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THE REVISED PENAL CODE AND OTHER SPECIAL LAWS prescribed and also the penalty of temporary special
Note1: Three offenses involved in Simulation of Births (Art. 347, RPC):
Revised Penal Code Provisions 1. Simulation of birth and substitution of one child for another
False Medical Certificates 2. Concealment or abandonment of legitimate child
 With intent to cause child to lose civil status
Article 174. False medical certificates, false certificates of 3. Cooperation in the execution of any of the two acts, in violation
merits or service, etc. - The penalties of arresto mayor in its of their duties, by:
maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period  Physician
and a fine not to exceed P1,000 pesos shall be imposed upon:  Surgeon, or
 Public officer
1. Any physician or surgeon who, in connection, with the
practice of his profession, shall issue a false certificate; Quasi-Delict
2. Any public officer who shall issue a false certificate of Article 365. Imprudence and negligence. - Any person who,
merit of service, good conduct or similar circumstances. by reckless imprudence, shall commit any act which, had it
been intentional, would constitute a grave felony, shall suffer
The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon any the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision
private person who shall falsify a certificate falling within the correccional in its medium period; if it would have constituted
classes mentioned in the two preceding subdivisions. a less grave felony, the penalty of arresto mayor in its
minimum and medium periods shall be imposed; if it would
“In connection”: The law does not require the existence of a patient- have constituted a light felony, the penalty of arresto menor in
doctor relationship its maximum period shall be imposed.

Note1: Private persons may commit the crime. Any person who, by simple imprudence or negligence, shall
Note2: The law merely requires that the use of the false certificate is commit an act which would otherwise constitute a grave
“knowingly” felony, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in its medium
and maximum periods; if it would have constituted a less
False Medical Certificate v. Incomplete Medical Certificate: In the serious felony, the penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum
issuance of an incomplete medical certificate, there is no intent to falsify period shall be imposed. x x x
such certificate.
Reckless imprudence consists in voluntary, but without
Abortion Practiced by a Physician malice, doing or falling to do an act from which material
damage results by reason of inexcusable lack of precaution
Article 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and on the part of the person performing of failing to perform such
dispensing of abortives. - The penalties provided in Article 256 act, taking into consideration his employment or occupation,
shall be imposed in its maximum period, respectively, upon degree of intelligence, physical condition and other
any physician or midwife who, taking advantage of their circumstances regarding persons, time and place.
scientific knowledge or skill, shall cause an abortion or assist
in causing the same. Simple imprudence consists in the lack of precaution
displayed in those cases in which the damage impending to
Any pharmacist who, without the proper prescription from a be caused is not immediate nor the danger clearly manifest.
physician, shall dispense any abortive shall suffer arresto
mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos. Reckless Imprudence, elements:
1. Doing or failing to do an act (act or omission)
Note1: The physician is the best person to perform the abortion; as 2. Voluntary but without malice
such, he/she takes advantage of his/her knowledge or expertise. 3. Material damage results thereto
Note2: The pharmacist issuing/selling abortifacients shall also be liable 4. Caused by inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of
under Art. 259 for “dispensing abortives.” the person committing the same
5. Taking into consideration:
Simulation of Births  Employment or occupation
 Degree of intelligence
Article 347. Simulation of births, substitution of one child for  Physical condition
another and concealment or abandonment of a legitimate
 Other circumstances re: persons, time and place
child. - The simulation of births and the substitution of one
child for another shall be punished by prision mayor and a fine
Simple imprudence, elements:
of not exceeding 1,000 pesos.
1. Doing or failing to do an act (act or omission)
2. Voluntary but without malice
The same penalties shall be imposed upon any person who
3. Lack of precaution
shall conceal or abandon any legitimate child with intent to
4. Damage impending to be caused is not immediate nor
cause such child to lose its civil status.
danger clearly manifest

