Product Information Sheet - Algorithm Toolbox

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F r a u n h ofer I n stit u te of O p tro n ics , S y stem T ec h n o l o g ies a n d I m a g e E x p l oitatio n I O S B

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1 Mobile robot demonstrator for Algorithm ToolBOX for

autonomous mobile Robots
outdoor applications.
2 Path planning in unstructured

Mobile robot applications ceived surroundings must be consolidated

in an exact map representation. Having
Mobile robots can support humans in vari- acquired this knowledge, the robot must be
ous ways. They operate in hazardous and able to plan an optimal collision-free path
Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, inaccessible areas and make work easier for to a given goal.
System Technologies and Image people by relieving them of monotonous
Exploitation IOSB tasks. Current applications range from Solution
assistance robots within the industrial
Fraunhoferstr. 1 environment to reconnaissance robots in To cope with these multiple requirements
76131 Karlsruhe disaster areas and to robotic systems for of autonomous mobile robots a variety of
deep-sea inspection and exploration tasks. complex sub-functions has to be realized.
Contact Fraunhofer IOSB has developed a large
Systems for Measurement, Control Requirements number of powerful and robust algorithms
and Diagnosis for the implementation of autonomous
The demands placed on the functionality functionalities. For this purpose, methods
Dipl.-Ing. Christian W. Frey of mobile robotic systems are significantly of multi-sensor fusion, control systems and
Phone +49 721 6091-332 higher compared to conventional industrial artificial intelligence are applied such as robots. The aim is that mobile systems algorithms for simultaneous localization
operate autonomously in unknown and and mapping (SLAM) and path planning in
Dipl.-Ing. Janko Petereit dynamic environments to fulfill their as- unstructured terrain.
Phone +49 721 6091-578 signed tasks. For this purpose, it is essential Although the different sub-capabilities to explore and model the environment in a can be realized in individual algorithms
suitable way. The information gathered by these are often strongly interdependent. sensors must be combined to allow for an The concept of an »algorithm toolbox for
accurate positioning. In addition, the per- autonomous mobile robots« followed by
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Fraunhofer IOSB is to develop algorithms in initial localization and map will not yet be knows about a specific goal, the task is
the form of modular components that can precise. Map errors and uncertainties in to determine an optimal path subject to a
be used in a flexible manner despite the the localization of the robot are mutually set of constraints. For this a large number
known dependencies. This enables to easily interdependent. The challenge is to con- of optimization criteria can be included as
adapt the module configuration according tinuously improve the localization as well e.g. a path as short as possible, a path as
to the desired functionality for different as the map by fusion with current sensor energy-efficient as possible exploiting the
mobile platforms, environments and sensor data. For this Fraunhofer IOSB developed terrain features or the preferred driving on
equipment. probabilistic methods for simultaneous existing paved roads. In addition, during
localization and mapping (SLAM) in combi- the path planning kinematic restrictions
Example: Localization and mapping nation with multi-sensor fusion that model like a limited turning radius of the mobile
It is necessary for autonomous navigation dependencies and uncertainties and allow platform must be considered as well.
that the mobile robot is able to precisely the creation of a precise map. In addition to this global path planning in
locate its position in the environment by which the environment is assumed to be
sensors. For instance, incremental measur- Example: Path planning static, dynamic obstacles close to the robot
ing procedures like wheel rotation sensors An efficient path planning is also vital for have to be considered as well to guarantee
and absolute measuring sensors like GPS the autonomous capabilities of mobile a collision-free path.
and compass can be used. As the data of robots. Path planning is the process of
a single sensor are often inaccurate due to finding a suitable path which the mobile Conclusion
noise, measurements of different sensors robot can follow in order to accomplish its
are combined by multi-sensor fusion dedicated task. The »algorithm toolbox for autonomous
increasing the localization accuracy. By Depending on the area of application there mobile robots« by Fraunhofer IOSB allows
adding further exteroceptive sensors (laser are varying demands on the path planning to equip a large number of different mobile
scanner, cameras etc.) the mobile robot is and several task specific optimization platforms with autonomous capabilities
also able to localize its position and attitude criteria may be employed. For example, to relevant for their intended purpose with
in a map by observing the environment. ensure that an unknown area is explored minimal adaptation effort. Customer-
However, in an unknown environment as fast as possible a path is searched specific extensions for indoor and outdoor
the robot has to create a map first. Due that maximizes the information gain applications can be flexibly integrated
to uncertainties in the sensor data the during the mapping. However, if the robot thanks to the modular concept.

3 Mobile robot demonstrator for

indoor applications.
4 3D map of a hallway created by
SLAM methods

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