. ^rtBc^(^UDa^o g^-mjo Q<])(Tnl
gSwbesides, except. OTigStw Bhg. without him.
oj KR. uprightness.
[g^^„ ^^^ pr„^._ g3T3ijl<S(, (\^gDS3) pi. hon. g.wjloSfflcb KR. &
p^errjo rnam S. (L. reus) Debt a^smo ^soejo gta)jl:ea(9',c>3 Bhg. family-priest.

^flJU]_ci^d96iae5 154 aq)m^S\~^(^

^fUj] rddhi S. ((Btacb) Prosperity, wealth, Ursa major is (TCajj|rol.fEn<S)d) Bhg7. s>oc/?io_inb

^g rbhu S. (clever) 3 deified artists.

Jr^D'So rsabham S. =ajiaiSo l. Bull, Taurus.

2. med. root eflojaxflassracXj GP. (= ^sajs^o). @ Bhgs.

^rml rsi S. (gjij?) Singer, sage. In 4 classes gfi3l®'^0(&f3)o an old saying,

(Sa.xicQal asNarada, (6a)a2latol, fooeacsal, 0nDc^. Q£c,o(^Zo AR. hermitage.

-- )
SY3 LI & SV^ Ll
are no Mai. letters. In alphabetical songs: sraogoal HNK. mantras such as lisma.

^(SsOv-ainb HNK. contemptible fool. 6T3)a)0fDo HNK. a mantram.

<m E (YE)
Is found in Tdbh's for w (og)anb), changes with Qjigj MR. 4, (C. Te. q®^) ©o^, izlnfe qq
initial © & @,(Q^Q,a3j, ©Q,a2j, &Qcnj), rarely itolSojocsiJ^ begin to smell.

with (sta (o®m, (siaism). VN. og)<asi(A (sand cast ashore by rivers "W. T.)

fi^ ye 5. Interr. pron. q^^sj oaJo Vi. "When? oQ) o^cSa irregularly globular; sand Vi.=:

g_j5l how? oaiSgjroao, oQq^^o etc. Q5)ces>frf), [doubt,

n^cftifDo yepram^accrao Height (vu.) C. Te. aQ<Bsi.^!Ss)o &— cSs T, M. confusion,

o^ceTlQ ye^ii'U T. M. (aQ<£\q,). l. Tooth, og^oe&^ceo To hiccough.

fang 5)a'D§a_i5^gj;S)lci RC. i^SrsTZDOOo o^dSslcb. Q®c9al§ 1. hiccough (M, Te. nD^cSo

S.) Q^asi^cftCS^o (S2DQ.ol(9sa^o ag)dtel§ qQ)§<^

sicaja^c^nnoej KR, ojcnjl-^nolnrro a-ig.5)srara)£nlci

cs^o MM. Q^tfls^s gys a.fosnnsoejo Anj.

CG. hence oj^rosiajanlonb RC, 2. B. wing. sobbing. 2. = a^c95)0 last breath aj03^o

n^ddeo ekkam igso i-m.-i^erno ngjcesilgca^o VCh.

T, Te, (to ascend) 1, Best time

for buying, hitting = vWcflsio ; o^arn QjlanDoglral) oQ^rst) engil Cond. of qQC^.

ag)<as)o (Sa_io5)ej TR, aQ<QT,{o-)£nO(ao = (sacmcm o^SS^t^ ennal T.M.=sra63Bcte, Our, we. Chiefly

@a Qjlej'ajaofOo. Q^o95)fi5K»lf3i! Qjoasi^-3) in the in obi. cases o^oiTneoBcbcaa (gfOiDTrarrra AR. ^

very nick of time. qQ. (SnoDdBsil^Si.xi^; onlajD3)5ns63ec>3 cnjaso twlan CG.; also Nom.

o<]). S)aJ:^Vi. last stage of disease, 2, turning o®63sc>3 jDo)aT)6!Ji33)rn croaso roTlasnra CG,

for fight. qQ)cS5)o g)§Bi to turn to charge again, ag)6g^ eflUU T, M, (\'^ qQ correl, ©Sisg, (sa

as cocks Vi esq) "Where?

ag)ffl5§o anywhere, everywhere. rgraonoalrtA

ag)o96^§, a^ce<f]6o see foil.

aQSs^o crfl cuornlgj TP, on none of those days.

ag)ce6iae3^ ceeTl ekku-ya l. T. So, To come up,
stand on tiptoe. 2, T,M. to contract the stomach o^sraooso anywhere roiocaMra!) 0^)6580030 ans
cucaJQiO aQasH (SjO§1 TP. showed an empty sto- ofViDaJo siplg^tea TR. cnDs^oA o^sraocrao

mach. o_i^ Q^t95)l<9ig,6roi^ will not give milk. &>asi sac/aoMud. ooo§ &>5crn o^sDBonb CSoja

3. M, C, Te, T. to card cotton rurosruKal Qg)tas (ftcrra TP. — mod. adj, o^saQDo^irgoraj qJ1§.

rm Qjlftj bow for cleaning cotton, also aQ<ss oQSOigsm ((mason) how? also rel, aassQSi-nsiaDii)
ci^^o— a^§a& 155 n^§cfi6^

tgraai'cesnrro ora'.a-jBiorQo ansamorai) cuo Qg)SO!STJ) KU. not taking arms. qQ)§ot^

TR. if you do as I advise. a®65SSCTOCX^o (Sn_iools)a2) 0OS>c9s)Ogjo prov- the midwife, qjo

however, at all events. csiHralrnlmo Qjlsmoral) o^^raigso cannot be re-

n^jsogonlma, n^eognrra whence? tracted. QjodDral! 0^. to mention; vomit, oooaiaj

Q^6!iiga_is, Q<])®6!3t33S whither ? §a9s) to speak. Often to raise, build a house.

oQSssBOdo asrglnnonb CG. = a^sseoaao. Qjlas^R^ TR. in pittoresk phrases nearly

oQ)iS6!5Q3nb= Qg)<S63i3C2Jajnb f. i. oraijib QQ)(S«5Q0ib superfluous Q^§-oial§ai to put down, cro^a

Bhr. where at home? oi6!ja§OTfJn^(S§nb Bhr. oQ^a^ siii^aio.TA asifiai

ixg).^o eccam (T. remainder, \/^Qg)6t3y)So. Ex-

OJSSSBOSifjn KR. not stepping back an inch. oQ

crements of lizards, flies. ng)^-DiJ?®ajgjy V2. §c^ S)&>o^<Bs> KU. to hand over arms with a

ag)^ajo:ui anus Vi. blessing (work of Qjoc)o 5) ^Dgynb). ruegs cusmo

oQ^cA T. M. (C. aQjSPSiai, Te. aQ)oco\(d) re- Q^§cfia5ic05)D§cS3) prov. 6>ff)3)cqjo a^oejo 0058®
mains & refuse of victuals, oq. o^§R^ >tii
oocalasi to work with hands & feet.

al(9n to restore purity after meals. oQ. oQ^ 2. to assume, undertake, bear. rn)5)5re§<es), -oja

§ etc. ojsrnl o®. to do work. OLjOrfiasmiTl

to pollute by contact with the mouth, as hand 0(t»o ag)§rniT^slsmnf) VCh. held heretical

etc. Q^^ra!) ffijiJOQ, ojcssga^ KU. duty of views, ro^fia^ces) OTlsssdo aQ30(®cjoe!26)fsi3) o®
Panan. (Si3intiaaa>s5.iT)^ejDQ!y3Stijt;Q^oCG. §2^ KR. according to Cshatria fashion.

the refuse of bees serves for idol worship- 3. to take out, choose, buy. cuocnj oQ. to ac-

oQi^ejo a^Qj^xj^o ^s TR. gave the meanest quire a garden, ojoodj q_ioo1 o^^iSi'craDl.

food. Q^5)nbo ojl§lrai QQ).<Sig_j3^0oaiil we are cftcsjjo 5)^(^ TR. resumed. rolaTltrol q^§
reduced to greatest poverty. (g.i5T3)05T^ (=6iai05n§) SajonfTD tocollcct taxes.

QQj^ai.-DraaltSermQ-i^TP. thecowwith whose i^rnc!^ aroocruDOfne.-Btates) o^^K^a TR. con-

dung I daub the floor after meals. fiscated.

Q^^i-(Ac9sf!sn7oamed.pIant. o®. gjfolojlslMM. 4. V. n. to become raised, visible, prominent;

Qg)^ralnr)cj9sri eater of refuse (abuse). often impers.cofoli-o-oialsnarai) oQ^ q(3). looks

qq^oAojos a song after meals. bony, maslmromjo n^^cSsiSoj KR. (S0f><3io

n^^cQsnrra (=(&)0(b siajtSsma). foiGJ aQ^<B2cna

aQ).^ eCCU (C. o)aO^ = (2Q_i(I^) in oQ^^^eTl to come to a head. Sojcnifal) aQ. it is very hot.

^o Vi. Increased pay. 6)Ji^^.<m oQ, to become like gills, burst, etc.

n^^fflonoOfb yejamanaii Tdbh. w — in ;lj1qs OTao-jOf^Oi'Oo, (ftrtsiaraf), njai^ral, ^§g_jo^ra!)

eazonnnb Ilouselord. oQ. to suffer from.

o^S, ti^So, rLg)SQJo, (C. Tu. Te.)— see g^- VN. I. old. oQB in na)§5iaj§ai to be taken,

n^.SD eda (C. oaGJO, T. (BiaSD & a®SD friend!) II. ag)§gi 1. raising, taking up. o^^gjloacb onl

Hey! addressing male inferiors (also ag)o^o)s) crn^oessl RC. litter. (sra.xiff)ibo oQ. aQ)§K^
contr. QJ050 come, fellow! f. o^sl, q®sI, vu. Souosi^ all that is portable of him = he is

OJDS^, <Sa_ios~l. — Q^sso hon. for both genders dead. 2. harvest, produce. OTDanOfOiSaJtSsi

Qjrol5)<ftS)50 po. Q^5inboS50 TP. my friend! a@§<Siflia5n=om ^imsiai^pj TR. revenue, ^o

also for pi. ai6iTg5)aoc>a5>aitnso onlaracb Nal. ^orasiobo aQ. gain. 3. time, turn gjcr?

(vg)§ce6>, (6^ edukka t.m.(C. Te. q^e^)i.To cx^o ©(b aQ- CT?1 (5K)aj5ino (srgjCoalg-JlScas)

raise, lift, take up. «aj@go q®§(!^ ^Oj^£\((^ emo PT. once more.

gjl cLjoejo oQ^ro^ (QjsI-^ TP. to take. mO)^ CV. i54i)§gjl<ss) 1. to get to take up. Qa)§gj1^

n^§,:{^_a^S 156 a0)&nrfc — o^Cl5)

ay.^orai) MR, if you sond mo by palaakin. Qg)5nZ(b 8 persons. Q^cnzibSjJjocoo the Royal

Qg)'^6>se&l£yo curcjo TR. even if not able council inColauadu, 7 persons with the Raja.

to walk. a_ig(3(fi«) nQ)'-^ 6)<S)05i^ (SculOS)a>

fi^&rri) en M. T. Number; thought. a^^jroQ
emo let yourself be borne slowly, ojodo oq.
o)QJDfJSi o_iroej3aoa3o RS. very high.

enna T. M. C. Tu. (0^)00, s)cnw^) 1,

2. to make to finish, get built, set to work. "^'irv^
Sesam oil, gen. nn55gj5mj o^^ejgg '^IfR >*
smScaji <58nD65B5)S @@ale4§glc/ajraab Anj.
emo Q^ -^Mud. got up decorations. 3. to
2. oil. qq. i>-0-^cai, ®ra)<a9c9i.
collect revenue, as Govt. o_jsmonfl), TR, qtu
QQsrncsaro N. pr. a tree. (No.)
6i3ac)off)ai§i Qg)'<Q5ia^o j3i^aj(b VCh. princes.
ng)5rn^5l a cake Vi.
affigtrg^ciQJSl vu. Nayer-house, see ^so, n^So. o®§fj3^§l frying pan.
fx^§lcQJDOa) ettiyan = 5i^§l3a.3nb; (^si-nraglcmD Q^sTDQiD.-aial vessel for anointing the sick.

nb TR. oQjemgjD^inrab (o_iDC/al) Rotala verticillaris.Rh.

a0)| ettu T.M.(C. o®-5n^ from na)5n6 = 5) Eight. ag)gnno ennam VN, of foil. 1. Number, coun-
Q^sDa^ajonra J-. roigonti sitwogorai) qQ). prov. ting, <3ooocesa> to count, o^. 6ig_j^ces) to

oQgslaonb a fabulous animal of the Himalaya settle an account. og).^gj03'aiog.o, Q^.(gT30oCG.

(ag)gslgODa3i3ck) Nal.) cg^. QQ)gjDo aj§rniali-?1) innumerable. oJPsl oQ. (Sojo^csirigj stunted

cnlcTK)y>(Tra CG. fruits are not counted. 2. number, piece,

qQ)§Oo, aQsoznb eighth. oQ)^ooqQ!^S)':s\'J) ea^T-Tl article, even of persons. ^fola_ii^ro«5rgsmo

cSsi Anj, (a>Dom<3!20(nnoroo3ZJ6mD3Z;), nr)oa2;raD(b TP. gODca^sgg oQ. o_ios«5ro)5r^3anl

QQ§lfai)ff)Q_ioo 5)a_j35nb born in the 7th month, TR. proffered calumnies, oolracroo @.5r@oajDnb

supposed to be perfect in body (n^s^Sai ffficSaQjsmo

cm 6i(t) msma Scuo
n<j)srns5i3c)o eraorrb
(!jil<0)5roi®l§o VCh.), but deficient in mind. fflcama TR. as if Ihad committed any thing
ogisa^oairr!) spider. agi'<S)d)0 0s, ojai V2. also to displease you. sijiKS^jsng oQjsrnffirack) duty.

Qg;6rnQjsmo particular account.

aQ)SS)c9s)0nf7D(^g_jo rate of tax levied in Travan- ojT.enri}(£h ennuva 5.(Te. o^mov^o^snt)) i.To
core (3 in 10 out of riceland & 1 in 8 upon count, number "©ap'naSH?' 'aQ,<anT)l(TJioCS?^^o

produce of gardenland) W. GnP. 2. to esteem. QQ)srns)g_j§cu* influential

Qa)sa"lcss=:fst3dgaldi)a. [s)a,o§(r^ KU. persons. oaSPo'ajS or^se-cbTR. (opp, oruiacy

oQSa_j(cnloooQ,o offerings to Gods (Jaxic&n oQ. cBacb), Q^srn&jfb enemies (po.) 3. to recount,

QQ)5T76<e>ain((j{) 8 spoonsful, amed. relate o^srnla-joa) to speak diffusely. riQeracrn^

Qg)(35i^05rrb octangular. @ ^a_iej.) gDmo ©iSigofoi CCh. this sad tale.

oQsmSlud (a^c/^) the 8 points. Bhg, Qg)5rifljiJ Qg)srnlc9ffl 1. CV. to get counted. 2. VN. oQ

cs^o (SaoocesTl RC. looked everywhere for 6roljOs)S)Sio§i95) to account for, qQ). <SonO(Sg

help. a. to take a list Vi.(T. C.)

o^smoa 8X4. Q®srr:g,,Tro 8X3. n^^^enojeino] enmani=aQ)6o(2&nr51,

Q(3)6mD3infDo 8000. n^eoarb, og^enarnfo see o^s.

>=(J)SEDO^ 8 Nali. oflisn^Q, 800. over against, ready
ag)fZy) e6a (C, Te, Q^§ to lie

agjoP^rosngoctrifOo 16000 (Anj.) for) 1. Boundary, limit o^oitoicea* c:^, m=ng).'m,

oQem^ eighty aQ)6mOTjflfQliSa96)Dral) ojro prov. qjSiSr cig)(ffi(Ecaog.ajo MR. 2. end, crisis a($

oQjemeJo 8 palam (a mod.)

ci^ns)o—ag)( 157 ag)(crjg)d&) — 0^(15)

fi^fTDo e6am No. & So. = 0^0* 2. 3, (sr^<Bs,o 2. 3. ti^t^dO? ettU'ya (T. orac^, C. T. Q@|, Te.
Q®g, \^nQ!^) 1. To stretch as far as, reach,

OLg^fSMfb eSir (n/^oq^ see Qg)'a)) 1. Opposite, arrive ojlslsiiSiasi Qg),i3ial, with Dat. oraslcaJl

adverse. 2. match, comparable o^rnlcflsiOib <2£Ut05) or (maslcfloi ugj-isral MR. dived to the

Q<3)«p(b oQcna SnJssI^ KR. gJSfsii (SaasoLneinD bottom, (a'onejisnzrobnnlfn" Q^coKBlsmDasTl TR.

fg(b i^yo® RC. like Meru. aioai-aollnt) eej* peeped over. o^ijraiOfnTa afffima prov. not to be

rnlroiScaasiSfoi^* (SoLjc^oa^Dcaio Bhg. to vie with. found. ^aj6iro ojljiioroo qycunt) Q(3).tg3:&iQi~lgy

Hence: o^^-DilfDoa' opponent, rival; also oQ^fdi^rfl. TR. will not be accomplished. (grarTsVlrm Q^rorao

n^tyDro^S equivalent, copy. <^mh Bhr. if I fail to fulfil the vow. eralgio>Tb

Qa)0)lro1§a) to oppose, resist. o^(!^S0D (TQ^'oi^tSoTfyoSfa) KR. only a virtuous

oQjraTlfSraQ.cai id. caifiStoiaiSfODS o^foilisraQo RC. man can rule such a land (=@§cSi). QQ)«^a)

Q^'dilsra^ to advance to meet, oppose. ^5)gjmoo^0(b Bhg. we shall not conquer, o^

ng),'Q'n®c9Jorai) spike B. rnlcfto tgiaxi5^an Qi3i05r@ Qg)K^c9)CQn^ no profit.

QQ)(Zjil5icSs)0c>a to come against (graaaj (Oianloi-asi

rgi5ia.0o)5insoro3 (smroo RS. (=a^ss-).aQ).T5ia"lso fainoajaraemo SG. (= ajrol

o^'tJilrara&J enemy. <0i). 2. V. a. to reach, obtain, (graojoig. q^tjitO

oQjfiKlfb (Oifala^ to meet in battle Qg)'!3^(b ftnrD csTlgj cacao (uTl as o Bhri. could not come up
with her. (Tnl5)nm g^o^fiSQisrci^caji^'jsjraoas'^o

<8Q_jOS)c95)fgfm3S)i)m3 RC. ry^^ ciOo Bhg. providentially I met thee, (nrulaiffjg.

QQ)(rol(bS)a_i§a5 to meet, oppose; to be opposed nQ)fon51 ajlsl55n_j§ Mud. (generally with Soc.)

Q^)OT)l(bo)OLjoro3<e) to fight (BraiiSmos ag)'Tj)l(b aQ)(Snro5 Q^(!^<9iaiJ^^ Bhr. shall not overtake

6)Q_)0«a@ Bhr. me.

Q@ren1<b^6iio = Qg)fml(!5T3i ajoo Vi VN. I. qQ)1513)o reach, length.

Q^f!i)l(t)(5^ breastbone. II. ag)WS)f3}), Q^(!5®1. reaching. Q^(;^6io_j§(8najo

Qg)(o7l(b5)0Oipl = QQ)'a)l(l)Q_iO(9> Vi. cfeSah. when within reach. aQK^^'oflrao'^

Q^foilibojocSSQ-iOffiaiogj, Q^nj)l(b(3a_jS)oaogj Anj. ffjajOong ajlerra jud. fell before I could reach,

agjroTlfTOdfti, n^ (old) <Sn_ioroooo1sm5ias)(ri)l 6aro3 Q®Rg3n_io§o gigjSo. there is no getting

(ranrnlunt) o^nmol KR. — Inf. aQjirolrocsaj, qQ) at him. 2. halting.

rtjHfSra 1. Against. tarafmlsioo'drifSfD ajRSOjai) tgra CV. I. Q^-Di^ceffl 1. to make to reach. (STg)?)^ caTl

^rora ainoo Bhr, (= (SmSro) 2. early o^mlsra §icajo;^ crorrnlccom.'nialaa.ra^ o^OTJJ^cego TR.

cs^o (gracra^cSso og^y^oi, ag^r^Tlaxs.u (ScruciT'cSs) shall send up, (gTacSlsrm^ojfmoitjtiQ^.'aiiTlcesioo

a med. every morning (=cLjejib(&iD^ej VI.) report, o_js q^. to gather a host, onac^oroo

aQ(^<9S), n^ 1. to attack ag)«3lltI23 612)0030 (Smj\ aQ. to perform, o-jsmoo^). to spend.

o)jijfrro KR. ogj-oialsicargtcgasrife Mud. 2. to 2. freq. iftorob o^-sralcfis) to walk with diffi-

face, resist Qg)fml«2a(SmocSisn!^50. — adv. oq

• culty, halt, oQ)fora)l^ oasoss), aQroij^^oasiT*

(S)t<2nsKn straight, entirely. Qg)(di)(S(aTOi o_)_gj (=Qaao)ral).

rn^oo Ti. quite green. II. a^>-OTalg-jlo9S) id. o®'(S(fiS)®5r^5 •ma Qg)'(OsiOO

VN. QQ)fd)lgli opposition; what crosses one's TR. jjrocfls cncoraeosalffl!) oQ. to transport to.

way, phantom, bad omen Vi. a^((5) etra, old a^rOYO?|fD (q^+otTI'd) What
<^'^ e6u (see aQro)) Limit? or end? (grO) autfl quantity? how much, how many? q^(®^, qQ
6)!Ss) ojossiB^ o^g (inlroD^aa)Ojri| ajlsna (jud.) 5)njt3)(g) (distributive) how much to each? qQ)®
being too exhausted to reach home. ^ <Sn_ioaso what measure? QQ)<S((g)a3s for how
0^)00 _ag)nnnl 158 ag)rnrB

much? Q<])(S(ra)oso, ag)(®Stnaoao how far? o^ finite Verb. s,ar)\^cS\iS25icm<rf^<2w gorolcesi

(2(jg)D§ QjfDjmo MR. how far do you venture! cmlgj sraDnb KR. raraoJSiro ajcul'i)jjrrn1(8cBJ a^
(=8top!) moo trysiialgj KR. Absolute: Q^nrnlscaj aotiiio

aQ)(g)C£j|o how muchsoevci', very much ci<]](g)!3^o OJjnaDib (SfOiooooraf) KU. on the other hand, if

n^ooo ff)(aoi3)lo^^ons cxj;ro)Tti CG. long de- — .Braajls<3.i5ra (gTa^na:<2roo§o ogjornlfficsz; jagg.

sired. Q^({g)5)a2;3 aro9ftiS<S«5raj05)S iftfoerawjoejo rooe3oasinao(2roo§o TR. (=:(Scy3A:'^@g).

(pathetically). oO)<Tnlsc2JO ag)fTra Goioal^ any thing besides?

a0)PO see II. o^mro. I. n^rrra eniiu (C. t. aQchq, \f o^) What
o^jPOl often = i^nnl. day? when? 5i3)Dnb aal^ojoo ogjrrra a>6r§ AR.

n^)Ofb en T. M. Tu. aC. (=canb) Obi. case of Q^trnlrnl aiosnamo Bhr. oQcrra (So-iorab aca'ocijono

caortb, etsjoib T. aQ)cTn3sm I swear by myself (SrDjScna^ CG-.

(Dat. Q^onlcSa & Q^cnas). oQcmo, oQSirmcflao always. Qg)5)aT)nrwo Qjrol<o>

Q^nbcijraoab 1. my Lord. 2. o^'gajDotjaclass oiJIgj, ojlc/ajDcroaocsiJl col^nrrKO) Qg)5)cm

of sacrificing Brahmaus at NTleswaram etc. (SnDcSso mmaTR. for ever and ever,

og)'QajDo)nbo Qjia'Sf'KSa cuoro^'asi.Tbo mraisiao II. ,xQ)CrRs T. M. C. (C. Te. Tu. (Staod, see (sra

yo prov. 063Bej"3iJ) a(])ayoaT»lrol TR. SO)) past tense of def.V. aQjoa 1. To sound,
og)nb 5^ixjajj0onb B. a low Brahman class. say, think, ^.sil oOjODDib they called it a cheat.

ag)C^ enSu <3n_iD Qg)rmoc)3 etc. the present obsolete; fut.

T. M. Te. C. (a<3)o + ^) 'What?
also=:Q®rn»^>"na why? 00)5)00X350 fmo;Tb oDsra uQCiz. 2. auxV.= (ST2)t0), to sound thus, appear

Son ajDcegrrro PT. ag)o)rro)n7B, n^nrcnls why? thus, be such.

S)-QJ213$ffl3f^ Q0)<Srr7n Bhr. why not do? ag)rro)0 adv. part. Q0)Tral.=2r)r;j)l,g3,3iiio, ogjojo S.— (Scu
ccul QjoTo TP. why did you come? (sra5)anS)S)CV}) rmao cn\ otI nrfl oQma rnlidl^ Bhr. abused
what for? Yi. onlaBl^Dra!) ag)®cT3) oq&jo Bhr. him, saying thou !; so : : i^nrra o-josroro, (StOiS,

iffra<2g_jDit nQcmlcm ajo<s^cm better leave it aon^, SiTDOTTDrrro & other Verbs of speaking,
undescribed. showing (OTO ag^cm ^snal Mud.) or percep-
tion & resolution. — also before Nouns:
uS^(S^£n ciQcna (oiSoT) (2Q-j(b f5Taajc>3c9« Bhr.
oQcrolfOo, Qg)T0)Oo, QO)("ramo, aO)nmsmo; 0^)0^
crulfo) ag)e)rmrrms)s moao KR. mgj^ ajnso
fDo& oQccma'io 00^ vu. No. aO)tTOg_jnno?^

Cott. — used for the name of something

n(j)rno anlg7i32;o, QQ)nno crol auo, orczatiso, oQ).

unknown, unremembered etc. (erg) a^a^oio

Qg)5)nbo ZftDo, ojdaaio etc. ^c^ So-ioo o^

— mo o'osiSo SG. ^rolcSa aQmo raoasinbo

s^fiiosng cuo that "thing" there Q0)(7TOlro

= what 5)j3Jogj^mofc)i) ^nsnrra KR.

imznosm loc. have you come for?

Often with gjsrasoo, etc. Q0)nrnl6sa®an, qQ)

ag)nnn| enni, rHg)nnnl'5cai, ^^^"Sn^ (fr.
(2m^aJo, ag)cTnl ohjo. Also cs^i'giji'aralrab aroltea
fgiO'Srn., or gDonl) 1. Without, jijlnraoioi/

KR. (=8DgjOS.m). oQom rmonf) C'sc^cesKag. Q^an aQnno toionb

(Snmj ^iies^a-jiJi^nmoo cro<s<2nl

ag)(rn\ Bhg. i§8 5ii5)2irrnlS32J Bhr. 2. except

(=(BTagjO'S^) earraojib tT)D5>xi(Tnl (S.ijsrigo HNK.
nothing required but one's tongue. <fifi3(®l 2. = Qg)mno«!b or f.i. Qjlg^^oral QQ)mo croooroo

ccurolra!) ag)nrn> (aoQggajrolfai g^gj Bhr. — As fol^orat (S<S)c)oc9emr)(ra) arao jud.

conjunction with Inf. 6Ta)553c>3 qQ^ctooIstoi^ onl Comp. with Verbs (sragj f.i. aO)mo (WSimi (5ragj

ssQch S)^oart^ <S £id^<Bs)S>wrm^ Bhr. or with moreover; (STg<s> f.i. jo^ 5)>xjoQ,(Tiri n^jmioai
a^rrrd 159 (^mn

Cffiof^b there being no hope of pardon, cnlejo — S.ojsng f. i. arol^onb oQ'Srm Siiir^ Bhr.

