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Technical Seminar Report On

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the award of the degree




Under the Esteemed Supervision of

Mr. Nitin Chandra Manas
Assistant Professor


Accredited by NAAC, NBA, Approved by AICTE & Affiliated by JNTU
Survey No. 32, Himayat Sagar, Hyderabad-500019, India.


Approved by AICTE/Affiliated to JNTUH/Estd.2002.
Accredited ‘A’ grade by NAAC Accredited by NBA



This is to certify that Technical Seminar report work entitled -

“Biomimetics”, is a bonafide record of the work successfully
completed and submitted by


Under the guidance of Mr. Nitin Chandra Manas, Assistant Professor,

Mechanical Engineering Department for the Requirement of partial
fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Mechanical Engineering during the academic year2016-2020 from

Mr. Nitin Chandra manas Dr. Syed Azam Pasha Quadri

Internal Guide HOD/Vice Principal

Mr. Mohammed Asif .K

Seminar Coordinator

Approved by AICTE/Affiliated to JNTUH/Estd.2002
Accredited ‘A’ grade by NAAC Accredited by NBA



We hereby declare that the report “BIOMIMETICS’’ which is

being submitted by us In partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor
of Technology in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the
Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Telangana-500091, is
the result of investigations carried out by us under the guidance of
Mr. Nitin Chandra Manas Assistant professor in Mechanical
Engineering Department, Lords Institute of Engineering and

The work is original and has not been submitted for any degree
for this or any other university.


Approved by AICTE/Affiliated to JNTUH/Estd.2002.

Accredited ‘A’ grade by NAAC Accredited by NBA




The successful completion of this report involves many people

and we are extremely grateful to lecturers in mechanical engineering
department for their excellence guidance right from selection of project
and for encouragement throughout the completion of the project.

We express our sincere thanks to my supervisor

Mr. Nitin Chandra Manas, Assistant Professor, Lords Institute of
Engineering and Technology. The main source for helping in selection
of our project and also suggested the suitable direction for our project.

We express our sense of gratitude to Dr. SYED AZAM PASHA

QUADRI Vice Principal/Head of the Mechanical Engineering
Department for his encouragement during the process of this project
work.We derive great pleasure in expressing our sincere gratitude to
our Technical Seminar coordinator Mr.Mohammed Asif Kattimani.
for his kindly suggestions, which helped us to complete this work

Approved by AICTE/Affiliated to JNTUH/Estd.2002.
Accredited ‘A’ grade by NAAC Accredited by NBA

Seminar Assessment Process


Professional Skills

Problem- Solving Skills

Course Name: - C426 Project Work

CO.1. Exhibit good teamwork skills and serves as effective members

of multi-disciplinary teams
C0.2. Articulate and justify technical solution to diverse audiences
through oral, written and graphical communication.
CO.3. Analyse the importance of professional and ethical
responsibilities of mechanical engineering.
CO.4. Experimentally analyse the innovative approach with respect
to research &development


PEO 1: Shall apply fundamental and advance knowledge skills in

basic and engineering science and in Mechanical engineering to find
suitable solution to technology challenges and problem in various
areas of engineering and real life areas using modern tools

PEO 2: Shall practice mechanical engineering in a responsible,

professional, and dedicated manner by functioning effectively either as
an individual or as a member of plenty disciplinary team, for the
benefit of the industry and society at large without detriment to
environment and sustainable development

PEO 3: Shall acquire good job opportunities in industries or pursue

higher studies.

PEO 4: Shall develop the ability to engage in lifelong learning,

research and development in a responsible, professional, dedicated
and ethical manner for the benefit of the industry and society at large.

Biomimetics, the transfer of functional principles from living systems
into product designs, is increasingly being utilized by engineers.
Nevertheless, recurring problems must be overcome if it is to avoid
becoming a short-lived fad. Here we assess the efficiency and
suitability of methods typically employed by examining three flagship
examples of biomimetic design approaches from different disciplines:
(1) the creation of gecko-inspired adhesives; (2) the synthesis of spider
silk, and (3) the derivation of computer algorithms from natural self-
organizing systems. We find that identification of the elemental
working principles is the most crucial step in the biomimetic design
process. It bears the highest risk of failure (e.g. losing the target
function) due to false assumptions about the working principle.
Common problems that hamper successful implementation are: (i) a
discrepancy between biological functions and the desired properties of
the product, (ii) uncertainty about objectives and applications, (iii)
inherent limits in methodologies, and (iv) false assumptions about the
biology of the models. Projects that aim for multi-functional products
are particularly challenging to accomplish. We suggest a
simplification, modularisation and specification of objectives, and a
critical assessment of the suitability of the model. Comparative
analyses, experimental manipulation, and numerical simulations
followed by tests of artificial models have led to the successful
extraction of working principles. A searchable database of biological
systems would optimize the choice of a model system in top-down
approaches that start at an engineering problem. Only when
biomimetic projects become more predictable will there be wider
acceptance of biomimetics as an innovative problem-solving tool
among engineers and industry.

