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Diabetes Care Volume 42, Supplement 1, January 2019 S139

12. Older Adults: Standards of American Diabetes Association

Medical Care in Diabetesd2019

Diabetes Care 2019;42(Suppl. 1):S139–S147 |

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”

includes ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to provide
the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guidelines, and tools
to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional Practice Committee, a
multidisciplinary expert committee, are responsible for updating the Standards of
Care annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a detailed description of ADA


standards, statements, and reports, as well as the evidence-grading system for
ADA’s clinical practice recommendations, please refer to the Standards of Care
Introduction. Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care are invited to
do so at

12.1 Consider the assessment of medical, psychological, functional (self-
management abilities), and social geriatric domains in older adults to pro-
vide a framework to determine targets and therapeutic approaches for
diabetes management. C
12.2 Screening for geriatric syndromes may be appropriate in older adults
experiencing limitations in their basic and instrumental activities of daily
living as they may affect diabetes self-management and be related to health-
related quality of life. C

Diabetes is an important health condition for the aging population; approximately

one-quarter of people over the age of 65 years have diabetes and one-half of older
adults have prediabetes (1), and this proportion is expected to increase rapidly in the
coming decades. Older individuals with diabetes have higher rates of premature
death, functional disability, accelerated muscle loss, and coexisting illnesses, such as
hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke, than those without diabetes. Older
adults with diabetes also are at greater risk than other older adults for several common
geriatric syndromes, such as polypharmacy, cognitive impairment, urinary inconti-
nence, injurious falls, and persistent pain. These conditions may impact older adults’
diabetes self-management abilities (2). See Section 4 “Comprehensive Medical
Evaluation and Assessment of Comorbidities” for comorbidities to consider when
caring for older adult patients with diabetes. Suggested citation: American Diabetes Associ-
Screening for diabetes complications in older adults should be individualized and ation. 12. Older adults: Standards of Medical
periodically revisited, as the results of screening tests may impact therapeutic Care in Diabetesd2019. Diabetes Care 2019;42
approaches and targets (2–4). Older adults are at increased risk for depression and (Suppl. 1):S139–S147
should therefore be screened and treated accordingly (5). Diabetes management may © 2018 by the American Diabetes Association.
require assessment of medical, psychological, functional, and social domains. This Readers may use this article as long as the work
is properly cited, the use is educational and not
may provide a framework to determine targets and therapeutic approaches, including for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
whether referral for diabetes self-management education is appropriate (when mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
complicating factors arise or when transitions in care occur) or whether the current .org/content/license.
S140 Older Adults Diabetes Care Volume 42, Supplement 1, January 2019

