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Surviving the knife

Topic: knife crime in urban and suburban areas, how it effects communities
and how to avoid and deal with knife attacks and crime.

What are you hoping to achieve through choosing this topic?

Through choosing this topic, I am hoping to achieve the goal of educating
and informing viewers aged 14-24 of both genders on what effects knife
crime can have on individuals and communities and how to deal with a knife
attack which will be explained by a paramedic in the factual programme, If I
am unable to interview a paramedic I will go to my local medical centre and
speak to one of the doctors. Each production will be aimed at 16-24-year
olds and will be educating them on the dangers of carrying a knife and
being victim to a knife attack. The animation is supposed to be eye catching
and will be a more entertaining as well as being serious in an attempt to
inform the audience and promote an anti-knife message to the audience.
The short film will allow 14-24-year olds to relate to the film as the protagonist
will be a teenager, there will also be a mother role or a sister role to help the
production to appeal to both genders.

Factual programme concept

For my factual programme, I will be listing statistics about knife crimes in the
form of a voice over performed by me or one of my team as well as
interviewing a paramedic and asking them how to deal with a knife attack
weather you are the victim or you are helping a victim. If I am unable to
interview a paramedic, I will go to my local medical centre and try and
interview a doctor. The programme will be filmed in and around a hospital I
will use some B-roll shots of the hospital to extend the time of the programme
and to break up the interview with the paramedic/doctor (which will be
filmed in a hospital room and if I am unable to film in a hospital room I will film
in an ambulance) in order to make sure the programme stays appealing and
doesn’t become monotonous.

Animation concept
of an ambulance made of paper or plasticine speeding and pulling up
outside a Hospital followed by the slogan “Put down the knife and save a
life” there will be the sound of a siren whilst the ambulance is driving and a
voiceover of the slogan to make it more impactful, the voice over will be
done by a younger person. The reason for this is because It is more likely to
make the audience actually listen and take on board the message because
people of the same age group of the narrator is what the animation is aimed

Short film concept

The Short film will follow the life of a teenager who begins to associate with
the wrong crowd and becomes victim of a stabbing resulting in him almost
dying. The locations used for this production will be areas that look socially
deprived such as ally ways and flat blocks. The stabbing scene will take
place in an ally way to emulate the victims feelings of being trapped by
the group he previously associated with, I will also try and get a paramedic
outfit for one of the actors and an ambulance however that may be
difficult as I do not have a large budget for this production. At the end of the
film I will showcase some real statistics on knife crime followed by the slogan
“put down the knife and save a life” in an attempt to educate a younger
audience on the dangers of knife crime and the effects it can have on them
as individuals and their community.

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