(Sracus^nbo 6555>0iajc/as)0rmoc9«l MR. declared it must be said at last: he died. i§i^nb i:®6)cm

it to be his. QQ5)cm ca^CTaiajnmoctSsn PT. (SKi^A <Saj5n| truly a bad man! o^tto Sojaingo "in

ernZio)gjrmoc9axiDn6 tst^aoib AR. who can alter short".

it? Gejo^fiOBcb g.5)5ngTrao g^oi^Trao (sr^a^cm "With Nouns : oQSnm xTlSc-oconSZionnrnloifmSso

go eojonb SiPu. thou makest worlds & des- croSaU Bhr. indeed well done ! q^Sht) cnQSu

troyest them- 5)Z, oQiSvrr) c9)d^<S0 etc. that's a joy ! what

— ^%<9^ f. i. ononis considering that, in a grief ! o^Snm ^smo ajig} Mud. thus only can

consequence thereof aiaf^jas^^crniscBxjSfcl-gj you be saved. oQ^cm ^^^ 2@§ PT.

Nal. seeing its uselessness, he dropped it. q^ Cond. (jQ^(^, o^Tnorai) 1. if so, then = (313)

caooil), (5T3)fl^(^f. i. oolgJCToloigjaaol.-aisraonb 0)^)3

orn^So nevertheless.
girm^sTTi KR. you are for fighting, sacoo
— ^folcesif.i. aQi'(0) oQcrn^ro^^Qioin whatever

measure. n^mTlrQlcflsiScnJocfe when it happens,

^^ Qg)a&7lra!) cQ-iO<Siz Sa_ioaao Bhr. Qg)Sh^tzA

ajfo^a) well then come! o^rmorai) (3T5aj5)m cu

that — ;also: ag)cm\co^c82S)cmonsi slcOsPi-^, qQ
frnlfol<ScSn under such circumstances.
fJBfL^aiVetC. — ©jiiosl-gj aQjEEblseja whatif you

did ask ? perhaps you should ask. — Amplified

— S?gj, g.5ng f. i. (Hraczsa^-aioTilgj Bhr. I can-

not say: no. ajasojnrmmissr^o, fSajsiDo n^nrnlgj.

Bhr. StSfJsl g555ng(mo3^~ls~l-i:ii AR. oQcna ojnrTa

(3a.j33iO(t)b Mud. if unfortunately. — 2. .T^jfrnofob

SiPu. it matters not of what caste you are.
& Q^a&TlfiA stand often in the beginning of
@5rmg ff>^'3?,^SDaj Qg)rrnlgjO-5i3).xnt> SiPu.
treatises Q^anfal)2ai5«,a>o§g-ai, o^ailcgfijo ffiib
unconcerned about any law.
§Dejo Bhr. hear then ! raosjaajajctbcNiiSQ cro
— QJfol^ f. i. (ftft)6!513l5)m (gra32,'(fl5l5)S>05r@ (ffTO
ajoo Qg)(mDro!) TR. what 1 have to say is as
Qj(b (sragjnaoib o^ma ojotd KR. their sending
follows (heading of letters). Also at the close
a monkey proves that — crybry 1x71 gj^ aQTra
before the date ogjrmo.^ ff)a-.ogjo ais)0 etc.
QjfSo, oQfflnbo frycaczsno aol^ajo qqoto oj.'^ks
"so done in the year etc." 3. o^anoTft is often
@ it must not turn out vain labour. S)S)CjUgy
connected with Interrog. pronouns 013)1^ oG)V!S)

Qjoob oQfm Qj«53i'nial§ajorT6 g2<2o)0 cngj Nal.

Sidonsrgcmorab MR. the reason for this is as
is this the way to prove your courage? 5)3J
follows. qQ)'® 0srrSlca3.xi,tiorrt) <fl.g-jaa Qg)OT)DftA
Q,crnlai523 a^5S)<95)rrro Qjftsroral 5)5iQuo Bhr.
ojraoj TR. at the hour you wish- 4. in that
God brought it about, that we must.
case, but. f^t^crUDlfoTlnxjonDDfoasl Jch o)ii3o

— ffiojtfim f.i. (§r£gnb Q(j)Tra 0x1^ S)&iOcm {— ^ (^fCTTltSsioo Q^nmofs!) rgrag i^-ffTlcaDtgnTai^so

ononis), oncnj) Orb ag)orra eraascno ffi-UcflsiOingj VilvP. I mightattenipt to praise, but it could

TP. I shall no more dub you X. mo^Oib o^nrra hardly be called praising. 5. viz. that is

eicu^ora!) 0025555 aoa (a4(y,-3ial<soorom3<am3 to say or «jil§ o^n-Dro!) roT'emsarai), onoo raraoj

TR. as for the N. he is but my servant (= oQ) aaoQ). Q-j§<sa S)350§e8«Do, iSis^Sjeijg^ rtnglcng

cmoral). croog^"Uca.«a '^g^cn oQcm s).ij^of(A qQ). s)<O)0^cmg 6T3ont) •s^snp, ajfiS'sijJ^ aQcmora?)

cnao Qjrol!0:.a^o sijiigjooTR. Often with rela- oj^S^i;^ jud. No.

tives iS)g-jm o^g (ty^jOfOo dJKBcrro qqctto s^cu Concessionals : o^oDatyo, aQSo^ejo even if so,

^orai siaffTl.Tb.xisnjo (2<&>s oossteoo TR. although. <fl>6ri| Q^jfrnoejo d>,|5)a>oir^ s.xja
'^=' 5TT) ^
— (B.ijsmo f.i. (2-iogo)aj5>oro)m3 iscu5m05)gjo Qiari^PT, though I should find something.

KU. you wish to hear, why. oQaHoiS ag)ascnG4f> wheresoever. gQ-s^nmasTlejo

i^)nnrz) IGO ^^ Oo- n^fOl

this time at least, (sra^l'zit) o^rmDejo a^^o 6i!3®lcT)oaiilro3Tra = o-joS-JTrrajScr) — (Srg;.) 3.

KeiN. even at night. (SQjsmo o^a^ejo with past part, a kind of Imper. tuof!«tral)

Qjroog however much wanted. Amplified @05)nmm TP. open !

QQ)aD0£f^e4o,n^mo ajtmoejo etc. double: (Sf^ oQ^j^Oo eppuram What side? (qO)) Vi.

(xg)(Sci_jf05o epperum (oO)) Every one, Q^Sfysigli

0fQCS^o orcza(!nl^«so^o "fliosnoajoab KR. §go, aQ(Sn\(S\<Ti> 6)ci_>§@o of whatever descrip-
permit neither men nor women. aQ)S)cm oQ) tion, all included (doc.) nJT3(Da3m:a3gg(oi£)T)a

aDoeTlejo o®rrras)S ScuDoaranb (msxm o^nmo Mud.

(felejo ©K^ s e3> (05) ool DN. eat either me or
''L0)<Sa_JOl^ eppol (SajDip') What time, when?
my brother, also QQ)(2g_jDS'f cBe, Q®®g-joy>@ ; with ^o always.

adj. part. oQcm, aanmgg (fut. o^ng) such, that OLg-jtZiOfb email Tdbh. caaob f. i. swsnaxnosiwo
si3)orib oQcm eoxio the thought of I, of self. S)ro0S)onSgjo5iej KR-

-•^^(CYijOOfb embrah see o^nb-groDnf), [po.

ajonb g.5ngoS)CQj(TK)gg (ro(3aa)0:Qacsro)0fai) KR. fi^ifCYXJOSGOi^ Port. Emperador, emperor. Nazr.
the joy of having a son. QQ)(TnCBa_io5)eJ in
agjQaOfbdeblsoClj (cl^^2lcb = o^z2'Jc)o) N. pr. Mi-
like manner as, afl)nm smroo, ci®(Tn®g_jCc>a
nister of Colattiri.

qQodxiosjo whereupon. QQ)(8naso, oQmasxz

aQ)C^d&), COTI eySu-ya T. aM- To get, obtain
so RC. when he said. o^sreiDao Ojlronb CG.
(= QQ)(qQc& 2.) oQjTjiejoo gjaiaizoancorao, qQ)
so bold as to say.

part. Nouns a., rraos o^(Tnajnb Bhr.= (C3f03

ai^o Qa)'Sjp (performed) RC.
mo2oxj the person called Ruru. orag oQ)
o^c^^cSi, c^ eyyu^a t.m. (C. Te. a®, n®^,
OT).^ ajronb Tatw. the word "it" signifies
aQ)^-Qj) To shoot an arrow, 6a\06moS)Q>asrs
God. Qj{rnlrac9s(Tn:u(b aQ)nmaJ5)faayo sia^og^
(!m>:iJ5)CD n^:^, >9i^,:5T3Tl((A oQ^sjj^DnbBrhm.; also
(gaoKR. does one also kill suppliants? 5)^o

with double Ace. ogoo^i^roo carao o^cxj^Dob ^
mom BSgacOfflS^a S)ce)Og^o)S--fm(Srai a.i(@
foiooooim UR. fig. (a6TT^ooo)(tJiB)gus)a)35rs oa)<^
dangerous beasts are of course killed, b., n®
rrrinmocb SiPu- —
tm^ = (STJlCa'g. QQ)(mgS)(Q)Oir^ <S5Sl^ 6T3)D
CV. Q^^lces). [^to practise archery Vi.
nb Nal. consequently I drank, o^rm^ <So_jo
VN. Q^aii shooting, also oQca o_ic2;OQ<ei
foo VCh. and what is more. QQrmOTTlffjnbo
o^gjib (C. Te. Q^g) porcupine, hedgehog MC.
(Bc/scano after that etc.

aQ)^cn-ifnTl — its quills Qg)^ngg§.
adv. part. fut. n^ciaDnb (rare) (grafTO-ai ,

a(j)'3]mjg^ see o^ros^o.

(T)a»c)o5)jii(^Bhr.(=Q®ma). s^cSiog^o o^naa

oao @D^ KR. nor does it follow that. (srO)

ag)fD|c8e) erikku T. M. (Tdbh. rroasio, or o^rol

foil.) Calotropis gigantea. sirusi^roljBs white

jiJDfO(25)gjraont) Q®23i^eJo CG. rosng cssfia

flowered swallow wort, Siva's flower, Anj.nQfol

why dteldj a med. Qg)ro~lc85riaba^ GP. oQfolceaaoaj

<S3am@ Gan. the reason both figures
wreath of Siva.
are equal.

Inf. n@cn = (sraSiT) 1. forms many Adverbs -oJi og^rol eri & 6^.6^3)^61 T. M. Te. (C. Tu. g.rol) Heat,

6)(S6)0n, Qj§or)i 6^jiiQ,6^6i3i3cr) etc. 2. it burning, pungency, ojroo o^ra Iff) jijciytm 'ma

serves for hypothetical affirmation, (HT3:unb Bhr. Qg)(^ jajlfoiolcnialipl RC.

@D<s^Dc>3 j)S)5i^a^'<''> foiajsojoScaism it oQ)rolc957ly;63g green ginger ©6t3!il.

would have cost him his head. (vu. o_iO Qg)rals)(fiis)0@@l firebrand.
o^fDlcQ^ — c^r^^ 16 L ag)f?j^r^ — ci^oq
Q^fol SiaTI burning flame. beast of burden auDZamo Q^«SiTJ)l6)nbo cxjo

o^cricijgl hot curry Avitli buttermilk. qta a)32jool TR. 6)xioiggf03(inlnb i^^S^iol AR.

QQ)ralj^a_io al extreme heat of body oQ. ix^g^ngDj fig. o^rojg ^ocussBh ^acrnisj oJ^snT) <S)fDism

Nid. oQ. cn:€<s>iooo oJTlt^*! mud. ^so5)Tj) (sras^'agSirmatolTra KR. a^jroafoioas) to

ciaifol0a)o = aQ) alaoteisaal. also wood which geld; to unman. So. 2. red?(aT. Te. q®«S —

ignites easily. oQfol) oQ)fS<2fai So. early in the morning.

tiQfolalob a fish Vi. aQ(^(^<ai)OC^di bullock driver.

.xgjfDlcsy 065 V. u. To burn i^.-olcq^aca')! KR. iig)f03.-5t3)li7)i) bullock house (from obi. or compos,

^"00)1:2,310?) Qg)rcl<3^S2o PT. o^i^oTorajSajDCOi' it case 0^)082^).

is consumed; too pungent, tig. rryoiiijli'DaO 'i^'WC^ erunSu T. M. & fi^;fOlc^ Shellfish in

,-313)3ral) a^folci^ 170 0000 KR. rivers oQ. .^i^ScnjDch rr^lai 0)0100^ MR.
VN. I. Q^rolaj(Q^ra3vu.) 1. pungency. wga'S^l I n^^CSlDD.-ii Port. Europe in N. pr. of plants qq'

crn qQ. 5).iJ^ ripe for pickles. 2. zeal.o^ !

S)Si£t>(!xi, oQ)'K83naJ, o^'g-^g.; also oq,. j2|fora^

rDlojao-OTb vehement, zealous Vi. '

weaver's reed TR.

II. aQ<T3^-2-if(A id. of eyes, mouth burning from j

aff)0 see 5]QO.
pepper. aQ(S\^a'r^ (vu. ag)'^S^rol) a very 1 a^c51 eH T. M, A throw = Q^Q f. i. a^cSlcxTl^a^;

hot curry. QQcSloSsismni) frowning, coquetting.

To kindle ;jg),Tla^^ to throw, fling (Bioro^ oQ^lbiarojOfiA

ag)rt)l:&6i V. a. 1. fire, as smith;

ignite iron. 2. to burn ggiroo aQ)rol^,"un!) coOCO a)3;Ss) prov. ajada osiosi^g as^nDOl

Siva. cT)3a33 a)5)^^ rtKl^i^fal o^jrols^ atoH siijig) Bhr. with Ace. of the person hit q_i30

caacuPT. 3. to hiss as rocket, snake. oQrol^ 5);a)35T^ oQ). cniralSGJ ra^SjcX) o^3cm CG. en

<ai(t2g^ to go oflf like wee gunpowder. S)22i QQol5rot§li^asraI5, aio^lfsb aQjolSotoig)^

VN. Q^-olgu Vi. flame; torch. CG. abandon, o^j^lsrot^i.-i-jo-a- Vi. to talk as

CV. a®(^l^1d}5) Vl. ifthrowing stones at once. 6i§cfl5)o)|n^..il5rai^

aQ(SiZ5mo (ag)rolaj) smell as of pepper, ob- (Sar)3c9sri Bhg. an angry Raxasa. —

served in some soils, unfavourable to cocoa- VN. qQJQ, q. V. [hawk.
nut planting. o^olcarai), V2. o4j)ola)ajga3snb=©oajg23anb

CV. oQcSlca^ss, as ^laR»li)^oian^3ab Mud.

oQ^fOla erima ag}(tRl2 T. M. C. Te. (Tu. o^fW i

ag)Ol396i eiikka T. M. l. (No.) To protrude,
m., aQsifl fern.) Buffalo, chiefly the cow = a 3an ,
2. B. to shine as sun(=QQ)f£l?). 3. to remove

(m. S.xj3.tg2)). Q^roj0gjO«'o (er<>.i^cocsicS\s)^o the bark from timber, rough hew for sawing

msciao Q^ooQjo GP. Vl. i^olasrrro arao o^olasaTD .oiiaiib KR.

0ajff)3i'rola 1, jungle buS'alo. 2. med. moon- ! aQQori^ erunbu T. M. (C. g3.ij, see 52 —&a
plant on Himalaya (cu'^aj'O?! S.)
— ) Ant.

n^fffii2c95'@£l a milkplaut Ericyne Vl. also o^ |

aQ)0,S)axi3^c95)rat) line of hair on the belly (loc.)

n»eT3i3,3al Rh. '^^Q, et't'u T. M. (from oQ)^, at^cy, C. Te. q®%)

nQ)roji2j95)0fDnt> buS'alo driver or keeper. !

1. A blow, chiefly beating clothes = (oraaiaOs).

Qg)fO;ZDrrti (prh. qQB bullock?) N. pr. a caste ! 2. sprinkling of water (o^Ojgao laia'^Ss)) a cere-

of masons (2988 in the Taliparambu Taluk mony performed by ajsnD3nb 3rd day after birth,

esnb-ajojib «.ij<0s(Tn.i.i(b) = 2i>i3GJ3i-Dnb. 7th day after death; & followed by change of

<i^)fW^ eru6u T. M. C. Te. (Tu. o^ra like prec.) raiment aQr>q,o aaofjo KU. 3. trap, snai-e

1. Bullock, ox = CT)gjfli3^, '^ou chiefly as aa)CQ,Q).ijces) V2. (see a^oci 4).

a^OqcB^- r^QBAO^-CLg)!^
^§6 ir,L>

n^OQc&i ]. To throw, as with sling, fillip, ^^Irao T. aM. you all (Pay.) [a^yrfo^ TR.
propel, spirt (=<as3^ai) c/ds S)o)3-€M>^0'ns a® c4j)(B^D ell6 = fgra3gj3 Is it no(? a<3)-nao <^<Bg^-i

oolcD'jnb Bhr. dJiS^gj^aroraoolcs^o.'oigj^Ci^o Anj. rLg)Qj3C/)ari:Eca!D0rb Syr. Gospel Vi.

rLg)Qjlsv^, n^QjlJS evide (i®) Where?

<a)6TTg{@so KR. 2. to beat hard B. Dat. Q^ ij.l SStSs, — s® oWjcSs whither?

ag)eJ06tJn^ d&) elailjU'ya To be agitated as water aaxHescs^o anywhere. [bhr.

inahalffillodves8el(©-r3,stsy Ov),alsoaoaosT3y:a. o^xHss-OTZDOTb (vu. ogjiri^S-nraanb) = aQSKJaonb

(i0)ejl eli 5. (C. gjejl) Rat, mouse; a-oo^saTI^ iQOjlso what place, passage? I'cozo'tt'jm.aTaTlfa!)

6ia_)roljyo^, -ajsiJ^aTl small mouse. aQjopso a'.m 00^ KU.

Q^ejlcesiforaTlrol, n(j)ano95i5r!)^ rat-trap (of irom. liow?
Q^aHifbrac^ gnawing of mouse. aa)Tj<i1 CG. whither? [(Sc/303(Syo CG.
oQEjlcOsiOso (saDcego) used med. MM. ciq)(SCfdOQ esod'a Tdbh. caSLooa f.i. fO)Da35)e

a@ej):^aj§ a perfume, oso'^meuo. ci^'^cw) elan5a, oq&otd a plank Vi.

o^aTloi^ajl (=i^.^ricS5Q_)6nT^)Evolvulu8 emar- I.

00)^ eli So. Loin3=asl; ^^^Qg)£\caj\:A ra>\

ginatus or Salvinia cucullarisRh. rojiSicai So. = g§<Bffl; o^jal SiS^Bi break the

aQjeJl-was^ Pothos pertusa Rh. [roof. back Vi. (=rthin part).

aQ)ejlao5'S-c>D, n^ejlScSsiorai), oQejlojos parts of II. n^£\ T. M. (comp. ©a) To be light, slight,

Q^aHg^jy Tantr. a plant. [arsenic. adj. iiQa^a-ajib in prov. opp. to aiejl^iajnb;

ogjaHgiScflDOSimo, — 0ro3:Tra, — ajl.iL'joratsbane, dno^ioi) Q(])al(2caDf03o ajeTlscQ-Drajo ojo^cmnocSs

og)ejl06Sii, Q^ejlgjtoiaoazjo rat-trap (of wood). TP. high & low came to woo me. (2'Li5r§anra')

oQjejIas rat-hole, also Q<j)ejlg_jozy,oao- o^alcc/go S)-ai^oo prov. what is mean; o^g^ca

Q^ejl^gs Spinifex squamosus Rh. (Se'OaDZo^^oolcfis KR. not a small desire.

ag)£jlQjlCH)a_iC/9 see g^eJijl.TbcLJc-a med. Neuter 0^2^ 1. mean, slight fmonb a5>5§.(aio

c^B^£\.aJ elumicca T.Palg.Lemon tree, med. CQ.3(-3t) prov. (Hra.ijfnbo cTy^-mo o^a oigj Nal.

ag)ai CYl^ elumbu T. M. C (C. Te. aQ)!^ d>0 Bone. no small luck, tsra trraroi, <2zidqo c<j). KR.

oQgjo Q^ejaojo ajOoigj§lfDl^nrra very lean, 2. easy CLjoaDoj-aTlrrro, nnnmO(9sxiDn6 a^SZ

cn^aajeTlay spine. ag)f.faigj, oiafnTlmi o^jf-gnnl^aJii^DiAMud.

oQejcmti)) small bone. [23j5n-)o Bhr. So often with Dat. i^<B{£\o)£r::iS)sn?:iif\smj

Tu. M. bone ciol^nbo aQS)§^§^oo adci<3^&> oQ^rtDgj (SaocSfLvnT^ilrrra.

- a.ifcnj marrow = OK>?rvxria'ooroo. VN. o^a^a lowliness. [a oom-^o RC.

jjgo skeleton V2. [whites. QQ)'s)^§i}> to humble oneself Vi. o^aza-igjgtp

iro3<sao, Q{5)gjfi53c95?lajoi\ gonorrhoea, the ag)g^0(0yiO('anb humble.

ag)ej ella (So. Qg)(^^)T. M. C. Te.Limit=og)Tii. VN. o^tgjo (also aa)a'3TJ Vi.) 1. facility,

og)5)gjcSsc)Q55a-i§(t23^ to circumscribe (diet.) brevity; easy. aQ)3Q_ji5rali-(A rmrooo easily.

qQ)^oo, oagjoajo (neg. of oQgj) unbounded, all. aanrn (5Taolaj3a3Sir§ .ajlej o^^gyo Gan. afl

adj. noun, adv. og)gjOOQ, obi. also aQ)gjo 5)^^ o_irailg_joaBo oQ)'g)a^o QQ)3g_j0oo PT.

csilejo gDacaTP.youngest= Q^gjDOolfijo. — 2. also = o®3l0 f-i. ajglcftd) (SS)|.aj1cn

(Br5)(b oQgjoo who all? ^i^s^crogjoo -sio^sioj aQ)^gjo Qjlal^ TP. joked at K.

^ KU. ci^gjDo5)ai05n|o anyhow. oQOo el 5. (what is slight) Sesam. o^^o q_)32;

pers. n. o^g^DxiOBo, — ra-o. Qo o^ol^j to sow, Sixisai to reap. o.j'imjluA

o^^D (CLn)SCijo everywhere. [daily. og)§^5i-§3aml MR. ogjob-u^ xPfrntPa)!; ^^ onsTul

na)^o<Sgl\o^o (old r.(j)^33fyoy;o Vi.) always, 5^^,(B5i afyo ojroD^cQ/o^) Prahl.
^,>^—^^'^ 163 o^j^c^ — og)^^
Q®£§g3a.o gJgj not a bit. aQdo is prov. i'or oajy^oij.-ab (3) large grass B. Q^y>cnjgj^(t)l) ©a"

every thiug slight oQ^ (S jiiO(Si(m(^, a® ^So.

@@go prov. VN. (T. aQff^) o_i(ml(Sg_joao Saoroo qQ'F^j^
(3@gDg.o (TrTinTiDrai), aQ)@^o

aQ)sn26nTl(p_)oaio (=J of smnc^isnTl) smallest 6i0(gg-iS KR. = rising, also aQ<^2> RC.

measure c/aro6!5sg.0f3i) rara.ijffloo aQ''<zo<aS\ ag)^aei elu'^U = ci^^jy^ 4. q. v.

AR. = osQcSiO (also oQcki'p-iZoTino). ci^yagjdfti eluSu'^a T. M. (fr. prec.= jijocao

aQi@£^^&> offering of Sesam to the dead. c0)C52;OQ,€h) 1. To paint ^{t3)63Bcb oQ^foTlaa;

Q^S)gg§m = 0O(ng.jsni Sesam oil. (|1,BT3?I VCh. igasi'^'V^^ atorture. 3i<^cmo<asii

Kinds: .ojle^oocb, the oil used for the body. d6rn)(c)i) qq^. mm. dJia^^^oiDoaKl i^aig_joejlrai) oQ).

<&iOff)rocX5 for common oil. a med. (into the eyes).

5)snjomJDoiau^ -white variety. 2. to write; a native book is to be written

<0.D5^s@^ wild Sesam. according to the rule o^^S, 6)cr)gp5, S)X)gjo,

acsinoiejcb a tree yielding- no oil. o>m^ leaving a sesam width between the

I. n^^ elu (VN. of foil.) T. M. 1. Height letters, a rice grain's distance between the

(5rg)!i^airii^ aQf^(U)\ro Sa_joral) RC. rising -wave. lines, making the left hole of the leaves square,

2. prominence <^<Bs)\mo oogj o^^ajsng Vi. the rio-ht round. With Dat. <Sa-j03i> QJtmaona

right size. ag)yaj(a aronb -well made. 3. by- rma^m" o^^foi^ wrote to me about his having

gains Vi. produce B. i.^oQ^tOi club (Xji®nb o-one. Double Dat. orO) oraxjsiaxixices (2cnoo<Bi

n^yj'aVl TR. wrote to me about it. sianasiza

cDooorafi ojs RC. Qia-05ng gggjo'sra (HraajcruDaicb croooruDomBrajl

II. 0^)^ = 005^ Seven, o^ycu* 7 persons, a®y> (SOJdte o^y'tml (3TJ)TO:^ reported falsely about

fOong 7X2 see (graxionl. oQf^ t^cvo 7X3. qQi<^ me. (STg) a.agjjo oitoios qQ.

o_)@70. gjgjS.-Draices) aQjy^ prov. o^y^ioH (gracacto, Qj1§^ to write to one. So^

oQ^nolaJZoso house of 7 stories.

o®yagoon20<b Rom. Catholics from Nayer TR. in the letter sent.

castes, Coch. ag)^.-n?i castBtalcBJfg = .waiacays®.

.-ia)^'a>1«<fi6)0§(Ss) to give on lower tenures TR.
a^'^Si, CCfd elu-Jfa T. M. C. (Tu. qQO), ajc9«

Te. aQ)«s, o)Cj) 1. To rise tyiosm (O.srgroTJnlral) ©ajjWalmD a®'K® TR. obtained money

:iQ^cm >.xila, t^ynm anjasTlnrTa @g@")caJ3rol) prov. by mortgaging, so msgjlnm oQ.

igrgimnBajorolsylt^nnlmD ff)0o)gj5ifmy(TK> civ&t .iQ)y>fOT^aj06si§fii (— aQ'f<TS^<ii&) to take land on

lower tenures aiiplcanoern.'OiaTlfm a®'63T3^

cm CG. acmTjit) (S.-xjoroirsI) aQf^mo cijrS\&^a^

Bhr. ftojos* Q^^frnlrDl(6eo a med. (in leprosy). MR. but also aQ')3nT)D§ aQ)^^7> cuosoqI jud.