Any physician or surgeon or public officer who, in violation of

the duties of his profession or office, shall cooperate in the
execution of any of the crimes mentioned in the two next
preceding paragraphs, shall suffer the penalties therein
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Case: Villareal v. People (G.R. No. 151258, December 1, 2014)  As determined by the Board in consultation with recognized
Question: Whether or not reckless imprudence can be committed with competent experts who are authorized representatives of
malice or criminal design (criminal negligence) – No. professional organizations of practitioners, particularly those
who are involved in the care of persons with severe pain.
The presence of an initial malicious intent to commit
a felony is thus a vital ingredient in establishing the Note1: As part of the penalty imposed (imprisonment and fine), judicial
commission of the intentional felony of homicide. Being mala revocation of license of the practitioner shall also be imposed.
in se, the felony of homicide requires the existence of malice
or dolo immediately before or simultaneously with the infliction Section 19. Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous Drugs. – The
of injuries. Intent to kill – or animus interficendi– cannot and penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from
should not be inferred, unless there is proof beyond Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million
reasonable doubt of such intent. Furthermore, the victim’s pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person,
death must not have been the product of accident, natural who, unless authorized by law, shall make or issue a
cause, or suicide. If death resulted from an act executed prescription or any other writing purporting to be a prescription
without malice or criminal intent – but with lack of for any dangerous drug.
foresight, carelessness, or negligence – the act must be
qualified as reckless or simple negligence or imprudence Person/s liable: Any person
resulting in homicide. Act/s punishable: Make or issue a prescription or any other writing
purporting to be a prescription for any dangerous drug, not authorized
Note1: Conspiracy cannot exist in reckless imprudence. by law
 Conspiracy, as a method of commission of a crime,
shows (criminal/malicious) intent. Note2: The person making or issuing the prescription should not be
 On the other hand, in quasi-crimes, intent to commit is authorized to issue/prescribe dangerous drugs to be covered by the
absent. section.
Note2: There is no such crime as “criminal negligence.”
Note3: The penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua to death.
Libel and Slander
Republic Act No. 10918
Article 353. Definition of libel. - A libel is public and malicious Philippine Pharmacy Act
imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary,
or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance Section 34. Physician’s Sample. – Pharmaceutical products
tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a given or intended to be given to be given free to any health
natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one professional by a manufacturer or distributor or its
who is dead. professional service representative as part of its program or
promotion shall not be sold to any pharmaceutical outlet
Article 358. Slander. - Oral defamation shall be punished or the consuming public.
by arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional
in its minimum period if it is of a serious and insulting nature; The statement, “Sample, Not for Sale”, or its equivalent,
otherwise the penalty shall be arresto menor or a fine not shall appear conspicuously on the primary and secondary
exceeding 200 pesos. packaging of the drug or combination product (medical device
and drug) classified as drug according to the primary intended
Case: People v. Chavez (O.G. 8886, Vol. 53, No. 24) mode of action to be given. It shall be unlawful to remove,
Question: Whether or not the statement of the nurse is libelous – No. erase, or deface, or mark the original labels of the
Note1: There is no showing that there was malice (-ious intent) on the
part of the nurse when the statement was made. Pharmaceutical products classified as antimicrobials,
including anti-TB medicines, and other classifications of
Republic Act No. 9165 medicines, as may be prescribed by the FDA, shall not be
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act given or distributed as physician’s samples.

Section 18. Unnecessary Prescription of Dangerous Drugs. – The Note1: Samples should be given for free.
penalty of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day Note2: According to Atty. Capule, the problem with the law is that it is
to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand easy to remove the sign “sample not for sale.”
pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
and the additional penalty of the revocation of his/her license to practice Note3: If patients insist on buying outside the hospital pharmacy,
shall be imposed upon the practitioner, who shall prescribe any hospitals now require its patients to sign a waiver which provides for the
dangerous drug to any person whose physical or physiological condition waiving of liability of the hospital in case of drug-related reactions when/if
does not require the use or in the dosage prescribed therein, as the drug taken is purchased outside the hospital’s pharmacy.
determined by the Board in consultation with recognized competent
experts who are authorized representatives of professional Note4: When personnel who is not a pharmacist (employed in a
organizations of practitioners, particularly those who are involved in the pharmaceutical establishment or outlet), thereby commits a violation of
care of persons with severe pain. the act, the owner of such establishment is jointly liable. (Sec. 46)

Person/s liable: Practitioner Note5: Not all drugstores are allowed to sell dangerous drugs. In re: RA
Act/s punishable: Prescription of any dangerous drug to any person 9165, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) may exercise
whose physical or psychological condition does not require the use or in visitorial powers/rights on pharmacies (Sec. 40, RA 9165)
the dosage prescribed therein
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Presidential Decree No. 169 Republic Act No. 6675

Requiring Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics, etc. to Report Treatment for Generics Act of 1988
Physical Injuries
B) Any juridical person who violates Section 6(c), 6(d), 7 or 8
1. The attending physician of any hospital, medical clinic, shall suffer the penalty of a fine of not less than five thousand
sanitarium or other medical establishments, or any medical pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than ten thousand pesos
practitioner, who has treated any person for serious or less (P10,000.00) and suspension or revocation of license to
serious physical injuries as those injuries are defined in operate such drug establishment or drug outlet at the
Articles 262, 263, 264 and 265 of the Revised Penal Code discretion of the Court: Provided, That its officers directly
shall report the fact of such treatment personally or by fastest responsible for the violation shall suffer the penalty of fine and
means of communication to the nearest Philippine suspension or revocation of license to practice profession, if
Constabulary unit without delay: Provided, That no fee shall applicable, and by imprisonment of not less than six (6)
be charged for the transmission of such report through months nor more than one (1) year or both fine and
government communication facilities; imprisonment at the discretion of the Court