regimen is too complex for the patient’s Poor glycemic control is associated insulin deficiency necessitating insulin
self-management ability. Particular at- with a decline in cognitive function therapy and progressive renal insuffi-
tention should be paid to complications (13), and longer duration of diabetes is ciency. In addition, older adults tend to
that can develop over short periods of associated with worsening cognitive have higher rates of unidentified cognitive
time and/or would significantly impair function. There are ongoing studies eval- deficits, causing difficulty in complex self-
functional status, such as visual and uating whether preventing or delaying care activities (e.g., glucose monitoring,
lower-extremity complications. Please diabetes onset may help to maintain adjusting insulin doses, etc.). These cog-
refer to the American Diabetes Associ- cognitive function in older adults. How- nitive deficits have been associated with
ation (ADA) consensus report “Diabe- ever, studies examining the effects of increased risk of hypoglycemia, and, con-
tes in Older Adults” for details (2). intensive glycemic and blood pressure versely, severe hypoglycemia has been
control to achieve specific targets have linked to increased risk of dementia (20).
not demonstrated a reduction in brain Therefore, it is important to routinely
function decline (14,15). screen older adults for cognitive dys-
Recommendation Older adults with diabetes should function and discuss findings with the
12.3 Screening for early detection of be carefully screened and monitored patients and their caregivers.
mild cognitive impairment or for cognitive impairment (2) (see Ta- Hypoglycemic events should be dili-
dementia and depression is in- ble 4.1 for depression and cognitive gently monitored and avoided, whereas
dicated for adults 65 years of age screening recommendations). Sev- glycemic targets and pharmacologic in-
or older at the initial visit and eral organizations have released simple terventions may need to be adjusted to
annually as appropriate. B assessment tools, such as the Mini- accommodate for the changing needs of
Mental State Examination (16) and the the older adult (2). Of note, it is impor-
Older adults with diabetes are at higher Montreal Cognitive Assessment (17), tant to prevent hypoglycemia to reduce
risk of cognitive decline and institution- which may help to identify patients the risk of cognitive decline (20) and
alization (6,7). The presentation of cog- requiring neuropsychological evalua- other major adverse outcomes. Intensive
nitive impairment ranges from subtle tion, particularly those in whom de- glucose control in the Action to Control
executive dysfunction to memory loss mentia is suspected (i.e., experiencing Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes-Memory
and overt dementia. People with diabe- memory loss and decline in their basic in Diabetes study (ACCORD MIND) was
tes have higher incidences of all-cause and instrumental activities of daily liv- not found to benefit brain structure or
dementia, Alzheimer disease, and vascu- ing). Annual screening for cognitive cognitive function during follow-up (14).
lar dementia than people with normal impairment is indicated for adults In the Diabetes Control and Complica-
glucose tolerance (8). The effects of hy- 65 years of age or older for early de- tions Trial (DCCT), no significant long-
perglycemia and hyperinsulinemia on tection of mild cognitive impairment or term declines in cognitive function were
the brain are areas of intense research. dementia (4,18). Screening for cogni- observed, despite participants’ relatively
Clinical trials of specific interventionsd tive impairment should additionally be high rates of recurrent severe hypogly-
including cholinesterase inhibitors and considered in the presence of a signif- cemia (21). To achieve the appropriate
glutamatergic antagonistsdhave not icant decline in clinical status, inclusive balance between glycemic control and
shown positive therapeutic benefit in of increased difficulty with self-care risk for hypoglycemia, it is important to
maintaining or significantly improving activities, such as errors in calculating carefully assess and reassess patients’
cognitive function or in preventing insulin dose, difficulty counting carbo- risk for worsening of glycemic control
cognitive decline (9). Pilot studies in hydrates, skipping meals, skipping in- and functional decline.
patients with mild cognitive impair- sulin doses, and difficulty recognizing,
ment evaluating the potential benefits preventing, or treating hypoglycemia.
of intranasal insulin therapy and met- People who screen positive for cognitive TREATMENT GOALS
formin therapy provide insights for impairment should receive diagnostic as-
future clinical trials and mechanistic sessment as appropriate, including refer-
12.5 Older adults who are other-
studies (10–12). ral to a behavioral health provider for
wise healthy with few coexisting
The presence of cognitive impairment formal cognitive/neuropsychological
chronic illnesses and intact cog-
can make it challenging for clinicians to evaluation (19).
nitive function and functional
help their patients reach individualized
status should have lower gly-
glycemic, blood pressure, and lipid tar-
HYPOGLYCEMIA cemic goals (such as A1C ,7.5%
gets. Cognitive dysfunction makes it dif-
[58 mmol/mol]), while those
ficult for patients to perform complex Recommendation
with multiple coexisting chronic
self-care tasks, such as glucose monitor- 12.4 Hypoglycemia should be avoided illnesses, cognitive impairment,or
ing and adjusting insulin doses. It also in older adults with diabetes. It functional dependence should
hinders their ability to appropriately should be assessed and managed have less stringent glycemic goals
maintain the timing and content of diet. by adjusting glycemic targets and (such as A1C ,8.0–8.5% [64–69
When clinicians are managing patients pharmacologic interventions. B mmol/mol]). C
with cognitive dysfunction, it is critical
12.6 Glycemic goals for some older
to simplify drug regimens and to involve Older adults are at higher risk of hypo-
adults might reasonably be
caregivers in all aspects of care. glycemia for many reasons, including Older Adults S141