Inf. o^eanr^'rtnD'Sno o^ipcc^SffiSBl CG. S)m£} took down my deposition.

6>cuy>a!nooajl RC. asked clearly. 2. to come. ,,^y:rm^,uro^a5 to be written. Qa)nT)^(26DQ03 qQ)'

(i(3)y>froTl forest fire, spontaneous. ajO'a):nra)Dral) cm TR. they wrote to me that. (Oio.ijl^m-)

og)yar)i20O0Oyamed.(=2al£j).a-)galc0s[u6mo o^'oD (ojfliDroo as I hear from thence.

oQ^-XJonb jj(jn= Vi. (hou.) 3. to bo high oQff ,^<^(£\S)OJ<as, to write deliberately, sign m>

S)sm<^o o_jOaj ea_io5)Cj RC. tall big bird. As

hon. auxil. in S) aioo^gjy^o celebrated Qjooiam^o, 3. to learn. oQ)yj(oVlcas)3J/ol (.uanaiali coming home

o^ooo >T(j)y(Tn o-jlox) CG. 3uas)3_jD«saoca'^ from school.

og)'fn7a^ajrtb Vil. almfO) aiFls)sroi2)y>o cnsroacaj CV. o^yJtoiloeal. to cause to paint or write, teach

•BTO'o^sinrab oQ. first lesson. 2. to obtain a

onich (Mat8J.)=:g@a-

a^)^nr?l 164 c^^rm — aq)^cn^

document, aoolcffioa^ o®'^ 5)<S)D5rgonb TR. folraioo^nm Q<]).to raise up from the dead —
purchased the house on OtVi tenure, ojsiaj Christ.

-oi noloJo Q^. tortured him till he gave up n^^rmm^cBi elunnaruluya t. m. (c>q\^&>)
the field. (3T0ZZ3aj5)m ndiosng ^scastss^o gen. a®'fS(m@§a^(alrcadyRC.)Togoor come,

proceed (hon. of Gods & kings), o^yrrngg*

eJsPral) n(j)'_gj TR. made him to sig^n away cDoch CG. in Bhr. o_i@glc8,-u«Sfl9a o^y'oifmgai

my property etc. ng)y:<3)l65dB'jiO§a5i3) 5)0(g^o a-)onb & nQjifrmftsa"! (o^'^oiar:cfe.x;onb KR.) ag)

QQ)^ta)l-e^ 6)<3->o-sns S)0^o mraolo^o avJOcaeTl ^oicmgi.W (^TUDflS) 6) oJCTK) TP. camc before

(doc.) the king.

ag)^(^ 1. picture, painting. t9jS)6TT5y:cgs po. aa")y5)nm@al3caso the presence of the kiug, the

2. writ, letter. (=(5raflfiaroo, (Sejaumo) aQ)^: king. His Majesty =:(n)ifDj;5cry. mg/s.-oiai udi

(i^o (ftciggo ^a^o^-DTacii'cBsiprov. n^josi.may TR. property of your Majesty. o^'riJi ^sm
Rgg the address. 3. learning, aisiorajsim forailscesjTngofgTa.xjnuD letter to HM. o^'j-sia,

o^y.malmai^^Si to take as pupil. ci(j)^8^o d3« 6i!&.o§(o;®. The Abl. is hon. used as Nom.

c'ao(rroojo cudlces) (prov.) qQ ii^cn\ona a^gjl^ (doe.) the king com-

Hence: o^ymtD^af) schoolmaster, teacher =0^) manded, o^'d^mozacs^gg c}iorgj6!5Qc)r) our

concerns with the Raja. (Oiisigjs <Sa_jD3i

oQjy.'oranb 1. writer — Q^y>(!@<a)oro.ib, aoaj Q^'.^nsTlma aprolifisiscnjocfe TR. in the time


(goTJisDnb o^^.-aianb prov. 2. adj. painted, of the late Raja ! Other forms aQi^cmcsi^^

5)o_)05i(Tny>i5T3)nt)Sjij£j, s^sicSisica. etc. CG. §®rmS(!^nnl(nj, ag)<f6)cm^^'-3Dmi(mc^^^

og)yOT3)05rnl style, iron pen. qQ. ff)<eio§d95) to SrmsR^on^mo TR. (hon. amplified).

raise to the dignity of Menon. I

Q^y^oirrngj^ li2a2JSi-3i3)rt50(b; vu. a®al3ca'SOTT5i

ag)'(^aijnb poisonous snake in houses, with


ri23(b Brahman class at Taliparambu.

white rings (= j^u@glo)c9s)§l). .iig)^nT!ro3§.Kga, ci^j^oinngaesg 1. procession.

ag)'ajoejab the (3 ojro snake (huntg.) ixjfoojocTu'eamo oQ. Sa^s Bhr. 00)5)6013^!

<Srms>if . an ornamental style. o)<m@g(!^ UR. whither do you go? 2.

Qg)y«^<93ol, (50I letter =; Jills. king. ariu>StS5)SSi.-Di3,y^6iaT)@g:52)o mssc&.o


Qa).^ff^aj@al, vu. Q^yroi.jggl school. fojo @sl TR, aay^sinmga.-OTjj 6ig_jroo ai'ipl

a(j)y>«g^a_j1if, Q^' <^^, writing fault. iJijrora.D^nb TP. come with me. o^'c2i3ira)D§

TR. with the king. oQ.

^^^^^' elunilka (old) ag)<^rrn]^ \
(^5)=. -ujwoijyjnrnl

prob, = aa)y=mon')'l^, past o^yooloQ (RC. a® 1

gj TR. the Raja will not set out.

y>rnl(Tr7o) o^yecnoQ, Mud. & So.; vu. ag35rnl|, CV. o45)y^(m@^ ces^, — sinm^csw to carry in

oQjsnTl^orozcao MR. To stand up, rise, jjsm procession, as an idol co)i5mj. (BTOosnioica',

ti)nT<y>frnioQBhr. return to life. — gaTlsfnTa^ a sword. ^Qa) aQ)'-^oS)iJ)05'7g Sajoranrro TP.

rnl^ to rise from the dead — Christ. (ST^TiniOi'aro) oQ. also on car or Brahman's

VN. Qg)y>OTleji. rising. jJccDsforaiycnlej resur- shoulder. Isn^rol Q®'a?^oa^caaj(bRC.

rection — Christ. (i^jy^a eluma T. M. (VN. of o^y^a.) Height a^l

CV. Q^yrn^g^cea to raise; also with shorty; 0^)^004 c&> elumbu-ya T. SoM.= nQ^Sr. only in

ajls^o>^yanlg^^f03,'aTj»lm3(bKR. arol^cu

I- Og^ e5.
A particle, which 1- forms local ail verbs (TO KR.
rnloiJi\cq;^6njaii,'mjm3^^nT) o4ij'j):i5i3)

(20(2&;, ojlsnm; (ffrarnii33Oo30ff)^Tro Nal. 5) jiJCaoof) Mud. do something corresponding

temporal adv. igscnj etc- others (^5<S(Z, m to the friendship shown. [^j„ bazar (med.)

Sod, S',t)S;0 truly, rrysuSZ'. 2- serves for 1

o^jaionaoiainb monarch, o^'o medic, root sold

composition ig-rulsai a_!^o first chapter, <Zid a^eajcorTl only one wife; faithful wife, n^'iw

(.0/00 o^flirLJcoioliwjn, 0^3 a>(i-jrar) i,o_) 0)0

Gjlsai CLri(iCyscfia6!5i3c)o Bhr.; hence the Gen. oQ ff)S

(Srh~)etc. 3. emphatic, (grjjrosejisa curoD Bhg. o^rnlcflQggrijicplgjo.Tb gS6ni§'S0O KR.

by none whatever. aQ'2^asi^<z Mud. eojoej aQ&>sociJQ one-mindedness o^. eajl^l^ai orj)

aaod) ac9fflCt?^(S0 SGr. and Q-95<Sajc%'oKR. s^a^o (Srmo§ AR- o^. a^5n| SiPu.

ej<22j g^Qjnb Bhr. Interj. a_j5ua^c)a an^jOJrtDO t

•2f3 moLD Bhr. (ftgi^ss ng)rraD'SCQ; MR. 4. res- aomorufoo^n Bhr. [(Siinb Nal.

trictive a_iDa,i20 djiorosmo CG. sin is the only ' (i^±hft)0(S)o one day oOJ. 6>i^'Do^g (ji(Q)D5n|(2n_jO

cause, gD(tg)(Saj ff)ja\Dgyoo KR. but somiich. 5)iiJ !

QgjaiQj.^fr)o the singular (gram.)

Q,aJ.i5TaliSeJ already in infancy, •s^'gjnn gsisr^ oQj&Qjsrnoof one colour or caste — a^'gnTl^sj'

afc^csai ajro3o TR. Esp. with 2nd futures ras^rs ;

f^lcfla denV.

o^aiajmroo having only one cloth. q^S)QJ((T^

KU. igs^dasHisej <Sd} oojo rati® CG. 5. com- ojorh said of Nala, his wife a®^^\l(V^wo
Qj |

manding sioJS^smSa (also prayer) S)jii^ra3 1 cs^ Nal 3. [cQ>oa51nLj(oi\

6)iijgj<3gj, (5r3)aro^^5isogjO(2ca' Nal. 6. Q^jj,c/30orucTn sole rule, monarchy as of a o^

(Srm, ;

interrogative after Neg. tsraSgj is it not? tj Q^aoo a certain confectionary from foreign

nrro i^^s cannot? CTolsmcS-s mooDo ?"^i(Sgj Bhr. materials o^. cLnfi)bt5gj>. Vi.

interrog. pron. (= nQ) What? q^.Xj a@£ro<Q^ alone, hermit o^gjOo'sroi^ crc
II. CiQ, 5-

TP. how? cr),cnSl<2^diOiSh)caD^^o5)-m i5<e<a)'ajnrnl§i)i

gnjo (=aa)X!&:|T3o) q®@ q. v.

fi^dSio eyam S. One; single, unic, united, oyj dTlgj oQrii:) .aTlai* KeiN. — fern. qQ5Q-o:>)

dj.0Di3l tiQ^g-Ji^aiQjs^" (doc ) all & each pro- <3j^o m?xcs^Z03iMR. inpo. Q^jd^oc&nrnHJR.

perty, aQ> a aoaTl jointly; singly. — feni. qQJ d. f.i. o®(&>o<4Qo aiming at one point, exclusively de-

Q^ff>ca'c6s;ff)ajfolc95)oeyo, (also a4)3a '-jDb ff)o_iro3 i voted; simplicity, singleness of heart ^1

froai) KR. |animous. |

foiao Q^'0Oc66Tl Bhg. — Q^s-OvCi.<fleKal etc.

o® ih iiTl .TSianb thinking only one thing; un- ! n^-oofioig satin, silk Vi. (S. oQja ootoo one

oQH.jiiSi^o etc. see ji!3((g)o.etc. member?) [csp. by women.

.1^3(0), Q^a.roiJo oneness = 0)0^ i>j . n^'&oa'^ol nth lunar day, a^'<snr)Dcnj observed

ogjc&foiomrif), ogjarnlcitonb having the mind |

Q^a.orroo 1. solitude. 2. exclusiveness a^fi'O

fixed on one object. i oro)e<fl<ai (=0^3)0-^-). ml QQ)iinbo :uo£t

a^i) ffO) in one place, o^ifi^aD once. cm aQQ>o(v:)<S:^d&icriZ'jWCSia AR. sole aim.

Q® Gacao one side of a thing; about, almost. ]

3. independent position a®ooaWTLj3§ Vi.

(@oo oQj'aocsijI (Sais indistinctly, o^ 'fry oft i Q(g:} ocanoo direction towards one.

aocsiils TR. sufficiently accurate. qQj'Otjo > Q^ijiocamco^TOnb = (i^ai_an:oi3;n6.

«(S)0§iz^ nearly all. (ScrooisionaiCEacBo ©so i
a^iJD^ao see majSsocQio.
Og^dei&nol — 0^096^0 16() cuSi^SGi — o^^So
agj<3ii(fhra)c05i to unite. rmzsJlral) qQj'^ became Also o^tauHtii) f.i. a^cOsSejaa-iJoru.-orilaTo nnmo.
reunitod. a med. o^cfisiooo in o^afflOOroKTliTro fiooan

Q®&ieajlec» to become one. o®'^ croanDo to 6T^^ prov. — VN. of:

be absorbed ODDroocasmnolrai) q®'^ (St2)fOif!D Q^fflsgiJ) to breathe with difficulty, breathe

Bhr. — CV. samaunb ««o)rmo%o cnaS)^ audibly (as tiger); sigh, growl i^<rsn)&&i

oajQil/SQjlgJl^ Bhr. @j fD3(J;an63i3l <ej'j)i^^cn_i.iOo Anj. Qg)nmo<ai)

<j^5)o)aic);o (o^ai, Q^c9)o) each singly = ©DSfOo Q^ssigoD^o ^TiZcflgnmgo g3Sig.tflso a med.

<SfDD f.i. Qgj5i5)a^.d>^.QgODCSinroo AR. a 100000 oQjasignm rmozK prov.

in each direction. iS.i^Bems)^ o^'aDcasTl o_) VN. q^sTOitA — q^'gjo ^0C%o Nid. a med.
Q^osa.Tt) asthmatic V^.
aiftgs Bhr. (=Qji&>aj&rmlrol^).

a®33jO(oi3xn^ Trav. = o^fl^lsxil^, arrnl^. fi^.c66i ekku 1. (Q®^i>< 2.)Sharpword8Yi. — 2.

o^S;a>oac9io (see ^Qi3>o) giving the water

(n^cossi 3.) carding cotton agg£aaj'&i MR.

only once, not thrice (a form of tenure a^id86ioft>, ^ ekku-ya (T. oQ^'St^, see o®^)
below g3,'\3CTnl(b). 2. freehold granted to a 1. To join so as to fit, to patch. ?. B. to

deceive T.
company. (2&ra^o is qQJ. of the 64 Gra-

mams VN. Q®aJ a joint, juncture, patch. 5)5)S^Q@gi

KIT. indivisible property.

Q^3c9ioajlc9s) T. M. to be united, agree

joined hands n^^s^m q^jj1£JDiSkI V2. set

a bone.
Q^'Sa-.oojo a compromise,
CV. n^ojlctte to get fitted together. —
n^c^enol epni Pleasing but deceitful words.
CL^Q?^06<^'£& eiigonikka (o^onb, (Sc9>asrrb)
n^. a_iO^, Q^fiisrnlgi Vi ,(fr. Q^aja, o^.-finsn^l).
M. a^'_gi5)ajc96i To place different articles so
o^cfet^, 0^1 e-yup (T.C.Te. to go, accomplish)
as to offer many angles. tj^'_^£rTiscSo-) to lie
1. To give, bestow (S;a£t\5mo QQjrfl§,-T7o PT.
with hands and feet drawn in. (^rolaido Q®'-gp
yields food. (Branfc®a_ioroo ogjib aonorol HNK.
oliSa Vi. not to pull together. ajl§ etc. q®'^
(= a®3<aib-mo?) 2. (T. o^oj command) to
(Sgioail = 0§o o)(Oiool^ angles, walls being
say, command QL!(TLisms<as0OQ ig-gStmaTlRC. bevel
^sng ajo3c95!<9)ajonb cnxioauo n_jo Vil. (giaaorzrj
riff>,6iy^d95 see ruS^ddCo.
smoSsaTl Mud. toilan a@Q^aj^g.^<fia to call
fiff-jn^Si eju'ya aM. = Q^^3.
out, so as to show the position of each hunter VN. aQi^ 1. Tie, connection, q®^ <&S'^ to

(huntg.) — to reprove Vi. 3. (C.) to get « entangle. i^^oSn_j^o go gjO.iSiraajnbVi. non-

raojcnnos ara.ijab ear^oo^ao eo-aocaoo VyM. sensical. 2. bail. a^. i0iiplt9>, Oji^tfli, fcnlas-i

when one buys a freehold. to terminate the bail.

VN. Q^aifot 1. command (srag ajoraa^uonb a®. nQ^^ah (a^crsi^) a med. leaf rubbed on the

?o3^go -fDS)S)(Ss>Q«ikyjd9. CGr. no permission. cut spatha of palms to prevent the wound

2. blessing. (Sieggoinboc^'o 6im.i7l5)nboci^o from closing (also <ft(TOrrra).

(^foiejloiniocsj^o (aoieul) oq. S)&.d^'^ TR. — n^S eda Stunted or maimed (o^aunb?) a^zits

hence destiny, luck. ag)Tro6)S c&ic^oSei -aJod< j3so (S03o)iPtStgo ^aajo ©gj prov.

a^nTn«raJ)iT) •^(vn'SZi g.5"-glaj3an&H-<A CG. agiSo edam = s5o l. Place asrasff^o any-

oQJ. ®gjD^CaO|-3t aQl^d.^^ prOV. (=S3 where. SiSgso Bhr. some part, ais^a-a; 6)a>

C^o, oTlcul). §l®c2;So o_)^ oijiigjo prov. wherever, fos^rg

o^cee^o ekkam T. M. (compare ag,<ss)'ch) Hard scijo o)jiJmD CC. 2. time gDro^iiSsSrmsci^

breathing, asthma, dyspnoe; o^. 5)i>.o§(t5Tal§ whilst. rnl®n6oso cgraijiiis AiPlcSa KD. thy

,iiJ43so Qjoeoija) prov. lifetime; also measure n(i)3n05o ©-alD^manb

fig^so^ — fi^enol 167 oQ^bO-O — Ciffi,15^0dd6

RC. he said so much. 3. breadth n^S'Siaisib prov. 2. (T. boundary) jjipljasKSauSs)' e>h a^.

aaonlool Laxmi CG. 4. mansiou, palace en gDrolanSg may he meet with opposition.

0^6<^ enu (T. firmness) C. M. Edge, chiefly

ca-0oTR. fixed palace-expenditave. a^^oooQ. the 3 edges of the cocoanut ^T. sSjiIoTitI). ^
as)<2crr) ajfolnjoit) 16000 a>mjSi0Oo)fO <£>-Groo;^

CG. 7th story, Harem ( = ag)yrn^leJ2JDSo) or Q^srra .xj^.tskd Soisob a cocoanut of 8 months'

rather astrologically 7th sign (see o^tPOo). growth.

5. king QQ\^fo)cm^S:iiSo, also .uy^cdnnTa

o^fW.lstebalS. (neuter of n^ a:)This. o^w^DSai
now,n^u)raS^ meanwhile, o^oiaol now(po.)
5)ti_iralai;3inr^ Qjnrra ojos.-sraiss.tsra^ anm ojQ)

o^fZyil'ot) eSil a T. Neighbourhood (o^m); hence

^fffil TR. wrote to the Raja of Pychi, then at
Q^oiaiib (T. a@3?laJD(b) enemies o^.-oiaijio) cuach
Peria. i^S si^So aipi-^ l)a<S3iJSo).'0ra) oraftDcan^
d*>?lra32jDd3al RC.
ajotTl^ KU. (=:Raja).
I. o.g^^ Tdbh. = Cg(iD^,
o^SD^So eda-yudam M. T. (C. Te. oojsosao
s)Opposition, porverseness csrafio-itnlrtii) [mai^o
II. o^^ eb\X T. M. C. (II „^.) What, which?

Qjlfi®o oQ^n^coyaA a^soS<a>oso prov. o^. {^

o^g.uSfO ^osmo how long? o^^oig '^S^M
Bhr. Q^Srrrogajonb oaTTO tzst?^ SiPu. a®5);ai
sfli to raise a mutiny, qqj. diDsajanb eo.xD-ai

showed a rebellious spirit. roo&iiS^ ^£j a^'

6ioro)Sso (ST3)C/)iiOo CC. — adj. oq^ o_js5mo
what town? o^S.tDg ru)6)Diis) (STjjSi.Tra ffiauo
soach CTjSti^ajont) TR. to organize resistance
to Government. culcuooi^ TR. name the several parishes that

o^SO'^ScSaoronb promoter of strife, rebel. are discontented. — also for o^Dnb f. i. ei?£\

n^§ edu T. M. (C. ag)S plantain leaf) 1. Palm-

leaf nQ)^(0^a-3i3) Q^§. 2. leaf of books, book MR. which of the parties. — n®tnlooo?A in

wliat proportion.
o^^irtA i3>5i^ofDlj 2o_iora3 (9io§~l s>a(Ssn:;6mo prov.
0^310030 some, any o^tJiDoao gaisTgasTl'iA (Sf^
add practice to theory. q^§ aol.^ SooDtSa turn
roooao gong prov. o^crooBo .iil^aub some
the leaves. 3. flowerleaf o^sejib'jsrant) Bhg-
^^^^- few. <S5S'cao,Ti3(ba®a)3a©o, 0^^316 n_i0^'3io
[to strengthen (=o®d9sca>?).
n^^cSi, SiedU'^a Vi. To join by sewing TR. some troops, (sraticruado n^oionb (Sf^z^
in order

a6^§ etta l. Tdbh. <S^-eQ Goddess of distress,

tOdasiD'JSo etc. — mod. adj. o^uiDDTTg; tsramiD
Q@§a{)= 3e3i r^nb. 2. (o^5i73)a kind of sheat c2/d3s)Dconb ch5wo:jj-?t3-!6 (loc.) what sort of

fisli, with dangerous spines, -ojgglsais.
o^go any. o^oilseja^o a_jD3?^oprov. anywhere.
cUiiCuJ^bo ed'a-^^am S. (Tu. o^^^-ai^^) Ram.
Q®3it5)aao some, any o^. ^:sr,£\:n:, !j)jiJ:gJXiortt)
OjJlCUJOfb edail S. (sec prec. & C. Te. o^^x^block- eoijIcBs'Tra CG.
head) Deaf. O^^TJYSlo ettam M. Te. (=q^ooo) l. a machine
ag^&nOo enam S, l. Deer, fawn. Q^snri f. hind. to draw water aQ. i-rnggih, — ajaD-^aai)) MR.
in order to prevent irrigation. Q^tii3)5)cfls)0§

(SaiDjiJcr), oQ55irnlgcSi = 0onbagrn1. wooden bucket of the same. = gej:ff)<05-,o§

o^smoBjit) moon. Anj. o^nDOBjsrjj^oenj^oin 2. painful mode of getting up & down, a school-
l2D(b CC.
punishment ogfi og3o:oT3;o ms1can3g_jO(b a®
2. aM. T. steadfastness o^smo gjrrnl xifrarmo5(m
S)cm Anj.
rnldesTlg^RC.,Palg.So. seeo^nno. ti®inauDy> B. = (Sm:(T5),xj3if.
aQ^&nol 6ni 5. (Tdbh. (S;c5)5rr)l?) 1. Ladder, fi^^fGYWQ^ee-i^o ettakkal (fromT. n^^VN. of

bamboo used as ladder, o^. ff),U_ai a>CQ;o^, o^. 0^ 75ia to praisi?, worship & T. plur. of (gT3:c)o=

.nlofol aiSTO MR. (SjroOTTalnm oQ. .aiD5)roogy fSirajS aicb, vu. M. -grpjarcb) Praiscrs, singersB.
n^^OYO OaJ •
— n^f; (6\ 168 a^,rb — fiQ>Q d&)

n^('J3YO)0aJI ettappu (So.) Breast-cloth of women. to support banking work; bank. 2. gums
o^UulODo edhibam S.(q^' u ) Grown, thriving. li. 3. No, a kind of fish. '4. No. = jlti^/ol in
nJ^-.COo enani SoM. Readiness, Ktness (o^a'i)

Q®. CST3) ^v to b(! neat, fit ; a^. (grgjoan to prepare !>. n^.Cb er T. M. C. Te. (Tu. Q®rro= or^fTO^, o^rroa)

aj5^nocYV)' enas s. (i^± x^") Sin (po >

1. A yoke of oxen. 2. plough with draught

I. n^'ot) ea= c32Jorib, 6W)0ib T. M. C. in raro-l oxen. Q^ oiiA a4S-i(So. a^'iiciA.) to yoke to

<2canb, o>a^D§dBs^nmVj. etc. the plough. ^U5n|l<s^5is QgibaoTj)) pole of cart.

II. n.(pfu)=t^">'T^''^ a Cond. of a^*it) f. i. a®3fm ,oOcno^(b3iDeri6^j3>^ ix^£\ TP. ploughed with.

ciao, Q^ssTOoao (-(ST2)Tb). fmnb ?grnl Pay. S}(b oQ^) (^'O^Z^o o)<9i§1 TR. a^S§(b SJ.'Lis' (Bia

III. affiOfb T. aM.C. What? ( = q®^) agjtb tf) nj Q>'W: Q®"'^3tiJ^ 6i.:>)03ial (SiaQci:^ MR. TP.
a^C^365 enSu'^a T. M. (C. (er^Tj) l. To take cat off the team to prevent ploughing. Q®3n
up, wiokl. <B)iiio n^Twloi^Oo'Tg took from fire. 03 ploughing apparatus.

-aJZZsl s^sjai^Diti)) Q@. KR. tSioraisTOcb q^.tiM I. o^jQ eru =Q^* T. Tu. Bullock; hence:

ojI'tTi^ Mud. si,u5nz^s.ijrnnla2; rootzrh Parasu o^TO^, o^ocr)D§the province of Calicut, with

Rama, also called (g)q2j!aye-uaai igcT9 RC. <9)fOo the original chief place ^mslcsrirolni (Jew.

Q@awlm ;i^5im RC. 2. to rise g^cij^caSgliora)! Syr. doc.)Q®oo3i>.<SfO, ogoonosairocQaDfb, Q^

0) CD DrsDi") on CG. sweetly perspiring. o^.toI OODC^fhSOiq^gg 03g_p@gZO(t TR. Q^:^CT)0§o
5i3i/y^")nmofoo$0D3o, o^nreolm ajl^i::^c)o CG.

(2aio.T_j3crnl Q^rrd)! e3_iejlaf! ChVr. =aQq,M). KU.

3. (Qg)i'rns9>) to reach, stretch arms or legs a@oosl0D(li (inS. Ker. Mah. called 'jooiojoaitb

Q^offil a®§'^' took with difficulty, o^nwl o^ cowherds) the family of the Calicut rulers,

n^i5id9s)0 5ri§ mstSa with evident pain. their palace called orgjiicnjo^l KU. the

VN. Q^crafot, aici5)§jj,oit) oQjTffl lameness. .5th & 6th prince of the dynasty are called

n^i^Ogjo eutram TdbU. 'sj'Q^o l. Machine euro i^ai?. ,

gDg.'^i Q^03:ri;wiro3(gral).T-i2§.