Physical injuries are covered: Note1: The law provides for judicial revocation of license as a doctor.
1. Serious Physical Injuries Note2: This is the second law that provides for a judicial revocation of
2. Less Serious Physical Injuries license, the first being RA 9165.
Note3: Revocation as part of the penalty is summary in nature.
Note1: The intent of the law is to be able to report such injuries to the
nearest Philippine Constabulary Republic Act No. 8504
Note2: Under the RPC, cases of serious/less serious physical injuries Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
must be reported to the nearest government health authority (mayor,
under the IRR) Compulsory HIV Testing – refers to HIV testing imposed upon
a person attended or characterized by the lack of or vitiated
Note3: Under the Sanitation Code (P.D. 856, Sec. 91(f); IRR: Disposal consent, use of physical force, intimidation or any form of
of Dead Persons, Ch. XXI), if it is suspected that a person is dead under compulsion.
suspicious circumstances, the same must be reported to the police
authorities (PNP, NBI). Note1: Compulsory HIV testing is unlawful under RA 8504. (Sec.2(b)(1))
Note2: Written informed consent is required for voluntary HIV testing
4.6. Medico-Legal Cases (Sec. 15)
4.6.1. If the local health officer who issues a death certificate Note3: Lawful consent to HIV testing is deemed given as to donated
has reasons to believe that the cause of death was due to human body, organ, tissue, or blood when a person volunteers or freely
violence or crime, he shall notify immediately the authorities agrees to donate his/her blood, organ, or tissue for transfusion,
of the Philippine National Police or National Bureau of transplantation, or research. (Sec. 15(a))
Investigation concerned
Act No. 3753
Presidential Decree No. 603 Law on Registry of Civil Status (Issuance of Birth/Death Certificate)
Child and Youth Welfare Code
Section 5. Registration and Certification of Birth. – The
Article 166. Report of Maltreated or Abused Child. - All declaration of the physician or midwife in attendance at the
hospitals, clinics and other institutions as well as private birth or, in default thereof, the declaration of either parent of
physicians providing treatment shall, within forty-eight hours the newborn child, shall be sufficient for the registration of a
from knowledge of the case, report in writing to the city or birth in the civil register. Such declaration shall be exempt
provincial fiscal or to the Local Council for the Protection of from the documentary stamp tax and shall be sent to the local
Children or to the nearest unit of the Department of Social civil registrar not later than thirty days after the birth, by the
Welfare, any case of a maltreated or abused child, or physician, or midwife in attendance at the birth or by either
exploitation of an employed child contrary to the provisions of parent of the newly born child.
labor laws. It shall be the duty of the Council for the Protection
of Children or the unit of the Department of Social Welfare to In such declaration, the persons above mentioned shall certify
whom such a report is made to forward the same to the to the following facts: (a) date and hour of birth; (b) sex and
provincial or city fiscal. nationality of infant; (c) names, citizenship, and religion of
parents or, in case the father is not known, of the mother
What must be reported: Any case of maltreatment or abuse of a child, alone; (d) civil status of parents; (e) place where the infant was
or exploitation of an employed child born; (f) and such other data may be required in the regulation
Period to report: Within 48 hours from knowledge of the case to be issued.

Note1: Under the VAWC, it is not required for doctors and hospitals to In the case of an exposed child, the person who found the
report to the police authorities. same shall report to the local civil registrar the place, date and
Note2: In fact, medical records are made confidential under the law. hour of finding and other attendant circumstances.
(Sec. 44, RA 9262)
In case of an illegitimate child, the birth certificate shall be
signed and sworn to jointly by the parents of the infant or only
the mother if the father refuses. In the latter case, it shall not
be permissible to state or reveal in the document the name of
the father who refuses to acknowledge the child, or to give
A D S A L V A D O R R e v i e w e r |4

