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Decision support System (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports

decision-making activities in the sense of assisting human decision makers in the exercise of
judgment, but which does not itself make the decision. DSS benefits the management in
terms of identification of negative trends, better allocation of business resources and
information representation in the form of charts, graphs i.e. in a summarized way.
DSS of Uphone:
Uphone have built a Decision Support System (DSS) which can to aid strategic management
within the industry in making vital decisions in relation to Customer and Network profiles.
This enables managers in the respective areas within the industry to fully utilise the vast
amounts of data available to make projections and decisions in relation to utilisation of
valuable resources.
through DSS, Uphone operators can draw insight from a vast amount of business-related data
and maximize the productivity of workers.

Benefits of Uphone DSS :

Benefits of DSS are:
• Improves personal efficiency
• Speed up the process of decision making
• Increases organizational control
• Encourages exploration and discovery on the part of the decision maker
• Speeds up problem solving in an organization
• Creates a competitive advantage over competition
• Reveals new approaches to thinking about the problem space
• Helps automate managerial processes
• Create innovative ideas to speed up the performance.

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