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This is study to assess the expected level of proficiency in various competencies &

understand the different capacity building practices implemented by architecture

consultancies in India.

Name :
Organization :
Designation :
Size of the Organization :
Website :
*E-mail :
* Phone :
* Not Mandatory

1. Rank the criteria of hiring in your organisation

(1 Being the highest rank)

Academics :
Institution/College :
Portfolio :
Internship :
Thesis :
Software proficiency :
Certifications :
Attitude & Personality :
Experience & Industry exposure :
Extra/ co curricular activities :
____________________________ :
____________________________ :

2. Mark the expected level of proficiency required for the below listed
competencies against the actual level of proficiency demonstrated as per the
employee’s performance.

(Least 1 2 3 4 5 Highest)
Expected Demonstrated
Behavioural 12345 12345
Communication Skills (Written & Oral)
Initiative & Enterprise
Ethics & integrity
Professional Etiquettes
(Least 1 2 3 4 5 Highest)
Technical Expected Demonstrated
Presentation & Graphics
Client/ Project Management
Building codes & Standards
Working drawings and Detailing
BOQ & Estimates
Site & Inspection Procedures
Consultant/Contractor co ordination

3. Is there a budget allocated for training and development programs for your
employees? (Y/N)

4. What are the types of training that your organization offers?

Y/N Duration if yes rate the effectiveness

(Least 1 2 3 4 5 Highest)
a. Induction/Orientation
b. On the job training
c. External Training
i. Behavioural
ii. Technical
iii. Functional
d. Refresher trainings
e. Mentoring
f. _____________________
g. _____________________

5. How often do you plan and execute trainings for you employees?
Quarterly Half yearly Yearly None

6. On an average how many training programs do you conduct for your

employees in a year?
None 1 2 3 more than 3

7. Rank the challenges in providing enough effective training?

a. Budget :
b. Time :
c. Infrastructure :
d. Lack of interest from employees :
e. Don’t see any value addition :
f. Lack of Customisable training programs :
g. Lack of awareness :
h. ___________________________ :
i. ___________________________ :

8. Do you have a robust career development ecosystem? : Y/N

{ i.e A possibility for your employees to have vertical (promotions) or horizontal (role change)
growth based on their performance/interest. }
Don’t see relevance of this question now

9. We would be sharing our findings and reports with organisations and leaders
who are interested in co operating with our future studies and surveys. Would
you be interest?

Would you be interested in co operating with our future studies?
Is this sufficient?

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