therein any information by which such father could be 31. Variola or Smallpox
identified. 32. Varioloid
33. Varicella
Any fetus having human features which dies after twenty four
34. Vincent's Angina
hours of existence completely disengaged from the maternal
35. Whooping Cough
womb shall be entered in the proper registers as having been 36. Yellow Fever
born and having died. 37. Any other disease publicly declared by the Director of Health to be
communicable and dangerous to the public health.
Section 6. Death certificate and register. – No human body
shall be buried unless the proper death certificate has been Republic Act No. 7170
presented and recorded in the office of the local civil registrar. Organ Donation Act of 1991
The physician who attended the deceased or, in his default
the health officer concerned, or in default of the latter, any That the physician, head of hospital or officer designated by
member of the family of the deceased or any person having the hospital for this purpose has exerted reasonable efforts,
knowledge of the death, shall report the same to the local within forty-eight (48) hours, to locate the nearest relative
health authorities, who shall issue a death certificate and shall listed in Section 4 hereof or guardian of the decedent at the
order the same to be recorded in the office of the local civil time of death. (Sec. 9)
registrar. The death certificate, which shall be issued by the
attending physician of the deceased or, in his default, by the Case: Alano v. Magud-Lugmao (G.R. No. 175540, April 7, 2014)
proper health officer, shall contain the following data be Question: Whether or not the “harvest” of the organ without the consent
furnished by the person reporting the death; (a) date and of the family is valid. – Yes. The Court reasoned that the complainant
place of death; (b) full name, (c) age, (d) sex, (e) occupation failed to adduce evidence to define reasonable time to constitute good
or profession, (f) residence; (g) status as regards marriage, faith on the part of NKTI.
(h) nationality of the deceased, and (i) probable cause of
death. Furthermore, as found by the lower courts from the records of
the case, the doctors and personnel of NKI disseminated
During epidemics, bodies may be buried provided the proper notices of the death of respondent's son to the media and
death certificates have been secured, which shall be sought the assistance of the appropriate police authorities as
registered not later than five days after the burial of the body. early as March 2, 1988, even before petitioner issued the
Memorandum. Prior to performing the procedure for retrieval
Act No. 3573 of the deceased's internal organs, the doctors concerned also
An Act Providing for the Prevention and Suppression of Dangerous the sought the opinion and approval of the Medico-Legal
Communicable Diseases, and for Other Purposes Officer of the NBI.

Note1: The law is an exercise of police power; privacy and private Thus, there can be no cavil that petitioner employed
interests are set aside reasonable means to disseminate notifications intended
to reach the relatives of the deceased. The only question
Q: What is a “reportable disease”? a case of reportable or that remains pertains to the sufficiency of time allowed for
communicable disease," for the purpose of this Act, shall be held to notices to reach the relatives of the deceased. x x x
include any person sick of, or affected or attacked by, any of the
following diseases: Ultimately, it is respondent's failure to adduce adequate
evidence that doomed this case. x x x Here, there is no proof
1. Actinomycosis that, indeed, the period of around 24 hours from the time
2. Acute anterior poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis) notices were disseminated, cannot be considered as
3. Anthrax reasonable under the circumstances. They failed to
4. Asiatic cholera
present any expert witness to prove that given the medical
5. Beriberi (adults and infants)
technology and knowledge at that time in the 1980's, the
6. Cerebrospinal meningitis (epidemic),
7. Diphtheria doctors could or should have waited longer before harvesting
8. Dysentery (amoebic and bacillary) the internal organs for transplantation.
9. Encephalitis
10. Lethargica Note1: See: R.A. 349 in re: Double organ transplant
11. Filariasis Note2: Under the R.H. Law, consent of the other spouse is required in
12. Food poisoning
matters concerning the reproductive health (ligation, vasectomy, etc.).
13. Glanders
Under R.A. 349, consent of the other spouse is not required. Under R.H.
14. Influenza
15. Leprosy Law, in cases of disagreement, the courts will decide.
16. Malaria
17. Measles ”The issue of reproductive health is diluted by a third party – the courts.”
18. Mumps –Atty. Capule.
19. Ophthalmia Necrotorum
20. Plague
Baldos v. Court of Appeals (G.R. No. 170645, July 9, 2010)
21. Pneumonia (Lobar, Lobular, Or Bronchial)
Question: Whether or not late registration of birth is valid. – Yes. The
22. Rabies
23. Relapsing Fever applicable law in the case at bar is Act No. 3753, and not P.D. 651. Act
24. Scarlet Fever No. 3753 governs registration of births not covered by P.D. 651.
25. Septic Sore Throat (Epidemic)
26. Tetanus Under NCSO A.O. No. 1-83, the birth of a child shall be
27. Trachoma registered in the office of the local civil registrar within 30 days
28. Tuberculosis
from the time of birth.14 Any report of birth made beyond the
29. Typhoid And Paratyphoid Fever
reglementary period is considered delayed.15 The local civil
30. Typhus Fever
A D S A L V A D O R R e v i e w e r |5

registrar, upon receiving an application for delayed

registration of birth, is required to publicly post for at least ten
days a notice of the pending application for delayed
registration.16 If after ten days no one opposes the
registration and the local civil registrar is convinced beyond
doubt that the birth should be registered, he should register
the same.

Reynaldo’s certificate of live birth, as a duly registered public

document, is presumed to have gone through the process
prescribed by law for late registration of birth. It was only on 8
March 1995, after the lapse of ten long years from the
approval on 11 February 1985 of the application for delayed
registration of Reynaldo’s birth, that Nieves registered her
opposition. She should have done so within the ten-day period
prescribed by law. Records show that no less than Nieves
herself informed the local civil registrar of the birth of
Reynaldo. At the time of her application for delayed
registration of birth, Nieves claimed that Reynaldo was her
son. Between the facts stated in a duly registered public
document and the flip-flopping statements of Nieves, we are
more inclined to stand by the former.

