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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A

Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering

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Effect of wastewater quality parameters on

coliform inactivation by tin oxide anodes

Amy L. Teel & Richard J. Watts

To cite this article: Amy L. Teel & Richard J. Watts (2018) Effect of wastewater quality parameters
on coliform inactivation by tin oxide anodes, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A,
53:5, 443-447, DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2017.1409020

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Published online: 05 Dec 2017.

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2018, VOL. 53, NO. 5, 443–447

Effect of wastewater quality parameters on coliform inactivation by tin oxide anodes

Amy L. Teel and Richard J. Watts
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA


The effect of six water quality constituents on wastewater effluent disinfection by tin oxide anodes (TOAs) Received 8 August 2017
was investigated in single cell laboratory reactors. Several concentrations of suspended solids, chemical Accepted 17 November 2017
oxygen demand (COD), alkalinity, ammonia–nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen, and nitrate–nitrogen were added KEYWORDS
to media containing 106 total coliform bacteria mL¡1. Current was applied through the TOAs, and coliform Tin oxide anodes;
bacteria viability was analyzed over time. Over 99.9% inactivation of coliform bacteria was found over dimensionally stable anodes;
15 min in TOA reactors. Concentrations of the six water quality constituents typical of concentrations water quality; wastewater
found in wastewaters had no effect on TOA disinfection efficacy. The results of this research demonstrate effluent disinfection;
that TOAs, which could potentially be powered by solar panels, have potential as a sustainable electrochemical disinfection
disinfection process compared to chlorine, ozone, and ultraviolet light.

Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), which generate the
Chlorine is the most commonly used disinfectant for wastewa- highly reactive oxidant hydroxyl radical, have been investigated
ter effluents in the United States as well as throughout the for effluent disinfection at the laboratory level. AOPs such as
world. It is inexpensive and effectively inactivates most patho- Fenton’s reagent, uv/ozone, uv/hydrogen peroxide, and tita-
gens found in wastewater effluents. However, the use of chlo- nium dioxide mediated photocatalysis are effective in inactivat-
rine has several disadvantages. Chlorine is transported using ing microorganisms; however, these processes are expensive
large tanks that sometimes rupture, resulting in the spread of a and have yet to be evaluated at full scale.[10–13]
low-lying toxic cloud.[1] Chlorination of water containing natu- An AOP that has significant potential for low cost disin-
rally occurring organic compounds results in chlorinated prod- fection with a low carbon footprint is electrode technology.
ucts that are often mutagenic.[2,3] In addition, chlorination of Numerous electrodes have been investigated for the oxida-
wastewater effluents results in the formation of trihalomethanes tion of organic compounds including platinum, titanium/
and other disinfection byproducts.[4] Furthermore, the toxicity ruthenium oxide, titanium/platinum, and tin oxide.[14] All
of the treated effluent must be mitigated by dechlorination.[5] of these electrodes are effective in oxidizing organic com-
The water quality of the effluent also deteriorates during chlori- pounds in two chamber electrochemical cells separated by a
nation; chloride and total dissolved solids are increased while Nafion membrane. However, tin oxide anodes (TOAs) have
the pH is decreased.[6] a significant advantage over other electrode systems because
Alternatives to chlorine have recently been developed, minimal back reactions occur at the cathode.[14] As a result,
including ozone and ultraviolet (uv) light. Ozone is an effective TOAs can potentially be used in single cell systems such as
disinfectant, but must be generated on site, and its generation plug flow reactors. Furthermore, TOAs could potentially be
is energy-intensive and expensive.[7] It is also highly corrosive powered by solar panels mounted on the roof of a wastewa-
and toxic, and the off-gas requires treatment. Because of main- ter treatment facility to reduce the carbon footprint of the
tenance difficulties, there are only about 10 ozone wastewater disinfection process.
treatment plants currently in the United States.[8] Disinfection Wastewater effluent disinfection by chlorination is strongly
of wastewater effluents is often effective using uv light, which is influenced by the concentration of various water quality con-
absorbed by, and destroys, the DNA and RNA of microorgan- stituents such as alkalinity, nitrogen species, and suspended sol-
isms. Significant advances have been made in uv disinfection ids.[6] For example, chlorine reacts with ammonia to form
with the development of new low pressure and medium pres- chloramines, which are classified as combined chlorine resid-
sure uv lamps, ballasts, and contactors. Although uv disinfec- uals. Combined chlorine is less effective in inactivating some
tion is effective, does not generate disinfection byproducts, and viruses, spores, and cysts relative to free chlorine.[15] These
is safer than chemical disinfectants, it does have significant water quality constituents can also scavenge hydroxyl radical
shortcomings. It is energy-intensive and expensive, and some and other reactive oxygen species, which could potentially
configurations require significant maintenance, such as acid affect the efficacy of TOA disinfection. The objective of this
washing lamps to remove scale.[9] research was to investigate coliform disinfection using TOAs in