20i)3i03«)'Q5> nnl^ai.'o KR. Q^:Qig;g_joejo draw- q®-:)OS20(S,-oo.t6 Samuri'.s secretary with 5000

bridge. 2. Q^!Qa)6TO<:>3 bulwarks KR. 3. de- Nayers KU.

ceit. Q^$TC;g_j'5mic6flD.'3ab cunning. Q^rao^nb (T. hero) in o®. a^.r3i^ a war knife,

oQCiUiiZo, Q^rra.'Ocesif itA M. necklace, amulet. also QQjTDsnb cD^ iijT) & Q^^DsQ^-)'3ial( see

o^Q_J eppu, see a^ce6id6>. tsrgi^coo) inhabitant of the Q^ooacTio§ ; o^

oQ^aD^ email coll. T., So. Palg. (prh. of T.n^ ODck)3J3§rooe33aj TR. one of Samuri's family
gj^ to be puzzled, bewildered) Beggar, silly (a^"jDc>3^g-jD^the junior Raja Y-2.)

man. II. o^iQ T. M. (VN. aQ)-?3^-9i) A throw, cast.

n^iOOJot embal (T. oq^o) Belch. Q^. g3 5^ S)'T3ias"T§3)a^^o5n3 o®Q,5)Sia§R^ (mark of con-
also ogjcruejo gD§c9) amed. (symptom in mo,^! tempt). Q®Q,3 igsiiojo s>5inT)0(tg3 Qj.-na prov.

(C^ej) SoM. agjaucx)sio 2a§£bVi.2. Nid. eruct- hit most inopportunely. a^SsrpQ, fOj^lSv-Lja^Tl

ation. superst. (=:gi^(S3D.-aLo). (Sm2«!i3Q, cocoanut-

ag^^fOddso era"^am S. a grass of the seashore day. (ScjioSaiQ, rustling of leaves (huntg.) (2,gio

used for arrows (u^Sjcnjgj), said to be grown

out of iron dust, o^'asifgsmo Bhr. o^i^id-njei Q®"5^§S) B. to cast up.

ogiqaBi, 61 eru-ya T. M. C. (C. also o^a from
a^ro5'<'^a^o erand'am s.Ricinusc (ST^usmcBa. Q^^) 1. To rise, increase, be much, nnla^o?
o^ifOleri (T. tank. C. bank of tank} 1. Stakes Q®'')liinrra, j^oa^ Q®5l-2g_j0ai^ TR. too high.
o^Qce^ 169 n^Qce.

ajs^az^onaoroltal) ao^ggao* QQ}ol.ij(Tro TR. — ojo 0Tasl-2j (opp. (Sioaj). 2. rising, ascent.

i^d^Sic^ n^:i^^fa) 6i®§ol (Sa_]D<Q)nrra CG. aao (SojaHscoiooo high water (opp. wod3s,o).

o®Q,o i^oipnb PT. (ST3)'^'a®ca;Q,o(2aoaaca>c)o Veto, a®. S);9)S<a) to fasten a string to creepers.

a'OS;SaQ,0 B)Oa etc. (Si'3)rt)0glacbQ^g@§'5ra)lra{) 3.=Q^0Q, climbing palm trees. There are 2
aQjQ,o Bhr. which party has more charioteers? ways of drawing the toddy: cnsicns^ooo
2.toarise=:aBl(95) chiefly in the hon. expressions (& — oq) from Kudakkadavu northwards
(0)1 ro3a^@g,'Di^aA,(aiQ(yl 0)1)0^0,010 to know,learn. & from Chavakkadu southwards — the aiGJ

3. to ascend (mod. c9>i2roQ|C&i, £)>WQ,^) csz^oooo being washed, ojsls^ooo (& oq) bet-

o@ol CG. cnSlooDoaximo Bhr. (Sfo^Dsrnl KR.; ween Kiidakkadavu & Chavakkadu, the

chiefly to mount cocoanut trees. o^Q,aD oj^ <9iej beingscraped. 4. pulling up=a^'OiO)o

gi = si(i5isi53 Q^QOT) Qjocrsj, Q^QOT) cTOoaomo f. i. n^OO51c86)05. (STaciQr's)(T)5>|-3)0§g_jOrtb <3fQ

(Sajoao a®. 5)-aK^ KR. 5. iftCijjlrai o^'ig

Inf. Q^o, a^So 1. much, more, too much, a^ ggcunb, Q^ooo g'5i^Dca« to be intimate with
(SOt9s)DGJ0oiiJ1 for a long time. 6i<SnT)0 S)^ a prince (a®Q,a) what
2). 6. is too much,
^ CG. to doitonce more, aalojoruo o^o
(1^.00003^1 you did too much. cijoS<Os)OOo
(S.xis)^ Qjorra (SruDoilTR. 2 days more, o^
excess in words. ajO(fl«l(SeJoooVyM. abusive

language. — 7. assault o^'soBcb taosnTl^orat)

prov. too far- 2. beyond 6nj06imo aioSw TR. (513)8^05 ,ono§l(3!)nQ}.S)jii(^ devastated
o ojaTlK^ RC.
the country. ogooaiOOoMR. S)S)£n(S:2jOOo
QgO(flao 1. difference, more or less. anrnlcTrao
VyM.= (Sra;!nl(^0o: o^. a)^^(Tn (3Tg)<3Jj(JUo
oQocs^o a3oc3^o curoosi'm oosrmzsl^ TR. so
offensive weapon Vi. d^g-jSajas oQj'sBBcb (a_)
that all got their due. o^OcSaocai a^si^
iT)iJK»lc9« TR. to act on the offensive against
(ST2)f.ia>c>3 many people. 005:^2930 •aisng i^fO)
T. a^.Si<9^o^&i to be ofifended, attacked.
fa})6)^Dj'"i§ (ga_)oai1 took nearly all the pro-
8. embarkation=(9)(Sraooo f. i. n^oo0O)l Vi
perty. (oioD ajDca«lrm o^oojso cuRSci^a^ g)
dues for embarking (So. n^oQ,0>ti)l).
jjj TR. (=c^OTj3cruo). ruclgjojloinbo (Sf^%
a^OQl.=(,^ooo3. mounting palm trees. q®oq
003^15 Q^Oc930C%(§JJo o)^tm fought several
(9)D(b those who climb up. Qg50Q,a)f3K?l (So. <S Jii
times with T's. troops. 2. assault. (Sf^fS^o
OQ,<9ir3ial; also ajSJaem.'iJial, (0)ro<S5)(nis?l) toddy
S n^'5)^(m TR. (=019:0)1(^)01^) a-J§oao
drawer's knife. ng50Q,5^3>ra) palm tree tapped
ojcTiD (Oicryrooan o®. e^^mf will attack
several times. 2. (=0^000 2.) n^oolo
the Raja ; also with Ace. 5)Q-)onbajl@g0D
<Ss)o ebb & flow of tide ; up & down spot.
oiro oQ}. o^iiii^ ill-treated.
3. (=a@OOo 8) osoolodte ^Bjo ojosiral TR.
Q^OcSsoaj id. 1. 2Dro)l'j)rmoa» o®. ajnmo.isl) in
4.= n®OQ4. snare o^OQXio,?^((AV2. trap-
failure thereof. 5)jajg2inr)(dilnD af03 o^. -Sio

door. 5. adv. part, of o^gj^ja).

snav&icsyo ^gj nothing shall be wanting.

TR. no n^OQcOia. v.T. M. 1. to raise cLiOgo o^oolcs^o

gD(0)~lrah o^'ajl^ ^(3)®® O_JfO03R51Da

exaggerations or evasions. 2. ojgj a®o <QjS)0-^o to increase & lower. 2. to put

on, (0)00)0 Q@. to fix the blade into the spear.

(Saooj 5)jii(3j^oro()TR. assault. aj§oacas)3<3rao
(8Toaj5)cr) roLD,-3T3)l(8r0(a!) aQo6^S)&t:^i^§ KR.
s 6i(03 Q^. (0)O5rnlcSsi to offer resistance.

o^ocQaiSo^Oceaoaz) No. id. qQ}. ^0 (St^jcb

3. ^emc^ o^. (tnlra^^-jga.'OTailfol), (ftOg^iXi!) oQj.

about 10 men. a. to inform, suggest. b. to talk, speak

[q£^ etc.

Q^olca; adj. part, much, many. o®. elajaro03 (hon.) 4. to embark (^^o^ o®")Q;uo.Tb

VN. Q^noo l.rise, increase; adv. much, a^oo SQiD, jiirocSb" aQOCiaiO^o goot^Ci^o TR.

ag^eja — ti^a^cfe 170 ^§^— ^^f^
5. to multiply S)a.jQ:uo5)a oS^^<Sii^CiA o^ool
{^^i^, OC^ 1. To hit, take effect, ansor)
(Oiggaz^Ofsli £hlyncQffiCS.rule of three. iQ>Daj:ijo Q^Of^ has worked. Neg. ogejo'fLjejaso 22^ Bhr.

(=aciailc9«D@;; (Sufob eal^ojlorn oggejofltm

a^sraoolcaofa') VyM. Mud, — (^ola^cfo, i955fs, c/aoo_jo u^oq o^noltS®

I. o^^o elam 5. S. Cardamoms Bhr. (STOs)s)Qj^a^.c)o o^ejejo Nid. altuo dho

org) aaicfiJlrai

Qjlacs^cTD Q^. gajoo anrra (rev.) ^rDroTalridl ffioooQ <So_iocai1 CG. 0iPO£^o asroi^o d)0OQ,o aaj

(Cicirai o®eJZi5)aj<9s ®a_jD3i^ (Oicrnlayo 0d.rQQ-jo aPeio Q^OQ Bhr. oozzaoajofoissscX) q®. Brhm.

is@9 o®. fmo^p^ v9) TP. jijliSooejo a med. 2. to meet in battle. roiZii^ral) q@oq, fell out.

Q@GJ^f0i93 the produce 2^B^£»^(iAcn\<^m (flilsan (gcTulrai) (2a_i33iD Q^^^ ojlsom ojoipld) Sroia

o^. TR. Qj,^ to engage, attack, ^ojffifoos q®"Q, Siois

o^aj^fOo <&lip1^ TR. = Q®ej0ej. ftaria).

o(i KR. rooc2;t8«)0§ o_is Q^oQ, OTODBirai q^^o
Q^GJ.'orara'i Card, seed (hence the name Elet- aonoonnlgjKU. q^dq arolcSsi, a®aJD5)fa) aol-no

o^ejgjlgrai), — g-Jg^rai) Card, pods. 6)<9)0do Mud. 3. to receive, take in charge

o^aiaJDEj S. bark of Ferouia, med. aV)^S032,o qQJOQ, OJOoOI^Oi, esp. 6^S)ft Q®^ q. V.
Q^ajoa_ii2)o a Niiga oQ}. Qmoyig Bhr. Q^nbcro^oroo a^gjDob accept my services. cSTj)

II. aQ^^o=<3^^o Port. Leilara; auction, oolihli^ aj(uf3)c£hn6 Q^OQ TR. undertook to

n^ejoro elas, a^ejl^ (=(S)0^) a waist advance it, Q^iQ,Qjo5rnliSo selling for another,

ornament, containing silver coins (^QcSs) also petty merchandise. ci^OQ,n_io§(&) to sing with

(Soiejg^f. i. ff)ajggl,i230g_jnb o®.— Q^aimtSg, jh or after. 4. to admit, confess, (Saoa^o o^OQ,

ytorz^ral) s^c&scma®. (Mpl.)s)aj§al(i335ralc8nar(A o-jOiSi to acknowledge the fault, o^oo g^rmarao

fS-Q^. MR. Kinds: gssroaj^', a nJtssngeJjf^'. saying yes, auoaa^ a^. to attest. 5. to multiply

oQ^^O ela 5. (=00)50?) Cry to encourage one 6)a_iQ,xi03 0f3l) ojlggs^ca; Q^OQ, CS. multiplying

another in hard work. the second term with the first (=6)a_jro3cfl5)).

n^iTjb el T. M. 1. Possibility, reach o^eja^sngajTl.Tj)) VN. Q^gj f.i. .ojla^o^OTOdis Q®. g.5n| effect
s^ajsl o)ajd9ffl = a_i060B. 2. preparation, re-
(=:nnaio) — oQjaisi.iJsl a volley Vi.2.
sponsibility. Q^ajocsiri nicely done, o^ejo o_i3§o
CV. n^gjlces) in all significations 1. (^f51 qQ.
cug.5)ro 5)a-is (ai3-Uo)or) aja.«3ro)l vu. 3. comfort
to wound. aojD5moajocx^aj®ff)cr)a@'-^ AR,

2. onosiloior) o^g^.^ ojlg^csa to make a

nggej 6)a)sl(t)lcS5) to be uncomfortable.
dog to attack or seize. 3. aainoo^ (Sa
a®5)gj§f)v (T. C. Te. Tu. SoM. a^S)^<^Q) en-
(Sajiogsim q®'^ KU. committed to Indra.
gage in, be responsible for. VN. Q^gjD§.
a\iaejo sajaio (Stgsia a®'=^ msfOT3)ljj_j3.T6

MR. So esp. erasag^cSo, sjsiiS) Q^. to make

oQ^j^ 065, mre T. M. 1. To suit, fit (qcS\(S\
over to, entrust with. 4. (Qild q^. to tell a
(Sgejo ®g_jorij)Dao CG. (SaJ3c9)an o^ejrm oxo)
story, deliver a speech. 5. o^o^cBsraiggjlces)
Q_iK^, (Saioa^aa oQjejo aoccA CG. (^^ajoc^si).
a.= (3i(VS)o 6)&to^«^ (flj.walcea prov. to come
2. po. = a5reoa) to have (sraaoaasujGJo o^ejo
to grief thro' one's own fault, carelessness,
(c^foob RC. aosooejo ia,5n^, — alsplaa*; ^d
etc. b. ^foiDob astpl^'Cnifal) (m3!Tb.!Donb prov.

^aj32J3c>3 Bhr. etc. ciffiOJ eva S. Thus; indeed.

Q^ojo thus (po.)=aQ)Tro.
Q^ejo old Concess. (=Q®ejlejo) siSiaigJ^s^gjD

mocaiDSfoejo 5^ ^gjiScniDch CG. any one = a^OJOfu evan T. M. (a^ II.) f. ri^cubo, pi.

(sr2)®roaao. ci^QJcb, og^OJ Who? cru-^033a5)@g3«s eras

o^cq — n^ca^enol 171 o^oOl—o^i^

coocavoi Q^ojrrf) CG. which of these two is my den V. Q^'raasrnlcSsi V2. to breed discord,

real self? ajso6ss3C!j^@gaj<b Q^ojfb CG. o^qDI ehi S. ((3T3)+3D imp.) Come, o^oolsz

Q^xioao every one, q^ojoso all, Bhg. come to me.

n^fl^ eVU better q^ozj Shooting. 065,^(77)0 eliSam T. SoM. (Tdbh. Srioai, <25U

fig^C/9 esa (Ar. asa) First nightwatch, prayer aj) Contempt, mockery; also o^artJi-io n_io<9)

after twilight. to sneer. (Calic.)

fiQ^.^cej esup (old ogj-ojcSi q. V. T. o^ig!,) To og^^cfij. ^ elu-ya C. M. (ag)^<a>) To rise, used
unite, fit, meet, take effect (= ojocjai, o^gj^ hon. of Raja's moving =: o^yjoiang^ai, but
a) ojDcasiSBcX: @d/o <20rnl(S3LOS Q®^(ScaJOc)o CG. applied to lower dignities, o^wilsfo^cft to

come in contact, (graiinb sacinlsca'OSSC'alnnDnt) meet Vi, 2.

Q_ioaja)nb aof03Sajo6iscm Sojosiaj fight, mem Q^glscascsrantioib a class of Brahmans at Tali-

g^raf) Q^sicoDgj no intercourse, S^caeroch aQ parambu; o^sasn^ (SSiocs2?laj«)o, (sr^ai

^nm n-jO(jiS!SB(h a^t-iocmorh CG. Q^aalcaTlgj ssBOsnrra fa?l6)g_j§ o^jsao foicnjroaafe TR. (q^
prov. fBTaiJi^iSnrDOSo q^c/do helps nothing, enj (Sao = Qffif-CU) N. pr. of Cottea-yattu rulers.

(g^cai^fab Q4gc/30,-ma inconceivable, o^c/aoeacmo foTlns^cTLnm Q^a^ctti(Sa5T3ioao & o^a^ScsiJS

cn^sTDcSsnOTnrai) KR. (=:ajroo). (Si3i:3)oacijo KU.

"VN. Q^-^ q. V. also o^c^ in rooeaDtfisiraoGroos o^g. in aioSfOg q. v.

aQij^S)ri_is g)(&iDggc&i KU. to meet in war, Q^alcea V2. to walk with arms akimbo.

attack. ftiilnBmDajDarifab 6)5)ajeJDfDii oQ'^ cx^'S' ela (a®y) Fine, penalty, exacting presents,
Qjrtai-DToil KU. (= ojcaejlrai — oQm^a^ or oq Q®<pc3^o (SaiotPOjjo KU. Yi.
aio Qj«SfiJ«fl?) oQ^tPl eli (Q®y>) N. pr. Mount eli (Heili of Marco
aQicQ:\esaS.(m.ofQ^(tJirai))Thi8onen®:fi]6T2)Dnbpo. polo, d'Eli) oroaJjOiacaaio in KM. rather "the

o^.ceQ&noo esanam S.(\/^a2 -0^)866^05, wish- high."

ing. Q®.-fi26Tn cLiO'^oKSBcb ass Saj eusmjul^ Bhr. Q^tfloig-jOsaodo N, pr. a Colattiri king KU.
i^sojcfiaemc KeiN. Q^:a3sm(@cQ,'6SQ^o Bhg. tsn a^!^ elu T. M. (C. Tu. o^f. Te. a®ay; VN. of

culBjoajc/atDralraf) ojoraTlcaso efl^unf) si^mo (n_) o^^ai height, growth) Seven; the 7th day
after death (o^ii^nrro (Scuoca) a ceremony) Q^y>

oDa&jDfOo) KeiN. Qjoumjajcfecss TP. entering her teens.

o^ffi^&nol esani (Vi. o^ysnil, n^ftsrnl; T. Q^tpoo 7th, Q®. aoglai Vi. = Qg)^cn^aj0oalc9i
Q®^ rail, Te. o^ai defame, C. Tu. Q®(rolc9> a tower, fort. o^. o^So the 7th sign of the
disgust) Backbiting, talebearing oQ. (^^<a, Zodiac from that of one's nativity; one's

(a_i(BcaJDc61c65, PT. Q^. (Sais Nal. heard his wife (astrol,)

exaggerating tale, n^'cea 6if035)axi§ i§^6iinaO(b o^tP^sjrruoaj the 7 leaved milkplant Echites
[as Narada. scholaris, & Jatropha manihot KR, a^'
Q®-aj5m icSsjOfortb calumniator ; set on mischief. (S,-0t3)3rai) MM.


S>(1^ EI (At)
6)aQ changes often with (srdw\ f. i. ^(©coJlsaioaijo felt particularly drawn together. S)Qgi£f>,o anml
KR. = 5)S)(f3). s)5)foi(b CG.& foiatriib, Sis^cSi & £n Gjo gDgjormlrolceso (ar^faieooj ChR. the disen-
^; passes into a® as (tntiJ^, rmoiaj^s (from gaged spirit.

T. termination iu «oQ), in M. palatinal ora),

S)aQ3,fiy> id, (a)20l(tii) 5)ng). @Dgj no harmony.

or into (gra as, 6)Q(j)cnj^ — (sn>aii<^; (Ergjaicnjosl, (er2)(Oi0o;2jl(Tn am9i<2mo§o sioQ). gogj 5)^
siQ^ouosl — tsracnjDs'. OQ,o ChR. remains perfectly uninfluenced.

I. 5)00) ei, ai S. etc. luterj. Aye, hey! e^o^roTlc^o ei6ihyam S. (©foVlaO) Traditional

II. 6\a^ 5 . = (BTOS^ (T. SioQiQ^ Tu. 3)00)03 C. Te. or Purana lore.

o)ag)§) in 5)Q^cij(b, also S)aQo in (BtasrmQ, 500 etc. 6^ci^rr^,36TQJDOO0fDl Sk, Siva, see ro.o*.

rgT3)C3iriros)5)i'OT3)caoo 1005th (doc) e)ag)(Snf^0^o einbolam Tdbh. -macs

laoao Mar-

6)n6)aft> district of 5 Cos.& s)QQ)c8fflo.'0)o qcesiD riage litter s)a^. n^o^ooDch Nal.
(010 Q^nm 6iismjjl-o\ KU. 6^ag)(a3o amd'ram S. Belonging to Indra 5)ag)

oioaasl the 5 tribes of Cammalar, also called (ogaocs^gg oogj oO-xTlff^ KR. ff)a®23>i-J3aul
o)QQ)3)»)0gjri2D(b loc.
Indra's place & dignity. [(Big^ajadoKeiN.
o)QQ)®ffiD03rrf) 5 cornered.
6)aQ)i23eaoejl;9)ab juggler. 5)ag).' oeas ajlaji&cb
5)00)000^ 5X4.
5)ag)anJ0S| = (ST^CQJaU0Sl CC. CG.
S)QQ)a3)ej mocoo VCh, 5 headed serpent igrgjro^
6)ag)6^nQJ(?BCiD6oeim-peruinal(S)ag). T. C. Tu.
qd 6^aQ)'srDT3)0§ a.g^iSiaaTa prov. KR.
= (gras3 lord) iu old diet. = (Sexiejob Husband's
6)ag)cnJ@ 50 (=(gT3CTU.g) oio^ooj^o amao ajo^ brother.
Anj. learn the letters.
fflo^CQ/'o eyyam (Sio®. I. crying out) = (HTaSJo
S5o®S)nnuomD 5 chief metals, [as also ig^ai). 1. Alms ^raoDOJib Anj. 2. doubt, grief

65aQ)zgej cow with 5 teats (claimed by Rajas, 5ici®C2;0OOQJTb God (Anj.) 5)qQ. rBraaiool (sra

6)QQ)oaisl 5 feet, g)^ foilfolsnn^ 5)aQ. 00032,0 aavCQoOo majjO Anj.

about 3 P.M.
5)a0)CQJrifu eiyail = (BTa^nbGod. s>aQi. esfts-srainb
SioQirsjo^, OT35J0Jn| 5 years.
Brahma (SidD.) ffioQ). o^rragg o_ia.'ni3)l3)nbo

oJoQcsnocdnrao, (sa'Si^zi^oo 5000.

5)aa)caJ^rD6ngocr)noiTti=sc/a^aLJnb Ram. Anj.

55QQ)ajlforot) Ricinus c.=Q_j6i2U0o^ejo. S)ag)c»gjnb=(gTg^gj"it), noDcao- ajrasaxi w KU.
?eiag)d95Dfflb ei'yal An ant that makes a nest 5>nQ)ca(b T. M. Gods, Brahmans.
Vl. (S)o^9i,3ra))?)
ffio^roo eiram =6)S)3jOo (loc.) Noise.

6)n^Si(Z^j3 ei'yamatyam S. (Q^<a0(tn^) Una- 6^ag)(0D&flOl eirani (T. C. Tu. from S. oio^fOD
nimity, (vu. oio^szarrg o Vi.) oIqQ). aonrn^siSD aj6T7Tl = @3(CT305rr?) A plant, auma'; also=^.o
gj Nal. our friendship. s<ft(TSmoTrichilia spinosa; also=ca)OSo_jlsrnDc8s.

6)QQ)<S)0(WjS)gj§ KU. of one accord. o)oQ)f^osrn^^f ,— c9a5,— ®ano§N. pr.agramam

5)ag)c9iOi49.o S.=:ag3(S)0iJ£)«D. once representing one of the 4 Brahmanical
e^a^oee^ej eikkala or csirscaJloeeej (Syr.?) divisions (see a>ifc9io) KU.
Nave of church Vi. e^n^fDDQJfZTio eirava6am S.(^roD3Jf3l) refresh-

5)(^^jo eikyam S. (o^caio) Unity, union. ^11 ing) Indra's elephant.

rosni (Sa_i(b fsrasmjocnjo «)qQ). siiaosngoft KR. iSQQ)raocijf!«l N. pr, of river, lightning (po.)
61a^f61 — 6idB6id&. 173 6)n^Gi\Sio — S^o^^QjI
ff)ag)f6l eiri Hayrick, cijs^si^rol No. (^rraooj ZaO\2s, COf^la, GJ'^Z, ofQoOalfniJo, QJC^^rJDJo

So.) straw stack. (fyoci^, (Q_)o<a)O0|O or (tyoaioc^o KR. (HT8

6^ag)fb eir =(ST3cail(b Iron ore- 6rnl0Da,ff)ff)c^c/D_i^ oxSlaul KeiN. 3. gran-

deur, wealth.
ff)ag)aj eila^tgraoinai A fish.
6)aQ)(j'dJ<^uorh chiefly wealthy.
eiog^QJrb eivar T. M. C. Tu. (II. sio®) Five per-
6)CLQ)Gd\<&>o eisi"^ara S. (gjcmltoi) sin®. (STa(rroo
sons 55a®xiil5o_jraffiaajfm KIT. o^sinbo oraiSici^
Reed-arrow AR. Bhr.
sngliTJ^ T)n^ajiti Anj. (5 sins).
fflo^oDldSio eiM'yam S. (©no) Of this world,
6)<xQ)Gdo eisam S. (orooca) Lordly, belonging
of this life (opp. ajOfBv@l(Sio) SloQ). <S0Oid1_^
to Siva. 5)0^)00000 ffirtJiS3m) Bhg. VCh, S)ag). (mrrnlfai) (Tg6)jl^ Anj.

ff)ag)'-«oroo (orooc/aoroo) adj. N. eastern.

6)o^gQJl^ eilavili S. (©a) Cubera 6)aQ^o
6)a^C'3J'gjo 1. =ofOoc«_irDfm-io. 2. glory, super- siaag^aTlajcmDo (sic.)
raiDo nol2al(m0DC2;>xjroo

natural power. QQ)«5)gc/B_i^ajo (orasrnla, Bhri,

a is sometimes changed into ^ (as 6>(tJ)0§, gsssi^, Inf. ac05i (Te. one) 1. together; ag)5int)0 atStem

@sas<9i) and vice versa ; now & then = oj, as g@gaj(b, oQSinbo a^aci^g^^oood) often

SxSsi'^'SS, ac9s)g_jO®S, G!i<8s>(Sai<SS) aTOtOT?)

6i intcrj. Oh! nb TR. one of my people. 0s1^ejQqj5)5 a

6iS&> okku B. Palg. Hip, loins; = ^cSsio. cSS) 6)<£h0§t!^ Qjls<ai(t^. 2. all, a<SmC£^o,

aceaSoj, acSsiSojcxjjo the whole, (sira)* a<eis)

65d86icfi5, i-grg) okka'ya 5. (whence 6i(Tra, arro)

1. To be the same, one; be like, tally, earra)

g^5iT§ocsulf!snrK) MR. aosraosiomo^eacs^os^^^

cSffld) Qg)gjoo acflQo acnao S)<9)0gjro3@ Bhr. cruo applied every imaginable means. — Often
co(d)ls>ce«)Da5ra)@ Sojos^aj ajoai Nal. in keeping adv- ac0«C!^o ^emaocsiJls (c^a^cSsioo he

with the circumstances. would do all for me. ?Donl acesiCQ^o TR.
2. to be together.

