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What schemes are being put in place to resolve knife crime?

What are you hoping to achieve through choosing this topic?

We will be educating people on the scheme that have been put in place for knife crime, I feel that
this is something that people need to be more educated on as they don’t understand the
importance and this is also a topic that we feel 16-24 year olds would be interested in. We will be
going into detail about one or two of the schemes to give are audiences a clearer understanding, I
think that if we able to inform are audience in a way they are more knowable by the end of the
programme we have successed. I feel that people think that knife crime and the important of isn’t
being dealt with because it is still rising as the years continue. I would like to inform the audience
that it is being dealt with. Knife crime has effected a lot of people over the world, the area we have
decided to focus in on is Croydon, Croydon has been known to have a big track record for knife
crime, we will be talking to a professional in this topic so are audience take the programme seriously
in our factual programme and we have found true facts on this topic. We want to kept our audiences
interested in our programme, we will be talking to professionals male and female.

Factual programme concept

For are factual programme, the programme will begin with the presenter walking around Croydon
(Roundshaw), The camera will be following the presenter as she walks around, the presenter will
also be walking towards the camera and talking directly at it. When showing Croydon we want to
show the city for what it is. The presenter will be using a formal tone within her voice and will be
dress formally this will show this topic is important and something that need to addressed in a
formal way, as she walks around Croydon she will be explaining facts to do with knife crime and also
incident that have happened as she walks around Croydon, she will also be explaining different
schemes that have been put in place and showing the audiences locations where others have been
stabbed, this will give the audience a better understanding of Croydon. She will be doing this for
around 1 minute to 1.30 minute, then programme will then change to an interview setting and will
be interviewing an expert on the topic, we will be asking them questions to do with the topic, feel
that because we kept changing the location and then changing to and interview this will appeal to
our target audience, change can simulate the mind and that is something I want to achieve when
making the programme.

Animation concept
For my 30 second animation film will be splitting my time into two 15 second clips, in the 15 second
clips I will be showing two different schemes briefly, I will using clay-motion and I will be making all
my own projects. Firstly I will be explaining Damiloa Taylor Trust, the first shot there will be a clay
model of Damilola Taylor holding a sign saying “Damiloa Taylor Trust”, and he will have an angel halo
around this head, the next shot of someone briefly kicking a ball, then someone doing yoga in the
tree pose and then a dancer jumping, there will be a voice over saying what the scheme do but this
will be brief description at the end of the 15 seconds, the animation will then change to a police
officer holding a sign saying “London’s operation blunt”, the first shot will be a character walking
through a metal detector arch with a people officer standing to the side of the arch, the next scene
will be an officer putting down other people to search for knives. There will also be a voice over
through this so the audience can understand the scheme.
Short film concept
In my short film want to show an incident of knife violence what to do if you are In this situation
personally or you see someone who is being attacked. I want this film to be educational and
informative and so I’m being able to help audience on what to do. This film will be filmed in Croydon
where knife violence has happened, to show the harsh reality of knife violence I want to you an old
lady walking around Croydon on her own after visiting the ATM, part of the gang notice she has
taken a lot of money out, this lady will look very viable , the camera will show this through the shoot
that will be used. The next shot is the second half of the gang, the gang of teenagers are aged 16-17,
The old lady walks past the gang, the gang notice the old lady and following her from a distance. The
old lady then walks into an alley way and the gang attack the old lady, And try to get the money off
of her but the old lady refuses, one of the members of the gang then pull out a knife and stabs the
old lady into the back. The gang then run away and leave the old lady dying on the floor with a knife
in her back, two teens are walking hand in hand and notice the old lady, they run over to her and try
their best to help her, one of the teenagers then calls the police and we are able to hear the
convocation between the teenager and the police officer at the end of the film text come on to the
scene saying “If you witness any kind of knife violence and know someone is being threatened don’t
hesitate to call the police on 999”, I want to make sure that the film is clear so the target audience
are able to respond to it.

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