diabetes but may have limitations in with poorly controlled diabetes may
relaxed as part of individualized
patients who have medical conditions be subject to acute complications of
care, but hyperglycemia leading
that impact red blood cell turnover (see diabetes, including dehydration, poor
to symptoms or risk of acute hy-
Section 2 “Classification and Diagnosis of wound healing, and hyperglycemic
perglycemia complications should
Diabetes” for additional details on the hyperosmolar coma. Glycemic goals
be avoided in all patients. C
limitations of A1C) (26). Many conditions at a minimum should avoid these
12.7 Screening for diabetes compli-
associated with increased red blood cell consequences.
cations should be individualized
turnover, such as hemodialysis, recent
in older adults. Particular atten- Vulnerable Patients at the End of Life
blood loss or transfusion, or erythropoi-
tion should be paid to compli- For patients receiving palliative care and
etin therapy, are commonly seen in older
cations that would lead to end-of-life care, the focus should be to
adults with functional limitations, which
functional impairment. C avoid symptoms and complications from
can falsely increase or decrease A1C. In
12.8 Treatment of hypertension to glycemic management. Thus, when or-
these instances, plasma blood glucose
individualized target levels is gan failure develops, several agents will
and fingerstick readings should be used
indicated in most older adults. C have to be downtitrated or discontinued.
for goal setting (Table 12.1).
12.9 Treatment of other cardiovas- For the dying patient, most agents for
cular risk factors should be type 2 diabetes may be removed (27).
individualized in older adults Healthy Patients With Good Functional
There is, however, no consensus for the
considering the time frame of Status
management of type 1 diabetes in this
benefit. Lipid-lowering therapy There are few long-term studies in older
scenario (28). See END-OF-LIFE CARE below,
and aspirin therapy may benefit adults demonstrating the benefits of in-
for additional information.
those with life expectancies at tensive glycemic, blood pressure, and
least equal to the time frame of lipid control. Patients who can be ex- Beyond Glycemic Control
primary prevention or second- pected to live long enough to reap the Although hyperglycemia control may be
ary intervention trials. E benefits of long-term intensive diabetes important in older individuals with di-
management, who have good cognitive abetes, greater reductions in morbidity
and physical function, and who choose to and mortality are likely to result from
The care of older adults with diabetes is do so via shared decision making may be
complicated by their clinical, cognitive, control of other cardiovascular risk fac-
treated using therapeutic interventions tors rather than from tight glycemic
and functional heterogeneity. Some and goals similar to those for younger
older individuals may have developed control alone. There is strong evidence
adults with diabetes (Table 12.1). from clinical trials of the value of treating
diabetes years earlier and have signifi- As with all patients with diabetes, di-
cant complications, others are newly hypertension in older adults (29,30).
abetes self-management education and There is less evidence for lipid-lowering
diagnosed and may have had years of ongoing diabetes self-management sup-
undiagnosed diabetes with resultant therapy and aspirin therapy, although
port are vital components of diabetes the benefits of these interventions for
complications, and still other older adults care for older adults and their caregivers.
may have truly recent-onset disease with primary prevention and secondary in-
Self-management knowledge and skills tervention are likely to apply to older
few or no complications (22). Some older should be reassessed when regimen
adults with diabetes have other under- adults whose life expectancies equal or
changes are made or an individual’s exceed the time frames of the clinical
lying chronic conditions, substantial functional abilities diminish. In addition,
diabetes-related comorbidity, limited trials.
declining or impaired ability to perform
cognitive or physical functioning, or diabetes self-care behaviors may be an LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT
frailty (23,24). Other older individuals indication for referral of older adults with
with diabetes have little comorbidity diabetes for cognitive and physical func- Recommendation
and are active. Life expectancies are tional assessment using age-normalized 12.10 Optimal nutrition and protein in-
highly variable but are often longer evaluation tools (3,19). take is recommended for older
than clinicians realize. Providers caring adults; regular exercise, includ-
for older adults with diabetes must take Patients With Complications and ing aerobic activity and re-
this heterogeneity into consideration Reduced Functionality sistance training, should be
when setting and prioritizing treat- For patients with advanced diabetes encouraged in all older adults
ment goals (25) (Table 12.1). In addition, complications, life-limiting comorbid ill- who can safely engage in such
older adults with diabetes should be as- nesses, or substantial cognitive or func- activities. B
sessed for disease treatment and self- tional impairments, it is reasonable to set
management knowledge, health literacy, less intensive glycemic goals (Table 12.1). Diabetes in the aging population is as-
and mathematical literacy (numeracy) at Factors to consider in individualizing sociated with reduced muscle strength,
the onset of treatment. See Fig. 6.1 for glycemic goals are outlined in Fig. poor muscle quality, and accelerated loss
patient- and disease-related factors to 6.1. These patients are less likely to of muscle mass, resulting in sarcopenia.
consider when determining individual- benefit from reducing the risk of mi- Diabetes is also recognized as an inde-
ized glycemic targets. crovascular complications and more pendent risk factor for frailty. Frailty is
A1C is used as the standard biomarker likely to suffer serious adverse effects characterized by decline in physical per-
for glycemic control in all patients with from hypoglycemia. However, patients formance and an increased risk of poor