(BTaojib abifmoffgs (^sl CG. moo ©(t^ nntsigjj,

moreover in every thing etc. — Sometimes
5mo ready for help, ac^ croCoCTOo^:^ Mud. rather meaningless, ^ai QjcTycfls)c>3 aan

3. to please cnlsms^ceaoSi-nraisc^ Bhg. where TR. certain property, ^airoi aceaCS^o (=

you like, ojosroraxo) Qg)rnlca« arsialgj did not (sragjo aas).

seem acceptable. 4. to agree, (oisssa'ral) oj acDsiOO^, — eg No.= a:yo(g discord.

O6)sro®oc!^ came to an agreement, covenanted, e,<BsiOsmo Vi. promised gift, also acSaoao, (?>

aig^icsjjo ouiaTlcsjjaocsiri goiggon^ Mud. 5. to <Ssto£\<asi (old). [right.

be fulfilled, oaotuo asigon^ cuoTa Bhr. 5)_aio atcra adj. part, equal, consistent, agreeable,

oTxm aasics^o aaonlces) ac;^ KR. came to pass. aforsxQjffmdBa a closed, correct account.

6. v. a. to compare, promise 5)3j6rn5iC52;o)nmorDr37l a«5ra)55S)c£h a practised hand for measuring

s ajfirnlQ^an ojoaTlajosicfisiogj CG. mistaking it correctly.

for butter.— (3i(03QjDnb^sl^.go aSOTSinbPay.I at5V3MLja?iwl equal share.

grant it at last, a(!^«i9io@^<S) to admit. a_i a'Oiro)o_io common measure (doc)

emo at!^ promised money, sia-jsnb atflm to atmaffig-jofflGJ, atDtaQjarno according to. o^^oo
dispose of a daughter in marriage Vi. cnlffmcte a.i3i3)Qj|rno curoo Mud. according

VN. aiBsirafj espousals V2, to your wish.

§=i° 174 65dB6id9> — 6iJ^
eaOTraoal^ a corresponding paper, receipt, writ 5>5 S)5)<Q)6)c2;ogjlsoOT3)g ajcjorooonjoaoqgg

of compliance, @ <f) orosmo TR. the RsTj^ does not sign

amaoca C.T. help Vi. in mourning time.
aTjrajlfolcSs) to be in one line, consistent, correct. CV. ag-pc9is) 1. to equalize, o^gyoolc&silejo arts

eatmssonDcOsfJi to compare, examine, contrast, (Sa-ios)CJ aojl^ jiion^<a) TR. to assess

correct. equally, c&isrgrij) a. V2. to mimick — also to

asiforaiaosa union, compare. 2. to adjust aiai ogeT's^cioogjloBs)

fut. part. eg_jaj(b. S>g-j(b equals Vi. eho)a\om (in building), chcnj 6)^>'Sia1 Sc&iDSoejlcSsi a
gjl^s Arb. fitted the handle to the axe.

emo CG. (see a,-nra)SiS)£b). aiaejo aira6i3i3§.o agjl-oi eicaigl Bhr. 3. to

6ia_io VN. 1. Equality, harmony fflgJo CLiroo<gi| please, persuade 0oofr» a. to satisfy Vi.

Prahl. to remain behind, unlike a. ®§a>, (Srg)

iaai5o;oi2iO'9ti^o)aagj''g-joCTnoi3iri AR. to deceive

c9Qc£b to equalize, smooth. asnTl cro-isrnsjnaalfsb simpletons. 4. to prove ag^rvrt aitfifioemo

n-jl^a<Sces)Ogi sitSiosTTg a. ajfiSK^iSaDoNal. aiD§l a., aipa-jao(rro63ao)g. aiogl agj^g_j

adv. alike gi5rnanaj(SmD5 a^o (c/jciolcSs, tgra cunb Nal. to prove by praxis. c0O((TOo £r>s

cusraas ag-jo ©rolcflanD@ (3cffiocq,0gj Bhr. §^ a. to demonstrate from the Shastras.

arrnloionDnT) a. aQ)iyonb AR. met each arrow 5. to settle agjl^ (mlg!_ion6 a-.iplsraslgjMR.

with one. a. o_iO6Tnra)0f3i) ojlsl.^ enjoool^ come to a settled agreement, aiji^ont)

<Sa_ioo SiPu, if you speak again thus. — (sras^jlaio (sraSoOo a-.iplsmTa) o^auooiijo CC.

double ag_jo ag_jo 5ii9io§(i^ cryalsKOcas AR, closed the sum of past joys, a-.ernoicSfflOgjl

as)g_]3gjo distributing alike oQjgjoajcfigo agJ -oifoifoao KU. deliver over, ssmuaroo ag)|rno

g_jo (sic.) c/arolcaJl^ MR. 2. being together agjl^5)(a)0§«^Mud.gaveover the treasure

ag_jo Q^ogama MC. to overtake, keep up with — exactly. ^clcOO o_iomo a. KU. to pay a

@f!5t3)0<s.xiDS ag_jo STJsonb i^s\ (Sojorojo Bhr. an tribute of. <&>a>o, tOigJo, Smij a, to pay in

ooj i0O(9go rmnnlceso raioxios aoJo (doc.) — adv. full, fulfill a3jl:£^aj(SrDori|nm ooltaTltml TR.

(graxitnatio ag_)o agg (BT3)|.aic>3, £n<S(mnos a.

Neg. V. aojo 1. is not like, (sra) <2cLj3(b eaio

S)U^ TR. ejlcryif^ajcaj^^urnitirifm axjo AR. snroeoado

ajjrao id. 1. 0OO5)3^Og_jroo ®gjoBt3) 830^0 dis- ojcroTlcanral) e>-^o<S(iy) ojotd t^^o CG. 2. can-

united. 2. QQ)5)rtbo agjrao (gracm^ TR. not. a,lj0.';31^=<2.jJfO3tI3T3).

with me. — Even with Instr. ergsraaorai a. a;yocg discord.

>aD§lf(3fi Qg)y5)rm@gl TR. 11. eidBadOs, 066^1 okkU"Jfa(Tu. todig, C.totread

ag_jorol comparison, a. clj:-)<0i to flatter, defend, out) To indent nooaiTl a^s^^ acSsTltSsiasro^,

praise and lament the dead Vi.

VN. agj (5.) 1. conformity, a^Djiioroo con- = aoco

6^.^ OCCa 1. Sound, noise, voice Qg)rrra

federacy Vi. agjlgjDOTa incomparable, a 6)s a^5)C2; (Sti_iD«aj ajlal^ojnb KR. a^5)gj
gjliPcSsioinadvertance {= (ojaaao). 2. signa- ^(Qy to be loud, audible a^sioJSOCSTO o_iost3i^

ture, agreement, e,. &n^&, @3§<ai to sign, oolcrro CG. qoloj a^o)g_j§iSicsyo MM, a breast-
aoejcmlrai) rroa^cm s><Q>osng agjl§oj'-^ MR. wound, g^^roralraboQ^ormo ajyaoBRDggoOjerno
made to sign, ScSisrra, a^oGjltflsiy.-maliitu oonasrnlsjcsz/'o^cs^o

agia^osmo fee given to Janmi on signature (B<S)c)o(S5)0aiJl CG. a^ «ce.s<9> (huntg.) to tie

of documents (4 fanam). a bell (jiTlaJcTy) to dog'o neck. a^cBO^SgJ

agj^ol agreement, asigj^ grant Vi. cn^ hoarseness, a^aaJScSwo MM. from wound iu
6^.Sl — 65Slae& 175 6i§ — 6iSo
throat, a^cail§£b to make noise. (3o_Jslaj(TO0D CV. aslgjlao to cause 1. & 2. v. a.

Q, S>.^&i:i£\ Genov. (in huntg.) a^o) j Dggl 6i§ odu T. C. Tu. po.M.(=at; 1. With
^ RS. made a fine noise. 2. name, fame o_j ajlQijla)mD§, short = ^506, a:)§. 2. place

(sra5)6!5BD'bls)«JSD§'f>a7a Bhr. AR.

Bhr. a£io)gj§ajnb famous Vi. 6i^i5)g_]§,'aifal 6i§ce3 odu-ya (obs. \r"of as), a§60T5) To come

published. to an end. VN. a§aj end. e>'§<Q,Yi.—s,^

1. groin. 2. a timber tree; a§ihlagoi.

61S] odi (=as II.C.Te.) 1. Groin Qjcaoolsinbo

6iS^ = cuejl the 3 lines or folds on the abdo- 65§65^ce5 odunilU-^a T. M. Te. Tu. (see prec.)

men, foisi^aifliob asloo^^^jo (Hraslaaiojio Nal. 1. To come to an end finjDsmo a§63i3D.'oia oUSTtTI

2. side oQo^ntio asl, (Bt3aii5)eJosl q. v., rmcajraa UR. (siacTu a'oroTS) (gr2).umoiplc9i KR. ajo
Sjnboosl.'oraisicm Qjoy? TP. to be favourite. 6raro)scat a^ssigSaD Bhr. too long to relate.
Chiefly piece of ground, = g^tpaj ; ai'sngajBf.o (SoiDo a§6og^o)cnj Mud. ^o. croocutsrurao

cLjO(TJj<&)g.o iSios)gosli»^o TR. division or S)cai05ng a^ssi^nm cffiooDo Bhr. eora.oio a§6SB3
range of ricefields. o_isl6roio)0(BO as^cxiTifai) (S0 S)iwo,Tnoihlc2; iftLQ interminable. 2. to die,

(Sai (fhsr^o MR. (=cL_i05o) — what is aslceso esp. of smallpox.

eroigrroirol^ KU. (lifetime?). 3. sorcery, to VN. a§ci3s)o 1. end=:a§aj; (Hra^rat (sa&xrro

break the enemy (in Madagascar "odi" witch- QjosrnlsDo a'«^ Prahl. at last. 2. adv.

craft) asls)ajc6s) to use & as^itnlas) to counter- finally 0fai)a_ioa<2ii5T3)O§ Szurooo agctoo cnlem
act enchantment. 4. a hunter's hut (also ag/1) o)ceis)S50 Prahl.

a. 5)ia>s<ft, Jii6)2i<ss>. a. v. 6i§ce6ia&5, cB&l 1. To finish, destroy, ora

asliflsioronb (-2) the comrade mraii'Siajosltflsio tmno a. Anj. to spend. 6)^iD5)(mo§ceal, tara

a>nb & oJlffjgyDslcSaD^ab (huntg.). CTyf50a5).-oira (arascSal a^cttel CG. aceaci^o

aslcSaita, — (S^cdo (1) bubo, rupture. 5)ij>DBral a. TP. 2. B. to pay taxes.

aslcSsipl B. (4) draught of privy, 6i'^(£bo Otta-j^am T. M. (C. Te. Tu. asisrg) Camel
as^gjra (4) privy; (3) charms buried to maim ^g^gg (ij gaiSOBdo a'ltnalnrnl.fgo Nal.

him that paises over tliem Vi. agi&gjsaTl ostrich.

aslaoso (4) hut. a§Sigj§a)|20T6 giraffe MC.
aslcffiot) (3) sorcerer, esp. of low castes as Na- 6h'^cb Ottar, (Si§lcQ;{^ 5. Orissa people, acuT'
yadi, Parayan. — ^osiajoslcoinb lame (loc.) cac, acuSlcao, chiefly of the tank-digger's caste.

aslojloi (3) witchcraft. 6i§o Ottam T. M. 1. What holds together (as

6iSlciy d9> T. M. C. (= g.S(S?jd.) To break, (sra picture-frame Vi.), stops a leak. 2. wager,
ejl nt) 5) Oiaaij asloraratplcajlral) ^ijlona KR. a stake at play. a. 5i3)Sc&., flOjcfln, ajO-> to bet.

SioroTOiODc broken back. @@a(flTlra!i aiDS)ejD5^ a§® 3T3)Gg,o Q®(!^s>ain^ he will not reach
srarrpScLjoo MM. <& oej fQ6n|o aslOTrgi aiom the lists, the natural term of life.

(ScSs) orgjo a med. S>^£t> T. M. Tu. C. 1. to adhere, stick,

aS'csDO'maig a bracelet of one piece. a^nii) adhesion.

VN. asl.ij . a breach, brake. a§eJO(b (T. a§otb) enemies RC. —

6^51:65) V. a. l.To break, as oarjshaft.xrigyl'iim CV. aglas) to paste, glue ajc>oajlrot^ a.

2. to give in, be lean (a§l opp. o-ogaD^ MC.)

a., m§ a. Vi. cucmo a. beggars to exhibit

an empty stomach. .ijl6)ra)^ a. to plough cOjTajosDQcX) agl^sl VetC. my cheeks have

after sowing. 2. to use witchcraft KU. — become hollow; so lOinjlcfeigdUo, s^jiicnj (see
6i§l6ifa)3 — 6h^dd&o 17G 6^^d96i — 6im?)
ffl<flS(Si II.); to be wrinkled (like asl) iS.o are somewhat smoothed down, aigjlnm a.

gjgj no elasticity, yielding q'uality, soft touch

agral) flaw in wood Vi. (=0lo3crco, Q_iTno). 2. subjection, contents

Damasonium Ind. Rh. (Vl.=r(gTaSc9S)o).

asaiocrurab Ottalia or
agdha shelter; stairs Vi.
agl a kind of cake.
a. V. 6i^dB6id&), <A6] To compress, restrain
a§ 1. glue Vi. 2. bruise, impress orai^ral)
((3T2)0O5):si'), subdue (={gTa5d)3a) 'V2.). izcnr^
fflib &. <ft§63Bl o_iO(^. 3. C. T. Te. union,
a. to humbleVi dEh^rai a. to enclose. Qjoa
. (Stoi

the wliole (=aoo) agotSa, asdBsiOefls), asl

^5>z^ agceisl TP. to soften by bathing, foo^o
§(Q) to sum up. agcfis in all ergisora^o oirgjCffi

'^^3° TR. give up the land to
QjfiSo (^sl a^(fls O-S) (BT3i|.<a|.o (jud.), also
Tippu. <9io^o qQ)^oo a. Arb. to settle.
ascsao. — a§o(8^., asn^a sum total.
6i(iyr(ji adj. part, of acSa I. q. v.
4. Neg. aso gjgjnotat all, not the least, not
6i.^25)c&) ottU'ya To jump, skip, dance aj^om
for a moment; hence pos. as a little, some
egfOo HNK. frog, atJialoosaa MC. snakes.
as asro — as soorao, asooocb aiiplsTmo)
(gal (ftejesigaoo a'srajl ajly>(S)Cqjo Bhr. fencers.
SoJOcb CG. a®§So a little way. a5)§o^
^^srnlnrra «0S^ a:!Jiffil amo ^clHsI Bhr. dnogi
CDSceaooocsnoraliTR. as soon as I can walk
mlfd) a., ^gJlSialg, 5)<3)05ng SiagjSOJ «J)3a
a little, c-arao as rrycBgiaDo Gan. the versed
iZOS)Wo:m'^ aW^ CG. whilst playing on the
sine will be pretty accurate (math.) a§§t0ao
flute indicate the tact by moving the eyebrows.
V2. about so much. asasesBl, as§o®g_jo
aoiaocao, a:Bi3;o:aj a play with cudgels, wrest-
ma cLjlodBsicaa.'al) CG. as^ajfb ScuooiOib
ling, a. o_Jo)ari, Q_jl5lc0«, o_jC2iOQ,c&) Vl.
as^ej<bail^lsiono(bMud. 4. No. clamp
eifWTOOOb Ottail, 6irrv)D0fb (Ar. hajjam?) A
of a door etc. ajaffHejloTa a§ faioiocaa.
Mappilla barber (& circumcisor) laoel — (Oiosi
6i§l6Y3)06rri), ei^lcoioenrt) ottiyan (Tu. C Te. cs^o 'oiejooorojo caiacscasngfoTlorr) a'i20OD§ oTlai
from ^serargosnb) Cutaneous eruption on the dtolTR.
loins, a. aiP^cajo med. onha
eiCTR, (T. anb^ C. Te. Tu. V^ a) 1. One,
6^6*^ onda No.=iijroc69§<0« Filled with water neutr. ofaRS. also for masc. <ftsla2;3n23o)ra a
for 005)00(8^000 — a5i^a?^o <ftOO^C£^o Q®§(!^ orroo <ai06rr3crnl^, srsjasBcX) amaggmoo TR. as

OK»folcs^3Jont) (2.i_j0(93crra (loc). see sy&osns.

long as one of us is alive. 2. adv. anrrayarro,

616^2 onma T. aM. (VN. of acb) Beauty, arms'l^, ag)S)rm arra (SooDSceasTDSa etc. once.

splendour asnbi&iSfal), &>snbni(Qo, asi^rosm 3. something (emph.) ota.usioo qJTis^-^ 5)<&>05r§

fifccb, aoTTzoarao, asnticijoora!) ff)jiioralrro)0(t)RC. cufooo (3ras)gjffiblral> a. rsractaeojl^ oiraDo TR.

6i(75)\ ohl = ^(!£\ Odina. tho' it may cost us something (our lives), ^oia
B^SS^dft) obuiinu'ya T. M. (Te. C. a«^=a OolcsyofaiO:mCT3o aJ993Ci^o a.TTOialgjOoJfO) QJfJSo KR.
OQ,Si) 1. To give way, step aside, shrink, yield.
will be destroyed. Emphatically repeated, asnm
leraro^thlfai) agssal oo^cno KR. stood humbly ara aoDca6)ra aisng, aSfmara oiDcBg ojocssroig)
before his father, ana ScSissrnlra!) a. 6)<9-,o5iTg
iSsismoTP. 4. a part. cndS)eAocno a quarter.
PT. hid himself. ^siaioO) 6)0(22jO5 a. RC. anrra forms also participial nouns f. i. cnS5)aJ3
2. to be contained, adjusted. (Hraoj^nbo Qjorg
ftro=oosg-j^, asQg)5)craorrra = Qg)5)ao)OfiKa5 0^o.
cuai rmnolces? agSsrasrs^ he ought to succeed
acTDfOXiosnb, anmrooso every other day. a'nb
to the deceased's property (jud.) o_innl tertian fever.

VN. 6^rg) 086^0 1. Being settled & compressed. armoS) to be united, joined, armosai alto-

Q^gjoooloroo <&ow a. <9)5n|(gS65Bl matters gether, anmoo first, anmoanf) m. — aoiDai

e^ooj^ — 6^0^085 177 63,
(2d^ — 6^fO)
amoiT' ^gatroTP. jumped down at once. VN. axJf?A. sponging.

earmDiin aTlyssgnTB MC. ©ttoo afmD3Ln§ 6i(a_l ^Q oprusuma, 6i^q^a Vi.(Syr.)

(srarrag^ii^c^ saidocesio^bTSiosng TR. as Blessing. qcnjlai^i-OTZJ) a. confirmation; a^tSsi

they got no decisive answer from the king. Siyra) a. extreme unction. Nasr. Rom. Cat.

arnlsans nrgT3i'£l(2D(SfO0f a^a^-gj Anj. quite 6if?8 om 5. iV" e,) 1. One, the same e>^ otoza
one with them. 5),-i_jOoxi(b. 2. No. Indef. Num. = <s>S)D some
anrnlnm armDCCul ojoai to leave uo point un-
a^ i^g.'fl' f»-iol'i*'>30©5P|vu. 3. Indef. Article.

answered. anrnljlnDOTnlgj rm iSlitA Anj. e,

>T_j5ng a(b{srg)c>3a_i06raia<Sn_iDS)ajprov. 4.(inpo.)
nrnlaT) armlgya'OTa) (gsjao discordant, arrnl
Def. Art. (9136013^100 ©f51s53_j0fO3 coaajroo^o^jrif^
cm armO(fie<&) to malce more weight (by
KTJ. (3iruDCO0l^os>'5T3)O5ifD(Snm Vil.— Even with
taking from one & adding to the other.)
pi. 00^000 ro3a_iral.aj<Qic>aBhr. rjj_
©Tnlma 5)a_iDai to make water (opp. rosr^rrro.)
m. arra.ijnti. arojOT^Jtb; f. arcj'mal, atraxicb,

fiarrnlfali in one case. a. — ora^caoig^rai) RC. a afD3c95iDf3t), vu. afolcesifcA once. [rim).
fiTTlsaiD — oraoigj QQ)&lro!)TR. — also ©titI af035i^aiTlc9an^ headache on one side (meg-
rolcasiifDi) a_j6mo sicSio^tSaoo (grafoigy aQrmcu a 053 0)^4x^311.16 a med. plant.
rolsTloil) n_iocnj crozzrir)^^ sisio^sanooTR. one woman. 2. one & the same
aroSTSK^ 1. f.

mod. cond. ffl-nofi^fai^ cs^eJjo i^sssr^a^ iSn_ia

place sraiooao mraxicrao a'caHrol) mragj ojoaa
c95iro35^fniaBol(SejD mrmocpjcmasigca) UR. also:
nm^ MR. 3. any place <9ig^an- a'cszTlrak ro)

arrplcBsrii-at) — mrosjgjg^lral TP. 6io-i^, 05)000053 tsralcaHrai croaiSo ojoajocrao

arra aia^Dsngo (Sxjoaica^^) on no account. @2gjTR. caiggnaoaa ao33t5ralnr7oo(abl.)aisroi3l
ascmaioral, 1 1. [:.^^ou51<3^o) VCh. 5) ijggo 5)xi-oJ 5)ie)D§c^ — also aft53:wocaM
as^cmofi^ajfo icS) to come together (as ergcijlcx^o
ejo cQiDsnanrnlgjTP. (gras>s)OTaoa53,T5Ta)ainoii) 00^
denV. armlas) to join, unite, agree anrnlgjanb
cm is>-i_j03!?l KU.
(sraad'ioaoara') Bhg. q^cttos^s a>5n^ajo (arasjg
ar® ono^o ^^ never.
@a ajo920327l arrnl^ ojcmo'cii) Mud. come
ara ai^aj, aros ff)3)Si.
in contact. —
a;!S(Ba_)05)eJ 1. alike (po. aTro<S.-uoJ)GJ)orofrnl
adv. part. Sicm^-g^ together (=ara30~l^) f. i.
coocDm37l©)(gej:e3(a_)e3a)c>aaQ)gyoo a«sea_io
anrnl^§ agjroo (Sn_jorol<9i TP. with Soc.
6)aj (ffigjairrro MR. 2. as sure as possible
& Gen, ora'o'riiinbo a. aro3 aii-nro) orao^ces),
acnjg 6)<siog^o Q^mlcBs) a. Anj.
foiaxiDSiabo a. (8a_iDairi TR. g)5T^<&) §2.'^ <^
a«530an0D3nrali}si 1. to be of one mind. 2. to
g-jnn a. (sra^i'-g; MR. along with.
be determined, fully resolved.
CV. arrnl|ylce5) = aro30lgjlan Vi.
VN. araa 1. union tgroxiffionDS a'<S3Z)0§ ajo
6icnA^ oilbabu T. M. C. Tu. (Te. S) moo fr .6i(oioc)o)
ymo Mud. 2. harmony araja g^6)5>^8BblnA
Nine, one before ten. anrTlaD a. cljosw^, arm
prov. (gro.'mlfoi) a'®3i o§ cSi sng Mud. saw it tally
gj a. 0) nj^ TP. not one offence only but many.
with. a. <a)aj,TnaSfol) Anj. well proportioned.
6?.a_inO oppana Mpl. (T. a^«5)nn adorning)
aro30a_jo§ l.= aa8cnjD§f. i. Sii_joajDnbajog_jD
agjcT) igsai, rLjD§v&i in aj^mjyo§. sung by
s a. TP. got ready for starting. 2. agreeing,
Maplichis at rtj^rasa^aiiosmo etc.
denV. ara0lc05)T. M-Te. 1. to join acSsi ojom
e^cxJo, 6io_J see 6^:65'.
afTO0l^D(b AR. (t^foi^cjingsjrai) ara0l(S3(Tr;
6ip-ld&) oppU'ya To touch softly Vi., sponge, wipe

(a wound); clean rice by taking up the grains (2<i_i05)aj HNK.

with a (fliliil etc.; aQjo<a)seJocry & agjtea.

— adv. part. aro30l^ = aiTnl;^ together jiTl

blotting-paper (mod.) (Oiol (3ti_JDca'iB)S)6aQ0OS(?rij^ (gj§l KR. with

6h(^es<i 178 eicsejossfl — e^oq d&.

Gen. (OTcryroosinb.T ea. (So-iaoiri TR. arojgj (=aas0, arroasio) 1. croo'^a^ajajao'^

2. to be reconciled igrarryroaiSaos 6iro3ia^d3s> (Saj sngnm a. adancs^o aisroernoTR. ordering.