Republic v. Cagandahan and Silverio v. Republic: DISTINGUISH

A D S A L V A D O R R e v i e w e r |6

NATURE OF MEDICAL PRACTICE specialist is generally evaluated by a peer review committee

on the basis of mortality and morbidity statistics, and feedback
Case: Harley v. Eddingfield, 156 Ind. 416 (Ind. 1901) from patients, nurses, interns and residents. A consultant
remiss in his duties, or a consultant who regularly falls short
The alleged wrongful act was appellee's refusal to enter into of the minimum standards acceptable to the hospital or its
a contract of employment. Counsel do not contend that, peer review committee, is normally politely terminated.
before the enactment of the law regulating the practice of
medicine, physicians were bound to render professional In other words, private hospitals, hire, fire and exercise real
service to everyone who applied. Whart. Neg. § 731. The act control over their attending and visiting "consultant" staff.
regulating the practice of medicine provides for a board of While "consultants" are not, technically employees, a
examiners, standards of qualification, examinations, licenses point which respondent hospital asserts in denying all
to those found qualified, and penalties for practicing without responsibility for the patient's condition, the control
license. Acts 1897, p. 255; Acts 1899, p. 247. The act is a exercised, the hiring, and the right to terminate
preventive, not a compulsive, measure. In obtaining the consultants all fulfill the important hallmarks of an
state's license (permission) to practice medicine, the state employer-employee relationship, with the exception of the
does not require, and the licensee does not engage, that he payment of wages. In assessing whether such a relationship
will practice at all or on other terms than he may choose to in fact exists, the control test is determining. Accordingly, on
accept. the basis of the foregoing, we rule that for the purpose of
allocating responsibility in medical negligence cases, an
Note1: Spells of Illness Doctrine – for every treatment, a new contract employer-employee relationship in effect exists between
is required; for every spell of illness, a doctor-patient relationship must hospitals and their attending and visiting physicians. This
be established. being the case, the question now arises as to whether or not
respondent hospital is solidarily liable with respondent doctors
Three contracts when a patient enters the hospital: for petitioner's condition.
1. Patient and Doctor
2. Patient and Hospital The basis for holding an employer solidarily responsible for
3. Doctor and Hospital the negligence of its employee is found in Article 2180 of the
Civil Code which considers a person accountable not only for
Doctors as “independent contractors” his own acts but also for those of others based on the former's
responsibility under a relationship of patria potestas. Such
Note1: The liability of hospitals are vicarious and direct. responsibility ceases when the persons or entity concerned
prove that they have observed the diligence of a good father
Case: Ramos v. Court of Appeals (G.R. No. 124354, 1999/2002) of the family to prevent damage. In other words, while the
Question: Whether or not an employer-employee relationship exists burden of proving negligence rests on the plaintiffs, once
between the hospital and a doctor who is an “independent contractor”. – negligence is shown, the burden shifts to the respondents
Yes (1999) No (2002). (parent, guardian, teacher or employer) who should prove that
they observed the diligence of a good father of a family to
1999 Decision (Control Test): prevent damage.
We now discuss the responsibility of the hospital in this
particular incident. The unique practice (among private In the instant case, respondent hospital, apart from a general
hospitals) of filling up specialist staff with attending and visiting denial of its responsibility over respondent physicians, failed
"consultants," who are allegedly not hospital employees, to adduce evidence showing that it exercised the diligence of
presents problems in apportioning responsibility for a good father of a family in the hiring and supervision of the
negligence in medical malpractice cases. However, the latter. It failed to adduce evidence with regard to the degree
difficulty is only more apparent than real. of supervision which it exercised over its physicians. In
neglecting to offer such proof, or proof of a similar nature,
In the first place, hospitals exercise significant control in the respondent hospital thereby failed to discharge its burden
hiring and firing of consultants and in the conduct of their work under the last paragraph of Article 2180. Having failed to do
within the hospital premises. Doctors who apply for this, respondent hospital is consequently solidarily
"consultant" slots, visiting or attending, are required to submit responsible with its physicians for Erlinda's condition.
proof of completion of residency, their educational
qualifications; generally, evidence of accreditation by the 2002 Decision:
appropriate board (diplomate), evidence of fellowship in most It has been consistently held that in determining whether an
cases, and references. These requirements are carefully employer-employee relationship exists between the parties,
scrutinized by members of the hospital administration or by a the following elements must be present: (1) selection and
review committee set up by the hospital who either accept or engagement of services; (2) payment of wages; (3) the power
reject the application. This is particularly true with respondent to hire and fire; and (4) the power to control not only the end
hospital. to be achieved, but the means to be used in reaching such an
After a physician is accepted, either as a visiting or attending
consultant, he is normally required to attend clinico- DLSMC maintains that first, a hospital does not hire or engage
pathological conferences, conduct bedside rounds for clerks, the services of a consultant, but rather, accredits the latter and
interns and residents, moderate grand rounds and patient grants him or her the privilege of maintaining a clinic and/or
audits and perform other tasks and responsibilities, for the admitting patients in the hospital upon a showing by the
privilege of being able to maintain a clinic in the hospital, consultant that he or she possesses the necessary
and/or for the privilege of admitting patients into the hospital. qualifications, such as accreditation by the appropriate board
In addition to these, the physician's performance as a (diplomate), evidence of fellowship and references. Second, it
A D S A L V A D O R R e v i e w e r |7