CONTACT Amy L. Teel Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Box 2910, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-
2910, USA.
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

a single chamber system and to evaluate the effects of common Source of water quality constituents
water quality constituents on disinfection effectiveness.
Sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, sodium nitrite, and
sodium nitrate were used as sources of alkalinity, ammonia–
Materials and methods nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen, and nitrate–nitrogen, respectively.
The source of chemical oxygen demand was filtered primary
Materials wastewater influent. It was analyzed for COD using the high
Sodium bicarbonate, sodium sulfate, ammonium chloride, level ampule technique;[16] it was then added to reactors to pro-
sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, isopropanol, tin chloride pen- vide a range of COD (10–50 mg L¡1). Secondary effluent col-
tahydrate, antimony chloride, and tin sulfate were purchased lected from the Pullman, WA wastewater treatment facility was
from Sigma-Aldrich. M-Endo broth, potassium dichromate, used as a source of suspended solids. A stock solution of settled
sodium thiosulfate, hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric acid were effluent was analyzed for suspended solids; the stock solution
purchased from J.T. Baker. M9 medium was prepared as was then diluted to 10–50 mg L¡1 suspended solids in M9
described in Standard Methods for the Examination of medium.
Water and Wastewater.[16] Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
analysis reagents were purchased from Hach Chemical. Tita-
Reactor systems
nium rods (2 mm diameter) were purchased from GoodFel-
low Metals. A single chamber reactor was used to assess the effectiveness of
TOAs under the practical constraints of a typical effluent disin-
fection system; e.g., a plug flow reactor in which both the ano-
Preparation of TOAs des and the cathodes are configured in the reactor (Fig. 1). The
anodes and cathodes were connected to a Tenma 72–4045A
The method for preparing the TOAs was based on the proce-
DC power source. All reactions were conducted in triplicate,
dures of Lipp and Pletcher,[17] as modified by Loge et al.[18] and
and control systems were evaluated in the same reactors with-
Watts et al.[14] Titanium rods were pretreated by bead blasting,
out the application of current.
sonication in isopropanol for 20 min, boiling in 11.5 M HCl for
1 min, rinsing in deionized water, and air drying. Eight coatings
of tin-antimony were then applied by dipping the rods eight Effect of water quality constituents on the TOA
times in isopropanol containing tin chloride (SnCl4:5H2O; 20% inactivation of coliform bacteria
w v¡1) and antimony chloride (SbCl4; 1% w v¡1); the rods were
allowed to dry for 20 min between each dip. The anodes were Reaction solutions (200 mL) consisted of M9 medium with
oven-dried at 1008C for 10 min, and annealed in a muffle fur- 1 mM sodium bicarbonate (to provide conductance) and 106
nace at 5008C for 20 min. Each batch of anodes was tested after coliform bacteria mL¡1. In separate experiments, additional
preparation. The anodes were placed in a holder fitted to a alkalinity (0.25–2.0 mM [12.5–100 mg L¡1 as calcium carbon-
200 mL batch reactor matched with stainless steel cathodes.[18] ate]), ammonia–nitrogen (0.25–2.0 mM [3.5–28 mg L¡1 nitro-
The anodes and cathodes were connected to a Tenma 72– gen]), nitrite–nitrogen (0.25–2.0 mM [3.5–28 mg L¡1
4045A DC power source with constant current of 200 mA. Any nitrogen]), nitrate–nitrogen (0.25–2.0 mM [3.5–28 mg L¡1
anodes that did not support a current of 200 mA for 1 h were nitrogen]), suspended solids (10–50 mg L¡1), or chemical oxy-
discarded. TOAs prepared by this method have been demon- gen demand (10–50 mg L¡1) was added to the solutions.
strated to maintain optimal performance over a service life Wastewater constituent concentrations were chosen to be in
of 30 d of continuous use[18] and over 1280 cycles of cyclic
voltammetry. [19]