Table 12.1—Framework for considering treatment goals for glycemia, blood pressure, and dyslipidemia in older adults with diabetes (2)
Older Adults

Patient characteristics/ Fasting or preprandial

health status Rationale Reasonable A1C goal‡ glucose Bedtime glucose Blood pressure Lipids
Healthy (few coexisting chronic Longer remaining ,7.5% (58 mmol/mol) 90–130 mg/dL 90–150 mg/dL ,140/90 mmHg Statin unless
illnesses, intact cognitive and life expectancy (5.0–7.2 mmol/L) (5.0–8.3 mmol/L) contraindicated or
functional status) not tolerated
Complex/intermediate (multiple Intermediate ,8.0% (64 mmol/mol) 90–150 mg/dL 100–180 mg/dL ,140/90 mmHg Statin unless
coexisting chronic illnesses* or remaining life (5.0–8.3 mmol/L) (5.6–10.0 mmol/L) contraindicated
21 instrumental ADL expectancy, high or not tolerated
impairments or mild-to- treatment burden,
moderate cognitive hypoglycemia
impairment) vulnerability, fall
Very complex/poor health Limited remaining life ,8.5%† 100–180 mg/dL 110–200 mg/dL ,150/90 mmHg Consider likelihood
(LTC or end-stage chronic expectancy makes (69 mmol/mol) (5.6–10.0 mmol/L) (6.1–11.1 mmol/L) of benefit with
illnesses** or moderate-to- benefit uncertain statin (secondary
severe cognitive impairment or prevention more
21 ADL dependencies) so than primary)
This represents a consensus framework for considering treatment goals for glycemia, blood pressure, and dyslipidemia in older adults with diabetes. The patient characteristic categories are general
concepts. Not every patient will clearly fall into a particular category. Consideration of patient and caregiver preferences is an important aspect of treatment individualization. Additionally, a
patient’s health status and preferences may change over time. ‡A lower A1C goal may be set for an individual if achievable without recurrent or severe hypoglycemia or undue treatment
burden. *Coexisting chronic illnesses are conditions serious enough to require medications or lifestyle management and may include arthritis, cancer, congestive heart failure, depression,
emphysema, falls, hypertension, incontinence, stage 3 or worse chronic kidney disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. “Multiple” means at least three, but many patients may have five
or more (54). **The presence of a single end-stage chronic illness, such as stage 324 congestive heart failure or oxygen-dependent lung disease, chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis, or
uncontrolled metastatic cancer, may cause significant symptoms or impairment of functional status and significantly reduce life expectancy. †A1C of 8.5% (69 mmol/mol) equates to an
estimated average glucose of ;200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L). Looser A1C targets above 8.5% (69 mmol/mol) are not recommended as they may expose patients to more frequent higher glucose
values and the acute risks from glycosuria, dehydration, hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome, and poor wound healing. ADL, activities of daily living.
sistance training (31,32).

alized A1C target. B

should be avoided. B

glycemia are preferred. B

common in older adults and

of hypoglycemia, medication

12.13 Deintensification (or simplifica-

achieved within the individu-

of hypoglycemia, if it can be
commended to reduce the risk
tion) of complex regimens is re-
12.12 Overtreatment of diabetes is
classes with low risk of hypo-
12.11 In older adults at increased risk

adjusted based on coexisting chronic

tritional intake, particularly inadequate

decades, as they develop medical con-

the U.S., respectively. It is important to
selecting antihyperglycemia agents. Cost
recommendations regarding antihyper-
program that includes aerobic and re-

previously followed, perhaps for many

9.3 for median monthly cost of noninsulin
drug-specific factors to consider when
protein intake combined with an exercise
cludes optimal nutrition with adequate
Management of frailty in diabetes in-

tional status (2). Tight glycemic control

tablished (Fig. 6.1) and periodically
ing and insulin injection regimens they
match complexity of the treatment
sarcopenia and frailty in older adults.
protein intake, can increase the risk of
psychosocial stressors. Inadequate nu-
health outcomes due to physiologic