is not the hospital but the patient who pays the consultants fee has authority to perform the particular act in
for services rendered by the latter. Third, a hospital does not question.
dismiss a consultant; instead, the latter may lose his or her
accreditation or privileges granted by the hospital. Lastly, The applicability of apparent authority in the field of hospital
DLSMC argues that when a doctor refers a patient for liability was upheld long time ago in Irving v. Doctor Hospital
admission in a hospital, it is the doctor who prescribes the of Lake Worth, Inc. There, it was explicitly stated that "there
treatment to be given to said patient. The hospitals obligation does not appear to be any rational basis for excluding the
is limited to providing the patient with the preferred room concept of apparent authority from the field of hospital
accommodation, the nutritional diet and medications liability." Thus, in cases where it can be shown that a hospital,
prescribed by the doctor, the equipment and facilities by its actions, has held out a particular physician as its agent
necessary for the treatment of the patient, as well as the and/or employee and that a patient has accepted treatment
services of the hospital staff who perform the ministerial tasks from that physician in the reasonable belief that it is being
of ensuring that the doctors orders are carried out strictly. rendered in behalf of the hospital, then the hospital will be
liable for the physician’s negligence.
After a careful consideration of the arguments raised by
DLSMC, the Court finds that respondent hospitals position on Our jurisdiction recognizes the concept of an agency by
this issue is meritorious. There is no employer-employee implication or estoppel. Article 1869 of the Civil Code reads:
relationship between DLSMC and Drs. Gutierrez and Hosaka
which would hold DLSMC solidarily liable for the injury ART. 1869. Agency may be express, or implied
suffered by petitioner Erlinda under Article 2180 of the Civil from the acts of the principal, from his silence or
Code. x x x lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the agency,
knowing that another person is acting on his behalf
Moreover, the contract between the consultant in respondent without authority.
hospital and his patient is separate and distinct from the
contract between respondent hospital and said patient. The In this case, PSI publicly displays in the lobby of the Medical
first has for its object the rendition of medical services by the City Hospital the names and specializations of the physicians
consultant to the patient, while the second concerns the associated or accredited by it, including those of Dr. Ampil and
provision by the hospital of facilities and services by its staff Dr. Fuentes. We concur with the Court of Appeals’ conclusion
such as nurses and laboratory personnel necessary for the that it "is now estopped from passing all the blame to the
proper treatment of the patient. physicians whose names it proudly paraded in the public
directory leading the public to believe that it vouched for their
Further, no evidence was adduced to show that the injury skill and competence." Indeed, PSI’s act is tantamount to
suffered by petitioner Erlinda was due to a failure on the part holding out to the public that Medical City Hospital, through its
of respondent DLSMC to provide for hospital facilities and accredited physicians, offers quality health care services. By
staff necessary for her treatment. accrediting Dr. Ampil and Dr. Fuentes and publicly advertising
their qualifications, the hospital created the impression that
Note2: Nowadays, the doctor as an employee or independent contractor they were its agents, authorized to perform medical or surgical
is immaterial. services for its patients.

