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What is your big idea?

 As of now our generation is so innovative even the house hold chores is so easy to do right now,
with the help of new technologies and equipment. That’s why one of the business that will
surely patronize and demand today is a laundry service.

Is it a product or a service?

 It’s a service

What makes your idea different?

 In our laundry services we sell different product of fabric detergent and a free internet for all
the customer who wait in their clothes to get clean, we also have a special offer such as dry

How will your products/services stand out from the competition?

 It’ll stand out because our dryers and washing machines are new and has a super speed feature.

Why will people want to buy?

 It’s not just in demand but we will prioritize all of our customers and our services are fair.


What does this name say about your business? Is it unique? Memorable? Easy to pronounce?

 The name of our laundry is “Leave & Clean Laundry” and our motto “Professional, convenient,
friendly service and competitive pricing”.


Who will your customers to be?

 The target of my business ranging from elderly customers who aren’t able to take care of their
washing themselves, also those business moms and dads who don’t have time to wash the
family’s laundry and for those students who don’t have a washer and dryer in their home.

Other Kids? Teenagers? Men? Women?

 My laundry service is for general.

Where do they live? What is your target market passionate about?

 It’ll starts up in a great location, which they accessible to drop off and pick up their laundry, such
as on busy street.


How will you get the word out about your business?

 It’ll stand out by our machines that built and last up to 15 years.

Online? Posters? Through the Newspaper? By Email?

 We will post fliers and sending direct email and even getting my own website launched.

Where will you sell your products or services?

 In a space that has a off street parking that they can easily attract. This makes dropping off and
picking up process and convenient for all of my customers.


How much will you charge?

 It costs only 120 pesos per 3kg.

What are your competitors charging?

 150 pesos per 5kg.


How much will you make one each sale after you subtract your expenses? Profit = Income – Expenses

 Sale price of item: 120 per 3 kg.

 Cost of item: P4.5 M to P5 M needed to open, P3 M will go to washing machine and drying
 Profit: 3-5% of profits per month

What will you do with the money you make? Reinvest in the business? Save for college? Donate?

 I will save my money to invest a new business.

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