2. a. QjfDJ'Di^ reconciled (=CTnlrogi).

ojonb (HrauorufOoojDcasnrroMud. 3. to be re- e^CSeLlDSsfldft) Port, relogio. Watch, clock.

solved, prepared QfOj .fho'^j'sialfmocail a'-g^xint)
6iOO otta T. M. (anrro, anbQ) 1. One, single,
KR. (2a_)0(flfl a. Bhr.
a'ojsmo a single fanam. ro^ng aoos^cai (Oi

CV. giQ^o^o (sr3)ca)073Qjo arajalgjl^ Bhr.

sngoftjt) (huntg.) two boars. 2. Tu. M. a certain
mixed eartb and sky. (gtaajs^ro (Sojsan a'
cake a?)ooc6a gjaissi c&Ocay/O.ib ©ojoScaoib
gjl^^o Bhr. persuaded to join. cucTDvazjlral)
prov. 3. odd. aood7lfB§C5^o a>g3c9si with dice,
a'gJ1-^CTa)l3iiffl3i3ajfflrari3iO"i6 Bhg. Vishnu as
a::)O5igjS@gal0Oo aJftS.:Q2{a^E33l'oaio VCh. ( =
tortoise lifted it altogether.
aoearoDC'al opp. a^oaroo-'al). 4. fencing posture
6SnS5)au§iS) 1. to join, agree, be confederate.
oj-mlcnooso a'ioc^oajca'oolai'ru.ibprov. asioo
2. to resolve, prepare. 5)a_i5n6 a'gofafc^aia
cSao <s>«s0ff)nocei3oor)S<SaDO^oKU. seedirazoo.
oao (a)§f!^ (@5 prov. g)OToajitsralfm 61. Mud.
aoocS5)5rnnb one-eyed.
(Saj(2§tSsVilv. to go hunting.
e,-)O!S^0^ak cn^^ a tapas. [year.
CV. 6ara5iaxi§cSffl Vi. — §«^t9) to get ready.
a:^o<esioca^ a cocoa-palm in its 8th — 10th
VN. art8auD5 1. concord, a'sscea to appease.
aOOff)5)c6iJ)3i7lrai) 5D§<SCTU0C>3 0(S ^05)5^c9S) f^ Sr^
2. preparation, starting isrrum a. (aj^l oj
^ (Scai^o CG. [of boar, cattle.
Oo>g_jS KR. (=oro(TnDaDo). (oiann (Scrom
anooicSsionurtb ((ST3)nn) MR. single tusked ; also
ff)C2J Q_iosn3ra)Odcrural^ ©'§51^0(0^ a^o^nas)
aooajsojob one-hooded snake.
QSXJU^ojo KR. gave a fresh impulse.
a^osgjo^sint) last scion of a family.
atrc cu<&ccJ03ilr^cei5) to be something indescrib-
aooizroi-Bialraf) airoasg prov.
aooc55n|o a§t!^ KR.
©f^Qunb, — ch, — (b (hon.) one person.
for battle.

aoo^ej^gjl (song) said of a Paradevata.

atSrasQjo, — n^o anywhere.
6iOO(m Ot'tal 1. Net of pack-thread, basket for
6ifJB6e^d&) orunnu-ya T. M. (Te. C. ac^) i. To
holding pots; weel. 2. fishing with weels
be ready. o_ismo arrassslcffll^ etc. 2. to
(T. agjcB) braid net).
yield, be settled (=a§65gai) aio^o aosstngo
aoonb Vi. spy; PP. traitor. From:
will right itself, get ordered.

a. v- 1. To prepare, get ready. 6iOO Private intelligence; treachery, secret

information, jaJoacCLTl^ ojaiccOaJ ^Sisr^cm
(SsoSicno Qajgjo.tb a'ojlnb Nal. e9-,og_j-&.c)a

a. asTgDcd^ (jud.) a. (BTar^ai to spy out, a.

a. KR. o^axjfcirailmo, fcnlnb a. 2. to settle.
(S&><hcB6) to overhear. (gTa:U(b ffiz.^ a. new
atSaCSjjo 65-&.otsrcjil afTOcSsn TP. finished them
oflf (=a§c0sn). proofs against them,

VN. anSc9s)o 1. preparation; CT)lf00So_i@glc9s) (aoooch) aoQicEhjOfOtb spy, secret emissary.

a. @§^ TP. prepared the bath. o_ismo aigg-oli-Tanoo ojlslgjonb a. MR.

a'algjotg^cszjotzib MR. cash not being ready. 6iOO Si (to be single?) 1. to step aside,

2. order, tsra^o arolcesiia^ (Hraoaja^ RC. retire, cringe.

it is not right. <s(^ aolcrjQjcnloimn^folgj aoolcSgQ a hide-&-seek play.

fO) afS3ce«(S0o RC. cuslsinisiooociinrai) a. a aoolnj cssia^casi No, to act the spy.

ro3(flffl1 TP. arrange the room. aool QJiPesi^Bi Vi. to conspire.

arojcas id. arald9i8 se^^ gytw® RC. dissension? aDolajifssQ^tdD'Vi.todraw into conspiracy.

afiSceaaomo B, articles. — as v, a, Q(])6inm a^olcai udm PP. my

6iB^(yu) — 6hB^\ 179 6iB^ ccL^ — e^cr^DoaDrb
betrayer. 2. to make room for another, a Vi. aejlajgg cttIooIctd (Biac^:Sjjl @gj
ool5).iJ(fl<>i to mortgage T. M. (C. Tu. Anach.

6i.-nia, Te. a^). CV. aejlojlces) as fOcSOio

a. B. to bleed. 6in_i6na

aool T. M. a pawn. 6Di3c>o aiorracnlib aejlgjl^ a_i3roo SG. PT.

KR. shed tears.
fflOfTlceaasmo a tenure in which the Janmi

yields to the tenant all the produce of the

65^0fl^ olumbu (Port, plumbo) Plummet.

field in lieu of interest for his advances

eia^OOJdfti olumbu-J^a (T. a^ C olyiidu, see

gj^aics^a^.) To move from side to side. Qj(rm6!5a

(ooolscaioaiceafoemo, aoolco/SiSi QQ)yfO)l

sices)0§>'m3)Dnb doc.) 5)g. a. to wash clothes by shaking them in

aoolo)ia)05r@ajnb a mortgagee. the water. aejcrLHceag.'ft to rub, shake ofi", as

6)5)a)Qjl§o e,r)o\ a higher tenure which leaves rice sticking to the hand, (rooal (S(S)^ taej a
to the Janmi merely nominal rights. ejoijl TP. cleansed the head.

aocSltSso cLjo<S03jj'gg f))06Tr)o a still higher 6hBA S) ollu-ya T. M. C. Te. To consent, love —
tenure by which the <9i5lc2;onb acquires even to be fit, possible. — Only in Neg. a^o=ajgjD

of the Janmi rights, also aoolcfiecrufBo, must not, ought not (in prayers, rules, prov.)
aooltSeipltenosmo a mortgage in which either 6)Jil5)Qa3gyD & ©S)^^(1T)5)(3)OgjO, CG. CTUDoD

the occupant has to relinquish or the owner croo 5)-aiaii2j!,Dgj, <So_jo5)c£hogj Q_)§l(Scffl Bhr.

to retain the estate W. [mortgao-e W. past (SxiO^S (Sa_iD5)(aiOgjDsroT^ CG. ought not

aool ec^o money advanced on usufructuary to have separated. — adj. part. agjOvTSia un-

CV. aoolcan to cause to spy Vi. becoming, (oion^as) a'foVloT) o^o (ao)i2^S)iBsio§^

aoolcffionb single elephant, leader of the herd Anj. indecent, bad. a^OTJi <S)Z06!J8c>o UR. agjo

6iajpfW olanSa, eJCrOI Holland, Dutch. KU. Vi. toifOileiJBSiCT) 6^^3^061:01 ^9A CG. — r(mantr.)
eieJODfOl olamari (Port, almadia) A kind of VN. a^3:aj = (aTaKS(3)o;H, also agjsig!, coTlso

ship a. aig_jd) 5)Ojg^_2j6mcs^o KU. agjl Te. C. Tu. M. sheet, cover 5 yds, by 3,=a_j

6iejQj|fSb = 6i^ncairt5b q.v. — f.i. (aimjfoacna. (tngj f-i. a^coTlrai) (Stmooo^ Scftssrnlctrirai)

(BraaicesnT) ajsro.-ai^rionb TP. oQ)§flBS) prov. 6T3)3n6 aJ5)(a)^S@g a. 5)(S)3

6iBA\ oli T. M. (C. Tu. aeJ^) Sound. aejla)C2;tP

sng QQ6)aT> 6)tS)§l TR. a^ o^nD o^QJggl

(Qiaaiol RC. a)OraiijineJS)cnJoano)a-i36oa2Qj CCh. aj((T^o (vu.) m33z?l a^mo(agj^csinfi3!)fnlcTra)

g.fCSSig.OEJ^'&'cX) KR, noise of wheels, 6r3)Do)omD aoai ce)sl5)^§t!^ TP.

ej), (ao6ioooejl etc. agj^ca^ici) Royal cloth, = gsca^os Vi. (i_i6ig3^

denV. aejlcSs) 1. to sound, as running water. wmh silk gown. a. 5)Xic9a Rajas to marry
— ring bell Vi. 2. (Te. aeja3 = ay>iSi) Sudra women, take concubines ; (S<9)3tpl(S(65iD

to flow, run as water, blood of wounds dh s ^aiiSiraTa a- 6iaj(Sd)5)STr)o KU. (vu.aai

srrocTnl(b aaHcesjiSaj or ay<9)<Saj KR. S)(Z<^ Qjlcai)).

(ft a'^ o_jOK^ Sojocsiil Mud. 6)a_iO§l aejl 6iOJDa3YO') Ar. awat. Sorrow,= ^o_iG.iJo (Mpl.)

^ i2cy Bhg. ajDCfi?l(T]!) (gjS~l aol(b a. 3. to Bf^D OYVa l.Nog.of aiJsiS), q. V. 2.=©(y Vi.
float. (graoajssBcb jiifi^ rocaoicnsl ^-alrali a 6iC/3lnOo OSinam Tdbh. gjn^efljJOOo q. v.

<9s) aGjl<fiQa-TD AR. [looseness of bowels. aLolao®d3ffl3(al) iron crow-bar, ojsro, in thieves'

aailgi flowing aejlgjlrab cft-mi^im foiol prov.; slang.

denV. ac«lcnlc05i to live on, eat.
aaHcs^a) id. oracunt) Sjoioro a£iri6TOiB)55<0)D5n|

o-ioa^fTtD, (saral) atssics^o (Sjiioro aeJlcsjjma

6hO^^ Ar. vazir, Vizier.

(jud.)- 6iCr\^j(75Ytri Ar. vasiyat, Testament, gff)cxj(®l^.

VN. aejlojgg oujgao running water; fountain 6iCY\3onaDfb OSSah see a Diasnb (Mpl.)

gj^ofe — 6ii£\ 180 6iy>d96i — 6iiflC£y

6b^<Qi Vi. see ^^(flj Back stroke (fencing). shining brightly, tft-jnlraajsionaa'.ij s^roio
I. 6i£loliT. M. (C, Tu. Te. e,(h=^ck>) 1. Concoal- (araa)cnLii)nib RC. aalsojc/^ (gs)S msnaa
ment ; secret dealings. 2. ambush, hunter's Bhr. 2. ambush {e>£\ I.)

hut. a. s)a>§a), also aalg_jgg\ — 00, — caa eiiPdSa olakku = a(fdjsi (a. 5i^O(b5)-ao5ra aroj

sl^li; aalg-jgal roDCijmoOTo^aiDd&a (huntg.) ojoa'C(XO;T5)o ijsflcoso (arasTBiJOQ, iann608c>-j CC.)

Hence: eaa'daacalfoi) QQ)aT)<2ajoo)&j 5)xi^ <Sajo 6itPlCQ^d65 oliyup 1. (=a^a.) To run ofif as

o6\ KU. (Col.) like a bird in a cage. water, ojia.roooxn) ooliflo^Drcb s^oroDnto) a^pl

6ail5)o_j§£h to hide itself. arofoicSKasigjinf) s> c%o prov. 2. T. M. (C. Te. a^l, Tu. a^) to be
alcij aa'oioj^o a£\csiS)5)i2<SuiO!S Bhr.=con- off, leave off, be free from, empty, ctuddodo a^pl
cede superiority. [mour. sroi^lralcflanno vacant, unoccupied. ,-Htog5)<&'D5n|

a^Q^jfKAjnb No. (ag^ci^canb vu.) a para- cijsm aiplc!%o MM. will heal. <Q)5n6auocul a
agl6nj(§.uo amour. asTlsiuonriUiidteororrtj a para- <*1<S{(0 a med.
mour. Inf. ayr>(2ai except, et^onb atpl^) (po.) g.'oraa

aalcacnj arrow-shot from ambush. a'o)au(^

s)d>)D(m;d) araasTEScao KR.
Qjcrgaj^ (aras<9so TR. as they die off, the
aa^caoojob a Paradevata.
others. — With Ace. 2(^5)fo asplcasoj 0OQ
aalc/332/Cno forbidden coitus, also agn<2(X0aLi
^ KR. —
adultery etc.
adv. part, besides, except, orfl aiP^srai3(0(C^a2,o @2
aa)<a> T.M. to be hidden Vi. Z(Uicms)So^ng
^Nal. (Smrbaif Iffisima.go gagjMud. nothing
e>d)emsi GojDOSo TP. come off unscathed
but truth. i2^n3D<d« aiflsrorajREg VCh. to
from ordeal (= aiplsraio)?).
none but men. — "With Ace. (S(ao.QfiDS).^a a
TN. aa^cul. ambush Vi. 2. hiding, aa^oj
^stOTg/aflfm Q^^aoHV. all gifts short of.
(K^ 0j^b,<3i\(^ SiPu.
"With Inf. aj§o 6)(Si5<Q) a. oalrocrul snam
aa'cSin (C. e>w Te. aajo) 1. v. n. to hide one-
c^iaiasciilgj Mud. adv. part. Si^oeamo (Si
self. rj_i3caricT3) aal'tsrailg elc/ao-i.-oiai'ejoRC.
if^simoj a. ScLjOiJifffi^Bhr. 3. v. a. to give
fugitives. 6to,och agl^ So-iOcfecmajmgj TR.
up. (S)Ocmori) asisotplsroialso axicrq^coaoia
abscond, 6bd)M sxios^<2a-ij<:£\ escaped, a'
o\i<Sao)OceilgJicas) <&)D^o (5i2;a)nmg Mud.
with some sacrifices; hence a55S0iFlcai05)(a)
<ao s)ajal^523 S)CLjQ,o prov. &£\^ c-bIc^
without any exception, altogether. as,iP'
tO)-ioSiPu. disappeared. (BraooassBcX) (sraoco
aiplsro^ 6)<SiO§<sao TR. evacuate & cede M.
SBsaiitii) aa'cearm^ (Sajasiaiggaul-mttyeJo
to the French. sraissBchcas) asa as^srai^ lOi
Q_jl^ocb KR. 2. V. a. aa^-^5)ajs« to
roDaifO) TR. making no allowance or de-
conceal, suppress.
duction, onlejo ear^lan a^Flsrai^ aifl(gol
CV. aa'ojltSffl to conceal. ccnej^slcsiAral) a'^
5ij5)0§(ig3 MR.
TP. covered him with her hair.
VN. I. aipl^rai) vacancy, freedom, means, ex-
II. 6i^ (ack)=a5n6 T. C. beautiful, good. Te.
cuse, foicnlcssa. a.gS'Sa-jacXjArb. when dis-
aej)aj=6)ajcb) Splendid, bright; the light, ojl
engaged, in leisure hours.
g.tfi«l6)nT)3al ®(i_io5)ej crooojjn ia)o KeiN.
II. aiplt^l. water-course Q-jOajoi^c^risraiSDcataifl
aal0a9)2io<b beauties (Mpl.)
ojleaj prov. 2.= aipl£jrai. §8 5Liaialar) atpl
as^aroo (loc.)= oafolaroo.
QJcS^cb 6)-!iiOQ®0 <9)06mD^KR. no escapes,
aa^aloDi'si) and alrmoiejoa' KR.
a. Q_iOi}i subterfuge. 3. (from a^plS.)
VN. aa^cy 1, brightness, also ag^a. — ai^ giving up. (aslcao-ib earaDraliSs atfl.^
i2ajolcns)crnl'aic>i (Mpl.) a^anraaa^oixiy oa@) TR.
6itflce<S> — 6iD 181 6i^a9j

aiploj^ol = fflspligol MR. aipl^) dismissed the minister. 3. to get

6iiPla66> 1. To pour, (ftornlrai) zmcin ffl.; to back (gals^cB/' a':3J .oTIsajonb MR-
void, as i^(®o s>. 2. to give up. ajtp' eigjonb VN. e,^^ discharge etc. [remedy.
©ipl^ ''^^ ^I^' 's* lii™ pass. (Sia ij6)g. a. Hence: atP^Sitflaj expedient, escape, excuse,

dismissed, forsook. aipl-^Sojoa, cSi^Si, 5)c9>3 atplzr)! deed of giving back onlaisoacX; <S)Sl

§c9o-) to return grounds held under c9.05mo c2/or0ooi':)S)<3iO5ng a'^ z^oa o-^aiOfOo a.

@<SejDo aipi-oi foifooo TR. to vacate. 3. to ojdsbbI MR. las^OiJaTR.

quit, roDga.o St. to emigrate. oQgjo.xjfiaoroo^o aipl.TUDEJa unoccupied land a'fOTS) jDi'^cassBcb

aspl-^souocml, cijfoajjo aislcsjjo a. <Ba_iD3i)\ a. S^.-ejaft), d8bl olu-jfUpT. M. C. (Te. aej to flow,

Qjceoaio-joc!^ TR. in war. 4. to escape, tara C. Te j)(t13^ to leak) To flow, run down or off

QJSiroa'^So-JomoTR. got away from tiiem. loTl

(=aeT)cB5)) of blood, water (Srcn.Tb a'fmQj0J34;
foleroi^o acSlsim^o atpl^onbKR. avoided arrows. of ships ayaimi SoioaiDcBsi s><b ags prov.

ajsrosrgio) a^iltfvs: 02(20 Blir. a to parry Qjasicm: ay>.Qri5ii^'03n^ cnRSTc TR. drives by

ablow. aQS)crr) S>^^'3)£t::i&iA.K. defend thyself. stress of weather. £>^S)^o)^o^^ oj^^cogjo.

5. to evade <2Q:u&^(U)o a. Bhr. cn.mzo^ aysifiA VN. flowing, being adrift.

<Sci_)oaj(U) a. Bhr. to prevent ruin. 6. to make a^cSi So. side of wall, boundary.

to cease, drive away. ajocSaOfsb (Sroocoo a. PP. a^cuofOo So. side-room.

s>Q_ig3c%o qscm ^y a. amed. (a>so a. CS. a^dJa 1. current, stream, assajoa^^ tergjOol

to pay debts. 7. to free mraajsion (aT3crnl(Q_)2aj ff>nt)0 a. g)@g; a'e^sUggo running water, to
Lz^u^&cm a. Mud. prevented his suicide, co be drunk by all castes- 2. (T. ay^^^i^ order)

ajlcLJo)(OiOiPl^na^>0i Bhr. to prevent. 8. v. n. natural, smooth, plain a^cSsinb n_jonTi, a^

to give way (from 3.) (maxubatfl^ ojosse^, rara cssiob ojQ. etc. a'cno^s^as.

folajOoolool a. Bhr. to retreat, ca^cesicb 2o_j a^cSsio 1. running, floating, aosojo ay^d}s)a^,o

bl^ aipl-gj SiPu. CLJ5 asi^^ (Sn_iomo KU. <&.g^-^ KU. regulated all about shipping

(mS<S(S)§5rE0a)S)a;05ng asisoiplt&jics^o Mud. & timber floating. 2. plainness (ay'as 2).

CV. aiplgjieSs) 1. chiefly to dispossess 6)q_ioo ay 63^3) T. to keep within bounds. ay^sssofOTO)

aofoi^folsicsz; aiplg_j^g_jonb KU. gjsxwotplg-jl Qxijo unbounded wealth ^or a^eoBD ura?).

(Bd3ffl5re TR. must not be vacated. 2. to a. V. ay<esai 1. to pour >&>6iipi'oi) o.^ vU§o a.

make to retire, ojoacao ai:p'g^:5jKU. drove MM. 2. to inundate. 3. to set afloat, float

back. oro;you51<S)OfBo aiflgjl^ & (gta:iJo)nD o)aj§loi32; a_jipcsn«ii) a^cealcg^arro TP. aroj

(3Tacul3.ofD'3i:Jlaftifrn a. Mud. (even merely SJO^oonVlcsTlisl) o5.uo)-gjoy=<i)silm3nb Bhg.

6iO 5 T. M. C. Te. Chiefly interrogative particle ^Q'S.-ni7)0 si-u^SftsKDO (rD-i;23a_i(2m3 Nal. 3. in

1. in simple question, eraonb (sra.xi<2cno am I he? disj. affirmation aSnmo fOSsnso one or two. (Ot

Often with negative power (sra o^siSBSon ojrojom a-oralsejo <!L.06moolsejo Ojlsna ^oaio; with

<2(O)0 PT. that is impossible. Imperative qQ^ Condit. QSjjfauo ^SfiOBJ'g^saio gtov nn^caucji'o ay

R^S^uo take it at once. 2. in disjunctive (kjco i^nTleraoosTliseJograv cruocracaoPT. 4. with

question (^c9<alo);&0(25rgo vSizaooi^oSSTgo ca;aj advers-itive power 0aOoS0(O3 — (BTOitnlainbo Q,w

fOT^ ajfOio HNK. (STas<a)o m^gj, ^Stoio on^!^. rosaoScttoej.T) ogooaDrooBhg. as for its height.
6iOo — 65066^, oQj 182 6iO-Q-J — eiOSDCoTl

<2(e)C>3dte0oag)nTnrolceD-n(2aJ3 s)-aJDgjooKR.butif. SiO-CLJ oja mod. aoja V2. RC

Qg)nDD(Sejo ersasma sicOiogjoo Bhr. (SaDgiSojo 6iO^(b OCCar (T. a Kali worshipper C. Tu.=
si3)on6 o_jo(2ca;omo o^rmloigjtggjo AR. 5. em- a-DiJj.mb Beng. a.^uj snake-catcher) A class of

phatical acc^nrro.^gj dj.srraonlsrooCG.; often with Maran Sudras, who beat the drum in temples

interrog. ojsmjo Q^S)rro)0<STno soc^o oQjfSaiD (0§ao 6^i>.o§rat, (ftifratiQjla'as) fr. ao^iA? T.

KeiN. what a wonderful luck! Quite interj. aD^fsi) to drive away.

in (BiaSfmo, (sras^o, o^^scao etc. 6iO^DnOo OCCanam (No.) Reverence; the

6iDooni S. (=(5T3)7) 1. aDo aQ)nT)0(ti(3iaiJca2|LoKR. humble answer ao given to Guru with the
Yes! hence aD33j3fOo the syllable om, greeting proper gestures.

& concluding Amen! 2.=: a: f.i. q^^Sojoo denV. ao^Dcnl-tti rnl^. Palg. to stand or rise

aQ)'nTlg (po) whatever it be, yet. before seniors & superiors.

ShOcBi O'ya, SiO^ee^ (C. aoDOjy, (cg^) Awn, beard SiOS^io ojam S. Unequal, odd fgio^^crODOonasBcX)
of some grains = (c/5Q>o. or ao&an\iDDmo Gan. aoo5)g_JSf!inrm ao. o^

6iQo63pro ops ma (2a_i(b (opp. Q^cao), (^nrro gsfisalcsygg fflosj

S. (V'^a^) Home, house (po.)

eiOcQi SiDOj (, prh. from ay;) 1. Flood- cruoaUjacX) Gan.


gate, sluice, drain PT. 2.— 3>o^ f.i. S>^£ni 6iDSS?CY\3i ojas S. (ojes) Vigour, vitality (2«JiK

gjo.-nra S)cn^, aoajgg simgj CS. ^10 aD63f}MiaDail Nal,


e^Doee-onOo okkanam t. m. c. Te. Beng. (aasog 6iOS!flQjl:e6>, even 6iOCQJlce6i = ^Q_JS^Qj|'3e6^

<3i) Retching, nausea, qualm, ao'ojo -araglcx^o 6iOS 6da 1. T. aM. Water-course (ao§ei) Vi.
med. ao. o-jDcrurrb fais)cm amed. — fig. aoAio 2. a large reed (Brag a^.sniOi'iA aDSi^g. sia_io§l

cr)o|)5)5reffi^;-3b ojoanSijsmo CG.if indifferent S)ajggo ajfceo TP. even a bamboo would be

or squeamish about it. touched to tears. 3. see aDScestprak 2.

denV. aDasisrnltSsi 1 . to retch, feel nausea aa'^ aD5dB3iProi) 1. flute of cowherds ao. QjlalcSfl

j^a^; aocSsiDrnl^ o^gjorsjo aD5^cg9563Bl CC. 2. pipe of goldsmiths ao3)Sc9sa)ajc35)

noDitiCG. 2. to vomit ao'c9Q(Sauo5)ej Sil. to fuse. Qg)cTalmorab ^RsnmsiaJ ao5)Sc9®

6iOfi^o Ogham S.(ajao) Flood; mass arujs)^^!^ s)aj^§(Tro, ao. 5)aj<9s<SafO)3Q,o aooc^aicb

QiSio etc. CG. Q^olc95i35Trao Nasr. po. [^oicmggi KU.

6i03ft>3(Oo Oilgaram S. (aoo q. v.) The syllable a3smo§= ao§m3§ f. i. e)oscnosihs)co<ss> oQ)

aao — Vi. a3«583fOo songs or cries to drive out 6iDSo odam 5. (as^i&i) l. Boat, ferryboat aos
demons (prh. from foil.) raralrali o^s^ejo <a:g_janf3i) oQ^ejo TR. ao-ao
6iD65*§c63 oriilU'ya T. M. (>/^aQJ high) 1. To soig^ <SQ_jO(ft<ScTU3c>3 prov. o_i@gi(Scao5o VI.

lift up, as band, Qjs^, 6usmulg_jfJ«la7D ajoc>oBhg. weaver's shuttle ^3ejl3ii5)nbo ao. <Sn_iofflai

6)<9)0^ cjorols.-oraosoal RC. cuDtSsTlRA (Sicuci^ prov. ao. -oJo^ai to weave. 2. = a3ao term,

6)5)«i aosDol Sa-jDaTlfsl Anj. 2. to threaten ^<2(g)osc, @oig)<2.OT3)DSoso far. 3.(Port. horto?

with finger, prepare to strike, aim at. QQ)S)nT) garden a35roi371aA TR. also ajc2,ejiOi§.o a3§
aoossl foigglglgj; s^aiogjajDnb aossigstmroo ai^o TR. vegetable gardens.

Bhr. to attack, (c^aiajo QsicSictriajDiiri aiD(3ligTi 6iDSfol) odal (So. aos) Med. root (=2D ocas' Termi-
^maosoBlCG. — to appear resolved to (sraajsicn nalia cat.) asssiejgrD (ftOSjsroisorrro cft-^g^GP.

Qjla'ad^''^ ®^'' ®'*^^3nb aDS!JI§3(TU0c)o CG. 63,0S2nQJ.l3b odambal (a3=;a))Bolt, barVi. No.

being about to weep. eo^ScS) aDSsel cuoarnlrai) 6^DSDCQJ1 odayi (T. aM. — clH) A kind of

(sras^cesicq^o Sk. aimed at. carpenters, ship builders (aoso) aosocsOaion

VN. aoesQrai threat etc. (@§1 a_i6rr)^ ^S63bI TP.

630S1— 6iD§d9) 183 6iD= 6iDenOo

65051 odi 1. (6So§S)) A large seaboat, long & 2d CV. aoslgjlcesi id. iScooces)S)a sooSfos^aio

narrow chiefly from the Laccadives slojlnrn sirg aslojl^ Anj. against us. ruc^gjxTlsinn

©(b eaoslccylfoi), jiifOcSaa-cJo eaDslcaJlfoi) aicaool aoslojItflsiCS^o 6)jiJmjo TR. we shall beat

TR. aos^o^o iS(mo6rnlc£?^o SiPu. Tippu.

orgjCniSaz^osl the largest kind, brig(Cann.) CV. aDS<a) rare. csft^cSsisia aogltesiastsig, roo

= 6aa§, (^sl 6r^o(Sg.osl a^rao, (oicnjroo eaoaTlcui^ (o-joxHsim ao§ls)cfiirD5i-^ Arb.

2. f. i.

(Snbooslajon^, (Sojonrra TP. chased, nnosnm e>o£\<o^^stmi^ KR.

(asla^Si) Potsherd,
VN. aoso T. M. C. Tu. 1. a course, run, <3iru)\
6iO§ odu. 1. tile, 5><Si0S<fiinD§

jiflSniog without a point; fO(Scaio§o race, (eig_)(gaJD§o navigation; ou

small flat tile. id.

hollow roiajScQio^ ernlceis) ao. (Sojsmo Vi. haste. 2. quick

0O(SSD§, tuo.-araTlscQ/O^ tile.

apprehension snjliyicSsi ao. ^sn^ Anj.

skull, aas g3§si,6i03^<&)totile. ao^t&'iplcesiNo.