to follow their regimen safely. Individ-

ditions that may impair their ability
many medications. See Tables 9.2 and
pecially as older adults tend to be on
diabetes and Table 9.1 for patient- and
older adults (33). See Fig. 9.1 for general
Special care is required in prescribing and

conditions is considered overtreatment

monitoring pharmacologic therapies in

in older adults with multiple medical

regimen to the self-management abil-
may be an important consideration, es-

ualized glycemic goals should be es-

adults with diabetes struggle to main-
ity of an older patient. Many older
glucose-lowering agents and insulin in
glycemia treatment for adults with type 2

tain the frequent blood glucose test-

vulnerability to clinical, functional, or
Diabetes Care Volume 42, Supplement 1, January 2019

illnesses, cognitive function, and func- Older Adults S143

Fig. 12.1—Algorithm to simplify insulin regimen for older patients with type 2 diabetes. eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate. *Basal insulins:
glargine U-100 and U-300, detemir, degludec, and human NPH. **See Table 12.1. UMealtime insulins: short-acting (regular human insulin) or rapid-
acting (lispro, aspart, and glulisine). §Premixed insulins: 70/30, 75/25, and 50/50 products. Adapted with permission from Munshi and colleagues

and is associated with an increased simplification may be appropriate in Insulin Secretagogues

risk of hypoglycemia; unfortunately, older adults. Sulfonylureas and other insulin secre-
overtreatment is common in clinical tagogues are associated with hypo-
practice (34–38). Deintensification of Metformin glycemia and should be used with
regimens in patients taking noninsu- Metformin is the first-line agent for older caution. If used, shorter-duration sul-
lin glucose-lowering medications can adults with type 2 diabetes. Recent stud- fonylureas, such as glipizide, are pre-
be achieved by either lowering the ies have indicated that it may be used ferred. Glyburide is a longer-duration
dose or discontinuing some medica- safely in patients with estimated glomer- sulfonylurea and contraindicated in
tions, so long as the individualized ular filtration rate $30 mL/min/1.73 m2 older adults (43).
A1C target is maintained. When pa- (42). However, it is contraindicated in
tients are found to have an insulin patients with advanced renal insuffi- Incretin-Based Therapies
regimen with complexity beyond their ciency and should be used with caution Oral dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhib-
self-management abilities, lowering the in patients with impaired hepatic func- itors have few side effects and minimal
dose of insulin may not be adequate. tion or congestive heart failure due hypoglycemia, but their costs may be a
Simplification of the insulin regimen to to the increased risk of lactic acidosis. barrier to some older patients. DPP-4
match an individual’s self-management Metformin may be temporarily discon- inhibitors do not increase major adverse
abilities in these situations has been tinued before procedures, during hospi- cardiovascular outcomes (44).
shown to reduce hypoglycemia and talizations, and when acute illness may Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) re-
disease-related distress without wors- compromise renal or liver function. ceptor agonists are injectable agents,
ening glycemic control (39–41). Figure which require visual, motor, and cog-
12.1 depicts an algorithm that can be Thiazolidinediones nitive skills for appropriate adminis-
used to simplify the insulin regimen Thiazolidinediones, if used at all, should tration. They may be associated with
(39). Table 12.2 provides examples of be used very cautiously in those with, or nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Also,
and rationale for situations where de- at risk for, congestive heart failure and weight loss with GLP-1 receptor ago-
intensification and/or insulin regimen those at risk for falls or fractures. nists may not be desirable in some older
S144 Older Adults Diabetes Care Volume 42, Supplement 1, January 2019

