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Guidelines for MINI REPORT presentation and submission

Unit Lectures Activities to be completed

1 1,2,3 Group formation and begin the process of selecting the product or service.
CO1 4-6 Formation of groups; first presentation of “product” to instructor for approval.
7-9 Competitive information and environmental scanning project(s) completed and presented
for instructor’s review.
2 10-11 Initial marketing research parameters completed; demand forecasted and target market
CO2 selections defined.
12-14 Definitive data on the consumer for the product/service including all demographic and
other pertinent information obtained and ready for instructor’s approval.
15-17 Specific market segmentation, targeting, and positioning statements by the students.
18 At this point in the semester, student projects should include their fictional product or
service’s brand positioning. In relationship to the material contained in the chapter,
students should have delineated and designed a differentiated brand positioning for their
3 19-20 At this point in the semester-long project, students should have set their group project’s
CO3 product or service strategy. Submissions will be evaluated on the product (or service)
features, quality, and price and other considerations of “product”.
21-24 At this point in the semester-long project, those students should submit the marketing plan
of their offering.
25-27 At this point in the semester-long project, students should be prepared to submit their
pricing strategy decisions for their fictional product/service.
4 28-29 At this point in the semester-long project, students should present their channel decisions
CO4 for getting their product or service to the consumer.
AND 30-32 At this point in the semester-long project, students should have agreed upon their
CO5 integrated marketing communications matrix. In reviewing the submissions, the instructor
will evaluate the continuity of the message across all possible communication media
33-35 At this point in the semester-long project, students should submit their advertising program
complete with objectives, budget, advertising message, and creative strategy, media
decisions, and sales and promotional materials. (preferably a short video of the ad and
newspaper ad and brochure)
36-39 First phase of Presentation begins. Record the feedback and include in the presentation.
5 40-45 Second phase of the presentations of the project; students should ensure that their
marketing plans contains a holistic view of the marketing process. All the above information
is to be submitted as report with contents and five chapters.

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