Wastewater samples
Secondary effluent, primary effluent, and mixed liquor were
collected from the Pullman, WA, wastewater treatment facility,
a 18,950 m3 d¡1 (5 mgd) conventional activated sludge plant
that receives minimal industrial waste inputs.

Source of coliform bacteria

Settled primary effluent collected from the Pullman, WA
wastewater treatment plant was used as a source of coliform
bacteria. The primary effluent was allowed to settle for 30
min; the supernatant was then analyzed for total coliform bac-
teria using the membrane filter technique.[16] This stock coli-
form source was then added to reaction solutions to provide
106 coliform bacteria mL¡1. Figure 1. Single chamber reactor configuration for tin oxide anode system.

the range commonly found in wastewaters.[15] Current was 1

Colony Forming Units (C/C0)

applied to the anode, and aliquots were collected every 2.5 min
and analyzed for total coliform bacteria.

Analysis 0.01
No Current
10 mg/L
Total coliform counts in the reactors after treatment were 20 mg/L
determined using the membrane filter technique.[16] The data 0.001 30 mg/L
40 mg/L
obtained featured counts of coliform bacteria as a function of 50 mg/L

time affected by different concentrations of water quality con- 0.0001

stituents. These data were analyzed using completely random- 0 5 10 15

ized design analysis of variance (CRD ANOVA) with one way Time (min)
treatment structure and repeated measures using aD0.05 (95%
Figure 3. Effect of chemical oxygen demand (10–50 mg L¡1) on coliform inactiva-
confidence interval). tion in tin oxide anode systems. Error bars represent the standard error of the
mean of three replicates.

Results and discussion These results are consistent with a non-hydroxyl radical path-
Effect of suspended solids on TOA disinfection way for disinfection in TOA systems.

When suspended solids were added to TOA reactors containing

M9 medium, statistical analysis showed that there was no effect Effect of alkalinity on TOA disinfection
on coliform inactivation at concentrations from 10 mg L¡1 to The effect of alkalinity on the disinfection activity of TOAs in
50 mg L¡1 (Fig. 2). Suspended solids can have significant effects M9 medium was investigated by using six concentrations of
on disinfection effectiveness, especially for uv disinfection in bicarbonate (0.25–2 mM [12.5–100 mg L¡1 as calcium carbon-
which solids shade the bacteria from the disinfecting agent.[20] ate]) and then analyzing for total coliform bacteria (Fig. 4).
The results of Figure 2 demonstrate that there is a pathway for Alkalinity had no significant effect on coliform inactivation up
TOA disinfection in the presence of suspended solids; a possi- to 2 mM of bicarbonate (100 mg L¡1 as calcium carbonate) (a
ble pathway is through superoxide, which can potentially dis- D 0.05). Statistical analysis, using completely randomized
rupt suspended solid particles.[21,22] design analysis of variance (CRD ANOVA) with one way treat-
ment structure and repeated measures, confirmed that there
was no significant difference between the different concentra-
Effect of COD on TOA disinfection
tions of alkalinity (a D 0.05). These results show that increasing
The disinfection of coliform bacteria as a function of time in alkalinity within a range of concentrations typical of waste-
TOA reactors containing six COD concentrations (0–50 mg waters has a negligible effect on the disinfection activity TOAs.
L¡1) is shown in Figure 3. The results indicate that COD has
minimal effect on disinfection by TOAs. Statistical analyses
Effect of nitrogen species on TOA disinfection
confirmed that the coliform disinfection rates were not signifi-
cantly different (a D 0.05) when COD was added in increasing The inactivation of coliform bacteria by TOAs amended with
concentrations to 50 mg L¡1. Hydroxyl radical is rapidly scav- six concentrations of ammonia–nitrogen is shown in Figure 5.
enged by the carbohydrates and amino acids that make up Statistical analyses confirmed that the coliform inactivation
COD,[23] and previous results confirmed that as expected, the rates were not significantly different (a D 0.05) when ammonia
COD used in Figure 3 was oxidized in TOA systems.[24,25] was added in concentrations up to 2 mM (28 mg L¡1

