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Script for Events Management

Opening: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to welcome

everyone to our beautiful venue today. We’re so excited to have you all here to
participate in our Events management class of B420 in collaboration with
MANSOC with a theme of Project Feasibility 101. Get ready to enjoy and learn.
As we start the program let us all stand up for the LPU Prayer etc. (National
anthem & LPU Hymn)
Before opening remarks ad-lib emcee (promote or thank the sponsors, ask
questions, challenge the audience or anything you want)
Opening remarks - for our opening remarks would you please join me in
welcoming chairperson of cba Dr. Mike Caballero.
after opening remarks - thank you Dr. Mike Caballero for that wonderful speech
(give around of applause). (Ad-lib emcee)
Before inspirational message - And we won’t stop there. Now that was only the
beginning. We have more surprises awaits and also the guests speakers that
would give us their insights and knowledge into the topic. So as we start the
program it’s an absolute honour to bring on the stage would you please join me
in welcoming Dr. Ma. Victoria Ac-ac, Dean of CBA. To give us a very inspiring
After insipirational message - Thank you Dr. Ma. Victoria Ac-ac Dean of CBA for
that very inspiring message (give around of applause). (Ad-lib emcee engage
with the audience)
Introduction - To begin with the first part of Project feasibility study our first guest
speaker who will discuss the marketing aspect is a (Profile of speaker) would you
please join me in welcoming Mr. Marlon Fortunato. (Give around of applause)
Token - Thank you Mr. Fortunato for sharing your knowledge and insights about
the marketing aspect. (The emcee will hold the token then state) “May we call
our adviser Dr. Michael Caballero to award the token of appreciation to out
guest speakers/name of the speaker” then the emcee will read the content of
the token or plaque then handover to Dr. Michael Caballero who will give the
token of appreciation. (Ad-lib emcee promote and thank sponsors)
Introduction (2nd speaker) - Now for the second part of our Project Feasibility
study our second guest speaker who will share his knowledge and insight about
the management aspect is a (Profile of speaker) its my pleasure to welcome Mr.
Jerome Lasquete.
Token - Thank you Mr. Lasquete for sharing your knowledge about the
management aspect. (The emcee will hold the token then state) “May we call
our adviser Dr. Michael Caballero to award the token of appreciation to our
guest speaker/name of the speaker” then the emcee will read the content of
the token or plaque then handover to Dr. Michael Caballero to give the token
of appreciation. (Ad-lib emcee promote and thank sponsors
then announce there will be a lunch break with duration of 1hr and 15 mins until
1 pm. Lunch will be provided. There would be a surprise in the second part of
the event after lunch so sit back relax and enjoy your lunch)
After break
Games - (Ad-lib emcee)
Intermission - (Ad-lib emcee)
Introduction (3rd speaker) - Now for the third part of our Project Feasibility Study
our next speaker who will discuss the technical/operational aspect is a (Profile of
speaker) Engr. Nikki Soliva
Token - (Same) promote and thank sponsor
Introduction (Last speaker) - Our last but not the least speaker who will give
learning on the financial aspect is a (Profile of speaker) Engr. Al Galardo
Token - (Same) Promote and thank sponsor
Closing Remarks - Emcee: at this point in time we will call our ever supporting
adviser to guide a closing remark (Dr. Caballero) (If possible thank sponsor)
Giving of certificates - Emcee: will give instruction on the distribution of
certificates to participants.

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