Table 12.2—Considerations for treatment regimen simplification and deintensification/deprescribing in older adults
with diabetes (39,55)
When may treatment
Patient characteristics/ Reasonable A1C/ When may regimen deintensification/
health status treatment goal Rationale/considerations simplification be required? deprescribing be required?
Healthy (few coexisting A1C ,7.5% c Patients can generally c If severe or recurrent c If severe or recurrent
chronic illnesses, intact (58 mmol/mol) perform complex tasks to hypoglycemia occurs in hypoglycemia occurs in
cognitive and functional maintain good glycemic patients on insulin therapy patients on noninsulin
status) control when health is (even if A1C is appropriate) therapies with high risk
stable c If wide glucose excursions of hypoglycemia (even if
c During acute illness, are observed A1C is appropriate)
patients may be more at c If cognitive or functional c If wide glucose excursions
risk for administration or decline occurs following are observed
dosing errors that can acute illness c In the presence of
result in hypoglycemia, polypharmacy
falls, fractures, etc.
Complex/intermediate A1C ,8.0% c Comorbidities may affect c If severe or recurrent c If severe or recurrent
(multiple coexisting (64 mmol/mol) self-management abilities hypoglycemia occurs in hypoglycemia occurs in
chronic illnesses or and capacity to avoid patients on insulin therapy patients on noninsulin
21 instrumental ADL hypoglycemia (even if A1C is appropriate) therapies with high risk
impairments or mild-to- c Long-acting medication c If unable to manage of hypoglycemia (even if
moderate cognitive formulations may complexity of an insulin A1C is appropriate)
impairment) decrease pill burden and regimen c If wide glucose excursions
complexity of medication c If there is a significant are observed
regimen change in social c In the presence of
circumstances, such as loss polypharmacy
of caregiver, change in
living situation, or financial
Community-dwelling Avoid reliance on A1C c Glycemic control is c If treatment regimen c If the hospitalization for
patients receiving care in important for recovery, increased in complexity acute illness resulted in
a skilled nursing facility for wound healing, hydration, during hospitalization, it is weight loss, anorexia,
short-term rehabilitation and avoidance of reasonable, in many cases, short-term cognitive
infections to reinstate the decline, and/or loss of
Glucose target: c Patients recovering from prehospitalization physical functioning
100–200 mg/dL illness may not have medication regimen
(5.55–11.1 mmol/L) returned to baseline during the rehabilitation
cognitive function at the
time of discharge
c Consider the type of
support the patient will
receive at home
Very complex/poor health A1C ,8.5% c No benefits of tight c If on an insulin regimen c If on noninsulin agents
(long-term care or end- (69 mmol/)† glycemic control in this and the patient would like with a high hypoglycemia
stage chronic illnesses or population to decrease the number of risk in the context
moderate-to-severe c Hypoglycemia should be injections and fingerstick of cognitive dysfunction,
cognitive impairment or avoided blood glucose monitoring depression, anorexia, or
21 ADL dependencies) c Most important outcomes events each day inconsistent eating pattern
are maintenance of c If the patient has an c If taking any medications
cognitive and functional inconsistent eating pattern without clear benefits
Patients at end of life Avoid hypoglycemia c Goal is to provide comfort c If there is pain or c If taking any medications
and symptomatic and avoid tasks or discomfort caused by without clear benefits in
hyperglycemia interventions that cause treatment (e.g., injections improving symptoms
pain or discomfort or fingersticks) and/or comfort
c Caregivers are important c If there is excessive
in providing medical care caregiver stress due to
and maintaining quality of treatment complexity
Treatment regimen simplification refers to changing strategy to decrease the complexity of a medication regimen, e.g., fewer administration times,
fewer fingerstick readings, decreasing the need for calculations (such as sliding scale insulin calculations or insulin-carbohydrate ratio calculations).
Deintensification/deprescribing refers to decreasing the dose or frequency of administration of a treatment or discontinuing a treatment altogether.
ADL, activities of daily living. †Consider adjustment of A1C goal if the patient has a condition that may interfere with erythrocyte life span/turnover. Older Adults S145

