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Register No. ---'-----'--_.J.---''---L-


BE Degree Examination November 2017

Third Semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Regulations 2014)
Common to Mechatronics and Automobile Engineering branches
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100
Answer all Questions
Part - A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. Calculate the density, specific weight and weight of one litre of petrol of specific gravity [COI, K.31
=0.7. �o\:J) VV'"-> C,.Sl,Jl--N/WI!. (:, 8'h� N
2. The capillary rise in the glass tube is not to exceed 0.2 mm of water. Determine its [COl, K:31
minimum size, given that surface tension for water in contact with air is 0.0725 N /m . h:::. �)P �w<
0 u
3. Define the terms (i) steady flow ii) non-uniform flow.��;:, ;. ��t-t [C02, K L]

4. For the Euler's equation of motion, which forces are taken into consideration? Pv� 1e:11 �..o.M 02, K lJ

5. Differentiate between the hydraulic gradient line and total energy line.� .t '7-"i �l... _,,,.' A+ L (C03, K2J

6. Why Buckingham's 1t theorem is considered superior over the Rayleigh's method�for [�� :,_,_,___·
'?. 4. V'Ov-v\. ...._ �v �
dimensional analysis? 0 -,

7. Differentiate between the impulse and reaction turbines. [C04,K2]

8. Why the draft tube is used in a reaction turbine? [CCJ,Kl]

9. How will you classify the reciprocating pumps? [C05, K l]

10. Draw an indicator diagram and prove that area of indicator diagram is proportional to [C05, K31
the work done by the reciprocating pump.

Part - B (5 x 13 = 65 marks)
11. a. Two large plane surfaces are 2.4 cm apart. The space between the surfaces is (13) [COl,K4l
filled with glycerine. What force is required to drag a very thin plate of surface
area 0.5m 2 between the two large plane surfaces at a speed of 0.6 mis, if:
i) The thin plate is in the middle of the two plane surface and
ii) The thin plate is at a distance of 0.8 cm from one of the plane surfaces?
Take the dynamic viscosity of glycerine = 8.10 x 10-1 Ns / m 2
b. An inverted U-tube manometer is connected to two horizontal pipes A and B (13) [C Ol,K4l
through which water is flowing. The vertical distance between the axes of
these pipes is 30 cm. When an oil of specific gravity 0.8 is used as a gauge
fluid, the vertical heights of water columns in the two limbs of the inverted
manometer (when measured from the respective centre lines of the pipes) are
found to be same and equal to 35 cm. Determine the difference of pressure
between pipes.

12. a. In a two-dimensional incompressible flow, the fluid velocity components are (13) [COZ, KfiJ
given by u = x - 4y and v = -y - 4x . Show that velocity potential exists and
determine its form. Find also the stream function.
b. A horizontal venrturi meter with inlet diameter 20 cm and throat diameter (13) [COZ,Kii]
10 cm is used to measure the flow of oil of The discharge of oil
through venturimeter is 60 liters/s. Find the reading of the oil-mercury
differential manometer. Take Cd= 0.98 .

13. a. A horizontal pipe line 40 m long is connected to a water tank at one end and (13) [C03, K4J
discharges freely into the atmosphere at the other end. For the first 25 m of its
length from the tank, the pipe is 150 mm diameter and its diameter is
suddenly enlarged to 300 mm. The height of water level in the tank is 8 m
above the centre of the pipe. Considering all losses of head which occur,
determine the rate of flow. Take f = 0.01 for both section of the pipe.
b. Determine the rate of flow at water through a pipe of diameter 20 cm and (13) [C0 3, K4 l
length 50 m when one end of the pipe is connected to a tank and other end of
the pipe is open to the atmosphere. The pipe is hor-izontal and the height of
water in the tank is 4 m above the centre of the pipe. Consider all minor losses
4f/ v 2
and Take f = 0.009 in the formula hf = --- , and draw the hydraulic
gradient line and total energy line.

14. a. Determine the power given by the jet of water to the runner of a Pelton wheel (13) 1co4, K4J
which is having tangential velocity as 20 mis. The net head on the turbine is
50 m and discharge through the jet of water is 0.03m 3 / s .The side clearance
angle is 15 and Cv = 0.975 .
b. A Francis turbine with an overall efficiency of 75% is required to produce (13) [C0 4, K4J
148.25 kW power. It is working under a head of 7.62m. The peripheral
velocity= 0.26.j2gH and the radial velocity of flow at inlet is 0.96.j2gH . The
wheel runs at 150 rpm and the hydraulic losses in the turbine are 22% of the
available energy. Assuming radial discharge determine i) The guide blade
angle ii) The wheel vane angle at inlet iii) Diameter of the wheel at inlet and
iv) Width of the wheel at inlet.

15. a. A centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.118 m 3 / s a speed of 1450 rpm against a (13) !C05, K5J

head of 25 m. The impeller diameter is 250 mm, its width at outlet is 50 mm

and manometric efficiency is 75%. Determine the vane angle at the outer
periphery of the impeller.

2 . -� R-55811

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