= <SiW6!5a J3jlra§ai1fai)onl>'rro (BTasK^Si. 2. shell ao§c9aofonb shipowner ao'cm ajo§o(8^fwa>

coH^ prov.
tgT3)a<SC2;0'5; rind of fruits oJ^kjqI aD§ <£btri^
ao§^^<9rg^ a kind of ballet.
<9ig.<Q5 a med. 3. M. bellmetal (21- parts zinc,
ao§og.<Tt) runner, messenger, spy, certain
10 copper) sao^ajoasi etc. aajc8@@o§, aiDSroo^^.
huntsmen ao§og.(2cS5i <S!ii5Knl(^5 (huntg.)
ao§fracesnc2;i^c-3Drol5^a2J<So_io5iejprov. 4.T.M.
6iD3, 6iD0 otta T. M. C. Tu. (Te. to split,
(a§) being alongside, with @Somo§ 5)sy;£\
asls^Bi) 1. Crack, leak, hole. 2. B. dullness.
TP.; = Q_'dS)S f. i. g)sc2) (ZOj^s^tmsocBs (srau-Qj
ao§c9s)ajo leaky vessels, prov.
TR. through the ricefields. <Qi5<SeJ0§ (SajooTl;
aice®if032jnti (2.) half witted.
in fixing boundaries: X 6io§ Y ao^ Z aos
aogs^sitfla empty handed, squandering.
gDsaTiej^ (D0§ KU.; in comp. aQ)(raaj<Srao§
ao§(St5Ta)Osrnla^fai) Si<f<m&> to try & get rid
Cnl63Bc)o? <S)S(SGJ05 af03 ( po. —a Loc.
of one.
cnocasroosrara (srgjSig. (sraaz^^ to the N. (ST3)®a.D
aos5)g_j§<9i to be perforated Qg)5>^^oo ao§
SK^o orarnjoca o'OSjSo Qg)^(a)lj)aj^ TR.
5)Qj§c9' a med. ogjO-oTli^o ao'§o prov.
adv. ao<ssas cryeiisaDiss, — (S.^jtaoss happily.
(931513)1 aO§51g_j§:T5tiSl a. V.
Hence: ao^noD^, aDSmo§ N. pr. the 9th or
aogigal porous soil; Malayalam country.
16th mo§, No. of (2,u5n")D§, with the capital
6iO§l otti (ao§o, aosBi) Ship's captain Vi.
<9i03i^S.o, allotted to the (SjiiODiil cru_i(r33
65D§loB6i 5ttikka(ao§. 2.) Shell.
n_io Syr. doc. KU.
e,o£\^<Sa^o£t' to feel empty, nauseous, con-
ao§s, aosgjo (1) pancake.
ceive aversion.
aos«>aJo, — Q_)0(ra)o (3) vessel of bellmetal. 6iOff)§rolG) otterima (n^raa) A kind of bug.
a3Sa_j6nTl<95iofont) (3) = i^c/3Drol. 6i06YDo onam T. M. (Tdbh. (J3)DXJ5n-)o) 1. The
aoso-jfo (1) tiled roof (opp. acaigira). 22nd constellation, Aquila, see org) U'snil. 2.

650§o63, Sl odu-ya 5. (Bong, to fly) 1. To run the national feast on new moon of Sept.

as men, animals, roots, etc.; ships to sail. lasting 10 days, when Parasuriima is still

2. to flow easily, meet with no impediment said to visit Kerala. aosmia'j'ZSTO) jijoejlcamb,

a<3)o)nbo qjDcSs) (gra.xirrn aD^rmlgj. a^oomo Qj^oQo ao. g.®|n3«Tr)o prov.

CV. aDblcQs) 1. to drive, chase aD5lc2;fmO(b o^ ao6mce«o^ Vi. some old feen and taxes eana

fTTDo aDS^^ajfxnotb oQrroo Bhr. who fled, who a9(no5foos aoemo ojIcfiaQio^ s^oaldjsicffilgj;

pursued. — cftOTTlfOoJoagg (2i>iol aaslettalfai) aosm.Tsralrrrao ojl.-fagajl.Trao mnmoej rusrno

Nid. (rjlsrmDcSflo cuejl-aiaiaiDSTTg asslg-jor.b

Nal. 2. to steer, navigate tSig^jrab ao. mrofol «n<SfOsrr)o q^ctto eanaoroliOicte qgl^TR.
6i j&nOD§ — eiD'OY^rTl 184 eiD^nOo — 6iO(20C2Jo

aD5m,T3ra)g^ = a)C5j099jg^. a rustic game of eiof^CTjo odanam s. (aa) Pap, food ao. oj^a
rm'moch CG.
aosTDajo^ a song. [bridegrooms. SionOjCoTl onay T. SoM. Woif Vi. mc.
©DsmgiSii feast-cloth, given to inferiors, to
ShZC^ onSu (T. C. aoorol) 1. Chameleon. 2. the
esasm^J Impatiens ojejlan — I. latifolia, S)^ bloodsucker, lacerta cristata MC. aoaro)Q,f!^o
olsy — I. Rheedii, (TyHej — I. Balsamina. (S-aiofO ajltpong TP. (during tgrgjoos). ao. a^
aosm.ijlgj f. i. ©Dgo a_jli)@St9« a* ao. (Pay.) engocA <s.oio<X) <Qislc9so superst. — o_jo2do33 =
6i06rY-)o§ onadu T. M. & assmma^ = ao§ <fl^1rDoe9?lrol (diet.)
aooirrooool, aogssi 3)0,-!5Tal = (tyogjlslca/ob a
ao5m(t5E;S).xjroj0o:)o a Samanta=: c».032,a^g.G^
6iDa_Jl6bi, 6iDOj| = 2a_iaji (see ^ojcea) Love Vi.
6iD(7Do 66am T. M. Beng. 1. Dampness in rainy 6iDoio oppam, 6?.0Q_i M. C. Tu. (aocnj<&>)
season aooi;g@g crunejo MC. 2. B. hernia (T.)
Smoothing. ao^cDrgj =£ro<Syigj fig. ajffrajTlfol

eiOfcSl 66i Share, part (loc.) = ojaj-aTl? m^0-maint) aog_jc6sigjo5ic2Joas (Sjiioro^ajD CG.
e^DrD^fDo o5iram (Tdbh. of ^ojeuo) l. Prime
aoQjl§a to polish. —
(pass in fencing— S. al^c; see (gT^^CJJo^ocrco
610(21 oma B. Base of pillar.
18) plain cut, ao. fluglcB/Diio ^a<0i3T-^slprov.
6iO£2io omam b.(=<S:iaoiZo)S\son!sn>'SJ'S0O(U)&>o.
«3.§liZK-ria^ TP. (in <&iaral). 2. B. play
aoam^ernl vu. Omum-water.
at summerset. 3. a3((C)o=:&ajeaj> in ^(3SD(ro)o. sm
6iD^ o6u S. ((Hra.jj?) Cat. (po.)
6^D(2)nO omana (aajtsaor aomjei) 1. Fondness,
tenderness with children; darling, ao'caosicao
6^0^062 obu-^a, T. M. C. Tu. 1. To recite, read
rolS5)5icnjaif()l) Stuti; often aoaoD CG. 2. nicety,
(SrjuBo, aajeja aoi^a^oesio^i^Mpl., whisper
beauty aoacncaojz; ceifoffijock) DN. Hence
as Mantrams. cs.uo ao-oTl a.^gjl^ TP. (2a_jD

aoaoriceaoranb playful with children.

SotjjO^ (S.x.Bo aDf^jioreA prov. aDtnlgJol-ai

6)<aodo=>> Anj, to learn. aDto^i^OcSsi to expel

aoam5)c9ii05^canb hunting name of civet cat

poison by formulas, aDrziTlioia^cBa etc. 03«nl_u
aoanoiw^^auo, ao0moi5)g_jfaifal), aoanrngjaaa,
jisci~)smch aotsTlnnlnmoib CCh. 2. to say (po.)
aoamojotoraisx^ aofoil CG. [palace KTJ.
sound aiD.ii^^o aD(0vnoo(b CG.
ao0co ajfrnlcojSi^.osinejSio N. pr. Travancore
CV. aoiovcSs) to teach, = fgra^tjOtumo mngcn^
ao0cr)3>g_j9TT3 (o_isrnlc05ioa.) prov.
aojirao^o aD-ffT'-gjfS-ijorojrm mongaiinb CG.
(BT3)g03io ao. denV. aoacnItSa (V2. @.o_iiaor9lceffl = ajoglcSffl)
— part. fut. a 0.^71(3 :0a Dnf) teacher, chiefly of to fondle, caress <S<3^ozg.S)cn a-osrraScnjocb

Nambutiris aD§o @S6J5ig®ar)onb aooi^Scaso ao0CT9l^§ojonb (S^niofrroa®® CG.

fTTi^gfl CG. 6iD2)?jb 1. Fondness=aoam, darling aozajo
VN.aoii^ 1. reading, chiefly of Scriptures, ao enojo (Hra?i5)g_j'ni.-()i)CG. 2. neatness. 3. adv.

figs gslsraTOj^CG. g^32^5)S aisloi'lrafi aoc!^ nicely, gently (whence (STgjSrooaaA) aoasai oi
CLjol^onbMR. (Mpl.) 2. using formulas (ola., a-.LOco; aoasu Bhr.

aocqisomib consecrated water (S3.T_il_ai S)&o ao0ra!) a&l^zjnt hunting name of (SSiy> (huntg.)

%TSi3;@). See also ^sooorcgs ^rolcSacb. ao0^ipl a dimple in the loins ao'as S\sm
ao.-citj)n0O(b l.Veda Brahmans, the instructors <S(^oen^ms5e^o)5 (3ra§K@ MM.
of their caste. 2. students at Tirunavai, 6i2(£\dd& Smikka Vi.^g^ouzlcflei.
Trsivaperur, etc.
6iD£25DCQJo Fine speeches (Stoe^c^ cua^fO ao
eiOfOYoTl otti (see ao<9i) Open gutter, dram ao 00010 <2^(t^ <&>nmo 6)c9)§l ajosroi^ Ti. tried

nsiiilcsirii-jjii ollsno (jud.) aotjizsloiiu^ PT. to explain most plausibly.

6iOCri^d9> — 6iOd^ 185 6^000 d95 — 6ioej
65.300^085 ombu'jj'a t. m. (Te. ag, c. ovu, opu) explet.) well considered! aorooSraSmonrrao tsra

1. To stroke, as in embracing, blessing (ftsitWD foTinmczaDo Anj. will explain itself.

VN, I. aoAi rare ; 3,cb ao 4i ^^ f^^-"^^ Bhg. one

TP. (tnosl aa. to caress. ^oiaK^sl aDcnjlsiaiga^ thought, goon) atb ao4i a^rtg hope. cnl63Bc>o

to smoothen. 2. to cherish, take care of. QQ)TiDgg^o aQ)maggOT»lf3!) a<85»^o jjCG. re-
e^OrO ora B. a tree in marshes (I. aocb). gard for you.

SiD^o Oram T.M.C.Te. Bang. Margin, brim, side II. aoza 1. thought. 2. recollection, memory oQ)
= ajcSia f.i. cig(SoofO0osy5)@gor!B@^5n6CG. rnlaj cnlces) ao^2i SoiOTrorrnlgj MR. I don't re-

cDTaltab ©Dfoalsy^ VyM. aaroo ftii^i;Slfai 5)a)0c)o member, (2a)g(m ao20ca)l^i2cQ,o? (Stg crooto

lO-, ao. n_jo^ to run against each other as (C)^ag)0olc8a ao^^eng. 3, interj, attention,

men, boats, aorao 5)SiD(^cai = aoroo32Jo 2.

take care!

aofCDao. 1.= aofOo (loc.) 2. imperceptible aoZ0(ScSs)§ inattention, forgetfulness, o^nra ci_i

joining of 2 boards, stones, etc. aoroo^iio)^ O6rora).-0) ao'soama MR. slip of the tongue.

rma ,—o)ca5)S,—gjsiT)l. (commissure, rabbet.) ao2Zi6iQ:§(i^Si to put in mind,

6iOf51 ori (Te. = aDC/3) l.T. Howler, jackal, mo aozia Qjls<Saj03in forgot.

(^ ^c!^STf) aDralcQ/'OCgjg^DftTTa GnP, (in V2. denV. aozzliSs) to remember largj^z^^ sraoob

axiral, Vi.aaH (^ijsnrra, cSiroo^.Tra) 2. howl, ajlsiOD aoZzl;^TR.

yell(aDfo1 ^§a.). ao.'^cd/lsorai) arosmosuperst. 6iDOQd6) otfU'ya The act of the civet cat in

aofolces) a small bivalve shell. yielding civet siiarce ao^QoTD.

i- SiDiT) or Saltues8(=: g)^'iJ* q-v.) aofisgg oolej I- 6i2^ 6la = agjO, gs<26!jBoaj CO. etc,
soBglroi) aorol lacu^nm So_jD5)ej PT. 11, sioajT. M.C,Tu.(Port.olla) 1. A leaf of palms
aoib <9)Dan= ^cD(b a^oeTl. or grasses aoejo^^ajo aiscnjo. S)mgjlo)"ibo

ao(t)(ei§o5a{>, aonDrmaiTlazj.Tb etc. loc. kinds of ao. Vi. aoaiajXi^l MR. from trees. Stages of
paddy grown in brackish soil.
frooa^lfOo growth: <£hlal(Scffioaj, <S3ro3(S.oiaoej, o_iiS^oaj, oj
II. 6h')(b T. M.C. = afi33, bef. Vowels yxs.oiaoaj. — ajrorsTbaoai .ij(Q3.-3ial5)-9)§l^ TR.
aDiD05rela> the first anniversary of a death, forthatching. 2. writing leaf (o^ojSggoai un-
Nasr. Vi. written), writ, aoib ao&J Qg)§,wa)orai), aoai3)aca;o
ao(o1ai(S. cyLOc0(,-i_i5n^) Hemionites cordifolia.
(STjKDonb mo§ &>q.<s^o prov. cncrulcaoaifo <e>^ofoi)

aoroliiJaraoafQ Viola suffruticosa, mod. root aoej TR. heading of letters. S)^<2a2JDej, a_i
(S§oej etc. 3. steel spring, a)a-i02nnoaj gold
aorol&J igdjicf)® Convolvulus palmata Rh.
leaf as earornament etc.
aoSfOO, aosroo3f0o each one, ao5)fOO>Tra, aoSroo
Hence: aoeJc9s)srnl single palm leaf.
asTSKDnt) etc. aosrooroltSoifab aoS'^DSfOD .iTlajo
aoaJc85isrnlg_jO(Ty(o)B)ODTTg (Sxjs^gJlcOn) prov,
aQ)^.-cnl TR. (graiisifQ ai^tal) aosro ojsl a aoaJcOsifOsmo a document.
6ir>| MR. ( = aoSrao).
aoeJo)a9ia§ thatch to cover boats (prov.)
III. 6iDfb T. M. = igT9.U(b; also a title. Lord (loc.)
ao&J(g(fls)§ (wlcSn partial reparation of thatch
6iDa9l?i, ;I^6rka( To think, remem- (=:g3S(Bc2;oaj ajejlcBad).)-
ber, expect Q^^o ao,W3)^ &,£\zu<$^ Bhr. not
aoajsj^ojlcfflnb huntg. name of hare,
intentionally. oi.uiTgffiruoo o^Srmosiforaora il^oVl
aoejgjra thatched house. ao'cSao aDSa-jS)fO(68o
1 Bhr. aoroo^fmlma cnl don't hope, af^ctteo ao cruDomo anrro prov. [sideways B,
SforaDSfOTaoSfODiTJirao gjgj1m'a)(£iftOS<Sk3 Mud. o_j
aoaigioo i2ola?^-&i to tumble heels over head
er^^cQjoai <s.xieji)c£2j siiii^<ScTuoc>3 (Htaxioao ao aoGJflaj^l box to keep documents ao. ti_io

:95)Saismo CG. let him ponder. ao-oraofDi) (po. (£3)63139.0 Mud.

e^oejo 6ioc/Bo(Qo 18G eiooackuJl 6>,o<^o

aaaiasrai palm branch, tion, complimentary gift. (BrgiTiaiaigl ao. (opp.

aoaja^mo swordfish MC. — aoaialib Vi. aiD'^jo or <a)5mdBs). jJgrraSouodo ao. ^gj (2.0
aoej0Osl = a)O3fBa •weaver-bird. (Coch.) iQsvtiro) oioroo gigjosrotsofo!) ao. go^
(STD) ©gj),
aoajgolcaiab a bird, kind of nJD-ataiTb. prov. (BT3)niD(^ajo aocyaoreajo KU. [Matsy.
aoeJS)ca)y>t5Tant) Vi. secretary. 6iDc£QLOl osadhi S. Annual plant, med. herb.
6iDaJo olam l. aT. aM. (3,(n\)Crj for help. 51 m aD.-maJlyant) moon.

§.s):wa aoajal^nmg !Sib| RC. 2. (aDeJa^) a 6iD^o ostham S. Lip (upper — fsraiJcaiDoopp.
kind of seasoning broth; aoainb g)<2Qiral (so taraojrao) aDf^sroch 00-^ cnlnrnl§o arroeracb
(Sfijoejib B. No.) curry strongly salted. 3.= CG. ao'cijo a)f06SB3 o qolsrai^ ojlsrra SiPu. (from
ffiajoajo, (5t3gjo (loc.)
leprosy). aoc^grusrnlorDTOo, ao.-figcniogros
6iOej:eeo olakkam (T.C.Te.Tu. durbar, assem- iStsrao^ Bhr. lips opening.
bly of kings & states, ao'af) C. to meet. comp.
aoi^ o labial, (gram.)
acX)) Splendour, majesty, ao. cSiOsmS^ ono'oo
6i3aD(^ ohari (P. bahri, V2. has &(xj£r,c5), Vi.
CSDSmStuti. ao. (BTgjai^gg O_jl@gn33ia032?l, — etXJO
aoftrol) Share, part, portion- ^raiejloinbo ao
OJOBoib; ^oaiaj^assolnD ao- fsigjsr^gg cSioScli
oDfoliSicX) S):u-ai (robbers dividing the spoil).
smlaoib CG-. Anj.
o-jooijlrab (S^if Sd3o) ao. MR. aQnasis aD.,oooro})
6i0^9&!o olangam (a3aji&')0ilmeasure in shape
ao'ca/DcaH ajlaoiH Bhr. —
of a spoon made of <StJi63B55.-3raiD5i^, holding
from i — 1^ (ftool.
aoaoralceiBoronfj partner.

6iD(3aD3 oho interj. Oh!

BDejGiDrol see olamari.

6iD^cfi3,£jl olup (^aaHcasi) To flow, ooze. -aJ

6iO<^o olam (aC. ac>3=i a^(fl3)l. Wave, surf, ao
a63Bc>3 fai@glcijanm,-3ialail) CC. fnsgjoa0o§.o
ejo ao. Nid. cnlsfooajo (^nrmra^CG. (after ba-

thing). aDejoT) <9isrrarnl(b Bhr. Esp. Gaiabao

<a)0gln3l CG. — ao. Sio^oest^mo, aQ)§(Ssnrro, ao.

ejo, o_)03ejDe4o, asgoejo siaoiplcaod) Bhr. cu (Sra5is^ exjooaTl rough, boisterous sea. aip^ssio

Scmoajo Qjosrnlaotb CG.

Q,Sl<S505ng ao^SSBch SlQjOSSsl SiPu. ao^o aQo\

Inf. aooi in drops aosaioaj aflynm aisnacTTirb. §0 (a_ig.caoosnjcul Matsy. — fig. (Btag aiosrra

aoaH 1. collection of oozing water, temporary (Scruock) ao. aQ'§<s&,cn®'U) Q^-ragglfo'), ao. @^
well. 2. see aofiTl. cnyrrra aooocrorsia'fiA CG.

6iO(SeJf61 oleri Place for flying a kite? KU. as 2.= aosothe term until (also aoa'^i^i'TrTD, ao
(2&jralg_j3^f3l> races of Nayers KU. g.S'OTacQa) a., with Nouns o_i§5mS^3T3,og.oas far

eiDCSeJDcee'o olokkam (^ai) Blacksmith's forge as. (6iijoaiZi6Tr)3«)oao aoorojjo ^^odSgsa Bhr.
ao. aocqio ^ajl§l Sjojoa^.^ TR, as great as they. aQ)'2ano§.o uocn^co^g^ CG.

65Drat) 6l =(313X1*, ao*, in oio^iSrma.iA, (^(Sinaoi-al). a_ic^<2roo06sasaoao QjcQ3ax).iDijrps3Bc>o; Qgcj a

6iDCLJD 5va ( = aoo?) Sire! aoiio nJHoaj QQ)5).Tbo QQjn.Si<sc2Joao saj5irelcu«so TR. as much as.

raioajrooSin TP. Q^5TT)<Sa2;og.o o-joejo siaiocbiS) a med. rasr^ 00

6iOC/9 5sa T. M. (T. alsoao'oi, aoraij; Te. arol) (rD(3(ora)oa0oc!ii1 MR. — with Loc. o^^ajsi.Tjraio

Sound, noise, =a^, hence (STgjSroocya (iBTOjfb III.) (mo0(Tj)l<seJ3ao S6Txio(Julgjl^ TR. paid up to

(fiinsrooajlsnaaac/atsyosiaisprov. aac/Dcangjo.-mffl the 971st year. QJC2;ano§lroi) aog.o (2a_j03i^.

cnosrnlcao counterfeit coin, b., with adj. part. SiSsnso^o as far as visible;
aDC/adBaofOiTb, — 6ig_]§ajab famous Vi. the more one looks, oraxjof) aoSasroioao a®'®
aoc/3c0i8y>ral) large pipe Vi. [coronation. 0^0 a-ucftb, (SGruajl<s^og.o ojaul^ ojoso <S)0

aoc/asiajsloyo sixigj):^ KU. guns fired at a 00 Bhr. (2<9)(2§oa,o ®<SicX)a_ionb (S.tnonrroo Bhg.
650C/9D(Do OSaram Tdbh. a^-J ^aroo Mark of atten- aa-iss'aj'sft-joao ffionoo a med. at every meal.
6iD^D8e:o — eif^fDOTO 187 6i Dl^- ^'^%
(ST2)3Qjog.o, QjfMSQjoao etc, (asTTUjl^dnlsnnD at the end of conversation with princes, as

@.o (@ejl a^lso Vi.) — with the addition of (Son ajojo at the beginning. e,o^ fOioajfOoScr) TP,

a>o f. i, fu3er)®g_joao (Smrao (ojcszJCBno si-oirao (sras^oal 5i3)Dnb (So-iDaima. 3. So., vu.T. =
KR. ^000 cucsTorao fa)^(95(Sajog.o <S)DeJo Bhr. (rrolesocol salacious man.

3, aDg.0 <B,£^cBsi, aog.0 ^§©j to live in plea- 6iOOo, 6i3<^ ol = (sra-ucfo She, wife. (sa:uS)dbo

sure or grand style (see aoaicesio, eaoaoEfco). e>o3, 6afD9>T5ras)nbo ff)(0i§lc52; aoa TR. ^oinb ©o
6>g. Q®§fOTal§lgj vu. he is still unmarried.
BO^DSS'o olangam B. (aoao 3., eaoaictoo) Vo-
luptuousness, haughtiness. So. 6i':i^<^ olu'ya (aDsj, a^(a3<si)Toflow. rnlsraoyo

6iD^ oli 1. = aorol, ffloejl, ^foa Howl, eaoa^csin (B)0 njcSssnb Anj. aoyo Sj^orol RC.
§^V2. 2. No. of Payyanadu term of respect, aoyajnt) V2. foot of a mountain.

6in[)cftai3ft>o auksa'yam S.(gtt0fKnfc) Herd of oxen. (5ifD?^D^ aulobu ((sraaTla)}.) A kind of rice-

6i":iSLA\CU]p aujityam S.(a^w) Propriety, fit- flour.

ness. a'o'Koa'^gg SiiaiSicfe CG. a'o'iaocaxs-'m a'DSajOiT^'Sf^ a cake Vi.

5)-il<^ (@§ Mud. lS)aQUOAi)o a'o. KR. 6i"^CL^ anvu aM. Swelling? 0^15^16 rBraojlcS)

6in)!92_iej>o aujvalyam S- (as^JaJ) Splendour foifoo aiQ-oramnb (grgjtploica^'OQj^^can RC.

a^nj swelling of the stomach, disease of jungle-

e^fDron^^jo aulsukyam S.(&(OT9S^)Zeal, anxi-
ety, Nal. ©tooonosraDfad a'Oflsry
dwellers {loc.)=Qjcaool(Sai cTol(bi9y§).
gfl ijlg_j'zrn(m

Sysoojo ajnrro KeiN. eifDQJgnQo auvannam, 6i")Qjnno, 6i")ajtfl

6i"Di3o65o aada'^am S. (@.q<9>o) a'o'aoaica/OKa ojl

etc.= (gT3:3j — in alphabetical songs.

emuojo c9iZ0c\jo CG. [liberality.

eiiiO-inol^etsiS auvanikkada Brahman
family KR.
6i"0'2>DCgJo aud'aryam S. (aao.-o) Munificence,

a'oao'jnt) liberal. 6i^C/dmc(X)o ausanasam S. (acamona ) Beiong-

HNK. = ^§c6YUfDo. . ing to Sukra. afa'aoQ^ig cuoDo KR.


6ifTDf?JUrn)jo auddhatyam S. (giaufm) Arrogance. 6i"iCf^(bo ausiram S. (ac/j)ra) = rooz^o etc.

6i")rmcu),o aunnatyam s. (anrxoi) Height. e^ifT^cenSinOo ausanam S. (acaasm pepper) Pun-

6l")^jo aunyam S. (a'onoo) Disaster Vi

6i^Q-j^jo aubamyam S. (©.oja) Equality, osra

ei'DoSnUJo ausadham S. (aDnmoTi) vu. oracijl

KR. cfiii^o, {sraoj^iffino Medicine, drug e>ic£n(X}Z

QJCbd*2(S5ngO eiCO'!S\V)\?&,(A G><0.

iQro)6!5Bg.0f3ii f0'j9fi3i9)c>3 o)^(^ Bhr.

e^ix) n-JocoTloe^o aubayi'yam s. (aa-joca) Fit, just,
ao.facul id. ^fj s)jiJonm OTDOjliPtinl <8croQji:SJ
e^nrirooroau aurasan s. (aro^^') Legitimate
.aDiSi^(i)i>'nia*ce5) a med.
child, lawfully begotten a'o'naoraoo aj(ro)riao

5)0) Qg)(Tn@ (Saj05)ej DM. 6ifiOf^|0 ausnyam s. (e^) Heat.

(^^o AM
follows in alph. songs on Sanscrit models, f. i. (BTOoSSOSa — HNK.


(T. ;.) AH
In alph. songs after Sanscrit fashion as well as consonants, f. i. fBraceoi(CTrifoa.jnb, (srodjs.<s>n^;

in those, which follow Tamil precedents ; the gjO(b etc.