1 1
Colony Forming Units (C/C0)

Colony Forming Units (C/C0)

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01
No Current No Current
10 mg/L 0.25 mM
20 mg/L 0.5 mM
0.001 30 mg/L 0.001 0.75 mM
40 mg/L 1.0 mM
50 mg/L 1.5 mM
2.0 mM
0.0001 0.0001
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 2. Effect of suspended solids (10–50 mg L ) on coliform inactivation in tin Figure 4. Effect of alkalinity (0.25–2.0 mM [12.5–100 mg L¡1 as calcium carbon-
oxide anode systems. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean of three ate]) on coliform inactivation in tin oxide anode systems. Error bars represent the
replicates. standard error of the mean of three replicates.

1 1
Colony Forming Units (C/C0)

Colony Forming Units (C /C0)

0.1 0.1

0.01 No Current 0.01 No Current

0.25 mM 0.25 mM
0.5 mM 0.5 mM
0.001 0.75 mM 0.75 mM
1.0 mM 1.0 mM
1.5 mM 1.5 mM
2.0 mM 2.0 mM
0.0001 0.0001
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 5. Effect of ammonia–nitrogen (0.25–2.0 mM [3.5–28 mg L¡1 nitrogen]) on Figure 7. Effect of nitrate–nitrogen (0.25–2.0 mM [3.5–28 mg L¡1 nitrogen]) on
coliform inactivation in tin oxide anode systems. Error bars represent the standard coliform inactivation in tin oxide anode systems. Error bars represent the standard
error of the mean of three replicates. error of the mean of three replicates.

ammonia–nitrogen). The effect of nitrite–nitrogen on coliform systems. These results suggest that another oxidation pathway
inactivation is shown in Figure 6. The results indicate that there is present in TOA systems, such as electron holes on the anode
was also no significant difference in coliform inactivation with surface,[26,27] and that this pathway is not affected by common
nitrite–nitrogen concentrations up to 2 mM (28 mg L¡1 water quality characteristics.
nitrite–nitrogen) (a D 0.05). The inactivation of coliform bac-
teria by TOAs amended with six concentrations of nitrate–
nitrogen is shown in Figure 7. Statistical analyses confirmed
that the coliform inactivation rates were not significantly differ- The results of this research show that alkalinity, ammonia–
ent (a D 0.05) when nitrate–nitrogen was added in concentra- nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen, nitrate–nitrogen, suspended sol-
tions up to 2 mM (28 mg L¡1). ids, and COD in concentrations typical of secondary
The results of Figure 7 are expected because nitrate is highly effluents have minimal effects on the inactivation of coliform
oxidized and therefore should not compete with oxidants gen- bacteria by TOAs. The characteristics of an ideal disinfectant
erated by TOAs. The results of Figures 5 and 6 are unexpected include the potential to deodorize while disinfecting and to
because nitrite and ammonia are reduced species that should penetrate through suspended solids, and to be noncorrosive,
scavenge oxidants generated by TOAs. Two disinfection path- nontoxic to humans, and highly toxic to microorganisms.[15]
ways that are consistent with the results of Figures 5 and 6 are TOA disinfection has all of these characteristics, and there-
disinfection by superoxide, a nucleophile, and disinfection by fore has the potential for full-scale disinfection. Furthermore,
direct oxidation on the TOA surface. TOAs could be powered by solar panels, which can lower the
The results of Figures 2–7 are in agreement with the data of carbon footprint of wastewater treatment and increase
Teel et al.[24] who found that the rate of loss of the oxidant sustainability.
probe hexanol was also not affected by suspended solids, COD,
ammonia–nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen, or nitrate–nitrogen. Four
of the water quality constituents investigated are reduced Funding
(COD, suspended solids, ammonia–nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen) Funding for this research was provided by the Water Environment
and would compete for hydroxyl radical if it is the dominant Research Foundation through Grant No. 02-CTS-6.
reactant in contaminant destruction and disinfection in TOA
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