patients, particularly those with ca- centers) may rely completely on the lead to decreased food intake and con-
chexia. In patients with established care plan and nursing support. Those tribute to unintentional weight loss and
atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, receiving palliative care (with or without undernutrition. Diets tailored to a pa-
GLP-1 receptor agonists have shown hospice) may require an approach that tient’s culture, preferences, and per-
cardiovascular benefits (44). emphasizes comfort and symptom man- sonal goals may increase quality of life,
agement, while de-emphasizing strict satisfaction with meals, and nutrition
Sodium2Glucose Cotransporter metabolic and blood pressure control. status (48).
2 Inhibitors
Sodium2glucose cotransporter 2 inhibi- TREATMENT IN SKILLED NURSING
tors are administered orally, which may FACILITIES AND NURSING HOMES
Older adults with diabetes in LTC are
be convenient for older adults with di-
Recommendations especially vulnerable to hypoglycemia.
abetes; however, long-term experience
12.14 Consider diabetes education They have a disproportionately high
in this population is limited despite the
for the staff of long-term care number of clinical complications and
initial efficacy and safety data reported
facilities to improve the man- comorbidities that can increase hypo-
with these agents. In patients with es-
agement of older adults with glycemia risk: impaired cognitive and
tablished atherosclerotic cardiovascu-
diabetes. E renal function, slowed hormonal regu-
lar disease, these agents have shown
12.15 Patients with diabetes residing lation and counterregulation, suboptimal
cardiovascular benefits (44).
in long-term care facilities need hydration, variable appetite and nutri-
careful assessment to establish tional intake, polypharmacy, and slowed
Insulin Therapy
glycemic goals and to make ap- intestinal absorption (49). Oral agents
The use of insulin therapy requires that
propriate choices of glucose- may achieve similar glycemic outcomes
patients or their caregivers have good
lowering agents based on in LTC populations as basal insulin
visual and motor skills and cognitive
their clinical and functional (34,50).
ability. Insulin therapy relies on the abil-
status. E Another consideration for the LTC
ity of the older patient to administer
setting is that, unlike the hospital setting,
insulin on their own or with the assis-
Management of diabetes in the long- medical providers are not required to
tance of a caregiver. Insulin doses should
term care (LTC) setting (i.e., nursing evaluate the patients daily. According to
be titrated to meet individualized glyce-
homes and skilled nursing facilities) is federal guidelines, assessments should
mic targets and to avoid hypoglycemia.
unique. Individualization of health care is be done at least every 30 days for the first
Once-daily basal insulin injection ther-
important in all patients; however, prac- 90 days after admission and then at least
apy is associated with minimal side effects
tical guidance is needed for medical once every 60 days. Although in practice
and may be a reasonable option in many
providers as well as the LTC staff and the patients may actually be seen more
older patients. Multiple daily injections of
caregivers (46). Training should include frequently, the concern is that patients
insulin may be too complex for the older
diabetes detection and institutional may have uncontrolled glucose levels or
patient with advanced diabetes compli-
quality assessment. LTC facilities should wide excursions without the practitioner
cations, life-limiting coexisting chronic
develop their own policies and proce- being notified. Providers may make ad-
illnesses, or limited functional status.
dures for prevention and management justments to treatment regimens by
Figure 12.1 provides a potential ap-
of hypoglycemia. telephone, fax, or in person directly at
proach to insulin regimen simplification.
the LTC facilities provided they are given
timely notification of blood glucose man-
Other Factors to Consider Resources
agement issues from a standardized alert
The needs of older adults with diabetes Staff of LTC facilities should receive ap-
and their caregivers should be evaluated propriate diabetes education to improve
The following alert strategy could be
to construct a tailored care plan. Im- the management of older adults with
paired social functioning may reduce diabetes. Treatments for each patient
their quality of life and increase the should be individualized. Special man- 1. Call provider immediately: in case of
risk of functional dependency (45). The agement considerations include the low blood glucose levels (#70 mg/dL
patient’s living situation must be con- need to avoid both hypoglycemia and [3.9 mmol/L]).
sidered as it may affect diabetes man- the complications of hyperglycemia (2,47). 2. Call as soon as possible: a) glucose
agement and support needs. Social and For more information, see the ADA po- values between 70 and 100 mg/dL (3.9
instrumental support networks (e.g., sition statement “Management of Dia- and 5.6 mmol/L) (regimen may need
adult children, caretakers) that provide betes in Long-term Care and Skilled to be adjusted), b) glucose values
instrumental or emotional support for Nursing Facilities” (46). greater than 250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L)
older adults with diabetes should be in- within a 24-h period, c) glucose values
cluded in diabetes management discus- Nutritional Considerations greater than 300 mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L)
sions and shared decision making. An older adult residing in an LTC facility over 2 consecutive days, d) when any
Older adults in assisted living facilities may have irregular and unpredictable reading is too high for the glucom-
may not have support to administer their meal consumption, undernutrition, an- eter, or e) the patient is sick, with
own medications, whereas those living orexia, and impaired swallowing. Further- vomiting, symptomatic hyperglyce-
in a nursing home (community living more, therapeutic diets may inadvertently mia, or poor oral intake.
S146 Older Adults Diabetes Care Volume 42, Supplement 1, January 2019

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