13th vowel, an aspiration represented by double

€03 ka represents in Tdbh. the other gutturals 8ativa = i5@grTtioiaj@gfQl Rh.; the fruit cSicea

(-oia fr. c/aoSLio, csTlfslcaio fr. c^iOo, (Sicno fr. (iTlceao GP.
oeimo; (2&'0o, Q_i<95)o fr. (Ssaaaiao, ojofeo; cu I. dfticeadft), ce^ kakku'ya 5. l. To vomit, esp.

fooanb aM. fr. curootiont)). a> in the middle of animals oQffnTl aicSsTl.T) iijiAio KR. also of

words slides into c2J (rmaroliSiG^, (SYarolcffis^), men roc90)ajo ans^nnonb KR. jiKolrtij aisl.^

Qj ((813(91, (sraaj), qD (tst3)5)aD, QjoO TR.) or dis- 55.iJggo <e>ces<203 prov, 2. No. to stammer

appears (ajra3;fi3c9>orao — ojrrocQaoroo, (sr^&o — iBirftei n_iOd>. = (St3)5rajlo_iO(&i.

aicSsiob stammerer.
(ST3)o, a®§E235ia.o@§— Q®§(StoTe)of , QQ]oaoo^
(QicesnoaD cackling mouth.
<9)ro — §ro, s)jiiroigice3.i3Tj?l — Qj.ural.).
.eicSsTlces) 1. v. n- to vomit. 2.=:S)S-05m£\<esi'V.
dS^o kaiQ S. Well, wonderfully. — water (po.) freq. 3. CV. to make to regorge.

oftjoCOJo kamsam S. (C. Te. Tu, .sisray) Bellmetal, <^6oim,S^, T. C.Tu.To steal
II. deod86id95,
a3§. — (Qiocronb N. pr. Crshna's uncle & mortal (fr- aic)o)fut. a-giDob & (Siceaojonb. <&i§Qj(Sono§

enemy ; prov. tyrant, Herod, also (9>6SUtTb CG. iS^goral, cQic9sQjon*) a_jdl^O(iA prov. ngjosi^ s^s
c&>8ka8S. (quis) Who? in aicaiHrai etc.
(SrLjocdil was stolen, srame ai§ .Sia.^o^nbo
dft.c©3(sb, d9)c63©o ka'JfudamS.(L.culmen)Buirs
(gracucTUDTR. theft committed. &.<35iO'^ Bhg.
hump, a^sro® [Terminalia. refraining from theft. a^cesiocOTO) roiltanb prov.
iSKftSo cacumen, top; = alc9a. (ft,<fee(gzio CCh.
(SiSSooocflaoCG. look stealthily, wistfully.
<Bi£)e< kakka (ca^o:a?Tu. ^b^casi) Shell, coc-
fig. Q^nrros)? aioarolsicai <Si£3o CG. deprive of=
kle =gj.'!5iJ5lc)o. a-cSsi QJorol Qjloc^ Anj. surpass. [^R.
<&ic95iajgg^ (see c&.Ocesi).
CV. aicLj^cesi; 0d9s)S'ora)ls)m5)3iO3ri| <frnjl^Dnt)
dboee^o kakkam=f)^o T, M, Sediment of oil
dB5(^6i,Onj Dutch kakhuis. A privy.

d85(SceeoeJo63o kakkola'Jfam S. a perfume = (^

<fi5(^ffiS kakkada (loc.) A dagger !S)c9as iftrro
(Sc9ir,Dai.i. [flank.
603^0 po.
oftcS^&lo kaksam S. Hiding place, armpit; side,
c&)c66iD§ <d)0«)5mg_j3§ (ia,ra4-teiso§) The
aicSfiTl M. 1. opposite side or party. 2. peril
Punatur Raja, of Nambidi caste, by whom
ai. ojlsmstoi^ was endangered cd^. (BT9)2CQ^3
Chavakadu was ceded to the Tamuri.
oTl = rffrasiui'gJJo.
c&jdBft kakku 1. Gizzard, ^c9ao <ejo<gi^§.o vu. ceice&ntSsioranb 1. party — ^sousl o>ji)cj^ ai^fe^
2.= (S)rolcaa what is young. 3. the fruit of <95iDib(jud.).^foji&.caea^(6sio«soMR. o^icnlib <9>.

<9)cSs)ajggl, seed used in med. and for play. the opponent. 2. a cunning, dangerous man.
4. see cQ)d9s<Q) I. vomit ; stammer. No. tOxfi^ 1. girdle, enclosure. 2.= (Qidaftijo —
(ftcflarol T. SoM. (Sioaslfol No. (S (Oiansl) Cucumis
. (jyLoa tSice^arii'Di) i&isorra KR.
0&58e:o <fi5-^ 189 Si^(bo — dQjCS^D
(eicft^o S. wall & the court enclosed (pQ.j(gaD (Si^gjoo (2) royal girdle or zone.

raTJ»is)nbo ajirt^l3ii iSi'.TjraTlrtiii KR. (z'^v, <ei.

(Si^ajSo (3) commerce in clothes T., trade in

(ojSajCB^^ AR. [^ajo)., arrow. general <9)(S^oso 6^_ij(^; ai^ajstemafanb

c6599:o kangam S. Heron, (9iS)0_i((g)o = (fliy)a)lnb merchant; <9i^aj5g-jO§ commercial con-

(£)99:6inOo kanganam cern.

S. Ring, bracelet s,a)STn3
ejOsrosmssBcX) Mud. a-.focrulanrflaiaBosmfinBch cSi^ai war-girdle (oizialrab 6)aj§l5)ce5)DgJlg_jDnb

(S^c^ mTarocal.T?!) csOsblonTlcsjjo jii'jc^ CCh.

<A)9a^(TDo kaiigabam S. Comb j^Tlajrao o:)(Tno:98o

igi,, o_ios)aio:ao <a>, TP. (see <fl>^).

^n.mizoo a^. KR. [;53njn Pay. a.s.oanbSlva. 065^ (Do kaccaram S. (c&ie-jijr&o) Dirty, ^s^el

t6598:0^okangalamS. Skeleton aiSioasojcfiao, cs^o <&)^oc%o prov. No. sweepings, offal.

c3636l99iOS = ff)o)c&.<3=95',os Hoe. dBj^ (D§= ffifficft..^ fD§ KR.

c65ffl8&i0a5Y37l=:c&'ra})«<s-.D,-t5ral Stonecutter. c&jj^OOCoJIrsb MR. 52. A row of shops (f.i. ^
d6?o^ kailgu S. Panicum, (n)^cn.

dftieS^Oe-nol kaiinani i&snb, aoosml) A present, o65J^ Dob kaccafl cSi. a^ooQ (T. the SW. wind)

first fruits of the harvest given to fanes o)S ogjo The long-shore wind blowing in Jan. &Febr.
from NNW. (Vi. Q^Oj^ori) the hot N. wind).

*i°°- c65J^1 kacci

[quarrel B. (C. Te. cftcro, cn^.) 1. Straw,
(SisraDsrnlasi 1. to entrust =aer.?9>. Vi. 2. to stubble, rubbish. <Si^a^o CT)5m60Q3 o PT. for

dBjW^ d95 kaiinU'yaTo be singed, burn in cookiug kindling fire (also (Si^eTloA S)&>0§£^ S)Xi^

to be overdone ggo ^gi^o^it) aioSoliScLJOaiTl. PT.) 2. preserved mango-juice (better of ai-^

VN. I. (ftesarc)!) 1. being burned. 2. darkness Vi. bitter q. v.)

3. casting net Vi. ^^ggsgl y^^ <9i^c6gy^ro') a neck-ornament.

II. aiSOQo i-ijlsliStn rice to adhere to the cooking I. d&^j^n^kaccilS. (as -^fzji)) Interrogative

<&6i3B3aooVi. cooking pan. r^^ qq particle (L. num).

cBi.aJo kajam S. Hair of the head toiaja)_aia^onn II. d&)j3_n(S^3&6ntf6g*? a med.= <Si<S^Daio.
tfiijy kacca Tdbh. a^jse^ (C. Te. Tu. & j^<9i to ai^.Tj)) a_)§5mo N. pr. former emporium to the

bind) 1. Hem of the garment tucked into the N. of Q^iplzej; aTlfsittlalsicSioi^yo <si^rai>

waist-band (3cfto(OTa5^3)5s5mo di. prov. — ScDio o_i§lral) Pay. (Cavay?)

ctga Qjejl^ iSi. unwillingness to give — -ai^

QjDfa!) ojlsl^RS. 2. girdle, waist-belt. <ai_3jC5^'o S^SL^ kaccu po. M. 1. Tape, bodice to confine

ajiajowlftA S5©iso5)c9>§lKU. got ready for fight- the breast. <9i^sTTTl5)a>0395, (^eJasi^^aiOjaJfolxera

ing— ojStSsi^tSich Nal. &. jajoQc&i Vi'. 3. long ipltfia CG. — !&i(S^ejo^tiic2J0GV>Bhr. i&)®jjrat)(^ej
cloth, coarse cloth— siajgg <9i. the finer sort — 5is>,t5ro)csirai) Bhg, woman with well girded breast.

ajojlsrnl &>. also 0sraro)c9si^ of Maplichis, sioi 2. a., past tense of siaaicSsi to be bitter.; b.,

(Qsicii (0). (from asmgjD^). 4.= s^iosmo loc. in aoKSQcBs):^ sun-dried mango-juice; <S)^

c;aciJ(BK»lmo <9i. g^^ojlcSso jud. s^ai§lca;Qjnb a sloven = (Sji)Q6><S)§l'32-ajn6.

Hence: cSi^tSasmcfis bill of sale of cloth (3). o65(S^ (6\ kacahri H. a public office — <&.. cn'rul

<95^<95\C32,Ci girth of elephant (2) = ,a^-of\j. a class of palace-officers in Calicut, the lowest

iS>^5)<S>S <&>ipltS5> to begin the art of fencing in dignity in Curumbanadu TR.

<0ig.fo1. moejoiro &i^ s)cai§liSsnT) Vi. (the &>. mocaib oil-merchants, cuosnTlcBib.

king) orders 4 Nayers to devote themselves d95(S.^D kacco (or ai^oj?) The figs of Arayal?
to death (old) ; to teach the use of weapons
(mod.) KeiN.
c9)CS^ DfDo — o&39fW»l 190 (39) srcyo^inr^l. c&jSo

dQjCS^OfDo kaccoram GP. (S. a.(£3roo)and a. <9)6rj®l®g_|0KS® polype (of gelatine consistency)
(S^DGJo Curcuma zerumbet or Kcempfcria or ^om^. q. v. '^^f eaiaTlsrajl.

galanga. (£b_ajrDcSs)ly6!3igaiif6T3!jamed.— various <£h6tm^^^ (and <&imTlg§) aScitamineum, sort

kinds: aiosih., ff)^Q,<0)., oj^cSsi., 55aj6ic9). (e)6roran5)CL)@go 6)a)0§c9s) TR. to give food.

d95aI9o kaCham S. shore, — <S).Qraa_io turtle PT. oftiS»Tyvtn6Y;Y5|j <0)Si6roi5)srn, better <a6roro)aTTl, <&

dSbO^ kachu S. Itch, scab. ^nrnl (T. a^rojyajt&ornl) Eclipta prostrata

t^^^go kajjalam S. Lamp-black, used as coUy- (a mod. 6)S>ie)(Qint>ol, 6i5^ai5)oaimTl).

rium. ai. rgrajSisi^oroj (a'srraorflA. CG. cfi)S kada 5. (\/^a)§) l. What is ultimate. .Sirol

d6)6t2ilOfb kaiijan=:a;oaun6, also (SjeaUfOTaDrtb

cnDot) aiso^o (oiajos^o @s)s (grgiSSouocb GP.
^^— [rambu. (= (^ro§ foot of tree f. i. sxaiesTglsinbo a^. @o<ftn).

<0)6Ta2Joronb A class of silversmiths, at Talipa- ^Sc85)So-jOc&i, tSislcesi alternately, continually.

ceiStauoOJ kanjavu t. M. (S. couTwla.) Hemp

2. way ora^^gglcw <Si5 <fe§los^o @g^o prov. —
Cannabis sativa; the bang prepared from it— <&. <S0g}j|S, tfi^l ifS transactions of this year and

the last. 3. T. market, aiS&Jjroajlmao aaiuro

onj^xTldea mnrra GP. £n. ojejlt&j, to smoke hemp.
i9i6!2ilotSt95^oro a med. Ocimum, Rh.
Qjirrrao <&iSiS)do siojgjlasi KR. — SoM. shop,

arrack shop. jiioTO<eic)a aisa^^o KR. 4. see

cftiSta^ c£ho kanju'yain S. Armour, tight garment,
slough. <ei5ray,ei63ia§.o (ftcroojo, fig. eraoaostai
Hence: t&Sc&isrra 5. a., outer corner of the eve.
0o5)a2JO«s a^. CG.
<0)ScD5i(S6rahosrnl(2ejD i^atolcmrolaig^gg eaio
!&5ray£rn attendant on women, eunuch, po.
enSlSGJo Nid. c&Scec.isrro -ojtpool KR. CQ&aStSs)
d&e^o kanjam S. Lotus (waterborn).
srro Si_aioQ-ajnjm3 Bhr. (in anger), b., friendly
aiSTSseaiDiSfcl, <a^sm^iscnh i^aul AR.
glance = <siS0:afi3o.
<&>5i®>t£ho, t9>6i!jro)<0io an Ocimum (rgraraaoj);
<9)5car>5n^ 3) last fruit-stalk of clusters.
6^Qj5n6 <9>. and asrnl <Si. kinds. ('^fin?

&)ScBsi6nso = m^a^&i thinner end.

dfefffOOrat kannal (loc.)Badly cooked rice, from
(0iSd9siOfOTb So. shop-man.
foil, (or &6ITQ!^?)
aiSiSsiorai), <9i5S5 0f3lagy<9>(ob6c.)=ie)sm»3or3li2.
S)6asm?\ kanni (C. Te. Tu. Dakh. ganji) 1. Canji,
<a5Sc0ۤl (opp. ignb-) the chicken which last
rice-gruel <Si. cft^aca^ral) (srpjaio TP. — ^. 5>qj
chips the shell.
(95) to prepare it, sr^. <aslc9« to breakfast, .a'a^o
<9!S5)<Sigajnf) B. (2) worthless (or aHs).
ffijiioQo ojooxK^ma TP. his meals, &!.>&if)
a>S^Qj, <0)S^rau last of a plantain
6im§) having eaten, aisrotgl cSsi gggjosii'm cuglern^
bunch (opp. gnb^^lg^). [Tantr.
afTlscesfno TR. are starving. — ojotora) aisinisl,
(Q-SfOiai beginning and end. &>. eoolgj^s^-pj
aicfcDca^cesi. GP. ojyeai., (Oiojlg
<9)oaiicS5i., <0).
cSiSgujoro T. (Palg. to Cal.) crowbar = ^ralcnj
etc. Vi. <3>os^ce«sroial or o.Tlft)c0ffl. half fer- a_ioro No.
mented rice-water, food in scarcity. <9iSQJcaQ, lower stomach (opp. (garat qj. V2.)

2. starch. i&>, ^§Qj(nroo, ai. ajliplc%<9i etc. dJiSQJipl = cftSOOiJ^ q. v.

Hence: (SisroisoocTl a sort of brass dish on which <9)Saj@go a boat's partition at the stern.

Mappillas put their plates. <95Sajocail corner of the mouth (T)Dces5)<ei05ng ais

(ftSTmglceffleJo 1. pot to keep canji. 2. a girl at QjocdTlfiA siOTO^ai VyM. mark of perplexity.

her first menstruation (&icn,?); (S). ^rolefls) to I. oB^So kadam S. Elephanfs temples.

serve her during that time. n. cQiSo 5- (c£hScan)l. Debt, obligation; also <£bsnb

cS)6i!5®l(^anlro!) sage. Salvia. TR. <s^. S)^^ to make debts, <S). ffjiftodg to

<e)5ro®iaJC/3 glue from starch. borrow, Siifeo^cSfl to lend, ^SiS.<8s>, S)cljoq,<Ssi

(B)SSio — C65S0861 191 06)5(2366^3 — oftiSOrb

to remit, Stplasv, Qll|a> to pay debt CS. £n. (g0(S^oa2;&-fos),i5ia Bhg.

(ft. (nrJlaisia foo
Qjl§la2J3rai) cunoo prov. 2. <a,so a_io=9> to tell
^-oralaBiTra, ;xi^xi3>3>c)3 aos-oo elcSalrtA
riddles, oJlgs, to solve them.
a5S,t5ra)l TR. transported, removed; fno§ aj.
Hence ajScSaaronb 1. debtor ^3 ajsmtsialsinbo
tobanish; <9>5mala_)Od) to insult. 2. to in-
(S)ScS«ofamocsiil. 2. creditor, also &s<ss)ocS); sert, introduce.

<ftScBS)D(b Qja7D(l_l0^c9iS) tO duD. 2nd CV. ,s,s-t5rjnlc9« f.i. (m<€ii^s a)S:oiald^ qj

<9)S(wej capital <qi, ^ra§lc98o VyM. fojnrro TR. to get transported — oJlslaicesKzA
'^^° °®Q)3) ^2. to bind oneself. <9)^ fm<SnT)c9ffl MR.
<S5S5)axi§<0) to fall into debt, tft'eigj^^rolcto (en)
VN. I. (ftsti^ transporting, conveying, dsffj®

63i3c)ofi9s g)ff)Q)cSs) to owe. aiofoot) boatman, (S)S«^{^ejl freight (= a)

<9)So(20sl(S5) to borrow, (gTO3J®(T)D§ Qg}olc32;a_j
II. (ftSgj 1. passage, tgrasngz^ssgo aisg-jlgjosroi^
smo &>. (saeTl^ TR. so <ftSo ojassial ^so
Sk. no passage or opening in the opposed
6)-al^gj prov.
army. 2. passing the bounds of propriety,
<9>Soajogj borrowing. <3>. orgjOuaroo bond for
transgression ^osmcftjSinbo casnjaido a
loan given beyond the amount advanced for
^o61o_JOQ,cflQ(S0DMud. — aiSg-l '^05)§Dgj <S)
obtaining a lease ai, ojosaalcaj cubmo MR.
tplaj5ri53c9aajnb Bhr. don't despair. &. ojo
c6)Sc65o kada'Jfam S. 1. Bracelet, ring &>. oja vu.;
(93 harsh, insulting words. 3. a)SaJftofonb
brow of hill, encampment <9). fffraroTlfaloTlmo co
Vi. debtor (cSiSo).
0lg_jon6Mud. to leave the army, <si. <&iOffg3 S)£r<o
III. (Q5Sf3T3)f3i) = (HTaml(g)0o f.i. Qj)o332032;6)0B; <9).

ch to defend it. 2. a feint in fencinsr (striking be- cnlasri Bhg. encroachment.

low the waist?) Qo-ij)lfOo c9)S<SiQdo(BT0S6SBaso ^ <^S(S:fit5iDSl kadakkodi B. Fishermen (T. a>s
SesBogo Q@OQS)u§lono(bSiPu. a^<=pl<95isa)o ca.if) lowest class, or •ft'S^ aosi).
olsroigi a_ifrnlo)3ZJ S)aj§ls5cOs)3mo TP. as^r^o co tOiSScSsiosI 0^08 No. custom of fishers (Law).
S)a<m i9).Bhr.; also <ft.S'Si,Ti)(ffras^cS«iTP. a feint
ce3S6Sr2D6rrflkadannani(<a)s2.+ a>osml)M. A
or pass. 3.= (Sioeo astr. cSisS) roo:.'3lcsinrai)KR. large-meshed rope-net set between 2 boats to

S)Sd&e<, cfri kadakka 5.(Te. coojd) i.To pass drive fish into a twine-net attached to it.

over e-oio^o a^ii>£t^^o ^05! cOi. Nal. atoi^roi) ce5S.::^f^ kadaccal VN. of aiso^ai.

«iS^ 5)jiJ(Tr)0(b RC. 0(^<a(Tnl,T)3 (asfmotji 06)5-^1 kadacci (f. of a>so) Heifer, young cow,
(huntg.)of game. ftjiaJtSsisanlranrroRC. begged calf. eft. (^(€]s)w 6a<95ii3^o (graQcq® TR. <fts^^
with outstretched head. 2. to enter roo i^soolitii) a)ZD 5)cft§l(23iSo Q_)^ ol^gjo, <ft.jyosmcfto

a!sl<9>al(3i) <&jS(Tra aiojcrra TR. broke into — prov. — ift. mO(b B. = s)o)ftiOT) aoej3^ois mocb.

eruoaj'mJo (ftscm^^jodo KR. 3. to pass out mo 09)5 5YCr-,r03§, <a>s,-3ra)0§ old. aisti^ii, (fts«^

§ (SiScrra S^xjD^n, also simply a35l<3>c>o a^o<se>s ojifl noo^ TP. The district of the Qjoy>(2(TnO(b

cm (2Q_)D3iil TR. deserted the country. <a>s from Mahe to Wadagara, given by Colattiri

5)S5i3gj og)5)ribo cu^cno Bhr. ojlfgoj 31)61,1373) to the S)o_jooaO'^rol of the Adiyodi caste, or

<9)Sce5)CSiJlgj KR. transgress — fig. 6t3)omoca)l^ taken from him by the latter A. D. 1564 (3

<S)S<9s)Cqjo cn1{g3ajlce5)Qajo o^^nmg TR. act Cadam, 3000 Niiyer, capital (ftoolguOo) KU.
or devise any thing by myself. 4. to surpass (ft's^oji) 00.000 cDocoiaso (& (S(ftoo£uiaj&

<Shooo^s>cn sajoDoffiaiosng aiSg-jajab RC. ogj^o onocarBooso ©'oocooxj^gg iftS^oscSaororajo an

0cy)fO5)roi3)CS^o dhso9so etc. oajosftorooHo (ftslco/onaoib ag)^oijfoao TR.

CV. ie,S(t^fl)T. M. 1, to make to pass Sfoioffrnl d6)SCu) kadail = a)So q. v. a>. aj^ B. Scleria

(Sisn^rm sisiaiQJtnranb Bhr. aooorcofoojl lithospermia.

(BESOTS) — ae>Sfcb 192 flftisaio— cOisajQ

cQiSCfU) kadanSa (chs) Thorny branch as of ral)S)aj^@ stage in the growth of jack trees
Strychuus. and palms.
^g^^^ ^^ ^^^ j^^^^
SiSrmi^ kadannal C. m. So. £h%<yn(^ Wasp, Hence: aisej M.T.Bengal gram,Cicerarietinum.
hornet, eji. £^s\cna S)5igj§.-aTa o^olfi). prov. c&iSfiJo^id) to bathe in the sea (prov.)
a wasp's nest. aisejosl Achyranthes aspera, med. root. GP.

a&)S,T_i6Yno kadappaua ( cEhSgj) Post of weaver's ojeJl^zj <3i. (3^0 sijiiolca <a~.. o^o amed. MM.
d9>saoab kadamaii M.c.Te.T.(cd)5-zortb)Eik, (the latter Ach. prostrata Rh.) ai^ai. SoOO

fallow deer MC. Sambre, Rusa aristotelis? alcSs) a ceremony to counteract charms (in

d&jSOfU kadamba ( <9isauoain So.=<a^sajifl) stile, t)ajejl<aig.c2''f3t).

gate barfmcnjont) £ftSS)cnA o^BraTlcariroliSsmD TR. <a)Sajoi2i, a)SajDaj6mc0s see (sr^ —

d^SoioutBts cnoudo prov. aisejlsojODo B. Aristolochia Indica.

cesSaoJOfu kadambaii (<a)Sgj) Unruly T. Vi. (fhsejgi sea salt GP.

a&)ScYiJ kadambu i.=S. d-,ao6ixio, Nauciea <a)SS)aj§gi boisterous sea^sxura^a&Sfa').

Cadamba, nolcSnScnj CG. oraoj^f^^TiDj aiscry aiSSEUs^ Mapl. = tfhSgjnrnl.

(mSrarabCCh. 2. Eugenia racemosa tgasascnj cSiSSeJDgo navigation.

^sl^ ojltplsroig cnl(b amed. (g<9sscnj a>scnj ais^rrnl CG. Laxmi, (srg)'-s^<20^.

<S5C>3 KR. rinlfij<fi«. Phyllanthus Maderasp. siaj <S)Sg^ro seashore, = <a)Sejoo, &>s<S^O(^o.

51^. a variety. 3. (= a.s) ends and bits of olas SiS^oso) sea-gull.

cutfor writing, of pounded rice ete.(see eaoejl.) ais^DOQ, aiScesiDOQ, sea breeze.

d6)SCQ^oft) kadayu-^a T. M.Tu. C. l. To churn c&iSf^ral sturgeon, MC. Silurus.

sim^iil, (oicsinib .si.; ajaa51<S)S5)sii3T3§Gg3i Sk. aiSfiAsay.osl = <0)S<S(SaO5^ q. V.

produced fire for sacrifice. 2. to turn, lathe, (SiseiracSa goods imported by sea.

polish. (ST5)Cs^aoo (S^ssrai^ 5)aj|.g_jlces)KU. aQ aiS(fi*).mDCUg. polype (loc.) [^rj,},) Lodoicea.

iaalc9).TP. to whet; <Si5^ ^osm MR. (taxed) (£bS((zA)<Si3Ta63BD the Seychelles cocoanut (ceia

to masturbate V2. 3. acute pain. cS^sl <9). to <9iS^i

0:9sGP. <9iSfioaj amed.
nn ^ aisro!)aara cuttle

smart. a.y:{ig3 .Sissot^ qHsssI MM. aisstsio) ajl fishbone, os sepiae (S. (srasi^aiaQo).

sogan^ a disease jcaofsl) lOiSsrargi f rom walking. <a)Sf?'03il seal MC.

<&5g-jniTl porpoise, Platanista gangetica (<a)S
CV. a-.§ofDo aiscaH-e^ TP.

VN. churning aiono, (fts^trTlo etc. whales, etc.)

I. a)S churning in .ftsSaasoral)

stick CCh. and aisaiOiKb KR. [^rai 2.

<S)S(ral))g_jOcry a sea-snake, ^ serpent.
II. a>s^ (f.i. <SZ(d> £nS5)^<a& amed.)=:;S)S (SiSgjocal, — Q_ja32Jit!l) sea weed.

III. cQiS^fsil. turning. cSiS^gjejal turning chisel; <QiSaiOo coast a>s(n_)o.ijl(3) I (O)O£!||,t0st&ck) MR.

<fts^§i„o'Bnb TR. a^s^^Q,3jab V2. a^s^^ along the coast.

ais^siasio^nb KU. furbisher, who ias(ral))3-4^ No. a small fish.


has to give the arms with his blessing ((Srgjts^

aisaj ^si MC. cod.

(jooa@§(i^5)ia>o§ce5)). — <0)S£j((3i:g_jsml turner's &S(ii>2i<Q)ch sea-maid or Laxmi ift. oje^o

work. pains, as rheumatism, srnlajsrDfinDLD Bhr 16.

2. oalfinajoancSffl. em
<&,o^ etc.
aisrabojsiTifTt) Crshna CG.

aiSaiJ"/! by sea.
dB>Sfsb kadal 5. (djisess)) l.Sea — ea^. outer

sea. cr)^s(S&JO§ SojoaiJOdi Pay. by sea. 2. in dBjS^Dpro kadalaS(V2. a^^^a^T. Ar.kartSs,

comp. what comes from foreign parts. 3. what L. charta) Paper, letter.

is spread out, reaches far. aisrabsie^.-ora, <S)S daiSCU3rs9l«5b kadavabil (shsoih?) A bat.
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