Case: PSI v. Agana (G.R. No. 126297) 2010 Decision (Ostensible Agency)
Question: Whether or not PSI is liable for the negligence of one of its After gathering its thoughts on the issues, this Court holds that
doctors. – Yes. PSI is liable to the Aganas, not under the principle of
respondeat superior for lack of evidence of an employment
Note1: The case cited the doctrine provided by Ramos (1999). relationship with Dr. Ampil but under the principle of ostensible
agency for the negligence of Dr. Ampil and, pro hac vice,
2007 Decision (Apparent Authority/Ostensible Agency): under the principle of corporate negligence for its failure to
perform its duties as a hospital.
Apparent authority, or what is sometimes referred to as the
"holding out" theory, or doctrine of ostensible agency or While in theory a hospital as a juridical entity cannot practice
agency by estoppel, has its origin from the law of agency. It medicine, in reality it utilizes doctors, surgeons and medical
imposes liability, not as the result of the reality of a contractual practitioners in the conduct of its business of facilitating
relationship, but rather because of the actions of a principal or medical and surgical treatment. Within that reality, three legal
an employer in somehow misleading the public into believing relationships crisscross: (1) between the hospital and the
that the relationship or the authority exists. The concept is doctor practicing within its premises; (2) between the hospital
essentially one of estoppel and has been explained in this and the patient being treated or examined within its premises
manner: and (3) between the patient and the doctor. The exact nature
of each relationship determines the basis and extent of the
"The principal is bound by the acts of his agent with liability of the hospital for the negligence of the doctor.
the apparent authority which he knowingly permits
the agent to assume, or which he holds the agent Where an employment relationship exists, the hospital may be
out to the public as possessing. The question in held vicariously liable under Article 2176 in relation to Article
every case is whether the principal has by his 2180 of the Civil Code or the principle of respondeat superior.
voluntary act placed the agent in such a situation Even when no employment relationship exists but it is shown
that a person of ordinary prudence, conversant with that the hospital holds out to the patient that the doctor is its
business usages and the nature of the particular agent, the hospital may still be vicariously liable under Article
business, is justified in presuming that such agent 2176 in relation to Article 1431 and Article 1869 of the Civil
Code or the principle of apparent authority. Moreover,
A D S A L V A D O R R e v i e w e r |8

regardless of its relationship with the doctor, the hospital may There are four essential elements a plaintiff must prove in a
be held directly liable to the patient for its own negligence or malpractice action based upon the doctrine of informed
failure to follow established standard of conduct to which it consent: "(1) the physician had a duty to disclose material
should conform as a corporation. x x x risks; (2) he failed to disclose or inadequately disclosed those
risks; (3) as a direct and proximate result of the failure to
Control as a determinative factor in testing the employer- disclose, the patient consented to treatment she otherwise
employee relationship between doctor and hospital under would not have consented to; and (4) plaintiff was injured by
which the hospital could be held vicariously liable to a patient the proposed treatment." The gravamen in an informed
in medical negligence cases is a requisite fact to be consent case requires the plaintiff to "point to significant
established by preponderance of evidence. Here, there was undisclosed information relating to the treatment which would
insufficient evidence that PSI exercised the power of control have altered her decision to undergo it.
or wielded such power over the means and the details of the
specific process by which Dr. Ampil applied his skills in the Examining the evidence on record, we hold that there was
treatment of Natividad. Consequently, PSI cannot be held adequate disclosure of material risks inherent in the
vicariously liable for the negligence of Dr. Ampil under the chemotherapy procedure performed with the consent of
principle of respondeat superior. Angelica’s parents. Respondents could not have been
unaware in the course of initial treatment and amputation of
There is, however, ample evidence that the hospital (PSI) held Angelica’s lower extremity, that her immune system was
out to the patient (Natividad) that the doctor (Dr. Ampil) was already weak on account of the malignant tumor in her knee.
its agent. Present are the two factors that determine apparent When petitioner informed the respondents beforehand of the
authority: first, the hospital's implied manifestation to the side effects of chemotherapy which includes lowered counts
patient which led the latter to conclude that the doctor was the of white and red blood cells, decrease in blood platelets,
hospital's agent; and second, the patients reliance upon the possible kidney or heart damage and skin darkening, there is
conduct of the hospital and the doctor, consistent with reasonable expectation on the part of the doctor that the
ordinary care and prudence. respondents understood very well that the severity of these
side effects will not be the same for all patients undergoing the
Patient-Physician Confidentiality/ Privileged Communication procedure. In other words, by the nature of the disease itself,
each patient’s reaction to the chemical agents even with pre-
Case: Krohn v. Court of Appeals (G.R. 108854, June 14, 1994) treatment laboratory tests cannot be precisely determined by
Question: Whether or not the presentation of the psychological the physician. That death can possibly result from
evaluation of the wife by the husband (for annulment purposes) is complications of the treatment or the underlying cancer itself,
admissible. – No. However, the court ruled that the same is not immediately or sometime after the administration of
privileged communication, but rather hearsay evidence. chemotherapy drugs, is a risk that cannot be ruled out, as with
most other major medical procedures, but such conclusion
Note1: Remedy of wife is to question the manner in which the husband can be reasonably drawn from the general side effects of
obtained the evaluation. (See: Data Privacy Act) chemotherapy already disclosed.