Keywords: Biomimicry , Design, Imitation, Structural, Engineering



Certificate ii

Declaration iii

Acknowledgement iv

Seminar assessment process v

Abstract vi

Content vii

List of Tables ix

List of figures x

Abbreviations xi

Chapter 1. Introduction 1

1.Introduction 2

Chapter 2. Literature Review 3

2.0. Literature Review 4

2.1. Advantages 5

2.2 Availability 6

Chapter 3. Objectives 7

Chapter 4. Methodology 9

4.1. Method 10

Chapter 5. Applications 11

Chapter 6. Future Scope 16

Chapter 7. Result and Discussion 18

Chapter 8. Conclusions 20

References 21

List of Figures

Page No.

Fig: No.1. Biologist to Engineering 10

Fig: No.2. Japanese Bullet train 12

Fig: No.3. Beak design of kingfisher 12

Fig: No.4. Catching fish technique 12

Fig: No.5. B-2 Spirit inspired by eagle 13

Fig: No.6. Geckos 14

Fig: No.7. Inspired robot by geckos 14

Fig: No.8. stickness legs of robos inspired by geckos 14

Fig: No.9. Air craft wings inspired by bats 14

Fig: No.10. Arrangement of solar panel inspired by

arrangement of leaves 15

List of Tables

Table: No.1. Specification of availability of material

Table: No.2. specification of mimics and products and design

PAMs :- Pneumatic Artificial muscles

Km/hr :- kilometre per hour

dBa :- decibel scale

Chapter 1


Biomimetics acts as a natural model in our efforts towards addressing
Human needs.

‘Bios’ means “life” and ‘mimesis’ means “imitate”.


Biomimetics deals with the development of innovations and creativity

applications in ENGINEERING.

The new and improved technologies being developed and the thing
that biology can connect to technology at all levels have attracted the
scientist’s interest.

Chapter 2

Literature review

2.0 Literature Review
Roger et al (2008) describes about the Beijing National
Stadium, designed by Swiss architects Herzog and de Meuron, and is
an excellent example of the use biometrics in modern architecture.
And due to innovative design, the “Bird’s Nest” is already capturing
the attention of the local and international architecture community.
As implied by its nickname, the stadium rises out of the landscape in
the shape of a giant upturned bird’s nest.

El Zeiny (2012), in his paper focuses that Biomimicry is an

applied science that derives inspiration for solutions to human
problems through the study of natural designs, processes and
systems. The widespread and practical application of biomimicry as a
design method remains unrealised.

El Ahmar (2011), in his research attempts to investigate new

strategies for sustainable design, which are derived from the
evolutionary development of the living system, from their material
properties and from their adaptive response to change in their
adaptive response to changes in their environment.

Pillsbury (2013) discusses that the Pneumatic artificial

muscles (PAMs) are used in robotics applications for their light-
weighted design and superior static performance. Additional PAM
benefits are high specific work, high force density, simple design, and
long fatigue life. Previous use of PAMs in robotics research has
focussed on using “large,” full-scale PAMs

2.1 Availability
Availability in process, material, life is vast because it is related from
nature bios means life and all inspiration and imitation leads to
creation innovation.

Table no. 1

2.2 Advantages

Pros for using Biomimetics is that by copying something off nature is

that you can already see how well it has worked, so you could say that
it has already been test trialed on the creature or piece of nature that
you are copying from. As for the example of the Woodpecker Head has
to insulate its brain from a g-force measuring from 80 – 100 which
would be strong enough to give a human a concussion but as for the
woodpecker it’s brain is fine. So black box designers saw this in
nature and since it was a thoroughly tested and trialed and it was
proven to work they copied the design of the skull to make a black box
that could survive a g-force of 60,000. So this is just one example but
good proof showing how biomimicry is a great way to invent new or
make already made thing better than they could have been if we didn’t
copy nature.

1. To create products, processes and polices.

2. To create new ways of living.
3. To create suitable product with great performance.
4. To save energy and cut material costs.
5. Perform well in nature.
6. To solve human problems.

Chapter 3


Biomimetics could in principle be applied in many fields. Because of
the diversity and complexity of biological systems, the number of
features that might be imitated is large. Biomimetic applications are at
various stages of development from technologies that might become
commercially usable to prototypes. Murray's law, which in
conventional form determined the optimum diameter of blood vessels,
has been re-derived to provide simple equations for the pipe or tube
diameter which gives a minimum mass engineering system.

Living organisms have evolved well-adapted structures and materials

over geological time through natural selection. Biomimetics has given
rise to new technologies inspired by biological solutions at macro and
nanoscales. Humans have looked at nature for answers to problems
throughout our existence. Nature has solved engineering problems
such as self-healing abilities, environmental exposure tolerance and
resistance, hydrophobicity, self-assembly, and harnessing solar

Table no. 2

Chapter 4


The study of the structure and function of biological systems as
models for the design and engineering materials.

