Rooftop City Gardens: City-Vegetable-Garden - HTM

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Rooftop City Gardens

Balcony or rooftop gardening is an excellent way for city dwellers to enjoy

growing vegetables. These city gardens can fit any lifestyle. Rooftop gardens make
use of space that might otherwise remain unused. This type of urban vegetable
garden is energy efficient and easy to care for once established, requiring only
occasional weeding and watering. In addition, city vegetable gardening on
rooftops can absorb rainfall, which reduces runoff. If weight issues for roofs or
balconies are a factor, choose lightweight containers. Container-grown balcony or
rooftop gardens are extremely versatile, being easily moved around as needed,
especially during winter or bad weather.

Growing an Urban Vegetable Garden Vertically

City vegetable gardening is not that different from gardening anywhere else.
Urban gardeners must take advantage of all available space. One great way to
accomplish this is by growing a vertical city vegetable garden. This type of garden
yields the same amount of produce without taking up space, and it’s also easy to
do. You can create one of these gardens using shelves, hanging baskets or
trellises. Since most vegetables can be easily grown in containers, shelves allow
you the benefit of growing different types of vegetables on each shelf. You can
even position containers so that all plants receive enough sunlight. In addition,
slatted shelving will allow for better drainage and air circulation. Alternatively,
vegetables can be grown in hanging baskets or on trellises. Hanging baskets can
be placed wherever space allows and accommodate many types of vegetables,
especially vining or trailing varieties. A trellis can be used for the support of these
types of plants too, such as beans and tomatoes.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Being An Urban Gardener: Creating A City
Vegetable Garden

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