Case: Lim v. Court of Appeals (G.R. No. 91114, September 25, 1992) As a physician, petitioner can reasonably expect the
Question: Whether or not the attending physician may be presented as respondents to have considered the variables in the
an expert witness. – Yes. The matters to which the physician will testify recommended treatment for their daughter afflicted with a life-
is only about his knowledge and expertise on the field of medicine and threatening illness. x x x
not on the consultation/confidences with his/her patient.
Nevertheless, juries that ultimately determine whether a
Note2: You cannot compel a doctor to give an opinion. physician properly informed a patient are inevitably guided by
what they perceive as the common expectation of the medical
Case: Chan v. Chan (G.R. No. 179786, July 24, 2013) consumer—"a reasonable person in the patient’s position
The case is an annulment case. In his answer, the husband disclosed when deciding to accept or reject a recommended
that he was forced to be hospitalized. The wife then resorted to modes medical procedure."
of discovery (production of documents) under the Rules of Court for the
production of the records of the husband. Question: Does informed consent amount to assumption of risk? No.
As to voluntariness
Question: Whether or not an answer to production of documents (modes AR: There is total voluntariness on the part of the person/victim
of discovery) amount to a waiver. – No. It is premature for the wife to IC: There is no voluntariness present. The decision was forced by the
resort to such mode. The answer merely mentioned the information but circumstances
this does not mean that the same will be raised as an issue nor will it be “All illnesses are not things that you volunteered to have.” –Atyy. Capule.
presented as evidence.
General Consent: upon admission in a hospital, you are deemed to
Patient-Litigant Waiver: Once a patient-litigant raised an issue have consented to –
regarding his/her medical records, the same constitutes a waiver of the 1.
confidentiality of such records.
Note1: Informed consent is required if an invasive procedure is involved.
Informed Consent v. Assumption of Risk Note2: In distinguishing lack of informed consent v. lack of consent, the
question to be asked is: “Had the risk been told to me, would I consent
Case: Li v. Sps. Soliman (G.R. No. 165279, June 7, 2011) to the same?”
Question: Whether or not there was informed consent on the part of the
parents of the patient. – Yes.
A D S A L V A D O R R e v i e w e r |9

A D S A L V A D O R R e v i e w e r | 10

PHYSICAL INJURIES c. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,

shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault
Revised Penal Code Provisions upon a street car or locomotive, fall of an airship, by
Administering Injurious Substances means of motor vehicles, or with the use of any other
means involving great waste and ruin.
Article 264. Administering injurious substances or beverages. d. On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the
- The penalties established by the next preceding article shall preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption of a
be applicable in the respective case to any person who, volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic or other public
without intent to kill, shall inflict upon another any serious, calamity.
physical injury, by knowingly administering to him any e. With evident premeditation.
injurious substance or beverages or by taking advantage of f. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting
his weakness of mind or credulity. the suffering of the victim, or outraging or scoffing at his
person or corpse.
Note1: There is no intent to kill.
Note2: If the person dies, the crime committed is reckless imprudence “Qualified Less Serious Physical Injuries”
resulting to homicide.
Any less serious physical injuries inflicted upon the offender's
When/how committed: Inflict serious physical injuries by administering parents, ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers, or
any injurious substance or beverage: persons of rank, or persons in authority, shall be punished by
a. Knowingly prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods,
b. Taking advantage of his weakness of mind or credulity provided that, in the case of persons in authority, the deed
does not constitute the crime of assault upon such person.
When committed: Serious less physical injuries inflicted upon:
Article 262. Mutilation. - The penalty of reclusion temporal to 1. Parents
reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon any person who 2. Ascendants
shall intentionally mutilate another by depriving him, either 3. Guardians
totally or partially, or some essential organ of reproduction. 4. Curators
Any other intentional mutilation shall be punished by prision 5. Teachers
mayor in its medium and maximum periods. 6. Persons of rank
7. Persons in authority
Note1: Mutilation v. Serious Physical – In mutilation, the intent is to Note1: If inflicted upon person in authority, the same does not
mutilate/ deprive him of some organ. On the other hand, the intent in constitute assault upon the person.
serious physical injuries is to inflict injury to another.

“Qualified Serious Physical Injuries”

If the offense shall have been committed against any of the

persons enumerated in Article 246, or with attendance of any
of the circumstances mentioned in Article 248, the case
covered by subdivision number 1 of this Article shall be
punished by reclusion temporal in its medium and maximum
periods; the case covered by subdivision number 2 by prision
correccional in its maximum period to prision mayor in its
minimum period; the case covered by subdivision number 3
by prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods;
and the case covered by subdivision number 4 by prision
correccional in its minimum and medium periods.

The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not be

applicable to a parent who shall inflict physical injuries upon
his child by excessive chastisement.

When committed: It is “qualified serious physical injuries” if inflicted

1. The following persons:
a. Father/Mother
b. Child
c. Spouse
d. Any ascendant/descendant
2. Under the circumstances
a. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength,
with the aid of armed men, or employing means to
weaken the defense or of means or persons to insure or
afford impunity.
b. In consideration of a price, reward, or promise.

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