There are three levels in Biomimicry to get work for innovation:-

Organism level

Behaviour level

Ecosystem level

The organism level entails the designer looking at the form of a

specific organism analysing how it functions; the designer can choose
to mimic a part or the organism as a whole.

The behaviour level, involves the imitation of how an organism

interacts with its immediate environment in order to build a structure
that can fit in without resistance in its surrounding environment.

The third level, involves mimicking of how an organism interacts with

the environment and how many components work together; this tends
to be on the urban scale or a large project with multiple elements
rather than a solitary structure.

Fig no. 1

Chapter 5


1. Road studs inspired by eye shine reflection of cats.
2. Bionic car inspired by the box fish.
3. Colored butterfly wings inspired the reflective windows.
4. Wright brothers inspired by pigeons and make first plane.
5. Kingfisher beaks bullet train

Fig no. 2 Fig no. 3

Fig no. 4

1 Eiji Nakatsu was the general manager of the technical

development department for bullet trains of Japan. And he is a
bird watcher.
2 After facing problems of noise and efficiency engineers thought
of new design as Japan’s standard set noise at 70dBa.
3 It deals with the aerodynamics and make it more efficient.

Fig no. 5

1 B-2 spirit or stealth bomber is an USA air bomber plane which

was designed by Northrop corporation by taking an inspiration
from eagle(biomimetics)
2 It can fly up to 50,000 feet height and can travel 11,000 km
unrefuelled with an top speed of 1000km/hr.
3 Can carry nuclear bombs too.

Climbing robots, Boots and Mimicking Geckos

Fig no. 6 Fig no. 7 Fig no. 8

Air craft wing design and flight techniques inspired by bats and birds

Fig no. 9

Mimcking the arrangements of leaves on a plant for better solar power

Fig no. 10

Chapter 7

Future scope

Future scope
Future studies should take into account a detailed documentation of
the development process to provide background information for the
classification, the boundary conditions of the biological model and the
product context to avoid obstacles, and comprehensive sustainability
analyses to identify advantages and unintended effects during life
cycle that may counter the positive effect. Sustainability assessments
of bioderived developments should come along with those of
conventional products, both carried out with an identical assessment
methodology to allow direct comparison.

Chapter 8


Research and development in interdisciplinary environments
markedly have increased in importance over the past few years. This
also holds true for the interrelationship between natural sciences
(biology) and technology (design and engineering). Interdisciplinary
work also enables the meeting of different ways of thinking,
methodological approaches and scientific languages with their own
definitions of technical terms. Therefore, scientists are now calling for
clarifying attributes and their respective values in order to
unambiguously describe key terms. However, more certainty and
clarity does not simply mean the invention of new terms, as some
might not be selfexplanatory or might, at the very least, be unclear or
ambiguous. Rather, there is a need to find a system that describes, as
accurately as possible, the developmental history of biology-derived
and technology-derived solutions, precisely because no meaningful
language presently mirrors the history of this development in terms of
biological models, knowledge transfer from biology to technology and
maintenance or modification of function. This also means that the
classification of a technical development is not possible without
knowing the developmental history of the solution in detail.

As pointed out, the development of a biomimetic product is a benefit

not only for the designer and engineers, but also for the natural
scientists in terms of socalled ‘reverse biomimetics’. The classifier
presented here is an accurate model on basis of a provided dataset
with currently relevant biology-derived and technology-derived
developments. This dataset can easily and anytime be supplemented
by new examples and adapted in terms of additional attributes and

The descriptive, normative and emotional content of biology-derived

and technology-derived developments have been described in general
on the basis of a state-of the-art literature review and, in particular, in
the context of the case study of the ‘bone-like slab’. With focus on the
descriptive aspect of bio-derived and technology-derived
developments, the user of the provided classifier needs background
information about the nine descriptive attributes and their respective
values to unambiguously identify the respective class. Learning from
living nature promises extraordinary quality of the technical
application, which is mirrored by the normative and emotional

Bearing in mind that living nature is not sustainable in the sense of
the human-made vision; normative statements nevertheless claim that
bio-derived applications ought to be sustainable. Although
‘sustainability’ on an abstract level of concept or vision cannot be
directly transferred to technical developments, there are
characteristics relating to energy efficiency, materials efficiency,
emission reduction and others that should be identified,
systematically studied and integrated in the development process of
innovations. With focus on bio-derived solutions this can take place
by transferring operating principles, manufacturing processes.


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[5] Masselter T, Speck T (2011) Biomimetic Fiber-Reinforced

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[7] J.F.V. Vincent, O.A. Bogatyreva, N.R. Bogatyrev, A. Bowyer, and

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